#Sammy rambles
sapphiclittlekit · 23 days
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I heard it’s fat femme Friday…if this is anything 🙈
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floofballsammy · 4 months
Recently watched Hazbin Hotel and Vox just completely took over my life, yall i'm obsessed.
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I love this little scrunkly so much, look at him go (also, bring vark back).
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I am well aware that this post is probably radiating 'foaming at the mouth, little giddy leg wiggle, someone help this poor soul' energy. That's how I feel about him. sjskskedjeisjeskwpq
This is the post i made.
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organdon3r · 9 months
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spacefunclubs · 3 months
We poppin the BIGGEST bottles if Boy and the Heron wins the Oscar tonight
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itsraining-pebbles · 9 months
combining both my special interests by assigning qsmp characters to the tma entities
Badboyhalo: End because grim reaper + edgy as fuck, BUT he is still very Eye aligned because all of the ordo is, but also hes paranoid and keeping a man in his basement for information with are very eye coded things to do
Cellbit: f!cell was probably under the influence of the Flesh bc cannibalism but q!cellbit is so very Eye coded. this man is the definition of an Eye avatar. the only thing more Eye than q!cellbit is the Eye itself
Roier: Web
Hombre Mysterioso: Dark bc like his name literally has mystery in it so its a lil bit obvious
Jaiden: Lonely marked in the saddest way possible. especially after bobby died, shes isolated herself a lot and she hasnt strongly connected with many people, and she feels like she can only really trust herself bc of everything with the federation
Foolish: Vast. hes a shark with lightning (also immortality in general is very vast coded)
Bagi: VERY Eye coded. probably hates the Flesh too
Etoiles: Hunt and the whole thing with his arm getting all weird is just him getting so deep into the Hint that its started changing him
Baghera: Eye avatar
Forever: Hunt bc wolfboy. but the Happy Pills were a Spiral thing
Pac: Lonely. like look at his whole arc rn. Lonely
Tubbo: i cant explain it but he gives off Buried vibes. like its not because of anything, he just seems like a Buried guy
Slimecicle: Spiral bc hes insane + funny
Philza: End. this man is literally the angel of death and his wife is the goddess of death. i dont think i need to justify it
Wilbur: Slaughter bc music and lovejoy as grifters bone would be great and no i dont care that wilbur doesnt fit the actual Slaughter qualifications because he fits the aesthetic and thats all that matters to me
ElQuackity: deffo Stranger bc ElQuackity is basically just a Not!Quackity
Federation workers: Stranger. its literally a bunch of ppl without faces idk what to tell you
Federation: Web or Stranger i cant decide
Ordo Theoritas as a whole: Eye coded
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sammystuffies · 4 months
i see your 'give me other hermitcentric fics' and i raise you:
MawoftheMagnetar on tumblr and ao3! right now im reading 2 of their series: Mobius Trip, wels and iskall centric, and The Last Flight of the Iron Dragon, which is architechs centered! their eldritch horror keralis series has a little bit of everybody!!!!!
oh very interesting! ill give it a read, thanks! :D
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sweeterthansammy · 10 months
hi my babies! I've been gone for god knows how long now....I feel like complete and utter shit. so much has happened since the last time I was active on here, but I'll be active these next few days so please feel free to just say hi or anything like that! <3
I'll also be doing some theme changes and answering unanswered submissions in my inbox :)
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goblin-named-sam · 4 months
Journey to Dorito Body pt. 7(?)
Less than ten in and I've lost count. Oh well, numbering these was a pipe dream anyway.
But in more important news, HELL WEEK IS OVER 🥳🥳
I am no longer bleeding profusely and in pain so I can continue living my best life naming exercising and being active again. I've missed it. I was sitting at my desk feeling...*weird* and I just decided to get up. I'd been sitting too long and then I looked to see if there was anyone in the gym (I had planned to go earlier but there was people so I didnt) and it was EMPTY so I went. I exercised. And now I'm in pain but good pain.
I did my curls one arm at a time so I can use my other hand to stop my arm from over extending (thanks @smttnpegasus for the irl advice, I love you) so my elbows don't hurt anymore!
I also started doing bench presses but with five pounds weights to start build my chest and fuck me those are torture.
I was worried starting back up again after hell week that I'd have lost progress but I didn't have to go down in weight at all and I didn't notice any difference in how long I went (I don't count my reps, just go to failure cuz thinking about having the proper form AND counting is impossible). That makes me really happy. I wonder when I should start going up in weight.
Anyway enough rambling. Here's my pics for today.
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Flexing and trying to hold still for a pic right after a workout is hard thus the "concentrating too hard to smile" face.
And look my hands are starting to tuffen up! Progress progress.
