#Server Hardware
vorbisx · 1 year
Replacing physical buttons and controls with touchscreens also means removing accessibility features. Physical buttons can be textured or have Braille and can be located by touch and don't need to be pressed with a bare finger. Touchscreens usually require precise taps and hand-eye coordination for the same task.
Many point-of-sale machines now are essentially just a smartphone with a card reader attached and the interface. The control layout can change at a moment's notice and there are no physical boundaries between buttons. With a keypad-style machine, the buttons are always in the same place and can be located by touch, especially since the middle button has a raised ridge on it.
Buttons can also be located by touch without activating them, which enables a "locate then press" style of interaction which is not possible on touchscreens, where even light touches will register as presses and the buttons must be located visually rather than by touch.
When elevator or door controls are replaced by touch screens, will existing accessibility features be preserved, or will some people no longer be able to use those controls?
Who is allowed to control the physical world, and who is making that decision?
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serverdiskdrives · 2 years
Virtual Fabric Adapter 49Y4242
Empower your IBM Server with Emulex 10GbE Virtual Fabric Adapter Dual Port IBM System X, PCIe 2.0 x8 Network Adapter, IBM Part Numbers 49Y4252, 49Y4250. Server Disk Drives is Independent Reseller of computer hardware and networking components. For over 10 years we have provided computer hardware and equipment to local businesses, IT professionals, IT service companies, organizations, and various small to medium sized businesses.
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violentkeysmashing · 27 days
I have a new macine. You know what time it is.
If you are interested. Specs \/ \/
@debian-official :3
So, here we have a silly little dell precision 5820 that i scored for the low low price of free :D
It has an intel Xeon 4c4t 3.6ghz CPU, i think
32GB of DDR4 2600MHz
And a whole, 4 drive trays which i am very happy with! So ill be feeding this guy a few things
It also came with a yummy yummy nvida quadro P4000 which i am uh, very shocked they let me take
So overall, would reccomend :3
(However the uh, IT team did forget to take this from me, which i will be returning)
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centralbunnyunit · 10 months
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blueskittlesart · 10 months
guy who is so overconfident about their ability to fix computer software with nothing but a reddit thread and a dream but has spent the last 2 years with a broken microphone bc the idea of opening up their laptop with a screwdriver is viscerally terrifying
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concorp · 9 months
why is self hosting a minecraft server so difficult. i figured out how to set up a local server easily but why is making it so other people can connect so difficult. wtf is port forwarding.
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corvid-jay · 4 months
why's it so hard to set up a custom minecraft server...
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crash-likes-cookies · 3 months
Physically bought single player games, that can no longer be played.
Live-Service games, forced always-online games, everything that is Steam...
The recent crackdown on ROM sites hosting software that has not been sold in DECADES...
Also, the subscription model for software, all that is fraud.
Nothing else.
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melonia-1995 · 4 months
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Unlock your future in networking with Melonia Academy’s exclusive special offer on CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) courses! Whether you prefer the flexibility of online learning or the hands-on experience of an in-person classroom, we have the perfect program for you.
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daemonhxckergrrl · 1 year
okay so i discovered my first major limitation of pluug: I/O bottleneck. transfer over ftp sits around 300KB/s while transmission is active, but i paused it and so far it's climbed to 727 and is still increasing at a steady rate.
this is a good example why i'm not using him as a media server, just for the the actual torrenting. like i can manually manage stuff for now but later i can automate transmission's snail mode and provide a window to autocopy anything new over to my NAS/mediaserver
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disredspectful · 5 months
My parents went to meet up with some extended family the other day and my mum mentioned I was looking for work and my so dad's cousin (from overseas??) is trying to recruit me. For a field I don't work in!!!
But that's kind of the way, I guess many people are happy to hire a Big Nerd and retrain them.
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serverdiskdrives · 2 years
Seagate 1TB SATA ST1000LM024 Laptop Hard Drive
Seagate Samsung SpinPoint ST1000LM024 offers a generous capacity 1Tb with a fast rotational speed of 5400rpm and an 8Mb Internal Cache. This hard drive is perfect for a laptop computer, gaming devices, or for external storage. Truly reliable and performance-driven hard drive. This is a perfect hard drive for laptop computers, tablet PCs, and extra storage with an external storage device (optional). Samsung SpinPoint ST1000LM024 has SATA Native Command Queuing which enables the drive to read data in the most efficient manner by sequencing the data hence overall improved performance. In addition, it is equipped with Load/Unload Head Technology hence increasing the mechanical reliability of the disk drive. Furthermore, these hard drives have features like SilentSeek™ and NoiseGuard™ making it quiet, high-performance, and reliable hard drives for your equipment.
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centralbunnyunit · 11 months
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min-mage-ing · 1 year
Had another science based natemance detective idea.
Knowing that Nate really dislikes modern tech does make it hard to share some aspects of the detective’s daily life. But what if they picked and dabbled in a few things in such a way Nate understood technology better than some regular people?
It’s settled that he doesn’t enjoy phones. They are developed in a way that a society who grows with them understands. It’s grown so fast and moved so quickly away from general learning resources that he doesn’t care much for learning them either.
What if the detective just, showed him technology that wasn’t so far advanced to conform to social needs. Like learning an early coding language (lol) and setting up a storage server for him to keep high quality scans of his valuable books that are falling apart from age and use? He doesn’t need to build anything, just maintain aesthetics and documents, do a small amount of scripting when necessary.
And what if he used Windows 95 to access it?? 😭 It’s not as new, pretty intuitive, and can be easily managed. On an old Compac frankestein-ed with a nicer monitor. Maybe Nate remembers a familiar model from back when they had dial up internet and computer labs at the agency. “Oh! I remember this, back when I used it once to print off map quest.”
It isn’t his go to for all his reading materials, and certainly cannot beat the feeling of a good book in his hand; but it shines a light into the detectives world and what they’re capable of.
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ejacutastic · 8 months
nothing makes me feel more fundamentally stupid than trying to dive into technology projects outside my wheelhouse
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greppelheks · 11 months
I'm like God I wished I live in a small town like in gilmore girls, but I got a local bar where everybody knows me by name, I have a three minute walk to work, my city exists of small streets and 16th century architecture, we've got our signature restaurant that we go to for dinner, I'm constantly running into people I know, I get coffees at a small cafe where there's a nice barista who recognises me, there town events linked to every possible holiday, and concerts at the park's gazebo. I'm already living it.
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