#Sakamaki triplets
seaoflove07 · 1 year
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Laito & Yui
Water Aesthetic.
~ Dark Paradise ~
And there's no remedy for memory, your face is like a melody
It won't leave my head
Your soul is haunting me and telling me that everything is fine
But I wish I was dead
Every time I close my eyes, it's like a dark paradise
No one compares to you
I'm scared that you won't be waiting on the other side
Quote Lyrics, Dark Paradise by Lana del Rey.
Beach Photos Source: Pinterest
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dialovers-lover-xoxo · 6 months
Video Credit: Thomas Sanders Vine!
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 1 year
First Act: Episode One
In which, [Name], the one and only son of Sakamaki Richter strives to make his dearest cousin's lives a living hell. Or; In which yearns for what can never be his own and will do just about anything to yank it within his reach.
First Act | Ep. One | Ep. Two
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"Father? They're Uncle Karlheinz's boys, aren't they?"  
A boy with steel-grey tresses that faded into a pale silver asks his father; his soft voice catching the older man's attention.
The boy was seated at a beautifully carved, dark wood dining table; his father on the opposite side. Atop the table sat a lovely white, silken tablecloth with lace edges; and atop that sat a beautiful porcelain tea set. Said set was from France, according to what his father had told him, a gift from some noble in a futile attempt to curry favor with him some time ago.
Under the glossy varnish finish was painted a breathtakingly intricate pattern in the color of glacial blue. The rims, handles, spouts, and flat bottoms of the set were dipped in gold that shimmered whenever the light caught it. A lovely piece indeed, but certainly not the boy's favorite by any means.
The amber liquid inside the cup was telling enough, It was Darjeeling. Tasteful but boring. 
The boy lifts his teacup to his lips; taking a quiet sip and taking in the taste as it rolls over his tongue. His large, round e/c eyes looked up at the man across from him expectantly; clawed fingers drummed gently on the table with impatience and curiosity that bubbled just under his pale skin.
"You are correct. Why do you ask, dearest [Name]?"  
The charcoal-blonde-haired man answered, turning his tired eyes from the book in hand toward his beloved son. 
[Name] smiled eerily, the corners of his mouth stretching so far it almost looked as if his face was split in two. He leaned forward, sitting the teacup gently onto its platter and leaning on his forearms.
"Can I play with them?"  
He asks cheerily in his saccharine voice, innocent eyes wide with hidden depravity.
The man's sharp burgundy eyes narrow at the steel-grey-headed child. He really is just like her, isn't he? The joy they got in tormenting others, the twisted grins and psychotic glint that hid just behind their eyes was so similar, sometimes far too similar. 
He closed his eyes; now is not the time. 
"I suppose you can. Don't break them, though. Karlheinz would have my head."  
The older man warns, picking up his teacup.
Ah... the tea is cold.
[Name] now sat in his favorite spot, a large tree overlooking the Sakamaki mansion. Far enough away from the structure to where he won't be noticed, yet close enough to observe. He sat on one of the thicker branches; choosing this one in particular after making sure it wouldn't snap under his body weight. The steelhead came here fairly often; every day. He would sit and wait and watch. A repeating cycle that he never grew bored of.
Out of all the ones he liked to watch, there were preferred ones by now. The eldest two's one-sided bickering was always a small threat, the triplets fighting over various objects in the residence was another endeavor, and then there was the youngest, Subaru. 
The snarling, hollering, wall punching, fight-instigating youngest child of the Sakamakis. With snow-white hair, dazzling sorrow-filled scarlet eyes with thick lashes overhanging them, and pale skin. A true figment of melancholic beauty. A white rose.
Subaru was by far his favorite. Definitely.
Poor, poor Subaru. [Name] always thought that he'd gotten it the worst. Inbred, scorned and ignored. All culminating in violent outbursts to keep himself afloat. The air of suffering just radiated off of him in waves and the vampiric boy found is simply intoxicating.
It was all just so funny. His cousin's suffering was all so fun to watch. It's not [Name]'s fault that his uncle was a child-abandoning whore of a man. He just so happened to stumble upon their residence on his nightly stroll and had some intense sadistic tendencies.
Just like her... just like—
A sudden light caught his eyes. A car? No, a taxi. The vehicle pulled in front of the rundown mansion and slowed to a halt.
The back right door opened after a few seconds and out stepped a girl. The light from the car bounced off her brown hair and lit up the side of her face, displaying her prominent scowl and narrowed almond eyes.
She walked around to the trunk and pulled out a few suitcases as it began to rain. The girl groaned in annoyance and dragged her luggage into the building, seemingly before anyone answered the door.
