#Sehun x Reader
nanawritesit · 9 months
Being EXO’s fem!idol crush who gets shipped with them - Maknae Line Ver.
Hyung Line Ver.
a/n: this is based on the SM girl group idol au that i wrote a while back, please read that first so that the writing will make sense :) AND these scenarios are LONG (esp. Chanyeol’s omg it took FOREVER) so i’m splitting this into two parts! enjoy :)
TW: kissing, sleeping in the same bed, mentions of food, slightly suggestive remarks, mentions of bullying, being held, sitting on his lap, mild cursing
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You were both sent by the company to be on a new variety show called “Idol Roommates,” where a bunch of idols would be living together in the same house for a month. SM had sent you, Chanyeol, Yeri, and Ten, Hybe had sent Beomgyu, Jake, Sakura, and Minji, and JYP had sent Bangchan, Yuna, Lily, and and Gunil. The fans were super excited to see all of their favorite idols be roommates, and you had to admit, you were a little too excited to be living in such close proximity with Chanyeol.
The first episode began with you all arriving to the house with your label mates, and greeting all the other idols in the kitchen. There were cameras hidden all around the house, except for in the bathrooms, so you never really could tell what was being broadcasted and what wasn’t.
“So, what do we do first?” Sakura asked once everyone had arrived.
“Oh, there’s a note here on the table…” Bangchan said as he reached for it. “‘Welcome to your new home for the next month! In this bowl are all of your names. Please draw for your roommate and choose your rooms in order of your ages.’” he read aloud.
“Well, Chanyeol hyung is the oldest, so he goes first.” Ten explained, patting Chanyeol’s shoulder.
“Wow, you don’t have to rub it in.” Chanyeol joked, a playful smile on his face. Everyone laughed along with him, quieting down when he reached into the bowl to draw a name.
“Y/N.” he announced. Everyone turned to you expectantly. Yeri and Ten shot you mischievous grins, to which you blushed and looked away. They knew about your enormous crush on Chanyeol, how he had been your bias since high school, and how you used to have posters of him all over your wall. You shot them a dangerous glare before turning to Chanyeol.
“Alright, shall we go pick our room?” you proposed, desperate to get the attention off yourself.
“Yeah, let’s go!” he agreed, leading you up the stairs.
“This one looks the biggest.” you suggested after you had surveyed all the rooms.
He walked over from the other end of the hall and glanced inside the room you were talking about. “Alright, works for me!”
You had separate beds on opposite sides of the room, but it was still a little awkward. The two of you had several interactions in the past, and they were all pleasant, but mostly formal. You began unpacking your suitcases and shuffling around the room to get settled in silence.
As you did so, you could hear the other groupings running excitedly up the stairs to claim their rooms. Ten and Sakura were first, then Bangchan and Yeri. Gunil had picked Jake, then Beomgyu picked Lily, and that left Yuna and Minji together. Hearing the chatter of your colleagues in the background helped ease the tension a bit.
“Do you sleep with a light on?” Chanyeol asked suddenly, making you jump a bit.
You nodded sheepishly. “I’m a bit scared of the dark to be honest.”
“Ah, you’ll have to remind me. I don’t sleep with a light. Are you okay with having a fan on?”
“Yeah, I don’t mind that!” you told him, shuffling awkwardly. “I’m sorry you got stuck rooming with me. I know I’m not the most fun person in the world.”
“No, don’t be sorry… I’m actually relieved that I drew your name.” he told you reassuringly.
“Really?” you asked, cocking your head to the side in curiosity. “Why’s that?”
“Because you’re one of the few people I feel comfortable around in the idol world.” he answered, a tiny, bashful grin on his face.
You tried to ignore the flush creeping up your cheeks. “I feel the same way about you.”
Suddenly, Bangchan and Yeri appeared at your door. “Hey, are you guys ready for the debrief? We’re all heading downstairs now.” Chan asked.
“Yeah, let’s go.” Chanyeol replied, leading you out of the room. He followed Bangchan down the stairs, and with their backs to you, Yeri turned around and wiggled her brows at you. You pushed her forward a bit out of annoyance, causing her to tumble down the stairs by a few steps. You instinctively reached out for her, then looked at her, concerned. You both broke out into laughter, her gripping onto the railing and you holding onto her.
“That would’ve sucked.” Yeri chuckled, holding onto her stomach from laughing so hard.
“Okay, so all the housework has been assigned.” Sakura declared, setting down her slice of pizza. “We’ll do meals in order of oldest to youngest, and chores in order of youngest to oldest.”
The production company had sent you all pizza for your first dinner, but you were instructed to prepare meals for the house for the rest of the time you would be there. That meant that you and Chanyeol would be preparing breakfast tomorrow.
For the remainder of the night, you all just chilled in the enormous living room and talked about all of your careers while a movie played on the TV. Conversation was flowing so smoothly that time just seemed to fly by, and before you knew it, everyone was getting up to get ready for bed, including you and Chanyeol.
“You can take a shower first.” he told you, sitting down at his bed to check his phone.
“Okay, thanks!” you chirped, making your way over to the bathroom.
Once you were done and in your pajamas, which embarrassingly enough had little kittens all over them, you padded your way back over to your own bed. “It’s all yours.” you told him.
“Awesome, be right back.” he responded, getting up from his bed. He did a double take as he looked at you. “Nice pajamas. They’re cute.”
You blushed, trying to focus on drying your hair. “Thank you. Kaori got them for me and I just can’t resist wearing them, even if they are kind of silly.”
“They’re perfect.” he smiled as he walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind him.
You sighed, placing your hands on your cheeks to cool them off. Get it together Y/N. You’re on TV.
You went about the rest of your nightly routine, then curled up in bed to scroll on your phone for a bit. After a while, you heard the water shut off, meaning that Chanyeol was done with his shower. And then it happened. Everything went to black.
You yelped a bit at the sudden darkness, gripping onto your blankets.
“Guys?” you heard Gunil shout from down the hallway.
Everyone started emerging into the hallway with their phone flashlights on. “Is everyone okay?” you heard Lily ask.
“Everyone’s here except for Chanyeol and Y/N.” Jake stated. You heard shuffling down the hallway coming towards your room, which only made your anxiety worsen. You didn’t want any of your adult colleagues to see you scared out of your mind just because the electricity went out.
Just as you were preparing to face your housemates, Chanyeol emerged from the bathroom and practically sprinted over to the door with his own phone’s flashlight.
“Yeah, we’re both good in here.” he told your housemates from the doorway, shielding you from the view. “Since it’s the middle of the night anyway, I say we just all go to sleep. The production company’s cameras will have suddenly shut off, so I’m sure they’ll fix it by morning.”
“Yeah, that’s a good point.” Chan agreed. “Well, since everyone’s okay, let’s just go back to our rooms.”
Once everyone was back in their rooms, Chanyeol rushed over to you, sitting down on your bed. “Are you okay?” he asked, his voice dripping with concern. You had never seen him so serious before.
“Yeah… just scared…” you shuddered, gripping onto your blankets.
“It’s okay, nothing is gonna happen to you. I promise.” he comforted you, patting your shoulder. “Do you think you can try to go to sleep?”
You thought for a moment, then shook your head. “I’d be too anxious. I know that nothing is going to happen to me, but it’s just a fear I’ve never been able to shake.”
He looked as if he was tossing an idea around in his head. Hesitantly, he looked back up at you. “Would you be able to sleep if we shared a bed?”
Your eyes went wide. Was Park Chanyeol actually offering to sleep in the same bed as you just so you would feel safe? It was as if all of your dreams were coming true in this moment.
You coughed awkwardly. “Well um… you don’t have to if it makes you uncomfortable, but… it would definitely help.” you stuttered out.
“I don’t mind at all.” he told you, a comforting smile on his features. “I just want you to feel better.”
You grinned, feeling your heart swell with emotions, then scooched over to make room for him.
It was obviously a little bit awkward at first. You both faced away from each other, a good three inches of space between the two of you. You thought that was going to be how the rest of the night went, until you started shaking.
“Y/N, are you trembling?” Chanyeol asked, turning towards you.
You froze. “Um… yeah. I’m sorry. I’m just scared.” you sighed in humiliation.
“It’s alright… do you want me to hold you?” he offered, placing a hand on your shoulder.
“I… I don’t want you to feel like you have to…” you spat out reluctantly, even though your heart was screaming at you to say yes immediately.
“I want to, Y/N.” he told you, a slight chuckle slipping out as he did so. “I mean, who doesn’t want to hold the person they like as they fall asleep?”
Your heart stopped. More than anything, you said in your head.
Your mouth fell open in shock, and you frantically flopped over to face him completely. “You like me?”
He nodded, a small smirk on his face. “I thought it was obvious.”
Your face broke out into a huge, toothy grin, and you lunged forward to hide your blushing face in his chest. He chuckled at your bashfulness, closing his arms around you in a tight embrace.
“Shall we get some sleep?” he asked.
You happily nodded in his hold. “I think I can manage now that I’ll have something to dream about.”
“Goodnight Y/N.” he whispered, placing a gentle kiss to your forehead before curling up around you.
“Goodnight Chanyeol.”
In the morning, you tumbled awake to see him sitting up against the headboard scrolling on his phone. “I was just about to wake you up.” he chuckled, ruffling your hair. “Did you sleep well?”
You nodded groggily, smiling through squinted eyes. “All thanks to you.” you curled into his side.
“Although you look super adorable right now, we really should get started on breakfast.” he suggested. “We don’t want everyone going hungry.”
“I suppose so…” you sighed, getting out of bed. You both threw on your robes and slippers and made your way downstairs to the kitchen.
“Alright, what are we working with?” Chanyeol inquired as he opened the fridge, inspecting its contents.
“Well first of all, we’re going to need lots of coffee.” you giggled, busying yourself with the coffee pot.
“Very true. I can get started on some eggs and bacon while you do that.” he decided, swiping the ingredients out of the fridge and moving over to the stove. You prepared breakfast in a comfortable silence, that was, until the front door swung open, and three suited men strode in. You recognized one as your manager, but had no idea who the other two were.
“Hyung? What’s going on?” Chanyeol asked one of the men you didn’t know. You now assumed it was his manager.
“Don’t worry, we shut the cameras off this morning.” the man responded to him. “However, the production manager would like to tell you something.” He turned to the last remaining unidentified man and looked at him begrudgingly. Your own manager looked equally as annoyed with the supposed production manager, tapping his foot impatiently.
The man sighed. “The electrical outage was staged last night. Cameras were rolling throughout the entire night, and everything that went on was broadcasted.”
“You mean… the fans saw…?” you asked meekly, feeling your heart drop into your stomach.
“Yes, they saw you and Chanyeol sleeping in the same bed and confessing to one another.” your manager told you, a sympathetic look in his eyes. “I’m sorry kid. They didn’t tell us about this, or else we would’ve told you not to act as if you were in private.”
“There is, however, a bit of good news that goes along with this.” Chanyeol’s manager interjected. “The fans are really happy about it.”
You both snapped your heads up in shock. “Really?”
“Our ratings went through the roof.” the production manager explained. “Just in the past eight hours, we’ve received more viewers than any of our previous pilot episodes combined.”
“What are they saying?” you inquired, still incredibly surprised that the response was positive. Fans were not usually supportive of idol romance, wanting to maintain their own personal fantasies about their idols being available. In fact, “Idol Roomates” was kind of a controversial show because it allowed male and female idols to live together as if they were couples.
“See for yourself.” your manager instructed, holding his phone out to you. You began scrolling through some recent tweets he had pulled up on his phone, Chanyeol looking over your shoulder to read them with you.
channie was soooo sweet to comfort y/n while she was afraid of the dark 🥺 i love seeing him be so soft to her ❤️
that innocent forehead kiss!!! i love them so much!!! <3
“Wow… that’s amazing.” Chanyeol marveled, running a hand through his hair. “So… what now?”
“Well, that’s up to you guys.” his manager replied. “The company has given us the okay to either confirm or deny the relationship based on your wishes.”
You both glanced at the floor, thinking to yourselves for a moment. Suddenly, you looked up and realized that you didn’t owe anyone an explanation.
“Let’s not say anything.” you suggested. Everyone looked over to you with a slightly shocked expression.
“Nothing?” your manager asked. “You mean, just let them wonder?”
“Actually, that’s not a bad idea…” the production manager agreed, tapping his chin in thought. “They are the most popular couple on the show, and no matter what, there are going to be skeptics on whether or not it was staged. Why don’t we just let the show be an experiment?”
“And if we ever do develop a relationship, this can be looked back on as where it developed.” Chanyeol grinned, taking your hand in his.
You grinned at him appreciatively, then turned back to your manager. “Is that okay?”
He shrugged, an amused smile on his face. “It’s your call, kid.”
You looked back over at Chanyeol, who gave you a determined nod.
“Let’s do it.” you decided.
“Alright, case closed.” Chanyeol’s manager stated, clapping his hands together. “We’re going to see that you guys have a few minutes to speak with each other alone before they turn the cameras back on...” He shot a dirty look to the production manager before continuing. “… but other than that, we hope you have fun on the show. And please, don’t take it too far. Fans can be quite temperamental.”
As soon as the three men left the room, you turnt to Chanyeol. “Did you really mean that?”
“What? That I see us developing a relationship?” he asked, scratching his head with a cute smile. “I thought that much was obvious.”
You giggled, shaking your head at yourself. “This is the second time I’ve been completely oblivious. I feel like such a fool.”
“You’re not a fool.” he reassured you, pulling you into his arms for a tight hug. His height always allowed him to give the best hugs. He made you feel so safe and cared for. “You have nothing to be ashamed of.”
“Thank you…” you whimpered into his chest. “I really do want to make this work.”
“And it will.” he grinned, rocking you slightly. “I promise.”
You looked up, resting your chin on his chest. “I believe you. You promised nothing would happen to me last night, and you were right.”
He smiled down at you affectionately. “There’s one more thing I want to do with these last few minutes we’ll get alone.”
“Hm?” you asked, once again oblivious to his insinuation.
Before you even had time to register what was happening, his lips were on yours. His hands came up to hold onto your face and press himself further up against you. You held your breath, then relaxed into his arms, hands linking together behind his neck. He began to deepen the kiss, puckering his lips against yours repeatedly and darting his tongue between them periodically. When you were completely out of air, you pulled back, both of your chests heaving against one another.
“I can’t wait until this show is over and we can have some real privacy.” you grinned suggestively. “Now, shall we finish breakfast?”
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You rubbed your sweaty palms against the rough material of your jeans, taking a deep shaky breath as you waited in the recording studio. Usually when you were nervous in a place like this, it was because you were worried about messing up your notes or forgetting the lyrics. But that wasn’t the case today. You had practiced the drama’s OST relentlessly, and knew the song forwards, backwards, and sideways. What you were nervous about was the fact that you were going to be singing a duet with Do Kyungsoo.
Not only were you totally intimidated by his vocals, but you also had the most mortifying crush on him. Everyone at the company seemed to know about it except him, and you wanted to keep it that day. You just hoped you wouldn’t make a fool of yourself in front of him today.
You jumped as he entered the room, springing to your feet. He looked ungodly handsome, clad in a black button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up halfway and jeans.
“Hey Y/N.” he smiled warmly as you locked eyes. “How’s it going?”
“Hey, I’ve been really good!” you choked out, playing with the sleeve of your sweater. “How about you? I saw you guys were in Jeju Island last week. I mean, on Instagram, I wasn’t there stalking you or anything. Not that I’m not a fan, but…” you stopped yourself before you dug down into an even deeper hole.
He chuckled at your babbling, somehow finding it endearing. “We were, it was a really good trip. Although I almost threw Baekhyun off a cliff while we were hiking.”
“Oh, that’s not good! Accidents happen, I suppose.” you shrugged, brushing your hair back behind your ears. You could feel a thin layer of sweat on the back of your neck, a telltale sign that you were nervous. You had to tell yourself to calm down, you didn’t want to look sweaty when they filmed the video.
“Oh no, it would’ve been on purpose. He was being insufferable.” he explained, grinning evilly. God, he was so attractive.
You laughed, genuinely this time. “I get it. Sometimes I want to strangle the girls.”
He hummed in amusement. “Look at us, bonding over wanting to kill our members.”
You giggled at his comment, feeling yourself relax slightly. Maybe this isn’t going to be so ba-
“Alright guys, the company wants us to film the video now, so in the booth.” your manager decreed as he entered the room.
“We don’t get a chance to practice at all?” Kyungsoo asked, looking understandably irritated.
“I’m sorry guys, they forgot about the deadline they gave the marketing team for the drama.” the other man explained sympathetically. “They need it within the next hour, and editing is going to need at least a half hour after we film it.”
“Awesome…” you sighed, grabbing a pair of headphones and following Kyungsoo into the booth.
You could feel your nerves getting the better of you, making your hands shake and your throat go dry, both of which would not be good for your performance.
Kyungsoo seemed to notice this, and grabbed your hand gently. Your heart stopped, making you freeze in place.
“Hey, you’ve got this.” he whispered with a comforting smile. “You have the voice of an angel.”
Butterflies swarmed in your stomach. He thought your voice was angelic?
“Alright guys, camera is rolling.” your manager said from the control panel. Music starting in 3…2…”
You exhaled as the music started, letting yourself ease up. You glanced over at Kyungsoo. He was looking at you with such kind, sensitive eyes. You couldn’t help the smile that appeared on your face as you began to sing your lines. When you were looking at him, it was really easy to belt out a love song.
He seemed to feel the same way as he started singing his own verse, his smile never faltering as he gazed into your eyes affectionately.
As you began to sing the chorus together, it was like the stars aligned. You were perfectly in synch, voices intertwining together like two rivers of golden honey merging into one. You were both putting so much passion and energy into the song, the lyrics resonating in both of your hearts as you looked at one another.
As the song came to a close, you both held your notes until the music ended, looking at each other breathlessly. Both of your eyes were twinkling, and you could feel chills running down your spine. That was the best duet you had ever sung with anyone.
“That was amazing you guys!” your manager suddenly said, snapping you out of your daze. “I don’t know how you guys did it perfect on the first try, but great job!”
“Uh, thanks!” you stammered, removing your headphones. You started to blush as you realized the amazing connection you and Kyungsoo had just had. Your anxiety was quickly returning, causing you to act without thinking.
You turned to him. “God, it’s hot in here. Are you hot? I mean, you are hot, I mean-“
He looked at you expectantly, as if you could possibly recover from that humiliating sentence. However, he didn’t look embarrassed at all. He had a hopeful glint in his eyes and an anticipated smile.
However, you were far too overwhelmed with your own nerves to notice. “Well, I’m gonna go home. See you later alligator!”
And with that, you bolted out of the studio and ran back to your dorm, not stopping until you were back in your bedroom. Nabi and Kaori were shouting after you, but you just ignored them, slamming your door behind you.
You collapsed your back against the door and slid down until you were on the floor, placing your head in your hands. “‘See you later alligator?’ What am I, 50?!”
After a few hours of cycling through rotting in your bed, pacing the floor in anxiety, crying out of humiliation, and passing out from exhaustion, you were disturbed by yet another knock on your door. You groaned, assuming it was one of your members trying to talk to you again.
“Dude, I love you, but go away, I need to be alone.” you grumbled, pulling your pillow up over your head.
You heard the door open and someone walk in, but you didn’t have the energy to look up. Maybe if I stay really still, they’ll think I’m dead, and then they’ll leave, you thought.
You felt them sink down on the bed next to you and place a hand on your shoulder. “Y/N? Can we talk?”
You snapped up, eyes widening as you realized who was in front of you. “Kyungsoo!” You frantically fixed your hair and wiped your face. “Oh god, I look terrible…”
“No you don’t.” he chuckled, brushing a strand of your hair behind your ear.
You froze at his touch, relishing the feeling of his fingers in your hair before blinking back to reality. “What are you doing here?”
“Well, I just thought you should know how well our OST is doing.” he grinned, pulling out his phone. You leaned forward to see the music video you made that already had millions of views in just a few short hours.
“Wow, people love it this much?” you asked in disbelief.
“That’s not all. Look at the comments.” he handed you his phone, and you did as he asked.
You know this drama’s gonna be good when they got Y/N AND Kyungsoo to sing the OST… total power vocal couple!
Y/N and Kyungsoo might as well be the main couple in the drama, their chemistry is insane
the way they sing the song to each other… my heart 💓 💓💓
You couldn’t help the giddy feeling that was blooming in your chest, attempting to fight off your smile to no avail. “They really like us, huh?”
He nodded, setting his phone back down. “There’s another reason I came here.”
“Hm?” you asked, cocking your head to the side in curiosity.
He took your hand in his, just as he had done in the recording booth earlier. “Y/N, you don’t have to be so nervous around me. I think you’re adorable, and I really like you.”
Fireworks went off in your stomach. “Y-you do?”
“Of course I do.” he laughed, shaking your hand in exaggeration. “Why do you think I asked to sing the OST with you?”
Your jaw unhinged in shock. “You asked to be paired with me?”
“Well yeah, how else was I going to get close to you?” he chuckled. “I was going to ask you out after we finished, but you ran away so quickly, I never got the chance.
You blinked at him a few times, then erupted into a fit of laughter. He joined you, doubling over slightly.
As you both settled down, he leaned in closer. “Will you go out with me?” he practically whispered.
You nodded enthusiastically. “Yes, yes! Of course I will!”
He smiled brighter than you had ever seen him do before, then slowly inched closer to your face. His eyes were focused on your lips.
Deciding you had been oblivious enough for one day, you took the hint and closed the distance between the two of you, crashing your lips onto his. He placed a hand delicately on your cheek, then began deepening the kiss, until you both pulled away, eyelids fluttering open slowly.
He smirked. “So, where do you want to go, angel voice?”
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“You’ve got it… you’ve got it…” Ten instructed you, guiding your movements. You were both in the dance practice room, covered in sweat as you went through the routine. You were working on a partner dance for your next solo album, and you wanted it to be with Ten, but somehow it just wasn’t going as planned. You were stumbling through the steps, there was no flow so your movements were jerky, and you somehow couldn’t shake the tense expression from your face.
As the music finished, you awkwardly caught your footing and struck the most pathetic ending pose you’d ever done. Ten gave you a crooked smile out of sympathy, which somehow made you feel ten times worse.
“Ugh, this is hopeless.” you sighed, throwing your hands up in resignation as you plopped down on the floor and leaned your back up against the mirror. “I’m never going to get this routine down in time.”
“Hey, it’s not your fault.” he attempted to reassure you, sitting down next to you. “You’re doing everything right. Sometimes, it just takes a little while to get the right feel for it.”
“Yeah, or I’m just a horrible dancer.” you huffed. You put your head in your hands and scrunched up your hair. The shoot was in two weeks, and this routine had to be perfect. Your fans deserved nothing less.
Ten was conflicted on what he should say next. On one hand, he wanted to tell you how amazing and talented you were, but on the other hand, he knew it wasn’t going to mean anything if you didn’t believe it yourself. He decided to grab a water bottle and hand it to you with a warm smile. “How about you just take a little break? I’m sure you’ll feel better in a few minutes.”
You smiled back at him, taking the water bottle from him gratefully. Your brow furrowed as he stood up and walked towards the door. “Where are you going?”
“I’m gonna go find something that’ll help.” he grinned over his shoulder before leaving the room.
You shook your head at his cryptic behavior, then collapsed back against the mirror, staring up at the ceiling in desperation. Please God, if you’re listening, please send me something to help with this dance.
“Y/N?” you heard someone ask from the doorway.
You snapped your head down to see who it was, and smiled widely at the pleasant sight before you. “Kai! What are you doing here?”
“Just checking in on my favorite junior.” he smirked, shutting the door behind him as he strolled in. His hands were shoved in the pockets of his jacket as he stopped in front of you, looking you over with a concerned expression. “What are you doing on the floor?”
“Just taking a break.” you replied, stretching slightly. “I’m too bad of a dancer not to.”
He frowned, crouching down to your level to glare at you. “Don’t say that about yourself. You’re an amazing dancer.”
“You haven’t seen me practice this routine.” you chuckled. “I’m sure you would change your mind if you did.”
“Alright then, show me.” he demanded, standing back up and taking a step back.
“Wait, like now?” you asked, slowly getting up yourself. “You don’t even know the routine…”
“I’m sure I can improvise.” he grinned, taking his jacket off and throwing it to the side, leaving him in just a cutoff tank top and sweats. “What, do you doubt my skills?”
“Absolutely not.” you chuckled. You had been secretly admiring him since before you even became a trainee, in more ways than one.
You got into position and waited for the music to start, then thrust into action as you began the routine. The first half went almost perfect, as it was just your solo part. You began to get nervous as the duet portion approached, feeling your muscles begin to tense up.
Kai approached you and placed his hands gently on your waist, a focused spark in his eyes. He somehow knew the exact partner position, and began guiding you across the floor.
“Relax, relax…” he instructed calmly, “remember to breathe.” He spun you around and placed a hand on the small of your back.
You inhaled deeply, holding the breath in your chest for a bit, then exhaled and released all the tension you didn’t realize you were holding onto. You started being able to flow through the moves better, but now you were hyper-focusing the footwork.
“Hey, don’t look at your feet. Focus on me.” he brought you back to center once again, twirling you back to face him and placing his hands on the sides of your face.
You looked up at him, locking in on his pretty brown eyes. It was as if they were telling you exactly what you needed to do, and for a moment, your body was running on autopilot, and all you thought about was being close to him.
“Show me that pretty smile, white swan.” he chuckled with a playful grin, instantly making you giggle and blush.
You actually couldn’t believe that you were going through the entire routine without any problems, and as you struck the ending pose, you were absolutely speechless. “That was…”
“Brilliant!” Ten suddenly interrupted you, causing you to jump away from Kai defensively.
“T-Ten!” you stammered nervously. “We were just-“
“It’s okay, I told him to come here.” your best friend smirked from the doorway. “I found him in the hall and he asked how you were doing.”
“You did?” you asked, a touched lilt to your voice.
“I told you, I wanted to check in on my favorite junior.” Kai explained, brushing the hair out of his face with an innocent half smile. “Ten said you were having trouble with the dance, so I had him show me the training video, and then I told him I’d help you.”
“Oh, well that’s a relief...” you sighed, glad you didn’t have to explain yourself to Ten. “So, you’re not-?”
“Jealous? Hardly.” he chortled, shaking his head. “In fact, I think you should do the dance with Kai for your music video.”
Your jaw unhinged slightly in shock. “Really?”
