#SVU Summer Bingo
electrictoes · 1 year
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The SVU Summer Hiatus Bingo 2023 starts on Friday 19th May and ends on the date of the season 25 premiere - Thursday 18th January.
Anyone who wants to participate can, any character, any ship - completely open and up to you. It’s supposed to be fun, and there’s absolutely no pressure - complete the whole grid, complete a line or two for bingo, or just select scattered prompts that inspire you! The DUN DUN square is a free square.
If the prompts inspire any non-fic content then that’s fine too! Tag SVU Summer Bingo on tumblr, and for those posting to AO3 the collection is here.
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chenfordsrollisi · 1 year
My SVU Summer Hiatus Bingo 2023 Roundup
These are the 5 Rollisi fics that I wrote for the SVU Summer Hiatus Bingo on Tumblr. 5/5. Overdue A Better Night The Bright Side When You Walk In the Room A Dream I Never Gave Up On
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'Carisi smiled. “Oh, I get it. You just want to chat, huh? Well, that’s something I can definitely help you out with.” He bent down to pick up the baby, cradling him carefully in his arms as he walked the couple of short steps to the nursing chair nearby. “Your mom might say that I am perhaps a bit too good at talking, but it’s kind of my job, you know. I have to talk to lots of people every day. But talking to you and your sisters? That’s my favorite kind of talking.”' Or, Amanda overhears Carisi talking to their son. Cuteness ensues.
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librarywolfdragon · 1 year
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storiesofsvu · 5 months
It's Bingo Time!!
I usually do some kind of bingo for my birthday/spring and I figured it'd be fun to do one again this year. Though the timeline may be different, we'll see lol.
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Prompts are all spring/summer themed or smut. Any and all of them can be made as suggestive as you’d like, you don’t need to keep the smut fics to the smut prompts!
Submissions can be anything! A mood board, headcanons, drabbles, gif sets, a one shot, a mini series/collection including all the prompts, social media au’s, whatever you want!!
The rest of the rules are under the cut!
Prompts can be made into any genre, make it super spicy, super fluffy, or heartbreaking. Just make sure to include any and all appropriate warning at the top and in the tags!!
Fics can be a ship, reader insert, an OC, whatever you want! This is for you to have some fun and get creative!
Accepted Fandoms:
-Anything and Everything!! Yes!! I am always wide open to every fandom out there! It does not need to be something I write for, regularly read or even know what it is! It’s your choice!
Some examples:
Law and Order (svu, oc, og, ci),Criminal Minds, 911, MCU, One Chicago, NCIS, Grey’s Anatomy, OUAT, CAOS, Private Practice, Abbott Elementary and everything and anything in between!
You must tag me @storiesofsvu and use the hastag #kbdaybingo2024 on each creation. There’s a chance I will put together a masterlist (and if I do I likely won’t until it’s all over)
Bingo begins May 1st and runs all the way to June 27th
Only post ONE creation PER DAY, and only one square per creation
No under age oc’s/yn’s
Tag all and every warning appropriately at the top of the fic
Anything over 1000 words MUST be under a readmore
Please appropriately tag your characters! I don’t want to see a list of side characters who have one line or are only mentioned when it’s a specific character x reader fic!
For each fic you write, you’ll earn a ballot and at the end I’ll do a draw and there will be a winner!! (don’t ask me what the prize is yet lol)
Everyone is welcome to participate! (anyone submitting or reading smut must be over 18!!)
If you have any questions feel free to message me!!
tagging some people I think might be interested!
@whiteberryx @rustyzebra @iamnotoriginalphil @happenstnces @bullet-prooflove @hotchfiles @prentiss-theorem @scorpsik @thatesqcrush @witches-unruly-heart @polkadotpenguin16 @escapingrealtiylovinginsanity @waitingfortheendtocome @five-bi-five-mind @demonicbaby666 @baubeautyandthegeek @safficranger @valentinesfrog @milfandh0ney @asolitaryrose3 @alexblakegf @hotchs-big-hands @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @mxmmyprentiss @alexblakeisgay @jordanstark007 @chestnutninny @maximoffcarter @lizdonnelly @v3nusxsky
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c-rhodes · 1 year
waiting game
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fandom. law & order: svu
characters.. amanda rollins. sonny carisi. mia halstead. mentions of jack mccoy.
summary. The walls were a warm taupe color, at least they looked like a warm taupe.  And the only reason she knew this was because she had been looking at the walls for the past half an hour, or maybe it was a couple of hours, she didn’t know anymore, time didn’t really seem to matter in this room right now. She and her husband had recently been looking at paint samples the last couple of weeks for their new house, and warm taupe was one of the colors she had been considering for the study. But now she wasn’t so sure about it. Not wanting to use a color that would remind her of this moment. Of a hospital waiting room.
a.n. SVU Summer Hiatus BINGO 2023 - Waiting Room square
Madeleine ‘Mia’ Stone is the younger sister of Will and Jay Halstead. She now lives and works in New York with Peter Stone, they've been together about four years and got married six weeks ago.