[Name]'s e/c eyes stare into the door intensely.
Just who was that girl? Surely not another child of Karlheinz's, right? Do they get a sister now too? That's so... unfair.
The wind blew violently through the trees, and [Name] disappeared with the sway of branches; a scowl on his face.
[Name] had always been the curious type. That was something Richter had known since the boy had been birthed. But now.... he couldn't help but be concerned about his only child.
When he was young, [Name] was so gentle and meek; a quiet and impressionable boy who kept to himself most time. Though, that may have to do with the fact that Richter kept his existence from everyone. Almost everyone.
[Name] was only ten years old when Richter introduced the two, but he didn't expect his son to grow so attached. The young boy liked her so much, that he had turned to his father and asked him, "Papa, is this my mother?". And the look of utter despair when he had to tell him no. That she was already wed with her children that she had with the boy's very uncle. [Name] looked so utterly defeated. His heart completely shattered into millions of tiny pieces.
The charcoal-blonde-haired man tried his absolute best to comfort his son. He should've known not to let them meet; [Name] never had a mother figure after all. He had a mother, yes. A beautiful vampire noblewoman of the family Lucifuge whom Richter had fallen head over heels in love with. One he had made sure not to introduce to Karlheinz for fear that she would be taken by his status as the king and his promiscuous ways.  
The two had a long-running fling, though it ended shortly after his love became pregnant and birthed their child. She had then informed him that she was promised to someone else, that the two would be wed the next year and he would certainly reject her if he had discovered that she had carried and bore the child of another man.
She rejected her newborn son, "If only he was never born, we could continue our forbidden union. But with pity, I shall grace him with a name.". That's what she said to him as she gathered all of the gifts of lavish gowns and glittering jewels that he had once so selflessly given her. "[Name]. That is what he shall be called." Were the last words she had ever uttered in their general direction.
Richter thought he would never love again, but he always was quite faint of heart and it continued to beat longingly as it hung on his sleeve.
There's something glittering in the trees...
A key....How interesting....
Return to the Cathedral?
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would you like to find out pt. 2 (diabolik lovers modern college au)
pairing: ayato sakamaki x yui komori (feat. kanato and laito)
summary: everything started with a reckless, "I wanna know how it feels like to date."
themes: mostly humor with mentions of nsfw
note: part 1 here
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Ayato absentmindedly playing and picking on his food was a rare sight, and it irritated Kanato as it ruins his appetite first thing in the morning. He had been doing it since the whole blonde-dream-girl-he-met-at-a-party-run-off-from-him-the-next-day-after-they-had-sex fiasco. Of course, he endured his brothers teasing him to no end, saying how he got dumped for the first time after a one-night stand (because it was rare; like hello, Ayato Sakamaki, the IT boy of Ryoutei University, the infamous college basketball champion.) It wasn't until the jokes don't sound funny anymore and Ayato wasn't eating takoyaki that Kanato and Laito believed this girl must be some serious shit.
And Kanato, being the prick he is, decided to stab his bacon and eggs so loudly in the morning, uncaring if Laito was staring between his older brothers awkwardly. While the concern was there, Kanato can't help but get irritated at Ayato's constant wistful and hopeless romantic longing.
Ugh. Love and all the neuro-shit.
"U-Umm..." Laito started, feeling Kanato's patience slip away, "Ayato-kun, aren't you going to eat-"
"Let him starve himself over some girl who dumped him," Kanato cut in, the stabbing motions not ceasing anytime soon. How dare he anger him? If that's what he wants, then that's what he'll get.
But Ayato was stubborn. Laito gulped nervously at that.
Oh, no.
Kanato slammed his fists on the table. "Okay, what do you want? Just say anything because I am getting sick and tired of your endless moping."
Ayato sighed again, stopping from his usual ministrations. "You can't help me. You don't know her."
Kanato huffed. "Bullshit. We already saw her leave the day after, remember."
"But you don't know where to find her," Ayato countered to which Laito found himself agreeing with.
To be fair, they don't know anything about this mysterious Yui Komori girl. But if they were to have first impression guesses, the girl seemed the honest yet clueless type. She also has the good girl type, the obedient one who always follows her parents' bidding because she is good like that.
However, the girl attended the party in their house and spent that one night with Ayato. That new information doesn't match their impression. Nonetheless, this Yui Komori can quite be a breath of fresh air. After all, this would be the first time Ayato flirted with a girl from the university since all his exes came from different schools.
