#Saeran is so sweet!
oceans-beloved · 2 months
Meme dump yayyy🥳✨️
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(off to make more now muhahaha >:3)
#SIGH WHERE HAD LILI DISAPPEARED TO THIS TIME? TSK TSK SMH 😔#Now now my dearest darling loyal subjects fret not~!!#your beloved princess shall answer all your worries away ~★#mwah mwah~<3#heh~🤭🩷#Soooo updated time!!! >_<#I'm on a road trip halfway across the country rn (was a fun bad idea..my cousins and I nearly had a heat stroke TWICE but it's soo worth it#...I'll hopefully be back by tonight because it's my grandfather's birthday tomorrow and we're planning a surprise party for him#Muhahaha >:3#* happy dances*#Anyways I had time to kill between crying while playing mystic messenger together with my cousin#(I'm making her do Saeran's route sjbqbjjbqjbqbj9ioqjqhiqohwu9wh9uwub I LOVE HIM I ADORE HIM HE WAS THE FIRST CHARACTER I EVER WANTED TO#MARRY HE IS SO DREAM HUSBAND CODED SIJSB8YWBUW MY POOR POOR SWEET ANGEL BABY YOU DESERVE SO MUCH BETTER#THE WORLD DOES NOT DESERVE YOU AAHHHIHSIHAIJIAJ AND OMG HIS ENDING SONG IT ALWAYS MAKES ME CRY SJOBSOJHJSH0SSUS0SSHU0IS0HISH0IS0JHSHJS0HIS0#EVEN IF YOU WERE AN EXPIRED LOLIPOP I'D STILL EAT YOU!! I'D ALWAYS EAT YOU AND ONLY YOU NO MATTER WHAT#I-I MEAN PICK YOU!!! I'D ALWAYS PICK YOU NO MATTER WHAT!! NOT TO SAY THAT I WOULDN'T CANNIBALISE YOU!!#GIVE ME THE CHANCE AND I'D LICK YOU UP I WON'T LEAVE A SINGLE DROP BEHIND O-OF THE LOLIPOP OF OFC NOT TO SAY I WOULDN'T DO THE SAME IF IT#WAS HIS C- I'LL STOP MUST CONTROL I CAN'T WRITE ESSAYS HERE OF HOW MUCH I LOVE AND WANT SAERAN AHHHH MY HEART🥺🩷🩷😭😭)#*cough cough*sooo anywho I'm normal now dw!!😇✨️ (/lie)#and us reading ORV (I'm on chapter 340 something rn and kdj is kdj and i just want to soksjnss9hsj9sbu that stupid squid (/affectionate)#and if I start ranting rn it would never end...#so expect like a 80000 words essay when I'm done with the full novel🫠)#I cleared out my phone gallery yayyy heh🥳🤭 and found so many RH memes that I never posted lmao#Oh!!! And I've noticed something even though I'm a Vin girly through and through#(as evidenced by the fact that my blog is quite literally a shrine to him)#I always end up making Crux memes more...That stupid green onion clown you're so easy to love😔🩷#Anyways Lili out now mwah mwah mwah 🩷🩷🫂✨️#♡{reanimated heart}♡#reanimated heart#reanimatedheart
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schmellows · 1 year
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" Promise of happiness. "
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password-door-lock · 6 months
Lately I can't stop thinking about sharing a bed with Saeran.
GE Saeran sleeps on his side (as evidenced by the CG where he’s sleeping on his side lol). If you also sleep on your side, then he probably wants to be the little spoon (unless you have a strong preference to the contrary, in which case the two of you can alternate) but if you sleep in the fetal position or something like that, then he's perfectly content being the big spoon, as well. If you sleep on your stomach or your back, then he'll curl up against you with an arm draped over you. The most important thing for him is being close to you, and he can be flexible as far as what that looks like. I do think that if you end up as the little spoon at night due to your sleeping position, you'll probably end up as the big spoon a lot more when the two of you cuddle during the day. Also, the shark plushie is going to be present while the two of you are resting— if he's holding you, Saeran probably won't be able to also hold onto the shark, but it'll still be in the same bed. Maybe you might even be the one to hold onto it some nights! Although physical touch is something he really enjoys, if you’re not feeling up to it for whatever reason, Saeran totally understands! He might elect to wear one of your sweatshirts to bed instead (and let you wear one of his if you’d like to) or cuddle with one of your plushies. Ultimately, what’s most important to him is that both of you feel safe and comfortable while you get the rest that you need. He likes having two or three really plush pillows and only minimal blankets, since he doesn’t get cold easily during the night— he probably won’t even notice it if you steal the covers from him in your sleep. Even though Saeran wakes up occasionally in the middle of the night, he doesn't worry about it too much. He knows that he's still getting rest as long as he's laying there, even if he isn't technically asleep, and of course, he cherishes the time with you.
Ray also sleeps on his side, but unlike GE Saeran, he's very, very nervous about accidentally upsetting you or unknowingly crossing your boundaries. He’s new to this, and he can’t imagine that you would actually want him that close to you. Even if you tell him it's okay, Ray probably wouldn't want to initiate any physical contact at first, though of course, he daydreams about holding you close. He'd probably stay securely on his own side of the bed, taking care not to bother you in any way as he falls asleep watching you rest— he’ll allow himself to turn to face you. To him, being able to look your way while he falls asleep is pure heaven. If you don’t want to be touched, Ray totally understands that— the last thing he wants is to cross your boundaries, and besides, he’s happy enough just seeing that you’re resting well. If, however, the two of you have been together longer and gotten more comfortable sharing a bed, then he'll be over the moon to cuddle up with you if you’d like. Ray really likes being held— if you sleep on your back, he'll rest his head on your chest. If you sleep on your stomach, he might try sleeping on his stomach, too, and you can drape your arm around him. If you sleep on your side, he wants to be the little spoon. If you sleep in the fetal position, he'll probably figure out some creative contortion that allows him to be held by you all night. But, of course, if you'd prefer to be held instead, then he'd be happy to do that sometimes, too! He doesn’t really like to be under the covers at all, and he’s not used to using a pillow, so he doesn’t have any very specific pillow preferences. Although his body won’t let him sleep for more than three hours straight (he has nightmares, and his circadian rhythms are skewed anyway), he’s worried about waking you up, so he’ll stay with you for as long as he’s able to justify putting off his work, even if he can’t fall back asleep. 
