#Science Adjacent
alittlemoth · 2 months
...wait we're multicellular organisms. Couldn't The necromancer just be more precise? What's stopping the necromancer from being more precise and raising only the dead cells and telling them to do their jobs. If someone's dying from a disease tell their cells to suck it up and get back up and keep doing their jobs... What's stopping them from having just a box of reanimated cells?
Like they would just have to do their jobs until the new cells replace them.
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doomsdaywriter · 2 years
Adventures in Stupid Big Numbers
Adventures in Stupid Big Numbers
As I mentioned in my Goals Post back on Monday, I’ve been working on a way to create scale comparisons of nuclear blast yields. I’d already created a couple spreadsheets full of figures for yields between 1 ton and 100 megatons for surface blasts and airblasts and I’d even created a scale where 1 foot = 30 feet but that led to a model that was too large. Especially since I’d wanted to compare the…
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lorebird · 1 month
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Several weeks ago @neogotchi said "desertduo but frenrey" and it was powerful enough that I drew something hlvrai adjacent for the first time in years. No clue what to do with it but it's out there in the world now
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momo-t-daye · 1 year
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One of those basic rules of improv say you have to say "Yes and-" rather than an outright contradiction, right? Sometimes you just have to commit to the bit even if your partner in crime makes things too dang complicated (so much for flying under the radar and being unmemorable- that nurse is going to be telling stories for weeks!). Of course, it is one thing to claim a child as part of an act and quite another to let such a claim slip out in a moment of guileless yelling at the co-god-parent (previous); no number of denials can take back such an admission.
So, are werewolves undead? I like to think that Remus had a muggle birth certificate in addition to whatever records the wizarding world might utilize- but post-bite his protective parents decided that it would be safer if he no longer had a paper trail in the muggle world, keep him hidden from prying questions etc. Perhaps it was safer for Remus (or easier for his parents at least) to not exist in the muggle records as a child, but it would become very difficult to find a job outside of the magical world and bring up all sorts of awkward questions when, after a night of running around in the woods with a pack of werewolves that don't exactly trust him and sans his trousers, he gets his exhausted ass hit by a lorry and dragged off to a muggle hospital.
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warrior-of-waistbands · 5 months
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he goes for the nerds
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daguerreotyping · 11 months
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Daguerreotype of a rather stiff young man wearing smart spectacles and a sharp frown, c. 1850s
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thefugitivesaint · 2 years
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Luis Royo, ''Ere Comprimee'', #32, Feb. 1985 Source
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deancaspinefest · 7 months
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A Fabulous Evening's Apocalypse
Author: MrBotanyB | Artist: BasketcaseBetty
Posting on Monday April 1
Look at it this way: Their trip to the far end of space and time to chase a (very) long shot at freeing Dean from the Mark of Cain could have ended a lot worse than it did. It wasn't even the worst idea they'd ever had. The so-called Restaurant At the End of the Universe loops endlessly in time through the final hours of Creation while guests dance, eat, and drink until the very last of last calls. A consequence of it being a time loop is that anybody who visits can meet everybody else who was ever there. Even a centuries-dead witch who likes the challenge of lifting unbreakable curses. It didn't work out like they'd hoped, but they didn't die. True, Cas did get stranded there for a bit but they got him back. Eventually. So it was fine. That was then. And now, Sam and Dean are out of ideas for getting Cas out of the Empty. Dean has been thinking a lot about realizing important truths too late, and missed chances, and (very) long shots. And he wonders if the key to rescuing the Cas he lost might just be enlisting the help of the Cas he left behind nearly ten years ago. If it doesn't work, at least he'll get to see Cas one more time.
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
"I don't know for sure if he's the man from your photo, but they do look awfully alike. He'll probably be in the Fomalhaut Lounge. You can take the service passages," Zmallia said. She stepped back into a particularly shadowy corner and pressed a barely-visible panel. There was a whirr as a door he hadn't noticed slid open. "The fastest way is to follow the signs for the engine room until you get to the stairs, then keep going up until you see the big panel of signs for the different bars," she explained rapidly. "And don't take the elevator unless you want an argument. Obviously," she added.
Dean nodded as if this made any sense at all and ducked into the dimly lit passage. "Good luck!" Zmallia called after him.
And just as the door whirred shut: "Sorry I yelled at you earlier!"
As soon as he had rounded a corner, Dean stopped and leaned against the wall, bracing his hands on his knees. The new round of headache and nausea wasn't quite as intense as what he had felt when he stepped out of the portal, but it was still bad enough he couldn't just power through it.
Going soft in my old age, he thought. It wasn't as painful a thought as it would once have been.
