kkuzushi · 2 months
“ 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵 𝗲𝘅𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 ”
✦ 𝗰haracters: sub!albedo x dom!reader
✦ 𝗰w: handjob, sensory deprivation; blindfolding & bondage, sensitive birthmark, fingering (giving), overstimulation, (sort of) public ‘sex’, no pronouns for reader
✦ 𝘄ord count: 1.10k
✦ 𝗻otes: I’ve been missing this pretty boy so much, I just wanna turn him into a moaning mess. TT
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Snowflakes fall gently to the ground, slowly covering the mountain with soft snow. The chilly atmosphere was more bearable now, mixed with the crackling sound of the bonfire behind you. The warmth of the fire relaxed your being, exhaustion wearing off from your body.
The stillness of the moment is accompanied with the heavy breathing of a blonde alchemist. The elegant heaving sparked your thoughts, how could someone be so beautiful just by the way their body shudders with every stroke of your hand?
“a-ah..! not so fastm-ngH! ♡” Albedo whimpered, voice cracking slightly as the speed of your hand on his cock surprised him. Despite his pleas of slowing down, his hips bucks onto your palm, wanting to receive more contact.
His head tilts back, if it wasn’t for the blindfold, you’d see the expression he has right now. The delicate appearance of his face mixed with his eyes rolling, oh it was arousing just to think about.
Alas, you have to control the temptation—depriving Albedo of sight to surprise him with every touch you give him. To add to his platter, his wrists are tied behind his back with red ropes, restricting him from breaking free of your grasp.
With his head tilted back, his pale neck was exposed, showing the four pointed star birthmark embedded to his skin. It was a wonderful sight; an eye-catching one at that.
Your head leaned down, lips making contact with his neck, directly on his birthmark. "guhAh~?!" a surprised moan left the chemist’s mouth, losing his sense of sight really leveled up the thrill of your actions.
His neck was showered with kisses, some bites here and there to mark his skin—all of it made Albedo squirm and whimper, his fingers curling inwards till his knuckles turned white.
"If you c-continue.. I'll– mmHNGH! ♡ ♡" His words were cut off as soon as he came on his work desk, making a mess on your palm. Albedo's body trembled with every cum that spilled out of him, whimpering as he tried to suppress his noises.
As he takes his time to calm down, you wipe your hand with a nearby towel before continuing with what you had in mind.
"Let's move on to phase two, shall we?" You asked rhetorically, pushing him down to the table gently, his back arching as if on command. Your hands reached down, caressing the supple skin of his ass.
Albedo laid half his body on the work desk, still breathing quite heavily after his release. The caresses on his rear was comforting to say the least, despite the fact that he can't really know your intentions for the next phase of the experiment.
"‘bedo," you cooed his name, "how many fingers am I holding?" a smile on your lips, it was unseeable but he could hear it directly from your tone.
The question confused him though, he was wearing a blindfold, how would he know?
"What exactly do you mean? I can't se– nghAH–!"
"How many fingers?"
Two fingers were inserted in his puffy hole, it was tight and wet. You took your time playing around him, eliciting gasps out of his pretty mouth. His ass stays up in the air, slowly going back and forth into your fingers, squelching sounds coming out of it.
Your fingers reach deeper within his walls, causing a breathy whine out of him. A sudden thrust, hitting his prostate, the whine turns to a louder moan. His back arching as your finger curls inwards, his mouth hangs open as you continue ramming the squishy spot.
The alchemist's head throws back as he starts salivating on his desk, legs trembling as he tries to stay sane from the amount of sheer pleasure he's getting from your fingers alone.
Another finger was added, abusing his wet hole before he let out a soft cry, "I'm.. mngh–! gonna cum..! ♡" Cock twitching while ropes of cum shoots out, back arching sharply with his tongue lolling out of his mouth. His entire body flinched as his orgasm lasted for a minute or two, finding the trouble of calming down.
A mere touch on his body causes him to flinch, he’s so sensitive that a slight brush of your fingertips could make him whimper. You grab his left thigh, lifting it up and placing it on the desk, “We’re getting to the end of this experiment,” you hummed.
The anticipation makes him weak, with one leg lifted up, you can see his cock. He was still hard, despite cumming twice already. He feels your hand once more, stroking his tip, emitting a surprised “gAH–!” out of him. As if that wasn’t enough, your fingers entered his hole again.
“W-Wait..! mmNgh hA-Ahh..! Too shenshitiveee!! ♡ ♡” Albedo bites his lower lip, trying to bottle up his moans yet it was futile. Everything felt too good, the stroking on his tip mixed with his hole getting fingered? It was all too much. The alchemist could barely contain himself, his mind was through overdrive with the pleasure you’re giving him.