“Oh yeah, the chemistry is way better. You really seem to enjoy yourself when you’re dancing with him.” he teased, winking at you inadvertently.
You shot him a warning glare, then turned back to Kai. “Is that alright with you?”
“It’d be my pleasure.” he grinned, extending his hand to you. “Shall we?”
It had been a week since your latest solo comeback dropped, and all of Starlight was losing their minds over it. Albums sold out everywhere, you had already one two awards, and everywhere you went, you heard it being played on the radio.
After one of your performance stages, you were sitting in your dressing room, and decided to look over some of the comments on the music video again. You always loved seeing what your fans had to say about your work.
There were a lot about how pretty you looked, how beautiful your vocals were, and how proud of you your fans were, all of which made you giddy with appreciation. However, some were starting to stick out to you and pique your interest. Particularly, the ones about your dance with Kai.
the tension between Y/N and Kai is so thick you could cut it with a knife 👀
i don’t think i’ve ever seen our Y/N dance so well with anyone else than with Kai… i hope they do more stuff together :)
anyone else think Y/N and Kai would make the PERFECT couple??? just me???
You felt your cheeks grow red and warm at the insinuation. I mean, sure, you had been fantasizing about dating Kai for years now. But now that you knew your fans approved, it was all the more flustering.
“Knock knock.” someone interrupted your thoughts as they entered your dressing room.
You looked up, then scoffed playfully. “Kai, if you keep showing up unannounced, I’m going to have to start locking my door. I could’ve been bare faced!”
“And you’d still look just as beautiful.” he commented, smiling at you genuinely.
You pouted your lips affectionately, then stood up to hug him. “Thank you so much.”
“Me? What for?” he asked, wrapping his arms around you to reciprocate the hug.
“If it wasn’t for you, I never would’ve gotten that dance down.” you beamed into his shoulder.
A quiet chuckle rang through your ears. “You already had everything you needed to accomplish it. I just pointed you in the right direction.”
You gave him one final squeeze, then invited him to sit down on the couch with you. “So, what brings you all the way here?”
“Well, I had to admit, seeing you do the dance with that backup dancer on stage made me pretty jealous.” he replied, a more serious expression appearing on his face.
“Oh?” you inquired, folding your hands in your lap. “Is that so?”
He nodded slowly. “Indeed. I was going to let it go, but after reading some of the comments on your music video, I was inspired to do something about it.”
Your heart soared as you imagined him reading the exact comments as you had read previously. Did he feel the same butterflies when he read them over?
“And what exactly are you going to do?” you asked, feeling your nerves vibrate harder with every passing second.
“I want to ask you out.” he told you. He leaned in closer to you, to where you could see the sparkle in his eyes. “Is that alright?”
“Yes, it is.” you replied, letting a huge smile plaster itself across your face. “And yes, I’ll absolutely go out with you.”
He replicated your large grin, patting your leg affectionately. “That’s wonderful. Because I don’t want you dancing with anyone else.”
You chuckled, squeezing his hand a bit. “Well, you’re going to have to fight my members for that right.”
He thought to himself for a moment, then shook his head. “I don’t think I could take them, they’re pretty tough. I’ll settle for being the only guy you dance with.”
“Deal.” you giggled, leaning forward to place a soft kiss on his cheek. “Thank you again, Kai.”
“You’re welcome, white swan.” he chimed. He rose up from his seat and walked over to the door. “I’ll leave you to unwind. I’ll text you later to set up the date, okay?”
You nodded, waving goodbye to him. “Sounds good, talk to you later!”
You turnt back to your mirror, beginning to brush out your curls. However, you were startled as Kai ran back into the room quickly.
He placed a bouquet of flowers on the vanity in front of you, then kissed you on the cheek briskly. “I almost forgot, these are for you. Congratulations on such a good comeback.”
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“Excuse me, pardon me, ‘it girl’ coming through!” Nabi declared as you made your way through the busy photo shoot studio.
“Ugh, shut up Nabi!” you scowled over your shoulder at her. “I hate it when you call me that!”
“Hey, I’m not the only one.” the leader shrugged, chuckling mischievously. “Everyone calls you that nowadays.”
“Well, I’d prefer to only deal with it when I’m being interviewed.” you scoffed, setting your bag down at your vanity.
“Spoken like a true queen.” Nabi smirked, crossing her arms across her chest.
You rolled your eyes. “Why did you even come with me today?”
The younger girl shrugged. “You’ve been stressed lately. I figured I’d tag along to make sure you have a comedic buffer.”
You softened at her kind gesture, touching her arm lightly. “That’s really sweet of you.”
“They also always have huge snack buffets at these things.” she added. “I’m gonna go get a plate, okay?”
You went back to your previous mood, sighing and sitting down. “Yeah, just get me some chips.”
You watched her skitter off to the snack table, shaking your head at her. In front of the other girls, she was a strict, stern dictator. But around you, the only member older than her, she was a true child. However, she was your best friend, so you tried to find it endearing.
“Y/N?” a deep voice inquired from behind you.
You spun around in your chair and gawked at the realization of who stood in front of you. “Sehun?!”
He smiled at your surprise, holding out his arms in a dramatic gesture. “In the flesh.”
You sprung up out of your chair in an instant, practically jumping into his arms to give him a hug. He stumbled backwards a bit, laughing at your sudden affection, then caught his footing and wrapped his arms around you.
“I’ve missed you so much!” you told him, pulling away. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m here for the Valentine’s Day shoot.” he replied.
You knit your brows together in confusion. “Really? Because this is…” You looked around the studio, then it dawned on you. There were heart shaped decorations and pink balloons everywhere, and the studio had a romantic, dim lighting.
“Oh… they didn’t tell me this would be a couple’s shoot…” you chuckled awkwardly.
His eyebrows raised in surprise. “Really? That’s strange. Maybe they knew you’d be nervous if you were told ahead of time that you’d be doing a shoot with the Great Oh Sehun.” He flipped his hair dramatically, a cocky smirk on his face.
You scrunched your nose up, hitting him on the arm playfully. “Ugh, don’t be so smug. It doesn’t suit you.” You were actually just trying to hide the fact that he was right.
Sehun had been slowly becoming one of your best friends at the company, ever since that day he walked in on you being bullied by a bunch of female trainees and silenced all of them with his presence. He was actually competing with Yeri, Ten, and Karina for a spot on your BFF list.
However, you had always secretly hoped for more with him. He was so kind, even though he could seem cold at first, and he always made you laugh. He was so caring, despite how hard he tried not to be, and had incredible wit and humor. Plus, there was the fact that he was incredibly handsome. Like, obnoxiously so. But, as much you wanted things to go to the next level, they remained stagnant. Neither of you were the most upfront about your feelings.
“There you guys are!” the director suddenly clapped his hands behind you, pulling you away from your conversation. “I’ll let makeup and wardrobe know you’re here, and we should be able to start shooting in about an hour.”
You both nodded and thanked him, then turned back to one another.
“See you behind the camera.” Sehun proposed with a minuscule wink that was so small you wouldn’t have caught it if you hadn’t been admiring his features so closely these past few years.
You sent him one last smile, then turned back to your vanity while he strode over to his own.
Suddenly, Nabi reappeared next to you with a plate full of snacks. “What was that about?” she asked, crunching on a pretzel.
“Oh nothing, I just have to do an amorous photo shoot with my secret crush.” you grumbled, falling back against your chair with your hands bunched up in your hair. “Did you get my chips?”
Her eyes widened. “I’m sorry, I forgot.”
“Nabi! Either be helpful or leave!”
The hour of makeup and wardrobe went by way too fast for your liking. You had been trying to build up your courage to no avail. It seemed hopeless. How on Earth were you going to do a romantic couple’s shoot with your crush without it looking you were hopelessly devoted to him? Not that you weren’t, you just didn’t need the whole world knowing it. That would be mortifying, not to mention a total career killer.
You walked over to the photo setup, which featured a red velvet sofa and a table with an extravagant bouquet of flowers. You swallowed the hard lump in your throat, making one last stitch effort to calm yourself down. Settle down, Y/N. It’s just a photo shoot with your colleague. I’m sure he won’t even be-
“Is this chain on straight?” your thoughts were interrupted by the man in question. You flipped around to see him dressed in a deep v-neck black blazer with a white button-up shirt underneath, the top three buttons undone to reveal his chest, adorned with a glimmering silver chain necklace. His thick black locks were tousled and textured perfectly around his forehead, and his skin was practically glowing.
Okay nevermind, time to panic.
“Holy shit, you look hot.” you heard yourself speak, although you don’t remember making the decision to. Instant regret flooded your brain, and you immediately began apologizing. “Oh my god, I meant the chain looks hot. I’m sorry. I mean, not that you’re not hot, I just…”
“Thank you.” he cut you off, a pleased smile evident on his features. “You look hot too.”
Your heart practically jumped out of your chest. “Th-Thank you…” You were sure your face was as red as a tomato. However, you had to admit, you did look pretty hot in your tight red dress, pearls, vampy lipstick, and red strappy heels.
“Alright, we’re ready to get started!” the director declared from his chair. “Sehun, I’d like to start with you laying on the couch horizontally. Y/N, go ahead and sit on his lap facing the camera.”
You did as instructed, although uncomfortably. He sensed your tension and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder.
“It’s okay, just relax.” he suggested, a reassuring smile directed at you.
You gave him an appreciative grin, loosening up and leaning into his form.
“Okay, now Sehun, put your chin on Y/N’s shoulder and rest your head against her neck. Y/N, just keep looking forward.”
The camera flashed a few times, with a few breaks in between to look over the shots.
“I’m really proud of you, you know.” Sehun told you while the camera crew was busy.
“What do you mean?” you asked him, laying against the back of the couch.
“You’ve come a long way from the girl I met who was letting some older trainees pick on her.” he teased. “I’ll never forget the look on your face when I appeared next to you.”
You laughed at the memory. “And I’ll never forget the looks on those girls’ faces when you told them off.”
He joined you in your laughter. “Notice how none of them are at the company anymore, and how you’re the ‘it girl’ now?”
You smiled contentedly. “Everyone seems to be calling me that these days.”
He suddenly scooped you up in his arms and pulled you down to his chest, ruffling your hair affectionately. “You’ve always been my ‘it girl’ Y/N, from day one.”
You squealed as he caged you in his arms, feigning resistance. A sudden flash went off, and you both looked up to see the camera crew staring at you blankly.
“Ah, sorry guys, that was my fault...” a feeble intern announced nervously. “I accidentally hit the wrong button.”
“Wait, let me see that shot…” the director demanded, motioning for the camera to be brought over to him. He looked it over, then turnt to you both with a baffled expression. “This is it. This is our cover photo.”
“What? No way.” you marveled, getting up and walking over to the director. Sehun followed you, catching you as you stumbled a bit in your heels. You looked at the photo, and soon you were both making the same face that the director had made a few seconds ago. “Woah… this is amazing…”
“Look at how beautiful you are…” Sehun commented, taking in the picture lovingly.
You blushed, nudging him slightly.
The director clapped his hands dramatically, snapping you both back to reality. “Alright, let’s keep this energy going! Next I want a shot of Y/N pulling Sehun in by his chain!”
A few days later, you were chilling out at the dorm with your members, having a much needed girls’ night. All of your favorite snacks were laid out on the coffee table, you were all in your pajamas, and there was a cheesy rom-com playing on the TV, even though none of you were paying attention to it. You were far too busy gossiping, squealing, and beautifying each other. It might have been stereotypical girl behavior, but it was incredibly therapeutic.
“Everyone shut up!” Nabi suddenly decreed, jumping up on the couch and holding something behind her back.
You looked up from braiding Kaori’s hair. “Oh god, what is it now?”
The younger girls all laughed, finding it hilarious that you were the only one able to talk to Nabi like that.
“Well ‘it girl,’ it just so happens that I have the most recent issue of Elle in my hands.” the leader grinned evilly, brandishing the magazine out in front of her.
The other three girls all gasped and rushed over to grab at it, except for Iseul, who just jumped up and down excitedly. Her nails were still wet from Marie painting them a few minutes ago.
“Oh my god, you look so hot!” Marie marveled, flipping through the glossy pages.
“Yeah, and this one of you pulling Sehun in by his chain is just perfect!” Iseul nodded in agreement.
“Wait, the shoot was with Sehun?” Kaori asked, her eyes going wide with innocent shock.
“Yes Kaori, we talked about it three days ago. Keep up.” Marie groaned at the maknae.
“Hey, be nice.” you warned protectively. “It’s not that big of a deal.”
“Yeah right. You’ve only been in love with him for years now.” Nabi challenged you, jumping down from the couch.
“I am not in love with him.” you rolled your eyes. “Besides, he doesn’t feel that way about me.”
“The fans seem to think differently.” Nabi commented smugly, whipping out her phone. “Look what they’re saying on Elle’s post about it.”
You snatched the phone out of her hand and began to skim over the comments.
you could tell me the cover shot was totally improvised and i’d believe you… their affection looks so real <3
who knew the oldest member of Etoile and the youngest member of EXO would make such a fire couple? TOTAL goals!
The fact that they’ve been friends since Y/N was a trainee makes this so much cuter… they’re clearly in love with each other 💞
These two OWN Valentine’s Day now 😤
“Look at how big her smile is!” Kaori grinned admiringly at you.
“I know, it’s so cute!” Marie added, wrapping her arms around your maknae and twirling her around. “‘Oh Sehun, please marry me!’”
“‘Oh Y/N, I’d love to make you my wife!’” the younger girl acted out, giggling madly.
You scowled, trying not to laugh along with them. “How come you two only get along when it’s at my expense?”
You all froze as the sound of a phone ringing suddenly cut through the noise.
You looked over at the end table to see your phone lit up and vibrating. You picked it up and unhinged your jaw as you saw who it was from. “It’s Sehun. I’m gonna go take this.” You got up and rushed down the hall to your bedroom.
The three youngest members attempted to follow you, but Nabi stood protectively in front of the hallway. “Nope, no one is eavesdropping. This should be private.” Marie, Iseul, and Kaori started pouting and vocalizing their protest. That was, until Nabi gave them her signature glare. “Living room, now.” She really was a great leader when she wanted to be.
Shutting your door behind you, you answered the call. “Hello?”
“Hey Y/N, it’s me.” Sehun said from the other end. He sounded uncharacteristically anxious.
“Hey, is everything okay?” you asked in a concerned manner.
“Oh yeah, I’m fine.” he coughed nervously. “I just wanted to… you know….”
“Wanted to what?” you giggled, sitting down on your bed.
You heard him exhale momentarily as if mentally preparing himself for something. “If you’d like to go out with me for Valentine’s Day?”
Your breath hitched in your chest. “What?”
“Don’t make me say it again…” he sighed, clearly having trouble being this forward. “I just… we had so much fun at the shoot together… and you’re just so cool, and fun, and pretty. I’ve never really known how or when to say it, but… something about that couples’ shoot just pushed me to go for it. So will you?”
You clutched onto your chest as if it was the only thing keeping you grounded to Earth. “Yes… yes, of course I will!”
“Really?” he marveled, sounding genuinely surprised. “I can’t believe you agreed.”
“Sehun, I’ve literally been waiting for you to ask me out for years now.” you chuckled. “You’re the worst at picking up on signals.”
“Yeah, well you’re not very good at sending them.” he teased, clearly getting his confidence back.
You laughed cutely into the phone. “We’re not very good at this are we…”
“No, not at all.” he chortled, shaking his head. You could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke. “And just so you know… I meant it when I said that you’ve been my ‘it girl’ since day one.”
You blushed with a small smile. “I usually hate it when people call me that. But with you, it feels good.”
“Well, I’ll have to call you by that name as much as possible. Then you can be mine exclusively, and no one else’s.” he replied.
You laughed once again, feeling like a giddy school girl. “I always have been, remember?”
He laughed at your sudden cockiness, knowing that you definitely learned it from him. “I’ll see you on Valentine’s Day?”
You nodded, feeling your lips curl up into a grin. “I’ll see you then.”
“Goodnight, my ‘it girl.’”
“Goodnight Sehun.” you giggled, hanging up the phone. You then threw it across the room and flopped back onto your bed, rolling around and kicking your feet in ecstasy.
“Y/N! What happened?” Marie suddenly burst through your door, followed by the other girls. You assumed Nabi held them off as long as she could, but eventually lost strength. There were three of them after all.
You sat up, brushing your hair out of your face. “Guess who’s going out with Sehun on Valentine’s Day!”
The four girls all screamed and jumped on your bed, showering you with praise and congratulations. You laughed as you captured them all in a group hug. It was then that you realized you didn’t need to be the ‘it girl’ to be happy, you just needed moments like these. And with Sehun, they seemed to just keep coming.
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jongbross · 1 year
you got me so crazy. (oh sehun x f!reader)
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pairing: oh sehun x female reader
word count: 3,4k
genre: smut, maybe angst? idk
warnings: language, mature themes, description of sex, p in v, oral (m receiving), sehun is kinda insecure but also an assh*le (but so is reader)
a/n: i don't know what i'm doing, but i hope y'all like it.
sehun walked into the bedroom, on his face, the same annoyed expression he had on last night while fighting with you. his body language didn't help either, as his fists were closed on each side of his body and his steps were heavy. although still mad, he took a deep breath when he saw you awake, scrolling through your phone.
his shoulders relaxed a little bit and, for a brief moment, he closed his eyes before speaking. he didn't want his voice to come out raspy or rude.
"i'm gonna make some breakfast before heading to work. you want some?", sehun asked in the most normal, soft tone he could. he was still mad for your behavior, for making him sleep on the couch, but he didn't wanna fight anymore.
so when you didn't answer him, when you didn't even look at his direction, he scoffed. of course you would be the childish one and not talk to him. 
"you're gonna give me the silent treatment now?", he asked, still not getting a single motion from you. "okay. fine. fight on your own then, i'm not gonna take part in this stupidity."
sehun turned to walk away, but stopped on his heels when he heard your voice 
"oh, so now i'm stupid?"
"oh, so now you're talking to me?", he mocked your tone.
you sit down on the bed, staring at your horribly stubborn, sarcastic boyfriend.
"i shouldn't be. you deserve all the silent treatment in the world right now, sehun."
"yeah, but i'm not the one who made you sleep on the couch on a fucking winter night."
just like he did before, you scoffed. he was unbelievable.
"i can't believe you're hurting over that after what happened last night! oh my god, sehun!"
"y/n, it was just a dinner!"
"no, it was our dinner!"
"and i told you i wouldn't be able to go, so if you still wanted to keep the reservation that's on you", sehun shrugged like he didn't care. he did, though.
"that's not the point", you replied, getting on your feet ready to change for work and run away from that confrontation again.
"then what's the point?"
you didn't answer, you just went around the bedroom picking the outfit you would wear to work. you could loudly hear sehun sighing behind you, his shirt shuffling as he crossed his arms on his chest.
"what's the point, y/n?", he asked again. you started that, but you wouldn't be the one to have the last word on it. "you're not gonna run away from this. what is the point?"
"i'm not running away from anything here."
"then tell me what's the fucking point", sehun elevated his tone just a bit.
"you left me there!", you shouted, patience short now. "all you can think about is your fucking work, so you left me there! because you don't truly care about having a girlfriend or even having a life outside your so perfect career. nothing else matters to you."
a moment of silence went by. you stared sehun dead in the eyes, searching for any sign that he finally understood why you were so upset and feeling so left out.
but when he spoke again, your blood just boiled more.
"oh, please! you're gonna pull that one on me now?", he asked, rolling his eyes.
you needed a moment not to go for his neck. you closed your eyes, sighed in annoyance, and then looked at him again.
"i'm not pulling shit on you", you said, voice louder than just a whisper. 
shaking your head, you walked past sehun and towards the bathroom, heart beating so loud in anger that you were sure he could hear it too.
"at least i wasn't alone", you mumbled.
and in a single movement, you felt sehun grabbing your wrist and pulling you back. he didn't use any strength, he just did it enough to make you stop and look at him again.
"what did you say?"
you sighed, rolling your eyes. oh, so now he cares?
"i said that at least i wasn't alone."
pulling your arm from him, you were back at walking to the bathroom; or at least you thought so. sehun was quicker to take just a few steps before blocking your way, his tall figure between you and the bathroom door.
"you took one of your friends?", he asked, eyes narrowed at you. sehun was always kinda jealous, and you knew that way too well.
his jealousy was never a big problem in your relationship - he knew how to control it and, overall, he trusted you with his life. it was just something about losing you, or even seeing you pay attention to any other person that wasn't himself... he didn't like that. he never did.
"ah, so now you care?", you spoke your earlier thought right in his face now.
"you're so hurt over that dinner, if you took one of your girls then maybe it wasn't that important after all, right?", sehun said in the most provoking way his sarcasm could allow him.
"not one of my girls", so you simply replied, and you knew you got him right there, right now.
you pushed sehun and walked past him, into the bathroom. he watched your movements as you started your morning routine, trying his best not to show you that yeah, you did got him.
"who?", he asked.
"seriously, sehun, i don't wanna do this anymore. i'm tired of fighting."
a brief, lightspeed moment went by. you looked at sehun through the mirror and caught his eyes still narrowed, lips forming a thin line.
"who?", he repeated.
so you sighed, defeated.
"there was this guy at the bar who saw me standing there, alone, pathetically fighting with you on the phone for almost 2 hours. so he came over", you told him. "he was pretty nice."
you didn't actually want to hurt sehun, you would never do that on purpose - you just wanted him to care, to acknowledge how important the dinner was for you, how you really wanted to spend some time with him alone. so when you told him about the guy in the bar, and his jealous posture took place, you knew that that fight was over.
sehun stared at you, not moving at all. he stayed there for what felt like forever, watching your actions, the way you took off your clothes before stepping into the shower. 
the moment he heard the water falling on you, he turned around and walked away.
for the whole day, you didn't hear from sehun - and neither did he from you. the most complicated thing about your relationship sometimes was that you two were way too proud. arguments could go on for about just an hour, but the weird vibe, the not talking to each other much afterward, could go on for days.
you watched though, the whole day, as he would type something to you on your message app. you saw the indicator "typing..." on the screen for several seconds, sometimes minutes, just to get frustrated everytime sehun gave up and didn't send you anything.
so, for the way he was behaving and from your own feelings inside you, you were surprised to see him waiting for you in his car, outside the building you worked on. he scrolled through his phone casually, windows rolled down and the passenger seat waiting for you.
just as if he felt someone watching him, sehun looked up and found your gaze. he awkwardly waved, putting his phone away and opening the door to the passenger seat to you, in a silent invitation for you to come in. of course you did.
the ride home was silent. sehun sometimes tried to do small talk, but he wasn't the best at it and you knew that; he secretly hoped you would engage in one of the subjects and lead the way into a pleasant, nonchalant talk. you didn't though, still wondering why, all of a sudden, he was acting nice.
"why are you doing this?", you quietly asked when another one of his attempts to talk to you didn't work.
"doing what?"
"playing the nice guy. we were almost at each other's throat this morning."
sehun sighed, stopping at a red light. he didn't look at you when he spoke.
"i just wanted to make it up for being a dick, that's all. i thought that... maybe... we could go home to change and get ready, and then go out to finally have your dinner."
"all of a sudden?"
"it wasn't all of a sudden, y/n."
"yeah, yeah it was!", you cut him off. analyzing sehun's expression as he got back to drive, you didn't find any sign of annoyance nor anger - he just seemed a bit tired, a bit worn off from all the arguing; a bit of regret, maybe. and suddenly, you understood all too well. "is this about the guy in the bar?"
the way sehun grabbed the steering wheel harder didn't go unnoticed. he shook his head though, staring ahead of him.
the only thing sehun forgot was that you were his girlfriend for almost 2 years now. you knew him, you knew when something was bothering him.
and, again, you knew how jealous he could get. 
"don't lie to me, sehun", you softly told him.
"i'm not lying."
"so you're not jealous just because a random guy took a move on me?"
sehun gulped, body tensed up. boy, he was wrapped around your finger now.
"i'm not jealous!", he said, in the best casual tone he managed to pull off. he scrunched his nose, hesitating for a moment if he should speak or not. "he... he flirted with you, then?"
you shrugged, looking outside the window for a moment.
"he did a bit", you replied. 
"i thought... i thought he heard you talking to me on the phone."
"i told him i had a boyfriend, but that didn't seem to stop him. especially when..."
you trailed off your thoughts, eyes quickly going back to sehun. you didn’t know if you should say it, if you should finish the sentence. once again, you would never hurt sehun on purpose; but was that hurting? wasn't that just exactly like he always provoked you too?
sehun confusedly looked at you, waiting for you to conclude your thinking.
"especially when...?", he instigated you.
"especially...", you began, biting your lip for a brief moment. well, fuck it. "especially when my boyfriend left me there, all alone."
sehun held his breath at the same time he clenched his jaw. if the fight was over before, when you first mentioned the guy from the bar, then now you were crowned the winner. jealous sehun fully appeared and the little, tiny feeling of guilt he felt (but would never admit it) for canceling the dinner with you were gone - and now the anger for knowing that someone did get your attention and flirted with you when he wasn't around took place.
"he was nice though", you continued, adding more fuel. "we chatted a lot before i decided to come home."
"about what?", sehun asked between teeth, voice not much louder than a groan.
"about life, i guess", you shrugged again, now seeing the house you shared with him getting closer. "just got to know him better."
silence took place then. long seconds went by before sehun finally parked the car inside your garage without saying a word. the flame burning inside his chest, the way he felt his veins hurting and pulsing, everything just pushed his focus into one thing: you.
so when you got out of the car - a very small piece of your brain wondering if you pushed your boyfriend's buttons too far - and the first thing you met was sehun already in front of you, lips crashing in yours and body pressing you against the car's door, you were surprised.
his lips desperately kissed you, tongues intertwining and an urgency emanating from his body that you didn't usually feel. sehun let go of his weight on you, chest raising up and down against your smaller figure as he controlled his breath so he didn't have to stop the kiss.
gosh, he loved your lips.
your hands flew to his neck, fingers tugging his pitch black hair and pulling him closer to you, holding him for dear life. sehun also touched you, wrapping his arms around your hips and not so gently guiding you along the outside of his car. he stopped at the end of it, one of his hands letting go of you and opening the door to the backseat.
"get in", he whispered, breaking the kiss.
