#weirdly enough this is NOT the case with most of my friends. one time i opened a command prompt on my roommates laptop and she almost cried
blueskittlesart · 7 months
guy who is so overconfident about their ability to fix computer software with nothing but a reddit thread and a dream but has spent the last 2 years with a broken microphone bc the idea of opening up their laptop with a screwdriver is viscerally terrifying
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nataliasquote · 4 months
Can’t You See This Is Breaking Me? | n romanoff
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Summary: Natasha isn’t quite ready to give her entire life for the woman she loves
Warnings: injuries, blood, stitches, no happy ending
wc: 5.2k
note: this idea was given to me by @katyaromanoffpetrova (love you 🤍) and she’s fuelling my love hate relationship with angst. Also, this was so hard to condense, so I’m sorry if it’s lacking detail. I tried to cram three years of a relationship into 5k words :)
It was no secret to anyone how little regard Natasha had for her own life. Even since her very first Shield mission, she’d been a force to be reckoned with, partly down to her pure destructive nature. She didn’t care if taking down Hydra agents meant coming away with a bullet wound or two. Or if destroying an enemy testing laboratory meant four broken ribs and a cracked collar bone. As long as the job was done, that was all she cared about.
Nick Fury was getting tired of how many lectures he had given a young, 25 year old Natasha in his office when he’d read her completed mission report. He knew why she had such a blatant disregard for her life but it didn’t make it any easier seeing one of his best agents beaten and bruised each week. The redhead barely flinched when her wounds were inspected, but to be honest she didn’t really react to anything.
She was more of a ghost really, a pale figure soundlessly walking the halls at night. If her injuries didn’t let keep her awake at night, then the nightmares gladly took their turn, drenching her entire body in a cold sweat and leaving her shivering in her tangled sheets. But if the dark circles under her eyes looked worse, her friend and mentor Clint didn’t utter a word.
The structure and routine that manifested week by week kept her grounded and focused. Wake up, train, eat, surveillance, sleep. Missions were a welcome break from the otherwise monotonous rhythm Natasha had found herself in. She much preferred working solo as opposed to in a team, but Shield was all about team work so she had to suck it up.
A lot of the time she found herself alongside Clint Barton who weirdly offered her a feeling of comfort. She liked how he never pried too much into how she was feeling, or her past, but kept a look out for her whenever they were together. Her icy demeanour slowly melted away thanks to his warmth that he never failed to show her.
He showed her how to let people in, how to not keep her heart so tightly guarded in fear of actually feeling something about someone. And as much as she would hate to admit it, he was right. It did feel better knowing people cared about her. But it also terrified her at the same time. Vulnerability wasn’t her strong suit.
Yet somehow she had managed to let her tough exterior be pushed aside just long enough for a certain someone to wiggle her way in and take up permanent residence inside the redhead’s mind.
Y/n Y/l/n wasn’t really anyone compared to Natasha. Sure, she was a shield agent, and a high ranking one at that, but that was nothing compared to an Avenger. She’d spend years in their shadow, always looking up to Natasha Romanoff. I mean, who wouldn’t? She’s pretty badass.
But the young agent thought her relationship with said Avenger would end at idolisation and daydreaming. She never expected to suddenly be living amongst them in the compound. But when an empty training room was suddenly disrupted at three in the morning, it was a sign things were to change forever.
Y/n relished the silence that the training room at night brought. Most of her colleagues preferred to train in a group at 7am, but insomnia often brought her into the gym a lot earlier. She loved it though; a way to clear her head and exhaust her body whilst maintaining peak physical fitness required in case of a last second mission.
Lost in a world of music playing through her headphones, Y/n failed to notice the door slowly open, caught up in her boxing routine on the punch bag. She should have been more aware of her surroundings, like she’d been trained, so that she didn’t nearly jump out of her skin as a voice cut through her music.
“You’re gonna get a sore back if you keep using the wrong form.”
Without having ever met in person, Y/n would recognise that voice anywhere. She whipped around and quickly pulled her headphones off around her neck, cheeks flushing as she took in the woman in front of her.
A black sports bra and navy sweatpants was all that adorned Natasha’s toned body. She stood there with a hand on her hip, the other holding a small towel, a water bottle and her own pair of headphones. Y/n desperately tore her eyes away from the widow’s toned abs, feeling her own insecurities creep upwards. She itched for her sweatshirt that lay discarded on the bench just out of reach. That was the last time she ever trained in a sports bra.
“You keep twisting your back as you punch. You need to move from your hips.” Y/n just looked at her with surprise, not fully processing that they were having a conversation at all. “Do you want me to show you?”
“Yeah, sure.” That snapped her out of her trance. Y/n took a step back and allowed Nat to place her things down before she packed a swift punch to the bag, sending it swinging slightly on its stand. Y/n couldn’t lie, she looked really good, arm muscles tensed as she threw a few more punches. Her form was impeccable, but of course it was.
“When you swing round you have to rotate your hips for momentum. Just turning from your back will cause injury.” Y/n nodded, mirroring her stance on the punching bag beside Natasha. “Unless you’re doing lots of smaller ones, then you need to keep your hips still. That just comes from your shoulders.”
Nat threw a few more punches before Y/n copied, missing the small smile that broke out on the Russian’s lips as she observed. Fast learner, she noted, nodding in approval as Y/n turned back to her.
“Very good.” She bent down to grab her things, back muscles on full show to Y/n who just could not stop staring. You’d think she was used to the sight of toned bodies after working out everyday, but there was something different about Natasha and she couldn’t quite work it out.
“Thank you. I’m Y/n, by the way. I work in-“
“I know who you are,” Natasha said casually, looking the woman up and down. “You work with Hill. She talks about you.”
Y/n’s eyes went wide. “She does?”
Nat smirked. “Yeah, why? Does she not talk about me?”
“No, she does- we do-“ what happened to calm and collected shield agent she once was? Reduced to a stuttering mess of words in front of a pretty redhead. God, Y/n cursed herself for not being able to talk to women.
“I’m joking, don’t worry.” Natasha gave her a soft smile before walking off to the weights section, her headphones shutting out the world so she could focus.
Y/n however, could not focus on anything except that brief interaction. It was probably so small in Natasha’s life, yet it would consume Y/n for at least a week, if not more. Maria was going to have a field day with this.
Except it wasn’t small in Natasha’s life. The flustered agent had left quite a mark and Natasha found herself creeping down to the gym at 3am most mornings, hoping to see the woman she’d grown to love so much. And, more often than not, Y/n was there, punching away at the bag and pausing when Nat came in.
Over a course of many weeks, both had changed their training plans to match each other. It felt nice working out with another, Natasha had to admit, and Y/n was so easy to talk to she set the redhead right at ease. They talked and laughed and Y/n noticed how the usually uptight Russian had come out of her shell a lot more since that very first night.
However, one night didn’t go so smoothly. Y/n was in the training room first, of course. She sat on the bench and adjusted her socks, keeping herself busy until Natasha arrived. The past couple of nights had been just her as the redhead had been on a mission, but Maria informed her that she would return tonight, so Y/n anxiously awaited her return. She was more worried about Natasha than she let on, but they had no relationship outside of those four walls so she bounced her knee, willing her new friend to walk through the doors.
And she did. Except this wasn’t the confident Natasha she usually knew. No, this Natasha was walking stiffly, almost as if she was in pain.
“Nat?” Y/n asked, standing hesitantly at the sight of her. Small cuts and bruises littered her face and what skin was exposed under the neck of her tactical suit. Agents always had to report to medical following their return from a mission, but by the looks of Natasha, she hadn’t done that. “Why- what are you doing here?”
“Can’t miss training with my favourite girl, now can I?” She tried to sound upbeat but it fell flat, her pain evident even in her voice.
Y/n pushed aside the butterflies that erupted in her chest at those words and sprung up to help her, guiding Natasha to the nearest bench and forcing her to sit. She took note of how Natasha’s hand tightly clutched her side and she feared the worst.
She thought for a second, feeling Natasha’s eyes all over her face. “May I…?” She gestured to the zip on Natasha’s suit and the redhead nodded, stiffly manoeuvring her arms out of her sleeves as Y/n tugged it down to her waist. The agent had switched to processional mode and ignored how close Natasha’s bra clad chest was to her face as she inspected her side.
“What happened?” She asked, crouching down with a hand gently resting on the redhead’s knee as she gently felt the skin around the wound.
“Some stupid agent snuck up on me and threw his knife. Shit aim though.” Of course she tried to make a joke, but Y/n wasn’t laughing as she looked into her eyes. The redhead almost wanted to roll her eyes, and she would have done if anyone else looked at her with pity like that, but Y/n was different. Safer.
“Why didn’t you go to medical?”
Nat looked down, averting her eyes. “I didn’t want to. I hate it there.”
Y/n knew not to push. She didn’t know much about Natasha’s past but knew enough to know that it must have been horrific to endure. She sat back on her heels and bit her lip in thought.
“Will you let me sort it? I keep a suture kit and supplies in my bathroom.” She caught Natasha’s eye and gently squeezed her knee, trying to establish enough trust between them to let her accept the help. But Natasha was stubborn, so there was truly no way of knowing which way she’d swing.
“Ok.” That was not the expected answer but Y/n was happy to hear it. She knew not to help Natasha up, the redhead probably would have punched her, so she collected her things and led them both back to her apartment, walking a bit slower than normal to help Natasha keep up.
Her room was nothing special and probably looked identical to Natasha’s as they both had Shield issued rooms. Although Natasha’s would be fancier thanks to Tony Stark and his upgrades.
There were no personal items on any of the surfaces, not even in the bedroom. Natasha looked around with a frown, not liking how bare everything seemed. Not homely, that’s for sure. Even the bedside cabinets were empty, not even a picture frame for decoration.
“Take a seat anywhere, I’ll be right out.” Natasha chose the couch by the small coffee table and sank down onto it. The couch wasn’t anything special and neither was the table, ring marks displaying its age and use on the surface. The overhead light was dim but brightened up as Y/n stepped back into the room, a medical kit tucked under her arm.
She worked in silence, only broken by a hiss of pain from Natasha as the alcohol stung her wound. Y/n muttered an apology under her breath but kept working, fingers brushing gently over the soft skin as she made light work of stitching it closed. They weren’t the neatest but they’d do the job just fine.
“Thank you for this,” Natasha spoke into the silence, her eyes fixed on her fingers that rested on her lap. “You didn’t have to.”
“Maybe not, but I wanted to. I don’t like seeing you hurt.”
Natasha stayed silent for a moment, trying to organise her thoughts. She had people who cared about her, the Avengers, but not quite like Y/n had. She didn’t care who Natasha was, or how well she could take down enemies. She just enjoyed her presence and cared for her as a human being, something she rarely felt like she was.
“Can I make this up to you?” She tentatively asked, the strong Black Widow now a weird mess of nerves. What even was this?
“No, you don’t have to-“
“Come out with me on Saturday, into the city. Can I buy you lunch?”
Y/n stifled her smile and hid her face whilst packing up her equipment. She knew Natasha was asking her out on a date, albeit in a very roundabout way. It warmed her heart though, seeing her so soft. It was a side very few people ever got to see.
“Ok, sure. I’d really like that.”
Natasha smiled. “Now I know where you sleep, I’ll come pick you up.”
Y/n scrunched her nose at the odd phrasing. “You had to make it weird.”
“You know me,” she replied with a wink.
That date was a catalyst for many more to follow, and many midnight training sessions too. It took six more months of flirting and secret meet ups before Natasha pulled her heart out and wore it on her sleeve, asking Y/n to be her girlfriend.
The agent wasn’t stupid, of course she said yes. And at first their relationship was purely in the honeymoon stages; sneaking kisses in the hallway, comforting touches underneath the table, more midnight training and also moving in together. Natasha’s apartment was bigger than Y/n could ever have imagined and she adored the bed, starfishing face down on the mattress the first time she saw it.
But that was two years ago. Sure, they were still very much in love but something had shifted between them, creating a rift that Y/n had started to notice more and more. She knew what was causing it too.
Natasha was going on missions every other week, for days at a time. And she’d fallen back into her old habits, putting the job and the result over the safety of herself. More times than not did she come battered and bruised, open wounds bleeding as she walked into the bedroom. Y/n begged her to stop, to stay home more, to reduce the amount she went on even just to one a month, but her desperate attempts were met with a slammed door and a wall in Natasha’s mind. But she still persisted, trying again the next time Natasha came home. But it was useless.
Y/n always waited up for her though, the nerves of what state Natasha would be in when she returned making sleep pretty much impossible. Whatever she imagined, somehow it was always worse. She used to quiz Natasha as she led her into the bathroom and patched her up, placing kisses on each bruise that she found.
But now they barely said a word, Y/n almost running on autopilot as she cleaned cuts on Natasha’s back for what felt like the millionth time. It was draining her, anyone could see that, and being on edge all the time had made Maria notice.
“Take a week off to clear your head,” her supervisor had ordered, not taking any protests into consideration. “I don’t want to see you in this office before next Thursday, Y/l/n.”
A week off would have been great for anyone else but her. Natasha was away, again, which left Y/n with no ways to fully distract herself like she usually did to cope. She spent the first day in bed, holding onto Natasha’s pillow as her tears soaked the pillowcase. She hated how out of control she felt when Natasha was gone. It was her job, yet Y/n often wished Nat would retire, or at least pull back from constantly being in the field. But that’s what her girlfriend loved, so she had no choice but to respect it.
But on the third day of very little sleep and increasing stress levels, Y/n hit breaking point. She stared at her ghostly reflection as she splashed her face with some water, trying desperately to snap herself out of the lie she was feeling. But under the glaring lights all she could focus on were the heavy bags under her eyes and her discoloured skin, pink blotches littering her cheeks and forehead. She’d been picking at her skin to cope, but it did nothing but make her look worse.
She remained a zombie all day, curling back under the covers at 7pm to shut out the world. There was no telling when Natasha would return but part of her didn’t want it to be yet. She didn’t want to see the state she was in, the mess that she’d have to clean up. She loved Natasha, she really did, but with no contact allowed on her missions and no updates from the team, Y/n was starting to question if their relationship was even working.
