#SWK is MK's stone egg parent au
quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
When Wukong made the decision to keep his pregnancy a secret, he'd had really good reason to do so. He isn't stupid. He knows he doesn't exactly have a good reputation in every realm, that there are enemies around every corner who would love to take advantage of his condition and threaten him or the baby. At the time, keeping his pregnancy a secret had been the best option for him and his child.
This is why it comes as a massive, earthshattering shock to him when, after the unexpected reveal during New Years, instead of being mocked for his condition or the various demons that were present during the event trying to threaten him or the child, most of them did quite the opposite. Suddenly, demons who he could have sworn absolutely despised him were coming out of the woodwork to give him well wishes, and his human disguise is all but useless as he can't even walk down the street without being mobbed by every demon on the street curious about the baby.
Thats the part that would unnerve Wukong the most!
Demons who've been his enemies for centuries just... absolving their hate of him for the sake of his baby.
Jiuweihuli's reaction is scary enough, but he jots that down to Macaque being her protege/her assuming SWK's baby is Mac's.
But the completely random demons who've hated him just... sending him well-wishes cards, and formally apologizing for the reasons they fought in the past?? Wukong is so gotdang confused.
Wukong: "This all has to be a trick right? Not every single demon I've fought is a good person." MK: "Maybe. Or maybe they decided that even if they're mad at you, they don't want to be mad at Egg. They didn't do whatever you did to make them your enemy." Wukong, eyes welling up with tears: "They can't! They can't all be so forgiving! I've kil-" *drops to the ground sobbing* "I've killed so many of them, bud! They should want me dead." MK: *hugs him* "Maybe... they don't anymore?" Wukong: *hugs MK back tightly* "Heh... I guess... I'm not used to people not hating me all the time."
Demonkind as it turns out, are far more forgiving than Sun Wukong could ever envision. When death is something you can come back from (though not without great effort) and your life can be measured in centuries - it's a long time to hold a grudge on someone who wronged you. And it's especially seen as weak and pitiful to target your anger on your foe when they're with child, no matter how much the wounds still weep.
Lady Bone Demon did not dare attack Wukong directly on New Years less she turned to see a whole room of furious demons who were willing to defend their once-enemy and his unborn child.
I love the thought of Wukong desperately trying to sneak down the street for a peach chip-run, only to get recognised by a number of demons he's fought in the past, all shouting well-wishes and congratulations for his baby. He's so befuddled???
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sweetpeathecat · 2 years
2 AU ideas inspired by “Baby Mine” and “Peach Tea Burns” on AO3(part 1)
-Sun Wukong is under the aro/ace umbrella in both AUs
-first AU inspired by “Baby Mine”
-Dad! SWK
-during Sun Wukong’s warlord days, he wanted an heir. So he made one by putting his power in a stone egg. And waits for it to hatch
- when the war with heaven draws near, SWK in trust DBK with the stone egg to hide it away from heaven.
-the stone egg doesn’t hatch until SWK meets the Tang Monk and starts the JTTW. SWK doesn’t know the fate of his heir until Red Son’s Samadhi Fire is sealed away into rings. This is after the JTTW. Princess Iron Fan bring baby/toddle (Sun) Qi Xiaotian(later goes by MK) to met SWK for the first time at the ritual/sealing
-SWK and the Demon Bull Family are still on good term in the AU. Red Son calls SWK “Uncle Sun”. They help raise MK and they lives with demon Bull family in secret. Heaven doesn’t know about MK. SWK still lives on FFM and regularly visit MK. All goes well until Heaven finds out
-DBK never gets trapped under a mountain in this
Demon Bull King is away on business. SWK is at FFM at the time. Only PIF is there.
-A servant in the household rats out MK in order to help a family get a lighter punishment/spared. Heaven doesn’t want to make the same mistake they did with SWK by ignoring them until MK becomes a problem. Some of heaven’s army raid the DBK household to get MK. Red Son is also captured for fighting back. PIF is left there to send a message to SWK. PIF goes to FFM to tell SWK what had happened. He tells her to go get the Bodhisattva/Goddess Guan Yin. SWK goes to heaven. In Heaven the kids are passed off to Prince Nezha(patron god of children, among other things). PIF brings the Bodhisattva. She and SWK resolves the situation and the kids are free to go home. The snitch servant fired cut off from any association with the DBF. The Demon Bull household is damaged from the raid so SWK offers them to stay at FFM until it’s fix. The palace in the waterfall cave has been rebuilt since the Havocs in Heaven.
-The Bodhisattva sent a message offering to take the kids as her disciples. To show Heaven the kid aren’t a threat and they cultivate themselves. After a few years/decades the DBF and SWK agree. MK and Red Son have a “going away/MK’s introduction” party. All the sworn brothers, the pilgrims, the Bodhisattva, Prince Nezha comes. Everyone gets introduced to MK and gets to catch up. They kids train under her until they are adults. When they are done, it’s the show’s modern era.
-adult Red Son and MK much more calm and secure in themselves compared to their canon show counterparts. They both have a great relationship with their parents(but are a little awkward due to being gone for so long)
-DBK, PIF, and SWK get therapy in the modern era
-Red Son’s uncle is on good terms with SWK
-the fate of the other pilgrims is unknown
-MK meets Mei first and slowly gets introduced to the rest of the gang. She can tell there is something different about MK but doesn’t push it.
-MK uses a human disguise to blend in and avoid unwanted fight with other demons because they are SWK’s kid. Had a magical amulet to help kept up the disguise(SWK gave it to them) MK still loves drawing. Hides his deeper knowledge of SWK as being a fan of the Monkey King. They find it ironically funny. Looks mostly like their canon self when disguises. MK gets an apartment and job(Pigsy’s Noodles) with the help of Mei. MK picks back up their Martial Arts training with SWK every week at FFM
- Red Son is fascinated by modern technology and becomes an inventor like his canon self. Still loves to cook. Watches Chang’e cooking show with his dad. Try’s out the recipes together after most episodes. Trains with his mom in Martial Arts. Watch C-dramas together. Pointing out the inaccuracies for fun.
-A different demon(s) take the role the DBF had in the show. All the other demon’s(already in the show) roles stay mostly unchanged.
-MK’s true identity stay hidden until the pilot episode. They are worried that the Monkey Kid crew would reject them for lying. Is a bit traumatized from the whole heaven situation. Only show their true form when behind closed door. After the pilot episode, them stay in their human form most of the time. It comes out when with friends and family and in fights.
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quitealotofsodapop · 7 months
Hi! It's me again :3, I don't know (and remember) if anyone has asked this before but I would like to know:
How did OG!MK feel when he found out that SW is his father in another dimension (I feel like Mei would say something like "See? I told you he was your dad" or something)
If it happens before S4, I feel like Mk would be a little jealous of his other self seeing that he doesn't have the problem of not knowing who his biological parents.
(The idea occurred to me when I remembered a tiktok that said MK used any type of editing app to get an idea of ​​what his parents would look like 🥲)
omg if you have that tiktok I'd love a link XD
Think i did do a post like that ages ago, but only with an earlier draft of TMKATI and canon. Now I have like three more verses to torment MK with >:)
When the Canon verse and the other verses collide, the quickest thing the MKs would notice is their appearances.
