#Sakusa kiyoomi
lyrinsluv · 3 days
timeskip! sakusa x [manager] reader
wordcount: 1158! :D (srry!! it’s long lolol) 
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practice, practice, practice. it was around 6:50 and it was just sakusa and bokuto left on the court. you’d always did a lap around the entire sports complex where the Jackals practiced because your boss never forgot to remind you that you had to be the last one to leave, even if coach foster was long gone. these laps included you thinking to yourself, and of course sakusa just had to pop up in your head. i mean, he was always cute in your eyes. he was quite respectful whenever he came up to you. thinking back to who was on the court, you were slightly surprised at sakusa’s sudden motivation. 
you never really spoke to him, and you weren’t planning on it. he clearly wasn’t interested in much conversation, and you only had to talk to him whenever he asked about his performance at the last game. you sigh to yourself as you see the two still going at it. this time, you don’t do a lap. you walk up to the two and you look at them.
“um.. when do you think you guys will be done?” you ask sheepishly, not wanting to get bokuto riled up.
“whenever sakusa says so!” bokuto responds with a cheeky smile. you tilt your head at this. you never really noticed their subtle friendship. you turn slightly to sakusa, wanting him to answer.
“almost. my receives were bad last game.” he mumbles to you. you knew he had the ‘don’t leave things unfinished’ tendency, so you knew it was going to be a long night. you just nod and you look at the unwaxed court. 
“oh, um, okay..” you mutter back. 
“i’ll just watch you two.” you say as you walk off to the sidelines. bokuto did get slightly riled up, but you were too lazy to care about it. 
“can you keep count of how many i miss?” sakusa says in a louder voice, his head turning to you. woah, sakusa was asking you for a favor? you smile and nod, taking out your notebook. 
“sure.” the next thirty minutes were interesting. you’d never seen him in his element. he looked good, the way his thighs looked every time he bent down to receive a hard spike, the way he wiped the sweat off of his forehead after every receive. 
bokuto surprisingly departs first, saying something about how he had to go meet up with akaashi for his taxes..? you blink as he hurriedly leaves, leaving the two of you alone. you aimlessly walk up to sakusa. you felt kind of special, seeing him without his mask, knowing that fans always whine and complain about the way he wears his mask whenever he signs stuff. 
“um, here's how many you received and let go.” you say as you hand him your notebook. he looks up at you, his mask hanging from his ear. god, why’d he look so hot right now..? he hesitates for a second, but he takes the notebook, appreciating your respect for his personal space. what kind of manager would you have been if you didn’t know what your players liked? 
his face doesn’t falter at the numbers, seemingly proud that he had more receives than misses. 
“thanks.. for doing this. i know you have to wait until everyone leaves.” he murmurs out as he takes off his calf sleeves. you, slightly taken aback by this, tilt your head. huh? how’d he know? 
“oh..! oh, um, it’s okay, i’m your manager, no?” you ask rhetorically with a slight smile on your face. he smiles back, nodding in response as he looks back down at himself. 
“sakusa?" you ask hesitantly. "i don’t think you should worry about your receives. i think you’re known as the best receiver, um, like ever. i mean, every one of your fans worries more about your mask than your receives.” maybe that was the most you’d ever spoken to him, but the way the words slipped right off of your tongue smoothly made him think differently. he liked the way you spoke, and he liked how you didn’t try to come close to him considering his minor mysophobia. 
“i know, i just needed this to know i'll be good for the next game.” he responds back. it was late, but not too late thankfully. 
“it kind of surprised me that you’re the last one here. usually it’s miya.. or, ah, bokuto, y’know? both of them.” you mumble, wanting to keep on talking to him. you knew that he’d probably cut it short by getting up, but he didn’t. 
“mm, yeah, those two are.. very obnoxious.” he responds back lazily, his fingers loosening the laces of his volleyball shoes. 
you let out a quiet chuckle at this, a chuckle that he enjoyed. he felt a bit confused at his emotions. why were you making him act like this? he’d never been into romantic relationships, considering how much time he spent on volleyball. he also knew that some people would be weird about his minor mysophobia. and relationships were such a hassle in his eyes.
“anyways.. i'll be out of your hair now. thank you for everything tonight.” he says as he stands up. god, you forgot how tall he was. you wanted to get to know him better. you wanted to know kiyoomi sakusa, not the guy you smiled and nodded your head at every once in a while. 
“wait, sakusa?” you ask. he looked at you, his mask still hanging off of one ear.
“yeah?” he mumbles back before he carries his bag. 
“i.. think we should grab lunch together one day. to.. uh, talk about your receives..?” you ask skeptically, your lie not coming out smoothly. you just wanted to sit with sakusa. he was so interesting.
the smile on his face as he puts on his mask spoke volumes for you. you could’ve sworn your heart fluttered as he spoke up.