She flicked off the light and turned to face the wall, images flashing in front of her as she worried herself stupid about her girlfriend. What if she wasn’t coming home? What if she’d been kidnapped? What if-
The apartment door opened.
Y/n held her breath, pulling the covers tightly under her chin as she waited. She knew the sound of Natasha’s footsteps based on her different moods, but the assassin stepped so lightly it was hard to tell. She felt footsteps getting closer and closer and she squeezed her eyes shut, not wanting to face the horrors to come. She wanted one more blissful moment, but her heart was racing in her chest and her throat was getting tight.
The bedroom door opened.
Light from the living room flooded in through the small gap as Natasha stepped through, brows furrowed at the darkness. It wasn’t that late, but maybe she’d missed something. Wasn’t like she was around much.
“Y/n?” She whispered, not wanting to turn the light on. But she didn’t need to worry about that when suddenly the room was bathed in light. Her girlfriend was sat up in bed, eyes blotchy as she stared at her with a hand on the light switch. “What happened?”
“What hurts?” Y/n asked, sliding off her side of the bed and padding over to the bathroom. “Stitches? Probably bruising too.” She was talking to herself more than Natasha, hands working to gather her supplies. But she was stopped when a pair of rough hands gathered hers inside them, tugging her away from the sink. “What are you doing?”
“I’m ok,” Natasha said, removing one of her hands to gently cup Y/n’s chin, tilting her eyes to meet her own. “Just a couple of bruised ribs, but that’s nothing.”
“At least let me look at them.” Natasha knew she wasn’t going to take no for an answer so she unzipped her suit and pulled it to her waist, revealing the nasty colourful sight. It was swollen and tender and Y/n cursed under her breath. She grabbed the tiger balm and gently applied it, trying to steady her shaking fingers as they touched Natasha’s skin.
“How have you been? How’s work?”
“Its fine, thanks.” Y/n wasn’t going to admit that Maria made her take a week off. She avoided Natasha’s gaze as she worked, even though there wasn’t much she could do for bruised ribs. “I’ll get you an ice pack when you’re dressed.” That was Natasha’s dismissal cue and she took it, but not without lingering in the doorway to watch Y/n for a moment.
By the time Natasha was dressed in an oversized t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants, Y/n had wrapped the ice pack in a towel and handed it to her. There was an uneasy tension between them and Natasha could see something was on Y/n’s mind, just waiting to be said.
“This is your last one, right?” She couldn’t help herself but blurt out. Somehow she found the confidence with her back to Nat, sitting on her side of the bed. “Please tell me it’s your last one.”
“Of what?”
“Your missions, Natasha.” She bent one knee and tucked it beside her as she turned her body to face Natasha who was still standing in the middle of the room, ice pack pressed to her ribs. “How many times are you going to keep doing this? Coming home in a state! I never know if one day you’re just not going to come home at all.”
Natasha bit her bottom lip. She knew this was going to happen, it always did. And shutting Y/n down didn’t exactly get easier with practice. “Don’t do this again Y/n, please. You know what my answer is.”
“No, Natasha. I’m not gonna accept that anymore. I’m not asking you to quit all together. I just mean reduce the number you go on, take up desk work or surveillance, just something, anything, to get you out of the firing line.” Y/n ran her hands over her face, trying to keep herself together. But the more she spoke, the stronger her emotions got. “I can’t live like this anymore!”
Natasha had placed her ice pack on the bed, not feeling the need to hold it up right now. She couldn’t move, even though she wanted to run to Y/n. “I know you don’t like it-“
“I hate it.”
“Ok fine, you hate it,” she held her hands up in defense. “But that doesn’t mean I suddenly have to stop.”
Y/n stood up from her position, not wanting an ache in her back from turning so much. She and Natasha were now at eye level although the redhead’s stoic face was a lot more composed than her own.
“You’re not listening to anything I say. I never said you had to stop. Ever. Because that would be hypocritical coming from me.” Natasha pulled a ‘sounds about right’ face which Y/n just ignored. “I’m just asking you to reduce the amount you go on. Once a month, maybe? You can still be in the action, still do everything you love, but that way you’re safer and you’re here more. I hardly see you.”
Natasha shook her head. “Our line of work isn’t safe Y/n, even you know that surely.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” She was getting defensive, having reached her limit of Natasha trying to shut her down.
Natasha was too stubborn to give up, even when she knew she fucked up. She just couldn’t let it go. “You rarely leave this place! Always stuck in the same office, the same four walls going insane every day! I don’t know how you do it! I’d rather quit than do that.”
“I do that because I can still contribute to the missions without the risk of getting blown to hell,” Y/n spat, taking full offense to Natasha talking down about her job. Sure, she didn’t go into the field as much as the other agents but she preferred to be in the chair, handling everything from above. “And you know damn well those missions you love don’t work without someone like me.”
“And that’s great, for someone like you. But I can’t do that, you have to understand me. I can’t be behind the fight, I have to be in it.”
“No one else goes on as many as you do, Natasha. Don’t you think that just once, someone else can take a mission-“
“I don’t care Y/n!” Natasha may be a passionate person but she never raised her voice. So her elevated tone made Y/n’s jaw clench, her innate response whenever someone shouted at her. “You don’t get to dictate my life! That wasn’t our agreement-“
“Agreement? What, so this is, are we some kind of, I don’t know, contract that you’re obliged to?”
Natasha scoffed, her eyes rolling back at the pure ridiculousness of her statement. This whole argument was pointless really but she entertained it, too stubborn to give in or let Y/n win. “Oh come on, you know I didn’t mean it like that.”
“I’m just sick of lying here in fear every week wondering if you’re actually going to come home or not! I can’t keep doing this Nat.” Y/n was having a hard time keeping Natasha in her vision as tears blurred in her eyes. But she wouldn’t let them spill. Crying meant Natasha won and she was done with backing down.
“We can’t keep having this conversation, Y/n,” Natasha grunted, running her fingers through her hair and tugging out the messy braid. “You know I can’t stop. This is my life, it’s what I was made to do. I can’t live without this job!”
“And I can’t live without you!” Her voice cracked and a tear slipped down but she fought the urge to wipe it, praying Natasha didn’t see. But she did see. Of course she did. The Russian noticed everything.
Natasha went silent. That was the last thing she wanted to hear. In this line of work, relying so heavily on someone wasn’t a good idea. She knew that, it had been drilled into her since she was a child. But Y/n didn’t, and that’s where she slipped up.
“Don’t say that.” Heavy emotions and Natasha Romanoff didn’t really mix well. “You have to, one way or another. You can’t just rely on me Y/n.”
“Nat, I am in love with you but lately it feels like all you care about is your job. When is it going to feel like you actually want to be here? With me?”
“I do Y/n, I do-“
Y/n dropped her head. “I know there’s a but coming.”
Natasha looked at the defeated form of her girlfriend and winced. She never thought she’d ever be in the position where she had to choose between family and her job. But she knew what her choice would be, what it always had been. Long before she even had a family.
“This job means everything to me. I didn’t choose this life, like you did, I was forced into it. It’s part of who I am, and I can’t just stop doing that to be with you.” The second those words fell from her lips Natasha knew that was the wrong thing to say.
Y/n adjusted the collar of her shirt and started to pace. If she was sitting down her leg would have been bouncing all over the place.
“What, that’s it? You’re just gonna call this whole thing off because you can’t take a break from your job?”
“What ‘whole thing’?”
“Us, Natasha! Us!” Y/n stopped in her tracks, gesturing between them both. They were on opposite sides of the room, a clear divide in space and opinion. “Unless there isn’t an ‘us’ anymore. Maybe I’m just the girl who keeps your bed warm and stitches you up in the middle of the night, no questions asked. Occasionally gives you head if you are really in the mood-“
“Stop it Y/n.”
“Stop what? It’s the truth, isn’t it? That’s all I am to you.”
“‘No, you’re so much more.” Natasha’s fingers were fidgeting with each other and they’d stumbled across a small cut on her palm that they were now playing with, the pain trying to keep her grounded. “But you have to understand that I can’t just take a step back. I love this job more than anything because I actually get to do something good with my skills that have been used for the opposite my whole life. I just need you to understand that, please!”
“You’re not gonna stop, are you?” Natasha just stared at her, chewing on her bottom lip. “No matter what, you will keep coming back here in a mess and I will keep fixing you up and we will keep having this conversation. Is there an end to this?”
“I won’t come here then.” Natasha stated simply, eyes darting momentarily to the bathroom door. “I’ll go to medical, where I should be.”
“You hate it there.”
“You hate me here.”
Y/n sighed, her breath shaky. This was the longest they’d ever fought for, and fighting Natasha was mentally exhausting. She had an answer to everything.
“I don’t hate you here, I just wish you’d fucking listen to me for one goddamn second!” Natasha nodded, almost challenging her to speak.
“I am.”
“I didn’t want to say this, but you haven’t exactly given me much of a choice. It’s me or the job, Nat. You choose. And you know what? If you choose me, you still keep half your job! But if you choose the job, you don’t get to keep half of me.” The last part sounded stupid but Natasha knew what she meant. She only had half of Y/n right now. The half that slept in her bed and fixed her wounds. If she chose her, she’d get the other half she fell in love with back.
But she couldn’t, could she? Natasha looked down, not wanting to watch Y/n’s face respond. “I’m sorry…”
“Get out.” It was barely a whisper but Natasha heard it. “Get. Out.” Y/n didn’t want Natasha to see her cry but when their eyes met again, Y/n’s were flooded with tears. She didn’t care, how could she when the green ones staring back at her were so cold. Natasha didn’t say a word, only grabbing her sweatshirt and slipping out of the room. The faint jangle of her keys sounded as the door slammed shut and only then did Y/n allow her walls to come crumbling down.
She collapsed onto the bed, only this time hugging her own pillow close as she choked out her sobs. They echoed around the room and her gag reflex kicked in from how hard she was crying. But all she could see was Natasha’s emotionless face staring back at her, not a hint of remorse visible in her eyes.
Reaching to flick off the light, Y/n caught sight of something that made her cry harder. Her bedside table hadn’t been empty for two and a half years. A single picture frame now sat there. And it was in that moment that Y/n wished it had just stayed empty.
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talesofesther · 8 months
what once was mine | ch 3
Loki x Reader
Series Summary: When watching what once was supposed to be the rest of his life, in an empty room in the TVA, Loki sees someone he can't recognize; a girl who's all tenderness and loose smiles, and most importantly, she was smiling at him.
A/N: We're finally heading into the main plot I think lol. Hope y'all like this one, let me know. <3
Masterlist | Read ch 2 here
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"Casey!" You called, hurriedly walking between the rows of files while looking down at the paperwork in your hands. TVA's library was either your favorite place or the place you hated the most. No in-between. It was your favorite when you stopped by to lounge in the armchairs and read your books in the calming silence. But when you had to traverse between the cramped shelves in search of files, that's when you hated it.
"Casey?" You called again, still turning the pages with a frown on your face.
"Yeah, what's up?"
The sudden voice caught your attention and you raised your head just in time to not walk straight into your friend. You chuckled to yourself, coming to stand beside him in the small space between the tall shelves. "I was going through this report and it mentions a code 581, I've never heard that one before." With your finger, you pointed to the underlined letters on the report.
"Oh, that's a fun one," Casey smiled, taking the papers from your hands, "it's kind of a rare case actually, it's when two variants appear simultaneously…"
While you spoke with Casey, all the way on the other side of TVA's weirdly shaped building, and one floor above, stood Mobius with Loki by his side; both of them leaning on the railings and observing you from afar.
"How long did you say she's been here?" Loki asked, his eyes never leaving your form. His face had a complicated expression, almost as if he was still figuring out how to feel about actually seeing you, the same girl from the life he was supposed to have.
"I didn't, I said that time passes differently here in the TVA," Mobius spoke beside him, his eyes slowly shifting between you and Loki. "But, if I had to guess I'd say the equivalent of around two years."
It's been a couple of weeks since Loki arrived, and in his time here he's been quite helpful for the TVA; not enough to catch the rogue variant, but enough to earn his end of the bargain.
"Is it a habit of yours to keep variants around then?" Loki turned to Mobius with a raised brow.
"Not at all," Mobius chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest. "You two are the only ones so far, and you can thank me for that, by the way."
Loki pursed his lips as he shifted his gaze back to you. He watched as you spoke with Casey, huge smile on your lips as you gestured around saying something he couldn't understand. "Why keep her?" He asked quietly.
Mobius sighed, following the path of Loki's gaze toward you. "Same reason as you, pretty much. She was very... familiar with the Loki from her timeline and I figured she could be of help to us. At first, she was a very tough nut to crack, but it was either that or be pruned so eventually, she agreed, and has helped capture many Loki variants in her time here."
A scoff went past Loki's lips. His hands gripped the railings tighter, heartbeat quickening with each passing second that brought him closer to meeting you. Why he felt this way, he couldn't tell; it was as if his body knew something he didn't. "And, by her timeline, you mean my timeline as well?"
"Technically, yes."
─── ·❆· ───
"Thank you, Casey, I'll see you at lunch," you gave your friend a small wave as you turned to go in opposite directions. The ghost of a smile lingered on your lips as you closed the file's folder, but it faded immediately as soon as you looked up.
Mobius stood in front of you, he said your name but it sounded like a whisper drowned underwater to your ears, for you were focused on the person a few steps behind him. He had the same raven black curls, the same sharp nose, fair skin, and bright eyes; his features being highlighted by the artificial lights from TVA's infinite floors. He was a ghost. The one from your worst nightmares and most beautiful dreams. A ghost of your past life, one that instantly got your heartbeat skyrocketing and closed up your throat until you couldn't breathe, or talk, or even think.
You were nearly making holes into the file in your hands with the force you held it with, knuckles going white.
Taking a step closer, Mobius called your name again. He tried reaching out towards you but you took a sharp step back. "There's someone who would like to meet you," he settled for saying, calmly, gesturing behind him.
Forming words became a struggle for you. Your lips parted only to tremble with no sound coming from your mouth. Inhaling sharply, you straightened your posture. "No." You said with finality, your eyes not leaving the ones that reminded you of your Loki.
A frown appeared on his features and he looked like he was about to speak, but you beat him to it, finally looking at Mobius; "You. Me. Storage room, now."
