confusedand-dazed · 1 year
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bumb1e-vee · 3 years
The Rose's Thorn Chapter 1
Summary: Virgil is in love with the other three sides, but he thinks they just don't love him back, so he copes with it.
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Virgil loved all three of them, it wasn’t that hard to tell, not that he knew, he wished that he was with them when they cuddled, when they hugged, when they kissed. But he wasn’t, he sat there on the edge of the fairytale love absorbing the glow that they cast off. He held his affection close to his heart, never telling them how he felt, after all, they were happy without him, happy with him sitting on the side lines and watching their epic love unfold. He let it fill him with joy to see the people he loved happy, even if it hurt him even more that they were happy without him. He wanted to be on the receiving end of those hugs, those smiles, those kisses, those kind words. He dared to hope every time they smiled at him, they hugged him, and invited him to a movie night with them. He’d hold the love in his heart and smile at the fact that they would extend their kindness to him, even if it was out of pity, after all, he was anxiety no one wanted to be with him, share a cuddle with him, watch a movie with him, nothing.
Virgil crept downstairs to hear the other sides talking hushed in the kitchen, as if they were hiding something, so naturally Virgil listened in, and he was glad that he did, or else he wouldn’t have heard what he did.
“He’s in love with us, I don’t know how to approach it” That was Logan’s voice, he could tell from the clear cut logical tone, sure it stung a little bit, but he couldn’t just stop listening now, after all he had heard his name.
“Yeah, I love surly temple, but sometimes he’s pretty clueless” And that one was Roman, and that sentence absolutely knocked the wind out of him, and made tears prick at his eyes, he blinked them away and crossed his arms over his chest giving himself a hug, it was the only genuine one he would get anyhow. He stood there for another few minutes, ready to go back up the stairs, but then he heard Patton’s voice,
“Yeah, the poor kiddo just doesn’t know what to do, and it’s not like we can just tell him outright-” Virgil didn’t stick around to hear more, he quickly and quietly went back to his room and locked the door, he closed the curtains and turned off all the lights, grabbed his headphones, and layed down in his bed. He let some song or another blast through his headphones as he began crying, he let out harsh silent sobs, he loved them and they didn’t love him back, and it would always be that way.
After he had thrown his pity party, Virgil woke up a little disoriented until it all came flooding back to him, the things the other sides said about him and his reaction. He needed a plan, he loved them and they didn’t love him, but he also didn’t want to lose them, but then again, this wasn’t about him, this was about the people he’s in love with and their happiness. He could isolate himself again and become the villain once more, he would just give excuses so he wouldn’t intrude on their date nights anymore, gone were the days when Virgil would bake with them, talk to them, and spend time with them. It was for the best after all, he loved them and they didn’t love him.
He took out a notebook and opened it, grabbed a pen and began making a list of things he needed to to
Don’t keep intruding on their lives, their happy, stay out of it
They don’t want you anymore, no need to accept their invitations
They don’t care about your jokes, your opinions, or what you have to say, don’t speak unless they speak to you
He then took the list and put it up on his cork board so that way he could see it every day, then he turned the lights off, put his head phones in, and drifted off into another sorrowful sleep, another sleep that was full of nightmares and depression, a sleep he knew that he would wake up with a wet pillow and tear tracks down his face that he didn’t know that he had, but it was all okay because the ones he loved were happy, so he could be happy for them.
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Me: I’m a serious writer
Also me:
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batskulldrag · 4 years
Phoenix by Fallout Boy
I’m gonna post chapter three wicked early. I’ll make a chapter list and link tehm alll together as soon as I figure out how.
Abuse mentions. 
Chapter Three: Young Volcanos by Fall Out Boy
               What are you doing!? Don’t show weakness! Virgil’s thoughts screamed at him.
               No, I’m warm and safe. A different thought argued.
               You don’t know him! What if everybody is like Dad!?
               Then I’m already screwed!
               He’ll use this against you!
               You think I know? I don’t think like them!
               Maybe he doesn’t either!
               You put your guard back up this instant!
               Let me enjoy this…
               Virgil ignored his louder instincts for the time being and pressed his head further into Patton’s shoulder. It was a nice feeling, and sure he probably couldn’t trust this guy, but he was going to enjoy feeling like this while he could. Patton seemed like a nice guy, and he smelled like butter. And everything else smelled like hand sanitizer, and it was cold because it was a hospital. But Patton was all warm.
               Besides, even if he was going to do anything, he couldn’t with witnesses hanging around and security cameras everywhere. Maybe this was ok. Maybe this was normal. Virgil let himself slide down lower and rested his head on Patton’s lap.
               “Ya getting sleepy there, kiddo?” Patton cooed, still stroking his hair.
               “No, I’m ok.” Virgil mumbled. This was nice. He wanted to stay here.
               Virgil became aware of Patton’s heartbeat it was going fast. Was he nervous too? That was weird. Why was he worried?
               Virgil sighed. Both Patton and Thomas were probably waiting for him to say something. Hell, they were probably expecting him start belting songs from Annie or jump up and click his heels. It’s not everyday someone gets pulled out of hell and sent somewhere better, so they were probably looking for a more mood fitting reaction than lying down and taking a nap. One more minute.
               “So, what happens now?” Virgil asked, keeping his head on Patton’s lap. One more minute.
               “Well, Patton has already signed all the forms and the background check should be coming back tomorrow.” Thomas answered, for whatever reason he looked really content. “So, as soon as you’re discharged you can go home with him.”  
               “When can I be discharged?” He was trying not to sound too eager. If they knew he wanted something they could probably use that to toy with him.
               “I’m afraid that’s up to your doctors.”
               “Ok.” That made sense.
               “But when you do get out, we’ll have your room all ready.” Patton chirped at him. “And you’ll need to tell me what all your favorite foods are so I can make them.”
               What an odd thing to say. I guess I should get up. One more minute.
               “Ok.” He mumbled.
               “Oh, and do you have any allergies or eating restrictions. Like vegetarian or vegan and the like?”
               “No.” One more minute.
               “As for right now.” Thomas sounded hesitant, was he going to kick Patton out? “Your doctors and I need to document your bruises. And if you want to you can make a statement for prosecution.”
               “Right now?” Virgil sighed, no more hitting reality’s snooze bar. He slowly pulled himself back up.
               “It is better we do it sooner rather than later.” Thomas sighed. “Patton can stay if you’d like him to.”
               “Good idea, I was hoping for an even bigger group of people to see me in my underwear.” Virgil sneered, rubbing his arm. Despite his will he also felt his face going red. Damnit.
               “I know it’s uncomfortable, but it’s kind of a necessary evil.”
               Virgil sighed and glanced at Patton. He might as well stay. This was as good a test to see if he was weird as any. Right? Yeah, he could be a serial killer, or this could be his kink or something like that. Best to know what he was going to get himself into. Just that. That and no other reason.
               “I mean, he can stay if he wants to.” Virgil mumbled impassively. “It’s a free country, he can do whatever.”
               “I’ll give you your privacy.” Patton replied, ruffling his hair. “I’ll come back in when they’re done kiddo.”
               Patton stood up and took a few steps towards the door. Virgil’s heart sank. Patton abruptly stopped and turned around.
               Are you gonna stay?
               “I almost forgot to give you this.” Patton said happily. “this should help you ‘bear’ your stay here.”
               Patton gleefully produced a stuffed bear and gently set in his mummified hands. As the toy stared derpilly up at him he got the joke and impulsively smiled. Then he saw the pun written across the bear and let out a laugh. Double whammy with the dad jokes. He glanced at Patton and saw that the older man was beaming (bee-ming?), clearly enthralled that Virgil liked the joke.
               “He’s cool.” Virgil tried to play it off. “Thanks.”
               “You’re welcome.” Patton turned back to the door. “I’ll be right out here if you need me. Ok?”
               Patton closed the door behind him only to reappear in the window and wave enthusiastically at him. He mouthed out the words I’ll be right here and gave a thumbs up. Virgil waved in return and fought back another smile. Patton was a funny guy and so far, he seemed pretty cool.
                                                                               #             #             #
               Patton shook his arms to get the relief tinglies to calm down. Everything seemed to go well. Virgil didn’t hate him, and he even liked dad jokes. And he liked the bear. So far things were going well.
               He saw them close the blinds in Virgil’s room so that no one in the hallway could peep in on him. They must have started cataloging his bruises. Patton hoped his brother had a mean cellmate. He made a mental note to look up a few legal things when he got home.
               While waiting Patton sent Logan a quick text to let him know everything was going ok on his end and to ask what was going on in the outside world.
                                                                               #             #             #
               Logan set another casserole dish on top of the stove. He had to shove aside the other three dishes, the two pies and the pot of soup. Both Patton’s library friends and all their neighbors had been at it for hours.
               “How many friends does Patton have?” Roman exclaimed, walking into the kitchen with a Tupperware of pasta. “And why are they all old ladies?”
               “Some of them are just parents whose kids were in his class.” Logan sighed. “He’s a lot of kids’ favorite teacher.”
               “Is the fridge full?”
               “Yes, just set the pasta on the table.”
               “Any updates on the news?” Roman set the dish down exhaustedly.
               “No, not yet.” Logan looked at his phone. “Patton texted. He says that Virgil’s fine, and seems excited to come live with us. And of course, he wants to know how we are.”
               “Drowning in food and tired of small talk.” Roman switched into a frail voice. “It was so brave of you to rescue that boy. It’s so good of you three to take that boy in like this. It’s about time Patton and Logan adopted a kid.” He changed back. “I never thought I would get sick of praise. I feel like Jack Skellington.”
               “Minus the kidnapping I hope.”
               “You’re the one with the kid now.” Roman jabbed, eating the pasta straight from the dish with his hands.
               “Roman, get a plate.” Logan began.
               They were interrupted by a knock at the door.
               “If that’s Barbra from next door I’m calling the police.” Roman stood up dramatically.
               “It’s my turn to deal with callers,” Logan walked towards the hallway. “But if it is her, I’m getting you.”
               “Let’s set her up with my brother the next time we know where he is.” Roman laughed. “She’ll never speak to us again.”
               “Neither will Remus.”
