shoyoist · 10 months
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how i feel about this image of shuji
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skinreflectsthesun · 11 months
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wtfuckevenknows · 2 years
I fucking hate my brain.
Future installment # 4 has words 🤦🏻‍♀️
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xanadontit · 3 months
It's comforting to know that in these uncertain times I can always count on one thing: Grifter Sister's unwavering commitment to being as tacky and attention-seeking as humanly possible.
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darkshrimpemotions · 1 year
Despite having defended season 8 Sam in the past I forgot how fucking insufferable he is in the first half of season 8. 😬
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freewayshark · 7 months
Every time a European acts like a family portioned KFC meal is clearly a single person’s meal because American Gluttony™️ I just want to start punching things
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puphoods · 1 year
they should make it illegal for people to have loud ass phone calls in the breakroom
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mallahanmoxie · 2 years
tumblr: doesn't show me inso's law posts in months
also tumblr: hey look it's jiho slander yes your favourite young boy eun jiho they hate him they don't want him to have a happy ending they don't get the themes they haven't read the full story have you seen it have you read it do you wanna reblog it i think this would interest you it's in your orbit!!!!!!????
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vampgf · 3 months
the more people i see complain about the new showrunner (she describes herself as a queer woman) on s3 of bridgerton the more i want her to keep "writing her fanfiction" as some people are putting it, for however many seasons they make after this. and by that i mean make everyone else gay and have them start dressing in 1980s fashion instead for even less historical accuracy that they seem to suddenly care so much about.
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realboutfatalfury · 8 months
ooohhh so many changes with the anime and manga of mashiro no oto actually wowzer they cut off a lot of things like taketo being relevant and showing rai wasn't the one that gave setsu advice but taketoooo i seee.... there's so much differences actually i don't think i can name it all... orz i guess i'll talk about the ones i thought was neat!
the part where souichi gets back home from school and notices that mai was eating his popsicle and mai replacing it with a different flavor and shutting himself in his room was awesome actually not bc that happened to him but i like that they did that :) showed more of souichi's character and show how he is as a person
was a bit disappointed they didn't show much of him during the anime and the anime equivalent of that scene only showed him enjoying the popsicle and mai was doing whatever she was doing originally without him interrupted
the other difference i really liked is umeko sky diving instead of getting a massage before she learns souichi joined a tsugaru shamisen club doesn't really affect the scene but i thought it was funny that she was just skydiving for kicks
biggest difference from the anime to the manga though that like changes much of the parts of the story is that the manga is clearly set during the late 2000s while the anime adaptation is modernized and set in like present time i wouldn't say it was a bad decision to set it in the present time but it makes some of the parts in the story more confusing i guess? like me and my sister were wondering how old exactly matsugorou and maeda's grandma was bc maeda's grandma was talking about having to be evacuated to the countryside bc of a war i think and me and my sister just kept getting confused bc she would've been reaaaaally old especially matsugorou
but since reading the manga it cleared it up since it would make more sense if the story was set in about 2009-2010 or maybe even earlier into the 2000s and the ages would match up at that point... idk there was also the scene with setsu asking kaito if he had a cassette tape played in the manga setsu didn't have one bc he just doesn't while the anime had to make kaito an audiophile to explain he had a cassette tape player it doesn't bother me at all i just thought it was funny there's also the whole thing with tv broadcasts still being a thing and people using emails in the manga while the anime's equivalent is livestreams and texting it's really fun to see the difference ^_^ hehe i guess that'd explain mai's whole thing about being a woman in a mostly male space and her struggling to be a competent player compared to her brother but i haven't gotten to that part so i'll just wait and see how that plays out
oh also the manga i say is better for showing more of the characters especially setsu's feelings while the anime is amazing at showing the visuals and sounds of the shamisen as well as character's reactions to it and showing more of the story's setting i'm not saying the opposite does a bad job than the other i fairly enjoyed the characters in the anime as well and the visuals of the shamisen playing is beautiful as well in the manga i just think they compliment each other! so if anyone actually reads it i think watching the anime and the manga is a good idea they compliment each other yeaaaaaah o)-<
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hereisthehouse · 2 years
I am not prepared for tonight.
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radiofreederry · 11 months
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Shut the fuck uuuuuuuup
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blue2black · 5 months
BONUS (1 & 1/2)
Vivziepop: Don’t get me wrong; I love working with these people. Really, I do.
Vivziepop: But for the love of everything that is unholy if they make one more Snapcube, Sonic Dub reference…
*Vivziepop, sighing and pinching the bridge of her nose*
Vivziepop: I will go to hell for murder.
(Husk and Alastor fight scene)
Alastor: *sighs dramatically*
Husk: 🫤? *thinks Alastor is improving*
Alastor: I miss my wife, Husker…
Husk: Oh—haHA! 😂 *tilts his head back*
Alastor: I miss her a lot 😭
(Lucifer punches Adam scene)
Lucifer, wired up in the air to appear like he’s flying: I have to contain you in here.
Adam, also wired up in the air to appear like he’s flying: What??
Lucifer: Your—*giggles*—your fart smells so bad… 😆
Adam: Wait, it wasn’t me!
Lucifer, covering his smile: 🤣
(Vox calms down Valentino scene)
*Vox, coming up from the elevator*
*elevator dings and opens* Vox: 😏
Vox: My dusty bitch senses told me-
Valentino: SHUT THE FUCK YOUR MOUTH YOU PIECE OF SHIT- 😂 *throws drink*
Director: CUT! Both of you—WHAT THE HELL??
