#Shaina's Musings
oracledekokuto · 8 months
Rerise of Poseidon - Chapitre 3
Les Spirits ! Les assassins mythiques
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Krishna : J’espère que tu es prêt, Bellérophon. Krishna : Si tu approches ne serait-ce que d’un pas vers Sa Majesté Poséidon, ton sang souillera ma Golden Lance ! Bellérophon : Ouuh, j’ai très peur. Je vais défoncer ton visage si sérieux. Bellérophon : Encore une fois, prends ça, Krishna !
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Bellérophon : Skyhigh Assault ! Krishna : Inutile ! Bellérophon : Ouh !
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Bellérophon : Tss ! Krishna : Pft. Raté. Tu aboies fort, mais tu ne mords pas. Krishna : Flashing Lancer ! Krishna : Oh ! Krishna : Il a disparu… ?!
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Krishna : Te voilà !! Bellérophon : Aïe. Bellérophon : Sa vitesse… Bellérophon : … augmente ?! Krishna : Tu as bien dit que tu allais me défoncer le visage ? Krishna : La seule chose qui le sera…
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Krishna : … ce sera ton cœur !! Krishna : Oh ! Bellérophon : Dommage. Bellérophon : Ton maniement de la lance est effectivement rapide mais simple, j’ai déjà vu au travers ! Bellérophon : Mange ça !
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Krishna : Argh ! Shaina et Kiki : Krishna ! Bellérophon : Pft. Un vrai jeu d’enfant. Bellérophon : La force des généraux de Poséidon est bien ridicule. Krishna : Va savoir… Krishna :  Je peux encaisser aisément des coups de pied aussi faiblards. Krishna : Tant que je tiens cette Golden Lance bénie par Sa Majesté Poséidon… Krishna : … je suis sûr de pouvoir te tuer en un coup !
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Bellérophon : Arrête. Krishna : Comment ? Bellérophon : Je t’ai dit d’arrêter d’utiliser cette lance qui fait ta fierté. Bellérophon : Tu vas le regretter. Krishna : Qu’est-ce que tu babilles ?! Bellérophon : Abruti. Cette fois, c’est le coup de grâce ! Bellérophon : Crèèève, Krishna !!!
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Bellérophon : À plus. Bellérophon : Ce fut un duel fort excitant. Krishna : Argh… ! Krishna : Non… Krishna : Pas encore !
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Bellérophon : Si si, c’est déjà terminé. Bellérophon : Je te l’ai dit. J’ai déjà vu au travers de cette lance émoussée. Krishna : Que… Bellérophon : Même le diamant le plus dur peut être brisé en un seul coup si on observe attentivement sa structure. Bellérophon : Il en va de même pour la Golden Lance dont on parle dans la mythologie. Krishna : Im… Impossible !!
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Sorrento : Dead End Symphony !! Terpsichore : Suite Phantasm !!
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Terpsichore : Je vois. Je reconnais là l’appel du large porté par le chant mélodieux des sirènes, ces légendaires monstres marins mangeurs d’hommes. Je ne pensais qu’il entrerait en compétition avec ma lyre. Terpsichore : Sur ce, dis-moi. Pourquoi as-tu laissé partir tes compagnons en premier ? Terpsichore : Tu aurais dû les laisser m’attaquer tous les deux pendant ce temps. Sorrento : Pft. Quelle naïveté. Sorrento : Bien qu’il s’agisse d’un combat à mort, ce serait bien lâche et excessif d’opposer trois adultes à une femme.
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Terpsichore : Ha ha ha ha ! C’est tellement gentil. Terpsichore : Cela dit, pas besoin de parler de lâcheté. Je dirais plutôt que tu es discourtois. Sorrento : Comment ? Terpsichore : Que vous soyez trois ou une dizaine, c’est du pareil au même pour moi. Sorrento : Oh ! Sorrento : D-Des ronces sont arrivées jusqu’à moi ! Sorrento : Je… Je ne peux plus bouger ! Sorrento : Cela signifie que l’envoûtement de ta lyre a réussi à transpercer ma flûte… Terpsichore : Pft. Il fallait s’y attendre.
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Terpsichore : Ma lyre de Muse est un instrument célèbre depuis les temps mythologiques, il a remporté de nombreux concours de musique contre des monstres et des bardes. Terpsichore : J’ai déjà été en compétition avec le chant des sirènes, mais cela fait un long moment que nous ne sommes pas mesurées. Terpsichore : Bien, écoute donc la suite qui mène à la mort ! Sorrento : Agh ! Sorrento : Je dois l’égaler sinon je me ferai tuer ! Sorrento : Lequel des deux sons prendra le contrôle du cerveau adverse ? Sorrento : C’est un duel de technique, Terpsichore !!
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Sorrento : Hein… Quel est ce vent… Sorrento : … qui semble s’enrouler autour de moi ? Terpsichore : Hé hé hé. Premier mouvement : « labyrinthe ». Deuxième mouvement : « invasion ». Terpsichore : Et ensuite, le troisième mouvement : « réminiscence ». Terpsichore : Tu es en train de te souvenir du passé… Terpsichore : … du moment où tu as ressenti le plus fortement la peur de la mort !
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Sorrento : Oh… Oooh… Il n’y a pas d’erreur possible. Sorrento : Ce vent… C’est celui qui m’a mis en échec par le passé… Sorrento : Le Nebula Stream… Sorrento : … d’Andromède !! Terpsichore : Pft. Eh bien, quel est le problème ? Le son de ta flûte faiblit. Terpsichore : Dans ce cas… Sorrento : Elle… Elle a raison… À ce rythme, je vais… Sorrento : M… Mais je n’arrive plus à bouger mes doigts… Terpsichore : Meurs. ❤
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Shun : Nebula Storm !!!
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Terpsichore : Pft. Pitoyable. Terpsichore : En plus, il me restait un mouvement à jouer. Sorrento : C’est… impossible. Les dégâts reçus sont bien réels… Sorrento : Tout n’était donc pas une illusion… Terpsichore : C’était une illusion. Cependant, si le cerveau pense qu’elle est 100 % réelle, le corps y croira. Terpsichore : C’est comme l’effet placebo qui amène à prendre de la farine de blé pour un médicament. Terpsichore : Après tout, les humains sont des êtres bien fragiles.
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Sorrento : Non… Tu te trompes… Terpsichore : Que dis-tu ? Sorrento : Bien que tu sois la guerrière d’une divinité, tu es encore une humaine, non ? Tout comme nous, les Marinas… Sorrento : Tu devrais comprendre… Le châtiment divin de Némésis consumera aussi bien la mer que la terre. Sorrento : Si la chute de météorites arrive, il n’y aura plus ni bien ni mal également… Sorrento : Toutes les vies, y compris la tienne, seront irrémédiablement perdues ! Sorrento : Malgré tout cela, pourquoi es-tu à son service ? Sorrento : Réponds-moi ! Terpsichore : Pft. Quelle pitié… Terpsichore : Tu ne comprends rien. Terpsichore : Nous autres, les Spirits… Terpsichore : … sommes différents de vous.