"i said get in."
he didn't have to say it a third time. you climbed inside the car, sitting on the backseat and watching as sehun did the same. he spread his legs open, grabbing one of your arms and pulling you to his lap, each leg of yours on the each side of his body; as he pulled your hips down, you felt his bulge for the first time that day.
sehun attacked your neck, lips still desperate. he kissed and licked and sucked every bit of skin, head dizzy by the sounds you were making, by the way you moaned and sighed.
only him could do that to you, and you knew he was trying to prove exactly that.
your hands ended up on his shoulders, pushing his jacket down his arms. sehun took it off without stopping making out with your neck, red and light purple starting to form on your skin.
"you're mine", he moaned against your jaw, hands traveling up your belly inside your shirt, cupping one of your breasts over your bra.
you moaned too, rocking your hips against his erection in response. the friction made both of you gasp, and sehun's fingers grabbed your boob harder. his other hand went to your back, unhooking your bra before he spoke again.
"take off, all of it."
you got down from his lap and it was ridiculous how you whined for the loss of contact. your hands worked fast on your clothes, body quickly undressed and fully naked as you saw sehun, now shirtless too, pulling his jeans and underwear down to his ankle, cock hard against his stomach.
in an impulse that took you off guard just as much as it took him, you leaned over and took his member in your mouth. sehun wasn't a particular vocal person during sex, but he did moan loudly when he felt your lips sliding down, taking all of him inside your mouth.
one of his hands held the back of your neck, guiding you through your movements and ready to help you in case you gagged. as much as he tried to avoid doing it, sehun couldn't help but push your head further, so lost in the amazing sensation of being blown plus the wet sounds your mouth made while working up and down his dick.
you moaned against it when you felt his hand sliding from your neck to your butt, which was up in the air. he grabbed, squeezed, massaged, all before firmly pressing his nails on it when you circled your tongue around the tip of his cock, making him throw his head back.
"s-stop", he managed to say, voice raspy. "gonna cum. i wanna do it inside you."
you moaned again, just the thought of it was enough to make you cum right there if you pictured the image long enough. 
so you did what he said, you stopped your actions letting go of his dick with a pop. sehun softly grabbed your arm then, pulling you once again to his lap. you could tell he was impatient now, dying to cum, as the only thing he did was align both of you before pushing your hips down and entering you with a sharp thrust.
you sighed, adjusting to the delicious sensation of him inside you. sehun waited until you rocked your hips to start moving, just to be sure you were ready. 
his hands were firm on your hips, head still resting on the headrest of the seat, eyes glued on you taking in how beautiful you looked. you moved up and down, each thrust echoing inside the car, each moan getting lost in your ears.
instinctively, you hugged sehun. he was quite surprised but definitely didn't refuse it, hugging you back and wrapping his arms around you now. your boobs were firmly pressed against his bare chest, the skin to skin embrace only adding more pleasure to the whole thing.
your face rested on the crook of sehun's neck, and all he could hear was your muffled moans and whines, feeling so good and so out of your mind that all you could focus on was how drunk you were by your boyfriend - his scent, his skin on yours, his thrusts, his sweat mixing with yours; and then, his deep voice on your ear.
"i got you", he said.
you moaned once again, one of your hands holding sehun's jaw now, thumb caressing his cheek.
"babe... please...", you whined, tears forming on the corner of your eyes and sliding down your face.
"cum for me", sehun whispered, and you gladly did, all over him and with a loud cry of his name.
he came right after, filling you up and groaning at how you clenched around him. it felt amazing.
for a few moments, you two just stayed like that, safe in each other's arms. you whispered sweet nothings in sehun's ears, mostly telling him how good he was and how much you loved him. 
"i love you too", he replied. "i love you so much."
you softly smiled, getting up from his neck and facing him now. your fingers gently wiped sweat off his forehead, putting a few strands of hair in its place. sehun stared dearly at you in return, but, somehow, his eyes got heavy - not with sleep, but with something you couldn't tell what it was.
"why do you do this to me?", he asked, voice tired.
you furrowed your eyebrows, confused at his question. "do what?"
"push me to my limit", he began to explain. "that guy... i get so jealous when these things happen. i should have been there last night."
so you got what he meant.
"you should", you agreed. "but not for that reason."
"no, not him", sehun shook his head. "i fucked up. i could have managed my time better so we could go out, and for that i'm sorry. i didn't want you to feel like i care more about my job than about you."
you nodded, leaning into sehun's touch as he caressed circles in your back.
"it's okay. i'm sorry for making you sleep on the couch too."
sehun's chuckled, his eyes almost closing in a half moon shape.
"i kinda deserved that."
"it was cold, though."
"it was. you can make it up to me tonight", he said, kissing you on the cheek and pulling you close again, making you lay on his shoulder. sehun sighed, and you felt like he was hesitating to say something. 
"say it", you encouraged him, and felt when he chuckled again. you knew him so well.
"i... i'm sorry for getting jealous too. i know you would never do anything, and we talked about this so many times before. but i just can't help it."
"i know", you replied, caressing sehun's collarbone.
"of course you do. you love how you get me wrapped around your finger when i get jealous, don't you?"
it was your turn to chuckle. he didn't lie, though.
you shifted on his arms, supporting your chin on his chest and looking up at him as he looked down at you.
"but you don't have to be sorry, i knew what i was getting myself into when we started dating."
sehun smiled, pecking your lips.
"i can't stand the thought of losing you, it gets me crazy. i don't even know how to react", he confessed. 
"as long as you keep reacting like this", you mentioned to your naked bodies, "we're all good. i'll keep pushing you to your limit."
you loudly laughed at sehun's little "please, don't!" before kissing him again, this time deeper, more passionate, letting last night's episode behind.
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multifanhoe99 · 1 month
Permission Granted
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Pairing- Chanyeol x Reader x Baekhyun x Sehun
This is pt. 2 to the Kinktober Day 2- Biting fic! Requested by @bangtan4everr
Warnings- Reader is afab and has female anatomy, nicknames/namecalling (baby, slut, good girl, whore, cock slut), oral m/f giving and receiving, more biting, orgasm denial, unprotected sex, hair pulling, creampie, lots of cum everywhere, shower together, implied beginnings of a polycule by the end?
=Let me know if I missed any.=
18+ MDNI
Chanyeol looks to his two friends. Both are staring back at him with wide eyes. They want to look at you, but they aren't sure they have permission, that is until Chanyeol speaks again this time to them.
"Come closer boys," he says, "You can look at her. I am sure this pretty little slut loves it anyways." At his words, you could feel yourself getting wetter by the second. You have never actually thought of being with anyone other than Chanyeol before, but now that he's opened this door just the thought of it has you clenching around nothing in anticipation. Baekhyun and Sehun inch closer, their eyes roaming over your body. Chanyeol's bite marks are becoming more visible now. Those are definitely going to bruise, you thought. You can see the hunger in their gazes, the way they lick their lips as they drink in every curve and dip. Your breath quickens, your chest rising and falling rapidly as excitement courses through you. Chanyeol's hand slides up your thigh, fingers teasing at the edge of your underwear.
"What do you think, boys? Should we give her what she wants?" Baekhyun nods eagerly, already palming himself through his jeans. Sehun looks to Chanyeol for permission before reaching out to trace a finger along your collarbone.
"Please," you whimper, arching into the touch. You're not even sure what you're begging for, just that you need more. Chanyeol chuckles darkly at your reaction.
“Already begging and we haven’t even started yet,” Chanyeol whispers into your ear, “What a greedy slut you are.” You shiver at Chanyeol's words, a soft moan escaping your lips. Sehun's finger continues its path down your chest, circling your nipple teasingly. Baekhyun moves closer, his hand joining Chanyeol's on your thigh.
"Can I taste her?" Baekhyun asks his voice husky with desire. Chanyeol nods, a wicked grin spreading across his face.
"Go ahead. Show her what that talented tongue of yours can do." Baekhyun doesn't hesitate, diving between your legs. His tongue laps at your core through your underwear, causing you to cry out in pleasure. Sehun takes the opportunity to capture your lips in a searing kiss, swallowing your moans. Chanyeol's hand tangles in your hair pulling your head back to expose your neck. His lips find your pulse point, sucking and biting as Sehun continues to devour your mouth. The dual sensation has you writhing between them, overwhelmed by pleasure. Baekhyun hooks his fingers into the waistband of your underwear, slowly dragging them down your legs. The cool air hits your heated core, making you shiver. He wastes no time, diving back in to lick a broad stripe up your slit. You cry out into Sehun's mouth, your hips bucking involuntarily.
"That's it, baby," Chanyeol murmurs against your skin, "Let them hear how good it feels." Sehun breaks the kiss, trailing his lips down to your breast. Lifting your shirt up and off he takes a nipple into his mouth and the feeling of having all three of them lavish you is euphoric. Your hands grasp desperately at anything you can reach. The sensations are overwhelming, pleasure building rapidly as Baekhyun's tongue works magic between your thighs. He sucks your clit into his mouth, causing your back to arch off the couch.
"She's close," Chanyeol observes, his voice low and husky, "Don't let her cum yet." Baekhyun immediately pulls back, earning a frustrated whine from you. Sehun releases your nipple with a wet pop, looking up at Chanyeol for further instruction.
"Strip," Chanyeol commands, and the other two quickly comply. You watch with hooded eyes as they follow your boyfriend’s instructions. Your mouth waters at the sight.
"On your knees for them, baby,” Chanyeol coos, “Show them how much you want them.” You do as Chanyeol says, getting on your knees in front of a now-bare Baekhyun and Sehun. A brief glance back at Chanyeol reveals him pulling out his own cock and slowly stroking himself while he watches you.
"Good girl," Chanyeol purrs, his eyes dark with lust as he watches you position yourself before his friends, "Now, why don't you show them how talented that pretty little mouth of yours is?" You don't need to be told twice. Eagerly, you lean forward, taking Baekhyun's length into your mouth. He hisses in pleasure, his hand immediately tangling in your hair. You swirl your tongue around the tip before taking him deeper, hollowing your cheeks as you begin to bob your head. Not wanting to neglect Sehun, you reach out to wrap your hand around his shaft, stroking him in time with your movements on Baekhyun. Sehun groans, his hips jerking involuntarily into your touch.
"That's it," Chanyeol encourages from behind you. You can feel Chanyeol's eyes on you as you work, alternating between Baekhyun and Sehun. The sounds of their pleasure fill the room - low groans and breathless curses. Your own arousal builds as you pleasure them, wetness pooling between your thighs. Suddenly, you feel Chanyeol's hands on your hips, pulling you back slightly. Without warning, he thrusts into you from behind, filling you completely in one smooth motion. You moan around Baekhyun's cock, the vibrations making him shudder.
"Don't stop," Chanyeol commands, setting a punishing pace. "Keep sucking them while I fuck you." You do your best to focus on pleasuring Baekhyun and Sehun as Chanyeol pounds into you relentlessly. The sensations overwhelm you as you struggle to concentrate. Chanyeol's powerful thrusts drive you forward, pushing Baekhyun's cock deeper into your throat with each movement. You gag slightly but quickly adjust, relaxing your jaw to take him fully. Your hand works frantically on Sehun's length, trying to match the frenzied pace Chanyeol has set.
"Fuck, her mouth feels amazing," Baekhyun groans, his fingers tightening in your hair. Sehun nods in agreement, his breath coming in short pants as he watches you work.
"So hot," he manages to choke out. Chanyeol's grip on your hips tightens, sure to leave bruises.
"You love this, don't you?" he growls, punctuating each word with a sharp thrust, "Being used like a good little whore.” You feel yourself getting closer but before you can cum Chanyeol pulls out of you and pulls you back away from the other two men.
“Sehun, why don’t you take a turn fucking her pretty little pussy,” Chanyeol asks while he helps you turn over. As Sehun positions himself behind you, Chanyeol grips your chin, tilting your face up to meet his intense gaze.
"Open wide, baby," he commands, his voice husky with desire. You obediently part your lips, letting out a muffled moan as Chanyeol slides his length into your mouth just as Sehun pushes into you from behind. The sensation of being filled from both ends is overwhelming. Sehun starts with slow, deep thrusts, allowing you to adjust to his size. Meanwhile, Chanyeol sets a leisurely pace, savoring the feeling of your tongue swirling around his cock as you taste yourself on him. Baekhyun guides your hand up and down his shaft, occasionally letting out soft groans of pleasure.
"That's it," he encourages, "Just like that." The room fills with a cacophony of moans, grunts, and the obscene sounds of flesh meeting flesh. You're lost in a haze of pleasure, overwhelmed by the sensations assaulting you from all sides. Sehun's pace quickens, his hips snapping against yours with increasing urgency. Each thrust pushes you further onto Chanyeol's cock, causing you to take him deeper into your throat. Chanyeol's hand tangles in your hair, guiding your movements as he fucks your mouth.
"Look at me," he commands, his voice rough with desire. You struggle to obey, your eyes fluttering open to meet his intense gaze. The raw hunger you see there sends a shiver down your spine.
"Such a good little slut," Chanyeol praises, "Taking all of us so well." Baekhyun's breathing grows ragged as your hand works his length.
"Fuck, I'm close," he groans, his hips jerking erratically.
"Not yet," Chanyeol commands. "Nobody cums until our pretty little slut takes all our cocks.” Chanyeol pulls out of your mouth, a string of saliva connecting your lips to the tip of his cock. He motions for Sehun to stop as well, leaving you whimpering at the sudden emptiness.
"On your back," Chanyeol orders. You comply eagerly, spreading your legs wide in invitation. Baekhyun wastes no time positioning himself between your thighs, sliding into you with a groan of pleasure.
"Fuck, she's so wet," he pants, setting a rapid pace. You cry out in ecstasy, overwhelmed by the feeling of yet another cock filling you. Sehun moves to straddle your chest, his length bobbing tantalizingly close to your face. You strain your neck, trying to reach him with your tongue.
"Patience," Chanyeol chuckles darkly. Chanyeol guides Sehun's cock to your waiting mouth, allowing you to wrap your lips around the tip. You moan around him as Baekhyun continues to pound into you relentlessly. The vibrations from your moans send shock waves of pleasure through Sehun, causing him to thrust deeper into your throat.
"That's it, take it all," Chanyeol encourages, his hand stroking your cheek as you struggle to accommodate Sehun's length. "Such a good little cock slut." Your mind is hazy with pleasure, overwhelmed by the feeling of being filled from both ends. Baekhyun's thrusts grow more erratic as he nears his peak. His fingers dig into your hips, sure to leave bruises.
"Fuck, I'm so close," he groans. Chanyeol begins rubbing your clit while he strokes himself. All four of you are lost in the overwhelming pleasure. The intensity builds to a fever pitch as Baekhyun's thrusts become frantic. Your muffled moans around Sehun's cock grow louder, vibrating through him. Chanyeol's skilled fingers on your clit push you closer and closer to the edge.
"That's it," Chanyeol growls, "Cum for us like the dirty little slut you are." His words are your undoing. Your orgasm crashes over you in waves, your body convulsing with pleasure. The pulsing of your walls around Baekhyun triggers his own release. He buries himself deep inside you with a guttural groan, spilling his seed. Sehun follows shortly after, the sight and sensation of your climax pushing him over the edge. He pulls out just in time, painting your flushed face and heaving chest with his hot cum. Chanyeol is the last to let go, his cum spilling out all over the three of you. As you all come down from your collective high, the room falls silent save for the sound of heavy breathing. Your body tingles with the aftershocks of your intense orgasm, every nerve ending still hyper-sensitive. Baekhyun slowly pulls out of you, causing you to whimper at the loss. Sehun climbs off your chest, collapsing onto the couch beside you. Chanyeol's eyes roam over your spent form, taking in the sight of you covered in cum, your chest heaving as you try to catch your breath. A satisfied smirk plays on his lips.
"Look at you," he murmurs, voice low and husky. "Such a perfect little mess." You preen under his praise, a lazy smile spreading across your face despite your exhaustion.
Chanyeol leans down and whispers, “You did so well, baby, are you okay?" You nod, still trying to process everything. Baekhyun and Sehun exchange glances, suddenly looking a bit uncertain now that the heat of the moment has passed. Chanyeol takes charge once again.
"Why don't we all go get cleaned up?" he suggests to his friends. They nod and help him lift and carry you to the bathroom. As the warm water cascades over your bodies in the spacious shower, you feel a mix of exhaustion and lingering arousal. Chanyeol's strong arms support you as Baekhyun and Sehun take turns gently washing your skin. Their touches are reverent now, a stark contrast to the frenzied passion from earlier.
"You were amazing," Chanyeol murmurs in your ear. "So perfect for us." His words soothe you, and you relax into his embrace. Baekhyun massages shampoo into your hair while Sehun runs a soft cloth over your skin. Chanyeol keeps a steadying arm around your waist, pressing occasional kisses to your temple. After all of you are thoroughly cleaned you’re wrapped in a fluffy towel and helped into bed. Chanyeol lays on one side of you, Baekhyun and Sehun on the other as you all settle in for the night.
“Hyung,” Sehun asks sleepily, “Is this going to be a regular thing?” Chanyeol chuckles softly, his fingers tracing lazy patterns on your skin.
"We'll see," he replies, his voice low and husky. "That's up to our little princess here." You feel a flutter of excitement in your stomach at his words. The thought of repeating this experience sends a thrill through you, despite your exhaustion.
"What do you think, baby?" Chanyeol asks, tilting your chin up to meet his gaze. "Would you like to play with them again sometime?" You bite your lip, considering. The memory of their hands on you, the overwhelming pleasure they brought you, makes your decision easy.
"Yes," you breathe out, "I'd like that." Baekhyun lets out a pleased hum, nuzzling into your neck.
"Good," he murmurs, "Because I can't wait to taste you again." With that, they cuddle closer to you and you all drift off to sleep.
A/N: Holy cow!! I think this is a good enough apology for sort of dropping off the face of the earth. I have really missed writing but, I had just been so busy with my new job and that new job requiring me to go back and do more school. I appreciate all the love my stories are still getting and I promise I will be more active now that I am settled into this new job. Thank you all for your continued support. Side note...should I try and do Kinktober again???
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proudahgase-exol · 10 months
Exo reacting to the boys telling him he’s whipped for you
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He was at home and had Jongdae and Baekhyun over he was doing the laundry when Baekhyun noticed some of your clothes so he took the opportunity to tease his hyung
“Hey that y/n clothes did she make you do her laundry now,” baekhyun said teasing
“Umm yes I’m doing my laundry and I saw she left some of her dirty clothes here from the last time she stayed over so I’m cleaning it” Minseok replied unbothered
“What else does she get you doing for her? Do you buy her pads too?” Baek asked again laughing now jongdae laughing as well
“Yes I have gone to get her some of her pads why is that funny Jongdae I know you have done the same or worse,” Minseok said rolling his eyes and smiling
“Eww I will never do that it will be so embarrassing,” Baek said making gagging noises
“I will be the one laughing when it’s you that does that,” Minseok said as he walked up to the laundry room.
Miseok didn’t mind doing your laundry because he knew you did him as well, he was just being the sweet boyfriend he is and didn’t care if his members made fun of him.
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He was in London with the boys for a concert and they had a few days off so they went to explore when they got to a jewelry store junmyeon saw some earrings that thought would look good on you so he went and purchased them.
“You buying her more stuff? First, it was the keychain then the red dress now earrings. She got you whipped” Baekhyun said as he stood next to his leader
“I just the she will look good with them they go perfectly with her dress,” Junmyeon said smiling
“Yeah are you her sugar daddy too you have spent so much money on her,” Baekhyun said smiling
“She deserves everything and I want to give her a little gift anyway,” Junmyeon said as he gave the guy his credit card
“I wash it was her to have you spending money on me… she has you wrapped around her fingers,” Baekhyun said walking away
Who can blame the guy who loves to spoil you he might be whipped and he’s okay with it.
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Lay loved sharing his stuff with everyone he didn’t mind letting the guy or you grab his clothes it was something normal for him but when Sehun came to complain about his favorite jacket being missing and then later found it on your body it got Lay laughing.
“Hyung why is y/n wearing my favorite jacket? I was supposed to use it tonight I’m going out with some friends and that jacket goes perfectly with my outfit tell her to give it back” Sehun said in a whiny tone
“Sorry but she got it first you can use any other jacket you like though,” Lay said smiling
“Oh come on if it was any of the other guys you would have asked them to take it off why does she get a free pass that’s so unfair,” Sehun said annoyed
“That’s because she’s the girlfriend he can’t say no to her and what she wants she gets that’s how whipped he is for her,” Jongdae said as he was walking past the two of them
“Yeah but that’s our jacket not hers so tell her to give it back” Sehun demanded like the spoiled brat he is
“Yeah that’s not happening he doesn’t have the heart to tell her to take it off plus she has more right to his clothes than you do,” Junmyeon said when he arias to Lay’s room
“That’s not fair hyung why did you have to be so whipped for a girl they are so annoying when I get a girlfriend I won’t let her use my stuff,” Sehun said walking over to Lay’s clothes and picking another jacket
“You will be like Lay or worst Mark my words Sehun,” Jongdae said walking away
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The guys were at the mall buying new clothes and Chanyeol noticed that Baekhyun had a lot of matching clothes and he automatically knew who the other clothes were for.
“Hey Baekhyun are you buying matching clothes for your little girlfriend” the tall man teased
“Yeah way,” Baekhyun asked unbothered
“Aww that’s cute I remember you said that you will never be the type of couple,” Yeol said giggling
“Yeah well she asked if I could get this so I said why not” Bakhyeun said shy
“What else does she got you to do you have matching pajamas? Or matching phone case” Yeol said as he got Kai to make fun of Baekhyun too
“I’m sure he has matching phone cases or at last a shirt that says my queen,” Jongin said laughing
“Whatever if she’s happy then that’s all that matters,” Baekhyun said with a proud grin
Baekhyun knew he was whipped but he didn’t care if you said jump he would because your happiness is all that matters to him.
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Jongdae was at the dance practice texting you, you have been feeling sick for the past few days so he was worried about you. when you didn’t answer his texts he was so worried he called you and the boys heard him and when he got back they didn’t waste time and started to tease him.
“Is my baby okay do you want me to bring you medicine do you want chicken soup oppa can make it for you” Sehun said trying to mimic Jongdae’s voice
“It’s okay baby I’ll cuddle you lost when I get home make sure to drink water I love you darling” Junmyeon followed
“What’s with you guys,” Jongdae asked laughing
“Oh, you know just making fun of you, since when did you become whipped?” Kyungsoo asked
“Can’t I take care of my girlfriend?” He asked
“Yeah but you take it the extra mile you treat her like a baby she has you wrapped around her fingers,” Minseok said as he laughed
“That’s not true plus if you guys had a girlfriend you wouldn’t be talking,” Jongdae said smiling
Jongdae is whipped but he was only whipped for you he would do anything to make you smile he will give up everything if you ask him to that’s how much he loves you
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Everyone knows he’s whipped he writes music about you but that’s what the boys know what they don’t is that his car and house are full of your stuff. You don’t live together but someone who didn’t know you guys would think that you do. Chanyeol makes sure he haves your toothbrush, hair products, and skincare products at his place in his car he haves hair ties and your fave lipgloss, and when the guys found out they were laughing their asses off.
“WOW Chanyeol you are something else you have everything you need for your girl that’s cute,” Sehun said as he got out of the car
“Wait till you see his bathroom he has her favorite hand soap, her skincare, and other stupid girl stuff,” Baekhyun said slapping Sehun back
“Ewww she has you so whipped,” Jongin said clapping his hands
“He’s so whipped he does everything she asks him to. If she wants him to carry her purse he will it’s cute but gross” Baekhyun said as he made kissing sounds
“Yeah yeah laugh all you want I’m just being a good boyfriend and a gentleman,” Chanyeol said blushing
“You wired dude that’s what you bring but go off,” Shun said smiling
After the guys were gone he called you to complain but you also agreed with them but you liked the fact he was whipped so now he doesn’t mind it too much.
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He was in the kitchen making your favorite food when Jongin walked in and whined about what he was cooking.
“Hyung were eating that? I was hoping to eat something like chicken,” Jongin said annoyed
“I'm cooking this for y/n not for you and if you want Chicken make it yourself,” Kyungsoo said
“ Lately you have only been cooking what y/n likes but not what I like or what the boys like” Jongin complain
“Well she’s asked if I could make her some of her favorite foods and I said yes so shut it,” Kyungsoo said annoyed
“You never do what I ask you to she does have you whipped chanyeol was right,” Jongin said disappoint
“What was he right about” Kyungsoo asked as he turned around
“That every since you started dating her she has you eating from the palm of her hand,” Jongin said
“I’ll kick his ass then I’ll kick yours now leave my kitchen before I smack you,” Kyungsoo said in a fake angry tone
Yes, he was whipped but didn't care he loves you and the boys have to deal with it.
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He hates shearing his clothes specialty his fancy expensive ones he doesn't let anyone touch them and the boys knew it but when they saw you in Jongin’s Gucci hoodie they were quick to complain
“Hey that’s not fair why does she get to wear your clothes but not us?” Sehun asked in disbelief
“Yeah what’s so good about her that she gets the privilege to use your clothes” Baekhyun followed
“She’s my girlfriend there for she gets the privilege to wear whatever she pleases,” Jongin said happily
“Every since you started dating her you become so whipped it’s like you're a whole new person,” Chanyeol said eyeing him
“Yeah she got you so whipped it’s disgusting we want the old jongin back,” Kyungsoo said laughing
“You guys are just jealous she gets to wear what you can’t so stray jealous,” Jongin said sticking his tongue out to them and walking away
He is whipped and he loves it, it makes him feel like a good boyfriend like he’s doing everything right.
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Junmyeon was hanging out with Sehun and he noticed how you were scolding him for making a mess and not cleaning up after himself he apologized and kissed you and even made Aegyo for you he thought it was funny and cute he didn’t know Sehun had this soft side. he knew by the way he looked at you that he was so in love that he was whipped for you so what did Junmyeon do? He teased him.
“Aww Jagiya sorry I’ll clean up don’t be angry,” Junmyeon said trying to mock him
“Stop it’s not funny,” Sehun said whining
“Oh you so whipped you didn’t even try to fight back like you usually do she told you to do the dishes and you almost said Yes ma’am it's so cute how whipped you are for that girl,” Junmyeon said laughing
“I’m not whipped and I’m only doing it because she asked me nicely,” Sehun said as he rolled his eyes
“Keep denying it you and I both know how in love you are and that you will do anything she asks you to,” Junmyeon said laughing hard
Yes, Sehun was whipped but he will deny it if anyone asks him.
