#Sbi angst
nomsfaultau · 2 months
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From the dark sleepy bois inc fic Mandatory Family Reunion
some close ups below ^-^
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alykatsposts · 7 months
Yo does anyone have any SBI fics without Wilbur I can read? Like the sbi group is kinda a comfort thing for me but I don't wanna read shit else that involves him
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bakedtoast · 1 year
it's gonna be okay.
[ art made by spf-1 on webtoon ]
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sunshine-on-marz · 1 year
“Soon you’ll get better.”
Taylor swift song fic
SBI angst.
Tw: unspecified sickness, mentions of hospitals, death, and medication, lots of crying and screaming. Religion/ religious trauma
They knew something was wrong as soon as Wilbur started coughing. Phil offered him water, but he was struggling to breathe. Techno noticed right away, running to his brothers side to help him sit down, Phil, seeing how pale his son was immediately rushed to grab his keys and a coat for Tommy, tommy was the only one who wast wearing a sweater. He’d taken it off that morning, it made Wilbur laugh when techno tried fruitlessly to get the blonde to put it back on. But as they drove the hospital, Wilbur incessantly saying that he’s fine as his voice cracked from the strain of simply talking, tommy fiddled with the coat buttons and the locks of his hair that fell barely to his collar. In the hospital, it was loud, and so was Tommy, but for the first time he could remember he didn’t like the loud. Techno had him propped up on his hip, holding Tommy like he was nothing, because in that moment no weight was heavier than the what if’s that paced their mind the same way so many desperate people paced the halls.
Tommy used to love the color orange. That was until he saw the pill bottles. There were always so many. One in the kitchen, one in the living room, one in the medicine cabinet, one in Wilbur’s bedroom. Always in reach, in case his brother almost died again. If there was one thing he hated more than the color orange it was knowing that his brother was hurting, and knowing that he was completely helpless to that hurt. But Tommy would never tell Wilbur how scared he was, but he would tell God. The people in the waiting room that first visit, some had rosaries, some were just holding their hands together just as tightly as Tommy had been holding onto techno. But now Tommy was praying too. He’s always thought it was stupid, preferring to listen to his brothers talk about the Greek and Roman gods rather than go to church, but right now he was desperate. So he begged a God he didn’t trust, to help his brother, he didn’t trust anyone anymore, he couldn’t, not until Wilbur’s promises of being ok were fulfilled.
The hospital trips were getting more and more grim, and Wilbur’s reassurances were getting more and more shaky. Tommy knew he was the only one who still had any faith in them being true, but if he lost hope then he was accepting losing Wilbur, and if he lost Wilbur he’d lose himself. So when Wilbur hugged him and said “I’ll be better soon kid” tommy would always whisper back “you’ll get better soon” but what he’d leave out is “you have to.”
Tommy cried in school for the first time when Techno burst into his classroom saying Wilbur had collapsed again. It was delusional to think they could escape it happening anywhere but their house, somehow that’s exactly what had been happening for the past few years, but it really sunk in just how bad it was when he saw his puffy eyes in the hospital bathroom mirror. Phil went home that night to get the necessities, but he also brought Wilbur’s laptop. Wilbur, with his shaking hands and cracking lips would insist on helping tommy play the sims. They’d pretend it wasn’t real, the hospital that is. They’d make fun of Tommy for accidentally picking a neon color for the kitchen walls, tommy said it matches the sky. Some of the nurses would tell Wilbur that all the screen time wasn’t helping him, but Techno would tell them to fuck off. Wilbur had some favorite nurses, tommy couldn’t remember many of the names, so he just called those ones the “nice nurses”. One name he did remember was nurse Andrea, a kind woman who always say Wilbur was “making the best of a bad deal”. Wilbur told her about Tommy’s accomplishments as if he was a proud parent, and the blonde would sit with teary eyes as Wilbur told Andrea how proud of a brother he was. Andrea hugged Tommy that night as he cried in the hallway, she promised him that Wilbur was as comfortable as he could be right now, and that helped, as much as it could help right now.
