#Seventeen Japan Comeback
seventeentotheworld · 1 month
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kimbappykidding · 3 months
How Seventeen react when they like the outfit you’re wearing
Scoups - Can’t stop looking/touching you
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Scoups was pretty physically affectionate anyway in your relationship. He always liked to have some form of contact with you whether that was a hand on your shoulder or an arm around your waist but tonight he was being especially close and touchy. You smiled as Scoups ran his hand down your waist for what felt like the millionth time. You grabbed his hand and leaned closer to him "are you trying to torture me or something?". Scoups paused "what? Why?". "You keep tickling my waist". Scoups blushed "ow that...no I just erm really like your dress. It feels amazing and you just look so good in it". You grinned "so that's why you haven't let go of me all night?". Scoups nodded "sorry. Was I being too full on?". You shook your head "no at all I like it, especially now I know why you're doing it". Scoups smiled "then I guess I'll keep torturing you" and you smiled "fine by me as long as you make up for it later". "Promise" he nodded and when Scoups made a promise he always kept it.
Jeonghan - Knows you did it on purpose
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Your relationship with Jeonghan was quite playful and he loved nothing more than to tease you...but when the shoe was on the other foot that's when he'd lose it. Your group had recently had a comeback and so were performing on stage tonight. Jeonghan was aware of that, what he didn't know was how hot your outfit was. When the song started and the lights came on Jeonghwan was clapping along with the audience when he spotted you. You were in a gorgeous light purple outfit that made your skin tone look so deep and beautiful. Your long hair hung down your back and you looked like you knew exactly how good your outfit was based on the smug smile on your face. Jeonghan took in a deep breath and Scoups next to him glanced at him "you okay?". He nodded eyes still glued to you "yeah just Y/n never told me what she was wearing tonight". Scoups smirked now recognising the look on Jeonghan's face. His eyes never left you and the 5 minutes you were performing felt like torture. He kept beating his hand against the inside of his leg and could barely sit still. "Calm down you can see her after the show" Scoups whispered and Jeonghan shook his head "I can't though. She leaves right after this to fly to Japan for her tour. She's totally done this on purpose". As if in confirmation you located Jeonghan in the crowd and smiled. "She thinks I'll forget by the time she comes back but she's wrong. So wrong" Jeonghan said. There was no way he was ever forgetting this performance and he'd be waiting for you after the tour to prove it.
Joshua - Suddenly gets a lot more affectionate
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Joshua wasn't too clingy in public or at events. He was always focused in work settings and nothing could make him lose his composure...that's why you were surprised when he wrapped his arms around you from behind and rested his head next to yours. "Having a good night?" he asked kissing your cheek. You giggled as it tickled and nodded "yes I am thank you. Are you?". "Yes" he told you "you look absolutely stunning by the way". "Ahhh so that's why you're more handsy" you said breaking out of his embrace to see his guilty face. Joshua blushed but didn't deny it "I couldn't help myself you just look so good...sorry I'm just gawking" finally tearing his eyes away from you. You let him sweat for a few seconds before smiling. You gently lifted his chin back down and stroked his cheek "you're the only person allowed to stare at me plus I find the way you're looking at me very hot". Joshua's eyes widened slightly before he got a darker look in his eye and smirked "really huh?". You nodded "yeah but you already know I find your eyes sexy". Joshua nodded "i did but I still love hearing you say it" and his hand curled around your waist again. You played with his tie acting as if you were fixing it "what time does the thing finish again?". "12 but I bet I can slip out whenever". You nodded and flattened his tie "we'll have to stay for a while but when the moment comes we're out of here. Wait for my signal" and without another word you walked away. Joshua watched you go and sighed. He could already tell his night was going to be long but atleast he had something excellent on the other side of it.
Jun - Stares at you
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You and your boyfriend Jun were out for a meal to celebrate your recent success at work but he seemed off. He couldn't concentrate and kept staring at you without hearing a word. You let it happen a few times but when it got too ridiculous you raised it. "I'm sorry what?" Jun asked not hearing what you'd said and you groaned. "Jun!" you cried "that's the third time in an hour I've asked you a question and you've not been listening! Am I keeping you from something? Is there somewhere else you'd really rather be?". Jun shook his head "no not at all just I...keep getting distracted". "What by?" you asked "is work bothering you?". "No you are...not bothering me but you are distracting me! Because you look really great in that outfit and I'm not sure if I've ever seen you in a style like this but it really really suits you". "Really?" you asked but the look in Jun's eye told you he was being truthful. "Wow I had no idea...I'll have to wear it more often. Or not if it makes you speechless". Jun laughed "don't worry I'll work on it I promise". You smiled "Okay then, so if I promise will you promise to stop gawking at me and actually be present?". Jun nodded "I promise!" and shot you a smile "now tell me how your day was".  
Hoshi - Hype man #1
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If you wear an outfit Hoshi likes everyone is hearing about it. You're his favourite person in the world so he makes it his mission to make you feel special. The minute you saw Hoshi's eyes fall on you, you knew it was going to be one of those days. He grinned and started jumping up and down as you made your way down the street towards him. You tried to tell him to tone it down but Hoshi just grinned and cheered rushing towards you. "My girlfriend looks amazing!" he cried loudly and picked you up swinging you around. "Hoshi stop it!" you cried blushing but he shook his head "no way, you do not get to look this good and have nobody say anything about it!". "But people are staring..." you said nervously. "Because they're admiring you too! Look, excuse me miss. What do you think of my girlfriend's outfit"? Hoshi called and you nearly died as he approached two girls. "See I think my girlfriend is the most beautiful person in the world but she says I'm exaggerating" he smiled. The girls laughed at how in love Hoshi clearly was and smiled taking in your outfit. "He's right you look really pretty" one girl said and the other nodded "yeah you look amazing!". "See!" Hoshi cried snaking an arm around your waist "thank you ladies have a great night" and he tugged you with him towards the restaurant. "Do you believe me now?" he asked. "If I say yes will you promise to not ask any more strangers?". Hoshi nodded "I promise". "Okay then yes" you said blushing but you meant it. Hoshi always made you feel like the most beautiful person in the world and you felt like the luckiest girl in the world to have a boyfriend like him.
Wonwoo - His eyes never leave you
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Wonwoo knew you'd be at the award show tonight but he had no idea what you'd be wearing and he reminded himself to give your stylist a huge tip this Christmas. As a taller idol you were often put in ill-fitting clothes or weren't utilised properly but that hadn't happened tonight. Your outfit perfectly accentuated your lovely long limbs and he could tell how comfortable you were which made him happy. You were sat with your members in his eye line and when Wonwoo saw you he sat up straighter his eyes widening. Joshua who was beside him noticed and smirked at Wonwoo's expression. Even when the host began to speak Wonwoo was fixed on you and Joshua pointed this out to the other members. "Something caught your eye over there Wonwoo?' Joshua asked but he didn't even look at him "no why?". "Because you're staring at Y/n like you've never seen her before". Wonwoo shrugged "I haven't seen her since yesterday" as if that was the same thing. He only looked back down when the cameras started filming the audience. Even then his mind was on you and he sneakily pulled out his phone and sent you a text telling you how beautiful you looked. He snook a glance over at you and saw your smile when you read the message. You met his eye and shot him a warm thank you with your eyes. Wonwoo felt his heart flutter and heard his members around him smirk at his reaction but he didn't care. As far as he was concerned the only person in this whole stadium was you and him.
Woozi - Gets really bashful at the realisation he's dating you
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The crowd cheered as your group appeared on stage and he saw many people taking photos of you with their phones. A lot of attention was on you as you'd been away for a while on a mental health break and many idols were whispering about how good you looked. Woozi couldn't be prouder of how healthy you looked and you looked like the most beautiful person in the world to him. "Wow Y/n looks great" The8 commented and Woozi nodded "she does, doesn't she". He watched you joke along with your members and then give your thank you speech. You told the fans you loved them but made eye contact with Woozi and he went bright red. He was grateful every single day he was dating you knew you were beautiful inside and out. The fans cheered as you ended the speech and Woozi stood up with many people in the room to applaud you. You waved at them all beaming and Woozi grinned seeing you so happy. "That's my girl" he muttered to himself and clapped even louder.
Dk - Hype man #2
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One of the things you loved the most about Dk was he was always genuine. He never complimented you for the sake of it and you could tell he meant every word. So when Dk told you for the fifth time in an hour that you looked beautiful you just smiled "thanks but so do you. You're very handsome in that suit". Dk blushed and shook his head "this is nothing compared to you. Honestly I think you take my breath away every time I see you". "I do not" you laughed and he shook his head "you do! The members have started calling it the Y/n effect because every time you enter a room I stop working for 5 seconds". You paused "really? Dk that's so sweet". He shrugged "I can't control it, I just think you're the most beautiful woman in the world". "In the whole world?" you asked "out of all the models and actresses in the world you pick me?". Dk nodded his face deadly serious "of course". "I won't be mad if you say you prefer Gigi Hadid or someone, it's literally her job to be beautiful". "Well then it's a crime you're not being paid for how stunning you are too" Dk replied "I'd always pick you Y/n because a single pretty face can't even compare to your beauty. Inside and out". You blushed at Dk's sincerity and he paused "sorry was I coming on too strong?". You shook your head "no not at all just...I'm really glad I met you". Dk smiled "I'm really glad I met you too" blushing slightly and his shyness was too much. You kissed him softly and Dk melted into you.