—Well this was trash 😸 if you like any of my work please like and reblog 💕
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veethefreeelf · 10 months
Resistance is futile - O.SH
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Your best friend had introduced you to Sehun saying you two would get along perfectly. As soon as he opened his mouth, you wanted to kill him. This is the first and last time you’ll see him, right?
Wordcount: 6.8k
Warnings: sub! x dom! dynamics (if you’re not into that, this is not the fic for you), power play, degradation, possessive Sehun, slut and whore used a lot, also baby girl and little one, nipple play (nipple clamps), silk restraints, pussy slapping, spanking, overstimulation, orgasm denial, toys, protected vaginal penetration, oral f. receiving, tit slapping.
Requested: yes, here
P.S - Italic is for thoughts mainly from the characters’ perspective and quotes.
‘What an asshole…’ was your first thought after meeting Oh Sehun. 
You couldn’t believe your best friend actually thought you would get along. He sounded like a cocky asshole with way too many women fawning over him which means he had a gigantic ego to come along with his abrasive personality.
“Excuse me?” you asked him. You couldn’t believe what he had just told you.
“You heard me the first time, baby girl. No need to pretend you didn’t” he said as he turned to your best friend that had just introduced you two to each other.
“I said no brats, Blake. She screams trouble. I don’t like trouble” he said to Blake, your best friend who was now regretting all of their life choices that brought them to this very moment, with you shooting daggers at them.
“Sehun, don’t be annoying. Y/N is amazing and she is very much what you usually look for trust me” she said looking back at you.
“Of all the things you have done to me, Blake, this takes the fucking cake. This guy’s an asshole. I don’t like assholes” you said, spitting his words back at him.
“Also call me ‘baby girl’ again and you’ll have your balls kicked back inside your body” you kept going.
“Y/N! Behave. You two need to sit down and talk. Come on. You both know me. You know I wouldn’t make this suggestion unless I was absolutely certain of what I was doing” Blake said as they looked between you and Sehun.
You have to give it to Blake. They have never steered you wrong in this department. You had… Let’s say… Particular tastes in the bedroom. You also didn’t want to be tied down, you were focused on your career so you wanted only sexual relationships with people. No feelings, no meeting the parents, none of that. Not now at least. 
You were looking for someone different… You wanted to be dominated but only in the bedroom and doms well… They stay doms even outside of the bedroom which clashes with your bitchy personality. You are a submissive little thing only in the appropriate scenarios. Outside of that, you are a menace and take shit from no one which is why this initial conversation with Sehun has left you not wanting to explore anything else with him.
“Usually I trust your judgment but Sehun here already said ‘I’m too curvy for him’ so I would much rather not waste my time. Degradation is fine. I draw the line at assholeness” you said as you sipped your drink.
He laughed.
“Hmm… I think Blake is right. Let’s talk. What do you say? I’ll put the assholeness away, for now” he said as he looked you up and down and licked his lips.
Fuck, he may be an asshole but he is fucking gorgeous. He made you want to throw all your principles out the window at that moment . ‘Stay strong, Y/N. Get your shit together’. 
You sighed.
“Fine. I’ll hear you out” you told him and then turned to Blake.
“As for you, you better be right about this one” you had told them.
Blake rolled their eyes and moved away from the two of you and into the party that was currently going on around you.
Sehun started leading you to a table in the back of the rooftop you were in. Understandable. You couldn’t let this conversation be heard. Not here at your office party with all your colleagues and bosses around.
“So, not a great introduction. My bad. Can you get past it?” he asked after you sat down.
“Don’t know yet. Want to hear more. Blake said there was a reason they thought we would be good together and that intrigues me so why don’t you start by telling me what you want and what you are looking for in this… relationship” you answered him and opened the floor for him to change your mind.
“Well, not sure what Blake has told you about me but I’m a very busy person. Don’t have time for the typical relationship nor am I interested in that for now. I want someone who is looking for the same thing. I am very dominant in the bedroom which means I am looking for someone to be submissive to me. Always. No switching ever. As for kinks… Degradation, overstimulation, orgasm denial and a few more. We can talk about it in more detail after. My hard limit is anything relating to bringing other people into the bedroom. No fucking chance. I don’t like sharing. That’s the basics. What about you?”
‘Interesting’ you thought. Blake did know how to pick them for you.
“Pretty much the same for me. I’m focused on my career, don’t have time and don’t want a traditional relationship. Over the years I’ve been looking for someone to have more of a permanent deal. I’m sick and tired of having to look for different partners. I am very submissive in the bedroom. I do have some bratty tendencies but not too much. As I’m sure you figured out, outside of the bedroom, it’s a different story. I will not be talked to in the same way outside of the bedroom as I am talked to in the bedroom. As for kinks, those are fine. We can discuss more later, if we’re both interested. My hard limit is anything anal. Not my jam” you finished and he smiled.
“Sounds good to me. Want to get out of here?” he asked you.
Did you? Yes, you did. But was this the right choice? You were still on the fence about him due to his wonderful opening line but you do see some potential. You can always go home with him now and if it’s not what you were looking for or not worth having to deal with his smart mouth, you can just call it off right there.
“I do. But let’s say this is on a trial basis for tonight. Let’s see if we’re a good fit. If not, we go our separate ways” you told him.
“Sounds good. Let’s go then” he said as he got up from his seat.
“My apartment okay?” he asked you.
“Sure, if you murder me, Blake will know it was you so all good” you said jokingly and he laughed.
As he drove the both of you to his apartment, you kept looking over at him driving. He was sexy. Very sexy. He has a resting best face most of the time but so do you. Oh but it looks much better on him though.
He interrupted your thoughts.
“Like what you see?” he asked as he looked over at you when he stopped at a red light.
“Yes, but I’m sure that’s not surprising to you. For an asshole, you’re very intriguing” you told him and started to look out the window.
“About the ‘baby girl’ thing… Is that an in public rule or a hard no?” he asked you and you laughed.
“In public rule. I don’t mind it in the appropriate setting” you told him.
“Good to know. Any other pet names you like?” he asked again.
“‘Little one’ is my favorite. Not very common but I read it in a book once and fell in love with it” you told him and he hummed.
The rest of the ride to his apartment was silent. But it wasn’t uncomfortable. 
He led you through his apartment door and you were able to walk in and look around a bit when he moved to take off his jacket and shoes. It was a nice apartment. Simple. Light colors. Lots of room. You could see a small bed and a chest with some dog toys next to the couch.
“You have a dog?” you asked excitedly.
“Yeah, his name is Vivi. He isn’t here tonight though” he said and you tried not to show your disappointment.
 He laughed.
“Wanted to meet him, huh?” he asked you.
“Sorry, I love dogs. Kind of my only weakness in life really” you answered and smiled.
“Be good tonight and I’ll think about letting you meet him” he told you and you gulped.
“Using your puppy against me already?” you asked him.
“Let’s call this taking advantage of an opportunity” he said as he started to walk over to you.
“Take off your jacket, shoes and dress and meet me in the bedroom” he told you and leaned in closer to you.
“Last door on the right” he whispered in your ear while holding your chin as he started walking in the direction he told you.
You took your jacket, shoes and dress off and took a deep breath. ‘Here we go again’ you thought. Let’s hope this one is the right one.
You walked into the bedroom and he was standing in front of the bed staring at you.
“Took your time. Are you nervous, little one?” he asked and your breath got stuck in your throat. 
Oh he’s going to be fun, that’s for sure.
“Tricky dress, that’s all” you tried saying confidently.
He moved closer to you and started to kiss you. His hands were holding your face. He kept moving the both of you until your back reached the back wall of his bedroom.
You don’t know how long the both of you stayed there just making out. He was a great kisser. If this was any indication of what was to come, you were definitely going to want more once tonight ends.
He started to move away from you and was staring you up and down.
“How far do you want me to go tonight? Pick a safeword either way” he told you as he started to take off his shirt.
“Surprise me. That’s what safewords are for. Let’s stick to colors. Always works” you told him as you stared at his naked torso now.
“Hmm… let’s test some things” he said and started walking to his closet.
He pulled a box from his closet and started to move towards the bed.
“Lay down close to the headboard, little one” he told you and you did what he asked.
He took out silk restraints from the box and moved closer to you. He started to restrain both your hands against the headboard and you moaned a bit. 
“Too tight?” he asked, looking at you.
“No, perfect” you told him.
“Baby girl likes pain. Noted” he told you and moved to lay on top of you. 
He started kissing you again and you pulled on the restraints. ‘This is going to be tough’ you thought. You liked to touch your partners and you definitely wanted to touch him, very much.
He started kissing down your neck, kissing your collarbones, kissing down your chest. It felt like he wanted to cover your whole body in kisses. It felt so good. His lips were beautiful and he seemed to be enjoying himself terribly, humming and sighing as he kissed you, which made you wetter and wetter by the second.
Once he was done you were both breathing hard and he leaned back on his heels and stared at you while running his hands up and down your thighs.
You were getting impatient. You wanted him to keep going, to do something, anything. You pulled on your restraints stupidly and he started to stare into your eyes as he laughed.
“Patience is a virtue, little one. Also, resistance is futile at this point” he said as he grabbed your thighs with a bit more power.
“You sure are taking your time staring at someone too curvy for your taste” you bit back at him.
He spanked your thigh. Hard.
“No talking back. And that’s a line I use on every potential match I meet. I enjoy the reactions and can get a sense of what to expect from someone based on that. Now can we move on from that or are you going to bring it up again and not get fucked at all?” he asked you sternly.
You stayed silent and he started to shake his head.
“Use your words and answer me now” he told you as he started to look through the box that was now next to him on the bed.
“I won’t bring it up again” you said and he stared at you.
Not good enough. You knew better than that.
“I won’t bring it up again, sir” you tried again and he hummed, satisfied.
“Good girl” he said and took out a small vibrator from the box.
“Let’s keep having fun, yeah little one?”
“Yes, sir”
He turned on the vibrator and started to move it up your legs as he leaned down to kiss you again. 
He pushed the vibrator against your clit through your panties and you moaned loudly into his mouth.
He started to kiss your neck and leave hickies as he increased the power on the vibrator. He pushed the palm of his hand against your pussy and trapped the vibrator between your clit and his hand. 
You were getting louder now, your breaths were shallow and you were starting to get closer and closer to the edge. 
“You sound so good, baby girl. Hmm I knew you would the moment I looked at you” he said and you were dripping now. Panties ruined and about to reach your peak and he completely removed himself and the vibrator from you and you sighed.
“Holding your complaints. What a good girl” he told you as he turned off the vibrator and placed it next to him.
“Open your eyes and look at me” he told you and you obeyed.
He grabbed your pussy and started massaging your clit slowly.
“You’re gonna be a good girl and take a few more of those. I’m gonna taste you now. You’re fucking dripping. I bet you taste phenomenal” he told you as he started to take off your panties.
Orgasm denial is not your strength but it seems that’s the game to play tonight and if you play right, you might get a very good reward. You will do your fucking best.
After taking off your panties, he moved up to pull your bra up and started sucking your tits. He kept leaving hickies everywhere which you would need to worry about tomorrow when trying to hide them but definitely wouldn’t worry about them now.
You kept humming and you wanted to touch him so bad. You hated these restraints right now.
He moved down your body and started to eat you out. He focused on your clit at first. Sucking, licking, biting while both of his hands massaged your tits and pinched your nipples. 
You were moaning so loudly now. This felt incredible. Not enough to make you cum but enough to make you want him desperately. 
You pulled on your restraints again.
He lifted his head and smiled at you.
“Stop pulling on those or they will leave a mark. Use your words, baby girl. Tell me what you want from me and I might just give it to you” he told you as he kept pinching and twisting your nipples.
“Need more, sir. Please” you asked in your best begging voice. Fuck this was getting you wetter.
“Tell me exactly what you want, little one” he told you and started to kiss your clit.
“Your fingers, please, sir. I need your fingers” you sounded desperate but you didn’t care.
“Good girl” he said and started to finger you while his mouth focused on your clit.
His other hand now moved from your tit to your neck and he tentatively squeezed you. He looked back at you to see your reaction.
“Green, green, sir. Green” you told him and he laughed into your pussy.
He started to choke you harder and kept eating you out and fingering you. You were so fucking close again. You tried pretending like you weren’t close but he was inside you and could feel you starting to squeeze his fingers a little too hard and he pulled back completely from you.
“Fuck” you had let out and he spanked your thigh hard three times.
“You’ll take everything I give you and thank me for it, understood?” he asked, now massaging the place on your thigh he had just spanked.
“Y..Yes, sir… Sorry, sir…” you said as your breathing was evening out.
He moved away from you and got up from the bed. You stared at him and started to worry at first but then realized he was just removing the rest of his clothing.
After he removed the remaining pieces of clothes, you stared at him. He was hard and he truly was beautiful from head to toe. Even his dick was gorgeous. Perfect size and just staring at you. You started salivating and he gave you a short laugh.
Sehun joined you on the bed again and started to rub the tip of his cock in your folds. You started to move your hips with him and you were both panting now. He was also getting impatient, you could tell.
He sat back on his heels and leaned over to get the vibrator again. He turned it on and placed it on your clit on the lowest setting. He again trapped the vibrator between his hand and your clit and applied pressure.
With his other hand he started to stroke his cock and he kept staring at you.
Your moans were increasing again. With each orgasm he denies you, you get more and more sensitive and desperate to cum. He just started this third round and you are already getting desperate and getting close.
“Getting desperate, baby girl? You’re being so good, just a bit longer, I promise” he told you and as he finished his sentence he moved his cock closer to your pussy and pushed just the head against your hole.
Your breath hitched. Fuck, you really need him to fuck you. Bad. No more games.You need him now.
“Please… Please, sir… I’m so close…” you said and you looked between your bodies where he was holding his cock barely against your hole.
He leaned down to bite on one of your nipples and you started getting louder again and he removed himself from you completely. Again.
You were breathing really fast and started to whine and he leaned into your ear to praise your efforts. 
He did this exact same torture two more times. No one had ever denied you 5 times in a row. You were losing your mind and you were starting to lose your patience but at the same time he had made you feel like no one else had. Addicted. Desperate. You wanted to keep going. You wanted to continue getting praise. You wanted to be his good girl. His baby girl. 
He leaned his forehead in yours now and just whispered ‘so good’ over and over again. You could tell this was exactly what he was looking for too and you wanted to keep going.
He closed the box next to him and put it on the floor next to the bed. He reached back up to you and started to remove the silk restraints from you and you started to get excited.
“You were so good for me. You get to touch now” he said.
“Finally” you whispered and wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him down to kiss him. 
You kept kissing for a while and moaning with your naked bodies intertwined and suddenly he pulled away.
He moved to the nightstand to get the condoms and started to roll one on his dick as you stared at him and licked your lips. 
He got closer to you and flipped you over so you were laying on your stomach. He grabbed a pillow and placed it under your stomach to lift your ass up and he started to move his cock up and down your pussy again.
He spanked your ass and entered you without any warning. You were so wet and he had tortured you for so long that it was easy for him to just move into you until he bottomed out.
He didn’t give you any more warnings and he started to pound into you from behind. One of his hands was holding your hip and the other was pulling your hair and head back.
Fuck, you knew you weren’t gonna last and he seemed to be in the same both as you. 
“Touch yourself for me, little one” he told you and you moved your hand down to your clit and you knew you would soon be done.
You were being loud and so was he. Grunting and moaning and his movements started getting sloppier and you started getting closer and closer. He spanked you one last time and that drove you over the edge and you came with a cry of his name.
You kept moaning and your vision went white. This had been the most intense orgasm you’ve ever had. 
You were still coming down from your orgasm and he bit down on your shoulder and spilled into the condom. 
He was holding himself up with one arm, half laying on you while the both of you recovered. 
You started to fall asleep. You were so absolutely satisfied but completely exhausted. You felt Sehun get up and when he came back he was not letting you sleep in peace.
“Come on, little one. Don’t get bratty on me now. Let’s take a shower and then you can sleep, okay?”
You grumbled and turned away from him. 
He spanked you again. This time lightly in comparison to the spanks from before.
“Move, lazy girl” he laughed as he told you.
You got up and you both showered and got back into bed. 
“In case it’s not clear, I’m staying over. Might fall asleep in the Uber if I leave now” you told him as you started to feel cozy and warm in his bed.
“Of course, Y/N. I wasn’t going to kick you out after that. I’m not a complete asshole” he said as he also started to get comfortable.
“Hmm… No ‘Y/N’ in here. Don’t ruin in” you told him and he huffed a laugh.
“Deal, little one. I’m assuming I meet your criteria and we can do this regularly then?” he asked you and you barely heard him as you were already starting to drift off to sleep.
“Yes, sir. Absolutely. Let’s talk tomorrow. I’m sleepy” you told him and you don’t remember if he answered since you fell asleep almost instantly.
You woke up the next morning and it was all good. Nothing was awkward. Sehun tried offering you breakfast but you told him you needed to go to get ready for a friend’s birthday brunch. You exchanged phone numbers and the deal was on.
It was great finally having someone you could do this regularly with who wanted the same thing as you. Sure, you had been wrong before but Sehun seemed different. He was like you. This time, there would be no hidden feelings and no complications, no. You would simply hang out when you needed to relieve some tension and that was it.
You had talked a few times over text which generally would be against your rules but he immediately told you ‘don’t overthink it, I think we’re really similar and I think you’re cool so I want to be friends and we can keep both things separate if it makes you feel better’. And it did make you feel better. He was a great guy. Funny. And you shared the same sense of humor so being friends with him was easy and you both knew there was no secret intentions behind this friendship or your deal.
Unfortunately, the only thing that had happened between you two in the next week was those text messages. He had been very busy with some company-wide situation and you were also busy getting ready for the final presentation of your deal to one of our clients. And, tonight you had the final company party of the year to announce the goals for the rest of this quarter and next year’s goals.
You and Blake arrived together at the party since neither of you wanted to drive, you chose to take an Uber together.
The party looked great. As usual. The board spared no expenses in order to make you all feel a part of something real and meaningful. You were grateful. This has been the first job where you felt happy and content with management and your growth in the company.
You and Blake sit at your table and thank fuck you were seated at the same table. Just because you were overall happy with the company, doesn’t mean there weren’t some bad apples in the company that you definitely did not want to sit next to and have to deal with all night.
You started to hear a really loud laugh. It was a funny laugh at first and made you laugh yourself but you started to get annoyed. You just had to have the table by the loudest most annoying laugh in the room. Of course.
You turned around to check out who was the culprit. You had to know in order to avoid them next time you were in this situation.
You couldn’t believe your eyes. Oh Sehun. Of course. Why was his laugh this loud? For what reason? And the way he switched between his loud laugh and an absolute resting bitch face was something to marvel at for sure.
But… Why was he here? You were confused. You had never seen him at any company-wide party before. And you absolutely had never heard this laugh before, you would have remembered it. Had you missed him completely before? 
It seemed you had stared a bit too long at him and he sensed it because now he was looking at you and lifting his class up to signal he saw you. You lifted a brow at him, rolled your eyes and turned away from him.
“Did Sehun always work for this company? How have I never seen him before and why would you tell me to fuck him? You know I don’t like to dip my pen in the company ink…” you asked Blake when most of your table was gone.
“Because I knew you two would get along and I knew you would immediately tell me no if you knew he worked at the company. Pretty obvious, actually” they answered you.
“Besides, he is so high up in the chain you won’t ever see him around anyways. I’m actually surprised he’s here tonight. There’s always some excuse for him not to make it” they added.
“Great. I’m fucking one of my bosses, Wonderful. Thanks!” you said to Blake sarcastically.
“You’re welcome aaaaaand he’s coming this way so I’m gonna go. Have fun, be safe!” they told you before they got up and left.
“Hey, Y/N. Sorry for the surprise. Didn’t want to ruin a good thing” he said as he sat down in Blake’s now empty seat.
“You chose right. Had I known, this would never have happened and that would be unfortunate wouldn’t it?” you asked as you started to flirt with him. 
You needed him badly and now that he was here, you needed to make your intentions very clear about how you want tonight to end.
“Meet me at the entrance at 11:30. Don’t be late” he told you and left to go back to his table.
The night seemed to go by very, very slow, more so now that you knew what awaited you after you left. You were pretending to hear whatever one of your very boring colleagues was trying to tell you about but you were lost in your thoughts and you didn’t even notice his hand touching your arm. 
As soon as you noticed, you flinched and backed away from him. You ended up telling him off completely. He shouldn’t have tried to touch you without your consent and if he tried anything else with you, HR would be hearing all of this. 
You got up and were walking to the bathroom when someone grabbed your elbow and pulled you closer.
“It’s me. Quite the show with your colleague. I should fire him just for even looking at you” Sehun growled in your ear.
“You shouldn’t surprise people this way either. Almost elbowed you in the ribs. And I can defend myself. He already got an earful” you told him.
“Let’s go now before someone else decides to touch what’s mine” he told you and started to move towards the entrance.
“What’s yours? That deal is off outside the bedroom, Sehun” you told him as you followed him out the venue, 
“No, it isn’t. I told you. I don’t like sharing. That’s my hard limit. And you want to start fucking up now? Already? Fine. I’ll fucking show you tonight then” he told you as he turned around and got very close to your lips.
This was the second time he was driving you both to his apartment. This time, however, he was in a very different mood. His resting bitch face was out and he was gripping the steering wheel so hard his knuckles were white.
This was going to be a very interesting night.
He parked the car in the garage and before you could open the door to get out he spoke up.
“Here’s the code to my apartment. Get in. Strip down completely and wait for me on the bed. Don’t speak. Go. Now.”
You said nothing and started making your way up. You were very wet already. Why was he so sexy when he got like this? ‘Fucking unfair’ you thought.
You got into the apartment and quickly took off all your clothes and moved to sit on the bed. You didn’t know how long he was going to take but you didn’t want to risk it. It already seemed like you would be in for a very long night,you didn’t need to make this any worse for yourself. 
As you were finishing your thoughts, he walked through the bedroom door and didn’t say a word. He took off all his clothes except his underwear and moved to his closet. You already knew what he was going to get but right now you couldn’t decide if you should be excited or scared.
He placed the box on the bed and stared at you. He looked you over from head to toe and his face had such intensity… Excited. You were definitely excited. Being scared has disappeared from your mind completely.
“Move up. No fucking touching for you again. Not until you learn” he told and you gulped.
You moved up on the bed as he told you to.
“I didn’t know that applied outside of the bedroom. You mentioned sharing in that sense, I didn’t know you meant outside of it. And, I didn’t want him to touch me. He did it without my consent. I wasn’t paying attention, I was–”
“It doesn’t matter. Pay attention next time. Don’t want to have to sit there and watch that. Even if it isn’t welcome. Now that you know that it applies to in and outside of the bedroom, I’m going to give you an out. If you take it, we are done. With the deal, I mean. If you don’t take it, I expect you to take care of what’s mine when I’m not around” he told you as he started to take the silk restraints out of the box.
Usually possessiveness was not something that you enjoyed but to be fair, you get it. You wouldn’t want to share him with anyone either. 
“I’m sorry, sir. I didn’t know. I’ll be better from now on. Promise” you told him and looked straight into his eyes so he knew you meant it.
He started to restrain your hands against his headboard and you just stared at him. He wasn’t going to be nice tonight, you know that much.
“Safeword?” he asked after he was satisfied with the restrains on your wrists.
“Colors, sir” you said as you started to lay down. 
As soon as your head hit the pillow, he climbed over you and started to kiss you. Shit, you had forgotten how good of a kisser he was. You could just kiss him for hours like this. You were starting to moan and he bit your lip hard and moved away from you.
“This is a punishment. Your enjoyment doesn’t matter tonight, understood?” he asked you and you nodded and agreed. You figured as much.
He moved to the box and pulled out nipple clamps. This was new for you. You had never tried this before. Your nipples were very sensitive so you weren’t sure how this was going to feel but you wanted to find out.
He looked over at you and raised his brow at you. You knew what he was silently asking you.
“Green, sir” you said and he nodded.
He started to massage your breasts and kiss you again.
And as soon as you forgot what he was holding in his hands, he clamped one of your nipples and you gasped. He started to kiss you again and kept massaging your breasts and he surprised you again with the other clamp. It felt different. Painful but pleasurable at the same time. Difficult to describe, but you knew you were getting wetter.
He placed a kiss on each of your breasts and took the small vibrator out of the box. He turned it on to the highest setting and smirked. Oh. You get it now. He’s going to try and push you to your limit. You gulped.
He looked over at you and slapped your pussy. So hard. You almost came right then. You were being stimulated in ways you’ve never had been before and it was all overwhelming in the best way. 
He got up, took his underwear off and got back on the bed. He was kneeling between your legs and started to run his hands up and down your legs while he stared at your pussy.
“You’re pretty everywhere, you know that?” he asked as he kept staring at your pussy.
“Thank you, sir. You are too” you said as you stared right back at him.
He took the vibrator and placed it on your clit. In the highest setting. He trapped it between his hand and your clit and you knew this move by heart now. Except this time, you don’t think he will deny you your orgasm. You have a feeling he is going with the other end of the spectrum. 
He leaned over and started kissing your neck. He began pushing the vibrator against your clit harder and then softer. He was alternating rhythms constantly and you were losing it already.
You started to pant and moan so loud and he could tell you were close and before you knew it, you came. 
He didn’t move his hand away, not even a little bit. He kept the vibrator right against your clit and didn’t even give you time to recover from your high.
“Sensitive, please… Wait a bit, sir, please” you begged.
“No. Take it. Silently. I only wanna hear you moan or say my name. No complaining or it gets worse” he warned you.
You started to whine but you pushed through. You wanted to be good for him. Desperately.
He leaned back on his heels and kept pressing the vibrator onto your clit. With his other hand he started to massage your breasts softly and you hissed. 
“Fuck…” you heard him curse almost in a whisper. He was already getting affected too.
He stopped massaging your breasts and started to stroke his cock with his free hand while pressing the vibrator against your clit and he started the abuse on your clit again by alternating the pressure. 
He kept stroking his cock and removed the vibrator from your clit. He now placed it on your hole and kept pushing it in for a few seconds and taking it out until you could only feel the vibrations against your hole.
Fuck, this was a new kind of torture. You wanted to touch him, you wanted to be the one stroking his cock. You started to stare at his cock and you were whining now.
“Next time be good and you might be the one doing this” he told you and you looked up.
He kept this pace with the vibrator in and out of your pussy entrance. With his other hand, he stopped stroking his cock and placed his fingers on your clit. He started to do figure eights on your clit and you knew you were going to be gone soon.
