nishisun · 3 days
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2. How you met him & how he broke your heart.
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NOTE (2024): this was made over 4+ years ago when i was a beginner writer so the writing is pretty much horrible. but im feel nostalgic and this has been sitting for the drafts for years that i thought, why not post? anways pls enjoy my very mediocre attempt at writing. there’s multiple parts so ill post until there are none anymore
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On December 21, your parents told you that they were separating. Your father claimed he fell out of love with your mother and already had a family in the US. You were devastated, to say the least. But mostly, you were confused. How could he? How could he do this to you, your sister, and your mother? They seemed so happy together. They never argued, well, not in front of you and your sister at least. They were the perfect couple. You looked up to them. You wanted to have what they had with your future significant other, and now your parents were telling you that they are separating because your father fell out of love?
Your father said he was leaving to go to the states in 6 months. Out of anger, your mother decided it was best to move, without leaving a trace of your father. She called this a clean slate. Moving meant you had to transfer schools. You were a third year, who was now going to be attending Itachiyama Institute, while your younger sister who was still in junior high was attending Okojo Middle School. Still, you couldn’t believe it. Your own father, the person you looked up to the most, was abandoning you, your mother, and your sister. Why weren’t you guys good enough for him? How come it’s so easy for him to leave? It just wasn’t fair.
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What is love? Well, there are many ways to interpret the word “love”. When we love someone we experience positive thoughts and experiences with them bur we also experience a deep sense of care and commitment towards that person. Love means to be deeply committed and connected to someone or something. The feeling of love should be mutual with you and your significant other.
You loved Sakusa Kiyoomi. He was your first love.
You remembered the day you met. It was your first day at Itachiyama Institute  and your previous school was Nekoma High. You were the manager for Nekoma’s volleyball team, which meant that you’d go with them to practice camps, games, and you’d stay after school hours to help out, which was why you were so close to Kenma and Kuroo. You met Kenma and Kuroo when you were a first year, you and Kenma were in the same class and you volunteered to be a manager for the volleyball team, which resulted to you becoming bestfriends with Kenma and Kuroo. You both were now finally third years, Kenma was captain of the team after Kuroo left and Kuroo couldn’t have been more proud. At first, Kenma didn’t want to be the captain because he claimed it was “too much work”, but once you and the other team members forced convinced him to try it out, he ended up loving it.
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Your first day at Itachiyama was okay, you didn’t talk much, or really make new friends. It was the same old, you’d introduce yourself in front of the class, then they’d greet you and ask you questions on how your previous school was or why you moved. At lunch, you sat outside, alone, until you saw two boys walk in front of you. One was wearing a mask and the other was smiling and waved at you.
“Hello! My name is Komori Motoya and this is my cousin. We have class together, right?” he said as he brought his right arm out, offering to shake yours.
“Oh, um yes, we do! Hi Komori, my name is L/N Y/N.” you said, shaking his hand. Once you both let go you looked at Komori’s cousin who was standing next to him, but was slightly behind him.
“You must be Sakusa Kiyoomi, right?” you said walking towards him. He didn’t say anything, he just nodded while his hands were placed in his pockets.
“Uh, how did you know that?” Komori asked as he chuckled, scratching the back of his head.
“Well, I know your name too. I’ve seen you and your team play! You guys are really good.” you explained, Komori shook his head in excitement.
“Oh, really? Are you into volleyball? Do you play?” He asked.
“Well, I’m not really good at it. I used to play in junior high, but I stopped once I got into high school. I love watching the games though! I was the team manager at my previous school.”
“Really? That’s amazing! Our team is looking for a team manager! You should really apply, i’m pretty sure the coach would be happy.” Komori said.
“Oh! Well, that’s great! I’ll check definitely come visit tomorrow after school.” You said as you started to pack your things because lunch was ending soon.
“That’s great y/n!” he said, “Well, we’ll see you around in class.”
“Yeah, bye!” You waved at the two and they waved back.
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“Everyone, gather around! Meet the new addition to the managers for the team! The coach said.
“My name is L/N Y/N! I’m new here and I just transferred from Nekoma High!” you said, bowing your head. Some of the teammates were whispering once they heard you mention Nekoma. “I’m hoping to get to know you all better! I’ve seen you guys play before and it’s an honor to be working with you all! you said.
“she talks a lot.” Sakusa thinks, having a bored look on his face and makes a mental note of this.
“Trust me y/n, the pleasure is ours!” the coach chuckles.
You suddenly realize how the gym is full of boys who are basically towering over you and awkwardly laugh back, followed by an awkward silence. You then remembered about the homemade granola you had made for the team, which you had been carrying this whole time.
“Oh! I almost forgot! I made some homemade granola bars to show my gratitude towards you all.” You started to pass the bars out to each team member as they thanked you and praised you for how good the bars tasted. You were making your way to give a bar to the last person who hasn’t received it yet, which was Sakusa Kiyoomi.
He was taller than his other teammates, wearing a mask and it almost seemed as if he was giving you a look of disgust, judging by the way his face was scrunched up. He looked intimidating, but you didn’t want to judge someone off of their looks, so you walked up to him and tried to start a conversation with him.
“Hello, Sakusa! I just wanted to thank you and Komori for coming up to me yesterday. It meant a lot considering the fact that I was new and i’m not very good at making friends-“
“You talk a lot.” Sakusa interrupted, his cousin heard him since he wasn’t that far away from you both and quickly walked up to him.
“Sakusa! It wouldn’t hurt you to be nice and not so upfront all the time!” his cousin said.
“I’m kidding!” sakusa says to his cousin, shaking his head and chuckles, then turns back to you.
“I’m kidding,” He repeats once again, “Sorry that I wasn’t really talking yesterday. I’m not good with people either.” He says and you both laugh. “I’m pretty sure you’re the person i’m supposed to be showing the school around to tomorrow.”
“Oh, yeah. You don’t really have to if it’s going to-“
“You really do tend to ramble a lot.” he interrupts once again. He won’t tell you, but he finds it cute how flustered you get, you seem so innocent.
“Sorry, it’s a bad habit of mine.” you scratched the back of your head and laughed a bit.
“All right everyone, Time to pack up!” the coach said, getting up from the bench.
“See you tomorrow?” Sakusa says.
“Bye Y/N!” Komori says as he waved at you. You waved back and started to pack things up and went home.
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1 and a half years later.
“Omi, have you seen my shampoo? I left it here at your place and I checked the bathroom and it wasn’t there anymore.” you said as you walked out of his bathroom, wearing nothing but a towel.
“No babe,” Sakusa says, “Just use mine. It isn’t that big of a deal. We can buy you your shampoo once you finish taking a shower if it’s bothering you this much.”
“It’s fine. I was just checking to see if you saw it, it isn’t that big of a deal.” you assured him with a smile.
“Maybe I should join you in the shower?” Sakusa suggested, “saves more water.”
“You’re too much.” you laughed, “let’s go shower!”
You and Sakusa finally graduated high school and decided to take a year break before attending college to spend time together since Sakusa wasn’t planning on going to college. You guys didn’t live together, He had an apartment of his own that was near your house and you’d stay there most of the time. Which meant, more sex.
Of course, it took sakusa some time to be comfortable to have sex with you, but he trusted you a lot. he knew you were clean and you took proper care of yourself
not staying abstinent from sex is something you regret, but are happy that you forgot to take the pill that one day. If you had, you still would’ve been with Sakusa. But since you didn’t, you ended up pregnant and gave birth to the person that makes you the happiest, your daughter.
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You remember taking the pregnancy test, your heart dropped.
“fuck. i’m fucked.” you muttered.
Your hands were shaking as you held the pregnancy test, which said “positive” and your fingers were slowly becoming more cold by each passing seconds and your anxiety was getting the best of you.
what is sakusa gonna say? he already said he didn’t want kids. what was your mother going to say? Oh, your mother was going to kill you. Sakusa isn’t gonna like this at all. Maybe he will? Maybe he’ll tell you everything is okay and that he’ll be with you every step of the way. Should you tell Komori to tell him? No. Sakusa won’t believe him and it’ll result in him asking you anyways. Kenma! text Kenma. Then text Akira. They’ll know what to do. Wait! you need to make sure you’re 100% pregnant. This is only one test. there’s no way you’re pregnant.
So you took 2 more test. All of them were positive.
“shitt.” you took a deep breath in and closed your eyes. Tears were threatening to spill and the once appetite you once had was now gone. You were in Sakusa’s apartment bathroom, he had gone to go pick up the food you had ordered for the movie night you and him were planning to have.
You quickly got out of the bathroom and made your way to your phone to call Kenma and tell him. By now you were sobbing.
“Y/n, are you 100% sure you’re pregnant?” he said in a firm voice. He too was trying not to panic.
“Y-yes! I’ve taken like th- three test now!” you said, you were breaking down and it was hard for you to even speak clearly. “Kiyoomi i-is not going to be happy at all. I only missed one day of not t-taking the pill.”
“Y/n, i’m going to need you to breathe for me. You may not believe me now, but everything will be okay. You have to tell him. He will still love you. Isn’t it his baby?” he asked, this annoyed you. Why did he even ask that? obviously it was his. Kenma didn’t mean any harm when he asked you, but you took it to offense.
“O-obviously kozume. Why would you even ask that?” you were pacing around in the living room, trying to calm yourself down. “Kenma he’s here. He just texted me he’s outside and he’s-he’s coming. I’m scared, i don’t know how to handle this.”
“Y/n, please breathe. Everything is going to be okay please calm down, okay? You got this. If you want me to come over I can. Do you still want me to stay on the line?” he asked.
“N-no, I’m fine. Thank you Kenma. I’m gonna hang up now.”
“You’re welcome y/n. I love you.” he said, a smile resting on his face.
“love you too.”
you quickly went back to the bathroom to throw the pregnancy test away and hid it further in the trash so Sakusa wouldn’t find it. You quickly washed your face, so it would look like you weren’t crying and if he asked you why your eyes were so red you’d just say soap got in your eyes. Right when you finished washing your face, Sakusa entered the place, immediately heading to the kitchen sink to wash his hands.
“Hey,” he said grabbing the soap next to him and rubbing it with his hands.
“Hey.” you said softly, placing one hand on your opposite arm and walking towards him to embrace him.
“Happy anniversary, I love you so much.” He said, hugging you and burying his head in the crook of your neck. 
“I love you more, Kiyoomi.” you said. He pulled away and stared at your face in mischief and then squinted. 
“You don’t usually call me Kiyoomi unless you’re upset or worried about something. What’s up?”
It was a bad habit of yours. When something was bothering you, or when you were upset, you’d usually call Sakusa, Kiyoomi. Usually you’d call him by his nickname, which was Omi.
“It’s nothing, Omi. I’m hungry! Let’s eat!” you say as you tried to hug him again, but he doesn’t budge.
“y/n, come on, i know you.” he says softly, as you both stood in the kitchen. He stares at you for a little longer, tucking the strands of your hair behind your ear, easing your tenseness so you could feel comfortable enough to talk to him and then cupped your cheek. “Talk to me- wait, have you been crying?”
you’re crying again. you’re crying really hard. Sakusa starts to panic at the random burst of tears that are falling at a rapid pace and pulls you in for a tight hug, not caring that you haven’t washed your hands yet.
“hey, hey, y/n shh, it’s okay.” Sakusa says, stroking your hair softly. “baby, talk to me. Tell me what’s wrong, please.”
You sob on his chest, he slightly cringes at the thought of your tears wetting his shirt, but he doesnt mention it.
“N-no, I cant. You’ll hate me.” you say, burying your face in his chest. Sakusa lets out a sigh of confusion and continues to stoke your hair.
“I’m pretty sure there’s nothing you could do that would make me hate you y/n. I love you, dummy.” he chuckled, you laughed as well and let go of him and wiped your tears. You took a deep breath and then let a out a forced laugh and then faced Sakusa.
“Okay,” You said letting out a sigh, “I’m,”
“Never mind, I cant do this.” you walked away from him and ran to the bathroom and locked yourself there and started breaking down. Sakusa was quick to follow you, but you locked the door. You were confusing the hell out of him. He thought you were trying to break up with him.
You couldn’t tell him. Not when he had already told you he didn’t want kids. Did you even want kids? Aborting the baby was not an option. Knowing the type of person you are, you’d probably feel too guilty and you didn’t need that guilt following you for the rest of your life.
“Y/n, I understand you may need space right now. Whenever you’re ready please talk to me, I love you.”
Why was he so good to you?
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About 30 minutes later, you finally come out from the bathroom and you see Sakusa scrolling through his phone. The food he had ordered was still on the table, probably cold by now.
“Hey,” you said walking up to him and sitting next to him on the couch.
“Hey,” he smiled, “you ready to talk to me now?”
“uh, yeah.” you took a deep breath, and Sakusa patiently waited for you to speak up.
“So, you know how I’m on birth control?” you asked, he cocked his head and furrowed his brows, wondering what birth control had to do with what was bothering you.
“Oh, okay.” you said, you took another deep breath in, then out, then you closed your eyes because you felt tears rushing down again.
“Y/n,” sakusa says softly, You rest your head on his chest once again, and he continues to softly rub your back. “Y/n, you’re scaring me. Are you breaking up with me?”
“No!” you say as you lift your head up to face him. You cup his cheek gently and give him a soft smile. “no, i’m not baby.” You put your hand down and faced forward, while sakusa was staring at you from your side. Sakusa gives a sigh of relief.
“I’m pregnant.” you blurted out.
“what?” he heard you, he just didn’t know if he heard it right.
“Kiyoomi, i’m pregnant. it’s yours.” you’re facing him now, but he looks away. He lets go of the hand that was once holding yours and faces forward.
“Omi, please say something.” you say, you started to get worried and you felt a weird sensation in your stomach as if you were about to throw up.
“Are you sure y/n? Is this some type of prank because if it is-“
“no, it’s not a prank. i’ve taken three test and they were all positive, kiyoomi. i’m pregnant.”
“holy shit.” is all he mutters, he places both of his hands together and they land on his face and the face he was currently making was unreadable. You couldn’t tell if he was mad or upset, but he certainly didn’t seem happy one bit.
“is that seriously all you’re gonna say?” you scoff, he doesn’t look at you, he’s still facing forward.
“take another test,”
“take another test,” he repeats, now getting up from the couch and pacing up and down the living room. “you need to take another test.”
“i already told you, i took three and they were all positive-“
“just take another test y/n, damn it!” your eyes widen at his sudden burst of anger, he’s staring at you, boring his eyes onto you and then he quickly looks away and takes a steady breath in. “i need to see this for myself, just take another test, okay?”
you scoff.
you wipe of the tears on your face and you walk to the bathroom rather quickly, sakusa following not far along.
you open another one of the test that you haven’t used yet without saying a word to sakusa, he’s leaning on the bathroom door with the same bored expression he usually has on his face.
once you’ve finished, you wait a few minutes for the test to see it’s results.
“are you satisfied? or do i need to take another test?” you mutter, sakusa looks at the test that is now placed on this sink, crossing his arms.
“we can’t keep this baby-“
“what? what are you talking about?” you interrupt him. Is he being serious? He doesn’t have a say on what whether you keep the baby or not.
“y/n, think about it!” he explains, walking closer to you, “we’re 18, and i have a career that i’m working hard on and you have college-“
“are you being serious right now, kiyoomi?” you raise your voice and back away from him with a hurt expression on your face.
“Y/n, it wouldn’t be smart to keep this baby. We can’t be parents right now. I’m not ready to be a dad yet,” he’s not raising his voice because he’s trying his hardest to avoid an argument. “I cant- i can’t do this.”
“w-what?” you feel tears forming again. What can’t he do? What is he trying to say? “Kiyoomi, look, I know this is a lot. Trust me it’s a lot for me too! But i’m keeping this baby. It’s our responsibility since we weren’t responsible enough.”
He scoffs at this and shakes his head “we? we weren’t responsible? last time i checked, you were the one who didn’t do your part. all you had to do was take one damn pill. is it seriously that hard?”
He can’t seriously be blaming you right now.
“I’m sorry y/n, but i seriously can’t be a dad. We already said that we’re not having kids. They’re messy, annoying and not to mention, they cause too much stress. You have to abort the baby-“
“I don’t have to do shit,” you interrupt once again, you were crying, you were so upset. This was so unlike kiyoomi. you felt nauseous, and it wasn’t the baby. “And i never said i didn’t want kids, we never even agreed on that, you just said you didn’t want them. What happened to you? Yeah, we’re young, but i’m willing to make that sacrifice. All you’re worried about is your stupid volleyball career. I told you i’m keeping this baby and if you aren’t okay with that, then maybe we should break up!” You were yelling, too caught up in the moment to realize what you had just said, it was a lot for Sakusa to process. It’s only normal that he’d be suprised but it doesn’t mean he had to put all the blame on you. You were already aware it was partly your fault, and now you were willing to own up for your mistakes. Why wasn’t he? He looked at you in shock, then walked back and forth and you kept your eyes on him wondering what he would say next.
“you think so?”
“There’s no point in being together if you don’t want to be in this baby’s life, Kiyoomi. You know this.”
“So what, you’re just gonna let go of what we have that easily?” he asked, everything he was saying was getting on your fucking nerves.
“You think it’s easy, Kiyoomi?” you let out a humorless laugh, “You think it’s easy for me to let you go? You are literally my the love of my fucking life. The first person who made me have butterflies in my stomach when all you’d do is just stare at me. Now that a baby is on the way things are obviously going to be changing and i need to put this baby first before everything and you’re obviously not willing to do that and It hurts- it fucking hurts that you didn’t even assure me that everything was going to be alright. That you’d still love me and be right by my side even though Ive decided that i am keeping the baby. I had to call kenma right before you came and even he said you’d assure me, but you didn’t. I’m not even upset at you for being suprised, but there are better ways to react Kiyoomi, especially in situations like this. You saying you’re not ready to be a dad is okay, but the fact that you aren’t willing to make the sacrifice hurts. So don’t say it’s easy for me when you’re the one that’s letting go.”
By the time you finished speaking, you were choking on your own sobs and you could barely even speak clearly. Sakusa looked like he was on the verge of tears, but he probably didn’t want to cry in front of you. He didn’t say anything either or make eye contact with you either. He just headed to the kitchen and started cleaning out any leftovers that were too old in the fridge. You aren’t even suprised. You see, Sakusa doesn’t like opening up to people. The thought of being so vulnerable and opening up like what you had just did scared Kiyoomi. He wanted to be the one that would cheer you up when something was bothering you but when it came to him, he’d keep his emotions or how he was feeling to himself. It was a bad habit of his but you still loved him and understood that it would take some time. Yes, it does hurt that he didn’t say anything after you literally opened up, but maybe this was how it was supposed to end.
You looked at him with such disbelief. You scoffed and then wore your jacket and shoes and left.
He didn’t chase after you, it’s not like you would listen anyways. All he did was say that he wasn’t ready to be a parent and how you should abort the baby. Did he think you were ready? Because you weren’t. But you were willing to make a sacrifice for this baby of yours. There’s no point in forcing him to become a father if that’s clearly not what he wants. That’s fine though, you know you’d have other people support you, even if it meant that Sakusa wouldn’t be supporting you anymore.
“Goodbye, Kiyoomi.”
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34 notes · View notes
artisthedgehog · 1 year
I just finished xo kitty and i never brushed my teeth as aggressively as i just did
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lockefanfic · 3 months
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The following can be considered an alternate ending to the Business Trip series - although it can just as easily be read on its own. :)
The first few weeks together as an official couple were wonderful. Honeymoon phase and all that. Moving in together, domestic bliss. Fucking like rabbits, of course. But problems arose - became noticeable, and then unavoidable. Two of them, actually.
