#Sakuya's sister
c0rinarii · 3 months
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Deco Playable Command print for a local con i recently boothed at!
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unfinished-dream · 7 months
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pcb done
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moose-goosey · 4 months
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Dragon Meiling compilation post
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yarrayora · 8 months
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me and @synth-exe had a discussion regarding whether some female characters were fridged or simply dead and decided that no of course ophelia wasn't fridged. she was offered to escape with lawless but decided to die for peace anyway. a female character who exists for the sake of a male character's development will not die in a way that is thematically relevant to the narrative (in this case the vice of excessive charity, which goes hand to hand with lawless representing greed)
sakuya's sister doesn't count as fridged for the same reason. sure, she definitely couldn't escape her parents, and even if she refused her parents' scheme, they would probably just kill her and staged it as suicide anyway. but she made the choice to jump to protect her brother.
both of these storylines happened pre-canon and before the character development that happens during canon. their existence in the backstory isn't meant to elicit cheap anger, they weren't plot devices, they were characters whose motivations were fully fleshed out.
yoshimasa, a dead male character, fills the same role as these two dead women
sometimes a woman isn't fridged. sometimes they're just dead
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happysanblr · 2 years
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Merry Christmas♥
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xian · 1 year
the fact that this is my dream lineup aside, they decided on the RIGHT lineup
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opaleyedprince · 7 months
it is vital to me that sakuya be a year ahead of geto and gojo for no other reason than bc i think it's funny
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tribow · 2 years
Kaguya's christmas looking stick does pay to mind if Flandre Scarlet's mother if she was a former lunarian goddess. Compare that to her crystal several colored wings. Eirin Yagokoro taught the Watasuki sisters to tap into their powers. Whose to say Flandre's ability to destroy any material isn't of lunarian origin itself? Imagine the look on the lunarians faces when they find out one of their own kind breed with one of the more vicious and dangerous species on earth that is one of most impure.
Kaguya's christmas stick is the jeweled branch of hourai. Think of it like a branch of a bonsai tree, exfeot the tree grew on the moon and it has some decorations on it.
That aside....wouldn't that make Remilia lunarian as well? What about the others with those colors? Tenshi, Meiling (her rainbow attacks, Chimata....I know there's some others.
Oh then there's Alice. That's the color MASTER right there. A weapon to surpass all lunarians.
There's a lot to unpack here.
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aeschylus · 1 month
i've briefly overcome my blind rage at roze of the recapture to inform y'all that Sakuya Sumeragi is a Sumeragi which means she's related to kaguya who is suzaku's cousin and her mother is Sherry me Brittania, one of lelouch's half-sisters, which is to say that by my yaoi mathematics and calculus she is Lelouch and Suzaku's literal canon lovechild resting my case
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she licherally has suzaku's face and lelouch's everything else i sure hope the story does her justice </3
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longwombraider · 1 month
I HAVE SO MAMY THOUGJTS LMFAOOOO first of all like TOUMA BEING A DAD??? cracked me up 😭 also I think mahiru's mum was the woman at the door peeping out, and goddamn does Mahiru take after her !!
ALSO SAKUYA IS?? ALIVE?? like human right????? wtf 😨 does that mean his sister didn't jump? or did he not jump??? All the eves/human characters in this alternative timeline seem to have a happy ending (except for Nicco, rip to him, but WHAT?? how did bro die wtf😭😭 rizzler had to get nerfed😞) (I also hope this means the subclasses are alive still like Oto🥲 maybe she got her revenge against that director and didn't commit suicide)
also seeing tsubaki and kuro be so silly together and on the same team (I think) is SO refreshing and so cute like YES HOLY SHIT finally something cute and a bit light hearted (despite the dire situation)
And Hugh?? was the one carrying Kuro??? NGL I might be dumb but was it only Kuro/Tsubaki that came from the current timeline into this "mirror world"?? because how tf did every other servamp have a new eve/their own life but tsubaki and Kuro seemed so displaced + Hugh was carrying Kuro's cat form ?? And lily is nowhere to be seen as of now too
But greed team being together is so cute 😭 Apart from Licht's inverted streak, he still looks relatively the same, albeit a bit older imo. But they're so cute!!! They look like best friends ngl lol how are they getting along so well in this mirror world 🤭🤭 (bfs!!!!!!)
I was also laughing my ass off at Mikuni with the crow servamp 😭😭 bro is soo leaning into the theatrics and drama of having the dark feathers falling around him lol (Poor Tsurugi tho💀🙏)
This was all from the top of my head so I might've missed things but also this whole world, despite seemingly so perfect and happy, seems a bit..? unsettling?? like it isn't right. maybe because we know that Mikuni was the one that did some god knows what ritual to open this mirror world so it could be a fantasy/elaborate fake world for all we know.