               Logan could still hear Roman laughing when he got to the front door. He glanced through the peephole to see if it was indeed well-wishers. He instead saw several smartly dressed people bearing cameras and tape recorders rather than food. With few other options he turned out the lights in the front room and went back into the kitchen.
               Roman was taking inventory when he got back.
               “Say Lo-bot, how much of this could we take to the homeless shelter?” He asked casually. “I don’t want to be disrespectful or ungrateful, but this is a lot. The freezer is full, the refrigerator is full, and the oven is full. It would be more disrespectful to let this go to waste when the less fortunate could have it.”  
               “We will discuss that later,” Logan took the car keys off the rack. “But it is a good idea.”
               “Where are you going?” Roman squinted at him.
               “I’m going to pick Patton up from the hospital.”
               “Who was at the door?”
               “Reporters have found us. I’m all for the first amendment, but I do not wasn’t to be harassed in my own home. So, I’m leaving.”
               “But won’t they go away if we talk to them?”
               “Yes, but then they, and all others will think it’s okay to show up at people’s houses.”
               Roman looked around.
               “We could ask them in for dinner.” He laughed.
               “But we won’t.”
                                                                               #             #             #
               Patton sat at the foot of the bed while Virgil sat across from him at the head. Virgil was sitting cross-legged with his casted foot poking out from under the blanket and the bear in his lap. Patton clicked his heels together; it was very quiet.
               “You’re not much of a talker.” Patton teased.
               “My throat hurts.” Virgil answered.
               “Oh, right. Sorry.”
               WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!!!
               “So, you’re really my dad’s brother?” Virgil asked skeptically.
               “Yeah, he’s about three years older than me.”
               “And you’re related?”
               “Yep, people used to mistake us for twins. Until I had to get glasses.”
               Virgil coughed and tapped the bear on the nose a few times.
               “This isn’t actually my first time meeting you.” Patton started. “My mom and I kind of did a lot of the raising when you were a baby.”
               “Is that stuff dad said true?”
               “No.” Patton dropped his shoulders. “It’s not. Our mother was wonderful and supportive. She even took Logan in after-” He stopped himself. “No, it’s not true. He was the homophobe.”
               “Yeah, I never really believed the pseudo-rape story.” Virgil shifted his feet. “Dad always seemed more like a predatory animal. And maybe that was a front, but if it was it was flawless.”
               “I think Payton said something about being with her for posterity.” Patton rubbed his arm. “She was really pretty and was a cheer leader in high school. And a lot of guys wanted to be with her. So, it was like a triumph for him.”
               “He told you?” Virgil coughed.
               “No. I just kind of figured. He did say he was gonna marry her, you know when we found out about you.”
               “Because.” Patton mimicked his brother’s tone. “Children need a mommy and a daddy. And I have to accept my mistakes.” Patton switched back. “I never really believed him.”
               Virgil shivered and looked down into his lap. Through his bangs Patton could see him biting his lip.
               “I’m sorry.” Patton said quickly, but softly. “I shouldn’t have brought that up. I should have known that would hit too close to home for you. I’m sorry.”
               Virgil looked at him quizzically and his eyes darted around the room. He seemed utterly baffled. Still looking like the world had just flipped over Virgil crawled over and put his head back into Patton’s lap.
               “Are you ok, Kiddo?”
               “Yeah,” He sounded stunned. “I’m fine. I-I just need to pull my thoughts together.”
               “I get what you mean.” Patton tried to lighten the mood. “I never think straight, just ask my husband.”
               Virgil laughed very softly.
               “We’re gonna have to get that laugh stronger.” Patton teased, stroking his hair. “As soon as your throat is better, we’ll have you practice.”
               “Practice laughing, ya goof!”
               “I’m dreaming, aren’t I?” Virgil said in a strained voice.
               “No, you’re wide awake.” Patton soothed. “And I can prove it. Your throat hurts, doesn’t it?”
               “Like I swallowed a bag of razors.”
               “Well, you can’t feel pain in dreams. And you can only feel one emotion at a time in them.”
               “Yeppers, if you’re having a happy dream, you’re happy in the dream and nothing else. Same for all the other types of dreams. And they’re never this elaborate.”
               “I guess not.” Virgil yawned.
               “And you can’t get tired in a dream, now can you?” Patton asked, booping the younger man on the nose. “And you can’t learn something you don’t know in a dream, because it’s in your mind. And you don’t know what you don’t know.”
               “So, this is real?” He yawned again. “It’s not a dream or an act or something.”
               “Nope, it’s as real as that sore throat of yours.”
               “Ok.” Virgil sighed, his eyes fluttering closed. “You can keep talking if you want.”
               “Maybe I’d better go until you’re feeling better.” Patton brushed his fingers through Virgil’s hair. It was starting to feel like he hadn’t showered, which was fair.
               “Can you stay until I fall asleep?” Virgil mumbled, halfway asleep already.
               “Of course, I can.”
                                                                               #             #             #
               Patton paced into the waiting room. Logan had texted him saying he was coming to pick him up. He thought that was a bit unnecessary, but it would be nice to not have to take the bus.
               “Maybe Logan missed me.” Patton said to himself with a coy smile. “I guess we’ll have to pick up dinner on the way back.”
               Patton slid into one of the uncomfortable chairs that normally furnished all waiting rooms. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes. Maybe he’d just tune out for a minute.
               “In other news we have conformation that the destruction of former mayoral candidate Payton Foster’s home last night was in fact arson. Traces of accelerant were found inside the house, leaving Mr. Foster himself as the prime suspect. Police believe he was attempting to destroy evidence of previous crimes for which he had been accused. His teenage son is reported to have escaped the fire with minor injury thanks to the actions of a heroic stranger. That’s quite the Disney convince, eh, Garbo?”
               Patton glanced wearily at the TV as the reporter’s counterpart took over.
               “But he’s not so strange anymore now Malloy. We did figure who he is. Seems that drama teacher slash community theater star Roman Lupine has gotten tired of the stage and is out there looking for drama in real life. That may suit Mr. Lupine, but I think here on Garbo and Malloy we would just stick to playing fictional heroes.”
               Patton started looking for a remote to change the channel or just flat out turn this thing off. The publicity was bad enough, but he hated these guys’ banter. How did they even get this job?
               “And of course, we all recognize Mr. Lupine from his press infiltration over a week ago.” Malloy droned.
               “Speaking of the ShareBook incident, most of our sources believe that Foster’s brother will be taking custody of his son.” Garbo, who was aptly named countered. “But so far no one has been able to get a hold of any of them.”
               “Well let’s hope Mr. Foster and his husband are prepared for their new son coming out as straight.” Malloy swung for the obvious joke.
               The two trash goblins laughed like they were those guys from the Muppets and they mercifully changed the subject.
               “Next up on Garbo and Malloy, Garbo and Malloy go dumpster diving.”
               “Don’t come back.” Patton pleaded as he finally found the remote and shut the TV off. “And Thomas already told that joke.”
               He slid back into a chair and sighed hard. How could anyone joke or bant about this? It was a little like saying Anne Frank was bad at hide and seek, it wasn’t funny. It was just tasteless. And were they making fun of Roman?
               “Excuse me, I’m looking for a patient by the name of Foster.” Someone interrupted his brooding and worsened his mood.
               “Are you family?” The receptionist countered.
               “No, I’m with the press, I’d like to see if he or his current guardians are willing to do an interview.”
               “Come back tomorrow.”
               Not willing to do that, Patton his behind a chair until he was sure this man was gone.
                                                                               #             #             #
               The car ride home was saturated in a tense quiet for the first few minutes. With a look they all communicated exactly what they knew to one another. Unfortunately, they all knew a lot of the same things. Both Patton and Logan had at least fifty unchecked messages on their phones and Roman was in the back seat agitatedly sending out explanations to every single person in his contact list.
               “How has everyone in Florida found out about this so quickly?” Roman sighed from his spot on the back. “One of my students texted me somehow knowing that I was in the hospital last night. I have never been so fed up with the age of information.”
               “They were talking about you on Garbo and Malloy.” Patton added in a barely audible mumble.
               “Were they reviewing the play?”
               “No, they were talking about the fire.”
               “Those two discuss current events?” Logan interrupted, sounding absolutely dumbfounded.
               “Not very well.” Patton sighed. “They were making fun of Roman.”
               “Oh, of course that were!” Roman barked. He then slid into a mimic of one of the reporters. “Next up on Garbage and Malloy, Garbage and Malloy let a child burn to death in a fire, ‘cause people who try to help are just attention seekers. hA ha Ha HA.”
               “Several of your friends from work brought us food and expressions of good luck.” Logan added, evidently trying to change the subject.
               “Aww, that’s sweet.” Patton melted into his seat. “All this talk of my brother was starting to make me doubt humanity.”
               “Well,” Logan sighed. “I certainly hope you’re hungry.”
               A question bounced back and forth between Logan and Roman. Well, more like the question. And the question took turns resting in their brains and mouths but remained unspoken.
               “Patton,” Logan sighed, tightening his grip on the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white.  “Did Payton actually…” He couldn’t say it.
               “Yes.” Patton gagged on the words, they tasted vile. “He did.”
               With that the silence returned.
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coffee-fueled-art · 5 years
Facet World: A Sanders Sides FanFic
This is my first Thomas Sanders fanfic! I hope you like it.
The triggers mentioned will try to cover the entire story, but please tell me if I need to add to it.
Triggers: panic or panic attacks, self deprecation, anxiety, lies, trickery, injury or blood, yelling, Deceit.
             Patton whistled to himself as he stirred the sauce in the pot on the stove. The smell wafted through the house as he turned off the heat. He walked over to the stairs, resting his arms on the rail. “Dinner’s ready kiddo’s!” he called up the stairwell. He received responses in varying degrees of excitement, smiling as he returned to the kitchen. He looked into the living room of the Commons, where everyone usually relaxed together. It would be a nice dinner to get things off of their minds. They were all stressing about the newest Sander’s Sides video, and needed a break. He closed his eyes for a moment, when he was disturbed by a sudden bright light. He looked into the living room again, seeing a bright light appear on the ceiling.
           Then he heard screaming.
           It was distant at first, but then it drew nearer. With a sudden clang, a body landed on he floor, groaning a bit. Patton looked from the living room, to the pot on the stove. “Well, I hope I made enough pasta.”
