ronnyraygun · 2 years
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metalheadcowboy · 4 years
Don't worry, I got you for some ftm headcanons, because I love trans characters. Also, I need a short break from homework.
I can’t promise this is gonna be great. But I drew on my own experience with dysphoria as being genderfluid (which I know isn’t the same as being trans). Hope you like it.
And because I’m a sucker for both ftm!Steve and ftm!Billy, enjoy some trans boyfriends. 
Steve is one of those people who doesn’t have a ton of dysphoria, but when he does, it hits hard and fast. He has a super dysphoric time around the time he is 16-17 (I feel like he’d once in a while get dysphoric before, but would just kind of brush it off as a weird feeling he had occasionally), and he has a bit of breakdown because suddenly he doesn’t “feel normal”. He doesn’t like his longer hair. He doesn’t like his hips or his chest or anything. 
His original way to cope is to go shopping, because what does one do when they have a daddy with lots of money and a guilty conscience for abandoning them all the time. He goes out and gets a haircut and buys some new clothes, thinks maybe its because he put on a little weight recently and just doesn’t look right and therefore feels incredibly self-conscious and out of place, especially amoungst his peers on the Hawkins high cheer team. 
He easily spends a few hundred dollars and he doesn’t feel great in really any of the new things he bought, except maybe an oversized sweater and a pair of jeans that are a little baggy. 
But it helps him cope for the next few weeks. Until he just can’t take it anymore. 
He doesn’t know whats wrong with him. Doesn’t like being known as “Stephanie” or “Steph”. Doesn’t like it when the mean girls at his lunch table talk about how “she has gained weight” or “she is looking trashy today” (because girls are mean) .
He calls himself out of school, says he doesn’t feel well; cramps or pms or something like that. Makes himself feel ill when he has to mutter that to the school secretary over the phone. 
And he does what anybody who has dysphoria has thought, if not done, at some point in time. He grabbed a pair of scissors and went at his hair. 
Just chopped it all off. It was so uneven, not a good job at all, but in the heat of the moment, it didn’t matter because when he looked at himself in the mirror he felt slightly better. If he just looked at his hair up, he looked good. 
It was messy. 
It was boyish.
It was him. 
The girls at school laughed themselves silly until it started to grow out more and even out. He didn’t care if they kicked him out of the clique anyways. He didn’t want to cheer anymore, he didn’t feel comfortable in much. So, he just wore what he could handle.
And then Billy came storming into town, all loud music and bad attitude. And Steve was pulled towards him in some way. He was shorter like Steve, long hair permed so tight and styled just right to look like a mullet. 
Steve didn’t waste time getting to know “It’s not Winnifred, it’s Billy.”
They sat together at lunch, the two loner ‘girls’ who looked like boys with their “too big” clothes and their “ugly looking hairdos”. Steve would’ve made fun of Billy a year ago, for his too thick eyebrows and his wispy stache that he was growing. But now, he couldn’t help but be a bit jealous. Billy looked comfortable in his body. 
Finally, he asked, “How?”
“How what, Harrington?”
“How do you...” He waved at Billy, not knowing what to exactly say. 
Billy’s eyes narrowed, “You have a problem with me being a guy?”
“No!” Steve said immediately, “Thats not...not what I meant.” He looked at the ground, “I’m not crazy, okay?” Billy didn’t say anything, just waited, “But, how do you get to...look like you? When you’re obviously a girl.”
Billy took a deep breath, sighed, “I’m not a girl, Harrington.” 
“I don’t know how else to put it.”
“I’m a guy.” Billy said, taking another drag from his cigarette, “I was just born with a wrong body. One of god’s many fuck ups.”
“I’m transgender.” Billy said, “And my name is Billy, not Winnifred. And I have to deal with things other guys don’t. That’s all you gotta know.”
That hit something in Steve. Transgender. That was a new word. A new concept. 
Months later, Steve was in his bathroom again, this time with Billy who was watching him cut his own hair. Ever since his first joy ride with the scissors, his father had forbidden Steve from going to the salon on his credit card. “Gotta get you to start looking like my princess again.” He’d said. Steve had thrown up after that comment. Normally, he’d take it and just go get it done out of spite, but this was a small town and everyone talked. 
“Back is uneven.” Billy said, “Want me to help?”
“Can you?” Steve holds out the scissors to him, “I don’t wanna look like I rolled out of the garbage.”
“You look fine.” Billy grunted, took the scissors from him and began cutting, “I’ve got lots of practice. Who do you think does my hair? Now hold still.”
Steve went still, let Billy work his magic on his hair. His fingers were gentle on Steve, not pulling or hurting him like Steve’s own fingers did when he worked at it. 
“Like this, from the back you almost look like a boy, Steph.” Billy’s voice was soft. 
Steve’s heart swelled just a bit, “Say that again.”
“From the back you could look like a boy.” 
Steve’s heart beat a little faster, “A boy?”
“Yeah. A boy.” Billy said, was watching Steve’s face in the mirror, watching the smile light up in his eyes. 
“Can you make the front look like that too?” Steve asked, a smile on his face. Billy just nods, fixes the front, gives Steve a similar haircut to Rob Lowe’s from Class. 
“Billy stands back, admires his handy work, “You look like a Steve.”
Steve actually laughs, for the first time in months he actually laughs, looks at his hair in the mirror, “I like that. I think I might keep it.”
I- don’t even know what to say I’ve been blessed this is wonderful This brought me so much joy reading, truly 💛💛
Now I need Billy helping Steve through all the steps of his transition and vice versa and them just supporting each other unconditionally 💖
Send me trans Steve/Billy asks 💛💛
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