im-just-a-boy-guys · 17 days
Naga bf that wakes up in the middle of the night, feeling very cold, and their human mate is right there, suffering from mild cold, feverish and super warm (asleep or not, it's up to you :3)
I actually want a Naga bf so badly, @slightly-knot-insane . Ty.
(Just like usual, I'm going to do my best to make this gender/sex/size neutral (not ALL of my stories are byt yk. <3 if you have tips on how to do this better lmk <3)
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(Imagine this but with purple instead of green :3)
I had been sick for the past week. It was a miserable cold, sinus blockage accompanied by cold sweats and excessive feverish shaking.
My boyfriend, Inferno, did his best to tend to me. He'd bring me soup and various things he thought would help. At night or any time I'd lay down to sleep, he'd wrap around me - his cold skin pressing desperately against my burning flesh.
It was one of the most relaxing feelings, and I couldn't help but keep as close to him as possible. Last night, however, he seemed extra needy, staying in bed with me all day, holding me there and telling me repeatedly to "Rest."
I woke to the moon shining brightly off of Inferno's beautiful, iridescent, purple scales. his pupils dilated as he watched me, my eyes opening softly to take in his appearance.
I could feel his cold tail creeping up my chin and gripping my ankle as my beloved stared deeply into my eyes. I pressed myself into his cold chest and sighed happily, melting against him.
Inferno ran his hands over my sides to my hips and dug his claws into me as herolled me over onto my side and gently pressed his newly found hardened cock against my panties, teasing himself into desperation for my wet warmth.
He'd been trying to contain himself while I was sick, but my constant fever drove him crazy.
He gripped the thin faneric and tore me out of my panties before thrusting his stiff length into my un-prepped hole. thankfully, his body made sure he was covered in his one lubrication before letting himself become fully erect enough to mate.
My beloved Naga couldn't resist letting his tongue lay against my skin. Sliding it all over my shoulder and neck, filling his senses with my scent and flavor.
His tail slinked up my leg further and gently rubbed over my clit as he plunged himself into me.
The violation was so unexpected but seemed well needed. My sinuses cleared slightly as we moved, and he held me tighter. I could feel his claws digging into tender flesh.
My body betrayed me and seemed to coat Inferno's length even more, making his movements much easier as he sped up. He breathed heavily over your shoulder and soon slipped his tongue down to your nipple, wrapping around it and flicking over it.
I panted and moaned, my breath syncing up with his as he moved inside of me. Within just a few minuites I was already squiriting on his cock, but he refused to stop, only throbbing in he as I rode out my orgasm.
"Oh my gooooood!", I whined, trying to press my hips back into the pleasure.
Inferno grunted in my ear before pinning me face down and ramming himself into me.
"Mine.." he groaned, pushing my face into the pillow. My hot breath was pushed back against my face as I felt his claws pressing against my skull.
His knot threatened to enter me, and he seemed to be trying to force it in.
"Im going to breed you - you've been driving me crazy-"
I tried to whine in protest and it only caused him to push me harder into the pillow, muffling my sounds.
I felt his cock throb against my walls and my body reacted well, contracting around him and gripping his length inside of me.
He pushed his knot into me and teased me, pulling his knot back against my g spot as he rode out his own orgasm, his hot, thick cum coating my walls.
The warmth felt amazing, and he just kept milking himself. I came harshly around him again as he pushed himself right up against my cervix screaming out.
We both breathed hard, and he laid across my back, holding onto me tightly.
We both laughed alittle as I moved my hair out of my face and cought my breath away from the pillow.
"You're going to be stuck for a second." After a moment he carefully worked his way out of me as his knot started to go down and curled around me, his tail wrapping around my lower calf as he spooned me.
Inferno rested his hand on my stomach and nuzzled my neck. "My beautiful mate."
I sighed and shook my head as I held his arms around me. I couldn't wait to be the mother to his children, however, that would play out.
(This one wasn't very long or descriptive but if you'd like a longer one let me know!)
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vulcannic · 2 years
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this is happening
200 notes · View notes
timextoxhajima · 4 years
Playlist Feels
Genre: angst, fluff, romance, chaebol feels cause i can totally see juyeon as a chaebol who’s self-sustaining idk
A/N: Here’s juyeon in something that looks like a suit/formal wear cause i couldn’t find a gif of him in a suit :”) m sed. i’m also very very very weak for settings that are of high-class and somewhat jazzy/sophisticated/expensive themes. throwing in romance just boosts the bonus points ;”)
Links to other parts:
Frustrated (light smut) 
Love Somebody (light smut)
Play With Fire (smut) 
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you couldn’t help but to smile softly at the sound of your colleagues lowkey dissing the hell out of your boss. you’ve been working at this law firm for nearly half a year now, and nearly nobody working in the building has any clue how your boss looks like. 
there wasn’t a single photo of him in the building, and even if there was, the only person who knew how he looked like refused to disclose the information. 
“don’t you find it strange that mr lee sangyeon refuses to tell us how our boss even looks like? surely there’s some portrait of him hanging somewhere in the office,” you look at chanhee who was on the verge of spitting his food out in the midst of aggressively complaining. 
you laugh, using your tongue and cleaning the small bits of tomato and lettuce from your teeth, watching sunwoo grab a napkin. you expected him to wipe his mouth before going off on a diss, but he just crumples it in his hand and says whatever he wanted to say.
“i asked him before and he said that we’d gossip about him if we knew who he really was. all i know is that he hasn’t been in the building since his father gave him the law firm.”
“huh?” chanhee’s eyes were wide open and staring at sunwoo upon the new information. “don’t tell me... so he’s just a chaebol who thinks he doesn’t need to work just ‘cause his father owns the company? wha... this guy is really something else...”
you exchange glances with eric, who had been silent alongside you and listening to the conversation. 
“if you google the law firm and his father’s name, only his father’s name comes up,” sunwoo pulls up his phone, mouth still chewing on the last bit of his pasta.
“oh! what’s his name? are there any pictures of him?” chanhee leaned towards the younger, trying to take a look at the phone screen while sunwoo googles the name.
“ah, he’s only been referred to as the son of his father... no pictures of him...” 
chanhee bares his teeth in disappointment, pulling away and returning his attention to his food. 
“what’s the internet good for if we can’t even find the information we need...”
you chuckle, taking a sip from your coffee. 
the last six months you’ve been working here, you’ve been clearing every case with ease. you’ve worked with chanhee, sunwoo and with eric on the latest one, and you’ve won every case you needed to turn up in court for. 
but all those wins were at the expense of your sleep and alone time. 
there was nothing for you to worry about though, mr lee sangyeon has already given you feedback that you were doing well anyway.
but you couldn’t help but wonder: just who is your boss?
you, chanhee, eric and sunwoo entered the company in the same batch six months ago, and since then your boss has not once stepped into the building. what was strange was that nobody else has spoken about him. it almost seemed like every other employee under the law firm was either terrified to even speak of him, or that they were simply clueless. 
you’ve tried digging the information from the colleague sitting next to your cubicle: lee jaehyun. 
but never does he once budge. all he’s ever done when you ask about your phantom boss was shake his head and tell you not to ask anybody else about him. you’ve tried to ask if he was a scary boss or that he’s never even seen him before, but he shooed you away and told you to focus on your cases instead.
the week passes in a flash, with a new case you’ve been working on with chanhee that’s been holding the both of you back in office till late hours was killing you. if it wasn’t for mr lee sangyeon shutting off all the electricity in the office, you and chanhee would’ve probably spent the night there. 
“the both of you are allowed to report to office at 10 am tomorrow. you guys get two hours discount because i know this case is pretty tough. it’s your first business lawsuit, right?”
chanhee’s eyes were rolled back so far in his head that he looked drunk, so you take the initiative to respond by nodding with whatever energy you had left in you. 
“okay. good job for now. go home,” the manager taps on chanhee’s shoulders and jerks him a little. “go home or the both of you are fired!” 
chanhee shoots up at the word “fired”, only bowing in apology before the both of you gets chased out of the office. 