           Soon enough, Roman, Logan, and Virgil came rushing down the stairs, “What the hell was that?!” Virgil exclaimed.
           Logan walked over to the living room, then took a step back in surprise. “T-Thomas?! What are you doing here?”
           Thomas sat up, holding his head. He looked around, then sucked in a breath as he saw Logan standing in front of him. “Logan?!” He bolted up, whirling around. They were all there. “Patton, Roman, Virgil, Logan! You’re…you’re all here?!”
           They all shared the same dumbfounded expression. Finally, Patton broke the confused silence. “Well, why don’t we talk about this over a nice bowl of pasta?” He asked with a worried smile. He looked around the room, gesturing to the table.
           Roman cleared his throat, “That’s….That’s a fabulous suggestion Patton.”
           Thomas looked around at what appeared to be his own home, though there were some differences. In the picture frames on the walls, there were new pictures. Instead of Thomas and his friends, they were filled with lovely photos of the sides. Virgil hugging a giggling Patton. Roman surprising an irritated Logan. They were a little family in this house in Thomas’ closet. He looked at Virgil, who hadn’t moved. “You alright there Virgil?”
           The side blink, ripped from this thoughts by the sound of his name. “Y-Yeah…I just…um…” he cleared his throat. “This is a bit…off-putting, to put it lightly.”
           Thomas nodded, “I know, but we’ll figure it out.” He said with a nervous grin, walking to the table.
           Virgil sigh, looking at the carpeted floor, “That’s what I’m afraid of.” He whispered.
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timeywimeygalaxy · 6 years
Fight Or Flight
A/N: Hey! so I didn't plan for this to be uploaded on Roman’s birthday but I happened to finish it today so here we are happy birthday Roman! (sorry for the angst) xD I’ve been on and off writing this for months now, it’s a one-shot inspired by @nyxwordsmith ‘s fic “the depths of the heart” which was one of the first sanders sides fanfic I ever read and I loved it! I’m veeery anxious about posting this.... I hope y’all like it!
Warnings: Violence, Blood, Panic attack, Fainting, angst, swearing,(kinda) Dark!Roman
Pairings: Prinxiety 
Words: 3,256
For weeks now, Virgil could tell something was up with his boyfriend. Roman had been acting distant and just off with all of them, the final straw was when Virgil had told him they were having a movie night, they were watching Disney’s Cinderella and Roman said he was going to skip it. Roman would never turn down a Disney movie and Virgil knew he had to do something.
Have I done something wrong?
Virgil wanted to practice what he was going to say, going over what he planned on saying in his head he entered the kitchen pouring himself a mug of coffee, looks like it’s going to be another sleepless night he thought to himself glancing up at the clock.
11.00pm not as late as he thought it was, the anxious side knew Patton and Logan were busy helping Thomas with some video ideas.
In all honestly he’d prefer them here at least he’d have back up but this talk had to happen sooner rather than later, sipping his coffee staring blankly at the kitchen counter his thoughts began to snowball.
What if he wants to break up?
Has he gotten sick of me?
Setting his mug down he turned around and jumped, Virgil clutched his chest recovering from the sudden jump scare that was Roman who was standing a few feet away from him, he hadn’t even heard his footsteps.
“Uh Roman…” Virgil stammered, as Roman grabbed a mug from the cupboard and started pouring himself a coffee.
“Jeez Roman, warn a guy next time!” Virgil huffed annoyed.
“Sorry virge” Roman replied drearily taking a few more steps towards him, towering over his anxious boyfriend, Virgil glanced up as he felt his heartbeat increase, given Roman’s behaviour the past few weeks this was too close.
Virgil went to hold his hand up to create distance but before he could Roman leaned behind him grabbing the coffee container, he smiled and stepped back making his way to the cupboards next to the stove, Virgil breathed a sigh of relief.
“hm?” Roman responded without turning.
“i- I’ve noticed you’ve not- not been yourself lately anything you want to talk about?”
Roman stiffened slightly but remained silent with his back turned, a sudden clang made Virgil jump as Roman set his mug down a little too hard on the counter. He turned to face the anxious trait with a darkened expression making Virgil shuffle back slightly.
He had everything he had wanted to say and how he was going to say it in his head and now the time was here he was buckling, he felt his heart speed up again as his breathing became shallower.
Oh god, no not here, not now!
He tried to focus on Roman who was now making his way towards him slowly with that same dark expression, Virgil backed away trying to get his breathing under control.
“Is that right Virgil? What has given you that impression?”
“I-you just-” he stammered as Roman continued to approach him he backed away more not making eye contact.
He noticed that Roman had a certain gleam in his eye as he stared at Virgil expecting an answer, his thoughts raced as his breathing became erratic again, his heart now accelerated once again.
Oh god why did he think this was a good idea? He should’ve waited for Patton or Logan to be here!
His eyes flitted to the stairs and the door both escape routes that he could potentially use at that moment.
Ca-can’t breathe.
His head started swimming.
Oh, fuck!
No! not here!
Hands sweating.
Vision blurring.
Need oxygen, I need-
My head-
He clutched his hand to his chest again trying to gulp in precious air, tears started to form in Virgil’s eyes as he started to sway on the spot, he couldn’t pass out!
But his knees buckled as he fell forward and felt a pair of hands catch him, sweat beads had formed on Virgil’s forehead as he felt a hand brush them away and a faraway voice.
“Virgil? You don’t look so good? -“ he didn’t catch the end of the sentence as his vision fell into blackness.
Virgil’s eyes peered open forgetting momentarily where he was, but as he scanned the room he saw Roman sitting on a chair in the corner…had he been watching him sleep!?
As the brain fog cleared he shot up and his hands fell to his body upon feeling a draft on his neck, he looked down to find only his purple shirt and black skinny jeans, his hoodie had been taken off leaving him feeling more exposed than normal.
That hoodie was his only source of comfort and safety, and now that he glanced at the side staring back at him Virgil saw it hanging on the chair that Roman was occupying.
The creative side silently made his way over to him and the bed dipped as he sat next to Virgil, once again a little too close for his liking he tried to shift slightly to create some distance but Roman moved as well and scooted closer.
Virgil glanced down letting his bangs obscure part of his face, this wasn’t his dorky prince yeah he was dramatic but he was never creepy, he had to make an escape strategy if he was going to get out of here unscathed, talking be dammed.
Peering up through his bangs “Wha-what happened?” he questioned as Roman stared blankly.
“you had a panic attack and passed out, so I tucked you in” he said this in such a dull tone that it made Virgil feel very uneasy, more so than he already was.
“Right….” he replied his throat now feeling drier by the second.
“Tha-thank you I think I’m going to-“ as he said this he made a getaway for the door shifting to the left side of the bed, but jumping back as a hand came slamming into the headboard blocking his way.
Virgil swallowed as he eyed the length of Roman’s arm, he slowly eased backwards trying the other side but the same thing happened.
He was trapped, oh god he was trapped with whatever this thing was that had taken root within his Roman, the royal leaned in closer he could feel his breath on his cheek.
“Ro-roman?” Virgil stammered now trying to keep himself from having another attack, he clutched his chest and felt Roman’s hand close over his own but instead of feeling the usual warmth it was ice cold to the touch.
“Breathe” Roman whispered in Virgil’s ear it sounded almost like a growl, he choked back a sob and inhaled deeply gathering all his strength not to sound scared and glared up at him coming nose to nose with the man he loved…only it wasn’t him.
This was not his prince with his hair swept back, his cold green eyes bored into his fearful hazel ones and with all his might he managed to force out the words through gritted teeth.
“Give him back to me” forcing all his anger into those words and Roman to his relief, recoiled back slightly releasing his arms from the headboard, giving him some space to breathe.
Thank god.
“Virgil?” the hurt in Roman’s voice sounded so genuine that it killed the anxious trait inside.
“It’s me…I love you” Virgil scrunched his eyes closed trying to block out the creature’s tricks.
“no” he breathed barely audible “you’re not him”
Roman stared for a moment looking so anguished, and Virgil glanced down second-guessing himself…maybe he was wrong? Maybe he was just overthinking everything again?
But looking at Roman’s face once more it seemed he had dropped the facade now as a sly smile spread across his face, he reached a hand to cup Virgil’s cheek but the anxious trait was quick to move.
Unfortunately not quick enough he scrambled off the bed letting out a strangled scream as he was dragged back by the scruff of his hair, the creature held him so tightly he felt like his head was going to be ripped off.
“Where’s Roman!” Virgil roared, standing to his fullest height, ignoring the ringing in his ears his voice starting to distort his eyeshadow growing darker, the creature still bearing his prince’s face simply chuckled.
Virgil snarled as Roman spun him around to face him still clutching his hair, Roman’s face was now dangerously close to his when Virgil was struck with an idea, a stupid one yes but an idea none the less.
Without hesitation he leaned in grabbing Roman’s face kissing him roughly, at first he seemed shocked and tried to pull away but he soon sank into it, nausea started to rise in the anxious trait’s stomach knowing what he was doing but he had to distract him somehow.
Breaking the kiss Virgil reared his head back vehemently and swore he felt a few hairs being ripped out, bringing his head forward with as much force as he could muster crashing it into Roman’s straight between his eyes.
He staggered back clutching his head and releasing Virgil in the process tumbling to the floor he shuffled backwards, his eyes fell to Roman’s sword that was still sheathed to his waist, another idea entered his head as he glanced back up at the imposter’s face.
Virgil choked back tears again.
This was not the man he fell in love with.
His Roman who had once told him that he made him a better person just by existing.
His Roman who would give him forehead kisses before going to bed.
His Roman who created all those adorable nicknames for him, though Virgil would never admit that he liked any of them.
“What can I do for you little storm cloud?”
“Come on hot topic we need to save the village!”
“Evening shadowling you want to watch a movie?”
Roman’s voice echoed in his head and all those memories flooded his mind, tears started falling now leaving tracks in his jet-black eyeshadow he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply.
No. he refused to believe it.
Opening them he came face to face with him, in one swift movement Virgil jerked his knee up hard coming into contact with Roman’s ribcage, he fell to the ground as the anxious trait rounded on him unsheathing the sword from Roman’s waist, the metal point clanged to the ground as Virgil struggled to hold its weight in his hands.