A few more strokes like this and you were over the edge again. You could feel yourself dripping and your pussy hole kept clenching around nothing now that he moved the vibrator away.
He again gave you no time to recover and pushed the vibrator back to your clit. His other hand went to your hole and he started to finger you. Two fingers at first and quickly he added a third and started an aggressive pace that had you seeing stars. 
Soon enough, you were close again and you started moaning again very loudly. You were never this loud before. Tears were flowing down your face and as you came a third time.
As you were coming down from your high, he removed his hands and vibrator from you and unclamped both your nipples. He started to massage your breasts and as the blood flow came back to your nipple, you started to wail. You had never felt anything like this before. Your orgasm had been amplified like never before. Your eyes were shut and you kept panting and moaning and whining.
Sehun was now whispering in your ear words you haven’t heard all night.
“Such a good girl. My baby girl. You’re so good. You’re so good to me. We’re almost done. Almost done. Promise” he continued praising and reassuring you.
Once you opened your eyes, you could see he was staring down at you and he had a worried look on his face.
“Color, little one?”
“Green, sir… G..Green” you said weakly but you didn’t want him to stop. He had to fuck you.
“Please, keep going. Fuck me, sir… Please… I need it” you were begging.
“Shhh… I will, little one. Remember your colors and tell me if it’s too much” he told you before he started to hold his cock by your entrance.
Much like last time, he grabbed a condom and pushed in, easily. He started to thrust hard against you. He set a very fast and hard pace. He was reaching places inside you you didn’t think was possible.
He leaned back a bit, lifted your hip with one hand and pushed down on your stomach with his other hand. In this position and with his hand pushing down on you, he was hitting your g-spot constantly and so fucking hard. It was only a matter of time.
The hand that was holding your hip moved to your clit and as soon as he pinched your clit you came again. You were squeezing his cock so hard, it was hard for him to move inside you but he kept going.
“One more. One more, little one…” he said as he was nearing his end as well.
He placed both your legs on his shoulder and he continued pounding into you. 
He grabbed one of your tits and started to pinch your nipple and with his free hand he again pushed down on your clit. It wasn’t long before you came again and he finished a few seconds after you.
You don’t remember much after that. You were so exhausted. You needed to sleep and after making sure you were okay and releasing your wrists from the headboard, he let you rest.
You woke up in his bed and he was already up and was scrolling on his phone.
“Let’s do this exclusively, yeah? I’m not sure if you planned to see other people, but I meant it with the ‘no sharing’. You’re too good for that” he told you, eyes still facing his phone.
“I didn’t plan on seeing anyone else. No sharing it is. Exclusive deal but still the same deal” you told him, now moving off of the bed to go shower.
“Of course. Same deal” he told you as he lifted his head from his phone and smiled at you.
You were reminded to thank Blake later. 
Not only have they found you a good friend, but also your perfect dom.
Hey guys! I hope you guys enjoy this one. A lot of things were new for me here but I enjoyed writing this a lot! As usual, please let me know in the comments and such if you enjoyed reading it 💕 Thank you for supporting me! CHEERS 🥂
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paintingwhiteceilings · 2 months
can you make exo members as your childhood best friend? and with fem reader please! love your writing <3
❃EXO members as your childhood best friend❃
A/N: Hiii thank you so much for this ask! I am so sorry that it has taken me months to finally respond to it :’)  I spent the last few months birthing a 35.000-word, 65-page thesis so I didn’t have any time/energy left to do any creative writing. Regardless, thank you for this cute ask! It was fun reminiscing over my memories with my childhood friend that I have known since I was four months old. Thank you for being so patient with me the very long wait, hopefully, this makes up for it!
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✾ Xiumin and you became friends during recess in primary school. He noticed your classmates constantly picked you last whenever you played a game together during recess. Thus, whenever he was chosen to be a team captain, he made sure to pick you first, resulting in you two becoming close friends.
✾ Your mom adores him; heck, she prefers him over you. Xiumin has always been the perfect son; he got perfect grades, is polite, is handsome, cleans up after himself, etc. Whenever you call her, she asks whether you can pass the phone to him so she can ask her favourite child how he is doing.
✾ He is a very consistent friend. Regardless of how busy his schedule is, he makes sure to drop by your place regularly. If he can't visit you in person, he will have a four-hour phone call with you instead, where you two talk about everything and anything happening in your lives.
✾ At some point during your friendship, he had a massive crush on you. He never told you -and you might not have noticed it- but it was incredibly obvious to everyone around you as they watched him follow you with puppy dog eyes. Your mother still holds out hope that you will end up together.
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✾ You guys became friends all the way back in pre-school when Suho noticed you were having trouble learning how to tie your shoelaces. Five-year-old Suho wasted no time and offered to help you out, patiently teaching you how to do it. You have stuck together ever since, remaining close throughout your teenage years.
✾ Suho dragged you through secondary school; if it hadn't been for him functioning as your tutor throughout your educational career, you would not have had the grades you ended up graduating with. Nowadays, he mostly gives you advice on work and will look over contract details with you when needed.
✾ He was 1000% your wealthy, rich best friend growing up. His childhood birthday parties were incredibly lavish; he would take all his friends to theme parks when he was younger, his parents paying for every expense. Even nowadays, he never misses a chance to spoil you rotten, taking you on already-paid-for trips whenever he is able to.
✾ You guys have stayed at each other's places so often that you call each other's parents mom and dad. It is not unusual for one of you to have dinner with the other's parents without the other present.  
✾ Compared to the other members, he is less consistent with meetups, not minding it too much when a lot of time passes between phone calls. You can go months without talking to each other before sending the other a random TikTok or stopping by each other's place unannounced.
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✾ The two of you have a crazy story of how you met. You met Baekyhun shortly after moving into the same street. At the time, you were convinced mermaids were real, so you decided it was perfectly reasonable to dive into the river running next to your house to introduce yourself to them without actually being able to swim. Luckily for you, Baekyhun happened to be playing nearby and jumped in after you without a second thought, rescuing you from drowning. He still holds it over you whenever he needs a favour.  
✾ You have so many weird stories of when you were growing up together. You two would constantly get into trouble, most of it initiated by Baekyhun. It got to the point where your teachers decided to put you in different classes to prevent you two from pulling pranks during class.
✾ Your place is his place, and vice versa. On one occasion, you accidentally switched apartments; Baekyhun had gone over to yours whilst you had visited him. You still complain that he should cover your grocery bills as he tends to eat most of the food in your fridge whenever he is over.
✾ Baekyhun is such a loyal friend; he will always have your back and drop everything to come running when you tell him you need him. Baekyhun has friends he has known for over 20 years; he is a friend for life.
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✾ Your dad and his dad were best friends, introducing you to one another when you were two years old in the hopes you would become best friends, too. At first, you two were painfully shy, hiding behind your fathers to stare at the other strange kid, but after leaving you two alone for an hour, you two became quick friends.
✾ He acts very much like a brother. Chen can be super annoying, teasing you whenever he gets a chance, but he will drop everything and anything when you call him. He will not let anyone else -not even his members- tease you; it is only okay if he does it.
✾ You two give each other the best advice. You guys regularly call each other to talk about whatever problems and hardships you are going through. 
✾ Chen wasted no time in asking you to be one of the bridesmaids at his wedding. God knows how much you contributed to the two getting together and how much time you spent helping Chen plan the proposal. 
✾ Chen and his wife immediately called you to ask whether you wanted to be the godmother the moment they discovered she was pregnant. He cannot wait for you to have a child of your own so they can become best friends, too.
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✾ You two met in primary school when you were six, and your teacher decided to have you sit together. Chanyeol got super competitive when he discovered you had gotten a higher grade than him on a spelling test, resulting in a friendly rivalry. To this day, you two get along perfectly well, but the moment that grades or board games are involved, a war will break out.
✾ He 1000% bullied you into playing video games with him. Chanyeol even bought you a gaming laptop, trying to convince you to join him. Regardless of his schedule or location, you have a regular game night where you play random multiplayer games, affectionately yelling at each other.
✾ You developed a tiny crush on Chanyeol when you first saw him after he got his growth spurt. It did not last very long, however; you remembered he was the same Chayeol who once ate a crayon on a dare and puked the contents of his stomach all over your shoes.
✾ Chanyeol is the worst wingman. He is very protective over you, and, according to his opinion, nobody is good enough to date you. Whenever you go out drinking, he will lurk behind you, attempting to intimidate whoever dares to come up to you. This man might be secretly in love with you and absolutely in denial about his feelings.
✾ Chanyeol once wrote a song about your friendship, but he has not yet made up his mind on whether he wants to release it. Part of him feels he should save it for a solo album.
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✾ You met Kyungsoo as he is the son of your mother's best friend. His mother had asked yours to introduce you two as Kyungsoo was a painfully shy child, and she wanted him to have more friends his age. Initially, he was quiet around you, hiding behind his mother whenever she brought him over. However, he slowly came out of his shell the more you played together.  
✾ You two didn’t attend the same schools but remained good friends nonetheless. Whenever school would end, you would rush to meet up underneath a big old tree in the park near your house. You would sit there for hours, talking about your day or doing your homework together, until it got dark.
✾ Kyungsoo never told you, but you were the main reason why he pursued a career in acting and singing. You never failed to hype him up, giving him the confidence to put himself out there. He fondly remembers the countless karaoke nights where you would be his biggest fan, praising his skills when the song would end.
✾ He definitely developed a crush on you somewhere during your teenage years. Kyungsoo never felt the need to act on it, finding your friendship too precious to risk anything. His friends were very aware of it, though, teasing him whenever he would rush out the moment school ended to meet up with you.
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✾ You two met on a playground when you were three years old. Someone had pushed you off the wigwam, and Kai, seeing you cry, stood up for you as much as a three-year-old can stand up for someone else. He refused to leave your side after, playing with you until it was time to go home. You two have been close friends ever since.
✾ He insisted on you taking dance classes with him, thinking it was fun to have something to do together. It became your regular weekly meetup point, enabling you to stay connected even when you went to different schools. You would show up an hour before class would start, just so you could talk without being scolded by the teacher, and would take your sweet time walking home, squeezing out as much time as you could.  
✾ You recognize that Kai is incredibly handsome whenever you see him perform, but all you are able to see when he thrusts his hips is the same kid who once fell into a pond when he was collecting a bunch of rocks because he thought they were pretty and cried over a feather because he felt bad for the bird that lost it. Having so many embarrassing childhood memories of him is why you are still sane and not drooling over him.
✾ Kai bombards you with messages throughout the day; you once had over fifty notifications from him as he sent you every video and photo of a dog or cat he stumbled upon.
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✾ You and Sehun met during daycare and initially did not get along whatsoever. You two got into a fight when Sehun stole the stuffed animal you were playing with, resulting in the caretaker putting the both of you in time-out. Weirdly enough, you bonded over your time in toddler jail, becoming inseparable after you were set free.
✾ Sehun and you constantly bicker with one another, having no problem calling the other one out or, as you like to put it, keeping the other person humble. To those who know you well, they liken your dynamic to that of an old married couple. However, people who do not know your friendship tend to assume you hate each other.
✾ Sehun gets insanely jealous when you hang out with his members or other friends of his. You are his friend, and as much as he likes his friends getting along, the bratty part of him hates when you do not have time for him. He will become incredibly whiny when too much time has passed between meetups and when he feels like you are ditching him for your friends.
✾ Sehun is your favourite gossip buddy. He will randomly call you to tell you whatever drama he witnessed or caught wind of. If calling is not an option, he will instead send you a thirty-minute voice note explaining the situation in full detail. Your chat is basically a podcast where you update one another about people you do not know and drama that does not concern you.
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jaemmphilia · 1 year
★ 𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘧𝘪𝘷𝘦: 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘢𝘵
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★ kinktober 2023 - masterlist ★ includes: sehun ★ warnings: explicit content, reader has a sweat kink, sehun is a sweaty boy. sehun's sweat smells neutral (no stinky boys allowed) © triplejracha, 2023. please do not copy to any other platform.
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Sehun is drenched.
His shirt is sticking to his skin in the most uncomfortable way, beads of sweat dripping down the side of his face. No matter how many times he wipes his face to get rid of the sweat but it keeps rolling down his body.
He finishes his daily run and enters his apartment that he shares with you. Kicking off his shoes, he goes to the bedroom to take a shower. He sees you laying in bed just as you were when he left less than an hour ago. This time around, you're awake and scrolling on your phone.
You sit up in bed and stretch, the blanket falling off your bare upper body. You look at Sehun with a sleepy smile on your face, your eyes noticing that he's sweating like crazy. Something in your brain tells you to jump his bones.
You decide to grab him while his back is turned to you, your arms reaching out to tug him onto the bed, your nose tucked into his neck. You hold onto his damp body tightly, not allowing him to escape your hold.
"Babe, what are you doing? I'm all gross and sweaty!" Sehun says, laughing as you breathe in his scent, your hair tickling his neck.
"Mmh, I don't care. I like it when you're sweaty." You mutter into his neck, placing kisses on his salty skin. "I wanna ride you."
"Can you at least wait until I take a shower?" Sehun questions, watching as you push him down onto the bed before straddling him.
"If we do that, then you'll just have to take another shower, and that's wasteful." You point out, grinding against his lap. "Besides, we could just shower together."
Sehun wants to disagree with you but he knows that you're right in this situation. He allows you to continue your actions, watching as you rid him of his jogging shorts and underwear.
You slip off your own pair of underwear, your hands working Sehun's cock until he's mostly hard. You sit on his dick, letting out a soft moan as you do. As you swivel your hips slowly, you lean down to lick at your boyfriend's sweaty chest.
Goosebumps form on Sehun's skin as your tongue glides along his pecs and nipples. He isn't used to getting this much stimulation all at once, so he tries to not cum too soon like a horny teen.
You begin to pick up the pace of your hips, your tongue lapping up any traces of sweat left on Sehun's body. It's truly addicting, the way he smells and tastes despite going on a 2 hour long run.
It doesn't take long for Sehun to lose control, his cock emptying inside your walls, filling you to the brim. The feeling of his warm cum coating your insides is enough to bring you to completion, your cock leaking on the valley of his stomach.
Sehun had no idea you were so addicted to his sweat, but he's definitely not complaining about it.
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yerimacoustic · 8 days
𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙞 𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙖𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 ♡ 𝙨𝙚𝙪𝙣𝙜𝙠𝙬𝙖𝙣 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
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❝ 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙬𝙚'𝙧𝙚 𝙖𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙞’𝙢 𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙮𝙤𝙪, 𝙞 𝙘𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙚 𝙢𝙮 𝙚𝙮𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙄 𝙨𝙚𝙚 𝙞𝙨 𝙮𝙤𝙪 ❞ ✧ ೃ༄
summary : after impulsively quitting your job and moving back to your hometown, you reconnect with a childhood friend of yours and rekindle your relationship. you even take the opportunity to get closer to your former crush upon realizing he actually does know you exist. however, you realize that you might be in over your own head when faced with complications involving family, responsibilities, and love.
content warnings : librarian!boo seungkwan x gender neutral reader, college professor!oh sehun x gender neutral reader, EXTREMELY slow burn, implied love triangle, childhood friends to (eventual) lovers, swearing, stress and angst, banter, very very brief mention of implied death, not proofread. 11.6k wc. mostly inspired by kdrama : love next door, it’s the ‘it’s always been you’ trope you guyssss
soundtrack : those eyes by new west, scott street by phoebe bridgers, ceilings by lizzy mcalpine, i hear a symphony by cody fry, the loneliest time by carlie rae jepsen, always been you by chris grey (will add more)
additional notes : this is going to be a multiple part series! i’m talking about EXTREMELY slow burn. don’t mind me adding sehun into the mix, i am a big fan of his lately.
it felt like nothing had changed. the pavement on the sidewalks was still loose, the grass near the empty fields was still much too tall.. everything was still so close. that was, of course, the main reason why you instructed your uber driver to drop you off at the coffee shop near your house. heaven knew you needed the extra ten minutes to clear your mind with the help of some fresh air, anyways.
you didn’t see yourself coming back home, not for a while at least. the plan had always been simple: graduate college, get a well-paying job, get married, start a family.. well, at least, your parents had always found it to be simple. you made it to step two, which you were able to give yourself at least some credit for.. unfortunately that was short lived, considering that one day at lunch with your boss, you made an impulsive decision to quit your job. 
you stopped in place at a familiar crack in the pavement, one that you remembered tripping over and promptly falling off your bike several times in your youth. how in the world were you supposed to face your mother and father? how were you supposed to summon the courage to tell them that you were currently unemployed and had no current plans for the future? that you were too burned out and exhausted to even begin looking for a new job?
maybe a nice cup of coffee would provide all the answers… except they were closed. shit.
the only thing left to do, obviously, was to procrastinate going home as much as possible. which, of course, meant exploring the street you knew like the back of your hand. the benches near the coffee shop looked exactly the same, the tiny post office, the library.. wait.
the library!
luckily, they stuck to the same schedule implemented from the time you were working there, which meant you had less than thirty minutes to step inside. as you swung the door open, the loud bell announced your arrival- not that it startled you. you’d grown numb to the loud clanging sound, almost as if you had been conditioned. once inside, you were greeted by the nostalgic smell of parchment and cinnamon, comfortable silence and dimmed lighting. there were two other patrons in there that you knew of, who were quietly huddled in the corner reading separate books. 
stepping up to the front desk, you looked around the calming, tranquil space with a content grin. much like everything else in town, the library had stayed exactly the same. there were still paintings of landscapes and skylines scattered along the walls, a fireplace in the back area, comfortable bean bags and rugs… and..
“seungkwan?” you whispered, your eyes going wide.
the young man in question was pushing a cart of books with his back towards you and had already begun to carefully set them down on the nearest shelf before he heard someone speaking behind him. the last person he expected to see standing behind his counter was you. as far as seungkwan knew, you had no plans of returning home. 
his eyes went wide as he turned back, lips forming a perfect ‘o’ shape. he did his best to keep his voice down as he saw you and stood frozen in place for a moment, dumbfounded. “y/n??”
you smiled sheepishly upon taking note of your childhood friend's reaction. it was truly one for the books, but you still couldn’t hold back from teasing him, whispering, “well are you just gonna stand there or…?”
“ugh, fine. get over here.” seungkwan let out a mocking huff of annoyance before carefully setting the last book down on the cart and rushing to you. he flung his arms around your waist and pulled you in for a tight hug, one that seemed to convey all the sentiments that had been lost to you for four years now. all of the tight hugs, the words of affirmation, the quality time spent after school and work.. 
he finally spoke up again, making no effort to keep his voice lowered down. “what are you doing here? how long are you in town?”
you chuckled awkwardly, waiting for just a moment longer to break out of his embrace. “um..indefinitely?”
seungkwan’s eyes narrowed. “whoa.. i didn’t think those big shots in the city would let you take an indefinite hiatus...”
“oh.. yeah, what can i say? they love me over there.” you mocked a hair flip for dramatic effect, earning a scoff from seungkwan. 
“well hopefully your work ethic’s better now than when you were working here with me.” he rolled his eyes while reminiscing several shifts gone wrong in your time together at the library. they still blew his mind several years later; how difficult could it be to work in a building full of books?
you furrowed your eyebrows. “what are you talking about? i was your favorite coworker.”
“nuh uh, you were my only coworker. big difference.” seungkwan waved a finger to you with a growing smirk, his eyes still narrowed. 
you swatted his shoulder. you would never admit out loud that you definitely were not the best employee, that you would rather spend the day reading or distracting seungkwan as much as you could than get any actual work done. still, you hoped that at the very least, seungkwan enjoyed his time with you. “come on. you know i made things more entertaining around here.” 
your best friend let out a prolonged sigh as he made a dramatic show of pulling off his striped apron and folding it over the front desk. “i guess.” he paused, rolling up the sleeves of his large sweater to his elbows before folding his arms. “have you been home yet?”
your heart skipped a beat at the sudden confrontation. “well.. not exactly. my plane just landed.”
“really? i’m surprised that your folks didn’t come pick you up from the airport..” he shook his head, a grin of amusement slowly starting to surface. seungkwan seemed to have been gifted with intuition after years of being your closest friend; judging by your body language, alone, he could tell that something wasn’t quite right.
“about that,” your tone suddenly grew hushed as you rubbed the back of your neck. “i didn’t exactly tell them i’m coming home.”
“hmm?” seungkwan furrowed his eyebrows. “why wouldn’t you tell them something like that?”
you parted your lips before the proper excuse could come to mind. but.. neither of their birthdays were coming up. it wasn’t a holiday. and you definitely had nothing exciting to share with them in person. you barely made a sound before the loud bell across the room announced someone else’s arrival. your heads snapped towards the doorway, your own eyes going wide at the revelation..
“hey sehun,” seungkwan greeted halfheartedly, as if it was customary for the other man to show up fifteen minutes before closing. he moved to stand behind the counter while you stayed frozen in place, watching the taller man make his way to the two of you. 
sehun was exactly how you remembered him too. tall, stoic, smartly dressed.. classically handsome. in the four years you’d been gone, you hadn’t forgotten about the infatuation you had developed with him in college. not completely, at least. he carried a large pile of books in his arms, which he set down carefully on the counter in front of him. “hey, thanks for helping me out. you’re a lifesaver.” 
“no problem.” seungkwan went to work immediately, starting to log the books sehun had borrowed into the ancient computer resting on the counter. he glanced to you before explaining, “sehun got that teaching degree. he comes in here every so often to borrow some extra books they don’t have on campus.”
just as you nodded in understanding, sehun looked over his shoulder to see you already staring at him. his eyes went wide as he wore a deeply apologetic expression, “oh! hey..y/n. it’s y/n, right?”
“yeah, yeah, that’s right,” you chuckled.
“it's good to see you,” he grinned modestly, turning his back on seungkwan in favor of facing you fully. “i haven’t seen you in a while, where have you been?”
“i relocated for work after graduating but..i’m back here now.” you punctuated your statement by shrugging halfheartedly, chuckling under your breath. to tell the truth, you were surprised sehun had even noticed you were missing; he never paid much attention to you in school. it wasn’t like you were nonexistent, but more like he always had something else on his mind. 
“indefinitely,” seungkwan chimed in, much to your annoyance. 
sehun raised an eyebrow. “indefinitely?”
you felt as if the two of them had backed you in a corner. it was difficult to ignore seungkwan as he leaned over the counter with his chin resting in the palm of his hand, an amused grin bringing you to clench your jaw. “well..”
“and she didn’t even tell her parents,” seungkwan whispered, as if the three of you were in a gossip session. he smirked to you, knowing fully well that you would have lunged for him if sehun wasn’t in the room. 
“i’m sure they’ll be excited to see you visiting them. indefinitely.” sehun, of course, was oblivious to seungkwan’s antics. he kept his back turned on him as he focused on you, waiting almost too patiently for you to explain your motives. 
just before you could mutter a ‘thank you’ to him, seungkwan cut you off once again, “by the way, when you say indefinitely, what exactly do you mean?”
in that moment, you crafted a plot in your mind to jump over the counter the minute sehun would close the door behind him. seungkwan had always known of your interest in sehun, so.. you could give him the benefit of the doubt and excuse his actions by saying he had good intentions. but there was something deep inside you nagging and arguing that he was only trying to embarrass you.
“well..” you muttered, prompting seungkwan to lean in comically close over the counter. unfortunately, whether you liked it or not, you came to the realization that your close friends and family would eventually find out the truth.. so it was better to bite the bullet. “forever?”
“forever??” seungkwan asked incredulously. 
in that moment you had completely abandoned all intentions of giving your best friend the benefit of the doubt and instead wondered if seungkwan truly would stop at nothing to humiliate you. the look of intrigue donned by sehun almost caused your heart to stop beating in your chest completely. “forever,” you repeated quietly.
and although sehun showed no signs of disgust or disapproval, you wondered what he truly thought of you. he must have thought so lowly of you, unemployed and forced to move back in with your parents with no prospects or plans of any sort... as much as you would have liked to tell yourself you were most likely overthinking the tension rising between the three of you, it was part of your nature to assume the worst.
sehun’s expression of intrigue was quickly replaced by one of reserved shock; he wasn’t sure how to respond. he wanted to handle the situation (if one could even call it a ‘situation’) with delicacy without seeming like he was tiptoeing around it. it was quite the contrast from seungkwan’s reaction; your best friend looked like he would soon pass out due to the color draining from his face. seungkwan, who was visible just behind sehun’s shoulder, slapped a hand over his mouth to muffle his gasp. 
of course. he always had a flair for the dramatics.
sehun cleared his throat, as if to defuse the tension in the space between the three of you. the air had felt much more constricting until he snapped you out of your shame induced gaze. “thanks again, seungkwan. same time tomorrow?”
“maybe a few more minutes before closing.” seungkwan was quick to smile enthusiastically, with authenticity rather than cruel irony, towards the other man. he even went so far as to punctuate his statement with an amused chuckle. 
“right, sorry,” sehun nodded apologetically. he knew he had a bad habit of bothering seungkwan, who was generous enough to help him even in the most inconvenient times, but there was no use trying to adjust his schedule to his own liking. he looked to you just as he turned towards the exit, a smile barely reaching his eyes. “see you around.” 
somehow, you weren’t hyperfocused on the fact that he seemed to disappear before you could gift him a proper goodbye. once the loud bell signaled his absence, you reached across the front counter to swat at seungkwan’s shoulder. a high pitched shriek flew from his lips, but it didn’t startle you enough to back away from him. “what was that for?” he demanded with a pout.
“you know damn well! he probably thinks i’m some deadbeat now.” 
“why, because you got fired?” seungkwan regretted his teasing remark the second he saw you wind back your hand to swat his untouched shoulder, his hands flying to shield his face. “wait! wait, stop! truce! truce!” the sigh of relief he let out once you finally relented was almost comedic. “you didn’t get fired, did you?”
you folded your arms across the countertop with a huff, avoiding his eyes. although sehun’s opinion meant a lot to you, it was nothing compared to how seungkwan perceived you. you grew up with him, after all. “no. i quit.”
“does it matter?” those three words came out in a much harsher, more defensive tone than you had anticipated. it was too late to apologize by the time you had processed the gravity of your words, or the effect they had on your best friend.
seungkwan matched your energy, his eyebrows raised as his tone grew just a tad harsher, as well. “well… yeah? you’re throwing a lot away. you know it’s really hard to get a job these days. you were really lucky.”
you huffed. “please, seungkwan, spare me. i’ve already been preparing for that lecture from my parents.” 