“shut the fuck up!” 
you turn your head sharply at sunwoo who hissed at you. he was seated near the entrance of the office, so he was the first person to hear you push open the doors like you were entering heaven.
“well, that’s not very kind of yo--”
“he’s fucking here, you dumbwit!” sunwoo has a finger pressed to his lips and a look of urgency cemented into his face. frankly, he looked like he was in pain. 
eric, who was sitting right next to him, looks at both you and chanhee and shakes his head gently. 
you look around the office, and you notice everybody’s heads were dipped into their laptops and case files. it was so quiet, it’ll be an understatement if you said you could hear a pin drop. 
“i’m sorry, who’s here?” you frown at sunwoo, frowning a little while you remember you didn’t bother wearing a brooch. it wasn’t compulsory, but mr lee sangyeon has mentioned before that it was an office tradition. you note that nobody else has the brooch on besides chanhee and lee jaehyun. 
“oh my god, you’re a fucki--”
“oh!” you hear your manager call out. you and chanhee react to the enthusiastic greeting, and you see your manager walking along the larger offices and around the cubicles where you worked. “the both of you are here! i was beginning to worry you were going to be late.”
mr lee sangyeon stops about two metres before you, hands in his pocket. you notice he has a brooch on his breast pocket, and you don’t remember him ever wearing it. 
“why don’t the two of you settle down for a bit, and around...” he looks at his watch. “ten thirty? meet me outside the CEO’s office.”
you hear chanhee hiccup at the instruction. though you were a lawyer yourself, you take longer than necessary to process the information.
“huh?” you blurt out. you notice sunwoo facepalming in the corner of your eye while your manager had the stiffest smile on his face. “the... the CEO?”
“yes, the CEO.”
you hear chanhee stammer a little bit. “uh... i... did we do anything wrong? are we getting fired? why are we going to the CEO’s of--”
“oh, no! none of that,” your manager bursts into laughter and waves his hand in your faces. “the CEO was just looking through the case files and he thinks this one is going to be tricky. he’s thinking of helping the both of you through it!”
your face doesn’t move, but your eyes turn to look at chanhee who was now standing right next to you.
the ceo hasn’t even been in the damn building since he got the law firm. who does he think he is, thinking of helping us ‘through it’?
“oh, don’t sweat it! he’s not as bad as people say, trust me.”
you force out a weak smile, noticing sunwoo giving you two thumbs-up without smiling. it was as if he was sending you off to your death.
“ohmygod we’re gonna get fired we’re gonna get fired ohmyjesus we’re going to get fired we’regonnagetfi--”
“shut your trap, would you?” you whisper harshly, punching chanhee lightly in his arm. the both of you were standing outside the CEO’s office, the digital clock in the corner of the space displaying 1027.
“mr lee already said we’re not getting fired, so stop freaking out on me!” you urge him to collect himself as you hear the door of your manager’s door click open.
“when you’re inside, just address him with ‘sir’ and mr lee if you’re talking to me, okay?” your manager grins widely at you. you absorb his demeanor, only now realising that he must’ve known that the ceo was going to come into office today. there was no other reason why he chose today to wear the brooch. 
“relax, and just hear him out carefully with whatever he says, okay? the both of you will be fine as long as i’m around.”
you frown to yourself, and you could almost hear chanhee get a whole asthma attack behind you.
‘you’ll be fine as long as i’m around’? is this guy a wolf or vampire or something?
your manager turns and knocks on the frosted glass, and you turn to notice a vague, dark shadow standing inside. 
“come in.”
your manager pushes the door open, and chanhee pushes you to enter the office first.
the first thing you notice was the scent of the space once you were inside. 
there was a light scent that reminded you of the mountains and trees whenever you went hiking. the scent of dew, pine trees and fresh air was the only thing you could smell. 
the next thing you noticed was how incredibly neat and large the office was. you’ve never stepped into this office before, and though mr lee sangyeon’s was right next to this office, it looked like it was easily double the size of his. 
“go easy on them,” your manager’s voice snapped you back to reality. you found yourself standing awkwardly behind the chairs that looked expensive on its own. “don’t scare my newbies, please.”
you hear your manager laugh. your eyes travel from the orientation of the room and it’s black and golden-brown colors to see the man that sent the entire office into complete silence since you’ve stepped in, and you nearly lost your grip on all the files you had in your arm. 
“why?” your boss laughs as he turns around from the shelf behind his desk, placing a file on the surface before looking at you and chanhee. “there’s no reason for them to be scared as long as they haven’t done anything wrong.”
you blink multiple times, forgetting that anybody might’ve thought you had something in your eye if they saw it. your boss looked even younger than your manager, and he wasn’t even in a suit.
he was in a blue blazer with silver buttons, with a button down top underneath and black pants with his hair waxed upwards. had you not known this man was your boss, you would’ve thought he was some random guy who broke into his office. you were expecting someone in his mid thirties or something, so seeing someone barely a few years older than you standing in the office labelled ‘CEO’ was difficult to swallow.
“choi chanhee, right?” he first looks at your friend, fingers mindlessly fiddling with each other behind the files he was holding in his hands. chanhee quickly bows. you observe carefully as his eyes travel from chanhee to you. 
“you... you’re the one who’s closed like, three cases in the six months you were here, right?” he tilts his head while he asks the question. you bow cautiously with your hand over your chest.
“i only let them take up this case because they both stood out to me the most,” your manager pulls out both chairs at the table, gesturing to the both of you to sit. the ceo smiles, turning and leaning his rear against the edge of the table. he looks out the window behind his desk and beside the shelf, watching the city pass by second by second. 
your manager gets the both of you settled in the seats like a parent, and you watch as chanhee tries his best to speak with his eyes. 
your manager shakes his head lightly, only to pat chanhee on his shoulder. 
“don’t you dare scare them!” your manager warns the ceo. he looks over his shoulder and nods without a smile. chanhee looks worriedly at your manager leaving the office, physically uneasy as the door shuts with a click. 
there was a heavy, awkward silence that hung in the air while both you and chanhee watch your ceo stare out of the window. you couldn’t even see his face because all you were looking at were the creases on his back. 
“the first rule i need you two to follow if we are to work together is professionalism,” his voice startles you, but he doesn’t turn around. “meaning that whatever obstacles that come by, we discuss it as a team. the company that filed for this lawsuit, objectively speaking, was in the wrong. it’s highly likely that we’ll lose as the defendant if we make one small mistake.”
you hear chanhee gulp, and if it was loud enough for you to hear, your ceo probably heard it too. 
he finally pushes himself off the desk and turns around, pulling out the chair so he was now sitting facing the both of you. 
his eyes were so focused, so serious, that you realise now why your manager hasn’t said anything about him to any of you newbies. 
he was intimidating and there was a look of sheer determination in him that would’ve scared the balls out of certain people. lee jaehyun was probably one of them. 
your manager must’ve told anybody who has already met him to keep quiet about his intimidating personality. 
but... where the hell has he been the last six months? and was he even qualified to be giving us this speech?
“the second thing i need the both of you to know is that this isn’t going to be an easy case. i’m going to need the both of you to commit to it right now, and if you can’t just be honest. i’m not going to fire you just because you’re worried about losing a difficult case in the first six months you’re working here.”
you purse your lips, confident that you were going to get through this, even if it meant losing. 
chanhee doesn’t agree though.
“actually,” you snap your head to glare at chanhee when he opens his mouth. your ceo leans back in his seat, his face a lack of emotion. “i can’t deny i’m worried that we’re going to lose the case. i agree that there’s a high chance that we might lose as the defense counsel so--”
“are you nuts?” you interrupt him with a low voice. as if your ceo isn’t going to hear it. “so what if we lose the case?”
“i’m sorry, i just--”
“no, it’s fine, i totally understand,” your ceo shakes his head and leans forward again, resting his arms on the surface of the desk and reaching for the case file. “i know how it feels like to lose a case, even when you know it’s difficult to win.”
you snap your head back to the man sitting opposite you with eyes made of steel, completely forgetting that he was your ceo. 
‘i know how it feels’?
