#i’ll tag this uuuuh
7000f1 · 1 year
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dood :D
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queenburd · 25 days
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Trying to catch up on my sketchbook and I don’t feel like taking individual images of all my doodles, so you get the whole mix of NPF/Self Insert Mac doodles, and some Queenie stuff
I have a project coming up that involves some horror in the art and visual horror hasn’t been my powerhouse. I’ve been practicing (I have a digital file of some stuff I haven’t posted) but I’m trying to analyze what, exactly, would be actually HORROR in my mind. What would scan as visually interesting.
There’s a lot of stuff I want to practice, to get better at or back into the habit of. There’s a fight scene for queenie That’s lived in my brain for the better part of a few years but I want to strengthen my gestural work again.
Anyway. Stuff to play with.
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candy-fae · 11 months
Some interesting things that happened while I was dressed as Barbie at work today:
Upon showing up I heard my coworkers start with the “carlieeeeee omg! Not WEIRD Barbie!”
My manager printed me a name tag sticker that said weird Barbie on it
A woman pointed at me and said “look x it’s Barbie!” And a little boy ran up and hugged me (he was dressed up as a scary skeleton)
A lady?? Said “can I ask a weird question?” And I said “yeah, I can give you a weird answer.” And she goes “can I like buy?? That outfit off you?” And I just. Looked at her and said “uuuuh I’ll need it for my body but I’m glad you like it!”
Someone asked me if it was a political movie. I said it’s a Barbie movie.
Called my coworkers Barbie, and Ken, respectively
The coworker dressed as Steve Jobs was i Ken, sometimes STEVE Ken
Steve Ken and I kept pretending to interview each other.
“Barbie, don’t you think saying Barbie world, IN a Barbie world, is redundant?”
“Steve, I like the extra clarity. After all, lots of Barbie’s out there, don’t want them confused, so it’s good to be straightforward!”
“Uh huh…and where uh- *looks around* ARE these other Barbie’s?”
“In target, Walmart, and toys r s!!!”
“Oh….sorry Barbie, but, toys R us is dead.”
“Well, so are you Steve.”
When I saw manager Barbie, I would stop, and go stiff limbed then make squeak noises while walk.
*to my non binary coworker* “wait a minute, YOU aren’t a barbie! You’re the secret third thing! GASP. Hi Allen!” *waves*
NtA (Non-binary to Allen)
By the time I left, I got everybody in that god damn retail store saying “BYE BARBIE!! BYE!!”
except Steve Jobs, creator of iPhone. Steve Ken was upset I wasn’t closing :/
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golden-rats · 6 months
Bet on losing ghouls
The rusty old fucker is back with another keyboardsmash. Fic has been sitting around since august so uuuuh don't judge me for the person I was back then I didn't rework the fic much
Pairing: Swiss x gn!reader ghoul
Words: 3k
Tags: Sub swiss, kissing, handjob, cumming in panties, maid dress
Warnings: Mature content so mdni
You can also find the fic on ao3 here
“You two better be careful around each other, the tension between you is high!” The appearing ghoul’s tone was flirtatious. You looked at Swiss, so did Dew with whom you were just hanging out. The fire ghoul wasn't really amused by that remark, glaring at Swiss. "Why do you care?"
Swiss shrugged. “Just like to see my ghouls happy, you know, and besides... You two getting along so well is a sweet thing to see.” He smiled, his eyes twinkling as he couldn’t help but chuckle. “But you two better watch out, might end up giving me more work if you two decide to get into trouble.”
You ignored Dew for a moment, eyes fixating on Swiss. "...I am the trouble." You flashed him a toothy grin.
“Oh? Is that so?” The multi ghoul smirked, his tone was smug as he stared deep into your eyes. “Are you always trouble or just to some people specifically?” He questioned lightly while stepping closer, his voice teasing. You leaned your head on your hand. Not leaving his eyes. Purring. "Fuck around and find out."
“Well you had my curiosity, now you’ve caught my attention.” Swiss smirked even wider, his voice was playful. A bit taunting? He was trying to bait you. “Why don’t we see who’s better? And by better, I mean who can cause more trouble” Dewdrop raised an eyebrow at that exchange. "You two are going to give me a headache." He groaned before leaving. Now it was just Swiss and you in this little corner.
"Mhm that is tempting indeed... I don't want to hurt your ego though."
“Oh? What, you think I’m weak?” He leaned closer. “So are you gonna back down from a challenge? I thought this new ghoul was brave?” He teased, chuckling. “You don’t have to, if you’re scared.” The corners of his mouth stayed up, not breaking eye contact. You leaned forward a little as well. Your eyes narrowing, voice low but sharp. "What's the challenge?"
“Something little, that’s easy to start out with. I'd just say, steal the other ghouls’ masks, whoever steals the most, wins the competition. Not too hard, is it?” Fangs exposed in a grin, his eyes twinkled with mischievous delight. A playful flicker appeared in your eyes, matching his. That would be too easy. Your quintessence abilities allowing you to practically melt into the shadows. The ghouls won't even notice you. It was a little unfair, maybe. But you had to teach Swiss a lesson. So you smiled. "Deal."
Swiss' eyes widened in excitement. “Do we have a bet? If you lose… You have to wear a little maid outfit I have hidden in my room?” He teased, his tone soft and playful. At that thought you laughed a little. "And if I win, you have to wear it." Still chuckling you leaned back, watching him. "I'm not even gonna ask why you have one in the first place..." A small blush washed across the multi ghouls face when you mentioned it. “Of course, of course. If you win, I’ll wear it.” Crossing his arms over his chest, his spirits seemed high. Determination written in his stare.
"Then it's on."