“well, what do you want me to say instead?” he snapped, folding his arms across his chest. those words stung in your chest, as if the blade had been laced with venom. out of all of the people you expected to be this harsh with you, the last person on your list was boo seungkwan.
you furrowed your eyebrows, sitting up and letting your arms fall from the counter in favor of relaxing at your sides. “nothing.” you paused before mustering up the courage to speak again, swallowing. “it was great to see you.”
you took long strides towards the door, ignoring seungkwan’s protests even as his voice grew nearer. only when you felt his hand grip onto your forearm did you finally turn back to face him, a deadpan expression dulling your features. quite the contrast from his look of pleading, sorrow filling his eyes. always the flair for the dramatics. “don’t go. please?” he paused, searching for an answer within your irises. “if i know anything about your parents, they’re gonna be pissed. we need a game plan.”
“‘we?’” you asked him quietly.
“yeah. we’re in this together.” he hooked his arm around yours, his words and the tight grip on your upper arm prompting a rush of nostalgia to numb your mind for the time being. 
“but first, we need to grab some dinner.” your eyes lit up, accentuating your smirk as you heard seungkwan groan next to you in annoyance. 
“i hardly see how grabbing sandwiches is going to help the situation.” even so, seungkwan dipped his grilled cheese in the flavorful tomato soup in front of him, letting out a content sigh once the taste of basil and sourdough lingered in his mouth. 
“comfort food always helps keep one level headed in stressful situations. i thought you knew that,” you took a large bite from your own sandwich, as if the exaggerated actions would punctuate your words. 
of course, seungkwan knew you brought up a great point; he didn’t raise that argument when the two of you grabbed brunch before taking finals or when he ordered takeout while both of you spent the entire night applying for jobs. after all, the two of you shared a similar love of food for as long as you could remember. 
“yeah, but doesn’t it just feel like we’re prolonging the inevitable?” seungkwan’s words were slightly muffled as he chewed politely on his sandwich.
unfortunately, he brought up a great point, as well. that was the whole reason you found yourself in his family’s library in the first place: to prolong the inevitable. you swallowed nervously as an image of the disappointment on your mother’s face flashed in your mind, dabbing at the corners of your lips with a napkin. “no. i’m starving. i haven’t eaten since noon.”
seungkwan let out an audible sigh, which inevitably earned him an eye roll. “sure, we’ll go with that excuse.”
furrowing your eyebrows, you straightened out your shoulders. “excuse me, have you seen how my mom is when she gets angry?”
“of course i have. i was there when you cut the bangs off of all of her porcelain dolls because ‘you wanted to see their eyes.’” he dropped his spoon to add air quotes to the last part of his statement, much to his own amusement.  
your eyes grew nearly twice their size as you watched the man in front of you take a sip of his iced water with such infuriating casualness. “not only were you there, but you helped me cut their hair!”
“what? you don’t expect her to raise her voice at her best friend’s child, do you?” he feigned an expression of innocence, his eyes going wide as he pursed his pouty lips.
you huffed, “no. only because she’s always held you up on a pedestal. i swear, it’s like she’s always wanted to switch children with your mother.”
seungkwan laughed, a little too loudly for your liking. not that his laughs weren’t always adorable and endearing, of course. it was his next statement, however, that caught you off guard: “don’t say that.”
of course, the shock didn’t stop you from taking another jab at him. “no, really. you’ve heard her talk about how badly she wanted a son multiple times.”
seungkwan began to laugh again as more and more memories started coming back to him. your mother had always greatly esteemed him, held him to the highest regards.. to say that he didn’t appreciate those sentiments would be a lie. especially since there were plenty of occasions he could think of where he desperately needed the praise. his only wish was that she extended them towards her own child. “i’m sure that she would change her mind if her wish was ever granted,” he rationalized, still not quite eliminating the laughs escaping his lips.
you snickered. “yeah. i’m sure she would.” both of you sat in comfortable silence for a few more minutes, savoring the last few remnants of your respective meals. you, however, couldn’t stand listening to the daunting sound of your own heart racing in your chest and spoke up, “how are things going with the library?”
seungkwan wasn’t expecting you to bring up such a delicate subject of his own at a time like this. he knew that you were already under a great deal of stress and didn’t want to add another burden onto your shoulders. that was why he spoke so dismissively, “things are…fine. pretty busy.”
“just busy?” after you had successfully folded your napkin into something that vaguely resembled a swan, you lifted your head up with every intention to meet his gaze. only to look directly past his shoulder and draw in a shaky breath. “shit..”
“what??” seungkwan instantly demanded an answer and furrowed his eyebrows, watching you pull the hood of your jacket over your head and hunch your shoulders over. 
“look behind you. don’t make it obvious.” seungkwan muttered to himself before turning around in his seat to get a better look at your mother and another close friend of hers sitting across the restaurant, making no effort to be discreet. you immediately hissed in annoyance, “goddammit, i said don’t make it obvious!”
“geez, sorry.” seungkwan snapped his head back towards you, tilting his head to the side as he saw you duck under the table. suddenly, his eyes lit up as he leaned down to get a better look at you crouched down on the floor. “hey.. now seems as good a time as any to go and talk to her!”
you gasped, “are you kidding me? she’ll cause a huge scene! we better just make a run for it. i was never one to dine and dash but i guess there’s a first time for everything.”
seungkwan rolled his eyes and got to his feet, reaching for your hand. “come on, i’ll be right there beside you. who knows, she might actually take it well? she wouldn’t want to risk embarrassing herself in public, would she?”
“no, but she wouldn’t care about embarrassing me in public.” you refused to take his hand in favor of wrapping both arms around the leg of the table. “now lemme know when it’s a good time to crawl out of here.”
seungkwan laughed, thoroughly amused by your antics. “no. come on, its time to face your fears.” he crouched down again, hooking both hands around your arm. 
“seungkwan, no-” you tried to keep your voice down while keeping a firm grip on the table’s wobbly leg. 
seungkwan clicked his tongue to the roof of his mouth, a scolding expression overtaking his features as he shook his head. “i can’t believe you would risk getting arrested to avoid having an adult conversation with your mom. absolutely shameful. come on.”
you shuddered out of his touch, pouting. “but i’m not ready! please, can we just wait an hour or so until they’re done..”
suddenly, seungkwan threw his head back with a loud groan of annoyance and prompted you to put a finger to your lips. “no. there’s no time like the present, come on!” despite your relentless hold on the table, your persistent arguing and whines of annoyance, seungkwan fell to his knees in an effort to successfully pull you out from under the table. he felt like he was wrangling a stubborn toddler. “jesus, you were worried about your mom making a scene?”
just then, a voice behind seungkwan’s figure called to you, “y/n?”
seungkwan looked back before scooting away from you to give you a clear view of your mother standing with her arms folded. when he got to his feet, you moved out of the way just enough for you to see her close friend in question standing next to her. the two older women stood like a pair of identical twins with their arms folded and their heads cocked to the right. you waved to the two of them, suddenly feeling much more vulnerable under the table. “heyyy mom..”
just as you looked up, you got the opportunity to witness seungkwan realize the gravity of the situation in real time. his lips pressed to a thin line as he looked off to the side, making no attempts to alleviate any suspicious appearances or keep up any innocent appearances. much to your surprise, your mother paid no attention to the man she considered her perfect son in another life. she scoffed incredulously, “come here! what are you doing here?”
you brushed off your dress pants as you slowly began to emerge from your hiding place. “i wanted to catch up with seungkwan before heading home..”
your mother wasted no time shaking her head and cutting you off, “you know what i mean.”
you looked to seungkwan with desperation in your eyes, as if asking him speechlessly to do the talking for you. he’d always had a much better way with words than you did, especially whenever your mother was concerned. she always seemed to hear him out. however.. he stayed silent. his eyes went wide once they met yours, as if trying to communicate back to you without words.
you knew right then and there that you were on your own. 
“it’s kind of a long story..”
needless to say, your mother did not take the news very well, seeing that you were now lying in the fetal position on seungkwan’s bed, tugging his small blankets closer towards your shivering figure. none of it felt.. real. your mother yelling at you and chastising you in public, seungkwan trying desperately to intervene until his efforts proved to be fruitless, the four of you getting removed from the restaurant.. but what seemed to remain frozen in your mind was the look on your mother’s face.
there was so much to be said from the look in her eyes alone, irises filled with.. hatred. the mere thought of it made you shudder. 
the image of seungkwan stepping out of his tiny bathroom in an oversized t-shirt and shorts was enough to pull you out of your miserable thoughts. for the most part. “glad to see you made yourself at home,” he teased you and made his way to the bed, grabbing a spare blanket and pillow. 
you furrowed your eyebrows as you watched him tuck the bedding under your arm. “hey. you’re not sleeping on the floor.” 
“you’re right. i’m sleeping on the couch,” seungkwan replied without skipping a beat. he ran a hand through his chestnut hair, which was already tousled from the headband he’d worn just minutes before he joined you. “goodnight.”
“wait-” you called to him just as he turned on his heel in favor of walking towards the door. then you watched in amusement as he let out a huff of mock annoyance and turn to face you with raised eyebrows. “please.. please stay with me. i don’t want to be alone right now.”
sleepovers weren’t a foreign concept to you and seungkwan. there were countless nights where study sessions, late night chats, and carpooling after parties led to impromptu sleepovers. it reached the point where both of you had extra toothbrushes and other toiletries waiting for the other. you never seemed to stay far from each other, even in slumber; usually the two of you ended up on the couch together. 
it was nothing. neither of you thought anything of it, because you didn’t have to. yet.. there was a sense of timidity within his demeanor as he stepped closer to the bed. you were quick to shrug it off and sit up once he climbed under the covers with you, relaxing back against the mattress when you felt his arm drape around your shoulders. the two of you were so close that you felt the gentle impact of the rising and falling of his chest with every steady breath he took. “what are you gonna do?”
you were close to telling seungkwan that you hadn’t thought this far ahead. you always thought you could depend on your family to help you out during tough times.. but you’d had your heart broken that day. fear settled comfortably within your heart as you laid a hand on his chest and scooted closer to him. “i don’t know.”
you were expecting a fiery rebuttal from him. or some more scolding, even reprimanding.. but none of it came. instead he spoke gently, his voice barely above a whisper, “we’ll figure it out in the morning. get some sleep.”
you nodded and let your head fall more comfortably against the pillow before shutting your eyes, his arm curled around your figure and his hand cupping your shoulder bringing that much needed sense of comfort. seungkwan, however, stared at the ceiling as you felt yourself drifting off into a peaceful slumber next to him. he connected the dots in the plaster while trying not to pay any mind to the water stain near the corner of the room, the patterns providing him temporary relief. 
he felt like he was dreaming; when you left, he wasn’t sure if the two of you were ever going to be in a situation like this again. laying together, laughing, forgetting about the rest of the world.. sure, in this particular moment the circumstances were less than ideal, but he was just grateful to feel your warmth. now more than ever.
a half an hour must have passed before he gently pulled his arm out from underneath your figure and allowed you to fall more cozily against the mattress. he sat quietly at his desk, which was less than two steps away from his bed, and opened the drawer slowly in hopes that you wouldn’t hear the gentle creak. there was a letter tucked securely into an envelope, one that he had read so many times that it was a miracle the seal of tape was still effective. 
no matter how many times he had already read the letter, the beautiful words still brought a single tear to his eye and a gentle smile to his lips. it was the last thing his mother had ever given him besides the library, both of which he held close to his heart. he read it almost every night before he went to bed, swearing that he heard her voice in his head every single time. 
on a separate sheet, she’d left him instructions and tips for running the library. he still couldn’t fully believe that the family business was completely in his hands now. he put his own career on hold to see it through, devoting his entire time to ensuring the success of the library. he had no other employees. he was forced to move into a much cheaper apartment across the street, saving money on transportation.
yes, some days were better than others. but he wouldn’t trade the business for anything else in the world.
now that you were here with him, seungkwan felt so many different emotions hitting him all at once. while he was grateful to finally see you again, there was a nagging feeling akin to resentment in the back of his mind. he only hoped that he wouldn’t let the troubling emotion take over him completely.
you were already a shoo-in for the internship agency near your school. judging by the end of your interview, you basically already had a guaranteed position. it was near school, it paid fairly well, you could still go to school part time.. you had nothing to worry about, having all of your prospects lined into a neat row.
seungkwan, however, was not quite so fortunate. school was challenging for him; when one crisis was ending, another was just beginning. one particular event was the breaking point for him. his finger had been hovering over his laptop’s mouse for a good five minutes as he gazed at the highlighted button on the screen: ‘submit request to withdraw.’ maybe school wasn’t for everyone. maybe school wasn’t for him.
his fingertip had inched closer towards the mouse when you finally reached his side, slumping down on the chair next to him. before you could complain about a strenuous day in your psychology class, you took note of the image displayed on his laptop screen and immediately slammed it shut. “what do you think you’re doing??” you demanded. 
“i can’t take this anymore,” he groaned, tilting his head back. the hood of his jacket fell back upon his shoulders in the process, revealing his tousled hair. “i’m done. i’m dropping out.”
“no you’re not,” you argued without skipping a beat.
“yes i am.”
“no you’re not.”
seungkwan groaned again, covering his now strained eyes. he’d lost count of the hours he’d spent staring at the screen in front of him. “yes i am! it’s my only option. plus, if worse comes to worse, i’ll always have the library.”
your hand fell to rest on his back, silently communicating to him that you sympathized with him. you had had plenty of trials and tribulations during your time in school, seungkwan knew that fully well. “is this about your trig. test? seungkwan, no one passes that class. it’s not your fault you got stuck with the worst teacher.”
“it’s not just that.” he scooted his chair to the side so he could face you more fully. the look in his eyes was painfully unfamiliar; the closest resemblance being one that he’d worn a few times as a child. over some stupid, simple things that didn’t matter one bit anymore. this.. this was different. your best friend was scared to death about what lay ahead of him.
you took seungkwan’s hand in yours and squeezed it the moment you noticed his gentle tremble. “you’re one of the smartest people i know. if anyone can get through this, its you,” you told him quietly, with such gentle sincerity that warmed his heart. “i’m not going to let anything happen to you, okay? i’ll always be here for you.”  
i’ll always be here for you. 
what seungkwan didn’t know was that you replayed that moment in your mind every night before you went to bed. he didn’t know you were currently reminiscing in your sleep. guilt and regret overtook you every single time you thought about the relief flooding his features upon hearing such a beautiful sentiment from you: i’ll always be here for you. 
what a phony he must think you are.
the aroma of fresh coffee wafted through the air of his small apartment, strong enough to pull you out of your deep sleep. the promise of the refreshing beverage prompted you to sit up and stretch your arms out before joining your brand new roommate in the kitchen. seungkwan was already seated near the bar, halfway through his toast when he smiled at the sight of you, “morning, sleeping beauty.”
you let out a chuckle that resembled more of a scoff before taking the initiative and pouring yourself a cup of coffee. “i would have slept a lot better if someone didn’t hog all the blankets.”
“tsk tsk,” seungkwan shook his head while dabbing at the corners of his lips with a napkin. less than five seconds passed before he was on his feet, carrying his own mug in one hand and reaching for his briefcase with the other. “well, i’m off. do me a favor and clean the kitchen, will you?”
you furrowed your eyebrows while watching him search the tiny sitting room (which was more like a nook) for his dress shoes. “hey, wait! where are you going?”
he snickered, “where do you think? i’m going to work.” 
“can i come with you?”
seungkwan stared at you incredulously. “why would you want to do that?”
you cocked your head to the side, confused. wasn’t the answer perfectly obvious? “because if i spend nine hours cooped up in here by myself, i’ll go crazy. no offense.”
he brushed off your statement, grabbing his keys off the tiny hook near the front door. “what makes you think you won’t go crazy cooped up in the library for nine hours?”
you paused and shrugged your shoulders as a pleading look filled your eyes. “i’ll.. be with you? and books?” 
once again, seungkwan had to wrestle with all of the emotions hitting him at once- he’d enjoyed this time with you, yes, but.. a small part of him wanted space. he wanted time alone to sort through his conflicted feelings. no words could describe the guilt that sentiment, alone, had brought upon him. still, he let out an exaggerated huff and tilted his head back, “ughh fine. hurry and get ready.”
the squeal that escaped your lips nearly caused seungkwan to jump enough to spill his coffee. much to his own relief, the hot liquid never escaped from his cup and fled towards his sweater. it was a close call, however, when you threw your arms around his neck and pressed a firm kiss against his cheek. that time a few drops did spill on the floor, prompting the two of you to giggle in almost frightening unison before seungkwan made a dramatic show of pretending to rub the kiss off of his cheek. “ew-ew-ew-ew-”
“shut up,” you called out to him before shutting his bedroom door behind you. it didn’t take too long for you to find a sensible outfit, seeing that such boring outfits had taken over your entire wardrobe since you graduated. 
before too long, the two of you were greeted by the crisp autumn air as seungkwan locked his door. you both held onto your mugs, chasing the warmth of the coffee as you took prolonged sips in unison. in that moment, you couldn’t help but wonder if seungkwan shared the same sentiment as you, if he thought about how taking the familiar road to work felt so strangely different this time around.
“why don’t you hire some other employees?” you asked seungkwan once the two of you sat comfortably in the warmth of the quiet library.
“what, are you tired of your new job already?” seungkwan teased, tilting his head with that all too familiar lopsided grin. 
“job? who said anything about a job?” you fired back, all in good fun, of course. you had no issues helping seungkwan out with the business, if he would have you. you could only imagine how much of a nightmare it was to run a business completely alone. besides.. you hated the thought of sleeping at his apartment all day while he worked his ass off.
he nodded his head once, his grin only growing wider. “ohh, i see what’s going on here. shame, i expected more from you.”
“you’ll have to get in line,” you chuckled before averting your gaze back to the sticky note on the front desk in front of you. you’d been drawing tiny flowers on the little slip of paper for about an hour now, hoping to pass the time quickly. soon, you spoke up again without looking up from the lime green pad of paper, “you didn’t answer my question, though.”
you noticed seungkwan shrug in your peripheral vision. “can’t really afford it.”
he watched as you nodded in understanding, eyes still not leaving the sticky note in front of you. “well.. you could always ask for volunteers. there’s a lot of different ways to get the word out.”
seungkwan chuckled dismissively, “i doubt anyone’s gonna want to volunteer at the local library.” he spun in his chair slowly to gaze at one side of the open space in front of him and then the other. the first day he had ever worked there by himself he realized that he had to come to terms with the harsh reality that no one would value this place quite like he did. 
you caught onto it, however, and it broke your heart to put yourself in his shoes. he’d barely jump started his own career before this was thrown onto his lap; to say it was a lot of pressure was the understatement of the year. “you never know,” you countered in a hushed tone. 
several minutes passed before the loud bell startled you out of your boredom. just before you could lecture seungkwan about investing in a battery operated one, sehun stood on the other side of the desk. your focus shifted completely to the man standing in front of you, both of you separated only by the smooth oak desk. 
“hey sehun,” a short greeting you were barely able to muster as you rose to your feet.  
sehun, of course, stayed cordial, his grin just notably wider than the last he’d greeted you with. “hey. i didn’t realize you’d be working here too.” 
“oh.. yeah. seungkwan and i go way back, i thought i could help him out a bit.” you tilted your head towards the other man in question, who was still seated comfortably in the chestnut leather chair. strange.. he was usually so quick to attend to his customers’ needs.
“why don’t you help sehun grab his books? get some practice in?” you didn’t have to look over at seungkwan to know that insufferable smirk had taken over his lips. 
“uh.. yeah, sure. i can do my best.” the promise of getting some alone time with your former ‘campus crush’ was almost enough to make you giggle like you were in college all over again. you were quick to abandon seungkwan in favor of joining the taller man as he strode towards the aisle directly across from where your friend was sitting. “so..classic literature, huh?”
sehun chuckled fondly at your attempt to make conversation, prompting that warming sensation in your chest to return. “yeah. i don’t know if seungkwan told you, but i’m teaching ‘reading comprehension’ on campus. the library over there seems to have lost most of its funding since we graduated. he’s helped out a lot.”
you nodded and began to pull the books off the shelves that he pointed to with his free hand. “‘reading comprehension?’ i loved that class.”
“oh you did? it was one of my favorites. with mrs-”
“sylvester,” you finished politely.
“sylvester, yeah,” sehun chuckled again, and it was the most that you’d ever seen him smile. although it was somewhat short lived, it didn’t disappear completely from view. “she transferred a few years back. that was when i got the promotion.”
“oh.” an expression of disappointment clouded your features as he led you into the next aisle. you tried not to think about how you wished you’d brought one of those carts, considering it was completely off topic.. “that’s too bad. i don’t think i’ve ever had a teacher like her.”
sehun sighed, tucking a small pile of books under his other arm. “i don’t think anyone has. she left some pretty big boots to fill.”
“i’m sure you’re more than capable,” you assured him with a tilt of your head. “you were the one with the best assignments in ‘creative writing.’”
sehun donned an expression mixed with shock and confusion. for a moment you wondered if it was because he had no memory of sharing a creative writing class with you. had you really managed to stay so invisible? his gaze left you on the edge of your seat until he finally spoke, his words throwing you through another loop, “i.. didn’t think anyone remembered those. in fact, i hoped no one did.”
you furrowed your eyebrows, showcasing your genuine confusion. “why? your writing was so beautiful.”
he let out a short chuckle in favor of accepting your compliment. “i prefer to leave it to the professionals.” so he was handsome and he was humble.. good to know. his next statement pulled you out of your temporary daze, “speaking of which-” his gaze briefly shifted to the stack of books in both hands. “i better get back to it.”
“oh, yeah. yeah. sure.” however, you couldn’t bring yourself to face seungkwan without taking a step in a much bolder direction. “maybe we could talk about them sometime.” your heart skipped a beat as you watched him turn back to get a proper look at you once more. “i mean..the professionals. we could grab coffee sometime, talk about our favorites.”
he stayed quiet for a moment, as if he was thinking carefully over your question. once again, he seemed intent on keeping you on the edge of your seat, on stopping your heart from beating in your chest. relief warmed your heart as a gentle, barely visible smile was sent in your direction. “yeah. i’d like that a lot.”
even though the words were on the tip of your tongue, you couldn’t bring yourself to mutter a confirmation or any other proper response. planning the logistics or even a proper meeting time and place would have been a good start. even so, bashful silence filled the air and sehun was graced with an equally awkward grin before the two of you met with seungkwan again to carry out the rest of the checking process.
the crisp autumn air did nothing to soothe your shaking hands and arms as you and sehun carried the borrowed books to his car. he kept a respectful distance the entirety of the short walk to the end of the parking lot, not enough to keep you wondering if he found your presence to be a nuisance, of course. you earned yourself a smile of gratitude once the entirety of his collection was placed carefully in his backseat, his words doing nothing to soothe the aching in your heart: “so, about that coffee…”
“i should be done around five,” you cut him off, regretting it immediately. suddenly, one of your mother’s habitual lectures had once again proved fruitless and you realized just how pathetically eager you must have sounded. 
much to your relief, sehun nodded to signal his confirmation. “five sounds great. i’ll just meet you over there, yeah?” your gaze followed his hand as he pointed to the coffee shop that was no more than a ten minute walk from your current location.
luckily, you were able to hold back a sigh of relief. “yeah.” you paused, taking the opportunity to mirror his smile as your hands linked together behind your back. “well..see you then.”
after you were sent on your way with a quiet ‘goodbye,’ you were lucky not to trip over your own feet as you turned on your heel. to tell the truth, you only felt like you had come back down to earth once you were face to face with seungkwan in the warmth of the library again. his smirk was infuriating, as per usual, as he confirmed that he’d listened to your entire exchange, “big date tonight, huh?”
scolding him was a redundant move. instead, you followed his remark with a smirk of your own, arms folding across your chest while you eagerly awaited for the storm to come. “yeah.. about that, i’m gonna need to head out early.”
there was nothing quite like the cafe you knew like the back of your head in the evening. just as the sun began to set, the limited light peeked through the windows, crafting with the low fi hip hop in the speakers to create the perfect ambience. there was a sense of comfort in the familiarity, which counted for everything in this moment, especially. 
although the shaking in your hands had come to a timid stop, there was still an uncomfortable persistent thumping in your heart. if y/n from years ago could only see you now.. as inexperienced as you had become over the last four years, it didn’t stop a fair pang of excitement from mixing with your overall anxiety. you were on a date.. well, if that was the right word to describe this meeting with sehun. 
the man in question pulled you out of your daze once he sat across from you, taking in the sight of you with a relaxed grin. “sorry, i know i’m a bit late.”
“no, it’s fine. i barely even noticed,” you replied truthfully. “i’m in my own little word over here, i was barely keeping track of time.”
“well, that makes me feel a little bit better,” a deep chuckle punctuated his gentle words before he turned his attention towards the small menu in front of him. you did the same, even if it was a bit of a formality; you had known fully well what you were going to order before setting foot in the cafe. it simply kept you busy while trying to formulate a good response. 
once the orders had been placed, your arms were folded over the small table as you paid full attention to the man in front of you. “so..should we start with poetry?”
“actually,” sehun responded without a sense of urgency to interrupt you in his tone. it was quite the contrast from what you had grown accustomed to. “i thought i might get to know you first, if that’s alright.”
you raised an eyebrow, his statement catching you off guard. “oh?”
“is that so surprising?” sehun noticed the surprise that had filled your demeanor and honestly, it made him feel guilty. maybe he had unintentionally sent you messages signaling his disinterest during your time together in college.
“yeah- i mean-” you stuttered, pondering your own response carefully in the meantime. “well, i think we both just had a lot on our mind back then.” 
he nodded in understanding. “you’re probably right. but i don’t want you to think i was ever uninterested.” he paused just as a barista briefly interrupted the two of you to place two mugs on the table, being quick to send a quiet ‘thank you’ in his direction. 
you thought about telling him the truth, that the fear of his disinterest in you kept you up at night. that your social anxiety prevented you from getting to know anyone or spending time outside of your social circle. but what good would complaining do? instead, you nodded shortly. “then in that case.. i’d like to get to know you, too.”
you watched as sehun took the brief moment before his lips reached the mug in front of him to send you a smile. seconds later, he was delicately wiping a light stripe of foam that had landed above his upper lip. “can i start by asking you something a little personal?”