Mingyu - Has that smug smile on his face
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You were performing your latest song and Mingyu thought you looked absolutely stunning. This concept suited you excellently and he couldn't even hide how much he loved it. "Why does your face look like that?" Woozi asked and Mingyu paused "huh?". "Your face you look like you farted and got away with it" Dk explained and the others rolled their eyes that a fart was Dk's go-to. "I have no idea what you mean" Mingyu shrugged but they all noticed that the second he looked up and saw you it was back. Scoups nodded "ahhh I get it, he's smug because his girlfriend looks like a goddess up there". Mingyu blushed "no I'm not" making all the members laugh. "You are!" Jeonghan cried "your smiling like that because you like Y/n's outfit don't you?". Mingyu shrugged "I mean she looks amazing! Who would date her and not be ecstatic?". The members all chuckled and The8 smirked "wait do you want us to agree with you? Isn't that a bit weird". Mingyu smiled "well see that's the best part, all of you and this whole stadium can be admiring her and notice how great she looks but out of all those people who's the one who gets to go home with her after this?". The others all laughed nodding along "I mean he's got a point" Dino admitted and Mingyu nodded "yep, so I just get to sit back and wait until home time". He checked his watch and then looked back up at you "only 3 more hours to go! I can't wait".
The8 - Silently appreciates everything you're wearing
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You and The8 had a fight. It wasn't anything serious just you were both being stubborn and refused to appease the other person. So you figured this would be an excellent way to tease him. Of course The8 loved fashion and he'd picked you out enough pieces for you to understand what he liked on you. So you'd chosen your outfit very carefully and made sure to come late so he'd have to stare at you. You made your entrance, your hair curled just as he liked it and wore your big smile as he loved. You walked straight past him with your friends and didn't even glance in his direction. It didn't take long for your plan to come into effect. When you went to grab a drink not 10 minutes later you were joined by your boyfriend. "I know what you're doing" he said quietly and you smiled "I'm sorry I have no idea what you mean". The8 rolled his eyes "you think by wearing something like that you'll make me crumple but you won't. I'm stronger than that Y/n". "Are you?" you asked turning to face him "because the way you're looking at me says otherwise. Your pupils are huge and your lips are slightly parted like when you're trying to act unimpressed. I know you The8 and I know you like this on me...so just admit you were wrong and you can see it up close". The8 was tempted and he had a good look at you before he sighed and shot you a sweet smile "nope because I was right and I won't lie even if you are hot". You shrugged "be that way. You know where to find me when you come to your senses" and you walked away leaving The8 very frustrated.
Seungkwan - Hype man #3
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You had chosen your outfit carefully this morning aware you were meeting Seungkwan after work, but you'd had 8 hours of gruelling shoots, choreo and recording so were no longer feeling as confident or fresh in the outfit. Seungkwan did not agree. The second he saw you walking down the street towards him he smiled and started snapping photos. "What are you doing?" you asked laughing and he shrugged "documenting how beautiful you look, I can't believe I'm dating a model". "I'm not a model!" you protested and Seungkwan laughed "well you should be! You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen, stand by that tree so I can take a photo. The lighting is nice". You indulged your boyfriend and smiled for the camera as he took several of you before he was content. As you were walking away hand in hand you asked to borrow Seungkwan's phone and paused in surprise. "I'm already your lock screen?" you asked spotting yourself in today's outfit and Seungkwan nodded "of course! I set it as soon as I took the photo". You laughed blushing "you're so kind to me" and Seungkwan shook his head "not at all. You're my girlfriend and that means you deserve to be treated well and have me point out each and every way you're amazing" he smiled. "Wow I love you" you replied and kissed him softly. Seungkwan melted into you and after the kiss he pressed a quick one to your nose "I love you too, now let's get out of this cold".
Vernon - Gets nervous so stays away from you
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Vernon had invited you to come to see one of his concerts. He thought it'd be a nice comfort having you there cheering him on but when he saw you his heart sped up. You looked good....really good and now all his lines and the choreo had gone straight out of his mind. He quickly ducked out of the room and figured if he was going to get through this concert up he'd have to avoid you. That worked pretty well until the interval where you found him. "Hey" you said hugging him and Vernon froze. "Hey" he smiled hugging you back and you laughed "I didn't see you earlier, the guys said you snook out when I got here. Have you been avoiding me?". You were joking but Vernon's reaction made you pause. "Of course not!" he cried "I just didn't see you". You nodded "okay. The performance was really good! You look amazing!". You carried on telling Vernon how good he was but could tell he wasn't listening. He wasn't even looking you in the eye, he was just staring at the ground.   "Vernon why won't you look at me?" you asked him and Vernon glanced at you "what? I am looking at you". "No you're not, even just then it was less than 5 seconds". Vernon looked down unsure what to say and you frowned "Is something wrong? Have I upset you?". "No of course not!" Vernon replied and you frowned "so what's up. Do I look bad or something?". That was so in the wrong direction that Vernon's gaze shot up to yours. "No not at all! It's actually the opposite" he stuttered and you frowned "the opposite? So you really like how I look?". Vernon nodded "a little too much and I was worried something might happen so I was trying not to look at you". You paused "wow really? I had no idea you liked me in these sorts of clothes?". Vernon shrugged "usually I don't have a favourite, I like everything you wear but you just look so good without even trying". You were thawing more and more with each word and now had a big smile on your face. "Well I'm sorry for accidentally distracting you. I'm here to support you so I can go if you want?". Vernon shook his head "not at all. I'll just learn to deal with my girlfriend being insanely hot. I mean I'll have to do it eventually won't I?". You chuckled "I hope so". Vernon nodded looking at you one more time and then pointedly looked away with a heavy breath "then why are you making it so difficult?". You laughed "I'm not trying to" and Vernon smiled "I know I know...so after this do you want to head over to mine?". You nodded "I'd love to" and with a kiss to his cheek you walked away "knock them dead, I'll be watching". If that didn't inspire Vernon he didn't know what could.  
Dino - Whispers it in your ear
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Finally the award show was over and Dino was relieved for one main reason. You. You looked absolutely stunning and he'd had to restrain himself all night from just going over and kissing you. He hadn't seen you in over a week due to your busy schedules and tonight he'd been blown away by how his girlfriend looked. He'd missed you so much and all night his eyes were drawn to you but he couldn't do anything to tell you how he felt. That’s why when he saw the groups all lining up for awards he got an idea. Instead of following Jeonghan, he followed Jun in the opposite direction which just so happened to take him past your group. As he got closer Dino stopped behind you and whispered "you look really beautiful tonight Y/n" before rushing away. The interaction was barely 5 seconds but it made you blush intensely and stare after your boyfriend your heart fluttering. You smiled touching the hem of your dress and felt so excited and appreciated. That was when you realised you were in love with Dino. That exact moment and it was perfect. 
Booseoksoon are the ultimate hype men, I mean just look how they interact with other idols! 
This was so fun to write! Any other groups you’d like to see this for? 
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97linelover · 4 months
did you hear what the rumor said ? - Kim Mingyu
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18+ / mdi
summary: Dating as Idols means, keeping it a secret. Rumors will spread, people will get hurt.
What if this one Rumor brings you over the edge and you no longer can handle this Secret?
content: Idol Mingyu x Idol reader, fight,angst, happy end,fluff,
wc: 1.4 k
a/n: I always think about, how tiring it must be for Idols to date, or to just meet people. How they need to keep everything a Secret. I would not want to trade with that.
If there's one thing the companies will teach you at the start of your career, it's handling rumors.
There will be rumors about everything. At the beginning, they will start small, but as the group grows, the rumors grow.
Ever since your debut, the rumors have been huge. Hybe's newest Girlband was rumored to be found by Woozi.
"Y/N Spotted Leaving the Seventeen Mansion"
"Y/N and Mingyu were spotted together at a luxury dinner; they were pretty cozy."
"Seventeen Mingyu was spotted with hickeys after a dinner date with Y/N."
So, as you may have guessed, the rumors were about you and Mingyu dating, and the funny thing was, the rumors were true. You met Mingyu while you were just applying for the Hybe Auditions; you could not find the door, and you bumped into him.
He kindly guided you to the right room, and from that moment on, every time you two spotted each other, you actually ended up hanging out.
And ever since he took you out on a date, you two have been officially a couple.
3 years together, and no one knows except your closest friends. It was like a routine, going to work separated but ending together on the couch. You were each other's comfort after a long work day.
But of course, those were not the only rumors. When you joined Enhypen in their dance challenge, Jay was looking at you with the brightest smile, and you jumped on his back. With that, a new ship was built, and Mingyu saw the headlines first. You rushed to his studio, where he was busy recording. You saw how his eyes were dull, and you just walked into the booth, hugging him.
"Only you, Gyu," you whispered while looking up at him. "Those rumors are getting out of control," he sighed, leaning his forehead against yours. "We just need to remember who we belong to, baby, you and me." You pulled him closer, "only us." He agreed, kissing you softly.