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Krishna : B… Bravo… Krishna : Tu as brisé la Golden Lance, célébrée pour ne pouvoir ni plier ni casser… Krishna : Dans la mythologie grecque, le héros Bellérophon a éliminé la Chimère après avoir dompté Pégase, le cheval ailé. Krishna : Étant donné ton terrifiant art du combat aérien… Tu mérites effectivement de porter ce nom en héritage. Bellérophon : … Hé hé. Bellérophon : Hé hé hé hé hé…
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Bellérophon : Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ! Bellérophon : Bouah ha ha ha ha ha ! Kiki : Hein… Krishna : Pourquoi… ris-tu ? Bellérophon : Imbécile. C’est moi ! Bellérophon : Je suis le véritable Bellérophon !
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Bellérophon : Pft. On dirait que vous ne comprenez pas. Bellérophon : Notre statut à nous, les Spirits, est fondamentalement différent du vôtre, Marinas et Saints. Bellérophon : Nous vivions à l’époque mythologique, avec les dieux. Nous sommes de véritables héros. Bellérophon : Chevauchant mon fidèle Pégase, j’ai essayé d’atteindre le Ciel. Mais j’ai provoqué la colère de Zeus, le dieu suprême, et ai été frappé par son foudre. Bellérophon : C’est alors que ma déesse, Némésis, m’a sauvé aux portes de la mort. Némésis : Tu es coupable d'un sacré outrage. La colère des dieux a transpercé ton corps. Némésis : Toutefois, il est regrettable de laisser mourir ainsi quelqu’un comme toi… Némésis : Si tu acceptes de me servir, je t’accorderai une vie héroïque.
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Bellérophon : Depuis les temps mythologiques, nos âmes sont à l’abri dans nos Shells qui orbitent dans l’espace. Bellérophon : Et lors de l’épiphanie de la déesse Némésis… Bellérophon : … nous sommes tombés sur Terre tels des météores. Bellérophon : Autrement dit, nous sommes les authentiques disciples des dieux ! Bellérophon : Allez, Krishna. Maintenant, c’est l’heure pour ma technique ultime de t’envoyer de vie à trépas !
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Shaina : C-Cette aura, c’est… Kiki : Pégase ! Krishna : … Qu’il en soit ainsi. Krishna : Si mon adversaire est vraiment un héros mythologique, je le frapperai, même si je dois me sacrifier… ! Krishna : Viens, Bellérophon ! Je vais te frapper de toute mon âme ! Krishna : J’en appelle à ce qu’il me reste d’énergie cosmique ! Élève-toi jusqu’à atteindre l’ultime Kundalini !
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Bellérophon : Divine Onslaught !!
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Krishna : Entre au Nirvana enveloppé dans cette intense lumière ! Krishna : Maha Roshini !!
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Krishna : Argh ! Bellérophon : Pft. Mort sur le coup.
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Krishna : Le pouvoir de ce héros… est incroyable… Krishna : Il a repoussé si aisément le Maha Roshini, la technique dans laquelle j’avais mis toutes mes forces… Krishna : Je ne vois rien… Je n’entends rien… Krishna : Je ne peux absolument pas bouger… Krishna : Alors c’est la fin… de ma seconde vie… Je vais disparaître sans avoir accompli mon devoir… Krishna : Je le regrette… Krishna : N… Non… Krishna : Ce n’est pas ça… Krishna : Ce n’est pas ça, Krishna… !
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Krishna : Hé, le nouveau. Krishna : Tu as abandonné l’étude et les corvées pour rester assis toute la journée ! Krishna : Tu te moques de nous, c’est quoi cette attitude ? Shaka : Eh bien, je discute évidemment avec Bouddha. Krishna : Ah oui ? T’es incroyable dis donc. Krishna : Mais bon, là c’est avec moi que tu parles. Krishna : Jusqu’à quand tu vas roupiller ? Ouvre les yeux, bon sang ! Shaka : Ce n’est pas nécessaire.
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Shaka : Il y a trop de vacarme dans ce monde de souffrances. Shaka : Quand je ferme les yeux… je peux voir ma lumière intérieure, bien qu'indistinctement. Shaka : Hé hé… Mais elle ne m'a pas encore répondu. Krishna : Je vois. Krishna : T’as beau être un génie et un enfant prodige, je m’en fiche. Si tu ne veux pas que je t’explose la tête, t’as intérêt à ouvrir les yeux. Shaka : Ce n’est pas nécessaire. Krishna : Abruti !
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Krishna : Pourquoi tu ne l’as pas évité ? Shaka : Et toi… Shaka : Pourquoi veux-tu me frapper alors que tu n’en as pas l’intention ? Shaka : Allez… Tout est réglé. Shaka : Je veux continuer ma méditation…
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Krishna : Je me demande… quel était son nom. Krishna : Avec un corps aussi maigre et minuscule… Krishna : ... il a éveillé un immense Kundalini, comparable à celui d’un grand prêtre qui a atteint l’illumination… Krishna : Il n’est pas le seul…
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Krishna : Mon vieil ennemi, Shiryû du Dragon… Krishna : Cet homme a lui aussi renoncé à son propre corps et a atteint l’illumination aux portes de la mort…! Krisna : Ça y est… Je comprends… Krishna : Même si mon corps est totalement brisé… Krishna : … je reste en vie. Krishna : Ce n’est pas terminé… !!
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Shaina : Argh ! Bellérophon : Pft. Hors de mon chemin, minables. Bellérophon : C’est avec Poséidon que j’ai affaire. Shaina : T-Tu n’iras pas plus loin… Shaina : Ne sous-estime pas les Saints d’Athéna ! Bellérophon : Alors crève !
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bramblescratches · 4 years
i’m very tired and about to go to sleep but i wanna have you know that i’m 5/8 faceclaims away from having a muse for every actrees who’s played a fate in the original cast of a new york production of hadestown and it’s very wlw of me to want to complete that octet.
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aquarius-saint · 3 years
Shocked that I havent seen a Saglos disney Hercules AU yet bc that writes itself
Also Aphrodite, Mu, Shura, Marin & Shaina as that muses
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drunkcnsunlight · 3 years
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👅  our muses go for ice cream together ( SHAINA & CORBETT )
--- SHAINA could not get enough of this girl. in fact, she thought that she was beginning to develop feelings for her: intense feelings. ones that she did not possess for KIMBERLY, even if that did not take away from the closeness of their attachment, of course. platonic bonds were some of her most important connections, but... she missed romance. she wanted for it to be possible for her again, despite the extent of the baggage that she felt insecure about acquiring, ever since she’d been resurrected. could CORBETT ever possibly accept her for those pieces? the pieces of a heart that was fragmented, even if it had been allowed to restart and beat again? SHAINA was too busy laughing, enjoying the sunshine of the day, and tasting her watermelon sorbet, to think about the depths of her previous pain. her eyes flashed affectionately in her companion’s direction, once she’d processed another one of her quick-witted jokes. “so... which FLAVOR did you get?” she asked, with an incline of her brow. “and... even more importantly... can i have a TASTE?” 
