#Sakamoto Shougo
mihotose · 1 year
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never forget spi's broken mic
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neverland-l0stgirl · 5 months
I wrote a lengthy blog post about my experiences in NY for the Japan Parade. I’m definitely the main character of my post, so don’t read if you don’t like that kind of stuff. The parts focusing on the Kimetsu float are between the ~~~ marks. Please also excuse any grammar and spelling mistakes 🙏
I went to NYC this past weekend to see Sakamoto Shogo-kun as Tanjiro in the NYC Japan Parade. I don’t really read manga or watch anime anymore, so I’m mainly there to support Shogo-kun himself 🥰
I debated for a long time whether I would go. Planning a trip just for a celebrity is not really something I would usually do, but going to NYC alone IS exactly the type of thing I might do 😅 Because I love theater so much, I would honestly fly to NY just to wander around and watch a bunch of Broadway shows.
Anyways, so there is a little backstory of how I decided to go…
Last month was my birthday, and Shogo-kun happened to livestream on his Openrec account the day before. I sent him a paid comment telling him that it was my birthday and that I was happy to see him livestream right before my birthday 🥳 I had wanted to tell him “MAYBE I’ll see you in NY as well” just to be polite. I’m a very self-conscious, people-pleasing type of person. It seemed rude to me to write a comment just to point out how it was my birthday 😓 However, there was a character limit, and the stream was about to end. In a moment of panic, I just typed “See you in NYC” in English. Because I told him that, I thought I had to keep my promise and go 🥲 He even acknowledged it and said something along the lines of, “ah, I wonder if I would see you.” My friend asked me later why I didn’t just say “Have fun in NY.” Well… I can’t think clearly in a moment of panic, okay?! 😭
Anyways, so that was the reason. I’m not gonna lie, the entire time, I felt a little silly to be doing this. I honestly feel like I’m too old to still be chasing idols around and not focus on adult things that proper adults should be focusing on…
Before I went, my otaku friend told me I should make uchiwa with Shogo-kun’s name. I did plan on bringing a sign of some sort with Shogo-kun’s name, but I guess the proper way to do it was to make uchiwa, right? 😅 I wasn’t able to buy blank ones in the US nor did I order them in time to be shipped to me before the event; however, 13 years of US compulsory schooling taught me nothing but arts and crafts right?! (no, actually my middle/high school were very academically rigorous 🥲, but I also did do lots of arts and crafts!). I ended up making uchiwa from black poster board with popsicle sticks on the inside as structural support. It was a fairly easy crafts project until my superglue EXPLODED, and then it became a disaster. Up close, there was glue everywhere, but from far away, they looked alright.
But remember how I said I was a very self-conscious person? I was sooooo embarrassed by the thought of holding up the uchiwa’s but only because I knew I would probably be the only person who had them. If I went to a TouMyu show where everyone had uchiwa, I wouldn’t have minded at all. Anyways, it was with these kinds of feelings that I left for New York.
Before going to New York, I was really worried about the weather since it seemed like it would be cold and rainy [as a Californian, anything below 65F (18C???) is extremely cold 🥶]. BUT the weather was amazing on the day of the parade. It was literally cold and rainy the days before and after. Shogo-kun is really prone to sunburns though, so I hope he was alright. I hope the heavy stage makeup he wore protected him from the sun 😬
On the day of the parade, I got to the parade location very early. I knew I was going to be waiting around for a while since the Kimetsu float was scheduled to come out pretty late in the event, but I was already too tired from the previous couple of days to really want to be doing anything else, so I just waited and chatted with the volunteers. I ended up waiting about an hour before I saw the Kimetsu float. In the first hour, I spent some time waving to the kids in the parade and anyone else who looked excited to be a part of the parade. In my youth, I did a lot of performance arts (I also started doing them again as an adult!). I thought about how sad I would be if I were performing, but the patrons didn’t seem too excited to see me, so I tried my best to smile and wave at people in the parade even if I had no idea what their organization was all about 😅
Finally, I saw the Kimetsu float! The official event website said it would be less crowded the farther away you are from 72nd street, so I made it up to 79th street. I held out my uchiwa’s as soon as I saw the float. I think Shogo-kun’s castmates saw them before he did 😅 When he finally saw them, he made a face like 😮 and started waving to me while mouthing “thank you” 🥰 It was my first time meeting him, and I wanted to appear as normal as possible 🤣 so all I did was smile and wave. He waved to me until I was out of his sight. After that, I tried to chase the float a little. I picked another spot down the street and waved my uchiwa’s at him again. He waved to me again until I was out of his sight. I tried to chase the float some more, but the farther down I got, the more crowded it became, so it was really impossible to chase the float anymore.
