#Sarah x bucky
endlessdreamerxoxo · 11 months
If there's a chance to ship a woman of color with a beloved & gatekept male lead because there's amazing chemistry between the two, I'm gonna ship it... even if everyone hates me.
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tllgrrl · 1 month
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The Ship is CONFIRMED.
A scene they didn’t have time for in the Final Cut, but it was written, shot, and edited.
We Were Right.
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fleurdelouvemonth · 8 months
Announcement: 3rd Annual Fleur de Louve Month
Welcome back for another month-long celebration of Sarah Wilson and Bucky Barnes!
This year we decided to bring it back to the original format of providing prompts all month to encourage the greatest amount of participation.
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Each week has a collection of prompts to choose from. You don’t have to do the prompt on the day it is listed, they are just there for guidance through each week’s themes.
Remember: the point of this month is to have fun and put more Sarah/Bucky into the world, so as long as you’re doing that, you’re doing it right!
Please reach out to the mods with any questions. We're so excited to see what this fandom comes up with this year.
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Edit we forgot (I'm so sorry! 😨): You should be able to find it on AO3 here, or type in the name "FleurdeLouve_SarahBucky_Month_2023" when typing the collection you wish to submit to
Edit: Reminder ✨️: Not everything HAS to be fanfiction. Be as creative as you want! Here are a few ideas: fan art,manips, comics, 3D rendering, moodboards, aesthetics, snapshots of Sims you make as the characters, A.I. "art" renders (especially for others who can't draw but still want to try something 😅)
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sharkdadontumbl · 5 months
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goodbye, not farewell
(i rlly enjoy this ship :))
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neottia-orchids · 2 months
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@fleurdelouve your wish is my command. <3
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fleurdelouve · 1 year
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jennrypan · 1 month
Let's talk about another marvel ship that was gone too soon:
They were so openly flirting and he was so relaxed sleeping in her house!! And Bucky spent weeks in Wakanda, do you really think he'd want a white girlfriend?? Be so fr.
(Or a white boyfriend-- cuz yes, Bucky and Sam are cute too!!!)
I want Sarah and Bucky to kiss on screen cuz I HATE how yall niggas kept saying how a single black mom doesn't need love cuz shes 'strong and independent' like. Fuck you 😶 she can be that AND get loved like she deserves!!!
Bucky would be an amazing stepfather to her sons oml
Rewatching Falcon and the Winter solider and I have. Thoughts--
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palettesofrenaissance · 3 months
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𝐀 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 by Em_Jaye (@idontgettechnology)
“What if you had someone else to help you run the boat?” he asks finally.
Sam laughs and looks at him sideways. “What? Like you?”
Bucky shrugs like it just occurred to him. Maybe it did. But it feels good. It feels like the kind of decision that’s just his. Not shiny around the edges, letting him know it was grown in someone else’s mind before being dropped into his. “Why not?”
“Why not?” Sam repeats. “Because you don’t know shit about fishing.”
“Well, from the sounds of it, neither do you.”
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬: Slow Burn, Family Feels, Domestic Bliss, Fluff, Smut, Angst with a Happy Ending
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: 12
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gghalcyon · 7 months
Bucky met Sarah's warm gaze, noticing the way her eyes crinkled at the corners as she smiled at him, and he found himself drawing closer to her, wanting badly to capture her lips in his in a gentle kiss. 
Title: The Sweetest Risk | Bucky Barnes x Sarah Wilson | Rating: General | Words: Part 1/1 (1053 Words) | Prompt: SarahBucky Fleur De Louve Month 2023 - Week 1, Day 2 Prompt: “Sweet Potato Pie” | Synopsis: Bucky Barnes shoots his shot and asks Sarah Wilson on a date.
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Bucky smiled as he carefully balanced two white boxes with two pies from Sarah's favorite bakery downtown in one hand and a paper bag with an armful of flowers in the other. He stepped up to her porch two at a time and knocked on her door. When she opened it, Sarah smiled widely when she saw the pies and flowers and hugged Bucky.
He had decided to bring something special for Sarah when she had invited him over for dinner with her brother Sam and her boys. He had remembered Sam mentioning that sweet potato pie was Sarah's favorite, so he had gone downtown to her favorite bakery and picked up two. He also couldn't resist buying her a bouquet of flowers, hoping it'd show her his intention to get to know her better.
As Sarah invited him inside, Bucky couldn't help but notice how the dim light of her living room made her eyes sparkle. He had always felt a connection to her, and he cherished how welcoming she was to him.
Dinner was a lively affair, with Sarah's two kids, AJ and Cass, eagerly relating stories of their school day and Sarah's laughter easily filling the room. Bucky smiled, noticing how comfortable and at ease everyone seemed in her presence. As they ate, conversation flowed effortlessly among them--talking about books they had read, the latest movies, politics, and even the quirky neighbor down the street.