Meanwhile, the rumors did not stop you; you both just got better at ignoring them.
Mingyu was currently on a Japan tour, and you were busy with the upcoming comeback. The traveling made everything a lot harder, but you were getting better at handling it.
After you suggested that you want to watch their final Japan show, Mingyu declined, telling you that you need to rest, and there's actually no spot anyway. You wished him good luck and watched the livestream. You were always amazed by your boyfriend's talent.
When you scrolled through Twitter, you saw the new trending hashtag #mingyuSomi.
She was at the concert wearing the Mingyu Nana tour shirt; everyone shipped them; they always said they were the perfect match. You felt your heart hurt at that.
But when the concert finished, the normally post-concert call did not come through. It was a ritual you two had; whenever one finished a show, they would call and just say how they were feeling. They were never skipped.
and when you saw the new headlines, you felt your heart breaking into a thousand pieces.
Mingyu was spotted leaving the venue with a giggling smile on his arm. "Seventeen Mingyu and Jeon Somi were spotted leaving the stadium after Seventeen's final Japan tour." You wanted to swipe it away, but you could not.
"Jeon Somi and Kim Mingyu are known for their flirty relationship; tonight the two idols were spotted giggling and touching with each other; Mingyu apparently even joined her in the car, and they went out for a romantic Italian dinner. We think it's the minimum he could do for his girlfriend that joins him at the final show."
You did not notice the tears running down your cheek; you did not notice how you suddenly realized the situation—that she was there with him while you were sitting at home waiting for his call.
Even if this was just a rumor at this exact moment, it broke your heart. You knew Somi, and you knew that she was in love with Mingyu. This made it even worse.
You waited for his call the entire night, but the only thing you were left with were paparazzi pictures of them out in a club.
The only thing that could help you the next day was focusing on your comeback. You drowned yourself in work, and you ignored your boyfriend. You ignored his messages, and you ignored his calls.
You were being childish; you knew it; you were clouded by the pain you felt.
Without a safe flight message, you could not focus, so when you typed that in, you saw that he directly read the message. You quickly put your phone away, starting the music for practice.
When the evening came, you went home; you could not stay at his place. You don't even know what broke you exactly, but maybe the fact that everyone wanted them to be real while you were just watching him ditch you.
You began to cut some veggies and fry some chicken and sat down on the couch. You were busy watching Grey's Anatomy when you heard your door beep. Before you knew it, a furious Mingyu was standing in front of you. He was dressed in some joggers and the matching hoodie. He looked tired and clearly exhausted from the flight.
"Gyu," your widened eyes watched every step. "What the fuck has happened?" He crossed his arms and said, "Your ignoring me for two days and then your staying at your place?" He was angry. "I felt like it," you said with furrowed eyebrows. "You felt like it? You're lying now at me?" He grew mad, and you got up.
"I did not want to see you," you stated. "What the fuck? I missed you, and I could not wait to come back home, and now this?" He scoffed. "Maybe Somi would be happier," you muttered.
"Care to repeat that?" He raised his eyebrows. "Maybe Somi would be happy to have you home, my love," you said sarcastically, and he let out a huff. "What are you on about?"
"You told me that I don't need to come, that there is no space, and then I see fucking Somi there." You felt the tears. "You spent the entire night with her, and you forgot about me; you forgot our ritual." You blinked away the tears. "So this is the reason why I don't want to see you."
Mingyu was speechless. "And you don't think about talking to me? This is fucking ridiculous," he let out a laugh. "I DID NOT UTTER A WORD WHEN EVERYONE THOUGHT YOU WERE FUCKING JAY," he yelled, and you flinched.
If there is one thing, Mingyu never yells.
"ALL THOSE DUMB VIDEOS OF YOU TWO ALL OVER MY TIK TOK." You could not move at his outburst, and you could only stare at him in shock. When he realized that he had yelled at you, he gasped. "Y/N," he whispered, but you just let out a sob. "I think you should go," you whispered while turning around. "Apperantly, we're not that good at ignoring the rumors," you added while sitting down.
"Baby, I did not mean to yell," he whispered. "I'm tired, and I'm just so exhausted." He said with a pleading tone, "That's why you should go home; we should not discuss this right now; it will only end in a fight." You smiled sadly.
"I love you, Jagiya," he said while walking towards the door. "I love you too, but I don't want to be a rumor anymore," you sobbed. "Goodnight.".
You heard the door closing, and not even a minute later, you got a notification.
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"Mingyu: Date nights only with you. 🔐❤️"
You saw that he posted a photo you took of him with you tagged, and you gasped. The blanket flew to the side, and you hurried to the door.
When you opened it, he was standing in front of the door looking at you. "You did not just confirm our relationship." You were at a loss for words, and he grinned at you. "I want you to be my only true rumor." He pulled you close and softly wiped your tears away.
"Please don't ever think anyone could be better than you; I love you with my entire heart; my family loves you; my sister sees you as the sister she always wanted; I could never love someone more like I love you.".
You softly kissed him and said, "So now let's talk about the monster performance." You pulled him inside.
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hannyoontify · 1 year
how your relationship with seventeen was revealed
warnings | reader wears nail art for minghao's part
notes | reader is also an idol, kinda unrealistic in some parts but whatever js let me have this one LMAO, not proofread
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seungcheol – an interview
he thought it was high time to reveal your relationship to the world. after (a lot of) discussing with you and receiving your permission, he mentioned you during an interview for a magazine shoot. the question was smth around the lines of "what do you do when you have a particularly bad day" and cheol casually said "i go to [name] for comfort. they're a really special person to me and always cheer me up whenever i'm feeling down. i'm lucky to have them." with an absolute love sick smile.
safe to say, twitter almost crashed after that interview was released and you confirmed it on a livestream js a couple days later. (both pledis and your company were not happy but fuck them)
jeonghan – your hair color
your company's very big on self-expression when it came to physical appearance, so they never forced a hairstyle / makeup / clothes on you or your members. you were free to dye your hair however you wished, and you mostly kept it natural. until you met jeonghan. a couple months into your relationship with him, jeonghan came up with the idea of matching hair colors. he often had to dye his hair for comebacks, and instead of dying your entire head, he suggested that you would only get a single, visible strand of hair dyed in the same shade. you loved the idea and no one really noticed, not even your own company, until a eagle-eyed carat pointed it out on tiktok. the entire kpop community knew you and jeonghan were close since you both guest mc-ed together before and one of your members were close with seungcheol. and it seemed legit. the entire internet blew up and it even became a trend among couples. your companies both released a statement just a few weeks later, confirming the allegations.
joshua – his podcast w/ vernon
there was a question sector of the podcast he hosted with vernon where carats could submit questions via twitter and he and vernon would answer them. he saw a question that asked about their thoughts on your group's most recent comeback, and vernon managed to sneak in a few praises, complimenting the composition of one of the bsides before shua began a word vomit of praise, specifically for you. he complimented how much you improved since the last comeback and how good you looked in the music video, the teaser photos, the most recent stage, basically everything. he was so busy talking that he didn't notice the massive side-eye vernon was giving him and once he stopped talking, joshua physically slapped a hand over his mouth because oops.
no worries though, you thought it was funny and thought it was high time that the two of you revealed your relationship. joshua got clowned for it a lot though, especially by vernon.
junhui – instagram
the two of you tried your best to time your posts so nothing seems suspicious. for almost a year, your pictures from cat cafe dates to museum dates and late park dates went unnoticed by fans. that is, until your group went to japan recently for a short trip for promotions and jun tagged along since he had no schedules for 2-3 days. you found a cute convenience store during a late night walk with him and took pictures. some on your own, some of only him, and some together. except this time, the two of you forgot to talk beforehand and you both posted the photos on the same night.
your manager scolded you for being so careless, but truth be told he didn't actually care. he thought it was funny and only had a word with you because as your manager, he had to. (he already knew beforehand and thought you guys looked super cute together)
hoshi – seungkwan
you and hoshi were having a movie date night but you guys weren't particularly in the mood to actually watch a movie so the two of you just fucked around the whole night, prank calling different members to see how they would react and watching instagram reels (because hoshi swears by them and thinks they're better than 'that stupid clock app'). (the funniest reaction you got so far was mingyu, who was half asleep when you facetimed him and asked him if his refrigerator was running. when he responded with a groggy 'yes', hoshi said that he better go catch it and mingyu actually dropped his phone to go catch it.) the next victim was seungkwan, who you didn't know was doing a weverse at the same time. when seungkwan received the incoming facetime call from hoshi, he grinned and decided to accept the call by showing the camera his phone screen. what he didn't expect was to see hoshi's arm wrapped around you and his chin tucked onto your chin when he answered the call.
when seungkwan accepted the call, the first thing you saw was a reflection of you and hoshi, and you recognized the familiar flow of comments flying past the unfamiliar phone screen at an incredible speed. you dropped hoshi's phone in sheer panic and glanced over at your boyfriend who looked as equally panicked, his jaw basically reaching the floor. poor seungkwan began fumbling for a random excuse but it was too late now. the cat (tiger) was out of the bag.