He was no longer being quiet, his body was almost thrashing as he couldn’t restrain himself. If he wasn’t tied up right now, he’d be clawing the table. hard.
“a-ah! ah! t-too muchhhffghh–it’s too muchggAhH! ♡” The alchemist continued to babble until it turned into incoherent noises along with moans he can’t suppress any longer. His thoughts were fogged up, only thinking about how you’re stroking him with greater pace, three fingers hitting his prostate. He was being overstimulated to his core.
There was no surprise if his voice turned hoarse the next morning, all that matters is he’s enjoying his time, not that he could think of anything else anyway. “ohmmm– can’t anymorhgg..! chuminggghh–!! ♡ ♡ ♡”
The sluttiest moan came out of Albedo, his cock releasing again on your palm, slowly dripping down the floor. You took your fingers out of his hole to hold his waist, supporting his trembling body from falling down the desk. His back stayed arched, mouth hanging open as he continued to voice out his release. Loud pants came out of the alchemist, feeling the exhaustion hitting his body after three orgasms.
Once his noise dies down, you slowly remove the blindfold on his eyes, revealing the stream of tears now spilling to his cheeks. His eyes were glossy, daze and exhaustion mixed in his expression. “Did you enjoy that experiment?” you murmured yet he gave no reply.
His breath hitched as he gave a slight nod, unable to move too much. The way Albedo acts during his afterglow was amusing, you giggled and kissed his cheek, “Then we can conclude this experiment a success.”
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artverso · 4 days
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Kenneth Rocafort - Shi
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xuiseimushi · 8 days
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There was a time when I was imaging that they would be a pair unit of them…🥺
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crystalkokoro · 1 month
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The Limited Time Pickup Gacha featuring the Magical Girl Shi will be held from 16:00 Japan time on May 10th!
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puellamagifashion · 1 month
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Shi's magical girl outfit
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pulpsandcomics2 · 7 days
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orokothe · 10 months
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Pixel art
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dreamerwitches · 30 days
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Shii’s hell
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ratssad · 1 month
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Shii, the magical girl who writes Yu’s list is finally out ! I even got to pull her :3
That eye effect in her transformation…. That’s the doppel transformation effect, right….?
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tokisunaodabest · 1 month
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First thing that came to my mind after seeing Shi sprite.
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sinon36 · 2 months
Husband!Ghost x teacher!reader HC - Part 2
Part I
Author's block and tummy aches don't make a great team. Apologies that it took some time to post this. Enjoy!
Warnings: none other than mistakes, it's fluff.
Being a primary school teacher is far from easy. From the endless hours spent correcting homework or grading tests to preparing visual materials, your work never ends. Maybe you should listen to your colleagues and double down on the work you put into this. But you can’t deny the satisfaction you get from seeing your students get excited in class even when you assign extra work for them over weekends and holidays. But now that you came down with the flu, another downside of working with kids, you couldn’t care less about the little punks.
You lay down in bed covered in the thickest of blankets, shivering and barely able to breath. The house is empty and you’ve never felt so alone. You wish Simon would walk through the door and snuggle you until everything is better again. He was deployed again, and in the past few months you managed to talk to him for a total of 10 minutes. He’d call you to check on you and let you know he was fine, but he’d be quick to tell you he can’t say more about his whereabouts.
Being married to him brought a hell of a lot more stress than you could have imagined. Not knowing where he was or what he did was eating you on the inside. You worried about your husband’s well being but you always reminded yourself not to pester him too much. His job is stressful as it is, no need for you to put anymore pressure on him when he was home. You painted an image of his coworkers through his brief comments on what they did on base. The most you heard about was the Scot, Johnny, the young lad had made an impression on Simon. Even though he’d complain that Johnny was a ‘pain in the arse’, you couldn’t miss the small chuckle he let out whenever he spoke of him. You concluded that this young Scottish man was the closest thing to a friend your husband had.
The clock on the nightstand reads 2AM. The fever and headache are back. Your body hurts everywhere. you stand up readying yourself to leave the warm cocoon of the blanket and go to the kitchen to make some tea and take some more medicine. The otherwise short trip to the other side of the house seems now like an endless maze, it’s dark and you can barely see; you keep one hand on the wall just to be safe if nausea takes the better of you. You take a seat at the dinner table as the kettle starts warming up.