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I knew Shaina was special when, with tears streaming down her face, she told me that she hadn't caught a single frame of the movie we'd just watched. I held her in my arms and I let her cry on my shoulder while I patted her back. The other cinema-goers stared at us. I glared at them while I comforted Shaina.
"I don't understand," I said. "But I'm with you. It's okay. I'm with you."
I had to help her down the steps and through the corridors I was so familiar with, the ones that led back to the mall. By then, she'd wiped her tears away, but her face still glistened red.
"Was the movie good?" she asked.
"Yeah," I said. We passed a churro stall, but I wasn't hungry, not when Shaina was like that.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it," she said.
I smiled at her, and it was the most natural expression I'd ever made in my whole life. If I had a director watching me, she'd have squeezed a hug out of me and named me her muse. I made a mental note of this moment, something to revisit when I was acting next, when I needed to smile.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you," she said and shrugged. "When I watch a movie, I can never follow what's going on. As soon as I see an actor, I just start seeing their lives. I don't even know if they're real lives or just my imagination. I see them acting, and then they get off the set, they dine, they laugh, they kick back, they paint and drink and read scripts and collect typewriters..."
I hailed a taxi and we got in the back. I couldn't just let Shaina go home on her own like this.
"This time, it was something really intense. Did you see who the actor was for that student character? The one who was in the pretty skirt near the beginning of the film."
I didn't have to think too hard for that one. "Lisette Badeaux. Did she catch your eye? I think she's cute too."
Shaina laughed, which was kind of a relenting laugh. The riposte to a hail of sad thoughts. "Yeah, she was cute," she said. "She came to Paris when she was just seventeen. It was really hard for her there. She worked hard as a model, and then as an actor, even though she had no experience in front of the camera."
"I didn't know that," I said. "I just know she was in some really great films, back in the 60s. The avant-garde directors really liked her, for some reason."
"It's because she could improvise," Shaina said, and broke into a weep again. "Because she could tell stories, sometimes even better than the directors themselves. That's what she wanted to do in front of the camera. Tell stories."
"You saw that?" I asked.
Shaina shot off a few quick instructions to the driver on the turns he'd need to make. Then she nodded at me. "Yeah. In the public eye, I guess she just dropped off. Truth is, they made her drop off."
"Who is they?" I asked.
"The directors, the producers, the financiers... once it got out that a ditzy model is the one responsible for all your best scenes and lines, I guess they couldn't handle it anymore. They got her good. Drugs, contracts, marriages and divorces... she was just a poor girl who wanted to tell stories, and look at what they did to her."
Shaina started crying again, and I comforted her in the back of the cab like I had back in the cinema hall. I told her it was going to be alright. I also thought of how to address the fact that Lisette Badeaux was no longer alive.
"I'm sure she's in a good place now," I said. "Telling all the stories she can think of, and then some."
Shaina let another laugh break through the barricade, and she squeezed me tight. "Thank you, really. I don't even know how much of it is real, how much was just, you know."
The cab pulled over to a stop and Shaina reluctantly opened the door, smiling at me with a bid of sadness in her eyes. I was disappointed I had to leave her.
"Hey," I said, just before she could go. "They're doing a preview showing of my first film next week. I can get you in. Do you want to come?"
Shaina seemed dumbfounded for a few moments, but then she smiled. She wiped her tears, nodded, and said "Yes."
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former-shootingstvr · 3 years
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muses i’ve written in the past:
a lot of ocs
teddy altman (grey’s anatomy)
minako aino / salir venus (sailor moon)
hotaru tomoe / sailor saturn (sailor moon)
chibiusa / sailor chibi moon (sailor moon)
muses i’m currently writing:
koriand’r / starfire (here)
on @/peatchy;
mj watson (marvel)
sif (marvel)
diana prince / ww (dc)
bruce wayne / batman (dc)
roy harper / arsenal (dc)
karen beecher / bumblebee (dc)
donna troy / troia (dc)
talia al ghul (dc)
kmand’r / blackfire (dc)
cassie sandsmark / wonder girl (dc)
addison montgomery (grey’s anatomy)
michiru kaioh / sailor neptune (sailor moon)
princes kakyuu (sailor moon)
aphrodite (greek myth)
persephone (greek myth)
zeus (greek myth)
helen of troy (greek myth)
tonatiuh (aztec myth)
sagittarius aiolos (saint seiya)
ophiuchus shaina (saint seiya)
muses i would like to write:
hotaru tomoe
pandora heinstein (saint seiya)
ryand’r / wildifre (dc)
yuri plisetsky (yoi)
more ocs !!!
tagged by: none, i stole it.
tagging: ALL OF U !!
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milaiis-blog · 5 years
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HI everyone ! it’s me again, natalie (aka warren’s mun lol) here for my second muse / late addition, milai ! (that’s just her nickname tbh) her skeleton is asklepios, and yes, i know the gif is unexpectedly cheerful-looking, bUT YEAH PLS PLOT WITH HER. lengthy information under the “read more,” because that’s how i roll.
you’re not sure exactly what happened to your biological mother. you know her name was shaina abog falcón — “shaina,” a name meaning “beautiful,” which she apparently was; “abog,” a filipino surname meaning “dust,” to which she was reduced far too early in her short existence.
you know she was a nun. you’ve heard she was devout. why and how, then, did she get pregnant? your adoptive parents name you milagro, a spanish loan word meaning “miracle,” because that’s how shaina had convinced herself you came to be. through a miracle.
you were, naturally, too young to remember the actual circumstances of your birth. you have no way of verifying whether your mother had truly died from childbirth, as people tell you, or whether your biological father had something to do with it. your new parents never seem to be pleased at the mention of this unnamed american man who impregnated shaina before forsaking his fresh-born daughter.
despite all your incredulity, you’re not a fool. when your new parents recount the day of your birth and credit the fact that you’re alive to medicine, you believe them. they’re a pair of doctors — clarisa jamora, also from the philippines, and her american husband tommy whelan. free of charge, they’d helped extricate you from your mother’s womb after they got stationed in the philippines.
clarisa and tommy are perfectly nice, wholesome people. they treat you well and you consider them your parents, truly. but when you turn four years old, you let them know you don’t want either of their last names. somehow, you feel like you’re still connected to shaina. although you were never spiritual, it’s almost like you carry her soul within yourself.