Suit sleeps on his back. It's the way that he feels the safest— he's able to look around the room and see everything as he's falling asleep and if he's woken up. If, for some reason, you find yourself falling asleep in the same bed as him before his apology (which is very unlikely), it will likely be your idea. First, he’ll laugh at you for even suggesting something like that, and then, if he decides to humor you, he'll probably just pose you on your side, curled up against him, with his arm around you possessively. It doesn't matter how you normally sleep— you're his toy, and he's already being very generous by letting you rest in the first place. He sees sleeping when one could be working as a sign of weakness, so he’ll probably do his best to stay up even if you fall asleep in this position, and he may even taunt you for being so clueless as to show him such a vulnerable side of yourself. In actuality, he has no idea what to do once you’re actually beside him, and he might end up getting frustrated and pushing you away. However, after his apology, he'd be even more nervous and awkward than Ray— but Suit, too, ultimately does like to be held. He'd let you curl up next to him with his arm around you, rest your head on his chest, or even lean against him, depending on how you’re the most comfortable. Even if he can’t understand why on Earth you would even want to cuddle up with somebody like him, he has no intention of causing you any more discomfort or pain. If you're a stomach sleeper, though, he might end up with his arm at an awkward angle all night to accommodate you, so be warned and adjust accordingly! That being said, if you’re not someone who enjoys physical touch, the last thing he wants to do is cross your boundaries again! As much as he likes being held, he'll be just as content to lay beside you without touching and listen to your calm breathing as you sleep. He likes firm pillows, and he feels much more secure laying on top of the covers in his suit than snuggling up under them in flimsy pajamas. He’s too hyper-vigilant at Magenta to fall asleep easily, but he’ll set an alarm for one hour just in case he does manage to drift off for a bit. Whether he’s taking a break from hacking the messenger or hiding from the believers, Suit does not have time to lay around with you forever. 
Unknown doesn't really like to sleep very much. Sometimes, he falls asleep at his desk— whether you happen to be sitting on his lap or not. He doesn’t care at all about his own comfort— the only reason he ever sleeps is because his body is forcing him to, and the way he sees it, a stiff neck is worth it if it gets him even a little bit closer to his revenge. The rest of the time, he uses the couch that's been brought into the intelligence room so that he doesn't have to waste time walking to his room and back during the night. On those nights, neither one of you has many options other than to sleep on your side— Unknown likes to have you facing him, with your head resting against his chest. Pressing you close to him like that gives him a weird sense of comfort that he can’t really explain. Besides, he doesn’t like the idea of you looking at his monitors while he’s asleep if you lay facing away from him, so he tells himself that it's not like he really has a choice. If the two of you actually end up in a bed, then that means he's too exhausted to argue that it's a waste of time— he might end up sprawled across the mattress however he falls on it, taking up most of the available space and leaving you to slide in wherever and however you'll fit. It’s been so long since he’s had a proper night’s sleep in a proper bed that he’s probably going to be a bit awkward about it. If he's awake enough, he'll pull you close and hold onto you for more of that strange comfort, but he might be too tired even for that. If you don’t want to be touched, there’s a really simple solution for that— you can just sleep at a different time from him, or in a different location, and he’ll give you work to do while his body is forcing him to rest. He doesn’t care where or how or if you sleep— he just cares that you’re getting your work done, or so he claims, at least. He doesn’t see any point in using pillows or blankets when he can sleep just fine without them, and he honestly thinks you’re kind of spoiled for wanting things like that. Because he regularly pushes his body to the limit, when he does allow himself to rest, he sleeps very heavily for a fairly long time. If you’re in his grip, then you’re not getting out of it anytime soon, and otherwise, you’d best leave him alone. 
SE Saeran also sleeps on his back, and his thoughts on sharing a bed are... complicated. He likes to be close to you, but he often has nightmares, and he knows that he kicks sometimes in his sleep. You’d have to be very, very close to him for Saeran to allow you to see him in such a vulnerable position, and even then, he’d still be nervous about inadvertently doing you harm. After all, he’s tried sleeping with plushies before, and he always wakes up to find that he’s thrown them onto the floor during the night. What if he pushes you off the bed or something? What if he lashes out, erroneously thinking that you’re one of the monsters from his past? The first couple of times you stay over, he doesn't sleep at all— he just lays beside you, feeling calmed by your peaceful breathing, even if he's anxious. Then, after that, he'll try out sleeping with you in the same bed but not touching him at all, and when he finds that he doesn't accidentally kick or elbow you in his sleep, he'll start to feel more comfortable with the idea of getting closer. Sometimes, he’s content to fall asleep in your embrace, whatever that might look like. Sometimes, he wants to cuddle with you for a while before separating to sleep on separate sides of the bed. Sometimes, though, he might decide that he doesn’t want to be touched at all, and the two of you might stay on opposite ends of the bed all night, or you’ll go home early and video call him from your own bed, instead. Naturally, on nights when you have similar issues, Saeran will be just as accommodating. He’s not picky about pillows, but he’s strongly opposed to having any kind of covers over him, and he often sleeps with a fan because he feels like the bunker is too hot. If you like having lots of blankets, he’ll keep them in his room for you, but the pair of you will have to work something out to ensure that he doesn’t get too hot during the night. Sometimes he gets up in the middle of the night, but he’s always sure to be extra careful when getting in and out of bed so that he doesn’t disturb your rest.
