#Salt Lake City Birthday Parties
votivecandleholder · 1 year
Birthday Party Places in Salt Lake City, Utah (Kids & Adults)
New Post has been published on https://happybirthdaydecor.com/venues/birthday-party-places-salt-lake-city
Birthday Party Places in Salt Lake City, Utah (Kids & Adults)
How’s it going? Planning a birthday party in Salt Lake City, Utah? There are plenty of creative options available to suit any taste and budget. From outdoor activities such as exploring Salt Lake City parks and mountains, or indoor activities like arts and crafts workshops, dining in Salt Lake City restaurants and pubs, visiting Salt LakeCity museums, or swimming in a pool, there is a wide range of choices available to make their special day unforgettable.
1 About Salt Lake City, Utah
2 Salt Lake City Birthday Party Places
2.1 Classic Fun Center
2.2 Tracy Aviary
2.3 Kangaroo Zoo
2.4 Escape on 13th
2.5 Salt Lake City Ghost Tours
2.6 Red Butte Garden
2.7 Sugar House Park
2.8 Dave and Buster’s
2.9 Public Library
3 Birthday Party Ideas in Salt Lake City
4 Salt Lake City Map
5 Party Supplies in Salt Lake City
About Salt Lake City, Utah
Salt Lake City Night
Salt Lake City is the capital and most populous city of the U.S. state of Utah. Salt Lake City is home to many attractions, including the Utah State Capitol, Temple Square, the Salt Lake Tabernacle, the Salt Lake Temple, the Salt Lake City and County Building, the Salt Lake Art-Museum, the Natural History Museum of Utah, the Leonardo museum, and the Clark Planetarium.
Salt Lake City Birthday Party Places
Looking for the best birthday party places in Salt Lake City, Utah? Look no further! Let’s review some of the best birthday party venues in Salt Lake City for kids and adults:
Classic Fun Center
Classic Fun Center
This fun-filled indoor center has everything kids love, including roller skating, laser tag, and arcade games.
Tracy Aviary
If your little one loves animals, Tracy Aviary is the perfect place to celebrate their birthday.
Kangaroo Zoo
This indoor play center is ideal for younger kids, with inflatable bounce houses and slides, an obstacle course, and a toddler area.
Escape on 13th
If you’re looking for a unique and thrilling birthday celebration, Escape on 13th is the perfect choice.
Salt Lake City Ghost Tours
Haunted Houses Salt Lake City Utah
For a spooky and exciting birthday party, Salt Lake City Ghost Tours is a great option. Explore the city’s haunted history with an experienced guide and uncover hidden secrets.
Red Butte Garden
For a more relaxed and serene celebration, Red Butte Garden offers beautiful scenery, botanical gardens, and a tranquil atmosphere.
Sugar House Park
Hey! If you’re looking for an outdoor celebration that won’t break the bank, Sugar House Park is the perfect option.
Dave and Buster’s
Dave And Busters Salt Lake City Utah
This popular arcade and restaurant offers various birthday party packages that won’t hurt your wallet.
Public Library
Salt Lake City’s Public Library offers a unique and budget-friendly option for celebrating birthdays. They offer free event spaces and even provide equipment and materials for activities like art and crafts.
Birthday Party Ideas in Salt Lake City
Glam Picnics In The Park
Party Rentals Salt Lake City
Utah Parties
Birthday Party Limo
Capitol Theatre Stage
Salt Lake City Map

Party Supplies in Salt Lake City
Party Pinata
U S Novelty & Party
Party Supplies
The Balloney Bin
From indoor amusement parks and bowling alleys to outdoor zoos and farms, there is something for everyone. The city also has several restaurants that offer both indoor and outdoor seating, perfect for hosting a birthday party. With its wide range of options, Salt Lake City is an excellent choice for throwing a memorable birthday party.
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radiofreederry · 11 months
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Happy birthday, Ammon Hennacy! (July 23, 1893)
An influential Catholic anarchist and pacifist, Ammon Hennacy was involved in left-wing politics from a young age as a member of the Socialist Party of America. Resisting the draft in World War I, Hennacy was imprisoned alongside other socialists including leading socialist Eugene Debs. While in prison he came to embrace anarchism and pacifism, and after his release spent time wandering, learning, and organizing. He became involved with the Catholic Worker movement, and in 1961 moved to Salt Lake City, organizing the Joe Hill House of Hospitality. While there, Hennacy continued his activism while also mentoring younger anarchists including folksinger Utah Phillips. Hennacy refused to pay taxes to fund war and protested against the death penalty many times throughout his life, among other actions. He died in Salt Lake City in 1970.
"Your damn laws! The good people don't need them, and the bad people don't obey them."
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OC Bio: Dee Davis
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Full Name: Dawn Marie Davis
Alias: Dee
Age: 15-18(15 around the events of s1)
Place of Birth: Salt Lake City, Utah
Birthday: Feb 2
Faceclaim: Emily Rudd
Fandom(s): Stranger Things
Species/Race: Caucasian
Languages: English
Occupation: Student, arcade worker(briefly in between s2-s3), Chinese restaurant server(s3), currently unemployed(s4)
Orientation/Sexuality: cis and bi
Body Build: on the smaller side of average
Height: 5′1″
Weight: 115lbs
Skin Color: pale with freckles
Hair Style: s1-s2: long hair, usually in a low braid or high ponytail s3-onward: shag cut
Hair Color: ashy dark blonde/light mousy brown
Eye Color: green
Body Modifications: multiple ear piercings(after s1), nose piercing(between s2-s3), nipple piercings(after s1)
Preferred Clothing: mostly old oversized band tees, flannel, old jeans cuffed at the bottom with either converse or combat boots. as the series goes on, she begins to take inspiration from goth, punk, and metalhead fashion, such as leather jackets, battle vests, fishnets, tighter pants, and mini skirts.
Abilities: hand-to-hand combat(taught by her brother who has a blackbelt in karate), knife and gun experience, lockpicking.
Field of expertise: transcribing, breaking and entering, hiding and escaping
Affiliations: Hellfire Club, The Party(from s3 onward)
Dee is the youngest child of the Davis family. Her father is active duty in the Army until the events of season 2, and her mother is an old hippie who is scatterbrained but very kind. She also has an older brother by the name of Daniel, who goes by the nickname of Danny. Because of Don Davis(her father’s) job, she and the rest of the family grew up moving to different places every few years throughout her childhood, including a brief stint overseas. Around 1983, the Davis parents get a divorce, with Don and Dee settling in Hawkins, Indiana for Don’s new job at Hawkins National Lab, and Deborah(her mother) and Danny settling nearby in Indianapolis, so that the kids can see each other whenever they want.
Dee doesn’t fit in around Hawkins, which she’s quite used to. Luckily, the town misfit, Eddie Munson, takes a liking to her after meeting her by chance in the woods before the start of the ‘83-’84 school year, and she becomes a fixture around the Hellfire Club, the D&D club at Hawkins High run by Munson, though she herself doesn’t play.
Dee is aware of some of the strange phenomena happening around Hawkins, but she doesn’t get the full story on it until later seasons. During the events of season 1, she’s in Bradley’s Big Buy when Eleven steals several boxes of Eggos, witnessing her breaking the door with her mind. She also notices all the strange disappearances around that time, noting that such things are uncommon in a small town like Hawkins, due to her own experiences in similar small towns.
After her father loses his job due to the events of season 2 shutting down Hawkins Lab, she’s forced to first take a job at the local arcade to help with money while her father finds stable work outside of the military. Later, before the events of season 3, she takes a better-paying job at Starcourt Mall, at the Imperial Panda Chinese restaurant in the food court.
In the summer of ‘85, she becomes involved in the strange occurrences around town when she joins the “Scoops Troop” - the group of Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Robin Buckley, and Erica Sinclair, investigating the strange Russian transmission that Dustin’s “Cerebro” radio picked up. Her keen perception and knowledge of military goings-on from her father help the group navigate the underground Russian base, and she assists the Party in both escaping said base, and fighting the Mind Flayer. After the Mind Flayer is defeated, she begins to keep a new journal, where she writes about everyone’s experiences with the Upside Down, including interviews from those involved, as well as strengths and weaknesses of the different monsters they’ve dealt with. She brings it with her on future excursions, making sure to log as much information as she can, both to help their own chances of survival, but also to keep a record of what’s happened in case they fail.
The fall after the events of season 3, she and Munson become involved romantically, after a long and storied friendship. During the events of season 4, she helps both protect Eddie from the angry townspeople, as well as works with the Party to stop Vecna. Unfortunately, she is unable to prevent the death of her boyfriend, as well as the death/revival of Max Mayfield, a longtime friend of hers from her time as a worker at the arcade.
Dee’s most noticeable personality trait is how quiet she is. She is well-known to most of Hawkins for not talking much, and always having her head in a book or notebook, reading and writing, and supposedly ignoring everything around her. However, while she is naturally a quiet and soft-spoken individual, a lot of this is a front. She has a personality quite similar to her older brother, Danny: both the Davis siblings love to drink, smoke, cuss, fight, cause problems, and party. However, While Danny is open about these things, Dee hides them, putting on a persona of “quiet girl who keeps her head down and does as she’s told”, to keep herself out of the trouble Danny tends to get himself into. As such, she has a reputation for being the “responsible” one of whatever group she tends to be in. She’s also the type who shows her favor toward others through gentle ribbing, being quite the wise cracker once she gets to know someone. However, she also has a strong temper, and extremely dislikes being threatened or made to feel less-than, and will likely respond to such things with violence, especially if there’s a crowd(”People don’t fuck with you if they think you’re crazy enough to break their nose at the slightest provocation.”) Overall, she’s a difficult person to get to know, but once she’s familiar with someone and likes them, she’s fairly loyal to them.
'80s Hair: In between the events of season 2 and season 3, she trades her long hair in ponytails for a time period-accurate rocker shag cut, which she keeps for the rest of the series.
Badass Bookworm: Dee loves to read and is almost always seen with a book, but she’ll also fight anyone who crosses her or her loved ones without a second though.
Because You Were Nice to Me: She is often the most loyal to those who treat her with kindness, being willing to make their enemies hers if she likes them enough.
Beware the Quiet Ones: Most of Hawkins High knows her as “the girl who never talks, but who broke Carol Perkin’s nose in the cafeteria because Carol dumped a carton of chocolate milk on her”.
Big Brother Worship: Because her family moved around so much, and because of her own introversion, Danny was Dee’s only friend for a very long time(until the divorce and subsequent move to Hawkins). Danny and Dee do fight, like siblings do, but Dee is always in his corner with(almost) anything he does, usually being the one to bail him out of jail or any other unsavory situation he finds himself in. She also admires his dream to become an EMT, and will do anything to help him attain it. She looks up to and idolizes him, but she’s not the type to outwardly show it.
Cigarette of Anxiety: Dee is already a chain smoker, but the habit gets worse and the amount of cigarettes she smokes goes up the more stressed she is. Seasons 3 and 4 see her smoking like a chimney when she’s able.
