#Season 3 minific?
neurolady · 4 months
My current obsession is "Where is Crowley’s mind at!"
I know disaster puppy and all, he's definitely a mess (both of them are), but how is that gonna manifest!
Aziraphale's is going to suck it up! He's going to have to! He's just been marched into the lion's den and forced to leave his sheild on Earth. He probably won't have much space to process before being chucked into Heaven's machinations. His process is going to be about holding it together while trying to figure out what Heaven is up to? And as far as him understanding Crowley's decision, I don't think he has as far to go as Crowley does in understanding his!
Crowley, on the other hand, has got space to wallow. I mean, REALLY, just get all up in his feelings! There really is nothing keeping him afloat right now. We've seen him wallow before, but this might actually be worse. Of course, he was devastated when he thought Aziraphale was dead. That, however, definitely wasn't Aziraphale's choice. In Crowley's mind right now, Aziraphale chose Heaven over him. With the final outcome, pretty much the same (at least he likely believes there's a chance), he might never see Aziraphale again.
He's hit the trifecta Homeless, Jobless, Loveless! God has slammed him into rock bottom and is grinding his face in the dirt for fun!! As of right now, Crowley is that classic, nothing more to lose character. I'm fascinated with where Neil and John (and Terry from above) chose to have him start S3 emotionally. I guess it depends on how much time is going to have passed - days, weeks, months, or even years 😬. And where in the universe is he physically - London (Soho), somewhere else but still Earth, off Earth (Alpha Centurai) or Hell.
Here's what I'm hoping -
We need a meltdown of epic proportions!! It'd be great to see David break out those big emotional ("and I would like to spend...hmmmh"💔) acting chops here. BUT I'm thinking more GO comedy meltdown. London/UK wide blackout! Takes out a newly repaired Big Ben as he erupts driving past in Bentley! Demand outstrips supply for alcohol in the Soho/London area, causing the economy to crash or brawling on the streets! Something comically absurd and big enough that it might just get Hell's attention.... see where I'm going?!
But after his meltdown(s) and obligatory self-destructive period, because of course there will be! There's not a chance there won't be. We mere mortals fall to pieces after relationships of measly months fall apart, we are talking 6000 years here!! BUT after this, I want to see the nameless fallen angel, who redefined himself as Crawly, who redefined himself as Crowley and then finally as Anthony J Crowley show that same level of resilience. I want him to figure out what 'his side' now means to him, even if he can only be an 'us' in memory (because may be at this point he still belives Aziraphale is lost to him for ever). I want him to decide why he wants to be on Earth for himself, so that he wants to protect it just as much as Aziraphale, not just BECAUSE of Aziraphale. So he understands why Aziraphale could and would never be happy if they had just left Earth to Armageddon and run off together. Perhaps this is all facilitated by him being on the run from Heaven, trying to get rid of him before Aziraphale finds out. Encountering the kindness of strangers. Rediscovering the demon who designed the M25, who was an infamous bootlegger in WW2 or a Black Knight in medieval times. Because let's face it by S2, it looks as though he's abandoned all that and just settled into "married" life.
But he can't be on the run forever realises his best protection is Hell and Anthony J, the cunning demon that he is, approaches them. Convinces them he's sick of Earth, done with backstabbing angels for good and (not actually a complete lie) knows all about Heaven's plan for the next Armageddon. Hugely comical meltdown (I like the idea of Big Ben burning 😂), plus maybe a few mishaps here and there to protect himself along the way, means they lap it all up! Crowley, however, by now, having recovered himself mostly (he'll never be totally whole without his yang), has realised the best way back to Aziraphale is also through Hell, giving him even more hope. As a by-product, maybe a realisation that Aziraphale was never rejecting him, but trying to protect him in the only way he knew how. Now we have double agent Duke Of Hell Crowley, but he actually wants to protect Earth and humanity for himself as well as so he and Aziraphale can make their home here properly (*cough* *cough* the South Downs enters the chat - you never know maybe discovered a nice little retreat while on the run).
Kick off S3, or may be we're a few episodes in already?!
I'll embrace my masochism, I don't think it would be at all true to them or him if he just bounced back, so I want to see that grief from him. A comical meltdown is a must for me, personally. But I think a note of seriousness within there would be beautiful. We are, after all, in David Tennant's safe hands. My main point is that I would be hugely disappointed if that is all we see. Crowley just drunk in Bentley doing nothing until Aziraphale turns up to drag him out of his stuppor. He's SO much better than that!
As a bonus to Duke of Hell Crowley, Aziraphale will know none of this having been kept completely in the dark by Heaven. So that when Hell proudly announces their newest Duke is Crowley, he is rapt with anxiety that he's pushed him over the edge and lost him forever! Until their first meeting, negotiations between Heaven and Hell about how they will ensure Armageddon actually gets going this time. Midway through, Aziraphale in a total panic at this point, Crowley casually growls at one of his minions to "get outside and stop that blasted Nightingale from singing outside the window, it's too bloody distracting", before continuing with the plan to start a nuclear winter.
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cyclone-rachel · 7 months
Winn finding out about Brainy's pet spider in the future
Winn wanted to give Brainy…
Well, another chance- he’d lost count at this point, especially after learning Brainy had put a listening device in the dirt he’d given him, if not after all the insults he’d had to endure from Brainy during the time they’d been forced to work together.
But after hearing his story, once he’d come back- seeing the tired look in his eyes, the change in his demeanor, the way he carried himself, all so different from the arrogant dickhead he’d first met when he woke him up on the Legion ship-
(Kara could argue all she wanted to the contrary- she didn’t see what had happened when she left for Fort Rozz with Imra. She had no idea how rude he could really be, and Winn suspected that Brainy didn’t want to show her, due to his obvious crush on her.
He’d been in that position before, assholery aside. He noticed.)
The point was, Winn felt his resolve breaking while Brainy explained what had happened when he returned to the future. He wanted to help Brainy, against his better judgment, save the lives of his people alongside the Legion. Wasn’t this what he’d been asking for? How could he say no, even if the offer was coming from Brainy of all people?
So he agreed. He’d forgiven Brainy, and given him that chance.
After finally landing in the thirty-first century, and seeing his room (or rather, the lab he considered a room- there was nothing he’d consider a bed in here, he’d have to fix that), he was seriously considering taking it back.
