#Scooge Mcduck
frc-ambaradan · 1 year
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Scrooge: And how're you feeling, Ludwig? Have the recent thrills stirred your memory? Do you remember names? Dates? Numbers? What's 8 by 8? Ludwig: Really great! Scrooge: Marvellous! Marvellous!
Zio Paperone e il Tiranno dei Mari (2013)
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atobibas · 1 year
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Big Scooge is my new favourite Disney Comics character
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Poll: Round 1c #4
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[Image ID. An image of Scooge McDuck and Goldie L'Gill from Ducktails 2017, and an image of Cavendish and Dakota from Milo Murphy's law. End ID]
*Reminder that Break up is being used loosely here and not all relationships may be romantic in nature
Propaganda under cut:
Scrooge and Goldie:
Scrooge McDuck and Goldie O'Gilt from Ducktales 2017, who keep going on and off and who the fuck knows for centuries until Goldie can be less of a selfish backstabber for once. This happens because of shenanigans involving Ponce de Leon, a Franken-baby, nasty pool water, and swordfighting, because this is Ducktales we're talking about.
Cavendish and Dakota:
They have two break ups during the show. The first is during the Christmas episode, where during a work Christmas party they argue over who should have eaten the last egg roll. This leads to them falling out so badly that they don’t speak for 20 years- during that time, Dakota becomes famous and successful but is very regretful, while Cavendish becomes, and I quote: “an old man with unfinished business.” They both end up breaking dozens of time travel laws to go back in time to try and stop their past selves from breaking up. They figure it out eventually. Remember, this was all over an egg roll. I just really need to hammer in that they broke up a decades old friendship/relationship/whatever it is they’ve got going on over an egg roll.
and then, more related to the actual plot of the show, is their multi episode break up in s2. They have an argument, and Cavendish decides to use a device on Dakota to wipe his memory, so he can leave to go investigate aliens. Dakota is very unhappy about this, understandably. He teams up with Dr Heinz Doofenshmirtz to try to find Cavendish, and ends up having an argument with him because he isn’t Cavendish. They make a Cavendish-platypus hybrid to help them “get into his head”. Meanwhile Cavendish ends up getting himself trapped in an alien ship. They have a nice reunion when he gets rescued.
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cloud-navi · 1 year
So I finished DuckTales (2017), my thoughts:
⚠️ Spoilers ahead ⚠️
- Bradford Buzzard:
His feelings for hating adventure and chaos is valid but he should have told his grandma to fuck off and got therapy instead of trying to destroy it. Also its not his fault that Della took the Spear of Selene even if he told her about it.
You can’t have one thing without the other, there must be chaos if there is stability and vice versa.
- Webbigail Vanderquack and Bentina Beakly (Agent 22):
It was a good twist, but it makes me question where FOWL got Scrooge’s DNA to make Webby and why her exact clones (sisters) aren’t perceived as Scrooges kid like Webby is.
My theory: “The Papyrus of Binding only appears to a direct heir of Scrooge McDuck” I think it mean’s physically and emotionally. If June and May are Webby’s clones that means they are just as much Scrooge’s physical child as Webby is, except they don’t have a relationship with Scrooge. Scrooge even before knowing Webby was his kid thought of her like his Grandniece, like family, making her an heir like the boys.
For how much Beakly talked about how important and strong a family is together when getting the boys to talk to Scrooge again in Season 1, it doesn’t make much sense to have her go in alone without informing the family of what she knows of FOWL from SHUSH.
Goldie O’Gilt:
I love her so much, except in the ImpossiBin episode, there she was okay. At the end of the ImpossiBin episode Goldie calls Scooge assuming he took the fountain of youth when they agreed to keep it for both of them, (she went back to steal it for herself so she says). They made progress in the Youth Fountain episode and having Goldie call him about it being gone kinda defeats the whole purpose of their bonding in that episode. Except I understand they needed a character to tell him it was gone like the other missing mysteries but I find it defeated the whole point.
Lena and Violet Saberwing:
To me it looked like Violet’s parents adopted Lena and I’m all for that. Also love the hinted gay rep with their dads.
