#Sandy Frank
mst3kgifs · 1 year
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Hey, this is gonna be fun, guys! I’m feeling really... oh, who are we kidding. This is a Fugitive Alien sequel. We’re in for the two most painful hours of our lives.
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The next big thing to come along for me wasn’t a comic book at all, though it was a super hero adventure. This was the debut of BATTLE OF THE PLANETS on the afternoon of Monday, September 11, 1978. Like everyone my age, I watched a certain number of cartoons every day as available, but most of them were pretty junky. cut-rate animation, basic plots, thing characters–often, character types who…
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gurumog · 2 years
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Battle of the Planets Episode 41 - The Alien Bigfoot (1978) Sandy Frank Entertainment
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sandygorange · 1 year
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get out of that rut.
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alvaroz-starrs · 4 months
Trans scars for you! Happy Headcannons!
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ungoliantschilde · 1 year
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a Buck Rogers in the 25th Century gallery!
Murphy Anderson
Alex Ross
Michael William Kaluta
Bill Stout
Frank Miller
Frank Frazetta
John Cassaday
Sandy Plunkett
Jack Sparling
Jim Steranko
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danneroni · 2 years
My sticker collection needed a good resorting! Here's some of my favs 🎨💖⭐
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I like to think that for every scene of the gallaghers siblings interacting and bonding, there's also one of the milkoviches we just didn't get to see
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Don Cherry - The Five Spot, New York City, June 7, 1975
The Sandy Bull doc I shared with y'all a few weeks ago shared some sweet glimpses of Sandy's wedding — and apparently Don Cherry officiated? That is one cool wedding. The pics reminded me that I had heard tell of (but never heard) a live tape of Don and Sandy recorded sometime in the mid 70s. And lo & behold, the great Observations of Deviance had posted a snippet of it last year! Not only that, but OoD had linked over to the Deep Focus podcast, who not only had played the entire tape, but they'd also gotten that night's bassist, the legendary William Parker, to listen in and offer his valuable insights. Sometimes the world is ... good? I know, I can barely believe it either.
Anyhoo, what we've got here is a fairly lo-fi AUD, but nevertheless ... an amazing snapshot! The band is remarkable — not just Parker, Bull and Cherry, but also Frank Lowe, Selene Fung, Hakim Jami, Ed Blackwell and Roger Blank. It's typically eclectic stuff, positive vibrations all around, a true fusion of modes and moods, Cherry moving joyously from keys to trumpet to vocals. Occasionally, it's a mess! But it's a mess you're gonna love.
"Groove after groove after groove," Parker marvels, nearly 50 years later. Cook up some brown rice and get into it.
William Parker: There’s always someone bringing a tape recorder and sitting in the audience recording. I mean, they did it with Charlie Parker and John Coltrane and any musician that plays in a jazz club. There were people who came and they taped whether they had the tape recorder, you know, underneath their sleeve, hiding in their pants, the mics coming out of their hats, you know, all kinds of things. Because once you begin to listen to this music, you become obsessed with it. It really becomes a lifeline. The people that taped weren’t necessarily trying to start a record company, but they're taping it because it's really feeding them, and it keeps them balanced.
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gurumog · 2 years
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Battle of the Planets (1978) Sandy Frank Entertainment
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velvet4510 · 3 months
(This is a re-post since last time I accidentally set it for a day instead of a week…)
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olipeaksforever · 1 month
Jeffrey Beaumont trying to save Dorothy because he was her. He is her and she is him. Because she reminds him of himself. Later he becomes her because he's objectified and suffers at the hands of Frank Booth and Dorothy herself. He's being compared to a monster by Frank, because "you're just like me". Being asked to be one by Dorothy in her request of beating her and he refuses, but gives in to end her suffering. He cries because he's no better than Frank. He was told he was no better, that he was his equal. He didn't want to do it. Now it's dark.
But Sandy sees through him. Loves him for who he is, for who he was. He's a neat girl. He's also a neat guy. He gets confused at first, but then smiles widely. It shrinks because he can't believe it. Sandy doesn't make him look like the monster he's told he is because he isn't. Even after Sandy finds out about his affair with Dorothy, she still loves him, cries and orders the police to find him because she knows Frank will hurt him again.
