navinsamachar · 1 year
Seminar-Workshop : होम स्टे योजना का लाभ तब जब करे भुतहा गांवों को आबाद...
-भुतहा गांवों को गोद लेकर होगी होम स्टे योजना की परिकल्पना साकार: प्रो. बागरी -कुमाऊं विवि के वाणिज्य विभाग द्वारा आयोजित दो दिवसीय राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी का मुख्य अतिथि पद्मश्री यशोधर मठपाल ने किया शुभारंभ नवीन समाचार, नैनीताल, 9 अक्टूबर 2023 (Seminar-Workshop)। कुमाऊं विश्वविद्यालय के वाणिज्य विभाग की ओर से आयोजित दो दिवसीय राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी का सोमवार को विवि के देवदार हॉल स्वामी विवेकानंद भवन में…
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Just a reminder that Gen Con event tickets go live this Sunday, May 19 at 12 p.m. EDT! We have ten events this year (two games, three hands-on workshops, and five free seminars). Our workshops usually sell out by 12:01 p.m., so make sure you have anything you want on your wish list and ready to purchase in advance!
I am NOT running backup workshops in Lafayette this year, so as of right now the only casting and thermoplastics workshops I'm offering in 2024 are at Gen Con.
Click the link above to view our events/add them to your wish list, or you can navigate to the Gen Con Indy catalog, click the Company/Group tab at the top, and then select "...And Sewing Is Half The Battle!" (we're the very first one on the list).
Here's our schedule for this year, including a couple of brand new seminars:
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sifu-kisu · 3 months
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In August, we’re going to Oakland.🔥
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wickedhawtwexler · 5 months
guys i legitimately think i have found my ideal job
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geekynichelle · 6 months
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I came across a pose reference which would've been perfect for these two OCs I have that work in an office, but I'm not thinking about them right now, so we're getting a Modern AU version of my Cinderella/Beauty and the Beast characters instead. It's giving Hallmark movie where big business is trying to screw over a small flower shop for some reason.
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simplysummers · 4 months
Downgraded cages.
This most likely will never be an actual fic, so I decided to post it here instead. At university we were tasked with an optional writing exercise to push our limits by writing in a form/tense we never usually do, and I chose first person because it my least favourite format to write in. (Still salty we even had a writing exercise because it was a seminar and that doesn’t usually happen-)
What did I choose to write? MacGyver Fanfiction, wasn’t like any of my lecturers were actually going to see it. So anyway here’s the little bit I wrote.
The bed frame was constructed from thin metal strips, mirroring the structural frame of the bars that made up the fourth wall of the cell, giving off a glaring window to whoever intentionally strolled by. A mattress, made from what felt like an entanglement of springs and wooden planks, lay across the solid structure, accompanied by a thin sheet, and a pillow thinner than the flimsy orange jumpsuit draped over my frame like an offensively fluorescent curtain.
The sink and toilet mashed together stood barely shielded from the grated exit, accompanied by nothing else except the concrete stool cemented to the floor and a matching slab protruding from the wall to function as a desk of sorts. The officer I saw the most of, a man with more beard than hair who made dirty passes at me whenever I caught his eye, had explained in simpler terms that they wanted to keep an eye on me, as if I didn’t already know how this was going to work. I’d stood on the other side of a similar cage with Mac and Jack not even five months ago, acquiring Riley for our field analytical crises after Nikki’s ‘death’.
The need to be babysat was a pointless accusation considering I couldn’t even do anything without a phone or a computer, but logistics didn’t matter when you were convicted of crimes against the country. Crimes I hadn’t committed, but in order for my release to run smoother, I knew making a fuss would eventually bite me on the ass.
The lack of privacy did very little to bother me, I wasn’t unfamiliar with uncomfortable and invasive environments, a field agent position was never one for the sensitive. But the lack of hygienic treatment was something I couldn’t find myself adapting to. I could only shower a. few times a week, but when the social construct of time falls apart in isolation, only ever reinforced by scheduled meal times and menstruation, it felt even longer.