wonwoo – via the company
wonwoo never thought there was a point in hiding your relationship from the public. he was with the person he loved and what a few jobless netizens had to say about your relationship wouldn't change that. after a couple months of 'testing the waters' and seeing how far the two of you would commit to the relationship, wonwoo just straight up went to the ceo of pledis and went 'yo i'm dating [name] from [group name] and you can't stop me' (with your permission of course, and you did the same thing) after a lot of discussion with both your ceo's, the companies agreed to simultaneously release a statement to the public about your relationship with wonwoo.
woozi – his lyrics
we all know woozi projects everything that's going on in his life through his song lyrics. yk those posts where people are like "i need someone to break bruno mars' heart again" bc his breakup songs are so good? it's like that. the latest seventeen comeback is FILLED TO THE BRIM with love songs and everyone and their mother is like "what the fuck is going on" because woozi's written love songs before but not like this??? the lyrics seem so much more deeper and personal, and the listener can almost feel woozi's heart and soul being poured into the lyrics and melody. woozi personally denied anything on a weverse live but people caught on once he released a mixtape of a love song and the lyrics contained a physical description of a person that was a little too similar to you.
minghao – books (and nail art)
minghao likes reading books. you like reading books. that doesn't mean you're dating, right? so many people in the world love to read books, that doesn't automatically make you lovers, right? ... right, except you read and post about the same books minghao reads and recommends to carats. even then, that could've been a coincidence, right? you just have similar taste in books.
wrong. you made a silly mistake of saying on a live how all your favorite books were recommended by a super close friend that you held dear to your heart. still, you can just be friends with minghao, right? wrong again because fans noticed that you had matching nail art with minghao's, the signature 8/infinity sign on your nails. there was no point in being in denial any longer.
mingyu – instagram
another silly little mistake. he recently came back from a trip with just you and him, and naturally, he wanted to upload some photos to instagram for his lovely fans to foam at the mouth scream over (he knows the power he holds). he was lying in bed (next to you), ready for bed as he scrolled through chose different photos to upload. what he didn't realize was that he had also clicked on a photo of you and him kissing in the dark, under a streetlight. it was a classic, romantic kiss. his hand was resting on your lower back, your arms wrapped around his neck as he dipped you, your leg held up by his other hand. almost immediately after posting, mingyu set down his phone and went to sleep in your arms.
the next morning, he woke up to about 56 missed calls from his manager, a BUNCH of weverse notifications, and 300+ messages from the seventeen group chat (that came back to life for the first time in almost a month and it wasn't js seungcheol talking to himself)
dokyeom – weverse live
dokyeom is surprisingly not shy when it comes to his relationship with you. after a few serious discussions, the two of you ventured out to the streets of seoul in broad daylight, your hand tightly entwined in his own, but no tabloid or news outlet seemed to catch whiff of it. dokyeom was frustrated because he wanted to show you off to the world, tell everyone that he was yours and you were his, but no one was bothering to expose it. so he decided to take this matter into his own hands. after receiving permission from both companies, he started a weverse live–with you. the two of you sat side by side, awkwardly waiting for more and more viewers to enter the livestream. obviously the entire internet went insane when dokyeom held his hand in yours and said with a proud smile that the two of you were dating and would appreciate all the love and support. and the internet officially lost it when he pressed a kiss to your cheek, which made you blush intensely.
it was cute, and even his manager–who was sitting behind the phone–was smiling as he watched the two of you together.
seungkwan – an entertainment show
similar to joshua. a couple members from your group were guests on a show that seungkwan was a regular cast of to promote your upcoming comeback, and of course they already knew that you were dating him. before the recording, they were teasing him (they're all already very close) and kept mentioning your name, which made seungkwan turn into a bright red tomato. during the recording, when it was time to promote your group's most recent comeback, your group members stood in the center of the room and gave a little sneak peek to the choreo of the title track, which seungkwan followed to with on the side (people didn't notice this until the airing of that episode–and an fyi, this was before their official comeback). and when the time came to the talk about the production process, seungkwan immediately began to ramble about how much you improved on your live singing and how proud he was of you. he also talked about how you talked to him about how much you struggled with the change of concept and how you pushed through those hard trials. he also couldn't forget about how good you looked and how the concept change looked really good on you and the new makeup look accentuated your eye color. at the end of his very long speech, seungkwan realized what he just did and sank into his chair with his bright red face buried into his hands.
vernon – vernon being vernon
vernon did a vernon and randomly revealed it on a weverse live, almost giving his poor manager a heart attack. he was reading through the comments when he randomly said 'by the way, i'm dating [name] from [group name]' HIS POOR MANAGER. HAD A MINI HEART ATTACK BEFORE TURNING OFF THE LIVE IN A PANIC. the following day, pledis released a statement, confirming vernon's impromptu confession.
dino – dispatch
my poor boy was the only one who fell victim to dispatch 😭 he was so careful not to get caught because he didn't want you to receive any backlash. specifically went on dates later in the day so the two of you wouldn't be as easily recognized, trying to stay home as much as possible, covering up as much as you both could. but eventually, dispatch caught the two of you hugging at the entrance of the hybe building at 11 pm. first, weird. why were they watching you guys at 11 pm. second, seungcheol was so relieved that the secret was finally out because he was running out of excuses as to why dino was almost never at home anymore.
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reblogs and feedback is always appreciated ^-^
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venusvity · 3 months
Klara Blix, formerly known as JIAH, was the second Venus member to debut solo after Baebi. Her image would greatly differ from that of her groupmates, taking on a much sweeter and teen-friendly image since she was just a teen herself. Debuting in August 2018 at just seventeen, her debut single album "Why, Why, Why?" would become an instant classic and beloved "confession" anthem among young girls. Klara's brand ranking would skyrocket, and she was dubbed "Korea's Favorite Foreigner" on every variety show she appeared on.
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"For Girls" was the first mini album released by Klara in August of 2019. The title track, "Good Luck, Hun." was an excellent demonstration of Klara's vocal ability and cuteness. The song would not only be popular with her typical audiences but older audiences as well, specifically older women. Her first fansign held for this album would go viral for being filled with a majority of girls and old ladies. Good Luck, Hun would top multiple charts in not only Korea but in Japan as well, resulting in a Japanese version of Good Luck, Hun and Why, Why, Why?
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Deciding to take her in a more vocal-focused and mature concept that wasn't even that mature, Klara would come back with her 2nd Single, "Moon, Sun, Stars," in June of 2019. While this song did not flop by any means, it was not popular amongst fans because of the concept change. A common phrase asked by netizens during this time was, "Where did Korea's little sister go?" despite Klara still being her cute self. Due to the poor reception and poor costume choices, this era would not be remembered fondly by Klara and is often forgotten by netizens.
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After a four-year hiatus from solo music, Klara would finally return in May of 2023 with the adorable single "Teddy Bear!" which would catch the hearts of a new generation of young girls. Klara was clearly marketed as an idol for a younger audience, a role model, and even a Disney Star, but only on the weekends. Teddy Bear! would garner international attention for its viral dance challenge, which was done by virtually anyone with access to social media, putting Klara back on the map musically, though she never really left. It was clear Klara had a great time promoting Teddy Bear! and even went on her first solo tour of Asia, traveling to Japan, Thailand, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and the Phillippines. This would mark her most successful era since "For Girls."
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Her most recent comeback would be in November of 2023 with the single "Like That," which wasn't even meant to be an actual promoted release but instead a gift to fans for giving her such a lovely tour. The fans would be very vocal about wanting at least ONE stage for the single, which, after much convincing, Klara would deliver. However, one stage turned into five and would later become a full-on promotional cycle. Like That would become a staple in her discography, many constellations asking her to perform the song to this day despite her saying, "It's a concert exclusive!". This era, though short, is very beloved by fans due to how connected she was with them. Towards the end of this era, Klara would announce she would be taking a hiatus from solo releases, wanting to focus on Venus and her acting career.
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She has fifteen music show wins to her name. More than half of them being won by Why, Why, Why? and Good Luck, Hun.
During her performances of Why, Why, Why? Her background dancers would often rotate between DeepDive members, resulting in a lot of cute interactions and starting the groups public friendship. Fans favorite "Why, Why, Why?" boys would be Kiwoo, Finn, and Woojin. This would even result in a special stage where Klara and Kiwoo would perform a duet version of Why, Why, Why?
At Klara's first fansign, there was a photobooth where attendees could take pictures with her. Klara would put some of the pictures on her wall and they can still be seen in the background of her lives to this day.
Often, Klara would perform at retirement homes and still does to this day. Many videos of her have gone viral for dancing with the grandma and grandpas there. She says visiting old people is one of her favorite things to do because they all treat her like she's their granddaughter.
When asked if she wanted to try a more "mature" concept during the press release for Teddy Bear!, Klara immediately shook her head. "Last time I did that, I stopped making music for four years. I don't want to try that again. I like being successful and cute."
During Teddy Bear! Promotions, a picture taken by staff of a long line of idols wanting to film a TikTok with Klara was posted by staff with the caption "She's such a legend ㅋㅋㅋ," which would become a meme between constellations.