“sangyeon hyung told me that you were exhausted yesterday after working on this case all day, so i’m giving you a chance to walk away and trust me and y/n with it.”
you return your attention to chanhee, your head chanting “no no no no no no please no”
but chanhee gives you an apologetic look. 
you sigh and resign to fate, wanting to bury your face in your palms, but the sound of your ceo clicking on a pen prevents you from doing so. 
“alright, i’ll get the details of the case fixed by the end of the day. before you clock out in the evening, do give it a check and inform me if your name is still on the case in the system.”
he scribbles something in the case file and gives chanhee a look that you couldn’t read. no smile, no nod, nothing. 
“if there’re no further questions then you may leave,” he directs the instruction at chanhee. you look at him with begging eyes, telling him not to ditch you alone with this man. 
you should’ve known chanhee was merciless at heart, and you were on the verge of cursing at him when you see him shoot you a cheeky smile when you watch him escape. 
your eyes remain glued to chanhee’s back as he exits the office, and the frosted glass door takes forever to close.
“anything about the glass door that’s so fascinating to you?” 
you turn your neck so fast at his question that you feel a nerve snap. you wince a little at the pain that shoots up your head, but you manage to collect yourself while he looks through the case file that chanhee left behind. 
“i know what you’re thinking,” he looks up at you through his lashes, and you’ve never seen the whites of someone’s eyes so... glaring. “but i’m very sure you don’t need to concern yourself with whatever those questions or thoughts are.”
he closes the case file and leans forward, so much that you felt the need to lean back into your seat. 
“all you need to know is that i’m here to help you with this case, despite the level of difficulty. and i want you to know that i have faith in you. that even if you lose, you would’ve fought a good fight.”
what in the world is he even talking about now?
he doesn’t give you time to let nonsensical thoughts run through your head. all he does was fumble around in his drawers for some blank paper and he furiously types on his computer.
you weren’t sure if you were just overwhelmed by all the questions that you couldn’t even form in your head, or that he just waltzed in here and took over a case that belonged to you and chanhee. either way, you were completely dumbfounded. 
he prints you a case file sheet, and before you could even read what was on it, he speaks again. 
“just follow that sheet and do whatever you need to do to find the information and details. after you’re done, you will submit it back to me and i’ll hand you the next sheet.”
“i’m sorry, wha--”
“did i say you could ask questions?” he looks at you, writing stopped and the tip of the pen still on a piece of paper in the file. you unconsciously shoot him a dirty look at his response, but you don’t realise it yourself because he doesn’t bother giving you a reaction.
“you may return to your working space. have it done by tonight and get out of the office by 8pm. you will report to me tomorrow at 8am, and if you’re late, you’ll be removed from the case.”
8pm was earlier than the recommended end-of-work time.
you open your mouth to protest, not realising that your face has contorted into a mess of anger and completely disbelief. but he looks up at you again, and if his eyes could talk, you swore they said, shut up and get out.
you swallow your pride, sucking a deep breath so hard that you were sure he could hear it. you stand up, give a polite bow, and turn on your heels to leave his office. 
once the door clicks behind you and you make sure your manager was back in his office, you start mouthing long strings of vulgarities, trembling and shaking within your control. 
“motherfucker-- what the fuck--”
you return to your seat opposite chanhee’s, and sunwoo and eric rush over to you at the sight of your silent tantrum.
“what happened? is he as shitty as we predicted him to be?”
you huff and bury your face into your hands, careful not to let your fingers mess up your hair. 
“i should’ve dropped the damn case, ugh,” you groan, not wanting to engage in a gossip session with sunwoo and eric. chanhee shoos them away to let you work on whatever you were told to do, and you did just that. 
to your dismay, this cycle repeats itself for the next two weeks. 
nothing but filling up case file sheets like it was homework, and your boss never once has a conversation about it with you. you were starting to wonder if he was just feeding you worksheets to help him get through the case because there was nearly nothing else you could think of that he could’ve been working on on his own. 
you were more than happy to be working on this case, and though you were given more time to rest at home, you were losing time with your colleagues. on top of that, it’s not like you went to sleep the moment you got home. you worked on it until your eyes couldn’t bear to stay open, and it wasn’t difficult to notice because sunwoo made fun of your eyebags one week after you started filling up case file worksheets. 
you were ready to storm into his office in strong protest one morning, but your manager breaks the unfortunate news to you on a bright, sunny day.
“excuse me?” your mouth hung agape at the new information. “he wants me to what?”
sunwoo, eric and chanhee look up from their desks and watches as you painfully process the instructions. your manager doesn’t do anything besides continue the rest of the message relayed from your ceo.
“there’ll be a Porsche at the entrance of the building in about an hour’s time, so you should have all things case-related with you when you get into the car.”
you couldn’t believe your fucking ears.
not only was he feeding you worksheets, now you had to fix your work schedule around him?
you were huffing as you searched through his shelves for the case-related items, only to realise there was nothing left of it in his office. you couldn’t be bothered wondering where all the materials were, because everything the case needed had been filled up by you, and he’s probably stashed it somewhere waiting to claim the credit for himself. 
chanhee watches you as you gather every file and sheet of paper case-related from your work space, and you don’t bother finishing your coffee before offering it to chanhee. 
“call the fucking police if i don’t text you by dinner please,” you nearly snap at chanhee, filled with frustration and anger. he laughs at your demise, taking a sip from the coffee you barely drank as you drag yourself to leave the office. 
your suitcase was much heavier than usual with all the case files in it, so you were only grateful that the Porsche’s chauffeur was kind enough to help you get the door open. 
“sorry for needing you to get the door open,” you huff, slightly out of breath as the chauffeur returns to the driver’s seat. you pull the seatbelt over your chest and buckle it, patting down the creases of your pants and blazer. 
“oh, no it’s totally normal! we’ve been instructed to help whoever’s getting into the vehicles mr lee send anyway, regardless of the things they are carrying.”
“uh... mr lee? lee sang yeon?” 
“huh?” the driver looks at your through the rear mirror. his eyes light up once he processes your words and chuckles warmly. “oh, no. mr lee sangyeon is the manager of the law firm. i’m talking about mr lee juyeon, the ceo.”
so that’s his name.
“oh,” you mumble to yourself, looking out the window as the car drives away from the building. “lee juyeon... would’ve been more convincing if lee sangyeon was the one who gave those instructions.”
“did you say something?” 
“uh--” you stutter. 
“are you one of his lawyers who think that he’s mean and cold and unreasonable?” he smiles at you with a look of mischief in his eyes. 
isn’t he?
you struggle to read his expression, because all you could think of was the fact that you were on his way to his home office just because he was ‘unable to be in the office today’.
“judging by your silence, i’m guessing you are one of those people.”
you look away, telling yourself to shut up before you say anything horrible and get yourself fired. 
the chauffeur must’ve picked up on your discomfort, and he doesn’t say anything else the rest of the drive. 
the drive was barely ten minutes compared to the near one hour it took you to travel from your apartment to the office. but what was more shocking to you was where this douchebag lived. 
the Porsche stops at a building in an area that you’ve never stepped foot in, for the sole reason that this was the most expensive building in the city. 
you should’ve expected it, but seeing it for yourself and being physically present made it all the more harder to believe it. 
you were so busy looking up at the building in awe from the inside of the car that you don’t notice the chauffeur get the door open, and someone else comes to get your suitcase for you. 
you now notice both the chauffeur and the man who took your suitcase for you had brooches of the same design but different colors on their blazers. 
you follow the man who took your suitcase into the lift lobby, the chandelier that hung way up above your head was the first thing that you took notice of. the walls and floor were black and gold, and everything else in the lift lobby was either silver or bronze. 
you would’ve totally thought this was a hotel if you didn’t know your ceo lived here. 
you stand in awkward silence as the lift ascends to the top floor, and it takes you a moment to realise that the top floor were all penthouses because the lift stops, and the man presses a button before the doors opens directly into someone’s living room. 
your eyes widen in wonder, and for a moment you believed you were in some sightseeing tower. beyond the living room was a whole glass wall that spanned the length of the living room, allowing you to take in the view of the city. 
there were two flights of stairs on both sides as you exit the lift, and you catch a glimpse of the extremely large television screen mounted onto the wall on the left, and the kitchen on the right. 
you could’ve spent the entire time just gawking at the orientation and the view, but the sound of shoes clacking against the marble floor steals your attention away. 
you turn, your footing now adjacent to the first steps of the stairs on both sides, only to see your boss walking down the steps with a phone held to his ear. 
the man who has your suitcase bows, earning a small nod and wave from your ceo. 
huh, the waving is new. 
the man lays your suitcase down by the table that was sitting on huge rug on the floor in the middle of the living room. you walk over, scanning the expensive looking three-set sofa that surrounded the table, the only empty side facing the television that looked more like a theatre screen up close. 
