#Scrooge x magica
monkey-li · 2 months
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I watched the first season of SpyxFamily and of course I had to fuse it with my OTP (plus their "child" Ratface)
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ducktoonsfanart · 27 days
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Scrooge McDuck and Magica De Spell with kids - Dimeshipping - Happy Late Easter and Happy Mother's Day - Duck comics - Duckverse - Gift for my friend
Even though it passed, I did this for Orthodox Easter as well as for Mother's Day, and certainly so that Magica De Spell would not be neglected since she is the aunt in the comics to Minima, Streghella and Matilda. I did this in my own style and for my friends who love this couple.
Certainly to all who are Orthodox (especially those who celebrate according to the Julian calendar and who celebrate after the Jewish Passover) who live in Palestine, Syria, Egypt, Armenia, Greece, Serbia, Cyprus, Russia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Romania, Georgia, Ukraine, Montenegro, North Macedonia and to all Orthodox people living around the world, I wish you a happy Easter! Christ is risen! Христос васкресе!
If someone asks me, yes, it is celebrated differently among the Orthodox and differently among the Catholics and Protestants, so it turned out to be a completely different Easter this year. Don’t worry, there will be a joint Easter next year. So Orthodox Easter fell on this day. The day he was crucified and died, resurrected and defeated death and the devil and proved that there is eternal life for all of us who believe. Glory to Jesus Christ who died for all of us sinners and rose again for all of us to save us!
Yes, Scrooge and Magica are usually enemies, but in some cases they are very much together, even though they do not show love to each other, and their quarrel reminds me a lot of the relationship between Donald and Daisy. And since I made drawings related to Dimeshipping before, I drew the same, but as an Easter version, and related to Mother's Day. Yes, Magica is a bad parent in some ways, but there are still moments in the comics (Italian comics) where she treats her nieces well, especially Minima De Spell and Streghella De Spell, and then there's her younger cousin Matilla De Spell. On the other hand there is Scrooge with Donald's nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck who often accompany Scrooge on adventures. Well, certainly Scrooge and Magica with children make a good family, at least in my opinion. And then there's Ratface, who's dressed as the Easter Bunny. Poor him, Minima is to blame for that. And that I love, this couple, so don't blame me for that.
I hope you like this drawing and support this couple and this family and feel free to like and reblog this, and please don't copy these same ideas without mentioning me! Happy Easter and Mother's Day! This is definitely my gift for lovers of this couple, as well as for my friends @monkey-li @monkey-li-reblogs and @okaystoptellingmetomakeanaccount and I hope you like this gift for you! :D
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momonoki23 · 6 months
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here's a dimeshipping Christmas gift for my dear friend @monkey-li! wishing you all the best always ^^
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ducklooney · 6 months
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Scrooge McDuck and Magica De Spell - Christmas Kiss - Dimeshipping - Duckverse
Not a Christmas request, but certainly my gift for my friend @monkey-li @monkey-li-reblogs, who is a fan of the love couple Scrooge and Magica, and also related to Christmas and New Year. And I also love this love couple or Dimeshipping.
I drew Scrooge McDuck and Magica De Spell kissing under the mistletoe as a Christmas tradition, and above them are Donald's naughty and clever nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie, Magica's nieces Minima, Streghella and Matilda De Spell, watching them, and there is Ratface, Magic's raven. The real McDuck-De Spell family. He found inspiration in certain drawings of duck kisses. My only apology is that the frame of my drawing is visible, because I had to take a photo so that all the characters fit in one drawing. I hope you like my gift.
Also Happy Holidays to everyone celebrating! Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Happy Holidays!
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captainzigo · 11 months
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thevaudevilledemon · 11 months
Duck Musings: The Tragedy of Magica De Spell
Tragedy and the Disney Ducks go oddly hand in hand, and we have examined this in several characters, Gladstone Gander and Donald Duck specifically. When it comes to the most tragic character though, I may have to put my money on Magica De Spell, and this isn’t just me being a simp, though I’ll admit that is part of it.
The comic that sparked this Duck Musing was this scanlation by lettheladylead of a 2021 comic by Giorgio Cavazzano titled “Magica De Spell: Origins of a Witch”, which is... pretty much what it says on the tin, the origin story of Magica De Spell. In it, we learn about what happened to her parents, why she is interested in the Midas Touch, and even where Ratface came from. It’s... kind of a sad comic.
Magica’s parents were killed in a spell gone wrong when she was just a baby, probably barley hatched, and from some of the artwork, it appears that they were more focused on the spell than on Magica. After, her Aunt and Uncle took her in, but tried to repress her magic, since this is the same magic that took their loved ones from them. Magica left after learning the truth and deciding to finish what her parents began, and never did seem to return to her Aunt and Uncle.
It is worth noting that there is an alternate backstory as to why Magica wants the Midas Touch, in the comic “The Pact of the Moon”, it is revealed that Magica was not originally evil, but she forced to make the Midas Touch spell by, what I’m assuming is the Witch Council. This lead her to becoming greedy and unscrupulous, again, not a very happy backstory. She also laments about her niece Minima, and how she hopes her niece doesn’t follow the path she herself has went down.