everyone quickly realises you’re a prodigy. still at four years old, you’ve figured out how to open your parents’ heavily locked library unassisted and memorised chapters of a medical journal. they’re astounded.
the reception isn’t all positive, however. your classmates call you a show-off and exclude you from their circles. they find you abrasive and arrogant and don’t like it when you show them how to pronounce or spell your surnames, abog and falcón. you’re a nuisance. you’re not even pretty, all gangly underneath enormous spectacles and unkempt tangles of hair.
but your cognisance of reality stops you from ever attempting to fit in. even though it hurts you deeply, you know physical beauty isn’t important. you know grades aren’t important. you know politeness is a social construct often weaponised against creatures like you. unfortunately, your flair for existential rumination doesn’t sit well with the rest of the world. your teachers reprimand you for being incendiary. you’re “disruptive,” “radical,” sometimes even “mean” or “cold” to your peers. these peers think no higher of you either.
you’re an activist with hands who will save many lives in the future. you’re a proudly ugly, proudly angry, proudly antisocial bitch.
that is, until you’re not. in med school, you’re startled to witness the absence of clichés. the students seem to be friendlier and more easygoing, more mature and self-assured. they don’t really try hard to make anyone who they aren’t. and one thing you aren’t, it turns out, is ugly.
a schoolmate lends you a compact mirror. “look at yourself,” she cries in disbelief. so you look at yourself over and over until it sinks in that ugliness isn’t actually an integral part of your identity.
you’re beautiful. you don’t know how to live as a Pretty Girl, even if you are a very, very pretty girl. you lack the effortless charisma. you’re utterly untrained in the art of flirting. instead of attractive confidence, you have obdurate will and hostility.
so you remain who you were for a time. you graduate from university decorated with abundant scholarly merits. near the end of your first year as a nurse, however, you suffer from a gap in professionalism.
this gap occurs when you see him. you’ve never heard his name before. ivan humphries or something. but your blood boils when you see him. he’s had a stroke. you think, “good.” you hope he dies. he almost does.
of course, your superiors in the hospital don’t take this lightly, even though they believe you when you say the mistakes you made in helping treat him were sheer accidents. you don’t know what happened to you. your only religion is science, but it genuinely does feel like you’d been possessed by a malicious spirit.
thus, you seek refuge in a holy place — the sanctum. that’s what the name means, doesn’t it? but, again, you are not a fool. you know it’s a disingenuous, poisonous organisation. you join anyway. your destiny is to heal people. you can’t allow your career in medicine to be cut by one mistake.
as if by miracle, they fulfil your request. your singular, colossal mistake leaves not a single mark on your record. the memory appears to have been erased from your colleagues’ minds, though you figure they’ve probably just been induced to secrecy. your protection goes along with a hefty moral price, but at this point you no longer care. you’ve turned off your heart, which now only lights up at carnal pleasures and materialistic glamour.
ivan was her biological father, and well-done if you successfully deduced it! :D despite her lack of concrete evidence, one of her quieter goals now is to afflict more harm upon him. it’s not a 100% rational spite (but it’s pretty damn justified). still, she’s going to try to do some dna testing or something before she’s going to really strike against him.
she has two surnames, because the philippines follows the spanish naming system. her nickname, “milai” (pronounced like “mii-laahy”), is more of a traditionally filipino diminutive. her first language is also not tagalog, but cebuano (from the visayas region in the philippines). “abog” is cebuano.
she’s bisexual af lol
congratulations if you made it this far! i’m not going to include wanted connections, because you probably know the drill and it would make this even longer ajfdsjfsf. PLS LIKE THIS OR MESSAGE ME IF YOU WANNA PLOT ESPECIALLY WITH THE EVENT GOING ON
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✏️ shaina
Send me a ✏️ and I’ll draw your muse.
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theeditorreads · 1 year
The Philosophy of Mind by Jonathan Glover (Editor) - A Review
My Rating: 3/5Genre: Philosophy/PsychologyPages: 162 (Paperback)Publisher: Oxford University PressDate of Publication: 13 January 1977 Series: Oxford Readings in Philosophy Review Reviewing this one in a manner different from my other reviews because1) This is a scholarly book that I had no business reading and now I am going to review it.2) I checked out two books from the Sahitya Akademi…
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sanctum-of-fantasy · 6 years
Rainy Day
Well it’s only taken a year and several days, but I finally got the first prompt for the Ladies Fest writing challenge done! It turned out much longer than I expected too. Hope everyone enjoys~
Series: Saint Seiya Characters: Ophiuchus Shaina and Chameleon June Word Count: 2,945
It was the rumble of thunder that woke June up. Her eyes snapping open and sitting up in her bed, one arm out stretched and put in a defensive stance until her mind caught up with her and she realized what the sound truly was. She dropped her arm and rubbed the area between her eyes and the bridge of her nose, it felt so silly to react like that but…. those kinds of reactions were far more common than she liked to admit in recent times.
Another crash of thunder and the flash of lightning through her blinds sent a shiver down her spine. Blinking in her dark room she reached over to her clock to check the time, unsure due to just how dark it currently was.
8:37 am
She sighed and rolled out of her bed, June decided there was no point in staying in bed due to the weather, that she should try and be productive. Sure, she wouldn’t be able to do her full morning routine, but she could manage a chunk of it within her apartment.
‘Morning routine, breakfast, check weather then….’ She mentally tried to plan what to do until the storm passed. She pulled her hair and in a messy bun and stumbled into her small kitchen.
After the Holy War ended she really didn’t have a place to return too, Andromeda Island bought back too many bitter memories and although there was room in Sanctuary, she just didn’t feel comfortable to stay within its borders.
In truth, she wasn’t the only one felt uncomfortable with staying in Sanctuary, with the last thirteen years still recent in everyone’s minds and with the Holy War, everything was…in disorder. There was still no Pope, although Athena was present and trying to reign in order there wasn’t much success from what she could tell, at least not yet.
On the other hand, there was her and her fellow Saints…. each one of them had dedicated their lives to fighting and now, what was there to fight? What was there for them to do, to fight? Sure, there would be always be an occasional problem she was sure, but those would probably be small. There would be students to train too, but she didn't consider herself exactly the mentor type. She wasn't like her own master Albior.
She wasn't sure where she stood exactly, what was in her future.
“Come on June don't think like that” She whispered, shaking her head and slipping her feet into the pair of slippers she kept nearby. She reminded herself she couldn't keep thinking those kind of thoughts, it wasn't good for her and it wouldn't do her any good to linger on them.
'Ok....breakfast, some stretches and then check the mail, I'll figure what to do after that' June thought as she yawned and stumbled into her small kitchen, turning on the lights and setting a kettle on the shove to boil as she turned on a radio and moved it to a weather station.
The local time is currently 8:42, temperature is 16 Celsius, which would mean it'd be a perfect day to be outside if it wasn't for the storm.