“i understand,” you watch as your ceo pats the man on his back and send him off, attention still on the conversation on the phone. “i look forward to meeting you next month, mr shin. always an honour working with you.”
you turn back, now looking at the table and the sofas, but your eyes naturally follow the light, and you begin walking to the glass window where the city passes by below your feet. cars were the size of ants and humans looked like specks of dust. 
“you know i just got my windows cleaned yesterday.”
you step back, quickly realising that you were so cooped up with staring at the world outside that you pressed your forehead and nose against the surface of the glass, leaving ugly marks on it. your hands fly up to your mouth, your eyes widening at the sight. 
your first instinct was to reach up with your arm and wipe it off, but your boss was suddenly next to you, his grip on your wrist stopping whatever you wanted to do. 
“it’s fine. leave it be, i’ll get someone to wipe it off later.”
he releases his hold on you and walks away. 
you wince quietly to yourself, mentally berating yourself for being so mindless and careless despite being in his (pent)house while he picks up your suitcase and takes out all the case files. 
“i need you to look through the 3rd and 7th piece over and tell me more about the company’s leases and financial bonds,” he looks through the file and leaves it open on the third sheet, laying it flat on the table. “give me a minute.”
you sit on the sofa, your heels making it difficult to walk on the rug. you watch as he takes two steps at a time up the stairs and disappears behind a wall that you assume was a hallway. 
you spent a whole day staring at each piece of worksheet, so you’ve basically memorised everything about the third and seventh sheet he needed you to look at. 
you wonder why he was wearing an all black fit in the comfort of his own home instead. 
within a minute he was rushing back down the stairs, and in his hand was a file you’ve never seen before. there were so many sheets in it that you wonder if it was just torn right out of a book.
but he lays it down next to yours, and everything in it was case-related with information that you’ve never seen before. 
he lets you look through the sheets in his file, and you can’t help to stare at him with utter confusion. he catches you watching him with a perplexed expression and allows you a few moments before everything clicks in your head.
“you’re a fucking lawyer.”
Part 2: Frustrated
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deadontheinsidebut · 4 years
The Beauty and the Beast: Part 1
Pairing: Prince!Kei x Reader x Prince!Akiteru
Summary: You’re an energetic and wild princess. Tsukishima Kei is a cold and stoic prince. Sounds like a perfect match right? One problem: you’re engaged to his older brother Tsukishima Akiteru.
Featuring: The third gym squad and co. Chaotic Bokuto and Sly Kuroo
Genre: Royal AU✨fluff, humour, unrequited love perhaps? 🤫 childhood friends
Word Count: 2.1k
a/n: if you read it all, i luv you🥺✨💖
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You’ve been destined to marry the heir of Karasuno, Tsukishima Akiteru since you were children. He was kind enough and was everything you should want in a man. Then why was the younger prince who sought solace in novels written by far away men always appearing in the corners of your mind?
You walked arm in arm with Akiteru as he lead you around their rose garden and explained the different meaning behind each flower. You, being a 10 year old girl had not began seeking interest in flowers yet, and continued to smile in order to not offend him.
As you two rounded the corner to look at the white roses, you were met with a boy around the same age sitting on the bench reading a book.
You did a small trot over to where he sat and looked over at the page he was reading. It was about a beauty and a beast in some far away castle. 
“Whatcha reading?” You say as you drag out your words playfully. 
“Huh?! Who are you?” He asks, startled out of his seat.
“I’m Princess y/n! Nice to meet you!”
~10 Years Later (Present Day)~
You sneak up to Kei with his nose in his book and place your hands in front of his eyes. 
“Guess who?” You ask, giddily anticipating his answer. 
“Hmm, some snake from the Nohebi Kingdom?” he replies and you can feel his smirk without even seeing him. 
You retract your hand and move in front of him. 
“That’s mean you know. You should be nicer to me. I might not show up to your 19th birthday celebration if you keep acting this way,” you jest. 
He lets out a long groan. 
“Do we really have to hold a whole ball for such a measly celebration?”
You gasp jokingly, “How dare you entertain such a preposterous idea?”
You pretend to faint on him but he gently pushes you off.  
“It’s amazing to think you’re the older one,” he grumbles. 
“There you go again being a pompous brat. When I become queen, I’ll have Akiteru behead you. Hmph.”
He returns to his book but a soft smile is apparent on his face. 
You wave him off before going to see Akiteru. There is a slight bounce in your step as you go off to plan Kei’s birthday ball. 
“Good morning your highness,” you say with a curtsy. 
“Ah, how are you y/n? What brings you here so early?” Akiteru asks with a cheery smile on his face.
“We are supposed to meet up at 10am to discuss the plans for your brother’s party?”
“Ah yes, that. Why don’t you come have a seat beside me?”
“Are we inviting the King of Fukurodani and Prince of Nekoma? I think he’d be happy to see his old friends again,” you suggest. 
“Great thinking sweetheart! I’ll call Yamaguchi to send out the invitations.”
You nod and give him a soft smile before looking out the windows.
After excusing yourself from Akiteru’s chamber, you head to the kitchen to munch on some unprincess-like desserts. You were humming a song Kei once showed you on his headphones. 
~5 Years Ago~
“Oh my gooooood. What I wouldn’t do for some two-bite brownies right now,” you complain while rubbing your rumbling stomach. 
“You’re going to get fat if you keep eating sweets, you know,” Tsukishima comments nonchalantly. 
“It’s not my fault that this corset is too damn tight,” you respond with a glare. 
“We’re at a ball, please do refrain from using such foul language.”
You sigh because you knew he was right. Suddenly, you feel a small tug at your hand and a brownie slides into your palm. 
You look up at the scowling prince to see him scanning the ballroom with an unbothered gaze.  
“Thank you,” you whisper before munching on your much-deserved treat. 
~Present Day~
You bump into Tsukishima on your way to the kitchen and almost fall backwards due to you being deep in a daydream about desserts. He grabs onto your wrist to steady you. 
“Dessert time already?” he asks slyly. 
“Don’t be coy with me, sir. Come, let us eat cake!” 
“You’re not cute when you quote an old French queen.”
You take his wrist and lead him to the kitchen with a skip in your step. 
He isn’t known for having a big appetite so he was fine watching you do what you love most while resting his hand on his chin. 
“chomp chomp- you know - munch- we were planning to -munch- have a seven layer cake for your birthday celebration -munch- how does that sound?”
“First of all, don’t talk with your mouth full and second, we both know the cake is for you because nobody is eating that much.”
“Hmm, fine by me!” 
“~Sigh~ you’ve always been childish. When you officially become my sister-in-law, I’ll make it so that you never go anywhere without an escort,” he decides. 
“But why? I’ve never done anything that would require that much assistance!”
“Remember when...”
~2 Years Ago~
“My kite!!!!” You cry as the flying object that Bokuto gifted to you not long ago got caught up in a tree. 
Kei, who was just trying to read his book against said tree facepalmed. 
“I’m going to tell Bokuto that you already lost his gift.”
“It’s not lost!! It’s just stuck. Here, I can retrieve it,” you exclaim as you start to bundle your dress to easily climb the tree. 
“Hey wait! I’ll call a maid or gardener to get it for you. Just don’t do anything stupid!” Tsukishima calls out but you’re already half way up the trunk. 
“Just a little tug,” you mumble “there we go! I got it- AHHH.” 
