#Security Breach show
daka-d3monb0y · 4 days
This made my day
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My art entry for the SBS pride event on discord
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(Click on image to see better)
Drew this yesterday but forgot to post it- I hope it gets into the video once the event is over in two weeks-
Gonna draw my FV AU pride thing next so stick around to see that ig-
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narabea06 · 21 days
Happy 3 Year Anniversary FAFFS :>
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Big announcement
I’m reputed across many socials for loving Golden Freddy. I built my entire TikTok account of 2K on it, I made it through the TSBS discord with it, and I made my TSBS x AGA AU on it. I am know for being a Golden Freddy obsessor through and through.
I don’t like Golden Freddy anymore.
I’ve been disinterested for weeks, maybe even months. I didn’t have the courage to come out and say it because…for the past year, maybe even two, I’ve built everything on it. But I’m sorry, I can’t pretend anymore.
The TSBS x AGA AU will be changed. TSBS Golden and Phantom will no longer be in it, but instead Sun and Moon.
I’m sorry.
Until I figure out what to name myself, I will be going by “Salts1stWife”
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livingwrite-andrepeat · 3 months
I can’t change how long it’s up for but this poll ends March 25
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twister-sister · 3 months
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Done for the security breach show server, it came out pretty good so I'm posting it here to.
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possumsarenice · 3 months
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So are we gonna make angsty fanart and fics about this oooooor
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ordronn153 · 3 months
Yayy oc
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I'll talk about him more later- YEAH HE IS BEAR FOOT SO WHAT???
I'll talk abt yin later I guess-
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wo3backup · 5 months
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I admit, I watch the security breach show.
With my love for the daycare attendants you would think my first fan drawing of the shows would be them. No, its magical girl puppet.
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tsamsconfessions · 5 months
Decided to do one of these because I saw one for the DCA fandom itself.
1: No racism, homophobia, transphobia, ect
2: Nothing nsfw
3: ship talk is fine just don't shit on any
4: Theories, headcanons, and stuff like.
5: death threats to me, about characters, or other users isn't aloud. it's fine to dislike a character but threats are uncalled for.
Not sure what else to add to this but talk of aus from the shows themselves, your versions of those, or your own aus is alright to send.
A confession blog for the sun and moon show but can be as a general one for the other security breach shows as well.
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lover-of-skellies · 6 months
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daka-d3monb0y · 8 days
S.a.M.S Human AU
Since you don't have the AU from beginning to end it doesn't all make sense. But Jack is a clone of Moon and Solar's DNA. Solar was making a cloning machine for fun, Moon walked into it not knowing what it was. When Solar tried to get him out their DNA combined to make Jack. Since it wasn't finished he has some issues. He has the mentality of a child but the body of an adult, though he's a bit shorter than Moon. Solar named him Jack because of the scarring around his mouth that looked like a Jack O Lantern.
They didn't originally treat Jack like a child, but the more they interacted with them the more it made sense.
Moon is autistic and so is Jack. So yeah autistic child often mistaken for an adult.
Monty dyed his hair orange/red.
I think that's all the information you need?? Enjoy the little thing.
Monty opened the front door, Jack ran in. “Sun!” He excitedly ran up to Sun. Sun has been cleaning the living room.
“Oh, hey, Jack. Oh you got a- uh- pumpkin mask. Jack O’ Lantern or whatever.”
“It has a mouth like mine!”
“Yeah it does, bud.”
Monty smiled. “We went out and got him new clothes.”
“That's nice of you, Monty.”
Jack excitedly waved his arms. “I have wings!!” He put his hood on and turned around, his jacket had little pink dragon wings.
“Woah, awesome!”
“Yes! We went to The Hot Topic.”
“I assumed. Very fun.”
Monty put down two bags on the sofa. “Well, that's all. He's always welcome at my place. So are you, Sun. Or call me if you want to be by yourself, I can let you stay in one of my other houses.”
