#Sarracenia minor
phytophiliac · 1 year
Sarracenia minor by Richard Ellis Via Flickr: Sarracenia minor is a species of carnivorous pitcher plant native to the southeast United States.  It has an overhanging hood and translucent "windows" on the back that let in light and likely confuse insects that might be looking for an exit. #Sarraceniaminor #Sarracenia #minor #carnivorousplant #pitcherplant #insectivorousplant #botany
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thebotanicalarcade · 1 year
n66_w1150 by Biodiversity Heritage Library Via Flickr: Illustrations of North American pitcherplants,. Washington, D.C.,The Smithsonian Institution,1935.. biodiversitylibrary.org/page/43245118
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clovers-carnivores · 7 months
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sarracenia minor & a very complicated sarracenia hybrid that i dont remember all the parts of off the top of my head (:
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therudegarden · 9 months
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New sarracenia minor seeds coming
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47015741 · 1 year
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[OC] Hooded Pitcher plant Sarracenia minor in the Okefenokee
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funguswench · 2 years
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Sarracenia minor
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hoodie-bboi · 5 years
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the boys™️
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Some Sarracenia minor I got out of the swamp to grow
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plantanarchy · 6 years
updated list of all my plants
here they are!!! here they all fuckin are!
total count: 138
(not including all cuttings/individual plants)
Aglaonema sp.
Aloe/Gasteria (unknown species)
Anacampseros telephiastrum variegata
Aporocactus - Rat Tail Cactus
Begonia dregei - Maple Leaf Begonia
Begonia grandis - Hardy Begonia
Begonia maculata wightii - Cane/Angelwing Begonia
Begonia maculata wightii - Cane/Angelwing Begonia
Begonia masoniana - Iron Cross Begonia
Begonia ‘Canary Wings’ - Semperflorens Type Begonia
Begonia ‘Dark Mamba’ - Rhizomatous Begonia
Begonia ‘Dark Mamba’ - Rhizomatous Begonia
Begonia ‘Dark Mamba’ - Rhizomatous Begonia
Begonia ‘Dibs Cherry Mint’ - Rex/Rhizomatous Begonia
Begonia ‘Dibs Tuxedo’ - Rex/Rhizomatous Begonia
Begonia ‘Fireworks’ - Rhizomatous Begonia
Begonia ‘Honeysuckle’ - Cane Type/Angelwing Begonia
Begonia ‘Jive’ - Rhizomatous Begonia
Begonia ‘Mrs. Hashimoto’ - Cane Type Begonia
Begonia ‘Nautilus Supreme’ - Rhizomatous Begonia
Begonia ‘Nokomis’ - Cane/Angelwing Begonia
Begonia ‘Palomar Whirlwind’ (?) - Rhizomatous Begonia
Begonia ‘Pegasus’ - Shrub/Cane Type Begonia
Begonia ‘Princess of Hanover’ - Rex/Rhizomatous Begonia
Begonia ‘Ruby Slippers’ - Rhizomatous Begonia
Begonia ‘Tom Ment’ - Cane Type Begonia
Begonia ‘West Texas Blizzard’ - Rex/Rhizomatous Begonia
Begonia ‘Zorro’ - Cane/Angelwing Begonia
Calathea lancifolia - Rattlesnake Plant
Calathea roseopicta ‘Medallion’ - Medallion Peacock Plant
Calathea ‘White Fusion’
Cereus repandus monstrosa - Monstrose Peruvian Apple Cactus
Ceropegia woodii - String of Hearts
Cissus quadrangularis - Veldt Grape
Cissus rhombifolia - Grape Ivy
Cotyledon tomentosa variegata - Variegated Bear Paws
Crassula ovata
Crassula ovata
Crassula ovata ‘Lemon & Lime’
Crassula perfoliata minor
Crassula perfoliata minor
Crassula perforata - String of Buttons
Crassula streyi
Cryptanthus ‘Pink Star’
Ctenanthe burle-marxii - Fishbone Prayer Plant
Dieffenbachia cv. - Dumb Cane
Dracaena deremensis warneckii
Dracaena godseffinia - Gold Dust Dracaena
Dracaena sanderiana - Lucky Bamboo
Drosera sp. - Sundew
Echeveria puldonis (?)
