#SO THEN. i start watching the vids about how to make the new cakes.. uh oh.. i have now remembered i was supposed to make different cookies
Wanna hear how stupid I am. Ofc you do. Refer to the tags.
#ok so my boss asked me to focus on one kind of cookie and our new cakes#yesterday i only did the cookies but i didn't finish them#the plan for today was finished the cookies (quick and simple) qnd make the cakes (much more time consuming)#ok so i start making the cookies right. and im going over the number i need a million times in my head. i wrote it down.#it was very simple math but i rechecked myself a bunch. ok.#i needed 24 baked cookies. to make 12 each. of the same design cookie but iced with 2 different colors.#very simple right????? apparently not#bc at some point.... my brain decided.... i needed 24 of EACH COLOR.......... so i made a big batch of dough.......#then i was like...... hmmmmm...... wait....... i did the simple math about 37 more times...... no yeah that's too much dough#ok WHATEVER. more dough for extra cookies!!! i was low on some number cookies ill make a few numbers cool great#but then i looked at the message of what my boss had asked me to do again. and even better news!!#the new cake designs (that i was supposed to start next) have cookies on top as decor!!!! great!!! i have a lot of dough!!!!!#so. i was like. im gonna cut out a few number cookies. then im gonna check exactly what kind of cookies to make for the cakes#and you know what i did..... i started cutting number cookies.... and i couldn't stop....i was like hmm actually i need a few more of those#ill cut out some extra number 6s!!! to have :)#AND THEN I USED ALL MY DOUGH. AND I BAKED THEM. SKDBSKDBSJ#so now. lowkey stressing bc accidentally making too much dough set me back (i have now completely forgot about the cookies for the cakes)#but its ok ill hustle. i finished icing my top priority cookies. i get the transfers done so the other stores will have them too. im speedy#also. many of the cookies i baked are not iced bc i can get back to those :)) next week :)) they're extras :)))))#SO THEN. i start watching the vids about how to make the new cakes.. uh oh.. i have now remembered i was supposed to make different cookies#FINE WHATEVER ILL FIGURE IT OUT LATER!!!! I JUST WANNA GET SOME CAKES IN THE CASE TODAY!!!!!!#so i started making the batter right. i figured. i rush and get them baked. then ill go on break. then ill come back and decorate#UH OH AGAIN!!!!! local idiot forgot smth else. we dont use eggs we make a flax mixture as a sub for eggs#the flax and water has to sit for at least!!!!! 30 min!!!!! before it can be put in the batter!!!!!!!#i shouldve done that first thing in the morning!!!!!! i forgot tho!!!!!!!!#so :) now im on break. the flax is sitting. im hoping i can whip out at least 2 cakes to be ready today#lowkey considering staying late to get it done if i have to... but i don't want to give them the impression that im that super dedicated#bc im not :) like i wanna make my boss happy and get the stuff i need to get done done. but do NOT expect me to stay late regularly#anyway gonna eat my sad pb&j in my car lunch now ❤#she was a baker girl
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spnsisimagines · 5 years
Chuckster Cheese
Warnings: Minor cussing I think?  Characters: Sam & Dean Winchester, Sister Winchester Reader, Charlie Bradbury, Kevin Tran Summary: Chuckster Cheese is a pizza chain for kids that might be reusing their pizza, so you decide to investigate Reader’s Age: 16+ Word Count: 1445
Y/N: Your Name
A/N: So I decided to make up a pizza chain just for fun. I kinda lost inspiration towards the end and didn’t really now how to end it so sorry if it just kinda s t o p s. Enjoy!
You laid on your stomach in your bed, your laptop open as Shane Dawson's voice filled the room. Shoving some popcorn in your mouth with one hand, you fixed the blanket that wrapped around your body and head.
You glanced over at the digital clock that sat on your dresser; it read three in the morning. With a yawn, your attention was turned to your door as a knock sounded. Sam peeked his head through the small opening. "Why are you still awake?" He asked. Dean and Sam had been out on a hunt.
"I could ask you the same thing," you retorted.
"We just got back; I'm heading to bed now. I wanted to check on you," Sam paused, "You should get some sleep,"
"Fine." You closed your laptop. Sam began to close the door before you called out to him. Sam turned and gave you his attention. "Can I have the car tomorrow?"
Sam raised an eyebrow, "You're asking the wrong person," Sam sighed and shut your door, clearly exhausted.
The night went and the morning came. You got out of bed and headed to the kitchen to find your brothers sitting at the table. You walked over to Dean and wrapped your arms around his neck.