“i wouldn’t be opposed to that, manager.” he says quietly, getting ready to depart. you see the janitor coming in to wax the court, knowing it was time for you to go as well. 
the walk back to both of your cars was short but.. nice. it was around three minute walk, and in those three minutes, you two conversed about his hate for crowds. and he reiterated that he wasn’t a huge germaphobe, he just hated it when people touched things incessantly and unnecessarily. and you knew for sure that the lunch was going on because you both exchanged contacts. 
“bye, sakusa!” you say as your hand rests on your car door handle. he waves you goodbye. you sink into your seat, letting out a quiet sigh. 
maybe, just maybe this was going to go well. maybe, this unspoken date was going to be the best one you’d ever been on, and maybe your little crush on sakusa would mean something. 
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akiisks · 17 hours
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Drunk omi making tsumu experience heaven
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omitea · 2 days
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omi omi omi omi omi omi
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dapperappleton · 3 days
Hard truths about dating the HQ boys
Aka their weaknesses in relationships (I still love them anyway)
Warnings: maybe slightly angsty ig? Timeskip!haikyuu characters
Osamu: spends too much time at work and gets super jealous easily
Atsumu: complete fuckboy who flirts with everyone while ignoring his partner
Sakusa: puts very little effort into relationships and freaks out if his partner gets touchy with him
Oikawa: still flirts with every fan even while dating someone. Doesn't understand why that would upset his partner
Ushijima: canonically has zero common sense (thought that people in Brazil had to hold onto the Earth so they didn't fall into space) so dating him means constantly teaching how to do everything
Tendou: shuts his partner out because he's so insecure
Futakuchi: accidentally says upsetting or mean things as a result of his snarky nature
Bokuto: can be so childish and needy that it's draining
Akaashi: doesn't know how to express emotions so he just bottles everything up and eventually shuts down
Kuroo: puts his work before his partner too often
Yaku: lacks empathy sometimes. Thinks if he can do something why can't his partner? Will push them too much as a result
Yamamoto: gets so flustered that it's hard to have normal interactions sometimes
Kenma: lashes out when he's overwhelmed and even targets his partner's insecurities out of misplaced frustration
Asahi: doesn't have the courage to speak up for himself when something his partner does bothers him
Daichi: tries to parent and control his partner way more than necessary
Sugawara: is so tired after work and grading that he rarely has the time or energy to go out
Nishinoya: tends to not listen to people's boundaries and fawns over others in front of his partner
Tanaka: defends and spoils his partner so much that he basically suffocates them and doesn't let them be independent
Ennoshita: gets so in his head about not being good enough that he starts to withdraw himself from the relationship
Tsukishima: like Akaashi, he can't express his emotions properly and bottles it up except he gets snippy
Yamaguchi: catastrophizes the moment his partner brings up any issues and assumes they're going to break up with him
Kageyama: offers zero emotional support ever and doesn't know how to comfort his partner or resolve conflicts. Like Ushijima has zero common sense and needs his partner to help him with everything
Hinata: prioritises volleyball over his partner and doesn't understand if they're not as passionate about volleyball as he is
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catladykt13 · 1 day
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Origami weekends!
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soloroomies · 2 days
lifemate (Chapter 6/ Sakusa x f!reader)
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summary: the night of your wedding and the month after word count. 2.5k cw. marriage pact au, fluff, suggestive a/n. if you want to be added to the taglist, please just send me ask!♡ and... i love cutie patootie kiyoomi •ᴗ• Masterlist
Your wedding has finally come to an end. The guests are saying their goodbyes to you and Kiyoomi. Most of the wedding guests are family and friends, although there are also some of your coworkers and Kiyoomi's teammates from MSBY and the national volleyball team. The only ones staying at the hotel are you, Kiyoomi, and both of your parents.
Before heading home, Komori, who also served as Kiyoomi’s groomsman, comes over to bid farewell. He raises both hands and exclaims, “You guys!” Then, he half-whispers, “I’m so happy you both decided to do this. Just go with the flow, eventually, everything will fall into place.” You furrow your brows, not quite understanding his words. “What??” you ask. But he brushes you off, “Anyway! Does this mean our meetups will be me third wheeling you both?!” You roll your eyes at this. Komori grins, “I’ll just invite my wife along!” Kiyoomi responds, “Of course, you can do that.” Komori cheers, “Woohoo!” You exchange glances with Kiyoomi and mouth to him, “I think he’s drunk.” Kiyoomi scoffs at that.