All of this ties into the tragic situation of her current life, always after Scrooge’s dime, always outwitted by the old man, always one step closer but two steps behind her ultimate goal. One of my favourite comics is “The Journey is the Reward”, where Magica does steal the dime, but ends up returning it because, she literally does not know what to do when she’s done. It kinda reminds of that scene in Fight Club where Tyler Durden was talking about always calling his Dad and asking him on what he should do next. It adds a lot to the tragedy of having an ultimate goal, when you don’t really know what you’re gonna do once you have completed it.
I’d also be remiss if I didn’t mention Magicstone, the strange pairing of Magica De Spell and Gladstone Gander. I’ve mentioned “A Gal For Gladstone” prior, but the big tragedy of the pairing, I think was best explored by, once again, Sarah Jolley, otherwise known as ModMad, specifically in their comic “Enough Time to Fall”, because they’re right, it never would work. Even if Magica stayed in her disguise, it would have to disappear eventually, and what then? It hurts because, in A Gal for Gladstone, they were both genuinely happy, and her plan failed because she was genuinely concerned about Gladstone’s safety. One true moment of joy, and it had to be snatched from her.
I wrote a piece of fanfiction titled “Stuck Together Duck” in which, Magica De Spell and Donald Duck get stuck together, and bond a little, because when you look at the two of them, they are quite similar. Lost their parents at a presumably young age, raised by extended family (Donald in part by his Uncle, but mostly by his Grandma, and Magica entirely by her aunt and Uncle), niblings they look after (Yes that is the neutral term for niece and nephew), honestly, it feels weird that this pairing isn’t more popular, but I digress. It goes to show that, at the core of the evil sorceress, is something a lot more tragic than one might initially think.
It’s also worth noting that Scrooge, doesn’t seem to hate her. In several comics, they work together to stop a bigger problem, like a comet hurdling towards earth, or another magic user stealing Scrooge’s dime. Scrooge has also helped Magica in situations where she would, or has, lost her magic abilities, and in one comic, it’s shown that the two of them send birthday cars to each other. So maybe Scrooge sees something in Magica, and I don’t mean that in a shipping way, though feel free to take it like that.
Well, I made a Magica post that referenced three of Magica’s ships. I think I’m done for now.
To wrap up, Magica De Spell is easily one of my favourite characters, and really getting a chance to explore this aspect of her character was fun, and also a little heartbreaking. Maybe someday, Magica will get a happy ending to her story, maybe her nieces will find a path to follow that she can be happy for, maybe she and Scrooge will become genuine friends, we can always hope... and write fanfiction. Lots and lots of fanfiction.
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elisperlova · 2 years
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The meme
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michimonie · 20 days
Just wanted to get this idea out of my head for once and out there.
So, way back when I first made my Haunted Mansion x Ducks crossover illustrations, I originally had plans for a whole series.
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It was going to be a ton of illustrations based on the second movie. (For the record, I've never seen the original ride, only the movies).
So, here's the full list I was originally going to do, in case anyone was curious (also, sorry, I don't remember all the character names):
Daffy as the spirit photographer (duck dodgers could be the hero he talks about? Or superior Duck since he seems to be unknown)
Tina Russo as the "single mother who bought the mansion"
Plucky (90s) OR Huey Duck (2017) as the kid
Fethry (or Bugs Bunny) as the priest
Daisy as the medium
Von Drake as the wacky historian
Scrooge as the Top Hat Ghost (though Glomgold would be perfect for personality)
Donald as the Mariner / Sea Captain
Melissa Duck as Hatchaway (bride with the axe)
Shirley as Madame Leota (she literally has the powers)
Gladstone / Magica as the lovers
HDL as the hitchhikers (maybe? If huey isn't the kid)
Maybe I'll still get around to this in the future, but we'll see...
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violetganache42 · 4 months
Here are my highlights from the Valentine's Day watch party, all in chronological order and categorized this time around:
"Mr. Duck Steps Out":
Just everyone's reactions to Daisy's voice when she made her debut
"Till Nephews Do Us Part":
The thirst counts for Missy and Mina overloading
The return of Bohemian Quacksody
Scrooge having paintings and a statue of Goldie EVERYWHERE (He is a fucking SIMP)
Corporate Cupcake, Money Muffins, Sweet Stocks …You know what? Just the pet names in general.
WriteBackAtYa: "Spaceballs Ass Luggage"
Us when Millionara falls in the river:
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Jamie: "PULL THE LEVER KRONK" Me: "WRONG LEVERRRRR" Tokuvivor: "Why do we even have that lever?!"
Magica cameo?!
And a Sixpence in Your Shoes
Goldie Shotgun!