The day they were told to say their goodbyes Tommy cried harder than he ever had. And Wilbur just held him. “Who am I supposed to talk to? What am I supposed to do?” He sobbed, and Wilbur kissed his blonde curls and smiled with teary eyes “you have techno. And Tom, you’ll always have me.”
That night was the last night they saw Wilbur before the funeral
At the funeral people kept promising that one day things would feel ok again, but Tommy knew they wouldn’t.
So he kneeled at his brothers coffin and whispered
“You’ll get better soon. ‘Cause you have to.”
@canonically-a-genloser L you have to have your weekly sad angst breakdown live on tumblr
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cricketblabbers · 1 year
Help finding a fanfic!(could contain spoilers)
I have been trying to find a fic for a while now and just can't figure out what it's called. Idk if it's been taken down or what but I want to read it again. It's a SBI hero/villain centered around Bedrock bros. Tommy and Techno are piglin hybrids, techno a brute and tommy a runt, 3/4 sbi are villains I think. Tommy is evil hero dreams brother and uses him to find weaknesses of piglins to fight techno. I think quackity is a lawer in later chapters that sapnap calls up to go against dream? It starts with tommy finding techno in an alley and their instincts cause them to bond and techno takes him home(not really kidnapping but could be idk) and Tom meets the fam. They descover dreams bad to him and want to keep him.
I don't remember much else but I forgot to save it and now I can't find it please help!
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idea: a c!tommy centric fic in which he has amnesia titled "if you replace the rot" (or a similar reference to the Ship Of Theseus)
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lemonmaidenswamps · 2 years
Tags: death and angst
Where phil lost 4 year old tommy in the woods and like
He comes back every anniversary after not finding him. Now he's hitting his thousands. Its been decades upon decades not seeing his very MORTAL son
Once a town settles hes alerted
That they found a missing boy. He has no hope. They havent found tommy let alone a body. But once he goes and checks there he is
The small 4 year old scrapes on his knees. Skinny and dirty but just the same as he had lost him eons ago.
There was his missing son. By some miracle kept young and ALIVE.
He goes and talks to Tommy, but Tommy cant see him. He can touch him feel him hug him but Tommy's eyes are far and distant. Faded and Phil cant see himself in those eyes.
And then everything goes cold. The town goes quiet and wildlife stops.
The Spirit of the Forest and the Wilderness appear before him. Two twin teens. Thats when Tommy begins to move again "Wilbur! Techno!"
And then he turns to phil. "Dad?"
Phil cries, hes never wept so hard before as he hugs Tommy so hard.
"Oh Toms. Im so so sorry, i left you behind"
Tommy only hugs him. But looks past him to the twins and cries.
"Dad. I have to go"
"Go? No no no you cant go. Where are you going?"
"Away. I dont want to go. But i have to dad"
Phil turns to look at the twins. They havent said anything but extended their hands to Tommy. Completely ignoring Phil.
One covered in animal hide. Blood painted over his chest in some symbols he doesn't know the meaning of, a boar skull over his head.
The other same build same hair however in green robes. A orange veil the same color of Autumn. His feet covered in mud. Both with striking white eyes. Both ignoring Phil.
Phil doesnt understand. In his core he understands that they have taken care of Tommy. That they kept him alive. But he begs "please don't take tommy from me, please"
But they say nothing. They continue to look past him arms stretch for tommy
"Dad i must go. Our forest can't last without us"
"But tommy your my son" Phil begs "im suppose to watch you grow. To go to school to cry, to move out to get married. You dont belong to the forest your Tommy and im your father"
Tommy cries he doesnt want to leave. He doesnt remember much at all about before. But he remembers Phil
The warms hugs he would get. The reassurance that nothing would hurt him. Pancakes in the morning and a kiss goodnight. The warmth of a father.
But he knew now that as much as he wanted to. He couldnt have that. He was happy still. Sad maybe somber. But this was no longer his home. "Im sorry"
Phil doesn't understand he wants to be furious. He doesnt know to what. Turning to the twins he walks over.
Making contact as he sees a vision.
A woman young but frightened her hair dark, she looks like night itself as shes crying and calling out to the forest.