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irlvernon-moved · 9 months
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thank you for tagging me maddie !!! ilysm im so glad you were part of my year @jeonwon-wonwoo
rules: link your favorite and/or most popular post from each month this year (totally fine to skip months) and tag some CCs you love!
i only started giffing this july so i'll start from there hehe take a look at these sets please i worked so hard on them and i really really enjoyed creating for seventeen this year ♥️
most popular | wonwoo birthday post (1.5k notes) favorites | junhui, crush @ be the sun in newark / junhui eating a snack on gose / all my special video gif typography
most popular | seungkwan, mingyu, wonwoo, and dk for cosmopolitan korea (1.5k notes) favorites | hai cheng mv / mingyu and minghao on hybe x game caterers / 'i want us both to eat well' svt gifset / maknae line 'rock with you' 007 edition
most popular | minghao on gose ep. 93 (4.4k notes) favorites | limbo mv / maknae line iphones / scoups, joshua, dino ima gifset / joshua on nhk
most popular | mingyu on wageul wageul (2k notes) favorites | junhui playstation gfx / dk for elle / seventeen first profile sketch / junhui + pink / underwater mv / dino, woozi, hoshi gifset / woozi on aaa 2021
most popular | hoshi for vogue korea (600+ notes) favorites | screen time mv / joshua's double take cover gif typography / hoshi in attaccaa dance practice / seungcheol + pink beanie / dk, to you @ attacca comeback show / wonwoo, to you @ attacca comeback show / maknae line hot mv
most popular | hoshi on nana tour highlight (800+ notes) favorites | pang! attacca highlight medley / dk @ '19 japan tour / dk, run to you @ '19 japan tour / mingyu & dino on gose ep. 48 / dk, to you @ weverse con
i made so many gifs this year holy shit 😭 tagging my cc mutuals and any other cc's who wanna do this! i wanna see your favorite creations and reblog them again before the year ends c: (no pressure tho!)
@woozis @goblinvern @wnjunhui @woozification @master-tonberry @kveom @jeonghan-yoons @wonufied @jeonsupershy @hongjoshuaz @facethesuns @booskwan @ajusnice @woozi @junranghae @singularities @junmail @saerom @dinoboos @97-liners @yuqi-s @kiimtaehyung @emoremix @seonghwasblr @renjunniez @jjunhui @sevencoloredstar @shnryjn @lesseraive @heeseunq @soonhoonsol @mimisamo @jebiwon @ppanghanni @toplines @xiaojuun @twiceland @ambivartence @sunghanbin @kimjiwoong @jusnhui @ryudaeng @
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thebroccolination · 1 year
Be My Favorite - Intro
Hello! I’m Key, and I’ll be your Be My Favorite historian and enthusiast.
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I’ve been really excited for Be My Favorite ever since the series was first announced in December of 2021. The premise grabbed me right away since I’m a big fan of time loops (please watch Triage if you haven’t already, I’d say it’s the strongest BL series to date), and Krist’s one of my favorite actors, so it was an instant five stars of anticipation for me. Then in September of 2022, Gawin (another favorite of mine) was cast, and I had a dream casting I think I might have joked about once. (So I did this, you’re welcome.)
Whoever cast Gawin, I’ll send you a basket of whatever you love and aren’t allergic to.
Be My Favorite had a rocky road to casting.
From what I’ve been able to follow, it was initially meant to be a KristSingto comeback vehicle. (Their last BL together was the SOTUS Our Skyy episode in 2018.) However, in 2022, Krist tentatively told fans at a fan meeting that Singto’s schedule didn’t work out with filming. Seeing as GMMTV didn’t want Krist acting in BL series without his brand partner, I think they knew Singto wasn’t planning to renew his contract, so they cast Mike instead. Personally, I was excited to see Krist step outside his comfort zone with a different actor, and he’s close to Mike, so I figured it’d be a good match. I was also happy for Singto, because he’s wanted more independence in his career. He’s into photography and directing, he’s made his own studio, formed his own fan club in Japan, etc. (I think it’s likely he and Krist will work together again, though. They’re still very close, they play video games online with their friends from university fairly regularly, and Singto went out of his way to organize a KristSingto concert in December of 2022 through his Japanese fan club. KS used to hold their GMMTV-sponsored concerts there annually before the pandemic, so I think it was both a “final chapter” to one part of their lives and evidence that they can collaborate again if they want to.)
I didn’t have strong feelings about Mike’s casting. I haven’t seen him in much, but I liked him in the teaser, and he’s already close to Krist, so I was on board. After seeing Singto improve through his series with other actors (something he might have had to fight for, but that’s pure speculation), I was just excited for Krist to get the same opportunities.
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And then…Gawin. [seventeen sparkle emojis]
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As I said on Twitter the day Gawin’s casting was announced, “I could not be more pleased and delighted that I’ve built a reputation for myself that makes people think, ‘Krist and Gawin? QUICKLY, LIGHT THE FIRES AND TELL KEY,’” because I woke up to not one but three separate friends letting me know about it.
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I went from excited to feral in the four seconds it took my brain to go from, “This can’t be real,” to, “Finally, bizarre breaking news that isn’t actively traumatizing.”
Truly, I have to hand it to Krist, because he's wanted this project to do well from the start, and he's stuck with it and worked hard on it through potentially three scene partners. And he really seems to have grown and learned from Gawin, so good on him.
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My one worry was that I haven’t enjoyed most of Jittirain’s adaptations.
But then I found out that the director, Waa, directed The Gifted and also has screenwriting experience. Krist has worked with Waa before and speaks highly of his process. There are a lot of scenes in the first episode of BMF that seem very clean and well edited, so I have hope.
On top of that, I’ve also seen fans mention that Be My Favorite is “inspired by” Jittirain’s novel, not adapted from it, which I think is a crucial distinction. (I don’t know the source for that, but I want it to be true, so I’ll believe it for now.)
Krist has said that they changed a lot from the novel, and based on what I know, the first episode has already departed quite a bit, so I have put my faith in Waa.
For many reasons, some series just get the short stick with the amount of postproduction and budget they get. Some series are still filming as they start airing, some have budget cuts during production, etc.
Filming for Be My Favorite began on November 19th, 2022 and wrapped two months ago on March 24th. That same day, Waa shared on Twitter that he’d be starting work on intense editing right away. That was a great sign to me. With filming complete and two months of postproduction, he was almost certainly able to do a cleaner job than if he’d had to struggle under continued filming and simultaneous editing while the show was airing.
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Also, BMF definitely seems to have money behind it. For example, this upgrade from the trailer to the first episode. In the trailer, as Kawi makes his first trip to the past, there's a bright, swirling glow around him.
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When the episode aired, the effect looked a lot cleaner and had scenes from future episodes woven in.
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Also, I loved this transition shot with the blurry background, and the dandelion seed floating across the screen was a cute detail, since that's the flower in the time loop globe.
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Little things like like this tells me they’ve had the time to do this series well, and that there's a lot of love and effort going into it.
This February, the acting coach for BMF did an interview (1 & 2) that I really enjoyed. She said she’ll be sharing a video of their workshop now that the series is airing, so I’m keeping an eye out for that.
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Like I said, I love both of them. I first watched SOTUS and the Kiss series in 2020, so I became a fan of both right around the same time.
In April of 2022, I made a top ten list of what I thought were the best acting performances up to that point. Krist was on it, and so was Gawin. I admire both of them a lot, and I think they’ve both improved tremendously over the years.
Krist, from what I can tell through interviews, leans toward method acting. For example, in the scene I included on my list above, Arthit was apparently meant to cry a few lines later on, but Krist lost it earlier than scripted because in order to channel the emotion he needed for the scene, he imagined how he’d feel when Singto followed through with a long-time dream of studying overseas. It ended up one of their strongest scenes together because it was genuine.
Meanwhile, Gawin was interviewed in November of 2022, and while I think the whole interview is a great read, I wanted to emphasize this part:
“When I prepare for a role, I really have to dig into the story of the script,” [Gawin] explains. “Sometimes they do the last scenes of the series on the first day of being on set. So, you have to be really prepared with the entire story. You’ve got to know the whole thing, what emotions that character went through, and the changes with that character.” 
I think part of what makes Krist and Gawin a good combination is that they’re strong actors with different energies who might just have different ways of preparing for a role. I’d love to hear both of them talk in more detail about their processes, but it seems to me like Krist looks inward for personal experiences to connect with the character, and Gawin creates the character he’s playing based on research.
Another interesting point is that In that same interview, Gawin says he thinks Saifa from Enchanté most resembles his personality (easygoing, music lover, etc.), but he got his start as Mork from the Kiss series (attitude issues, perfect sasspot, etc.). Meanwhile, Krist had an easy link to his first major role, Arthit, in that he’d also been head hazer in university. So Krist started his career able to access a common point with his character, so that might’ve influenced his approach to future roles. Whereas Gawin started off with a character completely unlike himself, so he started from a place of more emotional detachment and probably a more research-oriented approach.
Also, they just seem to have connected on a personal level.