Problem 1: Your job.
Problem 2: Her job.
Problem 1: You’d thought business trips were a thing of the past. They weren’t.
You were happy to put the little adventure you’d had in Seoul and Tokyo behind you. Since then you’d done your best to decline any opportunities to engage in similar trips - feigning illness, sending underlings in your place, handling as many meetings as you could remotely. These days your life consisted of long, sometimes draining days at the office - a far cry from the brushes with danger and law enforcement that characterized your most recent trip overseas. Your days at work were boring and mundane now, but you were at home, and that was what mattered.
Home, after all, was where she was.
Regardless, the allure of another trip still came calling every now and then, tempting you, enticing you into spending a couple of weeks or months overseas where anything could - and sometimes did - happen. 
Sometimes that allure took physical form. Sometimes it came waltzing into your office wearing a tight blouse and a pencil skirt. Sometimes it was named Shin Ryujin. Other days it was named Hwang Yeji, or Lee Chaeryeong. Today, as with most days, it was named Shin Yuna.
“Ryujin and Yeji are on-site in Busan, and Chaeryeong is in Seoul, waiting for her flight to join them. Lia sustained injuries in our last operation and isn’t medically cleared for this one, but she’s recovering well. Ryujin has begin surveillance on our competitors’ teams - codenamed New Jeans and Le Sserafim - and she is ready to proceed with next steps once you arrive,” Yuna says, eagerness evident in the tone of her moderately Korean-accented english. “Shall I make travel arrangements for us to join them?”
For the first time since she walked into your office you look up from the reports on your laptop. You don’t miss the small bite the young woman is giving her lower lip, nor the way she has crossed her legs and begun leaning her wide hips against your desk. It takes more restraint than you were willing to admit not to steal a glance at her long pantyhose-clad legs and the tight charcoal pencil skirt they led to. You find the self-control to keep eye contact with your eager young executive assistant, even if her body language and tone of voice made her intentions clear and easy to read.
“Give me a second to finish reviewing Ryujin’s report,” you answer, returning your full attention to the screen in front of you. “I’ll confirm whether I need to be on-site by end of day, and if so you can make the necessary arrangements then.” 
Despite her best efforts, Yuna can’t hide the small twinge of disappointment that makes its way across her soft features. She’d been looking forward to the thirteen hour flight with you and the opportunities it would present.
“Oh, and…” she begins, her tone a little less upbeat now that you’d at least temporarily dampened her excitement. “You have a visitor. It’s Detective-”
“Let her in,” you interrupt. Yuna frowns, offers a short bow - a lingering habit from her Korean upbringing - and steps back toward the door to your office. She swings it open, and you catch the look of disdain on her features when she waves in your visitor.
Im Nayeon pushes past Yuna and into the office. She gives Yuna a sharp look as she passes the younger woman, and even from your chair you can sense the venom in it. The detective sits down in the chair opposite your desk, legs and arms crossed. She is dressed plainly, in a short denim skirt and a leather jacket, the glimmer of her badge on a chain around her neck the only clue as to her profession. She drops a large paper bag onto your desk.
“Please let me know if you need anything else, sir-”
“That will be all, Yuna,” you answer. 
Before your executive assistant has a chance to close the door, Nayeon turns her head and squeezes in one last shot.
“Cancel his next hour, Miss-” 
“My name is Yuna,” the young woman at the door answers, crossing her arms, scowl painted on her lips.
“Whatever,” Nayeon retorts, flatly. “Clear his schedule for the next hour. Oh, and do be a dear and lock the door.”
Out of the corner of your eye you catch two things - the barely restrained scoff on Yuna’s lips, and the satisfied sneer on Nayeon’s. With one last look of scorn directed at the back of the detective’s head, the younger Korean woman closes the door with a little more force than was necessary. The click of the lock engaging follows shortly after, as does the heavier than usual click-clack of her heels as she stomps away in obvious irritation.
“You have a thing for executive assistants with hips,” Nayeon observes. “Although this one’s much more of a brat than the last one.”
“Be nice,” you say, although you can’t keep the smirk from appearing on your lips as you continue to scroll through the report on your laptop. “She grew up in Korea, so she’s useful whenever I’m in-country. And she’s not a bad person.”
“I know,” Nayeon relents. “But the more of a cunt I am to her, the more she gets off on being a little fucktoy for you. I bet she gets off on thinking that you’re fucking her without me knowing. I bet it makes her so wet.”
Your smirk turns into a slim smile, and it becomes difficult to keep your eyes on the report in front of you.
“Am I wrong?” she contests.
“No,” you admit, finally turning to give her your full attention. “In fact, I’m about to hop on a plane with her to Korea in a couple of days. I expect it will be an… eventful flight.”
“Good,” Nayeon states, satisfied. “I bet she’ll be a good little girl for you, now that she’s received another reminder of how much you need some time away from your queen bitch of a girlfriend.”
She smiles - this one warm, soft - the smile that caught you in its clutches all those years ago and never let go. She turns momentarily to face the door.
“Oh, yeah, baby, fuck, you’re so big in me, fuck me! Fuck, this is the best dick I’ve ever had!” she exclaims in faux-pleasure, ensuring she was loud enough for the exasperated executive assistant sitting just outside your door to hear. You couldn’t help but chuckle.
“We can fuck at home later. I just wanted to piss her off,” Nayeon admits, a sly smile on her lips. “Anyway, pull up House of the Dragon?”
“Already on it,” you answer, swinging your laptop screen around so you can both watch. Nayeon pulls containers of take-out sushi from the paper bag.
She swaps your salmon for her tamago.
She leans over your desk as she passes you your chopsticks. She gives you a warm kiss, and the smile she leaves on your lips stays there for the rest of the day.
Even after all these years, she never tired of the collar and its leash.
It was showing signs of wear, of course - the bright fire engine red had faded into a softer, paler shade, the chain was no longer as shiny, and there was more than one set of her teeth marks on it from particularly frisky sessions - but she never missed a chance to put it on when the mood struck, and you never missed a chance to put it on her.
For now you are content to let the chain dangle freely in your left hand, watching the light streaming in from the open window as it plays on its metallic links. The chain glimmers in the morning light against her pale, creamy skin, swaying and occasionally bouncing along with her movements.
The chair you are sitting on protests with the weight and movement the both of you make atop it. Her soft sighs and gasps - a far cry from the loud shouts and moans you knew she was well capable of - happily cancel out the furniture’s squeaking protests as she rides you atop it. Soft, sensual, slow. The perfect fuck for a perfect morning.
You do your best to just sit there and savour the moment, letting Nayeon do all the work as she grinded back and forth on your lap. As much as you enjoyed watching her bounce up and down atop you, taking your full length in and out of her body - taking special delight in the delicious bounce it gave her breasts and thighs - there was something to be said for the intimacy of the way she was riding you now, slowly and softly. It gave her a chance to grind her slick, swollen clit against your crotch, and while it only let a third or so of your cock slip in and out of her hot, slippery cunt with each entry and exit, each movement nonetheless caused a warm spike of pleasure to course up your spine as your cock moves around inside her.
She was so beautiful, so utterly ethereal and intensely erotic all at the same time - clothed simultaneously in perfect golden sunlight and slick sweat, saliva, and other fluids. She was ethereal beauty and dirty sex. She wore both, was utterly enrapturing in both, was equally comfortable in both.
You watch each movement of her body - a body you knew well, knew every peak and curve and valley of - and you never tired of it. You watch as her round, full thighs flex and work, as her tight core drives her lower body back and forth, as her small, perfect breasts sway and bounce. Her face is immaculate, soft features twisted and wracked by pleasure. Sweat glistens over all of it. It makes her perfect skin glisten and glimmer in the sunlight.
You take a moment to look over her shoulder at the dressing mirror behind her, relishing the sight of her back - the beautiful curve of her spine and the sweat dripping down that delicious valley; the round cheeks of her ass and the muscles beneath them as they work to fuck herself on your cock; the short glimpses of your balls as she moves back and forth, takes you in and out of her body. Even her hair, having started the morning pulled into a messy bun, has become disheveled and loose - but in a way that is enticing and alluring, glued to the back of her neck and upper shoulders by perspiration.
Your right hand, resting on her thigh, snakes a path up her body - up her chiselled abs, cupping a soft breast and delighting in the tightness of her nipple as you capture it with your thumb and index finger and give it a pull, a twist, a pinch. Her pussy pulsates in response around you. She is sighing and moaning her pleasure when your hand continues its journey, sliding up a sweaty neck until you reach the side of her face.
Her eyes, shut, drift open at your touch. 
You give the chain a jerk forward.
Her entire upper body crashes against yours at the sudden pull at her neck. Your lips find and capture hers, and for a few moments you share a passionate, heavy kiss. As your tongues duel you give her a slight thrust upward with your hips, timed to meet the apex of her grind - and she sighs into your mouth at the movement, eyes shutting again, nails digging into your shoulders.
Spurred by her reaction, you continue to thrust upward as best you can given your sitting position. Her cunt, already so wet and slick and hot, clenches around you with each thrust, welcoming you, taking you.
“Oh god,” she sighs, the first full words either of you have spoken in a while. “Oh god, I’m close-“
Her sentence breaks into a moan, a soft, wordless cry of pleasure as you continue your thrusts upwards into her body. She wraps her arms around your shoulders, burying your face against her warm, moist chest. You lick the sweat from between her dangling breasts. You savour each moan that leaves her mouth, heavy and hot, directly into your ears.
The chain drops from your left hand, its end falling with a soft clink onto the hardwood floor of your apartment. Forgotten for now, because the faux, pretend-ownership it represented was no longer needed, was perhaps never necessary.
She orgasms around you - pussy clenching, lungs emptying of breath as she cries her pleasure into your bedroom. Your hands find themselves clutching at her moist, sweaty back, hugging her to you, bringing your bodies as close together as possible.
“Your cum, inside me,” she hisses, her voice soft and almost vulnerable in your ear, still at the height of her orgasm. “Please, I want, I need it, please.”
Im Nayeon knew you - knew every part of what made you tick. She knew what you wanted to hear, knew when you wanted to hear it.
You thrust upward into her clenching, creamy cunt one last time. Every part of her body surrounds you, wraps itself around you: she buries your head into her chest, fingers interwoven into your hair, cradling you with her arms and legs as her cunt clenches and tightens around your cock. 
Your shaft spurts warm, thick cum into her. She lets a sigh leave her breathless lips with each pulse of your cock inside her, knowing each one was another rope of cum that would bind your bodies even further together.
Your fluids mix inside her, eventually sliding out between the pussy lips stretched tight around the base of your cock. It drips down your shaft, your balls, and onto the chair. You are sticky everywhere - on your sweaty chests, your slick thighs, but especially where you are joined together, your shaft still embedded hilt deep inside her. You are glued together, made one.
You sigh into her chest, and the nails that had dug furrows into your scalp now stroke it softly. The exhaustion hits you both at once, and for a few wonderful moments the only sound either of you can hear is the sound of heavy breathing.
Her hands eventually slide from your scalp. Her turn now to cradle your face in her hands. Your faces hover in front of each other, noses barely touching, half-lidded, pleasure-ridden eyes locked on one another.
For a moment her left hand moves to her neck, where she undoes and releases the clasp of the red leather collar. It slips from her body and falls to the floor.
“I belong to you,” she says, breathless, not needing some scrap of leather around her neck to convince you of it - not that she ever needed such a thing to begin with. Her hands cradle your face, palms on each cheek, like you are the most delicate thing in the world. Your arms wrap themselves even tighter around her soft, trembling torso. Your foreheads touch, your eyes close.
“I know,” you answer. “I always have.”
Later that morning, when she is snoring peacefully, you slip out of the bed. Your flight to Korea wasn’t until later that afternoon, and so you had some time to spare before you had to leave the house, and her, for god knew how long. Every part of you wanted to lie there in bed with her and savour every moment of it, not knowing when you’d next be able to do so - but you had decided the night before that something needed to be done, and there was no better time to do it.
You fire up the coffee maker - you’d both settled into specific domestic roles since moving in together, and you were almost immediately appointed Minister of Caffeinated Beverages - and take a seat at the kitchen island with your laptop.
A few minutes later, and you’d begun an email to JYP informing him of your intention to resign your position following the end of your next business trip.
Distance had taken her from you once, and it wouldn’t do it again.
“Is she being a good girl?”
“Yes, Nayeon,” you say, your answer somewhere between a sigh and a hiss as you press your phone close to your ear, ensuring only you could hear the voice on the other side of the call. You made sure to use her name, as she’d previously suggested, knowing what hearing it would do to the young woman you were currently sharing a hotel room with. 
Between your legs, Yuna gives the tip of your cock a swirl with the end of her tongue. Those large doe eyes glance up at you, the mention of your girlfriend’s name giving the topless young woman a small spike of wicked delight. You watch with a measure of your own satisfaction as she pumps your cock with one hand, the other fondling her own small, round breast and the tight nipple atop it. After a moment her hand drifts down her body, between her legs - and soon after she begins to sigh and moan around a mouthful of your shaft as she begins to pleasure herself.
“Good,” Nayeon continues. “I told you she would be. Did you fuck her on the plane, too?”
“Yes, we’ve started the operation. And yeah, Korea’s hot this time of year,” you say, keeping up the false pretence you both agreed upon.
“Let me guess - she’s on her knees? Are you fucking that pretty little mouth of hers?”
“Not yet,” you answer, “I think I’ll let the team continue to observe before we move.” Your eyes drift closed as the pleasure begins to build. You lean your head back slightly as the young woman between your knees increases her pace. What Yuna lacked in experience and technique, she more than made up for with enthusiasm.
On the line, you hear a soft sigh. A moment later, the sigh turns into a barely audible moan.
“What about you?” you ask. “Are you busy? How’s work?”
“Fine. I’m… alone. In a squad car.”
“On a stakeout?”
“We prefer the term ‘distanced surveillance,’ but yes, a stakeout.”
“You miss me?”
“Fuck,” you hear, followed by a soft hum. “Yes, I miss you,” she admits.
A thousand miles away, you smirk. The image of Nayeon alone, in her car, in an alleyway, a hand down her pants, touching herself to the sound of her boyfriend getting head from another woman - it aroused you more than the young woman between your knees, truth be told.
“Do you… miss me?” she asks.
You reach out with your free hand, cradling the side of Yuna’s head, running your fingertips through the bright red strands. She redoubles her efforts at your touch - she quickens her pace, her hand squeezing tighter around your shaft as her head continues to bob up and down its length.
“Fuck, I want you right now, Nayeon,” you hiss, knowing what repeating her name would do to the younger woman filling her mouth with your shaft. “I wish you were here.”
Between your legs, the moan Yuna lets out around your cock sends a delicious pulse of pleasure up your spine. On the line, Nayeon lets a similar moan escape her lips. 
“Tell me what you would do to me,” Nayeon says, tone low and deep, the way it was when she was desperate, needy. “I bet she’d do it for you.”
You bite your lip for a second - listening to Nayeon’s increasingly breathless sighs and picturing her becoming a writhing, wet little mess in her car, watching Yuna try and fail to wrest your attention away - taking it all in, savouring every second of the two women, a thousand miles apart, each doing their best to pleasure you in their own way.
“I’d pull your mouth off my cock,” you say, gripping the base of Yuna’s ponytail and easing her off your shaft. She looks up with you with those large doe eyes of hers, momentarily confused, temporarily disappointed at the sudden emptiness in her mouth - until she quickly catches on to your intentions.
“Mmm, more,” Nayeon says, on the verge of a plea.
“I’d tell you to strip, and get your cunt on my cock like a good little girl.”
And just as she predicted, Yuna does exactly that - peels off ridiculously short denim shorts she wore, along with the flimsy scrap of string beneath it that passed for a thong. She climbs atop you, straddles your waist, reaches between your bodies, grasps your slick cock and spends just a second rubbing your head against her dripping, slick lips.
And then she takes you inside her. On the line, Nayeon hears that unmistakable gasp you made whenever you entered her own cunt, and it drives her crazy. Her fingers work quickly between her legs. 
A thousand miles away, you watch as Yuna bounces her young, tight little body on your cock - up and down, up and down, up and down. She is rough, fast, impatient, with little technique but plenty of need. 
Your free hand grips a thigh before snaking up her torso, gripping a soft, bouncing breast and pinching the taut nipple between two fingers and giving it a slight slap from the side that elicits a yelp of pleasure from the young woman. Your cock stretches her tight little cunt with each entry, filling her up, making her need more, want more, making her lose her control over her senses - not that she had much to begin with.
She is enthusiastic, needy - but she is clumsy in her movements, inexperienced, drunk on the idea of being used and fucked and not possessing the control to savour the moment, make it anything more memorable than a messy, quick fuck.
She sighs and moans. “Daddy,” she gasps, uncaring now of being heard on the line, forgetting that you were supposed to be fucking her on the down low, under your girlfriend’s nose. “Daddy please, I need… Daddy please, your cum, inside me, I want-”
You remind her of her place by closing your hand around her throat. Not enough to cause pain, but enough to remind her of what she was - a fucktoy. Something to warm your cock while you were apart from the woman you really wanted. A substitute for a woman a thousand miles away.
“Is she… is she good for you?” Nayeon asks, voice betraying the fact that she was bringing herself to the edge. She’s wet and squirming and sighing - but she’s alone, in her car, far away. 
Her fingers aren’t you.
Yuna continues to fuck herself on your cock, recklessly and wildly, her orgasm doing little to slow or stop her. You watch as she bites down hard on her lower lip, enough to draw blood, doing her best to keep herself from vocalizing the pleasure coursing through her body and only partially succeeding. You knew she’d be especially loud once you’d ended the call. You consider pretending to end it but leaving the line open, just to give Nayeon the satisfaction of hearing what Shin Yuna sounded like when she was being bent over the bed and having her tight little pussy pounded full of cum.
Your fingers tighten around Yuna’s neck as she bounces with an increasingly wild pace atop your cock. It forces her to slow down, forces her to submit to you and your needs. It reminds her of her place, reminds her who she was. It was necessary.
A makeshift leash. 
“She’s good, Nayeon,” you admit. “But she’s not you.”
“Alright, I have to admit - she’s pretty fucking perfect for you.”
“There’s something I never thought I’d hear you say,” you admit, looking up from your laptop and the report on it to give Shin Yuna a look. The young woman is lounging about on her stomach your hotel room bed, picking away at a plate of room service french fries. She’d taken a shower, but hadn’t bothered to put her clothes back on after you’d bent her over the bed and fucked a load into her.
“She’s a bitch, don’t get me wrong,” she continues, tone casual, as though she weren’t naked on her boss’ hotel room bed with his cum still warm inside her. “But she’s really fucking pretty, and she’s a cop? Man. That’s a dream girl for most guys, you have to admit.”
“I suppose,” you say, flatly. “Where are you going with this, Yuna?”
“Nowhere,” she answers, popping another fry into her mouth. “I was just curious, I guess.”
“About why you’re not married yet. About why there aren’t little hellspawn baby versions of her running around in your life.”
The thought is finally enough to wrest your attention from the report for good. You give the young woman atop your bed a look.
“Listen, I think it’s hot as fuck to be some exec’s fucktoy,” Yuna continues. “I just want to make sure I’m not the thing that’s keeping him from marrying the love of his life or some shit.”
“You’re not stopping anything, Yuna,” you state, clearly, ensuring that she didn’t form any wrong impressions. You certainly didn’t want her to overestimate her role in your life. “Trust me,” you add.