Combat Pragmatist: Dee is not above fighting dirty to win any fights she’s in. She’ll bite, she’ll scratch, she’ll kick below the belt, she’ll run away and hide only to attack while her opponent’s back is turned. She has no qualms with any of it. The goal of any fight she’s in is to win, at any cost.
Cowardly Lion: She is understandably terrified of things relating to the Upside Down during the events of season 3 and 4, but though she complains and bellyaches about her fears, she never hesitates to be one of the first to rush to the aid or defense of anyone who needs it during these situations. This ends up going away entirely by the end of Season 4, with her becoming almost suicidally unhesitating to throwing herself in the line of danger to protect others.
Creepy Loner Girl: What most of Hawkins thinks she is. The Hellfire Club, the Party, and a few others know that’s only one facet to her.
Dad the Veteran: Dee’s father, Donald “Don” Davis, is active duty military until the shutdown of Hawkins National Laboratory. Because of the circumstances of the shutdown, he is offered a chance for honorable discharge, and he takes it, being tired of the constant moving and secrecy. Because of his military experience, Dee knows quite a bit of related information, which comes in handy during the events of the show.
Daddy's Girl: She’s not particularly close to either parent at the start of the series, but she clearly favors her father over her mother. Though her mother Deborah is kinder and more present for her children, and Don is more hands-off and less present overall, Dee chooses to live with her father after their divorce, specifically because he pays less attention, which she prefers(”hard to get caught when nobody’s around to look out for that behavior”). Over the course of the series, they do become closer, in their own way.
Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?: During the scene where the kids shoot fireworks at the Mind Flayer, Dee screams at the creature to “go fuck itself”. During the events of the story “The Search for Heather Cooper”, when the group comes across a Demogorgon in the wild, she uses a lighter and a can of hairspray as a makeshift flamethrower to take it down, and after its death, she coldly comments that she “hoped it hurt like a motherfucker.”
Do Not Call Me "Paul": Her first name is Dawn, but she does not like that name and will correct anyone using it almost immediately, nor will she respond to anyone using it. It’s a huge source of contention between her and her mother Deborah, who only calls her by her first name.
Establishing Character Moment: The first time her future boyfriend, Eddie Munson, meets her, she’s sitting atop a picnic table she “found” out in the woods(Eddie’s selling area specifically), writing in a journal and listening to something loud on her Walkman, while also smoking a bowl of weed from a custom hand-blown pipe she brought with her from her time living in California. Eddie’s almost immediately smitten.
Expository Hairstyle Change: Dee’s haircut during the time in between seasons 2 and 3 is meant to show a bit of personal growth, both in her coming into her own as a budding woman, as well as bringing her into the era proper. Beforehand, she has long hair that she simply braids or pulls into a ponytail to not have to worry about it, but the closer she gets to her friend(and crush at this point) Eddie, the more she wants to express herself in her own way, the way he does.
Everyone Can See It: Once Dee becomes part of the Party as of the end of season 3, multiple members of said Party begin trying to get her and Eddie to confess their feelings to each other. Steve and Robin, who found out through a conversation during the truth serum, both push Dee to be more open to him, and Dustin and Mike, who find out through simply watching the two react to each other, try to push Eddie to do the same, assuring him that he is in fact good enough for her.
The Face: For Danny, mostly. Being the “good Davis kid,” she tends to be the one bailing him out, and though most of Hawkins High is wary of her, most adults around town see her as a quiet but well-behaved young lady, looking out for her rebellious older brother. Officer Callahan is one of the only ones who sees through her ruse, but nobody else believes him.
Fictional Fan, Real Celebrity: She has multiple posters in her room of her favorite musicians that she thinks are handsome, including Robert Plant of Led Zeppelin, Dave Mustaine of Megadeth, Eddie Van Halen of Van Halen, and (to the teasing of Munson) Jon Bon Jovi.
Fire-Forged Friends: How she becomes friends with Steve, Robin, and the others from the Scoops Troop, and the Party in general. The time they spend together under Starcourt Mall makes them near-inseparable, confusing the hell out of Eddie, who thus far was Dee’s only friend.
First Friend: Eddie Munson becomes the first friend she ever makes outside of her own older brother.
Friendless Background: Before Eddie pulls her into the Hellfire Club, and before the events of season 3.
Hyper-Awareness: An important part of Dee’s personality is her keen perception. She tends to notice small details that are often overlooked by others, such as Hopper’s bracelet in season 1, and that though most of the Upside Down’s weaknesses are based around fire, they still don’t seem to like water that much either.
I Don't Want to Ruin Our Friendship: Her excuse for refusing to tell Eddie about her crush on him. (it does not, in fact, ruin their friendship.)
Insult of Endearment: The more she likes someone, the more likely she is to crack jokes at their expense. Eddie’s musical tastes are a common target, as is Steve and Danny’s thickheadedness, and some of Dustin’s more annoying quirks(she gets particularly annoyed at his tendency to call everything “(blank)-Gate” in season 4). The only exception to this rule is Officer Callahan, who she insults out of her dislike for cops, him especially.
Jade-Colored Glasses: Dee becomes extremely jaded after the events of season 4. Losing her boyfriend and one of her other closest friends causes a hardening of her heart that strongly influences how she behaves and interacts with others during both the events of “The Search for Heather Cooper” as well as the (upcoming) events of season 5.
Laughing Mad: Dee has a mental breakdown during season 3, specifically while Dustin and Suzie sing the Neverending Story theme while the car she’s riding in is being chased by the Mind Flayer, including both hysterical laughter and tears.
Last-Name Basis: Because of her experience growing up as a military brat, she tends to refer to people this way. As she gets closer to certain people, this can and often does change.
Mature Younger Sibling: Compared to Danny, who is known for being reckless and a troublemaker, Dee is seen as such. It’s partially a ruse, as Dee is just as much of a troublemaker as her brother - just better at not getting caught.
Military Brat: Dee spent most of her childhood moving from military base to military base because of her father’s enlistment.
Misunderstood Loner with a Heart of Gold: To most of Hawkins, Dee is a weirdo, an introvert, and prefers to be by herself. To those who know Dee, she’s loyal, emotional, and cares deeply for those who are in trouble.
My Beloved Smother: Dee loves her mother dearly, but finds her incredibly overbearing and refuses to live with her after her parents split. She and her mother have very conflicting personalities, and Deborah’s refusal to respect her name change and her interests in favor of trying to push her to be more “girly” has strained their relationship.
New Transfer Student: She starts attending Hawkins High at the beginning of the ‘83-’84 school year.
No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: She gives this to several people, including both Carol Perkins(who bullied her in the cafeteria at school), and Carol’s boyfriend Tommy H.(who attacked her outside school as payback for what she did to Carol)
No Social Skills: Before she gets comfortable with someone, she has this issue. She’s quite awkward, stuttering and refusing eye contact, speaking in as small sentences as she can get away with.
Odd Friendship: With several people, including Chief of Police Hopper, a local nurse at Hawkins PD by the name of Heather Cooper(a friend’s OC), and later on, Steve Harrington.
Parental Neglect/Obliviousness: Both of the Davis parents love their children very much, but neither are particularly great at being parents. Don Davis tends to throw himself entirely into his work, ignoring household duties and his family to focus on his job. Deborah is more involved with her children’s lives, but not by much; she is often too busy trying to sort her own life issues out to give either child too much attention, and she tends to try to mold them into the children she wants them to be, as opposed to letting them be themselves. As a result, Dee isn’t particularly close to either parent, which she honestly prefers anyways.
Pint-sized Powerhouse: Though she’s a very small young woman, she’s not only strong, she also knows how to use several other factors to her advantage in a scuffle.
Plausible Deniability: A running joke between her and her father is this phrase. Don cannot talk about his work with his children, as it’s usually classified to civilians, and Dee doesn’t tell him about what she gets up to when he’s not around. When Dee begins to get involved in the supernatural happenings around Hawkins, she has to invoke this to her father, to protect him.
The Power of Acting: Many of the adults around town, including most of Hawkins PD(with the exception of Officer Callahan, who Dee dislikes a lot), see Dee as a well-behaved and dutiful child because of this.
The Quiet One: Even after getting to know people, Dee tends to be one of the more silent ones in a conversation. She prefers to sit quietly and enjoy the company of her loved ones as opposed to being an active participant.
Rebellious Spirit: Dee is prone to this. She loves to smoke, drink, and cause problems, including vandalism and theft. She’s also great at hiding her penchant for these things.
The Reliable One: Dee is this to her own family. Even before her parents’ divorce, she was usually the one around the house handling most of the cooking, cleaning, and bailing Danny out of trouble. It doesn’t change when it’s just her and her father, either.
Shrinking Violet: Dee is quite shy and introverted, and will usually keep to herself in a crowd.
Siblings In Crime: Dee and Danny are this in spades. The main difference between the two, is Dee is better at avoiding the authorities than her older brother.
The Sneaky Guy: Dee uses her small stature to her advantage, being able to fit into small spaces and hiding easily. She’s also handy at lockpicking, and tends to be quite the eavesdropper. She’s modeled after what I know of the Rogue class in D&D(i dont know much admittedly lmao), so she fills those kinds of roles when necessary during plot stuff.
Spotting the Thread: Dee is naturally a very perceptive person, and usually one of the first to notice when something isn’t quite right.
Team Mom: She’s one of the first to leap into action when anyone in the party, especially the younger ones, are in trouble. She also tries to keep supplies on hand to help the others, such as a basic first-aid kit and emergency rations and water.
Tragic Keepsake: After Eddie’s death, she takes his bandana and rings as a keepsake. She also ends up with his battle vest, but she gifts it to Dustin in the end.
Violently Protective Girlfriend: Though it never ends up actually happening, she’s threatened to fight many of Eddie’s rivals and enemies for him, including Jason Carver. Eddie never allows her to, but it never stops her from offering.
Vitriolic Best Buds: The best way to know if someone friends with Dee is if she teases them mercilessly. She and Eddie are this even after becoming a couple.
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hmbryants · 1 year
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ellie bamber & she/her & cis female watch out , holland bryant has crash-landed into roswell !! they look - years old and celebrate their birthday on june 10th. they are from london, england, reside in greystone complex and are currently working as a cashier at feel good records. one thing you should know about them is despite being from england, she tells people she’s from vermont and masks her english accent. 
trigger warnings for child neglect, child abuse (mental), gaslighting, cult note: the triggers are pretty engrained in the bio, but not written explicitly. read with caution. for those who would prefer to not read, the tldr is above the cut and the last paragraph does contain some relevant information on how she ended up in roswell as well as the general perception of her.
tldr; a girl just trying to find her way after being isolated from society by her parents until she turned eighteen and ran away after finding their "doomsday" plan.
Daniel Bright and Morgan Lee met in college where Daniel was studying to be a geneticist and Morgan was studying biology. The two only met because they both had a work ethic that was better than most of the other students at the college. They quickly found that they both liked to be in the labs at the same time and started hanging out outside of working on their own projects. Though they had few friends, it was no surprise to anyone that the two of them started dating and got married. Both of them landed jobs in their respective fields after graduating with PhDs. Not long after Cassidy was born and the family moved to a comfortable home in Salt Lake City, Utah. Three years after Cassidy came their son, Henry. Holland was a bit of an accident when both Cassidy was sixteen and Henry was just about to turn thirteen, but none the less an excitement to the family.