Next, Tami comes up to you both, hugging you and offering her congratulations. “You look so beautiful, I’m fucking crying, you know?!” she says. You laugh and thank her. She then turns to Kiyoomi, “Treat her right, okay?” emphasizing the word ‘treat’ while winking. You groan, “Stop, will you?!” She chuckles and hands you what seems to be a goody bag. As you observe it, you realize it’s a gift. You hug her once more. Tami adds, “Please open it and give me an honest review!” You squint your eyes at her words but then thank her again before she leaves.
After saying goodbye to a few more guests, the last ones are your bridesmaids. You thank them profusely and the four of you share a group hug before they finally leave. Now, it’s just you, Kiyoomi, and your parents.
Kiyoomi’s mother approaches you. “Take a good rest, okay? Both of you.” she smiles and squeezes Kiyoomi’s hand. Then, she turns to you and gently caresses the side of your head. “Okay?” she asks again. Kiyoomi nods. You smile reassuringly and answer, “Okay.” You look behind his mom and notice that both of your parents and Kiyoomi’s father are still sitting at the dinner table, waving their hands. You take Kiyoomi’s hand and approach them to excuse yourselves, which they nod enthusiastically. 
You and Kiyoomi will have a room together. For obvious reason. So, you head to your room together, carrying the wedding gifts you received. 
You step inside your hotel room, a spacious suite with a large living room. Your suitcases are already there. The living room is decorated with soft, warm lighting from the lamps, and rose petals are scattered around, giving it a romantic ambiance. You slip out of your heels and groan, feeling the relief in your feet. Kiyoomi follows behind you.
As you enter the room, you notice the rose petals on the bed and giggle. Kiyoomi looks at you quizzically. “What?” he asks. 
“Nothing. This is just so cute,” you reply, smiling at him.
He hesitates before saying, “You can take the room. I’ll just sleep on the couch.”
You respond quickly, “Don’t be ridiculous!” You don’t want to make him sleep on the couch. There’s no harm in sleeping together on the bed. Unless… is it a problem for him? Leaning on the door, you ask, “Omi, is there a problem? The couch is too small for you. It’s better if I’m the one who sleeps there.”
Kiyoomi looks uncomfortable. “Please don’t. It’s just…” He seems hesitant, so you wait for him to continue. “I just never share a bed with anyone.”
You raise your eyebrows in surprise. “What? I thought you used to have sleepovers with Komori?”
Kiyoomi scratches his head, looking slightly embarrassed. “Uh, he kinda just sleeps in the other room.”
Okay. So, he really values his personal space. You sigh. “Okay, I’ll take the couch then.”
Kiyoomi shakes his head. “No. Please. I’ll take it.”
You insist, “Omi, seriously, look at that couch. It’s small. There’s no way you could sleep comfortably there!” 
The two of you argue for a few minutes until Kiyoomi finally sighs in resignation. “Okay. Let’s just sleep on the bed.”
You’re silent for a moment, not wanting to overstep his boundaries. “Omi, I don’t know. I don’t want to force you to do something you’re not comfortable with.”
Kiyoomi gently takes your hand. “No, please. Let’s just sleep on the bed.”  His touch is reassuring, and you both walk inside the room. 
After that, you start to remove your makeup and change into your pajamas—a silky short-sleeve button-up and matching shorts. You wait your turn to use the bathroom to brush your teeth, wash your face, and apply skincare. A few moments later, Kiyoomi is done. Your eyes widen when you see him shirtless, wearing only his black shorts for sleep. Damn, his body is really the embodiment of years playing volleyball. You quickly look away, not wanting him to catch you ogling. 
“Oh. You’re done,” you say, your voice cracking slightly, making you want to slap your face.
“Yeah,” he answers.
When you come out of the bathroom, you thank God to see that he has put on a shirt. Before sleeping, you suggest opening the wedding gifts together in the living room, and he agrees. Most of the wedding gifts are small and cute home decor items, like candles and picture frames. You stack the gifts on the table, then glance at Kiyoomi, who is reading a note from one of the gifts with furrowed brows. 
You take a look at the gift and are surprised to see a white piece of lacy lingerie. Quickly snatching the box from his lap, you notice the bag. Of course, it’s Tami’s gift. Kiyoomi looks at you with a confused expression. 
“Can I see the note?” you ask.
He hands you the note obediently. It reads, ‘have fun strutting your stuff in this lingerie! pls give me a review of how he reacts!! xoxo’
You cover your face, feeling your cheeks heat up. “I’m sorry. She’s always like that.”
Kiyoomi just stares at you. Shit. His lack of response leaves you flustered and unsure of what to say next.
After that embarassing moment, you finish unpacking the last box and head to the bed. As you lay down and take your side of the bed, you feel a tad bit awkward, never having been in this position with him before. You glance at Kiyoomi, who is lying on his back with both hands on his stomach, staring at the ceiling. Your eyes catch the glint of the wedding ring on his finger, reminding you of a question you've been meaning to ask.