*Valentino and Vox laugh their asses off*
(Valentino hits Angel scene)
Director: (3…2…1) Marker.
Director: Action…!
Angel: Val, I didn’t-
*Valentino “hits” Angel* Angel: OW—Val—!
Valentino, holding Angel by his scruff: Shutthefuckup—SHUT THE FUCK UP! EVERYBODY’S FUCKED MY WIFE *laughs*
Angel: *laughing out of confusion* WHAT?!
(Lucifer in battle scene)
Lucifer, at the edge of the hotel’s roof: GOIN’ UUUUUUUUP!!!
Lucifer: *jumps off*
*Velvette and Carmella laughing*
Carmella: Wait—waitwaitwaitwaitwait. *smiling*
Velvette: *wheezes* 😆
Carmella: Okay—go ahead. *holding up the angel’s head (fake)*
Velvette: Hey! Give that, that looks really scrumptious! *trails off giggling*
Carmella: 🙂
Velvette: (ಡ 艸ಡ) *barely holding it together*
Carmella and Velvette: …
Carmella: No.
*Velvette and Carmella break out into wheezing laughter*
(Alastor breaking Vox’s spy camera scene)
Alastor: *picks up camera* HaHA…you’re going to have to do better than that.
Vox: Why are you on the same line as the VILLAIN LI- *Alastor breaks the camera*
*BTS crew bursts out laughing* Alastor: *walking out as if nothing happened*
(Alastor takes Charlie to Cannibal Town)
Alastor, while linking arms with Charlie: And here we are!
Charlie: Cannibal Town?
Alastor: No.
Alastor, in all seriousness: Welcome to tilted towers.
Charlie: *chuckling*🤦🏻‍♀️ I know you did not just mess up this whole scene on purpose to make that fucking joke. *Director: CUT!*
(Alastor introduces Charlie to Rosie scene)
Alastor: This is Rosie! One of the most darling, daring and dangerous overlord on this side of the Pentagram! *Rosie bows politely*
Rosie: *raises herself back up to face Alastor and Charlie*
Alastor: … :)
Charlie: …? •-•
Rosie: … “:)
Rosie, resiting what Alastor told her to say: We get so tilted at the towers-
*Alastor wheezes* Charlie: OH for fuck sa-
Vox *trying to fix Valentino’s coat for him before the start of a scene*
Valentino: I got it, Christian, geez! 😖
Vox: I’m just trying to help you, god damn!
Velvette: Hey, can you two stop having relationship issues while I’m on the phone with my nonexistent dentist. 😌
Vox: AhHA! Oh, funny that Lilli, yeah.
Vox: 😒🖕🏻
Velvette: Û🫦Û🖕🏾
(Pentious and Cherri at the club scene)
Cherri: Why would we have sex?
Pentious: Why-
Pentious: *laughs at his idea* Why are your tits one polygon— *breaks off wheezing*
Cherri: PFF—HAHA! 🤣💥💥 *bangs on the table*
Husk, running around behind the scenes: HAHA, HAH HAH--
Husk: *jumps up* ONE! ☝🏿😄
Vaggie, witnessing it all: ᵀʰᵉ ᶠᵘᶜᵏ ⁱˢ ʰᵉ ᵈᵒⁱⁿᵍ…? 😆
(Discussing theories with Alastor and Lucifer 😃)
Alastor: Do you think it's Lilith?...the one who leashes my character.
Lucifer: Ehh, I think it's possible at least.
Lucifer: It feels a little too obvious.
Alastor: Some of the fans add a little more spice to it.
Lucifer: Spice?
Alastor: 😗
Lucifer: 😐
Lucifer: Ew.
Lucifer: You stole my wife, Alastor?
Alastor: Haha! 😆
Alastor: How do you think Lucifer would feel if that happened?
Lucifer: Oh--I don't know Amir, how do you think he would feel being CUCKED BY A DEER?!
Alastor, laughing: I KNEW a reference was coming!-
(Angel calming Niffty in the club scene)
Niffty: Shut up shut up shut up shut up...
Niffty: Shut up.
Niffty: SHUT UP.
Niffty: SHUT UP!!
Angel, holding her up: Kimiko, no one's saying anything... 😭
Niffty: I'm improving, do me a favor and play along. *flaps her hand in Angel's face*
Angel: But you're just copying-
Niffty: SHUT UP!
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snaret · 4 months
"hi we're getting everything ready for you" shut the fuck uuuuuuuup windows do you know how much sexier you'd be if you gave me a loading bar and tech terms I don't understand in all caps I'd suck the monitor
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mejcinta · 29 days
Flight of the Dragons | House of the Dragon (Fan-Made Animation)
“Helaena has no taste for dragon riding. She’s no warrior!“ Shut the fuck uuuuuuuup!
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aurumacadicus · 4 months
I'm HOWLING this movie they're trying to teach this woman to act "like a lady" and that includes using a knife and fork but THEY'RE EATING FUCKING CHICKEN LEGS?!?!?!??!?! SHUT THE FUCK UUUUUUUUP 😂😂😂😂😂 I AM NOT EATING A CHICKEN LEG WITH A KNIFE AND FORK LMAO
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