OG!MK: "Whoa!! These me's are monkey demons!" TMKATI!MK: "And you guys are... human???" SlowBoiled!MK: "Yeah, why wouldn't him- I mean me be?" CenturyEgg!MK: "I don't know about you guys - but my parents are monkey demons. Then again my gūtā [dad's gender neutral older sibling] is human, I think???" JTTWEgg!MK: "My parents are monkey demons! The coolest monkey demons ever I may brag." TMKATI!MK: "Oh no way! My parents are monkey demons too! i have a bunch of adopted siblings though. Does your dad work with Bóbo[dad's older brother] Pigsy too?" CenturyEgg!MK: "No cus Uncle Pigsy and Tang lives in the city. We all live on Flower Fruit Mountain - but we visit as often as possible! Uncle Sandy ferries us across all the time." :3 OG!MK: "Wow!! You two live on the mountain!? What's it like?" JTTWEgg!MK, shrugging: "It's cool." CenturyEgg!MK: "Sometimes feel pressured by my role as Heir to the Stone Throne - but I wouldn't trade it for the world. I really don't like having to visit the Celestial Realm though. The nobles are kinda mean about my dad cus he caused a bunch of havoc a long time ago." The Other MKs: "wut" OG!MK: "Uh... Please explain who your parents are?" CenturyEgg!MK, confused by their confusion: "Sun Wukong the Monkey King, and Liu'er Mihou the Sage of Wind??? I thought you guys were too???" JTTWEgg!MK: "Yeah, mine are too. I thought you guys knew??" SlowBoiled!MK: "No- well kind- it's complicated! Ok!?" TMKATI!MK: "Not me. My parents are normal monkey demons, dude." OG!MK: "Oh my gods the Monkey King *is* our dad in another universe! Mei is never gonna let me forget this!" CenturyEgg!MK: "Well techinically he's my mom too so..." The Other MKs: "lol wat?" JTTWEgg!MK: "lol same."
The different MKs collaborate to tell stories about themselves (and get a solid PSA on Stone Eggs) while their respective Meis are snapping photos with eachother.
The different monkeys watch on nervously. The different monkey kings are sitting politely as their Macaques hiss at eachother from across the room.
OG!SWK: "So uh... did you tell him yet?" Other Monkeys: "Tell him what?" SlowBoiled!SWK: "About him being made by Nuwa, or the fact that we were forced to abandon him?" The CenturyEgg and TMKATI monkeys: "What." TMKATI!SWK, laughing nervously: "What? Oh gods no. I thought you guys meant telling him who we are!" The Other Monkeys: "Wut" CenturyEgg!SWK: "Your MK doesn't know that you guys are... Us?" TMKATI!LEM: "Nah, we've sorta been off-the-grid ever since genius here [thumb-points at his SWK] got me pregnant with our MK." The Stone Egg au SWKs: "Hah!" "Uno reverse card, plums!" Stone Egg LEMs: *all three have varying looks of horror, indignance, and bashfulness* SlowBoiled!LEM: "I said I was sorry!" OG!LEM: "Wait... what do you mean by sorry?" SlowBoiled!LEM, looking uncomfortable: "Cus of our uh... fight under the Mountain, and me not returning to feed him, I sorta caused Wukong's body to create a Stone Egg... and then I sorta died before I found out so..." JTTWEgg!LEM: "Ooof. Glad I learned early then." CenturyEgg!SWK, to his SlowBoiled counterpart: "Oh bummer, you got left with Stone Egg all the way back then? I started up the process willingly after I had to seal away DBK. When was the little guy born?" SlowBoiled!SWK: "Little lady actually. Yuebei was born about six months ago. Our MK was crafted by Nuwa - then again I did raise him the first year until I became too weak to care for him..." *looks sad* TMKATI and CenturyEgg monkeys: "Oh no..." :( "Stone eggs are super dangerous to the people around them. I don't blame you." JTTWEgg!SWK: "Odd. I got an Egg from the mountain too - but mine was born shortly after I completed the Journey. And mine was our MK. Did losing Mihou make the process longer??" OG Monkeys: "What?" "How many of you have MK as your kid!?" (*Cue them having to make a Venn Diagram of Whos' MK is What to Whom*) OG!SWK: "Ok so! Mine and the guy with the super-adorbs baby got our MKs dumped on us." SlowBoiled Monkeys: *proudly showing photos of their Yuebei* OG!LEM: "The me in sweatpants had him cus of a comet /slash/ stone egg soul mishap." TMKATI!LEM: "Oh, my Wukong was still responsible there. He sealed the Harbringer's soul inside me after using a sealing spell. TMKATI!SWK: "I panicked, ok!" OG!SWK, pointing at the remaining universes: "Annnd you two literally birthed him yourselves." CenturyEgg and JttwEgg SWKs: "Yup." "Stone shell and all." OG!SWK: "...is there anything else I'm missing?" The other universes: (*scratching their chins in thought*) SlowBoiled!LEM, slyly: "So are you guys back together yet, or what?" OG Monkeys: "What!?" "As if!"
Laughter just erupts around the room as the canon shadowpeach pairing realises that they're the odd ones out as *not* being together.
Complete and utter chaos reigns when the parent and MK groups reunite, and they recognise some sort of connection...
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quitealotofsodapop · 4 months
actually now that you mention guanyin was in the delivery room and she's Wukong's mom's reincarnation, (in slow boiled and jttw stone egged I think...)
I'm curious of her reaction to mac's disa- and reappearance
Even without the reincarnation connection, I'm curious as to how she feels about her lil brother figure/son figure's mate who has yes, suffered at the hands of her little one's arrogance but has also abandoned him in his time of need without contact for the entire duration of his imprisonment
(even under the influence of the brotherhood, he was ironically saying wukong always fled and never stayed for anyone before left without ever coming back despite that being a perfect opportunity to understand or at least get answers, ie he couldn't run away, he could've snuck out if they were close enough to be considered married and he really valued their relationship)
just think it might be a wee bit awkward in the delivery room and aftermath
and on that note, that reaction would probably be exastrabated in the au when mac leaves twice and risked missing the birth of his child
also wondering what would it be like if mac did actually miss his kid's birth, be spending a few centuries on the couch probably
(also really gross but how do the cubs get...out? Like do they shart out a stone egg or a live child...or is there like a magic beam of light and magic shenanigans happen or is it like normal human birth with Wukong, cause I saw ur ao3 and u headcannon trans swk and u mentioned Xi wang mu helping somehow and she's a godess of childbirth, but how does Mac do it then, gosh just thinking about it is terrifying, you don't have to answer if you don't want to)
Basically any au where Guanyin is present for Shadowpeach nonsense, she's glaring at both of them for their poor communication. But she especially glares threateningly at Mac for abandoning Wukong after their break-up under the mountain + his sudden disappearance in Post Jttw Stone Egged au.
Only reason Guanyin isn't punching Macaque with her thousand fists the next time she sees him is because she's got a job to do (tend to her brother/son-figure + his baby) and because Macaque dying (again) would make Wukong sad.
In an older post I mentioned; Stone Monkey babies exit their parent as Eggs. Its a mineral bonus layer of protection. There's mostly regular primate foetal-development going on; its just that there is a shell around the amnionac sac. Once its Go Time; the Cub pops out still in-shell with the cord detaching (imprint of cord leaves a spiral shape on the shell like how MK busted out of DBK's generator) at some point. Unless the shell cracks at some point during labor then it looks like super messy regular primate birth with bits of shell mixed in (gross). Often the baby monkey is "lazy" and hangs out on the outside in their shell for a day or two - nothing wrong, still enough nutrients/dao inside for a bit.
