#Seriously Hima?
glittery-ishfish · 1 year
Needlessly Long and Dramatic APH Belarus Slander
A/N: Just to clarify, I am NOT at all referring to the REAL COUNTRY of Belarus. The citizens of Belarus are already trying so hard to fight, literally risking their lives, for freedom and national identity. I am not about to ignorantly hold an entire country accountable for what their government and dictator do and have done, especially since people are dying trying to fight for basic human rights.
This is about HETALIA’S Belarus. SPECIFICALLY Hetalia’s Belarus as a PERSON, not as a nation. As I said in one of my first posts, there’s not nearly enough slander of this depiction of Belarus. And when there was, it was for the wrong reasons (“she gets in between me and my ships”). This has been festering inside me and I need to let it all out.
And do keep in mind that this is APH Belarus slander. This is my opinion. It's in the title. Don't like it? Then move on. I don't care, I don't wanna hear it.
And if you stayed, I hope you're ready because I'm about to spill my angry guts out😃👍
Hetalia’s Belarus is a terrible person and a poor, insulting personification of the country.
Let's see, uh…
She bullies, deliberately ignores, and is overall a complete cow to her older sister because she falsely assumes that Russia wants to marry her instead.
Is needlessly hostile and rude to everyone, regardless if they mean well.
Threatens and curses people who disagree with, or even question, Russia because "how dare they have an opinion".
Gets angry when Russia talks to anyone who isn't her, regardless if it’s for professional reasons.
One of the (many, many, many) reasons why Russia doesn’t have any friends is because she scares people off just to have him all to herself.
Blames other people (especially her sister) for Russia's constant avoidance of her rather than reflecting on her own behavior.
Is weirdly contradictory. She’s been shown actively stalking seeking out recruits to ‘become one’ with Russia but gets all ornery and pissy when said recruits are close to him (like, what did you expect??).
Makes Russia’s life more of a living Hell and even curses him when he outright tells her “no”.
Throws violent temper tantrums when things don’t go her way and destroys things.
Has deluded herself into thinking that Russia does want to marry her and dismisses his fearful reactions as stubbornness/“Tsundere behavior”.
Is completely on board with Russia’s desire to take over the world (which she misinterprets as "turn everyone into big brother’s slaves" rather than Russia’s real intentions [as fucked up and naive as they are], "being friends with everyone").
Has been bullying Lithuania since childhood even though he loves her and has repeatedly broken his fingers and legs.
Has been implied to have done questionable things to the Baltics ("Today, I played around with___. It’s interesting to see what expressions he makes when I do such things to him").
Isn’t above hurting animals. Got into a fight with a cat simply because it was “in big brother’s way”.
Has done an impression of the stereotypical "Imōto-chan trope" in an attempt to "persuade" her brother into marriage (I know it's minuscule compared to what I've already mentioned, but the fact that she just blatantly assumes that Russia is the kind of person who would be into that is just...ew).
Held Liechtenstein in a chokehold when asked to interact with her.
Actually likes her authoritarian jackass of a boss and has made a fansite of him (the only other person she’s done this for is Russia, which is saying a lot).
Silent calls people out of spite.
Has stolen, smelled, and worn her brother's underwear on her head as a nightcap.
Takes invasive photos of Russia without his knowledge or consent.
Constantly ruins and/or breaks down Russia's doors.
Leaves scratch marks on Russia's property as a hobby.
Has indecent, sexual fantasies about her brother.
Has used physical force on Russia (ie. crushing his arm) to get him to marry her and showed zero remorse over hurting him.
Has an entire Hetastagram (Instagram) account called ‘Daily Big Brother’, where she praises, stalks, and publicly posts photos of Russia online without his consent (and I’m willing to bet that some of them were the suggestive ones I mentioned earlier).
Overall, not a good person. A brat, even.
Belarus is one of those characters that I adore aesthetically. I love her design (have you seen her in a ponytail?), I occasionally do voice impressions of her for fun and I’m always ecstatic when I discover canon information about her. Hell, I have an entire document dedicated to canon descriptions of her physical appearance just to cosplay her (I’ve been wanting to cosplay Bela for a very long time).
But at the same time I know for a fact that, if I knew her in real life, I would absolutely hate her guts.