"So this Bitch-chan has the curiosity of a cat, after all," Laito mused teasingly. "Not a goody two shoes, I see."
"I've asked random people from my course if they know someone called Yui Komori, but they don't seem to recognize one," Ayato said bitterly.
"Hmm... Ayato-kun, what if she's not really studying in Ryoutei University?"
"Nah, that's impossible." The redhead frowned. There's no way Yui would lie to him about studying in Ryoutei. Besides, the only ones invited to their party were people from the university.
"Well, I guess we could just help you look for this Yui Komori," Laito offered with a beaming smile because if this is what it takes for Ayato to stop his endless sighing over hopeless longings, then so be it. Then he turned to Kanato, giving him the "help me out here or else I'll do something despicable to your belongings" look.
Kanato only sighed in exasperation.
What a drag.
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It took four days before Laito informed Ayato something about Yui Komori. It happened one day while he was seeing this one random girl he hooked up with from the Philosophy Department. After their intense sex, she mentioned something along the lines of: "I know that girl. She never skips all the classes. But Laito-kun, she's a bit boring, though? Are you sure you're looking for the right girl?"
And another fun fact: Laito had the same class with the Komori girl at 3pm every Tuesdays.
So Ayato became Laito's substitute, sitting in an unfamiliar class with brand new faces. He looked around for any sign of pale blonde hair and flower hairpins and pink until he spotted her. She was careless and lively, giggling at something her classmates said. Afterwards, the class started, the professor making his usual roll call.
"Sakamaki Laito?"
Ayato raised his hand. "Here."
The professor didn't care, but some of the students whispered, "Eh? But that's not Laito, though. It's the Ayato one."
At the mention of his name, Yui whipped her head back and saw Ayato, sitting five rows away from her. She immediately turned away and tried to shrink from his presence.
What's he doing here?
Once classes ended, Yui quickly got out of her seat and rushed towards the door, letting the crowd of students from the hallway take her until Ayato couldn't see her anymore. Ayato sighed in defeat. It was a one-time chance, and yet he failed.
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"So what now?" Laito asked, munching on his salted caramel popcorn as he watched this new movie he rented with Kanato at their living room. "You'll have to wait for Tuesday to see her again."
"I don't have time for that," Ayato countered. "My practice schedule has been moved to Tuesday next week."
Kanato buried his face into Teddy's head, hugging the stuffed bear closer. "We could ask Reiji to give us a copy of her schedule. He's doing an assistant teacher job until next month," he suggested, then he remembered, "Nah. It's a bad idea. As if Reiji would let us know someone's class schedule. He abides by the rule."
"Looks like there goes your hopes and dreams, Ayato-kun," Laito remarked in despair.
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Or so they thought.
Why? Because Kanato passed by Yui Komori in the hallway on Thursday. What's more? Her class is held at room 403 from 1pm to 5pm.
He knew because he skipped one of his minor classes and see where this blonde girl will move. He even approached one of her classmates and pretended he was quite interested, making some nonsensical flirtatous remarks on her because the girl looked so easy.
"O-O-Oh that?" the poor girl tucked her hair behind her ear and shyly handed out her class schedule. "Y-You can check it; I don't mind. As long as we see each other after this."
As if Kanato will let that happen.
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Ayato was chugging on one of his water bottles in the kitchen when Kanato approached him and said, "I saw your dream girl today."
The redhead stopped at that, turning all his focus on the middle triplet. "Where?"
Suddenly, Kanato whipped out his phone and typed something. Afterwards, Ayato's phone beeped and when he opened it, he received a picture of a class schedule.
"I met a girl who goes to all same classes with that Yui Komori," Kanato informed. "Make sure to use it wisely or else." Because I am so tired of you being so lovesick as hell.
"O-Oh," Ayato was glad. Finally, he could see her again. "Thanks, Kanato."
"Just buy me two pints of ice cream."
"I want the new biscoff one and the chocolate chip cookie."
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever."
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Yui was bored. Apparently their professor for their 4-hour class this Friday afternoon was absent due to sudden cold. She sighed in her seat, contemplating where she could go since her next class would be for 6 pm onwards.
"U-Umm... Komori-san!" a female classmate called.
"Y-Your boyfriend's calling out for you."
"Eh? Boyfriend?"
Then she saw some of her classmates whispering to each other, glancing briefly at her before going back to their own businesses. Yui decided she should find ot who this mystery boyfriend, although there's only one person that comes to mind.
I hope he's not who I'm thinking.
"Yo, Chichinashi," Ayato greeted, the familiar smirk flashing on him. "It's been a while."
