#Sabito is a baker in the making
octoooo · 1 year
Very gentle biscuits <3
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Sabibun tries returning the favor but he’s not as good of a chef like giyuu :(
Giyuu still appreciates the effort <3
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knyleggo · 4 years
Indoor Anniversary (Sabito x Reader) *fluff*
I whined as I slowly trudged heavy footsteps when I walk. 
“Can I please take off the blindfold now?” Sabito chuckled lightly before squeezing my hand tightly. “We’re almost there Y/N. Plus, I’m sure that walking from the living room to the kitchen is not that far. Would you like me to carry you?”
I pouted and shook my head as he spoke in a teasing manner. He was definitely trying to rile me up intentionally. Control your temper Y/N, CONTROL IT. 
“Alright, now slowly sit down.” Sabito carefully pulled a chair out and placed me on it before sitting down himself on the other side of the kitchen counter. “Now you can take off your blindfold.” 
Not sure whether I would like the surprise, I slowly peeked out of the blindfold with one eye and saw my boyfriend laughing. “It’s not a prank Y/N. Why would I prank you on our anniversary?”
He had a point, although you can never be too sure. Trusting him fully, I tossed the blindfold away as I stared at multiple ingredients sitting in front of me with wide eyes.
Sabito shouted with his famous jazz hands as I giggled softly at him. “My, my, Sabito. This is indeed a surprise.” I murmured as I checked every single ingredient that was placed neatly on the counter.
“Well, I wanted to make our anniversary special by not going out. Let’s just stay at home and do something together. Only the two of us.” Sabito came over from his side and wrapped his arm around my waist, giving me a kiss on the cheek. “Are you alright with this? I mean, it’s still your choice. W-We can still go out-”
I stopped him and slowly turned to him with the brightest smile on my face. “OH MY GOD YES! I CAN’T SAY ‘NO’ TO YOU OH MY PEACHY BABY OF SUNSHINE!” I squealed as I lightly pinched both of his cheeks, making him look extremely cute.
He was stunned for a moment before he pinched both of my cheeks back and started laughing at the sight. After a few moments of pinching here and laughing there, we began to start baking.
We were going to make pink peach cupcakes. I had to admit, both of us were an amazing team. We were swiftly moving around the kitchen here and there and we almost looked like we were dancing.
After completing what we needed to do, we decided to wait for the cupcakes to bake by playing with some left over frosting and things got a little bit out of hand...
It started with Sabito placing his finger that was covered with pink frosting on my nose. I was too shocked to do anything for a moment. After comprehending what he has done, I reached over to the other side of the kitchen counter to get a piece of tissue but he had already beaten me to it.
To cleaning my nose.
In one smooth moment, the frosting on my nose was gone and was on his tongue. “S-S-S-SABITO!” I was practically fuming in anger as I reached over to the bowl full of frosting. My competitiveness was getting the best of me.
Using my fist to gain a huge area of frosting, I gently placed my fist on the side of his cheek before savoring the frosting on the side of his face, also giving him a light slap on the other side of his face with my other hand.
The next moment before we knew it, we were both trying to plant each other’s faces into the bowl of pink frosting. Thank god the oven reminded us that the cupcakes were done.
“Oh my...”
Both of us exclaimed in delight at the sweet and successful dessert we made. 
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“We are pretty amazing bakers don’t you think?” Sabito playfully asked before popping the last bit of his cupcake into his mouth. “Mm mm!” I hummed as my cheeks were stuffed full of the sugary peachy sweet on top.
Sabito chuckled before patting my head and ruffling my hair. He slowly pulled me closer to him as we laid and cuddled on the couch.
Sabito wrapped his arms around me tightly as he mumbled into my hair. “So how did you like our anniversary this year?” 
I turned around in his arms so that I could faced him fully. I hugged him before gazing into his grayish lavender eyes.
“It was amazing Sabito. This is the best date I’ve ever had with you. No one’s around to bother us. It’s not too noisy and it’s really cozy and warm here alone with you.” I snuggled deeper towards his chest.
“Hmm well, I don’t care wherever we are. As long as I’m with you, I’ll definitely be fine.” Sabito gave me a tiny smile before giving me a kiss on my forehead as I laughed.
“I love you so much Y/N. Don’t leave me.” He softly murmured into my hair, hugging me even tighter. 
“I won’t. Ever. I love you way too much Sabito.”
He smiled and kissed me passionately for a few minutes before saying,
“Happy 2nd anniversary, my love. I’m so f*cking in love with you, L/N Y/N.
I smiled softly and gave him a peck on the lips.
“Happy 2nd anniversary to the love of my life. I’m so f*cking in love with you too, Sabito.”
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