#Self-portrait with Wife
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MWW Artwork of the Day (1/15/23) Stanislaw Wyspianski (Polish, 1869–1907) Self-portrait with Wife (1904) Pastel on paper, 47.7 x 62.2 cm Muzeum Narodowe, Krakow
"Self-Portrait with Wife" was inspired by images of husbands and wives, known in art history. The self-portrait with Teofilia, dressed in a colorful Krakow costume, is undoubtedly a symbolic work. With this work Wyspianski highlighted the essence of his existence and deep attachment to the beauty and diversity of his native land.
For more of this artist's work see this MWW gallery: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=TheMuseumWithoutWalls&set=a.3604231583015518
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columboscreens · 2 months
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wrylu · 3 months
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he got some accessories
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 5 months
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My new PFP. Considering I'm still VERY new to digital art, I'm quite proud of it.
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peaceinthestorm · 2 years
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Carolus-Duran (1837-1917, French) ~ Le Baiser, 1868
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renycat · 4 months
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mo-ok · 10 months
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cleaned up some of my gingaman sketches <3 <3 <3
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thatscarletflycatcher · 2 months
Truly reading fundamental academic literature is a humbling experience of intellectually mining for gold. Yes, past a certain point in academic life you'll feel like a whole lot of it is just dust, and then suddenly the author will hit you with a very enlightening passage that leaves you reeling a bit.
#So this book on the ethics of fiction#I have reached a chapter where he's discussing notions of the self and how those are portrayed in literature#and he elaborates on this tension or opposition between the individualist self and the social self#He's making a relatively detailed analysis of the former in Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man#and it suddenly struck me that one could read Mr. Hale as nuanced criticism of this model#I have eyed before an article that argues that Gaskell's pluralism isn't relativistic in essence#Because her characters that grow all have beliefs they strongly hold onto#but more than that they are very willingly to express and put forward in public debate#whereas Mr Hale's dissension is silent and undefined and in the end he never puts those beliefs forward to challenge others#and thus his real impact in the Milton community is null or close to null#But now I'm also thinking about how Mr. Hale is an stubbornly isolationist character#he gets his doubts alone and won't reach out#he decides to leave Helstone and decides to move to Milton without consulting anyone#he conceives himself as a lonely victim of conscience rather than a champion of it#When his wife dies he decides he's going to stay put and not a thought is spared for Margaret#And somewhere in there there's a contrast with Frederick's conscience struggle#that is at its basis one rooted in justice as it reaches both self and others#and his life post decision is one that as sketchily as it is drawn is one of fruitfulness and engagement with others#vis a vis the sterility of Mr Hale's
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ufohh · 8 months
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Being soft on main for the start of lovey-dovey month with a wife appreciation post~ @purxeus Is the most amazing person ive ever had the pleasure of knowing and im very lucky to have married my best friend~
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silezukuk · 6 months
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Paul Outerbridge (1896-1958) - Self Portrait with Wife Paula, Paris, c. 1927 [***]
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acebytaemin · 1 year
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got the working from home station swag
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kittycherk · 2 months
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teeny self portrait
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trinketbug · 1 year
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When you're wild, when you're mad, I'm your girl <3
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drrestlesshate · 5 months
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Italo Cremona
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frogandcog · 5 months
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I made a tile pattern of my wife (Frog), myself (Cog), and our babies! Especially proud of how Frog turned out.
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myname-isnia · 6 months
Ever since I first read Eugene Onegin two years ago, and even more now that I had to reread it for school recently, I've been saying that I've never related to a fictional character more than I relate to Tatyana Larina (not counting my own characters, that is, as they are intentional projections). Particularly the verses about Tatyana's childhood hit very close to home. I've been wanting to talk about it for a while but couldn't find a translation of the book that I liked. So, instead of sleeping, I spent 2 hours absolutely torturing my own brain by coming up with my own translation and I'm way too proud not to share.
Eugene Onegin, chapter 2, verses 25, 26 and 27, translated with the original temp and rhyming scheme intact, by yours truly <3
And so, her sister's named Tatyana.
She seldom catches someone's gaze,
Lacks Olga's beauty, lacks her glamour,
The pink-cheeked freshness of her face.
She's almost feral, quiet with woe,
So quick to startle, like a doe.
And even in her family home
She seemed a child not quite their own.
She hardly ever showed affection,
Both mom and dad would often say.
By window she would spend her day
Alone but for her own reflection,
She judged the children running wild,
Though she herself was still a child.
Imagination was her close friend
From infancy. As village days
Kept dragging on without an end,
She'd get lost in her fantasies.
Needle and thread she too avoided,
Fabric was never once embroidered
By her unblemished fingers, for
She found needlework a bore.
An average girl would take her doll,
Sit down with it and start to talk,
Prepare it for the time to walk
Into an upper class grand ball –
To silent dolls during these sessions
Young girls repeat their mothers' lessons.
Tatyana never had discussions
With dolls, nor did she play with them;
She never told them of the fashions,
Of city news, and even then
Of toys and games she was quite wary,
She'd rather read of something scary.
In winters, in the dead of night,
Her heart learned how to take a fright.
When for young Olga their old nanny
Would gather up the neighbours' kids
To run and play out in the fields,
Tatyana would act most uncanny:
She never played or ran around,
And found their laughter far too loud.
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