#Sakti Yuwono
rupmoker · 10 days
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Rupbasan Mojokerto Ikuti Focus Group Discussion (FGD) "Ayo Ngopi" Terkait Migrasi
Mojokerto - Rupbasan Kelas II Mojokerto Kanwil Kementerian Hukum dan HAM Jawa Timur aktif terlibat dalam kegiatan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) bertajuk "Ayo Ngopi" yang diselenggarakan oleh Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara (KPPN) Mojokerto. FGD ini bertujuan untuk membahas proses migrasi penyampaian dan validasi Laporan Pertanggungjawaban (LPJ) Bendahara Penerimaan dan LPJ Bendahara Badan Layanan Umum (BLU) dari Aplikasi SPRINT ke Aplikasi SAKTI.(07/05)
Dalam FGD yang diadakan dengan nuansa santai "Ayo Ngopi", Saiful A dari Rupbasan Kelas II Mojokerto Kanwil Kementerian Hukum dan HAM Jawa Timur bergabung dengan para pemangku kepentingan lainnya untuk berdiskusi dan bertukar informasi terkait migrasi ke aplikasi SAKTI. Para peserta FGD membahas berbagai aspek teknis, prosedur, dan tantangan yang mungkin dihadapi selama proses migrasi ini.
Kepala Rupbasan Kelas II Mojokerto Kanwil Kementerian Hukum dan HAM Jawa Timur , Sudarso mengungkapkan pentingnya partisipasi dalam kegiatan semacam ini. "Kami berterima kasih atas kesempatan untuk bergabung dalam FGD 'Ayo Ngopi'. Ini merupakan platform yang baik untuk bertukar pengalaman dan pemahaman terkait migrasi ke aplikasi SAKTI, yang akan memperkuat koordinasi antarlembaga dan memastikan kelancaran proses migrasi," ujarnya.
Sesuai dengan arahan Kakanwil Kmenkumham Jatim, Heni Yuwono bahwa partisipasi Rupbasan Kelas II Mojokerto Kanwil Kementerian Hukum dan HAM Jawa Timur dalam FGD ini menegaskan komitmennya untuk terus beradaptasi dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi dalam menjalankan tugas-tugas administratifnya. Melalui kolaborasi dengan pemangku kepentingan lainnya Rupbasan Kelas II Mojokerto Kanwil Kementerian Hukum dan HAM Jawa Timur berharap dapat meningkatkan efisiensi dan akuntabilitas dalam pengelolaan keuangan publik.
#kemenkumhamRI #yasonnalaoly #kemenkumhamjatim #kakanwilkemenkumhamjatim #heniyuwono #RupMokerPrima #WBKPasti #menpanrb #rupbasanmojokerto #jatimpastihebat @kemenkumhamri @Ditjenpas @kumhamjatim @sipp_menpan @anugerahasn_menpan @diary_kemenkumham @rbkunwas
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longerbox · 5 years
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This issue asks the very deep, philosophical question “ If everything you hate about yourself were made flesh, would you kill them or walk away?” but ignores the obvious alternative of “hatefuck their brains out.”
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graphicpolicy · 6 years
Sea of Thieves #2
Story: Jeremy Whitley Art: Rhoald Marcellius Color: Sakti Yuwono Letterer: Jaka Ady Editor: Tom Williams CVR A Rhoald Marcellius CVR B Game Variant Publisher: Titan Comics 32pp, $3.99, On sale: April 11, 2018
Brimming with drama, doubloons and untold skulduggery, the Sea of Thieves is a strange and treacherous stretch of ocean where swarthy scallywags the world over ock to test their might and mettle.
Join us on a tale of danger and discovery as we follow the legend of two of the hardiest crews ever to brave its turbulent waters. Who will be the rst to claim the treasure that awaits them… and who will be the first to walk the plank?