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Working with someone so different gives actors the opportunity to learn from each other. When interviewed, Gawin said he and Krist discovered they have a lot in common, and it seems like they bonded over music and spent a lot of time on set singing together. (Their harmonizing is genuinely beautiful.)
Krist’s OST for the series is one of my favorites and Gawin has a ballad coming up later in the series, but I hope they give them a duet at some point. (It’d be a huge missed opportunity if they don’t.)
One of the sponsors for the series is fucking Wiskas.
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This could just be because Krist is their brand ambassador. (The man has four cats. He has an army to feed.)
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OR there is a feline presence in the show. If this is true, I will die, because Triage, series of my soul, also had cats in it.
Listen, I will send TWO baskets of whatever Waa likes if he's enabled me to make the "if I had a nickel for every time there have been cats in a Thai BL time loop series, I'd have two nickels. It's not a lot but it's weird that it happened twice" joke.
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Big fan! Love it all! (PLEASE CATS.)
I’ll leave this here as an introductory post, and I’ll make separate posts for my individual episode thoughts using #key watches bmf.
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beautifulpersonpeach · 6 months
I've gotten the impression that, with hybe's recently debuted groups (boynextdoor and tws), they're trying to recenter themselves to a certain extent on Korea while balancing western appeal. I haven't been around for long enough to view the differences over time, but this has mainly been coming from the way they've been promoting, and I'm interested to see what they do with illit (whose debut trackless seems very short imo, but that's an aside). Idk if this is also why they released lsf's recent comeback on a Monday, though smart in particular is very Coachella. Tws' plot twist seems to have blown up in Korea but not very marketable in the west like nj's songs were. This all makes sense given bang pd's concerns about kpop and the need to establish a korean fan base, rather than shooting for the west right away which seems have been a contrary strategy. Do you see it the same way and are you expecting this strategy for illit? Ggs and bgs have been having different experiences with the korean gp lately so I'm not sure what they'll do. Luckily hybe's other ggs have pretty distinct vibes so it'll probably be easier to carve out their own lane within the company
One thing: Bang PD has no influence whatsoever on what happens at ADOR aka NewJeans.
Also, I understand it’s tempting to think about HYBE this way given how the other Big4 companies operate and this is something that will be more clear as time goes on anyway, but the reality is that HYBE does not function like one company. It’s a collection of mid-sized companies that have their own mandates, but which share the same underlying infrastructure and resources. The only thing I really see them planning together is coordinating comebacks and debuts so there’s no egregious overlaps.
Meaning, if you’re looking for similarities, you’re probably better off comparing against the company’s own track record, i.e. TWS under Pledis is simply following the approach that worked for Seventeen and Nu’est at debut which was a focus on Korea first then international; ILLIT will likely follow Be:lift’s strategy for Enhypen, which was a Korea + SEA focus at debut, then Western appeal. BOYNEXTDOOR is Zico and KOZ’s first group, but given Zico’s influence is largest in Korea, it makes sense he’ll target building a Korean fanbase first. Source Music, just as with GFriend, focused Le Sserafim on Korea and Japan markets at debut before pushing internationally.
BigHit was supposed to have debuted Trainee A by this year and like BTS, they were gearing for more international appeal, but the project was scrapped and most of the members have moved on to be soloists or joined other agencies (JJ is now in SM).
What I’m trying to say is, I hear what you’re saying about Bang PD’s comments, but the patterns you’re looking for are better seen looking at what the companies have done before. Ideally, HYBE wants to strengthen their hold in every market, Korean and international. And you can see this in the companies they’ve already acquired that have decent penetration in one or the other, or both. Eventually, every k-pop company looks outside Korea for growth and that’s the end goal for all these groups, but the strategy of what is focused on first is best deduced by the track record of those companies so far. At least, in my opinion.
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secretentertainment · 4 months
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Introducing the collaborative groups with Cupid & Brand new artists of Secret Entertainment!
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A six membered girl group formed by SECRET ENTERTAINMENT in 2024. The group composes of Ruby, Juliette, Hinata, Jisoo, Sophie, and Lilly. The girls are known for their Lore, Storytelling, and trap beats. They are the second group under SECRET ENTERTAINMENT to be nominated for a grammy and the first to headline coachella.
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➥ Birthname: Son Sooyoung
➥  stagename: Ruby
➥ Nickname: Bunny
➥ Birthdate: July 23, 1999
➥ place of birth: Seattle, Washington
➥ Nationality: South Korean
➥ Faceclaim: Heejin - ARTMS
➥ Agency: Secret Entertainment
➥ Occupation: Idol
➥ Position: Leader, Visual, Center
➥  Color: Lust Purple
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Birth Name: Moon Seungwan
Stage Name: Juliette
Nickname: Julie
Birthdate: March 20, 2000
Place of birth: Ulsan, South Korea
Nationality: Korean
Faceclaim: Karina - Aespa
Agency: Secret Entertainment
Occupation: Idol
Position: FOTG, 2nd Visual, Lead dancer, sub vocal, sub rapper
Color: Color me pink
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Birth Name: Akiyama Hinata
Stage Name: Hinata
Nickname: Nana
Birthdate: October 5, 2000
Place of birth: Osaka, Japan
Nationality: Japanese
Faceclaim: Jurin - XG
Agency: Secret Entertainment
Occupation: Idol
Position: Main Dancer, Main Rapper, sub vocal
Color: Ocean Blue
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Birth Name: Lim Jisoo
Stage Name: Jisoo
Nickname: Teddy
Birthdate: August 2, 2002
Place of birth: Seoul, South Korea
Nationality: Korean
Faceclaim: Julie - KISS OF LIFE
Agency: Secret Entertainment
Occupation: Idol
Position: Lead Rapper, Lead Vocalist
Color: Orange you glad
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Birth Name: Sophie Watson
Stage Name: Sophie
Nickname: Soph
Birthdate: December 21, 2003
Place of birth: Ontario, Canada
Nationality: Korean - Canadian
Faceclaim: Yunjin - Le Sserafim
Agency: Secret entertainment
Occupation: Idol
Position: Main Vocal, sub rapper
Color: Sunny Yellow
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Birth Name: Pranpriya Suputhipong
Stage Name: Lilly
Nickname: Lil
Birthdate: December 29, 2003
Place of birth: Bangkok, Thailand
Nationality: Thai
Faceclaim: Minnie - G-Idle
Agency: Secret Entertainment
Occupation: Idol
Position: Maknae, Sub Vocal
Color: Bury me in red
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Boys World is a versatile group formed by Velvet Creative. The group composes of Rocky, Changmin, Taeyang, Joong, and Soul. The boys are known for their forever changing concepts, Songwriting, and insane visuals. The group dominated the charts each comeback and have a total of 100+ plus songs written in total as a group.
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Birth Name: Seo Changmin
Stage Name: Changmin
Nickname: Baldy (Due to all the hair colors he’s had)
Birthdate: April 12, 1997
Place of birth: Jeju Island, South Korea
Nationality: Korean
Faceclaim: Kai - EXO
Agency: Velvet Creative
Occupation: Idol
Position: Main Dancer, Main Vocals, Center
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Birth Name: Park Taeyang
Stage Name: Taeyang
Nickname: Flower Boy
Birthdate: January 15, 1998
Place of birth: Seoul, South Korea
Nationality: Korean
Faceclaim: Kim Taehyung - BTS
Agency: Velvet Creative
Occupation: Idol
Position: Lead Vocal, FOTG, Visual
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Birth Name: Im Hongjoong
Stage Name: Joong
Nickname: The golden boy
Birthdate: June 2, 1999
Place of birth: Daegu, South Korea
Nationality: Korean
Faceclaim: Mingyu - Seventeen
Agency: Velvet Creative
Occupation: Idol
Position: Leader, Lead Dancer, sub rapper
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Birth Name: Namjoo Kim
Stage Name: Soul
Nickname: B-Boy
Birthdate: September 23, 2000
Place of birth: Houston, Texas
Nationality: Korean-American
Faceclaim: Eric - The Boyz
Agency: Velvet Creative
Occupation: Idol
Position: Lead Rapper, Sub Vocal
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Birth Name: Kim Woosung
Stage Name: Rocky
Nickname: Rock
Birthdate: April 9, 2001
Place of birth: Seoul, South Korea
Nationality: Korean
Faceclaim: Yeonjun - TXT
Agency: Velvet Creative
Occupation: Idol
Position: Main Rapper, Sub Vocal, Maknae
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keikiri-kitten · 2 years
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𝐃𝐞𝐤𝐮 𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐊𝐩𝐨𝐩 𝐈𝐝𝐨𝐥
a/n: this is all i can think about right now, but this is brainrot about deku being a kpop idol! feel free to add more to it! and I can add more parts because this is my favorite thing right now like him during variety shows, seasons greetings, holidays, going back to japan and etc!
☆ he's a japanese trainee that was the talk of the town. he's got fans and even other idols talking about him. one of the most hardworking trainees. the teachers and fans of other idols in his company seen his determination and cheered for his success. he was accepted into his company at the age of sixteen
☆ he's known for his unique voice, but when he first gotten accepted into the agency, he had two left feet. it was a little inside joke among the fans of the trainees. though the more he trained the better he got with his dancing. he's still no main dancer, but he was becoming more confident in the monthly evaluations.