Although this is just a one shot written for the SVU Summer Hiatus Bingo 2023, I have plans to write a multi chaptered fic where a slightly altered version of this will appear. And will explain everything going on. So apologies for the cliff hanger, but it's necessary.
*gif doesn’t belong to me.
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The walls were a warm taupe color, at least they looked like a warm taupe.  And the only reason she knew this was because she had been looking at the walls for the past half an hour, or maybe it was a couple of hours, she didn’t know anymore, time didn’t really seem to matter in this room right now. She and her husband had recently been looking at paint samples the last couple of weeks for their new house, and warm taupe was one of the colors she had been considering for the study. But now she wasn’t so sure about it. Not wanting to use a color that would remind her of this moment. Of a hospital waiting room.
   To Mia it felt like they had been sitting there for days, and realistically she knew it hadn’t been that long, that it was hours and not days. It still felt that way as they waited for news. Waiting to be told that he had made it through surgery okay, or that he had died on the table. She tried not to, but she couldn’t help but picture the worst and feel it. The doors opening and the doctor stepping inside, sitting down in front of her on the coffee table. A look of maybe sympathy or sadness on his face as he delivered the bad news.
   The feel of someone’s hand on her elbow startled her and she turned to look at the man sitting in front of her, his voice sounding familiar, half expecting to find a doctor sitting there. Except it wasn’t a doctor, it was Sonny Carisi, and he was looking at her in concern. It was then she realized he was talking to her, saying her name. She didn’t answer him at first, taking a couple extra seconds to examine the look on his face and in his eyes. There was something else there, other than concern, maybe guilt perhaps but she couldn’t be sure.  He has nothing to feel guilty about.  
‘’....I’m sorry Mia, I should have done something….’’
She finally found her voice then, cutting him off before he could finish. ‘’ Don’t….don’t do that. You have nothing to feel guilty about or apologize for. It wasn’t your fault, and I know he won’t blame you or want you to feel guilty. And neither do I. ‘’ The only person responsible for this, for putting her husband in the hospital and his life in danger was the person who pulled the trigger. Not Sonny. Mia hoped that he would take that in and accept it. That he would stop feeling guilty for something he wasn’t to blame for.
No, he would never blame Sonny for what happened.
Mia reached out, taking both of his hands into hers and giving them a gentle squeeze before letting go of them and offering him a watery smile. “ Are you okay? “ He had been standing next to her husband on the front steps of the courthouse when it happened, and while the gun hadn’t been pointed at him, and he hadn’t been hit, it still can’t have been easy to have been there and to watch it happen.
“ I should be the one asking you that, “ he told her, offering her a smile in return. “ But I’m okay. Are you alright? “
Was she alright? Part of her wanted to lie and tell him she was doing okay, but the moment the words left her mouth she knew that no one would believe her, they would see right through her lie. Because she was definitely anything but fine. She felt like she was falling apart a little inside every minute and hour that passed with no news.
‘’  I’m scared, I…’’  don’t want to be a widow.  The last part was left unsaid, but perhaps he already knew that. Maybe they all did.
Six weeks. They had been married for six weeks, and while not the shortest marriage it wasn’t enough, she wanted more. She wasn’t ready to say goodbye to it or to her husband. Maybe she wouldn’t ever be ready to say goodbye to him. No matter how long they had been married for. She wasn’t ready to become a widow six weeks into her marriage. There were so many things they still wanted to do, places they wanted to see together.  Children. They hadn’t had any in-depth discussions about children, but they had spoken about it a little, and she knew that he wanted them and he knew that she wanted them. They just weren’t ready yet.
He’s strong, a fighter.  He’s going to make it right…oh god…I need him to make it. Please. Please baby, please don’t leave me.
Taking a seat beside her on the sofa, Amanda reached out and took hold of her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, offering what support she could. She knew what it was like to be shot of course, but she had no idea what it was like to be in Mia’s position, at least not as a loved one. And she was thankful that she didn't have to wait like this, wait for news on whether her husband was going to live or die. Amanda was thankful that Dominic hadn’t been the one who’d been shot. Yet that meant someone else had, someone who had become a good friend and who she cared about. Mia was the one who was waiting for news on whether her husband was still alive or not, and she wouldn’t have wished that on her worst enemy.