Sea of Thieves #2 preview. Join us on a tale of danger and discovery as we follow the legend of two of the hardiest crews ever to brave its turbulent waters #comics Sea of Thieves #2 Story: Jeremy Whitley Art: Rhoald Marcellius Color: Sakti Yuwono Letterer: Jaka Ady…
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oosteven-universe · 3 years
Young Rebels #01
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Young Rebels #01 Evoluzione Publishing 2021 Written by Marcel Dupree & Justin Dutton Illustrated by Alti Firmansyah & Justin Dutton Coloured by Sakti Yuwono & Bhakt Ranjan Lettered by Marco Della Verde    Marcos Martinez is a boy genius bored with life. He just sold his social media app Clock to a Chinese company. Now retired he wants to explore different theories. One theory he wants to crack is time travel. Doing so leads him into a life that he was totally unprepared for.    Evoluzione Publishing is like the little engine that could, they are small but mighty and are all too quietly putting out some solid books.  This being one of them.  There is a main story and a backup and while I'm not sure how they connect, if they do or should, I'm excited to see the next issue and learn what is going on.  The idea isn’t too far-fetched when you think about it. There are children that have made millions based on Apps and such already so to see Marcos who has accomplished everything he’s set his mind to get excited over something well you know it’s going to be something exciting and disastrous all at the same time.  After all, when has anything really good come from rash decision making and jumping into things without looking first?    I’m very much enjoying the way that this is being told.  The story & plot development that we see through how the sequence of events unfold as well as how the reader learns information is presented exceedingly well.  The character development that we see through the dialogue, the character interaction as well as how we see them act and react to the situations and circumstances which they encounter does a marvellous job establishing their personalities.  The pacing is excellent and as it takes us through the pages introducing us to the characters, the story and this world they live in it establishes what is to come.    I like how we see this being structured and how the layers within the story begin to emerge and grow.  I also like how we see the layers within the story open up new avenues to be explored and how this adds such great depth, dimension and complexity to the story.  I’m already intrigued by the characters we’re seeing and how green they all are which excites me in a different way since I’m assuming we’ll see them grow into their own together.  How we see everything working together to create the story’s ebb & flow as well as how it moves the story forward are impeccably achieved.      While this is a YA series the interiors border on all-ages to young adult/adult in how we see them.  I like the creativity and imagination that we see, particularly where Christopher is concerned, well the robot as well.  I like how it brings these aspects to life.  The way that we see backgrounds being utilised to enhance and expand the moments as well as how they work within the composition of the panels to bring out the depth perception, sense of scale and the overall sense of size and scope to the story.  The utilisation of the page layouts and how we see the angles and perspective in the panels show a remarkable eye for storytelling.  The various hues and tones within the colours being utilised to create the shading, highlights and shadow work show such a great understanding of how colour works.    The backup artwork is extraordinary and the linework plus the attention to detail is utterly phenomenal. The quality and level of work is astounding and it’s a huge difference from the more all-ages work of the main story.  I’m blown away by the work we see as well as how we see the colour work.  It’s all exceptional beyond belief. ​    This is what I love about comics, great stories from unknown creators can have a chance to shine bright like a diamond.  This has all the potential of any teenage group of heroes that we’ve seen in the past and much more.  It really feels like it could be on par with the Teen Titans or New Mutants.  The writing is stupendous with some seriously strong characterisation alongside these delightful interiors are creating something extraordinary.
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humasguyub · 3 years
Menuju Polri yang Presisi, Polres Tulungagung Mengikuti Pelatihan Public Speaking
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TULUNGAGUNG– Dalam rangka penguatan kemampuan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) Polri yang Presisi , Polres Tulungagung mengikuti kegiatan pelatihan public speaking dari Divisi Humas Polri secara Birtual bertempat di Ruang Tribrata Mapolres Tulungagung, Kamis (25/2/2021).
Kegiatan itu diikuti oleh Kapolres Tulungagung AKBP Handono Subiakto SH SIK MH yang diwakili Kabag Ops Kompol Supriyanto SH, Kasubbag Humas Iptu Tri Sakti, Paur Subbag Humas Iptu Nenny Sasongko SH, anggota Subbag Humas Polres Tulungagung, serta para kasie humas polsek jajaran Polres Tulungagung.
Maksud dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk memberikan pelatihan peningkatan public speaking kapolres dan kabid humas Polri, serta mendukung 100 hari program prioritas Kapolri dalam rangka penguatan SDM Polri menuju Presisi.