I already don't like her as a person, and I know I said this is about her personality specifically, but I especially don't like her as a personification of a country that's already been going through hell just to keep its independence (and it's even more gross and insulting in real life knowing that it's Russia that's out to take away Belarus' national autonomy).
Belarus' obsession with Russia does influence most of her bad traits. He's not, by any means, a good influence.
However, she fails to recognize his many fatal faults and misinterprets what he wants as malicious world domination and enslavement, which she's concerningly more than happy to indulge.
She sees Russia as this idealized, flanderized version of himself. She sees him as something to praise and revere, as this brooding, merciless god-on-earth who's righteous in every way. To put it into perspective, the way she sees Russia is very similar to how the fandom saw him during the 2010s and sometimes still sees him today.
She doesn't really know her brother or even see him as his own person. Sure, she can name every location he's ever been to, is obnoxiously protective of him, and knows his pinky toe turns red when he's embarrassed, but she doesn't know who he is as a person. His likes, dislikes, what he wants, and especially, what he doesn't want. She likes the idea of him and just makes assumptions from there without any input or consent.
Belarus won't acknowledge it, but to her, Russia is essentially a doll. Just a target. An object to keep, project, and force her affection onto.
And this isn't the same as Russia doing harmful things out of a lack of understanding of how the world works. This isn't the same as Russia being cognitively unaware of everyone's fear of him.
No. Bela knows exactly what she’s doing. She knows better than to be doing what she’s doing. But she indulges anyway simply because she lacks impulse control. And from the looks of it, it's deliberate.
And the worst part about all this? She’s never been held accountable for her actions. Not once does someone reprimand her or call her out for her shitty behavior and, if anything, it’s enabled.
Russia can't bring himself to tell her off or get rid of her (out of both familial love and fear), which only makes matters worse since Bela's fanatical dumbass will only assume that his lack of action means that he approves of her behavior.
But it's not like what Russia does matters anyway because if he even tries to put her down (gently or otherwise) and behaves outside of her idealized version of him, she'll just throw a shit fit and make him more miserable. He's forever stuck in this vicious cycle until he's drained from her antics and finally gives in to what she wants.
And the reason(s) why other people let her get away with the shit she pulls is because:
They're also scared of her.
She’s a female nation, and no one tells female nations what to do.
"She’s just so cute!” (PrettyPrivilege™️).
The closest thing she’s ever gotten to a ‘reality check’ was in that 2011 Halloween comic. When Denmark casually brushes off her usual attempts at intimidation.
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And laughs to her face for even trying in the first place.
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(Denmark, you’re wonderful, don’t ever change)
Belarus is implied to be lonely and has had a rough upbringing like her siblings, leaving her with a pessimistic view of life and relationships. She's tried to break away from Russia once (I imagine her bosses at the time forced her to) and lived with America, who also got tired of her antics and tried to get rid of her as well. This would explain a lot of her obsessive, co-dependent behavior and, by all accounts, is enough to garner some form of sympathy.
However, the reason why Bela is lonely is that she's actively choosing to cling to one person. She pushes all of her projections and issues onto Russia, further isolating him while not giving a single flying fuck over how her actions affect him and those around her.
And even when there are other people who love and care about her unconditionally (for some reason), she’s dismissive and a complete bitch to them. She takes those relationships for granted and only ever indulges them if it serves some sort of benefit to her (usually as a means of getting closer to Russia).
As if the fact that she's indulging in incestuous fantasies isn't bad enough, she's making active attempts to make them a reality and giving no regard over how her target feels. She takes time out of her day to intentionally hurt others who dare to disagree. The fact that there are other people who care about her and want her to be happy means nothing to her. It's painfully frustrating to watch.
Even traits that should be positive (strength and passion) are manifested in negative ways. She's been noted to be talented and has so much potential. But instead, she chooses to waste said potential in favor of being...this.
So long story short, Belarus is the kind of person who will never be happy. Regardless if she magically gets what she wants in the end.
I've said this before and I'll say it again: I absolutely love it when the fandom goes the extra mile to expand on her character. She's shrouded in mystery and could have at least one positive trait for all we know (unfortunately, that reveal's not gonna happen anytime soon).
I typically don't care for headcanons and this is one of the few exceptions. It's a breath of fresh air to see different interpretations of her character.
