Janus as things I’ve said/done because we are the same person actually and no I don’t take criticism
Janus walking past remus: *whispers* I slammed my penis in the car door.
Remus also whispering: you slammed your penis in the car door?
Both: *screaming*
Janus swirling apple juice in a wine glass: I am a frankly charming boy and I deserve better than this
Small child: what gender are you?
Janus: well I’m nonbinary so I’m not exactly a boy or a girl but sometimes I feel like both or like I simply don’t exist-
Child: *visible confusion/disgust*
Janus: I’m a boy
*putting a shelf together*
Patton: what woah how did you do that?
Janus who just put a shelf up on his own: magic. Lesbian magic. Don’t worry about it.
Janus to Roman: listen baby girl you do not have the style for that attitude.
Any small inconvenience happens
Janus: I’m about to get so violent right now I will do murder
Virgil: *insults Janus*
Janus: I’m starting to think you don’t like me :(
This concludes this segment of Janus as things I’ve said/done because we are the same person actually and no I don’t take criticism
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Ok, maybe I have an Issue BUT
Can someone please write a good Platonic sanders sides x child reader with specifically Remus or Janus? Look, the angst potential is so high for this. Maybe Remus wants to keep the kid away from the light sides because they hurt him in the past, and he doesn’t want that to happen to them? JUST GIVE ME THE X CHILD READERS IN THIS FANDOM OMG!
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You know what. *head canons your sanders sides*
Janus: black, gender fluid, they/he/she/any neopronoun, either long hair or no hair no in betweens, autistic, dresses goth when not with the “light sides”, likes to cook for Remus, has a personal garden, takes care of lots of animals, muscular but the muscles are hidden under fat.
Remus: he/him, black/Asian mix, trans man, shoulder length hair that gets out of control because he refuses to brush it, lots of scars on his hands, face, and legs, made both his and Janus’ outfits, used to be a nerd like Logan in high school, two moms, is actually super smart, has tourettes.
Roman: he/she, black/Asian mix, adhd, wears wigs often, has the biggest room because half of it is literally just a stage, two moms, extensive collection of stuff he’s stolen from the others, is a gamer, used to be a jock in high school.
Patton: he/him, Indian, is one traumatic event away from being Remus, horrible at baking and cooking, touch starved, curly blond hair, legally blind.
Logan: he/it/xe/space, black, muscular, one of those people who is always cold no matter what, loves the rain, only side that actually took theater class, is able to lucid dream, he has tea with Janus on Friday.
Virgil: transfem nonbinary, they/she/he, bisexual, cosplayer, has been in dance classes for almost their entire life, makeup artist, regularly wears elf ears and fake fangs, definitely had a punk phase and refuses to acknowledge it.
Im going to draw my iteration of them all at some point but if anyone wants to draw them they can <3
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A little bit of autistic Janus for your soul <3
Hurt/comfort fic in which Janus has a meltdown because his of his hair (based off of true events in my life) and is comforted by the rest of the squad
Familial dlampr
Characters: main character Janus, Remus, Logan, Roman, Patton, Virgil, Thomas mention
First time writing in a while so please be easy on me also sorry if formatting is weird
If there was one thing Janus hated it was his hair. His hair that would constantly fall on his forehead and become a disgusting distraction. His hair that tickled his ears and sent him into a frustrated flurry. His hair that was now all over the bathroom floor. He hadn’t meant to do it, really he hadn’t, but he had become increasingly frustrated with his hair through the month. You see this whole thing started when Janus decided it was time to finally do that big stack of paper work from the lies he had told at an obnoxiously loud and irritatingly bright party that Thomas promised to go to for his friend.
Janus was sitting there at his desk and was hunched over his work, and with one last wriggle of annoyance, he had finally finished with the large stack of papers, now with every box checked I dotted and t crossed, Janus looked up from his desk and the first thing he noticed before he had gotten the chance to straighten his back was, of course, the wretched mess of itchy, bothersome hair that was now doubled in length sense the last time he checked. Janus grimaced and mumbled some colorful words directed at the ever so unaware strands that sat atop his skin, stretching his back and standing Janus noted to himself the mess he had made on his desk and promptly added cleaning it to his to do list choosing instead to be rid himself of the scratching at his neck, ears, and forehead.
It had been about a week since Janus cut his hair but the phantom itching persisted causing Janus to, on more than one occasion, consider asking Remus to simply cut his head off to make the insufferable feeling go away.