It wasn't until much later that some murmurs sounded through the tour bus. Several ghouls looking around their small personal areas, searching for their masks. You giggled as you met outside with the other ghoul. Counting how many masks each of you stole. At the end, Swiss had stolen three masks, you stole four. He just smiled "Looks like you won.” He snickered before lowering his gaze. "I guess I'll have to wear that maid outfit then.” Your lips curved into a grin, triumphant. "Mhm, it almost sounds like you're pleased with that development?~" You teased. Swiss looked away, embarrassed. "Oh shush..." His voice was quiet, sticking his tongue out, as well as his middle finger up. "You win!"
You laughed wholeheartedly, holding your stomach a little. "Come on. Show me what a pretty little thing you are~"
"Nooooo, I don't want to." The multi ghoul pouted, his tone was playful all the same. He then looked at you, his grin growing larger. "You have to make me, big bully." The ghoul taunted. Your eyes glimmered as you stepped closer. Lowering your voice. "You lost a bet and now don't want to pay up for it? What a naughty ghoul..." Taking another step towards him. "Are you asking me to help you get dressed, mhm? Is that it?" Swiss' breath hitched in his throat as you came closer. He could feel your breath right against him, feeling his cheeks grow hot and his heartbeat quicken as he looked at you. "Okay, okay, I'll wear it!" You smirked widely. Satisfied as you straightened your posture and backed up. "That's a good boy."
"Yeah, yeah... I'm just gonna go get prepared." His cheeks flustered, it was obvious he was rather embarrassed at the moment. The usual confident ghoul was so sure of himself and his victory. Not spending a single thought on the possibility he could really lose. You looked after him as he walked off, his steps quiet and silent. He went back into the abby to look for the maid outfit and change into it, before coming back out with an uncertain smile on his face.
A grin tugged at the corners of your mouth. Looking him up and down. "My my... You got some nice legs little ghoul." He blushed heavily, his cheeks, once again, turned a bright red shade. "Thanks..." His voice was soft as he looked down, avoiding eye contact. "You think they look nice in this?" Now he smirked. There it was again, the cocky, confident demeanor. Looking up at you, his eyes danced with amusement. He had never seen himself dressed this way, it definitely was unusual and something to get used to.
"They do indeed... Oh, is that a blush I see?" You leaned in, still smirking. Swiss felt like he would melt from the inside out as you commented on his appearance. "You're not making it go away..." He mumbled. Still a bit embarrassed, it was obvious, his tail even wagged slightly. A small twitch of the short pointed ears showed that he seemed to be a little flustered by your close proximity. You giggled. It was too much fun to tease him. "Where did all that confidence go again? Shouldn't you feel powerful in that outfit? Being such a pretty little thing?~"
"Shushhhhh... You're making me even more flustered..." He looked down. "And stop with that stupid giggling! The whole bus is gonna hear you!" Your dark eyes shone. Exposing your teeth as you grinned even wider. "You know, now that you mention it... It would be a shame if they didn't get to see you like that, mhm?"
"Don't you even think about it!" The multi ghoul hissed playfully, trying to keep a smug look on his face. It really was a fun time to tease him. "You wouldn't dare…"
"I can't keep that sight to myself, that would be pretty selfish, don't you think?" You stepped closer once again. Swiss gulped, you getting closer sent a chill down his spine. "Please..." His voice was a soft mumble, he looked down again. You had to lean down a little. Tilting your head. "Please what? Speak up. You got a mouth, so use it."
"Please don't tell anyone..." Swiss mumbled again, looking back up, his eyes glimmered with a twinkle of excitement. Against all his acting he was obviously enjoying this a lot, a smirk was etched onto his face, his tail was wagging. "Please..." Voice still soft, he knew the risk he was taking. He knew it would be embarrassing, but he couldn't help but want to keep this game of teasing alive, he enjoyed it way too much.
"You beg quite nicely, you know that?"
“You’re so mean!” He couldn’t help it. Arousal building in his core. “Please, just don’t tell anyone!”
"Hmmhmm... Give me a good reason not to." Glancing down on him as you crossed your arms in front of your chest. Another flush washed over his cheeks and the tips of his ears as he looked up at you and thought. “Because I’ll give you a kiss if you don’t.” Swiss smirked again, his tone now playful. He leaned towards you, looking you dead in the eyes. After seeing you raise an eyebrow he quickly followed it up with "Everyone wants a piece of this ghoul. So I'm doing you a favor."
Your smirk grew as you leaned closer, backing him up against the outside of the bus. Lowering your voice. The night air got chill around you two. Meanwhile you were only illuminated by the stars and soft moonlight. Merely your eyes glowing at each other. "You wanna kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid..." You teased. Swiss' heart started beating faster, he felt his cheeks grow even hotter as he looked into your eyes under the dim moonlight. He felt a shiver pleasantly spilling down his spine as you got closer. His arousal only growing with each passing second. "I...Well....." The ghoul couldn't even finish his sentence, letting out a nervous laugh.
You closed the little distance you had between each other. Placing your hand on the bus, right next to Swiss’ head. Having him cornered. Your tail flicked, tangling with his as yours held it. "You sure you want to mess with the trouble I bring? I won't guarantee you'll get out of this unscathed.."
Swiss looked up at you, you were so close, a little too close, which made his heart skip a beat. The ghoul shivered slightly under your touch as you leaned over him, a small twitch of his ears gave away his arousal to you.
“Are you threatening me with a good time?” A small grin crossed his face.
"Is it working?" You purr as you put your free hand on his waist. Feeling the soft fabric of the maid dress. The ruffles adorning his slim figure.
Swiss looked down at where your hand had touched his waist, his eyes widened slightly as his face grew even hotter, his eyes danced with delight, his grin stayed as he looked back up at you, his gaze was soft and teasing.
“Yes… Maybe…” his voice sounded rather flirtatious, his breathing came out quicker.
"Good..." You whispered before taking a leap, placing your lips on his as you softly pressed him against the outside of the bus. Your hand on his waist slightly gripping it.