Amidst all this, Bucky found himself stealing glances at Sarah from time to time. He couldn't help but be drawn to her vibrant spirit and easy warmth surrounding their dinner table. Whenever his gaze met hers, she smiled knowingly back at him, and he felt a pleasant shiver run down his spine each time they locked eyes.
After dinner, Sam challenged his nephews to a race of their new toy trucks in the living room. The kids cheered and squealed in delight as their little vehicles zoomed around on the carpet.
Bucky smiled as he watched the kids laughing and racing their little toy trucks around the living room. They were so carefree and happy in that moment, making him feel happy for them.
He and Sarah soon went about cleaning up the dinner they had shared. Sarah had prepared a delicious meal, and Bucky noticed how peaceful and comfortable the kitchen was compared to the chaos in the other room. As they worked together, they kept up a steady conversation about movies, books, and other topics easily.
Bucky couldn't help but steal glances at Sarah as they worked. Her hair was pulled up in a messy bun, revealing her soft neckline, and she had ditched her sweater in the kitchen's warmth. He was struck by how casually beautiful she was--he noticed how her eyes lit up when she talked about something she was passionate about or how her lips slightly curved upwards into an easy smile when she laughed at one of his jokes.
Bucky and Sarah continued to clean together comfortably. As Bucky reached for a plate, Sarah's hand accidentally brushed against his metal arm. He instinctively tensed, expecting her to recoil from the reminder of his dark past.
But instead, she simply smiled softly and gave him an understanding look. Sarah didn't flinch away. Instead, her fingers lingered, openly grazing along the smooth metal plates. She touched his arm as if it were the most normal thing in the world. Just like she had accepted every part of him since they first met, seeing him for who he was now, not who he used to be.
At that moment, Bucky felt a warmth in his chest that he hadn't felt in a long time. He met Sarah's warm gaze, noticing the way her eyes crinkled at the corners as she smiled at him, and he found himself drawing closer to her, wanting badly to capture her lips in his in a gentle kiss. She inched forward to meet his, but Sam's voice in the other room distracted them and she pulled away.
From the living room, Sam's voice rang out. "Cass, no throwing the trucks!" Then softer, to himself, "Definitely gotta talk to Bucky about flirting with my sister..."
Bucky ducked his head sheepishly, but Sarah just grinned and playfully bumped his shoulder. "Don't worry about him," she whispered. As she slid her hand down Bucky's metal arm, he shivered pleasantly.
"It's nice getting to spend time with you tonight," she said softly. "Joining us for dinner meant a lot for the boys."
"Just the boys?" Bucky couldn't help but shoot his shot, feeling a connection grow between them.
Sarah smiled beautifully at him. "It meant a lot to me too. I figured you'd already know that."
Bucky swallowed, his heart pounding in his chest as he nervously looked into Sarah's eyes. He wanted to make the most of this moment, to express the feelings he had been harboring for her since they had first met.
"Maybe next time you'll let me cook for you, just us two," he blurted out, instantly regretting how cheesy it sounded.
Sarah tilted her head and gave him a small grin. "Yeah?"
The corners of Bucky's mouth lifted into a timid smile as Sarah waited patiently for his response. He nodded slowly, feeling bolder than before. He stepped closer and caught her hand, gently running his thumb over her knuckles. "Go on a date with me, Sarah?"
Sarah blushed and looked up at him through thick lashes, her eyes bright and her smile as beautiful as ever. "Yes. I'd really like that, Bucky."
Bucky couldn't help but smile widely and gave her hand a gentle squeeze, feeling a warmth in his chest that he hadn't felt in a long time. This amazing woman was going to give him a shot.
The two of them stayed like that for what felt like an eternity before Sam's voice interrupted them from the living room. "You two almost done in there?" they heard Sam call out.
Bucky and Sarah shared knowing glances and chuckled to themselves. Sarah called back to Sam jokingly, "Almost," before returning to Bucky.
Yeah, he was definitely in trouble here with Sam for asking Sarah out on a date. But one look at her glowing smile made him think some risks are worth taking.
Read More Stories @ Fanfiction Master List or G.G. Halcyon's AO3
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jbarneswilson · 11 months
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sucktember 2022 series E, pairings include m/f, m/m, m/f/m; completed
stay high E, bucky barnes x black ofc; completed
the russian mafia universe* E, sarah wilson x bucky barnes, in progress *name subject to change
sarahbucky bingo prompt fest E, sarah wilson x bucky barnes, in progress
stand-alone stories
hope on the horizon G, sarah wilson x bucky barnes, coffee shop au, completed
not too tired E, sarah wilson x bucky barnes, pwp au, completed
brighter than ever G, sarah wilson x bucky barnes, pre-relationship fluff, completed
stevie’s mom has got it goin’ on T unrequited sarah rogers x bucky barnes, eventual sarah wilson x bucky barnes, completed
but keep your heart up T, sam wilson x bucky barnes, domestic fluff, completed
something to talk about G, sarah wilson x bucky barnes, au, in progress
the holidate G, sarah wilson x bucky barnes, fake dating au, completed
a perfect end to a perfect day G, sarah wilson and bucky barnes, pre-relationship drabble, completed
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sarifinasnightmare · 6 months
The Whoopsie
Rating: For Everyone
Pairing: Sarah/Bucky
Summary: Bucky is recovering from a whoopsie. The Wilsons behave accordingly.