People were sooooo excited to see Kimetsu, I was honestly pretty surprised. I didn’t know us Americans were THIS into Kimetsu haha. There were kids and adults, men and women who shouted “Tanjiro!” and “Inosuke!” at the top of their lungs. There were people professing their love to all the characters 😅 There was even a Japanese girl on stilts (she might have been in the parade) who was going CRAZY for Tanjiro. I’m happy to see people being this passionate about Kimetsu 😆 It would have sucked to come all this way to a lackluster crowd.
At the end of the parade, the cast of Kimetsu sang a little bit and performed a couple fight scenes. The people who got to see them from the front all wore a badge of some sort. They were probably important city officials and event planners or the press. Most of the fans only got a side view or a back view. It’s not a big deal, though, since the portions I couldn’t see well were all captured by the press and posted online. I was standing on the west side at this point where it was very crowded. I ended up crossing the street after the performance to the east side where it was less crowded. After the show, the Kimetsu cast did a prolonged interview session. At this point, I couldn’t see them at all, but I was too lazy 😅 to cross the street again. Also, I did not want stand where I could have been captured in pictures or videos with my uchiwa’s by the press 🫣 The fans on the west side were able to see their backs. Around this time, some fans holding signs for Sato Yugo-kun and Yazaki Hiroshi-san spotted my uchiwa’s, and we started excitedly waving and giggling at each other 🤭. It was so nice to make a connection with other fans of the actors!! I was also super glad (and no longer embarrassed 😅) that I brought the uchiwa’s ☺️. Would Shogo-kun have been sad if there were supporters of Yugo-kun and Yazaki-san but not himself??
At the end of the interview, Shogo-kun ran up to the fans standing on the west side and high-fived them all! He was particularly excited to see the fans who came out to support Yugo-kun and Yazaki-san 😊 Finally, he came to my side. He saw my uchiwa’s again and waved to me while mouthing “thank you” again. He did this even after he got back on the float to leave the event 🥺 I told him “Thank you for coming!” I hope he heard me 😅
Shogo-Kun really brought his best fanservice game. He smiled SO randiantly and waved a lot and said some phrases in English and Japanese like “How are you, New York?!” and “Thank you!” I’m sure he said more things that fans were able to see in the online streams, but it was so hectic that I personally don’t really remember what else he said 😓
I kind of regret not trying to high five him when he got close enough, but as I have mentioned, I’m, uhhhh, very self-conscious people-pleasing 😭 Shogo-kun is very people-shy, right? I honestly didn’t want to make him feel uncomfortable 🥺 just in case he didn’t want to shake hands or whatever. I also didn’t want to shout his name. I don’t know if himself or people who came to see Kimetsu would have minded that I would be breaking his character a little. There were a couple girls who were shouting “Shogo-kun” though. And also grown ass men shouting “Tanjiro I love you!” and doing finger hearts 🤣
Because I was holding uchiwa’s and trying to wave to Shogo-kun, I couldn’t take any videos of our interactions. I also thought it would have been impolite to stick a camera in his face while he was making eye contact with me (self-conscious people-pleasing amirite or amirite 😳). Because of this, our interactions only live inside my memories (and maybe his????? 🤷🏻‍♀️). From what I can remember, every time I brought out my uchiwa’s, he only waved at me and no one else. Whether that’s true or not, I don’t know, but that’s how I remember it. I wonder if anyone next to me at the time who came to see Tanjiro felt disappointed at all that he only waved to me 😬 I hope they also got their fair share of fanservice 😬😬
Shogo-kun and his castmates really worked sooooo hard on this trip. They arrived midday Thursday, attended a rehearsal on Friday, and the event was on Saturday. They flew back to Japan midday Sunday and have all arrived safely 😊 They barely had time to go sightseeing at all, and at least Shogo-kun and Yugo-kun were suffering from pretty terrible jet-lag, so they might have spent a lot of time sleeping 😢 I also thought the event planners would at least spend a day showing them around the city since they were literal guests to the city and were supported by the Japanese-American consulate, but it seemed like they were on their own 🙁 I also don’t know if all of their meals got reimbursed! That’s crazy! I treat my guests much better!! I hope they all had fun regardless, and I hope they can visit again someday in a more relaxed fashion!