Dikonfirmasi mengenai kegiatan itu, Paur Subbag Humas Polres Tulungagung, Iptu Nenny Sasongko SH mengatakan pelatihan public speaking dimulai dari tanggal 22 sampai dengan 26 Pebruari 2021 secara virtual.
“Tema legiatan yaitu penguatan kapasitas Polri yang presisi melalui pelatihan public speaking,” ujarnya Iptu Nenny
"Pelatihan ini dibuka langsung oleh Kepala Divisi Humas Polri, Irjen Pol Raden Prabowo Argo Yuwono secara virtual"
Dalam sambutannya, Kadiv Humas Polri Irjen Pol Argo Yuwono menyampaikan pelatihan ini dilaksanakan sebagai bentuk serta bekal bagi seluruh kapolres dan kabid humas agar memiliki kemampuan berbicara di depan publik dan media yang profesional serta berdampak positif bagi citra polri.
Komunikasi sebagai konsekuensi mahluk sosial, selalu mengalami perubahan dan berlangsung terus menerus dengan melibatkan banyak pihak. Keberhasilan komunikasi hanya dapat terjadi jika pihak penyampai informasi dan pihak penerima informasi memiliki kesamaan latar belakang pengalaman dan pengetahuan.
Latar belakang ini dapat dicocokkan jika pemberi informasi dapat menempatkan diri atau cakap dalam berkomunikasi.
“Untuk itulah, kecakapan dalam berkomunikasi yang tepat sasaran dan membentuk persepsi positif, perlu dipelajari dan dilatih melalui teori dan praktik yang memadai. Komunikasi yang baik dan tepat sasaran, akan menentukan pembentukan citra dan legitimasi Polri di tengah masyarakat sebagai institusi yang melindungi, mengayomi dan selalu objektif terpercaya,” paparnya.
Melalui pelatihan ini, lanjut Argo Yuwono, nantinya akan mengajak peserta untuk mempelajari bagaimana mengemas teknik komunikasi verbal dan non verbal agar dapat disampaikan secara efektif, yang bermuara pada pembentukan citra positif Polri dalam membangun kepercayaan masyarakat.
Dalam pelatihan ini, para peserta juga akan mempraktikkan teknik-teknik tertentu dalam public speaking.
Seperti olah vokal, gesture, body language, opening yang menarik dan atraktif, menyiapkan konten public speaking yang tepat dan relevan, berpenampilan yang pantas sebagai public speaker dan bagaimana teknik menguasai audiens.
Peserta pelatihan juga akan diajari cara menajamkan pendekatan persuasif dan mengembangkan personal branding yang sejalan dengan peningkatan citra dan reputasi instansi Polri sebagai pelayan masyarakat.
“Walaupun pelaksanaan pelatihan ini relatif sangat singkat, namun diharapkan upaya untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan / wawasan serta keterampilan para kabidhumas dan kapolres Polri dapat berjalan dengan baik dan dapat menunjang tugas-tugas fungsi kehumasan sesuai kompetensi pelatihan yang telah diterapkan,” tuturnya. (NN95)
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eddycurrents · 6 years
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For the week of 29 January 2018
Quick Bits:
Avengers #678 is more gorgeous artwork from Pepe Larraz and David Curiel. The intrigue and mystery to the story is also being teased out a bit more, just enough internal questions about Voyager and Grandmaster’s opponent to keep you hooked amidst some all out action between the Avengers, Black Order, and Lethal Legion.
| Published by Marvel
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Black Crown Quarterly #2 adds some more comic previews, interviews, and various odds & sods to the mix. Rob Davis’ Tales from the Black Crown Pub remains the best thing about the anthology, but the Cüd comic is growing on me. It’s nice to see James Coe’s Bandtwits continue here, it was one segment I was expecting to see spun out to its own comic. Also, House Amok by Christopher Sebela and Shawn McManus is deliciously twisted.
