#Sappy but Sassy Sister πŸ•ΊπŸ˜ˆ
kokoronbain Β· 2 years
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Old drawing I just found! :0
This is about Girlfriend and her big sister during the "VS Tabi" event....
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kokoronbain Β· 2 years
Surprise, surprise!
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I finally decided to do an art month challenge with Huevember BUT I will do one drawing by 3 days, at least….
The Huevember I've choosen is from @/teathehuman and random words are generated from my little sister (which wanted to this art challenge with me ^-^)
Let's start it!
❀️🧑 Sappy but Sassy Sister isn't a big fan of manga and animes to be honest but if she has to choose her fav, well it would be Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Why? "Because it's so funny and very gore! :D Plus I like their outfits designs and specially… POSES!!" And her fav character, as you can see imitating the pose (and hair), is Josuke. "I feel more related to him strangely, even tho we don't have same powers. I love SO much his hair!! People who doesn't like his hair will have a hard time with him…. and ME!! (just joking!πŸ˜‹β€¦. unless.😈)" 🧑❀️
Hope you like it!
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kokoronbain Β· 2 years
Time to post for the last time...
In 2021!!
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[Apparently I didn't publish anything during January lol]
Looking back at my art, I dunno if I improved in art style due to rare complex drawings in colors and shades I made... But for sure I know how to manage photoshop's options more than ever and I feel proud of it!
And I will continue it, hoping to have a better future during this new year...
Thank you for appreciate my art and Happy New Year 2022! πŸŽ†πŸŽ‡πŸ’πŸ’•
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kokoronbain Β· 3 years
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Whitty and Sis relationship basically x')
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kokoronbain Β· 3 years
Hi i hope i don't be annoying but , May i know some info about your fnf oc ? She looks very pretty πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί ❀️❀️ (and I'm thinking to mabey she could made an interaction with some of my ocs , if you want to of course )
I have so much infos and definitely a whole lore on her but let's see what I can say
But before, a Big Reminder:
Some headcanons here may change once there will have the "Full-Ass Game"/Complete Canon Fnf game and/or more official informations on Fnf characters and universe.
I tried to be based and interpreted as I can from what I found.
Now, let's start it!
Not a big gamer comparing to her sister and BF, but SbS Sister's favorite genre is obviously Rhythm Game where she loves playing at Just Dance and specially Dance Dance Revolution. It's thanks to that she found her passion for dancing!
Her comfort character is Bowser that she discovered in........ Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix. She immediately loved and admired his dance skills in this game (go find it on youtube, please it's so funny alldlalgkslgllg). I think she would always use Bowser as her Main in Mario spin-offs and Smash Bros series x')
With her lil sibling, SbS Sister calls her "Sissy" while Girlfriend calls her "Sassa"
Even if she is provocative and winks sometimes at you, she doesn't realise she is flirting. She isn't aware either you are flirting her as well-
Okay so I don't think you would be surprised if I say that... she isn't human actually! (Oh my gooooooood- 😱😱😱)
Due to being bullied at school for her demon/real form, she prefers to keep her human disguise and to always be seen like this so she can have better relationships
At school again, she had best grades and so people get jealous of her. She never get real friends.
When she was teenager, for gaining money, she get a job as zumba teacher. It corresponds well to her good mood!
Even if she is and sounds really girly, she HATES wearing dresses and skirts. Pants and jumpsuits are better!! πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
In her nightclub, she refuses categorically drugs and sex: if you are at Fresh Night, it's for dancing and having fun in conversations with people! Outside of her nightclub, she doesn't mind if you are smoking in front of her: it's your business, not hers.
She already met mafias, gangs who treathened her for leaving them using illegal traffic in her nightclub but she refuses and totally don't care about threats :/
In personal social medias, I think she would use only instagram for putting selfies, alone or with friends and her family members (like this one, y'know)
I hesitate if she would be that popular on ig or not but in all cases that she doesn't care about followers numbers: All is matter is being present at Fresh Night ~
Oh also! She doesn't have obviously the same human moral: If you killed someone, it doesn't mind her at all (and yeah she would be totally in the meme case "Murder is okay"). Just don't dare to hurt/kill Sister and her family and everything will be fine :>
If SbS Sister has to "rapbattle" against Boyfriend, it's because her father asked her to "reap his blue balls" (since he still try to eliminate Bf). She would do that only if Bf loses, eventually ~
Aaaand this is all for the moment!
It could have a part 2, in case I forget some cases or even maybe explain how she would interacting with other FnF (canon, mods and ocs) characters, but only if you ask me
Now from your ocs, Ana, it's always a pleasure for Sister to meet more people and potentially new friends/buddies!! :D
She would invite them to her nightclub and dancing if they are interested! They are also welcome to be singers of the Fresh Night if they want! πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
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kokoronbain Β· 3 years
PART 2 of Interaction-Roleplay between SbS Sister and Bullman
Curious about it? Check the complete Part 1 here!