In the end, all of my doubts and feelings of “what am I doing” dissipated. I’m so glad I made the trip all the way across the country 😅 I don’t think there will be many more events where I can see my oshi up close and freely take pictures and videos. I wish I was a bit more daring and appeared more passionate about meeting Shogo-kun, but I hope he felt my support regardless 🥰
As a bonus, I also saw some amazing Broadway shows and did some fun shopping! I saw Back to the Future on Broadway, which Shogo-kun, Yugo-kun, and Yazaki-san also saw. While it was fun, I really wish they saw a more renowned show like The Lion King. I really think the quality is different!!
Alright. That’s it. Thanks to those who have made it this far. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions about anything!
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liliththunder · 2 years
Adoption request for Mahoroba Kanata into the Hakumyu fan community
“Mahoroba Kanata” is a original work of the screen writer Nishida Daisuke, it follows the story of the Choshu clan centered by Takasugi Shinsaku, set in the Bakumatsu period. “Mahoroba” also called the ‘land of blessings’ in the Japanese folklore is something Takasugi dreams of to obtain.
Why do I want adopt it into Hakumyu (Hakuouki)?
The reason are simple and overflowing:
time period and story: 1) both are settled in the Bakumatsu period in a time frame between 1850ties and 1860ties 2) both are concentrate on a contrary opinions, none of them follows the concept of “We are right, you are wrong” 3) there is lot of suffering (maybe a bit more love in Mahoroba) 4) both like to joke and have unique, relatable characters 5) all characters are as well based on real history figures
cast and stuff 1) well as said before: Nishida Daisuke as director (active in Hakumyu since 2018) 2) Tomita Maho: - fourth Chizuru in Kazama Hen                            - playing the role of Shinsaku’s faithfull and tomboiish                                   wife O-Masa 3) Tanoue Marina: - fifth Chizuru in Toudou Hen                               - playing the younger sister of Yoshida Shouin, named                                  Fumi 4) Motonishi Sakiho: - ninth Chizuru in Shitan Kazama Hen                                  - playing the lover of Takasugi Shinsaku, called Ouno 5) Matsuda Ryo: - first Saito Hajime active until Kazama Hen                            - playing the role of Katsuragi Goro
Shinsengumi yes, they do appear and they play a minor role
publication and fandom since it’s on one side an original work and on the other side not part of a series, there’s is no ‘active’ fandom, I would claim (at least outside of Japan) AND they don’t plan on ever publishing a DVD/BD, but since it’s such a high quality play, I find it sad to let it disappear into history’s shadow.
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Why is Mahoroba Kanata attractive on it’s own?
It’s easy to be answered, because it has it all: great music, great story, overwhelming feelings, great actors and great acting, fun bits and good bits and and tearing apart sad parts, great visuals, a beautiful stage - did I forgot something?
