soundaroundme · 6 years
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В 2007 году произошло одно удивительное событие. Молодой кит минки (малый полосатик по-русски) - это самый маленький вид усатых китов - который водится только в холодных северных или южных морях, зашел в дельту реки Амазонки и прошёл более полторы тысячи километров вверх по течению. Его мониторили примерно неделю, после чего он получил кантузию от корабля (на Амазонке сумасшедший трафик) и умер... Это единственный подобный зарегистрированный случай, так и не удалось выяснить что случилось с китом, почему он так заблудился и заблудился ли... Умер он в районе одной из индейских коммун. Его тело увозили в Санпаулу чтобы изучить, но жители Сантарена долго добивались возвращения останков кита в локальный музей. И вот два года назад скелет вернули и теперь он экспонируется в музее. . Это какая-оглушающая история. Очень грустная и очень красивая, очень непонятная. А представьте, если бы кит заплыл к племенам на Амазонке не сейчас, а пару тысяч лет назад... Вызвало бы это событие культурный резонанс? -наверняка! А мы бы сейчас уже гадали откуда появились те или иные легенды или как появились киты на местной керамике. . Ну и сам кит... Так интересно, чего он искал, чего хотел, почему он шёл все выше и выше по течению и не боялся потери маневренности... . И мы, люди. Такие люди... Наверное, остановить навигацию на реке невозможно, пусть даже из-за такого уникального случая... Осознание просто обессиливает - случись что, мы не сможем защитить никого от самих себя. Можно ли было придумать решение и дать киту возможность жить? Что бы тогда было? Куда бы он направился дальше? . Трогательная история, в общем. Добирается до сердца и вводит в задумчивость. А у сантаренцев теперь даже есть песня "Minlke subiu"(минки поднялся) в исполнении местной звезды. Если найдём запись этой песни, обязательно поделимся. #minkewhale #Brasil #Amazonas #Amazonriver #Para #Santaren #SouthAmerica #Бразилия #ЮжнаяАмерика Наш инстаграм: https://instagram.com/soundaroundme/ #путешествие #trip #travel #путешествия #путешествуем #туризм #турист #туристы #поездка #путешественник #кругосветка #traveling #travelgram #exploring
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balsanja · 2 years
Santaren & The Loving Girls - Dance Tango Tango
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whereiwander · 2 years
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SAN JOAQUIN CHURCH, ILOILO, PHILIPPINES (May 20, 2022) It was the last church that we traveled to that morning. Joao, my personal tour guide, was not planning to head to San Joaquin, but he said: what the heck. Who knew when I would be back in Iloilo? I was there already, and a few extra kilometers to visit this beauty was worth it.  The church is unique in that it is the only one in the country with a bas-relief that features a military battle scene. A little difficult to discern, but yes, it’s there. It is said that after the Hispano-Moroccan war of 1860, Fray Tomas Santaren had instructed stonemasons to carve the bas-relief upon learning of the Spanish triumph against the Moroccans. His father, after all, was part of the Spanish cavalry. In 1980, the National Historical Institute marked the church as a National Historical Site. And in 2001, it was declared a National Cultural Treasure by the National Museum of the Philippines. We had all of 10 minutes to tour the place. Joao and I were late for our lunch appointment.
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guillemelgat · 6 years
Advent Calendar Day 11: Olentzero
Euskal tradizio garrantzitsu bat da Olentzero. Olentzero Santaren bezala Eguberrian etortzen da, baina oso pertsona desberdina da. Histori baten arabera jentila omen da, eta kristautasuna Euskal Herrira heldu zenean, hura izan ezik jentil guztia ihesi ziren. Histori bestiak umeentzat jolastuak egiten zituen ikazkin jatorra zela esaten du, eta sutik umeek salbatu ondoren, maitagarriek hilezkortu zutela. Gaur egun, umeei opariak ekartzen ditu. Herri askotan, jendeak Olentzero panpina egiten du eta gero eramaten du herriko leku guztietan, Olentzero kantak abesten; azkenean, panpina erretzen du. Olentzero oso tradizio interesgarria da paganotasuna eta kristautasunaren artean trantsizioa irudikatzen delako.
Olentzero is an important Basque tradition. Olentzero comes on Christmas like Santa, but he’s a very different person. According to one story, he is said to be a jentil (Basque giant), and when Christianity arrived in the Basque Country, all the jentilak fled, except him. Another story says that he was a kind charcoal burner who would make toys for the children, and after saving children from a fire, the fairies made him immortal. Today, he brings children presents. In many towns, people make Olentzero effigies and carry them throughout the town, singing Olentzero carols; at the end, they burn the effigy. Olentzero is a really interesting because he represents a transition between Paganism and Christianity.
