bl0ssom-skies · 5 months
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Sleepy baby
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nylarac · 6 months
i really admire ppl who learn how to do something and actually stick with it/get really good at it
i am always just really obsessively into something for a short period of time until the hyperfixation dies and the next interest takes me (often w long gaps of time in between, truly nothing worse than being without a hyperfixation)
anyways. where was i going with this. can anyone hear me
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askatriangleandastar · 11 months
I am reeling at the differences and nuances and beats of this movie from the games and in a positive way!!!
The fact that the deaths always serve to further the momentum and suspense and progression of the story- the guard at the start, who's skills at loosening a bolt that failed to save him twice but granted Mike a window no prior victim had to escape certain death. The people who break in, who set up for the twist of where the children were disappeared to. The aunt who, negligent, was neglected herself in a silent end; her only aid, her lawyer, seems to clearly have taken the chance to not get into trouble without her pulling the leash and vanished.
The transfer of Sins of the Father from Michael in the games to Vanessa in the film is so fascinating. The implications from William manipulating her by asserting SHE'S why the kids died while there's that picture of her holding that plane. The fact he had so little doubt that reinforcing her guilt would cow her, how even without Vanny, there's strings restricting her and Mike can SEE IT when she admits she wouldn't be helpful if her father was there. It's a moment where he loses that ever-building anger and frustration from the helplessness of this situation and really sees her, and it means so much. The implication that she has been forced to kill guards before and help clean up, with the restaurant being established as her route. The fact that she was haunting herself like Mike was by bringing herself back to a place where horrible things happened without the ability to let go of the past, of that sense of being at fault. These two make wonderful mirrors to one another and I cannot get enough of the sheer lack of romance it's so nice. They're both such disasters desperate for a way to fix what can never be and crave control in their lives.
How much the story centered on family, loss, betrayal and revenge was still really funny and light and sweet in moments without being out of place. That Mike letting go of the past and his revenge for the present and his sister leaves an all clear for the 4 children, who have no future and only that persistent goal, to do Willaim in. The fact that the kiddo behind Golden was *absent* and so distinctly supernatural (as golden bears are want to do) until AFTER the springlock drag-away has be going 👀 so bad. The Cassidy vibes of this fella.
The way Vanessa appears on the surface to be all put together and forcing the positive lens when around others about Freddy's vs the way Mike wallows and seeps in the negatives of how what little he can do to find who took his brother is at a hard wall and in impacts everyone he interacts with, down to the pharmacist of 3 lines.
The secondary spring lock armature implying it could be Golden's insides, which is another reason they do not and can't move like the others, the most motion possible being in the head. Golden really WAS looking to keep their newest friend close as in inside with them, similar to the double-stuff situation in the games.
The actual horror of this iteration of events and how it can potentially reshape how we view the first set of games while fitting with newer elements, like the illusion discs. The direct use of sound that can NOT be ignored, the effect of the living psyche and spirits and that limbo between we have been having since the second game for the pixel scenes. The use to condition and control and distort, weaponized by William and learned to use as a weapon against Mike by Golden's kiddo at minimum. To the point of being able to make it seem like the aunt wasn't dead, when what we don't see has consistently implied an intense mess. To the point of making Mike's past memories change and say things they never have nor would after it had been so vivid and fixed beyond the possibility of getting it wrong without outside influence. The question of the effectiveness of the sound tech manipulation working on Golden as they are so intensely spectral vs the physical forms of the others, possibly why they're the only kiddo to able to verbalize as they do, to take charge like they do... it's something to think of, especially with the gaurentee of their return in the confirmed sequel (!!! So says my bud and I'm hype, hope they still take their time) given the thread of Golden hanging around so long as there is Willaim to chase to his awaiting hell. I have to wonder if Golden was asking for Abby in expecting Mike to get there and in turn lure in Willaim... the sheer lack of Golden once Abby enters was just raising all sorts of alarm bells.