Another week passed and the itch was still not gone and Janus just couldn’t stop focusing on his hair, the way it fell into his ears and forehead and ran up his neck, it was as close to torture you could get without any actual torture involved, and Janus had just about had enough of it, and to make matters worse whenever he would tug at or scratch his hair even a little to much Remus would always be right there with a “Dee you are bleeding!” Or “Janus you’re pulling your hair out!” Didn’t he see that was the goal? Well the blood was just a side effect but it resided the pain of the ants crawling on Janus’ head.
Another week and Janus was ready to snap, NO, he had snapped! Janus would refuse to be without a hat on and even that was irritating to his skin, only small bits better that the hair on its own. He made the decision he had just cut it to long and so, in the middle of the night, Janus crept his way into the bathroom trying to be as quiet as possible and picked up the scissors. He had only intended to cut a little bit but it wasn’t enough and so he cut more hair off and some more and just a bit more just one more chop and soon he found him self reaches for the clippers and completely shaving his hair down to a thin layer of spikes. By now he was crying, his increasingly manic race to rid himself of the painful feeling forcing him to spiral into a frenzy of cursing, shaking, and stimming frustratedly, he had abandoned being quiet somewhere between the crying and the clippers and as he turned the clippers off their quiet but oh so loud buzz stopped abruptly and Janus could finally hear a very concerned Remus on the other side of the locked door, when had he locked the door? He reached up to unlock the door, when had he sat down? Remus flung the door open.
“Janus are you alright?!? What happened?!!” Remus spun his head around until he found Janus on the floor, who was suddenly not crying at all?
“Janus-“ Remus cut himself off with a sigh “what are you doing in here?”
“Why were you yelling kiddo?” A very anxious Patton said from beside Remus, when had the others got here?
“I was?” Janus finally said after what felt like forever. Patton let out a very concerned noise that Janus failed to catch his head spun in captivating circles of emotion.
“Yes Janus the whole house could hear you” “and then some” Patton said cut off by Roman who’s head appeared out from underneath his velvet sheets, Janus shivered at the thought of it, velvet? Seriously Roman velvet? Do you enjoy pain?
“Sorry guess I wasn’t paying attention.” Janus said far to nonchalantly for Patton’s taste. A long silence rung out from everyone as they all seemed to get what had happened and collectively waited for Janus to come back from his spiral, Virgil and Roman backed off from the situation, Logan and Patton went to prepare things to possibly help the situation such as water, Janus’ favorite gloves, and a heating lamp that Janus liked a lot. Remus just stood in the doorway and kept watch over Janus as his brain cleared of the fog and static that prevented Janus from being able to process what had happened.
“I’m bleeding.” Janus said so quiet it was almost a thought.
“Where? Do you want help?” Remus said equally as quiet
Janus nodded and pointed to the back of his ear and sure enough a small River had formed down his neck and seeped into his shirt.
Remus healed the wound without touching Janus as much as possible and after a while the two of them walked to the living room where Patton and Logan where setting up Janus’ favorite fidget toys and sensory gadgets. Janus immediately snatched up the black and white chew necklace that was in the shape of a crystal. He flopped down on the couch tired from the emotional outburst.
It was already the afternoon by the time anyone spoke next, everyone trying to give Janus the necessary time to cool down. It was Janus who spoke first.
Everyone was in the living area reading or listening to music through headphones or doing some arts and crafts, something quiet to let Janus rest, and Janus himself was simply sitting on the couch and watching everything around him.
“….thank you..” he whispered out “for helping me..” he looked entirely too unbothered but anyone who knew him could tell he was everything but.
“No reason to thank us Janus it’s not like you choose to have a meltdown.” Remus responded distracted by the bloody picture he was drawing.
“Yes but still… it means a lot to me.” Janus smiled the smile not reaching his eyes but still genuine.
They all silently agreed that it was ok to be noisy again and life went on as normal, but Janus would never forget the incident. Sure he had had meltdowns before but it was just him and Remus then and while Remus always did a great job and tried his best he didn’t always know what to do. Janus felt lucky and loved more than ever when he was with everyone and he knew deep down that no longer would there be days where Remus was left to scramble to help him because they weren’t alone anymore and he knew it would always stay that way forever.
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How I think the sides draw (some are traced from the pictures down below because I was unable to capture what I thought they drew like on my own) these include a few head canons like Roman and Remus being black, Patton being tanned, Remus with dyed hair, Janus wearing makeup, and Logan being jacked also I have a post coming up with all my head canons for the sides.