I’d learnt to pass the tangle of time with an intense amount of exercise, but still, a nice bottle of perfume wouldn’t go amiss when my underarms were damp with sweat, or at least a better deodorant. I didn’t even know where my perfumes would be by that point, probably in a landfill after my apartment had been emptied. My dad would have no use for them, and my stepmother and Dylan had their own. Dylan most likely had my jewellery, she’d always had a fascination with my family rings.
My clothes, from work attire to evening dresses, most likely sat lifelessly on a donation centre’s table, ready to be swept up for half their worth.
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un-pearable · 10 months
group project 👍
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juliadevent · 3 months
Discover the summer short film festival
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Discover the summer short film festival and get a ticket to our best cinema screenings, our cinema workshops, our seminar creating a cinematographic film from A to Z! BUY TICKET NOW
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themanwhowouldbefruit · 7 months
why do so many people say. transgender-ered.
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pottedfairies · 7 months
i also am paralyzed by indecision rn lol
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So, uh, about our Gen Con workshop capacity...
Gen Con is next week (eek!) and as usual, we're doing a full day of hands-on workshops and a full day of educational seminars.
Not as usual, something went wrong with the form when we submitted our casting workshop, and it made 100 tickets available instead of the 36 we'd intended it to be capped at. (That workshop requires so much in the way of materials, prep work and setup, and 36 is already a lot for me and a single assistant to handle. When I learned a few days ago that we had 92 people registered for it, I maaay have had a minor panic meltdown.)
But we're coping with that; I'm rush-shipping extra materials in, and we've brought on extra help so we can make it work. What it means, though, is that they've put us in a larger room than we otherwise would have been in. While our Featherweight Cosplay (props and armor) and Gamer Jewelry workshops had only 36 tickets available through the registration system, we're going to be in a room that seats 100 people. We might as well use the space.
TL;DR we will take more generics at the door than usual this year for Featherweight and Gamer Jewelry. If you wanted to sign up for one of those workshops but were not able to because it was sold out, bring generics, and we will take as many people as we have materials for. (I always bring extras.)
Gamer Jewelry is Friday at 1PM in Embassy Suites: Consulate
Featherweight Cosplay Mega-Workshop is Friday at 2PM in Embassy Suites: Consulate
This link shows everything we're running this year. Our seminars are always free (though tickets definitely help us out by showing the con that people are attending, so if you are certain you're coming, please reserve one!).
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worstjourney · 1 year
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Had a great time walking members of @royalmuseumsgreenwich through the historical uses of drawing and the basic principles by which anyone can become a sketcher. If you can write, you can draw!
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mystudydiary-blog · 2 years
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24-10-2022 15/100 DOP *went to research methods class *went to corporate tax *met up with other people in our dorm building to get to know each other *did some research for a paper
25-10-2022 16/100 DOP *attended tax strategy class *read some articles for a paper we need to write *went to a meeting
26-10-2022 17/100 DOP *went to school to work on a group assignment *did a workshop on referencing in APA style *prepared myself for the seminar
27 and 28-10-2022 18 and 19/100 DOP We had a two-day seminar organised by a couple professors of the tax department. There were a lot of tax and accounting firms present as well. It was a bit of a competition to solve a case and present it in the best possible way (we only had classes for a month lol, other years the seminar was in december). We also had a lot of networking opportunities.
I learned a lot but it was very tiring to be surrounded by people 24/7. I took the weekend to rest so the 100 days of productivity resume on Monday :)
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cliveguy · 11 months
tuesdays are so evil at lunch today i was sat there feeling tired after having morning classes then realised i was still here for another 8 hours
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darkdragon768 · 1 year
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Ohoho, I love doing bracelets in the colors of my favorite little guys and their friends!
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employerbrand · 17 hours
Neue Wege im Recruiting: Wie digitales Marketing die Personalgewinnung verändert
Neue Wege im Recruiting Wie digitales Marketing die Personalgewinnung verändert Social Media Recruiting, Online-Personalmarketing, SEO und datengetriebenes Recruiting Neue Wege im Recruiting: Wie digitales Marketing die Personalgewinnung verändert Die Digitale Transformation hat das Personalmarketing und die Recruiting-Prozesse revolutioniert. Unternehmen stehen vor der Herausforderung,…
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