While Holland’s childhood was particularly boring and not very interesting, she was mostly raised by her siblings. It wasn’t until Holland turned eight that things began to change in her house. Although the Brights did their best to shelter their children from the news, the two older children were able to pick up on what was going on around them. Holland, being too young to understand, had no idea what her parents were scared of, which was fine enough for her parents. Holland’s life mostly didn’t change, but she noticed her parents pulling away from society more and more. Their city home home traded for a house in the country. Then things started disappearing: phones, television, radio. The books she had access to, changed to older book, written before her time with no events from the present. She didn’t know any better, though her siblings did. When she turned thirteen, her brother left home and her parents became unhinged, opening up their home to other like minded people, creating a community behind closed doors, something dangerous.
Instead of going to school like a normal child, the Bright family previously homeschooled their children, then let their community teach them. The people in their community were well vetted individuals. Anything strange or unusual was reported on by other members and then the guilty party was forced to leave, or so Holland was told. If that was actually the case, she wasn’t told otherwise. Since most media was banned from their house, so she learned to draw, learned to entertain herself with whatever her parents did allow in the house. Holland grew up hearing arguments between her older sister and her parents about how they were prisoners in their own home, yet they still had more freedoms to leave than Holland ever had. But it was the only thing she’d ever known, so how could she complain? 
Holland always felt like a bit of an outsider among her family members, though she never knew why. Her life was a constant state of not feeling like she could trust or talk to anyone. She grew into a kid surrounded by money, surrounded by people, but isolated and lonely to a point that she was sure other people didn’t live like this. Years and years of asking her parents why they weren’t allowed to leave the house and go into town and why they had to learn from tutors rather than school like some people. She never got an answer.
By the time she was fifteen, her siblings had moved out by then, it was only Holland and her parents. Cassidy did come home often, as she ended up in school not too far away, but Holland never heard from her brother. Holland was told there were monsters in the world. People capable of harming her with dangerous weapons, angry people that wanted her dead. Holland was told she was safe at home, safe behind closed doors and away from the general public. “We’re doing everything we can to protect you from them,” her mom said, misty eyed. And who was Holland to distrust anything her mom said? “We want to stop these monsters from hurting people,” her dad told her. Holland believed him. Her parents gave her more freedoms then, more books to read and information about the world around her, even if it was all a lie. Misinformation written by members of the community in order to show her what kinds of people there were in the world. 
Holland believed them, until she was eighteen and found a locked door in the mansion and her parents’ Doomsday plan. But what did that mean? How could the world really be that horrible? She didn’t understand how just humans could be that terrible. And yet they had news stories about good things, new stories about their community and what people thought about them. Cult. That’s what this was. Horrified by this information, she stole a bunch of money from her parents, paid someone to forge documents with a new name, and moved out of the country. If she kept a low enough profile, her parents would never find her. After all, they’d never found Henry.
She ended up in Roswell because Holland always loved the small town feel that she got. Holland likes knowing who most of her neighbors are. Ever since leaving home, she got really into music and more into art. Most people that know her, don't know about her past, thinking only that she was probably pretty sheltered. Holland can come off as a bit sarcastic and kind of guarded, but she means well.  
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scarlettdanvcrs · 1 year
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madelyn cline & she/her/cis woman ‷ watch out , scarlett danvers has crash-landed into roswell !! they look twenty six years old and celebrate their birthday on april 11th. they are from salt lake city, utah, reside in aurora apartments and are currently working as manager & bartender at area 51 & casual dj. one thing you should know about them is she has a bad habit of chewing on ice cubes. ‷
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trigger warnings: drugs, alcohol, pregnancy, abortion, mention of violence, bad parenting.
*      background.
scarlett is the only child of pretentious wedding planner lauren saunders and oscar danvers, who were together for almost 2 years and broke up just 2 months before she was born. her mother was her primary care giver in salt lake city, and she would visit her father every second weekend or when lauren had weddings, or special appointments. in truth, both of her parents were workaholics so she spent a lot of time with relatives or in day care. 
from a young age, scarlett was very generous and sweet; sharing her lunch, playing with other children nicely, making friends easily with her lively nature. she also, however, found herself getting in trouble for talking back to teachers or reefing scrunchies out of kids hair simply because she didn’t like the look of them. she didn’t understand why she was getting in trouble because to her, she was just helping out - they looked better without the scrunchie.
tw: bad parenting. her father always tried to urge her to be the ‘ sweet little girl ’ when she started to be more outspoken in mid elementary through to middle school; to watch what she said, be gentle with others, to be seen and not heard ew ew ew. lauren, however, let her speak her mind and was all for her being the exact opposite of the ‘lady’ her father was trying to get her to be. 
school wasn’t necessarily hard for scarlett, but she simply didn’t want to be there. She would rather be skipping class to hang with the older students downtown, or make out with the hot senior that had just made eyes at her. better yet, get her hands on a bottle of vodka and sneak off with her friends to gossip and play spin the bottle when they were done. 
tw: drugs, alcohol and mention of violence. so it was no surprise when she started to act out, or rebel, against her mother when oscar completely distanced himself from them to be with his new family. she befriended those outside of school who were into the party scene, who encouraged her to do things she shouldn’t like drink excessively and take pills for the fun of it. there was even a time she purposely smacked a baseball with a bat at a junior because he rubbed her the wrong way (though, that would be something she’d do today if there was no video footage)
djing was something that scarlett became interested in in her junior year at a house party. djing was never something she thought would be of interest to her, yet the minute her friend showed her the ropes of the decks, her heart has never been as full. 
when scarlett grduated, she enrolled into a physical therapy degree despite djing being her main goal. she tried to be realistic in thinking that she possibly wouldn’t make it in the industry, and thought that perhaps she needed a career to fall back on that she also enjoys. that, however, didn’t last. 6 months later and scarlett was dropping out of college and moving back in with mother dearest. 
and soon enough scarlett went to travel! packed her bags, brought a friend along for the ride, and kissed her mother goodbye and they were off. It was only for three quarters of the year, but she was having the time of her life. meeting different people, drinking until her hearts content, getting high, going to music festivals, even messing around on some decks in some backyard parties. 
upon her arrival home, that’s when the early-quarterlife crisis hit. scarlett didn’t know what she wanted to do with her life, or where she wanted to be, and she felt like time was running out. how could a 20 year old be so hung up about life already? It was a spur of the moment decision, but lauren shut up her business in slc and the two of them moved from the city to roswell, new mexico. 
apart of scarlett wasn’t so sure about roswell when she first arrived, but after finding a job at the local boutique and trying to find her feet again, it started to grow on her. the people started to grow on her and she began to make it her stomping ground. Quite quickly, the blonde found her groove and was saving up to buy herself some decks, computer software, the lot. 
the moment she turned 21, she was hitting up area 51 for a job in the bar and even going around to the other bars telling them she can dj, because oh boy had she been practicing. she was going to make her name known. 
tw: pregnancy. with all the fun that came from being of legal age (not that that ever bothered scarlett anyway), scarlett was sleeping around. She was playing her own gigs, charming the bar patrons on a nightly basis, and had managed to tie down a fling of her own. what she didn’t plan on was falling pregnant.
tw: abortion. the idea of being a mother petrified scarlett to her core, though she was so torn up about it she made herself sick for weeks about it. couldn’t go into work, couldn’t respond to texts, couldn’t get out of bed, nada. eventually, she knew that there was no way she could go through with it. so, she asked for her mother’s help. tw.
scarlett’s been bottling up everything because that apparently is easier than facing it all head on. just turned it off like a switch. or sealed the cap shut, really.
it’ll come to a head one day, that’s for sure mmm.
for now, scarlett is living her absolute best life - serving drinks at area 51, working as her own self employed dj for whoever needs one and posting mixes on tik tok and soundcloud, and flirting with everybody and anyone she wants to.
*      personality.
she has little to no filter, whatsoever. she is inappropriate, flirtatious and honest without thinking first most ─ if not 98% of the time. scar is very much the type of person to suck on someone’s fingers in public and not think twice, or tell you exactly what she’s thinking of you in that moment.
scar is a patient person, truly, (especially when it comes to getting revenge) there are just times she simply turns unexpectedly and with no warning. one minute going about her day, no qualms, the next she encounters a minor inconvenience/etc and she explodes. lashing out with a sharp tongue or even throwing hands, which she is not afraid to do.
she can is a bad influence, for sure.
flirt flirt flirt ! what more can i say? she’s a tease, a brat, will flirt with you blatantly, with her eyes, will play cat and mouse, give a taste and leave you wanting more: just living her best life and thriving.
scarlett can be very sweet. very giggly, cuddly, soft and warm. if she deems you a friend, she will protect you and be there for you no matter time of day ( even if she doesn’t know what to say ). she’ll hold your hand just because, give you a flower because it reminds her of you, even make you a playlist.
she keeps her cards close to her chest, not wanting people to leave or hurt her. it’s a reflex that she pushes people away or hurts them before they get too close, because who likes to get hurt? nah.
it’s not often that scar asks for help ( not really anyway ) but when she does, she usually reaches out to those she is closest to.
this woman loves to box, run, surf, keep active in any way that she can. want someone to go on a walk with? hit her up, she’ll go. they don’t have to talk; they can listen to some beats and walk
scarlett has to be doing something, otherwise she’ll get lazy and won’t do anything. like lay in bed for three days and won’t wash up lazy. so she doesn’t fall into this trap ( which she does ) she constantly tries to keep herself going, whether it’s seeing people, tw: drugs getting high, working, surfing, boxing, having sex. u know, as you do.
this girl is happy to party in the club, the backyard, or have a small little get together in the living room. as long as there’s music ( any kind even, her music taste is vast ) she’s happy.
also, happy to chill and do jack shit. sit on the couch and chat, or smoke, or not talk at all. or make out for the hell of it, hey, whatever floats your boat. she’d be very happy to simply make out, js.
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chaoticrebels · 2 years
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Name: Ryker Kaiden Phoenix
Nickname: Ry
Alias: The Bad Boy
Birthday: April 1
Age: 21+
Sexuality: Bisexual, Biromantic
Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
Species: Human
Powers: None
Occupation: Video Game Designer, Gamer, Comic Book Artist
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 165 lbs
Eye Color: Green
Hair color: Brunette
Piercings: None
Tattoos: A few
Scars: None
Faceclaim: Hero-Fiennes Tiffin
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After a long and difficult labor, one that was beginning to look very grim for the mother and the baby, Mateo and Noelani Phoenix welcomed a beautiful baby boy named Ryker Kaiden Phoenix on April 1st in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. After the doctors ran a few tests on the newborn, it turned out everything was fine and he was healthy baby. Honestly he was the most precious thing in the world and they couldn’t ask for more, they were completely happy and everything was perfect according to them. And then something went horribly wrong with Noelani, which they had to rush Mateo out of the room. It took hours for the doctors to fix the problem, they lost her a couple of times but they got her back and saved her life. The only thing was that Noelani couldn’t have anymore kids due to the complications, both of them was disappointed for a bit but at least they had Ryker and they were all okay, so they were grateful for their blessings they’ve received. Over the next few days they spent in the hospital, their family would drop in to see their newest member. Once they were finally able to leave the hospital and go home, they threw a welcoming party for Ryker. All their friends and family had shown up, it was one of the happiest times in their lives.