| Published by IDW / Black Crown
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Bonehead #2 puts a lot more meat on the bones of this series. Where the first issue was largely a beautiful showcase for Rhoald Marcellius and Sakti Yuwono’s art, this time Bryan Edward Hill dives into more of the world and what’s going on with “56″. It’s an interesting approach with what amounts to parkour gangs in what looks like an increasingly oppressive society, reminding me somewhat of Mirror’s Edge.
| Published by Image / Top Cow - Glitch
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The Despicable Deadpool #293 reinforces the idea that we’re seeing Deadpool’s end of days (the writing on the wall that this arc is called “Bucket List” and we already know this incarnation of his adventures is ending at #300 notwithstanding), as the issue long fight with Rogue underlines Wade’s self-destruction and deliberate alienation of his friends and family.
| Published by Marvel
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Eternity #4 brings the latest Divinity story to a close, kind of, as Matt Kindt dives deep into a meta narrative of construction, conception, and delivery of story and ideas. Trevor Hairsine, Ryan Winn, and David Baron also raise the bar with the execution of some of the glorious story ideas presented here.
| Published by Valiant
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God Complex: Dogma #4 remakes Seneca, giving us a look deeper into the gods’ technology and adherence to mathematical projections for behaviour as “fate”. It also gives Hendry Prasetya and Sunny Gho a chance to show off again, delivering some beautiful artwork as it shifts between Hephaestus trying to save Seneca within the digital framework and the grit and blood of attempting to save him on the physical plane.
| Published by Image / Top Cow - Glitch
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Hack/Slash: Resurrection #4 is messed up. This, of course, is a good thing as Tini Howard continues with the humour of Cassie’s relationship with Laurie and adding an interesting possible wrinkle to series’ mythology.
| Published by Image
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Hungry Ghosts #1 is the start of an anthology series of food-themed horror stories with the overall narrative being linked through a game of kaidan (some would also know it as kwaidan)--basically a party game wherein participants tell one another ghost stories and then see whether or not they’ve been possessed in a mirror once they’re done--written by Anthony Bourdain and Joel Rose, and illustrated by an assortment of artists. 
This first issue sets up the rules, the framing narrative, and a couple of stories. It’s good so far, with art provided by Alberto Ponticelli for the framing narrative and first story, Vanesa Del Rey for the second story, and colours by José Villarrubia. The first story is a kind of traditional cautionary tale of helping others, whereas the second is a kind of humorous horror story of the perils of being a dick.
| Published by Dark Horse / Berger Books
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Jean Grey #11 is an interesting, oversized finale for the series, which sheds a different light on what the Phoenix has been doing to young, time-tossed Jean, even as she goes through more purification by fire at the hands of other past remaining Phoenix hosts. Dennis Hopeless throws out some implications here that I really hope are followed up on in the near future.
| Published by Marvel
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Joe Golem: Occult Detective #5 brings to a close both the “Flesh and Blood” arc and this second mini-series. This one has been good, with a nice mystery solved and some of the subplots of Joe’s history and supporting cast advanced. Patric Reynolds’ art is still a real treat, making the sunken NYC a real character in the book in its own right.
| Published by Dark Horse
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KINO #3 spotlights again one of the things that I love about this series; the use of old style comics storytelling as a narrative device itself. I love that within the normal dark, stylistic intrigue of the main narrative, there’s a stylistic shift in both Joe Casey’s scripting and Jefte Palo’s art with Chris Sotomayor’s colours to a simpler superhero style when inside the KINO conditioning programme.
| Published by Lion Forge / Catalyst Prime
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Phoenix Resurrection #5 is the epic conclusion to this series, which, despite some bombast, goes out with some emotional resonance, discussion, and character building rather than the usual superhero battle. It’s a fitting and mature reawakening for the “real” Jean Grey with Matthew Rosenberg giving us another glimpse as to why he should probably be one of the voices guiding the next stage in the X-Men’s evolution. Also, there are some great shots and reveals from the art of Leinil Yu & Gary Alanguilan and Joe Bennett & Belardino Brado, with colours by Rachelle Rosenberg. I know it’s not continuing into X-Men Red, but I particularly like the black and red variant on the Phoenix costume.