 But he was her friend too, and she was worried about him. Hoping that he made it through surgery okay. If holding her hand and offering what comfort to her she could, helped, then she would continue to do that. And maybe it helped her a little bit as well.
   Another hour slipped by and Mia found herself pacing the room, probably on her third or fourth lap by now.  There was only so much time a person could spend looking at the pictures and furniture around the room, and wonder where it came from. Wonder whether the photos had been done by a professional or an amateur photographer. This wasn’t her first time in a waiting room at the doctor's office or in a hospital, so surely she should be used to this, used to the long waits for news.
The first time her older brother had been injured while overseas serving with the Army Rangers. And then again a couple years later. When her mom had been diagnosed with cancer, one of the worst moments of her life - and she remembered hiding in her room and crying for hours, not wanting anyone to see her like that, especially her mom - and then the subsequent visits to the hospital for treatment. She and her older brother took it in turns to take their mom to appointments, when he wasn’t on deployment, their eldest brother wasn’t around.
   The last few years had been rough at times, and more than once Mia had doubted whether she could handle it. Her mothers death, followed a few short years later by the death of her father - her father-in-law passing shortly before her father - she was an orphan now. But it had left a hole that she knew would never be able to fill. She would never get over her parents' deaths, but she was learning to come to terms with it and cope with it, every day. Meeting her husband in between her parents' deaths was one of the things that had gotten her through it. And then to almost lose him in a stabbing.
  It was her father-in-law’s death that led to his move back to New York, and she followed him shortly after. He had accepted a job offer from Jack McCoy a couple days after his father’s funeral. It hadn't taken her long to decide to move with him. He had given her the option of staying in Chicago if she wanted, telling her to take her time with her decision, but by that point she had already made her mind up to go with him. And now here she was, hoping that she wasn’t going to be attending another funeral. She wasn’t sure she could handle losing anyone else.
  The door to the waiting room suddenly opened, causing Mia to pause her pacing and move toward the door. This time it wasn’t her imagination when a doctor entered the room, dressed in blue scrubs and with a stethoscope around his neck, a serious expression on his face. This was what she had been waiting for, and now that someone was there to give her news of her husband, she wasn’t sure that she wanted to hear it.  Oh god….It’s bad news isn’t it…he’s dead. Her stomach turned and she suddenly felt sick as he moved closer into the room.
‘’ Madeleine Stone, ‘’
Mia didn’t even bother to correct him on her name, at the moment it didn’t even matter, all she wanted to know right now was how her husband was. ‘’ Yes. Is he…’’ she trailed off, unable to get the words out. But he probably knew what she was getting at.
‘’ Your husband is alive, ‘’ the doctor began. He could tell by the look on her face that she needed the reassurance that her husband was still alive. ‘’ When your husband was brought in he had already lost a lot of blood from a GSW to the abdomen. The bullet caused damage to his liver, so we’ve gone in and repaired the damage and removed the bullet. He coded while on the table, but we were able to get his heart started again and right now he’s stable…..’’
He was alive and she was so relieved, she was, but she couldn’t help repeating his words over and over in her head.   He coded. Clinically, for however long, her husband had died. And she couldn’t stop thinking about that. But he was alive and she hadn’t lost him. She knew that things could take a turn at any point, that he could take a turn for the worse. But for now he was alive, and right now she chose to only concentrate on that.
“ Can I see him? “
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baubeautyandthegeek · 2 years
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I posted 6,427 times in 2022
That's 2,206 more posts than 2021!
624 posts created (10%)
5,803 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,687 of my posts in 2022
#saffi - 119 posts
#fluffbruary - 112 posts
#raffi musiker - 96 posts
#seven of nine - 94 posts
#trektober - 90 posts
#star trek picard - 85 posts
#law and order svu - 61 posts
#star trek discovery - 37 posts
#katrina cornwell - 36 posts
#natalie engler - 34 posts
Longest Tag: 117 characters
#it's okay to be confused about why you get uncomfy but for the love of frick ask yourself why until you figure it out
My Top Posts in 2022:
Pearls & Promises - Farah/Luna
A/N: Written once again as part of @fluffbruary​ in June
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 Farah smiles at the sight of Luna, her fingers nervously toying with the same string of pearls she always wore, shy, even as she kept the date, her eyes dancing with fears that make Farah step closer, reach slowly forward, then pull, curling Luna safely into her arms. “Welcome home Love.” It's a whisper but Farah’s smile is pure and Luna finds she swoons just slightly at it. She’s used to harsh or angry but with Farah it is soft and sweet and warm, loving. She’s safe here, warm and confident and she relaxes with each small stroke of fingers over her back. She’s safe and finally truly home. She sighs when she sees her gift later, Farah’s gentle touch settling her even as she allows Farah to change the pearls, the old set discarded, a remnant of his power, the new freeing her even more as she waits and relaxes into her lover’s touch all over again. She is free and she will be cherished here.