Magica De spell:
While it was Scrooge that blocked her spell, it was still her spell that she shot that turned her brother into a raven. Theres no reason or obligation for Scrooge to have caught him and give him to her when they were both terrible people. If anything her brother got a new chance at life as a raven instead.
I wish there was kinda a redemption arc when she was training Lena, if not for Lena a little redemption for Gladstone because I like those two.
Fenton Crackshell (GizmoDuck) and DarkWing Duck:
I like Drake with Fenton regardless if he’s Drake or playing DarkWing but I feel like he needs to accept that GizmoDuck is also a hero. Bro needs to know the difference between hero and vigilante.
Fenton is pretty bbg too <3
Launchpad McQuack:
Giant himbo and I love him so much.
Daisy Duck:
Love her, not much else to say. She had standards, that was clear when we heard what she said while driving away from their second date except she still fell in love and was willing to put up with Donald enough to go rescue him and keep going out. Overall a girl boss <3
Huey, Dewey and Louie:
While Dewey should have come forward earlier about looking for Della I understand his intentions more then Huey did when he found out. Louie was right, its not okay, but in the beginning Dewey was just trying to find if she was alive or not, not where she was. He was sorry because he ‘got caught’, he was genuinely sorry. It’s difficult to want to tell someone you’re finding all this stuff about someone you all seek when none of you know if they’re even alive or not. Dewey didn’t want them to lose hope that Della may be alive even if he found out she might not have. Yes he should have told them but I understand he didn’t want to them to be more hurt that she’s unalive instead of just missing. Also they aren’t even teenagers and communication skills are ass with teenagers what makes you think they’ll be any better as 10 year olds?
Again, their anger is misplaced when they’re mad at Scrooge for building a Spear of Selene.
Scrooge McDuck (sugar daddy?):
I like his character and I feel theres a bit of development through out the show with him and the kids, to be a teacher you need to be able to learn from your students.
While yes, he shouldn’t have built the rocket right there he also didn’t tell Della about it. Not his fault she left. Also the audacity to find out it wasn’t really his fault or the fact he nearly went bankrupt looking for her and they didn’t apologize at all.
Donald Duck (DILF):
Literally the best man in the whole show. He put his family first the whole time even when he should have taken breaks except he stepped up. We know that he had some form of falling out with Scrooge because of Della but even so he stepped up to take the kids and stayed in DuckBurg instead of moving anytime in the 10+ years they lived there. I have a feeling they stayed because he knew deep down that he could somewhat still count on Scrooge if not Beakly. Why else would he have stayed and gone to Beakly to watch the kids, granted he didn’t want to talk to Scrooge, Scrooge still took them in and watched them while Donald was off getting a job.
Donald may not be their bio-dad, but he is no way a fucking Uncle. He raised those boys by himself for 10+ years, through their formative years and until they were old enough to know he wasn’t their bio-dad. He stepped in to be a parent because Della chickened out and chose to go to space even when he told her she shouldn’t so she can be with her kids.
Donald Duck, not an uncle, a father.
Della Duck (cool-ish weird Aunt):
My opinion has not changed, she still isn’t a mother to me. Della is an estranged aunt that comes by and is the ‘cool aunt’. She willingly, without obligation, without threat, consciously CHOSE to leave her kids. Regardless of if she knew she would get killed or stuck in space, “there were too many variables” -Huey. She had a fight with Donald that specifically told her that it was a giant, dumb fucking idea with kids on the way. The idea that anyone would accept her back as a parent so blindly is so dumb. Yes she’s their egg-layer, but there is no way in hell she is their mother. A MOTHER would never choose to leave their children unless they positively fucking had too (obligation for safety). Whether or not she regrets it holds no power because she still chose to leave for a stupid reason.
Season 1 finale: “Get away from my kids” by Donald Duck will forever hold more power and significance then anytime she ever says it because she gave up parent rights before they were born. No parent would willingly, without valid cause like their safety (not fucking exploring space for funzys) would leave their child.
Over all:
Scrooge and Donald are DILFS and Della can get bent.
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Scrooge: GIVE IT AWAY!?
Webby: More like putting it mostly back?
Scrooge: BACK!