| Published by Marvel
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Spawn #282 is ostensibly the conclusion to the “Dark Horror” story-arc, that gained this extra chapter somewhere along the way. As the story progressed, its felt like Todd McFarlane has been taking over more of the scripting, steering it more towards more traditional Spawn storytelling, and, although it has felt a bit at odds with the original oblique Japanese horror told through suggestion and conversation, it has still be entertaining. Also, Jason Shawn Alexander’s artwork has remained a beast.
| Published by Image
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Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #16 sees the crap hit the proverbial fan as Aphra and her team face off against an angry archaeotech trap. The humour hits probably and all time high this issue, as the relationship between Aphra and Tolvan develops further.
| Published by Marvel
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Tales of Suspense #101 continues to be one of the best buddy comedy thrillers in comics right now. Matthew Rosenberg’s characterization of Hawkeye and Winter Soldier are hilarious and help propel them through the action and intrigue in the book. Travel Foreman’s art (with colours by Rachelle Rosenberg) also continues to impress with some really nice panel transitions and action sequences.
| Published by Marvel
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Underwinter: A Field of Feathers #4 is dark, very dark. As Felix and Rose battle over their kids, something worse happens. Ray Fawkes manages to amplify the horror exponentially.
| Published by Image
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Other Highlights: All New Wolverine #30, Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #15, Animosity #12, The Beautiful Death #5, The Beauty #19, Big Trouble in Little China: Old Man Jack #5, Black AF: America’s Sweetheart, Captain Marvel #128, Dark Ark #5, Defenders #9, Dread Gods #3, Elephantmen #80, Eternal, Falcon #4, Incredible Hulk #596, Infinite Loop: Nothing but the Truth #4, Invincible Iron Man #596, Jessica Jones #16, Kaijumax: Season 3 #6, Lazaretto #5, Maxwell’s Demons #2, Moon Knight #191, Old Man Logan #34, Outcast #33, Punisher: The Platoon #5, Quantum and Woody! #2, The Realm #5, Rick & Morty #34, Riverdale #10, Spider-Gwen #28, Star Trek: Boldly Go #16, Star Wars: DJ - Most Wanted, Star Wars: Forces of Destiny - Rose and Paige, Void Trip #3
Recommended Collections: Godshaper, Kill the Minotaur, Royals - Volume 2: Judgment Day, Saucer State, US Avengers - Volume 2: Stars & Garters, Venom - Volume 3: Blood in the Water, Violent Love - Volume 2: Hearts on Fire, Wayward - Volume 5: Tethered Souls
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d. emerson eddy is revisiting The Moon and Antarctica. Wondering about the dark centre of the universe and all these tiny cities made of ashes.
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saorakyat · 4 years
Kapolri Copot Jabatan Brigjen Prasetijo Utomo Terkait Penerbitan "Surat Sakti" Buronan Djoko Tjandra
Kapolri Copot Jabatan Brigjen Prasetijo Utomo Terkait Penerbitan “Surat Sakti” Buronan Djoko Tjandra
Kapolri Jenderal Pol. Idham Azis. Foto: humas.polri.go.id
JAKARTA, Saorakyat.com– Kapolri Jenderal Pol Idham Azis mencopot jabatan Brigjen Pol Prasetijo Utomo dari jabatan Kakorwas PPNS Bareskrim Polri karena terbukti telah membantu pelarian buronan Djoko Soegiharto Tjandra.
Kepala Divisi Humas Polri Irjen Polisi Argo Yuwono mengemukakan bahwa Brigjen Pol Prasetijo Utomo kini ditugaskan sebagai…
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mycomicbookplace · 6 years
About A1: Odyssey Vol. 1: History Lesson:
Simon and Kirby crash into Philip Pullman on the battlefields of the 20th Century in this mythological, military superhero adventure! Neither Angel or Demon can stand upon the face of the Earth – but in the skin of Man, Heaven and Hell have fought an eternal war. Only one immortal man can protect humankind – and he’s losing his faith in them! Collecting Odyssey Parts 1-6, plus the short ‘A Question of Priorities’, witness Blazing Glory’s history-changing first steps into a bigger world!