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aoie-yu · 1 year
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♡ Gives him a little kiss
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anas-tasiaa · 10 months
"Smile for me."
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Saeyoung gently took Saeran's hand and intertwined their pinky fingers. "Saeran, I want you to make a promise to me," he said, looking into his brother's eyes. "Promise me that you'll start loving yourself more and that you'll always remember that you deserve to be loved, okay?"
Saeran hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Okay, hyung. I promise."
Saeyoung smiled warmly at him. "Good. And if you ever forget that promise, just look down at our pinky fingers and remember that I love you and I believe in you. You're not just my precious brother, Saeran. You're everything that I could ever ask for and you deserve all the happiness in the world."
Saeran felt a warmth spreading through his chest at his brother's words. He squeezed Saeyoung's pinky finger back and gave him a small smile. "Thank you, hyung. I won't forget."
Saeyoung leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on his forehead. "I know you won't."
"Now, come on. Smile. Show me that beautiful smile of yours," Saeyoung said with a grin, nudging Saeran's shoulder playfully.
Saeran looked up at his brother, still feeling a bit emotional from their earlier conversation. But as he gazed into Saeyoung's bright eyes and saw the genuine love and care he had for him, he couldn't help but feel a small smile tug at the corners of his lips.
With a soft chuckle, Saeyoung reached over and lightly pinched Saeran's cheeks, making him laugh.
"That's it, my little ray of sunshine," Saeyoung said, pulling Saeran into a warm embrace. "You always brighten up my day with that smile of yours."
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omg you’re a vyn girlie I LOVE THAT SM his cards lately have been SO SO GOOD like last year’s anniversary card (him in the shower with rosa… >///<) and that blizzardous event one SIMPLY DIVINEEEE i’ll be sure to send you all the yummy vyn luke and artem content >:3
(also not liking marius is completely fair!! i, on the other hand, was completely smitten with him the MILLISECOND he appeared 🥲🥲🥲)
OH AND THE LUKE AND ARTEM CARDS HAVE BEEN SO GOOD TOO freaking car mechanic artem has me in a chokehold to this day AND FIREFIGHTER LUKEEEEEE omg
AHHHHHHH KOIIIII it’s been ages since i played i had to look them up but 😳😳😳 HELLO!!!!!!!!!!
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WHYYYYYY IS HE SO GORGEOUS WHY IS HE SO PRETTY :((((((( might be time for me to start playing again ngl….. i didn’t know the cards were this good……….. the luke and artem ones too!!!
I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND THE MARIUS HYPE it’s not his fault….. i never gave him a fair chance…….. i think he just happens to be the least My Type out of the three :’3 because i love. childhood friends… and gap moe ceos… and medical professionals who may or may not manipulate me 😔😔😔 BUTTT I’M GLAD HE HAS YOU!!!! his little koi fish…….
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sheepsdreamworld · 1 year
Another old one ;; XD
SE Saeran describing a pretty tree to Eunjoo <3
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fr7204 · 1 month
Day 10 - 2pm - please...I miss your voice...where do we stand now?
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k0kichiimagines · 1 year
let me pretend its real and somehow canon its probably not but let me pretend they had this moment at least once i just want them to be happy </3
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queenvitch · 8 months
Wish I Were His Dream
When the reader is hopelessly in love with Vinsmoke Sanji, while he falls in love with Nami.
This was written at like 3am so it might sound pretty stupid, but this fic is based on Connan Grays Heather and I took a lil inspiration from Saeran in Mystic Messenger!~
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I will become the world's greatest journalist who writes honestly about the events between the government and pirates. That's that. There's nothing else to it. That is the goal I hold close to my heart since it is the only goal that matter for me. What other dream could I chase after if not that?
Since I joined the Strawhats, I have not wished to do anything except chase after my dream and help my friends on their journey to reach their dreams. I often offer helping out with the smallest things if it means their happiness is rewarded; helping Robin water her flowers, testing out Usopp's new gadgets, fixing up Luffy’s torn clothes… I always wish for their happiness since I have grown quite attached to them- I never intend to have my dreams clash with theirs. If it ever did...why would I travel alongside them? Would I not be a nuisance who makes their progress backtrack? Yes, I would be a bother to them. However, since I do not have any dreams that clash with the Strawhats, I will continue traveling the seas with them. Hopefully our family- that has been brought together despite the odds of us getting along- stick together. That has become one of my other dreams that reside in my heart despite our short history together.
Looking over the pages of my journal, I re-read what I had written in the past up until today. Laughing at myself silently I lifted the cup of black coffee that sat near my journal and took a slow sip, all while staring at the man in front silently whisking away at something that will most definitely become a marvelous delicacy for us rowdy pirates to have the pleasure of eating later on today.
His back faced me, with his broad shoulders casting a shadow from the light emitting through the window in front of him. His soft blonde locks swayed every time a breeze entered the small kitchen. The striped blue button up that he wore would stretch and pull with the slightest movement of his arms, which exhibited the strong lean muscles he had underneath his clothes. The place I sat at made him seem like an angel. To be fair, he honestly is not far from being a real one. The man who was now at the fridge- searching for some unknown ingredient to me- had started humming a soft tune to himself. I listened earnestly attempting to puzzle together what song had managed to get stuck in his head. Identifying the song to be the one played the night before by Brook- our crew's most favorite song yet- I closed my eyes and let a very small smile form as I enjoyed listening to the man's small performance.
Memories about a certain moment when I had discovered one more dream of mine flowed through my head; The moment when I discovered how dear our crew's chef is.
The moment I discovered that the chef was such a sweet person that I wished to keep him happy above my own happiness. The moment when I discovered that I wished to keep him beside me and I at his side at all times. That moment when I discovered I love the chef.
I love Sanji.