With that, you turned around and took urgent steps to the back of the library, shoving open the door that led to a small storage room for older files no one needed anymore. You turned the switch for the single orange light hanging from the ceiling and then clawed at your scalp, trying your best to regulate your breathing.
Mobius walked in, closing the door behind him. "Listen I can-"
"Explain?" You finished for him, urgency and anger dripping from each syllable, "yeah, you better. What was that? Who is he?"
"We were about to get to that before you stormed off." Mobius shrugged.
"Cut the bullshit, Mobius," you sighed, hands coming to rest on your waist.
"He's a Loki, you've met a hundred of them already."
You bit your lip to hold back the tears stinging behind your eyes. "Yeah, I have, and none of them were-" you hesitated, "None of them looked like-" You swore under your breath when your voice betrayed you.
"Your Loki?"
Mobius' quiet words got you closing your eyes, there was compassion in his voice, being one of the only people here who really knew what you've been through. A long sigh escaped your lips, along with some of the anger, leaving room only for the emptiness that has been following you around for years now.
"Is he?" You were afraid to know, but you asked anyway.
"He was going to be," Mobius took a step closer to you, and this time you allowed him to rest a hand on your shoulder, his thumb brushing against the fabric of your dress shirt. "He came from your timeline, roughly after his attempt at taking over earth."
An unamused chuckle escaped your lips and a single tear ran down your cheek, but you were quick to wipe it away. "Jesus, Mobius. You can't be serious." You looked him straight in the eyes then, voice strained; "you can't be doing this to me."
"He insisted," Mobius raised both hands in front of his chest in a halfhearted attempt to calm you down. "He insisted, okay? He saw you in his file, he wanted to know who you were. What was I supposed to do? He saw you and didn't know who you were but it was clear that you were important, and he felt that too."
A beat of silence passed, and then; "I mean," Mobius chuckled softly, shaking his head; "you should have seen his eyes when he saw you, he looked worse than you do now."
You sniffled, avoiding your teary eyes from his gaze. "What were you supposed to do? Well, what about talking to me first, you oaf," you told him, though there was no malice in your words.
"I'm sorry," Mobius shrugged, not sure of what else he could say to you. "I just figured it wouldn't be fair to either of you if I didn't introduce you. Or, reintroduced you."
You doubted you'd be able to form a coherent thought in your mind right now with the amount of emotions you were going through. But you knew he was right, deep down you did. You just weren't sure what to make of it yet, seeing a Loki who would eventually become your Loki; who, essentially, was your Loki. Just not yet.
It nearly sent you into a panic attack. Seeing him again was all you ever wanted when you lost him, yet now that it's happening, you're not sure if you can handle it. Or if you still want it.
Mobius tried to find your gaze with his, and as if reading your mind, he said; "Isn't this what you wanted when you first got here? To see him again?"
"That's not me anymore, Mobius," you spoke before you could stop yourself. "I'm- I'm not that person anymore." Your voice was quiet, muffled behind the walls you'd built around your wounded heart. "Besides, that's-" You stumbled over your words, tasting your tears on the corner of your lips, "that's not him. That's not the Loki I knew."
"How can you say that, you didn't even speak to the guy," Mobius gestured to Loki's general direction outside of the storage room.
"Yeah well, I don't have to!" You snapped, and closed your mouth soon after, mumbling an apology. "I just- He's not him," you said quieter, almost as if saying it again and again would make it true.
"Maybe not yet," Mobius reasoned, pursing his lips as he mulled over unsaid words; "But he is, otherwise he wouldn't have seen his future with you. You know that."
You buried your hands in the pockets of your pants because you could feel how heavily they were shaking. You bit your lip until you tasted blood. "I can't. I'm sorry, Mobius, but I can't. You tell him I want nothing to do with him." The words rolled off your tongue quickly and strained, you didn't give Mobius time to answer you before you were shoving open the door of the storage room and rushing outside.
From the side of your eyes, as you walked, you noticed Loki leaning against one of the file shelves. He perked up when he saw you, straightening his posture and softening his gaze as he took half a step towards you.
You didn't spare him a second glance before turning your back to him and hurrying to the opposite way.
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Read ch 4 here
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keeps me motivated to continue posting here, so I’d appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment. <3
You do not have permission to repost, copy, or translate my works on any platforms (even with credit), please respect.
Loki’s taglist: @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @justaproudslytherpuff @justanotherkpopstanlol @chronicallybubbly @chaoticqueen33 @7minutes-tomidnight @uncle-eggy @oliviaewl @dd122004dd @tani725 @lokihaha34 @levanneisdumb @innebulae @mochminnie @mayemperess @alyeskathewave @buginktsworld @cremebruleequeen @wyvernthekriger @cheshire-salvatore-mikaelson @avengersfan25 @mischief2sarawr @yokolesbianism @athenasproverbs @h-l-vlovesvintage @princess-ofthe-pages @daisy-the-quake @talesofadragon @rainbowsocks @alexandra-001 @mary-jinx @stevenknightmarc @falconxsoldier @ladymercury8 @shirukitsune @ladymischief11 @starkzdaughter
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shinjisdone · 1 year
When You Have An Secret Admirer - And It's Not Them (Diasomnia; 7)
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A love letter was left at your door and now you are searching for that ‘secret admirer’ - everyone wants to help you out…but have their own reason for it.
'I can't give you the faboulus experience of an Fae nor can I give you the treasures of royalty...I'm sorry about that. But know that I can give you my entire heart.'
form of headcanons + scenario-ish
[note: reader is gender-neutral but mostly mentioned in 2. pov; a series of everyone you meet following you. headcanon will follow each char. own thoughts on the situation. mostly nervousness, slight jealousy & stubbornness]
Part 1: Heartslabyul
Part 2: Savanaclaw
Part 3: Octavinelle
Part 4: Scarabia
Part 5: Pomefiore
Part 6: Ignihyde
Weirdly enough nighttime was your comfort time.
An odd thing to name it, Malleus noted. You could only half-heartedly laugh as your eyes drifted to the ground. You could barely listen to his ramblings of gargoyles.
In fact, you were somewhat...relieved. Malleus and in this case all of Diasomnia haven't...done anything. No cheating. No corruption. No overblot.
Not yet at least.
There wasn't a single thing to dislike about them, aside from their little ego boost they get when they show off their power. It's true most students of that dorm are highly talented nobles and nobility tends to get arrogant. Surely they couldnt be such an eyesore, right?
Could your secret admirer do anything to them?
Lillia Vanrouge
That'd be a foolish decision.
Lillia is surprisingly one of the last people to get wind of these things. Both Kalim and Cater weren't so talkative of what happened in their dorms when he meets with them in their club. In Cater's case, Riddle insists on not talking about the 'criminal' so rumors wouldn't spread and Kalim was surprisingly dejected at the mention of the secret admirer.
A secret admirer, eh?
Oh, how exciting that sounds. Lillia didn't know young people were still into that old courtship tradition.
Though he has heard they aren't really your typical, run-of-the-mill admirer...
Even for Fae standards that is...woof.
And they have their eye, heart, admiration and affection all for you? Little Prefect of Ramshakle dorm and Malleus' friend?
Well, that makes perfect sense. Lillia couldn't imagine anyone else being the target object of affections, especially when someone is this determined to show their love.
On one hand he is happy for you. You deserve all this attention for you are such a cutie human. But on the other hand...eeeehh, perhaps such a person would not really suit you, no?
I mean, even Lillia finds them a tad bit odd and maybe extreme.
The father-like blood in him causes him to worry. He is of course worried about you but especially about Silver and Malleus. The latter won't like that his favorite human is...well, getting attention in such a way.
And Silver? Poor boy probaby doesn't know what to do with himself.
Oh, my. Perhaps he should offer a helping hand.
Sebek Zigvolt
What is the meaning of THIIIIIISSS
The last one of the first years to catch up.
Literally did not notice a single thing until the squad straight up told him + he needed the extra confirmation from Lillia. What do you mean you had a secret admirer from the very start?
Your strange behaviour? Sebek shurgged it off, probably just the change of the weather.
Things going haywire in the other dorms? Well, obviously. They aren't as great and organized as Diasmonia and have no great WAKA-SAMAAA in their circle.
Admirer shenanigans? Pah, nothin' but rumors.
BUt the MOMENT Lillia or Malleus tell him of these things he just IMMEDIATELY believes them.
WH-wh-wh-WHaAT??? :O Waka-sama you are so smart for noticing these things! OH, you are like a royal detective, the Sherlock Holmes of faes to-
Wait, everybody already knows?
A bit...stumped and confused. You...got a secret admirer? And judging from all the things he has heard and all the lasting consequences he has seen in the dorms...it's quite serious too, isn't it?
WelL; whAt does the matters of a hUmAN concern him ANYWAY??? YOU Aren't Waka-sama nor Lilia-sama so...who cares??? Sebek doesn't. Nope. Not one bit.
The others try as they may but Sebek gives the entire thing the cold shoulder. He doesn't care, that is your problem. If anything, aren't humans usually super happy when they have a secret admirer? You should concider yourself grateful.
The squad tells him, no, this isn't something to be thankful for nor something to ignore. This is serious and complicated and none of them can just leave you alone in this.
Sebek supposes that makes sense...
But well, he...he can't show he cares...because he doesn't. No.
Also kind of the last one to catch up. Mostly because he literally slept on it.
Well, techincally it is not of his concern. It doesn't interfere with his classes, his training or when it comes to protecting Malleus, though the latter seems to be concerned.
He can't deny his worries...and understands them, too. You are a great friend to Malleus and to Silver as well.
Of course. It makes sense that you have a secret admirer. You are to be admired for all that you are. All that you have gone through as a magicless student. Though is this attention truly...loving?
Does not have a single concern in his mind if Diasomnia will be humiliated next. His old man is nto concerned and therefore, he won't be either.
Silver is more worried about Malleus.
Additionally, you have to face these 'affections' all on your own...will you be alright? Perhaps you need protection?
Silver would gladly provide it...but he is unsure if he can just barge in and be part of this whole shenanigan.
Malleus Draconia
Funnily enough, Malleus is one of the first people to know about your admirer.
It was the night after the 'crime' was comitted at Heartslabyul. Lost in your thoughts you almost forgot that you promised Malleus to accompany him on your many night walks.
The prince noticed your stillness.
"I'm sorry, Tsunotarou," You gave him a nervous smile, "Something came up today and I think I need to...think it all through."
You cut the stroll short and excused yourself. Malleus had no problem and let you be, a bit surprised you'd ever find yourself in a pickle. "Certainly. Just know that you can always talk to me about your worries, Child of Man...or not if you don't prefer."
And so you were gone. And your strolls became shorter and shorter.
Out of worry, the fae went to Lillia and told him of his woes. His friend is...not as chipper as usual.
Lillia promises to keep an eye out...and lo and behold, as the news of the admirer became bigger and bigger and the things they caused out of love more vivid and vivid, Lillia told Malleus of what was really going on.
A...secret admirer?
He felt a bit uneasy at the thought...
He may not be present at everything nor up to date (it feels like not getting invited) but Malleus can tell that this way of courtship is...peculiar.
Was first surprised that traditional wooing was also executed by humans (your admirer IS human, right?) but oh my, not even faes are that...hm, let's say, determined and petty.
Thinks it's endearing but also pathetic. Winning your love does not need to revolve around the doom of other dorms, does it? Even when they have wronged you.
After all, you all made up. You wanted to and were the reason why everything was good between you and the dorms now, even though you are magicless.
Seems like this admirer does not know you well...not as well as Malleus does.
The prince has been quietly pondering ever since, cradling his chin in thought. Lillia watches in anticipation.
My, this is strange.
Lillia has been watching from the sidelines for quite a bit...but he got the feeling that today was especially peculiar.
Making his way to the entrance of the dorm he absent-mindedly told Silver of his mild woes to which the lad immediately insistend on accompanying his father. Usually the fae would decline and say it isn't a big deal...but maybe Silver should witness it, too.
The student followed worriedly as Lillia seemed to...go up and down and all around the entire dormitory. He knew he was old but old enough to know the entire building like the back of his hand? Where are they going anyway, it feels like entering a labyrinth.
The wind blew high and dark clouds swirled around. Just as Silver wanted to ask what they are doing on the roof, Lilia seemed to have caught something right before it went down the chimney. The fae barely waited to be back in his room and opened up the letter right then and there.
'Nighly walks can make one sick, Draconia.'
What a way to start off a greeting.
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Oh my, my, my, MY!
Alright, his gut was right then.
Lilia wasn't planning on interfering, really...but this won't do.
Passive-aggressive jealousy towards Malleus and therefore the entirety of Diasomnia cannot be ignored.
It's kind of a shame really. This secret admirer seemed so passionate but it also looks like their negative traits are passionately expressed as well.
They just had to succumb to their weakness...love really makes people complicated. Or commit awful things unnecessarily.
Silver already knows and he trusts him. However, it's best if you and Sebek don't get the news...you are heavily involved as the admired and Sebek can get uuhhhh...maybe even more passionate than the admirer themselves.
Unsure how to approach Malleus though. The lad also feels quickly challenged...
An emergency!
Silver is ready to draw his sword. It must be one of these messaged threats to royals he has heard about! In fact, it reminds him of the tale of the Thorn Fairy...
Nevertheless he keeps his cool, following Lilia. However, he can't help but stick close to Malleus in general...glimpsing at him in worry.
As a matter of fact, his thoughts then flow over to you. While the message was meant for Malleus and is certainly no love letter, he still worries about you. If Malleus has to deal with something akin to jealousy and well, a threat (thats what he sees it as for sure, Lilia is a bit more amused even in his concerns) what must you be feeling being the object of affection?
How long will you play that role? Are you comfortable? Unsure? Unsafe? It is such a complicated issue, one that does not need to go over such lengths...
If only your admirer were normal...
Hm, no...maybe no. Maybe that still wouldn't calm Silver entirely.
As a knight he does not have a good feeling about this. He decided he will protect Malleus and you. The crown prince is being threatened and you seem more like a damsel in distress rather than a blushing maiden to him anyway...
Just how is Silver going to approach this? Just start hanging around you like a guard?
He got the feeling he might start having bad dreams about this...