Roman was already up and running towards him before Virgil could get the chance to the raise the sword he felt immense pain shoot up his back  feeling himself being rammed into the wall on the other side of the room with such force it winded him.
The sword fell from his hands dropping to the ground, struggling to escape from the creature's grip it picked up Roman’s sword and with one arm against Virgil’s chest, he held it delicately to Virgil’s neck in an instant he stopped struggling, Roman leaned in sneering.
He knew what he had to do.
Virgil felt his insides tie themselves in knots, the sword was being pressed further into his neck as beads of blood started to appear, pain shot through his body as blood started oozing out.
Virgil grabbed the arm that was holding the sword using all his strength to push it back mere inches, Roman fought against it but with Virgil’s eyes growing darker he felt himself becoming stronger for Roman.
He didn’t want to do it.
But He had to save Roman.
Once he was pushed back far enough, Virgil tried to bring his knee up again but this time he was stopped as Roman bought his elbow down hitting Virgil’s leg away, he yelled in pain at the bone on bone contact as Roman swung his fist hitting him to the ground, he fell with a thud his eyes grew wide upon seeing Roman swing the sword down.
“Virgil! The door! Send-“another screech interrupted roman’s words.
Virgil darted to the left as the sword came plummeting down, with one hand Virgil grabbed the handle of it and kicked Roman in the stomach causing him to let go of the hilt, he was ready this time as Roman went for him again.
He raised the sword as the creature ran towards him, as soon as the blade plunged into Roman’s skin, he let out a anguished scream of pain as a mass of black vines seemed to shoot upwards screeching as it was being ripped from his body.
Virgil’s hair was whipped back as a strong gale surrounded the room, Roman fell to the ground weakened immensely, he managed to glance up at the black mass towering above him, his head then flitted to Virgil who stood quivering eyes frozen on the shadowy mass his hands gripped the sword so tightly his knuckles were turning white, mustering all his strength Roman shouted to his beloved.
Door? What door? Virgil thought then he realized.
Roman’s realm.
Oh shit.
Virgil nodded to Roman but he found that once his attention was back on the creature towering above him, his legs started to buckle upon seeing how huge it actually was.
It’s glowing red eyes boring into his, he gulped not being able to take his eyes off it, he had to fight to cover to his ears as the creature made a deafening screech like a banshee, wincing he tried to move, to do anything other than staying frozen on the spot but his feet remained stationary.
I can’t do this.
Too much.
This thing is too powerful i-
Virgil was yanked out of his thoughts as he saw that the creature had had enough of waiting, it was making a beeline for him, in that split-second, Virgil made the decision, he felt a burst of courage erupt from within himself.
This thing was not going to hurt his family ever. again.
As the winds suddenly picked up speed, Virgil clung to the nearest object which happened to the be a bed frame, Roman smiled at him as the winds whipped their hair, Virgil smiled back and despite the blackness, the winds the screeching that was happening in the room he felt happy he finally had his prince back, watching the creature being sent back almost all the mass had gone save for one last black vine.
He let out a demonic scream, his eyeshadow now jet black, eyes full of fury as he drew the sword above his head, keeping balance with all his strength he threw the sword towards the shadows, it hit the direct center as the mass let out another ear-piercing scream.
He saw Roman crawling up the door to his realm and opening it, the gale surrounding the room got stronger it was as if someone had opened an airlock as the shadows started to get sucked in.
He celebrated too soon though as his face fell upon seeing what was going to happen before it did.
“NO!” Virgil’s eyes widened as he felt himself scream without realizing, the last vine had latched itself onto Roman’s leg trying to pull him in, his grip on the door handle loosened as he tried fighting it kicking his leg to get free.
“ROMAN!” the anxious trait screamed again as he let go of the bed frame and started sliding down the room towards the door, he quickly grabbed the leg of the desk and held out his hand, straining his arm to reach his beloved, his terrified eyes fixed on Roman who looked up at him with a pained expression, he looked ready to give up, to let go and be taken hold of by that creature again but Virgil knew better glaring as his tears were ripped from his eyes by the strong winds.  
“Don’t you dare!” Virgil screamed his voice cracking, Roman stared back and Virgil could see tears in his eyes, streaming, he couldn’t lose him, not again!
The wind was whipping their clothes around as various papers and other objects in the room had started to whirl around it.
“Princey I need you!” Virgil screamed once more, and Roman’s eyes flashed open startled gazing into Virgil’s own, his expression changed upon hearing those words as he reached out his hand.
Virgil grabbed it interlocking their fingers and pulled with one hand whilst holding onto the desk with the other. Roman tried to pry his leg free from the creature who continued to pull him downwards, Virgil looked to his left and saw Roman’s sword sliding down into the door.
“Roman, your sword!” he shouted above the noise, the sword slipped further down as it fell through the doorway.
Virgil watched it felt like everything was happening in slow motion as Roman watched the sword fall through the door his free hand caught the handle only just as he swung it at the vine cutting himself free from the creature’s grasp.
“Roman?” He enquired with concern.
As soon as Virgil witnessed this he heaved and with one more pull Roman was yanked back in with such force that he landed on top of Virgil, the door slammed shut as the winds slowly died down.
They both stared at each as the only noise in the room now was both of their frantic breaths,  in that moment all Virgil wanted to do was to hold Roman, to comfort him and tell him everything was going to be okay but instead Roman lifted himself from Virgil and made his way over to the door Virgil quickly got up wondering what he was going to do.
He followed and gently laid a hand on Roman’s shoulder, Roman had his back facing Virgil as he turned his face away hiding his expression, after a solid minute of silence Virgil heard strangled sobs erupting from him as he watched him slump down the door frame still clinging to the handle breathing deeply with his forehead leaning against the cold wood.
“It’s okay Roman“  Virgil wrapped his arms around Roman’s shoulders pulling him into a crushing hug as Roman held onto his arms he buried himself in Virgil’s shirt looking so small.
The tears streamed down his face causing the purple fabric to become damp.
“i-I’m-so-sorry” was all Roman could say between sobs as Virgil held him stroking his hair.
"It’s okay princey it wasn’t you, you’re okay you’re safe, I’ve got you” he cooed into Roman’s ear as the words seemed to sooth him.
Roman’s breathing started to slow after a few minutes of just being cuddled, he slowly rose his head leaning against Virgil’s arm and glanced up at him, his eyes now red and puffy with tear tracks trailing down his cheeks. Virgil smiled down at him so thankful he had his dorky royal back in his arms.
“Fight or flight princey” Virgil cupped his boyfriend’s face pressing another soft kiss to his lips as they both took solace in each other’s arms.
“I’m sorry Roman I didn’t -“ he started but before he could finish, Virgil was cut off as Roman lifted his head planting a firm kiss on his lips, they both wiped the tears forming in each other’s eyes.
"Yyou have nothing to be sorry for…you- you rescued me” Roman croaked out as Virgil smiled through new tears.
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poisonedapples · 7 years
Anxiety—The “Dark” Trait
Summary: Virgil has always had problems fitting into a certain group, but Patton hasn’t failed to make him feel welcome.
Pairing: Platonic/Parental Moxiety
Warnings: None that I can think of. Let me know if that’s not the case, though!
This is also the first time I’ve ever published an actual story on here, and I am super nervous. I’ve been contemplating doing this for what seems like forever, but here we go I guess!
It’s no surprise that there was once a time Virgil didn’t fit in. Back when Thomas was just a teenager, he was the bad guy—always getting in the way of all the other sides’ fun. He made Thomas worry about things he didn’t want to worry about, he ruined his potential and threw away all the things Thomas could have done in his experimental teenage years. He wasn’t like Creativity, or Morality, or even Logic. He was bad. Virgil wasn’t Virgil, he was Anxiety.
Virgil knew that anxiety wasn’t necessarily bad, even with all the lies he hears from Deceit. He knows that he just wants to protect Thomas, even if he can go overboard sometimes, and that feeling is more real than any fabrication Deceit could ever bring up. But despite common belief, the dark sides were more than just Thomas’ evil traits, they were the parts of himself he hid away. The teenage host didn’t want to believe he was insecure, or deceitful, or had any trace of bad mental health at all. So just for that reason, just because Virgil was deemed as a disorder by society, he was placed into the dark areas of Thomas’ mind for many years. He was a dark trait. What Thomas wanted to believe was that he was strong, brave and had no reason to need the support of others. He was brave! He’d always been brave, and he’ll continue to be like that.
But in reality, Thomas was just as brave as he was completely honest. He was just as brave as he was completely confident in all of his abilities. It just wasn’t true.
Deceit however, made sure that the truth never exactly came out. “Yes Thomas,” Virgil would hear him say, “You’re a very honest person! Everyone says how honest, confident and brave you are. So it must be true! It’s always been true. You are brave. You’ve always been brave. People have no reason to be concerned for your mental health.”
But inside Thomas’ mind everyone else knew the truth. Virgil still had a say in the host’s decision making, after all. And you can deny a bad part of your mental health all you want, that doesn’t make it go away. Virgil was still there, he’d always been there.
But Thomas didn’t exactly need to know that.
So Deceit had no intention of making the teenage boy learn. Thomas didn’t want to know, therefore he would not find out. “Bosses orders, Anxiety.” He’d say, “Thomas wants to know about you. So he will find out all about you.”
“Thanks, but Thomas needs me more than ever right now, so I don’t have time for your taunting. I’ll make sure the door doesn’t tear your hamburgler cape on my way out.” Virgil smirked and made his way out of Deceit’s ‘lair’ (He loved taunting him with that), sinking to his own dark room in the back of Thomas’ mind. He decided to ignore the sarcastic mumbling from his fellow dark side, he wasn’t in the mood for a fight
But despite that, Virgil couldn’t help but feel a little...bad. Deceit, with an exception of a few other dark sides, were the only ones that moderately made Virgil feel welcome. After all, the dark ones gotta stick together, right? Especially in a mind where a dad who radiates sunshine, an arrogant prince, and a temperamental nerd call the shots. They have no one else but each other, but Virgil still couldn’t help but have a type of longing.
But Virgil didn’t want to be a dark side. He didn’t want to be the evil person Thomas and Deceit made him seem to be.