The thought of loving Sanji full heartedly made my chest flutter and my cheeks burn.
I remember that moment so clearly. It was when I had collapsed from exhaustion in the bath room one day. He had been searching for me all over the ship, he had a sundae prepared for all the crew but preferred to deliver the desserts to the ladies out of courtesy. I was undressed with a towel and ready to bathe to replenish my strength, but my body gave out when I turned on the faucet. I had fallen face first onto the tile floor. When I awoke, I was informed of my overworked body giving out and how I was found by Chopper.
He told me Sanji carried me down from the bath to his office. I found myself wearing an oversized sweater instead of clothes, although it was embarrassing that the perverted chef saw me in such a state it was also really respectful of him to cover me up with his own clothes. Even if such decency was expected out of everyone, it made me realize that the man was not such a crook and actually took it upon himself to behave in such a way with no one having to supervise him.
After that collapse in the bath room, I had a fever for a week. Sanji stayed by my side when he was not preparing food. He served me the most nutritious soups, changed my towel out often, checked on my temperature, and called Chopper over with paranoia that I had not improved. He had no reason to do any of this, but he did. He may have done it out of sympathy since he had seen me in the nude, however I began seeing him in a different light since then.
Opening my eyes, I looked at the chef once more then turned back to my journal and coffee. I flipped to a page where I had analyzed him when I had been exposed to him behaving differently. I realized my feelings for the man not long after writing this excerpt. I now question my foolishness to look into him more.
Although I once knew Sanji to be simply a loyal comrade, I have recently pondered the complexity of his character and see him entirely anew.
Sanji is a passionate and sympathetic man. He believes that everyone should have the decency to finish their meal out of respect for those who do not receive a meal. He takes initiative to help those who are in need of a hand no matter if it is a starving crook of a pirate or a lonesome head searching for his body. He dreams of a magical place named the All Blue, and becomes giddy whenever he revisits in his heart his cherished goal.
But his most prominent trait is the fact that he is known to be a womanizer. A ladies man. A flirt. A pervert.
I believe that his perverted personality stemmed from his admiration of women, from seeing women to be superior and worshipped for everything. Maybe he cherished the abilities of women to bring and sustain a new life...maybe he cherished the soft kindness that most women carry with them...maybe he cherished the strong women who ignored sex stereotypes...I believe that whatever he admired- or better yet- everything he admired on women led for him to simply love everything about them. He gushes over a female's body, mind, and soul.
When I look at him as a whole, I see a chivalrous kind-hearted man.
Oh, what a fool I was.
I looked at the man who had been moving around the kitchen. I accidentally sang a part of the song as I saw him practically dancing in the middle of the kitchen. He paused, and turned over to me.
“Oh…” I sat up straight upon realizing I interrupted his moment to himself. “Sorry…” I offered an apologetic grin up at him as I sank into my seat about to return to my journal and coffee.
“(name)-chan...” His face turned red slowly then he started wiggle dancing while spouting our compliments on how cute and shy I am.
“You know you can sing for me if you would like, (name)-chan?” Hearts formed in his eyes as he thought of the possibility of me singing for him. I laughed and declined his offer.
“I’m sorry... I didn’t realize I was caught up in your humming. You can get back to it, I just want to review my journal right now…” He stopped gushing over me and gave me a confused expression.
“Why are you sorry?” cheekily grinning at him, I tilt my head to the side without answering him.
I downed the rest of my coffee and washed and placed it away. I walked back to the journal sitting on the table, with Sanji continuously staring at my movements. Ignoring him until he stopped, I flipped through my pages in an attempt to distract myself from the blonde’s stares. When he returned to cooking, I felt many glances shot in my direction.
The door to the kitchen was swung open all of a sudden. In walked the red haired Nami, with a newspaper in one hand and a pen in another. She had barely entered the proximity, but Sanji had automatically offered to serve her a cup of hot coffee and get her a snack if she wished. Accepting the offer, she sat across from me and immediately started reading today's news.
Looking down at my journal scribbled with thoughts of Sanji and sketches of him from the backside, I dejectedly smiled. He didn’t offer me anything when I walked in earlier. I made and served my own cup of coffee. I looked up at the navigator sitting across from me and admired her beauty. I glanced at the chef who stared at her longingly. Smiling to myself in mockery, I stood up and left the room.
Finding myself in the aquarium alone. I followed the fishes dancing in the water. They made me ponder what Sanji’s All Blue would be like.
His dream… Surely he must have another desire like I do. What if his dream is to be with Nami?
My dreams conclude of being the best journalist the world has seen, keeping my family happy, and for Sanji to be by my side and I to his.
This is why my younger self was so foolish.
My dreams clash with one of my crew's dreams now…
I told myself that if that ever happened, I should leave to not burden the Strawhats… But I really don’t want to… Am I selfish for wanting to stay by his side despite him not wanting me?
I really do adore her… She’s such a perfect girl that I would not question anyone falling for her.
Nami is lucky.
She is beautiful, strong, smart, kind, and overall attractive to all. She has many emotional scars and deals with them so admirably...She somehow can become stronger from everything that puts her down. I look up to her. I wish I could be just like her.
I confess that she beats me in everything… I’m not as pretty. Or smart. Or strong. Or kind… But I still envy her…
After continuously hiding myself behind laughter and smiles to the crew for months on end, Sanji began speaking with me more often.
Of course I relished in his attention whenever he would offer it to me, but his thoughts and conversations with me always returned to the same topic. Nami, our navigator.
Everytime he would mention another woman in my presence, my heart painfully throbs. Why can't I just get over it…?
I should be happy for them both.
Yes, I cherish them both but when I am around either one of them my head spins like crazy from the stress of having to put up a front of a happy crewmate. I continuously will ignore this sensation though. I don’t want to ruin their chances with each other… I don’t want to lose either one of them…
I have noticed Sanji flirting and swooning over other females less and less every day. His feelings for her are growing so tremendously that his playboy behavior has dwindled into simply a chivalrous behavior- a respectable behavior that remains loyal to a certain person.