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alexcerdeno · 2 years
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Montones de plásticos de regadíos tirados o repartidos por las tierras de labranza en la zona de Lisboa Santaren. Eso es reciclar si señor. #portugal #igers #igers_portugal #caminodesantiago #caminoportugues #viajes #reciclar #turismoportugués #turismo_portugal (en Santarém, Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdVjg9cNG1k/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kuoyifusunbit · 3 years
Cirugía cosmética. ¿Qué buscan hoy mujeres y hombres? - Belleza
Cirugía cosmética. ¿Qué buscan hoy mujeres y hombres? – Belleza
Sofía Santarene es una de las mujeres que ha cambiado el estado de las cosas en lo que respecta a la cirugía plástica y la medicina estética en Portugal. Se graduó en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Oporto, y tuvo su primer contacto con el área en el Servicio de Cirugía Plástica del Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte. Fue el rostro de la apertura de las innovadoras clínicas…
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phgq · 4 years
Another target-list pusher slain in GenSan drug bust
#PHnews: Another target-list pusher slain in GenSan drug bust
GENERAL SANTOS CITY – Another target-listed drug pusher was killed in an encounter with joint police operatives in a village here on Thursday afternoon.
Lt. Col. Lino Capellan, spokesperson of the Police Regional Office-12, in a report released Friday, said that suspect Junrel Alivio Santaren alias “Jong-jong” was shot dead by operatives after resisting arrest during an entrapment past 2 p.m. in Purok Malinawon-Lanoy, Barangay Calumpang.
He said the operation was led by elements of the Regional Police Drug Enforcement Unit (RPDEU)-12 and backed by personnel from the Regional Intelligence Division-12, Regional Intelligence Unit-12, City Mobile Force Company, and the city police Station 5.
During the transaction, he said the suspect sold a sachet of suspected shabu worth PHP500 to a police officer who posed as a buyer.
But Capellan said the suspect pulled out a handgun and opened fire after sensing the approaching police officers, who were then about to make the arrest.
“This prompted the operating team to retaliate, leading to a short firefight,” he said.
The official said Santaren, who was included in the city’s drug watchlist, was fatally wounded and declared dead upon arrival in a nearby hospital.
Recovered from the slain suspect were a .38-caliber revolver with two bullets, a gray wallet containing several identification cards, an automated teller machine card, PHP500 marked bill, and cigarette box containing another 20 sachets of suspected shabu.
He said the value of the seized shabu, which was submitted to the Regional Police Crime Laboratory-12, has yet to be released by the RPDEU-12. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "Another target-list pusher slain in GenSan drug bust." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1111495 (accessed August 07, 2020 at 11:01PM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "Another target-list pusher slain in GenSan drug bust." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1111495 (archived).
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zhartbewegt · 6 years
Ciao! If you wanna watch an artsy speed-date with @art_turm_ here you go! And yes, I was excited ;) ✌🏼 read on for vimeo-link #Repost @art_turm_ with @get_repost ・・・ ARTURM starts with a visit in the studio of @chrischa_venus.oswald IRRITACTION​ (*1984, Germany). The artist studied Fine Arts at the University of Art and Design in Linz/Austria. In 2007 she received the Diesel New Art Award Austria for photography. She is a multidisciplinary artist and poet whose work has been screened and exhibited internationally, in festivals, group and solo shows. Her videos are also included in the video collection of Manuel de Santaren. Oswald ́s work is very interested in relationships, forms of communication as well as the human condition/existential issues and thresholds of emotions and behaviour. She is often, but not solely, working with photography and video with works based on performative or narrative concepts tied to personal experiences, myth(ology) and specific knowledge or stories she comes across through research. She is also curious to switch between the position as performer and observer what results in performative works or elements as well as works with (semi)documentary character More: https://vimeo.com/267292031 #art #artist #poet #studiovisit #interview #artdaily #artlover #loveart #atelierbesuch #berlin #contemporaryart #artecontemporanea #chrischavenusoswald #speeddating #behindthescenes #humancondition #artturm #encounters (em Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany)
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designplusart · 7 years
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Estudio Maba
Design by Ron Santaren
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nofomoartworld · 8 years
Hyperallergic: Art Movements
Opening of “Monument,” a temporary art installation by Manaf Halbouni on the historical Neumarkt in Dresden, in front of the Church of Our Lady, Tuesday 7th of February (photo by David Brandt, courtesy Kunsthaus Dresden)
Art Movements is a weekly collection of news, developments, and stirrings in the art world.