“How come neither of you told me he had a pet spider?” he demanded, holding the cage up while Mon-El and Imra both held back laughter.
Neither of them had an answer for him.
He just hoped Brainy would believe him, whenever they met again, and Winn would inevitably have to confess that his spider was one of the casualties of the plague.
(He’d work on that last part)
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lgcmanager · 8 months
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a reminder on side-events; they are non-mandatory occasional events that your muse can choose to participate in or not.
while missing an event might mean missing out on points, be aware that choosing to take part in it could have positive or negative consequences for your muse. there is also no telling which part of the event will have consequences either since they will be tailored to make it difficult to guess what could impact your muse. while the final consequences are decided at the same time as the event is created, we will only reveal them the sunday after the deadline if there are any. so choose wisely: are you willing to make a gamble with your muse?
( important note: EVERY IDOL in the company will take part in the event canon wise, whether or not a mun writes for it. )
every year, the period between FEBUARY 14 and MARCH 14 is called LOVE MONTH at LEGACY ENTERTAINMENT. during this period, legacy’s staff and roster are encouraged to demonstrate their appreciation to their coworkers.
this year, for the TRAINEES, the event is coming back to its roots. the SENIORS (NPC) in charge of organizing the event this season, have decided to provide their fellow trainees with THREE love letters that they need to fill up, the letters will later be given to their correspondant altogether anonymously. the recipients of the letters must be
A COACH that has helped you GROW in the last year
A SENIOR IDOL (npc idols are eligible) that has SHINED in your eye in the last year
A FELLOW TRAINEE that you wish to CHEER ON this year
submit the following form ONCE on the MANAGER BLOG before MARCH 16, 2024 11:59 EDT. rewards will be revealed the following week.
TITLE: MUSE NAME ∙ LOVE MONTH 2K24 (TRAINEE) - COACH: name the coach's discipline (example: singing, dancing, acting, guitar...), and how they have help you grow - SENIOR IDOL: name the senior idol, and how they have shined this year - TRAINEE: name the trainee, and give them words of encouragement
note that to avoid negative feelings, none of the submits will be made public. ic wise, it will be considered that EVERYBODY has received at least a letter.
as most of you know, the beloved branch director HEO AECHA (and KIM HYUNCHEOL's wife), has recenlty given birth to the couple's second child. LEGACY AGENCY's staff has therefore decided to make this love month about her!
for +8 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE AND 2 NOTORIETY, write a 300+ words solo about how your muse decided to show their appreciation this year. pick one of the four options available:
WRITE a LETTER to HEO AECHA about what the muse likes about LGC AGENCY
WRITE ABOUT a SPECIAL MEMORY of your muse with their MANAGER
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:lovemonth2k24 for your solos. you have until MARCH 16, 2023 at 11:59PM EDT to complete the requirements and validate your points. please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog.
TITLE: MUSE NAME ∙ LOVE MONTH 2K24 (LGC AGENCY) - APPRECIATION: +8 skill points distribution +2 notoriety [ LINK ]
** please note that only idols who have ALREADY PERFORMED with their groups PRIOR to their respective MINI-CONCERTS are eligible for this requirements. otherwise, they must do the TRAINEE task **
with their various schedules taking them away from the company for weeks at time and their high demand, LEGACY'S NEW GENERATION OF IDOL will be holding mini-concerts at EVERLAND for their fans. the GIRLS (crystallis, fabula and nova) will perform on FEBRUARY 14 (valentine's day), while the BOYS (type zero, versus and agito) will perform on MARCH 14 (white day). for the mini-concerts, each group will perform 3 SONGS, which will be followed by a photo op during which, each idol will take pictures with 5 LUCKY FANS (solo). note that the environment will be heavily controled with security present during the photo op. no fans will be allowed to touch the idols for their safety.
finally, after the conclusion of the MINIFES idols will be have ONE HOUR to enjoy EVERLAND. barriers and security members will be prosent so they may enjoy their time without being interrupted by fans.
VALENTINE'S MINIFES (performance order, costumes and songs)
CRYSTALLIS (costume: crystallis' 2024 official uniform): 'LOVE', 'MY GOSH', 'SIESTA'
NOVA (costume: nova's 2024 official uniform): 'HYPE BOY', 'ATTENTION', 'DITTO'
FABULA (costume: fabula's 2024 official uniform): 'SHOOT!', 'HYPNOSIS', 'IMPURITIES'
WHITE DAY'S MINIFES (performance order, costumes and songs)
TYPE ZERO (costume: lgc boys' 2024 official uniform): 'MAKE A WISH', 'SPRAY', 'LIKE A MOVIE'
VERSUS (costume: lgc boys' 2024 official uniform): 'PADO', 'CREAM SODA', 'ROCK WITH YOU' [with agito]
AGITO (costume: lgc boys' 2024 official uniform): 'ROCK WITH YOU' [with versus], 'BLUE HOUR', 'SCENT OF YOU' [kor. version]
for +5 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE AND 5 NOTORIETY, write on one of the following options available:
a 300+ word solo about anything related to PERFORMING during the MINIFES
a 300+ word solo about the PHOTO SESSION with FANS
 a thread with 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) about enjoying their time POST MINIFES with another IDOL
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:lovemonth2k24 for your threads and solos. you have until MARCH 16, 2023 at 11:59PM EDT to complete the requirements and validate your points. please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog.