Since he comes to me for emotional support in pursuing Nami, I can feel that one day he will ask her straight up to be with him… I know him… He will definitely make it a romantic and extravagant event. I expect for many flower petals, a fancy dinner, a clean suit, and maybe a gold ring or necklace as a gift. He is simply such a romantic… Of course he will make it a big ordeal. That’s just who he is. I love him so much… I wish that instead of her, it was me who he is pursuing…
I was in the Library reading when Sanji came in for me. I closed the book and gave him my full attention. He looked serious, and I wondered if it was about his love ordeal.
“I need help…” He gulped and stepped closer to me. “(name)-chan, please, help me with your womanly opinions! I plan to ask her to be mine, but I want to make it perfect!”
Staring at him with my mouth slightly agape, I looked down and responded in a quiet voice. “Any ideas?” I then gave him a gummy smile with my eyes closed. He mirrored my expression and sat down next to me.
Turns out my guess earlier was correct. He wanted to have me help choose the gift and flowers to go with his Italian themed dinner.
He is so cliche.
The romantic gestures are so guessable.
But I am not complaining. What position am I in to even complain? I’m desperate for the slightest amount of attention from him.
Tomorrow night. That is when Sanji will attempt to woo Nami.
While we were out shopping today, we chose a golden heart lock necklace with N+S engraved in the heart. It was really pretty, and we found a painter who was able to draw them together according to their wanted posters. It turned out nicely…
The flowers chosen were red rose petals to be strewn about and center pieces of Peonies. I picked up a bouquet of blue roses for myself, but Sanji was quick to include it with his order.
It's almost laughable how terribly friend-zoned I am. Sanji, the one I cannot have, bought me blue roses as a gift of thanks for helping with his love interest pursuit…
Sanji ran to me in my bedroom in his ice suit. He looked amazingly handsome. His white vest sat on top of a white button up, the colors contrast with his red tie making it the main appeal to the outfit. His long legs covered in white strode to me so quickly that I had no other choice but to snap out of my trance.
“Where is your coat?” I stood up to meet him halfway across my room.
“The button popped off…(name)-chan, can you please fix it? The dinner starts in fifteen minutes!” He held the coat that was hidden behind his back out to me. I noticed the red rose that was supposed to sit on his pectoral was in his other hand. I reached out to grab the rose out of his hand and place it in the water among my blue roses.
The sight of the roses made me squint in heart break.
Unlike me, Nami is being gifted red roses and peonies…
“Let me grab some thread and needle.” Leaving him standing near my desk while I searched for the items needed, I ignored the numbing pain in my chest.
“Thank you (name)-chan!!” I smiled gently at him.
Nami has a kinder smile than me...
“Of course, Sanji. Anything for you!” Tears almost slipped out of my eyes when I took his coat with eye contact. I started fixing his button as quickly and neatly that I could.
I bet Nami could do it better than me…
Once I finished, I put the coat on him and fixed his attire up. I fixed his hair and grabbed the rose from my bouquet.
Sanji quietly watched me as I got him ready to send him off.
She would most definitely send him off with more attentiveness...
I can’t even look him in the eye right now…
Just as I was about to place the rose on his chest, Sanji placed his hand in the area it was meant to go in. Looking up at him, I ask why he did that. He shot me a closed eye smile and spoke in such a natural caring tone.
“I just feel like your bouquet could use a red rose among the blue, (name)-chan!’ I blinked at him in confusion and despair.
Sensing my confusion and assuming my sadness was due to him not wanting the rose he explained himself further.
“I have more roses, so don't worry.” He took the rose out of my hand and kissed it.
With my eyebrows furrowing together, making myself seem concerned instead of sorrowful, I spoke in a voice that shook with each word.
Everything he tells me is a stab to my heart.
“Don’t you think that the bouquet should be blue, only? Or red only? Having them both makes the situation complex…” I looked back my the flowers sitting on my bedside.
“I think the beauty of a bouquet comes from having variable colors mixed together.” Once again, the grin he shot me made me want to cry.
“Don’t you think maybe Nami should receive all of the red roses? I mean, you did get them for her.”
“(Name)-chan, it’s just one rose. You have helped me so much, I could never repay you fully…” He lifted my chin to make me look at him rather than the flowers we spoke about.
The rose he kissed… He places it directly in front of my mouth allowing for the soft petals to tickle my lips.
After I took the red rose out of his hand, he gave me a chaste kiss to the forehead. He then stepped back.
“Thank you! For everything, (name)-chan! The dinner time is soon so must be on my way. Good night, (name)-chan!” He stepped out of my room and I could hear his foot steps disappearing as I stood frozen in my room.
Sliding to the floor I held the red rose in my hand so tenderly as I finally cried out the frustrating feeling of being rejected for so long.
Why did he have to kiss me?
Why would you give me this red rose?
Crawling to my bedside, I carefully placed the red rose amongst the blue roses. I curled into a ball on my bed, staring at the roses and wishing for the red one to never wither away.
He belongs to Nami…
Nami belongs to him…
I wish I were Nami.
Gosh, that hurt my heart...
~ Miss Queen
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natasha-in-space · 3 months
Alright, I'm gonna babble a bit on my thoughts and observations with the magnificent CG's we got for the Choi boys' birthday this year 'round! And, boy, what beautiful CG's they are. I acknowledge that some had problems with them, but I honestly couldn't be happier. Both of them made me feel giddy for two days in a row! The artist did a fantastic job, and it's a treat to still get some new content from Cheritz. Now, let's start with Saeyoung!
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God, do I adore the soft, domestic feel of this one. It's peaceful, intimate, and tender in a way that sharing a special moment with the one you love is. I am a sucker for simple domestic moments of romance, so even I admittedly swooned at this one!