It was stupid, he was stupid, but Virgil kinda wanted to fit in with the other guys. They were nicer, more friendly, and put his constant racing thoughts at ease. Logic calmed him down, Creativity helped let out some of that bad anxiety, and parental warmth always made Virgil feel better. But nobody needed to know that, he saw those three every day and knew he could never fit in with such acceptable sides. Not someone who was bad and evil like he was. Even if in his mind he kept telling himself he wasn’t the bad guy they thought he was, that he wasn’t dark at all and just wanted to protect Thomas, maybe he was also lying to himself?
He can aim and protect all he wants, but Virgil could never fit in. He could never be accepted. He just had to find company in Deceit and the others, just accept his fate of always being the bad guy. So with this mindset Virgil technically did start to have it at least...hurt a little less. No more getting his hopes up, and just accepting that Deceit is the only “friend” he’ll ever have. Even if he’s manipulative, he was all Virgil had. And Virgil was just going to have to deal with that.
And he thought he was doing a good job at it. At least, until a certain incident.
“You have anxiety.”
In just one day, an hour long conversation with a therapist blew Virgil’s cover. He knew. Thomas knew he was there now. And he had finally been accepting that he was evil! He was finally moving on, now this!? This isn’t fair!
There had to be a way around it! Maybe Deceit could convince him otherwise? Maybe he could bring Thomas into denial? Virgil did the same thing with his sexuality, and even if that didn’t last then this one can-
“I have anxiety. A lot of people have it, I’m not alone or insane. I can still be brave. I can still move on. It’s alright that I have anxiety.”
...Darn it.
Virgil’s plan lasted about a month before Thomas stood in the mirror and said that phrase. The host admittedly did feel better about himself, but Virgil felt anything but. What was he going to do now!? He was too far in, he couldn’t fix this, now he had to interact with the lighter three and he’ll have to face the fact every day that he can never be one of them and will always be stuck with Deceit and the others and he’s bad he’s bad he’s bad he just wanted to protect Thomas but he’s just so bad and-
That’s when Virgil’s room shifted its location. Instead of being in the back corners of Thomas’ mind, it shifted closer to the main three’s rooms. It was still in a dark corner, but his room looked a little...lighter? There were less cobwebs in his corners, the lights were less dim and even had a red tint which was strangely more comforting than the black abyss, he had a cat plush on his sofa and even got some pretty sick Tim Burton posters on his wall.
Huh. This was...admittedly kinda nice. Virgil felt a little more homely in his dark, edgy corner. It wasn’t that dark anymore, maybe because some of the fears were taken out? Either way you weren’t hearing any complaints from this angsty teenager, because spending the time away in his room to avoid to lighter three didn’t seem half bad anymore.
That is, until a hesitant knock came from the door. “Heya, anybody in there? We’re not gonna hurt you, we just wanna talk!”
Oh God, was that Morality? It sounded cheerful enough to be him. And he was knocking on his door, and he wanted to talk. You never say that to an anxious person!
Nope nope not today I’m hiding under the covers nope.
“Hello? Knock knock, anybody home?”
“Considering that this door has never been here before, there’s a possibility it could be a new side. Perhaps they are simply confused and need some time alone.”
Oh God Logic was here too. Why is this happening to me-
“Well if it’s a new side, then I shall be the one to introduce them to the mind of Thomas! Maybe they’ll be interested in a tour of the imagination, or possibly the Mind Palace! Open up in there, Mr. Mystery, you have now peaked our interest!”
And of COURSE Princey is here. I hate my entire existence.
“Now kiddo, you can’t just force someone to come out of their room! Being a new side is a scary thing, you have to be gentle!”
“It’s quite strange, though. Based off of the door and it’s atramentous color I assume that this is actually another dark side.”
“...A dark side? On our turf?”
“Atramentous, Morality. It means black as ink.”
“Then why can’t you just say the word ‘black’, Poindexter?”
“Why must I have to dumb down my vocabulary just so a halfwit like you has to understand me?”
Virgil decided to tune out their pointless bickering before weighing his options down. There was no way he could just ignore them, he may not know Princey well but if he knew anything it was how that Disney wannabe was an expert at being stubborn. With all four of them here Virgil had no choice but to confront them, but he really didn’t want to.
Those blankets on your bed are just calling your name, Virgil. You know what Deceit always says, “What you don’t know can’t hurt you”. You can just sneak out while all three of them are asleep. They’ll constantly wonder what’s behind the weird door, but they don’t have to know. They don’t have to know about your existence. It’s better if you don’t exist, they won’t understand that you protect Thomas. You can do your job right in here, you can pretend you never showed up on their side of the Mind. They don’t need to know.
“Both of you, shush.” Morality’s voice was firm and sent the outside to a strange silence. The fatherly figure’s attention went to the unknown figure on the other side of the door. “I know you’re scared, kiddo. These three strangers are in front of your door and trying to coach you outta your comfort zone, and you’re already in a scary new place! I know we’re probably not helping, but I just want you to know that we’re here for you when you’re ready. There’s no pressure, take your time! We just wanted to stop by and let ya know that you’re not alone, okay? Trust me, I was the first to pop up in our peppy palace and I know it can be kinda scary. So come out when you’re ready, and I’m sure everything will be just fine when you do! Just wanted you to know, kiddo. And if it helps any, my name’s Morality but these two just call me Dad! See? You’ve already made a friend, ain’t that just nifty? Okay well, I’ll stop rambling now and let you have some good ol’ alone time. Come on you two, how about we go watch a movie or something?”
Morality? Virgil thought, That’s the first time I’ve been able to talk to him. And...he’s nice. Well, of course he’s nice, he’s Thomas’ morality, but still. He’s even nice to me...
But he doesn’t know who you are, just yet. They don’t know that all that’s happened here is that you’ve been relocated. He doesn’t actually care, once he finds out it’s actually you behind the door he’ll hate you. He’ll become afraid of you, because you’re evil. Even if Thomas accepts you.
“But maybe he doesn’t have to be...” Virgil whispered.
“There’s no pressure, take your time!”
“Maybe...I can teach him not to be afraid.”
...Go before you change your mind.
Virgil concentrated on teleporting to Morality specifically before he suddenly popped up right behind the couch in the common room. Princey let out a “manly” scream and nearly toppled over the side, Logic jumped and even Morality choked on a handful of popcorn. Princey paused the movie Aladdin before it had even gotten to the five minute mark and all three stared wide-eyed at the figure they could see in the black of the screen. Princey made a look at Logic, and Logic just made a face of “What do you want me to do?” in response. But Morality took a drink from a glass of water and collected himself before slowly looking behind them all, a giant welcoming grin on his face.
When Morality turned around, he didn’t exactly know what he expected to see. There weren’t many traits that people could get when they were in their fifteen’s anyway so the options were pretty slim, but he knew he wasn’t expecting to see Anxiety. He was just standing there, and for once the aspect didn’t look very taunting. Deep in his eyes, a place his eyeshadow tried to draw attention away from, there was a slight glint of vulnerability. A slight glint of Anxiety’s own fears, and Morality wasn’t dumb enough to try and brush it off. He knew what he saw.
“Okay, it’s obvious you two know that I’m here, so how about instead of staring at that nice black screen you got there you actually acknowledge me?” Princey turned around sharply at the sound of Anxiety’s voice, immediately shooting daggers his way. Logic’s expression looked like he was trying to solve a puzzle.
“What exactly are you doing on our turf, panic at the everywhere?” The Prince’s glare hardened, “Only the lighter traits are allowed on this side of the mind. What did you do to our precious Mindscape just to get over here?”
“I don’t know Princey, I just felt my room start to shift and then all of a sudden I was forced to deal with your egotistical embarrassment.”
Logic interrupted the Prince’s remark before it even came out, adjusting the glasses on his face. “If I had to take a guess, the therapy Thomas has been taking and his better understanding of his own anxiety has helped him accept Anxiety as simply another part of himself, and now that Thomas is no longer in denial he has been transferred to our side of the Mind. I assume that door we assumed belonged to a new aspect actually belongs to you?”
“Oh look, the nerd really does know his stuff! How should I reward you, I’ve got some cobwebs growing in my room if you wanna try and over-analyze those.”
Logic’s face went smug, “No thank you, over-analyzing meaningless junk to be bigger than it actually is seems to be in your department rather than mine.”
Morality shot him his signature dad look. Virgil had to try and contain his laugh, because it actually shut Logic up no problem.
Prince stood up shockingly quickly before kicking the table leg, almost knocking off the bowl of popcorn onto the floor. “Perfect, this is just perfect!” He cried as Princey flailed his arms around, “Now I have to deal with this stormy night following me everywhere, even in my downtime! Our own corner of the mind is no longer safe from these beasts if Anxiety is just going to be waltzing around!”
“Don’t flatter yourself Princey, I have better things than to follow you around.” The Prince decided to ignore him. “I’m going back to my room, call me if you need anything and that fiend isn’t in a ten mile radius of yourself.”
Princey sunk back down to his own room before a heavy sigh escaped from Logic. “I’m afraid it’d be best if I returned to my room as well.” He stood up with his gaze locked onto the floor. “I would like to research into this a little more. Try and discover more about these kinds of phenomenons and how they might shape Thomas in the future.”
Then Logic was gone as well, leaving Morality and Virgil alone in the common room with a bowl of popcorn and a paused Aladdin.
Great, now that he was no longer a dark side he had turned into an outcast. Just what he wanted. Really.
Now all Virgil waited for was for Morality to leave with his own excuse, probably something along the lines of “I think I’m just gonna get a cookie,” or maybe “Well, the last thing I want is to be stuck in a room with an evil and awful person like you, Anxiety! So how about you just get out of my face and we never talk again, hm?”
Okay, so what if that last one was a little far-fetched? He was Anxiety, what did you expect?
But neither of those things happened, not even the more respectful cookie route. Instead, something much more unpredictable happened. Morality gave Virgil a wide smile and patted the seat next to him, “Well, do you wanna watch some Aladdin with me? I’ve got popcorn!”
Virgil’s eyes widened before trying (and failing) to regain his cool composure. “Uh, Whatever. I’m bored, so I guess I can steal some of your food.” Morality’s smile widened, “Of course. Just here for popcorn. Totally!”