Ryker was the light of his parents life, especially since he was their one and only. Their world revolved around him, they did everything to make sure he was happy and healthy. They loved him more than anything in the universe and he loved them more than the universe, they were a happy little family and they promised nothing was ever gonna change. However when Ryker was two tragedy struck; one night when his father was away looking for a house in Boise since they would be moving there soon, their house was broken into. The stranger ended up being his mother’s ex boyfriend who had turned out to be stalking her, he claimed that Ryker was his biological kid and that they were going to be a family. When his mother kept protesting with the strange male and trying to get him to safety, the man killed her right in front of Ryker. After that he quickly took the kid and disappeared to Vancouver, Canada.
For the next few years, Ryker had been living with the stranger who he assumed was his father. The male would say some weird things that the child was to young to understand, mostly about the things he’s done in the past or what he wanted for the future. Ryker would just continue about his day as nothing was wrong, after the confessions the male would make he would ask Ryker if he loved him and of course Ryker didn’t know any better and says of course I love you daddy. The kid was happy for most parts, except when he was having nightmares of his mother being shot. Ry was four when he was finally reunited with his biological father, the strange was caught and arrested after someone recognized him while they were shopping. At first it was hard to adjust to the fact the stranger wasn’t his father, that Mateo was. He would cry for hours on end that he wanted his daddy and he wanted to go home, it broke his father’s heart and he was sure it broke his mother’s heart as well. But eventually he accepted that this was the truth, with a little help from therapy.
When Ryker was five, his father had moved them to Boise, Idaho. He couldn’t stand being in Canada anymore, too many bad memories lately. Plus he had already brought a house in Boise when he discovered his worst nightmare, he was about to sell it when he had gotten the news his baby boy was alive and had been found. After that news there was no way he was gonna sell it, he was gonna take his kid and flee to it once he was able to. At first Ry was unsure of the move but eventually he came to accept it, he still had to attend some therapy for the trauma he suffered but he was getting better. He missed his mother a lot though but he was glad he got to be with his real father again, his father and the rest of his family members would tell him stories of his mother so he’d remember her but it still wasn’t the same.
At the age of six, his father started dating someone which he didn’t know what to think about it. A part of him was upset because of it but the other part of him was confused, he had so many questions. And even though his father answered each one of his questions, he was still confused but that was probably because he was still young. Especially to why his daddy was dating another daddy, but he just left it alone since his daddy looked happy. When he was seven they ended up selling the house in Boise to move to Washington to be closer to Asher, he didn’t mind it much since that meant he got to spend more time with Rhys, though he wasn’t the biggest fan of Phoenix. Shortly after they’ve moved to Seattle it didn’t take long for his father to get engaged to his boyfriend, it happened at the strike of midnight on New Years day so instead of a kiss, he got a marriage proposal. It didn’t take long after that for them to move in with Asher, Rhys, and Phoenix, it was hectic at first but they eventually got used to it and by the end of July, he officially had a stepfather, a stepbrother, and a stepsister.
After that he grew closer to Phoenix, but he was practically inseparable from Rhys. However when they weren’t with their friends, the three of them could always be seen together doing something. It was like that til Phoenix turned sixteen, then she started spending more time with her new best friends; Jasper and Leilani but mostly Jasper than with them. And when she couldn’t hang with them or with any other friend, she’d hang with them. Not that he minded it so much, he had Rhys and his other friends so he was fine with Nix ditching them. The boys just focused on either going hiking, camping, sailing, fishing, ice skating, swimming, or they focusing on gaming, comic books or going to the movies. Either way the boys where never bored with Phoenix around, they always found a way to entertain themselves. Even if it was just playing make believe.
When Ryker turned twelve, his father announced that Asher and him would be getting a divorced. He shouldn’t have been surprised to see it coming though, especially since they fought a lot now a days. The news left him devastated because that meant he’d being losing another parents and his siblings, most importantly his best friend. But Phoenix made him feel a bit better when she told them they’d still be about to be best friends and see each other, which was true it wasn’t as if they were leaving the state, were they? He asked his father about it and lucky the plan was for them to stay in Seattle, which made him feel a bit better since what Phoenix said was true. At least until he was thirteen and his father informed him that they were moving to Salt Lake City, Utah. That definitely devastated him once again because he was leaving Rhys and this time he didn’t know if he’d ever see him again, he definitely wasn’t a fan of his father right now but he stilled loved him no matter what.
Once Ry got settled into Salt Lake City, he spent most of his free time in his room either playing video games or reading comic books. He was still upset with his father for moving him away from his best friend, his father tried to get him to do other things, like go out and meet new friends but he refused. Once school started however he made quite a bit of friends, which made his father happy since now he wasn’t locked up in his room all the time. When he turned fourteen, his father started dating a woman named Adalyn. From the first moment Ryker met her, he didn’t like her because something felt extremely off about her. He voiced his concerns to his father but Mateo just told him to give her a chance, he was reluctant at first but he decided to give her a chance for him since his father’s happiness was all that matter to him.
By the age of fifteen, Ryker still didn’t like her. Especially since every time he was around her, he felt extremely uncomfortable. He started spending more time with his friends than he did at home when she was around, he was hoping that this relationship didn’t last long because surely it wasn’t just his mind messing with him. One night when he had gotten home, his father asked him how he felt if Adalyn moved in. He completely froze for a bit before he protested, he told his father that he felt uncomfortable around her. He said okay he understood that he wouldn’t ask her to move in, Ryker was relieved and he thought that was it. But a week later he woken up to find out she stayed the night, he simply groaned and went back to bed in hopes that it was just a bad dream. When he woke again and left his room to go get food, he was cornered in the hall way by Adalyn. He blinked in confusion before he tried to get passed her, however she wasn’t budging. She told him that his father left for the day and it was just her and him, that they needed to discuss this uncomfortable feeling he has around her. His eyes widened at her words, at the realization his father told her that he was uncomfortable around her. How could he do something like that to him, he told that to him in private. He had never felt more betrayed than he did right then and there, but if he knew it would make things so much worst from then on out, then he would have never had said anything from the beginning.
After that day, Ryker started rebelling pretty hard. Trying his hardest to not go home, especially after Adalyn moved in. He didn’t want to be in the same house as her, let alone the same room as her. He especially didn’t want to risk the chance of being left alone with her, he hated her guts even more now than before but he had to pretend to actually be okay with her for his father’s sake. A couple of months after he turned sixteen, his father proposed to Adalyn. He nearly died from a panic attack it brought on, his father was starting to become concerned about his current behavior and started questioning him about it but Adalyn told him that he was just being a normal teenager who didn’t want to share someone’s attention. Then she had the nerve to look at him as if she wanted him to agree, he felt completely sick but he agreed then stormed off. He ended up grounded after that and was forced to stay home, which meant he was alone for her for sometime which was a living hell.
On Dec 24th, his father officially married the witch and thus she became officially his new stepmother. Which she preferred him to call her mommy, and that lead him to attempt to ended his suffering on Dec 26th. Unfortunately he didn’t succeed, which only caused more problems at home. But he found a bit of sunshine after that when he started dating one of the sweetest girls he met, he was happy for most parts, hell he was happy enough to start designing his own comic books. He was content that he didn’t care his home life was a living mess, he just blocked everything else out. That was until everything fell apart six months after he turned seventeen, he was going to propose to his then girlfriend but it turned out she ended her life before he got the chance. It nearly killed him and it would have if his father didn’t surprise him with Rhys, the male was the one person he needed right now - well minus his biological mom but that wasn't gonna happen. The moment that they were alone, Ryker ended up breaking down and telling Rhys everything that has been going one since he moved away. If he was being honest, the male was the only person he trusted to fully open up to.
After that Ryker would always end up staying at Rhys dorm, it was as if he lived there and he practically did. But unfortunately since he was still a minor he was made to go home, it was miserable but he had became so numb to everything he was just pushing through on auto-pilot til he was about eighteen years old. Once he was eighteen, Ry officially moved in with Rhys and there was nothing his father could do about it. He still loved his father but his relationship with him wasn’t as strong as before, maybe one day he would work on fixing their bond but right then and there he couldn’t care to.
Eventually Ryker decided to go to college to become a video game designer, he enrolled and attended University of Southern California in Los Angeles, California. While the brunette was at college, Rhys found them a place to live in Salt Lake City, Utah. Which surprised him because he’d thought the male would want to be close to his father and sister, but the other male made it clear that he wasn’t going to leave him alone til the bitch was gone for good. Ry definitely appreciated it, honestly Rhys was definitely the last good thing he had left in this world and he wasn’t about to let anything or anyone ruin that for him.
Once the brunette finished college and moved back to Utah, he started his career as a video game designer, as well as a comic book artist. Though after everything that’s gone done in his life, he isn’t the same person he was before. He has trust issues and he is closed off to most people, the person he is closest to is Rhys and he’d die to protect him. He'd die to protect anyone he has became super close to, however it will take a lot for him to trust someone enough to open up about his past. On his twenty first birthday, he made a special trip to Seattle, WA to get tattoos done by Rhys's older sister Phoenix. He ended up getting different tattoos for different reasons, but his first ever tattoo he had gotten done was dedicated to his mother.
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second-string-loser · 2 years
Sorry I forgot to send you Part 2 of my ask about the writers might have been planning for EJ since the beginning to pursue a career in filming. 3.) EJ seem like he enjoy filming a birthday video for Carlos at his birthday party. 4.) In 2x08 Gina complimented EJ that he did a good job filming Carlos Birthday video maybe Gina can inspired him to purse a career in filming. 5.) The University of Utah is one of the best film schools in the USA which happens to be located in SLC. Part 2/3
If EJ decides he wants to go to film school there is a really nice college that is only 5 minutes away from East High in real life that happens to be one of the best film schools in the USA. EJ could still follow his dreams if he discovers he wants to be a Film Director without leaving Salt Lake City and still be with Gina. I don’t think EJ is ready to leave his younger friends behind just yet he can go to the University of Utah and still be close to his younger friends. Part 3/3
oh this is actually really interesting! i have had the theory of ej going to university of utah for a while but i didn’t realize they actually had a pretty good film program for him! i think it’s very plausible that this could be the route they take with him, and i hope it is because i would love a path that allows us to keep him around, even just as a guest star, for season four.
also, this would be a parallel to troy in the movies. original plan to go to a university that their fathers always planned for them to attend, then actually deciding to go somewhere else for a new passion they recently discovered.
send me ej asks!