“Thank you, Monty.”
“Eh don't mention it.”
Jack ran over and hugged his torso. “Thank you, Montgomery!”
He rubbed Jack's head. “ ‘Course, kid. Be good for Uncle Sun.”
He nodded.
“He hasn't eaten yet because he said he wanted Dino nuggets, is that okay, Sun?”
“Oh, yeah. I'll make him some Dinosaur nuggets.”
“Dino nuggies!” he said.
“Yes, Jack, Dino nuggets.”
“Well, I'm off. Bye.”
“Goodbye!” Jack said.
“Bye,” Sun said.
Jack looked up at Sun. “We searched for Solar.”
“I was unsuccessful in my mission.”
“J-Jack, he's dead.”
“We won't find him again?”
“No, Jack.”
He stared down at the ground.
“I'll start on the Dino nuggets.” Sun walked over to the kitchen.
“Nuggies!” Jack came running over.
Jack slipped and fell.
Sun stared at him. “Did that hurt?”
“I think I felt my bones go ka chunk.”
“T-t-that’s- Oh my god, are you okay?”
Jack hopped up. “Yessss.”
“Oh my god, you are so Solar's kid. I- Let's eat and I'll have Moon check for broken bones. Idk if he knows how to fix it but… well Eclipse does.” Sun pulled nuggets out of the freezer.
“Why do you dislike him?”
“Because, Jack, Eclipse has done horrible things.”
“What do you mean?”
“Why don't you hate him? I thought you shared memories with Moon- wait, you have memory loss, I forgot.”
“Well, uh, Eclipse is a bad guy. He's, um, well… He just is. I can't tell you everything he's done.”
Sun put the nuggets in the oven. “Well, your nuggets are cooking.”
“Can we watch Gravity Falls?”
“Oh, sure, bud. That's a good show.”
“You- I love how you talk.”
I write chapters based on episodes. So this is based on when Jack got turned into a pumpkin thingie. Hence the mask and the new hoodie or whatever. At the moment I am showing you scenes tho. Like oneshots I guess.
Oh Jack did not break his bones, he was being dramatic. He did get bruised though. Even if he had broken a bone he would get back up and brush it off lol.
(Oh I have a Detective AU I'll post).
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mxonstcne · 7 months
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Shadow Toy Chica :: oh em gee!!
felt like adding finishing touches
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auzzyash · 8 months
quotes from latest CBaGFS ep because it makes me feral
"You're not welcome here, dear BROTHER." "Oh, it does not matter if I am welcome here or not, you have no chance. Ahhh, there you are, look at you. Small, fragile, old, crusted body...nothing like your former self." -----------------------------------------------
"So, what's on the menu tonight? Going to have...steak, maybe play the piano a bit, maybe we can even just talk like olden times." "You lost that when you BETRAYED me."
"Oh, brother, you're so...angry. I haven't seen you this frustrated in a long time! I wonder why?" "YOU STOLE THE BODY OF MY SON!!!" "Oooh...yes. I-I did, I forgot."
---------------------------------------------- "You're a monster. You came back into his life just to steal from him. Just to hurt him!" "Oh, brother, I'm hurt by those words."
"You're not allowed to call him your son. You're not allowed to even call him your family!" ----------------------------------------------- "If she saw you right now, she would be DISGUSTED by what you became."
----------------------------------------------- "If you weren't in his body. I would make myself physical just to KICK YOUR A-" -----------------------------------------------
In conclusion, Phantom is a dick, Golden is the GOAT, and CBaGFS is better than SaMS.
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TSBS headcannon!
I headcannon that whenever past Golden & Phantom went to restaurants, Phantom would always be rude and snarky to the waiter/waitress. It didn’t matter what type of restaurant it was, this would happen EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Then Golden would ignore it for a while but as it got worse he would be super nice to the waiter/waitress and the waiter/waitress would end up going home with like a $10000 dollar tip
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kallister14 · 10 months
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