Virgil decided to absolutely not take the seat next to Morality and instead found himself completely on the other side of the couch. Sure, it smelled like Princey’s flowery perfume he liked to douse on himself and it was uncomfortable to reach for the popcorn bowl, but Virgil’s pride would never let him admit that. So instead, the two of them watched Aladdin in a complete silence between the two, Morality constantly looking over at the anxious side and giving his signature wide smile.
A smile which, to this day, Virgil refuses to believe he ever returned. Even if Morality didn’t see it, it didn’t happen. Totally not.
And now, in present day time over a decade later, when Virgil has long been forgotten as an outcast and they even know him by his real name, the four sides just did a video where the unwelcome guest of Deceit decided to impersonate Virgil’s best friend Patton. Virgil had been suspicious since the near beginning of the video, but near that end...Virgil was ready to pounce Deceit for even thinking of trying to be like Patton. No one could be like Patton, especially not someone as evil and manipulative as Deceit! No one has the right to try and hurt Patton’s love for everyone like that! No one, especially not Deceit, should have the right to do anything remotely bad in Patton’s name!
So when Patton popped back up with that passive aggressive “You’re in my spot...” Virgil didn’t even try to hold his smile. He was just happy to see his friend, and with Patton around then Deceit couldn’t do the harm that he wanted to.
Virgil was even happy enough to admit that just maybe he might have snorted at one of Patton’s dad jokes. Only Patton needed to know that though, he’d keep it a secret.
But now, well after that video had been filmed and Deceit was back in the dark area of Thomas’ mind, Patton and Virgil were alone in the common room. Logan decided to hang out in his room, and Roman (Who’s been acting stranger than usual lately) sank back to his room with even more dramatics than ever before.
So Virgil, who decided that there were no witnesses to see him in a moment of weakness, had decided in favor of giving Patton a hug Virgil very well needed. Patton was pleasantly surprised when he felt arms wrap around his torso and looked down to see Virgil’s face snuggling into his chest. The fatherly side decided against squealing in excitement and tried to contain himself, wrapping his arms protectively around his dark, strange son.
“I’m uh...” Virgil hesitated, “‘M glad you’re okay.”
“Aw, kiddo! Nothing bad happened to me! In all honesty I was just eating some pasta before I realized where everyone went! I wanted my container back from Roman, which reminds me, I might have to pasta reminder back to him again!”
Patton could feel Virgil holding in his laugh, and honestly why was his misunderstood shadowling just so gosh darn adorable sometimes!?
“Well, you showed up just in time. I was about to deck that smile right off of Deceit’s face.”
“Aw come on Virgil, violence isn’t the answer.”
Virgil pulled back a bit to look at Patton. “Yeah, but without our Morality around we all wouldn’t know that.”
Patton’s face lit up like Christmas lights, sending Virgil back into the bone-crushing hug, “Aw, Virgil!”
You know what? Virgil decided, Being an outcast was bad, and being the “dark” trait was worse, but this...
This was pretty nice.
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Ok, maybe I have an Issue BUT
Can someone please write a good Platonic sanders sides x child reader with specifically Remus or Janus? Look, the angst potential is so high for this. Maybe Remus wants to keep the kid away from the light sides because they hurt him in the past, and he doesn’t want that to happen to them? JUST GIVE ME THE X CHILD READERS IN THIS FANDOM OMG!
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batskulldrag · 4 years
Phoenix by Fallout Boy
Here’s a fluff finisher. No real warnings, I know I don’t believe it either
Chapter Sixteen: Phoenix by Fallout Boy
               “Ok sweetie.” Patton ruffled Virgil’s hair. “Why don’t you go lay down for a little while? And when you get up, we’ll celebrate.”
               “Aren’t I a little old for naptime?” Virgil protested.
               “No. Naps are awesome. Just wait until you get older, all you’re gonna wanna do is nap.”
               “And you did just take some pills that are meant to make you tired.” Logan interjected.
               “Alright.” Virgil pulled on his sleeves. “Maybe I should, you know, just to be doing it.”
               “You’re right, you need to stop resisting a rest.”
               Virgil smiled at that and walked up the stairs and into his room, they didn’t hear his door close. But Virgil was prone to forget to close his door. And as long as he didn’t sleep naked or something ridiculous like that, it was fine.
               “Logan, we’re parents.” Patton pounced his husband with a hug, almost knocking him over.
               “Oh, my gosh.” Logan said, stunned. “We’re parents. What if I’m a bad parent? The only example of parenting I’ve had was those two cavemen! And what if he is straight? I can’t give him advice for that!”
               “Logan, you’re already a great dad.” Patton didn’t let go. “You even got Virgil to open up to you about Payton. And he really likes you. Just because your parents were the worst doesn’t mean you’re gonna be a bad dad.”
               “He’s right, Calculator Watch.” Roman agreed. “Your only parental flaw is that you don’t like dad jokes.”
               “But what if they were right!?” Logan pulled himself back to look Patton in the eyes, clutching his jacket so hard that he was probably digging holes in it. “What if they were right!?”
               “Logan, we’ve been through this before.” Patton gently framed Logan’s face in his hands. “They were wrong. There’s nothing wrong with you, you’re not broken or damaged. And you don’t think it’s a good idea to hurt people who don’t fit in your mold. You’re already a great dad, and a way better parent than those useless circle queens.”
               “And relationship advice isn’t tied to gender.” Roman rolled his eyes and slapped Logan on the shoulder. “You and Padre are relationship goals, all single people study at your feet. Except me, I’m an expert in my own right.”  
               “I thought you moved in with us to study us.” Logan smiled at him.
               “No, it was just because the rent is cheap.”
               “Ok.” Patton kissed Logan’s nose. “Come help me make a cake.”
               “I was waiting for you to pull out an excuse to make dessert.”
               “Well, if our baby isn’t something to celebrate, then what is?”
               “You think you’re so cute.” Logan rolled his eyes.
               “I am.” Patton grabbed his hand and pulled him into the kitchen.
               Logan quietly watched as Patton pulled out his baking supplies.
               “Ok, do you think he’ll want chocolate or vanilla?” Patton bounced up and down with his recipe book pressed to his chest.
               “Chocolate.” Roman said confidently. “Everyone likes chocolate.”
               “Logan doesn’t.” Patton argued.
               “He eats dark chocolate, it’s just sweets he doesn’t like.”
               “I tend to abstain from desserts in general,” Logan intervened. “I’m not exactly the best example.”  
               “I know he liked chocolate when he was a baby.” Patton considered. “But he hasn’t had any sweets since then. His tastes may have changed.”
               “Good point.” Roman put his hand on his chin as if he were thinking.
               “Go see if he’s asleep yet and ask him.” Logan sighed.
               Patton set his book down and scampered upstairs. On his way he kicked himself for not thinking of asking Virgil in the first place. He found Virgil’s door slightly ajar (funny, he could have sworn that it was a door) and knocked on it gently.
               “Honey, are you awake?”
               “Ok, quick question, what kind of cake do you like?”
               There was a brief pause.
               “Chocolate, I guess. It’s been a while.”
               “Ok, and would you use chocolate frosting or butter cream?”
               “I don’t know, chocolate too.”
               “Ok.” Patton beamed. “You get some rest I’ll see you in a bit. I love you.”
               “Thank you.” Virgil said sincerely from his end of the door.
               Poor baby. Patton thought sadly at that remark.
               He really wanted Virgil to be ok, but that was going to take a lot of time. He could almost hear Logan telling him to be patient. He dumped his jacket and vest on the couch as he walked back towards the kitchen and rolled up his sleeves. He almost wished that they had stayed at the courthouse long enough to see Payton taken out in hand cuffs. But he had decided that they had punished his brother enough.
               “He says he wants chocolate.” Patton chirped as he picked his recipes back up.
               “I told you.” Roman announced triumphantly.
               Patton gathered what he needed and contentedly mixed the cake batter. Logan just kind of watched with a pensive expression. But Logan usually looked like he was thinking about something.
               “Patton.” Logan finally spoke. “I don’t want to be the one to do this to you, but I’m really the only one who can.”
               “What do you mean?” Patton looked around in terror, did Logan want a divorce? But everything was perfect, they were comfortable with each other. They just adopted a kid.
               “I know you’re probably hoping for Virgil to start calling you dad.” Logan continued, what a relief, he didn’t want a divorce. “But that may take a while. Until now the word ‘dad’ was used to describe a villain who wanted to hurt him. So, that’s not a label he’s going to use anytime soon, especially on anyone that he likes.”
               “I hadn’t thought of that.” Patton looked down into the batter and back up again. “But I’ll wait until he’s ready. I wasn’t just going to insist he call me dad. But if a ‘hi hungry, I’m dad’ opportunity comes up, I’m taking it.”  
               “Even I would be sad if you didn’t.” Logan smiled  
                                                                               #             #             #
               Virgil stared up at the ceiling and absentmindedly ran his hand over his stuffed bear. This was it. It was really over. His dad had finally lost custody of him. And sure, he was still worried about how things would play out between him and his uncles but nothing bad had happened yet. For now, at least, he would just have to trust that they believed child abuse to be wrong.
               Besides Patton seemed thrilled to have him, and despite being hard to read, Logan seemed happy as well. And they even still thought that they loved him. Virgil moved the bears arms up and down.
               “Maybe…” He said out loud to make it real. “Maybe they actually do.”
               He sat up and pulled the picture of his birth parents out of his sock drawer. As he gazed at the couple, he could be sure that Payton was just using her. But he didn’t know whether she was using him as well. Granted, Payton probably didn’t have anything she wanted, he certainly didn’t have anything he wanted. Not anymore. Neither of them did anymore.
               It was pointless to want something from someone who wasn’t going to give it to you anyway. And while he had to admit that he did want it, he could safely say that he didn’t need it from them anymore. His mom could have her happy family that he wasn’t a part of, and Payton could rot in prison for the next decade. He didn’t need them. He didn’t need them to want him, he didn’t need him to love him.
               And as far as Patton and Logan went, at the very least they did care about him. Hell, maybe they did love him. For the longest time he had thought something like that was impossible. But he had also completely believed that people would believe Payton’s word over his. And today the exact opposite happened.
               He set his bear on the pillow. His pillow, in his room. What a thought. He was home. He ran his hand over his door as he walked out of his room. A true luxury item.