Now you’re falling out of the tree at high speed and Tsukishima is sweating bullets as he reaches his arms out to catch you. He miscalculated where you would hit the ground and you were left grumbling with a pained ankle. 
“Owww, that hurt,” you whimper as you grab hold of your injured ankle. 
“Idiot!! I knew this would happen! Here, let me see,” he cries out and rushes to your side. 
“Please stop chastising me all the time,” you pout and he could see the genuine pain in your eyes. 
His demeanor softens and he examines your ankle. 
“Don’t worry y/n, it looks like it’s just a sprain okay?” he says reassuringly. 
You sniffle and look up at him with a suspicious glint in your eyes. 
“Carry me back then, Kei.”
He sweat drops and looks at you with a deadpan expression. 
“Did I stutter?” You ask innocently. 
Surprisingly enough, he picks you up onto his back and walks you all the way home despite the tremble in his legs.
~Present Day~
“Well, I was dumb and young!” You try to defend yourself.
“You were 18 you idiot!”
“Hmph, if it ever comes down to it, you could be my escort!” You say and laugh at your own joke.
You didn’t understand why he was blushing at your words.
Akiteru comes in to the sound of you two laughing.
“What are my two favourite people up to?”
Tsukki gets up abruptly and excuses himself.
“~sigh~ even after all these years, we still can’t manage to get along,” Akiteru mutters.
“Don’t worry your highness, he has good intentions.”
“I really do wish you would call me by my first name, y/n. We’ve been engaged for 10 years now and it still feels like we’ve just met.”
“I’m sorry...” you mumble guiltily.
He chuckles at your response, “don’t trouble yourself if you’re not comfortable. Come, let me escort you back to your chambers so you can get enough rest before the birthday celebration tomorrow.”
You let him lead you by the arm and the walk there was filled with empty silence.
“Happy birthday, Tsukki!” you exclaim while jumping on his bed to wake him.
The sound of clapping and birthday horns from the maids echoed and the streamers and confetti pétaled down throughout the room.
You kneeled excitedly beside him on the bed and he was looking up at you confusedly as he tried to process what was going on.
“Do you know that it’s inappropriate to be in a man’s chambers before waking hours?” He asks with his signature smirk on his face.
You slap him lightly to acknowledge his joke before carrying on to tell him about the plan for tonight.
He makes his way out of his bed and you leave him to get ready.
~At The Ball~
“Here are glasses that hold the future in your palms! Just wearing them will allow you access to the great things that are coming your way!” King Bokuto advertises as he hands Tsukishima his gift.
“They’re just glasses,” Akaashi contradicts with a deadpan expression.
Although Bokuto is the king, it is Akaashi, his adviser, that keeps him in line.
“BUT! They are of the highest caliber of materials that can only be found in the Fukurodani Kingdom!” Bokuto interjects enthusiastically.
Tsukishima shakes his head in annoyance but deep down, he’s grateful for his friends’ gift. After all, it’s not everyday that he’s graced with glasses made of gold and crystals.
As they move on, Kuroo makes his way up the stand to present Tsukki his gift. With him were his jester Lev and scribe Kenma.
“Hey Tsukki boy, happy 19th birthday! We didn’t bring you a gift so take our jester!” Kuroo laughs and pushes Lev towards him.
“Kuroo-sama! Don’t let me go!” Lev cries out.
“Oh right. If I give you to him, you won’t get paid. Alright, sorry Tsukki, I guess you can’t have our jester!”
He laughs as he walks away with Lev trailing behind.
Kenma is scribbling down everything that just happened and wished Tsukishima a happy birthday before catching up with his prince.
Tsukishima sighs to himself as he awaits her entrance.
And lo and behold, she appears.
You appear at the top of the grand staircase in your beautiful ball gown. There was an air of elegance that radiated from you in a way Tsukki had never seen before. Without meaning to, he let out a soft ‘wow’ and kept his eye on you as you took each step down the stairs.
Not far behind you was your fiancé and he was dressed in a white suit to match his bright blond hair. You two looked like angels that descended from heaven and he couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy erupt in his chest.
It was finally your turn to present your gift to the birthday prince and you were as giddy as ever. You abandon all formalities when you leap into his unsuspecting arms.
“Doesn’t it feel so great to be 19?”
“It honestly feels the same,” he says before seeing you start to frown, “but I suppose there are some credentials to being a year older,” he finishes.
He holds you at an arm’s length before Akiteru breaks the embrace.
“Happy Birthday brother.”
He nods with a smile that looked more like a grimace. They shake hands and Kuroo and Bokuto approach your small group to make small talk.
“It must be nice to have such a huge party for 19! Next year, let’s celebrate my 22 at Nekoma’s pavilion. You’re invited too y/n. It wouldn’t be a party without you!” Kuroo announces to you guys.
“Haha and it definitely wouldn’t be a good party if you weren’t hosting it!” You respond with just as much enthusiasm.
“Man! And maybe after that, we can celebrate y/n and Tsukki’s engagement!” Bokuto laughs lightheartedly.
An awkward silence between the group ripples through the air and the laughter from the other guests are the only thing that’s evident.
“Actually,” Akiteru grumbles through clenched teeth, “I’m her fiance.”
“Oh... ahaha, Tsukki and y/n just get along so well that I totally forgot,” Bokuto responds. 
Kuroo gives Bokuto a playful slap on the back, “Oh Bokuto, you dense fool! Come, let us get some more champagne.”
“You know what? I have a surprise as well,” Akiteru proclaims. 
He makes his way up to center stage and grabs the mic. 
“Hello everybody. Welcome to the Tsukishimas’ birthday ball for my little brother, Prince Kei! Not to steal his thunder or anything, but another celebration is coming soon: me and Princess y/n’s wedding next week!” 
An eruption of applause scatters across the ballroom. Tsukki is clenching his fists and you’re choking on your champagne. You could’ve sworn you saw a glint of victory in Akiteru’s eyes as he stared his brother down...
a/n: WOW that was Part 1 everybody. I had so much fun writing this and fell in love with the characters even more. I hope you all enjoyed the experience and stay for Part 2!! Send me an ask or message if you want to be added to my taglist! 😌🥺✨💗
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Cats, coffee, an old apartment and... oh, yeah, the apocalypse
Kanene’s note:
Gooooood day, my lollipops! It's been a while!
Oh my gosh. It's colddd. I wanna sleep and write. How, my dears? H o w
Weeeeell, anyway! This chapter is a little crazier. Can you blame him, tho? Remy is pretty sleepy here. xDD
Poor, poor writing desk. :''3
Coffee is, like... 90% of Remy's self control xDDD
At least he is absolutely, completely alone and there was no one for him bother, right?!
Or any monster/alien/enemy to be afraid of!
Warnings, fun facts, random things and stuff:
* That is just a Crack Fanfic with Remy and the Sides. There will be angst and action, but it will be more centered in Crack, fluff and being a big, crazy family.
* This characters do not belongs to me. They all belongs to the amazing Thomas Sanders in his series of Sanders Sides.
* This is the chapter after that one!  The next chapter will be posted soon!
* Something around 1500 words. -w-)b.
* Sorry for any spelling, pontuation and grammar mistakes! Any advice is very very welcome!
* There aren’t any ship, but feel free to see them in a Romantic or Platonic Relationship!!  ^w^)/
* Remy is pretty sleep here, so this chapter can be a little crazy.
* Tô com preguiça de postar a versão em português brasileiro aaaa! Thankys for reading, my lollipops! Try and have fun with new hobbies, talk with the one that you love, drink water and sleep well! Byeioo!~
Chapter 02 - Your time has arrived
Remy stared at the furniture in the middle of his living room with narrowed, uncovered eyes, since it was night and the Sun wasn’t capable to hurt his chocolate, brown pupil irradiating an almost palpable disapproval as he realized the contrast that such object had in his, now completely clean and reorganized, living room. Not that was its fault, sure, he observed while his upper lip twisted into a thoughtful, unpleased feature; the writing desk clearly had already seen better days. Days when its drawers were complete with all its handles, and scratches didn’t adorned the entirety of its length after surviving several moving. Or even a glorious past where its paint was impeccable and free of flaws, as a sneak that can’t decide with color better matches with their scales, therefore they just throw a variety of paint cans on the floor and slide into it in somersaults and the futile hope that it will work out, but then all the paints just get mixed in an old, strange color and then, I don’t know, the paint cans…
 … They fall
 And the snake... become a writing desk and…
 Or something like this.
