jemgirl86 · 1 year
Sam whenever it’s time for him to pick a partner:
I’m not putting no scrubs
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I ain’t putting no garbage
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I’m a put the baddest heffers on the floor!
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Makes sense… the finest deserves the finest lol
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maxxioislost · 1 year
Either Anthony Mackie is fruity as fuck or he's purposefully making Sam gay by consistently flirting with every man that he shares the screen with
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thatmexisaurusrex · 8 months
What Could You Have Me Do For MTH 2023?
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I am participating again in Marvel Trumps Hate! I have two different auctions:
These two auctions are offering the same thing. I will make a fic for you that could be of any of these ships:
Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson - MCU
Joaquín Torres/Sam Wilson - MCU
Bucky Barnes/Joaquín Torres/Sam Wilson - MCU
Riley/Sam Wilson - MCU
Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson - MCU
Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson - MCU
Natasha Romanov/Sam Wilson - MCU
Bucky Barnes/Natasha Romanov/Sam Wilson - MCU
I am open to other Sam Wilson ships, but please DM me first to see if I'll write a fic for that particular ship. The bid will start at 500 words at $5. Each additional $5 will add 500 words ie:
$5 - 500 words $10 - 1K words $15 - 1.5K words
The increase in words along with the $5 increases will continue until it hits 10k words, which will be the cap.
What Could You Ask Me For?
You can skim through my fics on my Table of Contents, but a lot of what I do is thoughtful dives into canon compliance like BuckyQuest or Back in the Gulf, fantastical AUs like If We Are Celestial Bodies or His Wingless Stranger, or romcom AUs like A No Snow Christmas or My Best Friend's Brother.
Some possible suggestions? You could ask me for:
A fic based on your favorite romcom! A SamBucky 27 Dresses AU? A SamSteve Ghosted AU? A SamNat 10 Things I Hate About You AU? A Samquin Runaway Bride AU? Count me in!
A fun AU that you think would be cool! A SamRiley Rival Bakers AU? A SamBucky Private Eye Chasing After an Art Thief AU? An AllCaps Royal Fantasy AU? A Samquin Wing Fic? Love it!
Something within canon, perhaps? SamBuckyNat on the run? SamSteve first night together after they meet in CATWS? SamRiley before Riley's death? SamBucky hanging out together on the boat? Samquin realizing their feelings after working together as Cap and Falcon? Definitely in my wheelhouse!
Those are just some examples of what you could ask from me. Definitely check out my MTH auctions as well as the variety of other amazing auctions they have!
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samsseptember · 9 months
Samtember 2023 Week 2 Fills:
Here are the fills for the second week of our Samtember 2023 event! Enjoy all these wonderful pieces!
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First Aid by @thatmexisaurusrex | Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: T | WC: 1.2K words | Figaro, Hurt Comfort, Bucky Takes Care of Sam | AO3 |
Kissing Sam Wilson #10 - Changes by @ironstrangle | Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: N/A | WC: 500 words | Mission Fic, Established Relationship, Kissing |
Samtember Day 08: Figaro | Sick Day by @sammy-souffle | Moodboard | Figaro, Moving, Fresh Starts |
"Long, Separate Vacations, Eh?" by @thatmexisaurusrex | Moodboard | Pairing: SamBucky | Vacation, Domestic Fluff, They're Going On A Long Vacation All Right |
Kissing Sam Wilson #11 - Workout by @ironstrangle | Pairing: Samquin | Rated: N/A | WC: 500 words | Established Relationship, Workout, Kissing |
"BREAKING NEWS: SAM WILSON AND BUCKY BARNES INTERVIEW EACH OTHER? CONFUSING NEWS REPORTER" by @thatmexisaurusrex | Edit | Pairing: SamBucky | Established Relationship, Interview, Ignore Me I'm Being Goofy |
A Dead Tree Casts a Shadow by @abarbaricyalp | Pairing: SamRiley | Rated: G | WC: 2K words | Death, Grief, Title from the Laura Gilpin Poem “Life After Death” | AO3 | (updated with AO3 link)