Around 150 anti-immigration protesters gathered in Dresden to disrupt the unveiling of Manaf Halbouni‘s “Monument,” a public sculpture dedicated to the people of Aleppo. The sculpture, which consists of three upturned buses fastened together with wire, refers to a photograph of a barricade built on the streets of Aleppo in 2015. According to Christiane Mennicke-Schwarz, the artistic director of the Dresden Kunsthaus, the opening was disrupted by chants of “traitors” and “get lost.”
Sotheby’s filed a second lawsuit over the sale of a group of Old Master paintings that it believes to be forgeries. The auction house filed a lawsuit against art dealer Mark Weiss and collector David Kowitz in order to recover the profits of the 2011 private sale of “Portrait of a Man,” which Sotheby’s attributed to Frans Hals at the time. In a statement, Weiss said that he “intends to contest the claim vigorously.”
The Louvre Museum was reopened less than 24-hours after a man attacked a French soldier with a machete. An Egyptian Interior Ministry official identified the attacker as 28-year-old Abdullah Reda Refaie al-Hamahmy.
German prosecutors announced that a 36-year-old Tunisian man arrested on terrorism charges is also being held for his suspected involvement in the 2015 attack on the Bardo Museum in Tunis.
The Bombay High Court rejected Chintan Upadhyay‘s bail application. The artist stands accused of murdering his wife Hema and her lawyer Haresh Bhambani.
Pontormo, “Portrait of a Young Man in a Red Cap” (1530) (courtesy DCMS)
American hedge fund manager Tom Hill rejected a £30.7 million ($38.4 million) matching offer from London’s National Gallery for the purchase of Pontormo’s “Portrait of a Young Man in a Red Cap” (1530), a decision he attributes to the fall in the pound’s value. The UK government is likely to refuse a permanent export licence as a result. An export bar was placed on the work in 2015.
Hundreds of artists, dealers, critics, and curators signed an open letter opposing President Donald Trump’s executive order banning non-US citizens from seven Muslim-majority countries.
A report by Bloomberg identified Oprah Winfrey as the former owner of Gustav Klimt’s “Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer II” (1912). The work was privately sold to an Asian buyer last year for a reported $150 million. An unnamed source told Bloomberg that it was Winfrey who purchased the work at Christie’s for $87.9 million in 2006.
The New Art Dealers Alliance announced that it will donate half the ticket proceeds from its upcoming New York fair to the American Civil Liberties Union.
Tracey Emin and gallerist Xavier Hufkens are two of five benefactors funding a four-year scholarship for three Syrian refugees at Bard College Berlin. The scholarships are part of the Program for International Education and Social Change.
A book of Tahitian photographs taken by Jules Agostini is thought to contain images of Paul Gauguin and his mistress Pahura. Two albums of Agostini’s photographs — a friend of the artist — were sold at auction in July 2015, one of which was acquired by art dealer Daniel Blau.
A group photograph by Jules Agostini allegedly showing Gauguin in Tahiti (© Daniel Blau, Munich)
Archaeologists discovered a cave in the Judean desert that is thought to have housed a collection of Dead Sea scrolls.
The FBI repatriated Franse Verzijl’s “Young Man as Bacchus” to the Max and Iris Stern Foundation.
A search of the State Hermitage Museum’s Staraya Derevnya restoration and repository center by the Federal Security Service (FSB) was part of an investigation into “operational procedures” according to the museum’s director, Mikhail Piotrovsky. As noted by the Art Newspaper, the FSB’s search coincided with Piotrovsky’s criticism of the Russian government’s decision to transfer control of St Isaac’s Cathedral from museum officials to the Russian Orthodox Church.
A portrait of Queen Elizabeth II by photographer David Bailey was reissued to mark the monarch’s sapphire jubilee.
Attendance to the UK’s major museums and galleries fell by almost 1.4 million last year according to a report by the Department of Culture, Media and Sport — the first decline in almost a decade.
A collection of water-damaged recordings of Bob Marley‘s concerts were restored following a $31,200 project. The 13 tapes — two of which were blank and one ruined — were discovered in the basement of a run-down hotel in Kensal Rise, London.
Jacob Lawrence, “Builders #1” (1968), gouache and tempera on paper, 29 x 21 1/2 in, Colby College Museum of Art, the Lunder Collection (photo by Peter Siegel, Pillar Digital Imaging LLC. © 2017 The Jacob and Gwendolyn Knight Lawrence Foundation, Seattle / Artists Rights Society, ARS, New York)
Peter and Paula Lunder donated over 1,100 artworks to the Colby Colby College Museum of Art.
The Canadian government allocated $5.1 million from the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund to the Museum of Contemporary Art Toronto Canada.