“So then what is stopping you? You’re in love, aren’t you?” Yuna continues. “I’ve heard all about your past with her from the company grapevine, and Dahyun filled me in on the rest. College sweethearts finding each other again in a foreign land after so long apart - that’s cute as fuck. So why isn’t there a ring on her finger and a baby in her belly?”
You are struck temporarily wordless by your executive assistant’s forwardness, but the answer comes to you eventually.
“We’re not ready yet,” you state.
Yuna seems satisfied with your answer - or at least, isn’t curious enough to pursue it further. She gives you a shrug before she picks up her phone and begins to scroll on it. “Whatever you say, boss,” she says.
You return your attention to your laptop, and the resignation email to JYP that was sitting in your drafts. Sending it would mean leaving a career that, in many ways, had defined you. Yes, it had played a major role in bringing Nayeon back into your life, but were you really ready to give up the adventures in distant lands, not to mention all the romance and intrigue and excitement said adventures brought with them? 
Your cursor hovers over the send icon.
Problem 2: Her job.
As it turned out, JYP was more than happy to do whatever it took to keep you with the company - even if it meant giving you a tidy little promotion along with a promise to make any further business trips entirely optional. That was Problem 1 solved, then - leaving only Problem 2.
For the most part, Nayeon did a good job of keeping her work at work and not taking it home with her. Every now and then she’d vent about a particularly hard case she was on, or tell you about how something an actor did in a movie or tv show was wildly inaccurate compared to standard law enforcement procedures in the real world. By and large you could almost forget that she was a senior detective who regularly found herself in situations the average person might consider dangerous.
This was all to say that you only rarely gave Nayeon’s profession any thought, had you not noticed the breaking news report playing on the large TV screen in the JYP lobby on your way back from lunch one afternoon.
A reporter, apparently on scene, is speaking into the camera - but the TV is muted, and the captions are not turned on. Behind him civilians flee from a building under the guidance of two understandably anxious-looking uniformed police officers with their sidearms drawn. “Active hostage situation underway at downtown bank,” read the ticker. “Multiple hostages and casualties reported.” 
You were ready to give it no further thought aside from a passing sense of disappointment at the general state of crime in your country, had you not caught a fleeting glimpse of her on the screen.
In the background, behind the reporter, Nayeon steps into frame, her back to the camera - but it was unmistakably her. She flashes the badge around her neck to the two uniformed cops nervously holding the bank entrance door.
You watch as she draws her sidearm from the holster at her hip, racks the slide to chamber a round, and rushes into the building.
To say the next few hours were absolutely nerve wracking would be an understatement. 
Yes, you’d known that danger and the possibility of being hurt were part and parcel of being a member of active law enforcement. You were in the room when she was quite literally shot at close range in Seoul - a few layers of kevlar being the only thing that kept her from bleeding out on a dirty apartment floor.
You’d done your best to avoid having to deal with the reality that your girlfriend had a relatively dangerous profession. Maybe it was a subconscious thing - maybe your brain knew that living every day in fear of your girlfriend losing her life was not exactly conducive to a healthy relationship - or a healthy mental state.
Whatever the reason, it didn’t really hit home until that day. You’d never been so worried in your life, staying glued to the TV and your phone and news sites, pacing nervously alone in your apartment, grasping for any snippet of an update that would confirm she was okay, that she was safe. Needless to say she wasn’t picking up her phone, and a call to her precinct lieutenant went unanswered. 
You’d learn later that she was never in any actual danger - the gunfire she’d heard turned out to be warning shots fired into the ceiling to intimidate the bank staff. Nayeon, who’d been passing by the building randomly on her lunch break, had decided that civilians were in immediate danger and entered the bank on her own volition, cleared out the remaining customers from the bank lobby, and held down the hallway leading to the safety deposit boxes where the suspects were holed up until SWAT arrived. 
As the first responder to the scene, protocol demanded she remain on-site until it was resolved, explaining the length of her absence. She wasn’t actually in danger for very long, she’d later insist.
But she knew none of that when she rushed into the building, gun in hand. For all she’d known there could have easily been a suspect pointing an assault rifle down the hallway, finger on the trigger, just waiting for an eager young detective to stray into his sights. Moreover, her nine millimetre sidearm and lack of kevlar would’ve put her in a precarious position had they decided to make an escape using force.
Nonetheless, you were more relieved than you’d ever been in your life when she finally called to tell you she was on her way home - eight hours and forty-nine minutes since you’d made your first unanswered call to her cell phone (the first of thirty). 
Your heart let out the breath it had been holding for nine hours.
When she finally got home it was a lot, all at once. 
It was relief, mostly, and then reassurance, and comfort, followed shortly by an irresistible, intense lust. Danger never failed to get Im Nayeon going.
Within seconds of bursting through the door she was already on you, arms wrapped around your neck as yours wrapped around hers, lips searching for and quickly pulling yours into a deep, passionate kiss. Her leather jacket quickly leaves her body, her fingers immediately going to work on your button-up. While this hurried undressing was happening, when your lips parted long enough to draw in a breath, she’d tried, in broken sentences, to fill you in on what had happened.
You pieced enough together from her jumbled words to get an idea of how her day went, and how she wasn’t allowed to contact you until the incident was resolved. You wanted to ask her more, wanted to know more about what exactly happened, but she was in no mood for talking. Her lips and tongue stole the words and questions from your mouth before you could give them voice.
You are naked before long, stumbling into the bedroom and leaving behind a trail of haphazardly discarded clothing. She pushes you onto the bed with more force than you were ready for - silencing any objections by quickly climbing atop you, straddling your lap as you sit on its edge. Your mouths find each other and your tongues continue their frantic duel. Before long you slip from her lips to kiss a rough trail down her neck and to her chest.
You capture a breast in your mouth, closing your lips around her taut nipple. “Fuck,” she gasps, her hands quickly burying themselves in your hair, nails digging almost painfully into your scalp as you suckle from her tight bud.
A small part of you wants to slow down - perhaps even stop altogether - and tell her how damn worried you were for her, how the last nine hours were the longest nine hours you’d ever had in your life. But she steals your words again, this time with some of her own.
“Hard,” she hisses between gritted teeth, “I want it hard.”
She reaches between you, points your tip at her dripping entrance, and takes you inside her.
The long, hot sigh that escapes your lips finally rips them from her nipple. For the next few minutes you are powerless to do more than breathe heavily between her breasts as she rides you - those toned, full thighs of her working to throw her body up and down your shaft, taking you in and out of her tight, warm little cunt.
“Nayeon, I-” you begin, finally finding the wherewithal after a few minutes to look up at her.
She silences you with a finger to your lips. Her eyes are half-lidded, but hungry.
“Shut up,” she spits. “Just shut up.”
You were not one to argue, not when you were balls deep inside the most beautiful woman you’d ever known. And so you content yourself with watching as Nayeon took her pleasure from your body, using your cock like a toy, impaling herself with it over and over again until she became a mewling, moaning mess atop your lap.
You grasp her thighs, squeeze her bouncing breasts and tease the nipples atop them, slide your hand up her chest and up her throat and to her jaw before sliding your thumb between her lips for her to suck as you cradle the side of her pleasure-filled face - and throughout it all she rides you, pace relentless, merciless, hard.
Soon she is cumming - and she shows no sign of stopping, fucking herself through her orgasm even as her body is wracked by pleasure. She trembles, shakes, and quivers atop you - but it doesn’t stop her, doesn’t come close to fulfilling her immense need. She wants more. She needs more. 
Even as her orgasm radiates throughout her body and turns her into a wet, writhing mess, you hold her tight to you as you turn her over, putting her on her back atop the bed while you rise to your feet next to it. You wrap her legs around your waist, pull her hips onto yours, and continue to fuck her - hard, fast, rough.
She sighs and moans and cries and you are content to let her, content to let out some of the frustration and worry and fear you’d held inside you for most of the day on her tight, helpless little body. Her breasts bounce deliciously atop her heaving chest. Her fingers are claws, finding purchase wherever she can - on the bedsheets and your forearms, mostly. Eventually she reaches down and fingers her own clit, even as your cock pumps in and out between the lips of her cunt, just beyond her fingertips. Her eyes spur you on - telling you to keep fucking her, keep using her, all without saying a single word.
Your hands leave her hips, pulling on her legs until her calves are atop your shoulders. You continue to pound into her all along, this new position leaving her cunt open and exposed, rendering her helpless to do anything but take each hard, fast thrust you make into her body. It is almost callous, the way you fuck her, as though she were some whore and not the love of your life. You use her cunt. You make it yours, remind her who it belonged to. 
Her moans build, rising in volume and signalling another impending orgasm. You want to join her, and are about to give in, about to fill her-
“My ass,” she gasps. “Fuck my ass.”
She pulls her sweaty, still trembling body off you, denying you the warm slickness of her cunt. Her pussy drips onto the bedsheets as she wastes no time, getting atop the bed on her knees, upper body pressed against the bed. She reaches back with her hands, palming the cheeks of her ass, spreading them apart, showing you what she’d been keeping inside her.
And there it is, red silicone, glistening and slick with lube.
The sight of it takes your breath away. You let an unexpected sigh of pleasure leave your lips as you grasp the toy with your fingers, easing it out of her body slowly. She moans as it leaves her, perhaps in pain or pleasure or both. Soon it’s finally out. Every molecule in her body yearns to replace its absence.
Grasping your cock, slick and wet with her juices, you press the tip against her open, gaping hole - and begin to slide inside her.
You’d had her ass before, but never after she’d had a plug inside her, and it is sublime. Her ass immediately closes and tightens around you, and you think right then and there that you might cum. Your hand clutches her ass and left hip, fingers digging deep into the soft, yielding flesh, relishing the pleasure coursing through your veins but fighting it before it gets too intense, wanting to prolong this moment. She sighs and moans as she adjusts to your size. She trembles at the feeling of her ass being filled.
“Mmmm,” she hisses into the sheets, evidently having lost the ability to form words. She reaches back as far as she can with a free hand, her long fingers clutching your thigh. She pulls you toward her, and you oblige, pressing yourself as deep as you can until you are hilt deep.
“Do it,” she spits from between gritted teeth, “Fuck my ass. Hard.”
And so you begin - fucking Im Nayeon’s ass with hard, long strokes, using her tight, hot hole with the same tempo and speed as you did her cunt just moments earlier. She moans and shrieks and gasps into the sheets, the side of her face pressed against the bed, saliva dripping from a slack mouth. Her fingers are claws, digging into the sheets or your thighs or both, searching for something, anything, to ground herself amidst the constant pounding into the most vulnerable part of her body.
“Fuck, Nayeon,” you say, your brain unable to form much more than a curse and her name. She is so tight, so very hot - and she’d ensured the toy was well lubed before it entered her, so she was slick enough to make every entry and exit so delicious, so utterly sublime; a perfect cocktail of pleasure and pain all mixed into one irresistible sensation.
For the first time in a while Nayeon lifts her head from the bed, sweat pasting dark strands to the side of her face. She opens her mouth to say something-
But you reach forward, grasping her by the back of her neck, and slamming her back down onto the bed. She shrieks - partially in surprise, mostly in pleasure - as you resume pounding her.
“Shut up,” you spit. “Just shut up.”
The thick cotton bedsheets can do little to hide the long, deep moan of pleasure that leaves Nayeon’s lips as you impose yourself on her. She continues, not stopping for a moment, letting a drivel of wordless pleasure leave her mouth with each thrust you make into her body. She reaches a hand down, plays with her wet, slick clit even as you pound relentlessly into her ass - pleasuring her, hurting her - either way, making her yours.
The hand at her neck doesn’t leave her - it merely moves to her upper back, still keeping her pinned to the mattress, making sure she could do nothing more than take you. She lets you. She gives herself to you, lets you do what you want to her, because this - a rough, hard fuck - was what she wanted, what she craved.
It doesn’t take her long to orgasm, with her fingers on her clit and your cock pounding hard into her asshole. She tightens even more around you. She screams her pleasure into the bedsheets.
She clenches around your cock when she cums. It sends you over the edge, and you push yourself as deep as you can into Im Nayeon’s ass before you cum, filling her depths with thick, hot semen. Her moans turn into whimpers and then sobs, and you think for a moment that she might be crying.
You want to stay there, as you often did after you came inside her. You want to relish the moment and the sight of your cock embedded inside her ass and the feeling of her body wrapped around yours. But the accumulated physical and mental exhaustion of the day hit you all at once, and you collapse atop her, your arms only barely keeping you from crashing onto her back as you land on your elbows, still hilt-deep inside her.
You find the strength to bring your mouth to her ear. Filthy sex and dirty fucking aside, she had to know.
“I belong to you,” you say.
“I know,” she answers. Beneath the sweaty, messy hair and heavy breaths, Nayeon smiles.
The next morning, while you are still asleep, she wakes up early to make breakfast. She rarely cooked - every food delivery driver within a ten mile radius knew how to get to your apartment by heart - but when she did it was for special occasions. Or, in this case, a form of apology for making you worry so much the day before.
She’s stumbling towards the kitchen - she was understandably more than a little sore in places that made walking difficult - when she catches a glimpse of her old criminology textbooks on the hallway bookshelf. 
She was a fairly sentimental person, and despite your efforts she wouldn’t get rid of the old, heavy texts. She insisted that they were a part of what made her who she was, and wanted to keep them as a reminder of how far she’d come in her career; privately, she kept them to remind herself of those hard months when you’d left to join JYP all those years ago, and how much she missed being away from you. Those months were difficult, and she’d turned to her career as a way of coping. Those months were instrumental in putting her on the path to becoming a detective, but they were also part of what drove her to Seoul to find you.
A thought strikes her as her eyes take in titles of the texts. She reaches out and lets her fingertips graze their worn covers, seeing in them a way to ensure her career would never worry you so much again.
And so the problems were solved. All it took was a few uncomfortable emails, a few months of occasionally stressful worrying and intense interviews, and two new job offers. Easy peasy.
You’d taken a job at a branch office of JYP that promised travel would be completely optional. Nayeon had quit the PD and become a professor in criminology at a local college. You’d moved out of the small downtown apartment that had been the home you’d shared for the past five years, and into a slightly more comfortable townhouse in the suburbs.
Time passed. Good days and bad days. She was there for all of them, making the good days sweeter and the bad days more bearable. She was home. Safe harbour and north star for each other.
You are both sitting in a cafe on a lazy Sunday morning - you’re reading a book and nursing a coffee while she’s grading some papers on her laptop. You loved many things about your relationship, but one of the things you appreciated the most was how comfortable you both were in silence. The years had given you both a familiarity that had often transcended the need for speaking. Most of the time, you knew what the other was thinking, even before they spoke.
Your presence was enough, and there was no need to fill the space between you with words for the sake of it.
After awhile you look up to her to find that she’d been watching you, apparently for some time.
“I think we’re ready,” she says, a warm, soft smile on her lips. 
She says no more, returning her attention to her laptop, but you know what she means.
You smile as you return to your book.
Im Nayeon could always surprise you.
You’d had her more times than you could count, but this night was different - it was important, special in a way none of the in-shower quickies or weekend-long marathon sessions were. Just when you’d thought sex and lovemaking could hold no more surprises, you are proven wrong.
“It’s you,” she sighs into your ear, her voice soft, still filled with pleasure, but with an undercurrent of emotion that you’d never heard in her before. One of her arms wraps itself around your back, the other buried into the hair at the back of your neck as you thrust in and out of her body. 
“Cum inside me,” she continues, breathless, words spilling from her lips in a long, drawn out hiss. “Fill me up. It has to be you. Breed me, put a baby in my belly. I want it- I want you. It has to be you. It’s only ever been you.”
“Nayeon,” you say into her ear, and when she replies with your own name you think it is the most beautiful thing you’d ever heard in your life. 
She is tight, wet, hot - she feels every bit as good as she did when you were teenagers fumbling awkwardly in an old dorm room, or when you were reunited old flames brought together by fate in Seoul, or when you moved in together and decided to build lives together. But it means more now. It means more now than it ever did.
“Give me a baby,” she says, half-moan, half-sigh. “Breed me, make me yours.”
Words you’d heard before, from the same lips, on many another night. But none like tonight, not when she meant them more than she ever did - this wasn’t pillow talk, an act meant to spice up a risqué encounter; no, this was much more. She meant every word, without pretence or facade. She meant it all.
“Nayeon,” you repeat, unable to say much else. The sound of her name on your lips draws a sigh from hers, sends a quiver up her spine that is pure pleasure and love. 
“It has to be you,” she whispers into your ear, the most intimate words she has ever spoken. “It was always you - I love you.”
“I love you too,” you say, every molecule of your body shouting the words, even if they left your lips as little more than a light gasp.
You thrust between her spread legs, and she wraps her thighs and arms around you, making the two of you into one. 
You fill her. She sighs, moans - and when your cheeks press against each other as you both lie there, breathing heavily - you can feel her cheeks pull her lips into a smile.
“It was always going to be you and me, wasn’t it?”
You are caught a little off-guard by her words - truth be told your mind was solely fixated on the humble sign outside your favourite sushi restaurant and the familiar but delicious culinary delights that awaited you. It’s a Friday night, and you were looking forward to a quiet dinner with her following a long, draining week of work. 
The choice of dining establishment was a foregone conclusion, and you had nothing on your mind other than settling into a simple but comforting meal with her. Grand statements of destined love weren't exactly on your mind - not this early in the evening, anyway.
But when you turn to her and find a soft, warm smile on her lips, you couldn’t help but agree. She doesn’t even turn to look at you - her gaze, like yours, is locked on the old, dingy, familiar restaurant sign.
“Yes,” you answer, the word leaving your lips quickly, almost on instinct, almost on reflex, as though your body knew the truth - knew what you felt, in your innermost core. “It was always going to be you, Nayeon.”
She doesn’t turn her head to look at you. There is a slight deepening of the smile on her lips, a slightly deeper blush on her cheeks, but that’s it. She doesn’t need to read your face to verify or discern the truth in your expression. She is confident enough -  in the years you’ve spent together, in the trials and tribulations borne at each others’ side, to know the truth in your words.
She feels it in the way you clutch her hand, the way you hold her close in your most intimate moments, the way you brush stray hairs away from her forehead when you kiss her good morning before heading out the door to work. 
She sees it in the slight swell in her belly, and the family you were building together.
She knows all this. She feels it all, deep inside herself where nothing else exists except you and her and the home you’ve built with shared memories. She knows it is all true, always will be.
When you enter the restaurant you are greeted warmly with a smile and hug by the waiter - he’s become a good friend in the years since your escapades in Tokyo and Seoul. From behind the counter, Jisoo looks up from her prep work to wave and smile widely. She leaves the counter for a moment to greet you both, revealing the full roundness of her belly. She waddles awkwardly over, exchanging hugs, confirming plans for next week’s gender reveal dinner party for their child.
With one hand, Nayeon cradles Jisoo’s full belly. Perhaps unconsciously, her free hand hovers over her own, a warm, thoughtful smile on her lips.
Eventually, Jisoo shuffles adorably back to the counter to finish her vegetable prep, promising to come back later to chat. The waiter shows you to your table, leaving you both two cups of tea. 
He doesn’t leave a menu, because he already knows your order.
You tap the chest pocket of your jacket as you take it off and drape it over the back of your seat, making sure the small box and the engagement ring within were still there.
Nayeon cups her tea in both hands before taking a small sip. She finally locks eyes with you, although she doesn’t say anything. She knows she doesn’t have to. She’s content just to smile, content to reach her hand over the table, palm up, wanting nothing more than to feel your hand in hers.
Maybe she knew what was coming. Maybe she caught a glimpse of the box in your nightstand drawer, or noticed an open tab on your browser for a local jewelry store. Maybe she read it in your face at some point today, in the way you moved or the words you chose. She was a former detective and current professor of criminology, after all. She’d made a living out of reading people, and to her, you were an open book.