Echeveria pulvinata
Echeveria purpusorum
Echeveria setosa ‘fo-42′
Echeveria ‘Perle von Nurnberg’
Epiphyllum oxypetalum - Night Blooming Cereus
Epipremnum aureum ‘Golden’ - Golden Pothos
Epipremnum aureum ‘Neon’ - Neon Pothos
Epipremnum aureum ‘Pearls & Jade’ - Pearls & Jade pothos
Euphorbia pulcherrima ‘Mars Marble’ - Poinsettia
Euphorbia trigona rubra - Red African Milk Tree
Faucaria tigrina - Tiger Jaw
Fauceria tigrina variegata - Variegated Tiger Jaw
Ficus elastica ‘Tricolor’ - Tricolor Variegated Rubber Tree
Ficus lyrata - Fiddleleaf Fig
Ficus salicifolia - Willowleaf Ficus
Fittonia argyroneura - Silver Nerve Plant
Gasteria bicolor liliputana
Gasteria ‘Hummel’s Giant’
Gasteria ‘Silver Stripe’
Graptopetalum paraguayense
Hatiora gaertneri - Easter Cactus (red)
Haworthia cooperi var cooperi
Haworthia cooperi var truncata
Haworthia cuspidata
Haworthia mirabilis
Haworthia retusa
Haworthiopsis attenuata
Haworthiopsis attenuata
Haworthiopsis attenuata caespitosa - Zebra Plant
Haworthiopsis attenuata caespitosa - Zebra Plant
Haworthiopsis reinwardtii
Haworthiopsis reinwardtii
Haworthiopsis venosa tesselata
Heuchera ‘Black Pearl’ - Coral Bells
Heuchera ‘Blackberry Ice’ (?) - Coral Bells
Hoya carnosa ‘Rubra’ - Variegated/Rubra Wax Plant
Hoya carnosa ‘Tricolor’ - Tricolor/Variegated Wax Plant
Hoya curtisii - Porcelain Flower Hoya
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana - Flowering Kalanchoe (double red)
Kalanchoe luciae variegata - Variegated Flapjack
Kalanchoe tomentosa
Maranta leuconeura erythroneura - Red Prayer Plant
Maranta leuconeura kerchoviana - Light Green Prayer Plant
Maranta leuconeura kerchoviana - Light Green Prayer Plant
Maranta leuconeura massangeana - Dark Green Prayer Plant
Monstera adansonii - Swiss Cheese Vine
Nepenthes sp. - Tropical Pitcher Plant
Ophiopogon planiscapus ‘Nigrescens’ - Black Mondo Grass
Osmanthus heterophyllus ‘Goshiki’ - Variegated False Holly
Pedilanthus/Euphorbia tithymaloides nana variegata - Variegated Devil’s Backbone
Peperomia caperata cv.
Peperomia clusiifolia ‘Ginny’
Peperomia nitida variegata - Variegated Vining Peperomia
Phalaenopsis - Miniature Orchid (purple-veined)
Phalaenopsis - Miniature Orchid (white)
Phalaenopsis - Orchid (yellow)
Philodendron hederaceum micans - Velvet Leaf Philodendron
Philodendron hederaceum ‘Brasil’ - Brasil Heartleaf Philodendron
Pilea peperomioides - Chinese Money Plant
Platycerium sp. - Staghorn Fern
Polyscias fruticosa - Ming Aralia
Portulacaria afra - Baby Jade/Elephant Bush
Raphidophora tetrasperma
Rhododendron ‘Purple Gem’
Saintpaulia - African Violet (single blue)
Sansevieria cylindrica
Sansevieria cylindrica ‘Starfish’ - Starfish Snake Plant
Sansevieria ehrenbergii ‘Samurai Dwarf’
Sarracenia purpurea - Hardy Pitcher Plant
Sarracenia sp. - Trumpet Pitcher Plant
Schlumbergera truncata - Christmas Cactus (red)
Sciadopitys verticillata - Umbrella Pine
Scindapsus pictus ‘Argyraeus’ - Satin Pothos (small leaf)
Scindapsus pictus ‘Exotica’ - Satin Pothos (big leaf)
Sedum morganianum burrito - Burro’s Tail
Sedum nussbaumerianium
Sempervivum sp. - Hens & Chicks
Streptocarpus saxorum - Streptocarpella
Tillandsia bulbosa - Air Plant
Tillandsia caput-medusae - Air Plant
Tillandsia stricta - Air Plant
Tradescantia fluminensis variegata - Variegated Tradescantia
Tradescantia spathacea variegata - Variegated Moses in a Basket
Wisteria sp.