Samtember Day 09: Carnival | King of Mardi Gras by @sammy-souffle | Pairing: Samquin | Rated: G | WC: 841 words | Carnival, Fluff, Cute Date |
Close Quarters by @thatmexisaurusrex | Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: T | WC: 1.4K words | Mission Fic, Getting Together, Based on “stuck in a tight space” SamBucky art | AO3 |
Kissing Sam Wilson #12 - Legacy by @ironstrangle | Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: N/A | Legacy, Reflection. Kissing |
Moonshine by @thatmexisaurusrex | Edit | Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: T | WC: 1.5K words | Bootlegger AU, Coworkers to Lovers, Louisiana | AO3 |
Samtember Day 10: Cap Quartet 2.0 | Mission by @sammy-souffle | Moodboard | Cap Quartet, Mission, Friendship |
Lunch Date by @katatonicimpression | Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: G | WC: 1.1K words | Undercover, Established Relationship, Mission Fic | AO3 |
Goodbye, Stranger by @thatmexisaurusrex | Edit | Pairing: SamBucky | Amnesia, Heist, Strangers to Lovers |
Kissing Sam Wilson #13 - Rumor by @ironstrangle | Pairing: Samquin | Rated: G | WC: 590 words | Rumor, Sexuality, Kissing |
[Podfic] When You Awake voiced by @funsized-loser | Pairing: Sambucky | Rated: E | Length: 1:53:34 | Based on When You Awake by @the-lunar-pull, Angst, Memory Loss | AO3 |
Lost Memories by noe3489 | Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: T | WC: 1.2K words | Mission Fic, Undercover, Amnesia | AO3 |
Magnifico by @abarbaricyalp | Gen Fic | Rated: G | WC: 1.6K words | Guilt, Depression, Figaro |
Kissing Sam Wilson #14 - Multiverse by @ironstrangle | Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: G | WC: 650 words | Multiverse, Established Relationship, Kissing |
Captain Variant by @sygoflyy | Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: G | WC: 629 words | Captain America Week, Variant!Sam Wilson, Established Relationship |
Kissing Sam Wilson #16/17 - Undercover by @ironstrangle | Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: N/A | WC: 600 | Undercover, Madripoor, Kissing |
Samtember Day 13: Interview | Rumor by @sammy-souffle | Graphic | Pairing: SamBucky | Rumor, The Daily Bugle, Exclusive Photos Definitely Not Provided by Peter Parker |
Samtember Day 14: Magic | Multiverse by @sammy-souffle | Moodboard | Pairing: SamBucky | Multiverse, Kid Fic, Variant!Sam Wilson |
We’re so excited about what you all will make for week three and remember that we have an AO3 collection for September 2023 that you can find here.
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babygirl-diaz · 9 months
Samtember Day 09: Carnival | King of Mardi Gras
841 words | Rated G | @samsseptember
((I chose Carnival as the theme))
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It was a warm summer night and Joaquin arrived at Sam’s apartment in a car he borrowed from his friend. He looked at himself in the rearview mirror, straightened his olive jacket, and ran his fingers through his hair to make sure that it looked good. After deciding that he looked enough, Joaquin went to the door and rang the doorbell. 
When Sam opened the door, Joaquin’s breath was almost knocked out of him. He wore a white button-up shirt and black slacks, and he was perfectly groomed, as always. Joaquin felt his heart racing. “Wow, you look beautiful,” he managed to say. 
“Thank you,” Sam replied as he stepped out of the apartment. ‘You don’t look too bad yourself,” he added cheekily. 
“Thanks,” Joaquin chuckled as he led Sam to his car. 
“I didn’t know you could drive?” Sam said as he got in. 
“I’m from Arizona, Sam. It’s kind of a requirement to drive out there,” Joaquin replied and pulled out of the street. “This is my friend’s car, by the way. I never really needed one here in New York.” 
“How are you liking New York and the civilian life, anyway?” Sam asked. 
“I miss home. I’m not gonna lie. But I’m glad you’re here.” Joaquin didn’t mean for it to sound as flirty as it did. But oh well, the damage was done. 
Sam just laughed at that. So that was a good sign. “So, ready for a fun evening?” He asked instead. 