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tanuki-kimono · 11 months
Is there any pattern with inspiration/relation to Konohana Sakuya?
Hi! Konohanasakuya-hime is the titular deity of Mount Fuji. She's traditionally associated with fleeting cherry blossoms because of this part of her myth:
Sakuya-hime met Ninigi on the seashore and they fell in love; Ninigi asked Ohoyamatsumi, the father of Sakuya-hime for her hand in marriage. Oho-Yama proposed his older daughter, Iwa-Naga-hime, instead, but Ninigi had his heart set on Sakuya-hime. Oho-Yama reluctantly agreed and Ninigi and Ko-no-hana married. Because Ninigi refused Iwa-Naga, the rock-princess, human lives are said to be short and fleeting, like the sakura blossoms, instead of enduring and long lasting, like stones (via wikipedia).
I have never encountered kimono or obi directly hinting at this goddess, but if you'd like to reference her, any sakura (flowers on trees or not, falling petals etc) and mountain pattern (Fujisan if possible of course ^^) would work nicely!
She's also a goddess associated with sake brewing, so sakura + sake objects (like masu or sakazuki cups for ex.) would be very cool!
If you are going a darker route, sakura + fire pattern could hint at the birth hut episode of her story - which also links her persona to volcanoes. (Note that sakura+braziers is usually a pattern association hinting at nighttime cherry blossom viewing parties)
(anyone played Okami around here? I just realized the camellia sisters could be a reference to this part of Konahana's mythos :3)
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unfinished-dream · 4 days
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i think i finally got it! angels of the dawn and dusk. names yet unknown. I got possessed by the spirit of the UFO artwork and music of the title screen and vibed my way into something i really like actually
older sister has a morning glory on her head and probably smells like clean linen. really likes coffee. very gentle and merciful. memories of waking up early as a child and the country air being so pure and clean, and the woods being slightly fogged over as I sit on the porch swing in my pajamas, listening to the birds. She has thick fabric covering most of her wings because they emit so much holy light that any onlooker would be blinded and any yokai would be driven away.
The younger sister is associated with nettles and branches (particularly inspired by the appearance of them in the MLP au by missgendered, how they're silhouetted and creepy). she probably smells like the embers of a campfire. memories of watching the gradient of the sun set with the silhouette overlay of the bare trees at the cusp of winter. It's chilly, but the warmth family makes it worthwhile. She has a thin veil of fabric over the shining part of her wings because they don't shine with that much holy light, but what's there could still harm an onlooker.
they both live in a large mansion estate in the clouds to mirror the other two sisters. The Shining Silence Manor is always pristine and just being there makes you feel refreshed and warm inside. The air inside the estate is a bit cold and humid because of being so high up in the clouds, but being there for an extended time is said to clear toxins from your system and your mind, making it incredibly sought after for meditation and those seeking a therapeutic refresh. Since hermits have access to their own spacial gap and follow strict rules, the sisters' help is largely unneeded, but respected. The interior of the estate reflects the time of day well, and the energy inside changes accordingly.
It is surrounded in a haze that is choking and poisonous to dark youkai and those with bad intentions. It requires a great deal of magic to reach for humans and ghosts. it might remind one of the difficulty of passing through makai, just with a light and pure energy instead of a dark, oppressive one. It's easy to reach for hermits, celestials, and kami, depending on their domain. Shinigami are allowed through by default. Fairies often do not have enough magical energy to come through on their own, and the sisters consider many of them to be "outside noise." The haze surrounding the mansion hides and protects it.
The mansion's main attendant besides the sisters creates a kind of drink mix imbued with heavenly energy to leave its consumer feeling clean and good, the "shining silence brew." It tastes something between coffee and tea. (She may or may not have a massive crush on sakuya.)
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childrenofthesun77 · 6 months
Reading spoilers for servamp chapter 140 from japanese fans on twitter and
Apparently otogiri is johannes' sister? Wild. Guess it makes sense though, they both have the same hair color. Wasn't the guy who negotiated with kuro when C3 kidnapped them his cousin too? Or did I just imagine that. Servamp really is just one huge family conflict, isn't it. Even the servamps and C3 can be seen as being related because they are two different kinds of descendants of the count.
Otogiri's human name might have been gretel? Johannes character is based on heinrich/johann faust(us), a scientist who made a deal with the devil and eventually gets a young woman named gretchen pregnant. The name johann is similar to the name hansel and gretel and gretchen are also similar, so I guess the two are linked to both the fairytale hansel and gretel and to faust by johann wolfgang von goethe.
Apparently we get more about higan's and berukias backstories too.
