#Sahjo Bai poetry
urdubooks24 · 6 months
The Profound Wisdom of Sahjo Bai: Exploring Her Dohe
Sahjo Bai, an eminent saint-poetess, adorned the tapestry of Indian literature with her profound insights and spiritual wisdom. Born amidst the mystic aura of the medieval period, Sahjo Bai's dohe encapsulate the essence of devotion, wisdom, and spiritual enlightenment. In this exploration, we delve into the timeless teachings embedded in her verses, unraveling the depth of her poetic genius.
Sahjo Bai's Spiritual Journey
Sahjo Bai embarked on a spiritual journey guided by the light of divine wisdom. Her dohe reflect her deep-seated reverence for the Guru and her unwavering faith in the path of devotion. Through her verses, she invites us to tread the path of righteousness and seek solace in the divine presence.
1. Sab Parvat Syāhī Karūñ Gholūñ
In this doha, Sahjo Bai metaphorically portrays the vastness of spiritual endeavor. Just as one mixes ink to make the ocean black, she compares the act of spiritual practice to a monumental task. The seeker endeavors to delve into the depths of knowledge and immerse oneself in the vast expanse of divine consciousness, symbolized by the ocean. Sahjo Bai emphasizes the transformative power of spiritual discipline, where the seeker strives to merge with the infinite, akin to the vastness of the ocean.
2. Dhartī Kā Kāgad Karūñ
Sahjo Bai ingeniously employs the imagery of writing on the earth's surface to convey the futility of praising the Guru. She suggests that the earth itself serves as the paper upon which the praises of the Guru are written, indicating the omnipresence and omnipotence of the divine. No matter how much one praises the Guru, it cannot encompass the entirety of their greatness, for the Guru's glory transcends earthly limitations. Through this doha, Sahjo Bai emphasizes the boundless nature of the Guru's virtues, which elude the grasp of human comprehension.
3. Guru Mag DrḌh Pag Rākhiye
In this doha, Sahjo Bai underscores the significance of unwavering devotion to the Guru. She advises the seeker to firmly place their feet on the path shown by the Guru, without wavering in their commitment. Just as the sunflower turns its face towards the sun, the devotee should orient themselves towards the Guru's guidance with steadfast devotion. Sahjo Bai reminds us that true enlightenment comes from surrendering to the Guru's wisdom and following their teachings with unwavering faith.
4. Sikh Kā Maanā Satgurū Guru
This doha emphasizes the reverence and respect one should accord to the Guru. Sahjo Bai asserts that acknowledging the Guru's authority is akin to beholding the divine presence. Even if one were to bow a hundred thousand times before the Guru, it would not suffice to express the depth of their reverence. Sahjo Bai implores the seeker to never forsake the door of the Guru, for it is through unwavering devotion that one can attain spiritual enlightenment.
Sahjo Bai's dohe serve as guiding beacons illuminating the path of spiritual enlightenment and devotion. Through her profound insights and poetic mastery, she imparts timeless wisdom that resonates with seekers across generations. As we reflect upon her verses, we are reminded of the eternal truths that lie beyond the realm of worldly existence. Sahjo Bai's legacy continues to inspire and uplift, beckoning us to embark on a journey of self-discovery and divine realization.
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santmat · 2 years
Living a Life of Love  (The Yoga of Love, Bhakti, Part 4) - Podcast - Spiritual Awakening Radio with James Bean
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Within this temple of the human body, just beyond the field of darkness one sees with eyes closed during meditation, are vast oceans of Light, Sound and Love. Genuine Sant Mat is the spiritual Path of Love (Bhakti) as well as Inner Light, and Sound. It is absolutely essential for the initiate, the disciple, the satsangi, the seeker of spirituality, to be in touch with the Bhakti side of the Path. Huzur Maharaj Rai Saligram in his Prem Patra Radhasoami says: "All Sants, and Soami Ji Maharaj in particular, have, in their Bani [hymns], laid great stress upon engendering love. The idea is that the task can be accomplished quickly and easily with the help of love. Mere renunciation cannot afford so much advantage, nor can mere comprehension of the Faith confer such a benefit. All activities in the world are going on because of love and desire. If one does not have any feeling of love or he has no interest in a matter, he can do nothing. For the real spiritual welfare of their soul, it therefore behooves all Jivas [souls] to develop real love for the true Supreme Being."
There are compositions of Guru Nanak, Sants like Kabir, Namdev, Ravidas, Dadu, Mirabai, Dayabai, Sahjo Bai, Tulsi Das, Paltoo Sahib, Surdas, Tukaram, Dariya Sahib, Tulsi Sahib, Girdhari Sahib, Surswami, Swami Ji Maharaj, Huzur Maharaj, Maharshi Mehi Paramhans, Baba Somanath -- so many great Saints of the ages, during each generation of humanity. Their mystic poetry and hymns (banis and bhajans) are such treasure-troves of inspiration. These are all voices speaking from that state of being or consciousness that we call "Anurag Sagar", the Ocean of Love, and "Sach Khand", the Timeless Spiritual Realm. These verses of the Saints read like poetry or psalms. Rumi poetry is similar. These Mystics of the East provide very beautiful and Bhakti devotional teachings, the Way of the Lover and the Beloved.
Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast: Living a Life of Love  (The Yoga of Love, Bhakti, Part 4) - Listen, Download, Subscribe
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"Sant Mat is not the path of information. This is the Path of Transformation." (Swami Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj)  
"As the river enters into the Ocean, so my heart touches Thee." (Kabir)
In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters,
James Bean
Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts
Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts
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PODCAST: The Yoga or Path of Love (Bhakti), Part 4 -- Spiritual Awakening Radio with James Bean -- Listen @ Youtube: https://youtu.be/x99tPNDJeOA
OR Stream and Download Here: http://download.liveindexer.com/podcasts/HealthyLifeOD/Audio//ECI_AUTO/Apr2017/SPA042517_WMA.mp3
Welcome to this Sant Mat #Satsang Podcast. Genuine Sant Mat is Path of #Love (#Bhakti) as well as Inner Light, and Sound: "All Sants, and Soami Ji Maharaj in particular, have, in their Bani [hymns], laid great stress upon engendering love. The idea is that the task can be accomplished quickly and easily with the help of love. Mere renunciation cannot afford so much advantage, nor can mere comprehension of the Faith confer such a benefit. All activities in the world are going on because of love and desire. If one does not have any feeling of love or he has no interest in a matter, he can do nothing. For the real spiritual welfare of their soul, it therefore behoves all Jivas [souls] to develop real love for the true Supreme Being." (Huzur Maharaj, Prem Patra Radhasoami)
On this Path of the Masters (#SantMat) there are books that represent the "science of the esoteric", providing technical details about subtle bodies, inner regions, karma, meditation practice, and so on. And there is also the poetic side expressing the heart of mysticism. In English, the words of many bhajans and banis (hymns) of Saints (Sants) have become available. They read like poetry or psalms. #Rumi poetry is similar. These Mystics of the East provide very beautiful and Bhakti devotional teachings -- the Way of the Lover and the #Beloved. There are the compositions of #Kabir, the Guru Granth, Namdev, Ravidas, Dadu, Mirabai, Dayabai, Sahjo Bai, Tulsi Das, Paltoo Sahib, Surdas, Tukaram -- so many great souls. These are such priceless sources of inspiration. It's absolutely essential for the initiate/satsangi of #Sant_Mat to be in touch with the Bhakti side of the Path.
Huzur Baba Sawan Singh's #Introductory #Meditation #Instructions: "As to any exercises which might help you, until the time of your initiation, I can only suggest at this time that you may sit in meditation, in a quiet place, like your own bedroom or some room as secluded as possible, and with spine and body erect, in a comfortable position, fix all the attention at the center just back of the two eyes, and slowly repeat the word #RADHASOAMI [RadhaSwami], fixing the mind on the Supreme Being who is your Supreme Father." — Hazur Baba Sawan Singh
"Sant Mat is not the path of information. This is the Path of Transformation." (Swami Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj)
"Blessed are the souls who in today's materialistic world have an inclination towards #spirituality." (Gurudev and Beloved Swami Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj of Maharshi Mehi Ashram)
* Podcast Download Page: A Collection of Current Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts-On-Demand: http://hosted.EarthChannel.com/HealthyLife/spa-od.html
God is the Ocean of Love and All-Consciousness.
In Divine Light and Sound, Namaste', Gnosis, Peace, Jai Guru, Jai Sat Naam, Bandagi Saheb, Satya Raam, Radhasoami, James
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santmat · 5 years
Too Many Books Are Still Not Enough! by James Bean For a very long time I’ve been a collector, researcher and lover of books. These are for the most part translations of writings from other places and other times: Egypt and the Middle East, Near East, and further to the East, as in India. These can be described as sacred texts, rare spiritual classics, world scriptures, writings of mystics, saints, Sufis, and especially the Sant poet-mystics of India. I also continue to have a major interest in those “lost books of the Bible” or what’s known as “extra-canonical” or “apocryphal” texts — in other words, someone else’s scriptures — other Bibles from other branches of Judaism, Christianity, and various Gnostic movements of the ages. I find it to be rather liberating actually to be able to explore the roots of a spiritual path or world religion, to take things right back to the very beginning, or before the beginning, opening one’s self up to significant and sometimes fairly radical discoveries, coming upon new or unanticipated insights or realizations about what is genuine, authentic, meaningful, and true. This approach of examining the foundations of spiritual movements, no longer bound by time, no longer tethered to one’s own particular cultural province or bias, in my case has caused me to change my religion on more than one occasion over the decades, and make other major course corrections along the way! Access to the wisdom of great sages and mystics of the centuries has certainly provided me with inspiration I previously did not know existed and has kept me on the path, given me a clarity about spiritual practice (meditation) I otherwise would never have known. I am especially fond