seraphim777s · 8 months
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Various polaroid photos of mine from Anthro New England, 2024
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shinyskunk · 1 year
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put this thing on my lawn to scare off teen vandals and now no one will come to my house :c
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thetaizuru · 1 year
(Celsius Recordings)
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dodelof · 5 months
Twitch - Streamerin - Alicia Joe
Es gibt die eine oder andere schwierige bis sehr bedenkliche Persönlichkeit, die es sich streamenderweise auf Twitch bequem gemacht hat. Eine davon ist Alicia Joe. Ich tummle mich jetzt lange genug auf Twitch, um festgestellt zu haben, dass die Twitcher, die ihrem Job in Sachen Reactions seriös nachehen, gerne darauf verzichten, auf ein Original von Alicia Joe zu reagieren. Das liegt sehr oft daran, dass AJ es mit den Recherchen nicht wirklich genau nimmt und, so kommt es mir vor, kurz vor dem echten Ergebnis sagt; jo, jetzt bin ich müde, habe genug, bin gelangweilt, lass mal Schluss machen und das hier den Leuten als Fazit unter die Nase reiben. Das kann dann dazu führen, dass ihr Ergebnis dafür sorgt, dass ihre Gefolgschaft sich auf einen Twitcher / YouTuber stürzt, diesen auslacht, bullied, weil sie denken AJ habe recht und die andere Seite nicht. Hätte AJ aber sauber recherchiert und bis am Schluss durchgezogen, hätte sie der anderen Seite recht gegeben, wäre zum gleichen Schluss gekommen. Da geht es dann nur noch darum, wer die lauteren Minions hat. Einfach ein Scheissverhalten von AJ. ja, wie gehabt: die seriösen unter den Twitchern, die Reactions machen, gehen inzwischen mit Bauchschmerzen an ihre Originale, weiss man schon im voraus; es gibt ziemlich viel zu tun in Sachen Faktencheck. Ein kleines Beispiel von dem, was mich nervt. Keiner kann Begriffe wie Woke / Anti-Woke/ Wokeness wirklich definieren. Aber genau das nimmt sie für sich in Anspruch. Sie wendet diese Begriffe immer wieder an und spielt damit den Rechten / Right-Wingers / MAGA / AFD direkt in die Hände, weil sie deren Sprache übernimmt. Ich weiss beim besten Willen nicht, ob sie rechts ist, es unwissentlich macht, in vollem Bewusst sein. Auf jeden Fall ist sie mit sehr grosser Vorsicht zu geniessen. Kommt hinzu: wer mit einem KuchenTV kuschelt, es sich in dieser Blase gemütlich macht, wo auch ein Tobias Huch, ein Scurrows, ein Orangemorange nicht sehr weit sind, dem gehe ich persönlich gerne aus dem Weg.
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eon-break · 2 years
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I've Made Too Much Pasta — Marko
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42frankee · 1 year
Neonlight - Kinski (Scurrow Remix) by Blackout Music NL https://ift.tt/nVIdEc3
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csharchive · 2 years
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Will Toledo (Mortis Jackrabbit) at Anthro New england with Scurrow Squirrel and Para Raccoon, 2022
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pis3update · 2 years
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Sims University: The Charles Scurrow Art Studio by StPatrick
"Following a grant from the Scurrow family, Sims University is pleased to unveil the Charles Scurrow Art Studio! This studio provides a quiet space for artists of all kinds to practice their craft. It also houses a coffee shop, whether Sims have a late-night burst of creativity or they're studying a different major and just want to stop in! Lot size: 40x30 Lot type: Library Price (Unfurnished): $161,808 Price (Furnished): $252,309
...continued on MTS"
More Info + Download @MTS.
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gidianthe · 1 year
tried to say that im always scowling or that i have a furrowed brow earlier and i ended uo saying "im always scurrowing"
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countessofravenclaw · 9 months
The 2023 writing Advent calendar: Day 21
21. Bells
This is continuation of the day 24 of lats year, so this is the Christmas day right after S3 ended
“So what is this exactly?” Ambar looked at the two pieces of paper Luna had given her. They, Pedro and Simon were sitting in the mansion’s living room. 
“Oh, this is this game we do on Christmas,” Luna explained excitedly. 
“A game?” Ambar raised an eyebrow. She had not though that games and Christmas went in the same sentence, but here they were. It was Luna, what else had she been expecting? Actually…it sounded kin of fun. Well, funner than the Christmasses with Sharon. 
“Yes,” Luna nodded, “Trust me, it’s gonna be sooooo much fun. We just have to wait… Where’s Matteo.” 
“Yeah, io ci sarò. Non preoccuparti.” Matteo walked into the living room while talking Italian to his phone. “Ho capito, papà. Ho capito, ci sarò.”
“What was that?” Luna asked after Matteo hung up. “Come on Chico Fresa, were about start playing.”
“I can’t.” Matteo shook his head.
“Why not?” Luna scurrowed her eyebrows, “Don’t be a buzzkill.” 
“I’m not being one,” Matteo sighed, “I just can’t play… whatever this is, because I need to go home.”
“Oh,” Luna looked surprised.
“Yeah, I just talked with Dad,” Matteo explained, “Apprently, I am expected for dinner, so… I’ll have to go. I’ll be back in the evening.”
“Okay then.” Luna nodded and Matteo kissed her on the cheek before he walked out. 
“So, no invite for dinner with in-laws for you?” Ambar looked at Luna after Matteo had gone. They got along well now with Luna, but she still couldn’t quite help the small urge to be just a tab bit prickly.