TITLE: MUSE NAME ∙ LOVE MONTH 2K24 (IDOL) LOVE MINIFES: +5 skill points distribution +5 notoriety [ LINK ]
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gravity-what · 3 months
Story Progress Chart (for myself)
Find all finished stories on Ao3
Recently Finished Projects:
Gathering the Dragons [full art piece] [full story]
Currently working on:
Hypothetical Season 4 (posting Schedule, every other Wednesday starting 21st)
Cover art and soundtrack [Posted]
Episode 1 - Story [Posted] - art [Posted]
Episode 2 - Story [Posted] - art [Posted]
Episode 3 - Story [Posted] - art [Posted]
Episode 4 - Story [Done] - art [Done]
Episode 5 - Story [Done] - art [Done]
Episode 6 - Story [Done] - art [Done]
Episode 7 - Story [Done] - art [Done]
Episode 8 - Story [WIP] - art [NS]
Episode 9 - Story [Done] - art [WIP]
Episode 10 - Story [WIP] - art [WIP]
Episode 11 - Story [WIP] - art [NS]
Episode 12 - Story [WIP] - art [NS]
Episode 13 - Story [WIP] - art [NS] (technical Season 5, Episode 1)
Heylin Omi AU Arc 3 - Master Monk Chase [The Story So Far: Arc 1 Arc 2]
Minific 1 - Shadow of Fear - [WIP]
Minific 2 - Crystal Glasses - [WIP]
Minific 3 - Fountain of Hui - [WIP]
Sibini Mini Arc [minific 1, 2, 3] - [WIP]
Minific 4 - Moby Morpher - [WIP]
Minific 5 - Spiders - [WIP]
Minific 6 - Soup - [Beta]
Minific 7 - Eye - [Beta]
Minific 8 - Guan - [Beta]
Heylin Seed Mini Arc [minific 1, 2, 3] - [WIP]
Minific 9 - Deception - [WIP]
Minific 10 - Yoyo - [Beta]
Minific 11 - Chase Young - [WIP]
Minific 12 - Dashi - [Beta]
Coming up:
Blessing - Aka: Reversing Mirror AU
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captainnameless · 11 months
Charles has had the worst triple header I feel so bad for him :( Disqualified in COTA, booed in Mexico and a DNS in Brazil.
Poor boy just needs a hug and maybe one of Sebastian’s hoodies to wear. I feel like Lewis would get a call from a very distressed, tearful lil baby and be at his drivers room in 3 seconds flat, desperate to help him stop hurting.
Of course no pressure if you don’t feel like writing this. Also your minifics literally make my day <3
baby has just had a stinker of a season really, i saw a post where it explained all 17 races so far and i’m pretty sure Charles has had only 4 “clean” ones where nothing (bad) happened that was out of his control.
also i feel like shit so maybe writing baby charles feeling like shit will lessen my own achy chest.
Charles had dealt with it all so well, the heart break of another failure that wasn’t his, facing media and sports journalist and fans. They’d spoken briefly after Lewis had gotten out of the car, between his own interviews and Charles seemed okay; promised he was. Albeit tired.
When Charles’ name flashes onto his screen Lewis barely takes two seconds to answer, takes even less time to get up and out of his own hotel room when he hears how distressed Charles is.
Lewis sighs as he jogs through the halls of the hotel, trying to figure out where Charles’ room is, a small voice in the back of his mind telling him this is his fault. That he shouldn’t have let Charles leave alone but self reproach isn’t going to help the younger.
He still has Charles pressed to his ear on the phone, but they aren’t speaking, Charles is crying too much to be coherent anyway and Lewis’ heart sort of shatters when the sound of Charles’ cries is accompanied by a visual when he steps into Charles’ room.
“Oh, darling..” Lewis breathes, ending the call and locking the door behind him, kneeling down to join Charles on the floor and pull him into his lap.
Charles just sobs, embodying a wet noodle while Lewis manhandles him into his lap.
“You’re okay,” Lewis tries to soothe, holding Charles close. “You’re alright, breathe with me.”
Charles doesn’t seem interested in breathing, his eyes screwed shut while he hiccoughs into Lewis’ chest, hands clutching at the sweater Lewis is wearing.
Lewis frowns, he’s never seen Charles this upset and it’s a little unnerving. That same voice telling him he’s not good enough to be taking care of this. Lewis pushes it away.
“Charles, poppet.. Hey.” Lewis tries again, squeezing Charles tight and pressing their faces close together. “I’m right here, you’re safe, you’re okay. Breathe.”
Charles does lean into the touch, the grip of Lewis’ sweater loosening with every gasp-y breath he takes with Lewis, body slowly relaxing against Lewis’ chest, shaking stopping.
“Daddy!” Charles cries once he catches his breath, more tears leaking from his eyes.
“Shh.” Lewis soothes, brushing Charles’ tears away. “We’re gonna call Daddy in a second okay, see if he’s awake. Gotta calm down a little more for me okay?” Lewis hopes Sebastian is still awake, their time zone only 4 hours behind so he’s liking their odds.
There’s a soft whine that leaves Charles but no real protest as he stuffs two fingers into his mouth, trying to lessen his tears.
“Good boy,” Lewis whispers, still softly brushing the tears off of Charles’ cheeks and pressing soft kisses to his forehead until the tears have stopped leaking from his eyes.
Charles flushes under the praise, noticeable even with how red he already is from crying and buries his face into Lewis’ chest. “Daddy?” He asks again, this time muffled.
Lewis shifts to get his phone out, pressing the favorites tab before tapping Sebastian’s name. It goes to voicemail the first time and Lewis panics only a little but Sebastian answers on the second call.
Sebastian doesn’t even speak before his face contorts with hurt as their picture fills the screen, eyeing up a distraught Charles.
“Charlie, no, what’s wrong?” Sebastian asks, Lewis can tell he’s leaving whatever room he’s in, moving somewhere more quiet.
“Daddy.” Charles just says, voice miserable and mumbled around his fingers, still pressed against Lewis’ chest.
“Daddy’s here, on the phone. I’m sorry I can’t be with you, sweetheart.” Sebastian looks miserable saying, probably wishing for a teleportation device. “But you’ve got Uncle Lew, huh?”
Charles nods and Lewis holds Charles a little closer, pressing another kiss to his head. “I’m so glad you called.”
“You called?” Sebastian asks, full of praise. “Good job!”
They both know Charles has struggled asking for help with Sebastian off the grid, so Sebastian makes sure to praise him for it every time.
They sit and talk for a bit, up until Charles’ eyes start drooping, exhausted from the emotions and the tears.
“Bedtime,” Sebastian declares through the phone, and there’s an immediate pout on Charles’ lips. “Did you have a shower yet?”
A small smile plays on Lewis’ features, amused at the pout. He knows Charles hasn’t showered yet, still in his track clothes.
“Not yet,” the younger answers.
“So shower, then bed. You need the rest, sweetheart. We can call again tomorrow, I promise.” Sebastian says.
“No.” Charles whines, taking the phone out of Lewis’ hands to hold it closer.
“I’ll stay with you, huh?” Lewis adds, knowing he cannot replace Sebastian, but he knows Charles doesn’t not like the substitute.