               Virgil lurked downstairs and wandered into the kitchen when he couldn’t find anyone in the living room. The three of them were laughing and joking about something while Patton mixed frosting.
               “Virgil.” Patton called happily upon seeing him. “Come have some frosting.”
               “Are you feeling any better?” Logan asked, feeling his forehead and grabbing his arm to check his pulse.
               “I’m fine.” Virgil laughed.
               “Hi fine, I’m dad.” Patton yelled ecstatically.
               “Well, he did it.” Roman sighed.
               “We knew he would.” Logan shrugged.
               “That wasn’t a one off.” Patton pointed his spoon at them. “I’m gonna do that forever.”
               Virgil laughed at Patton’s level of enthusiasm and Patton beamed at the idea that someone liked his jokes.
               “Logan,” Roman put a hand on his shoulder. “Get ready for twice the number of dad jokes.”
               “That’s twice the number of fun.” Patton dabbed a bit of frosting on Virgil’s nose. “And Virgil nose it.”
               “Hey, that’s batter-ry.” Virgil teased, taking a step back.
               “Well on you it’s dark chocolate.” Patton grinned. “Get it? ‘Cause you’re an emo?”
               “I get it.”
               “Ok, how can you tell if a cake is sad?” Patton bounced up and down.
               “It’s in tiers!”
               “What do you call a fake noodle?” Virgil laughed.
               “An impasta.”
               “What do you call man with a broken leg?”
               “An ambulance!”
               “I’m in hell.” Logan interrupted.
               “Ok we’d better stop.” Virgil smiled. “He might be tempted to pull out a lo-gun.”
               Patton and Roman both doubled over laughing while Logan stood quietly.
               “Of all the things to be genetic.” Logan smiled and ruffled his hair. “I’m tempted to think they gave you to the wrong brother when you were born.”
               “Well, we fixed that.”
               “I have one.” Roman announced, wiping away a tear. “What does Payton have in common with a vacuum cleaner?”
               “Well they both suck.” Virgil speculated.
               “Almost,” Roman corrected. “They both suck and they both have dirt bags inside.”
               “Roman that’s mean.” Patton scolded.
               “The truth hurts sometimes.” Logan added.
               “Logan that was low.” Patton gasped. “gun.”
               “Why is that so easy for you?”
               “Oh, just try to be a guy named Roman and sit through a history class with him.” Roman rolled his eyes. “Or with anyone. Oh, your names are Roman and Remus, like Romulus and Remus. Are you going home to the wolf?”
               “Someone should tell him.” Patton said quickly.
               “Not it.” Logan held up his hands.
               “Tell me what?” Roman demanded.
               “Ain’t nothing but a heart ache.” Virgil took his chance.
               “Tell you what Lupine means.” Patton said softly.
               “I know what it means.” Roman rolled his eyes. “It means wolf, ha, ha, ha.”
               “So, was it a hard birth?” Virgil asked. “Was your mom upset?”
               “They were born conjoined at the chest.” Logan answered. “Like all conjoined twins who survive to term they were born through C-section.”
               “Had to cut them out, isn’t that easier?”
               “No, it’s major abdominal surgery.”
               “Oh, that’s why she was mad.” Virgil nodded.
               “Ok, your name is Virgil.” Roman accused. “They named you after a poet that I guarantee neither of them ever heard of.”
               “I’m sorry, but I’m named after the perfect human, as explained in The Inferno.”
               “You were named after Static Shock.” Roman rolled his eyes. “No teenager has read Dante’s work. Or Virgil’s.”
               “My work is under rated,” Virgil nodded. “I need a publicity stunt.”
               “Not you, Static Shock.”
               “Cool, I get to be the perfect man and a superhero. Anything else you want to give me?”
               “I think Virgil’s a great name.” Patton interrupted.
               “Yeah, you yell ‘Virgil’ in a crowded mall or something and maybe two kids will turn around.” Virgil nodded.
               “Yeah, and you’re both of them.” Roman muttered.
               “Because we love him twice as much?” Patton beamed, wrapping himself around him.
               “Words are losing their meaning.” Logan rubbed his temples.
               “Sorry.” Patton looked up apologetically. “We’ll stop repeating that word for now.”
               The timer on the oven went off and Virgil jumped a mile at the intrusion.
               “The cake!” Patton let go and ran to the oven.
               Patton gently set two round trays on top of the oven and switched it off. He clapped happily and bounced back over to the group.
               “It needs to cool off for a while.” He announced contentedly. “How about we watch a movie while it chills out?”
               Halfway through One Hundred and One Dalmatians Virgil’s eye lids started feeling heavy. He rested his head on Patton’s shoulder, relishing that warm safe feeling that he had first been introduced to in the hospital. Now he could accept something that he hadn’t dared to so much as hope for in the past. He could accept that this was normal. This was how things were supposed to be. He slid his head into Patton’s lap.
               “You getting sleepy kiddo?” Patton cooed, running his fingers through his hair.
               “Just a little.” Virgil mumbled.
               “Well, you have had quite a day.” Logan added. “I think we’ve all earned a rest.”
               “You’re gonna be ok from now on.”
               “Thank you.” Virgil sighed.
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batskulldrag · 4 years
Phoenix by Fallout Boy
home stretch kiddies.
warnings for discussion of abuse. Emile briefly discusses confronting an active shooter, but no details are used. Payton used homophobic and transphobic views. 
 Chapter Fifteen: Pompeii by Bastille
               “Your Honor.” Payton’s Lawyer stated. “Our case will not only prove that my client is a fit parent and that the plaintiffs are unfit to parent.”
               “Present your evidence.” His Honor waved his hand.
               “I would like to call to the stand Mrs. Lefant, Virgil’s English teacher, to the stand.”
               A pleasant looking lady made her way up. As she swore to tell only the truth Patton felt Virgil’s grip on his hand tighten.
               Patton silently rubbed his back. He didn’t have any words of comfort to offer. In fact, he was panicking. They didn’t have any witnesses to call up. Now it really was their word against his.
               “Mrs. Lefant,” Payton’s lawyer began. “How would you describe Mr. Foster’s relationship with his son?”
               “Well, from what I saw he absolutely doted on the boy.” She answered. “Payton was always at parent/teacher meetings, supervised class trips and brought Virgil to all his extracurriculars.”
               “Did Virgil ever express any problems with his home life?”
               “No, in fact we all asked him if anything was the matter when his grades started dropping, and he insisted that everything was fine.”
               “If I may, Your Honor,” Janus rose, much like a snake when it’s being charmed. “I would like to inquire if Mrs. Lefant noticed any bruises on Virgil or any signs of anxiety.”
               “You may.” The judge nodded.
               “Mrs. Lefant?” Janus looked straight at her.
               “Well, he was usually nervous later in the day and was very afraid whenever he had to present something to the class. And we expected that anxiety was the reason he went from A’s to F’s.”
               “That’s quite a plummet.” Janus nodded. “What did his father have to say about that?”
               “Payton insisted that everything was fine at home, he was sure that Virgil just wasn’t applying himself like he used to.” She made a face. “Mr. Foster was adamant that mental illnesses didn’t exist, and that they need to be ignored rather than treated.”
               “Did Virgil ever have any anxiety or panic attacks?” Janus glided forward.
               “Yes, he had a panic attack in the middle of a debate once.”
               “And as a mandatory reporter, if you had thought that Mr. Foster’s attitude was problematic you would have reported it.” Payton’s lawyer added quickly.
               “I did.” She replied. “But nothing came of it. So, I just assumed that I had overreacted.”
               “Meaning that Child Protective Services had deemed Mr. Foster a fit parent after all.” Payton’s lawyer finished off.    
               “I suppose.” She nodded.
               “No further questions, Mrs. Lefant.” Payton’s lawyer nodded.
               “Mr. Pent, do you have further questions?” The judge asked.
               “No, Your Honor.”
               “Then.” Payton’s lawyer added. “We shall call our next witness.”
               “Another one.” Virgil whispered shakily. “I’m screwed.”
               “It’s ok, baby. It’s gonna be ok.” Patton shushed.
               Payton brought up several more of Virgil’s former teachers. They all stated that Payton doted on Virgil and that they had no idea that any abuse was going on. Janus asked each of them if they noticed any bruising on Virgil or had any indication that he was anxious. They all agreed that they thought he had anxiety and that Payton insisted that he did not.
               The pattern was broken when Virgil’s old wrestling coach came to the stand.
               “Mr. Seller.” Jan cross examined. “Virgil mentioned that he quit wrestling, do you have any idea why?”
               “Virgil was being teased by the other boys.” Mr. Seller replied. “I tried my best to put a stop to it, but in the end he just quit.”
               “Why were they teasing him? Was he not good at the sport?”
               “No, he was fantastic, and he really seemed to enjoy it. The teasing started after his father came to pick him up one day.”
               “Oh, so they teased him because his dad always came to get him. And that made him a kind of daddy’s boy in their opinion?”
               “No, actually that was the first time Payton had picked him up from practice. Before that, Virgil had always gone home on the late bus.”
               “So, why would they tease him?” Janus bobbed like a dancing cobra.
               “Payton let it slip that Virgil had a bedwetting problem. And of course, we all know how kids are.”
               “Odd that he would bring up something so personal the first time he ever came to a practice.” Janus tapped his fingers together.
               “I found it a bit weird as well. Virgil clearly wasn’t comfortable with him bringing it up. But Payton came off as a bit naive at times, so we all assumed that he didn’t mean any harm.”
               “Did you find it odd that Virgil was wetting the bed at that age? Isn’t that a serious symptom of emotional distress?”
               “Of course. But when I asked him if everything was alright at home, he was very adamant that everything was fine. And he refused to talk about the bedwetting altogether.”
               “Did you find that odd?”
               “Yes, but I assumed that he was just embarrassed.”
               “So, just to make sure I have this all down.” Jan smiled. “Virgil was on the wrestling team, Payton was not involved in that, and the only time Payton shows up he lets out some very embarrassing information. Am I correct?”
               “Did Payton do anything to counter this bullying that happened?”
               “No.” Mr. Seller looked surprised. “Not that I know of.”
               “Interesting.” Janus slid back to their table. “No further questions.”