Man, Belarus. You bring out the worst in people.
And you're not putting in any effort to change that. To be a better version of yourself. Have you any self-respect?
So you must be happy with where you are. And if that's the case, then why should I, or anyone, feel bad?
I guess I see why I should be sorry for you, but I also see no point in wasting sympathy on someone who's content with being a shitty person.
Don't go out of your way to be a petty asshole and this wouldn't happen🤗
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So yeah, Hetalia’s Belarus is not just a terrible person, but a poor, insulting personification of the country.
Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.
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crepegosette · 2 years
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and we’re back to czech posting
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netsue101 · 7 months
That gangsta au series but nyotalia design pt 1
Nyo England:
1st drafts
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2nd draft:
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Final design:
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Nyo America:
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Yeah not much has changed other than heels AJSBAHABA
I think she looks hotter in pants, so I don't change much of it. This was drawn right before it was revealed that the only blue thing in America's fit is his overcoat. Hima's rendering is so vibrant and sparkly that i can't tell that if he is all blue or nah 😭
I was planning to ditch the hair clips cause those clips made her look younger, and I think America wore a much more formal attire compared to everyone else is so he can be taken seriously and look older.
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babayagakeanu · 7 months
it’s not living (if it’s not with you)
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pairing: John Constantine/reader
Summary: John realizes there’s nothing more in life that he wants more than you.
**this gif sent me into a short spiral so I had to use it. Like how dare you look at me like that sir?**
You’ve know John since you were in the hospital he stayed at when he attempted to take his life, and since you had a medical background, you have been his person to go to when he needed stitching up. Ever since, you two’ve grown closer over the years, and you harbored a serious crush on John. Something about the way his deep eyes bore into you as you speak, always throwing you off balance. Maybe it was because he was older, ten years older and somehow you go off on that.
Or maybe it was because two weeks ago, he stopped at your doorstep liquored up and gave you the best night of your life. Since that heated, drunken night, he hasn’t come around much, and he was in here every other night. You knew you couldn’t trust him with your feelings. Since when do we trust men with gorgeous eyes, who are tall and charismatic, and tease you endlessly? It was ten o’clock at night, you were fresh out of the shower after a long day and ready to relax for the remainder of your evening in front of your tv. Heating up and eating a microwave dinner, you scroll through the channels before settling on some old 2000s rom-com. Finishing your dinner, you set it on the cheap coffee table in front of you, and just as the movie is getting good, John knocks on your door.
Sighing, you know it’s John because he came up with specific knock to use when he needed somewhere safe to land, or close a hole in his flesh. You swing open the door to find John, bloodied and beaten.
“Oh my fucking God, John!” your gasp comes out as a whisper, being mindful of your other neighbors. “What the fuck happened to you?” You help him inside, half of his weight leaning on you as you guide him to the chair in your kitchen.
“Just a coupla’ really strong demons,” he mutters, “got an whiskey?” Another sigh from you. Always drinking, thinking it’s going to heal his inside problems. You slam a glass down in front of him and pour hima few fingers of whiskey. This will also help manage his pain once you start threading through his skin. Walking to the cabinet in the hallway, you grab the first aid kit, along with a suture and needle, and a pair of slightly rusty scissors.
Sitting down in front of him, you open your kit. “Just keep sipping on your drink, John. I’m gonna start, now.” Wiping down your needle with alcohol, you thread the suture through and the first piercing of the needle is enough to make John wince. He gulps his drink greedily, slamming it down on the table.
“Jesus, you never hold back, do you?” He cracks, exhaling shortly as the second pierce happens. You give him a muttered affirmation and he notices your silence. “Why are you so quiet, y/n?”
You sighs rolling your eyes at him. “ ‘Cause, John, I just am today. I’m not really in the mood for your antics tonight. I lost a patient today, seventeen years old.” John groans a final time as you tie the suture, holding it in place.
“I’m sorry,” He murmurs, reaching for your hand but you recoil, causing John to look at you weird. “Seriously? What’s going on with you, y/n?” He begs you, and you almost give in, ready to tell him to forget about it, but you’ve reached your boiling point.
“You really don’t get anything, do you, John?” You whirl around, anger seeping through your pores. “Do you remember what happened two weeks ago? Or were you just too fucking drunk to remember?” You spit, venom lacing your words.