“Sounds good,” Sebastian answers for him and so Charles nods. They end the call after an almost tearful goodbye that Lewis manages to control, helps Charles into the shower before rummaging through his suitcase to get him something comfortable.
All soft and warm out of the shower Charles basically falls asleep the second Lewis pulls him into his chest, blanket covering them both.
Lewis presses one less kiss to Charles’ damp hair before closing his own eyes.
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kwockwoc · 7 months
What do you think Nicholas’ favorite flavor of ice cream is? What would his ice cream order be (if he could afford the extra toppings)? 🍨🍨🍨💗
Hey anon, I started writing a minific for this but it got out of hand, so instead you get a prose reply without the fic aspect, sorry 😔
Ice cream thoughts below the cut
Couple of different aspects here.
I think teen Nicholas has his ice cream order down pat – he’s got a fave ice cream store, and he knows which server gives the biggest scoops, and will literally ASK to be served by that guy/girl when they’re there, and WATCHES very closely as the ice cream is assembled. We know he likes extra pickle no sauce on his burger, so I’m thinking he’d be a left-field sort of ice cream guy. I have no idea how American ice cream works so let’s say he can get 3 scoops of different flavours – Nicholas is opting for the sour cherry, the licorice, and the peanut butter. No idea re toppings (gotta admit I had to google ‘what do Americans put on ice cream’ and found this article and now I’m slightly obsessed with the idea, but I lack brainpower to crunch Nicholas’s topping preferences rn).
Adult Nicholas is the kind of guy who always orders the special on the menu when he goes out to eat, so I think he’d also be looking for unusual and interesting ice cream flavours as he gets older. He goes to a farmers market and sees the unique one-of-a-kind ‘heritage apple and honey’ ice cream and buys a punnet. He stops by a provedore and sees the special ‘toasted cardamom and citrus’ ice cream and thinks ‘hey, yeah, okay’. Balsamic strawberry? Sure! Seasonal pumpkin ‘n’ brown sugar? Sounds neat. Devilled egg custard with smoked black tea? Uh… (yeah, I saw this online & apparently it’s real)… hey, why not, Nicholas says, you only live once!
Whereas, Seiji…
Nicholas Cox (husband): hey hon what do u want from carrolls
Seiji frowns at the screen.
Seiji: Why are you at Carroll’s again? We had ice cream yesterday.
Nicholas: I know but I thought u might want some
Nicholas. Call.
“Uh. Hey,” Nicholas’s voice says, and he sounds a little guilty. There are other voices in the background. He’s already in the store.
“Nicholas, we had ice cream yesterday. And the day before,” Seiji adds, before Nicholas can protest, “and last weekend.”
“It’s summer,” Nicholas says plaintively. “That’s when we eat ice cream, right?”
“Sweetheart –”
“D’you want your usual?”
Seiji sighs into the mic. “All right, yes, okay. My usual.” Triple fudge sundae, whipped cream and choc sprinkles, he doesn’t need to say. Nicholas has it memorised.
“Yay!” Nicholas says. He actually said yay. Seiji rolls his eyes. Spending so much time around the kids is impacting Nicholas’s vocabulary.
“What are you ordering for yourself?” Seiji asks. Nicholas’s order is always interesting.
“Pickled mango!”
Seiji’s pretty sure he heard that wrong.
“Pickled mango. Special, this week only,” Nicholas says, his excitement undimmed.
“Okay,” Seiji says, cautiously. “That sounds… nice.”
Okay, you got a minific out of me anyway 😅😉🍨
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mothdogs · 1 year
Me losing my goddamn mind about Baldur’s Gate 3 🤝🏻 My partner losing her goddamn mind about Spirk and writing daily minifics for Spirktober 🤝🏻 Both of us losing our goddamn minds about OFMD season 2
It’s good to be back babey
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bread--quest · 2 years
21 22 23 :3
21. a fic about a little-known player
maybe a little less player little more team but personally i'm always incredibly curious to know more about the ohio worms so i'm going to recommend my excellent friend rain @suitablysolemn's minific for the second day of blasetober, certified blaseball moment!! it's an excellently riveting Splorts Story about the little wiggly team that could and a really epic game you might not have heard of. love da worms baby
22. the fic i’m proudest of (if i’m a writer)
so i already answered this once but this is probably the answer i would have given if i'd only gotten this question once. how to read a map. do you want 3000+ words of semi-surrealism about season 24 and stories? do you want to cry about blaseball? do you want to see your team get referenced? yes you do. please read my fic it has all those things (crying may vary based on personal individual but i have it on authority this has elicited tears from at least a few eyes)
23. my favorite fic about the vault
*excited wiggling* YESSSSS yess YESSSSS!!!!! this is kind of cheating because it's about my own blaseball oc, but it's also not really because SOMEONE ELSE WROTE A FIC ABOUT THEM AAAAAAA. go read forever in a day, which is about the Vault, and also about its assistant/creation wyatt mason xix, aka sunny!!! it's by @polyboros and it makes me so ecstatically happy
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training-institute1 · 4 months
The Complete Guide to Front-End Development
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The dynamic and always changing field of front-end development is essential to producing the interesting and interactive user interfaces that people use when they visit websites and utilise web apps. Whether you’re a seasoned developer hoping to brush up on your abilities or a novice hoping to make a name for yourself in the tech sector, this in-depth tutorial will take you through every step of front-end programming.
1. Overview of Front-End Programming
The user-facing aspect of web development is the emphasis of front-end development. It entails designing the visual components of a website or online application while making sure they are both aesthetically beautiful and useful. Static designs are brought to life and integrated with server-side logic by front-end developers in close collaboration with designers and back-end developers.
2. Foundational Technologies
HTMLHyperText Markup Language, or HTML, is the basis of every online page. It defines terms like headings, paragraphs, links, and photos and provides the text its structure and meaning.
Web pages can be styled and organised using Cascading Style Sheets, or CSS. It offers developers total control over layout, formatting, and presentation, enabling them to create designs that are both responsive and aesthetically beautiful.
JavaScript Programming languages like JavaScript are flexible and allow for interactive online features like animations, multimedia controls, and dynamic content updates. Creating compelling user experiences is crucial.
3. Frameworks and Libraries for the Front End
React is a well-liked JavaScript library for creating user interfaces that was created by Facebook. It enables programmers to efficiently manage the state of complicated programmes and build reusable components.