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As for where it comes out; demons/celestials don't conform to regular sexual dimorphism - their sexes are roughly divided in tge Eight Trigrams. Wukong is Kūn/All Yin so his default is afab. Mac has a harder time since he's Xùn (2 parts male, 1 part female) so he needs some magic assist to deliver.
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
So there's three different egg aus
Regular egg- regular stone egg stuff
Slow boiled stone egg- pregnant for centuries until s3
Kindred egg?- that little bit about the gang finding Wukong themselves and meet egg eventually
"#stone egg talk" - is for any general talk or au regarding the theory of Stone Eggs being a way for Stone Monkeys to reproduce asexually, though it has the potiential to kill the parent.
"#jttw stone egged au" - au for Wukong having grown a Stone Egg due to being under the mountain. In this Au Macaque learns about the egg early on and joins the gang. Stone Egg gets born at Thunderclap Monastery - baby is undecided. Possible alternate MK or Luzhen?
"#slow boiled stone egg au" - starts out the same as "#jttw stone egged au" with the major divergence in that Macaque is killed/dies before finding out that the Stone Egg exists, putting Wukong in a mental health state that causes the Stone Egg to refuse to be born until he gets his crap together. Rolls over into the LMK canon. Stone Egg born shortly after S3 special - becomes a version of Yuebei Xing.
"SWK is MK's stone egg dad au" renamed to "#century stone egg au" - SWK manages to dodge getting stone egg-pregged back in the Journey days, but after losing Macaque and a bunch of other stuff decides to deliberately trigger the process 500 years before the events of LMK canon. He's found by the reincarnation gang (+Mei's parents) a *bit* too early (20 something years), meaning that he's got to do the last leg of the process "awake/aboveground" after having isolated and literally buried himself for five centuries. Stone Egg in this case becomes MK.
And ofc in the "#The Monkey King and the Infant" au - it crops up as the method in which either the Lunar Node Twins (Jidu and Luohou) or Luzhen is created; via Wukong being trapped in a modified Trigram Furnace that started the process.
+Bonus: In aus where Mac dies/is dragged to Diyu like in canon, his body accidentally creates two Stone Eggs containing the Eclipse Twins (Rumble and Savage). He doesn't notice until somebody points it out to him.
I hope thats easy enough to follow!
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
[The ones who manage to unearth their version of Luzhen clutch the newborn Stone Monkey tight, sobbing at the joy of finding another of their kind.]
That’s those that do have them. Their universes aren’t identical, so there is likely some that don’t have a Luzhen because their moms mate did perish in the flood: like, say, TMKATI-verse.
Mostly because I was looking through the old posts and one way for Luzhen to be born was somebody locking Peach into the furnace, but not turning it on and that counting to start the process. Obvs different rules now, but variety, you know?
That and the rest of the SWKs can quickly learn why Stone Eggs are a last resort kind of deal, with Peach nearly croaking during birth. Like, ‘Damn, there is a way for us to die, even with all these immortalities’, you know?
Also: [Cherry, holding his little bro up like Simba: PEEEEEBBBBBLLLEEEE!!!!!!!]
If none of the modern kids do the Circle of Life, I will be disappointed.
Recall that back then also were going by the thought of Nuwa having a hand in SWKs creation? Well, thought here: she’s responsible for Reborn-Luzhens creation. Don’t know, just had the idea of a small undefined soul causing some havoc near Nuwa – because it wants a family, it was promised a family, why won’t it be getting its family anymore – reminding her of the Havoc and she ends up making a little clay monkey for the soul to inhabit.
Kinda like TMKATI, just less pregnancy and more clay.
Then she drops the little troublemaker off at Smokey’s, “He really wanted to be born” she shrugs and peace’s out.
Smokey, who was doing his best to suppress his grief at the apparent fact that his dad had died in his world, just now has waterfall levels of water coming out of his eyes. His little brother harassed a god to ensure his own birth! Truly, they are related.
[The knowledge that he might be considered divine royalty under Celestial Law would be a bit much for him right now.]
Honest question: what do the rest of the SWKs think about that? Like, that has to knock the wind out them, for sure.
referencing the Wukongverse learning about Stone Matriarch au + our older post about Nuwa and Houtu making Luzhen on accident + Furnace - Fire = Stone Egg.
I should really do an updated TMKATI timeline post once my exams are over. Currently I'm thinking of altering it so that the twin boys of the Nodelets - Jidu and Luohou - are the ones created from one of the parents getting trapped in the Furance without the fire, likely from LBD stealing the Furance/capturing one of them. I'm thinking Luzhen (like possibly Canon!MK) would be created by Nuwa since TMKATI!MK got found by the Shadowpeach parents as a "broken" egg and they accidentally became his parents.
The Stone Matriarch au likely doesn't apply to many of the other universes since it is in of itself an Au. If any of the SWKs find an egg at the bottom of FFM/Mount Huaguo, it's like a million to one chance.
The one that does is super hyped/sad though. Not sure which.
I love the idea of Reborn!/Smokey's Luzhen getting created because Nuwa encountered a little chaotic soul wanting to be born + realising that she shoudl probably give him to someone with a similar origins.
And let's just say; what if... Reborn!Luzhen's soul was created as a reincarnation?
The Reincarnation of a *certain* Primordial Demon who has just died? And may need to be raised in tandem with it's Qi Energy counterpart in order to grow into a (mostly) balanced monkey?
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As for the method in which: (Stone Monkey + Furnace) - Samadhi Fire (or they waiting too long) = Egg?
Most likely candidate would be Netflix!SWK/Cherry.
Because he's the exception of Monkey Kings who haven't been "furanced" yet.
I'm just imagining the next Wukongverse he pulls up looking SUPER rough.
Starfruit: "Wow, you look like Hell." Cherry, covered in burn scars: "Don't remind me. Ran into some jerks who stole a bunch of alchemy supplies from the immortals." Sugar: "Calabash?" Cherry: "No thanks I'm not hungry. Well anyway this guy working for Heaven thinks I'm too dangerous to be walking around, and he tosses me into this big pot. I run out of air and somebody turns the heat on! For like a month!" All the SWKs who Know: *winces of sympathy* Ace, jokingly nostalgic: "Ah the Trigram Furnace. Usually happens before the Buddha's hand though." Cherry: "Yeah don't remind me. Luckily my new friends got me out and woke me up." Dawn, suddenly pauses: "Wait. Woke you up?" Cherry: "Yeah I sorta passed out just before the worst of the fire started." Dawn, gettign concerned: "And were you asleep for that whole time?" Cherry, getting nervous: "Yeah??" Dawn: (*shares a look with the other monkeys. A bunch nod their heads with nervous expressions*) Cherry: "Why, what's the problem? Did you guys not fall asleep?!" Smokey: "How could we? The flames of Samadhi nearly turned me to ash. Only way me or any of us survived it is because the Wind corner has a higher pressure." Cherry: "There was corners in there?" Dasheng: "You didn't train in alchemy under Subuhti as we did. The Trigram Furnace is made up of eight corners according to the major celestial elements, with each corner having the properties of that element. The Wind element feeds but also suffocates fire, so even True Fire weakens there." Cherry: "Oh. I think I survived cus I just went into a dissociative state and became a statue." Dawn, now convinced: "YOU PETRIFIED!?" Cherry, getting scared: "NOW I AM!?"