But it didn’t matter whether she knew it was coming or not, whether she would be surprised at all when, at the end of your meal, you got down on one knee in this restaurant where your relationship began and asked her to spend the rest of her life with you.
Because you both already knew, on some level had always known. It was always going to be you and her. And every trial and tribulation, every painful relationship with long-gone lovers, every day apart - it had all led to tonight.
Nayeon’s hand finds yours and your fingers intertwine.
Your heart warms at her touch.
Author’s Note: Good to be back ^^ Excuse any writing rust that was evident in this fic :( I actually had this alternate ending to BT mostly written awhile ago, but I'd been thinking about coming back to writing again and Nayeon's comeback gave me all the inspiration I needed to finally finish it.
Shoutout to @capslocked, whose work played a part in getting me back into writing. A special shoutout to his Tzuyu fic, which is probably one of my favorite smuts of all time - and I might have borrowed the phone sex idea from it. Love ya bud. Mimosa fic next pls k thx.
Stories and posts will be few and far between, but you’re always welcome to leave an ask. Thank you all for the love and support you've shown me over the past year. <3
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merchelsea · 2 months
Hi hi
Can I request a Oscar Piastri sister reader x Lando
Maybe she's older than Oscar by a year and dating Lando, I want it to be angst with fluffy ending cus im a sucker for those 😭 either the reader and lando gets into a fight and they take a break and Oscar ends up being the middle person with a happy ending
Oscar didnt know his sister was dating Lando and she introduces Lando to her family as her bf and oscar's just hurt by how they didnt tell him in advance?? and he starts being petty and ignore them...but it also ends in a happy ending
Idk idk I'm good with any as long as it's angst fluff sorry this is long 😭😭 thank you as welllll <3
family matter — lando norris (+op81)
pairing: lando norris x fem!piastri!reader
summary: you introduced lando to your family, as your boyfriend, and your brother didn’t react as well as you hoped
autor’s note: you guys love a piastri sister x lando story. (well i love writing them so keep the requests coming!
word count: 2k
warnings: angst. sad oscar. swearing.
masterlist | requests
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lando stood nervously on the passenger seat, while you drove to the restaurant. he didn’t need to say anything for you to realize how insanely nervous he was.
you told him tonight was the night you would let everyone know what he actually meant to you.
you had been dating for a month and some days, and not telling anyone was crazy, in your perspective. you knew everyone would support you, but you were still a little apprehensive. after all, lando was oscar’s teammate, and you didn’t want to make things at work difficult for neither of them.
it was a good opportunity today because your whole family agreed to go out for dinner after a good home race for oscar. lando got a podium, oscar got fourth place. it was good for the team and for both drivers.
even though there was some controversy.
once you told him, the british immediately panicked. your family loved him, and he was aware, but he couldn’t shake this uneasy feeling.
seeing him so tense, you decided it was better if you drove. you were not completely normal about this either, but you felt this was way easier for you.
as you got closer to the restaurant, you felt like you needed to, at least try to, calm him down.
“they already love you, lan. it’s not like us being together changes their opinion about you.” you looked over at him as you parked the car.
he simply nodded, kissing the back of your hand after holding on to it for a while. you stood in the car a little more.
“you’re right. let’s go.” he finally told you.
you both walked together up to the table. oscar had his back to you, so you hugged him from behind. other members of the family smiled at lando’s figure behind you as you kissed oscar’s cheeks.
“you brought lando?” your mother asked, a smile plastered on her lips as she walked over to hug the british.
“yeah… hm. i wanted to tell you guys, something…” you started, making every one face you except your brother, who you were still holding. “well, me and lando, we are together.” you slowly let go of oscar as he turned around, a serious expression on his face. “as a couple, boyfriend and girlfriend…” someone let out an excited noise and all you could see were smiley faces.
“finally!” your dad said from across the table, coming closer right after and hugging lando in his own way.
the driver was clearly nervous, but way better then before. a soft smile in his lips as he looked over at you.
you looked at oscar, trying to get a reaction out of him and he simply smiled, nodded and whispered a ‘congratulations’ to both of you, before turning around to eat again.
you sort of expected a better reaction from your brother, maybe an excited one, maybe a protective one.
the aussie looked like he didn’t care enough to give it a minute of attention.
maybe it was just because today was supposed to be about him, and you ruined it. maybe he wasn’t so pleased to have lando as a brother-in-law. maybe he was just tired because of the race.
you didn’t give it too much thinking, you moved to his right, sat next to him with lando by your side, and ate. making conversation with everyone around and looking over to lando from time to time, to make sure he was doing okay.
that night, you got home with lando and received an extremely good feedback from your family. they loved norris, and were delighted to have him as a part of the family.
oscar, who didn’t seem to be so pleased, never texted you. you noticed it and found it strange, but once again thought there could be other explanations to it. not just that he abhorred the idea of you two together.
some weeks passed away and you were now on lando’s driver room. sitting on the edge of the couch, caressing his hair.
norris knew you loved formula one more than almost everything, so he made sure to have you there in japan with him, since oscar had already gifted his own passes.
your boyfriend looked over at you with a concerned look.
“hey, baby, have you talked to oscar after we told him we were together?” he asked, playing with the zipper of his race suit.
“i don’t think so.” you stopped to think, and realized you hadn’t indeed talked to him. which was odd, as you were always glued to each other. “i think he’s been pretty busy.”
lando hummed and you looked down at his face. “why?” you asked, he shook his head while looking at you.
“nothing, love. it just looks like he’s avoiding me.” with half-closed eyes, you hummed.
after all, your theory might not be wrong. maybe oscar didn’t like the idea of you and lando as more than friends.
“i’ll try to talk to him, lan.” you bent down to kiss his forehead. “you have free practice in a few minutes, don’t worry about this. it will be okay.”
he sat up and hugged you.
“i love you.” he smiled against your neck.
“i love you too. good luck, baby.” you smiled back, feeling his lips on the sensitive skin. he eventually got up and left the room. you stayed back a little to get his laptop and notebook, for after the fp sessions.
lando had two shitty sessions, finishing 10th in one and 12th in the other. on the other hand, oscar managed to pull some really good laps, finishing 8th and 1st.
your boyfriend got out of the car and looked over at you to let you know he was okay, as that was always a preoccupation, and talked with his mechanics, giving them feedback about the car and what could be improved.
oscar did the same thing, not taking so long because there wasn’t really much that the mechanics could do on his car.
piastri’s feedback after the first free practice helped him realize that the problem was how long he took to brake on the corners. improving that, he made an incredible fp2.
“osc, good job.” you smiled at your brother as he passed by. the aussie simply nodded his head before going into his driver room.
you thought of following him immediately and get things cleared out, but maybe you should just wait for lando. this was about him too, after all.
your family wasn’t here yet, because, except for your father, none of them actually liked formula one. they liked that your brother was brilliant doing it, but they didn’t really know anything or cared about the sport. so they only came for the race. never even qualifying.
your dad watched them from home, not wanting to leave your mother alone with all the hosting responsibilities.
once norris was freed, he walked up to you and held you in his arms.
“you were distracted out there.” you stated. the british let out a frustrated sigh.
“i know… it’s just the oscar situation. he’s one of my closest friends in formula one. i don’t want him to hate me.” you chuclked, pulling the man closer to you.
“he doesn’t hate you.” you commented. “let’s talk to him.” lando’s eyes widened and he pulled back to try and see if you were serious.
“now?” he asked and you nodded, grabbing his hand and pulling him though the garage until you reached oscar’s private room.
hearing a knock on his door, oscar ran to the door.
“hi?” he was confused with your presence. it wasn’t you he was waiting for.
“hey. i think we need to talk.” without asking for permission, you entered and dragged lando inside with you.
“we do, actually.” oscar states, closing the door and leaning against his table. lando took place on top of a balcony and you leaned against that same balcony, standing face to face with your big brother.
no one said anything for some seconds. trying to figure out what was the best way to start this important conversation.
“you guys should’ve told me.” oscar said, looking between the both of you. anyone who knew him could tell how hurt he was. his eyes reflecting it.
“we told you!” you remarked.
“yeah, after what? two months?” he sarcastically pointed out. “next time send me a letter, maybe it would be faster.” you rolled your eyes and lando stood still, understanding oscar’s side perfectly.
“this isn’t about you.” you said, lando touched your back gently, trying to calm you down.
“you are my sister, y/n! do you even know how much i care about this? you are my other half, the person i love the most in this whole entire world!” oscar’s voice rose a little as he spoke. “and lando, you are my friend! you both kept this from me and discarded me in the process. i was informed at the same time that auntie joannah was!”
you felt the urge to laugh at the mention of the old lady’s name, but kept your expression still. a little more saddened now that you were realizing just how big your mistake was.
“no, y/n. let me finish.” he asked. you simply nodded, and he continued. his arms were crossed in front of his chest now and he had his race suit halfway down. “you have been distancing yourself and i have no idea of why. at first i thought you weren’t okay because of hate or how things were going with tennis, but you don’t seem very preoccupied with that, so i really don’t know.”
he takes a deep breath before speaking again. “i’m sure you had your reasons, but you’re my best friend, y/n, and constantly feeling like you don’t trust me anymore, or don’t consider me as you did before… it hurts.”
sadness embraces you as you listen to your brother. lando caresses your shoulder from behind you.
“maybe i should leave you two to talk, this is family matter.” the british suggests.
“you’re family.” both you and oscar say in unison. lando couldn’t help but feel his heart warm, smiling softly to himself as you think of some way to explain things to oscar.
“you know, i would have been your relationship’s biggest supporter if you had given me the chance.” oscar was the one to talk again, and you couldn’t hold back anymore. you needed to hug him, and so you did.
it was a clumsy hug, but it meant everything to you.
“i never meant to hurt you, osc.” you truthfully told him, feeling his grip tightening around you. “it was supposed to be a surprise…”
“what a fucking great way to do it.”
as you both hugged each other, lando watched from the balcony. he too was scared of losing oscar’s friendship, but he was sure that you would do the right thing, and sort things out.
“i never thought you would see this as a good thing. from the start, you and lando got along really really well, and i never wanted to get in the way of that, but i did not control it.” tears threatened to come out of your eyes at any time.
“when it happened, when we happened, i was terrified… but this was strong, i couldn’t stay away from him even if i tried. it was the kind of love you can not put down… and the idea seemed to be less and less terrifying.” you tried to explain. oscar payed close attention to every word you said, and lando, from the balcony, did the same thing.
it was the first time you opened up to someone other than your own figure in the mirror.
“and then i embraced this. this idea of being his, and then he asked me to be his girlfriend and i could never say no. i love him!”
you turn around to look at lando, who hugged his knees and smiled at you. oscar looked too and immediately realized that norris was the one for you. just by his eyes.
“but i still wasn’t prepared to tell you, because of every single devilish thought in my head. so i kept my distance because i know i wouldn’t be able to lie or hide anything from you. but i never, ever, stopped trusting you or considered you less.” you remarked. “you’re my osc, my big brother, you are my everything, and i’m sorry for not communicating.”
you could see in his eyes how hurt he was, and you hated to think it was all because of you.
“i’m sorry, oscar. i really am.”
“i like to know stuff. and i love you,” he pulls you into a real hug this time, allowing you to breathe freely again.
lando, who was still sat on the balcony, walked over towards you and stood next to you, watching the sibling moment with admiration in his eyes.
it was rare to find such a connection.
when you two pulled apart, lando finally broke his silence.
“hey, osco… i’m sorry too man. we both thought about surprising you, and i may have been a little more guilty than y/n there, because i didn’t want you to hate me for dating your sister.”
oscar smiled at the brit.
“i trust you with her, and i don’t hate you. but if you ever even think about hurting her...” lando nodded knowingly, and they touched hands.
“i would never. i really love her.” oscar pulled your boyfriend into a hug and you stood back, watching the two of them.
“i can see it.” oscar smiled as they pulled back.
lando ran his hand from behind your neck until he reached your shoulder, and pulled you close. he kissed the top of your head.
“i’m family now eh?” lando bragged and oscar rolled his eyes.
“don’t make me regret it.”
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ravenromanova · 10 months
Just one night
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Pairings: Natasha x Ex girlfriend reader
Warnings: SMUT SMUT SMUT SMUT!!!!!!! Mommy kink, fingering, oral, thigh riding, squirting, clit play, nipple play. DO NOT READ IF YOURE UNDER 18+!!!!!!!!!!! (Fluff, Smut, Happy ending)
Masterlist - Send me requests!!!
From the moment you walked into the room her emerald eyes were on you. She drank in the way you looked in the black dress that clung to your body in all the right ways. You were obviously oblivious to her staring as you sauntered your way across the event. Luckily for her you both were forced to come to this event tonight since it was for the avengers.
Stark held a fundraiser for the team once a year so the team can get funding and make nice with the government officials. So fortunately for the redheaded assassin you were forced to be in close proximity to her for the evening. She watched as you walked to the bar chatting up one of the senators of new york. You smiled brightly at the older woman who was talking your ear off about god knows what.
Natasha waited a few minutes for the senator to leave before she walked up next you. “A vodka martini please” She said to the bartender causing you to turn your head in her direction.
”Hi darling“ Her smooth voice echoes through your ears. You could tell by the look on her face she had some kind of mischievous plan for the night.
“Hi tasha” You said as you took a sip from your cocktail and raised your brow to her. The sound of your voice instantly brought a smile to her face.
“Did you come here with someone?” She asked a little hesitantly as she sipped her drink.
“Do you really think id subject someone else to this craziness?” You motion to around the room that’s filled with your drunk teammates.
Natasha laughed a little at your statement. “Well i guess that’s true” She shrugged. “But at least we ran into each other”
“I have a very strong feeling that you planned to run into me” You responded with a smirk causing her to let out a breathy chuckle.
“Well i guess thats somewhat true. Maybe i just wanted to see my girl” Nat said taking a long sip from her drink.
“Last time i checked we broke up” Your words made her frown slightly. She recalled the day you two broke up and it made her heart break even more.
“Doesn’t mean you aren’t mine.” The words sent a chill down your spine and you softly smiled at her.
“Ever the charmer tasha. But im assuming you have something up your sleeve?” You asked and the redhead just smiled her devilish smile.
“More so a proposition” She started as she tapped her finger against the bar. “It’s been a while since i’ve uh been with someone. And i know from my many sources that you haven’t either. So my proposal is that for just tonight me and you forget about the reasons we broke up and just be together again.” Her words make you feel a a little dizzy as she speaks.
You take a few moments to process her words before you finally make a decision. “Just one night?” You asked raising your eyebrow at her before sipping your drink and then ordering another one.
“Just one night” She said sticking out her pinky so you know she’s serious. You smiled at her before you wrapped your pinky around hers.
That’s how you ended up here. Splayed out on her mattress in her room at the compound. Your clothes are partially removed as Natasha is leaving red marks on your neck and chest.
“God i’ve missed you” She admits kissing below your ear making you moan a little.
“Ive missed you too” You confess breathlessly as she moves to unclasp your bra. When her eyes land on your exposed chest her mouth instantly waters. Her lips them circle around your nipple and she starts to suck harshly loving the way you moan for her.
Natasha spends an ungodly amount of time playing with your nipples like she’s never played with them before… granted it’s been six months but it felt like a lifetime to her. So she spent extra time tweaking, pinching and sucking on them like she’s done many times before.
“Please mommy… i-i need you” You beg clawing at her smooth pale skin. Natasha chuckles at your lack of patience before she kisses down your stomach and stops and the hem of your panties.
“Oh kotenok how i’ve missed your begging” She says kissing along the hem of your panties before she slides them down your legs. Once she removes them she takes a moment to appreciate your dripping pussy thats on display for her.
“Fuck i’ve missed you” She continues her words of affirmation as she kisses you inner thighs lightly before diving into your core. Her tongue darts out passed her lips and she licks a stripe along your pussy causing you to mewl in response.
Natasha laps at you like woman starved and gets lost in the way you taste. Your hands fly to her hair and you hold onto her with a strong grip feeling the coil in your stomach build.
“Oh fuck yes mommy” You moan out feeling yourself get closer by the second. Natasha takes your moans as her sign to stick two of her thick and long fingers into you.
“OH FUCK!” You scream out as you feel her fingers fill you up. She smirks she sets a medium pace being careful not to hurt you. Her fingers graze the sweet spot inside and you end up on her fingers and tongue.
“God i love the way you taste baby” She praises bringing her fingers to her mouth and licking off your juices with a delighted moan. Natasha wasnt done with you yet though after she licked her fingers she went back to eat your pussy again.
Your back arched off the bed when she wrapped her lips around your clit and started sucking again. “OH MY GOD” You moaned gripping the sheets for support. Natasha just hummed in response getting lost in your sounds and taste. As she was eating you all you could think about was how much you missed her and never wanted this to end.
You two broke up amicably for multiple reasons the main one being the fact that there just wasnt enough communication. And with you two being Avengers the non communication turned into sloppy missions and arguments which led to the end. But in the end you both missed each other more than either of you wanted to admit.
“Cum for me detka” She said harshly sucking on your clit bringing you out of your thoughts. Her words along with a particularly harsh suck you ended up squirting all over the bed.
“O-Oh my god” You whisper breathlessly as you move the hair from your face. Natasha made her way back up to your face and gently cupped your cheek.
“Ive missed you so much” She whispers pulling you in for a passionate kiss. “I lied… I dont want this to be just for one night”
“Me neither” You confessed moving your hands to her waist and positioning her on your thigh. She raised an eyebrow at you before she got the hint and removed her clothes and sat back down in your thigh.
Your hands gripped her hips and you locked eyes with her and pushed her dripping core onto your thigh. She let out a breathy moan at the contact of your cool thigh against her warm core. Her hands went straight to your chest so she could have something to hold onto as she slowly lost her composure.
Natasha could feel her orgasm creep up on her as she grinded against your thigh. And when you tensed up your thigh under her she let go all over your thigh making you smile.
“Ive missed that” You say chuckling a little making her smile. She slowly got off your thigh and you marveled at the sight of her juices on your thigh. Once she laid down on the bed you laid on her chest as you tried to catch your breath.
“I want us to try again” She whispered in your ear as she kissed your head.
“We were already back together from the second you made your proposition” You confessed. Natasha smiled and kissed you again before she grabbed a towel to clean the both of you off. When she returned she cleaned you and then herself off before laying back down next to you.
“Sleep now my love” She whispered in your ear as well as wrapping her arms around you and bringing you closer to her as much as possible.
Soon you booth drifted off into a peaceful sleep. Yes there was still a lot to talk about but as for now you were going to relish in the bliss that is Natasha Romanoff.