The orginal idea to do a 2nd part instead of rebloging over and over belongs to @anamakara!
Due to my motivation, I decide to do less drawings/comics but more writings. Hope you will enjoy it despite the new format; Here we go!
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SbS Sister: "I'm so happy to hear that!! :DD I promise you won't regret it! It's gonna be so funny and-
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We are almost there! Let's go to the right so we go behind my job place."
Bullman: "Behind?" SbS Sister: "Yeeeah, it's better than being noticed at the main entry.
Okay so!
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What kind of music you do?"
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kokoronbain Β· 3 years
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"Selfie with my Favorite Besta Sista! 😘
We look soooooo pretty, aren't we? (βœΏβ—•β€Ώβ—•βœΏ) Thank you at our lovely parents for making us seccy as hell at outside
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as inside ~πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€"
...Yeah the lineart and colors are fucked up but it was just an excuse to draw fnf demon skeletons which are so cute srl!! (❁´◑`❁)
Anyway, hope you like my art!
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kokoronbain Β· 3 years
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btw his ""real"" name could be Crimson-
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kokoronbain Β· 3 years
Let me present...
Sappy but Sassy Sister
the Disco Queen! πŸ•ΊπŸ˜ˆ
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Alias: Scarlet (""real"" name version); Sis, Sista (Girlfriend); Sassa, Searest Sister, Disco Demon, Discostar
Gender: Female
Species: Demon HUMAN!!
Age: 24
Personality: Gullible but Smart, Energetic, Passionate, Provocative, Stubborn, Talktative, Innocent despite her
Occupation: Boss of a nightclub named Fresh Night; Professional Disco Dancer
Relationships: Family = Mommy Must Murder, Daddy Dearest, Girlfriend
Rival = Boyfriend
Passionate by the Disco since little, she founded her Nightclub at the age of 18 years old that her Family immediately supports
Apparently, she never had a crush ever so her parents didn't bother her unlike Girlfriend with Boyfriend. Girlfriend wonders sometimes if her Sister hides (really well) a lover actually. The Sister just confirms that she is married to disco 😎😎😎
She doesn't sing at all! She isn't comfortable with it. Even if Boyfriend will challenge her in a Rap Battle, she will gonna use squares from the Discofloor for dancing
Moreover, she never lost at a dance battle. It's her strong point and she loves provocating people to challenge her in that.
Known as mainly "Sexy Sap", a lot of people doesn't believe that she is the Owner of the Fresh Night, too stupid to manage all these stuff. But she is totally an independent and responsible boss, making sure that there is any illegal things and that everyone has fun in her place
In case where she is attacked or insulted by someone directly, she would like to challenge them in a dance battle on the discofloor in first. Whatever she wins at the challenge, she is outside of her preferred way or even they refuse at all this challenge, she will make them regret to dare attacking physically or mentally the Disco Demon
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kokoronbain Β· 3 years
I arrive so lately with this freaking meme but at least here it iiiiiiiiis πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“
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Proportions, lineart and simple shades are fucked up (as usual) but I wanted to present my fnf oc in various outfits and hairstyle (┬┬﹏┬┬)
Feel too lazy and tired to explain each context/situation here, except if you wanna ask me-
So see ya!
And hope you like my art despite all! β€πŸ’œπŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ§‘πŸ’›β€
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kokoronbain Β· 3 years
What if my FNF oc was officially in-game
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Imagine I would success to do a mod on her πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ
Anyway hope you like it ~
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kokoronbain Β· 3 years
Disco Queen looks so cool and amazing! And the little lore of facts is nice^^
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"You are cool and amazing as well! (Β΄β–½`Κƒβ™‘Ζͺ)"
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kokoronbain Β· 3 years
Step by Step about the drawing presentation on the Disco Queen
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Click here for the finale version
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kokoronbain Β· 3 years
Koko's Random Headcanons #2
Sappy but Sassy Sister (Friday Night Funkin) and Scarlet (Madness Combat) were the same person before going on earth but then live and adapt in completely different environnement and "gameplay".
Indeed, while one lives for rapbattle against people by dance at the Funkytown, somewhere in Nevada, the other enjoys to see the violent and bloody madness from people.
This is why the FnF one is really insecure to show her demon form that she uses normally only for intimidating people. On the contrary of the madcom version which has fun to surprise and scare with her real form very often ~
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kokoronbain Β· 3 years
Koko's Random Headcanons #1
The favorite animated show of Sappy but Sassy Sister when she was young and even now is Happy Tree Friends!
She loved watching it with her lil sis and there is chances that she learnt from it for killing :]
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kokoronbain Β· 3 years
[@anamakara Okay so Tumblr is stupid:
The order of your comic/4 pictures is messed up after I put the ask as draft (while it was in good order when I found it).
So I decided to screenshot your message and put your pictures in correct way. Hope you like it despite all! ^-^]
Also don't hesitate to click on the picture to see in better quality!
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I mean, it's not everyday she sees a non-demon with horns ~ :^)
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