Prompt: Found Family
Author's Note: It's a day late, but I hope that's okay. 😁
“Sam, what did I tell you??”
“Sarah, this wasn’t my fault!”
“Like hell this isn’t your fault! You’re the one who took him from our family dinner table to investigate that factory just because your Falcon senses were tingling!”
“Falcon senses?” *snort* “Ow, that actually hurt.”
“Don’t move too much James. My poor guy.”
“James?? When did he become James??”
“Yes, recently! You might as well know; Sam. James and I are official.”
“Aha! I knew you moving down and having dinner at the house wasn’t just you being protective! What did I tell you about dating my sister??”
“I am grown, Sam! He is also grown! If we want to date each other then there’s nothing you can do to stop us!”
“I got a Vibranium shield and a Wakandan suit that has allowed me to do a shitload of things and that could include cutting a geriatric super soldier into tiny pieces when he least expects it!”
“I’m kind of already hurting soo…..”
“Samuel Thomas Wilson don’t you dare raise my man’s blood pressure! I want him alive!”
“Listen Sarah Eunice Wilson, he was my friend first, so I get to decide whether he lives long enough to be dating my little sister!!”
“Are you guys fighting over me?”
“Shut up, man, don’t make it weird.”
“I’m not some Southern belle that needs to be protected from gentleman callers! I am a woman and I have needs!”
“Gah! I don’t want to know about that!”
“Then stay out my business and let me take care of my man! And stop hauling him out on your crazy adventures. That’s what Joaquin is for!”
“Joaquin is still green, and I know Bucky could handle himself. It’s not my fault he caught the grenade and threw it too late.”
“Baby, a grenade?? Are you trying to break my heart?”
“No, babe, I swear I tried to move fast…”
“James if anything had happened-”
“Shhh, it won’t. I’ll be good, I’ll be so good for you.”
“Are you two really going to make me sit here and watch you kiss each other??”
“There’s the door. No one’s stopping you.”
“I ain’t leaving my partner while he’s recovering. I stayed for Steve, and I’ll stay for Bucky.”
“Thanks, man.”
“You’re welcome. I’m still kicking your ass though.”
“No, you’re not. Once James is allowed to leave, he’s coming home where I’m going to make sure he gets all the TLC he needs.”
“Aw babe, you don’t have to.”
“Hush and be spoiled, James.”
“Yes Ma’am.”
“Hey, how come I never got any TLC when I get hurt?”
“When was the last time you got hurt?”
“I got some cuts and bruises here!”
“Nothing some painkillers and Merthiolate can’t fix.”
“Nope! Get that shit away from my cuts!”
“Like to see you handle it!”
“Look at these hands. Does it look like I can’t handle a nick or two?”
“Yeah, yeah. Not like I don’t have my own. You gave me a few when we were kids.”
“That’s what you get for picking on me.”
*snort* “Ow…you need to stop making me laugh.”
“You hungry, baby?”
“I don’t think I can handle anything heavy right now.”
“Sam go ask if they have any soup.”
“Fine, you want anything?”
“No, just want my man home.”
“Home with you sounds good right now.”
“Ya’ll behave. I’ll be right back.”
“He’s protective of you.”
“He’s protective of you too.”
“We’re both soldiers. We don’t leave our own behind.”
“It’s more than that, James. You’re important to us Wilsons and we protect our kin.”
“I’m family?”
“Damn right.”
“I like that. I like that a whole lot.”
“Good, now rest and let that super soldier shit do its thing so we can get you home faster.”
“You got it….Eunice.”
“Boy don’t start with me.”
*snort* “Ow, your middle name is Eunice.”
“I didn’t ask to be named after a great aunt. Now shut up before I get on your name Buchanan.”
The End
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tllgrrl · 1 month
The post-Flag Smashers cookout scene that closes The Falcon and The Winter Soldier was edited down from this:
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* * * * * *
That newly-released for the BluRay Special Features cut shows what the writers intended for Bucky’s post-Winter Soldier life.
For me, this little scene beautifully precedes one of my all-time favourite fics that begins Sarah & Bucky’s relationship and starts a whole series called The SarahBucky Songbook & B-Sides:
In celebration of SarahBucky Canon Day (screw all that, it’s SarahBucky Canon Week) here’s the first “song” in the Songbook:
Don’t Get Around Much Anymore by @btwxsixesandsevens
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In my mind, the party on the dock continued at Sarah’s home.
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fleurdelouvemonth · 6 months
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And thus, we bring to an official close the third Fleur De Louve Month 2023! Thank you so much to all the authors and artists and creators who took part in or read or reblogged all the amazing content that was created! This list will represent our final master list.
