#Sean Wallace x reader
darklydeliciousdesires · 10 months
In The Morning Light - A Sean Wallace/Reader Smut Short.
A little bit of softer Sean for you all, darlings! Enjoy :)
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Words - 693
Warnings - Fluffy smut below the cut, minors DNI!
“I’ve woken up so cock hungry, I’m paralysed by it.” 
Your statement earns you a glance of slight incredulity, but mostly it’s just amusement. “A tad dramatic, Mrs Wallace.” 
The novelty that he gets to call you that now still hasn’t worn off for Sean. He might be soulless and bordering on psychopathy in his business endeavours – whether legal or criminal – but for you, you see a little softness that he shows to few. Very few.  
You grin, your face peeking out from beneath the soft down of the pillows beneath your head, reaching to stroke a circle over the freckles upon his shoulder. “Not dramatic at all. The absolute truth, in fact.” 
He raises an eyebrow. “So, it’ll be me on top this morning then, since you bemoan losing the use of your legs?”  
“Hmm, maybe.”  
Reaching beneath the duvet, his hand skims the curve of your waist. “I see no other way around it.” 
Moving, you climb astride his hips, kissing a path along the short, dark copper hair flecking his handsome face. His mouth breaks out into a grin, a deep, rumbling chuckle sounding in his throat as your lips meet. “Not so paralysed after all, it would appear.”  
He wastes no time in trailing a hand between you, reaching your folds, softly grunting as your tongues roll together while sharing those passionate, lustful morning kisses. “This wet already, darling?” 
“What can I say?” you shrug, stroking his neck and chest. “I dreamed of you all last night.”  
“You did, hmm? And what did my love dream?”  
Reaching between you, your hand curls around his hardened cock, biting your lip as your smile grows. You have no idea why a man's erection is always at its steeliest first thing, but you aren’t complaining. “I dreamed of this, filling me up, stretching me out, putting a baby in me.”  
He chuckles, his fingers idly playing with your clit as your thumb rubs over the head of his cock, precum swirled right where he is most sensitive. “You did, did you? Okay. Shall we make that happen for you?”  
Steering his cock to your soaked opening, you sink back on him, forcing a low, lustful groan, his mouth a fever upon yours as his hands begin to lazily stroke your back. “Or you could just make it happen yourself. Either way, trust that I am a very willing participant, Mrs Wallace.” 
The glimmers evoked by his cock begin to skitter as you move back and forth, the feeling of being steadily filled and emptied making heat snap beneath your skin, your wetness coating his cock thickly, moaning softly into the kisses you share. The exchange is all sparks and honey, the morning barely even broken as you rock upon your husband, stroking his face, your hands touring his perfectly chiselled physique with keen attention.  
His eyes are blue vortex of lust gilded by the dark gold of his lashes, bringing his thumb to your lips and pushing it into your mouth. “Get it wet, darling.” You duly do, Sean reaching between you, that slippery thumb stroking at your clit, evoking waves of throbbing warmth as you sit up a little, sinking back on him, his cock filling you entirely.  
He moves steadily beneath you, each upward thrust of his hips meeting your downward movements perfectly, his cock scraping your walls, little bolts flickering at the base of your spine as you clench around him. Its sugared embers crackling, sweet, blazing heat stirred, your mutual moans an orchestra of erotic sin as the bed begins to creak beneath you, both chasing the spiralling undoing that coils deep and rushes quickly. 
“Come for me, my beautiful wife.” And you do, and its glittering magma poured hot over ice, the pleasure splintering through you as you cry out, feeling his cock pulsing waves of cum deep into your fluttering cunt mere moments after you sail into the skies of bliss.  
You both fall asleep again soon after, him still inside you. If anything was going to leave you paralysed that morning, it was the reality of how your husband fucks you rather than the dreams. 
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Friendly Encouragement
A/N @darklydeliciousdesires thank you for introducing me to this man. So writing this took like six turns, and it's now become a multi-part childhood best friends-to-lover anthology; this is part one. My confidence is still pretty trash, especially because this is a new fandom/character so I'm not all that happy with this even with the seven rewrites.
Contains: Fluff, supportive Sean, childhood best friends to lover, mild smut.
1.7 K words
After getting some help from Sean, there ends up being some revelations.
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The daylight was well and truly gone, and Sean had been pouring over your rejected grant proposal for hours, trying to figure out why it hadn't made the cut.
He lifted his head off his hand, looked away from the paper and shook himself awake before throwing the folder onto the ground and turning to you with his jaw clenched. "I don't get it, love, it's flawless."
You shrugged. "It's also apparently too client focused. Too much about helping people and not enough about the bottom line."
He rolled his eyes, clearly ready to rant about what the heads of charities really got up to, before he stopped himself. "You're going to go back in there tomorrow and demand he reconsider."
You looked at him for a moment, hoping you'd heard him right. "Yeah, that's not going to happen, I don't even know where to start. I'd go to the CEO, but she's travelling, and he'll get ahead of it before I even try."
He was off the couch like a rocket, marching over to you with a determined look set on his face. "Then we'll practice."
He wrapped his strong hand around your upper arm and dragged you to his home office, letting you go a few feet from his desk before sitting down. "Pretend I'm this finance arsehole, we'll work through it together."
You wanted to protest, to tell him he was being silly, but the look on his face told you that you wouldn't be leaving the room until you did what he asked.
You sighed and threw your hands up. "Fine, but I don't see how this is going to help. I am capable of getting things done, it's just him."
He almost looked offended. "I know that, I've known that since you called Mr Bollen a pompous baboon in the fourth grade."
He paused and smiled softly, that disarming smile you had seen him use so many times before. "Think of me as an empty space, I'm not going to do anything other than sit here so you can bounce your ideas around."
You huffed. "Fine."
You left the room and closed the door, taking a deep breath before knocking twice. "Come in."
You walked in, head held high and back straight like you did that morning, and met Sean's eye, his serious look preventing you from laughing. "Mr. Campbell, I think you should reconsider my grant. The numbers page on page six made it clear that it's doable and…"
Your thoughts left you, and you flopped down onto one of the office chairs. "This isn't going to work."
Sean wasn't put off and reached across the table to grab your hand. "He's not the first pig you've had to deal with, he won't be the last. Now what's tripping you up?"
Sean had a knack for getting information out of people, so there was no point in lying, you just had to say it carefully so no one ended up dead.
It wasn't really that hard to relent with the way he was looking at you, his face neutral but his eyes full of twinkling affection that almost looked more than friendly, it made your heart flutter. "I'm pretty sure I lost the grant because I refused to go to the luncheon. I didn't think the money that could be going to the program should be spent on drinks."
You saw the fleeting glimmer of anger in his sea blue eyes, but it was gone in a flash, and you continued. "This isn't the sixties. He gave the grant to one of his drinking buddies, and it's not going to help anyone, and I can't do this because if I'm alone in a room with that prick, I'm going to hit him."
Sean chuckled and patted your hand lovingly. "Ah, love, you might not want to hear this, but you need to sink to his level." Your eyes went wide, and you stuttered about being unable to do that, but he cut you off. "I'm not talking about blackmail, just let him know that all it would take for him to lose his job is an off hand comment in the lift while the CEO is there."
You sighed, he was right, as always. He took in your look of resignation with a smile and waved his hand. "Well then, up you get. Once we can get through this without that bleeding heart of yours balking, I'll order in from your favourite restaurant."
You raised your eyebrows and shook your head. "Bribery, Sean, really?"
He still hadn't let so of your hand, and his thumb rubbed your skin affectionately. "Only the best for my favourite girl."
You were still riding the high of how well it all went when you showed up at Sean's. There was no point in knocking; the Wallace house was your second home, and you practically lived there. You waved to Mrs Wallace as you walked by the kitchen, and she gestured towards Sean's room to let you know where he was.
You rapped on the door, and his voice floated through the wood. "Come in." He grinned when he laid eyes on you and popped up from his small desk to greet you. "You're smiling, so it went well. Tell me everything."
It all came out in an excited flurry, going between telling him what had happened and explaining how the head of finance had squirmed like a coward the more you spoke. Sean's grin only grew until he was close to laughing, accepting your thanks graciously as you wrapped your arms around him.
He could feel your excitement as you spoke and he couldn't find it in himself to let you go as you finally slowed down and it became his turn to speak. "I'm very proud of you y/n." He paused, wondering if the tone of the hug was really changing or if he was just imagining it, but he took his chance anyway. "And it is I that should be thanking you, the way you have handled the last year has been admirable."
He didn't know how to put the rest of his thoughts into words, that you were all he thought of when he was away, that despite being back at the top, he felt achingly lonely when you weren't around, that he's loved you since he was sixteen. He tightened his arms around you and buried his nose in your hair. "I love you."
It wasn't a strange thing for him to say; you said it to each other all the time; it was the way he said it that gave you pause, but you replied nevertheless. "I love you too Sean."
"Not like that." He pulled away from the embrace, but only enough to place his hand on your cheek. "I've loved you since you showed up on my doorstep in that bubble gum pink dress the night of that stupid year ten dance."
It felt like a dream, the way he tucked a strand of hair behind your ears as he gazed at you like you were the most precious thing on earth. "Your mother bought me that dress. It was hideous."
The distance between you got smaller as you both leaned in, and he whispered against your lips. "I thought you were the most beautiful girl I had ever seen." His nose brushed yours, and his other hand left your back so he could hold your face in his hands as you moved yours to his shoulders. "You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."
When his lips found yours, it was like you had the last breath on earth between your lips. Your hands wove into his hair, and you moved in step towards his bed, finally stopping when the backs of your knees hit the edge. You pulled away from each other breathless, his hands moving to your shirt as you spoke. "I knew before you."
He chuckled as he pecked your cheek, his beard brushing your skin as he made his way to your neck. "Is that so?"
"It is." You broke contact only long enough for him to pull your shirt over your head, his polo following as you took in the sight of his bare chest. He was all lean muscle wrapped in pale, freckled skin.
He licked his lips as his eyes raked over your bare skin, then his lips were down your neck to your chest as he reached behind you to unclasp your bra. "When?"
It was hard to reply with his plump lips sealing around your nipple, but he looked at you through his red eyelashes in a way that let you know that silence wasn't an option. "Two weeks before the dance when that Harrison freak ruined my science project after I turned him down and you punched him."
He smiled against your skin before nipping you, the bite of his teeth sending a shiver up your spine. His lips found yours again as your hands moved to his belt, your fingers played with the buckle for a moment, but it was your turn to smile as you moved your hand down to palm his rapidly hardening cock through his black trousers.
It seemed to be tit for tat with him because he slid his hand down from your rib cage to use his long and dexterous fingers to pop open your pants, dispensing with any teasing so he could graze his fingertips over your bare flesh. Your breath caught in your chest as he slid his fingers through your slit, stopping for a moment to rub your clit before they continued with their nonsense patterns.
He parted from you briefly, his face flushed with lust as you managed to get his pants off and pushed them down enough to get your hand on his cock. He gathered himself enough to look at you like he wanted to swallow you whole and kissed his way to your ear to speak. "We have some catching up to do." With that, his hand left your pants, and he brought his fingers up to his lips to lick you off of them.
The sight was enough to make your knees buckle. "Yes, we do."
His lips were restless as you moved onto the bed to lie on your back, and then he was ripping your bottoms off, underpants and all, before shedding his own. "You're not leaving this bed until midday tomorrow."
His fingers were back on your centre, and the look in his eyes was positively heartstopping, a mix of lust and love that made it feel like your skin was on fire. "That's fine with me."
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runnning-outof-time · 9 months
Could you do "your more fun to miss" with John maybe angsty fluff but whatever works for you and your brain 😁
Thanks for sending this one in, anon!! And I need you to hear me out on this - I KNOW that the gif is of Joe Cole as Sean Wallace in Gangs of London, BUT this could ALSO be Modern!John Shelby … which is what I was going for in this blurb. I figured I’d think outside of the box for one of my John stories since no one is really reading them anyway… But if you are reading them…Enjoy! :) …oh and again, I just focused on the face he’s making rather than what the woman talking to him looks like - I felt the face really matched the situation haha. Ok, I’m babbling now..on with the story!
Part of my 3.5k Celebration - find more stories here!
More Fun to Miss
Modern!John Shelby x Reader
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Warnings: language, drinking, insinuations of cheating
Word Count: 1165
Summary: (Y/N) lets John have a piece of her mind when she sees him (against her wishes) for the first time in three weeks at a club.
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“Don’t look now…” (Y/N)’s friend, Kara, began, making she sure had the woman she was addressing’s attention before continuing, “but that man has literally been eye-fucking you all night,” her grin grew as she finished her statement.
(Y/N)’s brows furrowed at her friend’s comment. Then she looked over her shoulder to see who she was talking about. The first thing that came to her mind when she located said man was fuck.
“What? Do you know him or something?” Kara asked upon seeing (Y/N)’s reaction to her observation.
“Yeah, I do,” (Y/N) answered with a sigh.
Kara looked over her friend’s shoulder to take another glimpse of the man before turning her attention back to the conversation. She bit on her bottom lip to conceal her grin as she debated whether or not saying what was on her mind would anger (Y/N) or not. After a few moments, she thought ‘the hell with it’. “He’s hot as fuck,” she commented, her grin in full view now.
“I beg to differ,” (Y/N) disagreed, sipping on her drink and hoping she didn’t look too disgusted.
“Well he’s been staring at you literally all night.”
“Yeah, that’s because he knows me too.”
“Care to share the details?” Kara’s eyebrows raised in intrigue.
“I’d much rather move to a different table,” (Y/N) responded, grabbing her drink in one hand and her clutch in the other before she stood from the table they were sitting at.
“(Y/N)! Wait!” Kara called, scoffing before she hurried to grab her things and catch up with her friend.