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"Fungus Amongus":
Godfrey and I sharing the same brain
Everyone going crazy over Morgana
hueberryshortcake: "Save me Scrooge McDuck" Me: "Scrooge McDuck" Godfrey: "Scrooge McDuck save me"
"Prissy is pissy"
DW not denying the girlfriend part
A sax play in the BG whenever Morgana is onscreen, just like Rouge in Sonic X
"The Golden Lagoon of White Agony Plains!":
Us going FERAL over Goldie
Let the lady lead
Jamie mentioning the "between the legs" joke from Life and Times (No filter, Don Rosa. lol)
Bisexual waterfalls
Rexx shouting at Missy via an audio message
Foghorn Leghorn
"You loved gold more than you loved me."/"And that's why you loved me."
Jamie's storyboard project
Discord buffering during the FUCKING TANGO SCENE
"The Adorable Couple":
Me: "Piss on the moon, you cloud!" Godfrey: "YESSS PISS ON LUNARIS"
Rainbow connections
"The Duck Who Knew Too Much":
Us @ Fenton, M'ma, and Gandra's OG versions:
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Learning OG Fenton was voiced by Hamilton Camp, thus bringing DT17 Fenton being voiced by Lin-Manuel Miranda full circle
Oppenheimer mention (Stop stealing from the ducks, Nolan!)
Missy: "cant believe they whitewashed daffy guys"
Brunette Fenton
This whole fucking episode being worthy of the DT17 adaptation fic treatment *cough* Jamie *cough*
"Ghoul of My Dreams":
Archie being a hater
Jealous Launchpad
Morgana needing better lipstick because of how fast it disappears in between scenes
WriteBackAtYa having so many jokes in his head about… goofy ass noises
"And now, with the city asleep, I can FINALLY STEAL ENOUGH MONEY TO PAY OFF MY STUDENT LOANS!"
Lottie pointing out how Archie looked like—
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Me: "Goldie Shotgun sequel when?"
puffywuffy8904: "HOW IS THIS MF SLEEPIN IN THE DREAM WORLD" Us: "*Louie voice* I just am."
"The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee!":
puffywuffy8904: "Webby we need to get Fenton rizzed up"/"Please never say that again"
Fenton's little growl
*seeing Fenton's hand-me-down suit from his dad* Goofy?
Gandra obliterating the wrong twink
"What kind of monster doesn't like glazed donuts?"
"Do you feel that spark?" ⚡️ZAP⚡️
The Beaks dab
"What? No signal? Boo!"
"I've got your kids! Maybe. I'm not sure how this family works."
Coach Dad
"Two Can't Play":
Mullet Donald
"A DuckTales Valentine":
DT87's love for mentioning Fort Knox for some reason
puffywuffy8904: *mentions the "DuckTales Apology Video" ranking* Me: "*Miles voice* I made a mistake."
Webby on Scrooge's desk like: She likes to be tall.
Sunglasses swag
"A swift kick in the ribs!"/"A what?"/"Aagh!"/"Aah! My ribs!"
Webby running up to Scrooge and hugging him! 💖
"Aww, he does love his family!"
"My Valentine Ghoul":
Gosalyn FINALLY appearing in today's watch party!
Negaduck appearance!
puffywuffy8904: "he's just darkwing after some cigarettes"
Missy getting double whammied with emotes of Prissy and Scrooge getting sprayed with water
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(Screenshot edit by @tealottie)
Missy's thirst levels reaching CRITICAL MASS
Quackrinomicon being voiced by KING CANDY
Archie still being a fucking hater
"Keen gear!"
Godfrey and I still being on the same wavelength
Rexx reviving the Missy thirsy count
Missy: "I NEED HIM JESUS" WriteBackAtYa: "No, you just need Jesus"
"New Gods on the Block!":
Della using party cannons like Pinkie Pie
Scrooge's transition from wallowing to anger and his tail shake
"Why don't you turn into a swan and FUCK OFF?!"
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"What are your intentions with my Donald?"
Megamind (literally) Huey
Pig couple: DESTROYED
Chris Diamantopoulos having the ✨RANGE✨
Greek God Groupchat
Webby being utterly TERRIFYING with god powers
Dewey having the best handling of his god powers through sick dance moves
"My Don-Don"
"You killed my boyfriend!"/"Boyfriend? Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!"
The immediate failure parallels
Just how much Della has improved as a mother
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modmad · 10 months
what do you think of the latest Gladstone comic? Gladstone and skies of farmtown? I'm... I don't know. I don't like how this has progressed from cute to major duck lore/history changing to something other than it's always been :/
you said it. sadly I've gone right off it with this latest installation- there's just too much retconning and forcing of new canon (in part clearly for a new ship to be crowbarred in, which I won't deny is very displeasing for me on many different levels...) but the tragedy of it all is that it's ultimately and inevitably self defeating! the success and immortality of the duck comics is partly, and I would say very strongly, owed to the hilarious curse of it being an unchanging and unchangeable universe.
