bentectravels · 9 months
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destroyedchild · 3 months
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Sainte-Enimie - France 🇫🇷
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drei-durch-frankreich · 4 months
T 11 Traumhafte Abfahrt und qualvolle Höhenmeter
Hui, ist es kalt heute Nacht, die Temperaturen fallen auf 7 Grad. Das war unsere bisher kälteste Nacht. Als wir um 8 Uhr aus dem Zelt gehen, ist strahlend blauer Himmel, und die Sonne wärmt uns schnell auf. Wir machen uns erst einmal einen Kaffee, breiten das Zelt zum Trocknen aus und frühstücken unser Müsli. Danach werfen wir einen Blick auf die Karte: Es geht erst einmal hoch, und zwar ganz schön viel – stramme 600 Höhenmeter. Aber bei dem Sonnenschein ist unsere Motivation an diesem Morgen top. Wir packen schnell zusammen und verabschieden uns von unserem traumhaften Ausblick auf den See. Es geht direkt nach oben, und das auf einer Hauptstraße, aber mit Musik auf den Ohren bezwingen wir schnell unsere ersten Höhenmeter. Da wir die ersten 300 Höhenmeter ruckzuck bezwungen haben, beschließen wir, alles direkt ohne größere Pause zu fahren. Es geht dann erst kurz runter, damit wir anschließend wieder hochfahren. Wenn wir das geschafft haben, geht es noch einmal ein Stück runter, nur um dann von 1180 Metern auf 1430 Meter zu fahren. Die Straße wird hier zum Glück verlassener, aber auch deutlich steiler; es gibt Passagen mit 15 % Steigung. Man muss wirklich alles geben, wenn man nicht absteigen will. Als wir endlich oben sind, werden wir von einer enttäuschenden Aussicht empfangen: Um uns herum sind nur Bäume. Zum Glück finden wir einen Kilometer weiter einen tollen Pausenplatz. Innerhalb von 2,5 Stunden haben wir 600 Höhenmeter und dabei knapp 20 Kilometer zurückgelegt.
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Ab jetzt geht es erst einmal bergab, und zwar ganze 18 Kilometer. Doch die Abfahrt erweist sich schnell als anspruchsvoll. Dies ist der erste und sicherlich auch der einzige Abschnitt auf der Tour, bei dem ich lieber mit meinem Downhill-Fahrrad gefahren wäre. Wir müssen relativ langsam fahren, weil die ganze Straße vom Regen völlig mit Löchern, Steinen und Furchen übersät ist. Nach einem Drittel der Abfahrt entscheiden wir uns dafür, auf der Straße weiterzufahren. Sehr clever: Wir düsen eine top asphaltierte Straße hinunter und landen nach insgesamt 700 Metern bergab in Mende, wo wir um 14:30 beschließen, Mittagspause zu machen. Kurz bevor wir fertig sind mit Essen, kommt ein Supermarkt-Mitarbeiter und beendet unsere Pause ein wenig frühzeitig, weil wir im Weg sitzen. Also geht es nach einer knappen Stunde weiter.
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Mende haben wir nach 40 Kilometern erreicht, das heißt, jetzt geht es erst einmal zehn Kilometer auf flachen Wegen voran. Fast ein wenig zu gut: Es gab gestern Abend die Überlegung, heute einen sehr entspannten Tag zu machen und bei guten 50 Kilometern unser Zelt aufzuschlagen. Aber da wir erstens sehr gut in der Zeit sind und zweitens fast durchgehend an der Hauptstraße entlang fahren, wird diese Idee verworfen. Der Grund für diese Überlegungen waren die Höhenmeter, die sich jetzt steil vor uns aufbauten. Die Sonne ist zwar ein Motivator, aber mittlerweile ist es nur noch heiß – unfassbar bei all dem schlechten Wetter der letzten Tage. Plötzlich fährt man einen Berg hoch bei 26 Grad und Sonnenschein. Wir sind beide mächtig am Schwitzen, als wir weitere 300 Höhenmeter hinter uns lassen.
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Weil hier oben weit und breit keine Schlafmöglichkeit zu sehen ist, beschließen wir, noch 16 Kilometer bis zu einem Campingplatz hinter Saint-Enimie zu fahren. Der Weg dorthin geht durchgehend mal hoch, mal runter. Als wir zur Abfahrt kommen, entscheiden wir uns, auf der Straße zu bleiben, anstatt auf den Radweg zu wechseln. Was nun folgt, ist einfach nur traumhaft schön: Wir fahren um eine Kurve und sehen die Stadt Saint-Enimie unten im Tal liegen, während wir hoch oben auf der Straße stehen. Hier fahren wir gerade in die Tarn-Schlucht ein, und es ist wirklich atemberaubend schön. 10 Minuten später kommen wir am Campingplatz an, trinken ein Feierabendbier, gehen duschen und kochen uns etwas zu essen.