(Y/N) silently cursed the fact that the club was rather packed, which made it hard for her to find another open table. At this point, she’d much rather leave the place than go back to where she’d been sitting.
Her path was soon blocked though, and the second she looked up, she had to muster all of her restraint not to throw her drink in the man’s face.
“(Y/N)? I thought it was you,” the cocky shit that was John Shelby wasted no time in making conversation. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” he asked with a grin.
“It’s been three weeks, John. Get the fuck out of my way,” (Y/N) dismissed his pleasantries, hoping that he could tell by the glare she was wearing that she wanted no parts of talking to him.
But, of course, John didn’t catch onto it. Or maybe he did and decided to continue the conversation in spite of her. “Three weeks too long, darlin’,” he commented, his eyes raking over her figure, “I’ve missed you.”
“You found him, (Y/N)! I knew you’d taken off for a reason!” Kara chimed into the conversation before (Y/N) could respond with a snide remark.
“I didn’t find him, he blocked my path, Kara,” (Y/N) muttered to her friend, hoping that she’d catch onto her facial expression and help her out.
“You’re a friend?” John asked before Kara was able to get a good look at (Y/N)’s face, succeeding at pulling her attention to him.
“I am! Who might you be?” Kara asked, her grin growing by the second.
“Oh she didn’t tell me about you?” John’s eyebrows raised in surprise, “I was sure she would’ve.”
“No, she didn’t, and I’m rather confused as to why,” Kara responded, frowning at John before she sent (Y/N) a glare and elbowed her side. This set (Y/N) off even more. You’re supposed to be on my side!, she menatlly screamed at her friend.
“Why didn’t you tell her, love?” John now directed his surprised gaze at (Y/N).
“Because contrary to your belief, John, you’re really not someone I’d scream from the rooftops over,” she spat back, eyes shooting daggers at him.
“The noise complaints we got from my nieghbors beg to differ, baby,” he cracked back, his words dripping with smugness. I outgha just throw this fucking drink at you, (Y/N) thought as she stared him down. If looks could kill, he’d be flat on the floor by now.
“I bet they come knocking for every girl you decide to take home to fuck,” (Y/N) decided against making an even bigger scene, keeping the glass gripped firmly in her hand as she snapped at him, “and they probably complain pretty regularly considering you take a different one back every night,” she paused, seeing the surprise return to his eyes. It egged her on even more. “You thought I didn’t know, huh? Thought I hadn’t caught on to it? Why do you think it’s been three weeks and I haven’t answered a single one of your fucking texts, John?” she let him have it, taking her frustration out on him all while getting more frustrated by how he was looking at her.
It seemed like he hadn’t actually heard a word she said, because he was too busy flicking his eyes down to her lips, watching them as she unleashed her anger on him while his grin grew smugger with each word said.
“Oh shit…” Kara’s voice was full of surprise as she looked between the two, the dots finally getting connected in her mind. “That’s why you wanted to go…” she said to (Y/N) then.
“Yeah, that’s exactly why I wanted to go,” (Y/N) answered her friend in a huff, finally breaking eye contact with the man she’d been standing toe-to-toe with. “And I’d like to leave now,” she added, her desperation returning as her anger started to make her feel sick. This was certainly not where she wanted to have this conversation.
“I’ll take the glasses back,” Kara told her, gently taking the glass that (Y/N) had had a white-knuckle grip on from the moment John stopped her. (Y/N) didn’t even realize she’d been holding it that hard until she moved her fingers and they were sore from the tension they’d been under.
The end was in sight now. All she had to do was wait a few more moments for Kara to return. Then she would be away from John Shelby forever.
But of course, John Shelby couldn’t let her get away without one last word. “Like I said, (Y/N)…I missed you,” he said to her, looking her over one last time - as if he was committing her to memory because he knew he’d never cross paths with her again. I hope my memory fucking haunts you, she thought to herself as she thought of one last thing to leave him with.
“Yeah, well you’re more fun to miss,” she sneered at him, looking him over once more also before she pushed passed him to the exit. Kara would have to find her outside because she didn’t want to be in his presence for one more second.
More fun to miss, indeed…although she wasn’t sure if she’d even miss him.
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…ok so that was more angsty than fluffy, but the prompt took me on a ride and I had a bunch of fun writing it. I hope you don’t I strayed from your wishes slightly, anon!
**tags in reblogs so that hopefully the notification gets sent out
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desertno3 · 3 years
Violet – Epilogue (7/7)
When Sean finally meets his daughter, you wonder why you ever left him in the first place. Sean Wallace x fem!reader Epilogue: 1586 words
Prologue // Chapter One // Chapter Two  // Chapter Three // Chapter Four // Chapter Five
A/N: Here it is!! Some sweet, sweet fluff to wrap up Reader’s, Sean’s and Violet’s story 🥺 Thanks for coming along on this journey y’all and for being genuinely interested in it. I have appreciated every single one of your asks and comments 🧡 Til next time!
Also I do imagine there to be a lil time jump between the last chapter and this one but I leave it unspecified.
Taglist: @ysmmsy @prettyinpayne @the-a-word-2214 @peakywitch @danceyreagan @ella1grace03 @whenthe-smokeisinyoureyes @lovemissyhoneybee
Sean drops tiredly onto the couch as you hover by the door, wishing the babysitter a good night. Letting out a long exhale, he leans his head back to catch a glimpse of you down the hall, admiring the way you looked in the dress you’d chosen to wear for the night.
The event you'd just come back from was run-of-the-mill for him - some iteration of a corporate mixer he’d been to countless times. It wasn’t unfamiliar to you either, having attended these events with Sean way back when. Even so, he did worry if it was a good idea to bring you right back into the midst of it all. It was one thing to have come to terms with the dangers of Sean’s occupation but another to have to physically mingle with the people most involved in said dangers. You hadn’t shown any reservations when he’d asked you to be his date to it, though, and selfishly, he was glad, knowing tonight wouldn’t have been half as bearable if you weren’t there with him.
Now, though, as he sat on the couch and watched you, he wondered what you were thinking after having done it. The last thing he wanted was for you to disappear and take Violet with you. Again.
Sean is jolted out of his thoughts when you turn around and meet his gaze, the babysitter having long gone now. You raise an eyebrow, having clocked the way his brow was furrowed.
“C’mere,” He says lowly, motioning you over.
You comply with a smile, walking over and settling yourself on his lap, kicking your bare feet up on the sofa. He snakes his arms around your waist, pulling you close.
Sean smiles languidly up at you, his eyes taking in your features almost reverently. You tilt your head to the side in silent curiosity, absentmindedly smoothing down the lapels of his suit jacket with your palms.
“What’re you thinking about, hm?”
“You,” He says without missing a beat. “You’re gorgeous, you know.”
You let out a surprised huff but you can’t help the warmth that pools in your chest. Sean smirks, knowing he’s flustered you.
“The most gorgeous woman in the world,” He continues and you take his chin in your hand, your eyes narrowed playfully.
“How much did you have to drink tonight?”
“Not much at all,” He replies, easily escaping your grasp to press a quick kiss to your lips.
You take in a sharp inhale as his mouth trails down your neck and starts nipping at your collarbone. Your fingers rake through his short hair, encouraging him, when he suddenly stops at the junction between your shoulder and neck. With the way his shoulders move up and down, you know he’s trying to stifle a yawn.
You lightly scratch at his scalp, chuckling to yourself, “Don’t start something you can’t finish, love.”
He sighs and sits back against the couch again and you follow him with your body, leaning lazily against him as you rest your arms on his shoulders.
“Let’s go to bed,” You murmur. “It’s been a long night.”
He hums but doesn’t make a move to do so. Instead, he continues to stare fondly at you, making you give him another imploring look.
“Was tonight too much?” He asks quietly.
"What do you mean?”
“Talking to Luan and his cronies didn’t make you want to up and run?”
“Of course not, Sean,” You say softly, sitting up to look at him properly.
“I’ve already made up my mind,” You continue, cupping his cheek. “I’m not going anywhere.”
He gives you a small smile and leans up to kiss you deeply. You melt into it yet again, relishing in the way his arms wrap around your body, before a little voice interrupts the moment, making you both lean apart in surprise.
You and Sean both turn your heads and find a pyjama-clad Violet at the bottom of the stairwell, biting her thumbnail nervously.
“What are you doing up, Vi?”
“I can’t sleep.”
You frown sympathetically, knowing she had most likely been waiting for the two of you to come home. You knew she wasn’t a fan of being left with a sitter, especially when it meant that you and Sean were out together  without her .
“Come here, love,” Sean tells her and she pads over, climbing onto the couch and snuggling in beside Sean. He removes one of his arms from your waist to wrap around her.
“Why couldn’t you sleep, hm?”
Violet absentmindedly reaches for the hem of your dress, her little fingers playing with the fabric as she shrugs sheepishly.
“I was waiting until you got home.”
You and Sean exchange a knowing look before he turns his full attention back to her and hugs her close.
“Well, we’re home now,” Sean says. “And your mum and I are exhausted. How about I read you a story before we all go to bed?”
Violet nods enthusiastically, “Okay.”
“Alright then,” You say as you stand up, the idea of sleep becoming more appealing by the minute. “Up you get.”
Sean lifts Violet up into his arms with ease and you follow behind as they lead the way up the stairs.
“Can I sleep in your room tonight?” Violet asks, her imploring eyes darting between you and her father.
Before you could gently say otherwise, Sean is nodding his head, “Sure, but just for tonight.”
You roll your eyes at how quick Sean is to appease her but there’s a smile on your face nonetheless.
“Don’t complain when she kicks you in your sleep,” You comment, making Violet pout.
“I don’t kick!”
Your past experience would tell you otherwise but you don’t say anything more, just shaking your head as you enter your bedroom. While you head over to the dresser to put your jewellery away, Sean settles against the headboard, still dressed in his suit, with his arms around Violet who has settled on his lap.
“What was the party like?” Violet asks, looking between the both of you.
“It was very dull,” Sean replies, pressing a kiss to her temple. “Lots of boring old people like me.”
Violet giggles, “You’re not old.”
“Just boring,” You retort with a cheeky smile and Violet gasps mirthfully.
“Lots of pretty people, too,” Sean continues. “Like your mum.”
You narrow your eyes at him for retaliating with a compliment and he just grins back at you.
“Don’t you think she looks nice, Vi?”
Violet nods, wide-eyed and honest, “You’re very pretty, mummy.”
You come over to press a kiss on their respective cheeks. “Thank you, you two are very sweet.”
 It’s not long before the three of you are settled in, Violet already fast asleep between the both of you. You observe as Sean watches her, pure adoration in his eyes. It was times like these that made you regret the fact that he’d missed the start of her life and all the milestones that came with it.
He lifts his gaze to meet yours. “It’s overwhelming how much I care about her.”
You smile, knowing just the feeling.
“I want to be good enough,” He murmurs quietly. “For her. For the both of you.”
“We wouldn’t be here if you weren’t, Sean.”
He gives you a grateful look but you know it’ll take more than a few words to fully convince him of that. You knew he worried he’d end up taking after his own father but you'd known him long enough, seen him interact with Violet enough, to know that it was unlikely.
“She loves you, you know.”
He hums, absentmindedly brushing a stray strand of hair off Violet’s forehead face before his gaze lifts back up to meet yours. You hadn’t said it to each other yet but at this point, you both knew. It was inherent in everything you did - including now, curled up in bed with your not-so-baby girl comfortably squished between you. You meant what you’d said to him downstairs. You loved him and you didn’t plan on leaving, not again.
Sean smiles like he could hear the exact thought in your head.
“What?” You whisper.
He finds your hand where it rests on Violet’s side and threads his fingers through yours, his gaze never wavering.
“I love you.”
You blink as you process his words, feeling your heart flutter in your chest. You squeeze his hand in response.
“I love you too.”
The next morning, you wake up to an empty bed and the chaotic sounds of Violet and Sean cooking something up in the kitchen downstairs. Snorting in amusement, you pad downstairs and find Sean carrying Violet in one arm while flipping pancakes with the other, the latter rattling off an endless list of foods she thought could be possible pancake toppings.
Your heart warms at the sight of them, Sean cheekily murmuring his own input and making Violet laugh out loud because it was sillier than all her suggestions put together.
All the dangers in the world would be worth it just for them, you think. The thought of threats looming around every corner didn’t rattle you as much anymore - not when Violet looked at Sean like he hung up the moon for her and not when Sean loved you both as fiercely as you loved them.
With your entire being overflowing with affection, you enter the kitchen ready to start your morning with your little girl and the man you loved with your entire heart.
Your family.
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playbucky · 3 years
Stupid Love
You and Sean who were best friends that turned into lovers when you were teenagers but then Sean joined the family business and you left, but now your back in town and you don’t know if it’s a good or bad decision yet. Characters – Sean x Reader Word Count – 2209. Like what I do? Buy me a coffee.
‘I remember when we were sixteen, both stupidly in love with each other, we snuck in here.” You said, pushing off the wall, Sean was watching your every move. ‘Do you?’ You asked him, looking over your shoulder, as you continued down the hall. ‘Yeah, you had just finished school.’ He said, following you now. ‘All your friends had a crush on me.’ He added proudly, you chuckled as you came to a stop. ‘No wonder, the big bad boy.’ You teased him, he came to a stop beside you his shoulders touching yours. You looked at him, both of your stared at each other before you looked away as you stepped forward, sliding your nail under under the peeling wallpaper. Pulling it back you watched as you revealed the permanent marker. ‘Almost twelve years and it’s still here.’ He said, you took a step back. ‘We were kids then.’ You added, he turned to you. ‘I still love you.’ Sean said, you looked at him before shaking your head. ‘Sean.’ ‘I’m serious Y/N, it’s the only think I know of just now.’ He admitted, reaching for your hand ribbing his thumb over the back before your phone rang. Dropping his hand you answered it, he watched your eyebrows furrow before you replied and hung up. ‘What’s the problem?’ He asked, you shook your head. ‘Nothing I can’t handle.’ You told him, playing with your phone. ‘Be safe Sean.’ You warned him placing your free hand on his arm, leaning in and pressing a kiss to his cheek. You stepped back and sent him a smile before turning and walking away, saying goodbye to his mother as well.