A typical story happens featuring a cast of characters who are easy to read and easy to recognise. There is a saga, usually some character development, a resolution- and then you turn the page, and the next story starts with the exact same world as it was before, the same characters who have the same tried and true interpersonal relationships and personalities and histories. Magica wants the Dime. Scrooge loves Money. Donald is Unlucky. These factors are as essential and unchangeable as the law of gravity is in our world. It is the same formula for success as fairytales, and consequently they are just as entertaining and long lasting.
inserting new lore into the world or having a permenant change in personality can be done but it is risky and difficult. it has to make sense within the boundaries of the Laws of this World, aka it must make rational sense and allow for other stories where this lore isn't already stated. even if it 'takes', you end up with a divide (before X happened, and after), which still breaks the perfect fluidity of the constant universe.
You may well have witnessed what happens if this rule is broken badly in other series; *it* happens, it jarrs, tastes bad. You end up with 'the episode where X happened' and everyone nods... and proceeds to ignore it, because regardless of official status it doesn't feel canon. It does not ring true. Your mind and heart rejects it. With this latest comic, what I feel is happening is that we now effectively have an AU which is specific to this writer/artist. There is simply no way I can see this as the same world as the Carl Barks or Don Rosa comics, or indeed the vast majority of the duck comics over the past 80+ years! which is a shame because there were aspects of the preceeding comics that I did enjoy, and the art is certainly lovely... but they've derailed, taken it too far, and consequently I've lost interest.
I'm happy for the people who can or will enjoy it, but it's definitely no longer for me! Goodbye Farmtown, I won't be coming back.
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monkey-li · 6 days
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Another Dimeshipping Comic. This time inspired by a scene from the Ranma 1/2 Manga.
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ducktoonsfanart · 1 year
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Scrooge McDuck and Magica De Spell (Dimeshipping) - Secret Santa Spell - Celebrating Christmas and New Year with the family
And now the second love couple and please no shipping wars. I drew Scrooge with Magica, because even though they don't act totally together, they definitely have a similar dynamic or relationship dynamic. And the best are frenemies. However, they can function well as a good loving couple and be good to each other and vice versa. So I drew Scrooge McDuck and Magica de Spell celebrating Christmas and New Years under a mistloe held by Donald's naughty nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck, and there's Magica's niece Minima de Spell. And then there's Rosalio, Magica's fiance turned into a goat. Inspired by the comic The Secret Santa Spell, where it happened. Sorry Rosalio, but Magica deserves much better. Yes, at the end of said comic, Magica and Scrooge make up and wish each other Christmas and Happy Holidays, but I added in my drawing that they still love each other.
By the way, this is my belated Christmas and New Year's gift for my friend @monkey-li, who mostly makes the best drawings related to Dimeshipping (love couple between Scrooge and Magica). I hope you like this and sorry if I added more of their family members. Yes, there's also Ratface, a crow and Magica's pet.
A few quotes about this:
Magica: Happy Holidays, Scroogy! Scrooge: Good luck to you too, Magica! Will you return Rosalio to normal? Magica: I will, but when the holidays are over!
I hope you like this drawing and this idea and please don't attack me for this because I love this love couple. Happy Holidays, once again!
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momonoki23 · 1 year
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a birthday gift for my dear friend Li! <3 wishing you a wonderful day full of happy surprises ^^
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candyvenombites · 9 months
Mickey and Friends X Madoka Magica
Soul Gems
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted any of my work and since I finally have a break from school, I decided to do a little something.
It’s no secret for those that have seen my page that I’m a Disney and Madoka Magica fan, so I combined the two.
I drew eight soul gems for Mickey and Friends and I might draw more in the future but for now I’ll show the eight I have.
Before I do show you I will make it clear that yes I did use a templates for something of the drawings. All these templates were free to use templates online. With that out of the way, here ya go!
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This soul gem belongs to the mouse man himself! If this gets turned into an actual comic or fanfic then Mickey is the Madoka of the story. He has a lot of love for his friends and wants to help anyway he can, thus giving him the heart shape.
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This soul gem belongs to my favorite duck (besides Scrooge). Donald’s soul gem can be looked at in two ways. One is that it’s a rain drop and the other is that it’s a tear drop. Either way, it related to him being a sailor and his water manipulation abilities.
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This soul gem belongs to everyone’s favorite clumsy dog dad! Goofy was a hard character to make. Mainly because I didn’t know what theme to give his outfit and gem. I eventually settled on a cross for his soul gem shape, mainly because crosses are used as a symbol of protection.
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This dazzling soul gem belongs to our sassy, but kind Daisy. Daisys soul gem does look a lot like Homuras, but she is not the Homura of the story funnily enough. I decided on giving her the Diamond shape, because after all, diamonds are a girls best friend.
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This one belongs to our gentle and sweet Minnie. Minnie was another hard character to make, since a lot of her story was made from head-cannons. This design is one I’m really proud of and it makes me happy whenever I see it.
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This beautiful orange soul gem belongs to our hyper musical rooster. Despite Panchito not having much in terms of canon backstory, he was one of the more easy characters to make. The reason he was easy is because I knew right away what his abilities would be and what he’d wish for. His personality was also very fun to play with.