There is a faint click at the front door, so soft that at first you believe you imagined it. But it turns out that it was real, that the sound was a key turning the lock and the knob twisted, and the door opened. You watch everything as in slow motion, your brain too fuzzy with the flu. The massive body dressed in all black walks in illuminated from behind by the street lights, leaving their shoes on the rack. It’s Simon…. He’s home but you don’t have the energy to move. In the still and quiet atmosphere of the house the bloody kettle lets out a blood curling whistle signalling the water is boiling. Simon’s eyes dart towards the kitchen space, not having noticed you until now.
  ‘What’re you doin’ in the dark, love?’ he chuckles coming over to you. He’s becoming suspicious when you don’t make a single move to get up and greet him as you would. He first reaches for the knob to turn off the stove, then he pulls off the balaclava, reaching down to your sited position to kiss your forehead. ‘You a bit warm…’ he hums and you nod sniffling your runny nose. The rest is a blur, you can faintly remember him pouring the tea for you and handing the medicine. Next thing you know strong arms carry you to the bedroom, the same arms you fall asleep until morning.
Simon is trained in the art of staying still no matter what waiting to get a clear shot of the enemy. But since he met you, that skill has been put to a better use. He had no qualms with becoming your body pillow over night. He just loves the feeling of you pressed so closely to him, head rested on his peck near his beating heart. He would gladly stay there for an eternity is you asked him.
Anything for you. Always, no matter how costly or how small, he’d do anything to see you happy. That’s his love language, while he struggles to word it he makes up with his actions. And you’d never trade him for anyone else in the world. The following days are spent with him not leaving your side, pampering and loving you the way you’ve never been loved before.
Once you feel better, he asks you to go on a date just like first time he asked you accepted with a school girl giggle. It’s safe to say you’re in love. The date goes well and you find yourself walking through the park like two hopeless romantics, talking and laughing. He tells you that Soap caught a whiff of him being married to you and now he won’t stop pestering him with questions about you two. ‘Maybe you should invite him to dinner… if you want to.’ You smile at him. ‘Maybe’ he grunts not looking at you. Bringing Johnny to your house, to meet you, it involves risks. But he knows that he can trust the sergeant with his life, so what if his only friend meets his wife. Nothing can go wrong, right?
On base, Ghost approaches Soap in the armoury, making sure no one is in ear shot. He gives the Scot a date, time and the name of a bus station somewhere in suburban Manchester. At Soap’s questioning look Ghost lets out a grunt ‘Wife wants you to come to dinner.’ At that Soap grins and accepts politely which prompts the lieutenant to threaten to kill him if he tells anyone about this.
The day when Johnny arrives at your doorstep comes faster than expected. You open the door and greet him, rather warmly which is a stark contrast to your husband’s harsh demeanour. Opposites do attract, he supposes. At dinner you listen to him talk, about their time on base, stories from missions, nothing too detailed though, and about his own family. He shows you pictures of his sisters and his nieces and nephews. They’re cute. You talk about your pupils, sharing stories of your own. Johnny perks up at the knowledge that you are a primary school teacher. He asks if he can have your number in case he needs help with their homework. You gladly give it to him, asking in return to keep an eye on Simon for you. He accepts your deal.
Johnny leaves after a couple of hours, going back to the hotel, even though you insist he can take the couch. But you know that Simon is glaring at him over your shoulder daring him to accept. Once he left you turn towards your husband hugging him and kissing him. You thank him for letting you meet his colleague, and he reminds you that he’d do anything for his lovely wife.
A couple of weeks go by. You’re in bed with Simon having a heated kissing session when your phone rings. Groaning you pull off from him and grab it. Johnny’s name lights up the screen and you answer. The conversation is short, something about math and how to use the graphic method to solve a problem. Simon listens intently seeing you smile conspiratorially. When you end the call, he grabs you and pushes you underneath him, trapping you between his body and the bed. ‘Why does Johnny have your number?’ the low rumble pulls a laugh from you. You know you have no chance to lie to him, he’ll see right through. You explain to him that he wanted it so he can ask you whenever he doesn’t know how to solve his nephews’ homework. He watches you not really convinced by your answer. ‘You hate talking to parents on the phone. What did you get him do? Spy on me on base and report back to you?’ Busted. You laugh and let out an even more unconvincing ‘no’ for an answer. He knows you too well.
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artverso · 3 months
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Al Rio (in memoriam) - Shi
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curtvilescomic · 6 months
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Shi cover by Frank Frazetta
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crystalkokoro · 1 month
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Some screenshots of Iroha/Kuroe and Shi sprites
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puellamagifashion · 1 month
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Shi's uniform
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orokothe · 8 months
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OC art, Seshi Osei
Firefly vampire, or otherwise known as Adze is a vampiric entity known to take the form of a firefly that brings misfortune. This is told from Ewe people of Togo and Ghana.
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