Written by: Dave Elliott Illustrated by: Garrie Gastonny, Toby Cypress, Sakti Yuwono Targeted Age Group: Teens
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Buy the Hard Cover Book
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riftp · 6 years
Read It (alone) for the Pictures
Hey folks, Dave here. Just me this time, giving some quick reviews of a bunch of Image first issues I read Bonehead #1 by Bryan Edward Hill, Rhoald Marcellius and Sakti Yuwono
Short version of my impressions here is that this is a well drawn book that falls in that first issue trap of not having enough of a hook to keep someone coming back. It does a lot with simplified colours to make figures running through a busy futuristic city read clearly. It’s also about streaming… I guess, not really sure what its going for but im sure future issues will deepen whatever its trying to say so it doesn’t just seem like its desperately trying to stay relevant. Unrelatedly, check out my twitch stream twitch.tv/daveclarke10, I think ive worked out how to make the streaming software work now.
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Dead Hand, The #1 by Kyle Higgins, Stephen Mooney and Jordie Bellaire
This feels a little like a novel, being mostly told through captions but the art is evocative enough to give extra texture. Its more heavily photo referenced than most other stuff we review, but its oddly a good fit for this style of storytelling. Almost like a documentary that uses a lot of archival footage and photos. Another thing that makes it read like a novel is how it keeps a lot of secrets as it goes along and ends with a large twist. Very much a first chapter, or maybe the first episode of something like Lost. But who knows maybe this wont fall apart into nonsense. Also Im sure Neil’s going to be on this book cos of its similarity to MGS3.
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Dissonance #1 by Melita Curphy, Singgh Nugroho, Ryan Cady, Sami Basri and Sakti Yuwono
I’ve heard a bunch of aspiring comics creators pitch ideas for grand space operas that have intricate lore but almost nothing in the way of character and it’s weird to see that kinda thing made into a comic. This makes me appreciate the Red Hand even more cos its similarly exposition heavy but manages to ground it enough by focusing on real human experiences. The designs are neat but the story is mostly impenetrable pretentious garbage.
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Proxima centurai#1 by Farel Dalrymple
This comics is so weird and different I can’t help but be charmed by it. It seems uninterested in having consistent time and space but also evoking familiar teenage angst and worry which makes it feel like a dream. It uses a lot of white space which gives it a sense of being ethereal and drawn really quickly, as well as a tonne of strange designs and layouts that make it feel like the product of a jumbled mind.
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Rose #1 by Meredith Finch, Ig Guara and Cardinal Rae
A remarkably efficient fantasy story. There are several beats I’m surprised arnt lingered on, but ultimately it more important to introduce all the elements so a reader wants to come back for more. Art is delightful, very strong figure work. Not much more to say really.
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VS #1 by Ivan Brandon, Esad Ribic and Nic Klein
This is almost the opposite of Rose. Sci-fi rather than fantasy, violent male hero rather than a passive female one. Drawn out and lingering rather than punchy. Very European, I’m reminded of moebius desert landscapes and those junkyard bits in the incal (sounds like a fancy reference but it’s really entry level European comics). I think going for a painted style allows for mood and tone that isn’t possible with traditional ink. Because of the sparse writing I don’t think it stands above proxima centurai, dead hand or rose but it the one I’m most eager to see more of cos it is exploring my closest passion; gaming.
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graphicpolicy · 6 years
Writer: Jeremy Whitley Artist: Rhoald Marcellius Color: Sakti Yuwono Letterer: Jaka Ady Editor: Tom Williams Senior Designer: Andrew Leung Cover A: Rhoald Marcellius Cover B: Game Art Cover C: José Carlos Silva Publisher: Titan Comics FC, $3.99, On sale: March 14, 2018
Brimming with drama, doubloons and untold skulduggery, the Sea of Thieves is a strange and treacherous stretch of ocean where swarthy scallywags the world over flock to test their might and mettle.
Join us on a tale of danger and discovery as we follow the legend of two of the hardiest crews ever to brave its turbulent waters. Who will be the first to claim the treasure that awaits them… and who will be the first to walk the plank?