Angular Angular is a complete web application development framework, supported by Google. It offers a comprehensive feature set and tool set for creating maintainable and scalable applications.
Vue.js A progressive JavaScript framework that is simple to incorporate into projects is called Vue.js. It is a fantastic option for both small- and large-scale applications since it provides an adaptable and approachable structure.
4. Development Environment and Tools
Editors for text Text editors and integrated development environments (IDEs) in popularity include WebStorm, Sublime Text, and Visual Studio Code. Essential functionality like code completion, syntax highlighting, and debugging capabilities are offered by these tools.
Using Git for Version Control Git is a version control tool designed to assist developers in controlling alterations made to their code. Code sharing and collaboration are made easier by platforms such as Bitbucket, GitLab, and GitHub.
Managers of Packages Developers may effectively manage project dependencies by using package managers like as Yarn and npm (Node Package Manager) to make sure the right libraries and tools are being used.
5. Accessibility and Responsive Design
Developers may construct responsive designs with media queries, which guarantee a consistent user experience across devices by accommodating varying screen sizes and orientations.
Grid CSS and Flexbox CSS Strong layout modules like Flexbox and Grid offer effective and versatile solutions to create intricate layouts without the need for floats or placement.
The Semantic HTML and ARIA Semantic HTML elements and ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) enhance web accessibility, enabling persons with disabilities to use websites. Adherence to accessibility guidelines is ensured by the appropriate application of these methods.
6. Enhancement of Performance
Minimising Load Time: By drastically cutting down on load times, techniques like minification, compression, and caching can improve user experience.
Divided Code Developers can reduce the initial load time of their programme by breaking it up into smaller parts that can be loaded on demand thanks to code splitting.
Sluggish Loading Scripts and other non-essential resources, including images, are loaded later on when they are needed thanks to lazy loading. Both performance and bandwidth use can be increased using this strategy.
7. The Unit Testing and Debugging
An application’s component elements are tested individually to ensure they function as planned. We call this procedure “unit testing.” Popular testing frameworks include Jest, Jasmine, and Mocha.
Integration Analysis Integration testing looks at how well an application’s several components work together. Tools like Cypress and Selenium make automated integration testing easier.
Instruments for Troubleshooting Modern browsers come with powerful debugging tools like Firefox Developer Tools and Chrome DevTools to help developers identify and fix issues with their code.
8. Installation and Hosting
Continuous Integration/Deployment, or CI/CD CI/CD pipelines ensure smooth integration and dependable change deployment by automatically testing and deploying applications.
Among the well-known web hosting providers are AWS Amplify, Vercel, and Netlify. These platforms offer a plethora of features, such as SSL certificates, bespoke domains, and automatic deployments.
9. Staying Current: Social Media and Educational Materials
Online Courses and Tutorials Websites like Udemy, Coursera, and freeCodeCamp offer in-depth lessons and courses on front-end programming subjects for students of all skill levels.
Conferences and Developer Communities Interacting with online communities such as Stack Overflow, GitHub, and Reddit can yield significant benefits and guidance. You can keep up with the newest trends and technology by going to conferences like FrontendConf, React Conf, and Google I/O.
The field of front-end development blends technical proficiency and creativity, making it an exciting and fulfilling career choice. You may create dynamic and effective web apps by studying the fundamentals, utilising contemporary frameworks and tools, and never stopping learning. Make the most of your adventure by being curious, continuing to explore, and joining the active community of front-end developers.
Are you ready to take your skills to the next level and become a master of web interfaces? Enroll in the front end developer course at LearNowx today! Our comprehensive program covers everything from HTML and CSS to advanced JavaScript frameworks and responsive design techniques. Gain hands-on experience, learn from industry experts, and join a community of passionate developers. Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your career — sign up now at LearNowx and start your journey to becoming a top-tier front end developer!
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digitalaakar2 · 4 months
Mastering Web Development: A Comprehensive Guide to Success
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In today’s digital age, web development skills have become increasingly essential. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting your journey, mastering web development opens up a world of opportunities. From creating dynamic websites to building powerful web applications, the possibilities are endless. In this guide, we’ll explore the key concepts, tools, and strategies you need to become a web development master.
Chapter 1: Understanding the Fundamentals To become proficient in web development, it’s crucial to grasp the fundamentals. This includes understanding the core languages and technologies that power the web, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. HTML forms the backbone of web pages, providing structure and content. CSS allows you to style and design your pages, while JavaScript adds interactivity and dynamic functionality. By mastering these foundational languages, you’ll have a solid framework to build upon.
Chapter 2: Exploring Advanced Techniques Once you’ve mastered the basics, it’s time to delve into more advanced techniques. This includes learning about responsive web design, which ensures your sites look great on any device. You’ll also explore frameworks and libraries like Bootstrap and jQuery, which streamline the development process and enhance functionality. Additionally, mastering CSS preprocessors like Sass can help you write cleaner, more efficient code.
Chapter 3: Building Dynamic Web Applications Web development isn’t just about creating static websites — it’s also about building dynamic web applications that respond to user input and interact with databases. In this chapter, you’ll learn about server-side programming languages like PHP, Python, and Node.js, which allow you to create dynamic, data-driven web applications. You’ll also explore database technologies like MySQL and MongoDB, which store and retrieve information from your applications.
Chapter 4: Mastering Version Control and Collaboration In the world of web development, collaboration is key. Version control systems like Git allow multiple developers to work on the same project simultaneously without fear of overwriting each other’s changes. In this chapter, you’ll learn how to use Git to manage your codebase, track changes, and collaborate with other developers effectively. You’ll also explore platforms like GitHub and Bitbucket, which facilitate collaboration and provide tools for project management and code review.
Chapter 5: Optimizing Performance and Security An essential aspect of web development mastery is optimizing performance and ensuring the security of your applications. This includes techniques like minification and compression to reduce file sizes and improve loading times, as well as implementing security best practices such as input validation and encryption to protect against vulnerabilities and attacks. By mastering these techniques, you’ll create web applications that are not only fast and responsive but also secure and reliable.
Chapter 6: Keeping Up with Emerging Technologies The field of web development is constantly evolving, with new technologies and trends emerging all the time. In this final chapter, you’ll learn how to stay ahead of the curve by keeping up with the latest developments in the industry. This includes exploring emerging technologies like Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), WebAssembly, and GraphQL, as well as staying informed about best practices and standards through blogs, forums, and online communities.