Webby: Yep! I'm calling it "re-adventuring!"
Webby: Well it’s kinda hard for any else to enjoy it right now-
Scrooge: ENJOY!?
Webby: -what with it all being locked up in bins and stuff...
Scrooge: I- bins? Lass, are you hearing yourself? The beasties in the other bin are dangerous monsters of magic and menace!
Webby: Exactly! Fun!!!
Scrooge: And the money in the bin is MINE. I collected it-
Lena: cough stole cough cough
Scrooge: -fair and square!
Webby: I know. You’re a self-made man.
Scrooge: That I am!
Webby: You worked hard and took risks and made an amazing life for us.
Scrooge: See? Bless me bagpipes, I didn’t risk life and limb gathering gold and trapping terrors just so anyone off the street could squander them- I did it for our FAMILY.
Violet: Hmm.
Scrooge: Oh alright, I did it for the adventure- which I then SHARED with my family! Happy now?
Violet: That is more accurate, yes.
Webby: And wonderful! Growing up in manors and going on adventures with you is great! But what about, you know… everyone else?
Scrooge: If someone else wants to run from a bloodthirsty unicorn, or earn-
Lena: Steal.
Scrooge: EARN treasure from an accursed temple, then what’s stopping them, eh? They can go right ahead and do it on their own dime!
Webby: How?
Scrooge: What?
Webby: How is anyone else supposed to do what you did, if there’s no adventures left in the world for them? 
Scrooge: …well…
Webby: How can they earn what you got if you’re hoarding it all in the bins?
Scrooge: … ah’m, ah’m sure there must still be, something…
Violet: There is not.
Lena: the nerds have spoken.
Webby: We've checked.
Violet: Multiple times.
Lena: and that pun is still the only fun thing to ever come out of your stupid finances
Scooge: Maybe you could check again..?
Webby: Dad, you asked me for a family business plan. This is it.
Scrooge: 'This' is also me life's work, Webby.
Webby: Exactly! It's AMAZING! But it's just sitting around gathering dust! Let’s stop wasting all your cool adventures and DO something with them!
Lena: Epic burn.
Violet: Unhelpful comment.
Lena: Sorry.
Scrooge: … just, put it all back? Give it up?
Webby: No. Invest it.
Scrooge: I'm not seeing much profit in it for us.
Webby: You will. There's always something new and fun and frightening to look forward to! So when the world needs saving, again, and a whole new generation of self-made adventures shows up to help fight for it- that'll be like the best investment security of all! Right?
Scrooge: …… ah suppose…
Lena: also like, we’ve already snuck out the sword horse, sooo
Scrooge: you wha- You’ve WHAT
Webby: It was antsy!
Violet: Your other bin is severely lacking in adequate environmental stimulation. And alarmingly lacking in security.
Lena: And Webby wanted a rematch with it
Scrooge: She wanted a- o' course she did. Did you win, lass?
Webby: We had to reattach it’s horn with super glue so I think so!
Scrooge: That’s my girl.
Webby: Thanks! Am I also your girl of sound financial investments??
Scrooge: That's...
Scrooge: ... aye, lass. That you are. Truly.
Violet: 'Aww'.
Webby: My name's Webby?
Lena: Ooooh~
Webby: Wait- my name ISN'T "Truly", right? I don't have ANOTHER secret name do I? Having a clone name is fine, and getting the McDuck name is AMAZING, but they're really starting to stack up now and Scrooge wants me to work on my signature only it's really hard to fit it all on one line and I also kinda wanna add another one someday maybe depending definitely not having anything to do with YOU Lena I'm just staring at you right now because it's really FUN and ENCHANTING and wait, what're we doing right now...?
Scrooge: Will you two miscreants get this girl out of the manor before the air in here does her any more harm.
Violet: We require no prompting.
Lena: C'mon Webby, delight of my dark and accursed existence, let's go bankrupt your dad.
Webby: Okay!!!!!
Scrooge: Just- just some of the money now, not all of it. NOT ALL.