"Hey," you say softly.
He turns his head towards you. "Hm?"
"I've been wondering, when did you buy the ring?"
"Huh?" he responds, sounding slightly confused.
"The wedding ring that you gave me when we were planning this last month."
"Oh. I think around New Year's," he replies.
"Like, exactly on the 1st of January?" you ask, curious.
He hums in confirmation.
"Don’t tell me you bought it as soon as the reminder you set appeared?" you laugh incredulously.
"I did, actually," he admits.
You laugh, "You’re really something else."
"What if I’d been dating someone else?" you tease him.
"No, you weren’t," he says with certainty.
"What? Don’t be so sure! You don’t know!" you start to playfully kick him, annoyed at his confidence.
"I do know for sure. I asked Komori. That’s when I told him about our plan," he reveals.
You recall Komori inquiring about your love life when Kiyoomi wasn't around. You chuckle at his response and glance at the ring on his finger. "Can I see that?"
He notices you looking at his ring and moves closer, extending his hand to you. You compare his ring with yours, seeing how perfectly they match.
"These rings are beautiful," you say, admiring the way they catch the moonlight streaming in through the open curtains.
"You know, I kinda miss your mom. It’s been a while since we saw each other," you mention, turning your head to him and catching him already looking at you.
"I know, she always asks about you. She really likes you," Kiyoomi replies.
"And you never told me that she asks about me." You squint your eyes at him playfully.
He actually smiles, "Yeah, sorry about that."
After a bit more conversation, you both start to feel sleepy. You roll onto your respective sides of the bed, having some distance in between. Only to find both of you sleeping so close to each other in the morning. 
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It’s been about a month since your marriage, and all of your belongings have been moved to Kiyoomi's apartment. You have a room for yourself, bigger than your previous one. Apart from moving out, one of the striking changes you feel is how people react to you. The news of your marriage has spread, and you can see it on social media. Not fond of being the center of attention, you made your Instagram private, avoiding unknown comments on your posts. At work, people from different divisions also try to peek into your room, whisper as you pass by, or stare at you for too long in the elevator. It’s a bit unsettling, but you know it’ll pass.
Despite the external commotion, adjusting to life with Kiyoomi has been pleasant. Living with him feels like having the best roommate you could ask for, making you sometimes forget that you're actually married to him. Every morning, you wake up around the same time. His apartment has two bathrooms, so there’s never a problem there. True to his nature, Kiyoomi is exceptionally clean and diligent in keeping the apartment tidy. While you’re not messy, you’re definitely not as meticulous as he is. His cleaning skills are a welcomed part of the chore division.
You take on most of the cooking, though not all the time. Occasionally, you both decide to order takeout. The idea of you cooking is mostly because you want healthier food consumed for both of you. You always ask about his diet plan and adjust the meals accordingly, constantly seeking his honest feedback. So far, there have been no complaints; he finishes everything on his plate.
Sundays are your designated grocery shopping day for the month. The arrangement for who pays for groceries has been completely ignored by Kiyoomi. Despite your attempts to take turns paying, he insists on covering the cost, leading to arguments at the cashier if you don't back down.
You’ve also let go of all your side jobs, giving you more free time than you’ve ever had. Kiyoomi, on the other hand, has been busy with his schedule. The volleyball season is nearing, and he’s been practicing a lot and also doing a few interviews with his team.
Tonight is Friday night, and you’re sitting in the living room, reading a novel recommended by a friend but haven’t read it until now because you used to be so hectic with work. Dinner is already prepared, and you’re feeling relaxed when you hear the apartment door open, signaling Kiyoomi's return.
"Hey," you greet him with a smile as he walks in.
"Hey," he replies hoarsely. Upon closer inspection, you notice that he looks paler than usual, his cheeks are flushed, and he seems more exhausted than ever. You immediately get up and approach him as he heads to the kitchen to wash his hands.
"Are you okay?" you ask with concern.
"I'm fine, just a bit of a cough," he replies, but you observe his forehead glistening with sweat despite the chill in the room. Instinctively, you press your hand to his cheek, making his eyes widen.
"No, you’re not. You’re burning, Omi," you say firmly.
"I can’t be sick; tomorrow is a practice match," he frowns, looking frustrated with himself.
"But you can’t be playing like this," you counter. "Let's get you more comfortable."
You guide him to the couch, feeling the heat radiating from his body. Heading back to the kitchen, you prepare some tea with honey and lemon, knowing the soothing warmth always helps when you are sick. While the kettle boils, you grab a bottle of water and bring it to him. "You need to stay hydrated," you reminded him gently, helping him take a few sips. Back in the kitchen, you scoop the food you made earlier. Luckily, you made fish soup. It will feel nice for his sore throat.