He looks at you incredulously. “Me? Remember two weeks ago? Y/n, I can barely remember what I had for lunch yesterday. What has got you all wound up?” He defends himself so easily.
“You wanna know what happened?” You shout, getting closer to him, challenging him to see who could shout the loudest.
“Yeah, I think I do!” John barks back, hands on his hips as he leans closer to your face. You could see the anger swirling in his eyes, and this fight is probably not what he needs right now, but it’s what you need.
“Fine!” You shout, “Two weeks ago, you show up here drunk as a skunk, telling me how much you love me, how much you care about me, and then we fuck!” His eyes are widened, and a small flush is making it’s way to his cheeks. You continue, because you’re not quite finished yet. “And the best part about this is that I can’t stop thinking about you, and how I will never feel like that with anyone else but you! That’s the real fucking reason, John!”
Your rant rings through the halls, and the silence makes itself present. John shakes his head, sits back down, and lights a cigarette. “Y/n, I remember.” Is all he says. You give him a look that’s teetering on ‘I’m gonna fucking kill you’ and ‘you’re dead meat’. “Let me finish,” he warns you, “I remember because I woke up in your bed naked, and with the most gorgeous woman lying next to me. You didn’t see me because I left.” He takes a drag of his cigarette and you ask him why.
“I left thinking that I am not worthy of your love, y/n. I’m a bad person with an even worse conscience. I left thinking there is no way in hell, that someone like you chooses to be with me. Y/n, as soon as I met you, it was over for me. Gone were the days of enjoying my solitude, enjoying my loneliness and misery, because there was you. I am not gonna live anymore if it’s not gonna be with you.” Standing up, he takes your hand and lifts you from your chair. Grabbing your face between his hands, he kisses you sweetly. The smell of a freshly smoked cigarette lingers on his lips and you breath him in. Leather and smoke.
“So does that mean?” You ask him, and he laughs.
“Yeah, I love you, kid.” You squeal, smiling through a kiss as you lead him towards your bedroom, where John shows just how much he can’t live without you.
Just a short one today as I scheme up some new drafts here! I cannot tell you guys how happy I’m back to be in my blog. I deleted the backup before realizing that it would delete my work that I wrote over there, but it’s fine, I wasn’t too happy with that plot for John wick and felt I could do better! Anyways, here’s a Constantine one, because we all love our sexy smart-ass. hugs and kisses!
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lietpolski · 1 year
on the mischaracterization of norway, a mini character analysis (because i feel like people are tired of me going 'oh, i like canon norway so much more than fanon!' without explaining myself)
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before anyone starts barking at me, you can prefer fanon interpretations! that's 100% fine! the point of this post is to discuss what canon nor is actually like, because i feel like most people don't even know that there's a difference between canon and fanon
a) on seriousness
i feel like there's a big dissonance between the serious, solemn norway portrayed in fanon, and how he acts in canon! don't get me wrong, he can be serious, but he's also a silly guy! he has a sense of humour and he likes to tease and be kinda mischievous!
some examples from the manga that i feel show this! (there's a lot!! this is a recurring character trait!!)
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b) on being cool (he's not) (not even a little bit)
point being that he's a loser and a weirdo and strange and awkward and shy and, unlike how i usually see him in the fandom, not suave at all :,) examples (image order is right to left):
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c) on his relationship with other characters
this is gonna be a quick point because tbh it deserves its own post haha but 1) dennor like each other!!!! it baffles me that people act like they don't! norway teases him a lot but he clearly cares!
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also a good place to add an explanation as to how nor uses the words "bro" and "brother"! hima has said that his use of the japanese "anko" is meant to resemble a regional japanese accent where the word is used how "bro" would be used to refer to a classmate or friend! it's not meant to be nor thinking of denmark as an actual brother
2) he and ice are silly together :) he calls him just to ask a single question and hangs up on him. he threw him a surprise birthday party right in the middle between their 2 birthdays! he's not just an overbearing older brother, he's genuinely warm toward him!!