“Nah, it’s fine,” Luna was not phased, “I mean I have not even met them yet and this doesn’t seem like the best occasion.”
“This is a weird thing to say, but does Matteo even have parents?” Pedro piped up, “Uhm, I mean, he always just talked about his dad…”
“Well, he really does only ever mention his dad…” Simon pondered too before looking at Ambar.
“Don’t look at me,” SHe shook her head, “I actually barely know anything about him when it comes to it.”
“I think he has a mom,” Luna pondedred, “I—Now that you mention it, I don’t think he has mentioned it, but… Her name is Sofia and I have even seen her.”
“At the Blake gradution. Like, I didn’t met them, but saw them from the distance.”
“How do you know her name then?” Simon questioned. 
“I’m not sure,” Luna tilted her head, “Wait… Nina told me that.”
“How does she know?” 
“Not sure.”
“She might now through Gastón,” Ambar noted, “Because he surely knows. I know that much that their parents know each other. Well, this should eb enoghon the Matteo mystery. We were supposed to play something.”
“Oh yeah!!” Luna jumped up, “So, you all have the papers?” 
“Yes, but how does this work?” Ambar asked again. 
“Okay, I’ll explain.” Luna sat back down, “So, look at the paper where there are bunch of lines.”
Ambar looked at the paper. It looked almost like a elementary school popquiz. It hard words like verb, adjective and noun. Next to them was an empy line. 
“So, I found this online.” Luna explained, “You put a word down.”
“What word?”
“Any word, random word.” Luna nodded, “Lets do that and then we’ll see.” 
Ambar nodded and looked at the paper again. She still had no idea what those words were for, but she could come up with random ones. 
It took maybe 5 minutes for her to write down all the words. She leane dover and tried to take a peek of what Simon was writing. 
“Hey!” He looked at her playfully and yanked his paper away. “No peeking.”
“Killjoy,” Ambar rolled her eyes at him. 
“Okay!” Luna jumped up again. Ambar had very much lost the track of how many times she had been up and down during this time. “Everyone done?”
“So, what do we do now?” Ambarv looked at the paper. There had to be more to this game.
“So, now take the other paper and write the words on the corresponding number.” Luna explained. 
Ambar turned the other piece of paper around. To her surprise it was… Jingle Bell lyrics? Jingle Bell lyrics with words missing? Wait, you needed to add the words you wrote tpo te other paper here? Thatw as probably it, so she started at it. 
Ambar had a chuckle few times as she kept writing. It sounded so silly, but that was probably the point. 
“Everyone done?” Luna jumped up again. Did her legs never get tired? “Simonm you got the guitar?”
“Yes,” Simon nodded. 
They were gonna sing, weren’t they?”
“So, now were gonna sing!!!” Luna announced. “With our own lyrics. Who wants to go first?”
“How… about you go?” Ambar suggested, because no way she was going first.
“Okay” Luna nodded, “Simon?”
Simon started strumming the chords and Luna started: 
“Skating through chocolate. In one-parrot open river. Over fields we wheel, falling all the way. Ha! Ha! Ha!”
Nothing says Christmas like some Jingle Bells Mad Lib and speculations about Matteo's family
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seraphim777s · 8 months
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polaroid photos I did of Scurrow and others at Anthro New England 2024
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thetaizuru · 1 year
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dodelof · 5 months
Traymont - YouTube - KuchenTV zerlegt T-Tekks rassistische Aussagen
Ich fasse es nicht.Traymont hat es geschafft. Er hat das Video Nr. 16 zur Cause T-Tekk in die Welt gerotzt. Auch in diesem Video reagiert er auf KuchenTV, der auf T-Tekk reagiert.Es ist die eine Sache, 16 Videos zu einer Thematik rauszuhauen. Wenn es sich dann aber in den meisten nur um eine Reaction auf eine Reaction handelt, stellt sich schon die Frage, ob da Ganze noch Sinn macht. Macht es, meiner Meinung nach, in den wenigsten Fällen.Wenn dann noch auf einen YouTuber wie KuchenTV reagiert wird, bekomme ich nur noch das kalte Kotzen.
KuchenTV ist nun wirklich einer der schwierigsten Charaktere auf YouTube Deutschland (potenzieller Frauenschläger, sehr weit Rechts angesiedelt, Frauen scheinen ihm eh sehr suspekt zu sein) und genau auf diesem Manne bietet man eine Plattform?Willst Du mich verarschen? Der Typ ist Schmutz.
Wer auf KuchenTV regiert, fast in die Hose abjerked, während er so eine Reaction macht, es ganz toll findet, auf Kuchen reagieren zu können, der gehört, für mich auf jeden Fall, selber mal von der Plattform geschmissen. Es sollte einfach ein Ende haben, dass ein KuchenTV hofiert wird.
Ich bin jetzt wirklich an dem Punkt, wo ich sagen muss: Traymont entwickelt sich immer mehr zur Witzfigur. Am Anfang dachte ich: Hey, der hat Potenzial, da kommt einer, der das Zeug zum ganz Grossen in YouTube Deutschland hat. Fragt sich nur noch; wann kuschelt er mit Scurrows?
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whatotheramazements · 2 years
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in light of recent events
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csharchive · 2 years
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Will Toledo (Mortis Jackrabbit) at Anthro New England with Scurrow Squirrel and Para Raccoon, 2022
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The accordion player you meet in “Night in the woods” is the same one you meet in the dream world, he falls to his death after Day 2. 
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