Returning with the tea and a couple of fever-reducing tablets, you instruct, "Here, drink this and take these." He complies, too tired to argue, and you watch as he slowly sips the warm liquid, the steam rising to soothe his congested sinuses. 
You sit beside him, holding his hand and gently rubbing circles on his skin with your thumb. "Please, just rest, okay? If you’re lucky, you could be healthy by Monday. But if you keep forcing yourself, this could get worse." He just stares weakly at you, saying nothing.
As the night wears on, you take him to his room. Realizing you’ve never been inside his room before, you take in the tidy, mostly plain decor with black as the dominant color and a few brown accents. Volleyball gear is organized in the corner, and his desk holds pictures of his winning moments in matches, including a photo of you, him, and Komori at your high school graduation. You smile at the memory.
You make sure the blankets are adjusted properly as he mumbles, "I need to get better," frustration clear in his voice.
"You'll get there. Just rest now. Your body needs time to heal," you reassure him.
He mumbles something you can’t quite hear, so you ask, "Hm?"
"I want to practice," he repeats. You giggle at his stubbornness, noting that he’s more talkative than usual, likely due to the fever. He continues, "I want to practice and train, paying attention and succeeding until the day I play my last game."
You realize how dedicated Kiyoomi is to his work, which explains why he is one of the best volleyball players in the country. You’ve always admired his dedication and felt proud of his progress since the day you met him. Feeling a surge of warm emotion, you take his hand and gently run your fingers through his hair.
"Omi, you’ll get better. Accidents happen no matter how well you prepare; there’ll always be something unexpected," you say softly. He stares at you weakly as you continue, "Please, just rest for now. Let me take care of you, and let’s hope the fever will subside soon."
He closes his eyes as you run your hand through his hair. Then, he squeezes your hand and says, "Okay."
"Okay," you echo, smiling at him. "I’m always so proud of you, Omi," you add, your voice filled with sincerity. You both hold hands and stare at each other for a while. Until you say, "I’ll let you sleep. I put the water here." You get up, pressing your hand one last time to his forehead to check his fever. He nods at you in acknowledgment.
In the morning after you wake up, the first thing you do is check on him. Tiptoeing into his room, you feel relieved and glad to see that his fever has started to subside, and his breathing seems more relaxed.
Taglist: @wolffmaiden @yunskook
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nectardaddy · 1 day
full throttle | sakusa kiyoomi
chaper four | group chat nightmare
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yn almost threw her phone against the wall when she found out it was sakusa. he on the other hand, although floored, didn't expect anything less of atsumu
suna could not stop laughing as soon as yn told the gc what was happening. he texted atsumu IMMEDIATELY
atsumu is certain this is how they start dating and is already planning to speak about this at their wedding. he's positive that this will work without a hitch
omi doesn't know how to feel about this. he agreed because he's tired and wanted atsumu off his back
he still doesn't know how he feels about yn yet. yes he did have a crush on her in hs, but that was 3 years ago. people change.
yn is excited but so nervous that she might make a fool of herself
omi actually got a girlfriend a couple months after they all graduated high school. it was a mutual breakup because she didn't seem all to into the car scene while he was up and coming in formula drift.
atsumu tried to set him up with other people before but every single time they were most definitely not compatible with him
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taglist under cut (don't mind the formatting- it was being stupid today)
@wyrcan @hilichurl-lover @neuviloved @mayariviolet @wqnsho
@chosugarplum @dontmindtheevie @ilyless
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sassycheesecake · 1 day
I am gonna be posting something this week every day about a meet and greet for the MSBY Black Jackals! No one asked for it but here it is anyway!
23rd of June: ATSUMU MIYA
24th of June: KIYOOMI SAKUSA
26th of June: SHOUYOU HINATA
27th of June: SHION INUNAKI
28th of June: SHUUGO MEIAN
30 of June: ADRIAH TOMAS
1st of July: OLIVER BARNES
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crdrce · 9 hours
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Once again, let’s prove to the world that volleyball is fun!
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lhavibid · 10 hours
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Stage play Sakusa yet again
i finally manage to finish this WIP
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throttlee · 3 months
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baby is not a baby anymore🎉
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ahgalen · 23 days
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MSBY Black Jackals my beloveds
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amezure · 10 days
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Silly sketches alskjdlas
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raisunomii · 1 month
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It is a truth universally acknowledged that a setter must be in want of a spiker.