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It’s time for my favorite green parrot! Josè is probably one of my favorite Disney characters ever, so I had a lot of fun creating his character. I knew exactly what his powers were gonna be, I just had to find a wish and make a backstory that corresponded to it. I hope I was able to do this magical bird justice!
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And now we finally got to the Homura of the story! Mister Oswald the Lucky Rabbit! Deciding who was gonna be the Homura of the story was difficult. I went from character to character to decided who would be best, before I settled on Mickeys brother. I’m still working on Oswald’s story, since his relationship with Mickey is way different from Madoka and Homura. However, it’ll be cool once I’m done.
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Now this is a rough drawing of what all their soul gems look like when they transform into their magical forms. I plan on updating them soon to look more like accessories like in the anime once I have more time. Here is what I plan to have them look like (These are subject to change)
Mickey: A broach
Donald: An arm band
Goofy: A necklace
Daisy: A gem on a hair accessory
Minnie: A garter
Panchito: A belt buckle
Josè: A bow tie
Oswald: An earring
If you’ve read down this far I want to say thank you. It’s nice to find people who actually take interest in what you’re creating. I hope you all have a wonderful day
💕🍬Stay Sweet🍬💕
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moodboardmanor · 1 year
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Dimeshipping Scrooge McDuck x Magica De Spell
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thevaudevilledemon · 1 year
I wanted to write something for my new ship before the year was over.
To all Magicstones and Dimeshippers out there, I apologize but I’m going to be making some competition.
I don’t think this is very well written, but I wanted to get something down. So umm... I guess criticism is fine but like, be aware I already wish I didn’t share this so...
Stuck Together Duck
Characters: Donald Duck (Main), Magica De Spell (Main), Gladstone Gander (Cameo), Scrooge McDuck (Cameo), Miss Quackfaster (Cameo)
Plot: After another failed dime robbery attempt, Magica finds herself stuck to Donald Duck of all people, but maybe this isn’t the bad thing they initially believe.
Scrooge could feel something was up. Years of fighting off greedy and unscrupulous assailants had given the old duck a sense of foreboding, he could always tell when something was about to happen. He hunched over his desk and kept his eyes on the office door, what he was anticipating, even he couldn't know, maybe Donald would storm in warning of a Beagle Boy attack, maybe Rockerduck would waltz in with something to brag about, or maybe the tax collector would walk through the door, he did not know, but he knew something was coming, or rather, someone. It did not take to long for the door to open with a loud FOOF, and the maniacal cackling of an Italian witch filled the room. "A-HA-HA-HA, Good Morning Scroogie" Magica said mockingly. "You witch,' Scrooge shot up and began to reach for his garlic gun, 'I've got a barrel full of garlic with your name on it." Before he could grab the firearm, Magica cast a simple pushing spell to shove Scrooge back into his chair, and the threw what appeared to be a pasty white marble at him. It landed on Scrooge and his chair with a kind of SPLCH sound and covered both miser and object in a thick white smoke. When it had cleared, Scrooge felt the same as he had before, and he almost felt like gloating about another one of Magica's failed spells, until he tried to open his mouth. "Oh what's the matter Scroogie? Glued to your seat I presume?" Magica cackled once more at her bad joke, but mostly at Scrooge's misfortune, before continuing to speak, mostly to herself, she doesn't know why she likes to speak her thoughts out loud, maybe it's all a part of the gloating process. "With these sticky spell bombs, I have managed to glue all your security to the floor, and with twenty-four hours until the spell wears off, it gives me all the time in the world to melt your precious number one dime into a powerful amulet." At this point, Scrooge had heard this song and dance before, but knew that there was very little chance of him getting his dime back. "I shouldn't need anything, but just in case I missed a guard, I have an extra sticky spell bomb to keep the dime secured to my fingers." The bomb she pulled from her purse was only slightly larger than the dime. Of course, the immediate flaw was obvious to Scrooge, if she kept the dime on her finger, that would give Scrooge just enough time to reach Mount Vesuvius before Magica could melt his dime. Thankfully, Scrooge was unable to voice these thoughts so Magica was most likely unaware of this issue, like she was also unaware that she did not glue Miss Quackfaster to anything, so she was able to call for Donald to race by and try to stop Magica. It was unfortunate luck for both of them that as Magica was leaving, Donald was running right into the office. Magica, with her hands reaching out, slammed right into Donald, who as luck would have it, raised his hands to try and keep her from ramming directly into him. A small cloud of white smoke coated both of their hands, the dime flew out of Magica's and bounced onto the floor before rolling towards a floor vent, thankfully stopping just before rolling into it. Of course, neither Magica nor Donald noticed this, as the former was yelling at the latter, and vice versa. "You oafish prat!" Magica yelled. "ME oafish? You ran right into me!" "You should have seen me coming through and ran off to cower like you usually do!" "That's rich, coming from the woman whose afraid of