Jeanne and Michael L. Klein donated 28 video works to the Blanton Museum of Art. The gift includes works by Tania Bruguera, Isaac Julien, Pipilotti Rist, and Javier Téllez.
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation donated $400,000 toward the Museum of Contemporary Art, Denver‘s “Animating Museums” program.
MCH group acquired a 25.1% stake in art.fair International, the organizer of Art Düsseldorf. The Swiss conglomerate acquired 60.3% of the shares in Seventh Plane Pvt. Ltd in New Delhi, the organizer of the India Art Fair, last September.
The Columbia Museum of Art acquired works by Bing Davis, Renée Cox, Michaela Pilar Brown, and Colin Quashie — all of whom took part in the museum’s 2016 exhibition REMIX: Themes and Variations in African-American Art.
Renée Cox, “Liberation of Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben” (1998), dye destruction print, Diasec mounted, 8 1/2 x 61 1/2 in, museum purchase (courtesy Columbia Museum of Art)
Peter Keller was appointed director general of the International Council of Museums.
Manuel de Santaren was appointed president of the Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation.
Jock Reynolds will stand down as the director of the Yale Art Gallery next year.
The New York Times reported that Michelle D. Gavin stepped down as the director of The Africa Center over three months ago.
Karen Hindsbo was appointed director of Norway’s National Museum.
Laurel Ptak was appointed executive director of Art in General.
Silvia Filippini Fantoni was appointed director of programs and audience engagement at the North Carolina Museum of Art.
Dirk Boll was appointed president, Christie’s Europe, Middle East, Russia and India. Bertold Müeller was appointed managing director, Christie‘s Continental Europe, Middle East, Russia and India.
Sotheby’s appointed Adam Chinn as its chief operating officer.
Harry Dalmeny was appointed UK chairman of Sotheby’s.
Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro was appointed curator of the 2018 São Paulo Biennial.
Jen Graves resigned as art critic for The Stranger.
The 2017 Spring/Break Art Show will take place over two floors at 4 Times Square.
Tim Youd is now represented by the Cristin Tierney Gallery.
Washburn Gallery will vacate its space at 20 West 57th Street amid speculation that the building will be demolished for redevelopment.
Christie’s announced that it will open a new, 5,400-square-foot space in Beverly Hills, California.
Hans Haacke, “Gift Horse” (2014), horse: bronze with black patina and wax finish stainless steel fasteners and supports, bow: 5mm flexible LED display stainless steel armature polycarbonate face, 15 ft 3 in x 14 ft 1 in x 5 ft 5 in (© Hans Haacke / Artists Rights Society, ARS, New York, photo by Hans Haacke, courtesy the artist and Paula Cooper Gallery, New York)
Hans Haacke was awarded the 2017 Roswitha Haftmann Prize.
Günter Herzog was awarded the 2017 Art Cologne Prize.
The Lower East Side Printshop is accepting applications for its one-year, Keyholder Residency program. Emerging artists have until March 1 to apply.
Marta Becket (1924–2017), dancer. Founder of the Amargosa Opera House.
Annette Cravens (unconfirmed–2017), artist and arts patron.
Henry-Louis de la Grange (1924–2017), musicologist and critic. Biographer of Gustav Mahler.
Buchi Emecheta (1944–2017), writer.
Gwendolyn Gillen (1941–2017), sculptor.
Walter Hautzig (1921–2017), pianist.
Dame Jennifer Jenkins (1921–2017), former chair of the National Trust.
William Melvin Kelley (1937–2017), novelist.
Harry Matthews (1930–2017), writer.
Howard Frank Mosher (1942–2017), novelist.
David Shepard (1940–2017), film preservationist.
Rob Stewart (1979–2017), filmmaker. Best known for Sharkwater (2006).
Tzvetan Todorov (1939–2017), literary theorist and historian.
The post Art Movements appeared first on Hyperallergic.
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rickilanders · 8 years
Manuel de Santaren Named President of Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation
Manuel de Santaren Named President of Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation
Manuel de Santaren Named President of Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation Source: Art Magazine {$inline_image} Philanthropist and collector Manuel de Santaren is now the president of the Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation, the Miami-based organization devoted to promoting and hosting shows about Latin American art. De Santaren will oversee the foundation’s board and day-to-day operations, which ……
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portugal-travel · 3 years
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Santaren, Portugal 🇵🇹 https://www.instagram.com/p/CPkRTt6F0cO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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portugal-travel · 3 years
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Santaren, Portugal 🇵🇹 https://www.instagram.com/p/CPkRA4GFVvY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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