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kkumri · 4 months
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offspring loyalty 🦊🧼🫧✨
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soloroomies · 7 hours
lifemate (Chapter 7/ Sakusa x f!reader)
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summary: so what if you find your husband attractive as hell? word count. 2.6k cw. marriage pact au, mature content, mild smut a/n. this chapter is just me thirsting over Sakusa Kiyoomi:)
After that night when he fell sick, you felt a noticeable shift in the dynamic between the two of you. You’ve always been friends since high school, but you realize that your usual monthly meetups didn’t do justice to how he used to be. When you’re both home, you don’t just pass each other or talk only when needed; you actually have a fun conversation. You exchange everyday life trivia, transforming the usual “hey” and “how was your day?” into meaningful conversations.
Instead of his typical “good” response, he now shares more about his day. “It was good. Bokuto was more behaved today,” he tells you. This prompts you to ask for details, and soon you’re immersed in the full story of his day. He’s also very curious about your corporate life and your friends at work. “What about you? Did the presentation go well?” he asks. “Did that shitty coworker try to steal your idea again? You should really teach her a lesson.”
Both of you inquire deeply about each other's answers, leading to conversations that last well into the evening. Whether you’re eating together at the kitchen table or sitting on the couch, you find yourselves engaged in discussions that bring you closer. 
Last week on Saturday night, you even had your first-ever movie night with him, watching "The Shawshank Redemption" for the first time. Yes, you both are latecomers to classic movies. By the end, you concluded it was fun and decided that horror movies would be next on your list.
You also rediscovered how observant Kiyoomi is. You hadn't noticed that he had been restocking your milk for making lattes. It struck you as odd that the single carton of milk you bought during grocery shopping always seemed to last the entire month. You finally realized what was happening when you caught Kiyoomi putting a new carton of milk in the fridge. “Do you always restock my milk?!” you asked, incredulous. He frowned and replied, “Um. Yeah? Is there a problem?” You wanted to scream at his nonchalance but ended up laughing, pinching his cheek, and thanking him instead.
Physical contact with Kiyoomi was something you hadn't given much thought to before, but if anything, the past week had shown that he was becoming more comfortable with you. During grocery shopping, you used to just walk side by side, but now you noticed he often put his arm around you or held your hand while you walked. Even in the apartment, he was more touchy. He would casually move you by your waist when he needed to get a spoon from the drawer, saying, “Wait a sec,” before placing you back where you were, leaving you flustered.
Komori also noticed the change, teasingly commenting on how well you were getting along with Kiyoomi in your monthly meetup. You didn’t know how to respond, just waving off the comments dismissively. 
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It’s been two weeks since Kiyoomi started his training camp. He stays out of town from Monday and comes home on Friday evening. The V. League Division 1 match season starts next week, with matches held almost every weekend with a few breaks over the next seven months. With his absence, you can’t help but feel quite lonely, especially given the recent intensity between you two.
Now, you're on a call with Tami. She's been telling you how much she misses her husband, with her business trips over the last few months and now his busy schedule. You listen attentively, trying to offer support, “I see. Work timings might be challenging for both of you, but as long as there is persistent effort when there’s time, I guess it’s the quality of time you spend together that matters.”
“You’re right,” Tami agrees, her voice tinged with longing. “I’m thinking of going to the cinema weekly with him. Or maybe just movie nights at home? We’ve been super busy lately.”
“Yeah, movie nights are fun too! That’s what I’ve been doing with Omi—like in a friendly way, you know?” you respond.
“What? Friendly way?” Tami laughs loudly.
“Yeah, he’s my friend. So the context is a bit different from yours, but it’s still quality time, right?” you explain.
“He’s your husband, girl!” she keeps laughing.
“But, we’re not like that! I’ve told you,” you protest.
Tami's tone shifts to playful curiosity. “Hey! I just remembered. Have you worn my gift?”
“That lingerie?! God, no!” you exclaim.
“What?! So you never do anything with him?” Tami asks, incredulous.
“No. I’ve told you! We’re not like that. I can't even see him that way. He's my friend,” you insist.
Tami pauses before asking gently, “Are you sure?”
“Um, yeah,” you reply, though now with less certainty.
“Just be prepared in case… y’know what I mean,” Tami advises. You roll your eyes at her.
After your call with Tami, a few moments later, your apartment door opens. Kiyoomi walks in with his bags since it’s Friday. You can’t help but feel a surge of happiness seeing him. You’ve missed him. You rush to him, “Omi! You’re home! I’ve made dinner.” You cling to his arm.
He smiles and pats your head, “Thank you. I’ll have that after I put this in the washing machine.” He lifts his bags.
“Okay!” you reply happily.
You continue your conversation with him after he takes a shower, and you eat dinner together. Then, like last week, you have your movie night with him, but this time, you watch a horror movie. As you sit together on the couch, you realize how much his presence means to you. You’re just happy your friend is home. That’s all. 