But wait! I hear you ask: what do we do with all the love we have left behind?
Fear not! Any additional works or recs related to this month can still be submitted and we will be happy to reblog it and update the master list to include them.
The admins thoroughly enjoyed interacting with everyone and appreciate you all for helping this ship grow! Please stay tuned for what comes next and, always, keep creating for the good ship Fleur De Louve!
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𝑾𝑬𝑬𝑲 𝑶𝑵𝑬: 𝑭𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒔
Week One Masterlist
𝑾𝑬𝑬𝑲 𝑻𝑾𝑶: 𝑫𝒊𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒖𝒆 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒔
Week Two Masterlist
Week Three Masterlist
𝑾𝑬𝑬𝑲 𝑭𝑶𝑼𝑹: 𝑺𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒔
Week Four Masterlist
𝑾𝑬𝑬𝑲 𝑭𝑰𝑽𝑬: 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒔
Week Five Masterlist
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Thank you again for all of the amazing content you created to make this event possible! 
Feel free to bookmark this post and come back to enjoy Fleur De Louve month again and again in the new year.
(Divider credits go to @firefly-graphics)
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sharkdadontumbl · 5 months
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they're listening to 'Ain't Nobody Here but Us Chickens' by Louis Jordan & His Tympany Five
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siancore · 1 year
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Pairing: Sarah Wilson x Bucky Barnes
Rating: E
Words: 4k+
Summary: Bucky and Sarah navigate their burgeoning relationship and remember how they used to be good at this relationship stuff.
“Sex can be good. Sex can be healthy. It can be fun.”
Dr. Raynor’s words still rang in Bucky’s head. The words she said to him after he had admitted that he wanted to start dating. That he wanted more intimate forms of human touch. That he was interested in exploring a sexual relationship with someone. Dr. Raynor had said those words to Bucky when he became doubtful of his own wishes. When he had said it was probably complicated in the current day and age. Her words came back to him as he walked hand-in-hand with Sarah up to her doorstep.
Sex was out of the question at that moment, he reminded himself. It was only their second official date. And Sarah probably wasn’t that interested in Bucky. She was probably just doing him a favor. Probably too sweet and kind to turn him down when he asked her out.
Bucky groaned internally and chided that voice in his head. Sarah may not like him as much as he liked her, but she liked him. He was not a charity case. She wanted to go out with him. She had agreed to the first date, and the second. She liked him. She did. She was still holding his hand – and staring at him under the porchlight, a somewhat amused grin on her pretty face.
He was so caught up in his thoughts that he almost missed the little squeeze Sarah gave his hand.
“I had a great time,” she said, biting her lip.
Damn it.
His gaze fell to her mouth. Soft and inviting. She was so close he could lean down and kiss her. He could. If she wanted to. If she wanted to kiss him as much as he wanted to kiss her.
“Bucky?” Sarah asked, drawing him from his thoughts. “You okay? What’s on your mind?”
“Sorry,” he replied, almost sheepish. “Just thinkin’ about how it sure would be nice to kiss you.”
“Oh,” said Sarah, her eyes wide and that adorable smile gracing her lips.
“I mean, if that’s something you’d be interested in,” Bucky proffered, growing a little flustered. He remembered he used to be good at this. “Sorry, Sarah. I used to be good at this.”
“Don’t be sorry,” she said, inching closer. “You’re so cute and doing way better than I am. I don’t think I was ever good at this.”
They both shared a coy smile.
“I find that hard to believe,” he said, relaxing more. “You’ve had me charmed since the moment I met you.”
Sarah giggled. Actually giggled, and Bucky felt his tummy do a hundred somersaults.
“Stop,” she said playfully, swatting at his chest. He caught her hand gently in his and drew her closer.
“You’re so goddamn adorable, Sarah Wilson,” Bucky said as he stared into her eyes.
“Yeah, yeah,” Sarah replied, as she brought Bucky’s hands to rest at her waist. She draped her arms over his shoulders. “You gonna keep talking or kiss me?”
Bucky let out a little laugh before he pressed his lips to Sarah’s. In a split second, he thought his mind might have gone blank. That he may have forgotten how to kiss someone. Instead, he was focused on their kiss. He was focused on Sarah. She was sweet. She tasted of the mulled wine they had shared at dinner. She was so sweet for him. She melted against his body. Parted her lips for his tongue and lapped at it with her own. Threaded her fingers through his hair. She was so, so sweet for him. She let out a little moan when his hand cupped her backside and pulled her nearer.
Bucky needed her to be closer. He wanted to be enveloped by her. He wanted to be swallowed up by her. He wanted her. He wanted Sarah. God, he wanted her so much. He wanted to give himself to her. He would do anything she wanted in that moment. Anything.
He would – he. He.
Damn it, he was beyond aroused. He was straining the front of his jeans. He had to pull away.