“go right ahead. i’m an open book.”
he set his porcelain mug down carefully on the table, the impact making no sound. “what brings you back in town?”
once again, his question had brought you into a deep sense of pondering. although you hardly expected him to take the same direction as your mother and tell you how much of a lazy couch potato you were, there was still a possibility he would find your actions distasteful. “things.. weren’t working out there,” was all you could lead with. “i wasn’t happy.”
sehun wasn’t sure if asking you to delve into specifics was the best idea. “i’m sorry to hear that,” he said, the sympathy in his tone practically tangible. 
“that’s okay.” as always, you were quick to dismiss your own attitude; you were never the self-pitying type. 
“i’m glad that you were able to reconnect with seungkwan after so long,” he noticed. “you two have been thick as thieves for as long as i can remember.”
to tell the truth, you were surprised that sehun had even noticed. on the other hand, the two of you never seemed to let each other out of your sight for long. “i owe seungkwan a lot,” you sighed. “he’ll try to deny it but i don’t know if i would have been able to get through school without him.”
sehun beamed, his understanding of the sentimentality in your statement alone bringing a warm feeling to his chest. “you two are lucky to have each other.”
suddenly, you felt guilty discussing another man in such a manner while on a date (if it even was a date). you chimed in with a bashful grin, eager to change the subject, “tell me more about your job.”
sehun chuckled, “what do you want to know?”
“was mrs. sylvester the only reason you started teaching?” while eagerly awaiting a response, you savored the wonderfully bitter taste of your now slightly chilled latte.
sehun shook his head, gaze temporarily flicking to the modest silverware resting on his napkin. “no. everyone around me got tired of hearing me talking incessantly about my favorite scribes and poets, so i thought it would be better to lecture people who would actually listen to me. for the most part.” 
an amused beam lit up your features as you chuckled affectionately. “do you teach anything else besides ‘reading comprehension?’”
he gently shook his head, “as of right now, no. but i’m aiming to take over the literature and mythology position once it’s cleared up.”
“then i’ll keep my fingers crossed,” you told him, your beam ever persistent. 
“i appreciate it,” he looked up to see you already staring at him with reservation in your features. suddenly, he came to the realization that he had never realized how vibrant your eyes were up close. maybe he should have paid more attention in the past. he spoke up again before he could allow any awkward silence to loom over your table, “i’m keeping my fingers crossed for you as well. i hope you find what you’re looking for.”
just as you nodded in gratitude, you came to the realization that you had no idea what you were looking for. you came back home with desperation to get time for yourself, hope that you would find comfort in the nostalgia your hometown provided.. but you never thought about how slowly the answers to your questions would reveal themselves. “i hope so too,” was all you could think of to say.
much to your surprise, sehun was easy to make conversation with. he was respectful and quiet, not to mention attentive as he listened to you drone on and on about your favorite writings. you thoroughly enjoyed the banter you shared with him, as if the two of you were playing tennis with witty remark after witty remark. 
you had to take note of how incredibly smart he was. he was well read in every sense of the word, judging by the countless subjects of literature he’d studied in his youth. it was impressive. not to mention attractive. 
both of you reached the bottom of your mugs at the same time, and before too long, sehun had already paid the bill. he ignored your protests, your arguments that you should have been the one to pay since the outing was your idea. and of course, he politely insisted on driving you back to seungkwan’s apartment even if it was within walking distance. 
the moment you sat in his passenger seat, your gaze shifted to his hands circled gently around the steering wheel. the sleeves of his sweater had been rolled up to his elbows, exposing his lean forearms. however it was nothing compared to his side profile, the dimmed sunset lighting accentuating the sharpness of his jawline. “i’m glad we did this,” you were able to tell him. 
he nodded once, “me too. hope i didn’t take you away from seungkwan for too long.”
“he’ll be fine. he’s managed without me long enough,” you chuckled once he parked the car in the complex’s lot. before you could bring yourself to exit his car, to rid yourself of the man’s warm presence, you gifted him with a smile of gratitude. “i’m glad we did this.”
“me too,” sehun agreed, returning the grin with sincerity. “will you be at the library again tomorrow?”
“most likely,” you chuckled.
“perfect.” he watched as you stepped out of his car, ignoring the cold air hitting his skin once more. he called to you one last time before you could gently slam the door shut, “see you tomorrow.”  
you called out to him in farewell just as the impact of the car door closing sounded. the butterflies took flight in your stomach just as you watched him drive off, permitting yourself one last look at him through the slightly tinted window. none of it felt real. you knew that for the foreseeable future, you were about to ask yourself over and over again if these memories were just a figment of your imagination. the way he looked much more handsome up close, the way you were able to study his freckles and the gentle curls in his hair..
a wind rushing past your figure snapped you out of your daydreams; soon you were walking up the rickety staircase and back into seungkwan’s apartment. he was waiting in the sitting room, peering down at the coffee table which was covered in heavy files and scattered sheets of paper. he looked up to you through thin-framed glasses, raising his eyebrows, “took you long enough to get back home.”
your brows pulled together instinctively as you tossed your jacket onto the nearest coat hook. “what are you talking about? i wasn’t even gone for that long.”
“you were gone long enough to force me to close the library all by myself,” he argued without a hint of malice in his tone. “what did the two of you get up to, anyways?”
“coffee,” you sighed, slumping down next to him on the loveseat. suddenly, seungkwan paid absolutely no mind to the endless paperwork he had been tasked with and turned towards you. you went on, “we talked for a few hours.”
he tilted his head towards you with wide, questioning eyes, “aaand?”
“aand-” you mocked, snickering. “he’s.. excellent. really excellent.”
seungkwan stared at you in bewilderment as a snicker of his own escaped his lips. “‘really excellent?’ that’s the best you can do?”
you rolled your eyes, giving his shoulder a gentle shove. “i mean- i don’t know! he’s really smart. most of the time we were talking about the books and authors we both liked.” you paused, pondering your next response. “there’s something about him that is so..magnetizing. he’s so reserved..i always thought he was indifferent. but he’s not.”
“he sounds like a pretty great person,” seungkwan bowed his head in favor of taking another proper look at the piling documents in front of him. even if he knew there was absolutely no way he would focus properly on them with you seated next to him. his gaze didn’t leave a particular folder as he asked, “so it’s off to bed for you, then?”
you pressed a hand to your heart, feigning offense. “you would dismiss me so quickly?” after seungkwan merely hummed in response, you sighed, “no, actually. i probably shouldn’t have drank coffee this late.”
“if only someone had cautioned you against it,” seungkwan mused half-heartedly, flipping through a stack of papers after going through a few paragraphs with a highlighter. it was amazing just how quickly boredom set in after watching him flip through them for less than a minute.
“you could have,” you snickered and leaned your head against the back of the couch, staring at the patterns in the ceiling for the brief time in the uncomfortable position. “we should go on a walk. i think you could use some fresh air.”
an amused smirk tugged at your lips as you watched seungkwan let the papers fall on his lap in favor of staring at you incredulously. “what? no, it’s freezing out there.”
“it’s not that bad, we’ll only be out there for a second.” after grabbing the papers from his lap and slamming the pile back on the coffee table, you rose to your feet. “come on! i know what it’s like working indoors all the time. you need to go outside; it’s good for your health. and your psyche.”
seungkwan huffed, swatting your hand away when you tried to link arms with him. “you know what’s also good for my psyche? paying rent for two different buildings on time.”
ever persistent, you reached for his hand again. “these papers will all still be here when we get back. come on. take some time for yourself.”
he was finding it more difficult to resist your pleadings by the second, especially considering you brought up excellent points. he rarely got the chance to take time for himself.. he rarely got to enjoy his surroundings and reconnect with the town he grew up in. he sighed, rather heavily at that, bringing his palm to his forehead. “ughhhh fine. if i get frostbite, i’m killing you.”
“it’s definitely not cold enough for that.” you grabbed both of his hands to pull him off of the couch, beaming once the two of you were face to face. then you gently reached out to grab his glasses off, folding them before setting them down carefully on the table. your fingertips never came in contact with the lenses; you knew completely well how much seungkwan hated scuffs and marks on his glasses. “when did you become such a hermit?”
seungkwan’s gaze followed your hands as they fell to the coffee table just before he met your eyes again. he chuckled lowly, “a lot has changed since you left.”
you shook your head. “it doesn’t seem like it. you’re still just as annoying as you were the day i left.”
“takes one to know one.” much to your annoyance, seungkwan promptly moved his hand up to ruffle your hair, his nose scrunching up in an infuriatingly endearing way. he took note of your scowl, snickering loudly in amusement as he quickly turned on his heel before you could swat his shoulder, “come along then! you were the one who was begging to go on a walk.”  
you followed after him with a huff, both of you slipping into your large coats and boots in alarming unison. before too long, you were asking yourself how it was possible for the weather to drop so significantly and so quickly. regardless, the two of you walked down the street shoulder to shoulder, each heavy breath you took visible in a cloud of smoke.
seungkwan glanced at you in his peripheral vision once you’d linked arms with him, snickering, “is this what you wanted?”
“yes,” you replied curtly. you tried to ignore the soreness in your back caused by the hunching of your shoulders. in your defense, cold weather ruined your posture. with your free hand, you tugged your jacket closer to your chest in desperation. it wasn’t even winter yet, why was it so freezing?
“okay,” seungkwan mused, unconvinced. he let out a quiet huff of his own before scooting closer to you and keeping both hands in his pockets. “where are you taking me, anyways?”
“don’t sound too enthusiastic,” you replied. unfortunately, you hadn’t thought this far ahead. while you scoped out the area in hopes of finding a place to relax and forget about the rest of the world, you completely forgot about the loose crack in the pavement and tripped over your own feet. your hold on seungkwan’s arms loosened as you fell forward a few steps, causing your best friend to burst into a fit of laughter.
“phew! that never gets old,” he cackled, throwing his head back as he moved a hand to clutch at his chest.
you were less than amused, stepping forward to grab his forearms in hopes of grounding yourself. “you’re the worst, seungkwan.”
“you know you love me.” it was a miracle that seunkgwan was able to get the words out, considering the laughs that persistently fell from his lips. it was a deep fit of laughter too, one that rumbled from his chest and had his shoulders hunched over as he tried in desperation to catch his breath.
“oh my god. was it really that funny?” you asked incredulously. your lips twitched in order to hold back an amused smile; it wasn’t the situation in and of itself that you found humorous, only seungkwan’s reaction. his endearing laugh and beam, the redness in his cheeks, the light in his eyes..
once he had composed himself enough to stand up straight, he let a few more faint chuckles escape from his lips as he wiped his eyes. “uh, man. i guess it's because i haven’t seen you do it in a long time. i forgot how stupid you looked.”
your eyes went wide as you linked arms with him again, scoffing. “how could you laugh at such a delicate subject for me?” you teased. “i still have the scars to prove it.
“besides, you have no room to talk. you’re the one who couldn’t make it halfway through the monkey bars.”
seungkwan stopped dead in his tracks, prompting you to do the same. you couldn’t hold back a loud snicker once you took in the deadpanned expression he wore, signaling that he took offense. “come on. that’s a completely different issue.”
your hold on his arm loosened once again as you burst into a loud fit of laughter, shaking your head. “no it isn’t! you looked like an idiot hanging there lifeless on the rails.”
as your laughter only grew louder, seungkwan did everything he could to keep a level head. He kept his chin up, taking a step forward with his eyes narrowed. “whatever. i’ve come a long way since then.”
“oh yeah?” you challenged him. “prove it.”
seungkwan stopped in his track once again in favor of turning towards you with furrowed eyebrows. “what are you talking about?”
you paused, scoping out your surroundings as you cupped your chin with your thumb and index finger. pretending to be deep in thought, of course. you spun in a slow circle until your eyes landed on the desired target: the nearest playground. it was completely empty, perfect for seungkwan to showcase his so called newfound talents. 
without answering, you grabbed onto seungkwan’s forearm and forced his hand out of his jacket pocket. once your fingers were laced with his, you booked it towards the playground in question. seungkwan stumbled a little bit but followed your lead, laughing in disbelief, “hey, would you slow down for a second? god-”
once the familiar, run down monkey bar stand came into view, you came to a sudden and full stop. seungkwan nearly tripped over his own feet again, much to your amusement, but you were quick to brush it off and fall to the ground in a cross-legged position. “go on,” you encouraged him, gesturing dramatically towards the stand with a malicious grin.
he cocked his head to the side as he studied you with an amused smirk. you only responded with a raised eyebrow, the two of you silently communicating, waiting for the other to crack. much to your relief, it was seungkwan who finally broke the silence with a loud groan of annoyance, “fine. whatever makes you feel better.”
you clapped your hands in excitement and watched him walk pitifully towards the monkey bars. he ignored your cheers of encouragement as he climbed up the small ladder and reached both hands out to grip on the first rail, falling forward instantly. but much to your surprise, he kept his grip firm. “seung-kwan, seung-kwan, seung-kwan,” you chanted rhythmically, clapping your hands between each loud cheer. 
it felt like he made it to the middle of the stand in the blink of an eye. he took a moment to glance over at you with a prideful smirk once he’d reached his former stopping point. “ha! see?” he called out to you.
“you haven’t finished anything yet, go on!” you ignored the crisp, chilling winds that grew more intense by the second, focusing all of your intention on seungkwan instead. you could still see the faint cloud of vapor escaping his lips with every breath he took and you had to hand it to him- the fact that he was able to do this with such determination and focus was impressive. “go on, you’re so so close!”
suddenly, you began to wonder if he’d started working out more consistently since the two of you parted ways. he only paused for a second or two between movements, save the long-ish break in the middle to gloat. he kept his knees bent the entire time too, so his feet wouldn’t touch the ground and assist him in his endeavors. towards the end he began to huff louder, unwilling to showcase his growing tiredness. 
you, however, never got tired of encouraging him. “you got this! just a little further…there you go…” just then, your loud cheer nearly startled seungkwan enough to let go of the bars to fall to the ground rather than swing his feet towards the other ladder. 
after making sure you were able to clearly witness him roll his eyes, he climbed down and plopped down on the ground next to you with a loud sigh. “satisfied?” he asked, letting his back fall against the long brown grass.
“more than satisfied.” you smirked in his direction before mirroring his lying position with a sigh of content. your hands laid comfortably on your stomach as the two of you stared up at the stars in comfortable silence. “i’ve missed this,” you muttered without thinking. 
seungkwan paused, contemplating the gravity of those three words. he didn’t know how to tell you that he never knew true loneliness until you left town. that there was a pang of resentment towards you because of it, one that couldn’t be so easily disposed of. even once the relief that came with the knowledge that you were there to stay set over him. “me too,” he whispered. “me too.”  
you smiled upon hearing his agreement, and the two of you lay in comfortable silence once again. you studied the sky for any familiar constellations, the stars shining like diamonds that night in particular. maybe it was something within the sentimentality of the night with seungkwan and sehun that brought so much more beauty to the sky above. or maybe.. it was because it had been forever since you took a moment to simply look up.
stay tuned for part two, coming soon >:)
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marvelous-llama · 1 year
EXO recs
most of the mentioned works is 18+ NSFW, MINORS DNI
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pls don´t hesitate to hmu, if any of mentioned links doesn´t work or you have suggestions for more fics... thank you so much for all the love and comments
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Exordia Academy by @kpopfanfictrash
Welcome to the Exodus Mall by @yehet-me-up
12 days of lust by @kwanisms
Gaurdian angel series by @marshmallow-phd (Kyungsoo, Sehun, Baekhyun, Jongin, Chanyeol, Junmeon)
Vampire series by @marshmallow-phd (Tao, Chanyeol, Yixing, Luhan, Minseok, Jongin, Kyungsoo, Baekhyun)
Crimson Aurora Hotel & Spa collab by @myeoning-call
meant to be by @galactichen
Kim Minseok
Kim Junmyeon
Zhang Yixing
Byun Baekhyun
Kim Jongdae
Park Chanyeol
Do Kyungsoo
Kim Jongin
Oh Sehun
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justwritedreams · 11 months
All about you | Sehun
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Sehun x Reader
Word count: 2.705 Genre: fluff, little angst Author: maari  Warnings: A small argument, lack of communication between them, the reader feels pressured, kinda based on real life lol Note: I liked this one, even though I had countless ideas for this request, this scenario was the best I could write Request: he’s been distancing himself from his s/o and they get in a fight he confesses that he wants to get married and start a family but he thinks that his s/o doesn’t want to get married and start a family because she’s younger than him (she’s 21-22) but it turns out that she actually wants to marry sehun and have kids with him.
⫷ Exo Masterlist
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The atmosphere in the car was heavy and neither Sehun nor Y/N dared to clear that cloud that had settled over their heads.
It was supposed to be a pleasant weekend, it was the first time that Sehun met his girlfriend's family and although he had listened carefully to what she had said about the family, how the 3 siblings she had were jealous and protective of her because she was the youngest in the family or how everyone talked about it very loudly, he had overlooked everything because that was a very important step they were taking in their relationship.
He was happy and anxious. Well, before lunch.
It hadn't been a complete disaster until Y/N's parents and siblings started talking about kids and marriage.
Even though they had been together for less than a year, Sehun and her had never gotten into this subject, so he didn't know what she really thought.
However, the more the parents or siblings commented on some acquaintances or friends who were seeing their daughters have babies or walk down the aisle, Y/N's expression changed drastically.
She stopped eating immediately, her face withered and serious, staring at any point on the table while the family joked that they couldn't wait for all this to happen to her.
Sehun noticed her shoulder getting stiffer with each plan her family made, hoping that she would agree or be excited to announce that it would soon be her.
What didn't happen.
And that actually worried Sehun. Because he had never cared about the age difference between them until then, Y/N was always much more mature than most people her age and was always very authentic in front of him, but that afternoon he felt the abyss of generation that separated them.
Because he wanted stability, security and a family, yes, why not?
He had seen his best friends go through this, Y/N's family house was packed with her nephews and he had enjoyed that. He made him feel at home.
He glanced at her once again, Y/N had her head pressed against the window and her arms were crossed, she was looking at the landscape outside but her eyes weren't focused there, her mind was elsewhere and he knew that.
"Love." he called to her quietly. “Babe, come on, it doesn’t have to be like this. It wasn't that bad.”
She laughed, humorless.
“A lunch with the Adams family would have been more fun.”
It was his turn to laugh, incredulous at the harsh tone of her voice.
“You’re overreacting now.”
He looked at her at the exact moment she brought her hand to rub her face.
“Are you crying?” he asked worriedly, his brow furrowed.
Y/N even shook her head because she didn't trust her own voice but Sehun took one hand off the steering wheel and placed it on her chin, making her look at him.
Her eyes were teary and red, and she wore a guilty expression.
She pulled his hand away when she noticed his surprised expression.
"Sorry." was all she said before sniffing her nose.
Sehun returned his hand to the steering wheel, confused.
"Why are you apologizing?" he asked, eyes intent on the road.
He wanted to understand her reaction so he could help or comfort her.
“It would have been the perfect afternoon if my family hadn’t ruined it with stupid questions.”
Sehun felt like he had been punched in the stomach.
"You don't need-"
“No, Sehun, you don’t understand.” She adjusted herself on the car seat, looking at him. “I hate it when they do that, they talk about my life as if they could decide for me, as if I wasn't adult enough to make my own decisions.”
He took a deep breath, he understood her frustration but wanted to calm her down because he didn't want it to come between the two of them.
“They want me to follow in the footsteps of everyone they know, they judged me for taking so long to find a boyfriend while my friends were in serious relationships long before me, and now they want me to do exactly what everyone else has been doing. Getting married and having children, they didn't even ask me if I wanted that, they immediately said that I would have to live a peaceful and almost boring life.
“You never said you didn’t want this.” he reminded her and she was silent for a moment.
“Well, I don’t know.” she shrugged. “I'm too young to decide something so important, I mean, do you know how big a responsibility it is to bring a child into the world?”
“I think you're thinking too much about a subject you're still not sure about. And I don’t think age is an issue.” he said, seriously, now avoiding looking at her.
“It's just that I never stopped to think about whether I wanted this or not, I mean until last year I didn't even know you.”
“And what does that have to do with it?”
“We haven’t even been dating for a year, Sehun.” she remembered.
"And?" he asked, in an obvious tone and she looked at him confused.
“How are we going to make plans for a future that we don’t even know will come?”
He laughed, bitterly.
“And why do you date someone if not to make plans?” he questioned and she was silent. “Unless you’re with me just because I’m pretty.”
She looked at him offended.
“Of course not, you know I love you.”
“So I don’t understand why you’re so mad about this, it doesn’t mean you’ll get pregnant tomorrow if you think about it.”
She crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes.
“You talk like you really want to get married and have kids with me.” she laughed in disbelief and waited for him to deny it but the answer she got was very different from what she imagined.
"And if I want?" He stopped at the lighthouse, turning his attention to her who faltered, her jaw dropping without being able to control it.
“Do you want me to repeat it? Okay, I want to marry and have children with you, Y/N. Ever since I realized I was in love with you, I've thought about building a future for us.” Y/N's expression was pure shock but Sehun continued. “I don't want to waste any more time because soon I'll have to go to the army.”
“You don’t need to remind me of that.” she snorted.
This was another discussion that would certainly worsen the situation in that car.
“I’m just saying that I want to build a life with you after I get dispensed.” she tried to look for any trace of doubt in his eyes but she didn't find any, Sehun never looked so convinced and that scared her, leaving her speechless. “But only if you want too.” he spoke finally, ending the subject there.
She sighed and rested her head against the window again, not knowing what to say and with a huge confusion in her head.
When Sehun warned Y/N that he would be busy for the next few days, she understood.
She knew that her boyfriend's schedule was getting tighter and tighter because of the upcoming enlistment, he was trying to get everything done.
When he stopped responding to her frequently, she also understood. She had the slight impression that he was moving away from her, but she tried not to jump to conclusions before he told her himself.
But after almost a month without seeing him in person, with short conversations and no emotion, she didn't think it was just an impression. He was moving away, and what was worse, he was avoiding talking to her.
He was dodging it, always giving the same excuse that work was taking up all his time.
Since the fight in the car, well, she didn't think it had been a real fight, at most an argument, neither of them had brought up the subject of family and children again.
Even though she was thinking about it every day. Although she missed talking to her boyfriend, for the first few weeks she enjoyed it because she needed time to think about her life.
She didn't consider herself a person who made a lot of plans, she didn't even know what career she wanted to pursue, because in fact she was afraid of setting certain goals and ending up not being able to achieve them, frustration was the worst feeling for her.
But, she needed to admit that Sehun was right.
And more than ever she realized that if she were to do that, create a future with someone, she could only imagine it being with Sehun.
In fact, for a few days she stood at the door of her room imagining Sehun playing with their children and without realizing it, a wide smile appeared every time she dreamed about it, her heart warmed just thinking about the possibility but at the same time a lump formed in her throat when she remembered that she and her boyfriend were far apart.
Even though she was an extremely stubborn person, Y/N decided to swallow all her pride and resolve that situation once and for all. She missed her boyfriend, his playful and goofy manners, the late-night conversations they had when one couldn't sleep and the other insisted on doing something to pass the time, she even missed Vivi.
So, when she was fed up with waiting for him to come after her, she decided to go to his house, taking the risk of not finding him there but it wouldn't be a problem because she would wait until she could talk to him.
And that's what she did, she rang the doorbell several times but got no response, as she saw through the crack in the door that the light was off, she decided to wait on the street, more specifically sitting on the sidewalk. She thought about all the things she had planned to talk about with Sehun, explaining her point of view, her fears and insecurities, but she felt ready to take another step in the relationship, as long as she went with him.
Sehun had said he would do that if she wanted, right? So, she wanted it!
She didn't know how long she had been standing there, with her elbow resting on her leg looking into nothing, nor was she able to pay attention to the body that was demanding its position on that hard street.
“Y/N?” she shivered when she heard Sehun's voice next to her and looked up towards him, seeing him standing next to her with a frown.
And then she forgot everything she had gone through in her head, well she knew what to do, but Sehun there wasn't helping her reason like a normal person, which used to be routine since the young and handsome boy took the words out of her mouth every time.
“Oh, hi.” she got up from the street, running her hand over her clothes in a clear sign of nervousness.
“What are you doing out here on the sidewalk?”
She shrugged, placing her hands inside the pockets of the jacket she wore.
"I was waiting for you." she admitted and he made to take a step towards her but stopped, the atmosphere was awkward between them. It was bordering on embarrassment.
“You have the house keys, why didn’t you go in?” he questioned, pointing ahead and they started walking towards his house.
That was a great question that Y/N had a good answer for.
"I don't want to bother." That's what she said before they entered. “I wouldn’t feel comfortable coming in here without you knowing.”
He sighed and opened the door for her to enter first, she did so and took off her shoes. Then she waited for him to do the same.
As soon as he closed the door, he scratched the back of his head, not knowing what to say to her.
“You’ve never felt this way before.”
“Because we hadn’t fought like that before.” she remembered and Sehun nodded, avoiding looking at her.
He went to the sofa, being watched by her, and threw himself down, taking a deep breath.
“I don’t want to argue with you anymore.” he said and she sighed, going the same way as him and sitting next to him. “I’m tired, Y/N.”
She looked at him, sad.
It's a good thing he felt that way because she did too.
“I am too, Sehun. Tired of you avoiding me.”
He looked at her, guilty.
“I thought it would be better, I didn’t want to have any more friction between us.”
Y/N came closer and placed her hand on his knee.
“Do you remember when you told me that all our differences would be resolved through conversation?” he nodded. “We didn’t do that, Sehun. And it’s killing me.”
He placed his hand on top of hers, making a gentle caress.
“I’m sorry for pulling away, I thought it would be better to convince me.”
She narrowed her eyes.
“Convincing of what?”
“That you have other personal projects.” he shrugged, looking straight ahead making her heart sink. “It’s like I told you, I don’t want this if you don’t want it either, it wouldn’t even make sense really.”
Y/N felt a slight fear at the direction the conversation was taking.
“Look, I understand, okay? You're still too young to decide something so big that will affect your life forever. I don't want to see you unhappy because I love you and all I want most is for you to be happy.”
Y/N smiled slightly when she saw Sehun speak quickly but even so, his words had an effect on her heart, because he showed that he was concerned about what she wanted and that made her feel even more loved.
So, unable to say anything or focus on what Sehun continued to say, she got up from the couch, making him silent for a moment.
"What?" he asked, looking at her curiously. “Are you leaving?”
She laughed and sat on his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck, bringing their faces closer to hers. Y/N kissed the tip of his nose.