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Then, Saturday comes, the first day of the volleyball season. You and Kiyoomi start your morning early and head to the stadium where the match will be held. It hits you that it's been over a year since you last watched one of his matches, often because of clashes with your side jobs.
Although the match will start at 3:30 pm, there will be an opening ceremony beforehand. Athletes need to arrive early for warmups and preparation. So, here you are, arriving at 10 am with Kiyoomi. You walk with him to his locker room where he changes clothes, puts on his shoes, and dons his other volleyball gear.
In the locker room, you meet the other athletes from MSBY and their spouses. You also run into Miya Atsumu’s girlfriend, Aiko, whom you met at the New Year's party earlier in the year. After Kiyoomi heads off for his preparations, you sit on the bleachers with Aiko. She congratulates you on your marriage, expressing surprise, saying she didn't recall you mentioning you were Kiyoomi’s girlfriend. You explain that you kept your dating life secret and only announced it once you were married.
Suddenly, a woman approaches you both. “Hey!” she greets, and Aiko responds excitedly, indicating they know each other. The woman turns to you, “Are you Sakusa-san’s wife?” she asks with a warm smile. 
“Yes,” you reply.
“Sorry for the late introduction. I’m Fumi, MSBY’s assistant manager!” she says cheerily.
“Oh hey! Nice to meet you,” you respond.
“We finally met!” Fumi exclaims, taking a seat beside you. “I’ve met all of the MSBY spouses. I’m so glad to finally see you in person.” You chuckle at her enthusiasm. You then start chatting with her and Aiko. The conversation mostly them asking about how you and Kiyoomi met, both getting heart eyed at your story. Fumi comments that it’s hard to imagine Sakusa-san in a romantic relationship. You laugh at her statement.
The opening ceremony starts with the national anthem, followed by speeches from league officials and dignitaries. Each team is then introduced to the crowd, walking out in their uniforms to applause and cheers. You watch as Kiyoomi stands there, feeling a surge of pride. The ceremony continues with a performance by local artists and cheerleaders. The crowd's energy is infectious, making you even more excited about the upcoming match.
When the performance ends and the official opening declaration is about to start, Fumi invites you and Aiko to meet the athletes. “Hey, let’s wish them luck; the match is about to start!” Fumi suggests.
“Sure!” Aiko agrees enthusiastically.
“Are we allowed to meet them now?” you ask, a bit unsure.
“Of course!” Fumi assures you.
“Yeah, I always meet ‘Tsumu before his matches,” Aiko giggles. You nod and follow them.
Outside the locker room, you see the MSBY Black Jackals concluding their final discussion. Some athletes share moments with their families. Aiko runs enthusiastically to Atsumu, hugging and kissing him while wishing him luck. Feeling slightly awkward, you approach Kiyoomi, unsure of what to do. You’re his fucking wife, dammit!
“Hey,” you greet him, rubbing your hands together. He turns towards you, his eyes lighting up and melting your nerves away.
“Hey,” he replies.
You take both of his hands, really wanting to encourage him for the game. “Good luck with the match,” you say, looking up to see the warmth radiating from his eyes. Without thinking much, you bring his hands to your mouth and kiss them. He looks stunned for a second, then hugs you and kisses the top of your head.
“Thank you,” he says softly. 
He and his team then start to line up to head to the arena, as the match is about to start. You return to your seats with Fumi and Aiko, feeling a mix of excitement and pride for Kiyoomi and his team.
The match finally starts, and you find yourself immediately drawn to the court, your eyes instinctively following Kiyoomi. There's an electric energy in the air, the crowd's anticipation palpable. As the game begins, you can't help but focus on him, mesmerized by his every move.
Kiyoomi’s black wavy hair is slightly tousled, framing his face perfectly and adding to his striking appearance. Each step he takes exudes confidence and a hint of cockiness, a combination that’s both intimidating and captivating. Sweat glistens on his skin, making his muscles stand out even more under the bright gym lights, emphasizing his athletic physique. His focus is intense, his eyes never leaving the ball as he strategizes his next move.
There's something magnetic about his presence, an undeniable allure that draws your gaze and holds it there. Every spike is like a piece of art, a blend of power and finesse that’s unmatched. You watch as he leaps into the air, his body seeming to defy gravity, and then slams the ball over the net with such force that it sends a shiver down your spine. The precision and strength of his play are breathtaking, and it's clear why he's a standout player. Witnessing his performance is nothing short of exhilarating.
You’ve never felt this way about him before. Sure, you've always known he was attractive, but seeing him in his element, dominating the court, is an entirely different experience. He looks so damn good—too good. It makes you want to do something frisky with hi—Fuck. You should stop.