Climbing out the car, you thanked the driver before paying him, shutting the door and watched him drive away. ‘Y/N?’ The voice asked, you used and smiled. ‘Lale, I’m sorry about your people.’ You told her, she gave you a tight lipped smile and nodded. ‘Meeting with Sean go well?’ You asked her, watching as she fought a smile and looked up to the window. ‘Pleasantly, I hope yours does as well.’ She sad, opening the door to her car. ‘All I’m saying is bye.’ You informed her, she looked confused before her driver cleared their throat. ‘It was once to see you.’ She commented. ‘You as well.’ You replied before you walked away, entering the abandoned hotel. Climbing the crumbling stairs you finally made it to the third floor, walk-ing the corridor you knocked on the door and seated before he could reply. He was pulling a shirt and smiling when he turned to you. ‘Y/N, what do I owe the pleasure?’ He asked cheerful. ‘Don’t think I can give you any more than you just received.’ You commented coldly, he looked at you shocked. ‘How?’ He asked, you scoffed. ‘You used to look at me that way, once we had sex but then it fell from your face.’ You explained, whilst you walked around the room over to the window and looked out, keeping a distance between the pair of you. ‘Y/N-‘ He started, you shook your head. ‘No, it’s fine wasn’t as if you told me you still loved me two days ago.’ You reminded him, as you turned to him. ‘Some of your actions have consequences.’ You said. ‘We aren’t talking about Lale now.’ He said you arched an eyebrow. ‘I need to leave this life, yo, behind.’ You told him. ‘What life you aren’t involved in it.’ He stated, you shook your head. ‘Every since I turned sixteen I was in this life and you know it.’ You pointed at him before sighing, ‘But we all hide secrets Sean.’ You mad eye contact with him. ‘Especially for things and people we love.’ You said, sighing as you reached into your pocket producing your phone, popping the case off. Sean watched as you pulled a picture out, looking at it your smiled before tilting your head slightly. You bent at the hips and placed the photo down on the edge of the bed. ‘Maybe one day you can meet this secret.’ You told him before walking past him and quickly leaving the room. You heard the footsteps following you, quickened your pace before a hand wrapped around your waist stopping you, backing you into the dusty wall. ‘What is this?’ He asked holding the picture up, you glanced at it but stayed quiet. ‘Tell me.’ He almost growled. ‘What do yo think Sean?’ You answered. ‘When?’ He asked, you stared at him. ‘The internship.’ He said, your eyes flickered away. ‘Why?’ He whispered, letting go of you and looking at the photo. ‘You were just starting, I couldn’t stop or get in the way of your dreams.” You told him truthfully. ‘Why are you tell me now?’ He asked, you shook your head. ‘So you have something to fight for when you going through hell.’ You told him. ‘Y/N?’ ‘Sean, I need to go, fix all this out and you can be her dead.’ You told him before walking away before stopping and turning back to him. ‘Promise me Sean, promise.’ You said, he looked at the picture then back to you. ‘I promise.’
‘Where is she?’ You asked, Sean tuned to your disheveled appearance.‘Who?’ He questioned, you stopped in front of him. ‘Harper, my daughter. Your fucking daughter.’ You jabbed his chest, he grabbed your hand. ‘What are you talking about?’ Sean asked, you sneered at him, yanking your hand away. ‘I told you about her and not a month later she goes missing.’ You informed him, wrapping your arms around yourself. ‘She’s missing?’ He said, he looked over you before noticing the bruises scattered across your face. ‘What happened?’ He asked stepped forward and carefully cupping your chin making you look at him. ‘I’ve been looking for Harper.’ You told him, is thumb gently running over your cheek. ‘Are you close?’ ‘I’ve been close but they chance locations almost every day.’ You said.
‘Sean.’ You said, he turned to you. ‘No, I made you a promise that you wouldn’t be involved.’ Sean said, you looked to Eliot who was trying his best not to listen, before looking back at Sean ‘They took our daughter, I’m involved wether you like it or not.’ You stated, he looked at you before nodding. ‘What are you going to do?’ He asked, you titled your head to the side before you started trolling up your sleeves. ‘I don’t know, just don’t leave me a gun to anything that will kill him.’ You said, Sean nodded and entered the room before appearing a minute later, carrying the items. ‘He’s all yours.’ He said, you nodded before removing your shoes, kicking them to the side. You pushed the door open before you walked down the steps, the hallway and sealed doors were covered in plastic before you stood in the open on. Looking at the man who was tied up by his arms you smirked before you stepped on causing him to lift his head. ‘You took my daughter.’ You stated, he smiled before he noticed you run your finger over the tools that had been left behind. ‘I want to know where she is.’ You told him, he scoffed. ‘I’m not going to tell you.’ He replied, you raised an eyebrow. ‘Fine, but I’m sure your boss would love to have your carved up lifeless body delivered onto their doorstep.’ You told him as you picked up the dull scalpel. Ten minutes later you looked at his bloody body, who was breathing shallow before you placed the tool down and sighed. Turning you left the room and marched away, meeting Sean and Eliot at the opened door. They looked at you shocked before you lifted your head, telling them the address. ‘My men will get her, you need to tidy yourself up.’ Sean said, you looked down and noticed the blood that had stained your clothes and feet. ‘I promise she’ll come back safe.’ He said, you looked at him before nodding and slowly made your way to the bathroom.
‘Mummy.’ Harper called out, you quickly hurried over to her. Sean following behind her watching as you dropped to your knees, cupping her face checking to see if she was okay. ‘Oh baby, I’m sorry.’ You told her, placing a kiss on her forehead, pulling her into a hug slicking down. ‘I’m okay mummy.’ She said, you let out a breath. ‘I know you are but mummy just missed you that’s all.’ You told her, she bent forward and rested her head against yours. ‘Who’s the man?’ Harper asked, suddenly you remembered about Sean, who was standing watching you both. ‘Do you remember the story I always told you before bedtime?’ You quizzed her, she nodded. ‘Yeah, you met your Prince Charming and he’s my daddy.’ She said, you chuckled lightly and nodded. ‘Yeah,’ you brushed some of her hair out her face, ‘He is my Prince Charming.’ You told her, Harper looked at you before looking at Sean. ‘Come on let’s get you cleaned up and then we can read a book.’ You told her, she let out a small sigh as you glanced at Sean again who nodded, before you picked her up and followed him up the stairs. You entered the bathroom that he had opened a door to before you kept Harper close as you switched the water on and let it fall into the large tub. ‘I’ll give you some alone time.’ He said, you nodded and he turned away. ‘Sean?’ You called out, he quickly turned back to you. ‘Thank you.’ You stated, he nodded before drawing the door over behind him, you stuck your hands under the shower. ‘You ready baby?’ You asked her, she nodded tiredly into your neck before you set her on the ground. ‘Have a warm shower then something to eat and then we can sleep.’ You talked to her as you helped remove her clothes. ‘I’m not hungry.’ She said, you nodded. ‘That’s fine, I’ll just read you a story.’ You said.
‘You should get some sleep.’ Sean spoke from the doorway, he had checked in on the pair of you five minutes before making sure you had everything for Harper to be settled. ‘I can’t.’ You admitted, he walked into the bedroom, you moved over allowing him to sit next to you. ‘Every time I close my eyes she isn’t here.’ You told him, he reached over and took your hand giving it a gentle squeeze. ‘I’ll watch her, I’ll watch you.’ He said, turning your head you made eye contact with him. ‘You will?’ You asked, he nodded before leaning forward pressing a kiss to your forehead. ‘I’ll even let you use me as a pillow.’ He commented, you chuckled before leaning into him, falling into the old ways easily. ‘It was my father wasn’t it?’ Sean asked suddenly, you lifted your head but kept running your hand over Harpers head.You didn’t respond to him so he had his answer. ‘Why did you listen to him?’ He asked. ‘Come on Sean, you know if he didn’t want me near you I wouldn’t have been.’ You replied. ‘He wouldn’t harm you.’ He said, you raised an eyebrow. ‘Not physically but look how he kept you way from your daughter.’ You said, gesturing to Harper who was still sleeping soundly. ‘I’m not letting you go again.’ He admitted, you made eye contact with him. ‘Sean.’ You said. ‘No, he’s dead I can piss of his ghost all I want but I am not leaving the two of you again.’ He said adamantly, resting a hand on your back .
Waking up you stretched opening your eyes before looking to the bed that was missing Harper. you sat p quickly, before pushing yourself up. ‘Harper?’ You called out, looks around the room your heartbeat quickening. Turning on your heels you made your way down the stairs. ‘Have you –‘ the sentence died in your throat when you saw Sean hand her a plate of golden pancakes. ‘She was hungry.’ He said, harper turned to you and smiled widely. ‘Sean’s making me pancakes.’ She said, you let out a deep breath, rubbing your hands over your face. ‘Pancakes, I haven’t had Sean’s pancakes in years.’ You said, making your way over. ‘Why?’ She asked, you froze as you pulled out your seat. ‘I had to go away for work and this is the first time I’ve saw Sean for a long time.’ You explained, sen placed a plate in front of you. ‘Did you miss him?’ She asked you, you nodded picking the fork and knife up. ‘Yes.’ You replied. ‘Why didn’t you come back?’ She asked, you lowered your head. ‘I wanted to but I promised someone I wouldn’t come back.’ You said. ‘So I wouldn’t of saw daddy?’ She asked, you glanced at Sean who was trying to hide a smile. ‘No you would’ve, you would’ve been older but I wouldn’t of stepped the pair of your meeting.’ You said, she was chewing on the pancakes. ‘Eat your pancakes up.’ Sean told you, you looked at him before giving a mock salute which caused Harper to chuckle beside you.
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beautifultypewriter · 3 years
Stage Door ~ Sean Wallace
Requested: No
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2,062
Pairing: Sean Wallace x fem!oc
Summary: When Sean is dragged to the theatre with his family the last thing he expects is to meet a young woman who captures his attention so brilliantly.
A/N: I have so much to say, so please bear with me. First of all, since Gangs of London is now on AMC, I am able to watch it and honestly I have missed seeing Joe Cole on my tv screen. Like I don’t completely understand what’s happening on this show (I’m only on episode 6 - I am behind), but I dig it and mostly because of him. This is written with my OC. I use her name, but there’s no description of her other than the mention that she is Irish, so I’m gonna tag it the way I’m gonna tag it. I doubt anyone is even going to read this. Also it’s written in 3rd person instead of my usual 2nd. Also it takes place before any of the events from the show.
The theatre was the absolute last place that Sean wanted to be that night, but his father had gotten the tickets as a way to make his mother happy, so he couldn’t say no. Sean couldn’t say no to his father about anything really.  Going to the theatre on a Friday night was the least of his worries. The lights flickered and Sean looked up, wondering how a fancy theatre in the West End would have flickering lights, but then he noticed everyone else sitting in their seats and ending their idle chatter. Then the lights turned off completely and the curtain rose, the orchestra beginning a slow but strong tune. Sean wasn’t entirely sure what this play was supposed to be about, but his mother had raved about how great it was, so he figured he would try to pay attention.
 Paying attention was easier said than done. There was so much going on in just the beginning and Sean was having trouble keeping the different characters straight. All the singing wasn’t really helping either. He desperately wanted to close his eyes, but his mother was right next to him and he didn’t want to disappoint her. When he was sure he could get away with it, he let his head roll back just a bit and he squeezed his eyes shut. This had to be over soon. Sean felt someone squeeze his arm and just as quickly as he closed his eyes, his attention was back on the stage.
 And there she was. A simple dress and a timid look on her face as the other actors on the stage surrounded her and sang at her with threatening tones. Sean couldn’t pull his eyes away from her. He watched her fall apart on stage, the scene changing to some shady alleyway and new actors replacing the others, but still just as menacing towards the woman. The timidness that had been on her face previously had melted away to fear to exhaustion to hopelessness. And for the first time since the show had started, the chaos of the stage slowed, and everyone moved away to the wings… everyone except for her. She was alone, still in her simple dress, crumpled on the floor in the middle of the stage. The music carried lightly through the space as she lifted herself up, her arms wrapping loosely around her frame and her voice small as she sang. Sean watched her every move. His eyes trailed over her form, gliding over each and every tiny movement of her head, the rise and fall of her chest as her voice gained power and the music swelled. Sean could feel himself sliding forward in his seat, wanting to be as close to her as he could be. The woman’s voice flooded his senses, and he was finding it difficult to breathe. His chest tightened at the pain in her voice and he briefly wondered how she was able to do all this.
 And then it all stopped. Her voice faded out and Sean could breathe again as she stared out into the audience without really seeing them. Everyone around him was applauding, but he couldn’t bring himself to move. He just stared.
 The story carried on and her character died, and Sean found himself losing interest now that she was no longer on the stage. It wasn’t until later, at the very end of the production that she came back. He straightened up as she glided onto the stage, still in a simple dress, but this one white, and a serene smile on her face. Her voice was soft and comforting now and if Sean had been different then he may have cried at the feeling she was pulling from his chest.
 The curtain fell shut and everyone was on their feet, applauding. Sean stood slowly as he clapped along with the crowd. The curtain rose again, and the cast came out to take their final bows. He searched for her and he found her nestled between her castmates, a small smile on her face as they stepped forward and clasped hands, bowing until the curtain fell on them again. Sean stared at the spot where she had been as everyone filed out around him, his own family lingering by their seats for a moment until his father was approached by a man. He had missed most of the conversation, but snapped to attention when Jac looped her arm with his and started pulling him after Billy and their parents. He leaned down to his sister, “Where are we going?”