Bucky broke their kiss. Sarah’s eyes opened, her pupils blown wide from desire, and she pouted. She pouted and Bucky wanted to push her against the wall and kiss that pout right off of her perfect lips. Instead, he fought to catch his breath. He caressed the side of her face. He stared wordlessly into her pretty brown eyes.
“Why’d you stop?” she asked in a whisper, her gaze falling to his lips.
“I don’t know,” Bucky replied in earnest. “Needed to catch my breath.”
He ran his thumb under Sarah’s chin and tilted her head up ever so slightly.
“You are literally breathtaking, Sarah Wilson.”
She smiled and blessed him with a coy little giggle.
“Is that all o’ that nineteen-forties charm I read about?”
“No, ma’am,” Bucky replied. “Just the truth about you. You’re a real Dollface, Sarah. Pretty as a picture.”
Sarah smiled brightly and placed both hands to Bucky’s chest, before saying, “You’re not so bad yourself.”
They shared another kiss before they were interrupted by Sam swinging the front door open, with a trash bag in his hand.
“Sam!” Sarah admonished as Bucky instinctively stepped away from her.
“Shit, sorry,” Sam offered sheepishly. “Didn’t hear y’all out here. I’ll just – yeah. I’ll leave this and come back for it later.”
Sam placed the trash down and went back inside. Sarah’s face was warm, and Bucky looked kind of mortified.
“I should go,” said Bucky as he ran a hand through his hair. “That was awkward.”
“I’m sorry.”
“No! No, don’t be sorry. I’m sorry.”
“Raincheck?” asked Sarah, her pout returning.
“Absolutely,” said Bucky as he pressed a chaste kiss to her lips. “Goodnight, Sarah.”
Sarah smiled at him sweetly and said, “Night, Bucky.”
“Ain’t nothin’ wrong with sex. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with finding someone else after your husband’s gone. It’s a natural thing. Don’t you go and feel bad about it.”
Miss Pattie’s words rang in Sarah’s ears as she pushed the cart through the drug aisle of their local supermarket. AJ and Cass were skipping along ahead of her as she stopped at the section that housed the prophylactics. Sarah glanced around, self-conscious, as if she were a teenager, as she picked up a box of condoms and quickly examined it.
Oh Lord.
She hadn’t needed to do this in years. Why did it feel like a huge task? Was she jumping the gun? Sarah used to be good at this. She knew that she wanted to take things a step further with Bucky. She was certain that he wanted the same. But they hadn’t really spoken about it. About having sex.
Sarah hadn’t been with anyone since her late husband. She hadn’t wanted to be with anyone else until now. There was something about Bucky Barnes that endeared him to Sarah. Perhaps it was his caring nature. The way he was so honest about who he was, even if it hurt. How he was charming and funny. How he did not look at Sarah with that hint of pity that everyone else did, whether they meant to or not.
He just looked at her like he wanted her and everything that came with it.
Sarah smiled to herself at that thought. Bucky wanted her and she wanted him. She dropped a small box of condoms into the shopping cart and kept walking, biting back her smile of anticipation.
Bucky was already at the Wilson residence while Sarah was getting AJ and Cass ready for their outing with Sam. Sam took the boys to a local old movie theatre at least once a month and they indulged in candy, popcorn, and films from yesteryear that the boys didn’t really have the chance to see. Tom Hanks’ Big was showing that evening and Sam was as excited as his nephews to be getting out of the house.
“Be good for Uncle Sam,” said Sarah as she fussed over her sons, fixing their clothing and straightening their glasses.
“Yes, ma’am,” both boys answered in unison.
“And Sam don’t go filling them up on too much sugar,” said Sarah as she moved on to fuss over Sam’s clothing by straightening his collar.  
Sam smoothed down Sarah’s hair, pressed a kiss to her brow, and said, “Yeah, yeah. Don’t you two go havin’ too much fun without us.”
Sam waggled his eyebrows at Sarah and earned himself a punch to his arm for his troubles.
It was maddening, thought Sarah, as Bucky’s lips moved over her neck. The pleasant roughness of his stubble ghosted over by the heat of his breath and the softness of his lips. Eager pink lips pressed claiming kisses to Sarah’s skin. The swirl of his tongue tasting her and soothing where his teeth had been. Sarah’s head was spinning. Her sex was throbbing. Her body was alight. Her skin seared from Bucky’s attentions. He pulled her onto his lap, and she went without resistance. Straddling Bucky on the couch in the living room. Allowing him to suck love-bites onto her like she was a teenager again. She threaded her fingers through his hair and whispered incoherent praises that dissipated into the dimly lit night.
“You’re so beautiful, Sarah,” Bucky murmured close to her ear. “So goddamn beautiful.”
A delightful shiver quaked through her body and caused her breath to hitch. His lips moved from her ear, back to her neck, and then lower to her collarbone. Bucky’s right hand teetered at the hem of Sarah’s blouse before slipping underneath. His palm felt hot against her back. His hold was firm, keeping Sarah in place while he peppered kisses over her clavicle.