Swiss felt his heart skip a beat as you kissed him, his eyes flickered with a twinkle of joy, his breath hitched in his throat as he felt you leaning into him under the moonlight. The ghoul let out a small moan when you pressed him against the bus, he closed his eyes as he kissed back, his tail twitched lightly.
The moan satisfied you enough to kiss him a little deeper. Closing your eyes you felt his soft and warm lips. You let your forked tongue brush over them, asking for entrance. Your hand holding him in place.
“Mmh…” The multi ghoul let your tongue pass through his lips as he let out a soft moan again, his eyes closed. He felt warm, hot. Damn it, he couldn’t even think straight with how horny you were making him feel with just a few simple gestures and words. You knew you had this situation under full control. You explored his mouth, the hand next to his head moved to caress his horns. The other started to stroke along his waist and hip. He shuddered as you felt his horns, the base being such a sensitive part. “Mmn…” The ghoul moaned softly once more.
You shortly break the kiss, smirking. "You're a loud one... Careful or the others might hear how needy you are..." You leaned in again, this time kissing the nape of his neck. Your hand had wandered down, brushing his thigh and shoving up the dress a little.
He wasn’t used to someone kissing his neck this way. So openly. He didn’t know what to do with all these emotions running through him. The excitement of the chance of being caught at any moment. The building tension and intimacy. His weakening legs. How his skin felt like it was burning up under your every touch. “Satanas… Fuck…” he muttered weakly.
You chuckled as you kissed along his neck. Grazing the skin with your teeth, hand shoved under the dress and creeping up his thigh even higher. Swiss let out a louder moan while his whole body trembled. Your hand moving higher and higher, he felt like he was going to melt into a puddle any moment now.
"What was that?" Someone asked inside the bus. You couldn't suppress a grin as you kissed up to Swiss ear, whispering. "See? If you continue like this, they're going to interrupt us before we can really start..." You palmed his underwear, right above his lap.
"Ah-h-h..." Swiss let out an even louder moan this time, his tail was wagging rather quickly now, his breathing came out quicker, he shivered and he closed his eyes, feeling his heart hammer at his chest. "I-I can't help it!" He was clearly losing control after all that, it was just way too much that was happening. The ghoul started to shake a bit more from the pleasure. Maybe also a little bit from the fear that someone might interrupt. But was it fear really?
Murmuring could be heard from the bus. It shook slightly.
"Maybe you need something to get your mouth stuffed with..." You winked at him. Letting your hand wander over his lap. "You're already leaking, dear..." The multi ghoul felt his ears and cheeks blush. Feeling himself growing more and more aroused, even with just the slightest touch of the exploring hand, he was losing control. "Mhnn…" He let out a small whimper as his eyes flickered shut. He felt hot and cold at the same time as he heard the taller ghoul talk.
"That's better..." You smiled and kissed him again. Sealing your lips as you finally pushed your hand below Swiss’ underwear. Feeling his skin. His hardness. Pressing against it in a massaging manner. He kissed back, face turning bright red, shivering as he felt the hand pushing below his underwear. His whole body trembling at the touch. “Ahhh-...” Another small whimper escaped him. Letting out another moan as he pulled away slightly to catch his breath.
"Oh no, I won't risk them hearing us. Not when you're so close to ruining your panties..." You immediately kissed him again. Your hand working Swiss’ dick under the fabric. He let out a small growl as he was being teased, his face was bright red and his cheeks burned as he was being toyed around with. He whimpered as he kissed back. There wasn't any other option really.
“St-Stop it!~” Swiss let out in between kisses. He was clearly enjoying the teasing while getting a little bit flustered.
"Come for me little ghoul..." You pushed your body against his. Pressing him onto the outside of the bus. Massaging him quicker and with more intensity. Swiss’ face flushed even deeper as you pushed yourself against him, against the bus, his whole body a trembling mess. His hands went behind your head, he was clearly losing control, despite him trying to sound firm and assertive.
You kissed him deeply, passionate. Letting Your tongue dance with his. Your hand finishing him with a last few strokes. All of this had really worn the ghoul out, physically as mentally. Swiss felt himself being pushed to the edge, as you kissed him passionately, that, along with all of the teasing had really put the ghoul in a state he really didn’t want to experience in front of the other ghouls, even though you were hidden from their view, they would certainly hear the sounds of what was going on, the ghoul’s heart thumped and he felt himself grow even weaker.
He was close, his breathing was quick and heavy, it was obvious. Your kiss got deeper, trying to stifle his moans as he started to come in his underwear. You felt the fabric getting wet and sticky. Working him through his climax. Not breaking the kiss for even a second.
Swiss felt like he was melting in your arms, his breath was hitching in his throat, he couldn’t even think straight anymore. “Ohhh fuck…” He couldn’t say anything more. Panting against your lips. You held him for a few moments. Not wanting his legs to give out on him. You smiled as you rested your forehead against his. Whispering. "You did so well..."
“Hhh… That was amazing…” Swiss whispered, his eyes half closed. He was trying to steady his breathing but it was a bit difficult, his whole body still trembled lightly from the orgasm. “You’re so good” Swiss mumbled out, his tone was weak but his eyes danced with delight. He looked up at you as you rested your forehead against his. “That was the most enjoyable I’ve ever been teased.” You grinned before stealing a small, quick kiss. Releasing him from your embrace. "I was hoping you'd put up more of a fight... But I can't say I'm disappointed~"
“I couldn’t help it! You’re just too good at this, I have no chance against you.” Swiss chuckled lightly. “I have to admit, I wasn’t expecting an experience like this."
"I think there will be plenty of opportunities for you to get some revenge." You smirked and winked at him. "I suggest you go and change. Dirty little ghoul..." You teased him a bit before chuckling and heading back into the bus.