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Erkenntnisse des Tages
1. Höhenmeter allein geben nicht immer eine schöne Aussicht
2. Komoot hat nicht immer Recht
3. Ein Garvelbike ist kein Downhill
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tarn736 · 1 year
Jour 3 : Pont de Monvert - Florac
Étape sportive, 28 kms et 840 m de dénivelé!!!
Les premiers kms montent sec, arrivée au signal de Bougès (1471m), la vue est magnifique mais elle se mérite 😳
Le chemin serpente sur la crête nous offrant les paysages ensoleillés et les premières éclosions de fleurs.
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Nous croisons plusieurs randonneurs, cette étape étant commune avec le célèbre GR 70, chemin de Stevenson.
Arrivée à Florac, les trois rivières.
Demain direction Sainte Enimie en longeant le Tarn.
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lyonelkaufmann · 1 year
Circuit Gorges & Causses entre Aveyron et Lozère - Mes Balades Moto
Tout le monde parle des Gorges du Tarn entre Florac et Millau en passant par Quézac, La Malène, Sainte Enimie ou les Vignes sur la D907B (Lozère). Et si vous n’avez qu’une seule journée dans le secteur, c’est probablement un très bon choix. Mais si vous cherchez une alternative pour avoir moins de monde ou découvrir d’autres routes, que diriez-vous des Gorges de la Dourbie et des Gorges de la…
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histoirecafe · 1 year
Circuit Gorges & Causses entre Aveyron et Lozère - Mes Balades Moto
Tout le monde parle des Gorges du Tarn entre Florac et Millau en passant par Quézac, La Malène, Sainte Enimie ou les Vignes sur la D907B (Lozère). Et si vous n’avez qu’une seule journée dans le secteur, c’est probablement un très bon choix. Mais si vous cherchez une alternative pour avoir moins de monde ou découvrir d’autres routes, que diriez-vous des Gorges de la Dourbie et des Gorges de la…
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bdligneclaire · 5 years
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Après l'hommage à Patrick Jusseaume à Sainte-Enimie, quel avenir pour la série Tramp ?
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Depuis la sortie du tome 11 et le décès de Patrick Jusseaume, Tramp et son héros Calec, sont en cale sèche. A Sainte-Enimie, en Lozère, au 12e Festival BD 2019 organisé par Enimie BD, on a rendu un superbe hommage à Patrick Jusseaume. Des planches originales, des panneaux bien faits […]
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dayoud · 6 years
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Lumière et fraicheur sainte Enimie!
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fs-vacances · 6 years
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Sainte Enimie en Lozère, plus beaux villages de France, dans les Gorges du Tarn
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photosdelozere · 3 years
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Saint-Enimie dans les gorges du Tarn
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hoopadooza · 3 years
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French Hoops | thx fli
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Star Vs Tom Luictor Retrospective Detour: Skooled!
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                                         Dedicated to Jessica Walter                                                     1941- 2021
Welcome back all you still mourning people to Prince of Wishful Thinking, my Tom Lucitor Retrospective... or at least a detour from it as I need to cover the Meteora arc to cover Divide/Conquer properly. When we last left off with Star she and Tom were going closer, but both are taking a break this time. We’ll get back to them in April... oh will we get back to them in april.  For now we’re back to Meteora who I forgot was ABSENT for a while. not forever, but while her parantege, the cover up related to her and all of that has been vitally important, Meteora herself vanished after Monster Party and hasn’t been seen till now. But i’ts a good storytelling engine.. it ratchets up tension for her inevitable return, and gives us time to find out what happened with her and let that sink in.. granted i’td also be the last time it sunk in but I can dunk on the series decline later... I still have season 4 episodes to cover after all. So join me under the cut as we get the welcomed Return of Henious, an unexpected hero.. and Ponyhead because this series clearly hasn’t hurt me enough. And as usual for my Star Vs Reviews, i’d like to thank one of my Best Friends @jess-the-vampire for her insight on this episode. It’s always welcome and she always manages to find something I didn’t think of . 
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So we open at Saint O’s with Ponyhead returning to the school, having previously run it post rebellion before leaving because.. I don’t know. She probably got tired of being a leader, and out of universe they needed her to be around star more. Look the series has far more important things it never explained and never will, not explaining why a recklessly irresponsible asshole left a position of authority and responsibility I can let slide. 
She’s come for brunch but things have changed... the school is still a warm, free environment for princesses to better themselves and party hardy, no longer an oppressive brainwashing gulag run by someone who as it turned out was horribly brainwashed herself.. it’s just now it actually has rules and structure. 