Look, it’s 4 AM, just because Remy is awake into another insomnia episode, it doesn’t mean he is functional. You don’t expect a metaphor wonderfully meaningful, Shakespeare.
 His eyes wandered through the desk’s extension once again. He has found a Furniture Store halfway to his apartment and now the picture of the said insistently shined in his mind, as if his brain wanted to tell him something but it was too much tired to formulate the message into words and for that reason it just threw random images in his synapses and hoped that would be enough. A handful flashes of memories gleamed in front of his eyes: The lustrous furniture, the small statues, pleasantly useless which everyone knows that will regret of buying in the exact second they step out of the store, the extremely difficult to clean, but also so comfortable and soft and big and soft carpets, beautiful writing desks…
 Yes, yes, yes.
 Beautiful writing desks, unlike that one, they had handles. 
 Handles, writing desk, store, soft… Wait, his living room was also different. It was… changed, organized, new...
 New as a writing desk he saw in a store.
 Oh, yeah.
 He had been wanting to redecorate his apartment for a long, long time, albeit he never found enough… time to do such a thing. However, which time is better than the present? When an apocalypse broke all the notions of economy formerly intrinsic in the society and the money lost all its value since there were no one in the city to valorize it, anymore.
 Or in the whole world.
 He wonder if there is still people in the world. Some part of Remy, that part usually pushed to the dark corners of his mind which currently was too much sleepy to attempt to hide it, hoped so.
 What was he thinking before??
 Oh, yeah. Store, soft (the apartment’s owner let go an annoyed scoff while glanced to his floor and noticed it didn’t looked comfortable in any way, as a child who didn’t gained his favorite toy. Yet, an unsupervised and with a total of zero self-control left in a store without any camera nor people and with enough strength to run away with his toy, child.) and redecorate his living room.
 The coffee lover wasn’t going to overdo it, of course. He already had moved the couch to the other side of the room seeking to modify his television’s position and open free space to the future his gigantic carpet, which he definitely was intending to get. Comfy enough to sleep in case he falls of his couch (something that occurred with a, at least, irritating frequency) and became without reasons or will to get up, so he could just turn and go back to sleep. He also had already cleaned all the room, floor and furniture with a sweet lavender scent which maybe he had exaggerated a bit, no that he would admit that out loud, not even if someone threatened his coffee (Ha! Remy would like to see some bitch try). The only thing that was missing was the desk.
 He clicked his tongue. Yup. His decision has been made.
 “Sorrey, gurl, but I did everything I could. Your time has arrived.” and, with that emotional speech, he started to push it towards his door. Even empty, the furniture was a lot heavier than it seemed.
 His arm muscles ached and his panting breathe was almost as fast as the sweat droplets sliding down his face, certainly only a consequence about how much heavy and almost impossible to move the writing desk was and absolutely not from the thousands of years spent bathed in sedentary lifestyle without doing a single one physical exercise. Pfff. Of course not.
 His brain sent him an accusing memory of a lost battle against a pickle can tightly closed. Remy told his brain to fuck off.
 The adult fixed his glare at the stairs leading to the ground floor and he could have sworn he heard each one of the steps mockingly crackling at his astonished expression, almost as if they knew that no matter how much Remy stared at them with hate, they wouldn’t disappear nor make the travel easier.
 The only soul woke at 5 AM reorganizing his apartment in the middle of a Post Apocalypse tried anyway.
 He turned, seeking to change the angle and thus push the odious piece of furniture better, his gaze then finally fell on the window which had originally been completed and was now just a hollow shadow of his past.
 (Remy was so good at poetry, seriously. He should write a book. He would get rich easily. He would make so much money until the point when he would be able to buy all the Coffee Shops in the world, then he will order someone to build the biggest caffeine shop of the entire world so he could spent the rest of his life there drinking coffee and watching generic Coffee Shops AU’s being canon. Yeah. It sounds like a great plan. Holy shit, he was so fucking smart. How didn’t he have an Oscar, yet?)
 An epiphany struck his mind.
 He looked at the furniture, the stairs and, in the end, his window.
 A cat warily wandered down the street, his fur bristling towards the sky in an attempt to make them look bigger and riskier that they usually was, something which, honestly, just their two colored eyes shining mid the cold air of night as two danger signs was enough. The same eyes that now fixated themselves on the messy, shattered pile of pieces of wood in their most diverse sizes and shapes that definitely did not belong in that landscape. The feline hissed to the said before hissing towards of the steps which began to echo in the place, clearly showing their dominance before any and every living being that dared to dwell the same planet as them. However, in an act of mercy, the animal got a notepad from the wreckage and elegantly ran out, researching to their next victim. 
 Remy threw some flowers that he found in a forgotten vase on one of his shelves on the remains of what had once been his desk. His ear still buzzing from the previous crash.
 “We spent great memories together. You did your best and now it's time for you to rest in peace.” - Gave some reassuring pats on the wood and jumped back when a splinter got in his finger, probably karma. The coffee lover wished he had his sunglasses on so his clearly superior human gaze would obtain more effect (effect that didn’t had much help with how much he was shaking his injured hand from side to side, a few begin of tears taking over his eyes’ corners. THAT THING HURTS, OKAY???) - “Bitch.”
 And turned away, hair fabulously dancing in the cold, stuffy nighty wind as he departed towards a Pharmacy nearby, which probably should have some tweeze. His steps sounding and being wobbly by the tiredness due all the exercises executed that night and the sleep, his rebel son, who had finally arrived from its walk. Remy asked to himself if the Pharmacy also possess some chair or couch for him lay down, since there was exactly zero percent of chances for him to use the stairs again in such a short period of time.
 His thoughts were interrupted by a voice, calm and low, albeit of tune and words extremely clear, which had cut through the silent street. The sound was already so weird, new and incredibly nostalgic that, for a heartbeat, he was immediately paralyzed. Wide eyes trying to concentrate themselves enough in the form focusing midst the darkness.
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twilightsunclan-fr · 7 years
First day out of the Hospital (NSFW)
Rhys didn’t think Ivory was paying attention to where he was being directed at all. He was, of course proven right.
“This isn’t, this is your Dad’s-” Ivory started to say when Rhys pulled away from him to close and lock the door. He cut Ivory off with another deep long kiss. The kind he’d been distracting him with ever since they got out of the car from hospital.
“I know.” Rhys said, his lips pressed lightly against Ivory’s. He’d maneuvered them across the room to the big, sturdy oak desk in the span of that one kiss. “I’m re-staking my claim.”
“I’m not some bitch in heat, you know.” Ivory protested, mildly, he was already walking out of his shoes and socks, letting Ophrys guide him around the desk.
“Are you saying,” Ophrys pushed the chair out of the way and corralled Ivory against the desk. He leaned in close, putting his lips right next to Ivory’s ear. “That you,” He undid Ivory’s belt and peeled those form fitting jeans and briefs down, letting them slip to the floor for Ivory to step out of. “Don’t want me,” He rubbed his large palm over a smooth cheek of Ivory’s buttocks. “To fuck this tight ass of your’s?”
“NooOOOOOoooh.” Ivory’s answer turned into a moan as Ophrys grabbed two handfuls and brutally squeezed. Ivory grasped at his shoulders, his body arching up with the movement. Ophrys grinned a little smugly. The goal here being to leave some nice bruises behind.
“No what?” Rhys prompted, his grin widening with the ease it took to shift from gripping Ivory’s ass to the hem of his shirt to tug it over his head and off. Letting it drop from his fingers to join the jeans on the floor. Leaving Ivory without a single article of clothing left, his well built and muscled body on display for Ophrys to admire with his eyes and hands. He ran a hand over Ivory’s impressive abs, stopping to tease a nipple with his thumb, prompting another moan in place of an answer. “What do you want Ivory?”