 She shook her head, a quiet laugh on her lips, “Backstage tour,” she rolled her eyes, “only the best for the Wallace family.”
 Sean had never cared much for the theatre, but he was honestly impressed with the backstage. The mechanics of the curtain and the different set pieces was something that did interest him, and he reached out to touch one of the ropes, but stopped when the man’s voice sounded from in front of him,
 “Ah and here we have our own Fantine,” he held his arms out and she was there. Sean tensed as he looked her over. She was still in her white dress, and she was still smiling, only now she looked almost shy. The man motioned her forward, “May I present Imogen O’Connor.” She gave a small wave as she looked over each member of the Wallace family. The man continued, “Imogen, this is Finn Wallace, a very influential businessman here in London.”
 She held her hand out and Sean’s father kissed her knuckles briefly as he smiled at her, “I have my family here with me.” He turned to the rest of them and motioned to his wife, “My wife, Marian,” then he turned to the children, “my daughter Jacqueline, and my sons, Billy,” Sean’s brother gave her a small smile and a wave, “and Sean.” Her eyes landed on him, and Sean couldn’t breathe again.
 She smiled at him before turning to the group again, a familiar lilt to her voice as she addressed them all, “It’s a pleasure to meet you and thank you for coming to the show.” Her eyes fell on Sean again, “I do hope you enjoyed it.” He wanted to open his mouth and tell her that yes, he enjoyed her very much, but her attention was stolen by his mother.
 Marian had beamed at the woman, “It was a lovely show, and your performance was spectacular.”
 Imogen smiled as she looked down to her feet, “Thank you, that’s kind of you to say.”
 His father stepped forward again, “From up North then?”
 “Aye, Cavan.” Sean looked between the three as they made small talk, wanting to interject, but having no cause to do so.
 His father smiled wistfully, “Oh? Cavan’s beautiful, I hear.”
 She nodded, “Yes, sir, it is. Nothing like London.” The two of them laughed and Sean caught her eye again, causing her to look down.
 His mother smiled, “How long have you been in London?”
 Imogen shrugged as she looked around, “Oh, not long. A couple of months.” She nodded as she looked behind her for a brief moment then turned back to his mother, “Still trying to get used to the big city.” She smiled at them all again, “I’m terribly sorry, but I’ve got to be goin’. It was a pleasure to meet you all and thank you again.” There were a few mumbled goodbyes and Sean watched her walk away from their group. She turned back once to smile at him and he managed a small wave in her direction.
 It was only a few nights later that Imogen found herself backstage after another successful performance, a few of the other girls around her as she stared into a mirror, wiping off her makeup. The week had been a long one and she was glad for the day off tomorrow.
 “Imogen, you’ve got an admirer.” The Cavan girl turned to her castmate to see her pointing over her shoulder towards the door to their dressing room.
 Imogen shook her head, “Catch yourself on, Sam. Who’d be waitin’ out there for me?”
 Samantha shrugged as she smiled, “I don’t know. All I know is that a fit lad is out there asking for you and he’s got a big bouquet of flowers in his hand.” Imogen could feel her body heat up. She truly didn’t know anyone in the city, so who could possibly be bringing her flowers? She didn’t have any more time to dwell on the question though because she was being gently shoved towards the door, Samantha’s quiet laughter ringing in her ears.
 Imogen stumbled out into the hallway; the dressing room door swinging shut behind her. She cleared her throat as she hesitantly looked up to see her “admirer.” A smile broke out on her face when her eyes met those of the young man from the other night, “Mr. Wallace.”
 Sean’s face twisted as he shook his head, “Please, just Sean.”
 She nodded to him, her smile growing smaller, “Sean.”
 He seemed to relax as his shoulders dropped and he smiled at her, “Miss O’Connor.” Imogen pursed her lips as she folded her arms over her chest and Sean laughed, glancing down and back up quickly, “Imogen.” She smiled again, tucking some hair behind her ear as she looked down at his shoes. He cleared his throat, gaining her attention, and held out a bouquet of pink lilies towards her, “These are for you.” Reaching out, she gently took the flowers in both her hands, looking them over. She looked up at him, but before she could get a word out, he was speaking again, “That was an amazing performance.” He pointed over his shoulder, towards the stage, nodding his head.
 She smiled, “Thank you and thank you for the flowers,” she looked down at the bouquet again, “they’re beautiful.” Imogen looked up to Sean again, quickly glancing behind him, “Here alone tonight?” She gave him a knowing smile and he nodded.
 “Thought I might treat myself to a night at the theatre.” Before she could stop herself, Imogen let out a laugh, which she then tried to cover up by pulling the flowers up to her nose. Sean looked offended as he placed his hand over his chest, “Do I not look like the type of man to enjoy the arts?”
 Trying to control her smile, Imogen lowered the flowers, “Truthfully?” Sean nodded and she bit her lip, his eyes darting to the movement as she shook her head, “No, not really.”
 He scoffed, a smile threatening to break loose, “What kind of man do I look like then?”
 Tilting her head from side to side, Imogen narrowed her eyes and brought her index finger to rest against her chin. Sean grinned as he held his arms out to the side, his head tilted slightly as he waited for her to finish her assessment. She smiled, “You look the type of man who does his honest day’s work and then goes down the pub for a drink with his mates, watches whatever game is on the telly.” Sean nodded and she chuckled.
 He stepped closer to her, “If we’re being truthful then the reason I came down to the show tonight was because I wanted to see you again and I thought that, if you had the time, then I could show you around London,” he shrugged one shoulder, “help you get used to the place.” Imogen tightened her grip on the lilies as Sean’s words rattled around in her brain.
 Then she smiled at him, “I’ve a free day tomorrow and no plans.” Her eyes moved down to the floor again as she cleared her throat.
 Slowly, Sean placed his fingers under her chin and lifted until their eyes met and then he smiled, “Tomorrow it is then.” She nodded at him, moving quickly to peck his cheek before she stepped back from him, waving as she slipped back into the dressing room. The door was ajar and he could hear a few voices whispering to each other as he stood waiting, rocking back on his heels. The whispering ended abruptly and Imogen was in front of him again.
 She held out a slip of paper as she smiled, “Tomorrow.”
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Would you stop bleeding on my couch? Sean Wallace imagine
A/N: I’m sorry, this took me forever to get to writing, mostly because I haven’t gotten around to watching Gangs of London to the end, and I just had exams and have been overwhelmed by life. But I am actually proud of this very finished imagine (Which is ironic for a blog called half-finished-fics, but what can I say? ALSO I kinda played fast and loose with the timeline/storyline. Please request different characters if you'd like, and thank you to @screechingdreamercollectorsblog​ for requesting, and to the anon who was pushing me to write it. I’m slow okay? But worth it? Hopefully? I hope you enjoy, do tell me if you do, or don’t. :) - Em
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Sean woke up uncomfortable feeling first the burning pain on his shoulder. Everything came back to him, the ambush, him getting dragged off to a random car. He remembered fading in and out of consciousness, drinking some whiskey to dull the pain. Getting sown together in a dingy bathroom. He opened his eyes and looked around, not remembering where he was, and how long he had been there. He knew his family was probably freaking out. He was a little freaked as well. He looked around the small apartment and did not recognise any of it which made him nervous. He made an attempt to sit up, but groaned in pain as he did so. He heard something from the other room and tried to fumble around for his gun but found nothing. He raised his fists as best he could as the other person walked to the living room. He furrowed his eyebrows when he found a woman standing there, she looked vaguely familiar but not really. She looked at him annoyed which made him keep his guard up.
“Would you relax, so you can stop bleeding on my couch. Which you are replacing by the way.” She said annoyed crossing her arms, he looked at her even more confused feeling weird about being scolded by this woman he did not know. She had saved his life but he knew that was not a guarantee that she was on his side. He was not sure anyone was anymore. 
“Who, the fuck are you?” He spat in his normal demanding voice, if she was going to be rude he could be too, and he needed to know who she was, and where she had put his phone so he could at least tell his family that he was okay. She rolled her eyes at him but walked closer to him, clearly inspecting his wounds while doing so.
“Relax. I worked for your dad, and you. Not usually a nurse, but strange times.” She said sarcastically, he was still unsure about her, but saw no reason for her to lie right away, at least if he could get home to his family soon, he would be sure to pay her off and that would be the end of it. As long as she did not torture him and he did not tell her too much he should be good. Well, more so when he found the motherfucker who had shot him. 
“You ripped your stitches, dickhead.” She said annoyed lifting up his bandage and he hissed a little in pain but looked at her annoyed.
“Well, sorry for sitting up and being defensive, seeing as I woke up somewhere I don’t know without my phone, with a stranger.” He said sarcastically and she scoffed at him which he took a little offence too, no one dared to speak and behave like this around him, yet if she worked for them, she must know who he was and what he was. Meaning she was either bold or just daft, he was betting the ladder. She sighed and got up, reaching her hand out to him.
“Come on. Let’s get you stitched up before you bleed out on my couch.” She said and he looked at her and before she nodded and got down so he could put his arm around her, and she help carry him to the bathroom. She stitched him up in silence after cleaning the wound once again. He recognised the bathroom from the haze and was fed some more whiskey. She started talking again when she was putting the wrapping on it.
“Your phone’s in the kitchen. Took us a little time to crack the code, but I got your mums number and called her, she knows you’re here and alive, for now, told your brother too.” She said calmly now, and he looked at her as she was gently putting the bandage on his wound, if it did not hurt so much he would have thought it would be nice to be treated like this.
“Come on, back on couch, and if you bleed on it one more time. I’m ripping your stitches. K?” She said annoyed he chuckled a little at how she was treating him. He was used to getting respect so it was almost amusing seeing her like that. He laid back down on the couch and groaned a little in pain but did quickly get comfortable. She went to the kitchen for a bit and brought them both back a sandwich which he gladly ate. 
“So, you’ve been out for two days. And yeah, your mother and brother knows you’re here. We’ll move you as soon as they know it’s safe and you can move without ripping up your shoulder.” She said and he nodded taking in the information.
“And then, you’re paying for my new couch.” She said with a confident smirk and he chuckled a little amused at her. She raised her eyebrows and looked him her judgingly.
“I’m sorry, am I amusing you. You’re paying for that couch. I liked that couch.” She said sarcastically maybe even defensively he still could not wipe the smirk off his face, it had been years since someone dared talk to him like that. 
“You are amusing. Because either you don’t know who I am and who you’re insulting. Or you do know, and you’re just daft.” He said and she huffed out a breath annoyed and crossed her arms.
“Oh, I know fully well who you are. Sean Wallace, son of Finn Wallace, ceo of the Wallace coperation, and the London underworld.” She said ending in a sarcastic smile. He raised an eyebrow interested in her response.
“Then you know the last person who disrespected me got beat into a pulp before getting a bullet in his brain.” He said ending with a smirk, she leaned closer to him from her seat across from him, like she was gonna tell him a secret, then she smirked.
“I know. But seeing as you ripped your stitches from sitting up a moment ago, I would love to see you try. Besides, it’s clearly been too long since someone verbally wooped your ass.” She said ending with a sarcastic smirk which was getting on his nerves already. He could not wait till he was well enough to get away from this annoying woman.
“Can you at least tell me who you are?” He asked it being clear now that she did know who he was she just did not care, which was not a good sign. If his own employees were disrespecting him like this, he imagined the other gang leaders were following suit. He wanted so badly to not screw up his fathers legacy, and he already felt like a screw up and then all of this added pressure, he did not need this girl he did not know being annoying with him right now. She just scoffed at him and leaned back.
“Yeah, right. So you can know my name and address? No thanks. You’re probably gonna get me murdered or something.” She said crossing her arms defensively saying it in a matter of factly tone. Sean sighed and decided to be a little open with her.
“Look, unless you try and torture me and infiltrate my life to get information, I can’t really justify using the kind of money it would cost to have someone kill you and clean up afterwards. Okay, luv?” He said earnestly, she looked like she was considering it, but she was still clearly on the defence. But she sighed and uncrossed her arms.
“Promise not to murder me?” She said a little defeated Sean almost chuckled a little at that. Contrary to popular belief and his recent interrogations about his fathers killer, he did not just go around killing people left and right.
“Don’t torture me or sell information about me to the police, and then I promise.” He said calmly and she chuckled a little at how absurd she realised this kind of conversation was. 
“Fine. My names Y/N.” She said sounding a little defeated in giving up this information. Sean smiled a little feeling like he had at least won a little bit of their conversation.
“Well, Y/N, could you get me my phone? I need to get some business in order.” He said and she sighed and nodded before getting up. She walked to the kitchen and back about to hand him the phone before she stopped and he looked at her annoyed both of them knowing fully well he could not just reach for it in his current position.
“For the record, I’m not your servant. So, it’s please, and thank you, got it?” She said annoyed and Sean chuckled a little, he kind of like her. She was definitely bold, and she did not give a shit about how she talked to him. She had spunk. It had been a while since he had met someone who had spunk like that. At least in front of him. He nodded and she gave in and handed him the phone.
“Thank you.” He said a little mockingly as she walked away she flipped him off before entering the kitchen not even turning around. He called his mother to asses the situation. Sadly he was told it would probably be a while since he could be moved to the safehouse and even then it would be risky to move him. No one knew about Y/N, she was after all just a nobody who worked for him who had been at the wrong place at the wrong time. She was pretty safe for the time being. Not that he minded having to spend more time with the woman, she was definitely interesting, in a disrespectful kind of way.
“Would you quit your whining?” She said annoyed after Sean groaned for the tenth time that day from shifting from his lying position. She was sat at her desk clearly doing something else, but he could not help that he was in pain and her stupid couch was uncomfortable. So he found himself annoyed and glaring at her. 