~The end~
A/n i know this was kinda rushed but i really wanted to post something for yall so i hope you liked it :)
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adoregojo · 8 months
valentines - sae itoshi x reader
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yayyyyy I finished it, im free :3 im so freaking sleepy rn warnings: angst, very happy ending the chap before: one
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it's been years since you last saw sae.
those 3 years without the elder itoshi felt unfilled, missing it familiar spark. visiting the sea doesn't feel the same without the reddish-brown boy alongside with you. his endless grumbles about how luck keeps running the opposite direction and it's always loss in the in of his road were now just a remains echoing inside your head.
it's not that his face wasn't rememberable anymore, in fact, his face was glued on every bug screen around japan. under the name of the japan prodigy himself. however his face was blurry and those big-screens always do him unjustifiably. pictures were good, but sae grew. oh how you wished you could have grew together again.
you missed his actual face, when he would reveal his rare unseen smile to you. even when he didn't smile, there was something there, your grandma always said that his eyes would go soft under the mention of your name. when actual emotions were still swirling in his heartland. now you looking at his face, his slime teal eyes were so..bleary.. sae looked like he lost all his colours.
you wished you could embrace him, just like you used to when you two were kids after he flunked his math test and the first thing he does is let you hug him and play with his hair, sae told you that he would never let someone else do that to him yet the word shameless was unfound beside you.
but now you were helpless. thinking about the great distance itself between you two was crushing.
you kept writing, and sae promised to write back. at least he did at first, within the next months his letters and calls were fading, draining each day, they were getting awfully dry to the point you felt he was just saying anything to make shut you down. but in the end he stopped completely. no matter how much you texted or called they were never answered.
yet you kept on writing, even when he didn't reply. you sent him birthday cards on his, remained him of yours as well. however he never responded. you write and send, write and send, write and send damn letters nonstop. at some stage you didn't know where to send them anymore. they were never replied to, never seen nor read.
soon your texts became green. and it felt like a door was slammed on your face.
you felt desperate, like a dog waiting for it owner returned. and you could feel the pity glimpses in everyone's faces, in school, neighbourhood, sometimes even your own grandma, except that she held more sympathy with it.
perhaps, the younger itoshi was the only one who didn't change much. just like you, sae stopped his communication with him as well. but he handled it way better than you did, the letters 'big brother will come back, he's just busy' fell out rin's mouth every time he senses you unhidden soreness.
you should believe in what he says, it's literally his brother. his own flesh and blood, his family. yet you didn't ease up under his words, if anything it worried you even more. you felt it, the wave screaming back at you that something bad will happen, something that'll change everything forever.
and you knew you were right when opened the door revealing rin with tears running down his reddened cheeks.
rin never told you what happened that tragic snowy night.
all you could remember was him shedding tears like there was no tomorrow, they were silent yet so painful that you felt sorry for the boy. you always took rin as an unbending person, he was like sae but much more chill and dare you say more friendly?
you warped a blanket around him when he slept in the guest room, you never pressured him. never pushed him, thinking about it now, you should probably have. because you woke up to that bed soothed back all clean and empty the next morning.
and it felt like rin last strike of humanity was left dead under your roof.
rin changed, and everything changed with him. maybe you didn't, perhaps you grew doleful, dejected. waiting was hard, pouring down your soul. it felt like the sky was telling you that you were waiting for nothing, but to be truthful, not only the sky was implying that.
you saw how the younger itoshi would look at you when he saw you writing letters to sae. he said nothing and stood silent, yet his eyes were pleading with you to stop, to give up on his brother before he curses you for good. however, you were already cursed by sae a long time ago.
even when he left for that project, deep inside. he wanted to say something, to speak up. the words were on the tip of his tongue yet he kept on opening his mouth and closing it like a lost fish. then rin left without a word, leaving you to face the truth by yourself.
you found it strange when every time you were present in the tv room, the first thing your grandmother dose is close the tv or change the channel. it was weird, you never remembered her being a big fan of national animals shows. she always liked the news which was what she kept avoiding for a while for some reason. her protection wouldn't last forever.
a secret kept swimming around you, just walking around in the hallways was enough for everyone to either laugh or look at you with such pity. even the teachers? what was going on, what kind of secret could it be to impair you this much?
you wished to stay curious, to stay lost in your little circle of agony but not to witness the man that planted dead hopes within you was now cutting your roots of holden on faith.
you saw a picture of sae kissing another girl, and you felt your soul getting toured up by him.
like the world itself was laughing at you naiveness, how stupid you were. you felt used, the wasted years you spent waiting on someone who didn't even care felt like a pure burning betrayal. you got that light message, sae was basically telling you to get off his back, you were no longer needed.
you meant nothing that anyone could possibly overshadow you. you got tossed aside, a dusty memory that was never worth holding in the first place.
you stopped writing letters after that day.
"nice having you back in japan, genius boy."
aiku laughed, but the man ahead of him didn't even spare a smile at him. instead he found the glass of drink in front of him more interested. the black head let out a sigh, he guessed that sae isn't exactly a man of change, he needs to stop letting his hopes up for nothing.
it's an understatement to say that aiku was surprised that the elder itoshi would even acknowledge his invitation for a night out at what he called a fancy bar. hell, sae probably didn't even like wine in the first place. yet he was here, looking around with his boredom eyes that never opened fully.
"soo, you finally opened your heart for your dear home?." aiku asked, taking a sip of his own drink. through the transparent glass, he could see the slim teal eyes peeking at him.
"what's up with that interview question? don't say you invited me for this." sae spat out, the place was awfully packed despite it being the middle of the night. and he would lie if he said he wanted to spend another second here.
"haha, once a stiff always a stiff. thought i would get a thank you for getting you out of your forlorn shell for awhile. i mean, look at those chicks, you sure you don't wanna catch yourself a little fun? heard you were left out on valentines eve."
the elder itoshi frown a brow, "you think you're my wingman or some shit? don't get too high of yourself just 'cause i went out here with you." scoffing, the reddish head crossed his arms.
before aiku could get a chance to reply, a sultry voice called. "you boys would like a refill?" the suffocating smell of her perfume was pocking sae's nose, which made him hard grimace in disgust. while on the other hand, the shaggy head threw a sly smile at him for some reason, he better not do anything stupid.
"not me, hun. but my friend over there would definitely like to. right, sae?" he should've knew better. he knew this fucker was trying to set him up with some, it didn't even need a rethink when his glass wasn't even half way empty.
sae could feel a vine running through his head when the high heels sound was lifted to his side. his personal space was getting tackled when the woman bend over with her breath that reeked of unhidden smoke and alcohol was tickling his ear.
"Oh? you must be a new one. we got specials for those." she breath out, her hand running down sae's arm. he had to stop himself from getting defensive at her sharp nails stabbing him through the fabric of his clothes. "you can request anything you please, even these lewd things going on your head."
her flirting was on death ears, he didn't even take a glimpse at her. nudging that man was like trying to punch a wall. sae told himself to ignore and she'll get the message and leave him alone already.
"c'mon now, whatever little sweetheart you clinging onto doesn't have to know."
and that hits a nerve, "anything you say? than I request you to step the fuck back you good for nothing tart creature." as soon as these harsh words come out, a loud gasp was heard. and sae couldn't find it in himself to stop the next words of coming out. "I came here for someone, not some harlot woman wiggling over me. go throw yourself on some pimp maybe you'll find a purpose inside their pants or something."
soon, it turns into a crying mess. and sae remains stiff. the only reaction he could give was sipping on his drink, he saw aiku trying to stop the women from running before stroking the bridge of his nose is disbelief.
"what the hell man.. you could've just told her to leave you alone."
"I don't like pushy people."
he hears a scoff, then aiku swaying after the other woman. sae could feel the eyes of strangers staring him down, not that he cares, not even about that woman who he sent crying, she can collect what's left from her dignity, if there was any in the first place. he was too busy rethinking why did he speak those words.
and why did was your face the first thing to pop up his mind when he said that.
it's been years, and he couldn't believe that he agreed to aiku's request, yet he'll never admit that he wanted any reason to step here again. any reason to see you again, he never thought he still had it in his heart to miss you. to be eager for you, he found himself bubbling with excitement like a little kid again.
sae can't figure why are you suddenly so heavy on his mind, was it the years of pushing you to the corner of his mind was paying off? even the tiniest things were enough to makeshift you in a way. it felt like he couldn't escape you, you were in everything and everyone. in the side planted flowers, in the little kids laughs, in the bright colours of the sun.
he wondered if you still think of him, if you still hold on him after seven years of being absent in every way possible. you turned eighteen without him, you probably had much more friends by now, maybe even changed your haircut, he remembers you rambling about how your grandma wouldn't let you change the same haircut for years now. sae himself doesn't notice the smile forming on his lips.
"wash that sappy face off, doesn't suit you." a firm voice stated, he didn't even have to turn around and see when he knew this tone like the back of his hand. lo and behold, his younger brother standing there.
"shitty brother."
rin walked up to the table, his hands deep in his pockets. standing in such a filthy place made shift disgustingly. not even trying to hide his displeasure staring at both his brother and whoever walks by like a walking foul trash bags. or maybe that's just his natural face.
he didn't take the obvious abandon seat, instead he stood like he just needed a minute before taking his leave. "didn't expect you to be back, though you called this place unworthy of your presence." said rin, his eyes doesn't held them loathing anymore. but still a hint of unbearableness was there, that'll take some time to wash away.
"i have my reasons." he simply replied, he was never releasing his feelings.
"plus, what the hell are you doing here? and don't lie to me when you look like seconds away from throwing up." sae question,
"you need to get a assertive manager next time." rin shrugged, he wasn't planning on lying. the guy almost shat himself at the sight of rin alone. maybe he should work in his face expression.
"well, I know you aren't here for a heartwarming family reunion. so spit it out already." rude as ever, but the younger itoshi learned to not raise his hopes too much when it came to his brother.
rin doesn't reply to that, instead he reaches for his black coat pocket. lifting out some designed letter, leaned it carefully over the table for him to take. so sae does, playing around with the object, he sided eye his brother.
"a wedding invitation." rin answered before he could question.
"yours?" he asked in disbelief, that was not a face of a man getting married.
his younger brother started at him like he grew another head, "no?" he almost gagged, narrowing his eyes.
"then i have no interest in wasting my time."
"just read it you damn slacker." rin demand, he did not come all the way here for his older brother to act like a spoiled brat. he swore he's gonna shove that letter down his throat if don't stop yapping.
finally sae let out a dramatic sigh before opening the letter, whatever name it was, it better be worth it. and part of him wished he never opened it.
because his eyes uncontrollably traveled to your name, not even that he read the start nor the beginning. he wished it was a mistake, maybe someone else's name and it was all pure coincidence. his eyelids flicker open, he read it once, twice, and the world felt like it stopped.
"..it's in two days by the way.. and stop looking at the letter like that, your gonna burn it." rin words went from ear to ear. but sae managed to catch something in the lines 'in two days'
"two days?.. why am i getting an invitation now?" words came out mindlessly, he wanted to ask more, who, how and when. his mind was on track. sae never wished for something to be a sick joke like now.
"are you serious? be grateful you were even in the list." nevertheless, rin didn't like his question. is that really what he asked? not even about you? however, his brother colourless face spoke more.
sae didn't reply, he looked at the letter in his hand like it was his worst enemy. rin wished his brother wasn't a damn block headed maybe then he'll get his fingers on what's running inside his mind. so rin takes his leave, letting his brother handle the news by himself.
"woah, man. that girl just wouldn't stop crying. I'm starting to believe you're truly heartless." aiku let out breathlessly, but he was met of a new face of sae, it was the first time he say any other expression on his face. especially something..this emotional..
"dude, you okay? looks like you've seen a ghost."
maybe even someone as cold as sae could carry a fragile heart.
2021 February 18
it felt like the universe was laughing at him.
fate was truly the cruelest, out of any other day. it had to day, the day that was meant for you and him, just fir another guy to snatch his place like a piece of candy. he wished it was him, he wished he didn't come here in the first place. yet he was, surrounded with unfamiliar faces chit chatting around.
sae regrets stepping in here, he wanted to leave. to runaway. he doesn't want to face it, to face you walking down with another man that is not him. but he wanted to see you so bad, why did this feel like this is his only chance to see you ever again?
he felt aimless, and the people talking wasn't helping him either.
"did you hear? they're gonna rent a house on a beach!"
"oh my, they're so lucky. wished mine would have the same mindset."
fucking kill him.
"you actually came? thought you'd leave like the spineless coward you are." the voice of rin was merciless. and most of all brutally honest.
"shut up. I don't wanna hear it." sae waved him off, he didn't wanna hear it. especially his little brother berating him senselessly. deep down, he knew he deserved it. he was the one that stepped over your heart when he promised to take care of it. maybe he is a coward.
after he followed after rin, which took to long for his liking, he had to complain. "fuck you taking me to?" he spat out.
"be patient, don't you wanna talk to them?"
that somehow shuts down any chance of any other objection, it felt like ages before they got to the meant room. and for some reason, sae doesn't enter yet, he doesn't find the guts to.
"why did you even invite me to this?"
"me? invite you? you wish." rin jeered, his brother was definitely not in the right mindset to think such thing. "they invited you, if anything i thought it was better not to."
"I didn't even think you'd come, looks like you still got something in that frigid heart of yours. but it's already too late to come over your fears."
a ghost smile form on sae's face, at his own stupidity, at rin's truthful manner. at himself,
"i know that."
he closed the door behind, and slowly walked into the room. his steps were heavy they kept on echoing through the walls. announcing to the world what he was doing. it was a miracle he didn't fumble his feet on the way, and more of a miracle when he didn't faint at how beautifully you shone.
you quickly stood up, the white dress mimicking your movements. he was right, you did change your hairstyle after all, and oh, how you good you made it look.
"sae? you actually came.." you exclaimed. examining him from head to toe, he did change, more like he grew. he wasn't the same height as you anymore, his bangs were long gone. and he refused to meet your eyes. looking at everything but your gaze.
"yeah." he pushed out his lips.
it was strange, seeing the one he promised to marry get married to another one. his first crush, first crush, his first heartbreak, the first heart he shattered. all the memories of childhood came like a rush wave of air, and what lingered was your face at the airport, the day you said goodbye. the day he heard you sniffing behind him, yet he didn't turn.
perhaps because he knew out everyone, he would've gave up everything just to not see you a tear run down your face. or it would be him crying with and be a couple of crying mess. yes you got him warped your finger like that.
sae only knew a world with you, and he knew his soul stayed with you the day he left.
"it's been a while,"
"seven years, it's been seven years." the male corrected
"i know." you giggle bitterly. he knew you knew. you both knew but none spoke or mentioned anything.
"how have you been?" he had now idea of what to say or ask of you, that was your fucking weeding of course you're happy. damn, even his younger self wasn't that clueless.
"I'm good. you?"
I'm missing you terribly.
"that's good.." you shifted awkwardly, like you wanted to hide from him. was he making you that uncomfortable?
"can i?" stretching out his arms slightly, he was ready for you reject it, to punch him, to scream at him. but you nodded instead.
you lean right on his chest, his hesitate arm on the small of your back. when was the last he hugged someone? it was much easier when you two were kids. it sure felt warm, your cologne taking over his senses. he just didn't feel like fits the puzzle anymore. and it fucking hurt.
it didn't last long sadly, taking yourself out of his embrace. he doesn't want to let go, if he let go, you'll disappear. despite that he looked into your eyes, and suddenly he doesn't feel only half alive. you still got him warped around your finger like that.
"i need to go, it was nice seeing you again, sae."
he could only nodded, every step he took away from you felt like the world was draining it colors again, the universe was punishing him, because seeing you not sparing a glance back was truly painful.
the evening felt timeless, it skips to where he sat looking heedlessly at the ground. he didn't want to meant anyone's face nor attention. he bet that his was gloomy enough to scare off anyone who walks by.
one's begs to differ.
"well, well. if that ain't a face I haven't seen in a long time." an elderly woman said, the same old sly smile still glued to her face. she takes a seat beside sae, fearlessly nudging him to look at her.
"it's you."
"it's me, that old granny you used to call a hag." your grandma said.
"That was one time, and you spanked me for it."
"i sure did, always been a badass." she laughed, and sae found the invisible beam draw in it way to her face.
"look at you, you grew to a fine young man." he hissed when she pinched his cheek, almost as if she meant for it to hurt. he had rub the spot with a grunt.
"despite that, it's sad to say you disappointed me, itoshi sae." she spoke in a straightforward manner. almost like she was scolding him. and when say nothing she continues.
"I would've given you another spank but my grandchild would be mad, they still cares for you. always been." the lady sighed, "they never gave up on you, four years is a real challenge. every day they kept on writing to you, did you perhaps read them."
"every singer night."
"but you didn't respond to a single one?"
he doesn't replay to that.
"don't prove me wrong again. that girl you put your mouth on, why?"
sae's hand travel down his neck, trying to find the right answer. as if there was one. "i wanted them to give up on me. i just felt pushing them and everyone away was the right thing."
"so you became a selfish bastard that kills everything he touches? i knew you were dumb but not that dumb." she shook her head, he had concerned her swinging her cane over his head.
"it doesn't matter, it was already done." lies sliding down his throat. and he knew even a strong face wasn't enough to hide the truth. she could see him bare.
"maybe if you weren't that stupid, you'd have managed to keep the only person that could handle you. but I'm never wrong so i guess you two did end up together in another lifetime."
"but i wanted them in this one."
"too bad, too late." it felt like a sucker punch, he wished for her to actually beat him with that cane at least it'd be less hurtful and heavy. again the urge to leave was strong. and it was getting stronger when that man stood there, and when you walked he couldn't take his eyes off, he couldn't even blink. you never looked so breathtaking. and there he knew that his place didn't get stolen, but earned by someone else. someone better than him. someone that could make you happy and wouldn't make you hold on to a forsaken promise.
yesterday it was him proposing to you with his dead grandparents ring, today it was another one warping it around your finger. the image will hunt him to his death.
the him that promised, the him who kisses you injures, the him who saw you in sunset above the sea. was still there, that version was still swirling within him somehow. and it only shon with your light only. the light that will never be his anymore.
to sae you'll forever be his everlasting one in the stars.
"goodbye." he hopped he chose you in another life.
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lmao this is trash mb yall
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 5 months
me: i'd like a little chaggie angst in my life.
me: nothing major. no blood or screaming or anything like that.
me: maybe something that could slot into canon without much trouble? something quiet. something sad. a small gut punch, is what im after
my brain: On in boss! Give me a sec.
my brain: .....
my brain: Okay how about this- Charlie was so hyped and determined to have Vaggie come with for the heaven trip not just bc they're partners, but also because- Charlie was gonna propose.
me: .... why would she propose? and in heaven? aside from it just being a nicer less gory place in general, i mean
my brain: Well Charlie was super excited about the trip, right? She thought there was a good chance they'd win their case, confirm Angel Dust's path to redemption, show their hotel could work, and prove the exterminations aren't needed and should stop. That's HUGE! That's her and Vaggie's current life goal getting checked off- and if they can stick together through making a hotel for redeeming sinners work, then marriage is kinda just yelling that for everyone to hear.
me: wouldn't charlie be freaked out by marriage tho. her parents are separated, and her family fell apart for while afterwards. she's only just started picking up the pieces with vaggie
my brain: EXACTLY!!! Vaggie got her talking with her dad, talking with him got him kinda onboard with the save sinners plan- the plan Charlie is trying to make her mom proud with! So her mom and dad aren't together, but they're least on the same page now! As far as Charlie knows anyway. Meaning them being married had REASONS behind it, reasons that haven't gone away even after they separated- so it's not like them being married to each other was for nothing or a mistake. It was good! It can still end good! And having Vaggie in her life is what helped all of that happen in the first place. Soooooo....
me: marry that girl?
my brain: Charlie was expecting her and Vaggie to get a great win up in heaven, together, as partners. What better time and place to say how much she wants to keep doing that with her?
me: hmm
my brain: Plus if Angel Dust got the green light for an eventual move to heaven, having the wedding before then would be kinda important if they wanted to be SURE he could be there for it. And Charlie would DEFINITELY want Angel there for it.
me: true, true.... so, what are we picturing here tho? how does all this... become a thing i can feel sad over?
my brain: Well first, imagine Charlie planning it. Being exited for it.
me: oh she'd be so very excited
my brain: Imagine her the entire time they're headed to and are up in heaven, checking her pocket whenever no one's looking, triple checking on the ring, grinning to herself- physically straining under the urge to just blurt everything out to Vaggie like she usually does BUT wanting SO MUCH for this to be a special surprise for Vaggie!
my brain: She goes on the heaven tour while Vaggie stays behind, and Charlie's a little relieved to get a break from the constant urge to get down on one knee whenever she looks over at her girlfriend- she spends the whole tour of heaven gushing about Vaggie, barely taking in the sights- maybe even lets slip, to her HORROR, what she's planning to ask (a beaming Emily SWEARS not to say a word)
Getting back to their room Charlie has to spend ten minutes pacing outside, muttering to herself and checking the ring and REMINDING herself NOT to just pull it out the moment she walks in and sees Vaggie again after a whole two hours apart- She goes in, buzzing with pent up marriage proposal energy, not sure she WON'T just say it all right then and there, and...