Sarah rolled her hips and brushed herself against Bucky’s arousal; his hardness pressed against where she was most soft. He let out a moan and ceased his attentions, resting his head against her shoulder.
She barely had the presence of mind to ask, “You okay?”
Bucky breathed against her skin and said, “Yeah. Yeah, just – shit.”
“Do you want to stop or?”
“No, Beautiful. I’m good. I just – I need a minute. Gettin’ too far ahead of myself. I need to calm down.”
“Oh,” said Sarah as she shifted from Bucky’s lap and slumped down next to him. “Sorry.”
“No, no. It’s not – it ain’t anything you’ve done wrong, Sarah,” he proffered sincerely as he reached over and took her hand. “I just. I feel like I’m gonna explode I want you so much.”
“You can have me,” she said, scarcely above a whisper. “You know that, right? I want you, too. You can have me if you want me.”
Bucky brought Sarah’s hand up to his lips and pressed a soft kiss to her knuckles.
“I do want you. I just wanna be able to take my time with you,” he admitted. “I haven’t been with anyone since – since before I went off to the War. I’m a little outta practice. I wanna show you a good time, Sarah. It’s what you deserve.”
Sarah nodded her head.
“I haven’t been with anyone since my late husband,” she explained; Bucky gave her hand a squeeze. “But I’m ready. I’m ready to be with you. Lord, I’m so ready. I want this. I want it with you, Bucky.”
He gave her a gentle smile and caressed her face.
“I want this with you, too,” he promised. “Just not like this. Not on your couch where Sam can burst in and catch us. I want to spend all night with you. Make love to you just how you need me to without us havin’ to watch the clock.  I – I just want it to be good for you.”
Sarah smiled, kissed his cheek, and then rested her head against his shoulder.
“I want it to be good for you, too,” she replied, holding his hand in hers.
“As long as it’s with you,” Bucky replied, giving her hand a squeeze. “I know it will be.”
When Sam, AJ, and Cass returned home, they found Sarah and Bucky in the living room awash in the glow of light from the television. Bucky held a finger to his lips to ensure the Wilson brood were silent as they entered the space. His other hand was busy stroking Sarah’s hair as she slept soundly with her head resting in his lap.
There was a lot of hustle and bustle happening around them as AJ showed Bucky videos on his device while Sarah explained to Cass again how long they would be gone for and when they’d be returning home. Sarah and Bucky were awaiting their flight to depart to Washington DC. Sam was being honored at a gala event, and his both of his plus ones decided to go with each other. Hence the reason Sarah, her children, Bucky, and her and Sam’s Titi were waiting. The boys were there to see their mother and Bucky off. They would be gone for a whole weekend. Sarah hadn’t had a whole weekend away from her children ever. She sat bouncing her knee nervously; Bucky placed a hand to her thigh in an attempt to calm her nerves.
She glanced at Bucky and gave him a sweet smile, before saying, “I’m just not used to sitting still.”
He smiled back at her and said, “I know.”
Then, he reached into his pocket to retrieve his wallet. He took out a crisp twenty-dollar bill and said, “Boys, why don’t you take your Ma to get something sweet to eat.”
Cass looked down at the note and said, “We’re gonna need more than that.”
Sarah went to chide her son, but Bucky waved it off and retrieved another twenty. Both boys took a bill each and then pulled their mother to her feet.
“Thank you,” said Sarah as she leaned down and pecked Bucky’s lips with hers before Cass and AJ dragged her away in search of candy.
“Oh, now aren’t your kids just the cutest,” said the elderly woman who was seated across from Bucky at the airport. “Your family is beautiful.”
He smiled widely at her (while not bothering to make the correction), looked out after Sarah and the boys, and said, “They sure are.”
The sense of pride that welled inside of Bucky’s chest at the notion of people thinking Sarah was his wife, and her sons were his sons, made Bucky feel all nice and warm. He could get used to it.
The gala went off without a hitch. Sam charmed everyone and spoke about the importance of hearing the voices of people whose voices have generally been silenced, erased, or ignored. Sarah was on his arm for most of the evening being introduced to so many people she couldn’t even remember their names. Bucky was nearby, alert, and ready for if something was to go wrong.
“You’re glaring,” said Sarah as she sidled up to Bucky; his face immediately brightened as he took her hand and appraised her outfit once again.
“And you’re stunning,” he said, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek.
“Don’t change the subject,” said Sarah as she leaned into Bucky’s embrace. “Why the long face?”
“Sorry,” he said.
“No need for apologies. If you’re not having a good time, we can leave.”
“Just not used to this many people in a social situation.”
“Okay, then, let’s leave.”
Bucky rubbed the back of his neck and said, “What about Sam?”
“Sam can take care of himself,” said Sarah with a smile. “Plus, Joaquín looks like he’s ready to fight anyone who even looks at Sam.”