'Yeah a real shame, I don't think I want to do my jog like this' She thought, looking through her fridge and pulling out the cartoons of eggs and milk before closing it with a slight kick and setting them aside when the kettle began to make the loud whistling noise that said the water was hot enough.
Chances of seeing the sun shine today are low, chances of rain are high and will continue into the later afternoon. Better chances for tomorrow, with general cloudiness and low percent of rain.
'Oh, how wonderful, I can get some errands done then' June thought as she broke several eggs into a bowl and mixed them together with a dash of milk. The sound of the radio blending with the rain into the background, coating her home in a sleepy feeling.
'Can't really train like this, maybe I'll spend the day watching tv and reading’ which sounded just fine, training when it was raining so hard was terrible and she never enjoyed it when she was a trainee. She could do her training tomorrow, there wasn't much to do otherwise. When the weather cleared up she did plan on going to Sanctuary and seeing how things were going there, it had been a few days.
She jumped slightly when she heard distant but loud knocking at her door, putting a hand to her chest and sighing. “Coming!” She called, pushing her eggs away and walking to the door, whoever was at the other end was very impatient.
“Yes, can I help you wi-Shaina?” June blinked, seeing the Ophiuchus Saint on the other side of her day. Hair drenching wet and an irritated look on her face, one eye twitching. Was odd enough to see her away from her armor, let alone without her mask and at her door.
She didn't even know the Silver Saint knew where she lived.
“Is something the matter? What were you doing out in the rain?” June asked, before stepping aside and gesturing for the other Saint to step inside “Oh please come in, I'll get you a towel!” Shaina quickly stepped in, kicking off her shoes and hanging her black jacket on the nearby coat rack, shivering slightly as she rubbed her arms.
“Didn't really plan on being out during the storm but the rain snuck up on me before I knew it. Remembered Marin said you lived around here” the Silver Saint said, nodding as June handed her a towel. Which she worked through her hair before draping it over her shoulders.
“Well” June started before pausing momentarily to think over her idea. Going back out in such a bad storm wasn’t exactly the best idea however, the Ophiuchus wasn’t exactly the best person to get along with from what she had heard and seen the few times they crossed paths.
‘But she is a comrade’ June reminded herself. “Shaina if you want, you can stay here until the storm lightens up some” she said.
The green haired Saint narrowed her eyes and glanced out one of the living room windows, “I’d hate to impose, besides it’s just a storm. It’ll take more than that to kill me.”
“You can still get seriously sick” June said, her voice deadpan as she shook her head and returned to her kitchen, “Would you like something? Drink? Food?” She heard a faint click of a tongue before Shaina moved to sit at one of the tall stools she kept by the kitchen counter, pressing a hand flat as she thought for a moment.
“Got any coffee?” Shaina asked, receiving a smile and nod from June. The Chameleon Saint wasn’t a fan of coffee, it was too bitter to her no matter what kind she got or what she added to it. But she always kept a small thing of it around for any guests that preferred it.
“I was just about to make some breakfast, want some eggs or toast?” June asked, sliding a fan onto the shove top to heat up. As well as getting the coffee going.
“If it’s not a problem, thanks” Shaina said.
A rhythmic pattern surrounded them, between the rain, June cooking between drinking her tea and handing Shaina her coffee as she messed with the radio, managing to find a folk music station. It felt nice to June, felt normal and calm as they bounced between anything they could think of.
Shaina had recently moved back out of one of the barrack building in Sanctuary, since her cottage had been rebuilt finally, after it had been destroyed during the War. She had been out looking to buy a few things for her mostly empty home when the storm came.
‘I should get her a housewarming gift’ June mused, dishing out some scrambled eggs onto two plates, pushing one towards the older Saint. “How are the other Silver Saints adjusting by the way?” she asked, she’d only really heard from Marin a few times, but the rest of the second rank was mostly unknown to her.
“Eh, some are doing better than others. A few are still healing from injuries, months old or fresh…. mentally, physically or both” Shaina answered, propping her chin against a hand, eyes focused on the radio. “Everyone’s mourning but a few want to hurry up and get new trainees and Saints, we’re down by what forty something? Yeah that sounds about right.”
Of that number June was sure 12 were the Gold Saints, the Pope, and another was her master.
‘5 could have been Shun and the other bronzes’ she added privately to herself.
“What about you Shaina, how are you handling everything?” June asked, taking a bold move. The Ophiuchus Saint wasn’t a very open person, especially with her emotions as Marin had once told her. She didn’t expect get much of an answer, if anything she expected a snappy comment.
“Probably as well as you are” Shaina snorted before sighing. “Ok that was too harsh, I have no idea I’m doing honestly. Been trying to keep myself busy at least.”
June nodded, she had been doing the same for the most part. She shook her head and focused back on the breakfast she was eating.
“What about you? Got any plans for yourself?” Shaina asked, taking a long drink of her coffee.
“I…not really?” She managed to say, moving two plates from a top cabinet and dishing out the food and moving to face the other Saint. “I wouldn’t say I planned on dying in the War but” she paused, throat feeling dry suddenly, “I guess I never thought about after, that’s all.”
She heard Shaina sigh and looked up, she was swirling her coffee, a bittersweet smile on her face.
“Yeah that sounds about right. We bleed for one event in our lives, but after? No one thinks about after and we’re tripping over ourselves figuring this mess out” Her voice sounded stressed and angry. June figured it was more at herself rather than at others.
She felt the same way sometimes.
June took a sip of her drink, still trying to get the cotton feeling to get away, her thoughts slipping back to when she was just a trainee, and to Andromeda Island. Albior did his best with all of them, guiding them along with their training or any questions they had. But if she remembered right, he was just a few years older than Shaina.
Which made her wonder, did he have something planned? Beyond teaching a new generation of Saints, what else did he have in mind?
“June? You home?” Shaina’s voice, and a light tapping on the counter top bought her away from those sad thoughts. She rubbed her eyes and shook her head, “Sorry I was just…thinking.”
“Thinking is proving to be dangerous lately, don’t let your food go cold” Shaina replied, returning to her own food and June decided that she had a point. She remembered hearing somewhere that a full stomach helped with moods, and her own mood needed some uplifting.
“So, what was on your mind?” Shaina asked.
“My Master, I was just thinking, if he had any ideas or plans for after the Holy War” June replied, lifting her eyes away from her plate to meet the other Saint’s gaze.
“Your Master was hmm, Cepheus, right? Tall, blond haired guy?” Shaina said, gesturing with a hand high in the air, matching roughly how tall the Saint in question was.
“Yeah that’s him, Cepheus Albior, did you know him?” June asked, a curious expression spreading on her face, she sat up straighter. Shaina grunted and narrowed her eyes, “Not really? Met a few times in Sanctuary when we were both trainees, to be honest I always thought of him as a goody-two-shoes.”