15 notes - Posted June 29, 2022
Summer Solstice, Sweet Seductions & Sabrina - Zelda/Lilith
A/N: Written as part of @fluffbruary​ in June.
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Zelda isn’t sure what makes her turn to Lilith for help with Summer Solstice. She knows it’s a risk, the Queen of Hell is never going to make her life easy, but somehow she doesn’t care, she wants Lilith’s help, wants her company more than ever. The solstice comes and goes, the event wild and wicked and wonderful. Sabrina leads the charge of witches and women and Zelda takes her chance to slip away to Hell, to rest with Lilith, her head in her Queen’s lap, eyes closing at the softness of her touch. She’s longed for this, she realises, longed for hope and freedom and love, now she has it.
18 notes - Posted June 29, 2022
Stolen Shirts (Suit You) - Alex Cabot/Casey Novak
Warnings: Hinted smut but none shown Summary: Alex and Casey face another day in court, Casey stealing Alex’s shirt for a little more confidence. Written to fill the free space in @sweetprentiss​ ‘s Spring Has Sprung Celebration Bingo.
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“Are you wearing my shirt?” 
Alex is almost smirking at the sight of Casey’s shirt, far too long, hanging over the top of her skirt, moving to help her tuck it in. Her voice soft and light as she spoke.
“You know I actually have some shorter than this…”
“They don’t…”
Casey’s words dry up and she sighs, shrugging a little.
“I prefer this one.”
Alex smiles slightly then, leaning down to kiss her softly, stroking hair behind Casey’s ear, smiling when Casey blushes a little. Casey had always been a little nervous about coming back to work and if stealing a shirt made her happy then it was worth it.
“Go get them Case…”
She spoke softly. Stepping back to let Casey free, smiling when Casey moves away before moving to get dressed, preparing herself to follow Casey to the courts, she’d sit with the rest of the team, watch Casey at work, support her as much as possible.
She is quiet as she settles to watch Casey at work. She knew, too well, how tense Casey could get, especially now, but she was also sure Casey would do perfectly well. The day ends and Casey comes home with Alex. She had won but she felt like she’d been put through the ringer.
She’s quiet when she’s changed, Alex smiling as she also changes, the two settled to rest, Casey relaxing into Alex a little more when she starts to fall asleep, content simply to be with Alex. They face plenty of challenges, they have since the first time they met, and Alex smiles softly when Casey sighs happily.
“You are amazing Case…”
“Stop it…”
Alex smiles then, letting it go and choosing instead to just settle into the warmth of Casey’s closeness, curling her arms around Casey when she shifts into her lap, nestling into Alex’s neck with a huffed sigh.
“Do I at least get to take you to bed?”
Alex teased, grinning when Casey rolled her eyes and sighed.
“Alex Cabot, sex fiend.”
She teases softly, her voice gentle.
“Fine… but you’ll keep those hands to yourself unless I say otherwise… right?”
“Of course.”
Casey’s smile is softer as she stands, leading Alex through to the bedroom, noting how tightly Alex held onto her hand. She knew why but she never once complained. Alex needing to feel safe tended to lead to tight hugs and sweet lovemaking, it wasn’t too hard to believe she was okay that way. Casey never once complained. She liked being held, held tightly to Alex, she definitely loved the way Alex looked at her like she couldn’t stand to lose her, even when she was shy or sore or just needing a little more TLC than usual.
They settle easily, of course. Alex behaving herself but clearly missing the body contact even as they change for bed, one more change of clothes in a long day. Casey curls into herself when she settles, smiling when Alex settles beside her before finally giving in and rolling to kiss her deeply.
“I love you Alex.”
18 notes - Posted March 7, 2022
The Nightmare - Alex Cabot/Casey Novak
A/N: Written for @storiesofsvu​ ‘s Birthday Bingo 2022. Set post Ghost.