“I’m sorry, is my pain from my bullet wound annoying you?” He hissed annoyed at her nagging. He sometimes found her sarcasm a little intriguing, but after three days cooped up in her tiny apartment, they were both getting on each other nerves. She smiled at him a little kindly and he sighed a little relieved hoping to finally get an ounce of sympathy from the woman. 
“Thank you, it is rather annoying.” She said sarcastically and he groaned in annoyance once again, she glared at him annoyed now. 
“You could be a bit more considerate since it was less than a week ago I had a bullet in my shoulder!” He said annoyed and she just sighed and looked at him annoyed.
“Well, you snore, a lot. So I guess we’re both making sacrifices here.” She said and he groaned once again in annoyance at her. There was no winning with her. He had been there for a few days and they had done nothing but bicker. It was seriously frustrating.
“Could you stop being a bitch for two seconds! I’m sorry I groan every now and then, but I have been on this couch for a few days and I am uncomfortable. It might have something to do, with the fact that I have home made stitches in my shoulder!” He yelled at her his anger reaching its peak. He knew it was wrong after he said it call her a bitch, but it was all too much right now.
“Fuck off. I’m doing you a massive favour hiding you here. If you could stop being a prick for two seconds and actually be a little grateful towards the woman who saved bloody life, and is currently regretting that decision!” She said back through her teeth clearly annoyed as well. He huffed in anger and tired to turn away from her she just groaned in anger and left the apartment to get some fresh air. 
Billy came by the apartment and smiled at Sean, bringing some clothes for him. He smiled at his brother and chatted with him for a bit. A little annoyed that he was risking his life to get him a clean pair on knickers. But glad to see him, really glad.
“By the way, Y/N, the girl you’re staying with love her. I was by one of the days you were out. She is the best.” He said and Sean looked at his brother confused, what woman had he met? And had she switched places with the one he was cooped up with.
“Who are you talking about? That girl, hates my guts, and does nothing but bitch about me existing in her space. She is getting on my nerves.” He said honestly and Billy just chuckled a little.
“You’ve just forgotten how real people behave around each other when they’re not scared of disrespecting each other and their territory.” He said and Sean rolled his eyes at him, but still smiled a little.
“You’ll get along. You’re probably gonna have to stay here for a good while anyway.” Billy said and Sean looked at him surprised. 
“What? Why?” He said a little worried and Billy was clearly a little taken back by this.
“Relax. I thought mum told you. She is just worried so says it’ll be a few weeks at least before she’s even thinking about moving you to our safehouse. Guess you’re gonna have to get used to Y/N.” He said with a small smile, and Sean sighed at him a little annoyed at this news. He barely wanted to spend another minute let alone weeks with this girl.
He got better within the week, and started getting up and walking around a little. He tried to be nicer to the girl since he was stuck with him for a while. He walked into the kitchen when she was cooking one day and smiled a little leaning against the counter.
“It’s good that you’re up and about.” She said casually, but clearly in a natural, which he found a bit frustrating.
“Look, I am trying to be nice here. I know this situation is not ideal, but could we please just try to get the best out of it?” He pleaded a little, he was at the end of his line with being nice and being met with sarcasm. She sighed still having her back turned away from him, but she took a moment before turning to look at him.
“Yeah. Sorry. I really don’t like people in my space, especially bleeding on my couch and bathroom. And even less in longer periods of time. I have lived alone for a long time, I like my space just so, and you’re kinda, disrupting that.” She said honestly not looking him in the eye. He smiled a little, that was perfectly reasonable. Maybe a little too reasonable, but she had so far given him no reason not to trust her. He even saw her get ready for work in the morning and saw the employee badge. It all seemed real. 
“That’s alright. I know I have a bit of a short fuse too, but you are stuck with me. So just tell me what to do. And maybe disrupting your rutine a bit won’t be too bad.” He said smirking a little and she rolled her eyes at him.
“Too far.” She said and he chuckled a little glad he could still push her buttons. She turned back to cooking their dinner.
“By the way, on top of the couch you are also either giving me a raise, or helping pay for food, you eat so much. And stop touching my maltesers!” She said with a small smirk but clearly meaning the last part. He chuckled a little amused and put up his good hand trying to convey innocence.
“Okay, a raise or reimbursement, got it. But I’m not the one who ate your maltesers.” He said trying to convince her. It was him, but he would not admit that. For some reason he found it a bit emasculating that he liked sweets. He was a big strong, badass, gangster and leader of the London underworld. Sweets did not exactly fit his image. He saw that he had clearly failed to convince her, when she snorted.
“Sure. I mean it’s not like there is only two people in this apartment! How are you a mafia boss? You’re a terrible liar.” She said looking at him almost a little baffled at the end. He looked at her a little amused but did take offence to her last comment.
“Shut up. I’m an excellent liar.” He said daring her to tell him otherwise. He knew fully well he could lie like it was nothing. She scoffed again and crossed her arms at him walking a bit closer.
“Riiiight. And what was I exactly supposed to believe right there? We are the only people in this apartment. I know I didn’t take them. Which leaves one other person. What was I supposed to think, that the tooth fairy took them?” She said sarcastically and he chuckled a little and shrugged.
“Well, maybe it’s because it isn’t about something important.” He said and she raised an eyebrow at him clearly getting an idea.
“Okay, try me then? Lie to me.” She said challenging him, he found it a bit intriguing and amusing but took the challenge and stepped a little closer to her.
“It gotta be a little personal, the best lies are. So for example. I would do this.” He said with a smirk, before using his good hand to trace down from her shoulder to her hand before gently grabbing it and lifting it just a bit. He then looked into her eyes at she looked at him a bit shocked but he just smirked, she had asked him to lie to her.
“I think you’re the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. And I really wanna kiss you.” He said slowly and not too high of a volume, but still above a whisper. She looked at him a little stunned but then he pulled back and smirked, a little too proud of himself.
“See? I’m an excellent liar.” He said and she just rolled her eyes at him finally being pulled from her little daze. It was a little intriguing to him that he could make her behave that way.
“Whatever. I could totally tell you were lying.” She said clearly just trying to cover up how weird that had made her feel, he chuckled a little.
“Right.” He said dragging the word out laughing a little at her as looked at him annoyed.
They did start getting along a lot more. He helped out around the house as best as he could with his shoulder. They seemed to naturally develop their own little rutine around each other. She was still sarcastic and annoying and not taking any of his shit. But it was growing on him a little. He found himself liking that he could annoy her so easily, and she could annoy him so easily. It was like she had direct access to his brains annoyance center. But he liked pushing her buttons, and it was becoming more and more in a joking manner. He was not exactly the type to have friends, but after a week and a half with her, he would not mind calling her that. She was funny and threw popcorn in his face if he disagreed with her or talked during a movie. They had also taken to pushing each other lightly when other was being annoying, of course both being conscious of his still healing shoulder. As time passed and they found themselves more and more at ease in each others company. He almost felt a little awkward having to sit shirtless in front her as she rinsed his wound and put a new bandage on it. It felt almost intimate, which they had not been anywhere near since he had lied to her. It was a lie, or at least back then it was. She was funny, annoying but still, and sweet, and playfull almost. He clearly liked her company, and he liked that she was not afraid of him at all. She was pretty too. He found himself more and more admiring her eyes and smile and the way her hair flowed and especially started noticing when she would walk around the apartment in those tight yogapants on the weekends. He tried to shake all of those thoughts from his head. She tried to stop herself from looking at his shirtless body, it was not like she did not notice, she had needs and she was not blind. But he was also annoying as hell, and a rich prick. But he was also annoyingly sweet sometimes, and funny and he was annoying but there was something weirdly and much to her dismay endearing about how he liked pushing her buttons. As they had spent a lot more time together and learned each others rutines and stuff it was obvious whenever he was annoying now that it was on purpose. And there was something a little thrilling about him, she did not know if it was just her old and she hoped dormant attraction to a little bad boys, or if there was just something about how easily it was for her to get under his skin. It was almost in a sadistic way fun for them to get under each others skin just a little. Besides he was great looking which was hard to avoid with a guy you lived with. His stubbles, his clear blue eyes, his dimples, she had seen him at the office and while there was something about seeing him in his tailored suits his much more casual clothes along with his gold watch was still something she found annoyingly attractive. But she tried to push that thought to the back of her head.
After a month living in her apartment, they were sitting on the couch watch telly when the door opened revealing Sean’s mother, she smiled at Y/N and then Sean. Y/N looked to Sean confused, but he just shrugged signally that he did not know his mother was coming by.
“We found out who tried to shoot you. They’re tied up right now. We can go home love.” Marian said relieved and glad to see her other son unharmed and safe. Sean nodded with a smile, a little excited to go home and sleep in his own bed. 
“That’s good mom. I’ll pack and we can go.” He said and she smiled as he got up to pack she turned towards Y/N who stood up feeling a little out of place now, but Marian just smiled at her kindly.
“I cannot thank you enough for keeping Sean safe. I hope he was not too much trouble. I don’t know how we can ever repay you. But know that you are always welcome in our home if you need anything.” She said taking her hands in hers and looking Y/N in the eyes clearly meaning every word. Marian would do anything to keep her sons safe, and this woman had helped with that. Y/N just smiled and nodded.
“Thank you. No worries. He was a little annoying in the beginning but he has grown on me. Besides, he knows what he owes me.” She said a little amused and the last part a little louder making sure Sean heard it. Sean chuckled as he shook his head at her. She had kept reminding him. He packed the last things before meeting his mother and Y/N in the hall.
“Yeah yeah, couch and a raise, I know.” He said feigning annoyance but smiled fondly at her, she just chuckled and Marian looked between then a little confused but said nothing. 
“Because I don’t want to forget it.” She said a little sarcastically, and he chuckled a little once again.
“Oh, I am not gonna miss that.” He said and she rolled her eyes a little but kept her smile on her face. He smiled at her earnestly now and looked her in the eyes.
“But seriously, thank you, for everything. However reluctantly you did safe my life. So thank you.” He said earnestly, she blushed a little not knowing how to handle him serious all of a sudden, she stood there for a moment clearly happy about how grateful they were not used to being thanked like this. She ended up shoving him lightly out of instinct and just not know how to handle this serious side of him.
“You’re welcome. At least now I can have my maltesers in peace.” She said trying to deflect how weird and awkward and like a school girl with a crush he had just made her feel. He chuckled a little and shook his head, before leaving with his mother.
They both got back to their normal lives. He started noticing her now that he could go back to the office and they would smile at each other if they did see each other but never talk. It was like an unspoken agreement, that he had his life and she had hers, even if they had both put it on pause for a little month. He somehow missed her couch a little, when he got back to his own bed, it was somehow too soft and he tossed and turned trying to get comfortable in it again. She in turn found herself thinking something sarcastic and turned to say it to him, but stopped herself when she realised it had been a reflex and he was not there anymore. She texted him a picture of her new couch which he had transferred money for. He sent her a smiley back, but they never took it further. He was back in his life. Trying to run a business and a gang while trying to figure out who killed his father. He had too much on his plate, and he definitely did not need anyone knowing there was any more people he cared the slightest about. She hated to admit it, but she was missing him, her small apartment somehow feeling empty without him there. So when she found his shirt with her laundry she first tossed it to a chair nearby thinking she could return it whenever. But that night when she could not fall asleep, missing even his stupid snores, she grabbed the shirt and found herself calmed a little by the familiar scent. He found a black t-shirt that was too small for him, so he figured it was hers he must have grabbed in his haste to pack. He first thought nothing of it but when he could not sleep at night, he found himself reaching for it, it was so familiar now, and somehow calming. He did miss her, and he knew it was stupid and irrational, but he found himself not being able to concentrate and one night he simply had enough. He did not care that it was the middle of the night he got in his car and drove to her apartment, knocking on her door. She opened it and looked at him confused.
“Sean?” She asked and he smiled a little.
“What are you doing here? It’s one in the morning. I have work tomorrow. For your company.” She said sarcastically and he could not help but smile a little more that. He had missed her voice, and her stupid sarcasm. 
“Honestly? I fucking missed you. I just, I have so much to do, between work for the company and the other side of it, on top of trying to find out who killed my dad. And yet, I missed you. So much.” He said earnestly but honestly just a little frustrated with himself. She smiled a little and leaned against her doorframe.
“And who says I missed your ass?” She said challenging him and he smirked a little at her for doing that right now. But he looked her over and grinned a little.
“Well for one, that looks like one of my shirts.” He said and she looked down having not realised that was the t-shirt she had grabbed to sleep in. She looked back at him embarrassed but he was looking at her so annoyingly proud. He did like that she had clearly missed him too, why else would she wear his shirt to bed. He liked it on her. 
“That proves nothing.” She said crossing her arms in protest refusing like always to let him just win. He stepped forward a little confident, so they stood pretty closely. 
“Right. Remember when you told me to lie to you?” He asked and she looked him in the eyes a little shocked. She had tried not to think about that day. She did, but she tried not to. 
“What about it?” She asked clearly some cracks in her sarcastic demeanour which he was proud of that he could do still.
“It’s not a lie anymore.” He said looking at her earnestly. He meant it and he wanted to see if she felt the slightest same way. Her eyes widened a little she was surprised by this but tried to gather herself again.
“So what are you gonna do about it?” She asked not really knowing how to respond and just said the first thing that came to mind. He smirked and got closer to her.
“Well, if you’ll let me. This.” He said before gently putting his hand on her cheek. They looked into each other eyes trying to read the other. Before he finally saw no objection and leaned down letting his lips meet hers. It was gentle at first but soon they both started pulling each other closer wanting more. She walked backwards slowly and he slammed the door behind her, not pulling away from her. He might have been disoriented when he first woke up on her couch, but that was nothing to how she was currently clouding all of his thoughts, but this time, he was not complaining. 