As much as Lillia tried to keep this a secret, Sebek of course butts heads and shoves his nose wherever needed when it comes to the well-being of Malleus.
Is quick to panic and will drop everything to find the 'enemy'. No one will get past him to WAKA-SAMA!!!!
Unlike Silver, Sebek is unfortunately too emotional to control himself and will quickly blame you for having this 'secret admireeeer' of yours who only causes trouble! Don't you know?! They want Waka-sama's head! (An exaggeration)
This of course leads to the word being spreak quite quickly. Huh? The dormleader of Diasomnia got a letter? Bullying? No, threats? THE crown prince? What's going on?
Great job, Sebek, now everyone knows.
The student quickly clams up and starts feeling guilty for pointing his finger at you and barking up the wrong tree. Silver and Lilia are quick to tell him that this isn't your fault and that just adds to his guilt.
Yet...it is your secret admirer's fault. They are the one causing trouble, they are the one envying Waka-sama, they are the one trying to win your heart.
He's all over the place and so are his feelings. Sebek is trying to do the right thing but it isn't going as swell as he hoped he would.
If only that admirer never had the courage to show you their love and none of this would be happening. If only things could have stayed the way they have.
Thanks to tattletale Sebek, Malleus swiftly heard of this 'bullying' as some students have asked him about and demanded Lillia to show him this so-called 'threat'.
Re-reading the one sentence over and over again, Malleus couldn't help but laugh. He first chuckled, then chortled before straight up letting out a guffaw.
"Nightly walks makes one sick, eh?" He mockingly repeats. There's something about this letter that hinders him from crumbling or throwing it away. Looking at it a second longer, Malleus insisted on keeping it.
Wouldn't matter if it did go missing. The prince can easily recall the threat as if it were a spell.
The fae can't deny it. The thought of you having a secret admirer irked him. It made absolute sense that someone else notices your quaint self and so he held himself back. As long as you were happy.
But now this petty student thinks they can just challenge him? Tell him to stop spending time with you?
All the while spitting out the name 'Draconia'. He could read the venom out of it.
How funny. They think Malleus will listen? Set aside his own feelings and just - stop being your friend? Sever your bond and accept defeat as if he had no chance whatsoever?
Pathetic little worm.
[welp, this is the last one. i saw many wondering who the admirer might be and...its not what you think. not malleus. think of anyone and you are wrong. its no one from rsa either. sooo...will be taking a break now and instead take requests. after that another project with the secret admirer will be started before they finally and officially confess to you...]
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lovingseventeen · 10 months
Hey, Zin! Hope you're healthy and doing fine! May I request a post about what would svt do when they have a crush on someone? This idea just popped up in my mind in a broad daylight, and I think you're the perfect writer for this 🥰
svt when they have a crush
a/n: i wrote this in a svt x you pov, i hope that's fine :))
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❀ offers to do anything and everything for his crush
❀ he sees you struggling to open a water bottle? he's ever so casually speed walking to open it for you
❀ you're about to open a door for yourself? no you're not!
❀ "oh! i got it" he'll tell you, holding the door with a strong hand as he watches you leave the room
❀ tries to be brave but the second his you lean into his face slightly (maybe even just to tease him) he's soft like putty
❀ teases, teases, and teases his crush but in a very lighthearted way
❀ maybe the two of you are hanging out and casually playing basketball
❀ if you miss he's all "ayy, why are you doing it like that" but he's so smiley as he watches you
❀ but in the end he tries to help you out, but ALSO uses this as a moment to flex how good he is
❀ charms the hell out of his crush
❀ light touches on your arms when you're talking, a hand on your back as you walk through a crowd so he doesn't lose you, casually leaning in to hear you speak a little clearer
❀ but of course he'll never cross a boundary he knows about
❀ idk i feel like he just knows how to make someone fall for him too
❀ his stomach may be tumbling whenever you smile at him but you'd have no idea
❀ somewhat gaslights himself into thinking that he doesn't have that much of a crush
❀ but the members do catch him searching for your name in the list of who liked his most recent post
❀ "do you think i look okay in this? so why they didn't like the picture?"
❀ "bro you posted it two minutes ago, they literally probably haven't seen it yet"
❀ he's always the life of any gathering, but he does get uncharacteristically quiet when you're around
❀ doesn't really know how to start a conversation (case in point - think of how he was handing stuff out at their concert that one time)
❀ but if you're eating together he does place a couple of extra things on your plate
❀ "you should have this"
❀ will also get very pink if you return the gesture LOL
❀ you'd miss it if you weren't observant
❀ but he does think of you a lot and he does small gestures that show it
❀ maybe he was walking by a shop and saw a small keychain he thought you'd like
❀ "you mentioned this show right? i saw this the other day and thought of you" he tells you
❀ he loves seeing you light up over the little keychain and he smiles whenever he sees it on your bag knowing he got it for you
❀ will avoid you for the longest time because he feels like his stomach somersaults every time he sees you
❀ but one day he can't take it anymore and he'll blurt it out directly because he feels like he might just explode if he holds it in any longer
❀ never actually announces that he has a crush on you but every single one of his members has heard ENOUGH about you that they know
❀ finds himself bringing you up in half of his conversations and he can't stop it
❀ "did you guys see y/n's post? they look so pretty in it..."
❀ he likes all of your stories where you're in the photo somehow- whether it's a selfie, a picture with a friend, or you showing off an outfit
❀ "you know what y/n said to me? they said they liked my new hair" he'll hum (he'll think about that compliment for a week)
❀ for someone who mentions you a lot he gets weirdly quiet when you're around and his members get their revenge by pointing it out LOL
❀ puppy vibes ofc - i had to do it
❀ thinks he's being subtle with how often he's glancing at his crush but he kind of isn't
❀ listens so intently when you talk, but he doesn't realize that you notice the sparkle in his eyes when he looks at you
❀ gets so pouty when he bakes a bunch of cookies and his members eat all of it before he gets to give you one
❀ someone who actually succeeds in being subtle LOL
❀ always makes sure you’re walking on the inside of the sidewalk type of guy
❀ casually never lets you pay for anything
❀ “i got it, don’t worry about it” whenever you two eat out
❀ eventually confesses in the perfect setting and perfect timing in private too - just so you don’t feel pressured either
❀ someone who'll win you a plushie at a carnival game or one of those claw machines
❀ “y/n watch this” he’ll tell you, seemingly confident in his athletic ability (secretly he’s freaking out) at one of those carnival games where you just have to shoot a basketball
❀ “so here’s the technique for these machines” he’ll also say, as he presses the button that signals for the claw to drop
❀ maybe you go home with 2 plushies that day, or 7
❀ awkward but cute laughs when you make a joke
❀ i feel like he'll compliment you in a very vernon way???
❀ "your jacket looks big on you, but in a cool way"
❀ "oh is this hairstyle new?" "oh yeah it is" *he just does a thumbs up*
❀ will try to do some kind of dance move or impersonation of michael jackson or something to impress you but it leads to him falling over
❀ he’s about to go home and delete his social media when he hears your laugh
❀ but he also sees that it’s not a mean one, and that you’re hurrying over to crouch next to him
❀ “okay king of pop” you tease, “are you okay though?”
❀ great, just when he thinks he can’t get any more smitten :’)
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devourers-of-god · 5 months
can you do the sally face cast with a s/o or friend thats usually very mean to everyone but has a soft spot for them
if you choose the s/o option dont do todd for obvious reasons
Hello I’m very bored so I figured I would answer old, VERY OLD inbox messages :3
**I decided to do the CAST being mean to everyone except you guys 😭**
BEFORE I START: I know the gang are not mean at all (except Travis let’s be honest) !! This is very much fiction, head canons ! <33
Sal: 🩵🫧🐁
- With other people he’s so dry and the most sarcastic person ever.
-Doesn’t hang out with a lot of friends because people annoy him more than anything.
- When you arrived at school, his few friends started to talk to you and slowly, but surely, you entered the group 🤭
- At first, Sal wasn’t interested in talking to you, he would be quite quiet and speak few sentences towards you.
- He would make harsh jokes to his friends (don’t worry his friends are not hurt by this weird love language of his) but weirdly, would skip you.
- One day, you and your friends decided to go ghost-hunting! It was your first time and you were stressed, you’ve never seen a spirit nor a ghost in your whole life.
- Sal noticed and decided to stay close to you and help you with the ghost stuff, by explaining that you won’t get hurt and he’s there.
- While he treated you nicely, he was an asshole to the others. This day he cared about your safety and yours only.
Larry: 🦝🤎🎨
- Larry would be harsh and secretive about his interests/personal life.
- Only Sal knew about his hobby, painting. The others won’t figure it out after a while.
- You moved in the apartments a week after school started. He would glance at you in the apartment’s hallways. Even though he thinks you’re cute.
- His friends invited you over at the cafeteria and started being friends with the gang.
- Larry wouldn’t interact much with you and spent his time mocking the group, but didn’t include you in the mockery.
- One day after school, everyone decided to hang out at the tree house after school. Hours had passed by and Sal, Ashley and Todd decided to leave, explained by it being the night. Larry invited you to stay, only if you wanted to of course.
- You accepted and Larry eventually warmed up to you during the night, he invited you into his sacred room and felt bold enough to present to you his interest, painting !
- Larry was very nice to you. Even when you fell asleep on his bean bag. He brought a blanket and put it over you, to keep you warm. He stayed up all night guarding over you in case of things that might happen.
Travis: ⚔️💛✝️
- Travis was already a bitch to everyone, it might be explained because he has no close friends, except at church.
- While in his daily round of bullying others in the school’s cafeteria, he spotted you alone in a corner.
- He found you mesmerizing and interesting. Perfect next victim of his bullying! Travis approached your table with confidence.
- You looked up at him with a smile. He got surprised and blurted out : “ WannaHangOutAfterSchool 😃”. You accepted and Travis left quickly to lock himself in the bathroom. He needed time to calm down alone.
- The last school’s bell finally rung, announcing the end of the day. Travis remembered that he was hanging out with YOU. Flustered, he waited for you at the front door and you showed up.
- He walked you home and kept making you laugh. You guys had a great time and your personalities matches well.
- Needless to say it was a great day for Travis. He saves your number on his secret phone and texted you all night.
Kicking my feet in the air twirling my hairKMFSOO
hope you enjoyed LOL after 2-3 years of not writing LOLLLLLL
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chip-does-stuff · 4 months
Things I’ve noticed and/or thoroughly enjoyed seeing from watching Megamind eight times over the course of six days
Megamind has such a crush on Roxanne before he even steals Bernard’s identity
Hal gearshifts in midair while saving Roxanne during the midnight flight
Roxanne looks like she genuinely feels bad after slamming the breaks on the way to the school house
Megamind is incredibly good at hiding giant, smoke-producing blimps in midair (invisibility cloak???)
You can see projector lines in the observatory from a brain-bot
Minion and Megamind consistently switch back and forth between older sibling and younger sibling roles
There is a brainbot with lipstick and eyelashes
The way Megamind comments on Roxanne’s hair during their date gives me actual butterflies
Roxanne’s absolutely dumbfounded look when Megamind compliments Metro Man’s music
You can hear so much glass shattering every time Tighten destroys a building
Crazy Train is clearly Minion’s favorite song and I respect it entirely
The way Megamind calls Roxanne’s name when he saves her from the alligator room is weirdly sweet (maybe I just have a crush on him)
Minion has a little antenna on his back that I assume lets him control the suit
Megamind immediately steps to protect Roxanne when Tighten sees past his disguise
Is the warden a father figure for Megamind??? Like obviously he’s a crap father if that’s the case but like, is he???
Roxanne runs up behind Tighten with a street sign in hand to defend Megamind while he’s crawling to the invisible car
Megamind’s hurt look when Bernard calls the dehydration gun “cheap”
When Roxanne rejects him, Megamind winces with every accusation (and I genuinely feel so bad for both of them like ow)
I love Megamind’s and Tighten’s themes, they’re both reminiscent of lullabies, which is a fun choice for the villain characters
Roxanne has a picture of the design for the diffuser gun hanging in her apartment when she’s trying to figure out Megamind’s plan
Megamind still has his custom baby seal leather boots on during the Tighten fight
Have I mentioned the music enough? Because I’m trying to figure out some of the themes by ear on the piano and the music is decently complex. It’s not insane, but it’s tougher to figure out than a lot of music.
“Lyrical Magic” is credited as an actual song in the end credits
Megamind’s face when Roxanne admits to looking back is the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen and the way the camera follows his face is really well done
The use of lighting changes for ambiance or passage of time can be really subtle, but honestly just amazing
My dad thinks I will get sick of this movie pretty soon, seeing as I’ve watched it once or twice a day whenever possible, and he is seriously underestimating just how much I am in love with Megamind. My mom has given up calling me weird. I’m also using my uncle and aunt’s peacock account to watch it over and over, and if they’ve noticed how often I watch it they haven’t said anything.
Next week I try to beat my friend’s record of watching her comfort movie twenty times in one week.
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eff4freddie · 5 days
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2 Sweet 4 Me | Part Three
Dieter Bravo x AFAB Reader Words: 2.5k Minors DNI
Part One Part Two
Dieter knows he fucked up, knows he lost you, knows it hurt and that he deserved it. But if its the way things had to be, the way they were always going to be, predestined as he is, apparently born under a vengeful and unforgiving star, then why does it still fucking sting so much?
This is a love story.
Warnings: Smut, vaginal sex, lots of swearing, angst
The thing about wrap parties is that if you never let yourself get attached to any of the people you work with, it doesn’t hurt when its time for everyone to go. Dieter hated wrap parties, mind already on his next project, if not his next score. He didn’t care to really know anyone, their hopes and dreams or whatever. The way people clambered over each other to feign sadness that their two and a half months together were over, the way they promised to stay in touch just to immediately lose everyone’s numbers, the way people looked through him, plotting how to get the dregs out of him, how to carve up whatever was left. He used to be able to stand it, when he knew he had you to go home to.
He hadn’t dared call you since his late-night Ambien confessions. Part of him wanted to see if you’d call him, if you’d miss him now that you’d heard his voice again, and a larger, wiser part of him knew you wouldn’t, that you shouldn’t, that maybe you and him could debate whether he was good enough for you, but there was no argument that he wasn’t good for you. He’d seen the way your eyes had hollowed out the longer you stayed with him.