Also for a reason I don't quite understand yet the 13 places that mikuni's clones are at seem to be the same 13 places that were bombed by tsubaki early on in the story that all had ties to C3, which explains why the clone sakuya met was staying at mahiru's bombed school and I guess that also makes it easier to locate all the clones. Not sure if misono is talking to a clone or the real mikuni, but apparently they get into another chess game with misono playing white and mikuni playing black. After winning against his father and outwitting lily to end the game misono will have to prove that he finally has what it takes to win against his genius older brother in chess too.
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yarrayora · 6 months
you know the saying that kids go after people who remind them of their parents
obviously mahiru is nothing like sakuya's mom and dad but im just saying isn't he the best of both his sister and tsubaki
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otomehoneyybearr · 4 months
Act 12
Episode 11: Each of Our Depatures
Working w/ Maybelle Lace
Note: As you read, you will see that some sentences highlighted in a different color, this is what they indicate. Pink: Flashback Blue: Characters are acting
Taichi: Well, I'm off then!
Juza: Same.
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Izumi: Take care.
Omi: It's only a little bit, but I've put some pre-made side dishes and dessert in the fridge, so please feel free to eat them.
Izumi: Thank you!
Banri: See you later, Director. I'll be in touch.
Izumi: Yeah, see you.
Masumi: I'm staying too.
Tsuzuru: Then there'd be no point to any of this.
Izumi: We went over this extensively yesterday.
Masumi: ...Then video call me daily. 24 hours a day.
Itaru: Scary.
Tsuzuru: You're sticking to her even more closely than when we're in the dorms.
Izumi: Everything will get back to normal in no time.
Muku: It's only for now.
Kumon: It'll be like going on summer vacation.
Kazunari: Totally. It’s a little sad, but it'll all be okay!
Misumi: Until then, I'll keep looking for triangles!
Yuki: See you soon.
Tenma: Be careful while you're alone.
Izumi: I will. See you soon!
Itaru: Since Sakyo's curfew decree no longer holds, I'm free to do all-nighters.
Izumi: Please don’t overdo it!
Chikage: Call me if you need anything.
Azuma: You can contact me even if you don't need anything.
Guy: You are always welcome to come to the bar.
Izumi: Got it!
Sakyo: Alright, I’m counting on you. If you ever feel like you're in danger, call me anytime.
Izumi: Roger that.
Homare: Well, I'll be off then. I'll make sure to write plenty of poems while I’m back home. I look forward to performing them for you.
Homare: Hisoka, please do make sure to keep a record of your marshmallow intake so you don't run out of them.
Hisoka: ...I know. I'll just find some new marshmallows.
Izumi: Let me know if you find any.
Tsumugi: I'm off. Thanks for looking after the dorm.
Izumi: Leave everything to me. Take care.
Tasuku: When I get home, I'll try to reflect on myself so that I can face the play with a new mindset.
Izumi: Sounds good!
Izumi: (The dormitory suddenly feels so quiet with everyone leaving one by one.)
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Banri: Disbanding?
Tenma: Are you serious?
Izumi: Not at all. But, considering everything, I think this is the best way to go.
Izumi: If we all work together, I'm sure we won't lose to Amadate.
Izumi: But I definitely don't want to put everyone in danger.
Izumi: That threatening e-mail demanded that the troupe be disbanded, right?
Izumi: So I thought it would be a good idea to have everyone move out of the dorms and pretend that the troupe has been disbanded.
Sakyo: If rumors of disbanding get out, even Amadate might be fooled by it.
Izumi: If we all work together and gather enough materials to corner Amadate in the meantime, we might be able to resume our performances with peace of mind.
Izumi: Honestly, because of this situation, I want all of us to be together. I don't want us to fall apart.
Izumi: But we have to break up for everyone's safety for now.
Izumi: Even if we live in different places, I believe that we'll all continue feeling the same way.
Sakuya: Izumi...
Izumi: What will you do now, Itaru and Chikage?
Itaru: I can't relax at my parents' house because my older sister is there, so I'll just rent a monthly apartment for a while.
Chikage: For me, well, I have a lot of places available to me.
Itaru: Will Sakuya be staying with you?
Chikage: I have a place I can prepare for him.
Citron: I'll be living in a hotel for a while, so you can stay with me!
Itaru: As expected of a celebrity.
Tsuzuru: My house is small and noisy, but I can arrange for a place to sleep.
Masumi: There’s plenty of rooms at my place. You don't have to come though.
Itaru: Then why even bother pointing that out.
Sakuya: Thank you very much. But I’ve already decided where to go, so I’ll be fine.
Chikage: Is that so?
Izumi: Where will you be staying?
Sakuya: Kasumi was the first to invite me, so I'm planning to stay with him for just one night.
Izumi: For one night? What about after that…?