Cue the monkeys who know about how Stone Eggs are formed dragging Cherry to see Guanyin. The bodhisattva explains that; yes, Cherry is carrying a mini-him all wrapped in a stone casing, all because the lack of air in the Furnace caused his body to believe that it was time to bud off into a new monkey. Cherry faints. Joyfully.
Cherry, rambling excitedly: "A mini-king! No! A Prince! NO! A PEBBLE! And he'll be *just* like me!" Dawn, stressing: "Aren't you worried that it could kill you!?" Cherry, brushing him off: "Pff! I'm immortal. Can't die. If I was really worried - I'd just grab a few more pills or peaches." Dawn: (*grabs Cherry by the collar of his armor and pulls him closer. eyes glowing red*) Dawn: "I have over twenty times the amount of immortality you have, and I almost f*cking died. The only reason I'm here today is because Guanyin, the goddess of safe birth, was at my side. And because my Macaque would have dragged me back from Diyu if I had. So. Be. Worried." Cherry, nods fearfully: "Y-yes sir."
But the young Monkey King is still super jazzed about his upcoming mini-him. Even if he's now looking up other ways him can become immortal so that he can meet his little pebble and give him the hugs he himself was denied as a baby.
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Lastly this part might need to be it's own post due to the amount of thoughts I has.
[The knowledge that he might be considered divine royalty under Celestial Law would be a bit much for him right now.] Honest question: what do the rest of the SWKs think about that? Like, that has to knock the wind out them, for sure.
Send in more of your thoughts :3
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
[You did send a less detailed version of this ask a few days ago, I just hadn't gone through my inbox enough XD] + [I love the detailed responses though! It's nice to see so much interest in my silly aus!]
okay! I thought I sent one but I couldn't quite remember if I did XD Sometimes I feel like I ramble too much so I'm glad you like these! if it's not to much trouble do you mind answer the og post, you don't have to actually make any comments on it contents but I'm keeping notes on Slow boiled au for the fanfic I'm writing and their might be some details in there I forgot about, thank you.
[Peaches. Some days his brain/body just decides "Eww no. bleh. Spit it out right now" and the nausea hits him hard. Wukong is dismayed whenever it happens.]
at some point in s3 MK walks in on Monkey King crying over a peach with a single bite taken out of it, Wukong having gotten emotional when he his body couldn't handle the peach + stress (I headcanon that part of his obsession with peaches are because peaches are a comfort food for him, so not being able to eat one when stressed hit him pretty hard).
[Think of it like the formation of a geode - it can do it either over a natural couple of centuries, or in a few months with intervention.]
the geode comparison is really cool! especially considering it's a stone egg.
[it's possible MK *remembers* being held by someone soft with a round belly + gold eyes. He assumes throughout his life that this person was his birth mother before he was given up/orphaned.]
imagine monkey king asking MK about his family, wantingto know how his brother's reincarnations are doing, and MK talks about them then mentions he was actually adopted and MK offhandedly mentioning the one memory he has of his "birth mother" to Monkey king and monkey king just being like "oh. oh no."
[So that Stone Egg been slow boiling from anywhere between 1394 to 1116 years. 0_o] + [Either way SWK has beaten Lao Tzu/Zi's mom (pregnant for 62-80 years), and def brags about that fact to whatever immortal will hear.]
honestly, after that long, he's earned bragging rights.
[DBK overhears LBD making threatening references to Wukong's conditon and immediately interrupts her villainy bs to yell at his sworn brother.]
LBD just giving up and leaving as the two bicker is hilarious. it also has the affect of eleveating some of Wukong's stress about LBD returning, and making him feel better about the rift between him and his brother once DBK accepts his proposal to be the egg's godparent. evn if offering such a title to someone other then Ao Lie leaves a bittersweet taste in his mouth. he knows Ao Lie would't mind him giving the title to someone he trusted, but he'd always been so sure that someone would be Ao Lie.
[After the initial shock wears off, PIF immediately summons a catalog to look for baby shower supplies. This is a monumentous occassion!]
all negitive feelings are forgotten when the excitement of a new baby within the sworn family is brought into everything + learning that Wukong very possibly could have lost his own child by helping with the Samadhi fire ritual, something he did becuase he was one of the few who could help them from losing their own child. from mother to mother(?), she understands how hard of a call that must have been to make.
[She ofc assumes it's Macaque's fault (she's not wrong XD) and that this might be her future sworn niece/nephew! She simply must organise everything for her idiot sworn brother and his mate!]
when Yuebei is born and has dark fur and glowing ears she feels it is confirmed that her assumption Macaque was the other parent was correct, no one corrects her about the bio parent situation.
[Red blinks in confusion before confronting the Monkie Kid gang about it later. Mei demands PIF's contact details right that second so that they can swap party ideas.]
red son is just going "WTH WTH WTH" the whole time as they explain, Mei would absolutely insert herself into baby shower planing the moment the idea is brought up.
[Macaque spends most of S3 trying to bat away any thoughts/predictive sounds of a happy domestic life him and Wukong cna have together.]
its dangerous to be thinking of such things with the lady bone demon breathing down his neck, but he can't help it. it gets overwhelming sometimes, the sounds of domestic moments from the past mixing with possible futures leave him questioning what it is exactly he wants anymore. but those are thoughts to process when LBD is defeated and the world isn't on the cusp of being destroyed. now of Wukong didn't put himself and the egg in one of the most compramising positions ever by being possessed in the meantime, that would be great. he makes up his mind the moment a just freed monkey king collapses into his arms crying like this is the only hug he's ever had in his life.
[Yuebei's first immortal kill is in fact LBD, preformed before she was even born. Once the switch "flipped" on the possesed SWK, the Egg recognised LBD as both a threat to her parent and a tasty source of Dao, hence; nom-nom-nom.] + [All thats left behind of the ancient bone demon is a picked-clean skull.]
not even out of the womb and already earning her "god killer" title. Wukong always guessed any kid that was solely his would be a menace, but now he's starting to get a little concerned.
I was doing some doodles for this au and I had the idea of Yuebei getting a staff of her own from her parents and I wanted it to have something to do with LBD's skull, but I couldn't make the design work. so I actually had the idea of her having her staff and wearing the front of LBD's skull like a mask. she legit wearing the skeletal face of her first kill, creepy, stylish, and effective at scaring off her enemies.
[Ah, a fellow party crasher, just like her baba.]
Wukong appreciates the hustle, but could she be a menace to everyone except him and is poor body please? he just got put through hell and now he's gotta get this egg outta him and that's probably gonna be less fun then getting possessed.
[Wukong and Macaque can barely enjoy the bowl of noodles they've stolen (in good humor) from MK when Wukong's face just drops from a shift in his body.]
Macaque feels Wukong's body suddenly go rigid and is confused, then he sees the look on Wukong's face and just knows. as soon as Wukong starts ordering Ne Zha to go get Guanyin he's instantly fussing and getting things ready for the undoubtedly long few hours ahead. surprisingly, the two monkeys are basically the only ones not panicking at this point, them and Guanyin once they're on the scene.
