scythey-whythey · 7 months
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Zim is holding back his wrath because Halloween, they have discovered, is the one day they can go out without disguise and gir is having fun at the local festival.
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What were you doing six months ago?
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yumr11 · 1 year
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What a crazy mirror!
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cadaverre · 3 months
goddamn im so glad ive at least semi matured i was so annoying
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Flowers from my honey on one of my worst days at my previous job.
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beautifult999 · 2 years
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Six months ago
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hopeinthebox · 3 months
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bts + reductress headlines pt.14
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elizaisdunn · 26 days
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“I am no man”
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oflgtfol · 2 years
everyone i am shifting into mando mode once again
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roymolloy · 9 months
you’re laughing. kendall roy is a sagittarius and you’re LAUGHING.
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augentrust · 3 months
essek, who told ludinus to fuck off before fleeing his country and moving two blocks away from ludinus' office to live out his cottagecore dreams for the past several years: hello... it's been a while...
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HOW HAS IT BEEN SIX MONTHS??? six months ago I was going crazy in a good way
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skepticalcatfrog · 10 months
Here's what I'm thinking about on this fine evening: Ketterdam has a HUGE CANAL SYSTEM that runs pretty much through the entire city and I, somehow, completely missed that.
Here's the Ketterdam map, right? We know her. We love her.
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BUT, let's zoom in a little:
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You can see very clearly here that those thicker, darker colored lines connect distinctly into the harbor, which means that they are ALSO WATER.
So, if a person with a Six of Crows obsession and maybe a little too much time on their hands were to take that map and color it so that all of the water was blue, it would look something like this:
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Now, I may just be stupid, but I'd like to believe there is at least one other person who will be as baffled upon seeing this post as I was when I made this realization. It's water!! Canals are a major form of transportation in Ketterdam!! This not only is very interesting to me in regards to Ketterdam’s culture, but it also changed the way I pictured the city in my head. This is life-changing stuff, people.
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ilions-end · 26 days
let's hear it for having the iliad/odyssey as your point of entry into that side of greek mythology and at one point you realize that oh these are stories set at the verrrry end of the the Age of Heroes and everyone's a descendant of someone significant and are deeply marked by their heritage, so you go back a generation and read THOSE stories and realize oh, everyone's a descendant of someone significant and are deeply marked by their heritage, so you go back a generation and--
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ilovedthestars · 3 months
for real tho guys can we stop using “he” as the default/generic pronoun for an unspecified Blorbo. can we stop doing that. we’ve moved on from he as default pronoun in every other context by now but we’ve apparently reinvented it in the specific context of fandom posts
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