☆ in fact, he worked so hard to debut, debuted idols of his company when asked about him, recall seeing him through the training room doors practicing late at night. there was no way he wouldn't be on stage if he somehow made a way to korea.
☆ fans from time to time could spot him with his fluffy green hair and tired eyes walking from the convivence store with quick meals and would take a video. if anyone has seen grumpy deku, it's this little and consistent group of fans. a slouched over deku with a baggy hoodie and loose basketball shorts shuffling back to his agency at around noon.
☆ when he first came to korea, he knew very little korean. he was mainly speaking in japanese and found himself becoming close with other japanese trainees. so while he was getting training in singing and dancing, he spent a good portion of his day learning korean so he can be fluent for his future fans. even to this day, he has a pretty thick japanese accent; the fans think it is really cute to hear him speak.
☆ when he found out he was going to debut, he found out the same day as the rest of the kpop world. everyone who was interested in the future of his company's trainees were watching a youtube video that contained a compilation of reactions from various members of his upcoming boy group. the day the video was filmed was the day it was released into the world
☆ debuted in a six member boy group with a cool and fresh concept that everyone seemed to appreciate and is still well received. he debuted at the age of eighteen and is still not the youngest member. the youngest member was seventeen at the age of their debut.
☆ his stage name is deku-- but with fan posts, they still refer to him as izuku. his personality is still the same as it was during any trainee video logs; very cheery and positive. though he's a bit sarcastic and nonchalant when he sees his four dimensional members getting wild
☆ they are absolutely considered monster rookies in their first year of their debut and when you buy their albums, you are sure to get a thick box with every comeback filled with the album, photocards, and a thick little book filled with album credits, lyrics and concept pictures of the members. every music show they are invited to, they win. they only way they won't is if they are competing against a well established idol/idol group.
☆ his company loves to dress him up in breathable, baggy street fashion for live stages and photoshoots. it's rare you will see him in anything that's considered sexy or over exposed. it's not his style either
☆ expect every first of the month for deku to go live and talk about what he did over the past month and encouraging his fans for the rest of the month to come
☆ loves making little vlogs for the fans that he will upload to the groups youtube page every now and then showcasing interesting, new things that his group is doing at the time like going to award shows or traveling for concerts
☆ when final exam time comes for international and korean students, he will film a little vlog of himself studying korean and any languages he wants to learn so he connect with his fans. the fans can watch this or listen so they don't feel like they are studying alone
☆ loves to post pictures to instagram. sadly, you're barely getting any selfies. he's sharing little doodles and what he's eating or drinking. if he is going to post a selfie, he's most likely got a mask on to not be recognized. the other times you can actually see his face is when he is done with a live stage and it's a full body picture
☆ post videos of himself dancing every blue moon for his fans and to track his progress-- the fans eat it up every time and they won't stop talking about for MONTHS
solo debut
☆ when it is time for him to debut on his own-- IT IS SO GOOD. his concept colors for his solo is white and green. imagine this baby in white overalls, white crewneck and a white bucket hat with lime green paint splatters all over the apparel. it's supposed to look messy and fun. his makeup is meant to be a little sexy though. though his eyes are already green, they put brighter green contacts on him and give him a forest green smoky eye. his ears are littered in piercings and his fingers are crowded with rings.
☆ he comes back once every summer with a slightly different but still fresh and bright style. you'll either get a single or a mini album with three to five songs every comeback
☆ his first music show win, this boy is in tears, ruining his makeup and everything. he's thanking his fans in korean and japanese. this is not his last music show win!
☆ his debut dance is so good, people even made a little trend out of the steps he does during the chorus!
award season with deku
☆ THIS-- THIS is when you all get to see sexy deku. everyone knows when it is time for the MAMA awards or the gayo daejeon and daejejeon is when all the idols really show out. he has two outfit changes, one to perform with his group and one to promote his solo. he's got the sexy apparel with his group. his solo is still fun and more interactive with the crowd. everyone is shocked to see him look so different. his aura is darker and more alluring rather than the chipper deku everyone is used to seeing
☆ for award season, he's dancing harder, his hair is styled differently (he probably grows it out), his jaw is more chiseled-- he went all out for this moment, the camera is drawn to him the whole time. especially for his solo performances? the crowd goes absolutely insane, the idols watching all of this commotion are SHOCKED or are dancing with him and the fans. just wait for the videos fans film of other idols jamming to him and his groups music
☆ deku wins best new solo artist and his group wins best new boy group! they really made waves their first year!
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nori-the-cat · 2 months
⋆˚࿔ Nori's Tarot to-do list 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
These readings are mixtures of requested tarot readings and tarot readings I personally want to do.
Note: Below is the list of upcoming tarot readings in chronological order.
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Readings on hold:
RIIZE Dynamic: Eunseok & Seunghan (Seunghan refuses to have him read)
MTL attracted to TXT, Enhypen and RIIZE to Aespa and vice versa (Requested)
Who in Aespa is attracted to RIIZE? (Requested)
Who in NCT is attracted to Aespa? (Requested)
Monthly readings for BoyNextDoor (Requested)
TWS Shinyu and Dohoon; How would they act around their crush? How would they pursue them? (Requested by oomfs)
NCT Wish Yushi's Personality (Requested)
RIIZE Seunghan's Career (Requested)
SEVENTEEN Mingyu as a Boyfriend (Requested)
Aespa's Next Comeback (Requested by Ningning's fan)
RIIZE Sohee's Red & Green Flags - Personality Reading (Requested)
RIIZE Anton's Red & Green Flags - Personality Reading (Requested)
How do RIIZE feel about the boycott? (Requested by a mutual)
RIIZE's Japan Single Release: How successful will it be? (Requested by a mutual)
RIIZE's Japan debut (Requested by a mutual) - They debuted LMAO
YGNBGG Prediction (Requested by oomfs)
Lists updated on 29-07-2024
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chanstopher · 2 years
currently omw to ulting svt so,,,, fave performances?
omg best news ever, the more caratstays the more the world heals i think lol. ok i got a LIST so bare with me here
hiphopunit's diamond edge set. i will show this to literally anyone willing to sit down its insane to me. especially because at the time svt had NO dark music. i know its a half hour i PROMISE its worth it
Fearless from their comeback showcase. they're so insane i cant handle it
Pretty U from their world tour. first of all the fact that they still go this hard on a 6 year old song, second because cheol in a purple suit. (you will notice that cheol is always extra perfect in all of these videos, im the most biased person alive)
Clap from their 2018 japan tour, this is the best concert opening i have ever seen
Dont wanna cry honestly any performance of this song, but i just reallllly love this one
Fallin flower literally one of the prettiest choreos you will ever see
Flower total opposite of fallin flower but again the choreo is amazing, and it was choreographed by their maknae dino <3
Space (cant see the end) I don't know who decided that this song needed to be the hip hop unit with DK but i would give them all the money in my bank account
Their kbs Festival performance. its 20 minutes long and it has an orchestra and mingyu playing the guitar and woozi on drums and its just really amazing. there's a few little vcrs in it so they can change set ups but each unit does a song and its just so good (youre shocked but i love the hip hop units part so much lol)
kcon NY 2019 this is mostly because i was baricade for this and it was so crazy to see in person but like I don't know svt doesnt have a bad performance so im suggesting it lol
All my love and this one cause all of them have such pretty vocals i feel like some of the other performances arent gonna show that as much as this song especially cheol my rapper boy
Rock with you i will stop here cause this is like an hour+ of performances but literally they never miss.
if you have a bias(es) i can be more specific about things they really shined in, or if you wanna see more of their choreo i can give u some more of those. this is so long but its just because im so insane about seventeen i really think their the best group ever lmao
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theyellowhue · 2 years
I was tagged by @ieroween1031, much thanks ✨
❥ name: N (sorry but im not comfy putting my name out there. my name is pretty unique)
❥ sign: Sagittarius
❥ height: 5'0" I am so short 😭😭😭
❥ time: 9:56 p.m.
❥ birthday: November 30th
❥ fav band/artist: Currently, SEVENTEEN hold my heart. I care so much for the thirteen silly men
❥ last movie: Black Adam. Someone put it on during a family and friends Christmas celebration. Its a really good movie.
❥ last show: Big Dragon. I have a SINGLE episode left and I am dreading it. Like I know that Mangkorn is gonna comeback for Yai because that's the only reality that we can accept but still, all the hurt before the reunion is lowkey giving me anxiety.
❥ when I created this blog: I think I started this on 2018? I was not on tumblr when tumblr dominating fandom culture and for someone who was really into Doctor Who and Sherlock, its surprising that I was not tempted to start one.
❥ what I post: I made a tumblr account because I wanted to shout about Love in the Air but my twitter persona is a KimChay enjoyer and it just left wrong for a while but now, I feel comfortable enough to just post anything I find interesting
❥ other blogs?: I just made a new one!!! @huenotes, its my writing blog, probably mostly twt aus for now, its a working progress. I really don't know how tumblr works yet so I just recently found out that I can make a multiple blogs in one account. amazing ✨.