Fuck, it still hurt though. He felt the fist clenched tight in his chest, always feeling breathless and slightly panicked at the idea of being alone. You. Without you.
Rudy convinced him to go to the wrap party anyway, that it was important to be seen, then basically held him hostage, refusing to come and pick him up for at least an hour. Dieter had downed one vodka tonic and watched the minutes tick by before he could slip away again. His next job started in three weeks, was shooting in LA, and the studio had let him keep Rudy. Dieter liked Rudy, his dad-vibes weirdly soothing at the end of a long night. Rudy judged Dieter, but only ever fairly.
‘You got a few weeks off from me, my friend,’ he said, from the front passenger seat, because he felt like either an invalid or 100 years old sitting alone in the back. Rudy had let him sit there so long as he promised not to fuck with the radio. Dieter had sat on his hands.
‘You going to keep yourself occupied, Sir?’ Rudy asked, and Dieter shrugged.
‘Might do.’
‘I mean, you gonna keep that nose outta trouble?’ Rudy asked again, and there was that paternal care Dieter realised he’d been missing for most of his childhood, soaked it up now in case Rudy ran dry.
‘Might do,’ Dieter replied, grinning.
He’d just learnt to carry on without you, he realised. Hobbled, but moving. He checked his phone less, sometimes forgot to even look at it for hours on end. He hardly ever cracked open your left-over shampoo just to pretend you were still in the room. He didn’t catch himself reaching for you over the cold mattress at 3 AM anywhere near as often.
He nearly dropped his keys. Rudy had dropped him off at his gate so that he didn’t have to back up the driveway, and Dieter had been staring at the night sky, his head fully thrown back as he walked up his garden path, so that he didn’t see you sitting on his stoop until he was nearly standing on you.
‘Baby?’ he said, and you lifted your face to him as he reached for you, pulled you up onto your feet and into his arms, your little coughing sobs reverberating up his neck and bouncing around his skull. ‘Oh, my sweet thing, what?’ he asked, and you cried harder into his skin, your fists raised to his chest, almost like you were trying to hold him away while he pulled you in.
‘It’sjustbeensuchashitday,’ you said, and he reached down to pull your face from his so that he could examine you, turning your face left and right in the porchlight.
‘Tell me,’ he said, and you sniffled, avoiding his gaze, staring instead at his hairline. You wanted to reach up and run your fingers through it, tug on it as he settled his head between your thighs.
‘I…’ you started, and you stopped, because you didn’t know where to start, how to explain, that you had just wanted him, that nothing even really all that dramatic had happened, just fucking Kevin in your fucking office fucking up the finance reports again so now your project was $60k over budget because he can’t add up tax despite being a fucking accountant, and the CEO’s EA had been a bitch to you about trying to get a report signed off after the deadline, and you’d had to settle a couple of bullshit microaggressions between your colleagues because they were incapable of communicating like fucking adults, and your boss had given you a weird vibe all day like she was waiting for you to fuck up just to point it out to you, and the fluorescent lights had given you a headache again but you weren’t able to get an appointment with the optometrist to get those blue light filtering glasses things you’d read about on Instagram for another two weeks, and God sometimes your body just felt fucking wrong and there wasn’t any reason for it, really, except that putting your body against his made it right again.
You paused for breath, exhaling slowly, looking up into his face. It took you a moment to realise you’d spoken it all, out loud. You felt the heat explode on your cheeks at the revelation.
‘Oh, baby,’ he said, and he held your face in his hands as he planted a warm kiss on your forehead.
‘Can’t turn my brain off,’ you said, miserable.
‘You want me to help you forget?’ he asked, heart racing, caught on your words like a rag on a barbwire fence; made it right again, made it right again, your body against his made it right again.
You stared up at him, your eyes red and bloodshot, skin wet with tears. He held you there, in his gaze and in his hands. You weren’t sure you could speak it into existence, if you should. You nodded your head instead.
And then you were in his arms again, wrapping your legs around his waist as he lifted you, carrying you over the threshold and down into the den, his sunken couch appearing beneath you both as he sat, placing you gently to straddle his lap, laving at the skin behind your ear with his tongue. You gasped, your skin on fire and your body shivering, your clothes too tight, his clothes in your way, as you scrabbled for the hem of his tee and pulled it over his head. There, the expanse of his warm, golden skin. The smattering of hair on his chest, his nipples straining in the cool air. You wanted to lie down on it, feel it under your cheek and your palms, taste every inch with your tongue. He was panting, sitting with you perched on his lap, leaning back and looking up at you, his eyes wide as he waited for you to tell him to stop.
You leant forward, biting into the flesh of his shoulder, the urge to mar the perfect landscape of his skin too great. He sucked a breath in through his teeth, his hands coming up to rest on your hips, pulling you down onto his cock, hard and straining under his light cotton pants.
‘Fuck, baby,’ he muttered, pushing you down harder onto his lap and dragging you across it, the heat of your cunt intoxicating. He could smell you again, your perfume and your shampoo and your arousal, your little gasps in his ear as your clit grazed his thighs. ‘You miss me this bad?’
You could only nod, the electric shocks between your thighs pushing the words from your head. You felt his hands travelling, coming around to your front, pulling your top off, lifting the cups of your bra to hold your tits in his warm palms. No one had touched you like this in so long, not since you’d attempted a one-night-stand to see if you could fuck Dieter out of your life for good, and failed at both that and achieving orgasm.
His lips on your collarbone, his cock pushing up against you pussy, your hands in his hair. You’d thought about it, remembered it, conjured it alone in your bed with your fingers in your cunt, and none of it had been anything compared to the real thing, to the smell of him, to his scraggy beard dragging across your skin as he kissed you, hissing in pleasure as you rutted against him. He moved his hands again, sliding them up your thighs as you sat perched above him, sliding them under your skirt and over the cloth of your underwear, groaning when he felt that you were already soaking the fabric.
‘Dee,’ you whimpered, and you moaned when he pushed it to the side, slipping a fingertip against your clit, rubbing tight little circles that he knew would set you on fire. He chuckled to himself, satisfied and impatient in equal measure, as you gasped, your cunt so hot under his touch. He wasn’t sure if this was a dream or not, if he’d finally cracked and was just straight up hallucinating. He wasn’t sure if he was alive or dead, couldn’t account for the events as they were unfolding but just going with them, the pull of his cock guiding him towards you without any consideration as to the consequences.
He didn’t want to give you a chance to reconsider. He slipped a finger inside, all the way to the knuckle, pulling you to him in case you slipped from his grip as your back arched. It was like when you’d first got together, when you were crushing hard on each other, before things had got complicated and sad and sour. Before he’d been neglectful, before the lies had doubled and tripled, before the house of cards he built for the both of you to live in came crashing down around you. He felt it then, the nostalgia and the belief that maybe if you just kept fucking like this, kept pawing at each other, kept up the desire and the need, that you could get back on track, that he could keep you, the idea of it spurring him to switch places, pushing you sideways and onto the couch beneath him as he fumbled to release his heavy, aching cock from his pants.
You lifted your bum as you swept your underwear off your skin, opening yourself up to him as he devoured you, brown eyes trained on your cunt and the need for him leaking out and dribbling into the fabric of the couch. He swiped it with his thumb, lifting it to his lips for just the smallest of tastes to tide him over. You closed your eyes, the heat of it so much you felt the need to turn away, and he reached out and pulled your chin towards him again, locking you into his gaze.
‘Don’t turn away from me, baby,’ he said, leaning forward and positioning himself at your entrance. You watched him, entranced, as he pushed. ‘Never turn away, want to remember your eyes on me, want to remember all of it.’ You gasped, the sharpness in Dieter’s eyes, the focus, reminding you of how present he could be in a moment he determined worthy of his full attention. A little bloom of hurt emerged, one you had carried for months, knowing that he could seemingly turn off his care for you on a dime. You wondered, briefly, fretted, why it was that you had started failing to win it, why he had looked at you this way less and less as time wore on, why he had given up on you, why you had let him, why you had stayed for as long as you had, and then he pushed fully into you, groaned as you took him fully inside you, pitching your hips to grind your clit onto his hipbone, and you forgot it all for a second, obliterated with just the feel of him surrounding and inside you, just the taste of his sweat and the curl of his hair around his forehead, a little crown of thorns visible only in the dark as he crouched above you.
‘Dee,’ you said, and you heard the heaviness in it, the sob of it, as he pulled out and crowded himself back inside, brought himself home and you with him, seated himself inside your flesh. He leant over you on his elbows, cradling your head in his hands as he examined your eyes, the pleasure coursing through him as he saw the catch of your bottom lip between your teeth, felt the weight of it between you, crushing you both as he eased you open, felt the quake of the foundations as you entwined yourself around him, fresh tears on your cheeks as you grabbed for him, drew him in tighter, gasped and groaned and stretched your spine to try and contain it, all that he was drawing from you.
‘Baby,’ he said, a choke in his throat as he caught something rough behind his teeth, recognised it as the loss of you, the grief, no more heard than felt the crashing wave threatening to wash you both away. ‘I know,’ he whimpered, resting his head in the crook of your neck as he continued to seesaw into you, the joy and the thrill of it mixing with the sadness, with the terror, with the pain. ‘I know, baby, I know, I know,’ he mumbled, feeling that you were right there with him, that you were both standing over the cliff edge, knew that once you pulled him over, that once he took you with him, there would no clambering back to the ledge, that this was a goodbye as much as it was a coming home, that he wouldn't get to keep you because you were never his to possess, that you were with him now but that it would be the last time, that you would be gone the second your body hit the ground.
You felt it coming and you did nothing to stop it. Neither of you did.
He didn’t watch you dress, couldn’t bring himself to. He tucked himself back into his pants and stopped there, unable to bear putting his tee back on, covering himself when he had bared it all for you so readily and so recently, wanted to expose the nerve to the biting air for just a couple of seconds more. The world had slotted back again, into misalignment, where he realised now it had always belonged.
You didn’t have words, slipping first from his arms and then from his home in silence. You didn’t want to savour the moment, didn’t want to look back to examine and imprint the details in your mind. It was over now, whatever had been crowning was birthed. Nothing now except for the cleanup, for the clearing away.
At his gate the weather turned, an unseasonably cool breeze pushing your hair into your face and teasing the skin where your tears had tracked just minutes, moments, a lifetime before. You felt the chill of it there on your cheek, something new blooming underneath, something worth protecting. You reached up to warm it with your own hands.
Taglist (and massive thank you list!) @harriedandharassed @readingiskeepingmegoing @missladym1981 @misstokyo7love @ghostofzion @dieterbravobrainrotclub @the-feckless-wonder @swankyorange
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daemonmage · 1 month
Ok here is a loose drabble thing for my DC Earth:
(This is gonna be a lot of nonsense with no cohesion, that will have to come later. Just need to get these ideas on paper.)
(Inspirations are the Justice League and Justice League Unlimited shows. Also quite a few Justice League comics)
- Clark and Bruce meet before anyone else and work together before the Justice League is formed (world’s finest)
- during this time Dick gets taken in by Bruce and Alfred and starts being Robin
-Barry and Hal meet and become friends, they also help each other out from time to time
-Diana comes to America as a diplomat but quickly establishes herself as a hero (she also meets Steve)
-J’onn J’onnz is already on Earth and is acting under his human identity as John Jones. He’s desperately trying to settle into earth and find his place here. He’s working as a detective.
- Arthur has decided enough is enough and also acts as a hero via guardian of the sea stuff.
- well to be honest everyone is establishing themselves during this time. It’s essentially the coming of the age of superheroes.
- Despite working with Superman every once in a while Batman and Robin are still technically a myth.
-So is Arthur who has only been caught on camera like 5 times.
- Diana and Clark end up working together over something in Metropolis.
- This leads to them becoming friends and working together more often.
-Clark introduces Diana to Bruce. They end up working together on a few things and settle into this dynamic. (Trinity)
- eventually a massive invasion happens that causes the main seven to group up and fight against these guys. (Super friends one could say… no it’s the Justice League!!)
- So for the most part they think it’s a one and done sort of deal but incidents keep happening that force them together. (Barry and Bruce working together on a case, Hal and Clark stopping meteors from crashing into earth, Diana and Arthur and J’onn work together to set up safety for aquatic life and talk about how the feel a bit out of place in this new world they find themselves in)
- eventually the Justice League properly forms after another invasion happens and they all work really well together.
- It’s the Trinity (founders (Clark and Diana lure Bruce in by claiming needing help) (he knows they don’t really need his help but he can’t deny them anything)) that properly set up the Justice League. Just with the seven as members for now but willing to add more.
-They all settle into this new arrangement well, and they get that Justice League building built.
- after a few attack attempts Bruce gets the Watch Tower built and then they all settle up there. (He’s attached now, he will never admit it.) (Diana and Clark know.)
- after this several other members are added (Dinah, Oliver, Zatanna, Red Tornado, Shayera, Carter…. Many more)
Basically this is it for now.
Other things that don’t really fit into the timeline yet but do happen:
- there are so many Green Lanterns. The Oa realized earth is a hotbed for universal chaos and recruited even more Green Lanterns for that section of the Universe. (Because I love John Stewart, Kyle Rayner, Jessica Cruz, just a lot of them.)
- Technically there was already an age of heroes that came and passed (Alan Scott and such) but they all either disappeared or went into hiding. (Listen I loved the image of Bruce and Tommy watching Alan fight in Batman: Hush. It felt so weirdly inspiring and I can also imagine Clark sitting down and watching The OG Flash be a superhero.) (I might change this and make these guys a separate universe but I love them so it’ll stay like this for now)
- MORE SIDEKICKS (Roy!! Wally!! Donna!!)
- Dinah and Oliver power couple!
- secret identity shenanigans
That’s all for now might add more later
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Gladiator | Jan Rozmanowski/Jann
Pairing: Jan Rozmanowski/Jann x reader (figure skater!reader)
Summary: People find it hard to believe that Jan wrote Gladiator for you and his relationship with you, but once they look in the lyrics a bit better it all makes sense.