[Tang: "Oh gracious Buddha! The bodhisattva Guanyi herse-- oh gosh this is a lot grosser than I was expecting..." *gets woozy and hides face in Pigsy's chest*]
no matter the incarnation, every reincarnation of the golden cicada is squeamish.
[Imagine how much crying would be involved if little Yuebei just so happened to be born six-eared as well?] + [Hard to refute their claims when the little Monkey Princess has such lovely midnight-dark fur and glowing ears.]
I like to think that she wouldn't have his six sensitive ears because she didn't actually have the genetics for it, but her appearance could still be pushed so her ears do still glow a little.
even if their aren't six ears, the instant Macaque sees her ears glowing he would not be able to stop himself from squealing with joy and practically side tackling Wukong as he is incoherently babbling about how much he loves her.
[He def recorded a tape + wrote letters to Yuebei before she was born ala "For Steven" in Steven Universe... just in case his immortality didn't work in the end.]
he def let Guanyin know before hand so that if things did go wrong they'd know the tapes/letters were there to give to his infant.
[Little Yuebei spent so much time in the "final run" hearing show tunes, action movies, and the voices of Wukong's new found family/troop that she thinks theses are all "good noises"!]
this is super cute!
but to make a good thing angsty, what if she also has "bad noises" that she associates with certain things. what if when they first met Azure she was super aggressive towards him at first because she "remembers" hearing him being really mean and/or straight up hurting Wukong at some point in the journey. and what if she also isn't that trusting of macaque at first because she also only ever "heard" him when he was in the process of trying to hurt her baba and his friends, both in his first life and now in his second. this def upsets Macaque but also he did do that so he's the one who's gotta make up for it, luckily yuebei seems to warm up to him quickly when she sees him and Wukong being cuddly and reconciling.
[Yuebei decided that "Kitty" wasn't playing with her, wasn't holding her right, and wasn't even singing to her! And she wanted to make her frustrations known.]
c'mon Azure, if you're gonna hold a super strong baby that already doesn't like you the least you can do is try and keep her happy and preoccupied. he's got no one but himself to blame
sequel to this post!
Im uber excited to read more your fic btw!
[I headcanon that part of his obsession with peaches are because peaches are a comfort food for him, so not being able to eat one when stressed hit him pretty hard]
Wukong associates peaches with 1: Food security, 2: His Immortality, and most importantly, 3: His friendship/romance with Macaque. So his body deciding to reject peaches is a huge stresser for him, which leads to more stress and more nausea and less peaches, in an endless cycle. Peach chips at least dont seem to trigger the worst of his food adversion though, the crunchy chip texture seems to cancel it out.
[...MK talks about them then mentions he was actually adopted and MK offhandedly mentioning the one memory he has of his "birth mother" to Monkey king and monkey king just being like "oh. oh no."]
Oh MK sweetie no... :(
And the Monkey King is just silent cus he knows who MK is talking about [him], and even if SWK didn't create MK in the au, he was still the one to decide to send him to live among mortals for his own good. So the idea that MK potientially remembers Wukong from this time is a huge shock to him.
Wukong: "...your mother, what did they look like?"
MK, clueless: "Umm... their hair was a warm orange-y color. Like the sun. And I think their eyes was this really shiny yellow, or maybe amber colour? Oh! And they had this round stomach - I remember hugging it..." *gets kinda wistful* "I don't know why I'm not with them anymore, but hope they're doing ok if they're still out there."
Wukong, hand ghosting over his stomach: "You and me both bud."
[DBK accepts his proposal to be the egg's godparent. evn if offering such a title to someone other then Ao Lie leaves a bittersweet taste in his mouth. he knows Ao Lie would't mind him giving the title to someone he trusted, but he'd always been so sure that someone would be Ao Lie.]
Wukong def was hit hard by Ao Lie's passing. It pains him to give the godparent title to anyone else, but he knows when push comes to shove; his older sworn brother will be there to protect his infant. Ao Lie would just be glad that Wukong meant his offer all those centuries ago.
[all negitive feelings are forgotten when the excitement of a new baby within the sworn family is brought into everything + learning that Wukong very possibly could have lost his own child by helping with the Samadhi fire ritual, something he did becuase he was one of the few who could help them from losing their own child. from mother to mother(?), she understands how hard of a call that must have been to make.]
PIF has to give Wukong mega-respect; putting himself and his baby on the line for the health of her own. Even if she considers it so stupid to agree to such a dangerous ritual when Wukong knew he was carrying, PIF just looks over at Red Son, alive and healthy, and just hugs Wukong the next time she sees him. Although she hasn't been the most welcoming sworn sister-in-law, she vows to make it up to him for saving her child from the Samadhi Fire.
A decent proper baby shower is first on her list of repayments.
[when Yuebei is born and has dark fur and glowing ears she feels it is confirmed that her assumption Macaque was the other parent was correct, no one corrects her about the bio parent situation.]
PIF just side-eyeing Macaque whenever she sees him, convinced from the talk of the two's bad breakup + Macaque not initially knowing about the pregnancy; that her lil sworn bro is the baby-daddy. And when Yuebei is born having "imprinted" on Wukong's yearning/love for Macaque...
PIF: *seeing the baby's dark fur and glowing ears* PIF (whispering so not to wake the baby): "I fcking knew it." Macaque: *is too tired/proud to argue with her* "Yeaaah..." :')
[red son is just going "WTH WTH WTH" the whole time as they explain, Mei would absolutely insert herself into baby shower planing the moment the idea is brought up.]
Red has no idea what to do in response to all this baby talk, so he just; tries to apologise to SWK for setting him on fire a bunch as a toddler??
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Wukong appriciates the effort.
Mei, PIF and Jiuweihuli get talking and soon Wukong is looking at a baby shower akin to a red carpet event.
[...but those are thoughts to process when LBD is defeated and the world isn't on the cusp of being destroyed. now of Wukong didn't put himself and the egg in one of the most compramising positions ever by being possessed in the meantime, that would be great. he makes up his mind the moment a just freed monkey king collapses into his arms crying like this is the only hug he's ever had in his life.]
Macaque spends episodes asking himself he truly wants to rebuild his and Wukong's relationship, and when the king holds him tight like he's about to disappear - Macaque decides to stay for good.
[not even out of the womb and already earning her "god killer" title.]
Imagine you're a random Celestial or demon and you hear the dreaded "God Killer" is gonna be at an event, and it's a tiny baby monkey in a papoose strapped to the Monkey King, or his many terrifying sworn family members.
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You'd honestly be more afraid of that baby.
[I was doing some doodles for this au and I had the idea of Yuebei getting a staff of her own from her parents and I wanted it to have something to do with LBD's skull, but I couldn't make the design work. so I actually had the idea of her having her staff and wearing the front of LBD's skull like a mask. she legit wearing the skeletal face of her first kill, creepy, stylish, and effective at scaring off her enemies.]
Oh that sounds so cool!!! Her divine skull weapon being a mask made from the skull of her first kill that she uses to channel her deadly power - like turning the Medusa's head into a shield. Her staff being a gift from her parents that has no inate magic ability beyond the fact that she puts her trust in it as her first "real" weapon.
I can imagine she uses a glamour/quick magic to put the skull/mask on (like Dr Facillier in "Friends on the Other Side") as a way of saying "You're f*cked" to her opponents.