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edensbingham · 2 years
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[ samantha logan | female | she/her | twenty-five ] —— it’s just another typical week in hawkins i guess — isn’t that right, eden bingham? huh, guess they can’t hear me over shout at the devil by motley crue playing on their walkman, but it looks like they’re headed to work as a radio host. did you know eden has been in hawkins for 9 months? yeah, they’ve been described as a bit moody, but i suppose them also being a maverick outweighs the negative. i’ve also heard people say they remind them of smoke moving through the sun rays on lazy days, hard rock records laid about on the floor, sneaking out to a party on a friday night… however, that could just be this weeks newest rumor.
                                        the basics //
full name : eden leah bingham (originally wallace) birthdate & zodiac : march 30, 1962 - aries gender & pronouns : female, she/her sexuality : bisexual occupation : radio host hometown : salt lake city, utah family : samuel & harriet wallace (parents, deceased), mr. & mrs. bingham (adoptive parents), suzie, tabitha, cornielius, tatum, sterling, tanner, & peter bingham (adoptive siblings)
                                      deeper dive //
hobbies :                ART - eden has always been good with art and can often be found doing some form of art.                RELAXING - while it may not be a real hobby, eden loves just relaxing with some music and weed.                STARGAZING - she’s always been interested in the stars and looking at them, even if she doesn’t care about what the constellations are called.                LISTENING TO MUSIC - music has become eden’s sanctuary and she finds comfort in listening to her music.
favorites :                 food - hawaiian pizza                 drink - black coffee, beer (alcoholic)                 movie - halloween                 song - shout at the devil by motley crue                 color - black habits :              cigarettes  / alcohol / drug use                 nervous ticks include [ throat spasm, biting lip ] loves :                 [ her siblings, rock & metal music, daisies, black, her tattoos ] fears :                 [ losing someone she loves, being forced to confirm to how her father wants her to be, not being good enough ] talents :                  [ sewing, drawing, painting, cooking, cleaning, charisma, debate ]
                                       appearance //
height : five foot, seven inches tattoos : an x on her right wrist, hibiscus flower on right wrist, crescent moon behind left ear piercings : ears hair : black, long
                                             bio //
Eden was adopted at the age of five by the Binghams. They were family friends and when her parents passed from a car accident, they took her in and made the adoption legal on her fifth birthday.
She never felt like she wasn’t part of the family and as the oldest, it was her job to take care of the younger ones and make sure they weren’t getting in the way of their dad working in his office and that they wouldn’t be burning the house down; which some days, was almost the case.
She started questioning her faith around the age of fourteen. There were things she was being told she didn’t understand and was even hearing differently at school from her peers. Whenever she would ask questions, she would be shot down and told to not question things, which drove her crazy. While she still went to church, she hated every moment of it. She also felt that if there was a god, why would he take her parents away.
She started rebelling more when she was sixteen. She started sneaking out, going to parties, and smoking weed as well as drinking with her friends. She discovered rock music and started playing those and dressing more like Joan Jett than the church going daughter her father wanted her to be. 
At eighteen, Eden went out and got her first tattoo, the crescent moon behind her ear. She hid them from her father, but during the summer, it was hard and he spotted them. There was a lot of yelling that day and eventually, Eden moved out with a friend. She would still come over to help with her siblings, but on days she didn’t need to be, she wasn’t at her childhood home anymore.
While wanting to be an artist, her father wouldn’t pay for schooling for that, thinking she should go into something more practical. So, she did it on the side while she did odd jobs here and there. She has worked the front desk of a hotel until she got too many tattoos that they fired her, a waitress, a bartender, and a clerk at a grocery store while continuing to be there for her younger siblings as much as she could be while her father worked as she loved them and felt like she owed it to the Binghams.
This is how it was for years until after the boys that were friends with Suzie’s boyfriend showed up. She didn’t see why they had come all that way for whatever it was they were there for and then not long after, she heard from her mother that Suzie up and left to Indiana. Unsure about all this, Eden packed a bag and went out there as well to get her sister back.
However, things didn’t go as planned. Suzie wasn’t going to leave and she wasn’t just going to let her sister be there on her own. With her younger siblings fine at home, she ended up getting a place in Hawkins and staying in town herself; getting a job as a radio host.
                                          wanted connections //
New Friends - people she has met in town and has become friends with.
Customers - people who come into the bar.
Co-Workers - fellow workers at the bar.
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trushazc · 6 months
Formation of Navya Entertainment
Navya Entertainment, according to Google is one of the best India DJ services in New Jersey, as a matter of fact, in the United States.
We are an entertainment company based in New Jersey mainly focused on Indian weddings and other events. We are a high-quality DJ and emceeing service along with associated services such as stage lighting, dry ice, cold sparkles, etc. to make your event spectacular. Delighting our customers is our number one priority. Along with DJ services for the events, we also provide Hindi/Urdu song writing services for the independent artists such as Neel Nadkarni and for the independent films.  
Everyone has dreams and aspirations in life, dreams and aspiration give our life a new dimension. We live in New Jersey. We as a family went to attend the wedding in Salt Lake City in Utah in July 2023. Just before I left for the wedding, my manager called me in his office, it looked like he wanted tell me something but since I mentioned I am going to Utah to attend the wedding, he didn't say what he wanted to say. We attended the wedding in Utah and came back to New Jersey. The very day went back to the office, I learned that half of the staff is getting lay off and since I joined as an independent contractor, my name was on the list as well. This didn't make me nervous at all. I remember going into park and complete one of the incomplete poems that I didn't complete for years. One of the benefits of being an immigrant is that you are confident that you could start all over again.
The idea of forming Navya Entertainment stemmed from my mind while studying Marketing Management at Rutgers University. We started with small events such as baby showers and birthday parties and then diversified our business in an Indian wedding market based on marketing research. When the pandemic hit in 2020 and the entertainment businesses were heavily impacted, Navya Entertainment channeled its creative energy to create two original Hindi songs filmed in a Tri-state area. Other than the services mentioned earlier, our Unique Selling Proposition is a digital game such as “Who wants to be a millionaire” (or “Kaun Banega Crorepati”) that will make your wedding a “never seen before” event.
I started with a gig in upstate New York. It was 4 hours long drive. Since no one else was available, I went with my dad. I got a great response and I was so happy. It's been 5 years now and if you search for Indian Djs in New Jersey or Indian DJs in United States on Google, Navya Entertainment's name will comes up in Top 10.
You could visit our website here:
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votivecandleholder · 6 months
Simplify Party Planning with Birthday Décor Rental
New Post has been published on https://happybirthdaydecor.com/birthday/simplify-party-planning-with-birthday-decor-rental
Simplify Party Planning with Birthday Décor Rental
When it comes to organizing a birthday party, one cannot underestimate the significance of birthday decorations in setting the stage for a truly unforgettable celebration. From festive adornments that instantly uplift the spirits to captivating birthday party decor that creates an eye-catching party atmosphere, the right elements can transform ordinary spaces into extraordinary party havens.
1 Simplify Party Planning with Birthday Décor Rental
1.1 Birthday party events
2 Challenges Faced by Busy Party Planners
2.1 Rental games for parties
3 Benefits of Birthday Décor Rental
4 Tips for Choosing a Reliable Birthday Decor Rental Service
4.1 Party rental outdoor furniture
4.2 Rent party decorations
Simplify Party Planning with Birthday Décor Rental
For those seeking to make their party planning journey both seamless and enjoyable, one solution stands out: birthday decor rental. In this article, we’ll explore the joy and practicality of renting decorative items that can effortlessly breathe life into any venue, while also highlighting the importance of modifying party spaces and creating aesthetic focal points that will leave a lasting impression on all attendees.
Birthday party events
Wedding Dinner Table Outdoor With Hanging Chandeliers
Challenges Faced by Busy Party Planners
Busy party preparations leave little time for getting supplies, organizing, and storing decorations. This is where birthday decor rental shines. Limited budgets make buying new decor for every party challenging, causing financial pressure. Time constraints worsen the situation, leaving little opportunity to hunt for perfect accessories. Storage becomes a headache after the party. Birthday decor rental offers a superhero fix, rescuing time-strapped planners by providing cost-effective options and freeing up space.
Limo Rental Mentor
Rental games for parties
Renting also relieves the burden of storage, as items can be returned following the festivities. Streamline your party planning efforts with this efficient and budget-friendly method. Say goodbye to shopping worries and welcome stress-free party organizing!
Okie Dokie Fun Zone And Party Rental
Benefits of Birthday Décor Rental
For a memorable birthday bash, the ideal enhancements are essential. Enter birthday decor rental, your time-saving and economical approach. Say goodbye to endless procuring and hello to convenience. With a few clicks, you’ll find everything you need. This affordable substitute lets you create stunning setups without breaking the bank. Allocate your funds strategically for entertainment and treats, while leaving the decoration hassle behind.
Beach Ball Arch Beach Themed Birthday Round Arch Stand With Metallic Balloons And Chair
Birthday decoration rental extends limitless variety and customization. Whether it’s a princess extravaganza or a superhero soiree, find themes and styles to suit every taste. Embrace your creativity, mix, and match, and convert your venue into a personalized wonderland. With flexible rental alternatives, bring your vision to life without a long-term commitment. After the party, give back the decorations and bid farewell to storage woes. It’s a win-win for you and the environment.
Tips for Choosing a Reliable Birthday Decor Rental Service
Choosing a trustworthy birthday decor rental service is vital for a worry-free festivity. Research and compare rental companies, exploring their websites and offerings. Seek established and reputable providers, understanding what they supply. Customer reviews are your best resource, equipping insights into quality, reliability, and satisfaction. Pay attention to genuine feedback to make an informed decision.
Party rental outdoor furniture
Party Rentals Salt Lake City
Rent party decorations
Consider the quality of rental decorations. Choose companies that prioritize well-maintained and visually appealing items. Trustworthiness is crucial; select providers with a track record of reliability and excellent customer service. Thorough research and comparison will lead you to a reliable birthday decor rental service. Let these tips be your guide to finding the exemplary decor rental service for your special day.
Ice Cream Birthday Decorations Table Setting And Round Top Arch Backdrop
In conclusion, birthday decor rental gives a world of benefits for busy party planners. It saves time, effort, and money, contributing a convenient and cost-effective remedy for creating impressive celebrations. With a wide range of themes and styles available, customization becomes a breeze. The flexibility to rent specific items and return them afterward with ease. Moreover, it eliminates storage concerns and reduces waste, making it an environmentally friendly choice.
So, consider this magical solution for birthday decor rental.  It’s the perfect recipe for a tension-free and noteworthy gathering. Embrace the advantage, revel in the affordability, and let your creativity soar with an abundance of choices. Your party planning journey will be transformed, and unforgettable memories will be made.
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mahabirdanwar · 10 months
kundan polki set
Mahabir Danwar Jewellers has a range of beautiful kundan polki sets that make great gifts for weddings, anniversaries, and birthdays. Its jewellery is perfect for a dinner date or a black-tie party. It has a stunning collection of jewellery.