Warning/s: swearing (twice, maybe three times), impaled smut, but not in detail, stress and pressure, possible grammar and spelling mistakes, but I really hope you will enjoy this one
Author's note: I didn't see any Jann imagines on here and we CAN NOT and WILL NOT have that... so I made one. I also kind of got inspired by the queen herself, Alexandra Trusova. Enjoy! (Requests are open)
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Welcome to the party, say hi to everybody
Paid for by Martini, but they're sippin' on Bacardi
Body's more than just a flesh, you can sell it for success
What's your price what's your address? We can finish at my place
Sometimes it can get really hard. You were a famous figure skater and it meant that you had to give up a lot. Like a lot. You could make some friends, sure, but it will never last. Figure skating is truly a very competitive sport and it would mean that you had to go up against your friends most of the time. So yeah, it never ends well. One always gets hurt and, as selfish as this may sound, you always had to make sure that you wouldn't be the one to get hurt.
You kind of lost all of the interest about the party that you were attending right now. You just felt so tired from the late practice last night that you felt like you could easily doze off right here. You found yourself leaning against the bar corner as you drank the last drop of your Bacardi, even tho you paid for a Martini. However, when the bartender brought you the wrong drink you didn't want to be one of those people so you didn't tell him anything. Plus you really couldn't care less as long as you get a little alcohol in your system to try and wash away all of the shit that was currently going on. The preparations for the World Championship was truly killing you, eating you outside out.
As you ordered yourself a new round of Bacardi, you noticed the guy standing next to you.
You didn't really know what was it. The alcohol? Your fucked out drunk as fuck brain? Or perhaps it was the tiredness from the bone crushing training with zero percent of sleep? In any case, whatever it was, you noticed one thing. The guy was drop dead gorgeous, it surprised you that he was alone nursing a bunch of Margaritas. His hair was dirty blonde, almost brown. His eyes looked so tired, but they still held a beautiful kind of joy. He looked so tired, too. You noticed the way he was lightly gripping at the glass that he was probably a bit drunk, too. You also noticed that he was so freakishly tall. It all confused you. You thought that it was ridiculous. How can somebody be so bloody drop dead gorgeous?
Maybe it was alcohol after all because you suddenly got a wave of self encouragement and you found yourself slowly stepping towards him. Something was simply pulling you towards him. You simply felt like you need to get to know him. It surprised you. You weren't usually the one to step forward, it flooded you with nervousness. Plus, considering your occupation, you didn't really have much time to get yourself a boyfriend, but it felt like it would be nice. All you had to do entire day was wake up, eat if you have time, practice, quick break, more practice, shower, rihurse, eat, sleep. On Fridays you allowed yourself to get drunk just enough so you could forget it all, but you thought that it would be nice. You know?
To have someone who is not putting even more pressure on you, to always be there for you, no matter what. To encourage you, to be there for you, to cheer you on, to make you happy. Somebody who will be proud of you no matter what. Someone who will be there when the pressure and the expectations get to much. When you break down. Someone to hold you. To see you as you. To love you. And, weirdly enough, you felt this towards that unknown guy you just saw, but you didn't now that he was actually looking at you the entire night. Watching you drowning yourself in a drink that you didn't even order, but were to nice to say anything to the bartender. He was watching you perform for a bit, too. He found you very talented. Very gorgeous.
However, before you could make a few steps towards him, from the spot in which you were standing in, you were suddenly swarmed with the crowd.
It lasted long enough it seems like, you thought to yourself. It was just a matter of time before somebody would approach you. In the corner of your eye, you saw him smirking at you, his face saying "amusement". Your eyes met and he got up, to your surprise. People around you were yelling, dancing, drinking, the crowd stared to make small talk, but your eyes were still just on him. He knew it, too. He stopped walking when he reached the end of the crowd. Your eyes filled with realization and a bit of amusement. Once you finally said hello to everybody, you will reach the one you want to get to know the most right now. And so you started with the talk.
After a long while, you felt like you got hit by a truck. You were still talking, still drinking, still faking. Just as the last person finally went away and the last photo got taken, at that moment approached you the person you wanted the most. He ordered himself and you a Martini and you got to chit-chat.
"I must say." He began as the bartender placed two Martinis in front of you. "I feel so honored that you found time to talk to me."
"Yeah, sorry about that." You suddenly your cheeks felt hot and you realized that you were blushing.
"No, it's good. But I must say you look even more gorgeous when you blush." He gave you his signature smirk as he took another sip of his Martini. At that, you felt like your face was red as a tomato.
"By the way, I saw your performance in Amsterdam three days ago." He said and you couldn't help but to look up at him in surprise. God he was so tall. "Those two flips that you did... I can see that you are very skilled." He gave you another compliment as he took another sip of his Martini. You felt so honored, he had seen you perform, he thinks your skilled. Somehow it felt like a big commitment. Somehow, someway, his opinion mattered to you.
"Really?" You started, suddenly feeling very bold. "I thought that the part where I did that Cantilever was gonna be your favorite."
"Oh, trust me it is." He gave you a wink as he continued to talk. "It looked really good, darling." He said, his Polish accent coming on strong.
"Well, what can I say. It had to be good. However, sometimes, the body is more than just a flesh, but in many things you can sell it for success." You winked back at him as you said that. "But you have to have some talent, too."
Both him and you knew one thing, though. If you continued to drink as much as you do right now and talk the way you were talking right now, you will probably end up finishing this conversation at his place.
Ever been to Bali? I really need some sun
Such a shame 'bout that tsunami, I'll have to go to Cali
I can get you dressed, wrap your body in excess
Give them something to obsess over
It felt so good. You were talking about everything and about nothing. He told you that he wanted to visit an island called Bali, but a day before his flight he saw the news about the island being hit by a tsunami so he decided to go to Cali. He also told you that he was a professional song writer and a singer and that he wanted to make another song, but didn't really have an inspiration.
You were telling him about the struggle of your sport and that you felt like all of the weight of the expectations were slowly, but surely crushing down on you. But you also told him about the fun part of your job, the costumes, the song and choreography choice. You enjoyed that, he could tell so, too. From the way that you were talking about it, he felt like he could listen forever.
"My coach is putting so much pressure on me. It gets to much, sometimes. Like I'm not famous enough. It gets on my nerves so much sometimes. I can't even go to a grocery store, most of the time somebody will recognize me!"
You complained and he listened. He listened and gave his opinion and you knew that he felt the same and it hurt so much. You felt like you had fallen in love, it was ridiculous. But at the same time it wasn't.
After a while he pulled you towards the middle of the dance floor. You were laughing and dancing and singing along. You didn't feel this relaxed and this happy for a long time. It felt like drugs. You just couldn't get enough and you never wanted it to stop.
Jan placed his arms around your waist as you danced and just had fun. You pulled each other closer as you danced. You could smell his cologne as you hid your face in his neck. He smelled like the finest air, alcohol and cigarettes. It was a weird combination, but it was so comforting, you felt like you could only breathe that astonishing smell for the rest of your life. Pretty soon, you tangled your hands in his hair as he played with the edge of your dress.
"They are taking photos of us." You found yourself whispering in his ear. You could practically feel the smirk he directed to you.
"It's fine." Jan laughed a bit, amused. "A figure skater and a singer. That'll give them something to obsess over."
You'll love it when I give it to you, leave you wanting more
I know your addiction's attention, let's start a show
Is it everything and more than you were hoping for?
Show us something we ain't never seen before
Jan and you were dating for two months now, and you had to admit that it was the best relationship that you were ever in. It went so much better than you thought it would. He was your number 1 supporter and you were his. He came to your every performance just like you came to every gig he had. You were always cheering him on just like he always cheered you on.
You just got off the practice, you were supposed to have a few days off and you couldn't wait to go away. You couldn't wait to leave rehearsals for a while, to leave your coach for a while, to leave the public eye for a while. You just couldn't wait to go get out of the building and crash at Jan's place. As you got out of the rehearsal, the first person you saw was your gorgeous boyfriend.
The moment he saw you he gave you your water bottle and despite your protests took your bag and slang it over his shoulder. He put his arm around you and led you to the car as you drank your water. You couldn't wait to get to his house. And, boy, it was worth the wait.
The moment you walked in he had you pressed against the wall, kissing you passionately. You tangled your hands in his gorgeous hair as he mumbled "jump" against your mouth. You did just that. Jan's arms wrapped around your legs as he walked upstairs towards the bedroom.
He gently placed you down, his lips never in the wildest dreams leaving your lips. Jam continued to kiss you as both of you slowly got rid of your clothes. After you were both pressed against each other, skin to skin, he pulled away for a short while.
"You'll love it when I give it to you. I'll leave you wanting more." And that wasn't a threat, it was a promise.
Smash your competition, baby
Show us some good entertainment
Victory's your only payment
Gladiator, gladiator
You were so bloody nervous, you felt like you were about to throw up or explode or something. You were messing around with the end of the red costume you were wearing, a white jacket was slung over your shoulders to protect the costume.
Jan immediately noticed what was wrong and quickly brought you into a hug. He didn't say anything for a while, he was just slowly rocking you back and forth in his arms.
Jan felt you tighten your arms around him. You felt like crying. He knew it. He pulled you even closer, afraid that you would disappear or that a messy cloud of fear and anxiety that was hanging above your head would cover you completely. The smell of his cologne calmed you down a little bit, but you still felt like you would much rather just crowl into a hole and die.
"You can do this." Jan pulled away as he placed both of his hands on each side of your face. "You can land 5 quads, you can win the World Championship. I know you can." It seemed like his words of encouragement did little to settle down the nervous pit that was constantly, slowly, painfully growing inside of your stomach.
"But, what if I-?"
"Even if you don't." He gave you a look. "Even if you don't it will still be like you did. For me you did. For your whole country, for your family, for your friends it will be like you won."
You nodded your head slowly, nervousness calming down a little bit. He slowely copied your action and nodded his head, too. You gave him a smile, a silent "thank you" for slicing that into you.
"Now go out there and show them something they have never seen before." He said and you pulled him in a quick kiss before your coach called you.
"Thank you, Jan." You whispered before you left. Jan smiled as he watched you go, shining with pride as he walked away to get to his seat.
Welcome to the party, I know it's kinda funny
That everyone is acting like they know you personally
Just play along, be nice and all
You won't get far being on your own
Your makeup was a bit ruined, but it didn't matter because you did it! Everything that you were working on your whole life had come true. You won the World Championship and you made history by landing 5 quads.
You grabbed your trophy and took pictures with the girls who got 2nd and 3rd place. But there was this bubbling excitement in your chest. You just couldn't wait to get off of the platform and to celebrate your victory with the person who supported you the most. Jan.
The moment that you saw each other, you ran to one another and Jan lifted you from the ground as he kept spinning you around.
"I'm so proud of you, baby!" He said as he attacked you with kisses. "My world champion!"
Later on you walked into a celebration party. Everyone was chatting with you, congratulations were shot at you from miles away and everyone was talking to you like they truly know you. After a while, you called it quits and left with one arm wrapped around your trophy and with other arm wrapped around your greatest treasure.
"I find it kind of funny, you know." Jan spoke up as you walked towards the car with you. "Everyone was talking to us like they knew every single thing about us."
"I know. But you know what?" You tightened your arm around him as you gave him a light, tired smile. "You really should always be kind to everyone. On this world you can't do it all on your own. So thank you, Jan. For your support."
"Baby, you are my greatest prise."
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ivelleciel · 19 days
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Nerd meets Girl
Chapter One: Odd One
In which a nerdy and quiet Jisung is paired up with a girly and loud Hana.
Pairing: Jisung x Reader (Hana)
Genre: Nerd!Jisung , Glasses!Jisung , Cute!Jisung , Let me protect you ! Jisung
Warnings: violence, bullying, cheating and other forms of harassment. there might be some heated moments too so mdni.
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Jisung was drumming his pen as he waited for first period to start, wanting nothing more than to start the semester perfectly with bright red ink of straight As and power point presentations fit for his own personal way of reviewing and studying. Like he always does.
He was waiting for Chenle to walk through the doors of the classroom. Strange. Why is he 15 minutes late. It was 7:45am and normally they’ll be waiting together while the class slowly gets filled with students, but oddly the best friend he was looking for was nowhere to be seen.
Hearing his phone ding he freed his gaze from the door and went to check a text. He hears the chair beside him move and the students shuffle to their respective seats. Indicating that class was about to start.
“Yo, what took you so long. Did your girlfriend hold you up or something?” Jisung frowned at his phone, cursing silently at the failed face recognition.
“I don’t know about girlfriends but I can name a few boyfriends I have wrapped around my fingers.” A giggle sang after the playful remark.
It was then when he opened the text did he read Chenle’s message about his girlfriend persuading him to change class schedules last minute. Emphasising the one and only class they have together as if that would heal the betrayal Jisung is feeling at the moment.
He slowly looked to his side and was met with a furry pen, pink pencil case and a.. dog? “Oh this is my study buddy, Chu Chu. Isn’t she pretty?” The strange girl giggled while she squished the small octopus plush in her hands, finally looking at Jisung.
“I’m Hana!” Hana offered a hand shake and Jisung just sat there with a frown, completely puzzled by the friendliness of Hana, one of the prettiest and popular girls in the campus. He has been with her since freshman year and for the long three years they’ve been attending the same college did she ever approached him for an introduction, let alone any greetings at all.
“Think fast Junyoung!” A ball shot past their faces and landed on his friend’s arms. A number of laughs heard after Jisung flinched, shock. Being the typical target for gags of the classroom already. “Saw how the nerd flinched?”
Jisung felt small, like he always did. Especially now that his best friend was nowhere close.
“Fuck off, Guys. Fucking mature.” Hana snarled, her friends beside her in the next desk sneering as well causing for the boys to feigned ignorance at their actions.
“… are you okay? Don’t let them get to you. They’re idiots.” Jisung was fixing his glasses, shaking his fringe— doing most of his silly habits just to calm himself down. Weirdly enough he felt hot this time. Are flustered cheeks a normal human reaction to being bullied? Perhaps I’m even more affected by their words than I’m used to.
Hana was worried about Jisung’s avoidance. She was in no way in relations with the goons that were harassing him. She almost felt bad that she offered her plush to him, tilting her head on his side of the shared desk before pouting.