I know I forgot Logan’s glasses and Virgil’s name is spelled wrong
Inspiration/traced pictures
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First 4 found on google last 2 found on Pinterest I’m sorry I don’t know who drew them except for the Disney one.
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Super sides x child reader 3
TW: slight suicidal thoughts
Y/N was so, so desperately tired. So tired that they were willing to do anything. When they overheard from where they were being held captive that Janus was the most fearsom villain, they decided to let him finish the job. It wouldn't be hard anyway. Weeks of being beat down on made it easier and easier to kill Y/N. It should've been easy, at least. But he wasn't making a move.
"No... no you don't get to give your life to me, I'm a villain and you're..." "A hero?" "I was gonna say a child. You don't understand what you're asking for." That wasn't true. Y/N knew exactly what they were asking for. They wanted death. "Who hurt you?" Wow. That was not what they had expected from the 'most fearsome villain. "What?" Y/N said, their voice almost a rasp. They hadn't had water in days. "Who hurt you. What organization, or individual, or whoever, because this sort of behavior... it's disgraceful. You haven't hurt anyone, and they're soiling the villains names by hurting you. This behavior is what makes heroes fight us." Well, they guessed that made more sense.
"I- it was Corpse Flower. And, to what you said before, I do understand what i'm asking. Please kill me." Y/N broke down into a large sob and fell to the floor. Janus caught them by the arm and pulled them closer to his chest. "Christ- I'm not gonna kill you kid. Never. We're gonna get you wrapped up, and put some food in you, and then you can go to sleep and when you wake up you'll feel better. You have to feel better." Y/N bit back a sour laugh. "You know, you're once weird villain. Guess I did a bad job of choosing a villain to finish me off." Janus staggered inside, holding most of Y/N's weight. "Not all villains are that bad, I guess you just found the worse ones."
After feeding the young hero some soup and patching up all the open wounds, Janus sighed and sank into his office chair. Time to send a very aggresive email. First, he sent a non-agressive one to Remus just telling him to For the love of all that is holy don't come over and scare the shit out of the kid. Then, he cracked his knuckles, and got to start on a second email.
To: Corpse flower associates
Subject: we need to have a talk
I was not aware that child abuse is our forte in villainy? I was also not aware that torturing people to the point that they beg to be killed is also a villain thing? But what I am aware of is that you hurt some, very, very badly. They did nothing to you, and you still hurt them. You tortured a child half to death. You're a psychopath for that. I wanted to let you know, that if you touch them again, I will burn down your whole base. Also, I will not be financially supporting you ever again. Goodbye, and good day.
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How am I supposed to tell people the reason I started wanting to be a lawyer is because of one snake and a dad fighting over a wedding and a callback for a role in a movie?
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I have him now
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Super sides x child reader 2
It bothered him. For any super to dissappear from media, it wasn't usually a good thing. Logically, he knew that it was probably different for a kid super. They had school, homework, friends, a whole other life to live!
But somehow, even with that in mind, it still bothered him. Two weeks went by, and they still hadn't shown face on any news stations. Janus decided to do some researching and E-mail Remus.
From Janus: Subject: Questions?
Just wanted to know if you've seen any information on that one heroes wherabouts. You know, the one way over their head who's obviously a little kid?
Two minutes later, he got a reply.
From Remus:
Subject: lol
I wanted to ask you about that, actually. But no, I haven't seen anything, trust me, I would've told you.
Fair enough.
Janus was more and more nervous every day. And then the doorbell rang. Well, more like there was a weak thunk at the door. Sighing, Janus got up and opened the door. "Look, I'm really busy today so-" He paused upon processing the image in front of him. The hero, the freaking kid hero, looked like a walking corpse.
"Oh my god..." He didn't know what to say. They drew their eyes to his and choked back a sob. "Th-they said if I came here you would kill me. I- I can't do this anymore..."
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Super sides X child reader 1
A/n: woah, if you know me on wattpad you're probably shaking your head and asking how I can make another sides x child reader. This is like, what the 5th one i've done?
There were two types of heroes. Ones who wanted the fame, and those who comvinced themselves they didn't want the fame. Everyone wanted it. Villains were harder to figure out. Maybe that's why Janus became one.
Even though Janus was pretty sure of his hero sorting system, he still couldn't puzzle out why this person was a hero. From the footage in the news, they were young. Not to mention underweight and pale, all weaknesses. It wasn't his problem, Janus shouldn't be bothered. The young hero wasn't bothering him, he wouldn't think about them.
Except when they were missing from news reports for weeks, he started thinking....
Wow, new fic! yes!
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