Vaggie's curled up on the bed, asleep, luggage open next to her and one of Charlie's spare shirts tucked around her like a blanket, a small stressed frown on her face as she naps.
Charlie melts. She takes a slow deep breath, lets out a long happy sigh, and tip toes quietly over. She does get down on one knee- to be on a level with Vaggie so she can smile at her and stroke her hair and smooch that pinchy frowny face, chuckling softly about how Vaggie never stops worrying about things, even in her sleep. At least Vaggie IS sleeping now. She hadn't gotten much of it, leading up to the trip here.
The ring is pulled out of Charlie's coat and slipped into pants pocket instead so Charlie can safely drape the coat itself over Vaggie, who's curled up as if Heaven's perfect temperature feels a bit chilly- and Charlie moves the luggage to make room on the the bed so she can snuggle in behind Vaggie, arms wrapped around her, maybe not able to resist playing with her girlfriend's left hand a little before dozing off herself.
Imagine Vaggie had been working up the courage to tell Charlie the truth when Charlie came back.... but she wakes up already safe in Charlie's hug, and it's- it'd be one thing to face Charlie across the room and see her turn away- it'd be another to FEEL her let go. Or to be the one who breaks the hold, maybe for the last time
So Vaggie doesn't tell Charlie.
And the trial goes, the way it goes, and Charlie- never tells Vaggie what she wanted to say either.
Instead of asking a question, Charlie gets answer, and they both find themselves on their knees in heaven- but for all the wrong reasons.
Then its bad. Charlie's up in their room alone with Razzle and Dazzle- and the RING- and she keeps trying to put it away or even chuck it out the window... but it always ends up tucked in her fist. Slipped safely back in her pocket.
In Cannibal Town, at Rosie's, when asked if she loves Vaggie, Charlie stumbles over her answer- not because she doesn't love her or doubt it, but.
She almost blurts out, at the worst moment- yes she loves Vaggie. She was even going to ask her to....
Everything all flies out the window back at the hotel gates.
They've got a fighting chance against heaven, hungry cannibals to arm with angelic steel, friends who chose to stay and FIGHT for their home and each other instead of running for cover- it's not what Charlie wanted but she'll damn well take it and she means to KEEP IT- there's no time to think about what the actual battle will be like or what (or if anything) comes after.
Charlie doesn't remember the ring again until days after the After.
At night in bed, after a long day doing more minor endless finishing touches to the new hotel (with Vaggie) and an evening writing out thank yous to everyone who helped hoping none of the overlords suddenly think of an extra cost to that help, rewording until her hand ached (and Vaggie took it gently and tugged her away with a "we'll finish them tomorrow, sweetie")
Charlie wakes up at night, in bed with Vaggie, and lays there staring up at the dark ceiling, frozen in panic- until she not frozen anymore but slipping out of bed and into carpeted middle of the room, hooves muffled as she paces, picking up KeeKee on the way and petting her frantically as she tries to THINK-
The ring, the fucking RING.
She doesn't know where the ring went.
Where she put it- still in her pocket when she was changing into her dress for the battle? Which pocket- pants or coat? Where had she put those- no one had bothered much with stuff like laundry when there were fortifications to be made! Not with Vaggie running daily drills on how to fight exorcists, not with Charlie scrambling to learn how to fight after a life of not ever wanting or needing to, but heaven had done those things to Vaggie, had hurt her, and wanted to do worse to their friends and Charlie would be DAMNED if-
had Charlie's one random set of clothes survived the blasts from the battle? Had they been sitting in the rubble somewhere? The ring- the ring should have made it- it'd been made to LAST after all-
Had someone else found it? She would've heard if anyone from the hotel had picked up a fancy ring though- a random cannibal or sinner maybe?
... maybe it was just lost. Just, gone.
Fallen in some crevasse or crack into some deeper part of hell, if it hadn't been melted and shattered with all the holy and unholy power being thrown around.
She knows exactly what that would look like, after all those times spent checking the ring, staring at it and trying to picture Vaggie wearing it without squeeing too loud. It would've looked good on her- but that daydream is gone too, and Charlie just sees the ruins of it.
Black obsidian band broken, gold edging melted, inner inscription burned away. The paired musical notes articulated with fermata like little rising suns above them (the pause, to be held as long as they wanted it to be) bracketed and bracketing the blood red, small, heart-shaped diamond....
All of it now probably just one dulled chip of rock lying somewhere no one will ever see.
Charlie, standing in the middle of her and Vaggie's new bedroom, staring at Vaggie asleep in their bed- her exhausted girlfriend planted face-fist into a pillow, silver gray angel wings flopped awkwardly over the covers and spreading out so long and slack (relaxed) they droop over mattress on either side, flight feathers brushing the floor.
The scars are still there too. Also silvery pale in the dim glow of hell outside the windows.
But when Charlie finally releases KeeKee and slips over to adjust Vaggie's pillow (she'd get a cricked neck otherwise) she has to stop and kneel down on the floor for a bit (down on one knee again too) and stare.
Vaggie's smiling in her sleep. Her eyepatch is off for the night, thin slit of black nothing peeking out under the lashes of that eye, and Charlie can see the fresh scars on her left arm from fighting off Lute.
Charlie, picking up Vaggie's left hand playing with it again, like she had up in heaven. Pressing a small kiss to the stab wound in it's palm.
It would've been nice to put on ring on that hand instead.
But Charlie finds herself smiling anyway, softly, as she squeezes into the thin strip of space between Vaggie and the edge of her side of the bed. She snuggles in close, Charlie's cheek on Vaggie's scarred hand and her arms wrapping tight around her own small piece of something way better than heaven.
Vaggie's wing stirring and drawing in, folding over Charlie like an extra blanket and a dreamy hug, not even having to be awake to want her closer.
"Next time," Charlie whispering as she falls asleep looking at her partner- her partner in every way that matters. "'m gonna wait for you to ask... 's your turn to worry about stupid rings, and, stuff...."
On the carpet in the middle of the room, KeeKee licks a paw. Stops. Coughs. Spits something out- something that chimes metallically as it bounces and rolls off the edge of the carpet an onto the floor-
KeeKee sniffs the thing curiously. Bats at it with one paw, pushing it under a dresser drawer. Then, bored, licks said paw and saunters off.
Vaggie's startled wings will fling herself backwards so hard and fast into the bedroom wall she'll end up giving herself a concussion, later, when she finds the ring.
it's her turn to worry about it, after all
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spider-ghoul · 1 month
ok so like im also one of the biggest leo valdez fan girls/boys and i would be so happy if someone wrote a leo valdez x aphrodite!reader ? it could be headcanons or a fic, idc <33
also ofc u dont have to if u dont want to !!
idc abt the plot either :p
Leo Valdez x Aphrodite!reader headcannons
Warnings: slight insecure leo? Nothing i can think of! Lmk if theres somthing i should add
-he met you on his first day of camp (maybe you showed him around and not will solace but it doesn't really matter)
-he Started flirting with you like... immediately.
-(are you kidding?? Ofc he did- look at you)
-and then, once y'all actually got to talking.. he really liked you
-so he talks to piper and immediately shes like
-'yep this is gonna happen.'
-and then Leo's in the Aphrodite cabin 24/7 hanging with Piper (trying to talk to you cough cough)
-your like definitely aware he likes you, its obvious, plus like Aphrodite kid- your pretty in tune with emotions
-y'all could start dating in a few different ways, but i think he would try n be really romantic about it-
-"i mean their mom is the love goddess! Of course I'm going all out-"
-maybe he tries to write something in the sand and take you to the beach or something (he has to do this at least twice before learning about tides)
-and boom! Together!
-leo Valdez is always so heart eyes coded!!!
-staring at you all. thE. TIME.
-if you mention this he'll just be like
-'well i went though all the trouble to make you mine soooo... I get a pass'
-and you'd roll you eyes and he'd be like...super proud of himself
-yk nonsense by Sabrina Carpenter?
-yeah, that's you two.
-but theres a few downsides cuz i cant just let him be happy
-your gorgeous. Even if your not what society deems 'attractive', everyone thinks you look amazing.
-guys and girls hit on you all the time- you can turn them down politely and all that but a few just keep trying
-leos not really jealous, just insecure.
-he's always worried that you'll start to see him like he sees himself... Which is NOT good
-but your always amazing at shutting that down
-"babes, you really think any of them? They're shallow. You're the only one for me, i promise."
-he's cried during that talk a few times
-but yall belong together so hard
-my mans also wants to hold your hand so bad
-like SO BAD
-all the time
-sleepovers in your cabin are mandatory
-plus sneaking out to bunker 9
-lots of pda
-neck kisses tee hee
-Idk how to end these
but ya! That's all i got, though i love this dynamic sm!! Feel free to request more!! Id love to do this w/ different godly parents/promts
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judebellvngham · 1 year
Hi can you possibly do like an angst with Jude and like the reader and jude are movjng to spain but like last minute she tells him she doesn’t want to stay there or something like that, maybe because of a job she got somewhere else?
you can do it however just something like that if you want
OUR PLACE , jude b.
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notes: i really loved this request so i wanted to make it the first imagine on my acc :)) i’m not sure how much i like this but i hope you enjoy it .. i also added fluff at the end because who doesn’t love fluff
not proofread!!!
“this place is beautiful” you say taking in you and jude’s new apartment in madrid. it was a surreal moment for both of you guys- finally living together in a whole new country. it was scary to say the least, and you thought it was something you wanted up until you actually had to leave.
it was immature of you, to not tell jude about your doubts of moving with him but everything happened so fast because you were sure he would understand. but with the transfer and him just being so happy about being at madrid you didn’t have the heart to tell him that you weren’t going to stay.
jude smiled down at you his eyes glistening with love that would’ve made any other girl drop to their knees, but all you could feel was guilt. you don’t know how it got to this point, all you knew was that as soon as you got of that jet reality hit you like a train wreck.
as much as you loved jude you couldn’t just leave all that you worked for just to support his needs, you had things you wanted to accomplish too. and you wanted to be there for him, truly. just not here.
“yeah, i can’t believe we are going to be living together- like a dream innit” his voiced laced with contentment.
you sighed deeply before giving him a smile, but your eyes showed something deeper.
“yeah a dream.”
after a while of trying to settle you sat on the floor looking for food places near you and jude sat next to you tapping away on his phone.
“i still don’t understand why your bags aren’t here.. i swear i’ve called multiple times.” jude said frustrated letting out a huff.
at this your body stiffness and you go quiet biting your lip, you knew he was going to bring it up at one point. the thought of just telling him ran through your mind but your body just wouldn’t let you— you just continued scrolling through the phone.
“you put yours with mine right?”
you sighed, “i don’t know jude, i’m sure they will show up eventually.” you said not wanting to talk about it anymore.
he scoffed and looked at you, “i mean i paid for the bags to get here today, so no i don’t want to hear ‘eventually’ that’s just bs.” he looked back down at his phone and started typing.
you closed your eyes and took a deep breath before talking, “they aren’t coming jude.” your voice was low and full of disappointment.
jude snapped his head up towards you his face completely unreadable, “what?” it sounded almost like a laugh when he said it.
“they aren’t com—” you started but he cut you off and it almost sounded like he was confused.
“no- yeah i heard you the first time..” jude trailed off, guessing he was trying to understand what you meant by that.
you turned to face him before you started again, “i sent them back home.” and with that you genuinely couldn’t tell what he was thinking right now.
“you what?”
he wasn’t yelling but he might as well have been figuring you were already about to start bursting into tears. “jude..” you grabbed at his hands and he let you.
he let out a soft laugh, trying to hide how confused he felt right now.
“im so confused right now baby, what is happening.”
your breathing started to pick up but there was no backing out now. you picked at his hands and he just continued to look at you, and you couldn’t believe you had to break his heart tonight.
“i sent them back, because i’m not staying here jude. i can’t.” tears threatened to come out as you spoke.
he was still quiet so you continued to speak. “i mean- i just it’s just all too much for me, this isn’t my life.”
his face scrunched up, “what do you mean this isn’t your life?”
“i mean it feels like.. sometimes i’m like living for you? like i’m just giving up my life for you.. and i can’t do that anymore.”
“i still don’t get it y/n” he gave you a look as to explain.
“i stopped going to school for you, i stopped working for you, jesus jude i left my home for you. the only place i ever knew just for you, i just need to do something for me for once.” and of course jude had no idea that you felt this way and the intention wasn’t for him to you just felt that you needed to get it off your chest.
“so what? you were just lying this whole time? why would you even tell me you wanted to move here with me when you didn’t.”
he took a small pause, “and i never asked you to do anything of that, that was your choice- all of this was your choice so don’t make it seem like i made you do any of that.” his voice started to raise.
and he was right, he never made you do any of that. he never asked anything from you but support and it just went a little too far. but your face dropped when he started to pull his hands away from you.
jude was just completely out of it, he didn’t know at all what to think this was mad. how could his own girlfriend do something like that.
you scrambled to your feet and you couldn’t feel anything but hurt in your heart. “jude i have a new job back home, i have to work and support myself- i don’t kick around a ball and get paid for it jude.” and for some reason you were starting to get a little pissed.
“i can support you, i told you that!” you rolled your eyes at this because he still couldn’t grasp your point.
“jude i can’t rely on you to provide everything for me! i won’t let you do that.” you raised your voice at him while the tears that were welling up earlier started to pour out, and you quickly wiped it.
jude’s eyes looked so pleading and it almost made you fold but you couldn’t. it’s like he needed he you so bad to just say that this was some joke.
you weren’t shocked that this is the way this was going but god you wish it hadn’t. “are you upset?” it was a stupid question but you had to ask something.
“am i upset?” he looked at you as if it was the most unbelievable thing he’s ever heard.
“am i upset that my girlfriend lied to me? and came to whole different country with me without the intention of staying?”
“i’m jumping of fucking joy” he spat walking away from you muttering curses to himself.
you trailed behind him trying not to get upset at his attitude since this was your fault technically, “okay jude but you have to understand where i’m coming from..”
“i have to?” he scoffed walking through the hallway.
“you should!”
you follow him into what was supposed to be our bedroom, already having a king sized bed placed in the center of the big room. you watch as he plops down on the bed his back sinking straight into it.
he let out a loud groan whilst running his hands down his face. “what am i supposed to do now?” he says as you sit next to him on the bed.
“jude.. ”
he stayed quiet and all you could hear was his heavy breathing. “you told me you wanted this.. us together like this. what changed?”
his hands started to tremble trying to think of what to say, because he genuinely didn’t know why all of a sudden you started to feel this way.
“are- are you falling out of love with me?” jude blurted out, his voice shaking. he didn’t even know where this question came from but he felt like he had to ask.
you could’ve sworn your eyes almost jumped out your eye sockets because how could he think something like that.
“jude. why would i ever stop loving you, almost everything i do is because i love you.” you explain with your voice trembling.
“so why can’t you stay with me?” jude’s voice was low almost like he didn’t want you to hear him, he hated being emotional in front of you but at this moment he couldn’t help it.
“i’ve already told you jude, i have a job and a life back at home i can’t let it go now.. i’ve worked too hard to just let it all go..”
he was now fully sat up looking at the plain white wall in front of us. it was such an uncomfortable and tense silence you just wish you could go home and cry your eyes out. this was horrible.
he also wanted to cry and tell you how messed up this whole situation was. but nothing came out seemed like the only reaction he had was putting his hands over his face.
you grab his hands away from his face, but he turns his head to avoid making eye contact with you. he was disappointed and you understood why he felt like this completely, i mean springing this up on him the day you guys were moving in have to be too 10 worst ideas.
“jude look at me please.” you pleaded biting down on your bottom lip.
he slowly turned his head to face you, and his pouty face just made you smile taking his face in your hands making him look at you. as you continued to smile at him he couldn’t help but smile too- you were just so beautiful to look at he felt like he could admire you for hours.
“i’m sorry love, i should’ve told you. but you were just so happy- with the transfer and everything i couldn’t ruin that.”
“if you would’ve told me before i would’ve been a lot more understanding than i am now.. you know that.” jude sighed.
“i know..” you pulled his head into your shoulder taking his head in both of your arms massaging the back of his neck in circles.
you hear him let out another sigh of contentment which made you smile, “if it makes you feel any better i’ll be here for 3 weeks with you.”
“for some reason that doesn’t make me feel better but at least i’ll have you for a bit.”
“so are you okay? with me leaving?” you asked lifting his head back up.
“am i okay with it? no, absolutely not.” he answered and you let out saddened sigh.
“but i will accept it and continue to make our relationship work, because i love you and don’t want to lose you.” jude said and you smiled throwing yourself on top of him basically straddling him, both of you giggling.
“of course my girlfriend has to want to be an independent woman.” jude shook his head and you both laugh.
he wrap his arms around you his hands on your lower back.
“we should go ahead and break in this bed huh?”
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cal-flakes · 1 year
i am completely obsessed with this whole soft dom dealer rafe, and i was wondering if you could just make a head canon of how he’s an asshole to everyone but her
the comfort in realising others think the same as me is amazing AHHHHH
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╰┈➤ dealer!rafe hc’s
warnings: swearing, slightly nsfw, mentions of drugs and weapons.
: ̗̀➛ rafe cameron was an asshole, everyone in the outerbanks knew it very well.
: ̗̀➛ most people avoided him, whether that was down to him just being a complete dick, or the lifestyle he got himself mixed up in.
: ̗̀➛ he wasn’t a huge people person, and he certainly didn’t trust easily.
: ̗̀➛ he spent most of his time with barry, cutting deals and selling drugs together.
: ̗̀➛ that was until she came along.
: ̗̀➛ she, with the most contagious smile, who demanded his attention without even realising it.
: ̗̀➛ she was a sweet girl, too kind for her own good.
: ̗̀➛ she was the exact opposite of rafe cameron.
: ̗̀➛ but that was what drew him to her.
: ̗̀➛ he’d turn up at the wreck, where she worked, almost everyday and offer her a ride home.
: ̗̀➛ she always turned it down, hesitant to get mixed up with the man she’d heard so many bad things about.
: ̗̀➛ but he wasn’t like that with her, not at all.
: ̗̀➛ he was ecstatic the day she agreed.
: ̗̀➛ it became a routine from then on, he’d go about his shady business during the day, drive over to the wreck and wait for her shift to finish.
: ̗̀➛ they’d sit there for an hour or so, talking about anything and everything.
: ̗̀➛ once a relationship was established between the two, he was down bad.
: ̗̀➛ and when his friends mentioned it? oh he hated that shit.
: ̗̀➛ “man, you’ve snatched up a hidden gem country club!”
: ̗̀➛ “shut up barry”
: ̗̀➛ “hey top, you think rafe’s boned her yet? i heard y/n’s a prude, never lets up..”
: ̗̀➛ “keep her fucking name out of your mouth”
: ̗̀➛ little did they know, she was bending to his will every night, literally.
: ̗̀➛ he adored the way she was everything he wasn’t, that was what made them such a good pair.