Then, the ending. Jeffrey and Sandy are much happier. They're still affected by the events, but they are loved for what they are and not just for who they are in the surface. Same goes for Dorothy. She gets her life back, her son Donny back. She gets to be happy again without being dehumanized. They can finally be themselves again.
There is darkness until the robins come.
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alvaroz-starrs · 2 months
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(not my template)
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 11 months
okay so i made a post (here) kind of about this a while ago, but here’s a full analysis on ian and mickey’s relationship and their struggles with abandonment and commitment issues:
as the seasons went on, one of the things made most clear about mickey milkovich, was his love language, acts of service. the way that mickey views love is that loving somebody is doing grand gestures to keep them with you. throughout the entire show, this is made clear, for example: robbing a man’s house for ian then kissing him (overcoming a huge fear of his), getting terry off of ian so that he would get more hurt than ian would, kissing ian in public, coming out for ian and getting the living shit beat out of him, (almost) murdering ian’s half-sister for calling the military police on him, snitching on a huge cartel and getting himself thrown back in prison for ian, attempting to escape prison again for ian, and eventually, faking marrying ian’s sister so that he could marry ian.
however, ian isn’t the same as mickey in that way. does ian love mickey? fuck yeah. but is ian as willing to do as much crazy shit in the name of love as mickey is? not really. it’s not that ian doesn’t love mickey or doesn’t risk a ton for mickey, because he does, he just loves mickey in a different way.
so, since mickey views love as doing grand gestures that could possibly risk everything in your life, he has a hard time understanding that people can love people in different ways that don’t involve a lot of danger. so when ian doesn’t go to mexico and doesn’t sign the marriage license, mickey feels as if ian doesn’t love him. his thought process is kind of just like i’ve done so much for ian, i’ve done everything to keep us together, but he still can’t commit, and that hurts mickey! it’s so obvious that he feels that way in 10x08 when ian says, “i wanna know how you feel!” and mickey just looks beyond pissed and hurt. and in the next episode, ian tries to explain himself, but mickey says, “no, you’re just saying that you don’t love me enough now”. to an extent, he understands that he and ian have different minds that work in very different ways, but he can’t grasp the thought of ian not signing those papers, because to him that’s a grand gesture, and a grand gesture = loving somebody.
but the reason that ian doesn’t sign the papers isn’t because he doesn’t love mickey, it’s because he’s afraid to commit. debbie tells him that he’s scared of commitment, and ian tells mickey himself that the reason he’s scared is because of his parents. and truly, it makes sense. from what we’ve seen of frank and monica, it’s been stated that they’ve been married many times; and ever since season 4 the show has made a point of showing ian’s fear of becoming his mother. and historically throughout shameless ian hasn’t had the best romantic history. he’s been with so many men that he tells a nurse that he doesn’t even know how many, we’ve seen him with men old enough to be his father- possibly even grandfather, and every single of age boyfriend (including mickey, sorry) has treated him like actual dog shit at one point. it makes sense that he’s afraid. he grew up seeing his parents fight with each other and leave each other (and their children) and then seeing his sister get into toxic relationships with men who, in ian’s words, weren’t very nice to her. his view on love is warped, and yes, he does love mickey, but loving mickey scares ian, and believe me, it scares mickey, too.
the real explanation to most of ian and mickey’s conflicts throughout the show is that ian has commitment issues and mickey has abandonment issues. they both grew up gay in abusive households on the south side, and loved each other regardless, but it was hard for them, and always will be hard.
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frankly-just-this · 2 months
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A cannonball jelly fish washed up on the beach in South Carolina.
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ungoliantschilde · 1 year
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more Marvel Fanfare PinUps!
Namor, by Kent Williams
Doctor Strange, by Gene Colan and Al Williamson
Vision and Scarlet Witch, by Sandy Plunkett
Golden Age Human Torch, by Howard Chaykin
Iron Man, by Bob Layton
Captain America, by Frank Miller
Storm, by Ken Steacy
Black Panther, by Bill Reinhold
Nick Fury, by Jim Lee
Hulk, by Jim Shooter(!) and Terry Austin
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