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solesommerso · 4 months
tag game
rules: shuffle your on repeat ten times.
ahh it’s been almost a week since I got tagged so sorry but thank you sm @purple-dahlias for the tag <3
why are you here - mgk
stalker - stevie howie
she thinks of me - landon tewers
unpunishable - ethel cain
the death of peace of mind - bad omens
prettygrunge.wav - artemas
life of the party (original) - the weekend
holy - zolita
uncomfortable - chase atlantic
all mine - brent faiyaz
tagging: @blathannabeaga , @yelenasbuddie , @district447 (no pressure ofc)
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floofballsammy · 22 days
It's kinda funny. Everytime I hear Salem's name, I can only think of the game 'Town of Salem' (or more known as 'Werewolf' to me) and the salem witch trials.
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organdon3r · 9 months
save a horse ride a cowboy
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spacefunclubs · 7 months
Actually makes me so upset looking up YouTube and Twitter in the Doctor Who and David Tennant tags and seeing so many transphobes and bigoted losers complain about the latest specials being "woke" over that small scene of Fourteen asking the Meep its pronouns and the metacrisis resolution between Donna and Rose.
It's actually so disheartening, seeing so many people missing the fucking point of Doctor Who, and these are also the same people who shat on Jodie's entire run bc BWAAAA, WAHMAN NO BE DOCTOR!!1!1! and lord knows what's gonna happen when Ncuti's run finally begins and what he'll have to endure with these bigoted losers with a huge ass victim complex. Doctor Who is a show that has been vocally anti-fascist since the beginning with episodes reflecting the UK recovering from the effects of WWII with the Daleks being a metaphor for Nazis, feminism, or hell, even episodes in the new run of Doctor Who way back when it started in 2005 talking about themes of slavery, government corruption, and even subtle LGBT+ themes with Jack Harkness being an openly flirtatious bisexual, Bill Potts being openly lesbian, and hell, even Martha being the first black companion in Doctor Who history (Bill being the second). Not to mention the Twelfth Doctor, who these "fans" claim they stopped watching the show after he regenerated but completely gloss over this fact, sucker punching a racist who was harassing Bill. Not to mention the Doctor as a whole character growing more love and empathy with every new regeneration and not being afraid to emotionally express themselves with love instead of having to hide it, something these "fans" fail to have or even see and understand. So yeah, your "pwecious wittle show" has always been this way, believe it or not!!
And I am SO tired of seeing posts of these bigots asking how much David Tennant got paid for saying that pronoun line or even seeing dumbass video thumbnails of David Tennant saying stupid shit like "RIP DOCTOR WHO" when these assholes gloss over the fact that not only would his character (or any incarnation of the Doctor in general) would HATE these types of people, but also David in general. This whole year, he has been openly showing his support for the LGBT+ community, ESPECIALLY trans and nonbinary folks, between pride pins, the "Leave Trans Kids Alone" shirt, and even voicing his support at certain conventions. AND not to mention his lips were on Michael Sheen in the last season of Good Omens this summer (and his character being a genderfluid demonic entity similar to the Doctor) AND even WAY before that (Richard II) AND playing a trans woman A WHOLE 3 decades ago WAY BEFORE his Doctor Who fame. So no, he wasn't paid to do this shit, he's been doing this for FREE, which is what it costs y'all to not be an asshole. And, not to boast, but when I met him at New York Comic Con last month, I felt so safe around him even with just those few moments when I met him. He's the most kind, humble, gentle hearted soul on this planet and basically the only celebrity I stan bc of all this, so no, I don't think he would support your ideals bc you're just sad and pathetic chronically online cry babies that never felt a touch of a real person.
So fucking tired of dudebros feeling like they're entitled to their "pwecious wittle show" over being "woke" (which BTW, that word has been so overused to death, I don't even think these people know what it even means anymore and just use it as a meaningless insult) when really, they're just coping and seething over the fact that this show ain't for them and wanna be angry for the sake of being angry. So by all means, fuck off and take your anger elsewhere bc we clearly don't need it and it's making me and every other sane fan uncomfortable with your unprovoked anger. It's a trend that I've seen grow between this fandom, the Star Wars fandom, or any other geek-centric fandom online ever since Trump was in power, and it's really sad to see this type of bigotry grow in fan spaces like this. Y'all are better than this, get some help.
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babygirldilf · 1 year
somewhere along the supernatural obsession line I came across a sam winchester edit from 01x02 that said sam is a he/they nature fairy baby boy who is pansexual and likes pink, hello kitty, witchcraft and lore, and my never-ending love for this former abomination of a man grew even stronger, because I have always been so enthralled with destiel, and in the later seasons especially, when the plot always focused on these two gay husbands, that I almost forget about this trauma induced queer nonbinary menace sweetheart who likes dogs and girls and gabriel in particular
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my little blood drinking demon fucking witchcraft obsessed meow meow, I will never forget you
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ladydekarios · 1 year
Feel like an absolute failure today and I don’t want to be here
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punkybabie · 2 years
listen i really need you all to start tagging your fandom posts. i just got halfway through a house of dragons post thinking that i missed a bunch of new goncharov lore
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kingeyelidz · 2 years
lads i havent posted here in a long while and i am Sorry- been rlly unmotivated n then artfight came n now am focusin on that. ( pspsps its
i ALWAYS do revenges :3
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