Sakuya: I've been seriously thinking over what I can do and what I wanted to do until I stepped on stage as Saku again.
Sakuya: So I thought about going on my first ever solo trip before the performance, but I gave up on doing it because there wasn’t much time.
Sakuya: Besides, I also have homework that you gave me, Izumi!
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Tsumugi: I agree, as Izumi said, it might be best to pretend to break up.
Sakyo: If we want to be safe, that's the way to go.
Izumi: Oh, and one more thing, if you don't mind, I have some homework for you.
Izumi: While you're away from the dorm, I want you all to think about what your life would be like if you hadn't joined Mankai Company.
Izumi: Then compare that hypothetical life with the life you have now and the life you want in the future.
Izumi: After finding your reason why you want to stand on the Mankai stage as a member of this theater company, I hope you all come back.
Muku: That's...
Izumi: Of course, I haven’t given up on our future performances or the Fleur Award.
Izumi: But, in this current situation where we're at our lowest, I don't know for sure when we will be able to perform together again.
Izumi: I don't want to leave everyone in a dark situation where the future is uncertain.
Izumi: That's why I want each of you to step away from the company and reconsider your reasons for wanting to remain in the company.
Izumi: If everyone comes back after doing that, I'm sure the new Mankai Company will become a theater company stronger and more united than ever before.
Izumi: Of course, no matter what conclusion you reach, I will support that answer.
Izumi: So, please...
Juza: Got it. I'll take this opportunity to face myself again.
Azami: It could be a good opportunity.
Sakuya: After hearing your words, I felt like I could finally face my hometown, which I’ve been afraid to confront for so long.
Sakuya: I am sure that now is the time for me to set off on my journey. I'm not afraid anymore because I know you will be here waiting for me.
Izumi: I see...
Izumi: (When I think back to during our debut performance when he played as Romeo, he was terrified that his place would be taken away from him. He has grown up a lot since then.)
Izumi: I hope you have a safe and enjoyable journey. Please be careful.
Sakuya: Look forward to seeing your souvenirs! I’ll be off!
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Kabuto: (I never imagined my old man would resort to such extreme measures... He's truly a scary opponent.)
*Phone rings*
Kabuto: ...
Aoshi: "Hey Kabuto, what’s your deal with skipping today's regular practice without permission?"
Aoshi: "Are you just sleeping at home again?"
Kabuto: I can't show up to practice for a while. Starting tomorrow, you'll be in charge in my place.
Aoshi: "What? Wait, what's that supposed to mean—"
Kabuto: And don't come near my room for a while.
Aoshi: "...Is there a problem?"
Kabuto: That concludes any business talk.
Aoshi: "Okay, okay. I get it. You won’t explain. At least I understand the situation regarding practice."
Aoshi: "However, since you're the poster boy of Hyakka Theater Company, it'll be troublesome if you don't come back soon."
Kabuto: I'm sure even my old man understands my value as a commodity.
Aoshi: "...Seems like this is related to Mr. Amadate after all. Please keep your parent-child conflicts in moderation."
Kabuto: You should be saying that to him instead.
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Kabuto: (I’ve left the affairs of the theater company to Aoshi, but what should I do moving forward...?)
Kabuto: (It's likely my old man already knows that I tried to leak information to Mankai Company.)
Kabuto: (Since I don’t have all the necessary information yet, it feels like I’m being misled, and because of that, there’s a possibility that my movements will become restricted.)
Kabuto: (How can I contact Mankai Company without leaving any traces behind...?)
Subordinate: Mr. Kabuto.
Kabuto: …!
Subordinate: Will you come with me peacefully? I don't wish to be rough with you.
Kabuto: ...Tch.
Subordinate: Please hand over all of your devices.
Kabuto: … It’s just this.
Subordinate: Now then, this way please.
*thank you guys for your patience. Hopefully I’ll have a regular update schedule for everything by tomorrow!
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sorenblr · 7 months
not much interesting bits on vengeance. 5 is the game that does NOT need another cast member but o well. One thing that did catch my eye was demon tag team spells, where Scathach and Cu Chulainn did an attack together and another one involving Cerberus, Orthrus, Hydra, & Chimera.
Yeah, it's surprising to me how little they've pushed fusion/team spells since the PS2 era. There's an entire compendium full of figures from interconnected mythologies to draw on, so it's always felt like leaving money on the table. But it's also the sort of superfluous, additive flourish that feels right at home with the changes these remasters bring, so, there you go.
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Yoko brings in the "cool older sister" that was missing from the original cast of stereotypes. Maximum market penetration is just one more design trope away- this time, I can feel it.
I don't have much to say for the rest of this. Konohana-Sakuya is alright; a rare, non-leering portrayal from Doi. She looks like a watermelon candy.
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