Shop B, 105/106/204
City Centre Salt lake Kolkata – 700064
033 2358 3853
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stephsyearinreview · 1 year
Steph’s Year in Review – 2022 Edition
2022 was a year of celebration and it was a hoot! It felt like our first “real” year of retirement as in 2021 Craig was so involved with closing his parents’ estate. The freedom this gave us, combined with celebrating my 60th birthday all year long, had me/us seeing many friends and family around the country/world
I started the year in the Tucson area for pickleball with Joan Hanson, Dave Brown, Johnny Stutsman, and Heidi Thorsen (SEA pickleball peeps) and a visit with Marilyn Byrne (MSFT friend).  In February, Craig and I took a quick ski trip to Sun River/Mt Bachelor as a trial run for our road trip “ski safari”.  The three-week safari took us through Idaho, where we visited with Bob and Ann Arnold (MSFT friends) and down to Salt Lake City (SLC).  In UT, we had great fun skiing Snowbird, Alta, Deer Valley, and Solitude.  We also had dinner with Colleen Daly (MSFT friend).  After SLC, we went over to Steamboat Springs where we visited with Brandon and Scott Jones (cousins).  Guy Michaelsen (SEA neighbor) joined us in Steamboat and we had fun hanging with him. Driving home from CO, we stopped in Jackson Hole for some snow mobiling, and Montana for one last ski mountain, Big Sky. I was wondering if I’d get tired of all that skiing and I never did!  
April 11th marked my 60th birthday and my pickleball peeps helped me celebrate, at the local SEA bowling alley, which was a blast.  Craig surprised me with a 10-day trip to Palm Springs to mark the official milestone. While there, I was doubly surprised when Jan and Gray Crary (Univ of CO friends) showed up from LA to help celebrate. In addition, Heather Pollock (childhood friend), came over from Santa Monica for a visit.
In early May, my girlfriend Susan Landahl (MSFT friend) and I went to Phoenix for a long weekend.  And in mid-May, Peggy O’Connor (Univ of CO friend) and Suzanne Coupe (Pat Kirkland Leadership friend) met me in Tulsa for a weekend of reading and girl-time.  Unfortunately, when I got home, I came down with Covid. While Craig got it from me, miraculously neither Peggy nor Suzanne did!
At the end of June, Craig and I headed to the Midwest. The ultimate impetus was a joint birthday party in Bloomington, IN.  My sister, Jan, turned 80 in September and I turned 60 in April so we had a joint birthday party over the 4th of July weekend.  It was fun to see the whole fam damnly (as well as Bea Travis, Ellen Campbell, and Gary Hafner & Jane Clay -  all old friends from Bloomington).  Leading up to the visit to my hometown, Craig and I spent some time in Cleveland checking out the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and going to the water park at Cedar Point. While in Cleveland we saw my Portland friend, Cathy Wilcox.  On this Midwest junket, we also went to Detroit where we toured the Ford museum and did some fun bike riding.  We also had a lovely dinner with my Booking.com friend, Amy Accetura.
It was great spending the majority of the summer in the Seattle area.  Craig talked about a perfect week including hiking, biking, and stand up paddleboarding and we had several of those trifecta weeks!  
In September, Craig and I headed to the desert and did some great site seeing & hiking in Antelope Canyon, Horseshoe Bend, and Zion before ending up in Vegas.  In sin city, we met up with my niece, Melanie Schwandt, and “the Scots” Jules and Dougal.  The five of us headed for Lees Ferry and took an amazing two-week rafting trip the Colorado.
In late September, Craig and I took what Craig called Secret Squirrel “The Fall Tour” (the second part of my surprise birthday trip/celebration).  We went down to the WA/OR border and slept in a tree house (!) for three nights before heading to the beach and spending three more at Cannon Beach.  
In October, we headed to North Carolina for my niece, Clare Cady’s wedding to Austin Tepsic.  After our time in Raleigh, we did some exploring of the Outer Banks and the Southern Banks.  When we got home, I was so excited to be home for two whole months.  Who would think I’d get a bit burnt out on traveling.  
On November 16th, I had a small accident with my 2017 Fusion Hybrid.  “Füshy B” as I call her has less than 30k miles on her and will be paid off Feb 9! Fortunately, no one was hurt. While technically I hit the other person, it was her fault as she pulled out in front of me.  Amazing how much damage can be done to cars even going at a relatively slow speed.  As of January 14th, Progressive hadn’t decided yet whether to fix it or consider it a complete loss.  
In mid-December, we caught the travel bug again and were very excited to fly to Iceland and Sweden for our arctic adventure. While the crazy weather in Iceland curtailed some of our activities, the time in Sweden was perfect.  I spent time with my step mother, Eva, as well as my Swedish family Margareta & Bengt, and Chatarina, Lief, and Elisabet. Christmas day, Craig and I flew up to The Ice Hotel -  200k above the Arctic Circle.  We spent one night in an ice room and two nights in a warm room.  Activities there included dog sledding (where we were mushers), snow mobiling, Nordic skiing, and eating lots of yummy food.  
In between all these great trips, when home, I play pickleball three times a week and continue to be honored to volunteer for End of Life Washington.  
As I wrap up this missive, I love the fact that this year I did so many fun things and saw so many of my friends and family in person. I love this quote from Carol Zizzo (Henley Leadership Group) in response to one of our blog posts:  I imagine you on your deathbed saying "Yep, been there, did that, as I said I would, and it was fantastic!”
On that note, I’ll sign off and continue planning our 2023 adventures.  
Love & Kisses - Steph 
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scardanvers · 1 year
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madelyn cline & she/her/ cis woman ‷ watch out , scarlett danvers has crash-landed into roswell !! they look twenty six years old and celebrate their birthday on april 11th. they are from salt lake city, utah, reside in aurora apartments and are currently working as manager/bartender @ area 51 & casual dj. one thing you should know about them is she has a habit of chewing on ice cubes. ‷ 
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full name : scarlett ashley danvers nickname(s) : scar , danvers birth date: april eleven zodiac sign : aries age : twenty-six gender : cis woman pronouns : she / her / her’s sexual orientation : bisexual romantic orientation : biromantic current residence : roswell, new mexico occupation : manager/bartender @ area 51 and dj
trigger warnings include: (tagged before and after) drug use, alcohol, violence, pregnancy, abortion, bad parenting (just in case).
only child scarlett was born to already separated parents, lauren saunders and zachary danvers in salt lake city, ur. lauren a pretentious wedding planner and zac a bar owner. the two were together for a year before falling pregnant with scarlett, though split just 2 months before she was born.
scar lived with her mother and visited her father every second weekend and whenever her lauren had appointments or a wedding to attend.
from a young age, scarlett was very generous and sweet; sharing her lunch, playing with other kids nicely, making friends easily with her lively nature. she also, however, found herself getting in trouble for talking back to teachers or reefing scrunchies out of kids hair simply because she didn’t like the look of it. she didn’t understand why she was getting in trouble because to her, she was just helping out ─ they looked better without it.
from mid-elementary to middle school, grandparents and relatives who would also look after scar often tried to encourage her to be less outspoken; to watch what she said, be gentle with others and to be seen not heard ( ew ). tw: bad parenting. her father didn’t defend her actions or dismiss them, tw though her mother was quick to the defence and encouraged her to use her voice and be as bold as she so desired.
as a teenager, scarlett began to see less and less of her father when his new family began to take rank and a lot of angst began to build because of this. she already doesn’t get to see all that much of her mother, especially wedding season, and the lack of attention from her father set something off within her.
tw: drug use, alcohol and violence. she started to ‘ act out ‘ as such; sneaking out, befriending those a lot older than her and encouraging her to do things she shouldn’t, drinking and taking pills, even purposely smacking a baseball with a bat at a senior because he was mean to a freshman. tw.
djing was something that scarlett became interested in in her last year of high school, having been around a couple at some parties she been to. they showed her how to transition songs, bpm, and being able to read the crowd.
after just one session at a house party, scar was hooked and she was sourcing a deck in days.
when scarlett graduated, she did in fact go to college but not for her new found passion. scar got accepted for a physical therapy degree. after taking it up for 6 months, it was evident that it was NOT for her and much to her parents’ disgust, scarlett dropped out to travel ─ starting with a small group of her friends and continuing on by herself.
you can imagine the fun she got up to on a 7 month long trip lmao.
upon her return to salt lake city, scar debated on what she wanted to do with her life and where she wanted to go. she went through a bit of a crisis really about a whole lot of things and it was during this time, scarlett and her mother moved to roswell, new mexico
tw: pregnancy, drug use. roswell was VERY different from slc, but she took it as a new adventure. she was having the time of her life; meeting new people, drinking until her hearts content, getting high whenever she wanted, working as a shop assistant and learning the ropes of djing on the side until finally getting into proper clubs at 21 and work as a bartender. scar, however, had started been sleeping with a fling and ended up pregnant. tw.
tw: abortion. the idea of being a mother petrified scarlett to her core, though she was so torn up about it she made herself sick for weeks. eventually, she made the decision there’s no way she could possibly go through with it. tw.
scarlett didn’t give herself the chance to feel anything; instead instantly bottled up her emotions because apparently that is easier than facing it head on. just turned it off like a switch. or sealed the cap shut, really.
it’ll come to a head one day.
these days, scarlett is happily working at the bar at area 51, gradually making a name for herself and a small following ─ she posts some of her mixes on the likes of soundcloud, snippets on tiktok and playing some gigs. it’s only onwards and upwards for this firecracker !
she has little to no filter, whatsoever. she is inappropriate, flirtatious and honest without thinking first most ─ if not 98% of the time. scar is very much the type of person to suck on someone’s fingers in public and not think twice, or tell you exactly what she’s thinking in that moment.
scar is a patient person, truly, there are just times she simply turns unexpectedly and with no warning. one minute she’s going about her day, no qualms, the next she encounters a minor inconvenience/etc and she explodes. lashing out with a sharp tongue or even throwing hands, which she is not afraid to do.
she can be a bad influence, evidently.
flirt flirt flirt ! what more can i say? she’s a tease, a brat, will flirt with you blatantly, with her eyes, will play cat and mouse, give a taste and leave you wanting more: just living her best life and thriving.
scarlett can be very sweet. very giggly, cuddly, soft and warm. if she deems you a friend, she will protect you and be there for you no matter what or time of day ( even if she doesn’t know what to say ). she’ll hold your hand just because, buy you a bunch of flowers that she sees because it reminded her of you, beat someone up because they hurt you, even make you a playlist.
she keeps her cards close to her chest, not wanting people to leave or hurt her. it’s a reflex that she leaves first, pushes people away or hurts them before they get too close, because who likes to get hurt? nah.
it’s not often that scar asks for help ( not really anyway ) but when she does, she usually reaches out to those she is closest to.
this woman loves to box, run, pilates, keep active in any way that she can. want someone to go on a walk with? hit her up, she’ll go. they don’t have to talk; they can listen to some beats and keep each other company.
scar has music playing a lot of the time; she doesn’t have to know who the artists are and the genre does not matter (generally). something has to be playing. whether she’s on her way to work or to meet a friend, or even relaxing around her place.
scarlett has to be doing something, otherwise she’ll get lazy and won’t do anything. like lay in bed for three days and won’t wash up or clean up lazy. so she doesn’t fall into this trap ( which she does ) she constantly tries to keep herself going, whether it’s seeing people, yoga ( a fresh, year old hobby ) finding a “fix”, working, boxing, having sex. u know, as you do.
this girl is happy to party in the club, the courtyard, or have a small little get together in the living room. as long as there’s music ( any kind even, her music taste is vast ) she’s happy.
on the contrary, she’s also happy to chill and do jack shit. sit on the couch and chat, or smoke, watch whatever comes on, or not talk at all. or make out for the hell of it, hey, whatever floats your boat. she’d be very happy to simply make out, js.