Swiss glanced down at himself for a split second before smiling at you, his face was still really red, his breath still came out quickly and heavy, but he was getting a bit better at controlling it, his heart had slowed down as well. “Oh, I’ll get you someday.” He grinned again. “I’ll get you, just you wait…” The multi ghoul let out a small giggle.
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caliblorn · 1 year
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Last Wednesday I’ve been tagged by @sneaksandsweets but I saw it too late, so here I am now! Oh boy, I have too many wips going on right now because my thoughts keep trailing off and I start something new every evening. Here some of my more...presentable wips, from serious to unserious;
1) A 4/5 pages comic I was making about Vanus going back to Sollicich-sul-Ker, or what remains of it. This comic has been in my drafts for a month (at least) and I’m scared It’ll never see the light of day lol
2) Little ‘panel’ comic about an unpleasant encounter. This file is literally called “What is wrong with you”, so I’ll let you imagine. Yay! I can make Vanus a bit cartoony if he’s far back from the froeground characters, c’mon. 
3) Part of an answer for an ask, also just the last panel of it. *Strikes a little gay pose*
4) I...uuuuh....uh? 
I’m gonna be honest with you...I forget the name files for the majority of the things I start, and so they get lost if I dont pick them up after a few days (Paint Tool Sai sees your last opened files up to only 10 files). But, to be honest, it’s a great experience going back to my art folder and discovering absolutely dogshit art with out-of-the blue names I had completely forgotten about. Like, wtf are these?!?
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Anyway, I’m taggin back @sneaksandsweets​ aaaaaaand conveniently tagging @fantasydrowsy​ as well 👀👀 it’s a bit late already here so don’t feel pressured about doing this! 
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pastafossa · 1 year
Thanks you so much @teigo-the-explorer for the tag! This makes a good break from work and/or chapter writing!
Are you named after anyone: I am not! Though fam did intentionally choose a name that couldn’t be shortened to a nickname or rhymed with anything.
when was the last time you cried? Yesterday when I was editing a sad section of my TRT outline to make it MORE sad, RIP me and all of you when we hit that point
do you have kids? Nope and I’ve gone so far as to have my tubes incinerated
do you use sarcasm a lot: NEVER
what's the first thing you notice about people? Whether they have a dog. But if you mean on their person, usually if they have a cool shirt! Bodywise: eyes.
what's your eye colour: Blue-green!
scary movies or happy endings: I like them both but if I HAD to choose I’d go happy endings
any special talents: According to my woodcarving teacher, I’m excellent at carving! I managed to carve 5 projects in a week on my first go, including a couple of the more difficult projects he’d set out for more experienced carvers. FINALLY, A VISUAL ART I’M GOOD AT. I’m also really good at just eyeballing a wall and figuring out how a bunch of hung frames will look good without having to draw it out!
where were you born? Los Angeles! It’s one reason I chose it for Ciro and Jane’s history in TRT - it meant I had to do less research since I was familiar with the area. I already knew a lot of landmarks, geography, culture, weather/environment, and speech patterns.
what are your hobbies?: woodcarving, reading, writing, video games, cooking, traveling whenever I can, movies and tv!
have any pets?: I do! 3 cats, 1 dog, and 1 snake!
what sports do you play/have played?: Oh god I tried a lot of them and my skills are... very much elsewhere. When I was a kid I tried soccer (fast but bad at kicking), ballet (teacher told my parents I had a future in the performing arts, just not dance), baseball (can’t hit a ball to save my life). I did have some success with horseback riding though! I did some trail and a little barrel racing for about ten years, and it is by far the most advanced I ever got with a sport.
how tall are you?: 5′5-5′6 depending on my anxiety level
favourite subject in school?: English, I loved English class. 
dream job?: Due to health problems I’m a little limited in what I can do. If I was healthy, zoologist/marine biologist. As I am, author!
first ship: Oh god, uuuuh let me think. Loosely was probably April x Casey in TMNT since that was my favorite movie as a kid. First active ship that I openly rooted for... maybe Rogue and Gambit from X-Men TAS, like damn I was a kid but I WANTED them together SO FUCKING BAD like why is she hooked on fucking Scott (i hated scott) when she has Gambit RIGHT THERE, RIGHT FUCKING THERE GIRL.
three ships: Since most everyone knows my Marvel ships, I’ll step outside it and go with - Troi x Worf (Star Trek: TNG), Cecil x Carlos (most wholesome ship ever courtesy Welcome to Nightvale), and Leslie Knope x Ben Wyatt (Parks and Recreation)
last (current) song: Flu Game by Fall Out Boy not me playing this album on loop since it came out last week
last movie: San Andreas, don’t judge me
currently reading: Re-reading Taggerung by Brian Jacques, which is my favorite Redwall book and the first Redwall book I ever picked up! I was at a book fair and came around a corner and saw this FUCKING BADASS PIRATE OTTER??? WITH A KNIFE??? AND TATTOOS AND PIERCINGS, IT WAS SO COOL I PICKED IT UP WITHOUT LOOKING AT THE SUMMARY CAUSE WHO CARES, PIRATE OTTER PIRATE OTTER TINY PASTA WANTS TO READ ABOUT PIRATE OTTERSSSSSSSS SERIOUSLY LOOK AT THIS COVER AND TELL ME YOU WOULDN’T READ THIS
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currently watching: The Mandalorian, shiny space husband make brain go brrrrrr
currently consuming: Just water LOL 
currently craving: SUNSHINE BUT IT IS CLOUDY
I'm tagging
@wonderlandmind4 @shadeblade16​ @intricate-melody​ @softasawhisper​ and anyone else who wants to do this!
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zombiethingy · 1 year
Tagged by @lostghosts - thank you :D
Last song
Faster by Within Temptation
Currently watching
The Flash (season 6)
Currently reading
Uuuuh... Theoretically I’m still reading The song of Achilles - but I haven’t touched that book in months...