It now also has an actual leader, Princess Patty Arms who showed up in the school’s previous appearance this season here and.. that’s it. I think she showed up in the background of the original st o’s episode. And it’s a shame because she’s a really fascinating character. No really she’s calm, dosen’t take Pony’s shit, and while a brunch exam SEEMS like a waste of time... it really isn’t. A good meal can loosen up a dignitary and some rulers have sticks up their keisters about things like this, so being able to do it just right can win them over. It’s still a touch ridiculous but given the world of star is a touch ridiculous to start with, it works. 
Pony naturally leaves in a rage over this especially when no one backs her up.. but soon the School has bigger issues and we get to why we’re actually here: Meteora is back. And while she has changed, now having grown larger and stronger, easily scaling the wall, she still wants payback and we get a damn fine battle sequence as the princesses all unite against their former tormentor. It’s also sad in hindsight.. because as Jess pointed out to me almost NONE of these characters show up again. And I only added the almost because Penelope is in there. They all seem interesting, the setting of ST O’s itself is interesting, and the idea of a school for princesses of various types is a cool idea. I’ts something the show could’ve come back to to see how they bounce back from this attack.. but like most cool background elements in the show they forget about it. It was intresting to see the schools slow evolution from horrible nightmare to princess ran utopia and like many things coming up it feels like a lost opportunity. 
That being said the fight is awesome, with Meteora proving to be a juggernaut in strength and outplanning her enimies, having brought an overide switch for the robots (Patty reprogrammed them to work for the school) and having them throw their hearts/ power sources as bombs. It’s a damn fine sequence as she finds way after way to keep going, with a now restored rasticore helping them simply portal in.
Pony meanwhile.. is hiding , as Patty find sout when she finds her, and Pony assumes this is about her... though for once i’ts not JUST ego.. but because she was one of the two who started the uprising at the school in the first place and THE person who tossed her out. We also get a nice character moment as while Pony tells patti she still hates her.. she puts the princess behind her when Meteora approaches. She may be a selfish twit whose massively unlikeable.. but she has a good heart.. and not just the one she keeps in a jar she got from one of her boyfriends. 
But Meteora has more important buisness and finds her way to the depths of St. O’s.. where we meet the Schools namesake and her adopted mother a robot played by tress macneile.. another thing the series never bothered to care about as where did these robots come from and why? 
Turns out Meteora came to find out her own personal history, with the remote from before used to find the real dirt.. and what we find .. is heartbreaking as we slowly journey back through Meteora’s childhoods as Henious.. and it’s fucking heart breaking with Tress voicing her younger versions, hence why I didn’t use this as the jessica tribute as while walter’s good in the episode, she isn’t given much. 
We see her as a teen, forced to hide her tail and insulted over it by her mother.. and it only gets worse as when her cheeks glow as a kid St. O tries to wash them off and we get the poor child desperately begging that “she can be better”
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We do finally get the answers Meteora saught as we see Shastacan dropping off the baby meteora, calling her “Henious”.. which St. O took as her name. Proving the spiderbites minus penelope’s dickishness is indeed genetic and why I have no sympathy for the prick getting eaten later... and hopefully globgor will do an encor with penepople’s parents. Here’s hoping. 
So Meteora now knows she’s the rightful queen, and decides to go take it back.. though Pony does try to stand up for her friends... and while we don’t see it hte next episode confirms she got her horn ripped the fuck off. And this horribly traumatic injury.. is magically fixed via 3d printing next time we see her after an episode grappling iwth it instead of having pony deal with not having a horn, or her prostetic not giving her magic powers again. Because this show again really likes to leave good ideas out to rot in the sun like that  package of hamburger I left out in the sun yesterday. And I actually had a reason there: I need a lot of Racoons for an elaborate scheme involving a map to tex cruz’s house, a used apache helicopter and a bulk order of tiny parachutes. 
We do get some payoff to things though, as Henious comes on to rasticore who not so politely rejects her for being nuts.. before it’s revealed Gemini, her loyal servant is also a robot and she uses his heart to blow up rasticore and take the arm with her... which is ALSO never brought up again. Seriously this episode is so full of loose ends i’m suprised it just dosen’t end with Zuko asking his dad about his mother. Gemini’s death is genuinely tragic as his last words are “If you wanted my heart.. all you had to do.. was assssskkkkk”. God damn. So with that Meteora heads out to reclaim her birthright.. no matter the cost. 
Final Thoughts on Skooled!: This one is decent.. but like the last episode I covered, the lack of payoff off for almost anything here, excluding the Meteora plotline and the Pony thing which instead got a BAD payoff, is really starting to rear it’s ugly head as the series greatest weakness. Yes bigger than the romance plot. And given that romance plot after this season can be best discribed as...