“I-I-I-uuunnnnn.” Ivory stuttered into a groan. Pressed up against him as he was, Ophrys could feel Ivory’s cock hardening, quickly. It pressed up against his own gloriously feeling caged bulge. Ophrys parted Ivory’s unresistant thighs with his knee. “Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck me.” Ivory dragged out, his body instinctively grinding down on Rhys’ knee.
“Is that what you want, Ivory?” He asked. Ivory desperately bobbed his head yes. Which made Rhys smile. Ivory hardly ever caved this fast or completely. In the time before Ophrys’ injury, Ivory and he would have a small test of wills before Ivory would submit. The new norm during the injury was Ivory submitting quickly and easily. But still sometimes with a little resistance at first. But submitting without even really resisting at all? Ivory must want this just as much as Ophrys did.
(It had been a long year and a half.)
“Then what are you?” He hissed slowly in Ivory’s ear, rocking his knee up as Ivory was surging down. And being rewarded with a strangled gasp.
“Your-your-your biiiiiitch.” He managed to strangle out. Ophrys slapped his ass. Hard. Enjoying the way Ivory jumped and yelped, then moaned as Rhys turned the hard smack into a hard squeeze.
“That’s right.” He growled, tugging on Ivory’s earlobe with his teeth. He switched his grip to Ivory’s hips, helping boost him up onto the desk. This put Ivory a half inch or so taller then Ophrys. Not that Ivory noticed, distracted as he was by Ophrys’ tongue deep in his mouth. Rhys fumbled the top right drawer open, knowing that’s where the old man kept the goods. Ivory sighed in disappointment when Rhys broke away. But quickly squirmed in anticipation when he saw Ophrys coating his fingers generously in lube.
“Not a bitch in heat, huh?” Ophrys couldn’t help saying as Ivory laughed and spread his legs, giving him perfect access.
“Maybe a little heat.” He said breathlessly as Ophrys stepped into the open arc of his thighs. Though Ivory was used to being a more submissive bottom, Ophrys was pleased to note he wasn’t just giving him this and was genuinely overly eager for what would be coming.
That being said, Ophrys couldn’t help teasing him a little bit. Running his finger over Ivory’s entrance, lightly smearing the lube around. Ivory squirmed on the desk, huge pecs heaving. One hand gripped at Rhys’ arm, the other clutched the edge of the desk by his leg.
“Don’t-don’t tease.” He gasped, pale eyes clouded and glazed with desire. “Please?” It was the please that had Ophrys pressing his finger in. To his surprise, he met little to no resistance, his finger quickly sinking all the way to the base. He added a second finger in short order.
“Did you have some illicit fun by yourself today before coming to get me?” His second finger met no resistance either besides a small squeak from Ivory when he started stretching him out.
“I may have,” Ivory admitted. “had some fun in the shower this morning.” He smiled guilty at Ophrys, and god did that smile make his cock twitch. “I wanted to be reeaah-ah-ah.” Ivory garbled the last word when Rhys slid in a third finger and really began to work him over. Ivory’s hand dropped from Ophrys’ arm to clutch at the edge of the desk like his other hand. Knuckles turning white with strain and, Ophrys was pleased to note, even his toes curling. Ivory groaned when Rhys, with some regret, removed his fingers. He wiped them clean on a tissue from the box on the desk.
He unzipped himself, snorting when Ivory shivered at the sound. Pushing material out of the way, he freed his erection from his pants.
“Keeping your clothes on?” Ivory asked, sounding eager but trying not to at the same time. Ophrys knew this was one of Ivory’s strange hold over kinks from his early days and he honestly saw no reason not to indulge him.
“Of course.” He answered, lazily stroking himself while surveying Ivory’s trembling eager naked inviting body, laid out before him. Ivory watched him with breathless anticipation. His legs open, his hole twitching and glistening from Ophrys’ prepping. Ophrys couldn’t let him or himself wait anymore. He lined up, letting the tip of his cock kiss Ivory’s entrance for a short breath of time before pushing steadily in.
At the first breach of his body, Ivory’s head tipped back, his eyes closed and face twisting in ecstasy as Rhys’ cock impaled him. Ophrys joined Ivory in a full throated groan. It had been so long since he’d been inside Ivory.
“So big.” Ivory panted. “You’re so big, I feel like I’m being split apart.” Rhys almost stopped, but Ivory’s tone held no pain, and he made no move to stop Ophrys. So he continued, neither stopping, nor pulling back until his balls rested against Ivory’s warm skin. Rhys loomed over him, pressing open mouthed kisses to Ivory’s chest and neck. “It’s been so long.” Ivory moaned. “I forgot how big you are.”
Ophrys missed this. He missed this intimacy so much. Missed being the one to make Ivory fall apart so completely. Missed being hilt deep in Ivory’s tight, wet, heat. Missed the way Ivory’s body submitted to him, pulsing around his cock. Missed how Ivory whined in his throat as he adjusted to Rhys’ intrusion. How his eyes would screw shut tightly at the start but when he was ready those beautiful ice blue eyes would open.
It took almost everything Ophrys had not to start before Ivory gave him the go ahead. But he held back, distracting himself with sucking and biting at one of Ivory’s nipples instead. The slight gasps of breath as he tugged a hard nub with his teeth were music to his ears.
Finally Ivory pushed back against him, the signal to go ahead. Rhys kissed Ivory sloppily, his desire making him less precise. Straightening up, he pulled out of Ivory, feeling the heat give way to the cooler outside air. He couldn’t bear to pull back further then half way. Slamming back into Ivory forcefully. Originally, he’d intended to take things a little slow, a little easy, to get them both back in the swing of sex. But the obscene noise of pleasure Ivory made when his cock filled him blew all thoughts of slow and easy out of Ophrys’ mind.
Rhys braced his hands on either side of Ivory’s waist and
“Rhys. Take it- take it-take it eaaaasy.” Ivory groaned and panted. “Slow-slow-slooOoh. Oh. oh. Oh. Rhys. Rhys. Rhys.” Ophrys growled, his cock felt heavy and thick as Ivory moaned and squirmed. Chanting his name in time with his jackhammer thrusts as he writhed under Ophrys.
“You want me to slow down?” He rumbled, eyes trained on Ivory’s face. He’d closed his eyes again, his mouth opening and closing, noises that made Rhys want to pound him faster and harder slipping out.
“No. No. No.” He chanted to Ophrys’ thrusts. “Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Do oo oohhh!” Ivory couldn’t finish the word as Ophrys subtly changed the angle of his thrusts, smacking up against Ivory’s favorite spot each time. Ivory’s hands scrabbled across the desktop. Nails scratching the surface, trying to find some grip or purchase in the smooth wood. Ophrys grabbed them with his own, trapped them by Ivory’s head, laced their fingers together, held on as Ivory desperately gripped him.
Ivory’s body rocked with each thrust. He was settling into a rhythm. His hips drove him down to meet Ophrys’ cock and pulled him away at the right moment too. It was divine. The way Ivory tightened around him when he pulled out yet was loose and slick when he pushed in. Ophrys watched Ivory’s face intently, never looking away. Ivory writhed and squirmed, panted and sweated. Moaned and yelled in pleasure.
Pleasure Ophrys was giving him.
“So good.” Ivory groaned at a particularly deep thrust. “So gooooood.” Tears were running down from the corners of his eyes, creating tracks down his face. A cup of pens fell to the floor, the carpet muffled the sound. A pile of papers slid off the side of the desk, falling in disarray. Ivory spread his legs further, feet shaking in the air with each slap of skin on skin and locked them around Ophrys’ waist. A trickle of saliva ran from the corner of his open panting mouth.
Rhys grunted with each smack of his hips against the inside of Ivory’s thighs. He rutted into him fiercely. Feeling a tight coiling heat in his own belly, seeing that Ivory was also quickly reaching his limit. Ophrys knew exactly what would put him over. Ivory loved his dirty talk, loved being dominated.