So I’ll just link to my top 3 WIPs I’m following along with:
i can't tune you out by hairstevington  (Stranger Things)
A Lack Of Air Supply by Milkfrog (Shadow and Bone)
Layover by 3MinsOver, coincidental (Stranger Things)
Current obsession
Hmmm... I’m still kinda stuck in the steddie/Stranger Things brainrot also in trying to write a bit more and making clay creatures (I even started a whole sideblog for them...), especially Mushu right now (that noodle is giving me headaches because he won’t stay upright :( )
Tagging @leollyen, @thou-art-of-the-stars and anyone who wants an excuse to do it :)
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mars-colony · 1 year
9 People to Get to Know Better
Tagged by @n7viper, thanks so much for the tag!! 🥺
Last Song: I’ll believe in anything - Wolf parade
Currently Watching: Let’s plays of random video games I’m too scared to play myself lol
Currently Reading: Metro 2033 - Dmitri Gloechovski
Current Obsession: That’s classified ✨ 🤭 but uuuuh also the Death Shroud fallout 4 radio feature because skdjdk blorbo content with the original va’s 😩
I tag: @gliptodon / @aphrxxxdite / @strangefable / @megaloceroses / @adieu-misshollywood / @dooperoonie / @reach-at-the-glorious-gold / @caudabihalda / @a-mere-bog-witch
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can-i-roll-for-it · 1 year
Uuuuh I’ll start hard than easy:
Colleen by Rachel Sumner and Conrad
Glitter by Daisy the Great and Hunchfucks
Oh bonus challenge Unraveling by The Crane Wives and Elias Hodge (sounds easy by the name but it’s a mourning song oooh)
Also Colleen is a longer song the rest are normal sorry
Ok lets do this! So I will do Glitter and Unraveling in a differnt post (Ill tag you in it asker) because this turned out a bit long.
So first Colleen For Conrad.
So I did some googling to first see what this song is SUPOOSED to be able because I could not tell. The most popular interpretation seems to be that it's about a selkie women. Which is neat.
Ok time for me to twist the lyrics to mean what I want to:
Ok so
"It picked me up and tossed me round. Forgot my name, And drowned."
Ok. Ok. I think we can connect this to the ice skating incident. It 'tossed him around' as in it ruined Conrad's whole moral senses (to where he started blaming himself for everything) and sort of started the whole thing of Conrad living his life hiding away. Metaphorically, he drowned.
Also, the name thing. It names me think about the scene with Ivana where they talk about, they didn't always used to go by their names that they have now. but metaphorically again, you can say its him forgetting that he, as conscience, is a important function. does that make sense to anyone but me? idk.
"And as the weeks and months ensued I tried to make myself of use. Tilled and planted, but could not produce — not root, nor leaf, nor flower, nor bean; Lord! It seemed I overwatered everything."
This is Conrad consistently trying his best to try to get people's attention while also not actually bothering people. He is switching around the newspapers to try to make people see the news he thinks people should worry about. To no avail.
He is putting notes on the door of Sugha's, but with a very easily removeable tape. The most he does is get yelled at by Dan.
"This morning, 'round the cape at dawn, some travelers sailed into town with scraps for sale and the saddest songs"
Don't have much to say this one, just this can be seen as Conrad meeting the rest of the cast.
"Well I asked the man who showed it me, "What is the name of that strange beast?" He said its name translated roughly to He-Who-Easily-Can-Curve-Himself-Against-The-Sky.
And I am without words. He said, "My lady looks perturbed. (the light is in your eyes, Colleen)." I said, "Whatever can you mean?" He leaned in and said, "You ain't forgotten everything.""
Ok so. I see this as Conrad and The Fix. The first part just feels like it can be seen as like, fact telling, but also the whole thing, im thinking it as like, the "Its time to unlearn that lesson" and "You're the butterfly" moments
'You ain't forgotten everything' can be The Fix trying to talk with Conrad and trying to remind him that he isn't a problem just because of that ice skating incident. he is still very important, no matter what he may think.
" don't know any goddamned "Colleen." "
I mentioned it earlier, but this very much gives me the vibes of the Ivana scene and Conrad getting like some of the confidence in himself. or the scene in episode 4 where he calls out the mayor. He is standing up for himself. i don't know, that's the vibe I get.
There are some more to the sing but i feel for my sake, that is a good way to end this.
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milfcutlawquane · 11 months
ok so all of those wips in the wip game are SOOO intriguing that i wanna ask all but if you can’t do that then i’ll kindly ask for brave enough to talk to strangers and the kind of grief that rips your insides out
Omg sunny I'm sorry i forgot 💀 i kept getting distracted uuuuh
Brave enough to talk to strangers is the next chapter for the Experiment Rex fic! Basically follows Echo as Experiment decides to get introduced to Jesse and Hardcase, and that's basically the idea for now, perhaps I'll expand on the length all the abuse done to Experiment reached but who knows honestly ahahaha
I already answered to the kind of grief that rips your insides out! Can't link bc I'm on mobile but you can look it under my asks tag! (sorry)
Thanks for the answer and I'm so very sorry i kept forgetting 😭😭
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youthofpandas · 1 year
last, current, & next read tagged by @smt1 hi bestie.
Last Read - The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie (very glad I finished this so I do not have to say His Name)
Currently Reading - Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë (the second half scares me so bad you guys…)
Next Reading - I’m between another Agatha Christie book and maybe uuuuh I will pick up one of my big long fantasy books ? Looking at my shelf I have a few options. I know my friend has been wanting to loan me his copy of Dorian Gray to read for ages but I’ll have to go pick it up from him to start it so PROBABLY another murder mystery to get my umineko theories cooking
Tagging - you already tagged my book club besties so anyone who wants to can do this. I promise I am interested in what ur reading my beautiful mutuals feel free to share
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infernaleikon · 2 years
Send this to people you’d like to know better!
thank you, @obi-wkenobi for the tag 😘
What book are you currently reading? Uuuuh, none atm tbh. I’m really bad with reading books. I tend to start and then never finish. I think I started Wild Space a while back??