BONNIE LOVE THE CLOSET! CLOSET BONNIE!! I WAS SO HYPE THEY SHOWED HIS GAME PATTERN OF JUST, TELEPORT IN THERE JUST CAUSE. It made me so unreasonably happy, I could hear the Viva Reverie video so clearly. Also ecstatic the other nods of arrival, like Chica for the kitchen and the NYOOM of Foxy. How the mechanics weren't gimmicks but had successors in the breakers and consequences of doors failing to open rather than just the inability to keep they closed. That Mike of course fell asleep, and while he wasn't dying he was still getting hurt by it in increasing amounts. That there was a shocking lack of Freddy aggression in comparison to any of the others, the Remix of '87 aside (tho that WAS intense and horrifying and well done).
The question of how aware the other 4 really are, haunting their own graves and so silent. They have emotion, but in powering the animatronics, is there a divide between the ever-fading shades and decaying machines? It's a question had about the games since game 1 and it's a curiosity to consider and portnetially expect to be touched on in the sequel. Does Balloon Boy have a soul attached, or a concentration of the haunted energy, of Remnant, given off of the others- or its half-life, Agony? It's a joke but it's a Rule of Three with a character ICONIC for the location the sequel would nearly have to cover even a little, I can't let it go.
That taxi driver is the real mvp of this he deserves a vacation out of this spooky town.
That way the spare springlock is still unsprung in that backroom.... a waiting maw for whoever has the misfortune of unearthing the man who cannot die, rotting.
The awareness of Golden's kiddo to draw the rabbit suit to indirectly answer Mike's question of who took his brother... there's an edge here that makes me feel such a need to rewatch it with the capacity of a pause button. Helping, hurting, perpetuating the cycle of destruction while seeking to destroy its source and yet too angry to let it go, let it end when it has never ended for them. If William's embracing of the spring locks fully to the point of putting the headpiece back on was an awareness that he wouldn't perish normally, and that's the madness that brought his taunt of coming back. If his reaching for Golden was in assuming, as he had with Vanessa, that he has entrenched himself to deeply with them to be turned on as they were absent from the betrayal. Yet, like with Vanessa carrying through with the shot, the plea is met with a door that we as the audience know will be locked. A man so certain in the control he's had for decades, at the whims of the children he made sure would never grow up.
The Duplo.... the spaghetti... the comfort in the face of uncertainty that Mike gives to Abby in place of a denial or promise, something open answered with trust and I love them both so much.
The way 2016-me would have been foaming at the mouth about the ghost children and their capacity to reach out and impact the living and such oh even now the retroactive vindication of old theories and a hiatus'd fanfic. As it is, it was a really clever way of having injury without jumping to full lethality like it the games. The animatorics being actually THERE helped so so soooo much for rhe engagement, as someone who spots animation errors without focusing on it. There's a wrongness to most integrations that aren't intended or played to in other horror films that would have detracted from this. Instead, even when moving minimally, the crew maintained such a consistent sense of Danger. Even when nice, it was easy to relate to Mike's apprehension and dread. The way kills aren't direct but implied and with aftermath was so clever and worse than showing it I loved it. The sounds of what happened in the closet and never seeing what was rearranged outside the sounds of the process was chilling and exciting and its a nice style of storytelling to conserve the direct gore for where and who it means the most, like William, where ther is no shying away from what karma has had cooking for 30 years minimum.
Evan has been replaced by... Gareth. Hm. Elizabeth for Abby tho, as Vanessa takes Willaim's knife for Charlie though, so is even for rn in switch-abouts. I swear Henry MUST be somewhere with that Puppet Mask peeking so directly over the spring locks. The fact its a mask at all even over the built on face. The sombrero that reminds of El Chips and by extension the side casts like Merry Melodies and that there was...I think, parts in the animatronic pile that were NOT from the main 4, including what looked like a dog collar and tag shaped like a bone. After the uncovering of The Mimic, off-brand suits found by Fazbear facilities has a claxon in my head now.