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
I Want To Understand-Sean Wallace x Reader
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(GIF credit to @brody75)
Tags: @fumbling-fanfics
Summary: Being engaged to Sean Wallace was never going to be easy, and the man himself had chosen a strong, determined woman. When she finds out about the amount of secrets he's keeping, she's not afraid to confront him.
Characters: Sean Wallace x Reader
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Swearing, arguing, fluff, sexual tension
Bringing the wine glass up to my lips, I frowned when I realised I had drank its contents. I sighed loudly before forcing myself to head to the kitchen and open another bottle. It was the second one of the evening, though I wasn't planning on getting drunk. I just needed a drink after all the information I had been given. Instead of heading back to the sofa, I stood by the floor to ceiling window, looking over London as the sun slipped away, lights illuminating the city before we were in complete darkness.
There seemed no point in forgetting what I had been told. And it was also hard to forget about it when I was staring at my fiancé's family building. He had to be on his way here, he would be furious with me. Especially since I had left his family home and returned to my apartment...well, our apartment that he owned and paid for.
Just as I had expected, I heard the door open, and a slam soon after before quick footsteps echoed out. I didn't bother turning around, already seeing Sean in the reflection of the glass.
"Why didn't you tell me where you were?" He exclaimed.
His tone wasn't angry like I thought it would be, it was worried. I could see him standing behind me, and I thought he would start yelling, but instead, he gently wrapped his arms around my waist, his head resting in the crook of my neck and shoulder. Oh god, this was going to be harder than I thought.
"I had to get out of that house." I mumbled, placing one of my hands over his that was covering my abdomen.
"You should have text or called me. I was worrying about you."
"I'm sorry, I am Sean. But...I felt that I was being kept out of the loop, like everyone knew what was going on and I was made to look like an idiot."
Sean stood up straight, turning me around to face him. He saw the wine glass, taking it from me and setting it down on the coffee table behind us.
"No one thought that of you."
"But they do Sean! I know it's been extremely hard since your dad passed, everything has been handed down to you so unexpectedly. But you can't hide everything from me. I'm going to be your wife, I need to know what's going on."
"That's the thing. You don't need to know."
I scoffed, shoving his hands away from me."Don't patronise me. I know how you think and vice versa. Which is why I'm confused that you're no longer speaking to me about these things."
Now I could see the anger in his eyes."Because it's business, and you have no part in it."
"I'm not asking you to tell me every little detail, I know I wouldn't have a clue what you're on about. But Sean, you're not even speaking to me like a partner should. I can't remember the last time we had a conversation that wasn't about the current situation, or that was longer than two minutes!"
"What else is there to talk about?"
"You could ask me how I'm feeling!" I yelled."You could ask me what I think about all of this, if I feel frightened, or-or...I don't know, just say something to me!"
He pinched the bridge of his nose, other hand on his hip."Because you don't understand how this business works, I can't discuss it with you! There would be more questions asked than answered, and I don't have time for it."
I threw my hands up in the air, laughing but with no humour behind it."We've hit the nail on the head then. You don't have time for me anymore."
"You're changing the topic."
"No, I'm adding another point to my argument. I've seen other wives with their gangster husbands, and they all seem to know what's happening or at least feel loved by them all the time. It's like I'm the new girlfriend who no one wants to even glance at cause they're not sure if I'm trustworthy."
"No one thinks that. You're paranoid, you're overreacting."
I shook my head, brushing past him."I'm going to bed if you're not going to listen to me."
He grabbed my forearm, and I thrashed against him until he shook me."Don't walk away from this."
"It's not nice, is it?" my lip turned up, eyes glaring into his.
His grip loosened, hand travelling down my arm to hold my hand. I looked away from him, hating how conflicted this made me feel.
"Please sit down with me, I want to fix this."
I retracted my hand from his, crossing my arms over my chest as I sat on the sofa. He sat down close to me, and I couldn't even shuffle away from him. It was so tempting to fall into his arms, forget how infuriated I was. But I had to stand my ground, I had to make my offer and tell him what I wanted from him.
"So," I started,"how are we doing this?"
"Just talk to me."
I looked down at me hands, playing with my exquisite engagement ring."I didn't suddenly want to find out about what you've been up to. It's been building up for months. I've been sat on the sidelines wondering why you're angry, why you're sad, or where a new bruise or scar has come from. And when I'm not able to help you, to comfort you, I feel useless."
He went to speak but I held up my finger to stop him.
"And it's not just that. You know I have friends who are dating or married to your colleagues. They talk. Sometimes they bring up current affairs in the workplace, not that they know a lot, but they know enough to understand. It's embarrassing, I just sit there and wait until it's over. And then those who are just snobby bitches can gossip about how Sean Wallace's fiance doesn't have the capacity to keep up with the life she has chosen."
"I never want you to feel that way. And I can assure you that those women aren't finding out everything from their husbands."
"They're still being told something."
"(Y/N), remember when we spoke about this before?"
I nodded.
Sean placed one of his hands on my thigh, leaning in."I want to protect you, I need to. When I first saw you, I couldn't believe how gorgeous you were, and then you started talking to me and...well, I was fucked really, wasn't I?"
I giggled, savouring the small smile that Sean had. Turning my head towards him, I didn't realise how close we were, meaning our foreheads were touching.
He continued."I hadn't thought about love until I met you, you know that. Business was always number one. And it seems that I've let it slip back to that. I tell you nothing, because that means nothing will be on your mind twenty-four-seven like mine. It's not always a nice world."
"I know. But how am I supposed to have any courage or sense to prepare me for this world, when I know nothing of it?"
He smirked."You're so fucking stubborn."
"Says you."
"Where are we going from here then?"
I sat up straight."You, are going to start letting me in more. You are going to actually speak to me when you come home-"
"I do-"
"You don't Sean. Be real here."
"I'm sorry for that. Carry on."
I finally smiled, liking the dominance."Again, I just want to know if you're safe or not. And also, Sean..."
My voice lowered, head tilting to the side."When's the last time you fucked me?"
He smirked."What?"
"I'm being serious."
"Well..." his cocky facade disappeared, a confused expression replacing it."Shit, I can't remember."
He said nothing, quickly leaning in, his hand reaching up for my face. I grabbed it, not moving away from him, with our lips not so far apart. I had the power again, and it felt amazing.
"You think you can work your way back in so easily? I don't think so babe."
I playfully shoved him back, before leaving him flustered on the sofa.
"And what do you expect me to do with this?" He called out, gesturing to his crotch.
"I think you know how to sort it out yourself."
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Hey lovely, I am so excited to see your requests open again!
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May I please request: 2. “I just found your underwear in my pocket.” with Sean Wallace
You may, best Aussie!
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Smut below the cut, minors DNI!
His eyes flit to you, narrowing slightly, a little smirk curling his full lips as he leans in close to whisper words he definitely does not intend for his business associates also present at the table to hear.
“I just found your underwear in my pocket.”
Ahh, you were wondering how long it would take him to reach into his trousers and find them there. For a whole hour, you've been sitting there pants-less, fizzing with anticipation, waiting, waiting.
"Only took you an hour to notice," you quip, licking your top lip.
His eyebrow flutters, shuffling his chair a little closer to yours. "You mean to tell me that you've been sitting here bare arsed for an hour, and I haven't known?"
You don't even attempt to hide your mirth. "Correct."
"I'm going to do something about that." Resting his hand on your thigh, his fingers inch their way up slowly, pulling until you widen them just a little beneath the table. You're smiling with interest when one of the men begins to ask you about your own career, all the while with Sean's thumb gliding back and forth over your clit.
You close your thighs on his hand, receiving a little pinch of reprimand, your man leaning close to you once more. "If you didn't want this, then you shouldn't have played games with me, should you?"
You had merely intended for him to be driven crazy by the knowledge of your lack of undies, but you truly should have known that nobody checkmates Sean Wallace quite so easily. His thumb returns, and having to keep a straight face as an orgasm swells, tingles and burns through you is perhaps the most difficult thing you've ever encountered, but the thrill is worth the payout.
Climbing astride him at the end of the night and having a furious, fully clothed fuck in the back of the car that whisks you home is even better, though.
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Movie Night
This is part two of my childhood best friends-to-lover anthology. I utterly hate this installment, but once again, I have to get it out, or it will stay in my drafts forever. The first people to get the reference can drop a request into my inbox for any character in my pinned post.
Contains: Fluff.
2.2K words
Your movie night tradition leads to more than popcorn.
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More terrifying than The Exorcist. The Curse of Blackstone Lab."  
Sean huffed and pulled your attention from the shop front toward the bus stop poster. "What do you think about that y/n?" 
You shrugged. "I don't know. I'm pretty sure I've heard that slogan a million times." The picture did its best to keep everything a mystery, containing only a photo of a long, dark, dirty hallway, the tagline, and a title in blocky white letters.
"I heard they needed doctors at the test screenings." He often revelled in his ability to be in the know, to know the right people to get whatever he wanted, and this time was no different. "I know the producer, I think I might be able to get us an advanced copy."
Being back at the top had its benefits; the last time, it was front row seats to the latest opera. "I thought we were going to watch Red Eye this weekend?"
He gave you a look, it was full of mischief and affection. "You're not scared are you?"
You rolled your eyes. "No, I'm not. I've haven't be scared of a horror movie in years. I just don't want you getting caught up when we have to go buy you new suits." You could tell it was already too late, the wheels in his head were well and truly turning. "Sean, you are shit with colour, and I have a date tonight; you're not about to make a phone call."
He looped his arm around yours and yanked you to him. "Alright then, I can't have you late for your Monday night date with Mr tall, dark and boring."
There was a hint of something to his voice that gave you pause, a mix of annoyance and snippiness that let you know he disapproved. "Not boring, he's nice."
He huffed, and his mouth opened and closed like he had stopped himself from saying something before he took a deep breath and shook the thought away. "Well, when he bores you half to death you know where I live."
You nodded. "Thank you, Sean, I'll remember that. Now we need to hurry up."
He grinned and pulled you towards the store. "Whatever you want, I would be lost without your stylistic talents."
You sat at the restaurant waiting for your date, but seven turned into eight and then into eight-thirty, and it was clear he wasn't coming. You thought about going home, but Sean would be calling anyway, and there was no way he was going to let you marinate in your embarrassment all by yourself, it would be quicker and easier just to head right to his place.
Billy opened the door when you got there and pointed you upstairs. "He's been expecting you." You sighed and began your walk of shame, but Billy stopped you. "Are you good?"
You nodded. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"
He titled his head. "Because Sean wanted to take the car and make sure your date went alright."
You shrugged. "You know Sean, he's always been overprotective of me. I'll tell him off when I get up there."
Billy nodded. "Like that will change anything. You look lovely by the way."
You gave him a smile. "Thanks Bill."
The door was open when you walked by, and Sean beckoned in with a smile. "How did your date go? Not well, considering that you're here."
You sighed. "It didn't, I got stood up."
There was no "I told you so." No, knowing smile or smug arrogance, he looked angry. "What a fucking coward, bastard doesn't even have the decency to call you, and you look so nice in that dress."
You put a hand on his bicep in hopes of soothing him. "I know" You took a deep breath before continuing, half to plan what you would say next and half to steel yourself from the pushback you knew you would get. "And Billy told me that you wanted to go and keep an eye and I've told a million times before I can look after myself."
He crossed his hands over his head, there wasn't an ounce of shame on his face. "I know that, but you're my friend, and like I said to you before, I didn't really like him all that much."
You smiled as he pulled you into a hug, his warm hands clutching you close. "Don't rub it in Wallace."
He chuckled softly, it was filled with warmth and affection. "You're better off anyway." You felt the hug tighten as the air changed. "Nevertheless, it's a good thing you're here, I have good news."
He broke from the hug and all but skipped to his desk, pulling out a non-descript disk. "I made a call just after you left me this afternoon and it was here by courier an hour later."
Your failed date was forgotten in an instant. "You got it?"
He nodded. "I did, and the producer said it's the scariest movie he's ever seen. So this Sunday, you, me, and a bucket of popcorn with the world's best butter?"
He was always so eager to spend time with you; it was hard to say no, even if you wanted to watch the other movie more. "Of course, it's our tradition."
You decided to stop by the bakery and get some cupcakes for tonight, and you felt a tap on your shoulder and spun around to see Billy standing behind you. "Hello."
You gave him a wave. "Hi, you look well."
He smiled shyly. "Yeah, things are good. What are you doing here?"
You pointed to the cupcakes inside the long glass display case. "Cupcakes for tonight."
He pressed his lips together, clearly trying to figure out if he should share the thought swirling in his head. "You got time for a coffee?"
You nodded. "Sure, I've always got time for you Bill."
It didn't take long for the coffee to brew, and you took your boxed cupcakes over to the table with him and sat down. "Now, what's on your mind?"
"Sean's in love with you. I'm pretty sure he has been since you guys were sixteen." He sipped his coffee like he hadn't just dropped a bomb the size of London on your head and nibbled the dry skin on his lower lip. "And let's be honest with ourselves y/n, I think the feeling is mutual."
You blinked, unsure what to say and taken aback by how blunt he was. "Wow, what makes you say that?" You were met with a raised eyebrow and a pointed exhale. "Yeah, ok, so I've been doing a shit job at hiding my feelings since everything that happened with Elliot and the crown, but he's back at the top, and I'm not going to complicate his life anymore by spilling my guts."
He nodded, almost to himself, wrapped his hand around the top of his cup and stood up. "Good talk y/n."
He was walking away before you could respond, and you yelled after him. "Are you just going to leave me here to sit in it?"
He turned his head towards you, still moving away. "Yep."
"It doesn't matter anyway, I have a date next week and I'm going to it." If he heard you, he didn't let on.