Many flights of stairs and about fifteen minutes later, Dean stepped into a high-ceilinged, softly-lit room decorated in dark golds and blues. It wasn't overly crowded, but it was large enough that Dean couldn't tell right away whether or not Cas was actually here. The "room" was almost a balcony, Dean realized: the longest wall was a waist-high glass railing that provided an unobstructed view of what was left of the dying universe, easily observed through the great transparent dome covering the entire restaurant. A good part of the crowd was gathered near the railing, and many others were nursing drinks at the long curving bar, which was backed by open shelving through which you could see the opposite side of the dome. Dean had just decided to ask one of the waiters if they'd seen Cas when he spotted him behind the bar, polishing a glass and looking perfectly at home, solid and real.
He had thought it might be a shock to see Cas alive again, and it was — the best kind of shock. It was beyond awesome to see Cas right there. The recessed lighting from the bar angled off his cheekbones and made his hair look even darker than it was. His uniform was spotless. He looked like a movie star. He almost looked like he was glowing.
But in a rotten, selfish way, seeing him was disappointing: this Cas lacked five years' worth of experience that had shaped the person who had died for Dean (while Dean had stood there, useless and uncertain.) This Cas had never even imagined knowing Jack. The happiness Dean felt choking his throat just meant he was putting his own greedy feelings ahead of his Cas, the one still trapped in the Empty. The one Dean had come all this way to try to bring home.
But thinking that also felt rotten. Dean knew that this Cas was, literally at this moment, waiting for Dean or Sam to help him get home. Maybe he was worrying that they wouldn't be able to. (Or wouldn't bother.) How did the Cas in front of him deserve less?
(continue reading on Ao3 on Monday April 1)
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whirligig-girl · 2 months
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Commission for @foxgirlchorix of a corrupted Tycho rocket in combat with a Piccard rocket.
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geocyclist · 3 months
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Toad, guardian of the pressure switch. (Safely relocated so I could collect my sample)
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dredgen-dumbass · 1 month
okay y'all poll time because I'm curious, shindrift and drifteris seem to be the biggest drifter ships and I think I've noticed a pattern w/ y'alls fanart so I wanna check smth.
edit for clarification, this is formatted as who you ship and what you are, not what you headcanon them. sorry that wasn't clear enough.
I know that chances are I missed some people, just comment/reblog with it and/or choose whatever's closest if nothing fits you. I tried to make it as broad as possible.
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hapalopus · 9 months
Has anyone ever actually done anything "punk" with a steampunk setting? Like, it's based on Victorian England, you could use it to explore classism, colonialism, racism, misogyny, ableism, queerness, respectability, environmental exploitation, the beginnings of institutionalized science, the weakening of religious authority, etc., etc., but all I ever see is gears, clocks, and upper-class fashion.
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lafcadiosadventures · 7 months
“The diorama, a recent invention, which carried an optical illusion a degree further than panoramas, had given rise to a mania among art students for ending every word with rama. The Maison Vauquer had caught the infection from a young artist among the boarders.”
Old Man Goriot, Honoré de Balzac, tr. Ellen Marriage
I have no evidence that “scope” ever became a meme in that way, but given the wide array of scope ending objects, why not (thanks @sainteverge ^_^)
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spotaus · 5 months
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Hah, another Science-based guy!
This is Sparkplug (Ark) and he had a little accident with The CORE. No one's dead or anything, he just absorbed it's extra energy so it wouldn't explode (it was supposed to go into a container but he didn't move fast enough). His eye socket and hands are where most of his excess energy tries to escape, and because it's basically nuclear power, he tries to cover it up. It singes his bones (hense the black spots) and he had two "tails" (extra vents that clear out the energy in his ribcage) installed to keep him from burning up.
Gaster has similar problems with the energy, but finds his is a lot more manageable.
I think Ark and Majik would be friends if they ever met :)
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shannoneichorn · 2 months
Enjoy body-possessing aliens, flying saucers, and secret underfunded government projects?
I'm re-releasing my first book RIGHTS OF USE on Aug 28 for DragonCon!
Preorders are live on Kindle and coming on a ton of other ebook platforms and for paperback through Ingram! Stay tuned or sign up for my newsletter (and spy on what I'm reading) (birthdays NOT needed).
Preorders on Kindle
Stay tuned for more options.
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maddy-ferguson · 1 year
i know stranger things has horror elements i know in my brain that it's described as a science fiction horror drama television series on wikipedia and i see the horror elements i see them but i can't make myself think of it as a horror thing, show, i was gonna say i've tried it and i failed but i haven't even tried i know it wouldn't work. when someone talks about how st is a horror show i'm like right...
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