Since it's dark outside, we have two options. It's either a small private celebration between you two after he spent the day with his brother and RFA, or you're congratulating him as soon as the clock strikes midnight. I find both options equally sweet and fitting! Either way, you are sharing a small private moment with him, with just you two for a small while. I believe he would be deeply grateful for that.
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It looks like he's gotten himself a place out in the city! Isn't that a lovely thing to see? I do think he'll keep his bunker, whether it's for potential emergencies or just for safekeeping, but I always loved the idea of Saeyoung creating a new home for himself, however that may look like. It is logical for his new apartment to have large windows that are high enough to see the night sky. It's very much Saeyoung. And it's very much Saeran, too! During the day, Saeran enjoys the warm sunlight and vast clouds, while Saeyoung enjoys looking at the stars and teaching you about space at night.
He made sure his new home had windows because his bunker didn't have any. A reminder of his new freedom to live out a peaceful life with his family without needing to look over his shoulder at every step.
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We have some gifts laid out in the background! The interpretation of whether this is from you, Saeran, or RFA is up to you. I like the latter option. It does make you think what kind of gifts would everyone prepare for him! Lots of funny and/or sweet ideas to think about.
There are also lots of frames hung up on the wall and laid out on the shelves. It made me giggle. Because of course, Saeyoung would litter his home with photos of you once he gets the freedom to do so. It's even a bit excessive, but how can you complain? This man was terrified of having evidence of his own existence out in the world for years. Not to mention that he was not allowed to have any reminders of the people he loved, as he was afraid of their safety.
Of course, he will make sure to surround himself with reminders of a brighter future now that he can. Selfies with you, photos of Saeran reading a book or cooking, and outings with the RFA. All such precious moments he doesn't want to take for granted.
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As many have already pointed out, the cake is from Saeran! Ain't that sweet? The first time I noticed it, I glowed with joy because I adore the idea of Saeran making something by hand for his older brother. Saeyoung was always the giver and protector in their relationship, back when they were kids... Now, they can start over with more balance. And Saeran can also take care of his brother. I can't help but think of him spending hours in the kitchen, making sure everything is perfect, and that's just... so damn heartwarming. I love these two and their love for each other. They deserve to be together without fear.
@marshmallowprotection went over the details of the cake very thoroughly in her post, so I won't go over it personally, but, oh my God, of course Saeran would put in small meaningful details into his cake. It's so much like him. From the flowers to cherries and whatever that is written in that envelope. I am certain that Saeyoung will likely shed tears upon reading it. Heck, Saeran can just scribble out a big 'Happy birthday Hyung :)' on there, and it'll make him cry just as much.
Saeyoung is unfamiliar with being taken care of or appreciated. It will take him some time to stop getting emotional over the smallest things when it comes to his family.
Speaking about the CG as a whole, I love how relaxed and tender he looks. It's nothing fancy, just a black shirt and jeans. That's what makes it so soft and domestic for me. It's just you and Saeyoung. In your home. Being together and cherishing each other. And that's better than any grand display.
We get to see more of Saeyoung's arms!!! I always love when they splice up some things that are very much true to canon. While it doesn't make any sense at all to make Yoosung or Saeran muscular jocks, it's very much in line with Saeyoung. It's easy for those arms to lift you up and hold you tight! I also actually like that he's visibly broad in here. I know it's not everyone's interpretation, but it makes him actually look, y'know, older. Even though he'll be 21 forever, it's pleasant to imagine him in his late twenties or early thirties. I know most of my guy friends got very broad in the shoulders once they hit their middle twenties lmao
I also very like MC's dress. It's super cute and comfortable. And that watch on Saeyoung's wrist? Another nice touch. I don't know why, but I always pictured him into watches lol. Mostly because he seems to have a soft spot for anything technical. It's easy to see him being fascinated by the inner workings of different watch models. He's such a nerd (affectionate)
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Look at that giddy smile! He's such a cutie. Love to see him be all happy like that. Also his hair is once again super red. I'm telling you, it changes color depending on his mood. It's my biggest theory in whole MM storyline/j
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Yes. We got an actual official Unknown/MC CG. The fandom exploded. I know I saw it, I know you saw it, we all saw it. Unknown took the fandom by storm, and he knows it. Look at that smirk. I even saw quite a few old MM artists thinking of coming back just because of him lmao
That's the power this man holds.
Alright, my incessant ramblings aside, this CG looks absolutely ethereal. And it's pretty much intentional. Goes in line with Unknown's aesthetic, too. I know we all love to lovingly call him the king of edge that he is, but from what we see of him? He'll probably put you in something similar. He is your guardian angel, after all. The one who will lead you to a true paradise you couldn't even hope to reach by yourself. He is your loving shepherd, and you are his precious lamb.
The placement of Unknown in such a graceful environment makes sense.
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So, Unknown's cake has strawberries AND blueberries on it. No wonder many people instantly remembered the birthday CG from two years ago! It's a nice and interesting comeback. Once again, redirecting you to @marshmallowprotection analysis post for the in-depth on it, because she lays it out beautifully! I'll just say that it's intriguing to note that besides strawberries, blueberries appear to be another confirmed favorite of Saeran's. I know I love my blueberries.
Here's to hoping that this is a fake cake, because if I see food drowning like that, I would riot, no matter how beautiful and enticing Unknown may look 😔 You're eating that cake, mister! You are not wasting it for a pretty aesthetic!! It also begs the question who made the cake in the first place, and Kait puts out a very interesting thought that this is, in fact, a photoshoot. It's also comforting to think that MC was behind it. Just because I'm a sucker for the idea of Unknown getting spoiled for once in his lifetime. He also seemed to be rather yearning in his birthday chats that you can purchase, so it's a sweet thought for me.