They each let out a giggle at that observation before Bucky nodded his head and said, “Okay.”
Sarah and Bucky stood in the elevator, hand-in-hand, before Sarah spoke up.
“So, my room or yours?”
Bucky’s skin flushed warm. He knew that they had spoken about spending the night together, he just couldn’t believe they were so close to it all happening.
“Yours,” he replied, giving her knuckles a kiss. “I’ll just – ah, go back to my room first to get outta this goddamn penguin suit.”
“Okay,” said Sarah as she peered at their reflection in the mirrored panel. “You look great, though.”
Bucky smiled and said, “You may have mentioned it once or twice. But you, wow. You’re beautiful.”
“You’re biased.”
“Can you blame me?”
The elevator dinged to interrupt their flirting and let them know they had arrived on their floor. Bucky gestured for Sarah to exit first, and followed behind her.
“I’m gonna take a shower,” said Sarah before handing Bucky her spare key. “See you soon.”
“Yeah,” he replied before pressing a kiss to her cheek. “Soon.”
Sarah sat on top of the bed with butterflies swooping around inside of her tummy. She didn’t know why she was feeling so nervous. She and Bucky had been dating for a while. Sure, they hadn’t found the time to take their intimacy to the next level, but they had still shared intimate moments.
Sarah was about to bite her thumbnail when she heard the soft rapping at her door. Her heart beat faster in her chest and her stomach did a few more flips. She slid from the bed and padded over to the door. When she opened it, Bucky was standing there wearing a confident smile. He made her feel at ease. They shared a quick kiss before she let him in and closed the door behind him.
“You look lovely,” said Bucky as he made his way over to the chair and sat down.
“Thank you,” she replied, feeling somewhat giddy.
“Nice shower?”
“Oh, yeah. The water pressure,” said Sarah with a wide beam as she sat on the bed. “Made me wanna cry it was so good.”
Bucky let out a little chortle and then smiled at Sarah. He placed his hands in his lap and said, “Good. I’m glad.”
Sarah dipped her head and looked up at Bucky through her pretty lashes as she tucked a stray twist behind her ear. He kept his eyes on her and Sarah’s skin felt warm from Bucky’s gaze.
“So,” she said, biting her lip.
“So,” he replied, staring into her soul.
“You gonna move a little closer or?”
“Absolutely,” Bucky replied as he stood and made his way over to where Sarah was seated.
She turned to face him, and he brought his hand up to sweep her hair away from her face.
“Hey,” Bucky whispered.
“Hey,” Sarah replied, just as softly.
“You sure you’re ready to do this?” asked Bucky while stroking the side of Sarah’s face.
“I’m sure,” she replied as she turned to place a kiss to Bucky’s palm. “Are you?”
“Yes,” he said before leaning in to peck a kiss to her lips. “I’m certain.”
The dim lighting of the room cast shadows over Sarah and Bucky’s forms. They lay together in the soft light caressing one another. Lips pressed firmly together, eager, and full of need. Warm breath a sweet mélange against heated skin. Fingers testing and teasing; stripping garments from one another’s pliant bodies. Limbs tangled together. Smiles in between kisses.
Bucky kissed along Sarah’s neck, sucking love-bites as he went. She tilted her head to the side to afford him better access. He sucked her earlobe into his mouth, and she let out a moan. He cursed out loud at the sound that escaped her lips. They shared another kiss, claiming and somewhat desperate. Bucky shifted so that he was hovering over Sarah; his tags swung and tapped against her chin.
“Sorry,” said a breathless Bucky as he pecked a kiss to her chin and then pushed back so that he was kneeling.
“It’s okay,” Sarah replied as she leaned up on her elbows and let her gaze roam over Bucky’s bare chest and abs; she watched him remove the chain which held his tags and then place them aside. “You’re so fine.”
“You,” said Sarah, reaching her hand out to press against Bucky’s chest. “You’re so fine I cannot even deal.”
He let out a little coy laugh and said, “Sugar, you’re one to talk.  I mean, look at you: Fuckin’ beautiful.”
Bucky gestured towards Sarah, laid out and gorgeous in her nightdress. She blessed him with a smile before he leaned down and covered her body with his. Their kiss was deep, slow, and sensuous. Sarah’s hands found their way into Bucky’s short hair. She gripped tightly as he kissed his way from her lips to her neck and then further down.
Bucky pulled the thin strap of Sarah’s nightdress down off of her shoulder and pressed his lips to her collarbone before cupping her breast with his right hand. He stopped to take in the sight of Sarah for a brief moment, admiring the way their contrasting skin tones looked strikingly gorgeous together.
“You’re perfect, Sarah,” Bucky whispered before kissing her once more. “So perfect.”
Sarah’s head was swimming from the way it felt to have Bucky’s weight on top of her; his lips and tongue lapping at her; his hands and fingers teasing her. If it had been a long while since Bucky had done anything like that, she could not tell. His thumb was strumming her sensitive bud as he dipped his fingers in and out of her swollen folds. Sarah gripped Bucky’s forearm as she felt heat swirl around her center.