She couldn’t help but snort and laugh slightly, somehow that description fitted him well. “Yeah I can see why you would think that.”
“There were quite a few people in Sanctuary that I could call that. But hell, I don’t think any Masters had any plans for after the War beyond training new Saints. I know I didn’t when Cassios got assigned to me, still don’t.” Shaina continued, stabbing her food sharply.
“You had a student?” Somehow it didn’t surprise her, Marin was the same age and had trained Seiya despite it. Seemed like a lot of Masters were quite young, Sanctuary or rather the Pope didn’t see any fault with the idea.
“Cassios, he…didn’t get very far. Died during the siege of the Zodiac Temples” Shaina managed, crossing her arms and looking towards the nearby window. The storm seemed to have lightened up some, though the sky was still so dark despite the time passing.
“Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that” June said, that whole event had been terrible in every way, and for everyone involved. And with the battles that happened afterwards…’No June, don’t think about it, it’s all over now’ She snapped at herself.
“I’d like to say he got justice in the end, but it still feels er, how to say it. Cheated? Not enough for what happened” She mumbled, pushing away her now empty plate.
“I can understand what you mean, really” She’d be lying if she didn’t say she wasn’t somewhat bitter about how things went with the Pisces and Scorpio Saints, but that was then she reminded herself. She had moved on from it…. mostly.
“Shit happens, can’t fix it. But…thanks, really June” Shaina reached over hesitantly and rested a hand on her shoulder for a few moments but moving back. She smiled towards the Silver Saint who turned her head away.
“Have you thought about taking another student?” She questioned, carefully. Perhaps it was a bit too soon after what they had talked about, but she did wonder. Shaina had mentioned that some in Sanctuary were already trying to get back into training new Saints.
“Not really, not with what happened with Cassios” She answered, flexing a hand and focusing on her gloves. “It’s just given me a lot to think about. Some good and some is just fucking terrible” Shaina said with a groan.
June reached out to try and comfort her but clenched her hand and returned it to her lap. The Ophiuchus Saint didn’t seem to like physical contact too much and she didn’t want to offend her.
“Sorry” She mumbled out.
“Don’t be, it’s well, it’s just is what it is” Shaina replied, straightening her back and sighing. “There’s talk about Athena changing things, something involving the Sanctuary’s training methods, so if I even wanted too, I doubt I could get a new student at the moment.”
“Oh, I wonder what she has planned then. Doubt I’d ever have what it takes to be a mentor like you or Marin” June said with a shrug. Aside from the fact she was a Bronze Saint and couldn’t technically take on a student, unless she was promoted to Gold Saint. Something that was even less likely.
“Don’t knock yourself down kid, you’re younger than me. Sides we both have a whole lot of time now, for better or worse” Shaina said with a huff. June figured she was likely right, and just can used to reassuring others.
“Thank you, Shaina,” she said, standing up and taking their empty dishes to the sink as a lighter mood spread in the room. The radio station had changed at some point, going back to the weather broadcast, the announcer still as joyful as he first was.
Just a friendly reminder its currently 10:00 am and the weather has cleared up some, if any of our dear listeners have errands to run, now might be your best chance. We’re going to pause for a brief break, but we get back we’ll be talking to a guest about-
“Hate how they interrupt songs like that” Shaina sighed, lowering the volume on the radio and standing from her seat. “Well, if the weather is easing up, I better take my chance and get back to Sanctuary. Trying to get up those hills and canyons is a pain when everything’s wet.”
June nodded and dried her hands, pulling open the blinds to the small, single window by the sink. A few rays of light had broken through the sky and she could see some people already outside. “Sounds like a plan, travel safely though.”
“Thanks, guess I’ll see you around Sanctuary then?” Shaina asked as June turned to face her, pulling on her now dry jacket.
She nodded and smiled, “Yeah and, if you’re around the neighborhood, don’t be a stranger ok?” Receiving a thumb up over a shoulder of green hair and listened as the door shut softly behind her.
After a while soft music came back into her apartment, the rain came back but didn’t seem as depressing as before. She settled down with a book she picked up from a local bookstore, her mood much better than when she woke up and so were her thoughts.
She enjoyed the short visit she decided, it was good to talk to another Saint struggling like she had been, as much as she hated to admit it. In the back of her mind she figured she’d visit the Sanctuary soon enough, see how things were going there and see how Marin was doing.
The phone rang then, and stood up to answer it, surprised to hear a familiar voice on the other end.
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scocbysnacks · 4 years
forewarned tw: general horror, cursing, violence, blood, zombie-related content to be expected through the thread muse: duke open: anyone, please read rules plot: the city are muses are in is on the eve of the zombie apocalypse. your muse has just received a panicked phone call from mine saying where she is and what’s been happening. your muse is the only one to have picked up her call and the line cuts off. notes: i imagine this to be like the intro to tlou. we can build as we go. it can either be a pre-established or someone completely random but your muse would have had to give their phone number to duke at some point in order for her to reach them.
Duke had managed to get a hold of one person, blurting all the information of where she was and what had happened before the line went dead. Now, all she could do was wait for impossible odds that that person would find her alive. She took a deep steadying breath, turning to her sorority sister, Shaina who was trembling on the couch in their apartment’s living room, bloodied hands clasped together in prayer. They had decided to move in together after they’d graduated college and while Duke took more classes for a masters, Shaina started in on her IT job. It had only been two years since then and now, Duke was standing terrified in front of their doorway. 
“How’s that scratch?” It was something controllable that Duke could focus on, the question posed in genuine concern, even though she knew it already been bandaged up. They had been in a restaurant down the block when it had happened, suddenly there was screaming everywhere as things with human faces began to attack randomly. One almost got Duke but Shaina was surprisingly reflexive with a chair and then they were running. They ran from that restaurant to their apartment and up four flights of stairs nearly to it, when someone popped out into the stairwell with six of those things rushing in after them. It had all been too fast, Shaina’s ankle nearly grabbed as they made a mad dash for the door to their floor. It had nearly dragged Shaina down when Duke grabbed a fire extinguisher and started in on its head. 
“It’s just a scratch. I’m not gonna bleed out.”  Shaina joked but her voice wavered with her shaking. Her friend stopped praying and stood to look out the window. A smart idea, Duke turned to do the same to their front entrance.
Duke eased their door open very slowly and peered into the hall, sticking her head out partially when nothing jumped out immediately.  She looked both ways. Nothing.
 “I’m gonna go out and see if I can get help, Shaina ...I’ll be right back.” There wasn’t the usual protests but when Duke looked back Shaina was staring out of the window. She took that as an ok and closed the door behind her. In the hallway, the silence made her heart race, ears fine tuned for any sounds as she made her way to the other stairwell. 
Hopefully, the person she’d called was on their way.