“This octopus has two sides. A mad one and a happy one. If you’re mad you can switch it like this and you can strangle it as hard as you want.” Hana demonstrates with an animated smile. Laughing at her own silliness before looking back at a Jisung who was finally looking at her. Or well, staring.
Jisung thought that maybe Hana wasn’t so bad to be with. He offered a small smile, trust issues subsiding for a bit. They were only together for one hour and thirty minutes every other day anyway. What’s the worst that could happen right?
“I hope you like the company you are sitting with because in my class your partner by default is the person right next to you.” The professor said as he was preparing his presentation.
A mixture of groans and cheers roared in the room as the whole class made a riot, except for one. Jisung’s throat bob at the realisation that his plans for perfect As and peaceful successes being threatened. He was quiet like in most cases. But dread and disappointment was evident in his eyes.
“Guess we’re partners. This is gonna be fun, Jihyuk.” Hana beamed. Great. She doesn’t even know his name. He ran a palm over his brows then down his face. Just great.
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It was a Saturday evening now and it’s been days since Jisung last met with Chenle face to face. He had told Chenle that very day everything that happened and how bothersome it was to be partnered with someone as incompetent as Hana. Chenle just chuckled and shrugged off his claims, defending her by saying Hana wasn’t so bad to which Jisung sighed to as he ate his lunch. They parted ways with an encouraging squeeze on the neck given by Chenle and a flash of a gentle smile from his girlfriend, Lei.
The days after that went by fast. Being announced partners wasn’t after all the beginning of the worst for Jisung because right after that day, Hana was nowhere to be seen. Cutting classes was to be expected with the likes of Hana and for that he was almost thankful for it because now he’s sitting in the library surrounded by books, typing down the presentation and sketching the blue print of their project.
He likes being alone and adored the peaceful atmosphere of not being approached by anyone or talked to by anyone. He was even almost done with the first part of their project, two weeks early than the scheduled consultation with their professor at that.
Two more paragraphs and the final part left and I think we'll be good to go. Jisung thought with a proud smile before he instinctively glanced up, noticing the familiar petite frame of the girl he hadn’t seen since Monday.
It was Hana and she seems to be in a dispute with her ex-boyfriend that is now currently her boyfriend again, Hyunjin.
Jisung was no stranger to the gossip that would spread around their campus. You’d find stories rushing through corridors of the dorms to bathrooms of faculty rooms in all shapes and sizes, each mouth the words escaped from possessing its own version from what really happened. But he knew well enough who Hyunjin was, he wasn’t all that bad Jisung thought but he did have a reputation of being a player.
Jisung’s thoughts was then cut short when he choked on a boba entering the wrong pipe of his throat. He gasped at the fact that Hana turned around with tears on her cheeks, catching his gaze staring right at her.
He could have sworn that she cried harder when she caught Jisung’s watchful eyes and yet all he did was pretended to be ignorant, typing away when he put the boba down.
Minutes passed and the two were no longer there. Feeling a tad bit guilty and not knowing why, he shut his laptop off and collected his things. Calling it a day and walking back to his dorm.
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Monday came and Jisung sat quietly on his chair, rereading the chapter he read the day before for class. He was already settled with the thought that due to what went down on Saturday, Hana wasn’t probably going to show up again.
Yet like in most recent cases, he was wrong.
Hana came in and sat beside him and he noticed that she wasn’t in her pastels of skirts and dresses today, not that Jisung was taking note of it for the years that he knew her. She was instead in a large gray hoodie and jeans. Very unlikely of Hana considering she was known for her feminine and dainty ways of dressing up.
And to make things even more weird she wasn’t as talkative as he would normally see her be. Not even the nudge of her friends, Ning ning and Karina, were breaking her silence.
This caused Jisung to question himself, Would things have gone differently if he came to her when he saw her crying? Why was he even worried. This morning is up to an odd start and he didn’t like it.
Class started soon after and they were given the remaining thirty minutes of it to talk with their partner about their project. Jisung was already showing Hana what was finished and what was left to be done. He reluctantly gave Hana the conclusion part of their project and that made him release a sigh to which he was shock by as well.
“I’m sorry if I wasn’t here last week.. I wasn’t feeling well, I got sick and Hyunjin..”
“No- It’s fine. I just sighed because I just released a mouthful of words explaining things to you.” He tried offering a friendly smile to which he saw Hana’s lips shakes to. “Are you about to cry?” Jisung asked, the most he has exchange words to with Hana and it was the obvious of all obvious things. Stupid.
"Listen, I enjoy doing these things on my own. I don't really mind at all that I did most of it-"
"But that's the problem... I'm the problem along with that and I should've been more mindful." Hana edged on and Jisung felt awkward when she realized that she was indeed tearing up before him.
"Well.. we can still skim right through it and see if there's anything you'd like to change? I don't really mind." Hana seemed reluctant at first and fidgety but to Jisung and her surprise she nodded her head.
Next thing you know they were at the library and Hana was shockingly more smart than Jisung let on.
She knew terms and studies that most of Jisung's past study partners didn't know at all and to him that was a surprise, this girl is a surprise.
Hana smiled after successfully defending her idea on why they should change the body of their project a bit and they were in the works of polishing said idea, with a lot of glitters and stickers on the draft papers to which Jisung chuckled at when the final pages with their names on it was surrounded by sparkly stickers and hearts.
"Why a hamster? and are those aliens?" Jisung leaned in on the papers, examining the shifting colors stickers.
"Because you look like a hamster, and I don't know I find the aliens cute."
"I like aliens." Jisung chuckled to which Hana happily joined.
Both never knew they would get along, given their obvious differences. One topic lead to another and they found themselves approaching a stickier topic.
"About that night- What happened?" Jisung's eyes stayed glued on the plush set on the table, a beaming smile on it contradicting the atmosphere that suddenly shifted.
"Oh." Hana's died down chuckle echoed in air, silence sitting among them too long before he shifted on his feet, readying words to take the topic back.
"Hyunjin told me that he doesn't like to be with ''not smart" girls."
Jisung frowned at that and Hana continued by taking the plush and shifting it to its mad side.
"He's joining this school quiz championship against another school and is friendly with one of the girls on his team.." Hana squished the plush in her hands before hammering it.
Jisung listened as he was blankly staring at the vending machine the library provided.
"I mean we did broke up.. but he keeps calling me in weird hours of the night and he always manages to convince me to come.."
"I don't think that's right.." "Right? I don't think that's right either and for him to reject me? I basically dug my own grave.." Hana sighed and didn't hear a response from Jisung making her turn to him.
"No- well that too but see Sullyoon over there? She's putting the books back in the wrong shelf let me just go and-"
Hana watched Jisung strut over to where Sullyoon was and that's when it dawned to Hana what his intentions were. I didn't know he had game.
Hana had an idea after that and a bright expression welcomed Jisung back before his arm was snatched back causing for Jisung to fumble back down on his seat.
Hana took a note of the shy smile Sullyoon wore as she was retreating back to her table with her friend Lily and that was enough to convince Hana that her plan is bound to work.
"Help me get my grades up. High enough to be able to compete alongside Hyunjin and I'll get you a girlfriend."
Get a Girlfriend. Me? Jisung found the idea stupid. It has always been stupid, especially now when the very girl he's been crushing on since first year never saw him eye to eye, even until today.
"We're seniors, Jisung. I never saw you once with any girl. It's time to change that."
"B-but that's not really my priority right now-"
"Is being single and lonely until the day you die your priority then??"
Jisung shook his head, completely dumbfounded by the sudden burst of energy and topic at hands and to that Hana shakes his hand and beamed. "Then it's a deal."
"You're my nerd, and I'm your girl" Hana collected her things and began packing up.
"The girl who's going to find you a girlfriend until the end of semester."
a/n: sigh i tried with this one. i looooove the characters so far don't get me wrong but i struggled a bit since i don't want things to flow too fast. >< please forgive me for any wrong grammars. english isn't my first language. see y'all next week
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yourwitchybrother · 4 days
so im very new to hellenic polytheism, and ive been seeing potential signs of dionysus reaching out to me, and im curious how i would go about reaching out to a deity. (this is my first time😭)
as in like, how do i know if they’ve accepted, and if i ask for a specific sign …. what kind of sign do i ask for??? i would like some specifics of reaching out to deities !!
Ciao, hello!! This is an awesome question and, honestly, not something I've seen or heard talked about too often! So, lets dive into it.
The Basics of Deity Work
First things first, you think a deity's reaching out to you. Before coming to this conclusion, ask yourself a few questions.
☀ Is there a different, physical reason behind these signs occurring? Or do they seem intentional / what's the pattern of these signs? ☀ Could there be a different deity reaching out to me? Or is it who I believe it is? ☀ Could this also simply be some other non-divine energy reaching out to me? Depending on the signs, you can try narrowing it down from here.
But I've reached my conclusion, and it is a deity, so what now?
In that case, congratulations! The next step would be worship if you don't already worship this deity. They could be sending you signs in an attempt to draw you in rather than outright work with you. This means you should start with the most basic form of deity work: Worship.
Consider this a crash-course on worship. Here are some tips and advice.
☀ Worship is different from devotion - you have not reached that part with your deity yet. You're in the beginning stage. Think of it as being a new hire when you've been hired to a new job. Ask your coworkers with more experience (devotees, long-time worshippers, god spouses, priests, etc.) for some advice with navigating the new job. They're going to be able to give you more specific advice. ☀ Worship does not have to be some extravagant thing involving rituals every day or invocations 24/7. It can simply be about praying, offering, and thanking. Thinking about them, remembering them, learning about them, casually. When you become a devotee (which can be on your terms or, in some cases, the deity will approach you about this), this casual worship can turn into scheduled, routine devotional practice. ☀ When worshipping, use caution. Make sure you are properly vetting and are actually communing with the right entity. Tricksters like to get involved in relationships that aren't theirs. Even trickster gods, not just trickster spirits or no-good energies. Loki pretended to be Apollo before I realized that Apollo weirdly had two energies that were completely different from one another.
Well, now I've decided / been asked to become a Devotee. What does that look like?
I'm glad you asked, buddy!! Devotion is entirely dependent on your relationship and standing with a deity. My devotion consists of a lot of sitting with my Gods, talking to them, researching them, and writing about them. I consider this blog an act of devotion and my posts are smaller acts of devotion and love.
Here's your devotion crash-course.
☀ First and foremost: Talk about them. This may be hard to do if you aren't in an accepting environment, so in this case, find another outlet. Write about them in your journal or grimoire. Start a blog or social media page dedicated to them and what they stand for. Make subtle mentions of them. Or, if you're home alone, tell the stillness of your home about them. ☀ Divination is your best friend, especially if you struggle to see and/or hear them. Divination helps with clarifying energies and helps you communicate with them directly or through a middle-man (for example, the Fox spirit I'm building a relationship with would be a middle-man between me and Apollo or Loki or any of my Gods if I don't get a response or hear back from them when I need to pass a message, and he'll return messages to me). ☀ Research them. Come up with a schedule if it helps, or try to do it whenever you're free and have enough spoons. Back when I started worshipping Apollo, it started with me just doing research on who he was. Then, when I became a devotee of his, this research began getting a lot deeper and I started learning a lot of UPG. ☀ Do things that connect to what they represent. Act and get on stage for Dionysos. Sing for Apollo. Grow and nurture plants for Demeter. Clean and tidy your house for Hestia. Save money for King Hades. Stretch your back for Hermes. Play a prank for Loki, and send someone love for Venus. Connect with the things under their rule. ☀ Honor their families and loved ones. For Apollo, I veil. Yes, in part out of devotion for him, but more recently, I do so on behalf of his mother, Leto.
At the end of the day, devotion is different between practitioners. But with that being said, let's kind of get to the point because I went on a bit of a ramble there.
Reaching out to the deity... How exactly?
This process can prove to be a tad bit vexatious simply because of the fact that it's a process of trial and error. Sometimes, deities may not immediately respond, or you may get into contact with the wrong entity, or there may be a block - anything. But the first thing you're going to want to do is invoke them.
This looks different for everyone. I've found it easiest to call them by praying to them and formally requesting their presence. But for some people, it can look like repeating their name, shaking their fists at the sky, you name it, it's probably been done. But invoking them is how it starts. Since you're just starting out, I'd recommend something more formal like lighting their candle and praying, or simply just praying to them.
After that, hold a divination session using your preferred method (mine is a tarot session!) after having cast a circle and putting up proper protections. The Old Gods have an intense energy that can throw you off, overwhelm you, or upset you, so cast a circle, veil, and do whatever you need to do to protect your energy. This may take some trial and error.
Once you get into contact with them, ask them if they're reaching out for the sake of worship, or for the sake of working with you. Ask what they'd like to help you with. Ask what they'd like in return. Ask them anything you need to clarify the boundaries and constraints of your relationship with them. Communication is key.
Finally, the conclusion.
I really do hope this helps, please don't be afraid to ask me some clarifying questions to better understand! Or, if you need a deity reading, I may be revamping my etsy to open up readings soon.... 👀👀
I hope this helps you out, and whoever happens to find this. A mi piace aiutare la gente <3 Blessed be, and may the Sun be your guide! A domani!
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More about Hyper pop Punk Wally
Wally's preference: (This is mostly for those who want to ship their OCs with Wally.) His type of romantic partners are the ones that can kick his ass or are just kickass baddies. It's one of the quickest ways to win his heart. beside sharing the same interests and food. 
He has a big sweet tooth, so he eats a lot of sugary drinks and foods. Bro needs those calories because his metabolism is whack. He likes milkshakes, sugary coffee drinks, battery acid (the drink), cakes, donuts, and the like. 
He typically likes hard candy because it dilutes in his mouth, and he hates chocolate. He doesn't really like how they taste. especially dislike chocolate by themselves. He isn't a fan of gummies, as he can't consume them properly (he can't really consume solids through his mouth). Btw, Wally can eat through his eye (like the og), but he has a habit of biting, sucking the flavor or juices, then leaning his head back and spitting it in the air. which hell then eat with his eyes to properly get the nutrients? Idk why I thought of this, but I want my wallys to share traits with the OG Wally.
He likes mint candies as they hide (or mask) his smoker's breath.