Conclusion: Mastering web development is a journey that requires dedication, practice, and continuous learning. By understanding the fundamentals, exploring advanced techniques, building dynamic applications, collaborating effectively, optimizing performance and security, and staying up-to-date with emerging technologies, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a web development master. So roll up your sleeves, dive in, and embark on this exciting adventure — the world of web development awaits!
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freelancefusion-hub · 5 months
Unlock Your E-commerce Potential: Finding the Perfect Shopify Expert Freelancer on Fiverr
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In the world of e-commerce, having a robust online store is crucial for success. Shopify stands as one of the leading platforms for creating and managing online stores, but navigating its intricacies may require the expertise of a seasoned professional. In this article, we explore why Fiverr is the ideal platform for finding Shopify expert freelancers and showcase three top talents available for hire.
Why Choose Fiverr for Hiring Shopify Experts?
Fiverr, renowned for its vast pool of talented freelancers, offers a seamless platform for connecting with Shopify experts. With Fiverr’s user-friendly interface and secure payment system, finding the right freelancer for your Shopify needs is convenient and reliable.
Top Shopify Expert Freelancers on Fiverr
Freelancer 1: Asad Ali Tahir
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With a keen eye for professional design and a commitment to delivering results, I’ll craft a highly converting Shopify store tailored to your needs. Whether you’re a newcomer or a seasoned entrepreneur, I’ll help you select a profitable niche and set up a fully automated dropshipping system.
Why choose me? I offer 24/7 support, a satisfaction guarantee, and over 700 successful projects under my belt. You can expect top-notch service, including on-page SEO, winning product selection, Facebook Pixel integration, social media setup, and more.
Ready to take your Shopify game to the next level? Let’s connect via Fiverr Messaging to discuss your project and answer any questions you may have.
Freelancer 2: Gift
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My gig features include Shopify store setup and management, theme customization, product listing and optimization, inventory and order management, email marketing, social media marketing and advertising, SEO, Google Analytics tracking, reporting, and much more.
Why choose me? I offer 24/7 availability, on-time and quality delivery, 100% customer satisfaction, and easy communication. Don’t miss out on the chance to take your online business to new heights. Contact me today, and let’s collaborate on a powerful website and digital marketing strategy that drives sales and boosts visibility. Let’s start now and soar together! Cheers to new heights!
Freelancer 3: Waqar Sheikh
Are you on the hunt for a Shopify virtuoso to revolutionize your e-commerce venture?
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Greetings, I’m Waqar, a seasoned Shopify store designer and theme developer with over three years of hands-on experience. And let me assure you, we’re not just good; we’re exceptional!
What does my team bring to the table?
- Expertly crafted Shopify stores - Conversion rate optimization tailored to Shopify - Seamless migration to Shopify 2.0 - Rescue mission for abandoned carts - Integration of Shopify payment gateways - SEO optimization for enhanced visibility - Mobile-friendly designs - Captivating graphic designs - Setting up Facebook and TikTok profiles and linking domains - Harnessing the power of Google Analytics and Search Console - Boosting speed with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript minification - Crafting custom sections - Delving into the intricacies of Shopify coding
What sets me apart?
- Certified Shopify developer - Reverence for deadlines - A month of dedicated Shopify support post-project completion
Seize the day and don’t let this opportunity pass you by! Let’s schedule a Zoom call to delve into the nitty-gritty of your project.
Ready to elevate your Shopify store to new heights? Shoot me a message right away to kick-start the journey!
How to Hire a Shopify Expert on Fiverr
1. Search: Utilize Fiverr’s search function to find Shopify experts based on specific criteria such as expertise, pricing, and reviews. 2. Review Profiles: Thoroughly review the profiles of potential freelancers, assessing their skills, portfolios, and client feedback. 3. Contact: Communicate directly with freelancers to discuss project requirements, timelines, and deliverables. 4. Order: Once satisfied, place an order with the chosen freelancer to initiate the project. 5. Collaborate: Maintain open communication throughout the project to ensure alignment and satisfactory results. 6. Feedback: Provide feedback and ratings upon project completion to help build a reputable community of Shopify experts on Fiverr.
Benefits of Hiring Shopify Experts on Fiverr
- Diverse Talent Pool: Fiverr boasts a diverse array of Shopify experts with varying skills and expertise, allowing you to find the perfect match for your project. - Affordable Pricing: With options ranging from budget-friendly to premium services, Fiverr offers flexibility in pricing to suit different budgets. - Quality Assurance: Fiverr’s review system and seller ratings provide transparency and accountability, ensuring quality deliverables. - Secure Transactions: Fiverr’s secure payment system and escrow services offer peace of mind, with funds only released upon satisfactory completion of the project.
In conclusion, Fiverr serves as a premier platform for hiring Shopify expert freelancers, offering convenience, reliability, and access to top talent. Whether you’re launching a new Shopify store or seeking to optimize an existing one, Fiverr provides the tools and resources to bring your e-commerce vision to life.
1. How much does it cost to hire a Shopify expert on Fiverr? — The cost of hiring a Shopify expert on Fiverr varies depending on factors such as the freelancer’s level of expertise, the complexity of the project, and the desired deliverables. Freelancers on Fiverr often offer services at different price points, ranging from affordable options to more premium packages. You can find freelancers offering Shopify services to fit a wide range of budgets.
2. Can I communicate directly with freelancers on Fiverr? — Yes, you can communicate directly with freelancers on Fiverr. The platform provides built-in messaging tools that allow buyers and sellers to communicate efficiently and discuss project details, requirements, and any other relevant information. Clear and open communication is essential for ensuring that both parties are aligned throughout the project.
3. What if I’m not satisfied with the results? — If you’re not satisfied with the results of a project on Fiverr, there are several steps you can take to address the issue. First, communicate your concerns with the freelancer and provide specific feedback on what aspects you’re unhappy with. Many freelancers are open to revisions and will work with you to make adjustments until you’re satisfied. If the issue cannot be resolved, you can reach out to Fiverr’s customer support team for assistance in finding a resolution.
4. Are there any hidden fees when hiring on Fiverr? — Fiverr is transparent about its pricing structure, and there are no hidden fees when hiring freelancers on the platform. The total cost of a project is typically determined upfront based on the freelancer’s service package, additional extras, and any applicable processing fees. Before placing an order, be sure to review the freelancer’s pricing details and any additional charges to avoid any surprises.