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bramblescratches · 4 years
eight people I’d like to get to know better.
one   /   (  alias / name  ) : ceil or bramble!
two   /   (  birthday  ) : oct 19, 2003
three   /   (  zodiac sign  ) :  libra
four   /   (  height  ) :  5′0′
five   /   (  hobbies  ) : i play tambourine and melodica, love to write and draw, and go on hikes + cook
six   /   (  favourite colour  ) :  light green.
seven   /   (  favourite books  ) : the wings of fire series, 1984 by George Orwell. 
eight   /   (  last song listened to  ) : picture show from bonnie and clyde and last surprise from persona 5
nine   /   (  last film or show watched  ) : fate/zero! a very confusing anime
ten   /   (  inspiration for muse  ) :  honestly? i get inspiration to right when i see their faceclaims! if i listen to shaina taub’s music, ill get inspo to write for feste, if i see an instagram post from gelsey bell, it’ll be fucking,,,Mary Time. i guess i just chose characters i liked to write for. 
eleven   /   (  story behind url) : my main is @bramblesongs, so i wanted to keep a relatively similar url. brambles can scratch people, and scratching makes me think of writing, like chicken scratch. it can either be read as like...wounds from touching thorns, or Bramble scratches, past tense of me...(bramble) writing. 
tagged by: @songbird-not-found, @glitteringpearls
tagging: @timidstrcngth, @sinisteraugurey, @gentlevoiced
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photon-nmo · 6 years
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“Shaina West” is this week's theme for #sketchblog www.sketchplease.com #shainawest AKA @thesamurider #thesamurider #muse #artmuse #martialartist #sketchplease #penandink #inkdrawing #artblog #art #illustration #TheArchangelo #archangelocrelencia #artistsoninstagram
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katarinagravestone · 4 years
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Yesterday was a #leapday, so that meant an extra day with #DEADUARY... Here’s some #behindthescenes shots from when I had the pleasure of turning @huntisimo into a brain-munching zombie. It’s still hard to wrap my mind around the fact that this was my FIRST EVER #sfxmakeup application! . Visit the link in bio to order your #CALENDEATH and see Shaina, and all the rest of @thedarkartstore’s models/muses in their fully transformed gore and glory! . Photography by @kasinochamp . #horrormakeup #gore #blood #bloody #mehron #mehronmakeup #morphe #morphebabe #sfx #muah #makeupartists #promakeupartist #darkart #horrorart #horrorartist #zombiemakeup #zombie #zombies #originalcharacter #instahorror #horrorgram #horrorcommunity #guillotine #kasinochamp https://www.instagram.com/p/B9N4UnKlH0L/?igshid=ziq98ztfbhz1
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bursnlikefire · 7 years
"I should have listened to everyone who told me this was a bad idea." (Any muse)
Shaina only shook her head. It was Halloween and they were standing in front of an old house, out in the middle of nowhere in their Halloween costumes. "Look, this house has been abandoned for almost 30 years. The only thing that's in there is bugs and maybe a few cats."
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notifychill4-blog · 5 years
Heart-Shaped Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake
Heart-Shaped Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake
Show someone you love by making them a heart-shaped chocolate chip cookie cake from scratch. You can make this cookie cake recipe for Valentine’s Day or for a birthday!
It’s that time of year again, where I’m sharing a heart shaped dessert and sharing with you our wonderful Good Cookie Food Bloggers’ Valentine’s Day event that benefits Cookies for Kids’ Cancer (C4KC).
For seven years now, I have been fundraising for this wonderful charity because childhood cancer is the #1 cause of death of children by disease in the US and because we need more pediatric cancer research money!
This is our third year for our V-Day event and I love love that these brands, OXO, Mediavine and Dixie Crystals are all matching funds raised up to $3000.
I do want to mention that I don’t make any money on this event…this is all volunteer for me and all of the money goes directly to C4KC! Be sure to scroll to the bottom of this post where you can see the full list of bloggers participating and links to their recipes!
I also launched a shop and the first items for sale are Baked with Love t-shirts and tote bags. I’m donating all of the proceeds from these sales to C4KC too!
Hurry though, we the presale for these items go through the end of this week (Friday). We have to have enough orders in order to print the shirts and tote bags! Thank you for your huge support!
Can you freeze chocolate chip cookie cake?
Yes, you can free a chocolate chip cookie cake! Just make sure it’s sealed and it taste just fine when you defrost it to eat later. It will be better if you cut it up first before freezing.
How to make chocolate chip cookie cake from scratch
Here’s how to make a chocolate chip cookie cake from scratch. It’s really easy. Just follow the steps and step by step photos below.
Mix flour, salt, baking soda and ground cinnamon in a medium sized mixing bowl. Mix together and set aside.
Pack the sugar when measuring, I use a teaspoon to pack it.
Add butter, brown sugar and granulated sugar to a medium sized mixing bowl. Using an electric hand mixer, cream the butter and sugars together.
Add vanilla extract and the egg…
and continue mixing with the electric mixer.
Add the dry ingredients in two batches and combine with a rubber spatula, don’t over mix.
The dough is ready for the chocolate chips.
Add 1/2 cup chocolate chips and stir into the cookie dough with a rubber spatula.
Spray heart shaped cookie cake pan with baking spray.
Pour cookie dough into the cookie cake pan.
Spray an offset spatula with baking spray and spread the dough out.
You don’t have to spread it all the way to the edge because it will spread when it bakes. I add the remaining 1/4 cup of chocolate chips on top. Bake for 15 to 18 minutes.
While the cookie cake is baking in the oven. Make the dark chocolate ganache frosting.
Add dark chocolate to a stainless steel mixing bowl.
Melt butter in a small sauce pan on your stove at low heat. Once it has melted, turn the heat to medium. Watch the butter carefully (don’t allow it to brown), when it starts to bubbling, turn your timer to one minute. Allow the butter to bubble for about a minute.
Then take the melted butter over the chocolate in the bowl. Let the chocolate sit for minutes, don’t stir it.
After the five minutes, stir with a rubber spatula until it’s completely mixed together and all of the chocolate is melted.
Let the chocolate sit and cool completely and set, about 45 minutes.
After the cookie cake has cooled. Place the chocolate frosting into a decorator bag and using a 1M tip, pipe stars on the edge of the cookie cake.
I pipe some more frosting onto each piece after I cut it, before serving.
The cookie is super soft because I use more brown sugar than granulated sugar! It’s so so good! You’ll need this heart-shaped cookie cake pan to make this recipe. You can also use a round cake pan, just be sure to spray it thoroughly with baking spray.
Prep Time: 25 minutes
Cook Time: 18 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour 30 minutes (includes inactive time)
Heart-Shaped Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake Recipe
Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake
1 1/2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
pinch of ground cinnamon
1 Stick (1/2 cup) unsalted butter, room temperature
1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
2 Tablespoons granulated sugar
1 large egg, beaten
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1/2 cup plus 1/4 cup semisweet chocolate chips
Dark Chocolate Ganache Frosting
8 ounces bittersweet chocolate, chopped
6 Tablespoons unsalted butter
sprinkles (optional)
Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake
Turn your oven on to 350 degrees F. Spray heart shaped cookie cake pan with baking spray.