The show just.. forgets a good chunk of things happened to keeep things chugging along. It sets UP plots, what happens to st o’s from here, buff frog and a small caravan of monsters leaving forever, the message from shastacan, who built the st o’s robots, and on and on.. but it never PAYS them off. It dosen’t care to. It just does things so the plot can move but never bothers to think about the fucking consequences. It just gets more and more irrtating to think about as other shows throughly DO: Amphibia has the fact the characters get into shenanigans become a commented on running gag and something they grow past, and everything that happens matters. Every episode of Owl House builds on the foundation of the previous episodes. OK Ko dosen’t forget one episode had the characters not be able to turn back into humans and implies their wearing human costumes for the rest of the series. Which is fucking weird, but it was their memory. My point is other shows around the same time or right after didn’t magically forget things happened for convience sake. While it’s OKAY to loose some things in the shuffle, it happens to the best of us, it’s not okay to do it SO fucking often and with no clear care for the audiences desire for payoff. The show just ignores what plot points, like the huge cliffhanger of Star telling marco how she felt at the end of season 2, it dosen’t care about till it needs them and ignores the ones it never does. You can’t just.. bring shit up like it’s important and then try and forget it ever happened. People remember stuff, we are NOT stupid. KIDS are not stupid. When I was younger I REMEMBERED things that happened on KND, Danny Phantom, Xiaolin Showdown, TMNT 2003, because those shows, which are from decades ago, knew I would and trusted even if I missed something and was thrown off i’d tune in for the quality. 
And in an age of streaming and more story based tv you can’t just.. ask kids to act like something they saw didn’t happen because your fucking lazy and frankly YOU never should have. Kids deserve better, my niblings deserve better and frankly the adults your clearly also writing for.. deserve better. This episode is eh, but the problems it represents are so fucking worse. 
Next time on tom. If you thought I got angry towards the end of this one, just you wait. Next time i’ts Booth Buddies. Yeah.. yeah that one. Stay tuned.
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Tarn River in Sainte-Enimie
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tarn736 · 1 year
Jour 5: Saint-Enimie - les Vignes
Dur, dur, dur, 30 kms et plus de 1000m de dénivelé. Près de 9h de marche.
Si le Tarn s’écoule doucement sous nos pieds, le chemin emprunte des sentiers et des corniches qui le surplombent.
Traversée de Saint Chély du Tarn, l’auberge était accueillante mais les godasses nous appellent.
Direction La Malène puis le hameau Les Vignes.
Le chemin est très technique, parfois abrupt et ne permet pas de franches foulées. Certains passages sont délicats, à flanc de rocher…
L’insolite du jour, ce pot de fleurs.
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Journée éreintante, l’apéritif sera doublement mérité 😜
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tindomielthings · 4 years
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 Sainte-Enimie, Lozère, France  -  on  weekend.levif.be
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zimanddibdiary · 5 years
I feel that zombified feeling, when my depression gets to a certain point I just... shut down. I function, I have to. Im just not there. :( It sucks a lot and I hope you feel better Dib. I wouldnt wish it on anyone.
Gaz: I can’t say I relate but watching it is terrifying so I could only imagine what you go through. Being around Dib was so weird because it was like the lights were on but no one was home, I felt like a complete stranger around him.
Dib: God yeah, I remember trying to watch TV or eat a meal with you and feeling like something was off but at the same time, I didn’t know what it was. I have to admit I liked the feeling of being numb for a little bit, for once in what felt like a million years, I didn’t have to think about anything and it was oddly blissful but it got old fast but even then, I didn’t notice I lost myself entirely, I thought maybe I was finally feeling ‘sane’ so I kept going.
Shelli: Oh Dib, that’s absolutely terrible.
Dib: Don’t feel too bad about it Shelli, I wasn’t a saint or anything.
Gaz: Who wasn’t at that age? You were a troubled kid yeah, but Dad was really worried about your future the most.
Dib: Yeah, so was I.
Shelli: Wow yeah, your father still angers me but it doesn’t seem like he meant to put you through that on purpose at least.
Dib: No he regreted it after but I assred him it was alright and I’ve felt a lot better since then! I’ve learned a lot about myself and what’s important to me and my life, sophomore year was when I really decided to change my veiw on life and even though me and Zim continued to fight, we started to watch out for each other as well.
Gaz: Told ya so!
Dib: Yeah I know, it’s hard to admit it but you’re right Gaz, we have been frienimies for a while now. It still doesn’t seem fitting though...
Shelli: Enimies with Benefits?
Dib: Definitely not, pervert.
Shelli: Whaaat? I didn’t mean it sexually!
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