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umahumahumah · 6 months
mexico. for the people
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i hope i did him justice, i took a long time figuring out how he should look!
its honestly ridiculous that mexico isn't hetalia yet, like c'mon it's such a major country and the most he gets is a mention in the drama cds?! but then again, it's probably better he doesn't make characters based on countries he has no interest in, lest you get a half-assed mexico... i think hima would probably make mexico look a bit similar to spain, but idk to what extent. apparently in japan, it's a stereotype that mexican people are cheerful and hard working, so i think he may reflect some of those characteristics as well. i like to think that mexico's personality would be a subversion of expectations. on first impression, he'd seem laid back and casual, but he actually takes work really seriously, and he's reliable when you ask him for help.
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theymadecatsgreen · 10 months
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seriously hima what the fuck
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pen-and-umbra · 5 months
It freaks me out that people fuckin revered Sephiroth while he was killing Wutaians, but when it were people in Nieblheim, he is suddenly a mass murderer?? like wtf. Those folks in Nibelheim effing KISSED the ground he walked on, wanting pics for posterity, to dine with him and whatnot. Um, helllooo?? You praised the guy for being good at his work, you considered hima goddamn hero BECAUSE he was a trained killer..but as soon as he turned on them they took off rose-tinted glasses and went OOOOH HE'S A MURDERER. Well guess what, he was and you were fine with it
I get what you're saying, and you make a reasonable point. For certain, there is an aspect of in-universe double standards being applied to Sephiroth and, by extension, the ShinRA and Wutai conflict. However, the way you phrased your idea is a touch crude, and it may mislead readers into thinking that you believe Nibelheim's inhabitants had it coming. So, as a preface, let me state unequivocally that they did not. They did not deserve it, regardless of how hypocritical or ignorant their ideas may have been. Now with that out of the way...
People in Nibelheim, Midgar, and pretty much anywhere ShinRA had established its turf saw Sephiroth as this larger-than-life hero who turned the tide of the Wutaian campaign (which, by the by, was a fabrication contrived to bolster ShinRA's recruiting numbers). It never occurred to the typical citizen that “being a war hero” entailed — directly or indirectly — murdering or otherwise harming people, potentially including civilians as collateral damage. Regular citizens, just like Nibelheim residents, in places just like Nibelheim. The difference was that the violence was happening off-screen and elsewhere. On Wutai's land — under false pretenses meant to conceal ShinRA's true goal of establishing an economic & power supply hegemony... Point being, it didn't involve them. The townpeople seemed utterly unaware of anything. Children like Cloud and Zack were transfixed by the romanticized notions of SOLDIER and war glory. Heck, even little Tifa during her water tower date with Cloud goes “SOLDIERs are heroes, heroes save people”. So when Sephiroth razes Nibelheim, people call him a monster, despite the fact that this is something they were okay with being done to *others*. Wutai, Rhadore—you name it. They regarded Sephiroth as if he were a celebrity, despite the fact that his trade and status as a Wutai war hero involved death and efficient destruction.
I suppose it is a testament to both Shinra's propaganda machine and the way society operates. An everyman is complacent and self-absorbed, relying heavily on the comfort of routine. It's very easy to cultivate a "us vs. them" and "rules for thee and not for me" mentality when you provide every gift of civilization, including jobs, amenities, and power supply, as well as exert control over the media to disseminate a favorable angle (all of which ShinRA is involved in). People in Midgar were certain of Wutai espionage machinations because Wutai was appointed as The Enemy, so to an average Joe ShinRA had every right to eliminate hostile foreign elements and their supposed allies, such as Avalanche. After all, ShinRA is the benefactor, Wutai is treacherous, and combat zone is far away, so who cares what happens there?
The same teenage Sephiroth appeared to struggle with reconciling killing Rhadoran youth and the elderly, and when Glenn questioned him, he reverted to spouting propaganda pieces supplied to him by ShinRA. Only after this does he begin to display signs of uncertainty in his actions, which Glenn notices. Or take Zack in Crisis Core for instance. It does not seem to register with him that by bombing Angeal's and Genesis' hometown ShinRA is pulling up a dirty black-op (and Rebirth further underscores that cover-ups were a regular ShinRA response, fake Nibelheim or Corel cleansing being such examples). He doesn't begin to seriously question their modus operandi until much later.