               “What else do you have for your case?” The judge looked to Payton and his lawyer.
               “We have evidence that will cast doubt on the credibility of both Mr. Foster and Mr. Berry as well as Dr. Picani and their lawyer.”
               “Ok.” Janus sighed, rising to his feet. “Your Honor, if I may hazard a guess, they are going to bring to light an incident in which my then boyfriend got himself high on mushrooms while we were camping with some friends. I myself remained sober, and had my face bashed in for my troubles.”
               “Are you?” His Honor looked at them.
               “Yes, Your Honor.” Payton’s lawyer nodded. “But I was also going to bring to light that after graduating law school, Mr. Janus Pent, changed his name.”
               “Your Honor.” Ethen added. “I used to be a woman. I changed the spelling of my name from j-a-n-i-c-e to J-a-n-u-s. The earlier spelling didn’t really suit me anymore.”
               Patton felt himself blush and looked around at everyone else. They looked uncomfortable too.
               “In that case, Janice couldn’t commit to a gender, doesn’t that raise questions about “his” credibility?” Payton added.
               “No.” Judge Douglass said. “What else do you have to say?”
               “As stated earlier, Mr. Berry is on the Autistic spectrum.” Payton’s lawyer tried to save face.
               “And this makes him an unfit parent why?” He looked confused.
               “People on the spectrum have difficultly taking care of themselves, you couldn’t in good conscience let one have a child.”
               “Mr. Berry.” The judge looked at Logan. “Stand up please.”
               Logan rose.
               “What do you do for work?” Judge Douglassr asked.
               “I teach a high school statistics class, Your Honor.” Logan said stoically.
               “Has being Autistic ever hindered you in any way?”
               “I don’t understand metaphors or sarcasm. Aside from that I am fully able to take care of myself. I worked my way through college and made passing grades.”
               “Are you violent or suicidal?” The judge asked.
               “No, Your Honor.”
               “That is all, be seated.”
               Logan sat back down. He looked at Janus for help.
               “We’re doing pretty good.” Janus whispered to them. “I think he’s almost done.”
               “We also have proof that the younger Mr. Foster was diagnosed and takes medication for clinical depression. And that he is prone to sleepwalking.”
               “So?” His Honor said blankly.
               “So, susceptibility to that kind of diagnosis is telling of how gullible my brother is.” Payton added. “You wouldn’t hand a child over to a man who sent money to a Nigerian prince, so how is this any different? His so-called illness shows a weakness of character.”
               “Mr. Pent.” Judge Douglass looked down at him. “That’s stupid. Is that all you had to discredit your brother with?”
               “No, Your Honor.” Payton said. “Patton went to pieces after our mother passed away. I was worried for Virgil’s safety, so I left with him. And ended contact with my brother.”
               “Why were you worried for your son’s safety?” The judge sighed.
               “Patton was unstable, and I couldn’t be sure that he didn’t, well, put Mom out of her misery, so to speak.”
               Patton tried to jump up, but Virgil was in his lap.
               “Objection Your Honor.” Janus jumped to his feet. “That is unwarranted slander.”
               “Hold on.” His Honor put a finger up. “You mean to tell me that you suspected your brother of murder and did nothing?”
               “Well… I… didn’t think he’d do it again.” Payton stumbled.
               “Then why was your son in danger?”
               “Objection sustained.” The judge looked at Janus.
               “Furthermore.” Payton continued. “Logan was kicked out of his parent’s house because he wouldn’t get a job.”
               “Logan’s financial records show that he was working at CVS from the age of sixteen until he was twenty-three. He was the assistant manager by the time he left to pursue teaching.” Janus countered. “Records also show that his parents disowned him when he came out as gay. There is a police report of the assault.”
               “Was that your final claim?” The judge looked deeply unimpressed.
               “We would also like to call to question the dependability of Dr. Picani, seeing as he both diagnosed Virgil and cleared Mr. Foster, the younger one, and Mr. Berry for adoption. Records prove that Dr. Picani, during his residency, stabbed someone.”
               Judge Douglass growled in his throat.
               “Dr. Picani, please stand up.” He sighed.
               Emile stood up sheepishly.
               “For the benefit of the court and to keep anyone else from bringing it up today, would you please tell the story?”
               “While I was a resident at the hospital, a man came in with a gun. He was unstable and openly firing at people. I was trying to get people out of the hallway, and he came across me and a patient. He aimed at us, so, I stepped in front of my patient and tried to talk him down. Then I stabbed him in the ear with a pen. He dropped the gun and I took it. Security took him away.”
               “What was the official verdict of the stabbing?”
               “Self-defense.” Emile said, fidgeting with his tie. “I got a medal.”  
“Very good, you can sit down now.” The judge looked back at Payton and the lawyer. “I assume you read the police report. So, why, after reading this report, did you think it would help your case?”
“In my defense your honor,” The lawyer said. “Confronting a shooter unarmed is not exactly the psychological profile of a stable individual.”
“Neither is yours.” The judge said flatly. “Custody is awarded to Mr. Foster and Mr. Berry.”
His honor hit his hammer on the desk thing.  
“Wait, that’s all?” Patton mumbled as they stood up.
“We had more than enough.” Logan put his arm around him. “I told you.”
Virgil looked between them as if he were entranced.  
“You were very brave up there, sweetie.” He pulled his anxious baby into a hug.
With shaking hands, Virgil grabbed his jacket and clutched it until his knuckles showed.
“Virgil,” Logan put a hand on his shoulder. “Do you understand what just happened?”
Virgil nodded from inside Patton’s jacket and Patton felt him go limp in his arms.
“I think he fainted again.” Patton tightened his grip.
“I’m still here.” Virgil mumbled. “I-I can’t feel my legs.”
“Yeah, he’s having a panic attack.” Logan nodded, feeling Virgil’s forehead. “We should get him home.”
Nodding in agreement, Patton picked Virgil up bridal style. He was a little heavy, but still only about a hundred pounds.
“I can walk.” Virgil protested dizzily.
No one really acknowledged his saying that for many reasons. The most obvious being that it clearly wasn’t true. They walked outside and Patton set Virgil on one of the steps. He had hoped that the fresh air would be good for him, but it was summer in Florida and the air was so thick that you could see it.
Once he was sitting down Virgil put his head between his knees and continued to gasp and cough.
“Are you ok baby?” Patton asked rubbing his back.
“Yeah…” He strained. “I’m fine.”
“Ok.” Logan pressed a pill into Virgil’s hand. “Take this.”
Virgil silently complied and Logan handed him a bottle of water.
“You two and water.” Virgil snorted.
“Water is a natural tranquilizer, and the most necessary thing for the human body second only to air.”
Virgil slammed half the bottle and put the lid back on.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled, wiping his mouth with his sleeve.
“What in the world are you sorry for?” Patton pulled his anxious baby into his lap.
“I wasn’t supposed to freak out.” Virgil slumped into him. “I think I was supposed to be ecstatically happy or something.”
“Are you happy?” Logan asked, untying Virgil’s tie and unbuttoning his collar.
“Yes, I can’t remember ever being happier.” Virgil scoffed.
“Then what’s the problem?” Patton asked, punctuating it with a kiss.
“No one is asking you start singing songs from Annie.” Logan pushed his bangs back. “We both just want you to be content that it’s over now.”
“It is, isn’t it?” Virgil laughed. “It’s finally over.”
With that said, Virgil wrapped his arms around Patton like an octopus and started sobbing. Roman appeared and took a picture of the three of them on his phone.
“Really?” Logan looked at him blankly.
“Yes. The framing was perfect, and we need something for Patton’s scrap books.” Roman justified.
“It’s ok sweetie.” Patton cooed. “I know it’s a lot to take in. But now you have two dads instead of one rotten dad.”
Patton paused as the weight of what he had just said hit him. He was a dad! He had a baby now! Virgil really was his dark strange son! His baby, their baby! He and Logan both, they were dads now!
“Logan.” Patton squeaked, feeling tears already trailing down his cheeks. “We’re parents!”
“I realize that.”
“We have a son!”
“I know, I was there.” Logan laughed.
“We have a son, and his name is Virgil, and he’s ours! He’s our son!”
Logan wrapped his arms around both of them and started laughing. Roman took a picture of that too.
“Why are we laughing?” Virgil sniffed, pulling his head out of Patton’s chest.
“Because we’re happy.” Logan said quickly, ruffling Virgil’s hair.
“Are we now?” Virgil teased.
Patton put Virgil’s chin in his hands and peppered his face with dozens of tiny kisses.
“We’re as happy as we’ve ever been before.” He sniffled.  
“I am too.” Virgil sighed, nestling himself into Patton’s chest again.
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Virgil August Playlist:
It Must’ve Been The Wind (Alec Benjamin)
1994 (Alec Benjamin)
All The Kids Are Depressed (Jeremy Zucker)
Would You Be So Kind? (Dodie)
Guiltless (Dodie)
Miss Jackson (Panic! At The Disco)
Everything I Wanted (Billie Eilish)
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snippet of chapter 18
"It be like that sometimes." I shrugged absentmindedly.
"No, Virgil." Logan said, shaking his head as he opened his backpack that was sat on the grass next to him. "It really shouldn't 'be like that' sometimes.”
(that is all)
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snippet #2 from chapter 18
"Hey genius," I said as I turned and started to run towards him. "Sneak attacks don't work when you yell out like that!"
I leaped up and planted both of my feet in the Giant's stomach. Using that momentum, I sprung off him and towards another Laistrygonian with my sword outstretched. 
{can you guess where the reference is from?}
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Chapter 19 Snippet
"Am I dead?" I mumbled.
I blinked a couple times, clearing my sight enough to see Logan looking concerned as he looked at me. He let out a breath of relief when I spoke.
"I'm afraid not." he told me as he helped me prop myself up on my elbows.
"Son of a bitch."
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Chapter 19 Snippet #2
"You, Roman Garcia, are an imbecile!"
[we’ve been knew]
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coffee-fueled-art · 5 years
Alright fanders i need some assistance
A long time ago I read a one shot fic about Virgil having terrible stomach aches, and i cant find it. I loved it because of the emotion it held as I read it, and sorrow i would feel for him. I would greatly appreciate it if a link could be sent. Thanks!
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