Mix flour, salt, baking soda and ground cinnamon in a medium sized mixing bowl. Mix together and set aside.
Add butter, brown sugar and granulated sugar to a medium sized mixing bowl. Using an electric hand mixer, cream the butter and sugars together. Add vanilla extract and the egg and continue mixing.
Add the dry ingredients in two batches and combine with a rubber spatula, don’t over mix.
Add chocolate chips and stir into the cookie dough with a rubber spatula.
Pour cookie dough into the cookie cake pan. Spray an offset spatula with baking spray and spread the dough out. You don’t have to spread it all the way to the edge because it will spread when it bakes.
I add the remaining 1/4 cup of chocolate chips on top.
Bake for 15 to 18 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center of a couple of cookie cups comes out with crumbs.
Remove from the oven and place the cookie cake on a cooling rack and allow to cool for 5 minutes before removing. Allow to completely cool before decorating and cutting.
Dark Chocolate Ganache Frosting
Add dark chocolate to a stainless steel mixing bowl.
Melt butter in a small sauce pan on your stove at low heat. Once it has melted, turn the heat to medium. Watch the butter carefully (don’t allow it to brown), when it starts to bubbling, turn your timer to one minute. Allow the butter to bubble for about a minute.
Then take the melted butter over the chocolate in the bowl.
Let the chocolate sit for minutes, don’t stir it. After the five minutes, stir with a rubber spatula until it’s completely mixed together and all of the chocolate is melted.
Let the chocolate sit and cool completely and set, about 45 minutes.
Add to a decorator bag with a star tip. Add swirls of chocolate ganache to the edge of the cookie cake. You can add sprinkles after adding the swirls if you want!
Be sure to check out these other Valentine’s Day inspired recipes from my blogger friends!
Læsø Salted Chocolate Chip Cookies from Camilla of Culinary Adventures with Camilla Meyer Lemon Cookies from Linda of Simply Healthyish Recipes Soft & Chewy Gluten Free Oatmeal Raisin Cookies from Allie of Miss Allie’s Kitchen Small Batch Bakery Style Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe from Faith of An Edible Mosaic Chocolate Madeleines from Caroline of Caroline’s Cooking Rainbow Rice Krispie Treats from Bree of Baked Bree Tiger Butter Candy from Melissa of MamaGourmand Valentine’s Day Gluten Free Sugar Cookies from Brianna of Flippin’ Delicious Chocolate Spritz Sandwich Cookies from Carlee of Cooking With Carlee Pink Velvet Chocolate Chip Cookies from Jenn of Ever After in the Woods French Butter Cookies from Rebekah of Kitchen Gidget Brown Sugar M&M Cookies from Sara of Imperfectly Balanced Sara mini rose cookies from Meaghan of the decorated cookie Raspberry Linzer Cookies from Stephie of Stephie Cooks Red Velvet Brownies with White Chocolate Cream Cheese Frosting from Coleen of The Redhead Baker Lemon Poppyseed Cookies from Becca of Two Places at Once Warn Dark Chocolate Melting Cups from Lisa of Snack Girl Salted Dark Chocolate Cookies from Jessica of A Kitchen Addiction Cherry Cordial Bundt Cake from Carolann of Apron Warrior Nutella Stuffed Cookies from Allison of Celebrating Sweets Strawberry Pudding Cookies from Holly of A Baker’s House Slice and Bake Whirligig Cookies from Laura of Untwisted Vintage Raspberry Strawberry Cookies from Heather of Delicious Not Gorgeous Chocolate Strawberry Hand Pie from Trang of Wild Wild Whisk White Chocolate Cashew Cranberry Cookies from Brittany of Diary of a Southern Mrs. The Best Potato Chip Cookies Recipe from Marybeth of Babysavers Darth Vader Valentine’s Day Hug Cookies to Support Cookies for Kid’s Cancer from Jenn of justJENN recipes Hazelnut Shortbread Cookies with Jam from Lisa of Garlic & Zest Sprinkled Chocolate Shortbread Heart Cookies from Lisa of Blogghetti Double Chocolate Chip Cookies from Dee of Meatloaf and Melodrama Homemade Salted Nut Rolls from Shaina of Food for My Family Valentine Sugar Cookie Cups from Melissa of Persnickety Plates Chocolate Dipped Cashew Butter Cookies from Ashley of Fit Mitten Kitchen Chocolate Vanilla Striped Shortbread Cookies from Denise of Chez Us Pineapple Coconut Bar Cookies from Barbara of Barbara Bakes Chocolate Raspberry Roll-Ups from Sue of It’s Okay to Eat the Cupcake Raspberry and Rose Meringue Parfaits from Michelle of Cup of Zest Chocolate Chip Pudding Cookies from Jade of Jonesin’ For Taste Raspberry Thumbprint Cookies from Emilie of Finding Zest Chocolate Mousse Cups from Miranda of Cookie Dough and Oven Mitt Grain-Free Dark Chocolate Raspberry Tart from Gretchen of kumquat Chocolate Shortbread Cookies from Sara of My Imperfect Kitchen Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie from Angela of About A Mom Honey Pistachio Shortbread from Megan of Stetted Red Velvet Oreo Cheesecake Cookies from Nicole of For the Love of Food Chewy Coconut Macaroon Hearts (Gluten Free) from Taryn of Hot Pan Kitchen Chocolate Peanut Butter Valentine’s Cookies from Becca of The Salted Cookie Chocolate Caramel Pie from Stefanie of Mommy Musings Gluten-Free Red Velvet Brownies Dairy-Free from Audrey of Mama Knows Gluten Free Chocolate Raspberry Cupcakes from Erica of The Crumby Kitchen Dark Chocolate Bourbon Coconut Cream Mousse from Lisa of Taste Cook Sip Maple Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies from Jamie of Southern Revivals Red Velvet Mini Layer Cakes from Gwynn of Swirls of Flavor The Best Potato Chip Cookies Recipe from Marybeth of babysavers Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies from Kara of Kara in the Kitchen Brown Sugar Snickerdoodles from Kristin of On the Home Front Valentine’s Gummy Hearts from April of April Golightly Cocoa Sweet Dough Hearts from TammyJo of The Chocolate Cult Heart-Shaped Sugar Cookie Cutouts from Susannah of Feast + West Cranberry Pecan Oatmeal Cookies from Denise of addicted 2 recipes Shortbread Cookie Recipe from Raquel of Organized Island
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Posted on February 4, 2019
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Source: https://www.thelittlekitchen.net/chocolate-chip-cookie-cake/
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