So to quote Barret, “screw ShinRA for deceiving honest folk” by brainwashing them and conditioning people to see the company as a sole source of good. Regardless of the ignorance and double standards that ShinRA city folk might have shown regarding Wutai and the nature of Sephiroth’s trade, Nibelheim is still a tragedy, and these people needn't have died. Just like people in Wutai needn't have died for ShinRA's lofty goals. That said, the way SE portrayed the average folk attitude is true to life and quite reflective of society. People care about whatever media tells them to care about and repeat whatever narrative is drilled into them. That's how it works.
👋 @pen-and-umbra
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eddiegettingshot · 18 days
Watching your name sake episode and damn its actually so crazy insane how they had chim call maddie and accidentally fuel her insecurities and then the have bathena have probably their biggest fight and then they splatter eddie’s blood all over buck. Like here are some romantic pairings undergoing fundamental changes in their relationships that should/will last for a whole season. right before your eyes. and also eddie gets shot and then reaches out for buck in what he thinks is the last moment of his life. What was that about seriously.
sorry for a second i was like. what episode is called hima. But anyway I KNOWWW WHAT IS ALL OF THIS ABOUT!!!
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frukmerunning · 1 year
How do you reconcile the Nazi-apologia aspects of Hetalia as a Jewish fan (I presume you are Jewish because you made a Passover headcanon, if you are not, apologies). I don't mean this as a callout or accusation or anything, I'm asking for advice. I'm also Jewish, and I want to enjoy Hetalia, like, I stumbled on this fandom and this anime and I want to enjoy it! But I can't get the guilt and shame out of the back of my head.
I don't think Himaru intentionally meant Hetalia to be anti-Semetic. I'm not accusing anyone of being a Holocaust denier for engaging in this fandom. But it doesn't change the fact that this anime is about the Axis Powers during WWII and they're portrayed as good guys. Like, you can't even argue they're villain protagonists or anything they're just straight up lil cinnamon rolls. And it is fucking adorable, but it makes me feel so dirty! Like, its not intentional but when I'm watching any WWII episode or reading one of the WWII strips I'm watching it feels like Nazi apologia. And when these characters' fascist uniforms are their standard designs, when the imagery of fascism is used without context, it unintentionally erases the real, extremely fucked up, and personally traumatizing, history.
So how do you personally find a balance? Like how do you engage in a way you feel like doesn't cause further harm? How do you reconcile canon, history, and your own thoughts on these characters? And do you have any advice on how I can?
I've thought a lot about this question since I got it, and I have a lot of thoughts but I don't know if I can organize them very well. (also yes I am Jewish you assumed right)
So I guess the first thing I'll tackle is that my own thoughts on the characters trump everything in canon, especially with Germany. For an American, I have a pretty strong connection with Germany. I've had a German penpal since I was 13, I've visited Germany, one of my favorite professors was German, and right before I started typing this I spent almost 3 hours talking with the German students that come to the music camp I work at. I've met a LOT of Germans in my relatively short life, so I have that personal connection to influence my thoughts on the Hetalia character. And I've completely separated my view on the German people from my view on that time in their history. I think then it was easy for me to separate the character Germany from that time in history.
Bouncing off from that, Hetalia isn't REALLY about WW2. Yes, the catalyst for Germany, Italy, and Japan being friends is WW2, but there's nothing in the anime that is explicitly WW2. The "battle" scenes take place on a deserted island, their "war meetings" amount to nothing, and no specific dates or events are really mentioned when WW2 is involved. Now in the manga, however, I kinda just steer clear of the specific WW2 stuff?? But even then the only example of Hima explicitly mentioning something that happened in WW2 I can actually recall is an old strip about the Anschluss. That strip is from very early Hetalia though and Hima has definitely shifted his focus to other aspects of world history and culture.
Another thing about Hetalia is that pretty much everyone is a "good guy". There are no real antagonists or villains. There are literally only protagonists, with the main protagonists being the axis powers.
From your ask I kinda gather that you're very new to Hetalia and maybe you have the wrong impression of the anime and fandom from people who hate it. But honestly, Hetalia is not inherently antisemetic or even about WW2 when you really get down to the meat of it. Hetalia is a comedy anime and it doesn't take itself or the things it's presenting seriously (with some exceptions). Hima doesn't really doesn't delve too deeply into ANY of the history he potrays, so it would be a little out of place to see him addressing the very serious war crimes committed by those countries.
