artisthedgehog · 1 year
I just finished xo kitty and i never brushed my teeth as aggressively as i just did
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Okay so I recently called XO, Kitty the worst show ever on an unrelated post of mine. Let me be serious about it for a second.
That show really does deserve praise. I called it that because I hate miscommunication as a trope, but the casual lgbtq rep in a kids show was very well done. They so easily could have had the same boring old plot where Dae was fake dating Yuri just to impress her parents, so having it be cover for her relationship with Juliana was a surprising twist for me. They even doubled down with Kitty's crush on Yuri, which was a fascinating twist for me. I am a HUGE proponent for gay people and gay stories being in all types of media, even poorly written teen ones lol. A note should also be made for the straight best friend character of Min Ho being the one obsessed with his appearance and skin care and status, while the gay best friend character of Q was the jock who liked hiking and was at the school on a sports scholarship. They are such basic character tropes, and they are still cliches, but they are subverted in these little ways that made me happy. The same with the plot; cliche and overused, but subverted in these small ways. It's still thought and care given to representation, even in shitty teen shows. It's something that Netflix has always done really well for the most part.
I also have to commend them for the casual spoken Korean. I was highly impressed. I thought for an American show, they would all speak English the entire time despite being in Korea, so the amount of times they spoke in Korean with each other was very refreshing. I also love that it became a sort of plot point, where Kitty in particular wouldn't understand some of what was said in serious moments when it was said in Korean, and that was why characters chose to speak it. Particularly the confrontation between Dae and Min Ho, where Kitty had to ask Dae what Min Ho said and Dae just said it was nothing when in reality it was pretty fucking mean. It always makes my little lesbian heart happy when representation is handled well in shitty teen shows or kids movies especially.
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irinanonyme · 1 year
⚠️Long ass XO Kitty post with spoilers⚠️
OK I need to say this: I would MUCH rather people were honest and said that they just personally prefer Kitty x Minho because of their fun dynamic instead of saying stuff like "Kitty x Yuri came out of nowhere" or "it didn't feel natural" or "it was already too late in the season"
Like... No??? It?? Wasn't??
You cannot IMAGINE the euphoria I felt when I realized that this plot is actually going somewhere. As I was watching episode 1, right off the bat I felt like Yuri's and Kitty's "meet-cute" was the most powerful.
With Dae, Kitty had asked him to take a picture of her with her family.
With Minho, he bumped into her with his bag then pretended that he doesn't speak English.
But Yuri??? her car ALMOST runs Kitty over, it STRIKES her, sweeps her off her feet then Yuri gets out in a hurry, worried, offering a ride then they actually have a genuine conversation in the car.
The first half of the season is them being "rivals" while still respecting eachother. (So the whole "enemies to lovers" argument for Kitty x Minho doesn't even work cause like, it was the same??? For Yuri and Kitty?? If not more intense because there is actual tension, not only bickering) Then learning about how their mothers were best friends and roommates adding to the "fate" factor of their relationship after their over the top meet-cute. Finally, they become friends and support eachother as best as they can and as they do, Kitty realizes that this dream she had of Yuri wasn't "just" a random dream and she actually *does* have feelings for Yuri and this. ALL of this progression just felt so organic and gradual and overall just, well-done?? And not rushed at all how some people claim it to be.
To me it just feels like this is the first time in a while (if ever, for ME personally) that the audience of a show got "straightbaited" and honestly? I loved it.
Everytime things were going well or starting to go well between Kitty and Dae I couldn't help but be worried/sad/disappointed, thinking that surely this whole development with Yuri would be dropped and they would go back to being friends but it NEVER HAPPENED. Thus far, everytime things were going good, great or even amazing with Dae, Kitty couldn't help but think back to Yuri and I felt so much relief from it everytime.
And to be clear, this isn't meant AT ALL as hatred towards Kitty x Minho or their shippers. I think their potential is very solid and Minho is really lovable BUT I just don't want Yuri to be erased from the picture by people's claims that their relationship "wouldn't make sense" or that it was rushed or any other complaint of the same type.
People say that while Kitty hasn't shown any interest in Minho (yet) Yuri hasn't shown any in Kitty either and that she's still very much in love with Juliana... now I'm just entering speculation territory here so feel free to leave if you're not interested or take this with a grain of salt but -> I almost fully believe that if (and I hope to god there is) a season two of this show, Yuri and Juliana might encounter some difficulties and break up. Now I don't want to undermine the feelings they have for eachother AT ALL, but as we've seen with this season with Kitty and Dae, the author/writers aren't afraid to end a couple that had (apparently) been going strong for 4 years. So if a 2nd season gets greenlit, although Dae is out of the picture, I bet Kitty Minho and Yuri will somehow end up in a triangle (well, in a way they kind of already ARE but you get my point.)
Realistically we really don't know that much about Yuri and Juliana's relationship beyond the fact that they were most likely eachother's first love and that their parents separated them after finding out that they're gay. I don't think it's impossible that in some way or another, their romantic relationship will end (on a good note hopefully!) To let place to the love triangle. Not that I like love triangles but well, they gotta set something up for 2nd season and this is the most safe bet atm.
On a completely unrelated note, I loved that scene on stage where Minho and Dae were looking at eachother like typical rivals in love with the same girl right out of a k-drama while their "girl" just accidentally set fire to the stage and her clothes because her mind is full of another girl jdhzhdjdhdhd. And that's also a big part of the reason why I'm rooting for KittyxYuri! I feel like a concept like this has never been done to completion. In general the girl will go right back to liking one of the guys while her "crush" towards the girl will be written off as just a short-lived attraction but here? There's still a strong possibility of it being legit.
Aaaaaa anyway this all ended up in a rambling. Sorry about that
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rye-views · 1 year
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XO, Kitty. Season 1. 7.6/10
I would not recommend this show to my friends. I would not rewatch this show.
Omg all this kpop from the getgo, I'm here for it. Omg at the Cornell diplomas in Yuri's mom's office.
Wow Dae is that 2521 boy.
What a perfect collab between my Korean and American sides. What a great dad Kitty has.
I love what good friends Q and Kitty are. I love Taecyeon being here. I like Juliana's art.
Someone let me have that dorm. wow. The outside of the Rubik looks cool.
The only hot thing about Minho is that he cooks well. The fact that I don't recognize all the acronyms the titles are named after. Hah. What kinda glamping?
LOL Korean Snape gets meee. Are you expelling the boys too gets me? Yes, speak the truth.
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