Sea of Thieves #1 preview. Brimming with drama, doubloons and untold skulduggery, the Sea of Thieves is a strange and treacherous stretch of ocean where swarthy scallywags the world over flock to test their might and mettle #comics SEA OF THIEVES #1 Writer: Jeremy Whitley Artist: Rhoald Marcellius Color: Sakti Yuwono Letterer: Jaka Ady…
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thecomicon · 6 years
An Epidemic Of 'The Mindless' In Bonehead #3 This Week From Top Cow/Image
An Epidemic Of ‘The Mindless’ In Bonehead #3 This Week From Top Cow/Image
This week sees the arrival of the third issue of futuristic tech-driven drama Bonehead from Top Cow at Image Comics. In this week’s issue, the gangs might have to work together to take on a terrible threat—the spread of a street drug that’s creating vegetative states resulting in a proliferation of “The Mindless”. Written by Bryan Hill, with art by Rhoald Marcellius with colors by Sakti Yuwono…
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humasguyub · 3 years
Wujud Negara Hadir, Personel TNI-Polri Dikerahkan Bantu Korban Banjir
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Jakarta - Personel TNI-Polri telah dikerahkan ke setiap titik-titik wilayah yang mengalami kebanjiran dalam dua hari belakangan ini. Mereka ditugaskan untuk membantu para warga yang menjadi korban dari peristiwa tersebut.
"Pastinya ribuan personel TNI-Polri sudah dikerahkan untuk membantu para warga yang mengalami kebanjiran," kata Kadiv Humas Polri Irjen Argo Yuwono dalam keterangannya, Jakarta, Minggu (21/2/2021).
Menurut Argo, personel TNI-Polri itu melakukan perbantuan evakuasi warga, membuat posko dan dapur darurat, sekaligus melakukan pengawasan penerapan standar protokol kesehatan di kala banjir menerjang.
Argo menekankan, dikerahkannya personel TNI-Polri untuk membantu warga merupakan wujud implementasi bahwa Negara hadir di saat warganya membutuhkan bantuan.
"Personel TNI-Polri merupakan cerminan dari hadirnya Negara dalam membantu para warga yang menjadi korban banjir," ujar Argo.
Personel TNI-Polri diketahui langsung turun membantu warga yang kebanjiran disejumlah titik. Salah satunya di kawasan Cipinang Melayu, Jakarta Timur. Mereka mengerahkan perahu karet, membuat posko darurat dan membantu evaluasi warga yang mengungsi.
Sementara itu, polisi juga melakukan evakuasi dan bantuan ke wilayah Kabupaten Bekasi yang terdampak tanggul Sungai Citarum yang jebol. Diantaranya, Kampung Babakan Banten, Desa Sumber Urip, Pebayuran, Kabupaten Bekasi.
Adapun yang terdampak banjir Desa Karang Segar dan Desa Karang Harja. Total Kepala Keluarga (KK) yang terdampak 6.000 dengan ketinggian air 1.5 meter.
Lalu, Kampung Biyombong di Desa Pantai bahagia, Kecamatan Muara Gembong, Kabupaten Bekasi. Yang terdampak banjir Desa Pantai Harapan Jaya, Desa Jaya Sakti, Desa Pantai Bahagia, Desa Pantai Sederhana, Desa Pantai Mekar.
Jumlah keseluruhan kepala keluarga yang terdampak 5.094 dengan ketinggian air 1.5 meter.
Selain itu, karena banjir terjadi di tengah Pandemi virus corona, tim pemulasaran jenazah Covid-19 juga tetap bekerja untuk memberikan pelayanan maksimal.
Walaupun di tengah bencana, tim menerjang air banjir menggunakan perahu karet, meyusuri gang sempit untuk pemulasaraan jenazah korban virus Corona. (NN95)
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Njuhar banding. Anyar kebonsawahan kongsijaya huta bayu bantargadung gladag, manyar jeladri gedangdowo mundeh kangin siak malangrejo. Pasar ipuh temon kulon pendalian koto kanigoro, buana sakti pilangpayung salebba barombong lumbang rejo. Penawar baru cengkawakrejo bohar pangereman cibalanarik mrahu, pegagan kidul citorek barat tlogosari wetan kedungsalam. Kembangbilo semedo puncel mabbiring marga bakti jejawi, sembukan semare pliken pulau panggung sungai petai. Kangkung tanjung perepat artodung agung lawangan pademawu, kalimantan timur legonkulon sindurjan suko manunggal sige. Tumi jajar banuarea jogyakarta karang pamulang buburan, rindu.