And as she fades he sees them. Holding hands as they rest on a stump. The earth recalling them to the soil.
They are gone
And it all makes sense. As he crumbles onto the floor sobbing as that woman did too. THEY cant come back. They are dead. Tommy CAN'T come back.
For Tommy's been gone for a long time.
What ever happened what ever they did they been taking care of him. Keeping him alive by some force that he cannot explain. And he hugs them thanks them because he understands.
"See my face wet with tears" Phil holds Tommy's small hands as he looks at the shaken boy"
"They're running down my cheeks" Phil feels his son wipe them away. He's so real. He can feel him but hes cold. Frozen in time.
"Dont cry!"
"Promise me that you'll be safe. I am immortal and ill be here for when ever i can find you again, dearest son"
Tommy sobs. Taking in handfuls of Phil's coat into his tiny hands, sobbing into his chest.
"Promise me a sign your okay and that your alive "
Tommy nods. Still crying as he looks at his father
"When the first fawn of spring comes to you i will be saying hi. When the forest speaks it is i who is the happiest, And i will sing like april showers, till my final hour"
Phil smiles kissing his face as this will probably be the last time he sees Tommy.
Watches him go as he holds the twins hands. Finally bringing back the life of the earth.
Youth and rebirth are parts of the wilderness and now they cannot live without the other.
Tommy looks one last time. A small flash of where tommy lays is seen by phil as he watches.
Tommy is happy. Tommy is safe.
The upcoming anniversary phil finally finds the remains. A boar skull. A mushroom are surrounded by tiny little golden flowers as in the middle there lays a spring flower in the dead of winter.
He lays flowers on them all the time.
This time however accompanied by lady of the night. Death itself. As both parents grieve. For they can no longer hold their children. But smile as they hear the distant laughter and giggles of kids. Of the forest spirits. Phil tips his hat a bit to cover his tears
"Little shit"
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ax-y10 · 1 year
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Bitter Beginnings And Sweet Endings
Image sources: all found on Pinterest
In which- the most "desirable" family isn't as desirable or joyful when you become a part of it
Series info: Alcohol consumption, trauma infliction, neglect, disregard of safety, drug references, derogatory language, escape, panic and anxiety attacks, isolation, reader POV (occasionally switches POV), reader has a good relationship with Techno (o7), lowercase intentional, not canon (however it does include some canon info and events). This is overall info, but I will add warnings to the chapters
A/n: I was listening to music on a car trip and I heard a bunch of songs with good storyline so I added them to a playlist and created this :). The "Series info" covers the entire series
Pronouns: Varying (You/Yours or They/Them)
Chapter 1 - I Overheard (That She Was Nineteen)
Chapter 2 - I Just Want To Make A Change (I Just Wanna Change)
Chapter 3 - You Said Something Dumb (Again)
Chapter 4 - I Just Wanna Slam My Head (Against The Wall)
Chapter 5 - Suck It Up (Suck It Up)
Chapter 6 - Places, Places (Get In Your Places)
Chapter 7 - They Taught Me Everything (Just Like A Daddy Should)
Chapter 8 - I Said Too Much (It Overflowed)
Chapter 9 - It Goes, All My Troubles (On A Burning Pile)
Chapter 10 - But I'll Know (I'll Know)
Bonus 1 - Your Only Daughter Drowned (Today)
Bonus 2 - But I Don't Need (The Comfort Of Any Lies)
Bonus 3 - You've Ruined The Colour (Blue For Me)
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tyrellsidiot · 2 years
might post another part of my sbi fic today, you can find it on my masterlist or here!
my original plan was writing chapter 4 earlier today but i ended up just making shitty character designs instead. so ig i will get around to writing later
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nomsfaultau · 9 months
Dark SBI where Philza is a nice normal human man whose family slowly gets replaced by super natural creatures. The youngest is the first to go, replaced by 'Tommy', a shape shifting imp who decided he liked the skin of the kid and decided to keep it. He lives for chaos, but his motives falter when he experiences genuine love for the first time. Then 'Wilbur' replaces another son in classic changeling fashion, the boy taken to fulfill the whims of the fae and leaving in his place a bitter boy who knows he's an inferior version. Finally, the last son becomes plagued by dark voices that grow worse and worse, leading him succumbing to possession by 'Technoblade', who thinks he'll make the perfect new vessel after the last one was destroyed. 'Technoblade' doesn't want to lose his new vessel so soon after the last one, 'Wilbur' was trained from birth to mimic the human he would replace, and 'Tommy' wants an identity he can fall back on to play innocent if he gets in trouble. It takes awhile before the others realize all three kids are imposters. There's friction, of course, but they eventually make a pact to continue pretending to be a sweet and unsuspecting family.