“With you, I am always ready for an adventure,” Joaquin replied, blatantly flirting with Sam again. 
“You’re really laying it on thick, aren’t you?” Sam asked. 
“I am trying to.” Joaquin didn’t look over at him and kept on driving. 
Random small talk filled the rest of the trip upstate. When they finally got to the fair and parked, Joaquin was immediately by Sam’s side when he got out. There were bright lights everywhere, as it was after dusk. They first browsed the place before stopping near the games. Joaquin tried Ring Toss at first but was absolutely terrible at it. He then tried his hand at whack-a-mole and that’s where he excelled. He won a giant brown teddy bear, which he handed over to Sam. 
“Oh, no, no, no, I’m not carrying this thing around the fair,” he told Joaquin. 
Joaquin turned his sad big brown eyes at Sam, who sighed and took the teddy bear. “So manipulative,” he grumbled under his breath, but Joaquin heard it anyway. He followed Sam through the fair with a pep in his step. 
Once they got hungry, the two of them had funnel cake and cotton candy like a couple of kids. 
“Do you know how many carbs these things have?” Sam asked as he ate the funnel cake. 
“No, do you?” Joaquin asked. 
“No, but I don’t care right now because I am having the time of my life,” Sam replied and gave Joaquin a smile that brightened his whole evening. 
After they finished eating and walked around, Joaquin dared to take Sam’s hand, who didn’t protest, so that was another good sign. 
“You wanna go on the Ferris Wheel?” Joaquin asked once they were near the brightly lit giant wheel. 
“Sure, why not?” Sam shrugged and dragged Joaquin along to stand in the line. Once they got to the front, Joaquin let Sam ‌take a seat while he talked to the operator. 
“What was that about?” Sam asked once Joaquin got in. 
“Oh, I was just asking him how old this thing was because it doesn’t look very safe,” Joaquin replied. 
“Not afraid of heights now, are you, Joaquin?” Sam teased, bumping his shoulder against Joaquin’s. 
“No, of course not! I mean, if I was afraid of heights, then I would never wear the Falcon suit.” 
“I know, I know, I’m just joking,” Sam chuckled and leaned in to kiss Joaquin’s cheek. 
Joaquin’s entire face suddenly felt very warm, and he looked up at Sam, surprised. 
“You’re cute when you’re flustered,” Sam told him. 
The Ferris Wheel soon started going around and Joaquin slowly moved the teddy bear Sam had placed between them to the side and scooted closer to Sam. If Sam noticed, then he said nothing.
Once they reached the top, the Ferris Wheel stopped. 
“Um, Sam?” Joaquin called out. 
“Yeah?” Sam asked, looking over at him.
Under the bright lights of the Ferris Wheel, Sam looked even more beautiful. “Can I- uh- can I kiss you?” 
Sam burst out laughing, dwindling Joaquin’s confidence a little. 
“You gave the operator money to stop up here, didn’t you?” He asked. 
“How did you-” 
“That’s a classic trick. I bet the operator makes tons of money on the side.”
Joaquin blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. 
“Yes, by the way.” 
Joaquin looked up when he heard that. “What?” 
“You can kiss me,” Sam said, leaning in. 
Joaquin closed the gap between them and finally kissed him. He could swear there were fireworks behind them or maybe they were just in his heart. 
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palettesofrenaissance · 4 months
Might make some mcu fics public again 🤔
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samwontshare · 1 year
Sam took one look at Joaquin and decided to enter his daddy era
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ironstrangle · 9 months
Kissing Sam Wilson #6 - Disney (SamJoaquin, 500 words)
@samsseptember prompt #5 - Day Off | Vacation
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“Are you serious?” Sam asked, as he realized where they were. 
Joaquin Torres, bless his heart, had taken Sam to Disney World. Magic Kingdom, if he was being specific… Sam had been there once, as a child, but all he could remember was clinging to Sarah’s hand in the Haunted Mansion. It had been decades, seriously.
“Deadly serious,” Joaquin teased. “Is there a problem with that?”
“This is just so cheesy. You took me to DIsney?”