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rabbittstewcomics · 6 years
Episode 127
April 2018 solicitations, Doomsday Clock 3, Raven: Daughter of Darkness 1, Legion 1, Inhumans: Judgment Day, X-Men Blue Annual 1, Star Wars: Forces of Destiny - Ahsoka and Padme, Vinegar Teeth 1, Dissonance 1, Abbott 1, News (Justice League: No Justice, Scott Snyder, Captain Marvel set pics, Doctor Sleep movie, Oscar nominations), Reviews (Alex + Ada Vol 1, Doom Patrol)
  Comics Details:
Doomsday Clock 3 by Geoff Johns, Gary Frank, Brad Anderson
Raven: Daughter of Darkness 1 by Marv Wolfman, Pop Mhan, Lovern Kindzierksi
Legion 1 by Peter Milligan, Wilfredo Torres, Dan Brown
Inhumans: Judgment Day by Al Ewing, Mike del Mundo, Kevin Libranda, Marc Deering, Jose Villarrubia
X-Men Blue Annual 1 by Cullen Bunn, Edgar Salazar, Matt Milla
Star Wars: Forces of Destiny - Ahsoka and Padme by Valentina Pinto
Vinegar Teeth 1 by Demon Gentry, Troy Nixey, Guy Major
Dissonance 1 by Ryan Cady, Melita Curphy, Singgih Nugroho, Sami Basri, Sakti Yuwono
Abbott 1 by Saladin Ahmed, Sami Kivela, Jason Wordie
Alex + Ada by Sarah Vaughn and Jonathan Luna
  Comics Countdown 24 Jan 2018:
Southern Bastards 19 by Jason Aaron, Jason Latour,
Sherlock Frankenstein and the Legion of Evil 4 by Jeff Lemire, David Rubin, Kike Diaz
Thanos 15 by Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw, Antonio Fabela
Doomsday Clock 3 by Geoff Johns, Gary Frank, Brad Anderson
Black Science 34 by Rick Remender, Matteo Scalera, Moreno DiNisio
Abbott 1 by Saladin Ahmed, Sami Kivela, Jason Wordie
Redneck 9 by Donny Cates, Lisando Estherren, Dee Cunniffe
Flash 39 by Joshua Williamson, Carmine Di Giandomenico, Ivan Plascencia
Manifest Destiny 33 by Chris Dingess, Matthew Roberts, Tony Akins, Owen Gieni
Lumberjanes 46 by Kat Leyh, Shannon Walters, Ayme Sotuyo, Maarta Laiho
Check out this episode!
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comicsbulletin · 6 years
Review: DISSONANCE #1 - An Unfocused Future
Review: DISSONANCE #1 – An Unfocused Future
Image Comics | Top Cow
Singgih Nugroho & Ryan Cady (A) Sami Basri (C) Sakti Yuwono (D) Melita Curphy
The Top Cow arm of Image Comics has had moderate success in its licensing deal with Glitch Network, an Indonesian company specializing in action figures and concept artwork. The first two series, God Complex and Bonehead, successfully took the core ideas of the toy line and fleshed them out into…
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obsessedwithcomics · 6 years
Review: DISSONANCE #1 - An Unfocused Future
Review: DISSONANCE #1 – An Unfocused Future
Image Comics | Top Cow
Singgih Nugroho & Ryan Cady (A) Sami Basri (C) Sakti Yuwono (D) Melita Curphy
The Top Cow arm of Image Comics has had moderate success in its licensing deal with Glitch Network, an Indonesian company specializing in action figures and concept artwork. The first two series, God Complex and Bonehead, successfully took the core ideas of the toy line and fleshed them out into…
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