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Whole cast list:
高杉晋作 Takasugi Shinsaku (1839-1867) samurai, who fought against the Bakufu 阪本奨悟 Sakamoto Shougo (https://twitter.com/Sakamoto_Shogo)
山縣狂介 Yamagata Aritomo (1838-1922) 糸川耀士郎 Itokawa Youjirou (https://twitter.com/yohhg)
大村蔵六  Oomura Zouroku (1825-1869) 和合真一 Wago Shin’ichi (https://twitter.com/wagoshin1)
伊藤春輔 Itou Hirobumi (1841-1909) politican in the later Meiji goverment 廣野凌大 Hirono Ryouta (https://twitter.com/hironobimistaff)
勝海舟 Katsu Kaishuu (1823-1899) former samurai, politican and bakufu supporter 根本正勝 Nemoto Masakazu (https://twitter.com/oni_fukucyo)
お雅 O-Masa (1845-1922), wife of Shinsaku, real name Masako 富田麻帆 Tomita Maho (https://twitter.com/maho_tomita6261)
文 Yoshida Fumi, later Katori Miwako (1843-1921), sister of Yoshida Shouin 田上真里奈 Tanoue Marina (https://twitter.com/tanouemarina)
おうの Ouno, Shinsaku’s lover (1843-1909), former Geiko, later nun 本西彩希帆 Motonishi Sakiho (https://twitter.com/sakiho_46)
すみ子 (Itou) Sumiko, Hirobumi’s ex wife 平井琴望 Hirai Kotomi (https://www.instagram.com/kotomi915/)
幾松  Ikumatsu (1843-1886) later  Kido Matsuko (Katsuragis wife) 律 Ritsu (https://twitter.com/LizLiz_ritsu)
吉田松陰 (1830-1859), proponent of the Sonnou Jooi, got arrested and later executed 中村亀鶴 Nakamura Kikaku (2nd gen) (https://twitter.com/KIKAKU0618)
桂小五郎 Katsuragi Goro (1833-1877) later  Kido Takayoshi, former samurai, Meiji goverment politican 松田凌 Matsuda Ryo (https://www.instagram.com/matsudaryo_9)
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(pictures taken from the official twitter page : https://twitter.com/mahorobakanata
Still not convinced? Then hear for yourself (and thanks for sticking until the end)
Will you accept my request, Hakumyu-Community?  Thanks for listening to me (I decided to translate it within this year, but please be patient with me LIVE 3 is still being nosy on my desk (;^_^A)
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itsdulcamara · 2 years
Best Friends
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mandilo · 2 years
Musical Touken Ranbu ㊇ 乱舞野外祭 Cast & Dates announcement
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Toumyu's next matsuri officially called "suehirogari ranbuyagaimatsuri" in FujiQ highland conifer forest openair concert hall will take place between the 17th and 24th of september 2023.
for the only 8 shows we will have 28 toudans and 2 humans
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The returning cast we already know is
Ohira Shunya as Imanotsurugi Imari Yu as Nagasone Kotetsu Takahashi Kensuke as Hachisuka Kotetsu Torigoe Yuki as Yamatonokami Yasusada Yokota Ryugi as Monoyoshi Sadamune Sakamoto Shogo as Horikawa Kunihiro Tamura Shin as Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki Kiyama Haruki as Tomoegata Naginata Tanaka Ryusei as Otegine Nadaka Hiroki as Akashi Kuniyuki Okamiya Kurumu as Tsurumaru Kuninaga Sasamori Hiroki as Matsui Gou Fukui Tomoya as Kuwana Gou Tachibana Yuta as Buzen Gou Itokawa Yojiro as Urashima Kotetsu Ishibashi Hiroki as Hyuuga Masamune Raita as Oodenta Mitsuyo Konishi Seiya as Suishinshi Masamune Nobunaga Sato as Minamoto Kiyomaro Seiichirou Nagata as Murakumo Gou Yamazaki Shougo as Samidare gou Matsushima Yunosuke as Ookanehira Nagata Kohei as Koryuu Kagemitsu
And our new swords :
Kihara rui as Heshikiri Hasebe Kunishima Naoki as Ichigo Hitofuri Kyoten Waku as Daihannya Nagamitsu Hayashi Mitsuaki as Onimaru Kunitsuna
The human cast is :
Fujita Ray as Enomoto
Kojiro Oka as Date Masamune
all the SNS infos of all of the actors are in this Gdrive
Source : 25News
i will soon publish all the infos on the all new toudans and the new toumyu show announced for this spring,
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disownedbytiime · 1 year
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I’m loving that Seadall came so quick to the game (even in the form of an alt). He looks gorgeous. Also, I’d forgotten Sakamoto Shougo voices him in Japanese 🫶🏻 truly a fitting voice.