Zamioculcas zamiifoliia - ZZ Plant
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paraisocarnivoro · 3 years
Sarracenia Scarlet belle x minor
Sarracenia Scarlet belle x minor
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cassieoh · 6 years
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Triskalin Yllafir (half-elf cleric) and her wife Celena (human druid/wizard) featuring Sarracenia (the tressym) and Celena’s minor illusory self
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sarahwithtea · 6 years
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Late in the day, today’s #leafycarnivores sketch is Sarracenia Minor. For me the most striking element of this plants pitchers are the well defined white spots. The shape of its hood also gives it a bit more of a frog like character. #sketches #sarraceniaminor #carnivorousplants #botanicalillustration #2018dailycreature
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hoodie-bboi · 5 years
growth check!!
(wednesday, june 26, 2019)
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Sarracenia minor
so much new growth!!
he's got tons of new leaves that will hopefully mature in the next few weeks
his first true pitcher got damaged due to the wrong type of soil but has definitely bounced back since then
might repot in a few months depending on if he keeps growing this quickly
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Venus Flytrap
cycling through its heads at a healthy rate!
will probably feed him soon
heads steadily digested food and fell off after all nutrients was absorbed
has a bunch of new heads and several smaller ones coming in too!
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Fittonia nervous
cat chewed on her leaves a few weeks ago and got severely damaged :/
has bounced back really well
has beautiful pink coloring!
lots of new leaves and several baby ones coming in!
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Ruby Ball Cactus
lots of itty bitty little spiny babies!
is struggling to root itself after being knocked over by my cat a few weeks ago, thinking about trying water therapy but will do some research first
other than that, not a whole lot of growth
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Brain Cactus
took off the fake flower which caused some damage
letting it callous over
not a whole lot of growth either
my curly locks ivy is currently at my moms work bc he's poisonous to my kitty, so i'll ask her to send some pictures of him for a separate growth check post
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symbioculture · 4 years
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❇️ Heliamphora Heterodoxa ❇️ ( x Minor ) 👨‍🏫 Petite parenthèse sur les plantes carnivores : 🧬 Il existe un peu plus de 700 espèces de plantes carnivores au sens strict connues. En moyenne 3 espèces sont découvertes ou décrites chaque année depuis 2000. Les plantes carnivores se distinguent du reste du règne végétal par leur capacité à attirer, capturer et digérer leurs proies. 🦠 Les bactéries aidant à l'assimilation sont qualifiées de protocarnivores. 🔬 🍱 La nutrition carbonée et la production de sucres se font par la voie classique de la photosynthèse, comme chez la plupart des végétaux dit supérieurs. Les plantes carnivores fixent ainsi le dioxyde de carbone de l’air, en présence de lumière, et absorbent l’eau et sels minéraux par leurs racines.☀️💧 🍬 Les proies qu’elles capturent ne sont, bien souvent, que des sources complémentaires d’azote et de phosphore. ↪️ Ici il s'agit donc de : Heliamphora Heterodoxa x Minor, un Hybride assez courant, recommandé quand on souhaite débuter avec le genre Heliamphora ! 🆔 🏞️ TYPE DE MILIEU : Plateaux montagneux du Vénézuela/Brésil 📐 TAILLE : 20 à 25 cm de haut 🧬 ORIGINE : Hybride d'origine horticole 🕸️ CAPTURE : Le système de capture des Heliamphora fonctionnent comme les urnes de Nepenthes et Sarracenia, le type de piège est dit "passif". La capture se fait sans que le piège n'est à bouger : Les insectes sont attirés par un organe attractif, ( une "cuillère à nectar", l’appendice rouge en haut de l'urne), en s'y posant les insectes glissent au fond de l'urne grâce aux "poils" tournés vers le bas qui les empêchent de remonter par la suite et meurent noyés pour qu' ensuite la plante puisse les digèrer. Tu veux plus d'informations ? N'hésite pas a me contacter 📩 ➕ Cet article t'a plus ? Identifie un ami qui pourrait être intéressé par les sujets que j'aborde... ça me fera moultes plaisirs 😆 (à Assesse) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJru0_BA3au/?igshid=jfmjh6axg3h0
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floraleevee · 4 years
favorite CP species by genus
not allowing myself to do hybrids on this, as that would make the Nep list go on forever.
??? villosa maybe? i feel like i’m gonna wake up tomorrow and be like “WAIT no i forgot ___!”
filiformis var floridiana
erythrorhiza squamosa
x Jitka (i’m making an exception to my no hybrid rule because this one is too nice to leave out)
flava var cuprea
flava var rubricorpora
purpurea (their range is so big and there’s so much selective breeding that there’re too many to choose from)
minor “Burgundy Black”
nutans (RIP buddy...)
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takethewildroad · 8 years
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A hooded pitcherplant (Sarracenia minor) in Northern Florida.
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