soap!" "Oh you think you're so smart!" Magica tried to walk off to pick up the dime, only to be stopped by a force holding her back. She turned and glared at Donald, "You can let go of my hand now." "Me? Why don't you let go of my hand?" "Well I would but...' she suddenly realized what had happened, 'Oh no..." She began to violently shake her hand, flex every muscle in her arm, she even planted her foot on Donald's chest, which really irritated him because she was wearing heels. She slapped at Donald's hand, even smacked it against Scrooge's desk, but her hand was still firmly locked with Donald's. "NO! Curses and Hexes, my last sticky spell bomb went off and stuck our hands together." "Well fine, cast a spell to counter it!" "It only wears off after twenty-four hours." "WAK! Twenty-four hours stuck to you of all people? I'd rather be super glued to Fethry!" "I'm not exactly excited to be stuck to you all day either." "Uncle Scrooge, what can we do?" Scrooge made a low growling sound, but gave no reply. "Scrooge has been glued completely, he can't open his mouth or leave his chair. I don't even think he can blink." "Creepy..." Miss Quackfaster had entered the office at this point and saw the rather unusual sight, which at this point was just another Tuesday for her. "What magical malady has happened this time?" She asked half dry, half of concern. "Uncle Scrooge is glued to his chair and I'm glued to Magica." Donald replied in anger. Quackfaster sighed, "Oh dear, looks like someone is going to have to take care of your Uncle's business for today." "Do you think you could do that? I need to wash my hands." Donald glared at Magica as he added that last part. "Well, I suppose, for a little extra pay." Scrooge almost exploded in rage, but being still and silent, nobody could tell. "Quite frankly, I should be paid for being stuck to Magica all day. I'm just thankful Daisy's at her parents this week." "Oh, you're afraid of your girlfriend seeing you holding a prettier woman's hand?" "I would be if I actually was. Come on!' Donald yanked Magica out of the office, 'We need to find a way to separate us fast." Quackfaster closed the door behind them, picked up Scrooge's dime and replaced it in its special case. She then walked over to Scrooge and looked at his desk. "I don't suppose you have a schedule for today, do you Mr. McDuck?" A tiny sound of embarrassment was audible through Scrooge's glued beak, evidently, he did not make one.
Donald and Magica looked very much like a grumpy pair of children in a get-along shirt, faces so full of vitriol and hatred that they'd probably kill someone if they could get away with it. Thankfully, most of the security guards were glued to the floor, some had a single hand glued to a wall, and one more was fighting to peel his baton off of his hand. Donald and Magica eventually made it outside. "Alright, where to now?" Magica demanded an answer. "My house, and quickly, the less I'm seen with you the better." Donald suddenly felt his arm being raised over his head, then his feet lifted from the ground, he looked down to the see the path to his Uncle's office building getting narrower and the grass taking up more of his view. He then looked up. "HEY! No flying!" "You said you wanted to get there quickly." "And discreetly!' he snapped back, 'besides, I'm not particularly fond of hanging from your hand while a hundred feet in the air." Magica rolled her eyes and began to descend. "Fine,' she puffed 'you aren't exactly a light load anyway." Donald managed to touch the ground and began to stomp toward his car. "I'm not sitting in that." "Oh yes you are, unless you have a better idea." "Several, but you'd complain about them too." Donald tugged on his arm so hard that Magica practically flew into the car. "Close the door, and I'll get us home as quickly as possible." "I hope you drive better than you argue." Magica slammed the door, partially hoping the 313 would shatter into pieces, but it didn't. Donald left the key in the ignition, but unfortunately for him, the ignition was on his right side, the hand that was currently glued to Magica's. "Well genius?" "Could you turn the ignition for me?" Donald tried to sound less angry when he asked, but Magica only scoffed. "I'd rather not, unless you ask me really, really nicely." Magica had a large and wicked smile across her face, but it was quickly wiped off when a familiar voice rang through her (and Donald's) ears. "Well, well. What have we got here?" Magica turned and looked, her face began to flush. Gladstone Gander had a smug grin on his face and was leaning into the car. "Gladstone Gander, what are you doing here?" Magica always seemed to demand an answer, never ask. "Well, I was on my way to visit my favorite Uncle, when I just so happened to spot you and Donald in the air, seeing Donald dangle up there made me chuckle, so I snapped a couple photos to share around." Gladstone shifted his vision to look at Donald, silently fuming, he then noticed something peculiar, then took another picture as he smiled. "Well, it looks as though Donald and Magica are holding hands, isn't that lovely. I think Daisy would love to see this photo." Donald snapped, "Show it to her and I'll wring your neck faster than Uncle Scrooge when you swallowed that nickel!" Magica could barely handle the sheer volume of Donald's anger, and Gladstone chuckled. "Well cousin, it's been fun, but I'm off to see Uncle Scrooge, maybe he'll be glad to see me this time." Gladstone chuckled to himself as he walked off. Donald sat there fuming, Magica sat there in a mixture of ear-bleeding, emotional confusion and hatred. She reached her right hand over to the ignition and turned it until the car started. "Let's go." Magica huffed, Donald asked no questions, put the pedal to the metal and sped off, slowing down to the speed limit quickly.
