#Scam artist
awesomecooperlove · 9 months
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"Religion gives con-men a platform to legally scam people."
This meme is intended as a warning, but the more you read it, the more it seems like a suggestion...
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anon7362847598 · 1 month
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"Struggling to pay rent" while you buy arbies and beg for money for cable, now your ass is headed to another state while rent was due and suddenly its an emergency to pay it??? Why the fuck are you even signed up to cable when you can't pay rent????? Where did you get the money for arbies after you begged everyone for 3000 dollars a few days ago??? Congrats to everyone who probably just payed these scam artists to take a vacation. Don't waste your money on these two, I tried to be supportive but this is just disgusting. Using anon because I don't give a fuck. Reported to paypal for good measure!!!
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melonisopod · 1 year
I’m going through a particularly nasty experience with Culture Hustle and their nonexistent customer service after trying to order stuff from them over a month ago. Then I looked it up and realized I’m not the only one, and there is a long history of people not getting their products and bad reviews dating back to 2020.
Spread the word. Stuart Semple is a scam artist who takes your money and runs while touting his image as a “Robin Hood of the rainbow.” Some “artist of the people” he is, to not even give people what they paid for!
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evilynapple · 2 months
the past always seems to find a way of catching up!
big side-eye to all those rich "victims" as well, babe are you dumb or just privileged? maybe don't trust shady strangers so easily next time! investing millions because some rando in nice clothes asks real nice? didn't do their due diligence looking into anna before throwing away piles of money. played themselves if u ask me. no sympathy for people who can't be bothered to do basic research and protection of their assets. can't fix stupid after all.
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mrdrhenwardhykle · 7 months
Ig AI scams are leaking into furniture buying now. Please ignore this site
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These are clearly not real. They've never shown the same chair twice or a human standing by it. A lot of the other items on this site look fake too.
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phillytranswoman · 6 months
Hello 👋 sorry to add you up I'm hoping you won't be offended but I find you really attractive. I’m David I'm looking for a honest lady to take care of her needs,rents and pay her weekly allowance I want to treat her like a queen no sex sending of nudes I pay my girls $5600 for a start I’m not here for games if you’re interested let me know sunflower.❤️
So let me get this straight, you want to give me $5600 just because you like me. I guess you want me to send you my account and routing numbers? How about you just send it to me via PayPal or venmo?
Have a nice day,
Sunflower 🌻
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correllian · 15 days
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kaiyonohime · 5 months
Sherry Tenney has filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy!
If you are unfamiliar with scam artist Sherry Tenney, I have pinned a post here.
A former bankruptcy paralegal has provided some helpful advice:
If you are a creditor (i.e., if Sherry owes you money), do not count on your claim with the AG’s office if you filed one. You need to file a proof of claim in the bankruptcy case to have any chance at recovery. They will likely ask for supporting documentation, which would be whatever documentation you have that she owes you money.
Also - please note the deadline for filing is February 12th. That’s a little less than 2 weeks away. If you are mailing in the claim form, stay aware of the mailing times - it has to arrive at the Clerk’s office by the 12th, not be postmarked by the 12th. If you wait until next week to file, you may be better off doing that electronically to be 100% sure your claim gets in by the deadline.
You can electronically file using PACER. You will need to make an account as a creditor first. The form is relatively easy to fill out online. As with the paper filing, you will be asked to upload supporting documentation of your claim. If you get stuck or have questions, the clerk’s office is your best bet for help.
In a Chapter 13, unsecured creditors usually are paid pennies on the dollar, although I have seen payments of up to 25%-50% in a few cases. Unsecured creditors are also paid last, so it may be up to four or five years before payment, depending on her plan and whether she is able to stick to it.
Please help signal boost the message as the filing deadline for creditors is in two weeks! Sherry owes more than $100k USD to people.
And, honestly, if this makes her need to sell her animals to get them away from her abuse, all the better.
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awesomecooperlove · 10 months
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loser-brain · 11 months
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Was gonna make a long post. Maybe later, but anyway, avoid Stais-World.
They are a scammer and trace art. Constantly begging people to commission them and guilt them into giving or tipping them money.
I'm so glad I stayed strong and didn't give them money. I honestly felt bad turning them down and was thinking of a way to help them but OH BOY am I glad to found posts saying not only do they scam people but would go out of their way to guilt trip them too and then block them if those people don't back down from having rights to be suspicious.