You pulled the white bakery box from your bag and smiled. "Are you ready to be terrified?"
He grinned and took the box from your hand, placing it on his desk before opening and looking over the sweet treats. "They look delicious." He handed you the one with the most icing and lifted his own.
He leaned back in his chair, glanced from the iced cake to you and back again, then picked it up and held it aloft, "To friends in high places."
He removed the wrapping from your cupcake and placed it in the empty box along with his own, then threw the box in the trash. Sighing, he stood up and said, "Would you like to stay the night? Mum's making pancakes in the morning. You don't need to leave when the movie's done."
There was no reason to say no, one of the many guest rooms was basically yours, housing your clothes and toiletries, even monogrammed towels that you received as a birthday gift one year. "Sure."
The position you were in was a common one, next to Sean on the couch in the movie room with a blanket thrown over your laps as he set the movie up. "I have another date next week, not with the same guy, and this one has an interesting job."
He pressed his lips together and nodded. "Ah, well I hope this one goes better."
You shrugged. "Who knows, if this one doesn't the next one will."
The lights in the room dimmed as the movie started, and you leaned into him as you started in on the popcorn. It started slow, the steady building of dread and the total uncertainty of whether the villain was a person, a demon or all in someone's head. They were right, it was scary, and Sean seemed to enjoy the way you slowly pulled the blanket closer to your face as you squished yourself into him. 
The second you thought you could relax, the thing hiding in the shadows the whole time finally came out, and you jumped out of your skin to his amusement. "Are you scared?" 
You shook your head. "No, it was just a loud noise." 
He laughed and shot you a look that told you he didn't believe you one bit. "You sure?" 
"Positive." You took a deep breath and sat up a little straighter, turning back to the screen as his arm pulled you impossibly closer. You did your best to relax, but it was nothing short of impossible, if this thing didn't win Best Picture at the Oscars then horror didn't stand a chance because the moment you thought you were safe, it was right back to the terror. 
You managed one more scare before you flinched again, and Sean was pausing the movie with a sigh. "You are scared." 
You sighed and twisted in his arms to face him. "So maybe I am just a bit." 
He smiled softly. "Don't worry, I won't let the monster get you." 
You nodded. "I know, I know you'd never let anything happen to me." 
There was a shift in the air, like the first change in the wind before a storm, and he went to say something else, but something stopped him. Your hand was still curled in his shirt from when you grabbed him, and as he looked at you in the blue lighting from the film, a feeling grew inside him. "What?" You gave him a look and a light shove and repeated yourself. "What?" 
He wasn't sure what to say, he couldn't tell you how he was feeling, that the butterflies that seemed to live in his chest whenever you were around had suddenly started to flutter so violently that he was sure they were bruising the fascia of his ribs.
You shoved him again to no effect, and he laid his hands on top of yours, they were warmed and calloused, and he was looking at you strangely. "Don't go on that date." 
You tilted your head. "Why?" It was such a sudden change of tone, but before you could press for more, his expression set firm like he had finally made an important decision, and then his lips were on yours. 
Oh, that's why
The moment you got over the shock, you sunk into the kiss, his lips were plump and soft, and he kissed you the way a drowning man begged Thetis for air. You broke from the kiss, and his lips followed yours as you backed away until you placed a hand on his chest. "What are you doing?" 
He pecked you again, and you couldn't help but let him. "I love you y/n." You wondered if Billy had talked to him like he had spoken to you. "I love you, so you can't go on that date or a date with anyone else who isn't me ever again because I don't know if I can survive the thought of you with anyone else." 
You lifted your hand to his cheek and ran your thumb over his freckled cheekbone. "Ok, but only if you kiss me again." He was happy to oblige, and you found yourself slowly moving onto your back as the kiss deepened. 
He was smiling against you, and his teeth found your lower lip in a soft bite before he pulled back. "Does this mean you return my affection?" 
You laughed and kissed an apology on his cheek at your lack of reciprocation. "Yes, it is returned whole heartedly. I love you Sean." 
He sat up and took you with him, and you wrinkled your eyebrows, but before you could say anything, he turned the movie back on and yanked you back into your previous position against him. "I would like to finish the film." 
His eyes were glinting with mischief, and his hand was slowly making its way up your leg. "You're being a tease." 
He leaned in close, his eyes still on the screen as he whispered into your ear. "Consider it payback coming here on Monday in that dress." 
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@daydreaming-belle @lovemissyhoneybee @darklydeliciousdesires
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The Best Sniper of London|Gangs of London Imagine
Sean Wallace x Reader
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“She will be the best sniper of all London”- your father voices echoed into your head like he was there saying them at that exact moment.
Truth was, he wasn’t there. 
You kept repeating in your head that he was gone, your father was dead.
You just couldn’t realize it. Now you were alone.
Your hole family was sterminated five years earlier exept for you an him, by some ex members of the British army who wanted your father dead. Lucky you, you weren’t home that night. As the investigation went on you father was obliged to leave his second family, his second home, the army.
That is when he went to Finn Wallace looking for help to get justice. That is when they became best friends. But now both your father and Finn where dead, both killed by an invisible enemy.
“Tell me, (Y/N).- sayd Ed Dumani. -Why are you here?
-To get justice.- you said.
-No, you don’t want justice, you want revenge.- said Alex.
-I want Justice.- you repeated.
-No, not after what happened to your family.- said Ed.
-It has nothing to do with my family.- you said.
-Of course it has everything to do with them. Both your mother and sisters, and your father.- shutted you up Ed.
-Let her talk.- said Marian voice from behind. You didn’t turn around.
-Sir, when my grandfather was in WWII, and he came home and my father would sit on his knees and say “Daddy, what did you do in the war?” He would say, “Son, you don’t wanna know”. And my dad, he was in Golf War I. When he came home and I woukd sit on his knees and ask him “What did you do in the war?” He would say. “(Y/N), you don’t wanna know”. The fact is that when they said that they were making you choose between what was true and what you loved, they were keeping it simple. 
Sean, entered the room. You didn’t know each other very well. You just saw him occasionally and said hi to him when you came to their house looking for your dad, but you had to admit that you felt attracted to him. You sometimes caught him staring at you when you were talking with Finn, your dad sometimes joked about you two liking each other. Maybe he was right.
-What do you want to know? About how my hole family was slaughtered in front of my eyes, how if my father didn’t show up I would be dead too? You know, I am tired of choosing, and I got nobody anymore to return home and say I did right.
As you slightly raised your voice, silence fell into the room. Everyone said that you were just a shy, fragile girl, but you were indeed your father’s daughter. He taught you to shoot and how to fight. 
-You know, I still think you are acting to be tough, you just want revenge.-said Ed.
-Of course I do! Of couse I want revenge!  I think about revenge all the time! When I think about those man, they make me wanna hurt them, more than they hurt me, Is that what you want to hear me say, that I wanna fuck them up? Because I wanna fuck them up! 
-Good.- Alex said. 
He and his father set up and exicted the room.
-Well, do you wanna know something that I really believe? Finn bealived it too. That as your father teached you, you would be a good sniper. Your father really bealived in you.- said Marian. -You really are you father’s daughter.
She exited the room, leaving you and Sean alone.
-You were marvellous at the funeral.- said Sean. He remembered how beatiful you looked into your father uniform as you lifted you arm to salute in a military way. The way you never shed a tear, even in the most emotional moment. Sean never really saw you as the other. He saw you strong and determinated, and most of all he admired the way you kept smiling even in the darkest moments.
He got close to you.
-Do you wanna know something that your father believed, and as he told me, I believe too?- he said. He closed the distance between you two, his hand brushing against your.
-You would be the best sniper in all London.- and as he said that, whispering into you ear, he was gone, leaving you alone with just your father’s memorial flag into your arms.
-Ok guys, and girls. let me know what you think and if you want a Part 2!
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gxngsoflondon · 4 years
As The World Caves In - Part 4/? (Sean Wallace x Reader)
A/N: I’m so sorry this took so long to post, it’s been a craaaaaazy week. Hope you guys enjoy!
Part 3  //   My Masterlist
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Part 4: No More Mrs Polite
Marian Wallace has finally stopped crying.
She is still clutching your face.
Finn had crushed you in an embrace at first and now all he can do is stare at the miracle before him.
See, you look alot like your mother.
He called Ed, the Dumali’s are on their way.
Billy doesn’t quite know how to react. He is perched on the arm of a small couch, staring at you too. He is trying to remember everything he can about his childhood best friend. He’d cried himself to sleep for a year after you were reported dead.
Sean Wallace is the only person in the room that isn’t looking at you. He’s staring out of a window, swirling the whiskey in his glass.
“Y/N,” he says, without turning around to face you “Exactly how many men have you just killed?”
*8 Hours Earlier*
You never liked being alone in the apartment. It wasn’t often that Johnny wasn’t home, but when your fiance was away on business you struggled to sleep at night.
Like he was away on business now.
You’d given up on trying to sleep by 3am,16 years later and the nightmares are just as real, the horror just as fresh. So you sit cross legged on your sofa, tucked under a small blanket, mindlessly flicking through television channels as you wait for the sun to come up.
And that’s when you see it.
Through the cracks in your curtains you see a bright beam of headlights, too bright to simply be one car.
It’s the door slams that catch your attention.
There are never usually cars around here at this time of night.
You the mute the TV and make your way to the window. You aren’t worried, more so curious, but the years of training have made you paranoid, and you make especially sure you can’t be seen.
There are three black vehicles in the street bellow. Two men emerge from the back of each car and greet each other with curt nods. The tallest man with greying hair checks his watch, then looks up at a window on the eighth floor, the only one with light at this hour in the early morning. He is in charge here. The cars disappear, drawn back to the hum of the city. Nobody must know they have arrived.
The men don’t speak a word to each other. The tall man signals with his hand and they all sweep towards the lobby of the apartment complex, feet moving in unison, silencers on their guns.
The tall man was warned you would be difficult, that you will not be like his other targets. They have already failed once, they will kill you this time.
The tallest man was also warned you will do everything in your power to kill them too.
You know they are here for you.
You know they want you dead.
You are calm.
This is how you survive; by staying calm and remaining rational.You are prepared. You know you can’t run away, if they’ve found you once they’ll find you again. You cannot outweigh your opponent in strength, all but one of the 6 men stalking towards you clear 6 feet, stocky and muscular. No, you can’t fight them, you will have to outsmart them.
You are already two steps ahead.
Because you’ve spent the last 16 years trying to track down who murdered your family and they’ve just delivered themselves to you wrapped in ribbon.
You check your phone. You had set up cameras as soon as you moved in. Johnny had never laughed so hard, after all “you were safe now”, “nobody knew you existed”. You flicked between the camera’s. One man stayed outside, two in the lobby, the other three continuing up the stairwell to you.
“Who’s laughing now Johnny, who’s laughing now”
You unmute the TV and get into position.
“You didn’t try and call for help?” Marian asks “Not even- what was he called?”
“Johnny,” Billy says. Like the rest of the Wallace family, he was hanging on your every word.
Marian nods.
“Yes,” she says “Him”
You shrug.
“I wasn’t scared.”
There wasn’t much anybody could say to that. So they didn’t.
“Well you better bloody continue lassie,” Finn says finally.
Sean Wallace finally sits down next to his brother. His eyes are locked on yours, and you’re both smirking.
The first three men find your apartment and the door is already open. There are no lights on anymore, just a flickering TV screen, nothing but static playing on it. They sweep the first few rooms and find nothing. They know better than to assume you’re not here. They spread out, each searching a separate room now.
This is their first mistake.
The tall man with the greying hair checks your bedroom, he moves silently. You aren’t under the bed, you aren’t behind the curtain. He almost leaves the room. Surely you won’t be in the wardrobe, he knows you’re smart remember, you won’t be in the most cliched hiding spot.
He checks anyway. Better to be safe than sorry.
The wardrobe is dark, and he struggles to see into it.
So he takes a step further inside.
This is his last mistake.
You sink a knife into his thigh before he can see the arm punching from the shadows.
It’s relatively simple after that. You wrestle him for the gun. He lands a few punches on your face but he knows you struck something major in his leg. He falls to the ground. You shoot him point blank.
The other two men are in the kitchen. Your back is against the wall in the hallway. Your heart thuds loudly in your chest. You watch them but they can’t see you. You’re trying to get a good look at their faces. One of them, the shortest, wears a black balaclava covering all of his head. He’s the one that must’ve seen you. You hear him reload his gun. He doesn’t have time to fire it. He’s been shot before he can find the trigger.
Bullets rip into the wall behind you and you dive behind your couch. You’re panting heavily. The other intruder ducks also, behind a kitchen island. He doesn’t stay there for long.
He empties round and round into the couch. There is no gunfire in return. Slowly, the man stands up, tiptoeing his way towards the living room where he’s seen you duck for cover. He reaches the couch. He is ready to shoot.
But you aren’t there.
He spins on his heels, confused.
And you bring a frying pan down so hard on his skull that he falls immediately to the ground. You plunge a knife into his chest for good measure.
You are walking into the lift in a dead man’s clothes. You check the camera’s on your phone, the other men are still there. You tuck your hair back as you slip the balaclava over your head as the doors to the lobby open.
It takes them a second too long to realise you aren’t one of them.
And by then you’ve emptied your gun of its bullets.
You are crouched over the last man you shot. You slap his face a couple of times but he’s dead, no doubt about it. You wanted him alive. You want to know who sent him.
But it’s slightly too late for that now.
It takes you about an hour to drag the bodies in the lobby up to your apartment. It’s as you’re piling the bodies up you here the buzzing of a phone. You find it in one of their pockets.
Is it done?
It’s the only new message. The contact isn’t saved but the number wasn’t concealed. You should’ve written the number down. Used it to track down exactly who was doing this.
All you type back in reply is:
But you didn’t write the number down. You didn’t have to. See, this was a number you knew. A number you knew very well.