: ̗̀➛ she was a sworn rafe cameron sympathiser, she knew he could be mean, she knew he could be violent, but she also knew why.
: ̗̀➛ he kept her away from his family the best he could, not wanting them to taint her anymore than he already had.
: ̗̀➛ he struggled when it came to his sisters however, y/n got along so well with them. and though he’d never admit it, it warmed his heart.
: ̗̀➛ “hey, where you going princess?”
: ̗̀➛ “oh, wheezie said she needed help with something..”
: ̗̀➛ “hm..she never asked me..”
: ̗̀➛ “maybe she just prefers a happy soul? someone who lightens the mood?”
: ̗̀➛ “oh shut up, im not that bad”
: ̗̀➛ “oh yes you are, you big grump”
: ̗̀➛ the doors to an insiders take on his lifestyle we’re double locked, for her at least.
: ̗̀➛ the last thing he wanted was for her to end up hurt, in anyway.
: ̗̀➛ and keeping her away from that, staying quiet about the soft girlfriend he had back at home, was his best bet.
: ̗̀➛ but when his worst nightmare came true? when she was nabbed by some nasty people before she arrived at work, he couldn’t think straight.
: ̗̀➛ if anything he himself got meaner, more volatile.
: ̗̀➛ he stopped at nothing to make sure he got her home safely, he and barry stocked up on firearms before storming the house she was being kept in for ransom.
: ̗̀➛ his heart almost broke in half when he saw her frail, broken state.
: ̗̀➛ “i’ve got you angel, i’ve got you..”
: ̗̀➛ where he could help it, he swore to never let her out of his sight again.
: ̗̀➛ from then, he was always a few week behind her, scanning the areas they frequented for threats.
: ̗̀➛ wherever she went, rafe cameron was never far behind.
: ̗̀➛ she had him wrapped around her little finger.
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patrophthia · 2 years
willow | regulus black
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pairing: regulus black x hufflepuff!reader
genre: fluff fluff flufff, just people being happy and shit, so fluffy i feel like poop for writing it while im single (when is it my turn to be happy) not beta read
word count: 3.8K
originally posted on my wattpad
— from bee: this takes place in sycamore girl timeline!
"i'm not giving it to you, of course," she remarked, voice straining. "i'm only lending it to you."
"i know," he said all too quickly, making her normally extroverted demeanor (when it came to him, at least) falter. "i promise i won't steal it."
she laughed awkwardly, trying to ease any tension off of her shoulder. "you better not, i've only got one copy of it."
"then i'll buy you a million more." he promised, then smiled, adding, "if i happen to lose it, of course."
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regulus didn't think to lift his head up when someone sat down besides him. the class was about to start, there was only a limited amount of seats so, really, he couldn't have cared less about whoever decided to sit to his right. he had more important things on his hand —like whether the characters in the book he was reading will end up with one another or continue to beat around the bush.
as he was about to reach the good part, the professor clapped his hands, starting the class. regulus shut his book, intending to put it into his bag when he looked to the side. there she sat, talking to her friend who was on the other side of her as she pulled out her quill and ink.
class began, neither of them starting conversation since it wasn't needed. every once in a while she would mutter something low under her breath, her eyes narrowing on the blackboard before she turned to him and cleared her throat, asking if the words on the board was what she thought it was and he would help before they went back to what they were doing.
"hey, is canada real?"
regulus turned to her with an incredulous look, brows knitted together trying to gauge whether she was joking or not. finally, he answered. "no."
"thanks," she replied with a smile, and turned back to what she had been doing.
the professor then began droning on about the lesson —one that regulus knew through and through, solely because, the book he was reading (a romance though he would never say it out loud) was a modern retelling of the event they were learning. he shut his notebook, pulling out the novel he was reading previously and continued where he left off.
it wasn't long before she finished as well, shutting her book and trying to tune into the lesson but only to feel as though she was being lull to sleep. to her left was regulus black, sitting handsomely as he always did with a hard cover novel (the dust jacket of it removed) in his elegantly pale hands.
the spine didn't hide the title of the novel though. false god, it read. she smiled knowingly at this. the book was about two sorcerers playing lovers when they despised one another, an enemies to lovers romance.
"heaven is when you touch me and hell is when i fight with you," i confessed, staring into her dark brown eyes. "but i can't help but feel as if we're being led by blind faith."
salazar, this novel is sickeningly sweet.
"i know that look."
regulus brows tightened slightly, tuning into her voice besides him and yet, not giving her his full attention.
"they confessed to her, didn't they?"
the slytherin looked over his book, peeking at her to find her smiling at him. clearing his throat, regulus asked, "you've read this?"
"yup," she said quietly, not wanting to be caught by the professor. "it's written by one of my favorite authors so i kind of had to."
regulus tilted his head slightly. "how'd you know what part i was at?"
"i had that same look on my face when i read it."
had she been watching him read? "oh." he let out, there was a pause before he spoke up again. "did they ever end up together?"
"if i told you that, i'd be spoiling you." she pulled out a piece of paper from her book and began drawing out lines before turning them into small boxes, pushing the parchment to the middle of the table, she looked up at him with a sheepish smile. "how about a game of tic tac toe instead?"
somewhere along the lines of tic tac toes and [name] ranting about the recent novels she'd read before lending it to him, regulus became quite fond of her. he had found himself —more often then not— missing her presence when he was with any of his other 'friends.'
it also didn't help that whenever she flirted with him —something he knew she did because, she liked seeing him get flustered after she said something mildly suggestive to him. he had always thought she was pretty ever since he'd first met her in first year (it was hard not to notice someone when you shared classes with them) but it had never been something that stuck as prominently in his mind as it did now.
the news of one of the black brother being engaged spread like wild fire at hogwarts, everyone —and he meant everyone— began bothering him non-stop. wanting to know if they could get an invite to the wedding (the answer to which he always said no to.)
today had been no different, every single person he'd encountered had asked for an invitation. he was tired of it and if anything he longed for the next class he had. the one he had with her. the one where she sat next to him and talked to him about anything but the lesson or the dreaded wedding.
she got to class five minutes later than him like she always did and smiled the second she spotted him, there was a skip in her step as she made her way over. "i just found the best novel ever."
regulus lifted an eyebrow, the corner of his lips curving upwards, giving her his full attention.
"right so the novel is called seven, it's written by the same author who wrote false god," she started, eyes drifting towards the door once a while to make sure that the professor wasn't there. "it's about two childhood friends who was separated when they were seven due to family issues from the guys' part. it's so beautiful, regulus. you'll love it."
regulus. they way it sounded so soft coming from her lips had him feeling things he'd never felt before. he would never tire hearing her say his name.
there was a content look on his face, listening and listening as she brought the fore mentioned novel from her bag and handed it to him. "i even annotated it for you. the pink are for the lines that i loved and the green is for the lines i think you'd love 'cause you're a slytherin and all."
he took it in his hand, eyeing it carefully. he flipped the cover over, seeing her hand writings scattered all around it —some of it being her gushing over the characters. he looked back to her, grey eyes going blue with affection.
"i'm not giving it to you, of course," she remarked, voice straining. "i'm only lending it to you."
"i know," he said all too quickly, making her normally extroverted demeanor (when it came to him, at least) falter. "i promise i won't steal it."
she laughed awkwardly, trying to ease any tension off of her shoulder. "you better not, i've only got one copy of it."
"then i'll buy you a million more." he promised, then smiled, adding, "if i happen to lose it, of course."
" 'course."
as he turned to his side, planning on placing the novel into his bag so he wouldn't misplace it. she called out. "hey reg."
reg. regulus noted. that was a new one. he liked it, he really did like it. he let out a hum of indifferent acknowledgment, not yet facing her as he tried not to show just how much the nickname had effected him.
"would you like to go out this weekend?" there was short second of silence, it wasn't long until she picked up once more. "like on a date?"
before he could even stop himself, he blurted out. "i have plans tomorrow."
regulus couldn't help but feel like he was being stabbed in the chest by how deflated she sound. he didn't spare a second when he turned to face her, not wanting to drown in his own guilt. "but yes."
"yes?" she repeated unsurely.
"yes," he concurred. "i'd love to go out with you —on a date. what seems to be the problem is that i have plans to meet up with dear brother's and his fiancée, and i don't want you to spend your weekend waiting for me—"
"reg, i'm perfectly fine with waiting." she cut him off. "although, you nearly made me cry with your 'i have plans tomorrow' i thought you were rejecting me."
"i would never reject you." how could he? not when he had been waiting for something between them to happen for the longest time.
sirius and his fiancée bid their goodbyes with knowing smile, leaving him be as [name] made her way over to him. the booth was pretty much empty with him being the only one sat there, cheeks tinted pink as he waited for her to be seated down.
she took the one opposing him, smiling at him prettily. "you look nice."
"i look nothing compared to you," he countered almost shyly. and then, clearing his throat, regulus asked her, "where'd you want to go?"
"i was going to ask you that," she replied, feeling small under his gaze. "should we just walk around until we figure out what we want to do?"
regulus smiled at that. and with a nod of his head; he stood up, standing awkwardly besides their table. she stood up as well and as they made their way out, she stopped, buying two bottles of butter-beer for them to enjoy whilst they made their way to the next location.
hogsmeade wasn't as pack as he had expected it to be. sure, they were hundreds of teenagers around his age walking around with thick scarves signifying their houses colors walking around but, —unlike every other time he'd been to hogsmeade during the weekends— he could still see the road before him rather than it being a field of hair.
he turned to the side, intending to look at her only to find her already watching him. "where do we go from here? left or right?"
regulus thought about it for a second. no matter where they went, he'd still be happy, he was with her and that would be good enough for him.
"your choice."
the date went as well as he could've imagined it to. regulus followed after everywhere she strayed, smiling and giggling brightly at whatever caught her attention. and by the end of the night, regulus had walked her back to her common room and (with all his inner gryffindor courage) kissed her good night.
he'd turned his back at the speed of light right after, hiding just how truly giddy and flustered he'd felt. fuck. regulus black might be in love.
march rolled around, along with it came both remus lupin and james potter's birthday. both of which, the marauders had threw parties for and both of which, regulus had been invited to.
lupin's party was fun; regulus had enjoyed it to bits, it was a small party with those only in the marauder's close circle invited to. potter's party was the exact opposite, loud music and booze could be seen every he turned.
regulus had been waiting for his girlfriend when he spotted sirius' fiancée and her friends come in. he'd join in on their teasing about sirius' (not) crush on his fiancée and quickly caught onto how his dear brother's attitude change when he found out that she was a light weight.
"don't worry darling, i know how to have fun without getting drunk." whipped.
it was clear that sirius was staying sober for his fiancée (that he definitely didn't have romantic feelings for) if it wasn't clear by how he had kept his eyes on her the entire night, then it was extremely clear when james —the reason he'd said he'd stay sober for, asked for his help and all he did was tell him to sod off and went to her aid.
the man was in love and he didn't even know it.
when [name], regulus' favorite person, arrived, he'd had to tear his eyes away from her just so he could converse with other people at the party. she looked so beautiful and he was so, so, so lucky to have her be his girlfriend.
"what are you looking at?"
"you," he answered slyly. did someone spike the punch? why is his words flowing out so easily? what is this. "you're the prettiest girl, i've ever seen."
there was a look on her face, somewhere between shying off and laughing at his words. he'd always said nice things to her, things that made her weak in the knees and completely drunk off of him.
but something, something about him being slightly intoxicated and gushing about how gorgeous he thought she was, made her feel dizzy (all in the good way, of course).
"my love," regulus called out after a moment, grabbing her attention. "would you come to my brother's wedding?"
"as your date?"
"of course, as my date. as if i'll ever let you out of my sight," he replied, words slurring the tiniest bit.
she cracked out a winsome smile, nodding. "of course, i will."
the wedding day came soon enough and sirius made it clear, very clear, so clear that if anyone dared to go against his wishes he would personally hunt them down himself. that everyone he cared for —including regulus himself— would have to get ready at the potter's house because, it is where he'd be and he would need the emotional support to go through this.
the women took over a side of the house, getting all dolled up with the help of one another while the men made snacks and gave sirius pep talks. regulus was sat next to lupin, both chewing on the snacks that potter had prepared and listened to sirius bugger longbottom with as many questions as he could.
longbottom always answered, being the only married man in the friend group made him the most suitable source for answers to sirius' inquiries.
"but isn't scary?" sirius questioned, brows knitting together as james fixed up his bow tie. "sharing everything with one another."
"not really," longbottom answered carefully. "it's scary at first, yes, but after a while it's a very comforting thing. knowing that you can share your inner thoughts with your lover and not be judged."
"but she's not my lover." sirius frowned. "we're just friends."
"then it makes no difference," longbottom said with a small smile. "i was friends with alice before we were a couple —not that i'm trying to force anything between you two of course. what i'm trying to say is, if james is a friend to you and you could share anything with him then you can definitely share everything with her."
"you're not getting cold feet are you?" regulus asked, his tone slightly teasing.
sirius turned to him, his face unreadable. "of course, not. i could never do that to her, not when she's been nothing but lovely about all this."
"not when you think she's so pretty," lupin chirped in lazily.
"that's because, she is."
"sure, she is," remus murmured, making sirius turned to him sharply. remus clicked his tongue, the corner of his lips edging upward. "i never said she wasn't."
"you didn't, but your tone was patronizing." sirius smacked potter's hands away, making him scowl as he backed away. "and quite frankly, i don't appreciate my wife being spoken about in that tone of voice."
"my wife." potter repeated loudly. "are you sure you're not in love with her?"
"what makes you think otherwise?"
"i dunno," potter said stupidly, "maybe because of the way you talk about her."
"or the way you look at her," lupin added. "we could go on for days, mate."
"do you lots hate me or something?" sirius grumbled. "you're always teaming up against me, is it funny to you?"
"it is." came a more feminine voice. the men turn, all finding their dates (except sirius) standing by the door way. "it's the most comical thing ever to hear you deny your love for your fiancée."
"i hate you guys," sirius grumbled. lily and sirius continued on with their banter, but regulus was no longer listening, finding himself too awestruck at the sight of his girlfriend.
she stood besides mckinnon, donning the prettiest he'd ever seen. she smiled upon feeling his gaze on her, an action that made regulus want to do nothing but kiss her until she was breathless. instead, he stood up from his spot and made his way over to her.
"you look handsome," she commented once they stood toe to toe. of course, he did (not that he was trying to be conceited). he made sure he looked as best as he could if he would be having someone as beautiful as her in his arms.
"thank you," regulus said softly, eyes kept on her as he spoke. no words will be able to explain just how divine she looked. and so, regulus chalked it up to a simple compliment. "you look lovely."
"i try to, for you."
bullshit. even if she wasn't trying —and he knew this for certain from all the previous time he'd spent with her; bundled up in her dorm with bags under their eyes as they hovered over her desk and conversed about their projects, heads on the pillow once they wrapped up, looking as though they were on their dying breath— she'd still look lovely.
the start of regulus' seventh years went as well as he hoped. sure, he was drowning in assignments during the first week of classes but he had a girlfriend. and that makes up about seventy percent of it.
he'd grown accustomed to having meals with her by his side so it was no surprise when he was the first thing she found when she made her way into the great hall with a letter in hand.
"guess what," she started up excitedly, taking the seat opposing his. regulus supplied her with a what? encouraging her on. "i got an owl last night."
"who's it from?"
"just your sister in law," she said as casually as she could but the enthusiasm was not lost in her voice. "would you like to know why?"
"yes." he humored her, filling her goblet up with water. "i would like to know why, please."
"well." she placed the opened up the letter and placed it down. "sirius confessed in an overly dramatic way about whether she loved you more than she loved him, long story short they ended kissing. moral of the story, our favorite couple is no longer getting a divorce."
"i could write a romance book about that."
"please don't," regulus murmured, reading the letter for himself. sure enough, there —written in ink— was the details of the said confession and how they would not be going through with their divorce as they try to navigate their new relationship. "oh no."
"oh no?" she repeated, tone drastically different from his.
"oh no," he said once more, as if agreeing to something. "sirius talked about adopting me, if they stayed married that might just happen."
"that's stupid, regulus. she would never agree to that."
"you underestimate just how persuasive sirius can be, my love." he took a sip from his mug, his tea now cold. "he managed to convince her into marrying someone as horrid as him, adoption won't be as hard."
"you say that like he's the worst man to ever exist." he gave her look. one that was practically asking her if she was testing him. "besides, she married him for the money. she won't get anything out of adopting you."
"yes, she would."
"and what would that be?" she asked, mildly uninterested.
"and that's a good thing?"
regulus mouth dropped into a small O. the black had always had a flair for the dramatics and he was no exception. "yes," he said with full offense. "how could you ever think otherwise. i'm your boyfriend."
"i just—" she shrugged. "—you're not all that."
regulus was gasping now, eyes full with hurt. "i don't think i want to be with you anymore."
"is that so?"
"no." he denied with annoyance.
the grandfather clock rang, signaling the start off class and the pair stood up. regulus standing besides her as he waited for her to pack up her stuff.
the couple shared their first class, so it was obvious for them to walk with one another. once arriving, regulus headed towards the middle table; not too far away and not too close to the professor. he sat first, tapping the empty seat that was by his side for her to take.
she took it, smiling when her friends took to the table in front of them and began conversations with one another. class soon began, the professor droning on about the lessons when regulus found himself in a position he'd never been in before.
her hand was dropped to the side and he'd never wanted to hold something as much as he did now. he was practically begging for her to take his hand but he was too prideful to admit it.
"it's rude to stare," she said quietly, and regulus was distinctly reminded of their first encounter. same classroom, same seats. how history repeats itself never fails to amaze him. "even if you're staring at their hand."
he teared his eyes away, playing oblivious. "i don't know what you're talking about."
"right," she murmured as if she believed him. "did you want to hold my hand?"
she took his hand at his answer, intertwining their fingers and placing it comfortably on her thigh before she turned back to the lesson.
time will age as will the both of them, and despite how greedy and selfish it may sound. regulus hoped it would never remove the memory of her smile when he'd first saw her.
life was a willow and it bent right through her wind.
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osbcrne · 5 months
Hannigram and Verger Family analysis
so i just realized that wills "c section esque" scar he got from hannibal in mizumono might actually look that way for a reason
it could be symbolic to a hysterectomy because hannibal took their child away, and had to give Will scar somehow. And i mean, will technichally is the mother, he killed abigail's father placing her in his custody- hannibal only helped with it. Just how the criminals in season 1 (angelmaker, georgia madchen, abel gideon, etc) and their crime scenes were DIRECTLY paralleled to the progression of wills encephalitis and the state of his mental well being, Margot getting a hysterectomy from mason basically directly parallels will getting abigail taken from him.
Also, Margot choosing to have sex with Will specifically, and the child coming into their lives and then almost immediately being taken away (BY HANNIBALS DOING) forshadows abigail coming back and then almost immediately after, her death. Will empathized with margot (WHO HE KNEW WAS GAY, or at least hannibal did, it was stated in the script but was cut from the final product) about the lack of a child, which is literally the only reason had sex with her (he thought about the stag man the whole time anyway...)
This one specific conversation in the episode Tome-Wan is very important. Will says to hannibal, "you're fostering codependency. isn't that what you did to abigail? got her to take a life so she would owe you hers?" That's exactly what hannibal is doing to margot- trying to get her to kill mason so she would owe herself to hannibal. it also connects abigail and margot in a way.
continuing the conversation, will says "i bond with abigail, you take her away. i bond with barely more than the idea of a child, you take it away... you don't want me to have anything in my life that's not you." Hannibal, knowing very well the consequences, told mason about margot's plans and had the child taken forcibly away from her.