Yui blushed at the familiar nickname, the whispers behind her getting louder.
This was the start of a roller coaster story.
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mr-laito-sakamaki · 11 months
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Nfu~ We are here to haunt you. 🩸
New event from Rejet.
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ayayumastan · 1 year
Silly Dialovers Manga pics :3
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Wait a minute- why is only the triplets?!
Oh well…
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mcverse · 1 year
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All characters are aged up or are already of age
Mukami brothers
Main M. List
Angst ∇ Fluff ♡ NSFW ✾ Dark Content ❦
Shu Sakamaki
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— nothing here yet
Renji Sakamaki
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— nothing here yet
Laito Sakamaki
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— nothing here yet
Ayato Sakamaki
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— nothing here yet
Kanato Sakamaki
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— nothing here yet
Subaru Sakamaki
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— nothing here yet
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Blood Legacy of Lilith, (F! Reader) COMING SOON ∇ ♡ ✾ ❦
An 18-year-old with a seemingly perfect life is haunted by a void caused by her inability to remember her past. One day, a stranger drags her out of bed and she is taken captive, subjected to torture and abuse. She is left with many questions about her abduction and her past, with a white-haired man calling her Lilith being the key to unlocking the answers. As she struggles to comprehend her situation, she begins to wonder about the enigmatic man's identity and his links to her past.
Yui! Reader dating someone else ❦
An argument sent the reader into the arms of someone else… that’s her last mistake.
Sakamaki Brothers Caught Slipping ♡ in a S.B way
Reader surprises them with a deeper voice.
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itsaboutyourstruly · 1 year
Please handle them 🤧🤌🏻🫣
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justtasia · 11 months
When I first looked at Kanato's first design, I felt really bad that we were robbed of that beautiful mole under the eye. (and only later did I notice that he had green eyes and no dark eyes that's weird thing to see, he looks too innocent and dollish)
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He would have such a wonderful aesthetic match with Laito!!!!! And if it turned out that Ayato also has a few of them, but in less visible places I would go feral.
But sadly rejet give up this idea so I just headcanons that Kanato still has that mole but he doesn't like it so he use a little make up to cover it.
The second (but actually my favourite) headcanon is that Laito has one more on his collarbone and a few of it on hip which have simillar position like stars of pisces constellation. And LOVES to talk about it and use this fun fact as an excuse to show a little body and suggest to do something fun.
I imagine Ayato would be the one who doesn't care. He has a few moles, maybe on his neck and back, but when someone notices them he's like "Huh?! Ah, yeah it's still here. What bout it?"
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anin13 · 1 year
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Stuff I don’t know if I should put in context in my Shumori (Diabolik Lovers + Omori) fanfic, it is a battle scenario made for the triplets’s birthdays, enjoy lol
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askingdiabolikbois · 1 year
How would the boys react to another kid of Cordelia &Karlheinz who managed to inherit Burai’s vibora genes
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“I’m not really bothered about my current siblings, let alone another…whatever they’ve inherited from that women…means nothing to me. I hope she doesn’t become a problem…”
- He honestly can’t find it in himself to care
- He would hope she doesn’t cause problems like her mother did
- Also hopes she’s not like the triplets, they’re usually the loudest ones in the household who disrupt Shu from his sleep
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Reiji -
“Who are you? I see…I didn’t know that women had another child. You say your fathers child too?” *sigh* “Another troublesome sibling to look after…”
- If you’ve shown up out of the blue he will check you out to make sure your telling the truth
- Will honestly be annoyed that he has to deal with another sibling
- Never the less, it’s ordered from his father so he’ll begrudgingly take care of you like he does his brothers
- Will also hope your not like the triplets, as they seem to be the most troublesome for him
- Slightly intrigued how you managed to inherit those sort of genes, but ultimately doesn’t care as long as it isn’t a problem
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Ayato -
“Your lying! She really had another! You inherited that sort of power?! Regardless of who you are, and what species, you’ll never be Ore-sama! We don’t need a sister.”
- Insanely jealous
- He knows that Karlheinz chose Cordelia because of her demon blood, and would be annoyed he didn’t too, inherit it
- Would feel a little intimidated by her blood, but would have a sexist mind and think she couldn’t ever be king since she was female and doesn’t believe in vampire queens
- Wouldn’t let it show that it bothered him, and would push you away, and wouldn’t want you as part of the family
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Kanato -
“Mother never mentioned a daughter…I don’t like this teddy…this girl smells like her, and even looks like her…we do not like this at all!”