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i looksover the songs you posted for ocs and im confused why you picked shoppai namida for kasai instead of someone else because based on the lyrics it doesn't sounds likes it should fit
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Wow! I wasn’t expecting anyone to do a deep dive into the lyrics for the songs! You really made my day anon. 
I can definitely see why, compared to the other songs listed for him, why that one in particular doesn’t seem to fit with Kasai. And there’s not a lot I can go into in regards to that because of spoilers. But here’s the quick rundown. 
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“Shoppai Namida” sung by Shougo Sakamoto, is a song where, when looking at the lyrics, admittedly they do seem like they should fit with Yugami a bit more, given the lyrical meaning. I suppose you could say this song is shared between the two of them. 
However, I see this song as more of a hint towards who Kasai was prior to joining the Kuzuryu Clan, and even just before that with his time with his prior employer. A window into his life back when Ichiei Kasai was a student in Hope’s Peak’s 53rd graduating class. A lot of the lyrics to all the songs listed that have them hint towards what Kasai’s time at Hope’s Peak, as well as his life outside of it, was like prior to being assigned as Natsumi Kuzuryu’s tutor/bodygaurd. He hasn’t had much time in the fic yet, but I’m sure you can see he’s not exactly a normal tutor.
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Also, the song is a subtle nod to his talent as well as an anime/manga reference. “Shoppai Namida” is the opening song for a niche series called “The Royal Tutor” or “Ōshitsu Kyōshi Haine” by Higasa Akai, where it follows a man who is hired on to be the tutor of four spoiled princes by the king in order to prepare them for the potential of taking the throne. It’s one of my favorite series and definitely one to check out if you haven’t already. It’s criminally underrated, and a must read if you’re a fan of short characters who don’t like being teased about their shortness (like Fuyuhiko). 
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Thanks for the ask anon. I hope this was helpful. 
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save-the-data · 2 years
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xxxHOLiC stage
PART 1 2 3 4
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leenaevilin · 3 years
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[Update] ミュージカル『刀剣乱舞』 ~真剣乱舞祭2022~ (musical touken ranbu ~shinken ranbu sai 2022~)
the show will be running from May 8th, 2022 (Fukui) @ サンドーム福井 (Sun Dome Fukui) May 14th, 2022 and May 15th, 2022 (Aichi) @ 日本ガイシホール (Nippon Gaishi Hall) May 18th, 2022 and May 19th, 2022 (Osaka) @ 大阪城ホール (Osakajo Hall) May 25th, 2022 and May 26th, 2022 (Miyagi) @ セキスイハイムスーパーアリーナ (Sekisui Heim Super Arena) June 4th, 2022 and June 5th, 2022 (Fukuoka) @ 西日本総合展示場 新館ABC展示場 (Nishinihon Sougou Tenjijou Shinkn ABC Tenjijou) June 9th, 2022 and June 10th, 2022 (Hiroshima) @ 広島グリーンアリーナ (Hiroshima Green Arena) June 15th, 2022 and June 16th, 2022 (Chiba) @ 幕張メッセ イベントホール (Makuhari Messe Event Hall) June 22nd, 2022 and June 26th, 2022 (Tokyo) @ 国立代々木競技場 第一体育館 (Kokuritsu Yoyogi Kyougijou Daiichi Taiikukan)