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It starts when Casey wakes to Alex shaking, almost whining with the fear running through her. She’s used to this, the pain, the panic, the misery of Alex’s whines, but this time she waits, knowing she has to let Alex work her way through. Casey moves all the same to settle at Alex’s side, waiting for her to wake, which she does soon enough. Alex half-bolts upright, then sinks back with a choking sigh. She hates these nights, but she can’t help being thankful for Casey watching over her. “C’mere…” The word is soft and Alex sits up again slowly, her eyes locked on Casey, aching for warmth but still unsure what Casey has planned. “I mean it ‘Lex… C’mere…” Alex hesitates and Casey sighs shifting to settle beside Alex in the bed properly, her voice softer this time. “C’mere, let me hold you…” Alex moves then, curling herself into Casey with a half-sob, burrowing her face into Casey’s neck, relaxing when Casey’s grip curls tightly around her, her breath coming out as a huffed sigh. “M'sorry…” “For what? Needing a little tenderness?” Casey murmurs softly, running soft fingers through Alex’s hair. “I told you ‘Lex… I’m here whatever you need, never apologize.” Her voice softens as she murmurs a softer… “I’ll always be here.”
27 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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A pre-curser to a fic... 
40 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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theonethinginlife · 3 years
Five times their loved ones find out about Sonny & Amanda's relationship and one time they get to tell someone.
(Or, they try to make it a week before anyone finds out and fail miserably.
SVU Summer Hiatus 2021 Bingo Prompt: interrupted kiss(es).
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proofinyou · 3 years
Still relatively new to SVU, Kat Tamin has a crush on Amanda Rollins. (Prompt fill drabble for “hands” for SVU Summer Hiatus Bingo.)
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electrictoes · 1 year
“And you know she’s not satisfied at home.” - While working a joint case with Vice, Carisi overhears a conversation and gets worked up over it. Amanda thinks he's being stupid (affectionate).
For SVU Summer Hiatus Bingo: Jealousy
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chenfordsrollisi · 9 months
Upcoming Writing Events for 2024!
Ship Week Criminal Minds New Years Ficathon (1st week of Jan.) Chicago Fire Valentine's Day Gift Exchange (Valentine's week) Femslash February (All month long) March Madness (All month long) The 100 Ships Bingo (All month of April) May Medical Bingo (All month long) SVU Summer Bingo (May - September 22nd) NCIS Summer Bingo (Between June and September) Slashy September (All month long) Chicago Med Halloween Ficathon (Oct. 25th - 31st) One Tree Hill Thanksgiving Ficathon (Nov. 28th - Dec. 4th) Chenford Christmas Bingo (Dec. 4th - 31st) Chicago PD Christmas Bingo (Dec. 2nd - 31st) Note: There may be more to come, but this is what I'm working with right now. For information on these events, check out my Writing Events page. If you have questions, send me an ask and I'll get back to you ASAP. I'm trying to create events for a bunch of different fandoms through the year. If you want to participate in an event, but don't see one listed for your fandom, feel free to ask me if I'll do one. I can't guarantee I'll do one, but there's a better chance of it happening if I'm in the fandom.
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lesbianologist · 3 years
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hello old & new followers!
these are the squares left for my participation in svu summer bingo. pls submit some stuff here. i'd really love to get most (if not all) of these filledand i need your help with that currently!!! some prompts if you need help with ideas, too (one/two/three/four).
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So, I wrote a thing:
"Amanda had seen Carisi in a suit just about every day of his working life since he had come to Manhattan SVU. She had lost count of the number of times she had seen him in a suit. She knew he looked good in a suit. But Carisi in a tuxedo? Was spectacular."
Or, Amanda is having lots of happy thoughts on her second wedding day.
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miss-inkwell · 2 years
Carisi and Amanda’s memories on how they fell while living in the present. Prompt memory
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storiesofsvu · 1 year
Katt's 2023 Bday Bingo!
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You know the drill!! (or you don't, that's fine if you're new here!)
Prompts are a mix of smut, dialogue, and spring/summer esque themes.
Submissions can be anything, a mood board, a ficlet, headcanons, drabbls, gif sets, one shot, social media au's, whatever you want.
Read the rest of the rules under the cut!
Prompts can be any genre, even if it's obviously smut, you can change things around, make things super spicy, make it tooth rotting fluff, make it angsty as fuck, make it an AU. Just make sure to include any and all appropriate warnings and tags at the TOP of the post!
Fics can be a ship, a reader insert, an OC, basically whatever you want. Mix and match, stick with one, try out something new!
Accepted Characters:
Literally EVERYTHING. All fandoms, all characters, literally whatever the heck you want to write, you get to write. Some examples:
-Law and Order (OG, OC, SVU)
-Criminal Minds
-Abbott Elementary
-House of Cards
-Grey's Anatomy
-Once Upon A Time
-Ted Lasso
-Marvel Cinematic Universe
-The Morning Show
-One Chicago
These are just examples, everything and anything is welcome.