The drive went fairly smooth, some pedestrians did stop and stare, wondering what Scrooge's nephew was doing with one of his arch nemeses. Otherwise, there was no issue. Donald and Magica were silent the entire ride, both glaring in different directions, Donald glaring at the road, Magica to her side. They had a small snafu when they parked in the driveway, where they had forgotten their hands were stuck to each other and tried to get out their separate ways. Donald, having already opened his door, led Magica out of the car and into his house. "The boys are at Grandma's farm for a couple of days helping her with the farm chores. We'll have the whole day to figure out how to get rid of this." Magica hummed, this house was disgustingly quaint, very little in the way of an actual motif. Magica was tugged along towards the kitchen, with Donald angrily continuing. "We'll start with basic soap and water, maybe it will melt you in the process." "Charming." Donald began to fill the kitchen sink with soapy water as soon as he reached it, then began to roll up his sleeve, asking Magica to do the same. Magica either seemed to want to make this more difficult for Donald, or wasn't paying attention, though after half a minute of no response, the sink was full and Donald was not waiting any longer. He raised his and Magica's hand, still no response, and while glaring daggers at Magica, threw their hands into the sink, splashing water over the both of them. "Hey!" "I told you to roll up your sleeve." "A true gentleman would roll it up for me." "Etiquette lessons from a witch who lives in a shack." "Please, an Italian shack is a million times greater than one of your American houses." "Except these houses are big enough to hold your ego." Donald raised his and Magica's hands out of the soapy sink, still stuck together. He thrust the hands back in and grabbed a brush. "Hey, that tickles!" Donald ignored her and kept on brushing, raising their hands from the soapy water again, still stuck. Donald than grabbed an abrasive sponge and scrubbed harder. Still their hands were stuck together. Donald than reached for the steel wool. "Donald, stop! You'll take our feathers off that way." Part of Donald didn't care, but than again, if the steel wool didn't work... "Fine.' he huffed as he pulled the sink plug and grabbed a towel. 'What else can we do?" "I have a magic book in my purse, it could have a separation spell." "Fine, we'll try that." Magica held out her purse while Donald dug through it, he could feel multiple odd talismans, some coins, a tube of lip balm, a couple wrapped restaurant mints, some receipts, what felt like a wallet size photograph, and finally, deep into the bag, a small handbook. He pulled it out, "Pocket book guide to quick and easy counter-spells and hex removers" was written in fancy gold lettering. He tossed it onto the kitchen counter and Magica began to skim through it, flipping through pages with her free hand. She stopped when she found what she was looking for. "A-ha! Separation spell, when two beings are magically joined together, this spell will bring them apart." "Good, let's try it out." Donald couldn't keep the hopeful excitement of his face, and Magica was also grinning like a Cheshire cat. Unfortunately, her grin lessened as she read the page. "Oh no, we need a wand to use it." "Why? What does a wand do that regular witches can't?" "Well wands are often an extension of the spell caster, plus their own magical prowess can enhance the wielders magic, and even hold onto a very specific type of ability, like that wand I used to turn you and your kids into animals." (Oddball Odyssey - Uncle Scrooge No. 361) "My nephews.' Donald coughed before continuing the conversation, 'So a wand can make a witch stronger and also have their own magical powers?" "So, the dunderhead can be taught." Magica had a smug grin on her face at this remark. "I'm going to take it you don't have a wand." "Of course not, you and your Uncle and those annoying triplets of yours keep breaking all my wands." "Well that idea's a dud, anything else?" "Unless you're willing to saw of your arm." "Maybe not mine." The two stood in silence before they began to snicker at the exchange.