5. How do I ensure the confidentiality and security of my project on Fiverr? — Fiverr takes privacy and security seriously and has measures in place to protect both buyers and sellers. When communicating with freelancers, you can use Fiverr’s messaging system, which keeps your conversations within the platform and ensures confidentiality. Additionally, Fiverr offers secure payment processing and escrow services, where funds are held in trust until the project is completed to your satisfaction. It’s also important to review each freelancer’s profile and ratings to ensure they have a track record of delivering high-quality work while maintaining confidentiality.
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bsmnconsultancy · 7 months
Unlocking Success: The Art of Website Speed Optimization in Toronto. Choose one and only BSMN Consultancy.
In the fast-paced digital landscape of Toronto, where businesses thrive on cutting-edge technology and seamless user experiences, the significance of website speed optimization cannot be overstated. Every millisecond counts in capturing and retaining the attention of potential customers. At BSMN Consultancy, we understand the pivotal role that website speed plays in enhancing user satisfaction, boosting conversions, and ultimately, driving business growth. Join us as we delve into the intricacies of Website Speed Optimization in Toronto and explore how it can revolutionize your online presence.
Introduction: Understanding the Need for Speed
In today's hyperconnected world, where consumers demand instant gratification, a slow-loading website can be detrimental to your digital endeavours. Research indicates that a mere one-second delay in page load time can result in a significant decrease in conversion rates. Moreover, search engines like Google prioritize fast-loading websites in their rankings, making website speed optimization a crucial component of your SEO strategy.
The Landscape of Website Speed Optimization in Toronto
Toronto, renowned for its vibrant business community and tech-savvy population, presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities in the realm of website speed optimization. With a diverse array of industries vying for attention, standing out from the competition requires meticulous attention to detail and a commitment to delivering exceptional user experiences.
At BSMN Consultancy, we specialize in tailoring website speed optimization strategies to the specific needs and nuances of the Toronto market. Our team of seasoned experts leverages state-of-the-art tools and techniques to analyze, diagnose, and rectify performance bottlenecks, ensuring that your website operates at peak efficiency across all devices and platforms.
Key Strategies for Website Speed Optimization
1. Comprehensive Performance Audit: Our journey towards optimizing website speed begins with a comprehensive performance audit, where we meticulously scrutinize every aspect of your website's architecture, from server response times to file compression techniques.
2. Image Optimization: In an era dominated by visual content, optimizing images for web consumption is paramount. We employ advanced compression algorithms and lazy loading techniques to minimize load times without compromising on visual quality.
3. Minification of Resources: By minimizing the size of CSS, JavaScript, and HTML files, we streamline the delivery of content to end-users, resulting in faster load times and improved overall performance.
4. Content Delivery Network (CDN) Integration: Leveraging the power of Content Delivery Networks, we distribute your website's content across geographically dispersed servers, ensuring rapid delivery to users regardless of their location.
5. Browser Caching Optimization: By instructing browsers to store static resources locally, we reduce the need for repeated downloads, resulting in expedited page load times and a more seamless browsing experience.
Conclusion: Accelerating Your Digital Success
In the dynamic ecosystem of Toronto's digital marketplace, Website Speed Optimization in Toronto serves as the cornerstone of success. By partnering with BSMN Consultancy, you gain access to a wealth of expertise and cutting-edge solutions aimed at propelling your online presence to new heights.
As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of technology and consumer behaviour, one thing remains abundantly clear: speed sells. Embrace the power of website speed optimization and unlock the full potential of your digital endeavours in Toronto and beyond.
In the race towards digital supremacy, every advantage counts. Choose BSMN Consultancy as your trusted ally in the pursuit of excellence, and together, we'll propel your business towards unparalleled success.
Remember, in the bustling metropolis of Toronto, speed isn't just a luxury - it's a necessity. Let's embark on this transformative journey together. Contact us today, and let's revolutionize your online presence, one lightning-fast website at a time.
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synsoft · 8 months
Optimizing Web Performance: A Technical Guide to Angular Development.
Welcome to our guide on making your websites faster and more efficient with Angular development. In today’s tech world, having a website that loads quickly is crucial. In this blog, we’ll explore the ins and outs of Angular development, offering practical tips and tricks to boost the performance of your web applications.
Whether you’re new to Angular or a seasoned developer, our aim is to provide easy-to-understand insights that can help you create websites that are not only functional but also super fast. Let’s dive into the world of Angular and discover how you can make your web projects perform at their best!
“Speed Boost: Optimizing Your Angular Apps”
If you’re diving into Angular development, you’re in for a treat! In this guide, we’ll walk you through essential strategies to optimize your Angular apps, ensuring they run at peak performance.
1. Streamlined Code for Swift Execution
Optimizing Angular apps begins with efficient coding practices. Learn how to trim unnecessary lines, organize your codebase, and adopt modular structures. Discover the art of writing cleaner and more effective code, setting the stage for a significant speed boost.
2. Caching and Minification Techniques
Explore the power of caching and minification to reduce loading times. We’ll guide you through implementing smart caching strategies and minimizing your code and assets, resulting in quicker load times and improved overall performance.
3. Lazy Loading: Loading What’s Needed, When It’s Needed
Dive into the world of lazy loading and understand how it can drastically enhance your app’s speed. Learn to load only the necessary components when users request them, optimizing initial load times and providing a seamless user experience.
4. Effective Network Requests with Angular HTTP Interceptors
Uncover the potential of Angular’s HTTP interceptors to fine-tune network requests. We’ll show you how to intercept and modify HTTP requests and responses, enabling you to optimize data loading, handle errors efficiently, and enhance your app’s responsiveness.
5. Performance Monitoring and Debugging
Explore tools and techniques for monitoring and debugging your Angular applications. Learn how to identify performance bottlenecks, optimize rendering, and leverage browser developer tools to fine-tune your app’s speed.
By the end of this guide, you’ll be equipped with practical insights and hands-on techniques to take your Angular apps to the next level. Get ready to impress your users with lightning-fast performance and a smoother user experience!
Consider hiring our Experienced Angular Development Agency. We specialize in crafting high-performance applications that leave a lasting impression. Contact us today to discuss how we can elevate your project and deliver unparalleled speed and user satisfaction!