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MC is absolutely gorgeous here. I have zero complaints. Unknown is one lucky man, and he knows it. Her skin is perfectly complimented by that shade of pink, and she looks like a nymph or something. I also love how flowy the dress is. You can just tell how soft that fabric is to the touch, and I am on my knees both for this MC and the artist for all their hard work. Also!!! MC has an actual eye visible for once! Always a nice and rare surprise.
The dress is pretty revealing, too, and I couldn't stop giggling once I actually noticed that. What can I say? Unknown knows his tastes, and I sure respect him for that. As I said in another post, her lap is definitely not the only thing he lays his head on, and I am, frankly, jealous of him.
All that to say.... guys. MC is just a stand-in. She doesn't look like 90% of the player base. Heck, I look nothing like this MC! Please don't be discouraged just by how she appears in certain CG's! There are plenty of guys, queer folks and women who look nothing like her, who love and adore Saeran as a character. And you know what? All of you would be loved and appreciated by Saeran. Whatever weight, whatever gender, whatever skin color you are. Your own unique appearance will make you just as ethereal next to him. Because it's you.
Saeran has the same love for you as you have for him. Unknown included!
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Now onto the man himself..... God.... how gorgeous he is...... I know I felt like I was falling in love with him all over again when I saw him, pfft-
Who is Unknown without his belts and chokers? Once again, Unknown knows what he likes, and I respect the hell out of it. You go king!
Need I say that they gave him freaking EARRINGS???? I know I wouldn't be freaking out about that as much, if it wasn't a fan thing for years. And now he gets the earrings we all knew he deserves in canon. Life could be a dream.
He also has a cross. Which is a rather... interesting choice. Once again, @marshmallowprotection goes over it in detail in her post. Another fun personal interpretation I had (bc I love giving a darker vibe to things) is that perhaps this image is taken after Saeyoung got captured by Mint Eye. Unknown takes and wears his brother's cross as a mockery of his brother's faith and as a declaration of his triumph. I must say, though, that's, like.... 99% not what is intended here, and just my personal fun musings.
I also find it both hot and hilarious that Unknown has his shirt open like that. He saw his brother's CG and went: 'oh hell no, I can do better'. He's so extra, and I adore him. I also don't think he's muscular here???? He's not depicted as broad or buff. I think people just misinterpret the art style a bit. He doesn't really have any prominent muscle here, and it looks significantly different to Saeyoung's CG. I think the artist just either didn't have much time to flesh it out (an issue Kait goes in detail over), or they had trouble with depicting what they wanted to depict. Or I'm just talking out of my ass here, and they really did make him jacked, but my eyes will continue to willfully choose to not see that 😔
All that to say, I definitely went feral over this guy showing so much skin, and the desire to BITE is strong with this one.
He'll be on my mind first the rest of the year. What an absolute treat.
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It's so much like Unknown to be all snazzy and cordial with you. I love how they showcased his mannerisms here. It's irrelevant whether you interpret it as cunning or genuinely affectionate here. That smirk is very much Unknown, and we all know it. I wanna smooch his cheeks so bad. Kait also went over the flower analysis in her post, so I highly advice you to check it out!!
In summary, I couldn't be happier with what we got this year. This is everything I ever wanted and more. Will be definitely writing individual pieces for these, because how can I not?
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k4txlulzz · 4 months
the choi twins don't need V's "saving"
he is ALMOST just as responsible for the choi twin's awful fate as rika🤷🏻im tired of him being coddled like he did nothing wrong or him being characterized as this noble savior of saeran and saeyoung when he absolutely is not lol
its also telling that in the good endings of the twins' routes v is either dead or in jail. either way, out of their lives . which is how it should be . i do believe v is a good person but his decisions regarding the twins are astronomically stupid and it makes me viscerally mad because. it could have been so easily avoided . saeyoung and saeran wouldn't be separated if it weren't for rika AND him
i DO want him to have sweet moments with them and i enjoy seeing them get along but because he's so self-sacrificing and apologetic it doesn't give the twins room to actually be mad cuz "poor v". it feels like "oh they should be grateful that he is changing" when they don't have to be at peace with jihyun at all . the way he hurt saeyoung is especially overlooked which makes me even more upset
and keep in mind i still do feel bad for him, i don't blame him for the stuff rika specifically did and it's important to acknowledge that he is a victim of domestic abuse. my criticisms of him are not of that regard, i am annoyed at his relationship with the twins outside of rika, his own independent actions that happen to be, again, very stupid
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"I've got you, my love," his gentle voice never failed to find you at the lowest point of your day. "If you feel complicated, come lean on me... Please sleep peacefully in my arms."
You were never one to turn down the offer when it came up. After the day you had, no, after the long week you had, the one thing you could dream of doing was going to sleep for the rest of the night. You didn't want to deal with the rest of the world anymore.
You wanted to close your eyes and relish in the opportunity to be held by somebody who never made you feel like you had to explain what was bothering you until you were ready to talk about it.
Saeran never rushed you before you were ready.
If all you needed was a shoulder to cry on, he would always be there to offer it every single time you looked at him with those big, puppy dog eyes. You knew he would be there for you no matter what, just as you would be there for him no matter what. But there was something sweet about knowing just how quickly he would come to your side without you having to say a single word about it.
You could ask him to be there for you or he would be there waiting for you no matter what... You considered yourself lucky to be the person on the receiving end of the massive web of love in his heart. He would always be your one true love, no matter what happened in your life. It was as simple as that. He understood what nobody else did... or ever could.
There would always be time to talk about what made you upset. There would always be a chance to get around to talking about what made it hurt so much that you broke down in tears the minute you walked through the door. But, for now, the only thing you wanted to do was be held and the only thing he wanted to do was hold you.
"Don't worry, my love. I don't intend to go anywhere tonight. You are... my priority. I don't know what made you feel so overwhelmed. But, you don't need to worry about anything anymore. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. I love you."