“Yep, it is. And yes, I did.” Joaquin wrapped an arm around his waist and tugged him towards the entrance. “I’ve wanted to go to Disney since I was a little kid. You calling my dreams cheesy?”
“Just a little.”
Joaquin smiled good-naturedly and Sam couldn’t help his dopey smile. Joaquin had changed a lot in his world in a short time. At first, he had been skeptical that their relationship would ever lead to something. He was too young, after all. He was young and idealistic and they were partners. Sam didn’t want to mess up one of the best parts of his new life as Captain America.
In spite of all his doubts, they had happened. Joaquin had waltzed his way into Sam’s life and made everything just feel right, comfortable. He was younger than Sam, sure, but he’d been through a lot in his life and he had a mature sense of their relationship, as well as himself.
And apparently, it was his dream to go to Disney with his boyfriend. Well, Sam wasn’t about to complain. He’d just make that dream happen.
It was a strange trip. First of all, Sam was now a known name and face. Before, he’d occasionally get marked as an Avenger, especially by die-hard fans, but nobody really knew him. Now, he was Captain America. He wore dark sunglasses the entire time and still got noticed a couple of times. One of the employees, a man with dark skin and shiny eyes, nearly wet his pants when Sam went to his stand to buy Joaquin some cotton candy. 
“You’re like my hero man,” he muttered awkwardly, looking down at the ground. “I’m sorry if I’m being so weird, but…you’re Captain America…”
“Shh,” Sam said playfully. “Don’t want anyone to know that.” 
He had signed the babbling young man’s autograph and they went on their way.
Joaquin, the most adorable man in the world, embraced the cheesiness of a Disney vacation. Two hours into the trip, he came out of the shop with two pairs of Mickey Mouse ears, each with an embroidered initial on the ear. For the rest of the trip, S & J looked like a bunch of lovestruck fools. 
The best part was, he had to admit, kissing Joaquin as the fireworks began. It might have been cheesy as hell, but Sam was learning to embrace cheesiness. Joaquin was his everything and if he wanted kissing under the fireworks in a stupid Mickey Mouse hat, that was what he was going to get. 
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violetproxima · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes & Sam Wilson, Joaquín Torres/Sam Wilson Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Joaquín Torres, Sarah Wilson (Marvel) Additional Tags: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV) Spoilers, Suicide Attempt, Serious Injuries, Hospitalization, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Pining, Developing Friendships, Male Friendship, Therapy, Protective Bucky Barnes, Protective Joaquín Torres Summary:
Bucky Barnes receives an urgent phone call from a hospital in Peoria, Arizona at 3 in the morning. Initially, he's pissed off and ready to go right back to bed. When they tell him who the patient is, he's more curious than anything else.
What was Sam Wilson doing, all alone, in a hospital in Peoria, Arizona?
*Edited 02/11/2024
This is one of my favorite stories! @capnwinghead recently made edits to the story. Please do yourself a favor and re-read it or get your life together and read it for the first time. 
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jemgirl86 · 5 months
Bucky in episode one of TFATWS:
Steve throughout the entirety of CA: TWS:
Lowkey also Sam in episode one of TFATWS:
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wenellyb · 2 years
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Sam & Joaquin flirting
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glittercake · 2 years
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E | Complete | nwa | Tags: post fatws; ot3 getting together; smut; dates; missions. | Summary:
"That kid's in love with you. You know that, right?" Bucky says later while they're browsing the menu at dinner.
"Joaquín? I wouldn't go that far," Sam says, sipping the complimentary wine. "Maybe he's got a crush."
Bucky looks at him with an unreadable grin. "He's hot."
"Yeah. Real smart too. What is this? You jealous?"
"Nah," Bucky says, sits back, and loosens his tie. "Actually, if you want to pursue it, you should."
Sam's brain takes a second to catch up and all he can do is blink dumbly at his partner. "Hey, what the fuck?"
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thatmexisaurusrex · 9 months
In Full Bloom
Hey! Here's my last fic I needed to write for @marveltrumpshate! It's a Samquin No Powers Soulmate AU with a twist - flowers grow whenever you see your soulmate. Enjoy! 🥰
In Full Bloom
| Pairing: SamQuin | Rated: T | WC: 6.2K |
Summary: Sam Wilson meets his second soulmate at the park. He... quickly runs away, setting Joaquín off on a quest to find Sam.