❥ do I get asks?: very few. I think I've gotten like 5 asks since I started this blog? I would love to entertain more people to give me asks tho 😌
❥ followers: 311 and im pretty sure that like 5% of them are porn bots 💀
❥ average hours of sleep: I have severely fucked my sleeping schedule. college is winning. the entirety of my fall quarter, i have gotten 4 hours of sleep. I run on caffeine pills (i hate the taste of coffee) and sprite. I am desperately trying to have a normal sleeping schedule. Tell me your secrets 😭
❥ instruments: I can play the guitar. I'm bad at reading music notes tho
❥ what I'm wearing: pink sleep dress with red flowers
❥ dream trip: wanna visit the Netherlands, Singapore, Korea, Japan, and Thailand
❥ fav songs right now: Loads!!! but it really just depends on my mood.
I can't run away, SEVENTEEN
Can't Take My Eyes off You, Frankie Valli and the 4 Seasons
Mundo, IV of Spades
when the party's over, Billie Eilish
Butterflies, Abe Parker
I wanna get to know you, lovely people ✨
@fluidsoul31, @lunathehungry, @mypurpleuniverse, @otbnaga
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finallydelight · 2 years
it’s crazy how seventeen has been to Japan 3x in the past two weeks. Those boys are exhausted in every way you can think of. They’re supposed to be back there in another week or so for AAA.
I hope to god they’re doing fine and their health is okay! I don’t want them to be overworked 🥺
I hope when they get back to Korea after all these schedules that they get a break for the next comeback ❤️
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irlvernon-moved · 9 months
gifmaker / cc wrapped (?) 2023
i made a lot of content this year - some i love, some im not a huge fan of and am thinking of remaking. so i thought id list my top 10 favorite posts/sets i made this year!
encouraging other gifmakers to do this as well, if you want to! it might be fun to look back on this regularly and see how much we've improved and grown in terms of skill and taste
here's my top 10:
all my love special video gif typography
seungkwan + pink gifset for theo
hoshi + dino + woozi gifset for jade
junhui + pink gifset for shri
junhui playstation graphic
seventeen's iphones series
joshua - double take cover typography gifset
screen time gifset
dk - to you @ the attacca comeback show
dk - run to you @ the '19 japan tour haru
tagging my favorite and most beloved creators here - all of which have always inspired me and showed me love. thank you for keeping tumblr alive!!!
@sevencoloredstar @woozi @woozis @booskwan @goblinvern @junmail @wnjunhui @jeonsupershy @facethesuns ♥️
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wewerecore · 1 year
The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour - 004 06/08/23 Defy TV 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST Filmed at the Good Time Theatre at Dorney Park in Allentown, Pennsylvania
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- Sudu Upadhyay welcomed fans to The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour on Defy TV. Sudu said that we are just two days away from The Panic In Pillow Park, and asks Larry Zbyszko if he's ever been to Pillow, Pennsylvania. Zbyszko said no, but he has been to Blanket, Texas. Sudu began to run down the card before Larry interrupted and said that he's partial to sleeping under the stars, that's why he prefers Hammock, Louisiana.
- The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour intro aired set to "Black Swan Lake" by Janko Nilovic.
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folkstyle (Shaw Mason, Tim Bosby, and Hunter Holdcraft) vs. TJ Epixx, Chael Connors, and Gavin Glass folkstyle defeated TJ Epixx, Chael Connors, and Gavin Glass via submission with the ankle lock from Mason on Glass. (4:08)
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Kylie Paige vs. Brittany Blake Kylie Paige defeated Brittany Blake with the Side Russian Leg Sweep. (3:43)
- A video promoting Trios Kingdom 2023 aired. It included clips from Trios Kingdom 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2022 set to "Tell Me" by Dead Boys. September 1st at Penn's Peak in Jim Thorpe. September 2nd at the Charles Chrin Community Center in Easton. September 3rd at Martz Hall in Pottsville. Trios Kingdom 2023.
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- Daphne Oz was at the CORE news desk for a special extended edition of the COal REgion Roundup previewing The Panic In Pillow Park. - First an interview with the folkstyle faction promoting their six-man tag team match against The Lost Boys. - A brief video aired recapping the Something/Nothing tag team from their time as the Gaspar Brothers to their recent winning streak. This was immediately followed by a promo from The OutRunners who talked about all the extra hours they've been putting in with their mentor Rip Rogers. The OutRunners have put in fifteen hour days getting all the advice they can from Rip Rogers so they can do the exact opposite and win this match because Rip has been a loser his entire life and on June 10th in Pillow they'll be big winners. - SAKI sent in a subtitled interview where she projected confidence that she can beat Giant Baba Yaga. A response followed from UltraMantis Black and Giant Baba Yaga, who was smoking a cigar. Mantis asked Baba to set down the American Rebel and shake his hand if she promises to chop SAKI down to size in Pillow. Giant Baba Yaga shook UltraMantis Black's hand who added that a handshake from Baba Yaga is better than any contract.
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- Back at the news desk, Daphne Oz announced that two of the youngest prospects from the JUST TAP OUT office in Japan will be joining CORE for the next set of television tapings. Fifteen year old Azusa Inaba, the younger sister of current Queen of JTO Tomoka Inaba, and seventeen year old prospect HisokA will be making the journey to the Coal Region. As part of their excursion, the two young stars will also be appearing on the 4th of July as part of a special JUST TAP OUT USA event outside of Curry Donuts in Wilkes-Barre.
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Marcus Mathers and Brogan Finlay vs. Dale Von Trier and Keith Von Trier (with Franz Von Trier) - Before the opening bell, officials escorted Franz Von Trier away from ringside and the dressing room. No explanation was given. - Mathers and Finlay toyed with the Von Trier boys, but after some miscommunication Dale began to mount a comeback on Brogan as on the outside Keith held Mathers against the guardrail. Starboy Charlie came from the crowd and superkicked Keith, this allowed Mathers to get in the ring and double team the older Von Trier. Marcus Mathers and Brogan Finlay defeated Dale Von Trier and Keith Von Trier with the top rope elbowdrop from Finlay on Dale. (5:02)
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- After the match, Starboy Charlie entered the ring and a three on two attack began on the Von Triers. Franz Von Trier and their younger brother Kirk Von Trier ran out of the curtain and chased the three off. As Charlie, Mathers, and Finlay retreated, Starboy backed into the announce desk and his hair was grabbed from behind by Larry Zbyszko. CORE officials immediately broke the two up.
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- A video package set to a remix of "Cash In," the iconic theme song of The TrustBusters, aired. The video was narrated by Ari Daivari and introduced the four inaugural members handpicked for the TrustBusters Reserve. Joshua Bishop. Invictus Khash. Big Dan Champion. Hyan. The TrustBusters Reserve.
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Queens of Wrestling (Raychell Rose and Queen Aminata) vs. Shelby Waters and Haley Dillon Queens of Wrestling defeated Shelby Waters and Haley Dillon via submission with the Koji Clutch from Aminata on Waters. (4:12)
- Promotional consideration paid for by the following: Zespri Kiwifruit - Zespri SunGold Kiwifruit, it's crazy tasty! Zing Zang Bloody Mary Mix - Now in an unbreakable lightweight bottle! Celeste - Pizza for one. Abbondanza!
- Sudu Upadhyay closed out the show. He acknowledged that as you surely noticed, Larry Zbyszko was not on commentary during the women's tag team match. The decision to remove Larry from commentary and the building was made by CORE President Dr. Mehmet Oz. Sudu is not certain what, if any, further disciplinary actions Zbyszko may face for coming into contact with a wrestler. Sudu ran down the card one more time and encouraged fans to make the trip for The Panic In Pillow Park and join them back here next week for The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour.
Upcoming Shows:
CORE Pro #116 The Panic In Pillow Park 06/10/23 Pillow Park - Pillow, Pennsylvania 01. folkstyle (Shaw Mason, Tim Bosby, and Hunter Holdcraft) vs. The Lost Boys (Juni Underwood, Ryan Ryzz, and Athan Promise) 02. Something/Nothing (Jake Something and Vincent Nothing) with UltraMantis Black vs. The OutRunners (Truth Magnum and Turbo Floyd) 03. Starboy Charlie, Marcus Mathers, and Brogan Finlay vs. The Von Triers (Dale Von Trier, Keith Von Trier, and Kirk Von Trier) with Franz Von Trier 04. SAKI vs. Giant Baba Yaga (with UltraMantis Black) 05. Athena, Raychell Rose, and Queen Aminata vs. Billie Starkz, Kenzie Paige, and Kylie Paige 06. Titus Alexander vs. Kerry Morton
CORE returns to the Good Time Theatre at Dorney Park in Allentown, Pennsylvania! 06/11/23 Television taping for The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour as seen on Defy TV.
JUST TAP OUT USA JTO Girls in America 07/04/23 Curry Donuts - Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
CORE Pro #117 The Long Mirror Of Time 07/07/23 Marts Center at Wilkes University - Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
CORE Pro #1?? Trios Kingdom 2023 09/01/23 Penn's Peak - Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania 09/02/23 Charles Chrin Community Center - Easton, Pennsylvania 09/03/23 Martz Hall - Pottsville, Pennsylvania
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