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I want to scooge mcduck dive into a vault of those gummy cola bottles and swim through them with my mouth open like a whale gorging on a swarm of krill. & only 35% a sexual desire btw
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georgi-girl · 1 year
Meet The Mallards
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original meme belongs to blaze_on_fire A journey of historic proportions unfolds when a family of fowl comes across a lapin nomad. starring... Daffy Duck (Loony Toons) in the role of Eep Bugs Bunny (Loony Toony) in the role of Guy Drake Mallard (Darkwing Duck) in the role of Grug Gosling (Darkwing Duck) in the role of Sandy Bubba (DuckTales) in the role of Thunk (because how could I not include him in this recast?) Scooge McDuck (Mickey's Christmas Carol) in the role of Gran Morgana Macawber (Darkwing Duck) in the role of Ugga Charlie Dog (Loony Toons) in the role of Nippers Tootsie (DuckTales) in the role of Douglas (I couldn't find a screenshot with just her in it) also starring Abu (Aladdin) in the role of Belt Gossamer (Loony Toons) in the role of Chunky
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monkey-li · 4 years
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Ok, guys something REALLY amazing happend today.
Paco drew me a Dimeshipping picture!!!
That was what I woke up to! So blessed! And I am allowed to post it cause it is so innocent, but so so damn cute. I am so happy ♥♥♥
Magica fondling his sideburns is one of my favorite tropes, he didn’t even knew that ;0;
If you are now intersted in this incredible official Duck Artist, here is his Inducks page.
Francisco Rodriguez Peinado is my absolute favorite official Duckartist and I still can't believe my luck ^^
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🐷💕Pig Couple Appreciation Post💕🐷
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min-duckfan · 5 years
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merduck!magica and scrooge :3
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frc-ambaradan · 3 years
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Magica always gets the final say! x'DDD
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atobibas · 6 months
Who appears most in The Ballad of John D. Rockerduck?
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As always I only counted panels, so the page number is just the average calculated from the percentage.
And there'll obviously be spoilers for the story, if you haven't read it please do so, it's fantastic!
Quackmore - 2 (panels) / 0.38 (pages) / 0.61% (of the story)
Howard Rockerduck - 15 / 2.87 / 4.56%
Scrooge - 60 / 11.48 / 18.24%
Jeeves - 121 / 23.17 / 36.78%
John D. Rockerduck - 203 / 38.87 / 61.70%
(Thoughts and additional stats below!)
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So Egmont lists this one as a co-lead between Scrooge and Rockerduck, and I think we can all agree that that is silly, right? I mean Scrooge does technically appear more than Rockerduck in the final quarter, but that doesn't really make the difference at all. The story is entirely about Rockerduck, his name is in the title and all. He is very clearly a singular protagonist, and if you were to give him a co-lead it would be Jeeves and not Scrooge. And even the final moment we get with Scrooge is actually about Rockerduck. This is clearly Egmont adding Scrooge to the list because they don't want a villain to be the main character.
Anyways, let's look at the entrance and exit stats!
John D. Rockerduck - 1 (0.30%) / 329 (100%)
Howard Rockerduck - 6 (1.82%) / 328 (99.70%)
Jeeves - 25 (7.60%) / 315 (95.74%)
Scrooge - 35 (10.64%) / 328 (99.70%)
Quackmore - 58 (17.63%) / 85 (25.84%)
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I don't think I need to do a ranking this time, as I think what it would be is sort of obvious!
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radarsteddybear · 6 years
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DuckTales (1987) // DuckTales (2017)
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fethrybestduck · 7 years
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So, I’m uploading “Scrooge’s Last Adventure”, because this story is absolutely amazing! Wanna hype a friend for DT? Show them this story! Links below;
Scrooge's Last Adventure - The End... - Part 1 of 4
Scrooge's Last Adventure - The Depths... - Part 2 of 4
Scrooge's Last Adventure - The Quest... - Part 3 of 4
Scrooge's Last Adventure - The Beginning... - Part 4 of 4
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desk-ducks · 7 years
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Maybe don’t be so careless with the the thing that leads to the treasure, Scrooge.
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mariposasky · 5 years
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Non so se ridere o rattristarmi per questa scena tragico/comica, nel dubbio rido 😂 
Con quale serenità il tizio dice: colato a picco 😅
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