I'm excited to see how your drawings go!
[-the two monkeys are basically the only ones not panicking at this point, them and Guanyin once they're on the scene.]
Wukong and Macaque are def panicking, though its more an excited kind of panicking. Nezha and MK are def screaming. Guanyin is the only one with a cool head the entire time.
Pigsy is good at pretending he isn't worried, but he ends up tearing apart the campsight's kitchen in a hurry to make enough food for everyone. Especially when DBK and PIF realise what's happening, and are posted incase Wukong's baby causes as much trouble for him as Red did to them.
[I like to think that she wouldn't have his six sensitive ears because she didn't actually have the genetics for it, but her appearance could still be pushed so her ears do still glow a little.
even if their aren't six ears, the instant Macaque sees her ears glowing he would not be able to stop himself from squealing with joy and practically side tackling Wukong as he is incoherently babbling about how much he loves her.]
Oh gosh, Mac and Wukong just see Yuebei for the first time. She's still kinda gross, having *just* busted out of her thin ambiotic shell. Her fur dark... And her little ears glowing?! Both monkey parents are sobbing, especially when they learn that Yuebei was unconciously trying her best to look like Macaque's baby with the limited genetics available. Wukong has multiple centuries of love to dish out, and Macaque is catching up fast.
[he def let Guanyin know before hand so that if things did go wrong they'd know the tapes/letters were there to give to his infant.]
Guanyin has a secret stash in the Southern Ocean of all the letters and tapes (and even some drawings of what she might have looked like) Wukong ever made for Yuebei, in case he wasn't able to give them to her in person. Yuebei ends up finding them when she's a moody teenager, mad at her baba for something stupid.
Pre-series; In absense of any other godparent... I bet Wukong would have trusted Yuebei with Guanyin if possible. The goddess would have gladly taken the infant had Wukong not survived the birth, though it would pain her for many centuries to come.
[but to make a good thing angsty, what if she also has "bad noises" that she associates with certain things...] + [...and what if she also isn't that trusting of macaque at first because she also only ever "heard" him when he was in the process of trying to hurt her baba and his friends] + [...luckily yuebei seems to warm up to him quickly when she sees him and Wukong being cuddly and reconciling.]
ooohhhh :(
Wukong walks in after letting Mac take care of Yuebei while he was out, only to come back to see both of them crying. Yuebei is doing this sort of furious wailing while Mac just looks defeated.
Macaque: "She hates me!!" Wukong, picks up Yuebei: "No she doesn't plum. She cries at eveything." Yuebei: *calms down at sound of Wukong's voice* Macaque: "No! She started crying when I tried talking to her! And when I tried soothing her it just got worse and worse and-!!" (*Wukong places a soft hand on Mac's cheek, quieting him*) Wukong: "She'll warm up to you. Just be patient." Macaque: *leans into Wukong's hand, still crying." Yuebei: *looks confused before slapping a fat little hand on Mac's face in mimicry of her baba. chirping with delight* Macaque: :')
Once the relationship between Wukong and Mac improves, so does the baby's reaction to Mac's voice (symbolism). She finally starts to associate the "bad" voice with her bama, and soon it's not a "bad voice" anymore. Though there probably is a weird bridge-point where Mac has to put on silly accents/voices when he baby-talks to Yuebei or else she'll get mad at him.
[c'mon Azure, if you're gonna hold a super strong baby that already doesn't like you the least you can do is try and keep her happy and preoccupied. he's got no one but himself to blame]
I can just imagine Azure is too preoccupied with his plans for the Celestial Realm (and plans for Wukong), and fails to notice Yuebei getting more and more fussy as he holds her (poorly). Her face contorts like she's constipated and slowly gets redder and redder with anger.
Yellowtusk immediately notices and warns Azure to let the cub down so she can at least crawl and inspect her new surroundings. Peng laughs at the thought of letting "the hatchling" decide the terms of her imprisonment.
Then Peng feels a tiny, but powerful, hand grab their wing feathers...
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Yellowtusk leaves before the carnage reaches him.
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
Stone Egg theories + Luzhen
All are asks are connected to this post made about: what if Stone Monkeys could naturally reproduce asexually via converting their body into a new Stone Egg?
All images have transcripts btw.
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1: Possibly. Wukong has a *lot* of immortalities. But accidentally creating a Stone Egg asexually takes a lot out of him physically and spirtually. His soul gets a permanent hit to it. The whole point of the Stone Egg is for either a monkey with a large familial group to produce an heir without a mate, or the last of a troop to fling a piece of hope into the future. Most don't survive, but some do. It helps to have a lot of magically talented friends/family around to stabilize your body once the egg-creating process has begun so you can heal. Though I bet most single monkeys prefered adoption if at all necessary - accidentally giving the Stone Monkey kind a hyper-active parental instinct towards non-related infants of similar species.
He probably gets cravings for a lot of rocks, metal and bones in the process.
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2 & 3: (@soniclozdplove) Guanyin realised that she gotta put her stone monkey on birth control if they were gonna keep him underground. Her brain jumped to "He's made of rock right? rock spirits eat metal... right?? Crap, it's the only thing down here." and cue molten copper and iron pellets for dinner. The question is; was it even that painful for Wukong? Man takes out his organs a bunch of times and bathes in hot oil in Jttw without complaint. Odds are in the moment it felt like the worlds worse heartburn/spicy food burn since he really is made of earth materials. XD
He probably felt super grateful once he realized why Guanyin was feeding him molten metal. He didn't want kids in that circumstance either!
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4: A furiously confused pregnant Wukong! He immediately starts yelling at Gold Star for answers, and has to be talked down from trottling the Buddha himself for this. Tripitaka is panicking, he's never been around a pregnant person before!
Wukong doesn't even need the circlet in this verse. Guanyin just gives him false labor contractions and he's behaving immediately. He probably has to lug the egg in his body around for some extra time, maybe even until the Journey is over depending on how funny the Buddha or Bixia Yuanjun (goddess of childbirth) is feeling.
Macaque sees Wukong pregnant this way and is confused, dismayed, and yelling "Who's the father!?" at every Pilgrim. It takes him a while to understand that the Stone Egg happened cus of SWK being essentially slow-cooked underground for 500 years. Even if Macaque plays nice with the Pilgrims afterwards, he's still glaring at anyone who comes near Wukong and "their" egg.
Wukong endears himself to many people simply because he's with child. Probably gets an extra godly nickname (something like "Meihou-Wangmu" a pun on his Handsome Monkey King title + Queen/King Mother) refering to him as a fertility figure - women seeking luck with having/not having children approach Wukong asking for his blessing, and odds are it works because of who his creator is. XD
But he also attracts unique threats that the pilgrims have to personally destroy to protect him - Krasues and Manananggals anyone?
The second the Journey is over, Wukong kneels over and with an literal earth-shattering scream out *pops!* a little Stone Egg. All happy and cracking open minutes later. His and Macaque's first born isn't told the details of their creation for a long time.
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5 & 6: Gold Star gives Shadowpeach the Stone Monkey version of The Talk and warns them never to get buried alive unless they're 100% sure about it. Macaque and Wukong are terrifed into not having kids until Guanyin let sit slip that the "regular way" should work too.