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Hannibal also directly took abigail away from will, by cutting her throat in front of him. both of these things ended with a scar, margot's from the hysterectomy, will's from hannibal's knife, but it looks oddly familiar to margot's. Also remember, right before wills and margot got together, the two of them compared scars. (MORE ANALYSIS UNDER THE CUT)
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Also i know this is kind of a strange comparison considering mason and his intentions, but in the episode Naka-Choko, this exchange happens:
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margot is unable to kill mason because despite all the horrible things he does to her, deep down she still loves him and can't bring herself to do it. who does this sound like to you? yep- Hannibal and Will. Now bviously hannibal and will's love is very different from the verger's, but it's still a parallel
i can't believe i didn't realize it before but there's a LOT LOT LOT of parallels between hannigram and the vergers. one of them being they all were with alana (minus mason) 😭
thank you to a post by this user on tiktok for helping me realize this (idk why it won't let me link)
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anyway, happy c2e2!! take cool pics w/ mads and hugh! i'll be watching the live stream of the panel tomorrow!
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equallyshaw · 10 months
secret love song | luke hughes
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warnings: swearing, no happy ending my loves🙈
word count: 2.9k +
also her brother is a professional athlete, no specifics!
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We keep behind closed doors Every time I see you I die a little more Stolen moments that we steal as the curtain falls It'll never be enough
sadie murphy and luke hughes met right after the new jersey devils lost in the second round of the playoffs. they absolutely adored one another from the gecko. they were able to be together, without anyone knowing. secret glanes and secret touches in public, in and around their friend groups. nobody batted an eye. sadie and luke wanted to keep it quiet just because of who her brother was and who luke was, a budding athlete and the two did not want that extra pressure or people following their every move. yet, they wanted nothing more than to be public.
every time they are around one another in public, the universe makes it quite difficult for them to not stare at one another, or grab each others hands behind everybody else. it was killing sadie beyond belief as soon as month two of the season rolled around. luke couldn't or wouldn't take the time to truly understand why she wanted things to be a secret.
"luke you dont get it! my brother will kill me. he specifically told me no athletes and here we are! i know i cant possibly have you promise or make you keep us quiet. because believe me, i want to tell them i wanna tell the world and be seen with you and wear your jersey at games, but i-i i just cant." she said one night, as they were sharing a quiet date in her apartment in manhattan. he shook his head from the dinner table as she was busying herself with dinner. "do you not want to be seen with me sadie? is that the real reason you don't want to go public or tell your fucking family?" he asked now irritated, and she dropped the salad mixers. she looked up from him as he walked over towards the brunette. she shook her head, "the fact that you're asking that is wild!" she said now turning towards him fully, "are you nuts? its killing me not to be able to, but i don't want the world tearing us apart because believe me they will!" she screamed now. he threw his hands up in the air, in disbelief. "well it seems like were gonna keep going in circles so im leaving." he said beginning to walk towards the apartment door. she growled, "stop!" she said hoping he'd stop. "don't leave, we have to finish this conversation!" she said now walking towards him. "why would we? you've made everything perfectly clear for me, sadie." he said opening the door and stopping briefly to look back at the girl. "stop..let me at least drive you home." she said sighing. luke nodded, and waited at the door for her to grab her purse and keys. he let her walk out, and then he shut the door behind them.
As you drive me to my house I can't stop these silent tears from rolling down You and I will have to hide On the outside Where I can't be yours and you can't be mine
sadie and luke drove towards luke's and jack's apartment right over the border in hoboken. billie eillish was playing softly in the background as the two sat in silent. luke was doing everything he could to not cry at that very moment. he wanted to keep his emotions in check, but every minute they drove closer and closer and every moment they drove in silence, was killing him. just like her, it'd been killing him inside too. he wanted to how her off to the world, and celebrate all the things that make her her and what she'd been doing since graduating, in public. he was head over heels in love with this girl. yet, he feared that they'd never be each others for the long haul. she pulled up to the curb, and parked her car. the two contniued to sit in silence, not wanting to say anything that would conclude their relationship.
"i love you." luke blurted, and sadie could feel her heart swell. she loved him too, the past 6 months almost cemented that. she turned towards luke with tears in her eyes, and smiled. luke felt the breath he'd been holding in, exit his body. "i love you too, lukey." she said smiling and then pulled him in boldly to kiss him. luke's hand found the base of her neck, her brunette hair felt like silk in his hand. the other found her hand that connected to his instantly. they pulled apart resting their foreheads against one another. "soon, lukey. soon." she hummed before pecking him quickly. he looked at her with a slight slant to his head, "really?" he whispered and she nodded. "yes." she whispered back, and he now pecked her. "ill call you when i get back home." she said unclasping their hands and he nodded, getting out.
But I know this, we got a love that is hopeless
despite the two confessing, sadie had a deep fear that swelled in her stomach. if she told her brother and he told his brothers, things would change. things would change so much, they'd have no choice but to break up. god, how she hated how that boy made her feel that was certain.
Why can't I hold you in the street? Why can't I kiss you on the dance floor? I wish that it could be like that Why can't it be like that?
sadie did not know what to do, as soon as she showed up to the bar. she walked in with a few girlfriends and they made their way to the group of hockey players. and as soon as she turned to go find luke- she saw him. he was talking to a girl at the bar, and stood awfully close to her. they were laughing, smiling, and talking very close to one another. sadie felt a distaste in her mouth, and quickly looked away. "lukey finally got a date?" maya her close friend questioned his brother, and jack nodded. "finally, I've been trying to get them together for a while now but he's been so fuckin stubborn!" jack explained, pushing a shot into each girls hands. sadie threw it back gracefully, before going off to the bar to get another and a drink to begin the night. luke did not notcie the girl slide over, as he was engrossed in a conversation with the blonde. she was nice, he'd give her that. yet, she was not sadie. nobody would ever be sadie.
later on in the evening, sadie was about 4 drinks deep by the time the musical performance was beginning. luke and the girl were still at the bar conversing and sadie had seen him lean in a few times, but she'd look away before she could see anything else. jack wrapped an arm around sadie, cheering with the rest of the crowd as the guest came out. "hows sadie burrows doing tonight?" he questioned, looking down at her. she shrugged sipping more of her drink. "you seem down. anything happen today?" he questioned, leaning a bit closer so she did not have to speak very loudly. she blew some air, frustratedly. as luke and the blonde were coming to join the group, he saw how close jack was to sadie. he knew sadie obviously didnt have any feelings for his brother and never had, but couldn't get rid of the feeling she did in that moment. she laughed at whatever jack had said, throwing her head back and saw a glint of spark in jacks eyes.
he turned his attention back towards the blonde, trying to ignore the giggles that sadie put on display. the group took in the musical guest, for the next two hours. sadie made many glances towards luke and her heart broke, when she saw the two of them swaying. luke had his arms wrapped around the girl from behind and they swayed to the music. sadie felt tears pool her eyes, and the feeling that she needed to get out of there. she set her drink back down in front of her, and quickly moved out of jack's arm that was still around her shoulder. she made her way outside of the bar, and breathed in the cold november air that hit her like a ton of bricks.
she sat down against the brick wall and cried in her knees, shakingly pulling out her phone to call her brother. she sniffled, shutting it. she would wait to call him, and she sara nora her other friend walk out. "want me to drive you home?" and sadie nodded. she pulled her friend up and the two walked back to her car, since she was the DD. "wanna tell me about it?" nora treaded lightly, as she pulled onto the street. "is it about luke?" nora asked and sadie quickly whipped her head towards her friend. nora giggled, "yeah i had a feeling for awhile now. you two are not always so suttle." she hummed and sadie sighed. "im sorry love, what luke was doing was a dick move." she said grabbing her friends hand and pulling it tightly. sadies phone buzzed with a ccouple texts from luke. she put her phone on silent as they were now just pulling up to her building. "let me know if you need anything, sades." and sadie nodded. "thanks." she said before stepping out. she made her way upstairs quickly, and as soon as she entered her apartment she was already clicking mike's contact. and as soon as he picked up, she broke down.
"sadie?" he questioned now fully alert. his heart broke watching her cry, and he waited respectfully for her to talk. and once she did, he was angry. he was angry, disheartened, frustrated and all he wanted to do was hug his little sister. the two spoke for another hour and she had made he way to her couch at that point. she was sitting up as soon as she heard a knock on her door. her eyebrows crinkled, and mike watched as she looked over towards the door. "uh, one sec. somebody's here." she said setting the phone down and making her way towards the door.
It's obvious you're meant for me Every piece of you it just fits perfectly Every second, every thought I'm in so deep But I'll never show it on my face
But we know this We got a love that is hopeless
she opened the door to luke, and quickly shut it before his reflexes could react. "ill call you back mike....luke's here." she said grabbing her phone. "no, don't talk to him." and she paused glaring at him, "let me." he said and she shook her head. "i have too...i have to end things mikey. " she said softly and mike relaxed just a bit nodding. "okay, call me once he leaves." and then she hung up. she opened the door to luke waiting, and she let him step in. "let me explain." he said turning around quickly. sadie shook her head, "you atleast owe me that sadie." and she sighed walking into the living room with him following. "jack was the one that forced us together, i had no intention of talking to her but he -" and she cut him off. "forced? are you 5 luke? you can make your own decisions." she huffed, crossing her arms. "i didnt want to talk to her i swear! i did it so it wouldnt strange. besides, you cant get upset with me when you are the one that doesnt want to be seen in public." he spat and she bit her lip. "its been a month since we said i love you's, and ive barely seen you and - and, you havent made any move to make us go public. and i dont think i can do it anymoe, sadie! i dont think i can and i dont think i want to wait anymore." he said out loud, finally saying what he'd been wanting to say for some time now. she met his eye and she saw his frustration and a look of emptyness.
"wait what?" she questioned, wanting him to repeat what she thinks he said. "i know that we are meant for one another. i know with every fiber and being in my body that we are meant for one another. when i think of my future, i see you in all of it. it kills me to not be with you every second of the day, it kills me to not be seen with you, dancing with you in public, tonight- tonight it could have been you and i sadie. don't you realize that? do you not realize how deep i am? how fucking in love i am with you?" he said desperately. "or did you not realize that when you were with my brother tonight?" he asked, a low fucking blow. "fuck you luke! you know ive never seen him that way. he was being a friend, more than you were tonight!" she screamed and he shook his head, "what did he say to make you laugh? what did he say to make you laugh that deeply?" he questioned and she rolled her eyes. "are you jealous?" she questioned and he laughed, "i could ask the same thing sadie." he said chuckling just a bit. "he made a dumb joke...about penguins becuase he could see how down i was. nothing else, nothing more." she said and he didn't buy it. "why was he all over you tonight?" and she now chuckled. "you read too much into it luke, you sound dumb right now." she put her hands in her face, and thought about what he said.
" im just playing with time right? you were never going to make things official with me, right? was it-" he paused hating himself for what he was going to say, "was it all a game to you?" he asked in disbelief. "what?" she said barely above a whisper. "how could you ask me that? after everything?" she questioned, pulling her hands from her face. "because you keep going round and round in circles, stringing me along! giving me false hope every fucking time we see one another. do you know how exhausting that gets huh? do you not understand how much it hurts me every time, i leave and nothing has changed?!" he said with tears streaming down his face. oh, how that killed the girl. "we have to recognize at some point before its too late...that this...whatever this thing between us isn't going to work out. that im not gonna get the future i envision with you, sadie." he said and she felt herself crying now.
"i want to luke...i really want to." she said softly, "you know my anxiety, my habit of isolation and panic. you knew this going into this!" she threw back and he rolled his eyes. "dont use that an excuse, sadie. youre better than that!" he said turning around, his hands resting on his waist. "lets just call it what it is. you dont love me..enough to be official. and im not gonna stick around when i already know the ending." he said turning back around to face her. she shook her head, letting a sob out. she had nothing left to say, she knew that whatever she said wouldn't be enough. nothing could buy her more time, and they both knew it. luke walked towards the girl, pulling her in. he kissed her head, rubbing her back softly. "im sorry for all of this luke, i really am." she said crying now. he nodded kissing her head once more. "i know sadie i know." he said pulling back just a bit so he could look at her. he wiped away her tears, and pulled her in for one last kiss.
they parted, and he pulled out his car keys which had two extra keys on it. his apartment key and her's, and he slipped the latter off of it. she took it from him and just watched as he walked out of her life. as soon as luke exited the apartment complex, and hopped back in jacks car, where jack had been waiting patiently. jack took one look at his young brother and saw the pained look he was sporting, "its over." was all luke said before breaking down. jack placed his hand on his brother's back for comfort. as soon as nora and sadie left the bar, so did jack and luke. luke told jack everything, and jack hated himself for pushing luke and the girl together that evening. though luke reminded him that he didn't know, so he shouldn't feel bad.
the two didn't see one another for quite some time after that. it wasn't until new years even in the city when their extended friend group got together for a party. the both of them walking in with somebody on their arm. luke with the girl from that evening, and sadie with a friend from back home, that had only recently turned into something more. as soon as sadie entered the penthouse, luke quickly took notice of the girl and sent a smile towards her. she smiled back, before her boyfriend whisked her away towards the drinks.
them both knowing deep down, that they'd run back to one another if the opportunity arose.
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hope you guys enjoyed! pls like and reblog if you did (:
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dzvelinaskebiyars · 3 months
Okie dokey to give you some ideas...
May I request baji having a little sister whose a decade younger than him (like he was born in 1990 and she was born in 2003)? May I ask how would he (and by extention ryoko treat her?)
(Ofc if you don't like it or requests are closed rn please disregard it. Have a nice day :)))
I LOVE THIS!! Thank you so much for requesting!!
If Baji had younger sister, I feel like he'd try to be best brother. He genuinely would be so happy because he had to spend like 13 years as an only child and being only child is really lonely. So he definitely would be excited to have a sibling.
He'd definitely introduce her to his friends: Mikey, Kazutora, Draken, Mistuya and Pah-chin.
I like to think that he'd ask Mitsuya for advice since Mitsuya has little sisters and he'd gladly give Baji advice.
I feel like Baji often would give his sister piggyback rides very often and have her in his hands.
He'd be encouraging his sis when she'll be starting to take her first steps. He'd be like "Yes yes YES YES YOU'RE DOING WELL!"
When she's so little, he'll read bedtime stories to her and fell asleep with her.
He'd have a beef with a toddler if they take his sister's toy. Toddler is a kid too like his sis? So? So what? They took her toy!
He'd be so understanding and supportive to be honest.
He definitely would teach her things about fights and talk about Toman with her.
Watching movies together and for some reason his little sister ended up liking the goddamn horror movies which creeps him out.
Despite him being older, I feel like he'd play fight with her like a damn child her age.
He'd let her style his hair and probably would end up with the most ridiculous hairstyle.
For Ryoko, she'd be on the ninth sky from happiness to have another kid and she'd raise her with love and affection.
She loves her kids so much, they're her world and reason to live.
She'd give both of them equal affection and attention, tho the youngest would need more attention obviously, but Baji would help her because he loves spending time with his sister.
Lil sis: big brother, I'm going to be just like you!!
Baji: NO! No, no, no please mom is going to kill me.
Ryoko, just entering the room: Why would I kill you?
Lil sis: I want to be just like big brother!
Ryoko: Honey no-
Because let's be fr. Baji has...questionable habits. I'm pretty sure you'd also be worried if your kid just decided to be like her big brother who burns cars when he's hungry.
Lil sis, 14 yo: You're 27 years old, stop acting like a grumpy old man!
Baji: Fuck you.
Baji: Im giong wih my friands.
Lil sis: Okey but why this late?
Baji: Jutro touman.
Lil sis: Jutro? You know Bosnian?
Baji: Non
Lil sis: French too?
Baji: Whst are yu sei?
Lil sis: Sei? Italian?
Baji: Fuck you.
Lil sis: At least you can curse correctly!!
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ok while we are here i know that bimbo spot is taken but i was just thinking of spencer reid dating a bimbo and i just died. like imagine nobody understanding how his perfect match seems to be the complete opposite of him, but she’s just so perfect for him. she’s like a breath of fresh air for him, worrying about things like her nails and the newest barbie makeup collab, and although people think there’s so substance to her she’s got a heart of gold under her amazingly fabulous good looks.
although she may not have all the knowledge spencer has for his work, she can see the toll it takes on him. she may not be able to help him work through the evidence or keep up in conversations with more intricate theories but she can always be an open ear while she tries to relax him with cuddles, a fuzzy blanket, and a rom-com or letting him vent while she paints his nails to match her own.
and when that isn’t enough she’s more than happy to let spencer find another type of relief. letting him fuck her pretty glossy lips like the perfect doll she is. she’s so eager to please him as well, loving to hear his praises of how good she’s doing for him, “such a smart girl for me, really know how to work that pretty little mouth for daddy”
outside of showering spencer with affection ALWAYS she buys him plenty of gifts as well. spencer got very used to coming home to see shopping bags by the door various times a week; he’s gotten into the habit of bringing them over to the living room so she can give him a proper haul. each time there will be at least one item in there for him. something small like maybe he mentioned he was low on body wash and she found one at target she just knew he’d smell amazing with or a cute sweater she saw that just screamed spencer!!!
and it goes the other way as well, spencer never expected to be so knowledgeable in makeup but he made it a point to know all he could about his princess. before they moved in together, he wanted to be able to buy her her favorite products so she had a set at his place for her so she wouldn’t have to worry about bringing them over. he also quickly learned that a cute lil pout would always win him over which is how he found himself getting his eyebrows tweezed, facials at least once a week, and if she added some puppy dog eyes he would definitely end up with a full face of makeup.
but anything his princess wanted, she’d have because he is utterly obsessed and in love with his hyperfemme bimbo girlfriend <3333
i can keep going forever and im so sorry this was so long but i’m like AHHHHHH 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️
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kydrogendragon · 5 months
Can I also ask about Blind Date?
Of course!! This one I think will be cute. It was a Valentine's day prompt I hadn't gotten to but had a decent plan of attack for. So here's my notes on since since I don't have any official snippets.
Human!AU. Divorced Dad!Dream w/ Widowed Prof!Hob. Jo's Hob's mate who's drinking buddies with Matthew. Anyways, Dream's been going on a bender, fucking anything that moves and Matthew's tired of picking up the pieces afterwards and Jo's tired of seeing Hob look so sad everything they pass a happy couple so they decide to pit these two together. Dream and Hob do not know this is a blind date. They assume they're meeting their respective friend for dinner to celebrate something (each has their own excuse). Hob gets there first, waiting politely at the table, scrolling on his phone when Dream walks up looking confused. Hob is star eyed at the very very pretty man giving him a thoughout look-over. "You are not who I expected Matthew to choose in a partner." "What?" "Primarily being the fact that you do not look like your name is Johanna." "I'm sorry, I'm so confused. You know Jo?" Matt told Dream he wanted to introduce him to his new girl and also celebrate his newest art sale. Hob, meanwhile, was told to meet Jo cause she'd been craving this place's rolls and was tired to fish and chips. "I think there might be some sort of miscommunication. Here, please, stay, I'll call Jo and she if she knows what's up." Jo tells him to enjoy this and to talk to the guy. Better than moping around. "Right so… apaprently we've both been played. Jo's not coming and im guessing your mate isn't either. Sounds like our two friends have been conspiring behind our backs." "I see…" "I know this isnt what either of us expected for the night." "No…. but at least they chose a spot with good wine." "Cheers to that." So they stay and talk and later, when they end up toppling into Hob's flat after dinner after far too many glasses of wine, well, let's just say neither of them are too mad about it. Especially when Hob wakes Dream up with the smell of breakfast and fresh coffee.
The WIP Title Game
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