You must tag me @storiesofsvu and use the hashtag #k2023bdaybingo on each creation and I'll do my best to put it all together on a masterlist.
Bingo begins May 1st and runs all the way through to June 18th.
You may only submit/post ONE creation PER DAY. And only one square per creation!
No underage characters/readers/oc's in romantic situations. It's fine to include character's children, or age up specific fandoms to being in college. But i don't want to see any high school kids getting it on.
Tag all and every warning appropriate at the top of a fic.
Anything over 1000 words MUST be under a readmore.
If you have any questions, feel free to message me!!
Tagging some people who might be interested
@swimmingstudentchaos891 @bumblebear30 @thatesqcrush @infiniteoddball @wannabe-fic-writer @red1culous @five-bi-five-mind @demonicbaby666 @alexusonfire @mickey-gomez @jamiethetrans @thehauntingofbasingse @bluetodie @rustyzebra @bullet-prooflove @strongsassysexysloane @prentiss-theorem @happenstnces @leftoverenvy @leianeverlight @jennifer-jareau @virescent-v @emobabeyy @dead-of-niight @summergeezburr
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pascalispretty · 2 years
Breathe Me In
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Rafael Barba x F!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2510
Warnings: Oral Sex/Cunnilingus
Summary: You try to convince Rafael to be a little sweeter to you after bringing him lunch. He obliges.
Written for @lannister-slings-and-arrows, @melk917 and @pascalispretty's Wet Hot Summer Bingo, fulfilling the 'Watermelon Sugar' prompt. As always, an immense thank you to @lannister-slings-and-arrows for editing; any remaining Britishisms are my own. Also on AO3.
The cafe is only ten minutes from Rafael’s apartment but by the time you’ve walked there to pick up lunch and come back you’re so sweaty you look like you’ve just finished a 5k. Your tee shirt sticks to your back as you catch your breath just inside the door, steeling yourself for the trip up four flights of stairs. 
The city is in the middle of a heatwave, the humidity rendering the air thick and oppressive and still. While the AC was on the fritz at your own apartment, you had temporarily decamped to your boyfriend’s in an attempt to escape the record temperatures. 
When you finally let yourself in you notice that the front room is empty. Rafael’s desk, where you had left him working earlier, is no longer occupied and you frown. 
“Raf?” you call out, pausing to grab one of the napkins that had come with your takeout and dab at your forehead. 
“Back here,” he answers and you roll your eyes. The bedroom is the coolest room in the apartment thanks to the unit in the window–you’re surprised he hadn’t moved his work there earlier. Kicking off your sandals, you make your way back towards his hideout. 
You sigh in relief when the cooler air washes over you as you open the door. Rafael is sitting up against the headboard writing careful notes in the margins of the thick case file in his lap and he perks up noticeably when he sees the brown paper bag in your hand. He sets his pen down. 
“Oh, thank God,” he huffs, shoving his work aside and reaching eagerly for the bag. “Did you get me more coffee?” 
“Nope.” He looks comically crestfallen, as though you’d informed him of a national espresso shortage. “Man cannot live on caffeine alone, Rafael. Besides, it’s not like you don’t have coffee here.”
“I have to make that myself,” he grumbles, rifling through the bag and grabbing the sandwich he’d ordered. “What’s this?” He pulls one of the bottles free and holds it up. 
“Watermelon lemonade. I got myself a blood orange one.” Before you join him on the bed you unbutton your shorts and kick them off. “I don’t know how you can even think about drinking coffee when it’s this hot out.” Rafael pulls a sceptical face, eyeing his drink suspiciously. 
“Watermelon lemonade? They didn’t have regular lemonade?” 
“Nope, just flavoured,” you tell him as you sit cross-legged on the bed beside him. He mutters something under his breath and you think you catch the word ‘gentrification’ as he passes the bag back to you. 
“Hey,” you protest, knocking your knee into his thigh. “I walked forever in a heatwave to get you lunch and a cold drink. Just taste it.” You pull your own drink out and take a sip, pleasantly surprised at how well the flavours work together. Rafa is still looking doubtfully at the pink drink in his hand and you roll your eyes. 
"You're such a baby, would it kill you to just try it?" you laugh. "I did, after all, nearly die of heatstroke bringing it to you. I thought you might be a little sweeter to me after my valiant sacrifice." 
"Oh, is that what you're after? A little sweetness?" He gestures to your bare legs, arching a blond eyebrow at you and finally opening the bottle. "Is that why you're half naked? Trying to give me a hint?" He takes a sip and carefully maintains his neutral expression.