In "The Monkey King and the Infant" au; Gold Star was a little more than shocked to hear about MK/Xiaotian's creation XD
Macaque is sadly unlikely to ever carry a "clone egg" to term or survive the full process. His body is a lot smaller/weaker than Wukong's and he was deprived of a lot of nutrients as a newborn (stuck on the moon = very few vitamins). So if he ever got triggered into parthenogenesis, his body would likely just refuse to create an egg. No gas in the tank.
Baby Luzhen is born from SWK, and he immediately takes out the roof/part of the Jade Palace with eye lazers. Giggling, he fails to notice the looks of horror on his family's faces.
Pigsy shoudl be just used to this nonsense by now. In the TMKATI Au; MK was a rogue comet Harbringer baby, the twins were freebies from Diyu, Yuebei was the reincarnation of one of their greatest enemies, the twin boys are likely reincarnated lunar node deities, and ofc now Luzhen decides to spawn in like a chicken egg.
I love the idea of Tang hearing all these gory details like;
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Tang: "This is like finding a living dinosaur egg or a thylacine! Imagine if any of your children married a regular monkey demon- it could completely bring back your species!"
Wukong + all Three Realms shudder at the thought - Wukong mostly because he aint never doing that again. Gold Star of Venus and Lao Tzu hum, intrigued at the thought.
Tang starts crying when he realises that single-parent Stone Monkeys would likely be born orphans. It's so sad! :'(
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6: Nah, Luzhen pops out all newborn baby. You see, being born fully-developed from a Stone Egg is a huge rarity; only occurring when the whole troop has died out and the egg is left on its own for thousands of years. If a Stone Monkey parent is "awoken" early enough (like within say 500-600 years) in the Egg's development and tended to quickly, their bodies stabilize into a long, but far less dangerous form of pregnancy. Its a safeguard for in case the pregnant survivor of an extinct group is found by a new troop, the parent survives and can live to possibly reproduce with the new unrelated group (higher chance of viable mates).
The only sacrifice being that the babies in these "soft-boiled" Stone Eggs are a lot weaker, premature even. The eggs themselves having a much higher chance of being empty or just absorbing straight back into the parent. Many who survived the process just sighed, it was the law of nature - why risk a possible baby for the parent when survival is preferred?
Luzhen is able to be born simply because Wukong has such a solid support system and healthcare available to him.
Ty for all these asks! I guess I should make a special "Stone Egg talk" tag for these ideas!
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year
One of the other SWKs: So how many kids you got?
Shadowpeach: Biologically, legally or emotionally?
(I counted, Shadowpeach have like 11 kids. They must be getting a LOT from the government in benefits.)
They have a lot of parental energy to give XD
Like during a Wukongverse meeting, one of the LMK Shadowpeach kids wanders in to ask for something (permission for snacks or to go out and play most likely), and the other verses monkeys are trying to figure out who they are.
Netflix!SWK: "Which kid was that now?" LMK!SWK: "Huh? Oh! That was Rumble, him and Savage look a lot alike 'cus they're twins." Netflix!SWK: "Wait... twins!? I thought it was the one kid coming in and out a lot." Reborn!SWK: "Wait... how many children do you two even have?" LMK Shadowpeach: "..." *starts counting with fingers* The Other Monkeys thinking: "They need to count?!? LMK!Mac, after some thought: "Ok there's the two Lotus boys (Nezha & Chenxiang), MK, Mei, the twins (Rumble & Savage), the triplets (Yuebei, Jidu & Luohou). And of course little Luzhen here, who just got dropped off on us." *holds up Au! Sun Luzhen* LMK!SWK: "Soooo.... like eleven?" *shrugs with a goofy smile* Other Monkeys: "..." HeroIsBack!SWK: "I think you guys have a problem." [Has Liuer, his Stone Egg, + adopted fox-demon daughter] LMK!SWK: "Hypocrite..."
These two particular Wukong and Macaque just have parent energy in droves.
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
You was minding the island/monkeys in "SWK is MK's stone egg dad au"?
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Ask 1: Wukong would only trust someone he knew would be able to protect the island if he wasn't available. Originally his idea was for that to be Macaque but well... that didn't turn out so good.
Guanyin would try to kill him herself if she knew Wukong was trying to create a Stone Egg on purpose.
Princess Iron Fan is similarly discounted, cus for all her joy surrounding having a child, she knows it's stupid to try and make one when the eventual result is death of the parent. She'd tattle on SWK to Guanyin.
Erlang would remember to unbury Wukong, but him and the Plum Hill boys dont gots a good reputation with the island's monkeys or monkey demons in general. Also the dog might try and dig up Wukong before he can even start the Egg-making process.
That leaves the people he 1: Is good friends with and/or 2: Owes him a favor.
DBK and Nezha ultimately are the two entrusted with the knowledge of what Wukong's doing.
DBK worries because of the risks involved, but understands why Wukong is so adamant on becoming a parent. DBK was willing to bow to the bodhisattva if it meant his little firefly could be born safely.
Nezha is told a little different version of the story since Wukong still sees him as a kid who will panic. Wukong just tells him that he's "Trying out a new mediatation technique", and to check in on him in a few centuries. Nezha is suspicious, but assumes Wukong is planning to isolate himself for the sake of the Rings of Samadhi. Can't tell anyone where his Ring is if he's entombed after all. Nezha makes sure to check in on the island every other year or so just out of duty, but also because he's a little attached to the island's monkeys.
The Pilgrims aren't told of what SWK's gonna do in case they try to stop him. But Wukong grants them and their reincarnations/decendants special access to the island in case his original plan fails. He knows if something on the outside went *really wrong*, they'd be able to eventually find him.
Which leads to...
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I was thinking perhaps DBK was a good candiate to protect the island + wake Wukong.
Until something happened in their lives (a shared tragedy), that caused DBK to go nuts trying to stop Wukong from doing something that could have taken his little sworn brother away from him forever.
The death of a fellow sworn brother/Wukong's own best friend and mate; Macaque.
Wukong and DBK had agreed to only reveal the news to Macaque when Wukong's body had already started the process. Far along enough that even if Macaque dragged SWK up out of the ground in anger; a Stone Egg would still continue developing with the parent "awake".
Macaque died not knowing what Wukong had planned.
And DBK lost it.
He couldn't bare to lose his last Sworn Brother on top of losing his brother-in-law. It made no sense for Wukong to create the Stone Egg if his own family would never be able to greet it!
Wukong is forced to seal DBK away once the Bull began deliberately causing Havoc to draw him out of his cave. Enough trouble that there was talk in Heaven of feeding the Bull to the Furnace.
Wukong hates to admit it. He too didn't want to lose his brother.
So he's forced to seal DBK in stasis in the Underworld for the amount of time SWK planned to stay buried.
500 years would be enough for Wukong's body to produce a full-term egg without needing to leech life energy/dao from another source. So hopefully by the time he's ready to birth, Nezha will atleast be able to wake him up. And once his Egg and baby arrives, he will be able to release his sworn brother without the risk of getting stomped on in anger. His child would be old enough to protect themselves, and his in-laws no longer mad at him. Win win!
Unless something say... a curious, clumsy reincarnation of his former master stumbled upon his burial spot inside Water-Curtain Cave and dug him up thinking he was a pot and woke him up prematurely, forcing Wukong to carry the Egg to term for about a year while he spirtually drained others. But that defintely wont happen!