Sam remembered this feeling from the last time it had happened to him. Flowers. A sign of true love, perhaps. Soulmates, definitely. Soulmates. Sam. Might have. Another soulmate. He couldn’t have another soulmate, could he? Sam knew it was a possibility. People can have more than one soulmate. He had met people who have had more than one soulmate. His sister had recently met her own second soulmate. It was possible. Sam just. Sam never expected that he would ever have another soulmate. Not after Riley. It didn’t feel possible after Riley. Yet, here were the flowers. Here was the man. Here was proof beyond proof that something more was in Sam’s future, something Sam hadn’t expected in a million years despite the possibility of it. Here was another soulmate, right before Sam’s eyes. It was possible. It was fact.
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samsseptember · 9 months
Samtember 2023 Week 3 Fills:
Here are the fills for the third week of our Samtember 2023 event! Enjoy all these wonderful pieces!
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Hero Style Magazine by @thatmexisaurusrex | Edit | Pairing: SamBucky | Celebrity AU, Post-TFATWS, Established Relationship |
Kissing Sam Wilson #17 - Angel by @ironstrangle | Pairing: Samquin | Rated: N/A | WC: 500 words | Angel, Nicknames, Kissing |
Samtember Day 20: Bird Telepathy/Redwing by @katatonicimpression | Art | Pairing: SamBucky | Bird Telepathy, Redwing, Getting Together |
Kissing Sam Wilson #18 - Costume by @ironstrangle | Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: N/A | WC: 500 words | Cowboy, Costume, Kissing |
Kissing Sam Wilson #19 - Actors by @ironstrangle | Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: N/A | WC: 600 words | Celebrity AU, Actors, Kissing |
Samtember Day 18 and 19: Western AU | Cowboy, Celebrity AU | Royalty AU  by @sammy-souffle | Moodboard | Pairing: Samquin | Cowboy, Celebrity AU, Enemies to Lovers |
Kissing Sam Wilson #20 - Bird Boy by @ironstrangle | Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: N/A | WC: 425 words | Redwing, Established Relationship, Kissing |
Samtember Day 20: Bird Telepathy | Redwing by @sammy-souffle | Moodboard | Pairing: SamBucky | Bird Telepathy, Celebrity!Bucky Barnes, Strangers to Lovers |
Kissing Sam Wilson #21 / 22 - Broken by @ironstrangle | Pairing: Samquin | WC: 500 words | Zombie Apocalypse AU, Hurt/Comfort, Kissing |
Escape from Madripoor by @thatmexisaurusrex | Edit | Pairing: SamBucky | Apocalypse AU, Post-CATWS, Acquaintances to Lovers |
Sky Holds All Our Hopes by @endlesstwanted | Pairing: SamThor | Rated: T | WC: 1.1K words | Royalty AU, Secret Relationship, Fluff | AO3 |
Samtember Day 23: Birthday 🎂🧁 by @sammy-souffle | Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: N/A | WC: 1.1K words | Birthday, Kid Fic, Established Relationship |
Morning Wake Up by @thatmexisaurusrex | Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: G | WC: 1.1K words | Birthday, Tooth-rotting Fluff, Breakfast in Bed | AO3 |
Kissing Sam Wilson #23 - Birthday by @ironstrangle | Pairing: Sambuckyquin | Rated: N/A | WC: 500 words | Birthday, Established Relationship, Kissing |
We’re so excited about what you all will make for our final week and remember that we have an AO3 collection for September 2023 that you can find here.
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babygirl-diaz · 11 months
Joaquin is the other Ken to Sam's Barbie and he and Bucky Ken want to "beach each other off."
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palettesofrenaissance · 11 months
Watching this late night episode of Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur got me wanting to write (or read) about Lunella meeting Shuri and Riri (Shuriri ftw), or maybe Sam's Captain America and Joaquín's Falcon (Samquín tbqh) visiting her school or something of the sort. I think it would be super cute
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