Also idk where to fit this in, but the countries in Hetalia are not representative of their government, but their people. Which I think is how Hima avoids talking about serious war crimes committed by governments. He's more interested in talking about culture, rather than history. Or he uses historical settings to talk about fun facts or culture.
I understand feeling guilty though. Personally, I avoid the historical hetalia side of the fandom, just so I never run the risk of seeing something weird (not saying that people regularly write that kind of stuff). In my own art and thoughts about the show, I'm more interested in portraying the characters as real, modern people, based on my own experiences with people from those countries. I also do a lot with my favorite character Austria, who is jewish coded. My favorite characters in the series are the axis affiliated ones, countries I've visited and met people from and built a connection with. But I've also been in the fandom for 10+ years at this point, so it's much easier for me to entirely change Hima's characters and morph them into something that fits what I want.
I'm really tired because I've been working a music camp all week, so I hope this makes sense. I definitely have more thoughts and I'd love to talk to you more about this, please feel free to dm me here and we can exchange discords or something. I always like talking to other jewish hetalia fans, and I think it's nice to have these kinds of conversations so we can help each other.
But to answer your question in a short way - I just don't think about it. Maybe that makes me a bad person but it's what I have to do at this point, because I can't not like hetalia
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crepegosette · 2 years
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two very different energies in latam games today
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anartificialsatellite · 2 months
16 and 25?
Love Your Fandom Asks
16. a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate
this one was hard! It's hard to think of specific tiny details that deserve more attention, but I think there's a lot of little almost throwaway comments and bits that Hima inserts in there that make them feel very ordinarily human and I always enjoy them. An example is Japan being weak to advertisements on tv and buying a hair straightener, or Germany being so confident in technology that he follows his GPS no matter what, stuff like that. They're mostly just jokes, ah, but i really like them anyway. for figures that are functionally immortal supernatural beings, they're all at their core just kinda... dudes who are just doing their thing and trying to get by, and i really, really love that.
25. a piece of advice for taking care of yourself in fandom spaces
for most people i think a good bit of advice is to learn to just let people do their own thing and don't get stressed about it, and if people are getting shitty with you about what you're doing, they can do that over there -> and you don't have to let them be shitty to you here.
like, seriously, if it's not good faith advice you don't have to take it. but i mean, you also don't have to take good faith advice either? just because someone means well doesn't mean they're right, of course. but i think especially in the current broader fandom climate, there's a lot of people who aren't happy unless they're stirring shit and being bullies and it's important to be able to identify that and remove their access to you when possible, even if they claim a social or moral or ethical high ground of some sort, which is the way a lot of fandom bullying has characterized itself over the last few years.
also, if there's stuff you can't see without getting frustrated or upset or annoyed, you can block the related tags or keywords, or just straight up block the people who post it. above all fandom is a hobby type thing and hobbies should enrich your life, not cause you more stress.
it's been a rough time for me in fandom spaces over the last several months because of non-fandom stuff and i know i am not the only one, so i've had to aggressively curate my fandom spaces and ngl it sucks, i still have a lot of heartache about it, but fandom is meant to be a fun thing and you gotta protect that for yourself sometimes.
you don't have to stay in spaces that don't respect you and don't make you happy. but at the same time, don't let people force you to leave behind what does make you happy because they're making the atmosphere bad. cut them out and build your little space if you need to. it can be more complicated than that, but i think the basic message here still holds true.
tl;dr: mind your business, block liberally, enjoy yourself, if it sucks hit da bricks, but also don't let people make you feel unwelcome in your own spaces.