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
Stupid noncanon au idea because I know his existential crisis that resulted in him seeking immortality was caused by the death of an elder monkey and the additional layers that were added on were mostly on accident but it's too good an idea not to pass up... but what if the REASON Wukong sought immortality and so many layers of it was because of what that one anon said about stone monkeys normally not surviving to see their own children hatch when they are conceived without a partner? Like... one of the truths about Sun Wukong that remain constant no matter the translation is his adoration for his subjects and how he would do anything to keep them safe, and that's soemthing that's bound to follow with his own child. So if he were to learn about this biological last resort his own species had and realize he very likely would have to give birth via a stone egg rather than with a partner (because I'm pretty sure he met Macaque after his time with Sabodhi), and that the rock his egg had hatched from was very likely his own father, he'd very likely want to make sure he'd BE there and try to increase the likelihood of it as much as possible. And if the cause of most stone monkey cubs being parentless is the death of the parent, then why not make it so he, the parent, cannot die!?
ohhhh Wukong learning the "natural" way his species continued itself in absense of another - likely from the Gibbon and/or Baboon before they left earth. Learning that the boulder he erupted from was likely the weathered body of his own mother/father... :(
The more immortalities Wukong gained, the more he felt that he strengthened the chance to be able to do something his own parent was unable to.
Meet and raise his newborn child, and follow that light flung into the future.
(this could 100% work for a "SWK is MK's bio parent" au/theory)
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
I've been wondering about Luzhen...
You say MK's like a reference to Luzhen (he probably is if the staff knows about him), but I was wondering...what if - just a what if - MK IS Luzhen?
Obvs JTTW in LMK didn't go the same way as the book, so LJTTW also did not go the same way - maybe SWK was more of an involved parent to this tiny mini-me menace.
And maybe something happened, something bad? Something lethal, at least.
Be it a spell SWK cast, him using something - from his hoarders' den - or asking anothers help to try and save Luzhen.
And it does.
But it does so in a way that seals him in a stone.
No worries, SWK probably thinks, Luzhen's gonna come out good as new.
Except, not really. The Small Sage is in there for a while. And when it does crack open - it's not Luzhen.
The thing used to save him, basically ended up sort-of scrambling/sort-of reincarnating/sort-of remaking him.
Could be why we saw MK come out of a stone egg in AHIB, he healed in there - remnant of the used things power to save him still hanging around.
Could be why MK has powers that SWK spent years learning and mastering - he already knew them, just didn't remember it.
People complained that MKs monkey mark looks way too similar to SWKs, well, I imagine Luzhen's did look more like SWKs.
Why SWK choosing a random kid to be his successor? He already was, from before.
thats actually a pretty legit Lego Monkie Kid theory.
Nuwa makes Luzhen from Wukong's remaining Stone Egg. Luzhen idolizes Sun Wukong and becomes his beloved student/adoptive son. He's his little mini-me, practically the "Monkey Prince".
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Luzhen dies before he can gain a form of immortality. The killing blow hitting the left side of his body.
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Wukong is so heartbroken that he tries his best to "fix" Luzhen with whatever left over stone egg shell he could find and some clay mud.
MK is created instead.
SWK is so distraught that he couldn't save his tudi/son, only managing to pretty much "reincarnate" him into a fresh new child.
He brings a still-muddy MK into Megapolis, leaving him outside the noodle shop where he knows Zhu Bajie's reincarnation/decendant is.
And when Wukong does emotionally recover enough to face MK; he sometimes forgets that MK isn't his son anymore. Its all super angsty.
I love it >:)
even if it doesn't line up with my "MK started as a fragment of primordial space chaos" theory that I have in TMKATI au, its still super good and likely to actually be canon!
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quitealotofsodapop · 10 months
I saw an old ask about Nuwa and Houtu making Sun Luzhen, and how in that scenario it might have been in a similar one to how people theorized they could be responsible for making Sun Wukong; I’ve heard about Nuwa maybe making Sun Wukong by forming the stone in the process of saving the Earth, but I never heard of Houtu being involved with maybe making him. How did that one play out
the post in question.
I am also going link y'all to a great article by @journeytothewestresearch on the mythic origins of SWK's "stone birth" + a reblog they did on a similar post about Nuwa being SWK's "mom".
Recent theories suggest that Sun Wukong's stone egg was a direct result of Nuwa using the Five-Coloured Stones/paste to repair the hole in the sky, sort of a "whoops! made that one on accident!" since Nuwa has the ability to create humans from clay.
Houtu/Hou tu on the other hand is the supreme god/goddess of the Earth aka the chinese mythos version of Gaia. And since she's associated with Yu the Great - a chinese folk hero born during the Great Flood who's very similar to SWK and may even be his past life - it would make sense for Houtu to be the second "parent" of SWK as the origin of the boulder that birthed his stone egg.
In my au idea/theory; Nuwa accidentally provided the divine-masculine "Yang" energy she got from fixing the Heavens to Houtu's earthly-feminine "Yin" energy = Sun Wukong's stone egg.
Though its unlikely that the two gods are aware of, or are even bothered by, their connection to Wukong and/or MK and Luzhen.
He was an accident after all.
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
Man, this whole Stone Egg talk is giving me brain itches...
...well, let's say that a SWK found the pieces of the stone he was born from and kiiiiiindaaaaa makes a small shrine for it? Like a memorial thing, except, he has no memories of them or anyone to tell the memories of his parent, but it's the spirit of the thing sort of?
Make it a Wukongverse scenario, where one of the others wonder why is he doing that to pieces of rock. Here come a series of question that go like "Why though?" "Respectful to my fucking parent, maybe?" "But it's a rock?" "Wait....you guys don't know who that was..."
Cue somebody screeching, somebody doing the thousand yard stare, somebody trying to speed dial Buddha for answers, somebody breathing into a paper bag, somebody running to their own FFM to find their parent...
Fun times.
[As for Macaque knowing that Wukong was under the mountain... he sorta assumed since his head was exposed, the Stone Egg process couldn't happen. Like, he thought maybe you needed to be completely airtight for your body to start doing it.]
[The process is very taxing, and many died if another was not present to "wake" them afterwards.]
Hmmm....okay, I don't remember all of it as I was thinking it while at work and teaching a new mentee the ropes, just the following: LEM accidentally starts the process when trying to make protections on FFM to keep those wishing it and its monkeys harm, SWK comes back too late to save LEM (SWK was late by one day), SWK tries raising the child, but gives it to one of the other monkeys, something-something-something, MK is actually a shadowpeach grandchild.
hah! I have seen "Coco"-inspired aus where MK is a shadowpeach grandchild via stone egg.
A whole family lineage of monkey demons *furious* at being "abandoned" by the Monkey King. MK is nicknamed such to differ him from his eldest grandparent, Old Xiaotian. A cheeky but aging monkey demon, and visual mirror of MK. MK grows up still idolizing the king despite his elders disapproval.
Then he meets the actual Monkey King...
Who slips up a few times and calls him "Xiaotian" despite MK not telling him his birthname.
And he accidentally encounters the revivied Macaque, who can *sense* that his body did something and is wondering if MK is his Egg.
Deaceased Stone Monkey might actually be able to produce an egg from their body if relatives bury them shortly afterwards. A way of "saving" a part of their lost loved one. It was considered a bit rude to bury a relative without their prior permission though.
Its a cluster of confusion for everyone involved.
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