*      PLOTS.
best friend(s): go on, gimme gimme. just two people that mesh together, or small group of ppl! they’re seen together practically all the time, getting up to god knows what, and scar would go to hell and back for them. period !
ruined friendship: friends that slept together, turned into fwbs and one of them got feelings when they weren’t supposed to. along those lines anyway.
fans(?): those who like her mixes, or have seen her in one of the clubs or bars ─ the real icons !
roommate: with the help of her mother, scar has bought her flat but this muse is renting a room off of her. so gimme this pls and thank you.
friends that drifted apart: they met through travels and were so close but now it’s like they’re strangers again, or would meet for coffee every day and it was special but they slowly stopped going, or mutual friends that had a lot in common but those common interests aren’t that interesting anymore; listen the possibilities are endless!
exes/flings: please !! something angsty; something that was sweet. maybe she hurt them by pushing them away, or perhaps it was a “i’m going to lead you on for the hell of it” situation. maybe even a fling that went nowhere. even the fling she fell pregnant to. anything is possible :)
hook ups/fwbs: wbk that there could be a few of these so, do it. current ones, old ones, ones that she never wants to see again but oh no here you are fuck, the i don’t remember you hook up, whatever you desire.
bar/club buddies: people who she sees relentlessly bc of the night-life lifestyle she lives and everything that does with it. u feel?
misc: old neighbours, new neighbours, acquaintances, enemies, old roommates, people she met on her travels, confidant, mentor, crush (old, new and unrequited), let’s just chill and make out, someone who fixes her car, workout/sport buddies, flirtationship, regulars at work where she has their drink made by the time they walk in?
literally, anything. no joke lmao.
0 notes
“muriels wedding: movie  1995 australian content review without the  words mureiels  wedding  review 
---- ---- is a 1994 Australian comedy-drama film written and directed by P.J. Hogan. The film, which stars Toni Collette, Rachel Griffiths, ...Music by: Peter BestCountry: AustraliaProduction companies: CiBy 2000; ‎Film Victoria‎; ...‎Distributed by: Roadshow Entertainment‎P. J. Hogan · ‎Jeanie Drynan · ‎Sophie Lee · ‎Matt Day  
pre information about  ---- -- curruption and  control in  austrlain  New  south  wales polictis  since 1788 ,  1888
, 1988, 
the  idea, that all the shit hole money and  corruption funnels through  the  shit holes of  austrlaia  , sydney australia, and  the   gold coast  of  australia is the perfect  exaple of people trafficked and controlle din  australia
traafficked  children, involved in the  vcover up oif  austrlain banking  sector and bank regualtions , de regulated so the  governeemt  could control  the  child trafficked industry of   sports and illegal activity, 
and now  Brisbane will have the  2032   olympics, 
well i sure wont be  here when the trafficked peopel arrive in Brisbane  for the   2032 Olympics 
the plot line of  curruption starts in the bank and the   future funds, the  coeeuption  starts in medal relays, sport s events and the  best  students get   harvested
 that  the  gold coast  australia as the most  trafficked  children in  australia
is the  fan base and the  industry of  trafficking is  right here,
of most of the  altheltics displaced and travelled  and  commercialised sale  of atheletes  of  australia, we  have the  national  gymnastics, swimming,  golf hockey football,  league, and  BMX biking in   the state of  Queensland
the white water rafting was alwasy a  Canberra thing, actually  canberra is  the  next  highest ho tbed of  illegal activity  that is legalised, 
the  prime minster  scoott morrison active in illegal activiet  sold austrlain chioldren off,  cos  he is  now  under nvestigation with  a royal crown  review,  held by the  King of  Englansd, into  austrlain active  child trafficking by the  prime minister   trafficked   racing  competition of  other political  mafia  hit men, 
area of australia, as  well Canbera  has the  institute of s sport, which is  convientent as its the  snow, horse riding, running and humidity and  elevation training  centre before they went to  a high  elevation town of  mexico or  even in  atlanta and  when the   winter olympics was in  the highest mountians in americs ,  in salt lake  city,
so,  the plot line of  --- ---  is about the  ABBA life, the fantasitc  , idealation of stalkign songs, which are mostly  the  songs that are  technically  banned by  current  cultral songs, 
currently the  songs which are about the sport and high  achiver idelation are hte  themes, of going  for the win, take the win, 
  the  idoliation of business as a marraige
the theme of  the  fakeness of  marriage as  a device for  fraud,
the  governeemnt owns all fruad
 and how before  1994,  the australian dream was about  being fake, retire to  the  gold coast, the miami , the beach see side  retirement otwn of  Australia
. its how  we  got onto the topic , of  pre  australia, white  australian, 90 % white catholic, christian,  6 room houses  4 bedrooms , one bathroom for  6 people at a  birthday party weekend of typical australain life,  in 1993
depicting  1993 annoucement of  the year 2000 Sydney OLympics in  australia
24 September 1993 Breadcrumbs politics.
it is all tied  together, the politics and  curruption and child trafficked  athletics 
 International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Juan Antonio Samaranch memorably announced on 24 September 1993 that Sydney would host the Games of the XXVII Olympiad in 2000. At their conclusion, in September 2000, he proclaimed them to be 'the best Olympic Games ever'  
the plot line is  about  a young australain couple who fke fall in love and the internaitonal attention of  the popularity of  being  autralian in time to  be australian in time to  be ready for the  summer olympics
and he  curruption happens
so over all in the  7  years since  the  movie was  made, released and the  summer olympics  happened in  year  2000
over,  400  athetes  from overseas wanted to   deffect
beacuse to  be a fke  australian  was  a 10  quesiton   tst  to  know  about  australia, 
defect  form their  own country to  be a fake  british,  american canandian australia, which over the past 7  years,  form 1993 to  2000,  200 countries  changed  governeemtns   7  times,  and  also in australai,we were so  fake, our politiicans  could  even get their  dicks out of politics, the last governer general hea dof   law in australia is  now   written off and wa sinvleved in the   cocains  chiold  traficking industry more then the  high court  judgesin  actual austrlaia, 
  since  1993, no   serving prime miniter or elected official  has  served a  full term in office  sicne  1993,, the  past primininisters  requires sex with the best althetes over the pat 50  years,  peopel tried ot  leave the    traffiked  culture 
even,  every  chilkd wants to leave, but the parents tlel us its the  way its the way to  be  taken its the  australian way to  be  taken by the bank  mamager the sport of    traffiking , we  couldn t  even  escape it  at age  30, age 40
sort of  seripus, that  the theory for  curruptions, politics and 2000 olympics, in a movie  made after the  1993  announcement that  Sydney  would get  the  olympics topic of   austrlain curruption,
and then, now,  23 years after the quick build of the   games venues, was that none of the buildings   are up to  2023 standasrds because they  were palanned in 1993, but  built in 1999 , built in  1  year  before the olympics,  and the concrete and  metal and  pre fabicated  construction was so underfunded and  deplorable, that, the  buildings were demolished in  2015
and  here we ar ein Brisbane we  have  7  years itl  2032  olympics,and we are  here having poeple tell  the  austhorities ot keep the old   year  1982  venues , 
the building are  100 years old now
the idelaisation of the old system 
the bank  secotr, and the   insurance, 
the management of  the  trafficked  curruption
effected the  time lien of   substandard busildings, 
which sort of  represents the  ideal of the plot line of the movie, syndey the  great curroptions  land  of  australia
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starlightstevie · 3 years
fic recs / may 2021
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Happy summer! I know I missed last month’s fic recs so hopefully I’ll make up for it with these brilliant fics. Hope you guys enjoy!
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warm water by @xbuchananbarnes​ Thor x reader: Thor comes home to find his love.
*passionate & burning by @peachyteabuck Thor x reader: You’re busy with working from home, but Thor has other plans for the day.
but i just wanna hear your voice by @blackberrybucky Thor x reader: Thor comes back after they defeat Thanos and tries to make things right with you.
*all there’s left to do is run by spacelabrathor Dothraki!Thor x reader: Horse warlord Thor finds you a captive in a raid of a desert village and gives you a choice. Freedom by a quick death or taking his hand and going with him, to be his. You choose life, and with it, a husband who is wild and fierce and more than you could have ever imagined.
*summoned by @darklydeliciousdesires​ Old God!Thor x villager!reader: The buffet of offerings, all of which shall placate, appease and satiate every whim and desire of the gods is laid out and ready, you amongst them.
ships in the night by @sugardaddytonystark Pirate King!Thor x Dora Milaje mermaid!reader: When Thor, the infamous Pirate King, lays down anchor in Wakanda, the last thing you expect is for him to ask for aid from your own king. You volunteer your assistance, leaving the home you’ve always known to set sail with King Odinson and his crew.
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*cut offs by @milaonthemoon Frank x reader: You get kidnapped and Frank has to get you out.
tired by @castawaybarnes​ Frank x reader: Keeping yourself awake waiting for Frank was getting easier once you got used to the bitterness of black coffee.
*ash painted lips by @sebbytrash Frank x reader: Frank is your lifeline, protecting you like only he can do but you harbour not-so-secret feelings for him that threaten to shake the foundation of this steady, necessary partnership.
scales of justice weigh the consequence by @inspiresimagine​ Frank x reader: the world is black and white until you find your soulmate. you’re a single mom in NYC accustomed to life as-is, but apparently, the universe has other plans. namely? frank castle.
*generosity by @pumpkin-stars Frank x reader: AKA: The five (or more) things Frank usually does when he fucks you, and the one time he does something different.
poltergeists for sidekicks by @bubble-tea-bunny​ Frank x reader: Frank’s lost count of the days he’s come home to you already fast asleep.
*frank + overstimulation by @honeychicana
*frank + rough sex by @sweeterthanthis​
*frank + breath play by sweeterthanthis
*frank + doggy style by @honeydulcewrites​
*frank + gun play by honeydulcewrites
*frank + gun play (2) by honeydulcewrites
*frank + gun play (3) by honeydulcewrites
*frank + overstimulation by honeydulcewrites
*frank coming home to you by honeydulcewrites
*untitled frank smut by @luciilferss​
*playing with frank’s hair by inspiresimagine
frank + praise by inspiresimagine
*frank putting you in a headlock while fucking you by @punani​
*nobody else but me by @allaboardthereadingrailroad​ Shane Walsh x reader: Shane knows exactly what you need.
