#Sawyer Baker
comicsanslover · 7 months
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Obsessed w big city greens right meow . Like obsessed
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mitsuriville · 2 months
This year art dump 🧟
Since I just started account and intend to post my art here, I decided to post all of my art of this year so far (that I’m proud of) that I’ve already posted from my insta/tiktok 💋
not in order it’s kind of shuffled LOL
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I’ll be posting more in the future
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LOL How is this the purest yet also messiest wedding party ever. I love the mess 😂😁
The best man is the ex boyfriend of the bride.
The maid of honor is the ex girlfriend of the groom
The best man slept with the maid of honor many years prior while he was with the bride (thus cheating on the bride with her best friend)
The bride and groom starting dating after the groom cheated on the maid of honor twice with the bride
Now the best man is married to the officiant who he started hanging out with just to screw with the groom. Now they are the love of each other's lives.
They went from the messiest group to the most pure friend group.
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useragarfield · 27 days
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ONE TREE HILL 6.13 | "Things A Mama Don't Know" (2009)
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skoik1294bc52 · 3 months
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Again, they look like lesbians but Kyle is actually man:/
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soovermyself · 8 months
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All the feels 😍
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the-bowster · 1 year
"They are so babygirl" I say, while talking about a Cannibal that wears a mask out of human skin, an undead girlfriend who was made out of various human body parts, a transgender (at least to my headcanon) selective mute pre-teen who kills people who are mean to her, and a autistic girl who was experimented on by the man she was manipulated into thinking that what he was doing to her was ok
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So how’s the relationship with the Horror Kids and the rest of the horror characters? Who are the favorite uncle and aunties? Who can tolerate them the most?
-Bubba Sawyer and the whole Sawyer family are somehow related to the Voorhees family. They're not exactly sure how, but family is important and they want to teach the kids how to do it right. Except Chop Top. He only likes Billy. Chop Top is not a good influence for anyone.
-A certain sewer dwelling clown tried to approach the kids. Specifically Sam. Sam came home wearing a bloody clown nose that day.
-Freddy (80s Freddy) has a history with Jason. It's not a good one, but he shows up enough for Pamela to set a place at the table for him.
-Samara came home with a yelling, flailing and, if you ask Billy, ugly, red-headed doll named Chucky, threatening to stab them. He's more of a nuisance than anything, but he can appreciate some of the kids' methods.
-Carrie comes home with her friend Needy all the time. It might not be a problem if Needy didn't bring her girlfriend, Jennifer, with her. She does not get along with Billy. At all.
-Angela made friends with a camper named Hayley Stark. Hayley showed Mrs. Voorhees how she could use a computer to have better access to potential victims. (She's still figuring it out)
-Pamela recently joined the PTA and made friends with another mom, Beverly Sutphin. They have more in common than you'd think.
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somedayistodayoth · 1 year
iMessage || S. Scott
[ read ]
[ 10 minutes later ]
Sawyer: What do you care.
Jude: Aren't you going to greet your ex-baby daddy with a bit more decorum?
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comicsanslover · 7 months
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reblog if this goes hard
guy in the rat suit is my self insert for bcg
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steriotypicaloutlaw · 2 years
So um, comparing the heights of some of my muses and-
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Something that I love about Nathan and Haley's relationship is the way that they bury the hatchet. Like Lucas keeps record of past mistakes both in his friendships and his romantic relationships. Haley confronts Lucas in season 4 about kissing Peyton for the second time when in a relationship with Brooke and Lucas brings up how she kissed Chris when she was married to Nathan. You might say that's valid but Nathan forgave Haley for that. They are so past that and Haley never made that same mistake twice.
But I digress, this post isn't necessarily about Lucas but I just made that point to really illustrate how great Nathan and Haley are at forgiving each other. After Nathan and Haley go to therapy, Haley never really brings up Nanny Carrie again. She makes one snide comment about naked nannies in the beginning of S6 and then that's it. They do not allow adversity to poison their relationship. The adversity is making the foundation of their relationship stronger but it never completely poisons their relationship. I really respect that. There were plenty of opportunities that Nathan could have trotted out the Chris Keller situation to his advantage. During the Nanny Carrie situation he could have been all like.... Carrie kissed me without my consent but you kissed Chris consentingly but he didn't. He forgave her for the Chris situation, they renewed their vows, and he never brought it up again (BTW I don't believe that Haley consented to the Chris kiss because she was a minor and he was an adult and I don't believe that a child can consent in that situation. But that is just the kind of bullshit that the One Tree Hill writers would write when it comes to Chris. But they didn't with Nathan because Nathan is a stand up dude). And yes I'm gonna bring up Lucas again... in comparison.... Lucas forgave Brooke for sleeping with Chris and then in S3 when he was in hot water with the whole Peyton situation he brought up the Chris situation and used his past forgiveness as a bargaining chip. Once again, Lucas keeps past records of mistakes and pulls them out whenever possible. Okay i'm done about Lucas now I promise lol
I just love how Nathan and Haley's reconciliation progressed in S3. Nathan took his time to forgive but he also didn't hold on stubbornly to bitterness. I've heard some people say that he forgave her too quickly but I vehemently disagree with that. I disagree with the idea that there should be an exact timetable at all. If you feel your anger thawing, do not hold onto the anger. Nathan as much as he was afraid to be vulnerable, still loved Haley and deep down he wasn't 100% ready at any point to annul the marriage/divorce her. That's why he hid the papers from Dan so that Dan couldn't file them. He kept the papers for some time but there was that part of him that wasn't ready to give up on them. He forgave her in his own natural pace and then once he forgave.... he fucking forgave and there was no looking back. It's as if it never happened. Nathan and Haley are the most forgiving, kind, and gracious people ever... with themselves and with their friends.
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othsource · 1 year
Rewatching oth and I think Lucas is a terrible boyfriend
okay THIS though. i'm gona go on a rant about lucas but before i do, remember i do love lucas scott! it's just..... he's *super* messy in high school.
i grew up such a big fan of lucas because i love love love chad michael murray, right?
but then watching it through this time?
oh my GOSH he's the worst boyfriend (specifically toward brooke)
with peyton, it's like he finally learned HOW to be a boyfriend
like when she told him about sire records and he told her to go for it! that he'd wait for her. i love that! this is how a man should love!
but completely shutting brooke out in s3, not communicating with her repeatedly, not being able to read her behavior when she's clearly not doing great but he just ignores it and acts like everythings fine (which happened a couple times throughout s3)
and lets not even talk about s1 because oh my GOSH he was horrible in s1 toward brooke
and also, lucas and the way he treated peyton throughout s5? get out of here!!! we all know how you truly feel dude! stop hiding behind lindsey and be the man we know you can be! ugh! (although i will say s5 is one of my favorite seasons because the drama. i love having my heart broken by media though lmfao)
i'm very grateful for s6 because he really does turn it around for peyton, and in turn, the fans of the show (in my opinion of course)
i watched a video on youtube about brooke/lucas with the song enough for you by olivia rodrigo. and at the end of the song, the creator of the video started using really cute clips of brooke with julian and it just made me so excited for her to meet him.
she deserves someone like julian to love her because lucas, felix, chase, owen - none of them appreciated brooke the way she deserves to be appreciated. not until julian <3 <3 <3
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kaitlinj16 · 1 year
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One Tree Hill | 6.23
"Forever and Almost Always"
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sapphiredhearts-a · 1 year
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tags for added muses : julian baker, peyton sawyer, & serena van der woodsen
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mugiwara-lucy · 7 days
I love how Peyton was QUICK to protect Brooke from Julian 😇😊☺️
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