“Ivory,” Ivory made a noise that made Ophrys push in harder on the next thrust. “Who’s are you?” He growled, ignoring a painful spreading twinge in his lower back. He was going to fuck his husband until they both came even if it put him back in the hospital.
“Your bitch!” Ivory gathered himself enough to cry, his fingers tightening around Oprhys’. “Your’s! I’m your’s!”
“That’s right!” Ophrys said breathlessly. Ivory stared straight up at him. Ice eyes wet with tears, lips red and bruised.
“Love you,” He whispered. “Love you so mahmah-ah-ah-Aaah!” He came screaming, spurting over his chest and Rhys’ shirt. Ophrys switched from speed to three deep, hard thrusts. Twisting his hips on the last one to get in as deep as he could. He felt Ivory squeeze around his cock and with a heavy groan, emptied into Ivory’s waiting body.
“Did you enjoy that?” Ophrys asked, after their breathing had calmed down and Ivory’s legs had slumped from Ophrys’ waist to hang limply over the edge of the desk.
“Enjoy?” Ivory asked incredulously, propping himself up on his elbows to squint at Ophrys. Ophrys appreciate the moment, watching Ivory’s well defined muscles outlined in sweat move and bunch. “That’s an understatement.”
“Good. Good.” Ophrys untangled their hands to brace himself on the desk. “Because I think I pulled something in my back from that.” Ivory narrowed his eyes at him.
“You son of a bitch.”
The next morning as Ophrys shuffled stiffly from his room to the dining room table. He was confronted by his father angrily hiding behind a newspaper he was definitely not reading. A serene and happy looking Ymir by his side.
“I noticed there were new marks on my desk this morning.”
Ivory couldn’t keep the smug off his face.
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snapping-bees · 7 years
I don’t know what’s up but everything I’ve been writing I’m liking and I swear it gets longer everytime. I finished this rlly l8 at night so if it seems off that might be why
he doesn’t care a single bit
uses it like a party trick
you work at some dead end job that you refuse to call a career
he horseplays all the time
head locking other employees
brags about how realistic his dog impressions are
confused his peers into thinking there was a puppy in the room one time
laughs really loudly whenever he wants
during a conference
in the bathroom
also sleeps whenever he wants
during a conference
in the bathroom
(rumor has it)
Honestly, you have no idea how he hasn’t been fired
winter workplace party at the boss’ house
you overhear why he hasn’t been cut
someone had the guts to ask and you couldn’t miss this
“kyung, weeeeell, he’s just misunderstood,
“When he does work he’s like a goddamn bee
“So efficient, not missing a spot, gets so much done in one sitting
“plus, he’s fun to keep around”
you huff, misunderstood
sounds like a girlfriend trying to protect a shitty boyfriend
Seeing him outside alone you join him grabbing your coat
So cold out and yet he’s in only a button up and slacks
He’s just staring intently at the moon.
U n w a v e r i n g
doesn’t even spare you a glance when you walk out
he knows you’re there
you have a cup of ice water because its warm inside but you regret taking it with you outside
should have just dumped it out
“Just overheard the boss bragging about you”
“oh. cool.”
curt answers.
He’s completely locked in with the moon
you really didn’t want this to be awkward,,,,,
“Boss called you misunderstood,”
you giggle a bit.
No response.
“Aren’t you freezing??? Look at you!”
“too hot inside”
You actually face him to get a good look,
sweating profusely, trembling eyes shining unnaturally in a pinkish hue
“Yo man, you okay???”
concern dripping from your voice
He snaps out of it, facing you but avoiding eye contact,
looking down, rubbing the back of his head
“Can I,,,,, Can I have some of that?”
“Ice water?????”
“Sure, not sure why you want it, but knock yourself out- ARE YOU OKAY????”
He just dumped the whole thing on his face
“Yeah, a lot better now actually”
wiping himself off with his sleeve, looking at your empty glass
His eyes went back to normal
Seeing you a bit shaken up he,
“Uhm, wanna go get some more water?”
You don’t even want any water but for the sake of moving on from that moment you agree
As he’s filling the glass he does a double take at you
“You okay? you look a lil,... um,,,, pale”
you were. and also a little light headed
“Yeah, I’m okay. I think I’m just gonna go lay down”
Watching you go to the guest bedroom he keeps the water
As you’re about to fall asleep there s knock
Of course it’s him popping his head in
“Sure you don’t need any water? It’s good for face splashing. The best type of wake up!”
He smiles wide
you giggle a little and sit up
he comes in further
“i’m suuuuper bored,,,, wanna see something cool”
“Yes please I thought the bed was about to consume me”
Also because you want to distance yourself even further from earlier
He shakes his head a recklessly until two fluff ears pop up
Rolling his neck, veins become prominent
flexing his jaw teeth grow
Rolling his eyes to directly look at you it unveils eyes so dark magenta it could be red
Taking a moment to really soak in what happened
“holdup holdup holdup, gimmie a sec,”
He giggles at your delayed reaction
“Ya see I was expecting like a magic trick or some like, double jointed trick. So, N0T what I expected, but definitely cool”
Beginning to feel light headed again you sway backwards
“NO nonononononnoo heyheyhey no passing out now.”
At this point he’s holding you in place
“This isn’t even my full form”
A big grin spreading on him again,
Amazed he got this big of a reaction out of you
Rubbing your face accepting that, yes, this is really happening
You look him up and down
“Can I see your full form?”
He glaces out the window,
“Probably, but are you gonna die???”
“I’m good now”
He gives you an ‘oh rlly?’ look
“Promise, I’m good”
“pinky promise?”
returning the ‘oh rlly?’ look at him
“how old are you????”
“Old enough that if you are passed out and it’s just us in here I’m in for a long night”
“If you say so hun,”
His body pulsates a bit and he rolls his shoulders before hurriedly rushing into the closet
a lil nose pops out, pushing the door open to reveal a BEAST
Deep orange coat, like a tainted beach sunset but accented with clouds, decorated with white patches
Taking a breath to tell him how BA he looks
The door creaks open
in comes a drunken boss and peer
“ohhhhh my gooooood y/nnnnnnn
“is this your doooooooooooooooog????”
“UH, yEa, mY d@wg ha ha haah”
The boss throws himself onto Kyung
“His name is Ky-”
Feeling him glaring daggers you think quick
“kycumber. Cucumber. His name is cucumber”
“Cucumber should stay the night!!!
“Cucumber is the cutest thing I have ever seen since my yorkie passed”
oh how quickly daggers changed into whimpers and puppy eyes
“we can’t stayyyy,,,, its uh cucumber’s dinner time, yes!”
“There’s plenty of food here”
“Cucumber is very very picky, a brat really. Poor lil’ thing also has the softest stomach. One wrong thing, VOMIT. EVERRRRRYWHERE. BLEHHHHHH BLEH BLEH, BLEEEEEHHHHHHHH”
trying your hardest to sound unappealing
buring his face into Kyung’s neck
“I guess that means goodbye cuddlekins”
Kissing Kyung right between the ears
With that he, was, DONE.
This embarrassment, being compared to a yorkie, cuddlekins
He ran to grabs his clothes and he. was. GONE.
You chase after him find
out front
back in human form
covering his face
“You okay cuddlekins?” giggling
“Don’t call me that.”
“okay okay, but you do seem too cuddley in that form”
he just looks at you
“okay, minus the murderous eyes, claws ready to kill, teeth like knives, and popping veins, you seem too cuddley”
“this never happened.”
“OH NO, this definitely happened”
“I’m telling you now, what’s gonna happen is I’m gonna go in there, raid for food, and we are both going home”
That’s exactly what happened
But when work got back in you’d leaves notes with teasing wolf/dog/cuddle teasing names on them
“fyi Orange Cream Pop Pup, pizza will be in the break room in 5″
You would call him Orange Cream too often due to his coat
One day he leaves a note on your desk reading
“Call me cuddley one more time l/n f/n. Ill show you just how cuddley I can be. You won’t even need a blanket. Netflix and chill will become Netflix and COMA”
You reply,
“Come at me full power Cuddlekins”
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