The thing is...Philza isn't dumb. There's this awful feeling in his gut, and he has a sharp eye for details that don't add up. He's increasingly certain these things aren't his children. He quietly gathers evidence, and the moment he's sure...he does nothing. Philza carries on in a careful pantomime of a perfectly loving family, terrified of what they'll do to him if they realize he knows their true natures. He smothers his fear and offers them warm smiles and boundless mercy and tender affection the likes of which the imposter children have never known before. Slowly, it becomes a easier for everyone to pretend.
Maybe, if Philza's kind enough, they won't kill him, or worse. Maybe if he's good enough, their evil natures will soften. Maybe, if he's patient enough, they'll give him his real kids back.
And the moment they do, he'll slaughter every last one of the monsters who destroyed his family.
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ringnea · 1 month
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Happy Wednesday! Today will have a redraw of an old piece with ghostinnit. Emduo got him some new discs as a gift.
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bakedtoast · 1 year
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parallels in my fic!
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enderwoah · 1 year
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its crazy how i have actively avoided drawing fusions but then i saw the sbi designs and literally could not stop myself. i passed out and woke up and he existed.
anyways he has healing amber bubbles because why not! (there is nothing traumatic about constantly being Brought Into Existence only to solve problems) (he is okay) (trust me)
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noxachi · 2 years
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Technoblade has a golden crown!
Technotober Day 11: Pigstep (promptlist by @/JUZA4N on twt)
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anarchy-and-piglins · 5 months
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I'll be doing AU-gust this year because I couldn't last year. You can send me an AU from the list (it's the prompts of this year and last year, for extra spice) + character/dynamics + a prompt (can be as vague or detailed as you want. I'll pick probably the 10 to 15 most interesting ones to do by August. You can send multiple prompts if you want <3 Preferred Techno-centric, you know me kekw.
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ruleofvee · 1 year
SBIWhumptober Day 1: Scars + Day 2: Superpower Backfire
Technoblade is twelve when his life is ruined.
There are programs, initiatives for the Gifted. For those granted otherworldly powers that are beyond the scope of mortal capabilities. Usually the Academy scoops them up when they’re barely children, sequestering them away to inundate them with shadowy, nebulous ‘training regimens’. Usually, none of them are seen again - they grow into Heros, their identities hidden and their faces masked.
Technoblade is one of the few exceptions. Somehow, he was never found. Never recovered by the Academy. And while later, he’ll realize this for the blessing it is, now all it means is that he is growing and young and powerful and has no idea how to control any of that power at all.
An accident seems inevitable. It always is, in these circumstances. The Academy has many flaws, but one rule holds true - without training, a superhuman is doomed for failure. And Technoblade’s failure comes in September of his twelfth year.
A lapse in temper, a lapse in judgment. A building leveled, and Technoblade himself half buried under rubble. It’s a miracle no one died, Techno included. A gift from the gods, the papers said.
But miracles weren’t enough to spare Techno entirely. His hands were mangled by the sheer force of the magic that flowed through him. The doctors said he would never channel properly again.
And with that announcement, the Academy lost interest. He was neither a prospective Hero nor a threat. No more powerful than a regular human, the papers said. Craft City’s brightest star extinguished. The gift we never knew we lost. Techno is left behind, with bile in his teeth and bitterness in his heart.
(They underestimated his determination)
Years later, a Villain will emerge with scars on their hands and an axe to grind, and the City will realize - oh. Oh. 
He was never extinguished. He was merely, for a time, eclipsed.
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