- Will be angry that they were kept in the dark about it
- Will despise his sister for existing
- Will hate how much he’s reminded of his mother looking at her
- He doesn’t care about your vibora blood
- He honestly wouldn’t mind a sister who he could dress up, boss around and have tea parties with…but a secret sister who resembles their mother so much will not do
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Laito -
“Y-your back..! Oh I thought you were someone else…Our sister? Hmm I see. I’m not surprised that women had more secrets.”
- He’s very conflicted
- He is not happy about having someone around that looks like Cordelia, and smells like her…
- He wants that part of his life closed, only leaving memories
- However your really in front of him and reminding him so much of her, part of him has got to have you
- This would be one of the worst situations for Laito because he just can’t comprehend what to do… kill you, love you, fuck you, hate you…
- This situation will honestly drive him insane and to the edge
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Subaru -
“Huh? Why the hell should I care who you are, or what blood you have? Unless it’s delicious blood I’m not interested. If your going to be staying here don’t think I’m interested in sibling bonding so stay the hell out of my way!”
- Will not care who she is, or what blood she has
- Will honestly pity her being in such a family, every child of Karlheinz ends up broken one way or another
- Prefers to keep out of her way, and would like her to do the same as she seems to be troublesome
This was a fun ask, thanks for sending it in :)
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Laito: I desire moisture
Ayato: Please just say "I'm thirsty" like normal people do
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seaoflove07 · 2 years
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Happy Birthday Laito! 3/20
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moriyuisworld · 2 years
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Bad censorship caught in 4K during the triplets’ interview “ How you kjlled your mother “
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romanticvampiric · 2 years
I just came up with a little headcanon regarding Ayato's hair. 🦇
Maybe he is brown like Laito (which would make sense since they are brothers) but he started to dye his hair red.
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This occurred to me because i noticed that the color of Ayato's hair was constantly changing —as it happens to several diaboys— from a big to a little change, even sometimes his hair seems to be more brown than reddish.
Compared to Laito's hair they are quite similar to each other! but anyways, as a person who is blonde from birth and dyes his hair black, i found it silly to imagine this is the reason why his tone changes so much, i'll consider drawing this idea someday. ♡♥
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sakamaki brothers: the peeling shrimp debate headcanons
a/n: bruh I just wanna have fun lol and yes the peeling shrimp/perilla leaf debate has been ongoing in some Korean threads. in case you don't know, the peeling shrimp debate is when your friend or a third wheel peels a shrimp for your S/O.
-doesn't care tbh cause he thinks the debate is nothing but wack so yeah people can go peel a shrimp a two for his s/o
-the only time he would give a flying fvck is if this person decided to feed his s/o
-and at that moment, he'll just steal the shrimp away by casually eating it before the s/o receives it
-he'll just say it's troublesome to peel a shrimp so he'll just get a peeled one from someone else
-ngl no one knows if he is jealous or not bcos he just actually cares abt the shrimp tbh
-like is this person peeling it right? cause if they aren't, he'll just step in and do the job
-ending: he peeled the shrimp for everyone
-this one's funny bcos while Ayato won't care who peels the shrimp for who, he'll prob punch the living daylights of someone who dared feed his s/o
-like the moment this person holds a shrimp and says "aaaahhh" to his s/o, he'll straight up grab their collar and say, "what the heck are you trying to do, punk?"
-so yeah, he's the guy with the slogan: "yes to peeling, no to feeding"
-if you value your life, never peel the shrimp for his s/o--more like don't pay attention to his s/o in general
-like srsly this guy will give you the death stare if you try to give his s/o attention while eating
-I swear if his death stare could talk, it would just say, "eat your shrimp or I'll peel you"
-he actually reminds me of what jungkook said in this one video abt not wanting someone to peel a perilla leaf for his s/o
-like bruh Kanato's imagination and accusation run wild so 🙄
-manipulation at its finest bcos no one gets to eat the shrimp 💀💀💀
-why? bcos this sick fvck decided to play with their minds by saying "eh? you're going to eat that? are you sure? it might be poisoned you know"
-he even adds details like "I saw the cook touch it with dirty hands"
-ending: all of you went to order a different food
-this one is a mix of both Ayato and Laito
-main reason: not only did he went violent, but also flipped the table in shock and anger
-like okay he doesn't care if someone peeled a shrimp for his s/o
-but the minute this piece of sht held that shrimp and said "aaaahhhh" that's when all hell broke loose and Subaru just freaking stood up and flipped the table
-"what the fvck are you doing?!" he would snarl
-ending: not only did all of you have to pay for the meal that you didn't get to eat, but you also have to pay for the damages 😭
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