"Oh, Dean, have I ever told you how much I love you?"
"W-what are you doing?" Dean tensed, expecting something to jump out at him.
You released him and sat down, draping an arm around his shoulders. "What? Can't I show some affection to my awesome brother?"
"Not unless you want something... or broke something. Did you break something? I told you to stay out of my room!" Dean turned towards you. You glanced at Sam, who had an entertained smile on his face.
"I didn't break anything, mom-I mean my wonderful brother," it took all of your might not to insult him, Dean could be such a mother hen some times.
"What do you want?" Dean deadpanned.
"Could I have the car today?" you asked, slightly preparing for rejection.
"I guess," Dean sighed.
"Wait, really?" even Sam was surprised.
"No. D'you really think I'd let you drive, Baby? Do you even know how much driving experience you have? Not a lot," your shoulders slumped as your arm fell from his shoulders.
"Well, maybe if someone would take me driving more often then I'd have some experience, but noooo, Dean has to be obsessed with a car," you grumbled.
"You know what? Keep this up, and you'll find a bug on your pillow," Dean warned.
"Keep this up, and I'll just steal the damn car,"
Sam chuckled, "By all means antagonize the beast, see where it gets you," Dean shot him a bitch-face, making Sam laugh more.
"Come on, Dean, it won't be for very long, I'll have it back by midnight tonight. You guys just got back from a hunt! It's not like you're going anywhere,"
"Hey, I got places to go!" Dean defended.
You deadpanned, "Where could you possibly need to go? The retirement home?" Sam choked on his water, causing him to have a coughing fit.
"You're not helping your case," Dean glared at you. "Girls can't drive, plain and simple,"
Ignoring his insult, you continued your argument, "Dean! I've never asked for anything in my whole life! Just let me drive the damn car!" you begged.
"You asked for ice cream last week, you liar," Dean shot back.
You paused, "I've never asked for anything that means this much to me in my whole life," you re-phrased.
Dean sighed, taking a deep breath and thinking for a moment. "Fine," he begrudgingly agreed, "But if you so much as get a tiny scratch on that car, you're never driving again."
"THANK YOU!" you squeezed Dean, earning a groan from him.
"You're probably wondering why I called you here," you sat an apartment with two people across from you.
"Technically you just let yourself into my apartment, but go on," Charlie commented.
"And I needed a break from tablet stuff," Kevin huffed.
"Either way, we're here for a very top-secret case," Charlie and Kevin looked at each other then back at you. "Chuckster Cheese, the innocent pizza chain that brings happiness and fun to all children," you paused for suspense, "Reuses their pizza."
"I'm sorry; what?" Charlie questioned.
"Okay, hear me out, you know how at Chuckster Cheese their pizza looks like a hot mess? Like the slices never line up with each other. Sam and Dean would occasionally drop me off at pizza chains for kids, and I always noticed that Chuck's pizzas were weird looking," you pulled out your laptop and started showing them pictures of pizzas, "See, look! Why is this slice so much smaller than this one? Why doesn't this cut line up with the other side? Where did that olive come from?" you stared at them, your eyes getting bigger by the second.
"You're crazy," Charlie commented.
"I thought I was the one losing my mind, but you take the cake, Y/N," Kevin responded.
"I'm not crazy, okay! Chuckster Cheese employees take all the leftover pizza and make a new pizza out of it! Let's just go to Chuckster Cheese and see for ourselves,"
"Sure, let's go to a kid's pizza chain--for kids--and hang out. A bunch of adults hanging out in a kid's pizza chain. Nothing suspicious about that." Charlie retorted.
You three sat in the car in front of Chuckster Cheese.
"So, are we gonna go in?" Charlie asked, staring at the big rat face plastered on the building.
"Uh... I'm not sure we thought this through," you admitted.
"No, no, no, you dragged us into this, we're gonna see it through," Kevin spoke from the backseat.
"Fine, let's go,"
The three of you walked into the building. Bright colors and children filled your sights as the smell of pizza with a hint of vomit filled your noses.
"Delightful," Charlie commented as she watched a child cough onto the water fountain.
You all sat down at a booth and ordered two pizzas.
"So, if this pizza is all messed up, what are we gonna do?" Kevin asked.
"Throw it away?" You suggested.
"You're gonna waste the pizza?" Charlie chimed in.
You stared at her, "It's better than letting some other shmucks eat it,"
"I didn't expect this to be your favorite hangout place," Dean appeared by your table, Sam right next to him.
"What the hell are you two doing here?"
