#SIGHSHHSS i dont mean to be down on it its just !
starvels · 3 years
a thinky thought i've been having re: marvel voices: pride #1 is that i’m happy to have any trans stories told, but it feels like a cop-out and a let-down, for marvel to introduce a civilian trans woman wearing a she-hulk costume instead of revealing to us trans woman jennifer walters?
i legit opened it and was so so excited and breathless with potentially, actually GETTING TRANS JENNIFER WALTERS and then...it wasn't her. it was someone inspired by her, which was fine but ! this issue marketed itself as about lgbt voices in marvel and a new character that wasn't in marvel before, here for 6 pages, maybe never ever to be shown again just doesn't seem that momentous.
i wanted more stories about the queer characters we know and love ! more characters that have trans roots or bisexual subtext or asexual vibes; i would have been fine w a coming out story for them. would have loved a story about our often sidelined trans women in marvel. yes introduce more queer characters, always, but, why not give us a story about actually, already trans sera and her CANONICAL soulmate angela??? all the gay ! all the trans ! why not focus on existing awesome trans heroes???? just feels kinda mmmmmm, marvel.
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