Now, he doesn't take any drugs of any kind, aside from the medications his home gives him. Also, yeah, Home acts as his caretaker, making sure Wally doesn't end up getting himself killed by getting injured badly (Wally can get very badly injured at some of his fights). He doesn't take drugs, mostly due to the fact that he was pumped full of drugs in his teen years, and any recreational drugs like weed will give him a bad trip and just a bad time in general. No pharmacological drugs work on him because his body practically grew resistant to them. He refuses to do coke or meth, cuz no.
Also, the meds home give him are kind of strange cuz, 1, they can't be bought from seeming anywhere. 2. Home just seems to have a huge supply of them (not sure if I want to have home be the one making them or something). and 3, the meds are kind of scary as they make the person feel no physical pain, and weirdly enough, they seem to help relieve it as well. But the meds come with a warning (somehow it has a warning, idk) that says they are very easy to overdose on and are highly addictive. Thankfully, at home, make sure to keep Wally in check for his medications.
He likes bright, guady, colors, and fashion. Also, like alt fashion, most things are similar to punk and scenekid. He doesn't like plain white or pastels, as they remind him of the insane asylum. And he just doesn't really like soft colors or plain fashion. He likes it extreme so that he is stimulated. also doesn't do well when he has nothing to do, especially when it's quiet and calm, because he then feels like he's going insane.
He has fears of needles, being restrained, and being alone (again because of his past). Unfortunately, despite not really being a mean person at heart, he does have some anger issues (understandable so) and will at times push some boundaries, but never intentionally. but he's not afraid to insult those who kind of deserve it.
He is very affectionate with his loved ones and will shower them with love once his feelings are reciprocated (this applies both romantically and plantonically). Sometimes he gets a bit too excited about love and gets into the habit of biting. but if he is told not to do that again, he won't bite again. He respects his partners or friends boundaries and won't cross them.
but he does have a bit of a possessive side to him (which is kind of feuled by his parionoa, need for affection, and care). 
For one, he will keep an eye on them but never fully follow them around. Just whenever paths cross, he will definitely have his attention on them. He'll keep little tracks of information on them, and if ever he is invited to their place, even once, he will memorize the path. but only in case he needs to drag them back home after getting drunk or something. (He had too much experience with not knowing where to bring his drunk friends.) He will attempt to put a "tracker" (aka a little doodle of an eye or a swirl) and watch through it. So this way, he always has his eyes on them. This does come in handy when some of his friends get jumped, and he will then come running to help.
In terms of romantic relationships, he does have boundaries. Hes fine with a crazy and obessive partner, just not to the point where they try to hurt anyone who is close to Wally (does not like yanderes). But if he realizes he entered a relationship based on a lie, was used, abused, or is dating a friend's sibling (happened with Eddie's sibling Daisy), he will end the relationship.
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extape · 1 year
The Ideal Final Girl — M.A.
summary: mickey likes you. things go from there.
includes: pre/established relationship headcanon; blink-and-you-miss-it moments that would probably occur with mickey; he’s boyfriend i rest my case your honor.
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historically speaking, mickey has a type: he likes ‘em a little mean.
it feels like he’s narcissistic enough to be most attracted to people who share similar qualities to him — a little shit-talkin’ and a charming smile never hurt anyone. the negative side to this is that he’d probably resent you for those same qualities lol.
probably the kind of guy who enjoys a game now and then, he needs to stay entertained and he wants someone who can keep up with him (he’s a witty guy, you know?)
a total pest if you initially reject him, but he likes it when you ‘play’ hard to get. he makes sure to etch out extra time in his day to wear you down in this scenario.
sneaks peaks at you in class. he doesn’t really care if you catch him looking at the bare-skin of your legs for a little too long. in fact, he likes the eye-contact.
thinks that watching and subsequently critiquing a film together would be one of the highest forms of intimacy; incidentally, he’s also the type to take you to a midnight showing as a first date.
not above the occasional grope in a theater, but trust that his attention always goes back to the screen.
not so much a hand-holder, but rather a hand on your waist kind of guy. if he’s feeling a little sassy, he’ll slip a hand in your back-pocket.
weirdly bitchy for a guy. he regularly whispers in your ear like a third-grader to pass judgement on to your peers.
always drives you, always pays for you, and always holds your bags. these are the three shining qualities of mickey’s limited chivalry.
he shares drinks with you :)
once trust/loyalty/love begins to set-in, he considers you his proverbial ‘partner in crime’. in a way, he thinks that it’s more romantic than just being labelled as a ‘boyfriend’.
in many aspects, mickey’s very lowkey — more like a best friend with benefits. he’s secure in himself and his relationship and has the appropriate attitude for it.
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Inspired by Ben 10 alienfucking anon, but I gotta agree with the basic idea of looking back on childhood favorites and just saying
I have a lot of similar personal cases.
Some standard ones like Frankie Foster making a generation super horny for tight black dresses and chokers, or Saria giving Zelda fans some hesvy love for the childhood friend thing. The one that sticks out in my head from the same game really hard though...
Zora Princess Ruto
She did some shit to my dumb baby brain that maybe wouldn't be seen on that scale again until Undyne came along and awakened some fish dicks.
I was either 8, 9, or 10 when I played Ocarina of Time. I got on the N64 hypetrain late since I got the SNES console gaming introduction after the later rounder redesign model was out.
Had some fun starts from some classics. Donkey Kong Country 2, Kirby Super Star, Super Mario World/Kart, the usual cool shit.
But later on, when my mom's boyfriend at the time was cool about showing me some SNES and N64 gaming (He ended up being a cheating alcoholic asshole, but I didn't know that yet, so I just took him at face value here)
He'd entertain my silly gawking and plot questions while he played and ended up lending some cool ones he never came back for (which I can't help but spitefully laugh at now) and they were all pretty fun, but obvious hood classic "The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past" was particularly great and led to some Discoveries(tm) later with Ocarina of Time.
I was super hyped about getting an N64 even if a year or two late to the party. Got some staples of the time that came with it of course. The obligatory classic games, Super Mario 64, Smash Bros., and obviously OoT, some bulky unwieldy third party controllers, some slightly better than the official monstrosity, some worse, and somehow most importantly here, Nintendo Power or Game Informer or whatever paper stuff that had strategy guides with cool pictures and stuff.
Prefacing a bit here: I was a single mom's baby, my dad walked out when my sister was 3 and I was like 0.4, so our house didn't have the dad porn stash to find. There was other stuff, some Victoria's Secret ads, my kinda hot single fifth grade teacher who seemed so weirdly fixated on gushing about how cute I was that it brings up some uncomfortable implications I can't confirm now, but also basic shit like strategy guides, gaming mags, and manuals with neat illustrations.
And somehow with all that, the last option just struck first with sifting through to find tits out post-timeskip fishwife Ruto, and at that point I really couldn't not fuck around and/or find out.
So I felt some things, started the playthrough and got up to Jabu-Jabu's Belly. And hoo boy, I was sexually curious already, but her actual in-game personality just DID things to me.
The tsundere shtick got a little worn out later, but the bitchy spiteful attitude to marriage promise 180 pipeline, the love for blue colored characters that could fill a Bible thick DSM, and her overall character arc just ruined me as a person in a way I find really hot.
Yes, I was into the kid version at the time too, but I was basically the same age as her in-game, don't overthink it.
So if the childhood marriage promise thing hadn't hit hard enough, the Water Temple hit so much harder by the end.
Adult Ruto tits out fish lady fucking hotwired my dormant libido and drove that shit 0 to 150 mph into the sunset. After the infamously confusing dungeon crawl and the disappointingly easy Morpha fight, that sealed it in the Sacred Realm jail hard for me, and unlike Ganon breaking out easy peasy like a Batman villain, I was not going anywhere.
Soon as I figured some stuff out playing in the shower and making up for spacing out in early proto-sex ed talks, it was just gonna happen.
I grabbed the nearest Nintendo Power or manual etc in one hand, my dick in the other and went to town, left for Zora's Domain, and never really left from there, cause I just started jackhammering my dick til it got sore and came whatever buckets I had at the time staring at Big Blue Titty Fish.
Everyone who played it knew the drill and had their personal favorites in the Link brothel. Zelda, Shiek, Saria, Malon (more potent after the older Majora's Mask counterpart), the Cucco lady (same deal with Anju), Darunia for the gay bar crowd probably, Impa, Nabooru, and my obvs by now favorite:
And for a lot of shortcomings and gripes I had with Majora's Mask, I didn't actually mind her getting clothed. I missed the titty out look for a little, but the dress was cute, the Zora band gang was particularly cool and interesting to me, and even though the Great Bay Temple doubled down on the Water Temple's problems, I still enjoyed the third Mask hunt pretty well and thought the band idea was really awesome and probably low-key inspired some of my interests in making music later.
And dressed or not, the fish wife love held really strong.
Saria gave people some weird feelings about The Friend Zone, Cremia gave people some extra love for titty hug motorboats, and Ruto cemented my love of blue girls and fish girls of any cup size, and she all-around gave me some lasting complexes for years to come.
Not for everyone, but my older sister used to watch me play Majora's Mask and comment on how horny she got about Zora mask Link, so it might just be for more people than I thought.
Undyne has some strong dom lesbian appeal that fed some stuff I already had brewing about strong ladies by the time Undertale hit, but for me, the bitchy to lovingly clingy fish wife will hold a special place as my first true furry/scaly/monsterfucking-adjacent experience.
Undyne could suplex me into dust and I'd still be really into that, but Ruto was THE og Blue-coded fictional crush that defined a lot of weird boners for me that can still be felt over half-mast today. (Don't ever ask me about my thoughts on Ranni the Witch, that question is turning the safety off a loaded gun and deepthroating it) (I love her and it's positive, I'm just exaggerating to say how annoying I will inevitably get about it)
Anyway, point is I fucking love clingy fish tsundere and if there was a canon choice for everyone's dumb elf-eared heart, for my heart's canon, that was her.
That was Ruto <3
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louisandjade · 9 months
spuffy fic rec, pt.1
figured all the time i spend scouring EF and ao3 might be useful to someone!
part 1 - part 2 - part 3
Scooby Crew, Where Are You? by Twinkles [9k]
In a not comics-compliant post-series universe where spuffy have been reunited and everyone else is drifting apart, chaos drops by for a visit. Or a nefarious scheme. I guess we'll find out XD
To Apprehend Air by Quinara [19k]
Two days after LMPTM, Spike's soul is stolen. But that's OK; they can get it back, right? Simple. How hard is it to hop dimensions, anyway? Or storm a castle…
Wild and Wonderful by solstice [23k]
Dawn is nine and three quarters. She is resilient, strange and sharp as a tack. She's a credit to her big sis. But she's just been kidnapped by one of the most notorious vamps of all time - Drusilla. Things look bad. Enter Spike, her very unlikely hero. Spike's relationship with Drusilla has been on the rocks since the Acathala debacle and the morsel in the crate is her double-edged gift to him: a chance to make things right, and a chance to be really bad. Kill the girl and make it hurt. But for some reason he. just. can't. Instead, he tosses the niblet into the trunk of his Desoto and hits the road, leaving his one hundred year relationship in tatters, and grinding his reputation into the dust. Buckle your seat belts nice and tight. We're in for a bumpy ride.
World Enough, and Time by toooldforthis [23k]
“You came back wrong,” he told her, all those years ago. He was right, but it took them a very long time to realise exactly what that meant. It meant a hundred more apocalypses, a thousand battles. It meant a journey, a prophecy, a war. They’d lose one other, and find their way back, and choose, again and again. And all the while, the earth was failing. There are a lot more people than you think who are here for the long haul – like, the really long haul. This is a story about two of them.
Once You Eliminate the Impossible by yellowb [30k]
Icelandic noir. Inspector Summers of the Reykjavik police force has finally got her big chance: she’s in charge of a murder case.
sometimes enough by taxicab12 [35k]
“Tell me everything,” Willow said, not sounding particularly like she’d been asleep. “Are his friends cool?” Buffy blinked. “Some of them. There was this one British guy—” “Ooh, accents, hot.” “—who wouldn’t stop staring at my boobs,” she finished. “Ew, men, gross.” “Spike,” Buffy said with a scoff. “What kind of name is that?” Or, Buffy falls in love and in love and in love. For some reason, life keeps happening anyway
ever waiting airports (full of the love that you deserve) by womanaction [41k]
Buffy catches up with Riley's helicopter, solving one problem and introducing a host of others. How is she supposed to rebuild their crumbling relationship in the face of an angry hellgod out for blood, an emotional teenage sister who spent millennia as a glowing ball of energy, and a weirdly helpful vampire? Season 5 rewrite from "Into the Woods" on.
GTFO by Girlytek [54k]
Spike doesn’t take the extra hundred bucks to be the decoy. Ethan doesn’t hang around to gloat. With the Initiative on their tail (just a little one), and Ethan needing a good being killed, Spike and Fyarl-Giles get out of town. There’s nothing like a road trip to put your demons in perspective.
Care by Sigyn [72k]
While under her Will Be Done spell, Willow just happened to say “I don’t care about anything,” and as a result, wanders blithely off as a vengeance demon. Spike and Buffy are left to protect a threatened Xander and a blind Giles while under the effect of a powerful love charm. But all is not happy in paradise – they’re still constantly fighting, and Angel is determined to end the spell they’re under. In a desperate attempt to collect the tattered remains of all their lives, ex-watcher Wesley Windham-Pryce is called in to try and play marriage counselor between the vampire and the slayer.
The Soul Lies Down by the_moonmoth [73k]
"As a child, I used to dream of a man in black and white, spinning in the desert like a dervish, sword flashing in the moonlight as he danced with death." Dawn travels back in time to save the vampire who saved her life. It's not purely out of sentiment, though -- the fate of the world is at stake (again) and somehow Spike is at the center of events. If only he can stay on the right side of Buffy. A sequel to Angearia's "Fin Amour".
Summer’s Lease by Iamblichus [86k]
Buffy thought it would be just another night of slaying lame-ass campus vampires, but one green demon, some unexpected help from Spike, and a spurt of fluorescent blood later, she finds that her world has acquired a novel complication.
Indigo Overture by Rikki_oko [119k]
Spike's just a drummer, content to live in lead singer Angel's shadow. But when a certain blonde strolls in on Angel's arm, will Spike be content to take the backseat forever? Loosely based on the eighties song, Jesse's Girl.
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