"We should ask you the same thing," Sam replied, sitting next to you as Dean sat on the other side, practically squishing Charlie and Kevin. "Why are you at a Chuckster Cheese?"
"You're gonna think I'm crazy-" Dean cut you off.
"Oh, trust me, we already do,"
You stared at him for a moment, "Fair enough, but we're here to prove that Chuckster Cheese reuses their pizza,"
"What?" Sam and Dean looked at each other.
"Okay, so when someone orders a pizza, but they don't eat it all, a worker will take the leftover pieces, and instead of throwing them away, they take it to the back and combine it with other leftover pieces to make a full pizza for another person!" you rushed your words.
"I was only slightly joking about thinking you're crazy," Dean responded as Sam laughed.
"Okay-" you stopped when a worker brought over two pizzas, setting them down in front of you all.
You all went quiet as you stared at the hodge-podge of pizza.
"I... uh... I didn't really expect to be right if I'm being honest,"
"Why would they-" Sam stopped when he saw Dean reach for the pizza and take a piece. "Dean,"
"What? It's still pizza," Dean took a bite.
"Yeah, pizza that some grubby little demon licked!" you huffed, cringing at the fact that Dean is still eating it.
"Not saying that you aren't right, because you are, but," Sam tore his eyes away from this brother to look at you and continue, "you drove all this way, dragged Kevin and Charlie here, to see if Chuckster Cheese's pizza was fresh?"
"Sam, there's a difference between serving something fresh, and serving a random person's leftovers to other people," you argued.
"I guess..." he mumbled, returning his gaze to Dean.
"Okay, I can't watch that anymore, let's leave," Charlie said, ushering everyone out of the booth.
"Did you at least find what you were looking for, Y/N?" Sam asked as you all walked outside.
"I guess,"
"Looks like the Scooby-Doo gang solved another mystery!" Dean joked.
"We didn't solve anything, Dean," you rolled your eyes.
"Well, sure, you did! You figured out that Chuckster Cheese is a cheapskate and doesn't want to waste money by throwing out old pizza,"
"Old pizza that you ate may I add," you chuckled.
"Hey, pizza's pizza,"
Tags: @magicalsis11 @joanne-egberp @16wiishes @fanboyswhereare-you @athenepallas @spnkisum @jamric @oneshotsdeanshort @jensen-jarpad @capruinedmylife @bea789 @starswirlblitz @damalseer@iamflanneltrash @zeusmyster @violinmyhead @lauren-novak @evyiione@alexandriajanae4 @graceb200371 @overcastmisfitkid  @lovelaughlivesmilebright @liliafangirls @ellie-andthemachine @death-unbecomes-you @mersuperwholocked-lowlife @waddles03 @constellationscollected
I hope y’all like this one! I’m open for tips on improving!
Requested by Anonymous:  “ooooooo i have a good Chuck E. Cheese fic idea!! Could it be like maybe sister!winchester watches Shane Dawson’s vid on Chuck E. Cheese or smthng and she goes and investigates it and then S&D figure out and just some fluff and crack?”
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charyzard · 7 years
2000 word Jaal x Ryder fic feat. the crew and a birthday party! (and cats)
Slight spoilers under the cut
It was Fiona’s birthday. 23. Nearly a quarter of a century, give or take 600 years. Scott’s birthday too. She wanted to be on the Nexus, celebrate it with him, but instead, she was stuck on underside of the icy ass of Voeld, waiting for mission results. Sure, it had warmed up since they’d activated the Vault, but it was not paradise. Her email terminal pinged, dragging Fiona’s attention away from her melancholy, and she rolled off of her bed to shuffle over and read it.
“I have a present for you, Lexi said it was your birthday today. And you thought none of us would know, just because you didn’t say anything. Ha! Liam pitched in on ideas- said you were missing some things from the Milky Way. Hope this helps. Meet us in the crew quarters, and hurry!” -Vetra
Her interest was piqued. Of course Lexi would spill that detail.
“Patient confidentiality,” she snorted, fixing her hair and ensuring she looked at least semi-presentable. Then again, there was the possibility of a party, and parties meant pictures… Better to dress herself in real clothes and brush her hair. Plus, she had no doubt Jaal would be there. She indulged herself for a brief moment as she ran a comb through her brown waves, reading his recent email- dearest, he called her. It made her heart flutter.
The crew quarters were just down the hall, and Fiona cautiously waved the door open. She was met with a group of smiling faces, all of them mischievous. Her whole squad had crammed into the small space, even Gil, Lexi, Suvi, and Kallo perched on some of the bunks.