Kitazono Ryou as Kogitsunemaru (小狐丸)  Oohira Shunya as Ima no Tsurugi (今剣) Torigoe Yuuki as Yamatokami Yasusada (大和守安定) Arisawa Shoutarou as Izuminokami Kanesada (和泉守兼定) Sakamoto Shougo as Horikawa Kunihiro (堀川国広) Takahashi Kensuke as Hachisuka Kotetsu (蜂須賀虎徹) Imari Yuu as Nagasone Kotetsu (長曽祢虎徹) Oota Motohiro as Sengo Muramasa (千子村正) [※ Fukui, Aichi, Osaka, Miyagi] Spi as Tonbokiri (蜻蛉切) Nakada Hiroki as Akashi Kuniyuki (明石国行) Okamiya Kurumu as Tsurumaru Kuninaga (鶴丸国永) Fukui Tomoya as Kuwana Gou (桑名江) Sasamori Hiroki as Matsui Gou (松井江) Itokawa Youjirou as Urashima Kotetsu (浦島虎徹) Ishibashi Hiroki as Hyuuga Masamune (日向正宗) Tachibana Yuuta as Buzen Gou (豊前江) Raita as Oodenta Mitsuyo (大典太光世) [※ Fukuoka, Hiroshima, Chiba, Tokyo]  Nakao Masaki as Sohaya no Tsuruki (ソハヤノツルキ) Konishi Seiya as Suishinshi Masahide (水心子正秀) Satou Nobunaga as Minamoto Kiyomaro (源清麿) Nagata Seiichiro as Murakumo Gou (村雲江) Matsushima Yuunosuke as Ookanehira (大包平) Nagata Kouhei as Koryuu Kagemitsu (小竜景光) Takemoto Yuusuke as Nansen Ichimonji (南泉一文字) Ishikawa Ryouga as Hizen Tadahiro (肥前忠広)
Fujita Rei as Enomoto Takeaki (榎本武揚) Kawasumi Bishin as Taira no Masakado (平将門)
Makishima Hikaru as Ookurikara (大倶利伽羅) ※ Fukui Saeki Daichi as Iwatooshi (岩融) ※ Aichi Tamura Shin as Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki (陸奥守吉行) ※ Osaka Satou Ryuuji as Kashuu Kiyomitsu (加州清光) ※ Miyagi Katou Daigo as Yamanbagiri Kunihiro (山姥切国広) ※ Fukuoka & Hiroshima Kiyama Haruki as Tomoegata Naginata (巴形薙刀) ※ Chiba Tamura Shougo as Kotegiri Gou (篭手切江) ※ Tokyo
homepage twitter natalie
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mihotose · 2 years
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📸 📸
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neverland-l0stgirl · 6 months
This drama has been generating some hype it seems like. I’m so happy my Oshi Sakamoto Shogo-kun is in it! Playing Hijikata Toshizo of all people! Please check out their official TikTok full of cute cast content 🥰
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ikusayu-no-hana · 2 years
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itsdulcamara · 2 years
simping one more time for this beauty
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oshi-nakadapiroki · 2 years
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▶ Archive: Akashi Kuniyuki @ Shinkenranbusai 2022, Tokyo performances 2022.6.25~26.
P1 / P2 / P3
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tima520 · 3 years
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𝓢𝓬𝓪𝓻𝓵𝓮𝓽  𝓛𝓲𝓹𝓼
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rz-jocelyn · 4 years
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[VIDEO] Musical Touken Ranbu: "FNS Kayousai" dated December 09, 2020
Featuring Team Shinsengumi with Hachisuka Kotetsu:
Sato Ryuji as Kashuu Kiyomitsu
Torigoe Yuki as Yamatonokami Yasusada
Arisawa Shoutarou as Izuminokami Kanesada
Sakamoto Shougo as Horikawa Kunihiro
Imari Yu as Nagasone Kotetsu
Takahashi Kensuke as Hachisuka Kotetsu
To watch their pre-performance comment video, please refer to this link: HERE
To watch the show, please refer to this link: HERE
NOTE: Team Shinsengumi with Hachisuka Kotetsu appears at the time stamps of 38.46 and 42.53.
Personal Comment: "FNS Kayousai" is a live broadcast, but this didn't stop Ryuji from doing a one-handed flip with his sword in the other hand while wearing Kashuu Kiyomitsu's long coat during the fight with the Time Retrograde Army, amongst other things *grins*
Source(s): ( x , x , x , x , x , x , x )
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