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jotun-philosopher · 9 months
Pinned Post: Good Omens metas etc
What might evil!Aziraphale be like?
Crowley & 'Much Ado About Nothing'
Season 3 speculation playlist -- edited/expanded 18/02/2024
The Scarlet Pimpernel -- parallels and possibilities for S3
If you liked that, you might like this: Good Omens and World Of The Five Gods -- a lil' book rec to help keep you all going until S3!
Half meta, half ramble -- some random Goetic thoughts
Discworld/Good Omens parallels -- some minor thematic and character-related musings (mostly Aziraphale-flavoured)
How Aziraphale did the trick -- my guess/analysis of how Aziraphale pulled off the photo/leaflet switch in the dressing room scene
Celestial -- not quite fanfic, not quite meta, still fun thing from my brain
Fic prompts of varying degrees of derangedness:
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
A Good Omens mini-ficlet to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the RNLI -- ok, technically a minific rather than a prompt, but take it as such if you like! :D
A silly little meme I made on a whim
Fun D&D idea for Good Omens-loving DMs! Edit 28/08/24: Suggested in-universe character bios and statblocks for Aziraphale and Crowley coming soon!
A narrative clothesline -- long bit of fic showing one of the scenarios (really the closest to a coherent narrative) my brain's cooked up in its wild hypothesising about S3
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0owhatsamsays · 11 months
I finally had the time to post two chapters of my fan fic 🤗
It is going to be a long one, so more chapters are on the way.
The story is my version of how season 3 might look like with throwbacks about Heaven and Hell before and after the fall, and minisodes (minifics/ministories in this case 😀).
Chapter 3 coming ssssoon. 🐍
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getwebinc · 2 years
How to Choose the Perfect Front End Development Company in 2023!
Are you in need of a killer website to reach and attract more customers? If you don’t have much technical know-hows, you’ll have to opt for professional front end development services.
But how do you identify the best front end development company for your business?
We’re here to help. Here we will showcase the best ways to identify the perfect custom web development agency for your unique needs.
We’ll also rank and review five of today’s industry-leading web development companies so you can choose the best front end development services for your business.
Let’s jump right in!
What Does a Front End Development Company Do?
In case you’re not sure what front end development is, it refers to the skills and techniques used to create the look, feel, and user experience of a website or an application.
A front end developer agency creates stunning websites for their clients, leveraging the power of programming languages such as HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.
Front end developers mainly focus on these three areas
Second, they help optimize the speed and performance of your site. This involves using code minification techniques, caching strategies, and image optimization.
Finally, a front end development company is responsible for ensuring that your website or app is secure. This includes applying proper coding techniques and adhering to web standards to prevent potential security breaches or hacks.
How Can a Front End Development Agency Help Your Business
So, why do you need a front end developer agency? How can a website or app impact your business?
1. Improve Web Functionality
A front end development company will help improve your web functionalities through a stunning website or a hyper-functional application.
Front-end developers are also familiar with UI/UX design principles, which means they can optimize the user experience of your website or app. With their expertise, you can be sure that your customers will have a smooth and enjoyable experience when using your product or service.
2. Create a More Engaging User Experience
Whether you need a landing page, an eCommerce store, or a social media platform, a front end development company is there to ensure a fantastic user experience that keeps your customers coming back for more.
3. Increase Traffic and Conversions
Another benefit of working with a front end development company is that you can improve your traffic and conversions.
If you want to take your business to the next level, consider working with a reputed front end development company.
4. Enhance Brand Visibility
Additionally, they can design an attractive and professional website that helps build trust and credibility among your target audience. With a strong online presence and a stellar user experience, you can easily stand out from the crowd.
5. Boost SEO Rankings
With their expertise in web design and development, they can make your solution more intuitive, interactive, engaging, and user-friendly.
How to Choose the Best Custom Web Development Agency: Pro Tips
How do you figure out which company is best for front-end developers that can provide exactly what you are looking for?
Here are some essential things to keep in mind:
Make clear notes on what your business requirements are
Check out the company’s portfolio
Have a basic idea on the front end development process
Go through customer reviews, ratings, and testimonials
Check out their security and privacy policies
Ask for a consultation (face-to-face preferable)
Check if the agency provides detailed documentation and a final cost estimation
Check if the team is cooperative, knowledgeable, and responsive
Look into their competition to see how better they present themselves
Check out what services the agency offers
5 Best Front End Development Companies Near You
Getweb has been present in the industry for over a decade now, and has helped many businesses grow their digital presence from scratch. With a dedicated and seasoned team, we have created many stunning websites and applications.
With our specialization on developing easy-to-navigate tech solutions, our full-fledged services also include stuff augmentation, product engineering, CMS development, and cloud solutions.
Their customer support is also satisfactory. If you’re looking for easy, scalable, and affordable front-end services, Getweb is the best website development agency for you.
If you’re looking for a front end development company with a rich knowledge of the software industry, Designli can be your best bet.
This South Carolina-based company excels at website design and you’ll realize that yourself when you visit their official website.
Their supportive team will make your web designing process a breeze, and you’ll surely be happy with the results.
They’re especially good at transferring ideas into viable web solutions. Some of the biggest clients they’ve worked with are Siemens, Wawa, Mister Softee, and LA Gear, among others.
ChopDawg is based in Philadelphia and known for their inclination towards supporting startups. If you’re worried about your startup’s digital presence, ChopDawg is a great front end development company to work with.
Cosmico Studios
This agency is headquartered in Miami, Florida and offers full-cycle web design and mobile app development services.
They work more like your company’s extension, rather than a freelance team. If you’re looking for a reliable agency that is fun to work with, keep Cosmico Studios in consideration.
Arvi Webaholic
If you’re looking for fast, reliable, and professional front end development services, Arvi Webaholic deserves your attention. Whether you want to revamp your existing website, or want to create something new, they can be of great help.
Their proactive team will regularly update you on the progress and give necessary guidance to make your website a success.
They also offer help getting more traffic into your website through their digital marketing and optimization service. If you’re looking for a small and efficient front end development company, Arvi can help.
With their expertise in design and development, they can help you create the perfect user experience to drive more conversions and increase your bottom line.
So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch with a front-end developer agency today and pave the way for ultimate success!
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