“I’m half naked because I’m sweaty and gross and as soon as I finish my sandwich I’m gonna hop in the shower.” You take a bite and cast your eye over the files scattered haphazardly on the bed.
“Maybe you should join me,” you tease. “You look like you could use a break.” He had been working all morning, already bent over a legal pad at the table when you had finally gotten out of bed. By the time you’d arrived at Rafael’s place last night, you’d been too tired to do much more than brush your teeth and fall into bed. Certainly too tired to have sex, despite how much you’ve missed him over the last week. He chuckles around a mouthful, shaking his head and swallowing so he can reply, 
“You know as well as I do that that shower is not built for two people. One of us will fall out and I don’t have time for a trip to the emergency room today.” You pout even though you know he’s right.
“You seem to be enjoying your drink just fine. What happened to being sweeter to me if you liked it?” you ask, prompting another laugh from your boyfriend. 
“It’s not terrible. Though it’s not caffeinated and it tastes more like strawberries than watermelon,” he informs you, holding the bottle out so you can try some. “And I don’t remember actually agreeing to that,” he teases. You make a face at him and he smiles. 
“Maybe they added strawberries to improve the colour?” you suggest. He takes a sip from your proffered bottle and shrugs.
“Not bad. For not being coffee.”
“At the rate you’re building a tolerance, someday drinking coffee won’t be enough,” you laugh. “If you don’t slow down I‘m worried I’ll come home to find you freebasing the stuff.” Rafa laughs with you, almost choking on his lunch. 
“If my coffee consumption bothers you you can go back to your own apartment with its broken AC.” He tries to sound threatening but the effect is slightly ruined by the fact that he has barely stopped eating long enough to speak. 
“Yeah, yeah, as if. Then who’d bring you lunch?” You wink, crumpling the paper your food had been wrapped in and throwing it back into the bag. “I’m gonna shower.” 
The bathroom is warmer than the bedroom was so you strip out of your remaining clothes as quickly as possible. You turn the water as cold as you can bear it and stand under the spray for a while, letting it cool you off. If you could, you would stay under for hours but you don’t want to rack up a huge water bill for Rafael. So you wash quickly using some of Rafa’s fancy shower gel and reluctantly turn the water off. 
Wrapping yourself in a towel, you briefly head into the living room to grab your book. You had thought about making yourself comfortable on the couch and reading so you don’t disturb Rafael while he works but it’s too hot in there for you to consider it. 
“Raf, it won’t bother you if I read in here with you will it?” you ask, as you make your way back to the bedroom, shivering a little as the cooler air hits your damp skin. “It’s too hot–” 
Instead of returning to his file, Rafael had stacked it carelessly onto the bedside table with his legal pad and pens. He’d also taken his tee shirt and shorts off, leaving him sitting on the bed in only a pair of black boxer briefs. 
“Why are you half naked now? Copying my cold shower idea?” you tease, throwing your book onto the dresser. He shakes his head. 
“Come here,” he demands, holding his arms out for you. Raising one of your eyebrows, you do as you’re told; dropping the towel and settling yourself on his lap. You twine your arms around his neck and your fingers find the short hair at the nape of Rafa’s neck.
“What’s made you decide to stop being such a grump?” you ask, eyelids fluttering closed as his large hands stroke down your back and knead absently at the base of your spine. He doesn’t seem to care that you're still damp from your shower as his hands roam further south. 
“Made an espresso while you were showering.” He says it jokingly but you’re pretty sure you can actually smell coffee on his breath. “And you did tell me I should be sweeter to you.” Rafael lowers his head to your neck, running his lips lightly over the delicate skin of your throat. 
“I did.” You gasp softly when you feel his teeth drag against your pulse point, your fingers digging a little tighter into the nape of his neck. 
“So…” Rafael murmurs, rolling the two of you until you’re pinned to the bed beneath him. “Let me be sweet to you.” You’re sure you’ll never tire of the feeling of him on top of you–his warm, broad body pressing you into the mattress. 
Yet, for all that you normally love his bulk covering you like this, it’s not the most comfortable in this heat. Seemingly conscious of this, Rafael presses a quick, filthy kiss to your lips that stops as suddenly as it starts and begins making his way down your body. 
You let yourself relax, sinking back against the sheets as Rafael sweeps his hands over you, sighing contentedly when one of his thumbs brushes against your nipple. Thoughts of your email that you’d wanted to check and the book you had wanted to finish leave your head within the space of a heartbeat as you concentrate on Rafa’s touch, his shoulders pressing against your thighs. 