You start to grip your jeans, trying to steady yourself. Fumi notices this and laughs at you, waking you from your trance. You blink at her, slightly embarrassed. “Your husband is an amazing player. You should come often to his matches!” she exclaims. You short-circuit for a moment, the word “husband” ringing in your head. Then, you glance at the court again. That is your husband? Damn. Your reaction prompts Fumi to laugh even more.
Seeing his incredible play, he does look very intimidating, which is how most people perceive him. But you also find him endearing, remembering his everyday quirks at home—a privilege that you have. This realization makes your head spin. You really can’t go back to seeing him as just your roommate and keep denying his attractiveness. Fuck.
The match ends with Kiyoomi’s team winning, and you clap wholeheartedly for the game. You really should come more often. This was fun, and thrilling, and seeing him in his element has given you a newfound appreciation for just how incredible he is, both as a player and as a person.
On the way home, you congratulate Kiyoomi and compliment his amazing performance. He thanks you, glancing over with a small smile. “You should come more often,” he says, his voice warm and inviting. You agree enthusiastically, when suddenly you’re reminded of the revelation you had while watching his performance. You take a peek at him and feel your heart drop. His profile is illuminated by the soft glow of the dashboard lights, highlighting the strong lines of his jaw and the curve of his lips. He looks effortlessly attractive, focused on the road yet completely at ease. His hair is still a bit damp from the shower he just took. The subtle scent of his familiar cologne—something masculine with hints of woody and musky notes—fills the car, creating an intoxicating mix.
Maybe you shouldn’t have come to watch him?
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Over the next few days, you try to act as normal as possible. You have conversations with him as naturally as you can, but you can’t help feeling distracted by his movements. Why does everything he does look so damn attractive? Like, who the hell drinks water like that? His usual friendly touches also get you very worked up, making you jumpy as hell. You hope he doesn’t notice this. God forbid he notices!
You just have to take care of yourself, right? Maybe that will reduce your tension when you’re with him. But you feel like the dirtiest and most perverted roommate ever if you get yourself off thinking about him when he literally sleeps in the next room. You're so frustrated with yourself.
This Thursday night is no exception. You’re washing the dishes when suddenly you feel a looming presence behind you. When he taps your shoulder, you almost knock him with the plate in your hand as you turn your head and see him standing there. You keep saying sorry, feeling embarrassed and flustered, while he only replies with a frown.
Trying to shake off the awkwardness, you settle on the couch in the living room with a novel. When you notice him sitting beside you, you take a peek and see he's engrossed in his phone. You try to focus on your novel, but his presence makes you nervous. You then stand up, ready to leave, when you suddenly hear him say, “Wait.” Fuck.
Your heart races as you turn your head to him and see him observing you intently. You try to avoid his gaze, but he reaches for your hand, prompting you to sit back down beside him. Your heart is pounding, and your face feels hot. 
“Is there something wrong?” he asks, his tone concerned.
“No,” you reply, looking down and biting your lip.
“Did I do something wrong?” he presses.
“No!” you finally look at him, seeing the concern etched on his face. “It’s just…” you trail off, looking down again.
After a beat of silence, he tilts your chin towards him. “Can I do something?” he asks softly, his gaze never leaving yours. Before you can answer, his lips are on yours, and you unconsciously sigh in relief as the tension melts away.
The simple kiss quickly deepens into a passionate makeout session. You grip his shirt while he cups your face, and then you feel his hand travel downward. “Can I?” he asks, his voice husky. You nod, not trusting your voice, and he slips his hand into your panties, rubbing you gently. You can't help but moan at his touch.
Then, he gets down on his knees in front of you, still kissing you. He pulls you to the edge of the couch, his eyes level with yours due to his height. He pauses, looking at you intensely. “Is this what I get if you come to my match?” he asks, making your eyes widen.
“I should’ve invited you a long time ago,” he murmurs. Before you respond to him, he starts kissing you again and pulling down your shorts and panties. Then, he kisses your thigh, whispering, “You’re so beautiful.” You bite your lip and moan as he starts to eat you out.
You're overwhelmed by the unexpected turn of events, by how skillfully he uses his mouth, and by the sight of him kneeling before you, his broad shoulders adding to the intensity. As he adds his digits into you, you entangle your fingers in his hair, moaning, and you cum more intensely than ever before.
He kisses you again after you cum, but when you try to touch his pants, he stops you. “Not now,” he says, leaving you confused as he gets up and goes to his room.
The next morning, he acts as if nothing happened, as if he didn’t just eat you out on the couch last night. You’re left bewildered, wondering what the hell is going on?!
Taglist: @wolffmaiden @yunskook
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