What’s your favorite movie you saw in theaters this year? i haven’t been to the theater this year sksksksk
What do you usually wear? sweatpants. i hate whenever i have to wear anything else at this point lmao
How tall are you? 165cm
What’s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event? I’m a Cancer and I don’t who I’m sharing my birthday with.
Do you go by your name or a nick-name? Nickname
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child? What I wanted to be as a child changed practically every day and I didn’t become any of it. Still sort of figuring that out.
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one? Am not in a relationship and don’t have a crush.
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at? I’m good at procrastinating and bad at finishing things.
Dogs or cats? Dogs, no contest.
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year? I made these three gifsets I like a lot: one (i love the poem that goes with it and it wrecked me when i thought about it for anakin cos fuckkkkk), two (another poem that i liked for anakin and i also absolutely adore how the gifs turned out tbh), three (turned out kinkier than i meant it to be but the song is such a obikin/vaderwan thing that i wanted to scratch my own face off). 
wrote some fics that i think turned out really well and i haven’t written as much in literal years.
What’s something you would like to create content for? i’d love to dip my toes into vaderwan, i think, that would be interesting and cool.
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with? obikin lmao
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year? uuuuuhh, i think i was excited about finishing my training and then finding a job, and while i did finish my training i still haven’t been able to find a job (even though i’d hoped the training would help with that a lot)
What’s a hidden talent of yours? i don’t really have any secret talents
Are you religious? no, not at all
What’s something you wish to have at this moment? financial security/stability
idk who got tagged already, so i’ll just go ahead and say @binaryeclipse, @zimriya, @starsdies and anyone who wants to do it <3
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indecentpause · 2 years
Find the Word
jumping in on a find the word tag from @winterandwords! thank! the words to find are hand, head, foot, and face
from The Most Beautiful Puzzle, as always!
cw: drug mention, dead body mention, murder scene
Josselin sits quietly while you read, bouncing his foot again. His right thumb alternately presses into the tip of each finger on that hand, quickly, one after the other, like he’s counting something. Another stim? Your finger flippy thing is pretty similar. That’s actually kind of cool, that you have that in common.
As Josselin starts to head back to his room, your phone rings. It’s a number you don’t recognize. With a heavy, tired sigh, you mute your phone and place it facedown on the table. It’s probably your ex again, and if it’s not, you’ll just call back and say you were in another room and didn’t hear it ring.
Josselin turns around, holding the lease in both hands like he’s about to make a speech. His eyes dart from your face, down to the phone, up again, specifically to your mouth. It’s a little disconcerting.
When he doesn’t leave for his room, you ask, “What?”
“I know it’s not my business,” Josselin starts slowly, as if he’s afraid you’ll yell at him. Have you really come off as that mean? You’ve been under a lot of stress but that doesn’t mean you can be a jerk. You’ll have to pay more attention to your tone and body language.
“I know it’s not my business,” he repeats, “but that was Nobody, wasn’t it?”
You swallow hard and look away.
“Don’t delete anything they send you,” he advises. “Texts, emails, voicemails, whatever. Save them. Just in case.”
“Have you run any tests yet?”
“No,” the Inspector says. “We’re still gathering evidence. What did you find?”
“I think there were drugs involved,” Josselin said.
“Do you think she overdosed and her friends panicked?”
Josselin shakes his head. “Get a swab of the costume’s left foot, top and bottom, and run it for a full drug panel. I can’t tell what this is just by looking. Could be ground up aspirin for all we know.”
“But it’s not,” the Inspector says.
“It’s not,” Josselin repeats softly.
“I’m sorry,” [Josselin] whispers. His voice is shaky. “I put us off to a really bad start. Can I try again?”
And with everything that everyone in your life has done to you over the past six months, you should say no, but you need a roommate, and Josselin doesn’t appear to be dangerous, just… incredibly weird. But you can deal with weird.
Your shoulders relax a little, and you smile behind your mask.
“Yeah,” you say gently, because you were just like him when you were a teenager, and even though you’re both adults, you know how hard it is not to fit in. “Sure. My name’s Meara and I’m looking for a roommate. You?”
You can only see the top half of Josselin’s face, but you can tell by his eyes that he’s smiling.
“I’m Josselin, and I’m also looking for a roommate. I have a spare room. Do you like cats?”
tagging @kaiusvnoir @magic-is-something-we-create uuuuh I’m having a brain fart and can’t think of any handles so I’ll open it up to whoever wants to find yellow, wings, bowl, and spot.
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elithegnome · 2 years
What is your morning schedule like on the weekdays?
Share with us then tag some peeps to bug them about their mornings
Mine? Well on weekdays it’s kinda like this:
Normally I’ll wake up between 5:30-7:00, because I have to get to one of my classes (which is at a different school than my normal one) by 7:45 or earlier
Uuuuh then I get to my regular school around 8:40-9:00 and I stay there learning shit until around 3:15 but my parents don’t pick me up until around 5:00. because I’m a minor and I can unfortunately not drive yet (But I’ll be getting a license in a couple years) so uhm yeah
@newhetaliafan @piscesgirl2020 @a-dorky-american and @koolkat9 I guess idk
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greypetrel · 6 months
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Olè! For the Artifacts of Thedas meme: 14 for Radha 33 for Alyra (or Aisling because it could be interesting lol up to vossia) Grasie ;u; <3
Uuuuh these were interesting!