of the poet-mystics of the East. And some of what I’ve researched or simply enjoyed reading before meditation time, or before falling asleep at night, gets bookmarked and often included as material for my Spiritual Awakening Radio podcasts, and sometimes in articles. As my spiritual teacher once said, “What’s the use of receiving this human form if we do not serve others in thought, word, and deed.” I love sharing passages from the teachings of various spiritual masters, especially from rare books few have heard of or have access to in the West. This can be in the form of a reading during a podcast, or talk somewhere, or via social media. I even created a couple of spiritual e-libraries online, one at my Spiritual Awakening Radio website, and more recently, an expanded library at my Sant Mat Radhasoami blog. There are so many free online books these days one can link to. Whether one’s interest is in Dead Sea Scrolls, Books of Enoch, Gnostic and other Gospels of the early centuries AD, Syriac-Aramaic contemplative mystics, Mandaean scriptures, the Manichaeans, Jesus Sutras, those medieval Christian mystics of Europe, Sufi poetry, Sikh scriptures, the Path of the Masters — recent and lesser-known contemporary living Masters from rural India as well — we are blessed these days with so many e-libraries and uploaded books hosted at countless sites. At one’s fingertips and a couple of clicks away are so many wonderful collections of poetry and prose, beneficial pathways to wisdom. I know a thousand “Rumi’s” the world is yearning to hear, to be soothed by the Voice of the Soul that speaks through them all. Hafiz, Shams of Tabriz, Sarmad, Kabir, Rabia, Mira Bai, Daya Bai, Sahjo Bai, Tukaram, Hazrat Sultan Bahu, Baba Farid, Guru Nanak, Dariya Sahib, Tulsi Sahib, Surdas, Namdev, Ravidas, Paltu, Sant Radhaswami Sahib, Maharshi Mehi, and many more besides, right up to the living present — countless are lovers of the Beloved. _/|\_ Sant Mat Radhasoami Books — The E Library: Main Page — Portal—Contents — Index — Sections: https://santmatradhasoami.blogspot.com/2019/01/sant-mat-radhasoami-books-main-page-e.html
Sant Mat Radhasoami Books — The E Library: Main Page — Portal—Contents — Index — Sections: https://santmatradhasoami.blogspot.com/2019/01/sant-mat-radhasoami-books-main-page-e.html
Too Many Books Are Still Not Enough! by James Bean:  https://diasp.org/posts/5fceb7600d46013816fc047d7b62795e
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santmat · 8 years
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The Day That Counts is the Day That Includes the Repetition of God's Names
"Simran done with faith produces a unique feeling in the heart. By doing Simran a feeling of bliss and divine influence fills the heart. This state is produced sooner or later, according to the individual devotee’s sanskaras [predominating nature, the result of past karmic impressions]." (Sant Kirpal Singh, Philosophy of the Masters)
"Simran" is the spiritual exercise of remembering God, choosing to become centered in God, by repeating a name or names of God. It is a key practice of the masters and mystics. On the Path of the Masters, simran, also known as manas jap (the mental repetition of sacred names), is how one begins daily meditation practice. The repeating of a name or names of God is also done during opportune moments throughout the day and night. According to the teachings of the masters, simran/manas jap (mentally chanting names in your mind with the "tongue of thought") is not intended to be a dry mantra practice. Done correctly and most effectively, simran is performed  with a spirit of love (bhakti), as if one is calling out to one's Beloved:
"If the person repeats the name with love, distress is dissolved and one lives in happiness." (Sant Tulsi Das)
"The practitioner who does Jap [simran] sitting in a secluded place with the right method and immense love [bhakti] becomes an excellent devotee." (Shri Swami Bhagirath Baba)
"Only the day spent In repetition of the Lord's Name Is reckoned fruitful In the court of the Lord. He who is absorbed in the Name, The Lord is always with him As his companion. The day spent in repetition Alone counts in the Lord's court. Ceaselessly burns the lamp of Maya, And men and gods, like moths, Rush blindly into its flames. Having attained the state Of poise and detachment, Kabir, the Lord's slave, Has swum across the ocean And reached the haven."
-- Guru Kabir, from the Kabir Granthavali
On this Path of the Masters there are books that represent the "science of the esoteric", providing technical details about subtle bodies, inner regions, karma, meditation practice, and so on. And there is also the poetic side expressing the heart of mysticism. In English, the words of many bhajans and banis (hymns) of Saints (Sants) have become available. They read like poetry or psalms. Rumi poetry is similar. These Mystics of the East provide very beautiful and bhakti devotional teachings -- the Way of the Lover and the Beloved. There are the compositions of Kabir, the Guru Granth, Namdev, Ravidas, Dadu, Mirabai, Dayabai, Sahjo Bai, Tulsi Das, Paltoo Sahib, Surdas, Tukaram -- so many great souls. These are such priceless sources of inspiration. It's absolutely essential for the initiate/satsangi to be in touch with the bhakti side of the path.
-- Love Opens a Portal to God -- Light and Sound on the Path -- e-Newsletter/Blog of Spiritual Quotes & Satsang Discourses: https://SantMatRadhasoami.Blogspot.com/2017/02/love-opens-portal-to-god-light-and.html
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