He takes his time. He trails his fingers down your chest, his mouth following to press kisses and nips across your collarbones and breasts–never pausing for very long. You shift restlessly underneath him, all too aware of the heat rising in your core and the slick starting to smear down your thighs. 
“If this is your idea of being sweet to me, I might actually bring you coffee tomorrow,” you say softly, carding your fingers through his thick hair. 
“Beautiful,” Rafael sighs, his breath warm on your sternum as he traces a slow, meandering path down your body with his lips. You whine when his tongue darts out to lick one of your nipples, the flesh stiffening further as his spit cools on your skin. His lips close over the tight bud, and the warm pull of his mouth makes you moan quietly. Those broad hands of his spread out over your hips, holding you steady as he finally settles between your thighs. 
“You don’t look so bad down there yourself,” you manage, feeling more than a little breathless as he lazily presses kisses along the inside of your thighs. His hair tickles but his hand closes around your thigh when you involuntarily jerk away. 
“I love your thighs. God, they’re so wonderful and warm around my head when I eat you out.” Rafa’s voice is rough, a low rumble that you feel vibrating against your leg as he drags his tongue down the inside of your thigh and stops just short of your cunt. The sight of him worshipping them with more kisses and licks is downright heavenly–you want to burn it into your memory, to have it keep you company on the nights when he works late. 
“How mad would you be if I took a photo of you just like this?” Rafa doesn’t dignify your teasing question with a response, preferring instead to nip at your soft flesh until you’re sure you’ll have marks.
It seems to take an eternity for him to duck his head down and swipe his tongue between your folds, an obscene moan ripped from his throat. 
“Fuck, querida. You taste so sweet.” You’re barely listening, focused instead on the way he pushes his shoulders a little further under your thighs and the way his hands slide up to grab your ass. That one pass of his tongue is nowhere near enough. It’s a single drop of rain trying to contain a wildfire. 
“God, Rafael–” Your brief attempt at pleading is abruptly curtailed when Rafa closes his mouth around your clit, his tongue swirling lazy circles around the bundle of nerves. The noise that is ripped out of you sounds broken, high and needy and desperate and you wind your fingers into Rafa’s soft hair. 
Your nails scratch at his scalp as he groans against you and heat surges down your spine, lighting all of your nerve endings on fire as it goes. Your back arches and you tilt your hips, presenting yourself to Rafael’s mouth as best as you can with his hands still holding you in place. 
He adopts a slow, almost teasing, pace that you think is probably payback for attempting to deny him his coffee. Rafa’s tongue sweeps messily along the seam of your cunt and traces lazy shapes over your clit, ignoring your attempts to buck your hips up against him. Occasionally his lips close around it and suck, unfailingly making you moan sharply and send more electricity lancing through your body. 
When he pushes his tongue inside your cunt it rips a sound out of you that you can only describe as a wail. His eagerness to press as deeply inside of you as he can makes his nose bump against your clit, a twin assault that has you tugging harder at his hair in a desperate attempt to anchor yourself. It only encourages him, his hands gripping your ass tighter as he tries to pull you down impossibly further onto his tongue. 
Something about his fervour, his attempt to get even closer with no regard for his own ability to breathe, makes your hips lock and your heart hammer so fast that you can hear your blood roaring in your ears. You can feel the barest exhalations against your slick skin as he breathes you in. 
“Fuck, fuck Rafa—‘m gonna come, don’t stop,” you babble, your fingers twisting in his hair. Rafael groans against you, the vibrations sending you spiralling higher. The bed creaks beneath you as Rafa shuffles forward on his knees, trying to push his whole body closer. His fingertips sink into the flesh of your ass, his grip turning to iron as he pushes you over the edge. 
Every muscle in your body feels like it tenses and then lets go, your orgasm hitting you so hard that you can’t breathe. Heat floods out from your belly, familiar and primal, making your toes curl and your fingers twitch in Rafa’s hair as the warmth reaches them. You feel more slick flooding your cunt and you’re vaguely aware of the hungry moan it elicits from Rafael as it hits his tongue.
You come back to yourself slowly, your breath coming in short, sharp gasps as Rafael carries on lazily stroking his tongue inside of you. When you manage to look down at him your eyes meet his, the pale green almost completely eclipsed by the black of his pupils. You finally loosen your grip on his hair and your fingers feel stiff as you uncurl them. 
A soft noise of protest escapes you when Rafa pulls away to press more kisses against your thighs. You catch a smug grin curling across his lips. 
“Imagine the orgasm you would have gotten if you’d brought me my coffee in the first place.” 
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