A chorus of happy birthdays brought a massive grin to Fiona’s face. It only widened when Vetra presented a cake, Peebee standing proudly next to her creation.
“Do you know how hard it was to bake that properly on this ship? Gil and I had to rig up an oven from the Nomad’s power source! No synthesized cake for you, Fi,” she proclaimed. Sure, maybe it showed she cared a little too much, but Peebee was willing to bend her rules. Humans didn’t get that many birthdays.
“Aw, you guys, this is amazing! I don’t even know how you managed to get the ingredients for this… Shit, Vetra, can you even eat this?” Fiona couldn’t push the smile from her face, giggles bubbling through her words.
“Ah, I don’t do sweets that much. Well, actually, I- uh- procured some dextro-chocolates from someone, but those are long gone.” The turian shook her head slightly, mandibles flaring. “Now, this isn’t actually the present I was talking about. If Jaal would stop messing with it, we could actually give it to you. It’s in the bathroom.” Vetra passed the cake to Cora with a firm warning to not let Drack anywhere near it- the krogan was eyeing it with vicious intent.
“You’re gonna love it, Fiona. But you have to promise to share, okay?” Liam piped up, sliding next to her.
“Share? What- Why is my present in the bathroom?” Fiona asked, following Vetra and Liam. She knew Jaal was fond of making gifts, but… the bathroom?
“Jaal, we’re coming in. Is it ready?” Liam asked, knocking on the metal door.
“It is ready, yes. And it will not stop talking,” Jaal replied through the door, and Fiona balked.
“You’re giving me something alive?” She hissed, terror on her face as Liam opened the door. God only knew what creature they’d found in Andromeda to torture her with.
“Oh, relax,” Vetra mused, “you’ll know how to take care of it. So, ready to meet your gift?”
The door slid open to reveal Jaal sitting on the ground, twisted to look behind him.
“Come now, you must meet your mistress, little furry thing,” he chided, moving to herd it to the front of the room. Liam shut the door, leaving the four in a very cramped bathroom. Fiona completely forgot her mild claustrophobia when she saw what Jaal was talking too- a small, gray cat, with gorgeous green eyes.
“Holy. Shit,” Fiona breathed, dropping to her knees. “Where the fuck did you find this? How did you get a cat holy shit?! Cake and a cat, am I dead?” She immediately put a hand out, cooing at the creature and wiggling her fingers.
“Lexi told us that the initiative had therapy animals put in cryo alongside the rest of us. Said they’d help with stress levels. It didn’t take much convincing for us to get her on board with the plan, and this little one followed. It’s a boy, his name is up to you. But, a warning, I think you’ll have to fight Jaal for him,” Vetra explained, her heart warming as the cat sniffed Fiona’s fingers. The Pathfinder let out a small whimper, its whiskers tickling her skin.
“Fiona, are you- are you crying?” Liam asked, nudging her with his knee.
“Yes! This is the best birthday I’ve ever had, and I just- you guys, you’re the best!” She let out a small sob, happy tears spilling over her cheeks.
“Is this normal? Do humans cry when you are happy as well as sad?” Jaal asked, observing the exchange carefully.
“Uh-huh. You’ll find that humans cry about a lot of things,” Vetra replied, and she elbowed Liam. “Wanna give them some alone time?”  
“I guess. But seriously Fiona, share the cat. I’ll save you a slice of cake!” He and Vetra slipped out quickly, the sounds of loud music wafting through the walls.
Fiona took a deep breath and rested her back against the door, idly running her hands through the cat’s fur. It was already purring- hell, the thing was affectionate. She blinked the tears from her eyes and finally acknowledged Jaal with a small wave, sitting cross-legged across from him. The cat stretched and paced over to the angara, rubbing against his knees. Jaal watched with absolute fascination, mimicking Fiona’s petting. He was rewarded with a chirp.
“That is a new sound,” he commented, a smile crossing his face. “Are these common pets in the Milky Way?”
Fiona grinned- he said Milky Way in the best way. “Meelkee Way,” she mimicked, stifling a laugh. Jaal rolled his eyes, but let her continue. “Yes, they are. I always wanted a cat as a kid, but Dad never let us keep one. Said they were too messy. Of course I’d have to make it to a whole different galaxy just to get one,” she joked, and Jaal chuckled.
“The angara have symbiotic relationships with animals for agriculture, but we have no animals that are so… domestic. I like it.” He really was fascinated, observing how it wandered and explored the room. “Liam, Suvi, and Cora all advised that it be introduced to the Tempest in small intervals. The bathroom seemed the best choice, both to hide it from you and keep the ‘litter box.’ Will it only defecate in there?” He obviously wanted to know more, but the nature of his questions made Fiona snort.