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the comet by @mcubabydotcom​ Steve x reader: You and Steve witness a once-in-a-lifetime celestial event.
*the punishment by ozarkthedog Nomad!Steve x reader: You disobeyed Steve and now you must make it up to him.
*headinthequinjet by xbuchananbarnes Steve x reader: Steve’s having a hard time breathing.
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*shotgunning with chris by ozarkthedog
*cockwarming with chris by @buckyssimp​
*a teal crushed velvet ride by @ozarkthedog​ Chris x reader: You love Chris’s Teal Velvet Pants. He notices and decides to indulge you.
*don’t look away by ozarkthedog Chris x reader: Chris fucks you against a mirror.
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*keep the heat by ozarkthedog Andy Barber x reader: Andy fucks you in the coat.
*i don’t work jobs (i am a job) by @peachyteabuck Andy x reader: Andy needs to teach you that “staying at home” doesn’t preclude a little thing called “work.”
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*worst behaviour by buckyssimp Professor!Bucky x reader: Bucky notices you staring at him during class. 
*lipstick stain by @xbuchananbarnes​ Bucky x reader: Bucky could recognize that laugh anywhere.
bucky takes care of you by @buckyblues
*you better act like this dick belongs to you by buckyblues
*lazy day with bucky by buckyblues
*pegging bucky by buckyblues
*bucky tit fucking you by buckyblues
something new by @mxsamwilson​ Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes: Fellas is it gay to receive an intimate haircut from your boy? (ft Bucky being hopelessly in love with Sam but too much of an idiot to tell him).
*the magic word by @whateveriwant Bucky x reader: Bucky agrees to try something you’ve always wanted to do with him, but only under the condition that a certain word be employed if need be.
warm by @revengingbarnes​ Bucky x reader: “The fire alarm in our building went off and you rushed out without a coat. Wanna share my blanket?”
patterns by @xbuchananbarnes Bucky x reader: Bucky plays with your hair.
pretending to not feel alone by blackberrybucky Bucky x reader: Bucky, hopeless romantic, meets you, committed cynic. What could go wrong?
*bucky’s first time in 70 years by @luciilferss
*fluorescent adolescent by @ohbuckie​ College!Bucky x reader: Bucky fucks you on his bedroom floor.
*it’s a cruel summer by blackberrybucky Bucky x reader: You and Bucky are friends with benefits, but what happens when you realize you want more?
*sex on legs by @navybrat817​ Bucky x reader: Bucky looks good in anything.
ride with me by @jurassicbarnes Detective!Bucky x Biker!reader: When his best friend forces him to third wheel on a road trip, Bucky doesn’t expect for it to become so eventful, let alone find something, or rather someone worth staying for.
*going live by @ritesofreverie​ Camboy!Bucky x reader: Your new neighbour looks familiar, where had you seen him before?
*stranded by @honeysucklesteve Dad’s best friend!Bucky x reader: When your car breaks down on the side of the road and your dad can’t come rescue you, he sends the next best thing.
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if i could fly, i’d be coming right back home to you by blackberrybucky Sam x reader: Exile over, Sam comes home to you.
baby, i still see ya by blackberrybucky Sam x reader: Sam comes home, the future calling to him. He sees you again, and gets a little caught up in the past
*if you ever want to be in love by blackberrybucky Sam x reader: How your relationship with Sam falls apart and comes back together.
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taller than me by @kaitsukibakugo Katsuki Bakugo x Izuku Midoriya: Katsuki has found love with someone who years ago he never would have expected. Now Deku is his husband and he’s noticed something else he never thought possible: Deku is taller than him.
*would you like to stay forever? by kaitsukibakugo Pro Hero!Kirishima Eijiro x reader: Sparring with Pro Hero Kirishima Eijiro in his private gym at his home doesn't seem like a bad idea if you don't count the fact that you really, really like him.
how your bnha fave acts when they realize they’re in love by @inthorantine
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*champagne problems by @some-kindofgnome​ Katsuki Bakugou x reader: You were slipping between Bakugou’s fingers faster than ever now. Instead of letting it happen he clung to you even tighter. Instead of letting you go, instead of accepting that he’d driven this relationship into the fucking ground, he’d promised himself that he could still save it.
*presented by @tteokdoroki​ Dragon King!Katsuki x reader: On the twenty-first birthday of Katsuki Bakugou, an offering is made in his honour as he becomes chief of the dragons. Clans usually offer up sacrifices of berries or nuts, salts and fresh catches. But for those of Dargon’s blood, their offering is a mate... And that mate is you.
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Warnings: Bad language words, painfully awkward reader, Bucky in a tux
Word count: 1279
A/N: This was written for @a-little-counter-esperanto’s Birthday Challenge!
The prompt I chose (and took a few liberties with) is “On the long flight to your best friend’s destination bachelorette, you pass out, drooling, on the shoulder of your seatmate.
When you arrive at the wedding, you are mortified to discover that your seatmate is the best man, and you spend the rest of the wedding weekend trying to avoid him.” Enjoy!!
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You weren’t sure how you got here in the first place. It’s not like you and Rachel were close anymore anyways. Somehow, though, you ended up with an invitation to her wedding. She had moved out of your hometown after high school, so you had to take a few days off to fly down to Miami. It was a long flight from Seattle to the first stop in Salt Lake City, but an even longer one from Salt Lake City to Miami. At least you had a book or two to keep you occupied . You had the aisle seat, and when your seat partner arrived, you had to get up to let him in.. You glanced over as he lowered himself into the middle seat and my God was he attractive. You had to tear yourself away from those blue eyes before you creeped him out.
“Hi.” He said.
Shit. Airplane small-talk. You were never good at small-talk. “Hello.”
He held his hand out. “I’m James.”
You shook his hand and told him your name.
“So, Y/N, what’s taking you to Miami?” James asked as he buckled his seatbelt.
“Wedding,” you replied, still trying not to look at him.
“Me too!”
You smiled politely, torn between wanting to hear his voice some more and wanting the small talk to be over. He decided for you. “Where you from?”
“Seattle. Had a layover in Salt Lake City. You?”
“I’ve been bouncing back and forth between Brooklyn and Louisiana, but decided to try Los Angeles for a bit. Definitely not for me. After this I’m going back to Louisiana.”
You nodded. “Okay. All over the place then.” You chuckled.
He smiled. God was he attractive. “Something like that. At least it’s all on the same continent.” You chuckled again, not wanting to pry too much into this stranger’s personal life.
As the plane took off, you turned your attention to the books you’d stuffed in the seat pocket. You grabbed one to start reading. As the plane reached cruising altitude, your eyelids felt heavy, and you dropped your book as you fell asleep.
You woke with a start. You were still in the air, so you had no idea how long you had been asleep. Unfortunately, it was long enough to notice that your head was on Jame’s shoulder, and some drool had creeped out of your mouth and onto his shirt. Wiping your mouth, you shifted your body so that your back was to him, praying that he wouldn’t say anything to you about it. It doesn’t matter, you told yourself. You were tempted to fall asleep again but the thought of drooling on the handsome stranger’s shoulder again terrified you. You picked up the book you dropped and started reading again.
Soon, the plane landed, and as soon as the fasten seatbelt light went dark above you, you scrambled out of your seat, leaving James without so much as a glance or goodbye. It doesn’t matter, you thought to yourself again. It's not like you’re going to ever see him again anyway.
You rushed out of the terminal and down to the baggage claim, praying you wouldn’t run into James again. As Rachel picked you up from the airport, she looked at you curiously. “Y/N? What’s wrong?”
You scoffed, knowing she wouldn’t let it go. “I’ll tell you in the car.”
Rachel was laughing behind her perfectly manicured hand. “Oh my gosh no way!” You were giggling, too, despite yourself. “He was so hot, and I drooled on him. Only me, right?!”
Rachel laughed. “Well, forget about him. I gotta introduce you to Steve’s best man. I think you’ll really like each other.” She winked.
You pulled up to the hotel where everyone is staying, and you grabbed your bags to go change for the rehearsal dinner when you heard a voice behind you. “Y/N?”
“Don’t let that be who I think it is,” you muttered under your breath. You turned around. It was James. Of course it would be. “Hello,” you said quickly as you stepped into the elevator. Unfortunately, he followed you. “What are you doing here?”
“I told you on the plane,” you replied shortly. “Wedding.”
The elevator stopped on your floor, and to your dismay, both you and James exited, and your rooms were across the hall from each other. As you plopped your suitcase on the bed to open it, you ask the empty hotel room, “Can this get any weirder?”
A couple of hours later, you realized the answer to your question was yes. It could. Rachel led you straight to him at the rehearsal dinner. “Y/N, this is Steve’s best man, James.”
“Hello, again, Y/N, call me Bucky,” James said with a smile.
“Again?” Rachel asked, but a quick look from you filled in all the blanks she needed. “Oh.”
Bucky tried to recover for you. “We met in the elevator and are room neighbors.” You nodded, grateful he didn’t mention the plane.
“Yeah,” you smiled, looking for any excuse to leave the conversation. Luckily you weren’t part of the bridal party, so you had a table on the other side of the room. At least now you could check him out from a distance. He made eye contact with you a couple of times, which you quickly avoided.
After the dinner, Bucky tried to get your attention as you dashed to the elevator. You heard him call your name as you slammed the elevator button trying to close it. It slowly closed, his incredulous look the last thing you saw as you slunk against the wall. You hid in your room. Maybe if you just read tonight, it would calm your nerves. You looked in your carry-on bag and found only one book. You sighed. You must have left the other book in the seat back pocket in your rush to avoid Bucky. Great. You flipped endlessly through the three hotel channels before crashing in bed for the night.
That next day was the ceremony, and as you sat among a bunch of people you didn’t know, your gaze kept returning to Bucky. Damn did he look good in a tux. You caught his eye a couple of times, but this time, you didn’t look away as quickly. You saw the corner of his mouth turn up and his eyes crinkle as he snuck a smile at you.
After the ceremony, you beelined to the cocktail bar. Sipping on a vodka cran, you watched as the other guests meandered to their tables. A voice behind you startled you, making you spill your drink on your arms, narrowly missing your dress. “Hey, Y/N— oh shit! Sorry!” You whirled around to see Bucky with a handful of cocktail napkins in his hand. “Here,” he said, patting your arms with the napkins.
You chuckled. “I guess this is payback for drooling on your shoulder, huh? I’m so sorry about that. It was so embarrassing.”
“Is that why you’ve been avoiding me all weekend, Y/N? Because you drooled on my shoulder on the airplane?” You nodded. “I thought it was because you weren’t interested. I thought you sleeping on my shoulder was pretty cute, actually.” After he helped you get as much of the drink off your body as he could, he said, “Go wash up in the bathroom, and I’ll save you a dance later?” You nodded again, and as you walked away, he shouted after you, “And I have your book!” Heat began to creep up to your cheeks as you giggled, shaking your head. Maybe Rachel was right about you and the best man.
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