The Wallace’s take a couple of seconds to process this information. Killing isn’t knew to them. They’ll send a team out to clean up the ‘mess’ in your apartment as soon as the hugs and reminiscing and reunions are over. Billy looks impressed, but they others, they look worried.
“Here’s what’s bothering me,”
It’s Sean Wallace. He’s finished the whiskey and set the glass down on a coffee table.
“Mum, Dad, you’ve all been looking for her for years”
“Yes,” Marian nods. And it’s true. For years they grasped onto the hope that at least one of you were still alive. They funded countless searches, spent thousands of pounds and hours on finding any remaining Andersons.
But they never did.
You made sure that nobody would know you were alive. All but one person knew you were alive.
Sean opens his mouth to finish his sentence, but Finn beats him to it.
“So how did they find her before we did?”
Sean nods. This is what had been playing on his mind. Who could’ve possibly known who you were, but perhaps more importantly, where you were.
That ‘one person’ sold you out.
“Ah well,” you say, letting out a cold laugh, before flashing a ring at them “For that you can thank my darling fiance,”
Sean’s eyebrows knit together in confusion
“Johnny?” Billy says, just like he had done to prompt his mother earlier.
You frown but can’t help yourself from mimicking the words of the Wallace mother. Malice coats your voice.
“Yes” you say, “Him.”
Taglist: @newyorkstateofmind​ @lovemissyhoneybee​ @swiftyhowlz​ @rubycuffley​  (let me know if you want to be tagged so that you never miss a part!!)
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rubylouisa · 4 years
In Gangs Of London is Sean fully Irish because I remember Ed mentioning something about Finn being Irish and then later on in the show we see Marian with people who I believe to be Irish? Also I think Sean is an Irish name.
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desertno3 · 3 years
Violet – Chapter Five (6/7)
When Sean finally meets his daughter, you wonder why you ever left him in the first place. Sean Wallace x fem!reader Chapter Five: 2136 words
Prologue // Chapter One // Chapter Two  // Chapter Three // Chapter Four
A/N: Oh my god. It’s been so long since I updated. I offer you the longest chapter yet as a peace offering. Let me know what you think because this one was a lot of fun to write 🧡 Also I cried a lil but that’s just me getting emotional at literally anything fluffy, lol.
Taglist: @ysmmsy​ @prettyinpayne​ @the-a-word-2214​ @peakywitch​ @danceyreagan​ @ella1grace03 @whenthe-smokeisinyoureyes​ @lovemissyhoneybee​
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“Seeeaaaannn!” Violet yells excitedly as she runs up the path towards his front door.
Walking at a more leisurely pace behind her, you watch as it swings open and she all but launches herself at the man standing behind it.
“Hi Sean!”
“Hello, love,” He greets her, picking her up.
She grins excitedly and shows him the box she held in her hands, “Me and mummy brought dessert!”
Sean looks over to you and smiles when he meets your gaze. Your heart had already been preemptively fluttering as you pulled up and now, as you return the expression, it was out of control.
“Thanks Vi,” Sean tells her as he sets her back down. “Why don’t you go ahead and put that on the counter, hm? Your mum and I will be right there.”
Violet nods and patters down the hallway, holding the box of desserts close to her chest. 
“Don’t blame me if some of those pastries aren't the best,” You murmur to Sean as you both watch her go. “She really wanted to choose them for you.”
“I’m sure they’re great,” He chuckles before turning to face you. “How are you?”
“I’m alright,” You tell him with a shrug. “Nothing new since we last spoke.”
You and Sean had been texting back and forth all week since the night he invited you over for dinner. At first it was just him asking what Violet’s favourite food was - to which you replied literally anything with pasta in it - but it gradually evolved to a casual back and forth where you’d tell him about your day and he’d tell you about his. 
“I’m glad I don’t have to cook tonight though,” You confess with a sly smile, making him laugh.
“Well, that was the whole point,” He says. “I wanted to treat you and Vi a little - I made your favourite as well, you know.”
You look at him in surprise, “Did you really?”
“Yeah, of course,” He says confidently, like it was an obvious course of action, and he steps aside and motions you into the house. “C’mon, before I burn everything that’s been cooking.”
You shake your head in disbelief, ignoring the fact that you quite literally wanted to melt, before following his lead and heading inside.
Just before you reach the kitchen, you see Violet’s head peeking out from around the corner, having been observing the pair of you as you chatted. You give her a knowing look and she lets out a giggle before Sean comes striding over to pick her up again, making her squeal in delight.
“Do you want to try the food, Vi?” He asks her and she nods eagerly.
You follow them into the kitchen and raise an eyebrow at the amount of things he had going on the stovetop.
“You sure it’s just the three of us, Sean?” You tease. “It looks like you’re cooking enough for a small village.”
Sean just flashes you a wry smile in response before setting Violet down on the kitchen counter.
“Alright,” He says, handing her a bowl with some pasta in it. “Let me know what you think.”
Violet makes a happy noise when she sees what’s in the bowl and before you could tell her to take it easy, she digs into it at an alarming speed - inevitably making a complete mess.
“You’d think I hadn’t fed you at all today,” You tut although you can’t help but be amused when she smiles approvingly at Sean, the food still in her mouth making her look like a little chipmunk.
“It tastes good, mummy!” She says when you come over to wipe the sauce from around her mouth.
“Oh, I don’t doubt it darling,” You tell her, thinking about all the dinner dates you and Sean used to have at home. “Sean's very good at cooking.”
You glance at Sean at the same time he turns from the stove to look at you and you just know the same thing is on his mind as well. There's a hint of a smirk on his face and you have to fight your blush, turning your attention back to Violet who was completely oblivious to the whole thing.
“Can I have more?”
You shake your head, “If you have any more, you’ll be full before dinner even starts.”
“No I won’t!”
“C’mon,” You say, ignoring her protest. “Let’s see what else Sean’s been cooking.”
"Is that what I think it is?" You ask dreamily as you come up behind Sean, wrapping your arms around his middle and peeking past his shoulder at the stovetop.
You’d had a long day but the delicious scent of your favourite food had perked you up considerably. It hit you the moment you entered the house and you wasted no time in immediately scurrying over to the kitchen to investigate. 
“It is,” Sean confirms, moving to comfortably place an arm around your shoulders.
You smile and look up at him curiously. “What’s the occasion?”
“Does there need to be one?”
“Well, no. But-”
“Maybe I just wanted to treat you, hm?” He says, his finger poking you in the side, making you yelp and jump away from him. “Maybe I just wanted to be a good boyfriend.”
You squirm when he reaches out to you, trying to avoid another jab, but he just pulls you back into his embrace. You smile and relax against his body, letting your arms rest on his shoulders.
“You’re always a good boyfriend,” You murmur as you look into his eyes but he immediately raises an eyebrow at the statement and you can’t help but laugh at his - quite valid - skepticism.
“Okay, you’re mostly a good boyfriend,” You concede, giving him a quick kiss. “Especially when you don’t come home all bloody.”
Your eyes fall on the healing bruise by his cheekbone but your attention is quickly diverted back to him when he moves to rest his forehead to yours.
“I love you, y/n.”
Jolted out of your thoughts, your gaze snaps up to Sean standing by the kitchen sink, looking at you expectantly. 
"You okay?"
"Yeah,” You tell him, feeling your face heat up in embarrassment as you try and shake yourself from the vivid memory of being wrapped up in his arms. “Yeah, sorry. Just thinking.”
“You don’t have to help clear up, you know.”
“No it’s fine,” You assure him. “Really. I want to help.”
Not to mention that helping meant you could stick around a little bit longer.
Sean nods and continues loading the dishwasher. From the living room, you can hear Violet giggling at whatever she was watching on the TV. 
“What’s on your mind?” Sean asks, sparing you another glance.
You blink at him dumbly, trying to come up with a decent excuse, but you come up blank.
The dinner had made your feelings for him stronger than ever. You’d observed Violet swing her legs happily as she ate, her joy at having Sean around for dinner palpable, and you’d observed the way Sean doted on her, listening to her every word as she told him about anything and everything. You knew then that there was no denying the fact that you wanted Sean to be a permanent part of yours and Violet’s life. No denying the fact that you wanted Sean, full stop.
“I was just thinking about the dinners we used to have,” You tell him honestly, throwing all caution to the wind. “The dinner dates, I mean.”
Sean’s back to busying himself with the plates but you can see the smile on his face from where you stand.
"I've been thinking about those too,” He confesses. “Feels like a lifetime ago.”
“You were a good boyfriend, you know,” You say, thinking back to the memory. Contrary to what you’d told him then, he had been a good boyfriend even when he got himself into trouble. “I- I should’ve trusted that you would always keep me safe. I’m sorry I didn’t.”
There’s a silence and your gaze drops to the countertop, embarrassed, but you can’t take it back now. You start occupying yourself with the containers still on the counter, too nervous to look up at him and see the expression on his face, but you have no choice when he abandons what he’s doing and crosses the kitchen to stand before you.
Your heart hammers violently in your chest as you look at him - partly afraid of what he’ll say and partly surprised at his close proximity.
“I don’t blame you, you know,” He says eventually, looking resigned. “I didn’t give you much reason to trust me, the way I’d go on taunting people I should’ve just left alone.”
You give him a sad smile and at this point he can’t help it, he reaches up and lightly caresses your cheek. You lean into his touch with a sigh, the action feeling all too familiar and all too foreign all at once.
"All I ever wanted was to make sure you were safe, y/n,” He breathes. “When you left… even I had to admit it was a smart thing to do on your part. I thought it meant you wouldn’t get caught up in the crossfire anymore.”
“I thought so too.”
“It terrified me when I got your call that night. I… thought the worst."
“You know,” You tell him quietly. “I half expected you wouldn’t answer once you knew it was me.”
“Thought you might’ve hated me.”
“I could never, y/n.”
Without even thinking about it, you launch forward and give him a hug, feeling so much emotion you think you might choke.
“Thank you Sean,” You manage to say with your cheek pressed against his chest. “For everything.”
He wraps his arms around you and, after a moment of deliberation, presses his lips to your forehead. “You don’t have to thank me.”
“Muuum!” You jump, not expecting the sound of your daughter’s voice to pierce the air. “Sean! Come watch this movie with me!”
The both of you look in the direction of the living room while she calls out to you both and you let out a watery laugh at her timing. Sean chuckles too and as it reverberates through you, you realise neither of you have moved to let go of each other.
“We’ll be right there, Vi!” He calls out to her.
“We should probably head off,” You say softly, looking back at him. “It’s getting late.”
Sean hums in acknowledgement but you can tell his mind is elsewhere, his gaze soft as it meets yours.
"Stay till the end of her movie," He asks of you. “I don’t want you to go just yet.”
You’re slightly dazed in his hold but you manage to nod. You wouldn’t have needed much convincing to agree in the first place.
Sean gives you a small smile, “You and her have been the best things to ever happen to me. I hope you know that.”
"We could say the same thing about you,” You tell him. “You've changed Vi’s world Sean, I've never seen her more happy than when she's with you."
"And you?” Sean inquires, searching your expression for an answer. “Are you happy too?"
You nod again, your voice barely above a murmur. “More than, since you’ve come back into my life."
You only have a second to register the glint of joy in his eyes because before you know it, his lips are on yours, kissing you like his life depended on it. You don’t hesitate to kiss him back and his hands immediately go to your waist to pull you flush against him, earning an involuntary whimper of pleasure out of you. God, you'd forgotten how good it felt with Sean.
You feel lightheaded when you finally pull away and the grin you see on his face is worth everything.
“I’ve missed this,” He murmurs, arms squeezing around you slightly. “Missed being with you.”
“Yeah,” You say breathlessly, fingers lightly running through the hair at the nape of his neck. “Me too.”
Just as he moves to capture your lips in another long kiss, you’re interrupted by another impatient shout from Violet.
You pull back and sigh at the way it breaks the moment you were having but Sean just chuckles and kisses you again anyway, like he can’t get enough of you.
“C’mon,” He says eventually, giving you one last quick peck before taking your hand in his. “Best go see what our daughter's up to."
Feeling the giddiest you’ve felt in a while, you let him pull you in the direction of the living room - and if Violet notices that you and Sean are sat closer together on the couch than normal during the movie, she doesn’t say anything.
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burnitup · 4 years
I need more Sean Wallace fanficiton and I need it now.
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fumbling-fanfics · 4 years
Omgggggggg yes you wrote something I can’t wait for more if it’s more!!! Thank you
Here's some more of something different while I ignore the 2 literal breakdowns I have had in the past 2 days
Pairings: Sean Wallace x Black\POC!Reader
Warnings; none in the pièces but there will be in the full fic
It was one of your very rare days off. A day off that was to be followed by a few more days off.
You'd woken up late.
Half heartedly joined in on an online yoga session (too lazy to actually make it to the studio).
You'd had a bath, and listened to some music while you slowly sipped your tea, rather than backing it like with tequila.
You contemplated baking a cake. You had to go out to get a few bits, so you thought about what to bake. Maybe you'd find inspiration in what you would treat yourself too for a late lunch.
Just as you slipped on your sandals, your door buzzed.
You paused for a second, mentally running through all your appointment for the next two weeks. Your eyes flicked to your clock that proudly displayed the date. You were 99.9999% sure this was your day off off!
Then again it could be friends, those rare things you hadn't seen in quite a while. You made a mental note to message them.
No longer worried about missing an appointment, you worried who it could be.
You walked to your door, looking through the peephole. And paused.
Just as he reached for the bell again you opened the door.
"Sean?“ you didn't mean for his name to become a question. You were just surprised.
Tags: @ellixthea @lovelymari4 @chaneajoyyy @beaminglife @est1887 @rubycuffley @ijustwant2ndwrite @kdoxkeic
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