They changed their username from Spo-kaka because many people would alert others of them. But they still watermark/leave a signature of there old username on their work and commissions.
Just an fyi, their old username on other's posts and in replies will redirect to their new username until someone takes the name.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"Les voleurs ne demeurent pas inactifs," La Presse. May 31, 1933. Page 15. ---- Ils emploient maintenant toute une série de trucs pour faire des victimes. ----- AVIS DE LA POLICE ---- Les voleurs, par le temps qui court, ne restent pas inactifs. Ils emploient les trucs les plus ingénieux pour tromper leurs victimes. Maintes plaintes viennent d'être faites à la police depuis quelque temps sur la manière d'opérer des escrocs. Leur stratagème est en principe très moderne. On se présente dans un logement où on sait la femme seule et à qui l'on annonce que le mari vient d'être blessé. Le voleur s'offre de la conduire à l'hôpital. Chemin faisant, il s'aperçoit qu'il a oublié quelque chose. Il revient sur ses pas pour aller faire main basse dans la maison. Les faux vérificateurs de compteurs sont encore nombreux. Tout dernièrement, il s'en présenta un dans une famille. Pendant qu'il invitait la femme à suivre le mouvement des aiguilles, il se transportait dans une autre pièce pour s'emparer d'une sacoche et de bijoux.
Un autre truc est celui de la location de chambres. Un individu loue une chambre, présente un chèque et se fait remettre la différence en argent. D'ailleurs le chèque est sans provisions.
Une question d'héritage est toujours importante. Voici que l'individu se présente dans une maison. Il dit à la femme qu'un parent mort aux Etats-Unis lui laisse une petite fortune. Mais, pour faire vérifier les documents, il faut une somme de $14.00. Il disparait pour ne plus re- venir.
Le patron d'un établissement est absent. Un bandit remet à un des employés un colis payable sur livraison. L'employé paye et au retour du propriétaire, on constate que le colis ne contient qu'un morceau de bois.
La police demande aux citoyens d'être plus prudents à l'avenir et de rapporter immédiatement ces cas au poste le plus rapproché.
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angelholme · 10 months
So the Tory government gave out six fucktons of our money to people who scammed them, and decided not to investigate the people they gave it to.
And as a result The Tory Government have only managed to recoup about half a fuckton of our money. The rest is gone -- taken by fraud, scam artists and other such people.
It does kind of make sense -- if the Tory government had investigated the people that they were giving the money to then there are good odds that those investigations would have revealed that the people that six fucktons of our money were given to were friends of Ministers, friends of MPs, friends of MPs' families, friends of Minister's family's and Tory donors.
Which would not have been a good look for the Tory government, for Johnson, for Truss or for Sunak.
So if the Tory government doesn't investigate, they can -- at least -- maintain plausible deniability about where the money that they gave out to fraudsters, scam artists and so forth went.
Of course the Tory government still has to explain why they gave six fucktons of our money to people with checking who it was they were giving vast amounts of cash to. Because that does kind of call into question their ability to run the country.
One would think.
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Everyone, please spread this around like fire.
LyraLaney is NOT backing down, and is now ban evading. She’s egging on the victims and when they try to reason with her or even warn others of what she’s done, she gaslights and twists it around as if the victims are stalking her. She’s even threatening to put the stolen assets on Booru and other websites if they are not left alone. She’s doing this for attention, becasue even if it’s negative it still is attention. They have absolutely no morals. I’m trying to urge the victims privately to get together and compile evidence and file a suit against Lyra. While they claim that “they live in another state”, some sort of legal consequence is needed at this point.
MMD creator(s) blueoaks was put in the red by $70, xxSnowCherryxx was put in the red by $380, Chilkyarts (aka Chilkad) was put in the red by $175, and many others are in a similar situation. This needs legal action, and anyone else who has commissions open for MMD need to be made aware of what’s going on so that they do not fall victim to Lyra.
In the event that Lyra makes yet another alternate account and tries to or succeeds in getting my journal with all this evidence taken down, I have made sure to copy all of what’s currently on there to a Google Doc. This document has been shared with the victims, who have been given editors permissions in the event that they have info not publicly shared yet and wish to add it to the list of what I have compiled.
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