I’ll post the shoes one later on so each have their own post and tag you, but in the meanwhile… Here we are. I debated some on the ending, but it’s been *a couple of weeks* and listen, that’s it. I’m working on the presumption that there are print machines in Thedas. Purely on the fact that in Europe bestsellers weren’t a thing before printing was imported and adapted from China… And Varric wouldn’t be such a renowned author, the Tale of the Champion wouldn’t have caught so much attention if it was distributed only amongst nobles, rich people and monasteries that could afford hand-copied volumes. Plus: if there’s no printing, Skyhold having 40 copies of Hard in Hightown makes no sense. Who spent all those money on precious hand-written volumes during a war? (On today’s episode of  “Tell me you studied the middle ages without telling me”…)
Tis the prompt list
14. Volume of Koslun’s teachings, the page edges soft and worn
She found the book by chance, in the very back of one of the bookshelves in one run down store in Llomerryn, looking for entirely something else.
But she never actually saw one copy of it, not even in Skyhold, and she was surprised to find one. She thought it wasn’t translated, least of all printed, lest people could access it and run to Par Vollen. An actual physical copy slightly tattered by time, corners dulled and consumed, gold foil of the title fainted on the leather, but still readable and most of all translated in Trade, was something she would have never expected to find, and she shuffled the pages of the volume with reverence and wonder.
Stunned by the discovery, and curiosity aflame from having the actual thing in her hands, with surely more informations that she could gather from months of questioning the Iron Bull, she forgot what she was rummaging that old shop for. She should have been searching for another book altogether, a volume on old Tevinter records of Arlathan ruins, out of prints since at least an age outside Tevinter. Since Minrathous was impossible to reach -she tried, but even with all the documents Aisling gave her, without asking directly to a Magister, it was too dangerous. Hopefully, it was too dangerous for Solas as well.
In the lack of willingness to return to Skyhold and ask her sister to write personally to Magister Tilani, gather her support and her agreement and wait for answers -which she wasn’t really eager to do if she could help it-, her best option apparently was Llomerryn’s second-hand dealers. Overcrowded shop upon overcrowded shop of old books whose former owners had died, owned by people who were too eager to barter -which Radha was good at but hated, too many words, too much time spent.  
Koslun’s teaching weren’t what she was expecting.
Koslun’s teaching was an extra volume she went out of the shop with, for once happy about her findings, and with her mind away from the Dreadwolf and how to find him and stop him for the first time after that night in Crestwood, monhs ago.
Sitting crossed-legged on the small bed of the room she rented, with laughter and happy voices, the smell of spices and fish coming from the open window and the golden light of lanterns, Radha opened the book.
Curious as she didn’t remember she’s been in… Well, years.
She started from the first page. And went on.
Ten pages she promised herself would have been what she read that night became twenty.
Twenty became thirty, the book opened on the ground and the elf hanging down from the end of the bed, arms down and legs folded up behind her, swinging gently in the night breeze.
A hundred pages, and the voices from the inns and taverns outside started to calm down. She lit another candle, and didn’t mind much how much she would have had to pay for her lodgings if she read all night.
A hundred, and then two and three.
Words upon word, candle after candle, the air chilled down from the heath of the day to a chilly night. Radha slipped under the blanket, propped herself on the pillow and kept reading.
It was… She wasn’t sure what to think of it, beside the fact that it was new, it was fascinating, and her mind was aflame with the insight on a wholly different perspective on life.
She started to wonder, page after page.
There was poetry in it, and beauty, and hope. It was nice to think that the world was just as it was supposed to be, full of certainties and surety, if one knew how to accept it.
Half a mind was spent, tho, on mages: she knew Aisling wouldn’t have survived long like that, as a Saarebas. Pavyn would have lasted even less. Solas… Solas would have started a riot, she thought with a sureness that made her scrunch her nose in irritation. Irritation all due to the fact that she would also have agreed with him, having lived in close contact with mages all her life.
But beside that…
The night grew old when she finished, the sky was paling as the moon had set since long and the sun was approaching again. Radha was sitting on the ground, book propped on her bent legs, wrapped in the blanket. Rivaini nights were chill, she knew that from when they travelled north, up to the Arlathan forest.
And yet, now for the first time in months, she felt more at peace, warmer inside.
She hadn’t stayed awake all night reading since she was a teen, in her mother’s aravel, Pavyn snoring in a cot, their mother sleeping in her own, Aisling drooling on her shoulder, hugging her arm in sleep still.
She sorely missed them.
And yet, she thrived in being alone, on her own, a course set, free.
She was there also for them.
She was there especially for them: she was part of them, and if her path brought her to travel alone, she was really never so. There was, she supposed, an order in that, that she could accept. And she was fighting and travelling exactly to keep that order. Mages beside, it was a comforting thought.
Her fingers caressed the leather of the book, with a gratefulness she reserved for the good ones.
Maybe she wouldn’t convert to the Qun.
But she could respect it, and like the poetry in it and take comfort in some of its teachings.
As the first rays of the sunrise painted the sky in lilacs and golds, she rose and picked a piece of paper from her stash. Carefully traced some words on it and closed the message with a dollop of wax, and smiled at it.
Someone would have put the book to some better use, she was sure.
Days later, Aisling stepped into the Herald’s Rest, a question on her face that only became deeper as she was greeted upon entering by a boisterous and loud laughter.
“What is it?” She asked the Iron Bull, currently busy in staring at a piece of paper and trying to stop laughing to tears, a thick and old book on his knees.
“Your sister, Boss.”
That got her curious. She ignored how it stung that Radha had sent something to Bull and just a letter -a short one- to her. She was happy she made some friends, and she still felt guilty towards her, but seeing it…
Krem approached too, casually bending his elbow and resting his arm on her shoulder. An effective distraction from some grim thought Aisling was very grateful for.
“What did she sent, chief?”
Discourse back on track, Aisling nodded, focusing on the curiosity. The rest could be forgotten and swiped under the carpet. She snaked her arm behind and up, hugging Krem and holding on his other shoulder in a silent thank you. The Qunari smiled fondly at them, and nodded to the book.