“No, silly.” She smiled at the suspicious face he made. “How could I leave after that?”
"What do you mean?" He asked, confused, and a pout formed.
"I love you, you know?" he smiled restrainedly. "And all I want most is to spend the rest of my life with you, to build a future for us."
Y/N saw Sehun's eyes light up in a way she had never seen before and then he hugged her around the waist, burying his face in her neck and laughing like a child.
She did the same, taking her hands to his black hair and stroking it.
"I don't believe that." he spoke, voice being muffled by Y/N's skin. "This is a dream." he pulled his face away to look her in the eyes. "I want to hear that again."
She cocked her head to the side, smiling shyly.
“I want to be the mother of your children, Oh Sehun.” she spoke, convinced and continued stroking his hair, while his eyes didn't leave her.
Sehun kept his smile wide and his eyes dropped to Y/N's lips, who wet them with her own tongue expectantly.
She began to bring her face closer to his to seal their lips and in one quick movement, Sehun held her by the thighs and got up from the sofa with her still in his lap.
Y/N let out a high-pitched laugh and grabbed his shoulder to keep from falling.
"What are you doing?" She asked and he started distributing kisses down her neck.
"We have to practice." He spoke between kisses. "You can't say that to me and leave this house without testing a few things."
He raised his eyebrows with a mischievous smile and she just laughed, letting herself be carried away.
Well, if Sehun said they had to practice then she agreed.
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jongbross · 9 months
So after finding out that Sehun prefers to sleep shirtless with only his pants on (info from the Cream Soda live stream btw), I have the urge to know how it would be to lay down on his chest and fall asleep. You know, for science.
absolutely the best
i mean, as i said before, i don't think sehun is THAT into cuddles
but let's say it has been a rough couple of days for the two of you
or he had just made love to you
then you can be sure that sehun will be the one to pull you to his chest, gentle hand guiding your face to lay down on it
you lay down on the right side, spreading your hand on the left side so you can feel his heartbeat
sehun is naturally calm, so it doesn't surprise you when you feel how rhythmic, steady his heartbeat is
he doesn't feel the urge to speak but, if you do he will talk to you about anything pretty much
but he does feel the urge to touch you, so his fingers will be brushing your arm up and down, lightly caressing your skin to soothe you
sehun might also be at his phone, either playing a silly little game or scrolling through his apps
tease him about his score on the game and he will pinch you and whine at you
when he feels you're falling asleep though, he drops everything and turn all of his senses to you
he keeps caressing your arm, but now he pulls you a little bit closer
sehun smiles while looking down at you before closing his eyes
he pays extra attention to the way your breathing hits his skin and how you softly grabs his waist when you move on your sleep
it's just peaceful and so domestic, idk
sehun makes a little prayer before going to sleep himself, thanking whoever is taking care of him for bringing you into his life
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synthetickitsune · 6 months
Hello can you do #25 with Sehun from prompt list
“Can we talk? What are we? What are we doing?”
*narrator voice: the writer was too stunned too speak* - listen i rewrote this thing like three times, it's been in my drafts for months and i'm still not satisfied but in 2024, i'll accept that some things can't be helped lmao
Sehun (EXO) | “Can we talk? What are we? What are we doing?” fluff | 0.9k words | gn!reader
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The engine purrs, you hum and bob your head to the beat while he taps his fingers on the steering wheel. He keeps his eyes on the road, but he nods towards the cup of boba tea in the holder. You reach for the cup and lift it to his lips so he can take a long sip from the straw. You use the opportunity to drink from your own cup too. The second you put the cups back, there’s a hand squeezing your thigh appreciatively. You push back the feeling of something squeezing your heart too. You’re always doing that.
“You know, this just proves you didn’t need my help,” you scoff. His hand is warm, a comfortable added weight.
“I’m already driving you around. This is the least you can do,” Sehun dismisses you, ready to bicker with you every second of the day. He doesn’t mention he also paid for the drinks and neither do you.
His fingers are snug around the curves of your thigh. You dread the moment he’ll let go.
But being occupied by that, you don’t notice you’re spacing out and staring at him.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” he smirks, and you think - what the hell, why not. Whatever you say he’ll find a way to push your buttons anyway. So you take out your phone and turn on the camera, clicking a blurry picture while he stops at the red light.
He tries to snatch the phone from your hands but you’re quicker, and the light turns green. You put the device safely back into your pocket. He frowns.
“What? Are you going to sue me?” you huff but it’s not with a laugh as he expected. As you expected too. Instead you’re looking at your phone with a frown matching his and your chest feels tight.
Where’s this coming from? The feelings, unwanted, rush through you. You’d like to blame exhaustion, stress, whatever, but you can’t. Not right now. Not when you know, deep down, that the feelings spill out because you’ve been holding them back for too long. And then his stupid hand still on your thigh. He didn’t let go even if it meant he’d get your phone.
“y/n?” he calls your name. His voice sounds unsure and you don’t blame him. You’re quite surprised you snapped so suddenly too. You want to play it off as a joke or something, but you’re not sure you could pretend as well as you’d need to. You’re tired of pretending.
“Can we talk, Sehun?” you rub your eyes just so you don’t have to look at him, look at anything. Maybe not seeing will make you impossible to see as well. “What are we? What are we doing?”
Just then the car stops and there’s complete silence. Awkward silence. Your thigh feels cold. You open your eyes and let them adjust to light again. Not ready to face your best friend yet, you look out the window. You’re at the mall, you’re where you’re supposed to be. You swallow and risk a brief glance at Sehun. He doesn’t look at you but he licks his lips, he breathes out all the air in his lungs before inhaling deeply again. And then he brings the car back to life and starts driving.
“What are you doing? Sehun?” you panic, barely stopping yourself from grabbing onto his arm or leg. It’s not like he’ll run anywhere but that’s maybe worse. You watch him turn the steering wheel and get the car moving again, slowly navigating through the parking lot. 
“Sehun?” your voice drops into a quiet whisper that finally alerts him to look at you. His eyes widen when he sees how upset you look. He has a car to drive, though, other vehicles and people to avoid. He pays attention to what he’s doing while he clumsily cups your face with one hand and strokes your cheek. He smiles when he hears you sigh in relief.
“Give me some face, will you?” he laughs softly, “I’m not asking you out at a mall.”
You’re so happy he doesn’t sound mad that it takes a second for your body to tense and freeze in a spot. Ask you out? “W-What do you mean? Where are we going then?”
You feel like the world is passing by too fast but you know he’d never drive recklessly, not with you in the car too. 
“We are going to my place, so we can both change into something more appropriate before I take you to dinner,” he explains, coolly, like he had the whole thing planned out from the beginning - which you very much doubt by the nervous clenching of his hands around the steering wheel.
“Asking me out in the car isn’t much better than asking me out in the mall,” you laugh, shifting in your seat, trying to ease some nerves in the pit of your stomach.
“I’m not asking you out, I’m telling you you’re going,” he says and his voice waivers at the end, but you’re too busy trying to get your cheeks to cool down to notice, “And once we had the dinner and a nice evening, then I’ll ask you to go out with me.”
He looks shyer than he sounded when he looks at you, but then again it’s not like you’re not a mess too. His eyes flicker between the road and you and you see his adam’s apple bob as he swallows thickly.
“That sounds nice,” your voice comes out smaller than you meant to, so you clear your throat, “I like it.”
He exhales in relief.
It’s no surprise to either of you when a similar scene plays out again much later in the evening.
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proudahgase-exol · 6 months
Random text with BF! Sehun
Sehun x reader text au
I have been missing my man so much 🥺
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dazz-linglight · 4 months
Hello love, I have a request for sehun we’re reader is younger than him and plus size, and She gets jealous of sehun friendship with sejeong and they get in a fight we’re sehun say he likes sejeong more than her. With a bit of angst and a happy ending.
It’s alright if you don’t want to take this request I totally understand. I love you and you’re writing 🤍🤍🤍
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Another Chance.
(idol!Sehun x non-idol!Reader) feat. EXO and Kim Sejeong.
Sehun and you were the type of couple that radiated warmth and affection, laughter often echoed through your small apartment. Sehun, at thirty, had a quiet confidence that complemented your vibrant, effervescent personality. You, younger by five years, a plus-size woman who carried yourself with grace and an infectious smile. Despite the strong bond built in one year of your relationship, insecurities sometimes crept in, often spurred by your own self-doubts.
One sunny Saturday, you were both invited to Suho's barbecue in his new house, along with the rest EXO members and a few other friends. The backyard was filled with people chatting, laughing, and savoring the delicious aroma of grilled food. You stayed close to Sehun, enjoying the social gathering but feeling a bit out of place. It wasn't long before Sejeong, a friend of them joined the gathering.
Sejeong is slim and carried herself with a sophisticated air. She and Sehun had an easygoing friendship and their conversation flowed effortlessly. As they laughed and reminisced about their idol antics, you felt a knot of jealousy in her stomach. Trying to mask the discomfort, you joined the conversation as you could, but couldn't shake the feeling of being an outsider around them. Sehun’s attention seemed more focused on Sejeong, and each shared joke and burst of laughter between them felt like a small cut to your heart.
After a while, you excused yourself to grab a drink, trying to collect your thoughts. From a distance, you watched Sehun and Sejeong close together in deep conversation. It felt like watching your worst fears play out in front of your eyes. Unable to contain her emotions any longer, you marched back to the table.
“Hey, Sehun,” you called for him, your voice sharper than intended, “can we talk for a minute?”Sehun looked surprised but nodded, excusing himself from Sejeong. You walked in front of him to a corner where nobody would listen and turned to him, the sounds of the barbecue fading slightly.
“What’s wrong, love?” Sehun asked, concern etched on his face. You took a deep breath, trying to steady your voice.
“Look, I don’t really like the way you’re acting around Sejeong. You’re so wrapped up in her that you’re ignoring me.” Sehun’s eyebrow furrowed in confusion.
“Love, Sejeong is my colleague . There’s nothing more to it.” He tried reasoning, not understanding where you're coming from.
“But it feels like there is!” You snapped, the insecurities boiling over your head. “You’re being much more attentive to her than you are to me. Do you even realize how that makes me feel?”
Sehun sighed, clearly frustrated. “_______, you’re overreacting. Sejeong is just easy to talk to. We have things in common from work, that’s all.”
You got a bit overwhelmed and a few tears filled your eyes, voice trembling. “Maybe she’s more likable than me then, huh? Is that it?”
Sehun’s patience got thin. “Yeah, maybe she is! At least she doesn’t get jealous over nothing!” The words hung in the air, heavy and painful in your heart. Your face got sour and you immediately turned to walk away from him, quickly going towards Suho's house.
Sehun soon regretted his outburst, but his pride held him back from following you. The rest of the barbecue was a blur for Sehun. He stayed, but his mind was with you, replaying the argument over and over. He hated himself for the ridiculous words he had said, knowing they stemmed from his own frustration and not the truth. While you spent the rest of the afternoon in the living room and away from everyone, tears streaming down your face. You felt humiliated, hurt, and worst of all, you believed Sehun’s words. Maybe Sejeong really was more likable. Maybe you were the problem.
Two hours later, Sehun came in to find and drove you home in silence, the tension between you palpable. When you got home, you went straight to shower and then to bed, curling up on your side, back to Sehun. He watched for a moment, wanting to reach out, but unsure how to bridge the gap he had created.
The next morning, Sehun woke up early, determined to make things right. He slipped out quietly and headed to the nearest florist, buying the most beautiful bouquet of sunflowers. When he returned, he found you in the kitchen, staring blankly at your coffee cup.
“Love...” he said softly, approaching you with the flowers. “I’m so sorry for yesterday. I was a jerk and I said things I didn’t mean. Sejeong isn’t more likable than you. No one is. You're the woman I love. You’re the most important person in my life.”
You turned to face him and looked up, eyes still red from crying. You accepted the flowers, holding them close to your chest. “It really hurt me, Sehun. I’ve always felt insecure about my weight and how I look. Seeing you with her just brought all those fears to the surface.”
Sehun stepped closer, taking your face in his hands. “I apologize. I should've been more considerate of your feelings. You’re beautiful to me, in every way. I don’t want anyone else. I love you just the way you are.”
You stared back at him, eyes filled with tears again, but this time they were tears of relief.
“I love you too, Sehun. I just need to feel that you’re with me, that you see me.”
“I do,” He said with the earnest voice. “And I’ll make sure you always know that.” The two of you stood there in the kitchen, holding each other tightly, the flowers pressed between them.
The tension and hurt melted away, replaced by the warmth of their love. From that day on, Sehun made a conscious effort to show you how much he cared. He never let a day go by without reminding you how beautiful you are to him, inside and out. You too worked on her insecurities, learning to trust more in Sehun’s love and your relationship.
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eomayas · 1 year
10:07 PM • osh
pairing: sehun x f reader, fwb relationship!
genre: smut, 18+ MINORS DNI
synopsis: you and sehun are fwbs and have a little bit of fun
warnings: p in v penetration, fingering, creampie, praise, teasing, sehun is cheeky
“you’re all dressed up,” sehun says sarcastically when he opens the door to let you in. you dressed in sweats and a big sweatshirt (his, actually), and a pair of slides. you two are practically wearing the same thing.
“it’s all coming off, anyway,” you say casually, pulling the hood of your jacket down and making your way to his living room.
“if that’s the case then my room is this way,” he replies, like you don’t know, and didn’t come over here for one thing. you look at him and raise your eyebrows, mockingly. he just smirks at you and grabs you hand, gently pulling you down the hallway and into his bedroom.
when you both enter the room and he quickly closes the door, you slide your (his) sweatshirt off and toss it onto the floor, leaving you in a thin tank top. sehun walks over to the bed and sits down, pulling you on top of him. “no bra,” he comments when your chest is in front of his eyes, nipples peaked and alert.
“nope,” you say, running your tongue over your top row of teeth. you place your hands on sehuns shoulders and look down at him staring up at you. he leans up to kiss you and you pull back slightly. “you’re a little eager.” you tease, pulling at his bottom lip with your thumb.
“says you,” sehun replies, tossing you onto the bed next to him and then crawling on top of you. he doesn’t miss the way your breasts jiggle, and kisses the tops of them that spill out of your shirt before he even kisses you.
the kiss starts out a little slow, slower than usual, and you start kissing him back with more want and fervor. you hands slide up his back and into his hair, one hand holding the back of his neck and while the other grabs ahold of his dark locks. sehun moves from your mouth to kiss at your jaw and down to your neck, his fingers gripping your hips tightly. “hunnie,” you say, using his nickname. your hands slide down his back and underneath his shirt. “take this off.” you breathe when he sucks on that spot on your neck. sehun pulls back, resting on his knees in between your legs.
sehun pulls his shirt off, his muscles flexing lightly. you’ve seen this body naked enough times to have it memorized. you know every curve, every mole, every scar. you know how it’ll feel underneath your fingertips. but every time you do see it, it’s always like the first time. it’s no secret he’s toned and muscular; not beefy, but strong and lean. you can never look at him like this for too long without wanting to blush and giggle like a school girl.
“better?” he teases, putting his hands on your knees. you nod and sit up slightly as you reach your hand out to run them across his abs. your touch is soft and feather like, almost non existent, but you feel him just fine.
sehun watches you, his eyes ping-ponging from your face that looks a little too into his abs, and your hand. you let out a little breath and put your hands on his ribs, pulling him down with you as you lay back on the bed. sehun holds himself up using your knees before placing his hands on either side of your head and resuming his place on your neck.
he nips and sucks on your neck, making sure to leave a mark. you let out tiny pants and whimpers as he creates his hickey on your neck; marking you, claiming you, but you don’t mind when it feels this good.
sehun kisses down to your chest. he pulls your tank top down, not bothering to fully remove it, and pulls your breasts free. he wastes no time sucking and fondling you breasts.
“hunnie,” you whine after a few minutes. he looks up at you, your nipple in his mouth. “cmon, hunnie. i need you.” you say. he pulls back from your chest, a line of saliva following.
you push your sweats down to your knees and he finishes pulling them off for you. “you’re a little eager,” he mocks, pressing two fingers against your clothed cunt. goosebumps form on your skin and you let out a breath.
“shut up,” you say, pulling down your underwear too, proving his point but not really caring. you ball your panties up in your fist, ready to toss them to the side until you look up at sehun, whose eyes are glued to your now exposed cunt. instead of throwing them to the floor, you throw them at sehun, and he snaps out of his daze and catches them in midair before they hit him.
he looks at you for a moment, a hint of mischief in his eyes. before you can register what he’s doing, he brings your panties up to his nose and takes a whiff. “perv!” you say, your face heating up. sehun only smirks and puts your underwear into his pocket. “you’re si- fuck,” you gasp, squeezing your legs together as sehun slips two fingers inside of you without warning. with his free hand, he forces your legs open and holds them down.
“i’m what?” he asks, a devilish grin on his face.
“y-you’re sick—shit, sehun!” you cry, your back arching when he adds a third finger and starts fondling your nipple, rolling it in between his fingers.
“yeah, but you like it,” he says, leaning up to attach his mouth to the breast that he isn’t occupying with his hand. the fact that every sensitive part of you body is being played with makes you start panting, loud moans leaving your mouth when he curls his fingers and hits that spot. “you about to come for me?” sehun asks, taking you out of his mouth momentarily.
you can only whimper in response, your toes curling. your knees dare to press together but only to as far as sehuns frame will allow. “cmon, y/n. i know you can do it for me,” he says, speeding up his movements and pressing down on your clit with his thumb.
you don’t know whether it’s the overstimulatation or his fingers, but you come all over his hand with a loud whine, your back arching up into his chest. “sehun!” you cry, clenching around his fingers. you continue to gush as he finger-fucks you through your orgasm.
“that’s right, baby,” he says, not stopping his movements. you grab onto his wrist to stop him, your legs starting to shake and your brain feeling fuzzy.
“hunnie, please,” you gasp, trying to crawl away from him. he finally lets up and pulls his fingers out of you. your arousal is sticky and his digits are coated in it. whatever didn’t get on his hands slips out onto your thighs and his sheets, and you cringe at the feeling.
sehun sucks on his fingers, humming at the taste. you watch him through heavy lids, biting back a smile when he pulls them out of his mouth and licks his lips. he steps off the bed and pulls his sweats down, his erection hard in his briefs. sehun palms himself as he looks down at you, all pretty and laid out for him. “turn around,” sehun orders. you manage to sit up and turn over, getting on all fours. “you still on the pill?” he asks, pulling his underwear down.
“uh-huh,” you say, looking back at him over you shoulder. his dick is on full display. he holds it in one hand and you swallow thickly, turning to look at his headboard. you feel him come up behind you. he presses a kiss onto you lower back before grabbing ahold of your hips and yanking your towards him. you put an arch in your back and brace yourself for him breaching your folds.
he teasingly taps the head of his dick on your folds, his free hand grabbing a handful of your ass. “you’re quiet,” he comments, pushing just the tip inside. you let out a shaky breath, your arms feeling shaky already. “i’m not doing enough?” sehun asks mockingly. he knows he’s not doing enough, but he doesn’t want to bottom out without giving you time to adjust to him.
“no,” you squeak when he pushes himself in deeper. your breathing speeds up and you close your eyes. sehun was not little in the slightest. he was long, and you never quite adjusted to him even after all of this time. every time he’s fully inside, it feels like he stuck his forearm in rather than his dick.
“you want more? you sure?” he asks genuinely.
“i can take it, hunnie,” you breathe. he doesn’t wait another second before he’s pushing into you, holding back from going too fast. you moan and clench around him, making his movements falter.
“y/n, r-relax. you’re gripping me too tight,” sehun says, his voice shaky. if you keep clenching around him like this, he won’t last.
“fuck, sehun!” you cry, trying to will yourself to relax, but the stretch is too much. your arms start shaking so you just give up and let yourself fall into the mattress. your momentary defeat makes you stop squeezing him, and he’s able to keep moving.
sehun strokes slowly a few times before firmly grabbing your hips and speeding up. you scream his name and grab onto the sheets, balling them up in your fists. “you’re taking me so well, y/n,” he groans. “talk to me, baby. i need to hear you. ” you moan in response, tears coming to your eyes.
you blabber incoherently and mewl as he grabs a fistful of your hair, yanking your head up as he pounds into you. this pace has your vision blurring and you crying out his name like a prayer. “fuck, y/n!” he grunts. sehun releases his grip on your hair by a little bit and pushes your face into the mattress. “you gonna come again for me? all over my dick?” he asks, his strokes slowing down a bit so he can reach forward and play with you clit.
“h-hunnie,” you pant, blinking away all of the black spots in your vision. you don’t have any time to let him know you’re close because you cream all over him. you scream out a string of curse words and whine out his name as he keeps pounding into you, his hand back in your hair while the other holds you firmly.
a few moments later, sehun releases into you with a loud shout or your name. he watches both of your juices pour out of you, and pushes it back in, a sudden sense of possessiveness taking over. “i-i can’t take it, sehun,” you cry, stray tears leaking out of you eyes. he pulls out of you and flips you over. when he notices the tears on your cheeks, he can’t help but smile. “fuck you.” you whine, gently swatting at him.
“i already did,” he replies, leaning down to kiss you. you wrap one arm around his neck and bring the other down in between you. you grab ahold of his still hard dick and push it between your folds. “you want more?” he asks against your mouth.
“yes,” you say, suddenly shy. sehun pushes himself up onto his hands and looks down to see where you both connect, and starts pushing himself inside. you hook one of your legs around his hips and pull him closer to you by the shoulders.
when both of you come, you for the third time and him the second, he pulls out of you with a tiny moan and you whimper at the loss of contact. sehun flops down beside you and catches his breath, one arm behind his head. after a few moments of you two lying there and breathing, you ask, “can you get a towel?”
sehun comes back and wipes you off and checks to make sure that you’re alright and that he didn’t hurt you. “you’re going soft on me,” you say, and he rolls his eyes.
“you’re the one who can’t take dick,” he says back nonchalantly, turning around to toss the soiled towel in his laundry. you gasp and grab a pillow and throw it at him, missing him only by centimeters. sehun smirks at you over his shoulder and starts to get dressed.
you decide to do the same, finding everything that you arrived in except your panties. “sehun, give me my underwear,” you say, pulling your tank top over your breasts properly.
“here,” he says, tossing you a pair that you didn’t wear today. you don’t ask, because it was probably from a time you spent the night, or one of his pervy moments, like earlier tonight.
you finish getting dressed and grab a new sweatshirt out of his closet. sehun rests on the bed, phone in hand as he scrolls aimlessly through his social media apps. it’s only when you say, “you little bastard!” that he looks up and finds you looking in his dresser mirror, the collar of your (his) hoodie yanked down to look at your neck.
sehun smirks and goes back to his phone. “i have a date tomorrow, asshole,” you say, but you don’t actually really care. it’s true, but you really just want to see what he has to say.
“that’ll be awkward, won’t it,” he says, his voice bored. but inwardly, he’s glad he marked you up. no, you’re not dating and he doesn’t really care if you start. but he also knows what is his, and he happens to see you as such.
“it’ll make for interesting conversation.”
you tried covering up the hickey as best as you could using makeup, but it was still visible. you thought about wearing a turtle neck, but it was hot out so you just said fuck it, and went to your date with the hickey still visible.
you could see your date, soobin, glancing at it all night, but he never asked about it. you didn’t really care, because your mind was elsewhere. you couldn’t wait for this date to be over.
when it finally was, you called the one and only person you wanted to see.
“guess the conversation wasn’t so interesting,” he says, the smirk on his face evident in his voice.
“no, it definitely wasn’t,” you reply.
“come over and let me make up for it.”
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jonglo · 10 months
Hi💕 can i request a headcanon with Sehun just boyfriend things
hi!! omg i've been wanting to do hc but i didn't know on who. also sorry it took awhile work has been beating my ass..
Sehun as your boyfriend !
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Warnings: brief nsfw?? not explicit
where do I even start LMAOOO
I feel like he's the silent love type at the beginning but as the relationship continues he just can't contain it
like shy and just wanting to be near you to playful bickers and being a complete brat
he makes sure to get his way when asking you for anything.
but he will literally fold and do anything for you if you asked
the type to say no and do it anyway just to keep the "image"
you also turn into his target audience
anything to make you laugh
if hes with the members and they don't laugh at his joke. he will be telling you the story in full context just to end with the joke.
you also turn into his hitting target for when he laughs at his own jokes.
honestly i think he's the type to leave "i love you" for more intimate moments
like his texts always end with a care message rather an ily
if it's cold? "make sure to layer up"
if it's hot? "make sure to bring water"
traveling long distance? "be safe, tell me when you get there"
now this doesn't mean he doesn't say ily, its just he feels it shows more sincerity in person.
in person he definitely ends every sentence with i love you
it slips off the tongue always.
"you know i love you, right?" everyday
no literally, everyday.
so everyone knows he doesn't like sleeping alone... get ready for that.
hes always whining asking for you to come over and go to sleep with him
literally every night that you two aren't already together hes spam texting you.
you always end up coming over.
if you play with his hair while he sleeps, you are his soulmate.
omg and little pecks on his face
he's obsessed
as for dates
i feel like he prefers more of a "lets sit and make each other laugh" type of date.
or maybe just a casual lunch where you two just catch up on more intimate parts of your life.
just wants to show you everything
you are literally his personal hype person
oml god forbid you don't pay attention to him when he shows you something
the type to fake his own demise at that very second
if he shows you a picture of him, you have to thank him for giving you a chance to see his beauty while kissing his feet.
just kidding LMAOOO
he just wants you to acknowledge the picture and maybe call him the sexiest man alive thats all! not so hard!
i think the only arguments would be from misread sarcasm from his side that causes major miscommunication.
after the first fight he does explain himself more often.
he just doesn't separate play from seriousness sometimes.
like if you show him a new outfit or hairstyle he will just say ew
out of habit of course
but truly he thinks you are the best looking person ever, just second to him of course
he actually shows you off all the time
on a schedule, everyone knows each and every outfit you had on for the last year.
the type to send you pictures of anything and everything.
pictures of the road.
"what am i looking at" "street" "nice"
kind of like his instagram.
literally mid conversation too just pics of a empty cup.
say omg wow and you can continue the conversation.
now as far as nsfw...
ill leave it at power bottom
and mirrors.
mirrors every single time.
thats all
if you want i can do a nsfw part two
but overall he's a shelled lover. you just gotta push him out and he will love and worship every single part of you.
he wont admit it but he thinks you are the number one most beautiful person on earth. before him, of course.
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