“Hmmm,” she moaned as Bucky brought her closer to her climax.
He smiled and pressed a kiss to her jaw before continuing his attentions. Bucky withdrew his fingers and rubbed Sarah’s nectar into her pulsing clit. She bucked her hips and came with a loud moan and shaky breath.
Bucky had barely let Sarah come down from the highs of her orgasm before he fervently rubbed out another. Her body was shaking with pleasure. He was almost vibrating himself with anticipation and need. Sarah caught her breath and then caught Bucky’s lips in a messy kiss. She reached between their bodies and took hold of his straining arousal; giving him a few strokes up and down his length.
“Fuck,” Bucky breathed out against Sarah’s lips. “Sugarplum, that’s so – ah, so good.”
“I want you,” she replied, strumming him deftly. “Want you so bad.”
“I want you, too,” said Bucky as they shared another messy kiss. “Just gotta – fuck, hold on. Sar, hold on, Baby.”
Sarah let out a little whine as Bucky drew back. She gave him a pouty look that almost made him come right then and there. He found the condom that he had placed on the bed, tore it open, and proceeded to roll it down his length. Sarah watched him all the while, her eyes dark with desire.
Bucky settled in between her legs and said, “You ready?”
“Yeah,” said Sarah, parting her thighs further for him.
Bucky kissed the corner of Sarah’s mouth and lined himself up at her entrance. He stared into her eyes as he slid his hard thickness into her warm softness. They each let out a pleasured moan as Bucky’s length was fully enveloped by Sarah’s heat.
“Is that okay?” asked Bucky, fighting to keep his eyes open.
“Yes,” Sarah replied. “It’s good, Buck. So good.”
They kissed once more before Bucky began to roll his hips, slipping and out, over and over again. Sarah wrapped her legs around his waist and allowed herself to grow accustomed to the sensation of being filled by him and his virile length. Bucky relished in the glide of his hardness being sheathed by Sarah’s tightness. She clenched around him and he all but growled into her parted lips.
“Sarah,” he whispered, voice low and laced with desire. “God, Sarah.”
Bucky’s thrusts grew more fervent, urged on by his lover’s pleasured cries as he struck against her spot. Sarah dug her fingernails into Bucky’s back as she held him, wanting more and more from him. He surrendered himself and gave Sarah what she wanted. Bucky gave her what she needed: Deep strokes and attentive kisses. Whispered praise and carnal delights.
Time seemed to fall away as the pair of lovers gave and received pleasure. As they chased their release and focused their attentions on the other. Despite the coolness of the room, both Sarah and Bucky were covered in a sheen of sweat. Their body heat radiating from each other. Their breaths warming their skin.
Bucky pressed a claiming kiss to Sarah’s lips as he rammed himself into her with urgency. He could feel his release quickly approaching. She felt too good. She felt unreal. He wanted her to feel all of the goodness that he was feeling in that moment. He reached his hand down to her pulsing bud and stroked it with his thumb. After a beat, Sarah let out a delighted cry and clenched around him. Bucky hooked her leg up and drove himself deeper.
“Oh, God. Right there,” said Sarah as she closed her eyes. “Right. There.”
Bucky continued his ministrations, drawing both himself and Sarah nearer to their climax. Bucky’s deft thrusts brought Sarah to the height of her pleasure. She let out a breathy moan as she reached her orgasm. Bucky kissed her lips and fucked her through it. His climax followed soon thereafter. They shared another kiss, and the held one another while letting out the most joyful, satiated laughs.
“Oh my God,” said Sarah as she fought to catch her breath.
“My thoughts exactly,” Bucky replied, as he withdrew himself, discarded the condom, and pulled Sarah into hug.
“Why did we wait so long to do that?” asked Sarah as she ran her hand over Bucky’s sweat-covered chest.
“I don’t know,” he replied, pressing a kiss to thee top of her head. “Somethin’ about worrying if we would still be ‘good’ at it.”
“Well, you were amazing,” said Sarah as she nuzzled closer to Bucky.
“You were mind-blowing,” said Bucky while he threaded their fingers together. “Perfect.”
Sarah used to be good at this. She remembered as much. What she maybe didn’t realize was that she would get another chance at it. As she laid next to the man who she could see herself having a real second chance with, she realized it was better than good. It was great. Beautiful Bucky. Kind, caring, protective Bucky. She trusted him with her body, her heart, and her soul.
Bucky used to be good at this. He remembered as much. What he didn’t remember was it feeling that good. Great, actually. How great it felt to be there with Sarah, whom he would give everything to. Whatever it is that she wanted. His beautiful Sarah. His sweet, sweet Sarah, who could take his body and his heart. His lovely Sarah, who could have his soul.
They both used to be good at this, but now they know that they are great together.
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