Within a couple minutes, the two were already laughing and joking around. "...And can you believe the things that come out of his mouth?' Donald said through heavy gasps before imitating his Uncle Scrooge, 'I have a story for each and every coin in this here bin, blah blah bah." Magica was close to tears, "I can believe that, during one attempt to steal his dime, he showed me other piles of dimes around his house,' she snorted, 'like they were all little people." The two again howled with laughter. "Ah, sometimes my Uncle drives me crazy." Donald and Magica quit laughing. "Yeah,' Magica sighed, 'honestly, I'd rather be his relative than my Uncle's. He hated magic after my parents..." "Something happened to them didn't they?" Donald had sympathy in his face, and Magica looked away. "It isn't important. My Uncle just... wanted to keep me safe." Donald was silent for a bit. "I was raised mostly by my grandmother, Uncle Scrooge barely knew me or my sister by name when my parents died." "Really? It seems like you two are always together now." "Well, my nephews and I are the last known relatives to him. I think he wants to impart some old McDuck wisdom on us. I could really care less." "You don't want his fortune?" "I can be a rich man fishing, or I can be a poor duck fishing, it doesn't matter to me. I just need money to feed my kids." "Okay, are they your kids or your nephews? You keep referring to them both ways." Donald chuckled, "Right, I've been raising them for so long, they kind of have become my kids. They're actually my sister's kids, but I've been raising them since they were hatchlings." "There father?" "I've only met their father once, and Della never actually talked about him after." "Were you two close?" "We were twins, we were closer than anyone else in the family. Grandma actually tells me that when we were taking our first steps, we helped each other. She helped me with my model ships, I helped her with her model planes, we were better friends than anyone else." "So what happened?" "What d'you mean?" "Why did she leave her kids with you?" "Oh, well she volunteered for an experimental flight, a jet that could reach outer space. It was a mission that was only meant to take her a month at most." Donald looked away, a sullen expression on his face. "She never returned, did she?" "Look, I love my boys, and I would move mountains for those kids, but the only thing I want to do is give them their mother back.' he paused and looked down, 'I want my sister back." For once in her life, Magica actually looked at Donald with sympathy, here she was, a witch who kept trying to ruin his Uncle and bring misery upon his family, while he has three kids to raise while his sister is lost in space. Magica actually felt sympathetic for Donald, and the scariest part to her, she knew exactly why. "I had a twin brother too.' Donald quickly turned his head to her, puzzled and intrigued. 'His name was Poe." "Poe? That's a rather simple name for a magical family?" "Well, Magica is not actually my real name, it's...' she hesitated, but she felt like she could trust Donald, much more than she could trust anyone else, 'It's actually Amelia. We tend to give ourselves fake names to protect ourselves from greater magic." "Ah.' Donald paused, he knew nobody was around to hear him, so he felt he could say it, 'Amelia is a nice name." Magica blushed a little, "Thank you.' she coughed and then continued her story. 'Poe and I were, well not as inseparable as you and Della seemed to be, but we were still thick as thieves. Eventually, when I began to make my own way in the world, Poe decided to stay behind to continue his studies. We kept in contact, and he eventually got married and had a daughter, my niece Minima. He later adopted another daughter, but I've only met her twice." "What did Poe study?" "Trans-dimensional Theory, he was working on using magic to create portals to alternate universes, different dimensions, co-existing realities, and one day it actually worked." Magica's voice cracked a little as she finished, Donald immediately knew what happened. "He also never came back... did he?" Magica began to bawl, she wrapped her free hand around Donald and wept into his shoulder. She never told anyone about any of this before, and now that she was able to tell someone, it was too much. "I wish I had as close a relationship with my nieces and you do your nephews. Then it would be like having my brother nearby me at all times." Magica raised her left hand to wipe away some tears. Then she threw it around Donald, then they both noticed something, they were hugging each other. With both arms. "Our hands..."Magica began. "They're free!" "But how?" Magica was befuddled, she moved both her hands around wiggling each finger as though she just had a cast removed, Donald was doing the same thing. "I think some of your tears landed on our hands, it must of been the salt water that did the trick." "Salt water, why didn't we think of that?" "Why didn't you read it in the spell book?" Donald had a playful tone to his voice, which Magica was aware of. "I might of if I had the dime stuck to my fingers instead of your hand.' she chuckled, 'But then again, I guess it wasn't bad to be stuck to you today." Donald was a little shocked at this revelation, but he smiled. He couldn't disagree, being stuck to Amelia was not the worst thing he could imagine.
"And you figured that salt water countered the spell?" Scrooge McDuck was trying desperately to understand the story Donald told him. Of course, he left out everything about him and Magica finding common ground, and did not even allude to Magica having a different name. He and Miss Quackfaster were coating Scrooge and his office chair with light amounts of warm salt water, he was already able to talk, blink and move his head and fingers. Gladstone was not doing much, but he was making more salt water for the rest of the people that were hit by Magica's sticky spell bombs. "Yep, we tried everything else, soap, steel wool, magic, but in the end, all we needed was salt water." "Hmm' Gladstone huffed, 'if that were me, I could have found that out before I even left the office." "Why Gladstone, are you jealous that I got to hold Magica's hand for most of the day while you had to work?" "Bah! I wouldn't be all high and mighty if I were you, remember I still have those...' Gladstone looked at his camera, 'What happened to my photos?" Donald couldn't help but snicker, before Magica left, Donald asked her to do something about the photos Gladstone took. Of course, Magica was very happy to oblige since she was also not eager to have anyone in her family see them. "Well, you found how to nullify the spell, and that's all that matters." Scrooge couldn't help but find the scenario a little suspicious, but then again, he knows Donald also exaggerates sometimes, so he figured it was little more than that. "And as long as that witch learned her lesson' Miss Quackfaster piped up, 'We can hope she never uses those sticky spell bombs again." Donald agreed, but felt deep down that Magica wasn't going to just drop those little white marbles so quickly, and though he couldn't see, he was right. All the way in Italy, Magica was placing the three sticky spell bombs she left at her home and placing them in a small chest, placing them alongside some wild posies that had withered a little, but still reminded her of that one failed attempt where she found something she wasn't looking for. For her, these three sticky spell bombs would remind her of the same thing. She didn't get the dime, but right now, that didn't matter to her.
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