“She sent Koslun’s teachings. And a note.”
All their eyes opened wide in surprise.
“What? How did she find it? Is she in Par Vollen? What- What did she write?”
Aisling was the first to speak, now, a thousand questions on her mind. She tried to look the volume up in Orlais, out of curiosity, but with no results. All she had found was, upon Bull’s inspection, a rendering of the teachings, very partial and overtly simplified, that wasn’t really helpful.
The note, upon inspection, just recited:
Interesting. But it’s spelled wrong: I was brought to be sure it’s actually Sera-bas. R.
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nocturnaltides · 10 months
[Couple O' Scrappers: Chains/Riza]
The sound of metal on metal echoes through an empty patch of the Splatlands, as Riza tosses a few bits of scrap into a large container that’s about half full. As she brushes some sand off her shoulders, something catches her attention, something shaking in a nearby metallic heap
“I know you’re in here somewhere! Ya can’t hide foreeeeeveeerrrrrr~ I’ll find you eventually….”
Riza raises an eyebrow as the voice continues, occasionally chuckling mischievously, rustling in the rusted pile, until a hand bursts forth, holding a particularly shiny object with a few wires that are, remarkably, still intact
“Aaaaaand jackpot~!! Always follow your nose!!”
Chains proudly proclaims as she climbs out of the scrap heap, carrying her treasure, and a few other “choice cuts” under her arm before she adds it to their collective haul
Beneath her gas mask, Riza can’t help but smirk as Chains immediately begins to hop around, from mound to mound, picking from all sorts of objects from ages gone by that were left to sit in the sands
“Gotta hand it to you, watching you run around like that, you’ve actually made a little bit of a niche out here for yourself”
Chains perks up, after having found an oddly cozy resting place in the bucket of a raised excavator arm, a bright spark in her uncovered eye
“I kinda like it out here! Ya never know what you’re gonna find out here! Like me, I found a home! Sooome people may call it a ‘death trap’ and stuff, but it ain’t too bad~”
For a moment, she lays back, her eye watching the clouds go by as she casually kicks her legs over the side
Meanwhile, Riza digs out another piece of metal, her partially obscured reflection looks back at her before she adds it to the pile
“You made a home out of a death trap all by yourself?”
She says, with a slight joking tone of voice. As Chains raises a thumbs up towards the sun
“YEP! The shack, the obstacle course, my rides, all the good stuff, made it myself~ Not the trains though, I’m not sure who made those, kind of a shame to just leave those around, so I do what I can with those~”
A split second of bewilderment overcomes Riza as the masked inkling can’t help but laugh for a minute
“Hmm, never thought I’d say this but, I get it. Gotta learn to fend for yourself, for the most part”
Chains leans over the bucket’s edge, with a mischievous look on her face and an, overdramatic, villainous tone in her voice
“Ooooohohoho~ we’re not so different, you and I~”
Springing to her feet and jumping down from her newfound perch, Chains catches a glimpse of Riza’s eyes beneath her mask, for an instant…there was something forlorn in the way she looked back before she leaned up against the side of an old freight crate
“Wait, for real? For real real?? But I thought you and skull face were like a team, or somethin like that”
A cool breeze drifts by as Riza quietly removes her mask While she smiles, her expression seems to carry a slight hint of sadness
“A team, huh? That’s a funny way to put it. But, no, it wasn’t always like that. Before all this, kinda like you, I just took care of business myself”
She stares at her mask for a second or two, thinking back on her early days in Inkopolis and the Squidbeak Splatoon, and all the battles she’s fought through over the years. Chains speaks up after a brief pause
“Well, it ain’t like that now, right? With the way you two bicker, it’s like you’ve been buds for ages! Sooooo, maaaaaaybe you don’t have to do stuff on your own anymore? Not only that but, we’ve kinda already gone on a few missions haven’t we?”
Chains leans up against the crate wall, folding her arms and subtly trying to mimic Riza’s pose With a smirk on her face, she slightly leans over and closes her eyes
“Aaaand uuuuh, I dunno if you remember or not buuuut, you did say you wanted to tag along today~”
Trying her best to hold back from smiling, and maybe even laughing, Riza scoffs
“Someone has to make sure you don’t get hurt. I’ve watched you jump, almost head first, into six different scrap piles since we got here. I’m actually surprised you haven’t-“
She stops short, as she realizes Chains is now standing next to her, shoulder to shoulder, with a goofy, and toothy, grin on her face
“Soooooo you were worried about me and wanted to be there to help if I got in trouble~??”
Chains leans in close and whispers, in a playfully mocking tone
“I ain’t the sharpest bulb in the crayon box buuuuuut, golly, sure sounds like something [dramatic gasp] a friend would do~”
After a moment of silence and unblinking eye contact, Riza gently nudges Chains until she’s standing upright again
“Hmm, don’t push your luck too much”
Chains smiles as a faint sparkle glows in her eye, her voice still in that teasing tone
“You don’t gotta push your luck with…a friiiiieeeeend~”
Riza puts her mask back on to hide her “comically annoyed” expression as she starts walking back to the mound she was searching earlier
“Oookay, back to work with you, we got a job to do”
A breeze rolls by, carrying a jaunty whistle as Chains happily strolls, almost skipping, over to another scrap pile
“Ya got it, boss~”
Riza immediately perks up and looks over her shoulder, a strange shiver runs down her back
“Was that a nickname I just heard?”
A question that’s only met with the sound of metal being shifted and an oddly catchy tune
“Hmm…what have I gotten myself into this time?”
Despite her questioning, Riza can’t help but quietly chuckle to herself as she digs up another piece of reflective scrap. She can see her own masked face, and Chains, waving not too far away
Beneath that mask…Riza smiles
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