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password-door-lock · 21 days
Unknown has a complicated relationship with sleep. 
He's always tired, but he never wants to admit that he needs to sleep. If you try to explain to him that everybody has to sleep at some point, he’ll only get annoyed with you. Who do you think you are to tell him what he needs? The way he sees it, he’s basically a machine anyway, so shouldn’t he at least get the benefits associated with a mechanical existence? But instead, every few days, his body forces him to sleep until his nightmares wake him up. 
He tries to stave it off as long as he can with caffeine, sugar, and cold showers. Sometimes, he’ll ask you to wake him up if he falls asleep in front of his computer— he’s never pleased about it when you refuse, but he also never retaliates. He doesn’t have the energy, and besides— at least he knows that you won’t hurt him or take advantage of his vulnerable state even when he tells you to.
Eventually, though, he has to sleep. He doesn’t like the thought of leaving you alone in the intelligence room when he’s unconscious elsewhere— what if some believer comes in and you say something misguided that makes you wind up in the basement? What if the Savior comes by and decides to question you about Unknown’s inactivity? There are simply too many variables to account for. The easiest solution, of course, is to sleep when you sleep, although it goes without saying that he'll be waking up before you. In Unknown's opinion, you spend far too long just laying there and nowhere near enough time helping him with his revenge.
You try to baby him even on his good nights. You bring him the best, most filling dinners you can throw together with the ingredients in the kitchen; these are usually accompanied by hot beverages to counteract the biting cold of the intelligence room. You’re about the only person (aside from the Savior, of course) from whom he would accept a mysterious drink, but Unknown has to admit that he enjoys the sweet vanilla chamomile that you always serve him. Though his rational mind knows that he can’t afford to take long breaks from his work, his body is soothed by the tea. 
If he’s exhausted enough, Unknown might agree to lay down with his head in your lap and let you play with his hair as he falls asleep. It’s easy for him to spin this position as a power move— obviously, you’re giving him this attention because like him, right? You wouldn't do anything like this for any of those bastards in the RFA. You’re trying to show him affection, to thank him for saving you— Unknown can allow that. Besides, it feels nice, and isn't he allowed to enjoy simple pleasures like this in between finishing his work? It's basically the same thing as eating ice cream or sending cryptic texts in hacked RFA chatrooms.
He likes falling asleep to the sound of your voice. You can even lull him back to sleep after he’s woken up from a nightmare, if you play your cards right. Tell him how good he is while you pet his hair, but don’t you dare breathe a word to him about it when he wakes up in the morning (or, more likely, in the middle of the night). After the fact, he feels a lot less powerful and a lot more pathetic, especially if there was a nightmare involved. The thought of whimpering and whining at you when he wasn’t awake enough to stop himself makes Unknown feel a little sick. Secretly, he's grateful for both your care and your discretion, though you'd never get him to admit it aloud.
He doesn’t want to want any kind of comfort, but the more time he spends with you, the less frequently he refuses when you offer. You might even be able to get him to let you read to him— entertainment as a concept is entirely foreign to Unknown, so it’ll take him a while to figure out what kind of stories he likes to hear. Really, what he likes best is the sound of your voice and the fact that you actually listen when he expresses a boundary or a preference. If you ask very nicely and you’re very lucky, he’ll even let you kiss him on the forehead as he drifts off into dreamland. 
Even if he still only gets a few hours of sleep each night, at least he’s resting better than he was before you came to him.
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Saeran propaganda:
"He's a very gentle young man born into miserable circumstances who learns what freedom and autonomy mean to him after far too long of being everyone else's punching bag. He goes from desperation, subservience, and self-loathing to blind rage to become the biggest threat in the room, all in the name of self-preservation in an environment that wants to destroy him. But with a support system that challenges his programmed thought processes, he learns to see past the lies and coercion and begins his recovery journey with his beloved partner and dear twin brother. He loves flowers and knows most of their meanings (he WILL gift bouquets of them to share those captivating messages), he's an excellent chef, and he is an entirely devoted partner who sees his beloved MC as the light that helped guide him onto his path to recovery. He genuinely loves his MC in a way that the other characters of Mystic Messenger suggest transcends the notion of romance. He's ethereal; he's on a different plane of love. He is the very essence of love. He will risk his all... risk everything in the name of love."
Nakedtoaster propaganda:
“First off we love he/they icons. He's very silly but he's also extremely smart and sweet. They care about their friends deeply and they're always conscious of when a joke is going too far and needs to stop. He's so sweet and cute and it's so impossibly easy to make them blush theyre truly a dork. Also did you know if you create a ffxiv account you can play up to level 70 for free?!”
“A tall gentle giant that somehow thrives at being both silly goofy AND incredibly brilliant. They're always #downtoclown and they have a good sense of humor but he's also attentive, caring and kind, likes to spend quality time chatting and having some deep conversation (if he thinks something upsets, he always checks in to make sure you're doing okay). They coded a complex text-based CRPG that responds in real time to player input, and eventually they got their own company. They're CEO and care about their company and employees, so much that he's really conflicted about selling the organization, because it feels like it's his baby (his words). He balances work, gaming and socialization in the server. In their route, they get adorably flustered but make sure to let the player know that they're into it and absolutely reciprocate, and after their ending (which is very emotionally charged and high stakes scenario) they literally go "Fuck it" and profess love to the player even though they haven't known each other for long, because they mutually relate and empathize with each other's struggles (player character also is in a tense work environment and trying to manage expectations). He has gorgeous pink hair that he lets the player braid, he won't lose any opportunity to promote the critically acclaimed MMORPG FFXIV, he's the sweetest cutest person, and perhaps most importantly, he looks great in cat ears headband <3”
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anas-tasiaa · 2 years
Saeran looked so adorable when he was young, in his overalls.
- Saeyoung Choi .
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He is.
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