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macaron-alice · 5 months
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Hiemelda at the circus
Hima works in a circus cafe, but she is not an ordinary barmaid, but a magician who turns serving her treats into a real show! Hima is calm and focused, her hand movements are confident and smooth. A moment ago, she was holding the card you selected from the deck, which has now turned into a sweet decoration for your cake. A teapot floats above her head, which Hima uses to pour a variety of flavors of sweet syrup and icing over ice cream and cakes. One day, while making ice cream, Hima tilted her head to pour strawberry syrup on it, but nothing happened. The small line at the buffet fell silent, watching Hima. Is this magic teapot out of syrup? Focus failed? Now will it be possible to see what it's secret was! Hima, looking up at the teapot, shook her head slightly, raised her hand and hit it with her palm - a dull clang, and nothing - Hima hit harder, and then a flock of pink butterflies flew out of the teapot and began to swirl around Hima. Without hesitation, the magician moved the cone in her hand to each of the butterflies. The each butterfly landed on the ice cream and turning into an edible strawberry decoration. So a new “Fluttering” ice cream appeared on the menu, and Hima seriously started learning the show magic to not fail again
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hetalia-enthusiast · 5 months
Hello, I just wanted to let you know that unhonestlymirror isn't someone you want to interact with. They hate the Hetalia fandom and the creator of Hetalia. They want the series to be banned globally and Hima to die, actually stating they would personally kill him if they could. They bully people in the fandom all the time, it's like - there mission in life to make the fandom miserable.
They also believe Hima is paid by the Russian government to draw certain characters in a bad light.
I know this is confusing, because mirror draws fanart from the Hetalia series constantly and tags them as Hetalia while at the same time saying they are not Hima's Hetalia.... which, does not make sense. Essentially they are promoting and supporting Hima's work by making content.
I for one think they are in need of mental health assistance and hope they some day get the help they need.
Anyways, I just thought I'd let you know.
Have a good day!
Oh..thank you for letting me know. I had no idea,seriously. I never even knew that person..and i have to admit,i was and atill am a bit uncomfortable,because what they did is honestly almost shotacon,because they wanted us,hetalia fandom,to draw more fetish art/provocative art of a minor. And i know that technically Latvia's not a minor,but he looks like one,therefore i will not draw anything like that on him,but also on other characters like Sealand,Wy,Liechtenstein,etc... because they all have a similar situation. I even stated that my artwork wasn't meant to be or represent provocative shit about that character. Also,i made it very clear that i am a minor. I won't draw NSFW. Only provocative art,but i'm not even good at it. I'm still feeling uneasy and uncomfortable from that interaction,if i have to be honest..
Should i block them..?
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lunaneko14 · 2 months
Question of the day is, why are borusara shippers so obsessed with power babies? It's starting to creep me out, I saw an inohima edit and some borusara shipper commented smth like "poor hima she's gonna marry a weak person and have very weak babies" LIKE EXCUSE ME??? ISN'T HIMA A MINOR WHY ARE WE THINKING ABOUT BABIES?? mind you a lot of people liked that comment and it pissed me off so bad like damn yall only see your faves as baby makers and that's it??
I am convinced that they only see the value of a ship based on how powerful their kids are and it's absolutely disgusting. It reminded me when I was in middle school and girls from my class would debate who should naruto be with and they would always choose sakura, cuz by their logic — "sakura will make the uzumaki clan stronger" jesus such dark days 😖
Which is ironic because most BoruSara stans are leftover NaruSaku stans.
Also how do they worry about powerful babies when they thought SAKURA would make them???? Like seriously Hinata’s genes made Himawari the perfect jinchuriki and Sakuras genes are barely there on Sarada.
It’s just a cover for their bad taste in favorite characters and self inserts.
The sad thing is Sakura and Sarada aren’t their own characters they’re means to get the main guy for them. Boruto and Naruto are the title characters and most popular/coolest so THEY (the fans) want to have babies with them but they can’t so they choose the blandest characters to fulfill their desires.
And all of this is funny because Hinata and Ino are actually from noble powerful clans but they NEVER bring that up. 🤷‍♀️
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narhinafan · 3 months
Sarada being useless as always. She's fighting a bijuu/shinju and she barely dodges a chidori. She knows it's a powerful enemy, but she doesn’t use base sharingan or MS. Meanwhile, when Baby Hima fights a shinju: fixes her broken leg, saves her future bf by regenerating his organ, punches Jura a good mile away, and counters his bijuu bomb with her own bijuu bomb AND she only found out about Kuruma 10 min before she did all of this.
Seriously once again she hasn't used her Sharingan and is suffering for it. Like damn Boruto losing an eye protecting her from an attack she should have easily saw coming and avoid if she just activated the Sharingan wasn't enough.
Yeah Himawari saving Inojin made my day everything else only made it even better. Its her first real fight in the manga and she is already proven better then Sarada by far.
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