“Asking the real questions there, huh Jaal? Yeah, most cats will naturally ‘go’ in their litterbox. They also get really crazy sometimes and will start jumping on walls and tearing things up. We call that the ‘midnight crazies,’ even though it happens literally whenever they want.” She wanted to gush about cats- the number of vids she’d watched in her spare time, it was almost shameful.
“That is fascinating. Do you have thoughts on the name?” Jaal asked, waving Fiona over to sit next to him. She obliged, scooting over. Their knees were touching by the time she settled, and the contact made his email suddenly jump to the forefront of her mind. The cat began to clean himself, one leg stuck high in the air. Jaal’s brow furrowed, and he shook his head.
“I was thinking Tann. You know, to fuck with him? Get off of a serious vid-call with him, just to see the cat cleaning itself on the deck. Classic shit right there,” Fiona laughed, framing the cat with her thumb and forefingers. Jaal side-eyed her curiously, his pupils narrowing.
“I like your sense of humor. One of the many things you are wonderful for, jokes,” he commented, and Fiona blushed.
“Must you constantly make me red?” She asked, calling Tann over with a few clicks of her tongue. He regarded her plainly, tongue half out of his mouth, and continued his cleaning.
“Would you prefer I stop?” Jaal asked, and Fiona shook her head.
“Nah, it’s probably good for keeping the blood circulating. So what’s this about fighting you for the cat?”
“Well- he has been on the ship for a day now, and I like him. He is affectionate, but also strong and agile. They are little hunters, and- well, no, this is silly.” He was bashful, Fiona could tell, and she nudged his knee with hers.
“Aaand..? Come on, Jaal, I won’t laugh,” Fiona reassured, and Jaal sighed.
“He looks angaran. I believe it is the eyes,” Jaal admitted, his gaze cast to the side.
“Oh, you do have similar eyes. I always thought you reminded me of a lion for some reason,” Fiona mused, the connection finally making sense.
“What is a lion? I thought this was a cat,” Jaal frowned, crinkling his nose in confusion.
“So, this kind of cat is Felis catus, the domestic breed of cats. There are different species of cats on Earth, some of them are large predators. Like lions, Panthera leo. They can weigh up to 250 kilos and they’re pretty ferocious. I’ll email you a link on them later, but that’s a pretty good thing to be compared to.” Fiona watched Tann pad up to Jaal and climb in his lap, his fur wafting off and sticking to Jaal’s bioelectric field.
“They shed,” he grumbled, swiping fur off of his rofjinn.
“Yeah, good luck getting that off,” Fiona teased. “So, how are we going to get cake and watch the cat at the same time?”
“I believe Liam expressed interest in spending time with him. I am eager to try this ‘cake,’ given your reaction to it. Shall we?” Jaal gently moved Tann to the floor, earning a protest from the feline. He frowned, apologizing to him, and they quickly opened and shut the door.
“I will trade cake for time with the the newest member of our crew! His name is Tann, and he licks his butt!” Fiona announced, and Drack almost choked on his cake.
“I have to tell Kesh!” He exclaimed, his rumbling laughter spreading through the crew.
“I call the cat!” Liam called, grabbing two plates and handing them to Jaal.
“SAM?” Fiona asked quietly, watching her friends in their reverie.
“Yes Pathfinder?”
“Can you record this moment? Save it for me?” There were tears in her eyes again, emotion hitting her like a brick.
“Of course, Fiona. I’m glad you’re happy,” SAM commented, and Fiona nodded.
“Me too, SAM. I think we might finally be home.”
“I concur.”
Jaal arrived a few moments later with cake, the plastic fork awkward in his hand.
“I certainly hope you enjoy that. Cora said she saved it for you, it is a corner piece,” he elaborated, and Fiona shot Cora a grateful smile. She cared, in her own way.
“I hope you like it too. Darling,” she added, the joy in her heart making her daring. It caught Jaal off guard, his fringe shading blue.
“Of course. Dearest.” He took a bite of his cake and his pupils widened, focusing in on the plate. “There is too much sugar in this,” Jaal groaned, “How can you eat this?”
“Well, shit, I’ll eat yours too!” Fiona cheered, and Jaal shook his head. Fiona was a handful, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Who wants to take a group picture? Someone get Liam!” Suvi called from the other side of the room, and the party spread out into the hall and the galley. Someone found the beer, and for a brief moment, no one worried about the fate of the galaxy.
read it on ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/10541802
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