The way Willaim specifically keeps the business staffed for a gaurd for new prey, in a cont4olled environment no one is ever meant to really escape and are isolated, drawn to mysteries at the price of lives lacking people who will look for them. That his day job is a position that gives him endless access to people down on their luck, desperate, vulnerable, to pick his preference for prey. It's so insidious and it's when he fails to complete saying Schmidt that I was certain something was wrong with him. (Missed just about everything in trailers and such and mostly pegged "shaggy is purple guy" as possibly a baseless meme, but yeah catching inflections in the laugh brought it back to mind and reinforced the dread)
The lack of a mom is a loud one. I wonder if Vanessa has been taught to blame herself for that too. Gotta love her being angled into the police to help misdirect reports against her father and cover things up even more. Gotta adore how she has been a tool and an extension of Willaim's likely all her life, and when she at last bites the hand that beats, the sheer lack of hesitation to dispose of what is useless to his goals was one of the most shocking moments hands down. For every person Willaim Afton hurt in the games, never so intentionally and by his direct hand was it his own children. The remorse that was never there made me genuinely scared of him, that moment of her calling out to him and meeting it was silence and not even looking back as she slid to the ground. It was new in a way I just, wasn't anticipating, and elevated him right before his ending. It was like a nitro boost, I had no idea if Vaness would survive or Mike when the danger posed raised to the same as the main crew. No humanity within the monster of a man, not even to his own.
Gosh I loved the stain glass by the booths, I was so sad when it was busted up... also the cleaning montage was sincerely satisfying and me and my friend joked its how we know we're getting old XD
I love how insistent Scott is on the Cupcake being a functional and seperate-acting animatronic extension from Chica. It wa aused really well here, especially for establishing the potential of Vent Threats for the following film where it'll have a wider list of who fits. The Slow Turns were so eerie and cool and I loved it.
TABLE FORT PILLOW FORT BLANKET FORT ALL FORTS!!! Also wowza Matt Patt was subtle until his face, we gasped. Also agreed when released in DVD there should be a bonus scene including Markiplier added in due to the scheduling conflicts preventing it in theaters, or one in the second movie for sure.
The use of 2000s is clever and more efficient than an 80's setting that matches the games when many watching this would find that to feel so long ago already, childhood or the tinted "before times" people speak of with nostalgia. Plus it limited them far less in getting believable dress, cars and settings outside of Freddy's for the time. Plus, it means Willaim, with at least one new alias, has had a LOT of time to kill more people and make an even bigger mess of so many lives, adult and child. The breath of potential for this alternate series of events is staggering and exciting and I for one am all game for it. After all, this means he's also had more time to experiment as well, unchecked.
What new horrors await us makes such a bright promise of future exploration of this new fork in the path, and I for one am happy for how much life this can bring to discussions.
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sweetheartmotives · 4 months
I'm actually going to sleep this time!! 😓
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arabaka · 1 year
ʚ。゚☁︎。ɞ。 who wants to pile up like kittens and take a nap wif me
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drakefruitddg · 7 months
@dehydratedlydia you woke me up with those 12 reblogs at 1 am for tucks sake, thanks for the reminder to put Tumblr notifications on silent I guess.
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homosexualcitron · 11 months
posted my comic update really late + messed up with my side blog again + forgot to put the links at first, anyway it's all done now wehh (read my comic!!!! maybe)
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loyalhorror · 1 year
it's been a WHILE since i've been this fuckin EEPY
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reigens-flop-era · 1 year
so eepy...yet forced to return to work...what a cruel world!
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paintedelm · 2 years
Haiiii :3 *holds you hostage and forces you to watch my animation* /nf
(I DONT OWN THE MUSIC, SONG IS CHONNY JASH'S COVER OF THE BIDDING! (Original song by Tally Hall!) Go check it out. it's absolutely delicious.)
Context for these two characters:
Scorn (the robot grayscale guy) basically made everything Elm (the cat thing, my sona) ever loved go kaboom, so now they both despise eachother. And Scorn's got a God complex maybe?? Dunno, still fleshing their story out. But not tonight, far too sleepy... waaa....
Goodnight, going to go take a little slugcat nap. might explain more sona lore if I feel like it in the tomorrow.
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rnaeborowski · 2 years
hmm i wanna bake bread for tonights soup but i took anxiety meds so im a bit eeped out
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boycannibal · 2 years
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i want to share those photos becase aaa shes so cute and so eepy
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dragoncarrion · 2 years
Tbh love going to sleep. Like shmimimimi
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nights-cavalry · 3 days
Guys, do you ever get really sleepy but you can't sleep?? Then the next day you feel energetic but also pass out every second!!
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feathersinthesun · 19 days
so eeeeeebyyyy
need you to bite me hard enough to bruise again
i think thatd be good
haha mayyyyybe <3333
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synthfagz · 2 months
im tweaking too hard to talk about the concert but take my word for it it ruled sick as hell
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